nuNitiltipitter zoo= AND isizzanaz.-; Gnus ji mitt real ladles doiri prc !tied. ocatir.- . 1. , The venter - 4tui et ,thia road Was at ttibi pisss is is bS - We shall clothe jho BiPosras ta a nea dress about the fist of or Mrs. ofJothr.W, mum; died in this asp an Bandiyatiglit inst, slier a short - bneseveni jDness. ---. M. EDWARD T. Wan, anceXperi gamed operator, now has charge of the To. monde Telegraph Oboe. • .; - sir The funeral of the - late lire. Tum ult wgi be attended from thellf. E. (Rauch to-day (Thursday) at 2 o'clock. p.m. Sermon by Bev. X. T. Batman!. Sew in Dorrouss, eon of Rey. Doi:rouse, formerly Rector of the Epis copal Church in this village, is a student at _the Agricultural College in Center County, • • Mk; Country printers desiring to order stock from New York will Anti T. a 13mtron at Co., in the new Stilt building, the right kind of men to deal with. n. WooD, agent for the Charter Oak We Insurance Company is au thorized to receive subscriptions for the 11,apanaim. • " Sir Maj. G. B. Ovssrox will sell his household goods at auction on Friday next, preparatory to his leaving for Salt Lake City, to take possession of the US. Land Office. - alir Drumm & Co.'a advertisement is left oat this week, but they still continue to sell the best Bows and Melodeons manufactured. By purchasing of them you are sure to get a good article. The McDurysy contested will case Nif,il be tried at special court , to cen yene in this place on the 21st of June next. The jurors summoned are expected to be prompt in their attendance. \ 10... MYER, at the Tobacco Store 'south of the National Bank, has got the fie .-esi stock of imported cigars in town.— Gronaz knows " what is -what in tobacco ;business. Try him. Mr 0. J. OHUBBIICK, County Super intendent, held his last examination of teachers in this place last week. During the six years Mr. C. has been in office, he .has never missed an appointment. ' img.. We have been shown a chick en hatched by a hen owned by J, D: Goons Notion, Esq., of Wysox, which has four legs & house -cat, thinking it a 4 ‘strwaie ani mal," made way with the featheredqpiadrn ped. . Stir Heretofore persons wanting the eel rated Mortoh Gold Pens, hive been compelred to order them from New York. PLUMS & Barnes have now been appoint ed sole agents in this place for these pens, and will keep a fall supply in stock. I@l.. Workmen are busily engaged in repairing the store recently occupied by the Bakery. Messrs. Suew, Brum) & Co. will soon remove their Market into it, and will hereafter add vegetables of all kinds to the stock. ig).. Rev. J. T BROWNELL will Cc copy the pulpit of the M.E. Church on Sun day next, morning and evening. We believe Mr. 13. expects to spend several days in - town visiting with his old parishioners and numerous friends. lam; Persons going West can now purchase through tickets to all important points, at the depot of the Pennsylvania and New York Railroad, iri this place. Mr. BISEOP, the obliging Ticket Agent, will cheerfully give any information in regard to routes, trains, S:e. Bee- R. A. MERCUR, FlOll Of Judge Mancra of this place, who received a severe injury . in the head while practicing in a gymnasium at New Haven, Conn., in Janu ary kit, is now being treated by a physician in Philadelphia, with a fair prospect of a permanent cure. Ai- A. young son of Dr. Fixscurr, of Laporte; Sullivan county, wass - horribly mangled and bruised by a horse in the Doc tor's stables few days sincB. The little fel low !entered the stall for the purpose of feled ing the animal, when it is supposed he be ame frightened, and kicks ,the boy near ly to death. -1/16-A great many people think that Towanda is not large enough to sin- Min a man who doi , s business upon correct principles, i.e., confines himself to one par ticular branch of trade. CLousurr fiats bar have knocked this theory in the head. They sell nothing but bath, caps, and furs, and can afford them cheaper than establish ments which keep u little of everything. Stir Our enterprising clothing mer chant, Mr. S. BOSENBEIIO, has just issued the first number of a neat little paper enti tled " Rosenberg's Herold of Ilshion," which he distributes gratuitously to all his ens tamers. Callsat his Store, next door to Warner's Jewelry Store, and see what bar gains ho offers, and get a copy of the "Her ald of Fashion." KV- Dr. PORTER, W. A. CRA3IBER us, P. D. lilonnow, WrT. DATIES, and G. D. IfovrAsys, left town on Tuesday morn ing.for a fishing excursion in Sullivan coon. ty. They have just'ha4 built a wagon ex pressly for fishing trips. The vehicle is neatly and substantially male, with high cushioned seats and nibber-eloth cover, and is provided with ice and provision boxes,', axe, hammer, etc. It was " turned out" at the Towanda Agricultural Woikk. ite.. The Bakery and Eating House carried on by Scorr Bum:I.:0'0N, has made a change of base by a flank movement to the left, and is now located on the north of the Ward House,-prepared for the ac commodation of the public as heretofore. All will do'well to give them a call at their new location. They are also very favorably located and arranged for supplying the pub lice with the luxury of ice cream, which they a - ill do during the summer season. 110,.. El LIAIS A. ROCKWELL, who learn-• ed the printing Voidness in this office some twenty-five or thirty years ago, is now one of the editors of the San Francisco &U. Af ter completing his trade, ho e:stablished, in connection with Junrus Suracspon, a paper at troy, called the Nets Star ; but being of a roving diriposition soon gave up his inter est in the paper, and made his Way to the Sandwich Islands, where he established 'an other paper, and, if our memory serves us correctly, got into some difficulty with the government, Ori,liccount of Which he was compelled to relinquish the business there. From the Sandwich Islands he found his way to Califinnfis, where he has remained for nearly twenty years past. Mr. R. is a brother of Tor., B. C. Rocrazu, of Troy, and is a man of more than.ordinarrabiliti - rle — big . pitrone 'gore -as 14,2 a aniooo• 4 ' wzraolt,w - AThs, - theveaßizOittp*,. ibbh43 4- mistiver vantA Whop° Ur following note fro& Wm . ?ill induce otheri " fto go 00 to new* Azi!•• / 1 4 10 . 100071`, 2.1 a. , • fate fli.z=ltriclosed Vino anaiNiii4 less, in adienos, for sne •Iturostra ,frosa / 01 7 0 p / o . o kto ;rf l l o . 1070 . - " 141reanaid &dream the other night; :When all arounitlnig still ; • rareilaued I syr yogi. Ileoltebub • • Aft-prilta's Mira' filth. parr, Autd.blued yea is ; • ' Boys be, !'Cad Iwo. tour were/ drirli vs else prepare to we I" - - - I gated young sooty brtlie,faoe; /durum soy onbeedienee • To avail seiraelf of saving grace , 'Twee- --ray op Advance I • _ - > ConsbnoF.--S9miwecks eipcelfn article was published hi. this _paper, cau tioning our Chia TemPlars against Na l. Facrows, who had been leot urlag In some sections of the State. We have recently learned frau aletterlkon AS ke: siding in the plane *When_ he Wasrvated to have Peesed, himself nit la a. Minister "or as the Bev. A. & Fasznai,r that though this impresidoo was created is, the. ,place, and repressmtations of the kind Made, it was nothing which Bro. RAIZ= was privy to, Or in anywise responsible for, Mid we take great pleasure in making,- the correction. The letter alluded to from a Minister wham we well know, clearly exculpates the broth er from all blame.—Seysions Good Templar. SS. Oar people are at last . 'steak . enhig to the importance of keeping up a good fire department. .For the- past few years,'we have vizttuilly been. without any fire companies, and we are glad to announce that there is now a fair prospect of having the old companies re-organized. On Tues. day evening last a meeting of Franklin, No. 1, was held, when the following officers were elected : .Fbrernan—J43.. Id. KINEIMAN. First Assistant—J. DELA Mowriirrs, Jr Second Assistant—J.o Lusa. Secretary—W. A. Roca -wpm. Treasurer—D. E. Hulax.i. Pipemen—Joms Krum:lz and Mom Km • A meeting of Linta Hose Co. will be.held on Saturday evening, when we presume that company will again be put in working order. itts. At a meeting of soldiers held in the Grand Jnry Boom on Friday evening last, to make arrangements for decorating the graves of soldiers, Gen. Menus, - was called to the chair, and Lt. F.. F. &urn chot sen secretary. It - .vas agreed that Bunday. May 30, should be observed as "decoration , dn." Cola. A. G. MASON and E. ON - Exam jr., and Major W. A. PECE, were appointed a eommittee to invite Rev. F. D..Hostuus to deliver a sermon on the occasion. A committee was appointed to make all necessary arrangements for the ceremonies. lie meeting adjourned to meet again on Saturday evening next, when a full pro gmmme will be arranged and made public, We need hardly urge our citizens to assist in this noble work; as it is one which com mends itself to every patriotic heart. GRAND FAIR AND FESTIVAL' —A grand Fair and Festival in behalf of the new Cath olic Church, in course of erection at this place, will open On next Monday, May 24, and continue during the. week, in Messrs. Connmo ..1; RUSSELL'S building on - Pine St, The ladies of the con'regation, aided by a few kind and. charitably disposed triends, lihve already prepared several rancy and useful articles for the occasion. - Among the things to be contested for, during its con- tirmance, we may mention a gold watch, platform spring wagon, and a• most beauti ful set of Japanese and Chinese curiosities, Also another gold watch, and an afgan of very beautiful texture, to be voted for ; the former gift presented by a, gentleman of Philadelphia, the latter by a lady of the parish. From the success with which our efforts were crowned at the last fair, held for the same laudable otject, may we not hope thai our American friends will patronize ns this time, top, in their usual generous manner? Come, maids and youths, for here we sell All wondrous things of earth and air ; Whatever wild romancers tell, Or poets sing, or lovers swear. You'll find at this our Fancy Faii. 4ere eyes are made like stars to shine, And kept for years, in such repair, That e'en when tusn'd of thirty 7 nine, They'll hardly look the worse for wear— If bought at this our Fancy Fair. We've lots of tears for bards to show'r, And hearts that such ill usage bear, That, though they're broken every hour, - They'll still ih rhyme frehh breaking bear= If purchased . at our Fancy Fair, As fashions change in everything, We've goods to snit each season's air, Eternal fnandships for the spring, And endless loves for summer wear,— All sold at this our Fancy Fair. We've reputations white as snow, • That long will last, if used with care, Nay, safe through all life's journey go, If pa&k'd and mark'd as "brittle ware,"-- Just purchased at the Fancy Fair. its. The Northern Tier GazPli e con tains the following account of a most fiend ish murder committed near Can, a few days since : BII.IITAISTV. A CIIILD 1.11:111DEB- E.D. —On Monday a funeral procession pass ed through our town on its way to the bury ing-ground of the Catholic Church, where the remains of a little boy of ten years, named Tierney, were deposited. Mr. Watts from Canton, who was in the ,procession. reported to outsiders that there were evi dences of foul play, and that undoubtedly the child liad died of injuries received from the hands of some person. It appears that the boy, who was a son of a Mr. D. Tier ney, a worthless sort-of fellow, whose-where abouts have been a mystery for some time past, but who formerly lived in this town, lost his mother about two years ago, and for the last year and a-half has been living with Michael King, who resides In Union township, between Canton and Carpenter's, about three miles from Canton. About three months ago, King, who-has all along been considered a pretty good sort of man, with an even disposition, applied - to the boy's uncle, Michael Hooley, of, this village, to take the boy away, but Hooley objected as the boy seemed - weakly and . in ill health. On Saturday last Ring was hi town and ap plied to Hooley to take tbe boy, as he - said his wife abused him. Hooley said' If he was in good health he worild l do -so so, upon which King informed him that there was nothing the matter with. the boy but, a sore toe. On Sunday morning at daybreak, King was at the house of Mr. Burk, in Canton, for the purpose of having a shioud made for the boy who had died during the night. He seemed gieatly agitated and mentioned that the boy fell off the fence some time be fore. Suspicion was exulted, and on Tuesday the body was taken nip, when it was found to bear marks of the most brutal treatment. One eye was ired as if by a blow, there was a mark on be cheat as if of a knife or Some 'sharp weapon, three of the ribs on the left aide were broken, and there were. other mutilations too ''horrible to name, added to which was the appearance of a part of the back and hips as if they had. been roasted. The whole appearance was enough to sick en the heart of any one. Elmer. Pomeroy hastened into Tioga County, and procured warrants for the arrest of Bing and his wife. On Wednesday they were .both brought to town, and alter a preliminary examination they were held to await &post morftin exam ination before the . caae.,proceeds further. Bi we believe, accuses his the in hunung, m crime, but both of them wife for of awhile denied any knowledge of the . matter. We await the result of the investigation. ,- - The investigation before the coroner's jury restated in a verdict that; the boy Carnal° _his death trent ilt.trOmment bytiin tklntnoi footer - pannL , Theylisve beattoonunitti4 . to ja il in iv roil& Aoardi their ♦ LtTlii 'CAM A! &ilia slsait - ot *aka ePixtV, , .ftvelel4 04 *1. 111 n.WAsYlikt ank i lifbibuilnssiistlmpostaneivi . Tb. movageeeii were &wad AR" envon* ifeCilmier4-400s! , 401.001 -- foeslayerdi a t tor _- dell. :. 3 , 1 - lialdinfitssissl44o l oO mons iDeeklsts TnnliotzliortOsintlit tot iormoteidept. vas* s4_,-..c,,, /tars tn.. Tot.. - et* . .''• ... Mr 119 01. to senorer the tialelost sertilnPntenliy, sold on an soncitiiiii'aisinist btunOList ot Vesdlotfor pis/Mit - tor 11883 ,71.:, 11 d. Parsons Ps. .igtAsidi alyi P. .afeai&L-ihilt lnntight - to recover Wanes on Aida given farm:lima of BiyaVold Argus printing aloe. ,Dotendintts not ipiestliw 3udgm"4 entered tot 1218, Me .„ . , n The fwiroWA 411MiMm t . Robe IVaterikei frOm N. B. Watawair Prances. 41ididl- bo la' ; ler becca Reath from*. Wilma ; L. 11,...80w., man from Nancy IL *Wand ! , ; Court` adjourned on'. Satimi 15th; to meet again on Monday, at which time Est was idjoulned 'until the thiyd.Noalair in KrWe take . .grAUt pleasure grving - the fo ll owing - notice a place in out columns. - The good work 'inaugurated, by the Y.M.C.A. of Placielphia, should re celvelhe hearty co-climax!' of every:friend of the young men whole:vie the coTitry i to. seek homes that city: " To parents, guardLans, _pastors .and others; taUse sons, wards orfriendr may be leaving home for residence the City of PA r_ Mu's ' AssixamMkt of Philadelphia, announce that they bare .a Committee for the purpose of showing kind ness to Yourig Men who axe strangers, and leading them under rellgions influences. They therefore r eq uest all who desire the co-operation of this Committee, to send the names and addresses of tr_oung Men about to reside in Philidelpl4 In whom they are intereeted,.with such partkadars of charge ter as they may deem proper, (which Millie strictly confidential,) to: Joss Wanasterns,; Chairman of Committee, Hall of the Ma dation, 1210 Chestnut Bt., Philadelphia. • its Our notice, a few weeks since, of the tereporance • movement inangtiratal in.Owego, reminds a correspondent or the fOIIOWII4 fact wiioh transpired in that town during the campaign of 1860. - It bears hard on the bibutons influences of the democra4 is party, and tends to oonfine our crow,* Lions in regard to the expulsion of friend BEEnz from that party ea ; account-of his es pousal of the , good .cause . . . • A great mass meat* had been held at Owego, N.Y., and, as urpud r tilie .managers took prompt advantage of every opportimity for the free conveyance otattendants. Tbe cars were crammed, and every other moving affair. On the- return trip, the son of a cus tom house democrat •of Owego, moved by oratoricaituad other influences, made a speech full of spread-eitgleisms and bacchanalian interjections, on the "glorkius constitution," etc., in which occurred the following lucid and practical explanation of the tendencies of his party : • " You may sup-(hio)pose; fellow citizens, (hie) that I am (hio) under spirittiaL(spirit sous) influence, but it is (hic) all a mistake, I am only under (hie) the influence of the real (hic) democrat (hie) party."--- As he was surrounded by Republicans this public confession was received by shouts of laugh ter, during which a testy and irreligious democrat at his side put an end to the speech by pulling him down with the ener getic remark, " Sit down, you d—d fool" If the young gentleman referred to has now joined the• temperance :army, he will enjoy the publication of the - incident none the less. I , MARRIED . . • JACKSON—KNIGHT—In Athens,' the 12th inst, by _.lley. C. Thurston, Mr. Edward M. Jackson and Miss Mary E. knight, otAthens. LEASURE—ABELL—In Lellayst!ille, May 16, by Rev. G. W. _Raynor, Mr. George Leasure, of South .Owego, N. Y., and Miss Helen A. Abell, Of Warren, Pa. • PINNEY—THOMAS--On Thursday, May .13th, at. St. George's Church, Utica, N. Y., by the Rev, E. W. Hagar, Fred H. Pinney, of Owego, to Fannie, 'only daugh ter of George Thomal, of Utica, N. Y. . . FOWLER—F.kIRCHELDS—In Griinville, • at the bongs a S. Taylor, May 9th, by A. ' Saxton, Esq , Mr. D. A. Fowler, of Gran ville, to Miss Addie Fairchilds, ofFrank lin. .. DIED. SHELL.—In Pike, May 4, 1869, Mr. John Snell, in the 74th year of hie age. Speriai Notirtg„ NA!;rBESIOND SwEET Pourri This is the best variety for the Northern lat itude; Nice'plants. 10 ate per doz. ; 50cts per 100 ; S 3 per 1000. By mail, prepaid, 15 cts per doz. ; GO cents per 100, with in structions for culture. Order early: Plants may he set any time till June 15, .can be raised in any light soil. 31. %mix& Towanda, Fa., May"l9.-2w itle...The children's Mnsical Conven tion, of Wyalusing; Pa ,will close with Con. certs on !Thursday and Friday evenings, May 27 and 28, under direction of James MoGranahan, His engagements for June are in Crawford cortnty, Pa. May 20,-lw FOR SATS AT A BARIUM—House and Lot,on ""Northern Liberties" in Towanda borough. Enquire of Ray 18, '69.-tf 100,000.—Relying upon the intrin sic merits of their Sewing Machines, the Singer Manufacturing Company have never found it necessary, or deemed it in good taste, to make use of the thotistinds of testi monials and commendations-of which they are in constant receipt from enthusiastio admirers throughout the worbi; Neither have they for several years past made any effort to bring their machines to the notice of the public through the medium .of the press, simply beClllll3l3, with all their efforts, and notwithstanding very extensive addi, tioas to their manufactories, they were una ble to fill orders promptly , . m and to have ad vertised would only have , creased the de mand, and thus have added to their em harassments. • Yet, with all this neglect of this powerful auxiliary, their sales have exceeded those of any other company during the past three years, and they are now. manufacturing , at the rate of one htuilired thousand Hewing Machines per annum. . • No comment need be made' upon - the .above facts, they speak for themselvett. Let the skeptical call at the office of the Company, No. 1106 Chestnut street, where a careful examination will convince them that the “Singer " is the best machine the world.—.Phitaililphia Age; May 14,1869, lw—c ` Onarcurifur, April 28. 1868.. " Mims: fhir.An, ricisED do oo:, Gibers :—Your. agent called on us on .the 15th. and put up the Improved Armaticirr Brov.r, - . with which we are very much pleas- . ed. We have tested it pretty thoroughly. and it vies ahead of his recommendaticm. We find / no difficulty in keeping a continu one fire by putting on coal twice in twenty four hours. We have kept a fire sixty hours with thirty-one pounds of coal, and twenty three hours • without replenishing the fire. We_are satisfied it is the greatest :improve• went yet made in cooking stove& • Timm. • - BATUMI it Dials. For Milli by Cooroxcyltosszir. Co.;kTo wanda. -1 - • • ' lrby 2A71-3w Fos 'SAL& g'Ap:==A boisse geosandy lOonted on the Main Street' meat Col. o.s P: Mason's detain& lot 53487.' 'duty - Aihome On Aired Na.of -.Bail Road Street, - item to Castes .- Piq uing l r ;lot 1201160, ..Roalseolotrgryin inunedistAT:, • _ =5 ' . EIS _ dose, LeBOY—TWUKT— -0, Smalley.- S t ti. 'Dario i Y zauo Clan_tiAt trio t llref4, Them 11pringi .ainft , .noloom4 - IClistee ; Allen Monklitt, Wykimt,A ,Geo. BhnssAl,44e ; a Rolm nnetbctioilDab Albit: W. 7i l inAnkin, Terry ForW.•Grenville. /1--rnike of 11 4- 112 % 11—' 4:mitredo-awmak s huh and psir 17-4minsay Nuftblir raiz tIO / — pviOzythastiktp.tivaThami! l 4 L 17.1 1111 F Ai** ithe , _ llll 4 ; thasibislookei bjlL T we hos taliaiid in deli' 0 - - *EM and hinoni.bY tits sogr% 1; 1 11, 1 44 imm plawignalltsopd. 1, E kir?, te 3t WOO* ;* ...4406cs pe'''rer‘ons—' haying hats, shtiticoad tints. beloneng to althea , the Batiklta orlfsiod . Firs. Comps. Dies; are hereb yeequised to leave them; at the stoie of Uodnag; Bassin & Co. home. nasty.. 0.8. Bastssis,.; MY 9, / 869 . • Burgess. . Fon Bsta.—A house ' and - lot On, 111Wa reoengy •Worniplemt try' Mrs. La put 'Enquire of CI. D. Itoavams; Towanda; Apr112811t; • ;%-! . •• • • • • • lir The next &Woo of -the B , And County. TWINS. Aismixtion is to bi held at Orwell. on tbs 11th and 12th of Inns. .Lecturer—lion: Ono. LANDON j Essayist-- Ant Paexasx A: Amara, E. J. Ham= ; ifssisssa J..Caus ism H. commas Jr:, E. K Fsinaxs, An... Posuantn Onruns, Eason ; lbstassiogist— Dr. Huron. A. T. Lazar; 800. , . ... sgaThe beat Pianos manufactured Wilt lithe United States are the Decker Brothers in New York; and Hallett A Cam -140.3n, 'Wilton, the best lifelodeonspip pins Behtminger, No* „Haven, Ot. . For ; sale by W. Drriatica,it Co., Towanda, Hay 5,21 • ailea. HAIR VIGOR, Fier restoring Gray gait to its natural Vitality and Cblor.— droning which is at once agreeable, healthy. and effectual • for preserving the hair. Ruled or ' gray hair it restored to its' original colormith the "loss and freshness youth. Thin hair is thickened. falling hair checkekand baldneas often, though not always, cured by ita Use. Nothing can re store the hair where the follicles are destroy.' 'ed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved for useful ness by this application. Instead - .of fouling :the hair with a pasty sediment, it wall keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will, prevent the hair, from turning gray or falling off and consequently prevent bald ness. Free from those deleterious substan ces which make some preparations danger ous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only bentit but not harm it. -If wanted merely for ti hair dressing, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing nei ther oil nor dye, it does not soil white cam bric,and yet lasts - long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and grateful perfume. - Prepared by Dr. ,T. C. Ayer & Co., Prac tical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Masi. Price 111,011, • Sold by Dr. IL C, Porter Towanda, & all Dragens it Dealers in medicines • every where. Nov.'26, 166134 NoncE.—The person • who ex- Changed overcoats at the Means House, on Tuesday, the 4th of May. as is supposed through a mistake, will please return the same and take his own. That taken was a black beaveL It is important tons that the coat taken should be returned to ns without delay. ' ;man k Hozrox, May 12. Prop'ss Means House, gigt. Losr, . somewhere between Scottsville end Towanda, a long Waterpioof Cloak. The finder will be suitable rower* tied on leaving it at this office. : ' April 21. MB".:We have a second-hand Man ufacturing Machine,. in good order, suitable for sewing leather, would give good satis faction to a Shoe or Harness Maker, or Carriage Trimmer. We tali/ sell it at a bar gain. Witeptam_&BlACK. March 4.—tf 7 - * Rte" ATH4N TIDD, Justice of tne Peace, in office with E. 'Overton front ing the Court Hortse,end over Pettis & Co's Store. • • Feb. Zfp. Ma. Miss LIAITIE A KEENE, 'teach er of Vocal and Instrumental Music. has se cured the Agency of 'the celebrated Soho meeker ac Co s Gold Medal Piano. These Pianos have maintained their reputation as first-class •Pianos, for more' than 30 years ; they have been awarded the highest pre miums, and are now admitted to be the fin est and most. highly improved. Pianos made in the country. disci (3reo. A. Prince Jr. Co's Organs and Melodeons. Towandis, April 28, 1866.-4 t. _ To THE LOVERS or FLOWERS.—Sin cerely thanking my customers for their very liberal patronage during the past years. I haVeMuch satisfaction in informing . tliem that I have ' this' season ,a large stock of Plants,' such as Roses, 'Geraniums, Enshias and others too numerous to mention •here either for house or garden culture ; Also now reany a large supply of early Cabbage, Tonvitoes, 'Peppers, Egg plants, and others in season. • Orders from, unknown correspondents must' invariably be accompanind by a re mittance ar responsible reference. • • Hann: Mx April 21. Towanda, Brad. Co., Pa. J. N.-Oman,.' loar Now is the time to buy Wall Paper and Window Shades cheaper -than ever offered in Towanda,-at Cisme & Ban matt • - April2B. • A•ll..uncara STRawszaity.—The celez Mated Dr. Nicaise Stiawlxury. It bas been grown to weigh 12 to the pound: - Plants by mail or otherwise, 60 eta per dozen.--: Plants in pots, 15 ate each. . A large list of{ leadingstrawgerries for sale. Send for de scriptive circular and price list. • 11. Writsa.. Towanda, Pa.; Aprill6. 118.McCaaz lic.Mix have jest re ceived a large quantity of Pro= Oman Vans ors, which they are selling at reasonable rates. ; April 21. • • Tax BABB Irtriiaxa AMERICAN COOIC ZIG STOVEL.--MONZ lILPROVIONXNTS AND i rWO awns Parterrs.—After a long garbled exile= rime:its, we have added the . Italie - Denting ,principle to ' this 'already f world-renointd Stove, by means of hot air chambers front sad rear of the .of the fire-box, and a -regattar at the pipe calla?: With thin im provement we accomplish the following re sults : • Ist d coal fire gan be kept all winter, by zeplenishhig the &etudeeatery twenty-tour hours. - 2d. A ccmtintions Are eau be kept through the - whiter 'with the - icinstizirption.aU lass thin 29 lbs. of. coal in 24 hone, and the orea kept in baking order a latge portion of Sd The coil thoionghly con sumed without the Maud amour* of, cinders and•citulters; and the annoyance of dump ing theXesto every smodollk!ml 3 q s fresh are, - , 4th. ben: a wood the. with two =dents sized sticks of dry wood, s Ira can lie kept from 15 to 18 hours without anytronble. This will to found the greatest 'Mimeo merit yet made in Cocking _Stoves. • It has all the advantages of aselt.feederivithronch Wes* economy of fogs On 4 witiMit its .iti• conveniences., It - tefo4 secured bylettera Patent. - Shalfrotoreil by- Pans, Pacausa & Co.. . • 17 and-18 (been 1344 Albany, - ,For ule L 7 OpiDzigo, , .1,11121,1•; Igo.. To. *nails; Ps. • - • Apill 27.,` 441; imig ...4 polio.: _ ,, ____,..4 101 n" __- -------iii we) „„,„Luy, i.fritiot ts ,,,,iiusd e p ued to totabh rate or peaofp trithisayibiottin ' lilt WM.° ' `Confections or syleC smite : 44111. Crian 4 ,...' -0,..=, ', No: 8 Potions cai warattart.--'• _ ; Apiells2k,, Sewing- Threads.. 'kink; o th orteas , kept it the ' &obi Machine Agereq of Wiekluim Sheik, f• , n't „:451.04144111_...5. 111.DM-A N D A,.'• M , A'D',s vortsd=way wikt.oargr,:9o6:i Aiwa). wysef,ww:' ;. :ail):.., vroat,: - . _. ~~. 11,791 ':.... . : ... : . :.: ~,,, 4; 00' 1 , 01113NWPASW .....•••:.• • i•".; • •'• 7 , 1., 667 ',. 76 4:10rn..4 - . . ......... ... 08. •90 Oatt Bean! ~ ~...... a5O • 400 Zs" Oka!) '-'' ''3s . .. !P:. -. (PO") . , , 35 17 ; 37 Pedaloes. 40 t 50 Flow 4: - ....,". '.'',,-" 800 1 10 00 Ham '• ' ' '' ' - • '2O ' 22 Onions -2 60 ',` 300 Wsolieri ear Chiess.—Mbeat. 80 lbs. ; Com 58 be ; EA 58 Ibie • Oats. 32 110 lessisy, 48 lbs ylluslerheat, 48 lbs i - Beani, a the ; Bran. 20 lb.; Com Seed; SO the Thalthr_ , Sea, 44 lbw: , - Dded peaelies. 33 ibil ; mud APO's, 2 2 llms ; Pfik: Beed.sBl6s: . , , . . . . . :Tie) - . Tara—The .following to the Time Takla :Of ..tha PannoOranis and New York bawd and Ball Road Company, ildoh took effect on Moaditi, April 26; 1869 . 1 . . :1107inriitro. • 'P. M. " P.M. WAPAIILT 636 • - 1:15. - ATans 1:30: ....... 7:03 • 143. ULdna ' • ',920. , • A. K. ' Wavatsvr... 810. : ientize Ithw4 ; Uustra.. TowANDA CiOR SALE, The subscriber offers 14: sale all his real estate In this b 4 0-inign consisting' of a Dwelling- Rosie and Lot and Grocery Store, on - the North silo of Lombard street, and tar., vacant lota on the South aide of said street, together with material' enough for the construction of three houses, - The_property will be sold at a bargslu 0 "I. t, W,111743 REA, Towanda, May to, PleM. • RESH STOCK' . OF IMPERIAL, Yang tHypon,l Goopowder and Oolong Teas May at - ' I C. B. PATCHY+. 20. • A LL KINDS. GliiiiOERIES AND Provisions at wholesale and retail at May 1% - O. B..PATCHki ()TICE. —the snbaoriher ,baving been burned oat desires all pentode in- debted to him to make immediate payment, as •he is fu need 01 money. He will'be- emmee ltd t..) make coats if those Indebted dci not pay ANDREW SERRIED.' Towards. toy le , la6q,-3t dI ESSE OAKLEY'S CELEBRATED Soap at PAM'S GOOD CLI3ER. VINEGAR at c. B. PATCH'zi. Towanda, May 20, '69. ALL KINDS GROCERIES AND Provisions atithedealle it'd retail at May 20. • C. B. PATCH'S. HE'MOST CO in town to get a GOOD M AL Two doors South of the Natkitut Benk. G. B. ALVI/BD baying pnrcbued the above well known eat , blishment, is now prepared to wait upon all who may favor him witc a call. Be 'Oleo keeps a full aapply of : Which he !a prepared to aell cheep. Towanda, May 20,3869, - Ax. A LARGE STOCK OF FISH - CON canny on hand at C. B. PATCH'S. GONDENTRA:TED LYE AND POT ash at 1 C. B. PATCH'S. May 20. I s 1 . To rue Woutoo CLoos :—I am now prepared to furnish all claws with constant employmAnt at their homes, the whole of the time, or tor the spare "moments.. Business new, light and prat. cwilt table.) Piny cents to $5 per evening, is easily earned by persons ot either sex and the boyir and girls earn .nearly as me has men. Great bancemente are °tiered th who will devote their whole time to. the business;' and, that every person who sees this notice may" send tne their address and test the business for them salves, I make the following . unosrallcd offer : TO all who are not well sathified with the bust Hiss. I will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing me. Full particulars, directions, Ic., sent free. Sample sent by mill for 10 cents.— Address I R. C. ALLEN; May 151, 1889. . . Angusta,lie. • A STOOK OF .TOBAOCOS . , THAT A cant be beat in qnality or price, at may 20 C. B. PATCH'S. NEW STOCK COFFEES AND spices at 'Hay 20 , - O. B. PATCH'S. FULL • STOOK WOODEN,! A Ware at , C. B. PATCH'S. Msy 20. POREIGN ' - AND- - DQMESTIC Fruits of kinds In tbeirseastin at May 20. G O. 11. PATCH'S. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY •• , • A- 1 A. P PLR .E E S , . „ THRIFTY -AND _CHEAP. Also„ good varietY, Standard an IDw artr PEAR. QSEslir, FEAca .4 PLUM TREgs. • • CHOICR RVARGHBEN; beth.krgo and MO! MAPLSS, 'Stip STAIN ASa . 81.113 AND • nonsErciiarDio Ts, ' of good else tor. Street planting, :• • --. Ornamental and rare Shrubs; 'Flowers, end Vines. A large auiely ot email Fruits, inch u Currants, Ors pes.Defteberries. Sire 'bor., ries, Blackberries and Raspberries. The AMERICAN ARBOR VITA, large stock'of thrlitY planta; far sle'vi aims, each. The Arlan. Vita Baku a besatilul leer green NedaCandisnasily kept in Order: - One and two year old Asparagus Roots. A few bushels of the justly ..celebratel, • HARRISON. POTATO: It yielded with me, lar. year. at the rate of .400 bushels -per acre. 76 eentr per - peck ; - $2 per bushel ; $6 perburel.' • Eatt° l 4ze Par hiniliAaritfri lows ~ A ptU 28, I ' Bo. • • pazsa COPPER - GROIRID -ffet7 Inorthlt. toit ap tc 2.4 and 6Pound lOKLF4g. 'BEADY PDX:IISB BY P the package of hundred at . 20 . • ' 11 : 11. PaVelli7.4 tigoicz'FLovg; - in.the r!des,it , thelowq4passible - ' ''" -1 , - tee ..: : ' Ati.X/X•r - risrlD plum ..ov=lku: -KINDS J." 1110:141.0X & KIX. - I - • ORTRWARD. .12:45 sao 4226.: .:0303 ..7:37.: 12a. • • • , • 7d2 JOHN P.OoX, , liferip • VENIENT PLS:aI Is at tbe EATING HOUSE, FAMILY GROCERIES', is 1 4...,) t . .T ‘ , .'7,4, ..s , -;; . .lirs--::?-'7,1'.; . ..3.' . ..4 - 3'5 1 . - '-.'„:. -- '. -' , -':::;',_!:.! f.'.7.:;=- ~. •-.., 1111.,,,,,ii,m, ... e n ., ; _,., , _ -.. , ;.-7,711.0 . ,„, .., ' , 7,:Ar.e...7,4., !M . ., ...',717,-., 774, ,:, Th* . allow Bags These subliandal ', 4 g 4 k ie b.l7 l; 1 teAV "am 8. The e. oases best 4vsaw **IC o i co cadjug el l_=& ': %Iv ( • , . . . ea- • - . p;'+' “'f DIF-41$ 144 ? '.40 -WA liffil t i.~ x,. rry; - :;=...!,i , , , :. ~-:,.. .-„ritolir.,.) 1711 . . 4 .4 1 TOVEAY: &v. =ME SGtbg6Yl' ' ;E AgD`I►AQOSi ia9 v't.lll,llbd silkbids at- • CARRIAGE 711104MIN0R I POLSI3 - ET • ATen. PELLOE3r 13YAT, BACKS,- TOP 2LEATBEta, DASH LEATalth, ENAKELLED cIATO, BPBINGS &Ana. PIPIR;BOEB4, OLROWEI, . ',BOLT% ANVILS, BELLOWS, . tuul . VIBES, At ,Codding, Russell & FEE MAOUINE OIL, ROPE, LEATHER BELTING, 4. M. ..9kB ...9.113 BABBITT METAL, and SAW. 0 UM 4• • _ COEN SHEI f LERS, FEED CUTTERS CHUAN POWERS,* PLOWS • ANIrALI. FARMING TOOLS, At Cocldiugi Russell 4. a'B. Ul LDEB,O' .MATERIALS, In large stock. includlug , NAILS, PAINTS AND OILS, LIME AND CEIIENT, by the barrel, CARPENTER'S, BLACKSMIT'S, And COOPER'S TOOLS, DUPON T'S POWDER, AMESt SHOVELS, PICKS'AND WHEEL-BARROWS FISHING TACKLE and .HOO.KS. . ', . - - I. , re , z 4. O . z 0 0 U) s 1-, .... E. 7a5 2 04 0 $ 7. N l3 .c2 4 ' • b . -2 , .... co ... 0 . , ~.,F 6,) °I .. ' 6. eA A di . tb j; • t> Ct. ..r .or .lo = a E . CC al •2) " I ' l il 3 ,z 8 ; • ca 0 s • 11 ' *- * • c "3 17 - 1 3a = H-24' - 8 Wa0:1 (I) '''. ''';'' ' . - DOTY'S WASHING .MACHINE Uniixrsa/ Clothes Wringer. EINGELSIOR BENCH WRINGER. SILVER PLATED WARE, LAMPS, BaIISHEif, GUNS AND PISTOLS . . The lamest Stock of. POCKET-ICNIVERA 180 . 113;11 . 0R13, AND ;TABLE CUTLERY, At Codding, Ritssell Co.' 11 • 8 c 4.4 g 1= or 44 (t 1 E w 8 ~ ral g° l 1; . to• • .1.1. se. to oV lA, 03 7 3 .e g „ an - 1 " _ gm • 03 a 41 : .ET o r4'4 • SOLE:AGENTO' FOB SANFORD A ORIENPL REATSRS ! ' • it, IRON, XEROSENF VARNISHJ SO ES, '11ER1) 'FRUIT JARS, AT 'W . ll`o.ta•R S A•L E. REM lAgents for Elias - 110we,./r. 0:.4-y.if : ls . :4 --, * - A-Otii,ti T9116004 - ii 'l3, 1869. , . T ME BM 1111 apos.Es„ximi"- i GAS PIPE, ALWAYS ON . SAND: GL&SS, i SASH, a • a • SAPJLTY r USE, In Towanda. 111•11 'WN OFFER NAILS, GLASS, ill ~''~;'4 ~ _ -_t 7 MEM HUMPIERFir NMI i''.... , .-:, , ,- - -.-- . ,,,.6._ , ;.- - i:,.:...i7:,: -=- J ,.., 4 ..., i ,',--,4, i ':-•;.;.(,.t...:,: ,!y,..,i-t-:4...4.,.,;-..,.:.!,,,:1,1,4:!.., , Arai /90 iii t Ur,Srlugs; ' ; . = „TOW ME ORE - : , 3s4 , l7.i tik 1 1 4 4khe 111 , 0 ff mit" . 'assortitsent of 1_ lEEE BOAT ' .-,A,Ay.I) .81104 S, LEATHER, 'SHOE 'FINDINGS, I ~N~~s SADDLERY , HARDWAR E , TRUNKS, TRAVELLING. pans, WHIPS, &0., hia All of which will tp -sold aport the MOST REASONABLE .TERMSt =I The reputa, lon of " Humphrey's Boots Is ws well establietiest Abet we consider It necessary to say anStdog aboat them. , • Hay 12,1869 ASPI NNALL Ls flow revel ijn his _ NEWMARDWARE STORE No. 129 Main Street, .:T.lte , mo , t complete SZOCKOF 870VES Ever brought to this place, among m 1116,111 be [eland thefollowleg C,ELEBRATED For ',bleb I Or Ike Only Agont in Zownhclq MORNING Gon. RATHBONEB 4WELLiNT, BALMMOBE HEATER, Which are, without exc e ption, the beat Heating Stoves • mule. lam also agent for the Cook titoree OUR • OLD HOME, GARDEN crrry, And they cannot be Excelled. I am also agent for = hitt orm and' Counter (Seaties;' !Cetneeze Oil, Window Ohm's, Allot which ibe - oo lest Manufacturent Prim- To the•trsde. I alai keep caastanti yon baud a coupe STOCK OF HARD WARE; Of all Idadii,*.aaaabalai la lait • Pelloi!s• Nall Rods, Till Wale intell it tail of lima Hilawttf, will be mold at the hnreet, prim.l would: lOU Illeteheats that I will sf. W times llielltandet Towaeols. Oct. 22,1808._ !3*- - !: 1 itiloll64l. Ifni? CAP, AND FUR - . STORE ) - : 4446 ed s Store ea the .oath Ade of .serewr's new biceir, • MO ...TOWAITA, PA., SIM Witte ihey latand Yy►P - afull itodkhf MEE 418ElIONAVLE ASV gEASONAFILB • • -='; t • HA 78, - : CAP,F : x 7 CAS - '; . . -..- '-.l'.f - 5 . .! '.... - . ri:' - ..::--4 t: J i ___ . - ‘..• ,_- - ~. UAL9 B : L. i f Ati I i CANES,. OLOVIS , BUFFALO apd WOILF110813131U.: at the Imeest posit* Ode anti respeetialky solicit a shareol. ohs pittooigr . of the pobbc t , , - Arnett atted with the Aoterteite•Vonletrrostee, " • CI:IOiNEY - Towanda, Oct; !I, Liii. LOO!• • r •K " . W .11'WAle Y, A 2'•NITABNItIn3.' • • cro"kir::WA-Tipt. r, 8, gA,T wAltsrste. • I; G tit 11 - 4'A • - • kr*AlisPlLl W,AIO - 1 1 11.41C ATCEEB, • AT WARNAIIi ' • FINE GOLD '.IIIWIfLRY, • •,' •AT WARINA:Ra. -;••• , • • RINDS OF Cr ‘ O , OI ES: AT WARNill'al - • Bpectualasjurd lora Of ibtuau too numeroae to - ' toentl-ri, st, WARNER'S. Call and molder: you 'sill an wanly per asst. your purchases. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repalredy and Wa,rranted : Patton's Block. A. At. WARNER. Towanda, Dec. 1 , 18fiey El NATIONAL L 7.; SURANCE PA U! OairiAL, Ii,OOO,OOO—PAID PULL ohaiter.d by ConFeas. 1468. , . CLOENCE - 13: CL Wry Pre !dent ;• JAY COOKE, ebairm'a 'nuance and Lx. Coln ; ElENttl D. COKE, V e Prealdentl',. EvErtsmi I'EET„ tvertia.ry and Adair!: " The advantokes of the.N'otionsi Life Insorane _Company are : I.' ft lett Notional Co.. charlibred by Congress ; 2. Itiuts a paid qp Capital oU (ice Million Doi 3. It offern loa ,rates of premiums • farnisheilargerhisurance dial' other Coin ' ponies, toi the same money.] . .5. It is definite and certain " 6. There is no possibility, of iolsreprtscrattron by agents, or rolinzuderstinding by policy " holders ; • . • 2. The policies are plain contracts, no much In ' iaran6e for BO Much money ; 8. ,All policies are non-fort& Wig ' 9.. The poliMearare exempt from st.tactuxtei?t. E. W. CLARK Baskets; Philadelphl3; )111 - IHeati: for Towands and vialulty : ja9 A. N. - MASON, NATHAN TIDH. - - • • -V. DOOLITTLE-PRA(727- EF • CAL JA"'WELEAL-Wriuld inform the people of Bradford ant surrocinffitifi Goitres", that be has opened a new Jewelry Store in Can ton. Where wUt be found constantly on hand, a nicely" selected stock of geode in his. line, .condsting of 'Ladies and - GentelOold and Watehes„ - of Amerio kat lib,and Swiss manufacture, Clocks, Jewelry. Gold - Pens, and all the articles" insoally .ottrl. In a liest.class Jewelry Store. All goods sold as reasonable se in any • t the surroandinecities, and war ranted as represented. Repairing and jobbing done on short notice, and on the most favorable terms. A liberal sh" , .re,of patronage is respect-. folly soileitea. - • - Troy Street, Canton Pa , Ray 12,'6'*. A VALUABLE DAIRY FARM A - 31: FOR BAl.E.—Tha sobeerihoro offer for sale their fine Dairy Fatal, Wasted two toile, east of Greenwood. Said Farm contains 320 acres choice land, described - as 'follows :. 160 acres choice • timb red,, 100 acres medow, "and 6 actea under the plow. Ma* dwelling house and outbuildings, large cattle 'barn 3C2aO and good horse barn.. The finest living springs Ihe eoontry ranui If through a commodious spring house. •Is capable keeping 76 COl/11. and is only 1f miles froth Abbot s (Urn free= tors. Terms one half cash, balance in easy payments it 6 per cent; ieterest. ..Referenceb, H. M. Gerould. Greenwood, McHenry county, Ille, or P.S. Ayes, Steekequia.- . • t• P.S. AYER. 2 May 8, 1889.41 8. AYER. AUTION.---Thiaila to warn all • : patois! (ruin buying a certain note List in the month of April, 1869. Said note was a blank not entirely filled out, not befnr - dated, net her any name that It tru payable to, bat merely a blank,note 'containing ' t h e words, "one year," "nine hundred," and on the upper Lett-h nd corner the &suns ' l9OO " signed by 6. D.01'86017, amtantles signed by Ralph gregory. Said note was newer given to any one, neithsr, lite any value ever reeelsed for it, audit found by any one, will not be paid by me Ilea( compelled by. law. D. GREGORY. Zvi le. 18.89 fIAIJTION.--Whereita coli wife MA. rimvi has left my bed and board without juitcaune or provocation,l hereby • forbid all persons, harbolog or trusting her on my ac count ao I will pay no debts of her contraction. -HENRI BELOUD. Newohatel; Koons, Hay 12, 1869 GOOD, BARER, V. 0131. SALE.- = Fiftythpasand- acres f the finest farming lied, situated in toe County of .Lnif Aug. les. Cal tfornia ; at prices musing' from $lO to $2O (currency) per acre._ these kmere contiguous to the thriving city -ef•Lee Angel* e, and , are admirably .adapieJ for the cultivation-of the Orange, Lemon, Fig. 01- ire, WhortliWirs a d fruit, and grain of stress+ description ;sett attention IR now being giv en to the pro ottLiwr of flaw ktlk to this irso Wet; for width the genial climate senders it especially • awed , Arranipmeuts still *hod. ly be made by • wiiith intending emigrants can 'be furnished with gttouritees for title deeds be. fore leaving NEW York.. of furtle-r partici* Isis address . . • • • TILEBTON, ESi EMERY & CO. - ...:.March.3o,'6o-fica • " Los Angeles - , Cal. Saabs: Doors, Nan* VILLAGE Pit 'PRETE Ton SALE, . T The intbsOilber will sill oas or two, Rowse and Lots ,'pleasantly *nutted le the borough of% Towapds. one o roar lot IOOxISO teat with Rood home. • Tue other lot Snalikloritb good house and b, 'lt Is so arranged that the bare Call be Id with either lot.. Terms made env _ -7bAriais, rob 24; etop_l,; B. 8114 W. al / litiE H.. LIME I ?: The undersi •1' beieby luminances to the peblie that he constantly en hand at his KILN In sag NTOWN. PA, a full sopply of fresh burned NEW YtIRKIIME which he will 'sell as cheap Ist it ca be bought at any point along.the Canal. .1 . ,! DAVID BROWN. ay 1,135.-4 f . - • I , NEwerooK FLOIIICCHEAP at ~1 - O.B.C"B WOWS. THAT CELEBRATED SELF . RIS iNiPloar. at • O. B. PATOIVO. A SHTO SALT PUT UP IN large or onaU Ttaolitles at - Itait 20.8. PATCH , s. neNVE PRUITS OP ALVICINDS , tiatarS• y so. • • • Wit atratitri. 111==1 WIMOMM EMI !FRAVgLIAING-!ZAGS; -7;-:-i `CO. OF U.S. A ENIII2 • ,Geoeral Agents. B. 8..111135ELL., ' t'r7t, ,40 .-, • Exignytopo..:prioL—No " 144 4 L a t In n " &Met se , : sae yip 1 7 ' 13114"11)9111 :4 114: sad-those wn7prelpt iretarriest. • ,77 7 7 -77- '11.1 1 117 , . SWI, , WWI; •W. HOPLEXITA ' ' grettatoni. ‘" Ablitliatkll4 . ol l / 8 ;, NOTICE: `lSfintilloloooter 'ettroo_ to an Demo( doted Was lototo of OMNI% K. Nollo7, °LAURI' torit.Aseti4 ,tort toquestott to I haloodiliOlellust. ad Moo ,bastott et ► eilitotti, _mut itesoot them for imatisoo. " 4 " 7l. ' rui t - ,4). AWL • iI!AHLON _ • - Adodatstrstori. , Nay S; ME IfiI..XFP:OOBIS NOTWE.*---N(4l lilsorslixeyiAs WWI parsoariatlebted Ii" Bbl. deed:, latA POP. lasaloassema to asks fi ale panant i vllioal - dslay, iaaiatm 0121110~ sad masts past • dalfaticiited for sett/emu& • , , • J.l. BILES. ••' • • ; •- • Easestors. A DILINIIREATOBI3 NOT? ert ee , ,t l.ll = o . V. liineW slip:, tar. requita to . • indigo , paymelo, 'sod • an 'person claims sprisdopoll Mite nut resat duljimair far settlement. -- • . 74010.1 6 . • -l Aildan' • dor- Rxgatrnito -NoTiog.--Nou tq the /Mak 41 tkitsol Wu, kto of field ; doted" sto, reqototed to mats Saue ostitto=tootot , 41111:4117t: 7.7-7111- 11121.11:2":92:7:143°K-W211261'km111:—.-- Nei It LIM - PANCIITOR-13'NOTIOZ—Nol J:ais konty Iftell that catsaliA ityy to the state of JAMB _ Wltox tip, are roinested to, utake c ate pa_ hand persons brriog on Bald Mato Mat meat •Rionc.Oirsothe , 62,4 "-T , ' -MAI& pmtutimuirgoits XL' NottsiVilteritiy Oleo ''- 111101 tbe estate of Ili of Nicholus..l.- Y. 4 am now _ mediate psyMmd, imd ell persons laving =NaM eslstatesst pretest' theft -duly tad kw attrement. P. D;MORROW, Admbilstrator May 12 IW. Slaw & Giontsar.. 's Dimes • • Flasatisittio Pa.. Nay To rue LAS In obedkact to an Act el Amenably. efeV. the Stir day of Ail, one thoesand efght died and WM7 e1..y00 me hereby amid that the "Count Lard Glen Docket , ' conic Ing the Ilat of noes' egged- lands for Bradtm couPhe Peeper d ceder the Act of Assembly tbe twentieth of Msy.onelhourszuf eight hr deed aneTslsty-four and the supplement the to, bastals "d ay been forwarded to the Froth( otary of the county, at whose aloe ft may examined:, The. can only be liquidat4 by tbe'Payment of tilt purchase money, tote ree and tear, and receiving patents through thi Department. Proceedings by the Atiornel General hare been stayed for one year Irons this rata. Is order that. parties may cheek' their patents without additional cost. • - JACOB M. CIAMPBELL, . Itai 12,1E69. - - Binveyor Gwent OPHAN'S_ COURT 'SALE By lvirtnetif an Bradfordre our of the -Or phan's Court or - County, the under -signed administrator of, the ,estate of Juba Horton.. late of the Township of Terry,idC , ;'d, will exprise atpublik sale on the_ proniseir. on THURSDAY, Jane 24, at 10 e'cloek 'a. it.. the following described lot, piece or parcel of bud situated in Bald township known as the floalc stead, bounded as follows: - - ' - On the North .by laid of (leo. P. Ontnrt, East - by-the Surquiti.astist River. South by Wil liam Terry, and West by ktyron Babcock. con lain kg 90 scree more or less, Cncluding in terest la saw. milli and priveleged abort Sr acres improvird,-..dwelling house, two barn*, - store house, out buildings and fruit tree.. tber `on. (dublmot to any incumbrance on acciraqt of provisions made in the wil .of for Harry Horton.) ALSO—One other lot storm as the “Dodge Farm," in which said John Horton owned sone undivided 'half part or moiety, said " , •Dodge . Farm, ll. boarded and deacritwd as follows, aft the North by Lerida of John F. -Dodge. FAlllt by the Susquehanna River,. Soup by lands of Au drew J. Jackson and J oseph , ifott, a ,d Wei: by C. Thompson and Jno. :Derrell. containing, acres more crises; about 100 acres improvtd, dr.:Ring house and good barn, and fruit trees thereon. TE111113.--112.50 be paid when each parent, el land is struck down, Slott oweapn pace ont confirmation of sate, balance! In two equal an nnal fultalrtuetifs fr0n . 111 . 11 . 1,21 - jitith in terest on all - sums . untoald - . _ , . .1 44E0.1 -" '. 2 1 OttTON. L3l4llllofrfQN, ' Executors. ' May 10.1889 TN THE DISTRICT COURT,. OF the United Btates,.for the liSfestern'Dis trict . of Penneyliania. Perry Buell. Bankrapt ;under the Act of Congress March 2d; 1867, having applied for w•Dis charge from all his debts, and other clainis provable under . said Act, by - order-of the Court, notice is hereby given, to all per sons who have proved their debts, and oth er persons.interested, to appear on the 24th day of Ms: 180, - at 10 &eke* before Edward Overton, , his of= flee in . Towanda, to show cause, f any they have, why a discharge should .not b r e granted to the said Bankrupt ~: And further noticeis hereby given, that UM second and third we - tinge of the - Creditorisof the said Bankrupt, required .13y the 27th - and 28th sections of laid Ant. sill be held before the said Begister r at the 'same -time and place. - • 11. C. 1141tANDLE88, m ,ay 5 /84itt Clerrof said Court. lamas. WARMERS OBSERVE. -nth JrlThB—A Thoroughbred. Short Mini drz Durham Bull, recorded stock, A. H. 8.. trol: 8, Will stoic for senior the present season , or Joseph Roost's farm, In Konroeton, at the fol lowing very low rate of Service, cash'Oown.r._ Single cow. $3 ; Two•con. $5 ; Five or _six On. $10; Ten cows. $l5. Also - lor salk, eines; both heifers and balls, the get of Red, Kirk. Call and moths the stock. Kcintoeton. lay 5, 18 69. B L tUE S TONE.O A. persona wishing fisging, steps. FIN. lintels. water tables, or tiny kind of band ins stone. will Please-address s.e undersigned. All or den , promptly attended te k _ _ • - . • J. W. GO oparnz. . . .. P. O. Box 930. P' B. Any onkel left with Jona Macs will be - forwarded. • • gay 9, '6O. StILLIVANA ERIE BAIL ROAD: 100 KEN WANTED. Wages 75 per dey. Board Sniper month Apply at Engineers °glee, ltonroeton Pa. ' . • ' J. 8. 'ANDREWS:. - Elmba Daily and WeeVy 4ideatiaer. sad Binghriattost Demerit publis4 on. month and mend bill to this EA. N. Iro,USE. 11i r TOVANDAiI. ; JORDAN & AORTOIsT, Proit's , • This {writer Hotel hiring been thoroughly refitted and repaired. and Infidobtod thivagooni with new And elegalt •Porultare, will be open foe the reception of guests, on SATIIIIDAY. MAY 3,166 D, neither expense nor pain! AU been Spared lit .rendering tide house a triode Hotel, in all lUf.airsnkementa._ ... A s uperior quality old Barton Ale for Invalids just neared. - '• : - . • Aprit.2B;lai9. , LIOOR HER .; •• . , COWELL ei WYEA, . at th e o!ti stand of Baaxwatr. & COWICLL . are now receiving a large and well selected Stock of 0110aNIES AND PDOPIBIO±IB, which they offerto ea& ibilyirs at prka that defy_ _to petition. Ca paid for all kinds fanners produce. 1069,-tf ' ' _, ACKIIKL, ",CO D FISH ', WHITE DX asp, Trout and Bitioked Nantmt. COWELL MYER. SPICES OF ALL KINDS, - JAVA and DJ° COffee of iU grades mated and ground. - !- . COWELL & MYER'. ifOICB FLOUR OF ALL GRADES C the knrast piano • COWELL At MYER. PEED AND COEN MEAL CHEAP V, Y D lIGAICOALL;GRIES " COSTLI, Yc mygg. IRROOMS, WOODEN, AND WIL- A" lowAraft. . COW LL a.IIIYFR. Qup. sw - Asit-OF 4'7 cow= a irraa.. DIITIIIII TUBS " - ARID F r, •1 8, Pod cipligr. 00ML 111 MR, Ttrinad"Pg4loBo9. EN _J. G. BO NET