Vadfing Itepovitt. LOCAL AND CENERAL. 24tr- Water is now in the canal from the State line to Wilkes-Barre. mo 7 A hoop-skirt manufactory to be established in one of the storm! on tht south side of idzsgma's new block. is.. One of the .privileges chained by servant girls atm, is that of inviting their friends in to play cards on Sunday emang. Sta. You can buy five tip-top gars in a neat case, it. Mures Toba9oo Store, for fifty cents. • - litir J. S. Tututs:roN, of the Elmira Advertiser, hati been elected one of the exe. entire committee of the New York State/is. eociated Press. .. pg.. The Elmira Gazette has just Paid $3,250 to become a member of the N.Y. State Associated Press, as an afternoon 4* W. 8.-Snell, Ea*, late post master for this place, ant* to town on Friday evening last with ids They will remain at the *aid House for some weeks. ; kir A lot of velocipedes were sold a auction in-Owego last week, *front"tea to twenty dollars each. The retell price wits from seventy-five to one hundred dot= Lars. The velocipede has !'played." - . Kr' Hon. W. S. Lmcots, late — M.O. from the Tioga (N.Y.) district, has become a permanent resident of. Washington, and has entered into a eotpartnership in tho -practice of-law with D. D. Virrmann. The'editor of the Bast Brad ford Advocate complains that asomor is cur. rent in Rome that he is a spiritualist, He should remember that a man is always judged by the company he keeps. see- Dr. J. STEVENS, of Lancaster, Mass., has located in this place for the prac, taccof medicine. We welcome the Doctor among us, especially as he returns to our town a lady taken away last year. We are pleiecd to notice that EL C. Misacru, Esq., who was waned to his room last week with that Most painful disease, inflammatory rheumatism\ is able to be'ont again. IS. S. W. DEL#I.IO, of Montoeton; mho has been engaged for the •paat4 two years on the Sullivan & Erie Bailroak left for Missouri on- Monday last. ,Wil t f..relTWO learn he has a large contract on :a riilrOad. 28.. Prof. Mats, who opeqed a Photograph Gallery in Mercur's 8104 a few weeks since, sailed for the old country last it 3 week to look after a fortune which he ; laims he has just fallen heir to. We hope ex pectations (545,000) may be realized. is, Rev. g P. HAMMOND has el his labors in Indianapolis, and ret his home in Connecticut. The Indians papers speak of the revival as one of most remarkable that has ever been h .the State. Slat" Boat Oohs are to take the place of ball clubs here this season. two or three boats are being fitted up, min; them the "llna," a six-oared craft which was launched here some ten years since, but was placed in dry dock after the List season, where she has remained ever since. it@L. The anunal meeting of the Pennsylvania Reserve Association will be held at West Chester on the first day of June. Er-Governor CURTIN will be Bradford was well and honorably represent ed in the Old Reserve on the field. Will she be represented at this meeting? ger A small boy Owned CHARLES SNELL, son of widow HAILIIIET SNE7.I., resid ing in Pike township, fell backward from the large beam in a barn while at play a few days since, seriously injuring him internal ly. Llialife was id iipaired• of for several days. '! Dr. C. H. Weßsin, of Leltaysville, was called ; under whose skillful treatment the Lid is now iu a fair way to recover. ' JAY' Nothing adds more to the ap iii."arance of a man than a neat and becom ing hat. In fact, no riglit-minded man will wear anything on'his head but a stylish hat or cap, neither will he purchase ono until he calla at CLONNEY at: south side Mercar'smew block, and examines their assortment, which is said to be the bes;ont side the city of New Stork. ter SitAw, BrtAcz:n & Co. have tone themselves much credit in fitting TIP their new market. The wood work, inside and out, has all been neatly painted, and every thing present% an air of taste and neatness seldom exhibited in such an estiblfshment. We trust they will receive the patronage due their enterprise. - £ At a► meeting of jJ - inta Hose 'Company, held on:donday evening last, the following officers were elected for the cur rent yeiirt L. TRACY. Assislant---,Ezha L. DECKED. Secretary---Jews H. CODDENO. Treasurer—W. H. DODGE. The company numbers about thirty-five "able-bodied" men, and men withal who will take great pride in keeping rip the or. ganization. 0. Bitows, who for the past two years has had principal charge of the Post-office at this place, and hat; been more or less connected with the Local Depart ment of the Advocate. is now salesman -in the Dry-Goods Store of H. P. Moons at To wanda, Pa. Wa,congratulate Mr. Moons, on haring secured the services of a clerk of much experience and of the most undoubted integrity. Their relations cannot be other than pleasant and profitable.—Way. Ad. Mr. BLOWN has alrthe qUalifications of a first-class clerk, and; Mr. M.'s customers will be pleased to meet him. tEa.J. W. BisuoP, ticket agent at this place Ler the Pa.& N.Y. MB., met with a severte and painful accident on Saturday night last. Mr. B. was noting asoonductor on the special train- which was run up on Saturday evening last, and in turning the engine on the tarn-table at Waverly, caught his foot and nearly cat it-off. Dr. Pam happened to be on the train, and dressed , the wound. , Mr. B. was brought to his boarding-house brills irlace. -His wound although very painful, ie trust will not con- Tine him to his room long. sea- An 011ielisubscriber sends us the following : Ormuz, May 13, 1860. A CrA Sroir.—As I was passing through the woods the other day, on may home from school, I chanced to find a young wood chuck. I brought it tome and pit it in the care 15f our old cat, as she then had kittens' a few( days old. She at once adopted it as her own. It is now ten days since, and she in still caring - for it. In themeatitime, wish ing to change her situation, she removed her family from the woodshed up two pairs '.f stairs, into the chamber, on my ad. kit tens, woodchuck, and all. She is still car ing for it, and it is growing nicely. E. N. Itomssos. NE f. . Young Aunt., who urns wl7llllt,' ea at Owegoa few weeks since ft:wraith:4 the mane, was artaigned at Botanist !sat week and idead gellity.: In emsiasia . dkow of past good conduct ids sentence waiWini Tight= cne ygar lathe RoOhesteiwedarnsa... HART has fitted ep a , splendid — Ice snip ego= is Bitten's Blocklis he prepared to watt upon aU :who, lbaii bel taste for this ,delicacy. a AVOW mike and ea, slam notice, with ice cream, candy,' m4bl,' oritiseiy 44=14 reasoiablo rateei-.7 ser E known . hen-already : corn• Malted clearini iswiwihtiabbiall prepare- tory to potting ups rietribidldirig oh the St, Ink; old hOllB6 and shop We believe it is the intention of the Kamm Sera= and Ifr:lirsnex end CoL Mum to join with him and put up a large brick block. • MI6 We have received the first aumbirit the Bast: Biadford dzkoeate. Pub- Behed at Rome, Bradford Co., re:, by D.P. &jinni " The paper contains a teniperanee deputize*, whiehje under the manage. meat of Mr. D. fi.'lderzwal. The Advoide our best wtshea for emcees and-long El • sor c Mr. and lira. J. - -11. 0001.11AWI; of ItOme, celebrated the fortieth anniversary of their'marriage on the lath inst. in the fauna boasein which th e 'were married. Out of one hundred and twentVive persona who were present on the , occasion, fife bad attended their nuptial!! I'oo yea!!! ago. - tar New Albany, on the Sullivan and Eris Railroad, is destined to become a lively town at no distant day. A gentleman residing there informs us that he has already sold Seven thousand dollars' worth of town lots, nid that arrangements are in progress for the erection of a large steam mannfac. taring einabliahment there. - 1 A barn owned by SMILTEL Maa • SHALL, of Rime township, was destroyed by fire on•the evening of the 17th inst. Sup posed to have been the work of an Moan } —Since the above was put in type, we have been informed-by Mr. W. E. Bum. that the barn was not- owned by Mr. M., but was the property of himself (Mr. 8.3. Of course, the insurance is good for nothing. ArrErtox.—New Straw Hata, Pan ama gate, &0., just received at ()env & Rommviames, which will be sold at greatly reduced prices. They are also receiving their Linen Goods, White Duck Snits, dm., which will be sold as cheap, if not cheaper, than can be sold at any other establishment. Give them a call, one door south Of F.,13.,M. Co.'s, Main• Street. Ur The prisoners confined in the jail here, had their arrangements all made for a general stampede, on Friday night last. Their plan was fortunately discovered in time to prevent it. They had succeeded in sawing off one of the iron bars in the window, and had theniselves provided with slung shots, in case they should be pursued before they had made their escape. Sheriff Gun ns and Comtaissiorters' Clerk Coot ns.ron. on discovering the plot, tookprompt measures to prexent its consummation. ter The in ovement in behalf of a bridge "acrossthe Chemung at !this place' ,promises success. A subscription for stock has been started, and a'fair degree of liber. ality seems to be manifested by those who have subscribed. - The business Mon of the placTe will be called upon soon to'a in this really important enterprise, and we trust they will respond liberally. We a nd ratand the Wellsburg bridge pays fifteen per cent. This bridge stock will certainly be as good. We hope the enterprise will be pushed to I success.— Waverly Advocate. • - ii%V - List of ulcers of :Central Lodge, No. 505, 1.0. of G.T., Burlington borough, term commencing May 1, 1869: W.C.T.—CIIARLEB KNAPP. W.V.T.—Mrs. L. M. *SEAT. W.'4,--FIIANCIS M. Slirrn! «'..t.s.—Mrs. M. M. Smart. W.F.8.-11. P. HILL B.ll.B.—Mrs. 1). M. Yawn. L.U.S.—Mrs. H. S. EVEIIETII3. tiff . C .—Mre: J. A. Him. W.T.—Mils: L. J. Wricur. M. Hmern. • .D M. —Mrs. M. LONG. W.I.G. —J. H. HILL. W. O.G.—L RoansoN. L.D. G .W. C. T.-8. H. Hum. ICY' Constable SINSA BAUGH, of Athens, hid rather an exciting chase after a prisoner he was bringing to this place on Friday last. Jens BEEcnizu stole a cow from Joan Bern- Athens, on Monday night, May 17. The nuitatil Was driven out of the State and sold, but the thief pros discovered. arrested and bound over to court. As the train which brought Mr. S. and his prisoner down from Athens stopped at the depot in this place, the latt(r jumped from the cars and ran. Bat Sussnsuon is a plucky fallow, and de termines to see his game safely in charge of:Sheriff GUFF'S. He pursued 'the thief for nearly three miles bet; ro ho succeeded in capttring him, which Le finally did, and saw hin locked up. • STATE S.S. CON . F r i(N. —The atintl alOonveatiOn of the Pennsylvania State Association will be held at Williamsport, conitmencini on Tuesday next Anne 1, at 10 o'clock, a.m. Airangements have been made on a liber al ale, to make this the best Sunday-school can ention yet hold in Pennsylvania. S nday-school ,teachers and superinten den and clergymen interested in tho work, are ordially invited to be present, from all : of the State. ch Sunday-school is regaieste& to send • one .r more delegates. 1 order to secure entertainment, dele- ! . . Will' please notify the iommittee at l as 1 amsport, of their lutes " n to attend the . tiv ention. Addiess as lies possi bi. A. UPDEGBAFF, BK., W port, pa. e hope ti.) see the 8 y-schools of :, dford county well repres • ted at this 0 -icing. ALMOST A Fps.:—About Friday morning last, Mr. meant, &clerk in Goaa's drug d discovered the room fail e .. ediately made search to e from, and found that th _ back part of the store,' , Ju it by a flight of stairs, • h praiseworthy foresight, he .f water and proceeded to • succeeded in extinguish however, until an old stray lying on is beditead in till n entirely consumed, and I badly burned. Tho room] acking glassware, ind there of straw on the floor, so tb out a miracle that the fire wi door leading from, the fror .. room had been burst open, ba little doub,lthat it was an tb• *art of some fiend toteleattc as had the fire gained a URI' PsTroes mast , sue ruin? • Fires are becamini.of , occirrenoe lately,`llo4 if will thOl)orough authorities to take cautionary measures, or we zaaj news the terrible scenes of 18521 -, .~~ , ISSE 1 1 1110 1 . 6 Cthialsilr,ao.o ll 0 11 1114 1 = 114 _,"4. 31 8111 4" 1 " ° WAIF v* 14'611 Maid* 18SL 411E6 Paine' ?*re Dolt:sibidttedlis ii - -Toimadik - sLet. and I t z l ien tla s tfek4thit t 14 4, 1 1014 0 1 4 I #‘ l , - Ilia at /ids alembemf; SnunicctoraierVif t i s , dn - oOke but Ibr immeradrafftpitill irtiOlakt of Boottord, /11. ha boot*. 'a - istaiiirit lids placte;:vii ; albs straction of the VII MAL. " The how foe the ifternoon ter,- la_stbk lipisocpd Abu* 'Us 14ft ch 14 . 24 1 1 4 from 3 0 31 004,A9 6 o'elock,. for We mania 'Thi &Acid Fill meet - st 0 o'ikek ti; -I '• .!L r this AV* ly.lefi,pilot; on Tuesday laat for Belt Lake City.- 'The journey wlri occupy aht as sem days. - ll* 0, has received httlegink. mission, and will take poiwealon of the land aloe of Mak' Tenttin immediately on Ide animal theirs As- The many friends, in We torn ty, vr 11:-ransiss,44; l'Onziesti totit• pieta: -of a large hunbettitg eatiblishnunit in Gransille„ will to, paned to hear that ha is dangetotudy ill in Utah& Hardly. a hope of hielaeoverk is entertained.:• Ay- if ;you w ant to 4 'perfects i . sure o f getting a good musical hustrnmant; go to W. Darsecni & C 0.% ~Mr. D.* au experienced truiticieM and gibes his perso. nal atteniion to purchasing and putting Up instruments. - • • AI- - The" •Methodist congregation will worship ht - the Merl House, while** iIMIIIO is, ands gulag maim The paste; Re:. a 8. Fox. .vesoh - __ the "We°, of compliance with a ,request trod the! Btats Tempe:sopa Union. • ; Air- We have received from J. 0 Wirs.vs, Athens, Pa., agent for the "Amer: lean Bee Hive," the "Bee-keepeee _Text Book" and "Hints to Bee Keepers.° 'They are both valuable woriusforperaozut tom. ed in bee Vaising;, They give much useful information which Can be found in no other work. _ int. One of the • most 'interesting , . works it has been our pleasure to examine lately, is the "People's BOok of Biography," by that celebrated biographer, darts Pup Ton. The volume is from the press of A. 8. HALE & Co., l llartford,Vorm., and can tains over 600 octavo pages, illustrated with twelve steel engtavinge. Mr. PARTON pos. guises almost unequaled power in interest. ing his refiders in his subjects. In the work before as, every'varicty of character, :dud, And experience is represented. We heartily - "commend it as an attractive and useful ad. Aition to the household library. W. A. Powmt, agent for the " People's look of Biography," is now in town can. vassing the work, and we trust our readers will give it a careful perusal. . CANT6N.—Mr. Editor : Last' week E. la. Leann, of Norwich, N.Y., delivered iome of the most able temperance lectures at Canton, East Canton, and Leßoy, that we have had the pleasure of listening to. - His argumenta were good, his reasoning sound, and his ready wit excellent. On the 21st, another Good Templars' Lodge was instituted et Canton. The third hotel is nearly completed ; but does this mean that another rani hole is to be to our midst to lure the thoughtless and beggar the innocent? _Oh, how strange that one in the toxin divine should pit the , pol 4 sonous tempter to Ilia brother's lips for the sake of filthy lucre! Reason must have forsaken t ench tenements of clay, letiving them to wallow in their infamy. ' N As we passed through Leßoy , village a few days since, we beheld something new —not a worm fence. bat a worm sidewalk. What next? . ,-; Pcaoh Atees promise an' nbundant yield this season ; so do fruit !ties of most lr,lnds. Wheat looks much better than common. Bye is two weeks earlier than it was last spring. May 24,:186.0. sir. The f. , llowinWprogramme kas been arranged for the ceremony of decorat ing the graves of soldier 6 on Sunday next : FTrst The Sunday-scbools will meet at their respeltive churches, and march to - the Court House square at one o'clock p.m. Citizens will form on south side of square, and soldiers and sailors on north side of square, at same hour. Relatives and Mends of deceased soldiers, inside of Court House. & coed Procession composed of!--1, Cler gymen ; 2,-forty girls in white with flowers; 3, - Sunday-sehools in alphabetical order; 4, citizens ; 5, soldiers and sailors';.6, rela tives and friends., Third. March' to cemetery ; burial service at soldiers' tablet; decoration of graves ; assemble at stand for services. Fourth. Services-1, Prayerly Rev. MS. Fox; 2, Psalm, by Sunday-school scholars; 3, Sermon by Rev. F. D. Houma 4;:Hymn by children; Ls neilietion by Rev. S. J.Ltraz. Parsons willing to contribute flowers, are requested to leave them at the Engine House on Saturday. ' The custom of annually strewing the graves of obr soldiers, is one every way worthy a christian nation,, and we are glad that the Sabbath has been Chosen as a til ting day for the solemn sii - viees—tca we look upon - the occasion as one of mourning and solemnity, rather than one of ftlatiiity. Let the exercises be conducted in a manner alike creditable to the day and to'the memo ry of the departed. • is. The Bradford• County Medical Society held its semi-annual meeting at To. wands, Pa., May sth, 1869. - The following members were present: E. G. Tracy, E. Ellen. E.,A. Everitt, W. L. Claggett, Gustavus Conklin, G. F. Hor ton, Volney Hornet, C. ILL** Edw. Mills, 41, IL Moody, and E. H. Mason. The meeting was called to order by the President, Dr. E. G. Tritcy. The Secretary being absent, Dr. E. H. Mason was elected Secretary pro fem. - The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Dr. Allen announced the deith- Uf Dr, Daniel Holmes, end moved that a commit ice be appointed to write a 'eketch of his life, and have the same published in thi necrological notices of the State Medical Society's transactions. Doctors Allen, ton and Rockwell were appointed saideom mittee: wo o'clock . w. PENlsrx - tore, awoke smoke. He ee where it 200111 Over connected as on Are. ok a buck room and the fire, tick which room had • bedstead I , used to! sis a good The following were elected delegates to the State Medical Society, to meet in the city of Erie on the second Wednesday in June :- Doctors Mills, Tracy, Rockwell. Moody, and Conklin. Xteradsa---Drs. Hor ton, Allen; Ladd, Mairoa,Ward Maoist. Dr. Allen reported a case of stricture of the rectum. umbilical Dr. in .Claggett a case of co plete Dr. Conklin* presented seizatus of the atom:ch. it seams subdued. hall - into d there is. tempt on the build ' ore bead . .n laid in ifrequent }well for I'tine pre /wib • 1853. Dr. Horton a 04'84,48705M. Dr load a case of oplim siting of My Dr. Moody a &snit inorMinMity. Dr. Mason a ajar of itiailalt. Pc..jrac7 a cane, liti:t4t disease. Adjoozoed to in 1 1 ,0.; Wedneadq, September CHO. E. H. Mum, Seo*Pro km* ,; _ ~~~ '1:74 :;174 WV .-1. .1 t 14:: i la3 rl( a Nkliaa.L.Was l'' . • i ~..... - ~,-' - '—, _ ... ROIMAIMMOZZIi:', , , s ,j-1041-V, Oa 7kri..15. ti_ :‘ 4 ••• -'l4_"'firir. - 'ior Mire, la' • , 0 ;1 11 , 11 1111N 1, 1 .taf,W l 4,4zi - , es.,- - ,- 6.1 , ko , i kp,..._„ .., ,t „,.... ._,..... ....,., titiffitabilitatili tie IV:46IV' ji - . 4 Mows. in PO*, 16 474 1 / 1 10: 7 ; Bi lleolior.(44:lo4,takthaita- uallisaalliata; kaiak. 1 ~' BVe, Nil SIXEM-aby44llll9;la =ash GeollPq.kb7i c1i,N7,40116 Mod 0 ram 4 : 7 amatlrillim Alba aged : l3 Yean 14,7 iniatilC- - 53p(tialFNOtittl." c s el A - fincus .134 . Mixer of Junes Mak% latepthratiPo. Batrrionosyliisit Robert, Mar of ,Willbits .104114Pdvai , ,0114-. .1%4 ra - Week, II; Masito o rirrigras:.' bit -11•160111ne MEM 111. - List vittlie iiiiiii be .- .n. wn to be TriTirigaisroaria an &to • . • • Court of Common Plow to be held 0/4 , • tIdrdIIONDAY otiirtiVe 1889;4 .. okek_Pzi• : . - Sibie II: BO* /Wild, •-. 4 zso,. 4 ralgialiWalbtoli lliP": Moak :•enlit= l •W` . • Wiliam ifestteook' itiorbige- . f Bez44l4kndoiLTt* , ;. EdirartWaker; Ulster 6 '; nA KZ II O II6 •', , lo34ititit.' 0 . : • - Atha WolliVikOrtyP: ; Mani Toset;' ens tirgl ; Abner pot*; Claatmi bort; ; ' Dan, lea IL Lawrence, Lail* fikaamari.' „Litchfield ; Elba B. OW, Troy_ twp. A Chamberlin, W i SindroiiN.B, - Weat, liranY ; Wiknei • Windbara.; -boo Smalley, ' , Towanda-- ; 0.--Dation ley; Canton tap. ;" Frank Dailey,, , held Mande: Holcomb, - Uhlitei • Conklin. WPOA ;_Gen. libugOlinkir ; R. phalps, mston bora; Domonl. ; hums W. AranAlukin, T ; 3line.2. 'Porter, GraiTlite. • la. Trial List for dune Term ( journed Court), 1889 _ Decker et sl vs Long etti Pollocles heini.' fin ifi r i n &cars, et al • . VinDerpool vs VinDerp6ol WO yin' Gibson vs Gibson Wells vs Shepard sai Miller vs Tanner Fa Patterson vs Griffis et id &Ise vs Brains Sackett vs Spencer et al. *Whiny twp vs Oardnir &o ibt e McNeal vs Smith. Bitten vs Ball ... . .....•. . Manley vs GriswohL • • - Appm Howard Erpress Co vs Braine McQueen use vs Elsbree Passage vs Martin's ..... Pike et al vs Smith et al Do vs do • • Cop Pinger Ac I% Welles Ist N Bank Pittston vs Welles, Friable & Co - 1 Davies TB Welles, Friable & Co Langdon vs Welles, Friable A Co 1 F Davis jr A Co vs Coon & Pomeroy ...1 lit N Busk of Mauch Chunk vs Welles, Friable & Co Washington tvllo tilT • •Al! Subpomas returnable a 'Monday al a:m., June 21, 1879. • . W. A. Thaws, Pr; Fos SaLs.—A :house and lot' Maple Bt.. iooently 000i' :pied by, Mrs. port. Empire of G.' D. Morrrum. • Towanda, April 118tb,-1889. sifir The next - Seeeion of the B ad ford County Teachers. Animals - lion is .be held at Orwell On the llth mad 12th of dime. ,Lederer—Hon. Gin. • Lamm ; • Essay ADA PADMOMI : Deelainure—B. A. -An E. J. Gana= ; Business Ona.-0. J, BMX, 8.,. CHAMPLIN ,I r., E. a FARINA ADA PASSMOHM CYNTHIA FATHOM; :•., , , , Dr. Boron - A. T. Lamer, . . . . d . I.:YEsta Hem VIGOR, For redo . Gray Hair to Us natural Vitality and .--- A dressing which is at once We, healthy. and effectual for prey the lids. .Fitdat. or gray hair -Is restored to its original color ioilh the gloss andfreshnirs et yotith. , Thin hair • la thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness often, thong • not always, cured by its use. Nothing ca • re store the hair where the follicles are des , . - ed, or the glands' atrophied and de . 1 ed. But snob as remain can be saved for ..* .ful nese by this application-, Instead of •r. .g the hair with a pastY sediment r it will eep it clean and vigorous. ' Its *cession use will prevent the hair from turning • yor falling off .and consequently prevent . d imes. Free from those deleterious au • ten et* which make some owparationis . • ger- OW andlnjurious to th% Nair, the Vigo can only benifit but not harm it.. •If • ted ' merely for a hair • dressing, no . • : elie can be found so deniable. Contain • nei ther oil nor dye, it doea not soil white • bric,and yet lasts long on the hair,... '• k, a rich glossy lustre and'grateful • .• e. Prepared by Dr. 3. 0. Ayer & Co, Ucal and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Prloe 61,00. • Sold by Dr. H. 0, Porter Towanda, all -. Drugs ita L- Dealers in medicines where.' Nov. 46,1 .y —,.)—. zer Welave. a second-hand ufactruing Machine, in good order, suit for sewing leather, would give good faction to a Shoe or Hamm Make Carriage Trimmer. Wr will sell it at gain. •Winszut i P March 4.-:-t1 NZBAT. sir NATHAN TWD, IfOOtIOO of Peace, in dace with E. Oval= Jr., - ing the Conte Home,andorer•Pettia Store. - • ' -Feb. CANAJOIIAZIO, April" 26. 1, : N . Ifsoull. Sans, PILdrAnD & CO., . timers v—Your agent Milled on u 2 '-.'- n the 15th, and put up the 'lmproved eri &CIL with which we etlt livi7 *WI ed: We have tested it pretty th " hly, nut and it, goes ahead of - him recd We find no tbdiculty in keephsi, a tins. one fire by putting on coal twice in' ti. four hoes. , We her. kept a Ara ably with thirty-one pounds of Mel and twenty three hours without replenishing the ;AM. Wilre'satisfied it is the greidest . , improve ment yet made in cooking stoves. -, •-- Yours. az; ' '.,. - ' ,I• DAMS 41 DA For ago by:Coin:4E4 Rounia. it, • wands. , , To ran Lorna or nowszs. in ce* Wu:Ain my in liberal patronage duringcustomersl • • very the pas hare much sagthofioMinlink t y rming em that I have this season' a large Moak of Plants, such u Bosis,.Cituaniums, Freebies and others too numerous tojiientionl4r g e„ either - for: hotumor gsalesvAroltistel' Also now many a large appply of early Cab e, Tomatoes, Peppers,. Egg plants, and there in season. • Orders from unknown corresponi malt Invariably beaumompanifed= mittanee or responsible reference. Maar lit April 21.' - . Towanda, Brad. 0o.; • Now time . to.bay . Papa anit.Wirolow Shades cheaper ever afraid in Towanda, at 01111.1 • • NIC/0. • - ' April Maiiiicris Slitairnaanir.=—The bided Dr. Nicolas Strawberry. It . Em—4:3o.thiszpoust.: mail or Morwimi 'GO eta per M in pap. 15.0111 oath. - A bola . Imidinglitrabr tale: Send amiplito dreol ana piles UM. ' : Towanda, Ps.. Aptuise,.. .9emdirma of Witiettive_ - calved a urge' quantity otitnecnonVlthi - . on, which they ire sating atores rtes. - • . 1 ~,77:',,T.T-,.7 f; Vi 7-' :'- ' - ' '''' - dc - ':'.i'.. -, :', 7. ... - .!, :1:2-'.--',i:'-':'_.;:' /111 . D'ect ...Eject AIL • ralialfragolor:ll4oiiewriAlielgi. simait =ambit* demi _Ulm* *MO ibilmidknallailliOolft sotto* areAr - tflein e segoiiii Ifirsd : #o426Ptiti*—; ? Ws hi the Oast... .leieWeeothel! , W. iteeWirrhir e iralitin4. 111 per 100 i t til • := - I.llZo'Cul ' . - putt =filtyliAttil`w 4 "A-,' ~„1 1" Pinar foe Ails by Emma it brown. sa4 la linga tA. Xiq WA /iffat t i . '.'4, „ Bait iriSitokw. -- -ilfftitiett Lot an "Northern Matt , ea , is Towards boiongts. Entpdroref - _ 1;; ,1117 4 mA. F.,!44 I, !Tti • • lisw Houk we Us Guar.—The subsatiber ottani for at. Ids dvelltagbinuse iNNAAPPIIiItitOS titlittaitteerlasse Mt° Tay ehiMp. Empire at T. amo tOftborilhowt . ilay27-4t :414 'xitW,-Ttitieetzsato esfig. As.viritt •!.; Osomii 'TeTillial4lo4l4l4ok, AritT*l9ollW ; • as. L. U. MIAO W plabe of bail; auk Oodst - thtdi,;was 4 - pi* td:lytirs Agiltrr-oHfibis a Es, shop, bought ill Ws tools. lastoi the latest *Us' aid sonuienea' worlithe 19t11 of 11121,21 the short tinge of four weeks. and fOutikei wlelfaebalCof Esidd=lar'histi Isregs good eobblin . are doubtless the osuses.—L place,frost Clitirek Toviusla. 115y27-41 • ' ; '• :XV • -. 1 , „ OD* /1: - .%11 IVR K (Woman= Potosi.) - ,ted toterlyedsoldstby].., thissestisny: • • ~O -,FV. $1 50 - '. 85 Beane '... ....... 1 . . 251 Butter (Rolla) .- ' - 34 •do (Deity) , • . . • .. 35 . ~.......-. ... : . .. 17 P0tatnee......4,....• .. .. ' - 40 Flour ' ' ' 800, 10 00 Hem...„•; .. ~ ....... .... 18. 20 Onions _. - 260 ,@,300 Wheat Rye Buckwheat • Wiroirrs - or GLlM—Wheat. 80 lbs. ; Cora 56 lbs ; - Eye. 56 lbs ; Oats. 32 , lba ; Barley, 46 lbs ; Baokileat, 48 lbe Maser, 82 lba ; Bran,. 20 'ha ; Clover , Beecl,lo lha ; Timothy Seed, 44 lbali Dried pesolies. 33 lbs Dr Apples, 22 !be ; lax Befe4s6lba. Twit, Taga.2.-I;—Tbe &Rowing' is the Thu' Table of the.:Penasylesalaa4ui Mew ork:Caaal, Clouipsay., Tbieb took: effect On' April 28; 1869 r .covimnr4 6 .• •P. M. -P. it: A. M. Wave:rm. —1:15 13.40 - Arnzas ... .8:50 140 8:55 Waal: .. 1 .1:43' 908 Clurrea 718 11:58 9/3 TOWANDA, ... 9.45 sicurruwaao. A.M. P. M. ~ 12:46 aao Animal ....7:50 1236., 7 5110 kinaUt .7:37 12:12 447 7.12 Tovialuia :.110. JOHN P. COX, ffigerinarakat. POR SALE.—The subscriber ottani a: saliva his real estate is this boioigh consisting of a Dwelling House and - Lot. and Grocery Btoceron• the-Nort.o side of, Lombard street,ind tw., Intent Ws on the South aide of said street. together , willtloofe#s l for the onatractkniet Oise houses; The propeTty will be sold at a hatpin:, - = - 1 - - Towanda, May 30, 1460. um' §TOCK.' -OF IMPERIAL, F Prong Wpm:, Oppoider sad • Oolong Tess at — . " O. B. PATCH'S. .kLL KIN p 3 kOEMS ,AND .Provialoasat wholealellt .ze.,p40,8 "M OTIOE.—The subscriber' hig „LA .bees burned out desires-all persona in debted to him -to make Immediate payment, la be is in need of money. He will be compelled tr make coats it tlioswindebted do ant nay o_l4' ' • _ANDRE,' UMW H• . Towaoda. May 18, 1R69 THE MOST CONVENIENT PLACE intown to gee., GOOD; 1VE.M..Ak.1.1 Is at the ,_ EATING HOUSE, Two doors South of theNatlonatßank. G. 6. ALlft)fill bailog Parchuwl the above , Well known eat tblishmeat. is now prepared to watt upon all who mai favor him who a call. keeps a fall ripply of ' 14 FAMILY GROCERIES, Which be t prepared, to yell cheap Towanda, May 20, 1869. ig it 0. ' LARGE STOCKtOF FISH CON *tinily on band at C. S. PATCH'S. 1 0NOENTRATED LYE AND POT ash at O. B. PAM% OPPPPP P PPP au able . or. Ler- To rite Wonting emus :—I am now prepared to Welsh all classes with constant employnont at theft bomei, the whole of the time, or for the spiiitr=oments. Business new, light and prat; table: Fifty omits to SS per evening, is mil, earned by' persons of either sex, and, the boys and girls earn' nearly SS ranch sa met: Great inducements are °tiered those who -will devote their whole- time to the business and, that every person who sees this notiee may send me 'their, address and test the business for them selves, I make the following unpiralled over : To ell who are' not well satisfied with the busi ness, I will send $1 to pay -for the trouble. of writing mci`.• :Full pnticnlars, directions; tco., sent free. Sample sent by mall for 10 cents.— Ad/trete . • • IL O. ALM A , ' May 19, 1809. - Augusta,. Co's ASTOCK OF TOBACCOS THAT Mint be best in quality or'price, et May 20 C.B. PATCH'S. .I\TEW STOCK COFFEES AND spicei'at O.PATCH'S. A FULL - STOOK WOODEN ti Ware ae ' - C. B. PATCH'S. UM' 2( 4 ' • VORRIGN, AN'IL -,D0*.138119 Omits of an kiiids in their ilialon at Nay 20. . . CL.B..P.JITOWS. Ncrivr,.. l A.B, ‘ THE TIME. ITP !, To. A.PPLE-TR4ES, THRIFTY AND CHEAP,. Als),:in pod **tidy, StiMird an 3 Dw ar PEAR, CURRY. PEACELA PLUS TRESS. CHOICE BVERGIMUI, M!MM - 14APLBI, *)Ti?itifi ASH. MXI3 AND HOVE citeursins,- El of riod , sfs l a forlitteetplintlia. . • hnuoess4 awl ware Shrubs. - Flowers an 4 ~i A vbes. - A largeatilety of wadi 'Fruits, - much as Currants. drapes. Oomeberries, Eitrawber ries,•lo4ckbeniss sod Raspberries. s The •AiiiRIORWARBOR V IT A Isrste stsiet of thrifty plants:, for a NW cents each, _The Arber_Vits wakes a beautiful Ver. grew Hedge, Oa is amity , kepi Weider.; Y ; ODOM two yesedd Aspdanutall. klimido B : 6ll 4 6l, t e s!e lll * l ' - ILiERISON POTATO.' • " all QM 28. : ban El 11,'Osided, vitb . me;lastiear it the rite o't 400 bbabels perigee; 75 cents Pe! peck • L'•., l : Pe.c barbel-;.ss,.pprlmurel. •-• Pixtroids4 ;slur 'Jodie' Maser,. • •••• ••• • •••. I j4.* TA4 1 4 213 1" , • zowsous, A 26.:511 ' 118.7;, •• ••• 1: "6 tfOlt i firt 2 4 Gi s tiND 7 ll"Sig' Put " C. g. sad Orr. aws at ffil MM .., ''e''~;i~,4l,'~. E;n2 MIT - - . s•-•: . /51 t4.4l?..ilAtr.V,c3t z• 1„4.z. /114‘ /AS inidtiseissiiiirtiiiir -7, • .; PA. AIirIyWAXIVAk:42 MEM - • r - 4 'tag 'II4RDWAIt - - • -IRQ4VII :STOVES ==PA ' lll 4 COirr.oi'AFP .411 ACK9mr. 11 " 010 . l' , —. , ?-z:---H,,,-,-,,, ,, .-.., s- - , --• : , , , s '. ROME 1 •Of‘i J-t 11414 4 -401 Ida& :11; tv.• ' I ~ .90411141Agg.: TRIMPANOI3, , ' , • _ - I• •• ••!MILES, THILTA, •:4;11 . *LOBS, .IBSST BABES,- , ; :i4. roe 1. EATlizaJ past! I.saTaf.a, , . . snaltsutztt,oLovg, SPIOBOS a icii. PIPE BOXES, C1B011:8, BOLTS, , El=tl At Codding, Russell, & Co'sl R•T I lIE2I 1 75 1, 75 00 65 400 MACHINE OIL, ROPB, LEATHER, OBLTING, BABBITT METAL, GAS 'PIPE, RUMPS, 'and 'SAWS, CORN SHELLERR, FEED CUTTERS , - CHURN POWERS. PLOW&I AND ALL PASIIIINCi TOOLS. AE: adding, 1?!cimll ceB. BUIL•DERS' MATERL4LEI, In large ai44. NAILS, PAINTS_ AND OILS, LIM AND.CEMIENT, by the barrel, CARPENTER'S, BLACKSMITH'S, And COOPER'S TOOLS, DUPONT'S P WDE4, SH.OVELB, 1 0 10-IEB , AND WHEE4BARRO*I4 FISHING TACKLE and HOOKS. . t is z 60 . s * W s N ed 0 ~ • 6 a • co s.. ....., -I:). • ..... ~. • : _ • a a . . a. = . a e,,, o i CC 134 12 -\ 'O - ~ ~1 cs 0 c, 4, g:i = ca - - -S ' ' l l. co - 4 . H - 1 1- 0- 0 la A' it • \ :a ,- a) a -•\ ..4 ... DOTY'S WASHING MACHINE ; Universal Clothes Wringer. ZINO ELSIOR BENCH WRINGER. SILVER PLATED WARE, LAMPS, LANTERES, BRUSHES, GUNS AND PISTOLS. The largest Stock of POCKETKNIVES, RAZORS, 130,18;WODB, AND./ T'AVL,E lITLE Y , At asaing, Re I , BB ell f r ^ { t. al IP 171 ai IA ci _ggi g . g 4 al ... • t r:2 al 41 1R; 1I g 1 . 1 -u-s , g , :,.ea .. 0 pi . . . 1 V, 1 i N II lii A -3 a iv - Li 1 h. . 4 0 '.a• He 9. V I .E 1 .., i. 1 .. ! 2 1 ; I o - , . , . BtTY 1 SANFOSDa IRON, -"'KEROSEN,EOIL, VAILNHOI,I•- SOMME; HERO iRIIIT JARS„ AT.H OL - ES AWL APO' ic!rillas Rowe. MACHINES.;' • ikE tlf Towanda, February Ffbruary 1869. Eil7 -• raze ..... iT f.~i ~.. °: , Essffl SEE ME =I BELLOWS; 'sad yam, T ALVA'S ON-LIANA GLASS,; SASH, iiiirarz Fuss, ft Tomas. SOLI AOZNIZIVOI Wg,OFFER GLANk NAILS;' , . • • 4 .- ' iltillettent j _ se " 1 1: 4 "4 . 1jA g ; - 12 ' f..)1. 4- r? - " tkild • in 'ti*etissitiitlititi•iiiit 1. .asart l iest of • ' =Eli v - i36dis -AND mot* INES , _ #ER , Ell .VJ.LP:rI , '- SHOE --FINDINOS,-1 ME '.y ....-~~ ~s =I !):3.eI.MW3EIZEMB. • Q . , =I SADDligitY• HARDWARNa TRUNKS, 111•3 TRAVELLING BAGS, Ar 4 l. &c, •ll of whlcb will be sold upon MOST REASONABLE TERMS! The reputation of 1 ‘ Humphrey's Boots" ts at well eatabllithed that we:consider it as aay anything about them. Nsy 12, 1869. ASPIkWALL js now receiving at biz .• • NEW,HARDWAR STORE I . - No. 129 Maid SZriti, i 1 :The most'complete SIOCK OF 5701. ES Beer brought to thbi place, among Which oil be found the following CELEBRATED O.NES, For which lal The Only Agent - in lowaida iltilMlNd GLORY, • . ReilluDNEs Bargaerrr, BALTIMORE• :t w Which are, without exception, the best Heating • Stowe made. larCalso iota forlhe Cook Stoves OUR OLD HOME, GARDEN CITY, And they cannot be Excelled -I am able agent fat latt orm and Counter 'Scales -Neiteene aft, Wit,do. Glum Vmakpoies, Nalk .111,1 of irWoh rill be mold at Afa l nisfacturers Prices ::4:, - ,.,,i,y-,T.:;10‘..: lair keep constantly s r! is.j l4 „ . ta ,c l l 1 0t . , . BEI STOCK OP HARD WARE, Of sit Wads. consfstion In path E l / 4 11111 WPt . • . • • relklis; , - gumlike, ThIWU% =II And all k bids of Biwa .liudwsxi;liiiili!*t„ bssat 12 tbslotrist' Woes. wadi :say to' Ithehasts that 14AI it all times :mist nabs pries,. - 'Amanda. Odd n. mei 4 'Plitiließina • iitt, 9 1 '4: ASO *.l,l*(l4lAltyg wideisigied bus openid al3taii:4l4l4 tit Ado sof aittcar's ter ploOti =MEM ' • Whets tioripltend Witte!) e /FASI/10.NABUF-4240951116016 , 013 ,, .& „ .8.4-78,- CAP S, ' I .RS,' - . , 2 . ,:,;.,i. f.....;.7; ....,T, ~ _:i.,t . • . , TR.AVFLINO:I3. , IGS, UMBE L AB, CANES, QL. OVE•Si BUFFALO sad -WOLF•.R.OBke4, which we will Deli at aloe lowest poidlt)lf sod nespeetially,Otrit Otlarecot , tet steccat te Of the pisbne: • • . • , airilatil fitted witb-the 4:curled : ld Curnformatdr. ME Taisa, 9a. a, A tivAtarEwo, • '4.4;,!) T 9 - 1 E WADS G.I ;Orb if, S, •4* Ar.4 l usitai:i • , , 4::L : TAVA , IIi' WATCHES, AT IVA INEWEL,,'' • 'G ' .• . • , FINE OLD J,KWELIEY, AT WAli N 1 E: • ,ALL< KENDS. OF ;OLOGrKS;' • A_l ; vy kuNsws.4- Sped:Wes, and iftia ii.tidlins'innanmerons to rrentl , ll;.at WAIINEI3I. 041 and see blm. ycra viii site meaty per.and. •in your partlista. , and Watches. Clocks- and 'Jewelry repaired, And Warranted. Pattos'a 'nook: 'ronwrda, ' t A a BEL:. MB N ATIONAL LIFE SURANCE Ciiil.o4l;/SALI; .4,00000 --Imp tr 70/4,4 ME CIARESCE H. CIARK, president ; JAY COOKE, Chairm'n Finance and Ex. Com ; HENRY D. COOKE, Vie& President EttEltSON W. PEET; Secretaiy aid Actrfary- , , The edvantigeeof the National Life Lesorane 'I. It ti a National Co. tbsztered liCougress ; 2.. It, bu a paid op Capital of 'Minos 11q1 • 1.• It Offers tow rates titpiemiatis largeibutitraaos tha ' a otbert - ook• panto, for the unte mosey.; 6. It is ardialte sad : certain ;. " 6. There is so possibilitY or talsiepreseabitoo by agents, or misaaderstatuilag by policy. holders ; POleles are,niala =tracts, so much rairattne for so ntaoh matey ; , • 8. All policies are non-forfeiting ; • -9. The policias are sweaty, trots sttselimeat. 11.-Vir4 CLARK A. ,-Bankera, Philadelphia WAgezitalfr.Tosianda 7 ./a9 - A. 11:411113011..PIATIIAN TIDD. T- V. DOOLITTLE,—IPBAC ep • CAL JEWELER—WouId lnfoim the people of Bradford and sarrounoing that be basopened a new Jewelry Store in CAU ton. Where will be Woad constantly on hand, a nicely selected, stock .of goods in , his line. oensisting of Ladies and Gents Gold vet Watches, of American. Eng tsh and Swiss mannfactore,Glocks, Jeiry, Gold Pens, and all the articles aurally and 'in a Brat. •class Jewelry Store All g sold as reasonable sa in any t I the surrounding cities, and war• ranted as represented. Repairing-and jobbing done an short notice. and on the most favorable terms. A liberal sirtrwof patronage is respect., fully solicitws. . • .• Troy Street; Canton. Kay 13,'69. A . VALUABLE. .DAISY FARM F'olll/3ALE.—'I%I subscribers. offer--for sale their tine Dairy Farm; situated two miles east ot. Gree&wood, Said Farm contains 111 1 3 acres choiand.= descr ibed , as follows : 160 acres, choice limb- red; 160. acres medow, and 6 toes under tbe plow- Good dwelling image and ontbnildLogs; large' tattle barn 9[x6o and good horse barn. The finest living spins in the country running through .a commodiotui spring house. Is capable of keeping 76 cows and is only miles from Abbot s _Churn' Pao= tors.; !Terms one' belt caab.:balanee in easy payments at 6 Der cent. it•terist. Reference., H. M. Gerould. oreetwood; McHenry county, Ilk, or F. S. Ayer, Eiheshequin. F. B. AYER. May . 11,1869.-tf - D. 8. AYER. fIAUTION.--:-This hi -to warn -all persoim from buying *Certain note lost in the month of April, 1869. Bald nate was a blank not entirely tilled out, not being dated, nei - bre any maim. that it wad payable to: but merely a blast note containing the written words, ',one sear," "ribie hondr " and on the upper left- II •nd • verse.; the egnres "MO," signed by U.. O. Gregory, ind under' signed by Italpb Gregory. • Said note was never given to any one, neither was any value aver received torn, and if found by any one ;will not be paid by me unless compelled by. law. . . ' . GINGOItY. • Leraysville, Nay 12;1869 -St* • CAIITION.-Whereas4n y wife MA ruawitsaa lett my bed and-board without Just canoe or - Titanic:Won, L hereby -forbid ' all persona harboting or trusting her on my ac count as I will pay no debts of her -contraction. 1121111t1 BELOUD. . . *eyebath!, Ka nsas, May 12, 1869. aoonj ; isEZ ••• • • . POR SALE.—Fiftrthousand imps JLI: of thetuesitarmieg land, situated in the County of Los . Anita's*, Oal Royale,. at prices ringing from $lO to $2O (currency) limes a lan , are coati/was to the city of Los 'Angeles, and are admirably. adapted.for the 'cultivatkin of the Orange, Lemon, Fig, Ol ive, Whortleberrfacd trait ond grain of every. deamiPtion Great attention. is now being giv en to Ile prndaction of 'Raw Eilk in this dls-: Wet, far whleb the...gimbal climate renders it especially putted. Arrangements will short-, 'ly be made by wide' intending emigrants can helnruished witheparanteee for Oita deeds be: fore leaving Weir York:. For butber partime , lan . address. • TILIBTON,IIIIIIII24 CO. March 30; toe Angelo, Cal. YVILLAGE PRoPERTY POR SALE. y:;Tbe subscriber will sell one sir two Home and Lot'. pleasantly , situated In the borough fiat Towanda. out it .me.+- lot 1002150 feet with good house. The other lot 50x150. with good • hem and la so- arranged that the barn can be sold with either hit. __Terms made age • W. H SHAW. Towanda, March 24, 18(.69..—5m . ME LIME!' LIMN)! !,LIME I ! - the' underlined' hereby announces to the: ooblle that. ha Wes eanstantly en , bandit his KILN In BRO WNTOWN• PA... a full supply of fresh booed NlSWlfOltlf. urn which .111. 'ell as cheap, as it cap be bought at" any isitut along the -." • DAVID:MOWN. _b1ey,1.11169.4f, NW STOOK OF FLOUR CHEAP at . CAL PATCHia. May 20 . • - w i l a lAZ -CELEBRATED .SELF RIB cr:lL.PAivaPs. „A,SHTON I S.A.Lt TUT -1:11' 23. time or sistall quantities at Kay. 20. : . . 0. & PATOW& (14NtED FRUITS OF ALLKINDS as ` _ o. B. PATOWS. 1617-ank Wulf, ,g S , 4 GROWER= 'AND Ponidomi at wbolemis sad 1/47 10. r A 5, ..I' .-7 ,.iii' ; 'l-4- 4.1:11 +. 4 i 'TO*A26A, ME / 4 r • BM =I Voods,,constatlng of ; "1r OEM =I CLONNEY AsISEIHY; CO, Chartered by Ccrogreir, lil6B. CEIM;I IM9 Genera! 4geatd! B. 8. RUSSELL, Manager. =l9 SW R. ierows,-.NOTIONsIii hen* ern; " oist a 'nom b. &bled to Noealk*.is db O i cniiiaondn s f t r .p er o s g U od l eioiNDut.,es mSatbiao rAbtl'o elatat t gaasentlbwduy ,-, - • . ' • -...2190= 1, 4/04 1 . 11111 4 13 t. . • , A DiettatTßAlbillg NOW - fi to atfprionr (a: &Oats the allato•afCoridialL WV. kstis - d Albany tarp4Asen., rra manasil to aster biumidis rair "a""Amme WI" splint Wain. nut grand than 04 astbankineil toe ' . C. IL COMM / 1 4 11 /0 1 944 11 4S 1444 ISM EIM ISE UCCTOWS, oNOTUAL:—.4iptice .14 loltoljukst_taistAli mooosiadebted to die oast, or - umsolit mi.w. diet. Islg of top.itis legooltod to. mho Ism& ighs amp lost, without Ada', aa4 thin Whig dales ogstoot at& outdo mast ppm*. am duly tono•ftd for settlestot. _ • A. 8U.12. - • Axil le. 186111.-• Rcotototo. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTIOL-- Wotkols booby elm that oitt room altkbtedt to W m tn., . the- NW* of leiosolog tom 0. W. MT, Ista of ilot doo'd.ato is. wallasll27ool, - .at sit poems baying - Adding tkoltut rift Mots mud - proms thus • dots , -Motod for same opt. Wei i,.llB4ii.j!' /*Lotioiatotristor. ' waurbrons NOTlOlL—Notice is - Xi Ls boo by gives that all perms fadobtod to the odd* of floarad Gala!, Ma of Smith geld, deleted ; ore otosolot to oaks fromodies nid vomi, n mad AU moons haft ,elohu upia odors most ororot toltairionvftp tea for oefflionsof. - IBA Q. BULLOCK, JAB. B. Win, May U,-M9. :11.1010IITOW8 NOTIOL---Nutice ILI to hereby gives that all _iestu l ladebted to the estate of JAMBS 09LEMMOIC lam of iltjaos • tsp., are "squealed to make • atmedl ate Impiest,aad all pumas has* _ela hie sp. oa mid extol* mast predest ( WM daW Mkt tleatadtbr eatilemest. ." Nay 12.1269 4‘..."II44STRATRORS' NOTICE. -- Ma ks he heitaby &en that Indebted to the estate of C.U.COBURN. late of Nicholas, N. T. are requested to lute hin mediate payment. ind all persons having claim maid estate toast present them doly-..n - G. "d far settlement. P.ll.llolliloW, Admisktratos; • 14r1t : 1889. &rivigros MontsWs Ontrcr, HAILIIIIIIBUICI Pi., Nay 1969. To site OWNZU OF UNPATIVIZIF 1.3/kFpi In Abedience to an Aet of Assembly, approfed the'ath day of April, one thousand eight hun dred and linty-nine; you am hereby 'walla! that the"Connty Lard - Lien Docket , ' contain ing the (Ltd implanted lands for Bradford county, preps,. d under the Act of Assembly of 'the twentieth of llay. one thousand eight Mr.- drid and sixty-four . and the supplement them to, bag this day been forwarded-to the Prothon otary of the county, at whose Ake it may be examined. The s can only he liquidated by the payment of the purchase money, interest and tees, and receiving patents through this Department. Pro ceed ings by the Attorney General have been stayed for one year from this Cate, Is Order that paths may obtain their patents without additional cord. JACOB M. CAIIPM Ifay:111. 1869. . • Surveyor •eral. ARP,IMPS: tOMIT SALE.— its vhttie of an order tuned out rcif, the 10r phsn's Court of Bradford County, the - tinder- • signed administrator of the estate of 'John\ Horton. laie of the Township of Terry, dee'd, will expose at public sate on the printisee t on, THUBBD4T, .luae 24, at 10 (Monk A. a., the following described lot, piece or parcel of laud situated in sahltownablp known u the Home stead, bounded as follows : ' Ca the. North by land of Geo. F.:. Holton, East by the Bunutbanna Elver. Booth bj, Wil. Ham 'Ferry, and West by Myron Babcock, con taining 90 acres More or leas, (Including ids in terest in saw mill and privelege,) about 50 acres improved, dwelling how, two barns, store house, out buildinp. and fruit trees there on. (Subect, to any_incnotbrance on account of proeisieni mie id thevill of mild testator. for Hefty Horto n:) • ALSO—One olher lot anown u the y Dodge Farm," in which said John Horton owned ione undivded half part or moiety, said "Dodge Farm," bounded and described as follows,. on the North by lands of John F. Dodge. East by the Einsquebinna River, South by hada of An drew J. Jackson and Joseph Elktt, sad West by C. Thompson and Jno. Derrell, containing 190 acres more or leas; about 100 acres Improved, thereon. dinning house and good barn, and knit trees • • • TERRS.—S2SO bp_paid when each parcel of laud is alma dow*, 11000 on each parcel on confirmation of male, balance Mlle° equal an. ncal installments from confirmation, with in terest on all aims unpaid annually. • OEO. F . HORTON. . • . ELHAR HORTON, Hay-1.0, 1869: . F Executors. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF 1. the United States, for the Western Dis et of Pennsylvania. George H. EsteU, • Bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March 2d, 1867; - having - applied for • Dia- charge from all his debts, and other claims provable under said Act, by order of the— _Court, notice is hereby given, to all per- . sons who have proved their - debts, and oth er persons interested, to appear on the 12th day of June, 1869, at 2 o'clock; p. before Edward Overton, Jr, Esq, at his of flee in Towanda, to show cause, if any . they have, whys discharge should not be granted to the said Bankrupt. Mei tretber notice i s hereby given, that the wooed aid third meetings of , the Creditors of the said Bankrupt; required by the 27th and 28th sections of said Act, will be held before the said Register, at th e same time and lace. - S. C. • May 5, 869. Clerk of said Cotht. . I -.e l fig' ullatuous. - • - • FARMERS OBSERVE. BLED SIRS--A Thoroughbred; Short Born or Durham Bell;lecorded mock, A. 11. B. , voL-8. Will stand for ureic. the present season, on. Joseph Bomet's farm, in if onroeten, at the fol. lowing very low rate of serriceL cash down.— Dingle cow. $3 ; TWO COWL OS i Pin Or etc cows. $lO ; Ten cows. $l6. .11. ho far calves, both heifers and bulls, the get of B e d Kirk. Call and examine the stock. • Monroeton. May 50869. BLUE STONE, • As , persons wishing diging, steps. sills, Gaels. water tables, or any Mind of - build log dose, will please address lbe ondeniseed. ,611 orders promptly attended to. J. W: GO ODWIN. _ P. O. Bat 230. P.B:—Any order I left with Joss Mee will be forwarded. wl6, 119. pIOKLES BEADY. FOR USE BY the package or handrod at 147 20.. Al. B. PATCH'S. 11HOICE FLOUR, all - the - grades at N..! the lowest . possible prices. Feb:U . IffcCAßli 111 X: TIMED FRUITS OF ALL KINDS it NIX. .11J B ANS H0111311,t JORDAN & HORTON, Prop's spar Hotel having been tboronglal refitted Ws and repafral, and furnished througeont with new and elegant Furniture. will be effle, hi the merlon GI guests, On Ilatvenaw, MAT 1,1860 ~ ne er expense ..nai pates lam boon spared in ninderliig Ude bones a plaid Hotel, in all Its anwigements. A superior quality old Barton Ale korilisands Just. received. Aped 28 1810. L°o H*411 . 1. `,COWELL & mYys, at the old stand of Baasoutt b Coma, are now receiving a large aid well selected stock of GROCEBIFI, AND PpOilt3loNill, • which aLsi *Mita cash borre at brims that dety a:uptake. Cub pakt .for ail kinds farmers groats. April It, 180.41 - - • ATAUICHEL, CODFISH, IIL fib,, Trod oad SaoSad Mau WHITS, i -; COWELL & SPICES OF ALL KINDS, JAVA and Rio Cobol! all grades routed AM grouhd. COWELL NM. GM FLOUR OF ALL GRADES Li - 0 tte Iciest prices. COWELL TIRED AND CORN MEAL CHRAP. • COWILL h KIEL QUGAR OF A:LL•GBAD - ES. MYER. BBOOMS, W I ODDS AND low Wan. ac. COWELL 1 Will STONEWARE, pf xi -Al,Als KINDS, ME BUTTER TUBS 'AND lams good or** • COMM/. 41t, Bah *pm 21, - , FM IMUM2 MEI 'MARY olizasom, sac utor J. G. HOMNT. TOWAIDA, PAL.