agritiltutd. Planting Onn in 3M13. Oar readers. are aware that we have occasionally urged ,the superi oritynf the practice of planting cor either in drilla - or in small hille,thic t in the row where the highekt amount of product is the-.object. " The aver age increase, in a :ember mf observa tions and experiments in arill or thick hill planting, has been 'about 25 per cent. John Johnston saga that this increases much moreithannierpay the hoing, and neerlY doubles the corn fodder. _We. fi nd ear - views en dore4d in a recent article in - the Clyde Times, with the 'signiture of tqy" which we recognize As that of Joseph Watson, well known as an intelligent and successful farmer. He states that he has:need Emery's corn planter for twenty years,' and finds it a laboi-saving - implement, planting eight acres a , day,. and•enabling him to put in his , crop_ promptly and in season, even if then happens. to be at the time a serniclii , of; 'farm labor ers. He remarks that the object of planting rows both ways;is not equal in practice to the importance attach ed to it in theory„ arid then adds some reasons of the "row one-way system," in addition to those which we have formerly given, arid which necessarily result from the use of a . planter or drill. He states in sue stance, that while the plowing of the sod is going on, which should be done with a strong team, a - lighter team may be employed to harrow the freshly turned earth •as fast as • each "land" is completed, and the corn planter follow immediately after. This obviates the necessity of wait ing till the whole field is completed, • for cross-working any planting'm the old fashioned way—when the soil, perhaps, has become dry, and many days lost by the delay. The rows thus planted by means or the drill will be either straight, or contain no short crooks ; .and hence the cultiva tor may be run close - to the rows, and lessen the amount of hand-hoeing. -Another advantage is, the hoes may follow' Immediately after the culti vator while the , earth is fresh and mellow ; and and stalks accidentally covered are immediately relieved and set rip;-- withot leaving them partly prostrated several days, as in the old practice, until the cross culti vation is commenced. Ho further adds that he prefers planting by hand and hoe, even pfter the whole field has been' marked both ways; and -that none of his neighbors raise greater crops of corn or at so little expense per bushel --Register of Rural Affairs, How to raise Good Potatoes. J. T. Merriman writes to the Ohio Farmer as follows : Many people think that potatoes Will, pow, no matter how,, poor the' seed is—the refuse of What is left;of eating—while others plant mixed varieties,all ode planted together, and then complain of poor potatoes. I have been an observer of the management in rais ing potatoes of different kinds for fifty years ; the, way I have' bad the best crop is to plow up a piece of greensward of good depth, from one to fifteen acres,as the individual may want, then harrow- lengthwise until it is well mellowed up, then diagon ally, so as to have it well mellowed ; then with a light shovel-plow mark out three feet apart and not cross it, and he sure to have your rows east and west, (corn rows should be north and south,) so the sun will not burn or helt the hills in hot weathar. My plaii is to sort the potatoes, taking out tlh; two bigest sizes to use, then take the three next sizes, and leave the two least Wand all the .ill-shaped ones of all sizes.,, As like produces like of ill ones, that is why potatoes degenerate. I put plaster of gypsum about one tablespoonful in the hill, when I drop my pototoes. I plant them one way and oover with my hoe ; I plant rows 'three feet apart. My mode is to put one pota , to or half in the hill with the plas ter, of whatever kind of potatoes I plant ; the-plaster helps to start the• potatoes and keeps them from rotting, w. which is an object of late years.lone potato or one piece is enough for a hill. Ay planting- on sward land the potatoes are dry and mealy, While on land that as been plowed severa times, the potatoes will be soggy. The potato crop is becoming more profitable, and it is time that farmers should look out for good seed and plant good and not poor kinds of po tatoes. It takes tan or twelve bush els to plant_ an acre as I plant, and generally from three hundred to four hundred bushels product. I cultivate potatoes when they aro up about two inches high, then use a shovel plow, so as to have them o•ood to hoe. I hoe them when about - a foot high,and hill them nut too high. Some farmers plow a deep furrow, drop in their potatoes and , plow in their seedd plow up the hills and plow out their potatoes. - This is hoeing potatoes with a vengeance ; pqtatoes braised ; one hundred bush ielp per acre, and small, poor ones at that. Potatoes are one of our staples fob . family support, and should be raised with care to get good ones. MULCHING Nsmax-Purnm Tasks: We have found mulching to be of decided benefit to recently-transplant ed trees of all kinds, and espeoially to deciduous trees. It should be ap plied before the sun becomes hot and the•ground dry and begins to bake— say early in May. Various appli cations are used—some apply fine shavings, saw-dust, spent tan, grass and even charcoal. We have used almost exclusively grass, and think it answers as well as any .other. gut it should be renewed two or three times - during the season, and the stir red. It keeps the soil around the trees moist and cool, and put/rents the growth of weeds. Evergreens can also be mulched with benefit, though we do not think they demand it to an equal extent, as their dense, low foliage answers pretty well as a substitute. The ground, however, should be frequetly , stlrred around them. We have never lost an evergreen, and think there Are upon our premises some pretty,. fair specimens. ,We never mulch any tree after the first season, unless it looks a little "tinder the weather."—Germantown Telegraph. Scam farmers are so stupid as to laugh at their neighbors who practice carding their caws , . Yet the good result of this practice are seen, not only in the better appearance 'of the animals that are cardel daily, but in fuller milk pails. • CommoN OAKB.--One cop of asgar two-thirds c9p of batter ; two mai two tablespoonfuls sew ; :half teaspoonful soda, Ilavo7 WithAll/41* anything 7 0 . 0 Pledge. • tI. • t.~ ^.. ~~~.- (hit!) • - r SPEVIAL,VI`TRA,OTIVA . For porelisiera of • - - , SPRING CifoODS. We are now ering a lame and ended u. sortament of new and decidedly Wee styles:Pa the line of ' - ' CASSIMERE SVITS, MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN AM assure our friends ala customers that they will And it to their 'literati to call on us sod post themselves prioes before purchasing elswhem. Shows that TO sell (only Ae low so they Have proved And that APPREDAITE THE SAME: Un Fumbling Goods our stock ti complete. All the new Spring Styles of. Neck Ties, Bows, Underwear. Holsery, Suspenders, Gloves, and the celebrated Have nob arrived. Each.lot is marked In plain ti , and our customers are all trestedalike. Thinking the public for put patronage, we so. lilt a call when In want of goods in our line, we will do oar utmost to - satisfy all who will call on us at the One Price Store of SOLOMON it 'WOLFF. No. 123 Hain St. One door north of Taylor es C,p;'a Store Towanda, Pa. April 95,1869. ArThe bigheat,,prine qtah pa for Wool 1 des and Pelti. THE TOWANDA REGULATOR CLOTHING MORE Adjoining Patton's Blcck. ROSENBERG •& VOLFF, Yould respectfully announce to the citis ens of. Towanda and vi daily, that they have opened the above store, under the name of " The To wanda Regulator," with a splendid assortment Gents Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, is., &c., which they assure the said citizens cannot be excelled In style or elegance. and that the prices ar , so low as to astonish everybody.— Rosenberg & Wolff hope that by strict atten tion, said fide dealing with the peciPle of To wanda, they will obtain their patronage end suplamt. They also beg to sutdoin the folloer lag Commandments for their guidance. , At Rosenberg & Wolff's One Price Regulator Main Street, Towanda, Pa. 1. Thou shalt have no other place 'to buy clothing except Rosenberg% Wolff's One Price Regulator, Main Street. 2. Thou shalt not choose any other merchant: though shalt not listen to their speeches, for Rosenberg & Wolff are no Chatham-et. dealers, but sell at one price, and reliable. and will aerveyouounto the third and fourth generatler,. 3. Thou shalt not seek in vain any more for cheap raiment, for they can be bond at Rosen berg & Wolff's One Price Store. 4. Thou shalt bear in mind that we sell only on six days of the week, and don't desecrate the Sabbath by - keeping our doors open and bangin out a show, tor, on the seventh day. Rosenberg & Wolff. and their clerks, desire to rest rrom their - labors. 5. Tbou shalt honor the d ays rg & wolf! deal, and long may be thy to enjoy its benefits. 6. Thou shalt not commit an impropriety—of baying of Chatham st. Dealers, but come di rect to Wolf's Once ,Price Regu lator, Main street 7. Thou shalt iot seek In vain for goods of Foreign make. for Rosenberg. k. Wolff keep a large variety. 8. Thou shalt not purloin from the Regulator for Ramberg & Wolff sell so cheap it would be a sin. 9. Thou shalt not bast false witness, but honestly acknowledge that you can get better suited and for lass money, at Rosenberg & Wolf's than any other store. 10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors goods or his bargains, for Rosenberg 'ft Wolff can give them to you likewise therefore, take counsel, and buy only of Rosonb erg is 'Wolff the Once Price lien. 7 . 'rowan la, Sept. 1,1868. UP TOWN CLOTHING STORE! JARS IN USE , Satan lass. ...L - --,e:AL,Vz2N,,s;44 ~~. Pinta sad Vesta for yfhlth bare been selected from the CHOICEST STOCkS, THE STEADY INCREASE OUR SALES OUR EFFORTS FIRST CLASS GOODS CAN BE AFFORDED, A SUCCESS, OUR CUSTOMERS FRENCH. YOKE .SHIRTS, OF BEADY MADE CLOTHING! CONE ONE! COME ALL I THE TEN COMMANDMENTS, Keep them, and Happy will be Thy Days Opposite Pubtto Square, 96 MAIN STREET, TOWANDA, Receiving new additions to his stock sit I, 0 33. I N Every week, which he is selling lower than any house to tewa. GOOD CASSIMEUE SUITS, $16,00 I large ljne of CASSIAIERE AND UNION SUITS CHEAP ! OVERCOATS. AT ANY PRICE A large-line of OLOTH& - AND CASSIMERES, Which is selling below cost. is he Is anxious to close oat this branch of his business. Or ALL KINDS GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, Of every description. BOYS CLOTHING OF ALL KINDS • • HATS AND CAPS AT COST I Call and convince yocusadve.s I i Towanda', No .18,1868 TOWANDA STEAM !FLOURING MILLB e. S,I'ULLEB & Ca, Itesiectfally Ink= the public that they have purchased the new and extensive awn Pinar Ing 1101 s, built by Griffith., Wells &liaison, in the south part of the borough of 'Amanda, and having all the modern ImproVetienta. and competent Millers, they are prepared tp -do CUSTOM GRINDING, In the best possible winner, and at unwssally, short notice. ilverybeins will betaken to give satisfaction, and we invite a pile tris/._ Fatniete doing badness in town'ealf bring their grain, and hate it ground to taketack FLOUR, PEED AND. MEAL, Tor ode at the lowed eastk*Orliee, and delivered la ow Pert M Um 'Moil tree d ebarge. , TomeadoMotimober 10,18 68 . . V,- • . . . -r e ts. le: • mono:- • itc=sB, PRoyisiorts, WOODEN, WILLOW AND STONE W.A.RIOI No. 1, PartON's %kr., SOutl4ast cor. Main & Bridge-efb. TOWANDA, PA, New and, Desirable 'Goo*, RECEIVE/ DAILY. Aiwortment almyivuomplete. Great Inducements to CASH BUYERS! COUNTRY. PRODUCE - Bought and Sold at Tsl, MA AKE T -RATES. LONG & KEELER. - Nov 1 1, 1868: - HOLESA.LE GROCERY PROVISION IIOITS:R P: S. M. ez CO The anderaigned, encouraged by he success _ which has thus far; at- tended their new enterprise; desire to make acknowledgement for the very liberal patronage they have re- ceived, by giving their customers the advantage of their years' experience, together with the benefit of their greatly increased facilities for doing business They keep constantly on hand, a very large and complete assortment of everything in their line, and are daily receiving such additions to heir stock as--,the wants of their ade requires They have now in store, Sugar, Syrup, .litolassitg, Coffee, Rice, To bacco, Fish, Salt, Cheese, Fruits Crackers, Candy, Matches, Broom- Wrapping Paper, and Twine, Flour' Sacks, Seeds, and a great variety o other goods, which have been• recent- y bought at the lowest point in the market, and are offered at 'wholesale at rates to correspond They desire to call especial-atten tion to their large stock r of Fine Teas, which they are. selling at New York Jobbing prices,—guaranteeing he quality in all cases "" Have also on hand a good assort- went of Flour, Pork and Kerosene They' still continue to have the benefit of a resident Partner in New York, who is constantly in the market and prepared to turn to our adva tap any favorable changes h the price of goods FOX, STEVENS, MERCIIII k t, CO May 12, 1868 PATTERSON & KINNEY, Elaccessors to Tumuli J.Yorra, GROCERIES ANI) PROVISIONS TOWANDA, PENN'A Having purchased the entire stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS of T. J. JONES, and having added largely thereto by recent purehases , they tale pleasure in announcing to the public that they are'pre pared to sell anythin ; and every thing in the GROCERY AND ; PROVISION LINE SUGARS, J. M. COLLINS. -Fll4ll, , FLOUR, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, At; Cheap _as the cheapest. Wo gu &mantes per , feet sattthotion to all who may favor us with a CASH. PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. J. & PATTERSON. March 10, 1869. —tf W GROCERY AND PROVI7 SION 119M13 ! & 111.11.1 c., In Wilford' Store Of U[ereur's New Block. NEW TAILOR : SHOP >*_ Has opened a shop In the room back of the Booms of the Young Yea's Cluistbn Assocla tton, second story; over Eddy's Clothing Store where he p now prepared to d all kinds of. • ' TAILORIECI, • " In the WS wad most fashionable manner. An merinos of many years, s determinatkin to keep np with the Fashions of • the Times. ands dsairs,to please his eusteasen. hia believes will easbh bin to give satisfaction. • • "fb Onfithig IlloaCts nowt sake sal maw able 141111116 T 071,61. Oct. 17 1 Mt IME] 113, Man; STBECT, TOWANDA, PA EMEI Dealers In • FRUITS, NO. 2, Patton's Black, Bach al TEAS, COFFEES, SYRUPS, 'MOLASSES, FEED, CORN MEAL, KEROSOENE, STONE WABE„ &O. &C W. B. BINNBT. MAIN STREET, J#XOB PENNEPACKER, -RDFOtTYP. filto64BY, - PROVISION ..; FBSD._BYOBB. (Nab4t., and door eolith of the Bell Lest goose) looold i gt feeplWallyjneito Utast teattexcelktbe tie Ile large - sad .**.e. 'tented stook.o EgtoglitiES:AND mitonstOgi, BE - • he 14 masa to omit tho'ta t ' moo of an: Re haulm) 4opested `MLEI STORE, - mach U wen situated. to lapilli sea' id •Barclay - coal 'views* 41E-, MO. ue kapa constantly on Irs!ul a Imp stock of • TEAS o_ciplits, - suct SUGARSI MOLASSES, litiottß, BUTTER, PORK, - &0., WbUgibeji selling cheap for cash.. GOODS DELIfE:RED IN TILE DOSO' FREE OF•RHARGE: The citizens of hrwanda and vicinity, will plems accept my thanks for their very - liberal patronage for the last two years and_ promise with their. as ,to i m pale s - erxerocttnnity twenlirge emilmitinem; so as toe/anent satisfaction to . all: Call and see us *Pim Towanda"; July 10, 1867. pEOPLES GROCERY & PROVISION STORE South Comer Bridge and Main Street& spew end complete dock of GROCER'S AND PROVISIONP, Which will be sold at the lowed possible CODFISH, MACKEREL, HERRING, PORK, MUTTON, FRUIT OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, MODERN STONEiWARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, FLOW, FEED, MEAL GRAIN, 45:0 • Bring on your priduao, *filch we pip Cash DAIRYMEN, A constant supply , of Ashton Balt, - all sized Churnes, Butter Ferkine. Tabs, &c. Please call and look through our stock, and we will do our best to please you: W A. ROCKWELL. Towanda. April 28, 1869. THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING Purchased the entire interest di R. H. PATCH, ,fin in the firm of C. B. PATCH & CO., is now prepared to offer to the citizens of Bradford County and vicinity, a large and well selected stock of G R ° O%ER I E S, Which I have purchased for Cash and teelcconfi ;lest that can sell at as low figures as Cat! be I) , nrehased elsewhere. I now offer to-the public a splendid stock of TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, STARCH, SALMATUB; SPIC)M, AC Have on hand a large stoat), AKRON FLOUR, GRAHAM -DO RYE .DO.- BUCKWHEAT DO. keep constantly on liana; PORK, RAMS, LARD and kinds of PISR. World -all the at tentiou of tip public to oar Caa't Be Beat STOCK OF TOBACCO, In quality or price. 'Jesse Oakley'iMelebrated Laundry, New York Chemical and Brown Soap. Please call and examine our stock of WOODEN WARE. Large assortment of YANKEE iIiOTIONS, TOILET SOAPS, &c.,&c. I will pay the high- eat eaat pride for COUNTRY PRODUCE Farmers give 133 a sail before selling elsewhere All persons indebted to the late Arm will • please call and make immediate payment, Towanda, March 12, 1887 FURNITURE WARE-ROOMS JAMES MAKlltilliON announces to the public that he still continues to manufacture and keep on hand a large aasorttnent of, 'j CABINET( pusNittraz, Bureaus, Tables. Bedsteads. Stands, "C-3 tea. &c., of every descriptor' , which will be.n de of the beet materials; andlin he moat workm o like manner. . 1 invite the inaction of the public to mylwork, which shaft° be summed In durability, at any shop in the country, and my prices will be found to be as low as the timer will admit. Ready-made Coffins constantly on hank or made to ()idea. A good Hearse will be famished when desired., IABS. P ACIFIC HOTEL, 170,172.171 & 176 Greenwich Street; The undersigned takes pleasure in announc ing to hie numerous Mullis and patrons that from this date, the charge of the Pacific will be $2,50 per day. Being sole Proprietor of this house and therefore free from the too common exactionitif an inerd bate rent, he is fully able to meal the downward tendency,of prices without any fall fug oft of orsk& ' It will now, as ,beretofore, be his aim to maintain undiminished the favorable reputatkn of the Pacific, which It has enjoyed for many years, as one of the beet of travelers' hotels: The table' will be bountifully supplied with every de icacy of the wagon. • -- The attendance -will be found efficient and obliging- • . Me location will be found convenient for those whose business calls them in the lower, part of the city, being one door north of Cort landt st., and one block west of Broadway, and of ready access to all Bail Bold and Steamboat Lines, • - JOHN PATTE`e. . Nov. 17.1868.-Bm. MANNING & HARNESS MAKING .1. The underidgned have this day formed a-Indoors hip be known as 'lnfirm of XL HEIM PULLER. for-the purpose or eirrybit on the above loudness. Harness mating and matting done to order gain vort warranted. Cash paid torlddes. HIHPFIN HUME. • EDGAH Et. KUHL Camptown, Jan.. 211. 1868. • Clicaz YOUNG HYSON, 00- long. OunpOwder and Imperial Tess of an grades. Wierentedgood. COWELL & MYER. DRIED FRUIT OF ALL KINDS: moral. imffa. '74 • 1 W • 11) IrolddAallealetWibt. 0161601 f 1 6 1 16„., -141 ,!.:11C rit _ , ANA liglimnumlearg f L'"); • • • ; i : Is idellasiimiiible the : rots at Abeps* ~, h ic k bp 'flow lbri7a reaerat f o rmer ,• - ?r - • GO - .P ro R S.. i7omd • tin6frof ickei - irell Ind reliable EMI Ja i opeTtN, itsos. ,•oir-\•,'PANTS, DRESS o9ATi,:-PAITTO7&-y4iTi;, tins] Coats' Dustiril and Pants,' Over Alb and Z i a ms I m lrts; Linennid 'Paper Collare.l4Den, and Flannel Shirts. Neck Suspenders, loves, Canes; Leather gyring sts. 1311k,,Soft, and: Straw. Bats. AU VS elms. Bemember. that Gowl, Saida are at a lair price than poor riodsat any :i te r Call and examine my goods. before hay. Nut door to Powell & Oo IL W. EDDY.' Towanda, Nay 28,1867. - - ' JOHN TSB ' TEMPLE OF ...PASHIONI ten entire i new stock et Clothing bought u cheap is before the war to be sold with HAM, C. B: PATCH C. S. PATCB Niw You, Oct. 10, 1888 - -- " - ci.:ti - ti , ig7l.f(T':x.- - 6.:::: ,- :.: {NoShodaiot my kind) COlilsting BITIVS All Wool: NEW STORE AND - NEW GOODS! SMALL. PROFITS I .0.0 undersigned would retheettal* announce to tn• citizens of Tolman and vicinity that be is now ready to, OM them Clothing; such u FINE BEAVER OVEROOATS; • CHINCHILLAS, PILOTS, fp the FIN= Da* u n Busuass Some RAM _Maio GAPS. Farnishlag G00d5,4,43.. and that these goods boeght at Very low figures will be sold with very small profits I intend to establish a per manent trade in this place,.and in order to gain the confidence of purchasers, will deal on a basis of . HONESTY AND INTEGRITY and all goodawill be warranted for what they are represented to be. Come and examine and convince yourself. - Don't - forget the place, Temple of 'Fashion i opposite the Means House, south end of Beidleman's Block. A. JACOlig. Towanda, 0ct.17, 1867. - • SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS I GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES ! PROCLAMATION BY COHEN & ROSENFIELD, TOWANDA, PA s • , WEIDMAN, It seems to have pleased the in habitants of Towanda, and vicinity, to recog nine our fair way of dealing ; AND WHARIAS; We - owe our sincere thanks to the community for exteniling to as so liberal . a patronage 'until now ; Awn Wasams,_ We deem . t our duty to re ciprocate all the favors bestowed upon us that far; 1 . . We do hereby Oablicly PROCLAIM, that on great stock of _ SPRING AND 'SUMMER GOODS, SUCH AS 8110AI/110TH, BEAVER. Doeskin Carisimere Suits, Of all grades and of the latest styles, Will be • disposed of at .1 REDUCED PRICES! , • Oar gteta are manufactured In New York city by one 61. the members of the firm, therefore we are enabled to sell as cheap as the next; and wishing o reduce our stock. we will put our goods at such low rates as will enable any body to buy a - ault of clothes. We are thceiv ing the finest stock of SPRING AND SIIIIM.V. GOODS Ever brought to this market such ae Beaver, Chinchilla Doeskin, &c., for Men and Bois wear. Call at the Clothing Store o' - I COHEN & ROSENFIELD, And convince youraelt of the fact t hot they; do as they say and do not misrepresent any of their goodsoiWe -also call attention to our stock of GENTS FURNISHING GOODS Each as Cassimere and Woolen Orershirts, Un dershirts and Drawers, ovaralls and overshirts, (novas, Cardigan Jackets, Tics Collars, Sus penders, LATEST STYLE' S HATS & CAPS,. Whist' they also sell at Re:laced Prices. 3 'vu as a call before buying elsewhere. :COMM A ROSENFIELD, Opposite Powell A Co, Towanda, April 1, 1860.. OFFICE OF 'WICKHAM & BLACK TOWANDA, PA., Havingcleared our shelves of our Holiday Goodi and replaced them with House Keeping Goias of all kinds; we are now ready again to fit out any one going to House Keeping. We have the largest stock, and - best quality of tliockery and Glass Ware ever opened in Towanda. In addition to these Goods we have a full line of linivei and Forks, Spocimb i LaMps, &c. By importing our main stock direct from the Pot tery in PitlePe, and getting our Lamps and Glassware from the Man. nlactou, we are able to-offer greater inducements' than ever offtired. in this section before. It is'worth your while to call and examine Goods and prices, -beforr, puichasing Most RetipectfallY of lAN , STOVES I STOVES I STOVES . Just receibred new line Stoies at • IRE METROPOLffAN • HARDWARE STORE ORWELL,- PA. Are attracting much attention . do inisnense variety of Bores • 4'et rs ON BAND 1 Storey, coal or wood, that will 'suit you for 1 - • PARLOR, OFFICE, STORE, SOHO 1, SHOP,. CHURCH. BOA IVOit COOKING •STOVES COMO. arta see the new patteree—it least. OIIE LOOK BEFORE BITYINO We keep all loading Stoiea for ttie tt"thpvarlety tto,frth:hu wn ta e := i r e g ryo i : rr tared • •r, f • ' N. BRONSON. Oawell. Pe.. Oct. 91.1668.. . Wicsa' kozERKL, COD . FISH,' BLUE AIL Fish, llsoldnaw Trout; Clsroes.• Picteled sad Smoked Ma'am), Smoked Halibut, and Dried Besf, at 1 Lova 8 ~ Kiimsee. 'FLOUR' .—Whe at Flour 9 all saws, Bacembeat non!. , 13rTCorni_ Meal. Feed, ite4 at Dee:ls: • - 1 • W. A tIOCIEWEtIat' :PRESS FIGS, TAMARINE FEE gems and Jellies of all ' COWELL & MXER. • -;alikffilittrithbintUt BB . 4'; • ; VASA - • - • •0011!0111#1FD,' r 11 !!-., 11 :i . 7. • •• • _ 2. •• , ;f: I aht: . I§Sook. a tMf via * - 00111Watillg " • Issiestorlalat ill!.41161111114: AA% = 1- so manta af, 1 7 1 rol 7,0 . 70115 11 - '' l iprod nesti — anCefiluid on thilk= ant mostioanuable - ;--- oantioets - DRITGEVNEDI . • - ruirse,or_ye,vmmunlit - ~•• • • - AND TOPPNTiN Mndiitklndi of Ilroshu, . , KEROSEIiT, OR COAL OIL, AlacholAad !ThrzOng Fluid . ttimistabig., ,ostinggys, Simmjard.WMWßUPoo.6. NEER'S 11401IENE . Fang: and Toilet Article, In all thek vnriety, srpsrovii, BUSHES, Posiadai,Th*Myel, Perpameiy, POCKET - BOOKS, _PORT MONAIS, nictit Rakes, TOOTA:SRIN AND - HAIR PREPARATIONS • PUNS , WIRES AND •LIQUORS, FOr Medicinal use, . IDDACOO, -- SNUPt,, MIA AND UIDARIN GU•den, pica and Floue Seed', Tennis', Sup. porters.. Suspensories, • Shoulder. Braces, "Mead pampa, TelitidnitillniP• Nursing Bottles, Nipples, ;SyringesNiea *pi • EV; Ms. , Pas, ;- Sealing Frnit Jars E tarsi: Plavoringihrtracts,l3tone Jugs, Glass - Ware, Bottlea,lilak. Corks. Bath Brick, and Store Blacking. Fish Taekle, Amstrad , Botanic. Eclectic and Homopath lo. Medicines. and all the Popular Patent • E I. .0 I-N E . All articles warranted as represented. Per sons at a distance, can receive their order!' by stage or mail, which will receive prompt and careful attention. Medics advice &en gratuitously at the office, charging only for medicine. - w Thankful for put liberal patrozs4e,woul4 ily 0111/C0 to hie., friends and - the public!gi 111111 that impalas 'shall be spared to satisfy. and merit the continuation of their confidence and patronage. • _ is*. Open Sundays for prescriptions 'from 9 to lo and•l2 -to 1, and 5t06. r. H. O. PORTER, M. D. Jan. I. 18697L.yr ----- . , t hg .. , cl . c 4 to ' c 4 o • t 4 . - Ia • ' a o pa ...4 10 _ • `-.4 '0 9, - , R . 1 1 ;4 4 1 lt - 0 ° V i' : 0 P. - • U:1 g Pr . • . 0 -t: P f 4 ' p =l ', .... n -.•- - MARSHALL BROTHERS Sr: CO Wish to call the attention of the public to their new Stock of • • HARDWARE, FARMING IMPLIMENTS, • BLACK SMITHS' TOOLS, and CARPENTERS' TOOLS. Also, a large assortment of Window Oleos, Posh, Palate, Oils, !Puttp,Tarnbshes, and Paint , and Varnish Brushes of all kinds, which will be sold for the lowest Cub price. Also, a fine assortment of - KUILO-GENE LAidPl3 of every style and pattern to suit the public. • Lamps repaired and changed from Oil And Fluid to Kerosene. Particular attention paid to the manufacturing of all kinds of JOBBING PRO*PTLT ATTENDED TO We have on hand a fine ankle of GLASS FRUIT JARS, . Wlll3 linprcived self-sdallug corks, and HERUETICALSEALINGCANS, which is one of the hest Caw used. June 20,1866. LOOK HERE!; There is now on exhibition at the Mammoth Furniture: Sem; 1 A oivAN 4, PA., 'The largest and best stock of FURNITURE! To ba found in Northern Pennsylvania, which is being sold at GREATLY RED U. ED PRICES ! My stock consists in part of Puler, 'Library Dining Room and Chamber salts. Parlor,•lA brary, B.ttension, Dining and Office Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads Bureaus, Washstands, Sofas, Lounges, Tetiitites , W.hat-Nots, Cra dles, Cribbs, so. hc. & foil line of Mattres ses and Bedding. Pier,Mantel and Common Mirrors, Oval and Rtio Primes and Brack ets, dcc., 4.0. In fact everything In -the Furnitult Line .t Which must be seen to be afreclated and which will be sold at LOWER PRICES 'than the same quality_ of gtiods can be pur chased elsewhere. .Ttusniffulto the public for their past liberal patronage, and determined to merit a contin uance pf the same by offering inducements not to be found elsewhere, I invite them. to call and examine my goods and prices before par chasing els ewbere. No. charge for showing goods and I WILLI :NOT BE UNDERSOLD COUNTRY DEALERS supplied-as usual at the loirest market prices. also keep on band a large. astortment of Reads bladeCoftlns from the moat common to the dolt Rosewood. Also Burial Robes. Caps lbc..ind I ant the solo agent In Bradford coun ty for SHWAS'S & FMK% " 4 METALIC SITBIAL CASES, CASKETS, &C are, & BLACK. A good REAM always is readiness when required, ' JAMS 0. FROST, Taqranda, Dec 10, 1863.. , . • • - F . URNITURIE - i• NEW GOODS! NEW-GOODSI T-L.Y FINI,BHED POPULAR PRICES Consigting (of CHAMBER SETS, PARLOR SETS lIIRRORSi, PICTURE FRAMES; Photograph Frames, tor. everybody A"GENERLL ASSORTMENt EVINITIIItE, Suited to this market. I have the beit uphohr terer in the country,' and manufacture our own upholstered work. REPAIRING AND JOBBING, Done to order. Hiving" an 'supertonic of 20 years to the business, I can confidently hope to please all , who patron ise me. - Don't forget the place. - No. 153, Nabiat., two doors . south of Beldleman's Block, TOWIIII. da. 8. T. DECKER. TowandaMay . Bo, 1868.—tf. FINE ASSORTMENT OF TOI. JIM In SOAPS; at - NoOABB A MIX'S. fiarbroart. TIN WkRE furniture. DINING ROOM SET - 'Wtllll l alig•=tOtting. • • _ - Ictr , ' 0 - ORE'S :di Poway err', eenthitter SC' bedew' _et, the . etehi,No44, Matte Siodt, _viten he Is daily noeivieit- sitaltketi_to bitStooh boo the deli feiportets etteleatifeetaxere. hdlg. eeke ;•r, e, Shod Aare ofpeldie= ap. lentestock of_ • DRUGS • AND NEDIO6II3B Nesbit Wok teethed, and we ere now em itted to supply the I- , • ' WANTS OP THE OLIO WILTFk• ATITOL4B • , nstuo::,.isToiv;7,-,- ananix• Ins naps. PURI WISER AND LIQUOR/!'; FOR: urpWAL ÜBE ONLY:, a fILL assornart or coxasignarsu WILE= AND HONCEPATILIC moms. ♦LL TUB . PQPULAB rams, ou., vAmitin, PAIN'r_AND VARNISH BRUSHES nnkrom On) awa. FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES OP MET KIND ALCOHOLIC AND num zSTRACTB., 441.1141.0111 AND RERINOIDS. All the Best Trassee: ABDOMINAL STITPORTEAB, Shoc4der MANZ Pules, NIPPLE BNELLE, AND SHI3I6DS, Nursing Bottles, Syringes and Catheters. ♦ LAWS misorrirpre OF sazoas, sisoni,Pocicrr • BIIS(UCALINBTRUMENTB OF LATE STYLE MID IliIT QUALITY large supp.y Brushes for -tho Hat and.Halr Also for the Teeth and . Walla, Tooth T ow. den and Pastel, One Perfumery, • Bowl. Combs Hair D y e, Invigor. • athrsoko:Admosene,.. Serosehe . • • Lampe, flhades,:Chlmneys, " Wicks, .to., all of the late et styles. CHOICE CIGARS, TOBACCO ADTDift7F,I" •w Physicians supplied at reasonable rates. Medicines and Prescriptions carefully and ac curately compounded and prepared by ant persons at all ;hours of Vie day ann i ght. Sunday twins 'from 9 to 10 o'clock in the fore noon, to 2in the afternoon. W. H. IL GORE. ' Towanda, Sept. 29, 1868. Books -anb ,litationtrp. DIARIES FOR 1869 PAPER •& ENVELOPES NEW-YORK PAPERS 'SCHOOL BOOKS, g i t & PENS, INK, MUSIC, STATIONERY AND PicrpßEs BLANK BOOKS YANKEE NOTIONS. Towanda, Nov. 19, 1868; • BOK-BINDERY.,THE PUBLIC is respectfully informed that -the Book- Bindery has been removed to the Argos Build ing, Si stOry, where will be done B00.11•BIN. 0 .ING In all t.e various branches, on terns as tea aonablt at" the times ". will allow. • The Bind. ery will be nader the charge of 11. C. WRITAkER, • Anexperienced -Binder, and - all wok will be promptly done Lin a ,style and manna which cannot be excelled. Music, klagazines, News papers, Old Books, dm., bound in every variety of style. Particular attention will be paid to the Ruling and Binding of BLANK BOOKS, To any desired pattern, which in quality and darafdlity veil be warranted. All work will be ready for delivery when promised. The patronage of the public is solicitel, and perky satisfaction gaammteed. Towanda. August 2. IR6W—tt. • NEW FIRM! NEW,I:3I: , :::SDS 1 Zcs FF;OST, Would call' the attenti on lot the citizrna' of Rome and vicinity, that they have opent.d . with A New Stock of Goods At the old stand'of L. L. Moody, where with close attention to the wants of the community they will keep a good assortment of goods, which they will: _ SELL AS LOW AS THE'L9W.EST, And at prices that will induce eyery one to buy of them. We shall at all times have a good assortment of " FALL AND WINTER GOODS Embracing all tho latest'styles of ' LADIES DRESS GOODS! DELAINES, ig,i , ecesi PRINTS, :GLOVES, OLUGHAIIS, HOSIERY,. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTH% CASSIMEBtB NBSTINGS, FANCY GOODS, UNDRELLAS, Family Grocerie.9, Hardtiktre, CEOOKERY, 31IRRORa, ' LADIES TRAVELLING BAGS WOOD AND TIN-WARN. Drugß,-Furniture, ttc The above gives but weight idea of the GOODS •WE HAVE IN STORE, And we only say to our numerous 'friends and the publle generally, call:and If e ui, test the inmits of our pretensions, and If o)tvinced.§ Btnr AND MAKE IrotrasEuss RICH By saving (money in your purchases. 'We; In tend to GIVE GREATA. IL BARGAINS. TITAN EVECBEFORE HEARD OF We know ;we can ployseCycni, son give ng AU kinds of ' FA RatERISIVR ODUC.E! 'Taken iu exclumge for goixts. . . . WICKHAM & FROST. Successors to li. Moody. 0. D. 1110EDA.D. Ea. nos?. Rome. Ps: - . Nov.ll. 1888 . - C Ii m MC PI TOB r C c e ,l 4 e l l eLTGAIS A PULL ASSORTMENT pf DRIE.D -1 1 1 Sad CANNED . ,FRII,ITS. • • Ms. reh 10,1888: Logo. &' A NICE. STOOK\OFAHROMOS .EL aai Cogn*gs at FROST'S ISIN2 MEI NORTH BRANCH FOUNDRY •4 . :: . A..p:ivi.N . i - s a 01,,,i, Sittlfied op Pizt", out *Ms, Stree t, TONVANDA; BRADFORD CO, PA, ' a wir mama to rand' 4311COM411; SAW MILLS AIM siarroui iumiticKs, Ortbe bed quay *Oh tar to baprole mita. /MAU& Ilady tar Maria; asu! OW Urns.: STEAM ENGINES, MADE & REPAIRED, STEAM .WRISTS, . .STEAM GAGUES; GAUGE COCKS, OIL (*Ns; ao., Fund*Ot - st Old notice.' BOLT lI.TTING, Dooe (sow; to te twits la diameter. FORGING - Of heavy wrought work 'for Bridges, find all other purposes, dote I.o',order. Also, alarms mortment of COOKING &BEATING • STOVES Coal and Wood Buisari. Furniture for Cooking Stoves. Wore Pipe.. Tin-Ware, Boat Poops, Plows, Cultivators and Loaners, kept constant ly on band., SPECIFICATIONS' Of all kinds of madam , for mills and other 1 11 11 101 na prepared b ' WAXIREN: HILL , foreman, litho has bad Imp =Friel:co In this branch of Abe bushman. ' • JOHN CARMAN. • Towanda, Oct. 29,1888.-11. T_OWAND , 4 CARRIAGE FA.OTORY. Tha undersigned respecguilj =none°. .public that 6 - ey have purchased the OIt:RRIAG - E SH - OP gNI OP' 4. 11. DRAKE', And are now papared to build work In T.HE LATEST STYLE And- most workmanlike manner. They wil constantly'keep on hand an assortment of npien did • TOP "AN'DPVPEN - BUGGIES, FAMILY CARRIAGES, DEMOCRAT. AND LUMBER WAGONS, 0217. AND TWO - ECP-LTED ALBANY'SL,EIG HS. ALL WORE WARRANTED. REPAIRING .promptly- attended - to at rea- soaabla'prices. • BRYANT It. STUJJEN. Towai'da, May 3,1867.—1 y. NEW P.LANIN.G MILL The undersigned balling -bath a large and com modious Mill in the Borough of Towanda, and tilled it with the most moiUrn and improved machinery, (or the manufacture of. WINDOW SASH, 8 BLINDS, are prepared to fill orders, whether large or small, upon the shortest notice. We have also a large variety of MOULDINGS, of the latest style and pattern, which we can furnish" much cheaper than they can be worked ..bY hand: - PLANING, . - . I TON,G USING, 0 , - . GR.QVRIK - 0, • AND SCROLL SAWING. iz, and al work - pertaining to. Joinery,; will be done to suit our customers. • ! Persons • bulldi g, and not living„,,more thin twelve to fou n distant, dill find"it largely for their t to' buy of na, or bring their lumber anal worked by our machinery. Bring - your grist : of Flooring. or other lumber, and while your team is is feeding, have it grouted out and take it home with you. We will pay CASH for PINE dr. HEMLOCK LIMBER delivered at our lumber yard. Come arid see os. or if you cab' come, write. , L. B. ROI/GELS A, CO: Towanda. Fen:. 'Rat , TOWA ND A" AGRICULTURAL Policies Written the above co:p , flies at the lowest rates. Leese., if see, ted at this Agency. Particular a:tentiOrt girl to farm property. Office at his law office A erene3 new block, north side put.he square.t' • - JOHN W. MIX MANUFACTURES RUBS, SPOKES Towanda, March 17.1 1 3C9. _ TOIVANDA, PENN'A., HEAVY. - AND' LIGHT. WAGONS, WOOF. TURNING IN ALL ITS BRINCITE*. SCROLL SAWING, PLANING,' ETC., ETC, HUBS, SPOKES & BENT STUFF, LARGE STOCK FROM WHICH TO. SELECT The above are film tbe I.test '• - • SECOND GROWTH HICKORY -OAK. LIGHT AND HEAYY - WAGONB ON HAND We hare the•. Broad and . Narrow Guage PICItS.Ina4 and dreiped ?4. C. EIERCUR, Piesident A. WiATRES' MARBLE SHOO Ton will find Granite alOnuments, both Quincy and concord, Marble and Slate Mantles, and oal . Grates' to A large assortment con stantly on band; Cheap as the cheapest. Aug.-10, 1868.—1 y. A QHOICE LOT OF WINTER firolt of all kinds,!for ule by the Barri:al or_giuihel. at MaCABE (V MIX'S. 08Ac. 0 ,0 A.N-iyc.lGAlts! The undereteed have established „ STEAM. ABAuCO //LOrWRY, O - W, A. - N" D , - On 'Main Street below Bridge Street 'Where they are manntactarineall kinds of • CUT TOBACCO AND CIGARS WHOLESALE PRICES That cannot fail to unit. We would most ro apectfully solicit a call from the deale.s through Northern Pennsylvania to; an examination of .otacsfocK AND PRICES I • Oar Tol?sicc9 is paanufacturedifrom tbe'best KENTUCKY AND VIRGINIA Stoat that can be proonred in, tho market.— Give as a try.' This is home enterprise and will succeed with a liberal dispositioa of the trade to support home matmlactona MEANS it PHINNY, • 167 Main Street; Towanda, Pa. June 6, 1268.—tf. lel BSI IV Oil KS BEST GENERAL WOOD WORK To Dealers in We ote a W. T: BISHOP, Superintendent Towards, July 2,186 a, ELMIRA , N. Y. llllet they offer to the trade at 15122WM1 Insurance mOWLNDA INSUR. lettickw tssaeda+os A.GgloiCY6t4'_. 411. Bt'O'llltAN, , 'Of the folkkalm well known .ant rellatgo • peeks. Olsq Nestanye" . ek. ifurtga*. dorount IErSA LIU fiktOCZ bark s COXPAX),) c .. . Om, 1 ,66 h Asseta r flor. 1, '67 - l I u. ' • • briar - ow. Aro Lomax Asp GI. • Phis mop Las bournases Co. (V,Scuplos and I/owned Fzumi. . old) • $16,t11,:. *nets in the United States, over... • I,Er Daily Pinaloan, Upwards of .(Gold) ..1 7 ' - ...;--- . Ems Inviasca CO3iTAMT. T. ' 1 - Hartford, Conn.' Capital • - Niir Jinn" MUITLLI. Ltn.lxatriaacct G. Newark. N. J. CApital ... .... Nouns lassicax Tiusorr !mamma I Co., - teekiental)' Phuadilphia, CLpltaly Cormircri MCTUALLIPII fxsoz.ancz Co.. Rail/ord. Conn., Capital ' 210 if Toovida, Peb. 20, 1288,--tf rum, LIFE, AND - ACCIDENT. : _ INSUANCE. • 'CAPITA!. 1 1 7711119ZNITD c'y SEVENTEEN -MILLION BoLI.4). • • C.••S. RUSSELL,' Agent,. 706 TIIi /OLLOIRIPO NLICiD R1L1A.61.3 Cc t 'LARD Puts & Marna liisußiNca Corrorr Philade/phiz, Capital and surplus. over.... Hors Int th.wca ColtrAuir , ' Of New-York Vapid and surplus, over.... Wins/Nos COMZA OP Nearn Azinioa, Pluladelphia. Papital and surplus, over ti liannarrix Inatauncs Cowry, , Of Nay- York., Capital and emrplaa, over Ensnutpierixamsixes COMPANY, -) . , Of Phs*ltiphin. ' f Capital and suypins, over- , Mem issuaatiox COXPART, New-York. 1. Capital and sarp i ts, over • • puriaiiaatriattcs CoxrArrr, Of Hartford, Coda., - Capital 'and arirp/na, over. lat7L . 'LL 1471 NM:MANCE C4APANY, I -Of Aim- York . Capital and horplan,oyer.... . • TBArzLI.M.' INEraaNcr. Coxra.t.Y,', I Of Hanford, Cont. ' f t'Capitia and surplus, twe ,. ' - Risks Wen on ell, kinds of .Propri /9, a: . low ratesea by and other reliable Compr i nita s . SIP Policies issned and LANW.3o 11,114 mated at this Agenelr,thereby the trout and expense of going elsewhere to; bettlemen iFir °Mee at the. Hardwhere ' , Store of Co ding & Russell C.';. 131:b.S.F.LL. Towanda, Feb. i r I tG6. .ti LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AN GLOBE FIRE AND. LIFE I.N:URANC COMPANY.-office, 45 William St., and 7'2- Broadway; N. Y. Capital, Surplus and Reserved Funds (G01d):.... ...... Assets In the United Slates', over.... 1,800, Daily Premiums, upwards of {gold).. The !shareholders personally responsib.e engagements of the company. All Direvto ma tbe shareholders. - timorous zr Nsw Yosx.-:-Prancis Cotttr , Es Chaitzaart, Henry - Grinnell Esq., Dept Ch man, Joseph Gaillard, Jr, Esq. E. 3 Archibald, Esq„ H. B. EL. - Consul, Al'exazd HiuniMn, Jr., Esq:, Robert C. Ferguson, Alfred Pell, Esq., Resident Seloretary. ander Hamilton, Jr., Esq .; Counsel of Board. Barrixas- Phenix Bank--Cammann & Co: The Policies - of this Company are issue'. well-known Areerican citizen's resident is York, who are Directors and Shareholders. consequently, with the other Shareholderi individually • liable for all the engageinez,r the. Company ; all Policies are signed by th, all claims are payable in cash ou proof of !r without, deduction for interest, and riot, .v 'usual, sixty days alter presentation of , They expire at six P. an,. , noon.- Life Insurance effected, aud anrr. granted on favorable terms, H, It, Age!.! 1-• Towanda. Apriil3. FIRE' LIFE, ACCIpENT AL AN D.7SCRANCY, AGENCY ! Ton N D PA'. 'JOHN NV. IHX, For the followicg rdiable Corni4r,;es Vhccnix,of Hartford, Home In. Co., New Har : en,, Germania, Fire. New Y0rk,.... North American Fire of New York 'Hanover.. New Yo!k ; National' 'Travelers (accidental) New -1 1 , rk THE EQUITABLE LIF - E. ASSI: AlcC Society's Agenrl far I.:rAL:rd • . • 44, • CASH CAPITAL 0,000,000 !=, Yearly income ovt. 02.000.000 cash. • MI INTANYR S .W.4.1::t Towanda, lily 25, 11367. T -• H 4 LICOMING MUTE:it, FE Insuranca Agency for Bradford C l 63rti:N t- CAPITAL $3,400,LC0 TJ lanai Cash plan. In erer,n , pr twenty-seven years. ". MONT t • YE .t r•.tRP Towanda. July 25, 1467 WYOMING INSURANCE AGES: CY. • • ,WYOMING INSURANCE COMPANY Wilkes-Barre, Pr SAMUEL .... „PreAdr. , ; LaD. SHOEMAKER,:.... .. Vice Presiden , . R. SMITH, - Secreur::. Cdpital and - ti:lrpLas 2170 fide. • North.A merlca, Hartford. Coat.. assetv S3GO. Fulton. New York, " 2.50 C 0 .4 Springfield, Mass.. •44 400,(4 - 4 Applications for insurance in the shove cv.7 . panies taken At Lir rives. and business atten,. ; ed to with promptness and care.- attention will be given to Farm risks in t 5, country. Also Lite and tivr Stock Insurance 3: fected in good and reliable iomp.mie4. Orr over the Bakery on )fain-+t.. formerly occupie by Mercer & Morrow. T. B. CAMP, Agent Towanda. M f arch 12. IF6B.—tr. G T-0 - T . E B A I< FOR d GOOD NE.E AT ALL HOURS OYSTERS ALWAYS O\-11,01 IN THEIR R7ASON a. BREAD,_ PIES, CAKES, SCOTT k BUFFINGTOS Towanda: Dec. 15-IEG3. .MILLINERY GOODS Airts. - E.,t. PIERCE." Presents the ladles of T37.:1!1L1,V (Tiv a very choice seleCtion of goo , ' Iv confident of being able is dlscrimlnitlng taste of each honor of anexamlnation of he lug her former.patrons for the Mats a continues:lce of the gam beautifully and on the Shorter over Cohen to Rosenfield's, Ms !Towanda, Oct. S. STUMP MNC G. T. GRANGER, MS Is rt.: w• •mo.nulacturlog-J , et Machitei, and-rill keep them thcm.on 'short wilco, from and warnted. Fel u ACKER'EL: TROI Fisb, Cod-Fish and -Flei BUTTER TUBS AN: nrw, ready let of April. Feb, 21. 13121 BEE $7 ~,f 8 1,457 .35 1;31907i 1,,00(06 773,63' 65).65: 25) OGt A -,., i • d.,1, ME 04 tn CASDY, ffE