~~ 11Tbiihiltivat* of Potabeik In America, potatoes are planted and Cultivated in . various ways, and of course with various results.,lMach agricultufirrAper seems to LIM bobby of its own at to the proper wry of doing it, and I-have notiond two of them which have yet agreed upon a system afrAseirig the - best. In Ireland, where potatoes form the staple article of food with the poorer classes, a little variety also in troduced - in the method of raising them=the majority of the man farmers preferring the "lazy bed," as it is called; the - planting of them in drills. In Scotland, however, the farmers follow a rule in preparing the ground, planting and cultivating, which seems to be as unalterable as the ancient laws of "Medea and Per- - . slams," and I doubt much if farmers' in any, other country have ever raja ed, potatoes with more profit to them. selves than the canny Scotch farm ers.. The potato crop always follows a crop of oats, which has been on sod—the stubble baying: peen plowed deep in' the fall. The 'action of the frost upon the loose exposed surface, fenders the - work,ef prepar ing the ground in the spring-compara tively easy. About the latter end of March, or later if the season is favor able,it is cross-plowed,dragged sever al times, and stirred with a heavy three-horse cultivator, or 'grubber, as it is called. It is then dragged again; and all the w.eds carefully gathered, when it is sometimes rolled, thus making the ground in as fine condi tion for drilling as it is passible to imagiue. And it is astonishing how quickly 30 acres of ground will be prepared in this way—this being generally the extent of potatoes planted on a farm of three hundred acres. Then comes the most scien tific part of the performance—(for it has been truly reduced to a science).-- tl.:l,drilling, and is one of the special duties of the foreman, unless a farm . • -Is too large for qhe man to accom pl sh it. The drills are generally In tde about twenty-eight inches apart and .bout eight inches deep, the double mould board plow being used in the leading agricultural districts, and the drills are made with a math ematical accuracy defying the most rigid inspection. The manure which has been piled up in the field, and worked over during, the winter and carley epring,is tben drawn on in large etas, made so that they can be rats , din front, .V4ll;, , httn the work of ilistribvtinfihe mairre, which is put .1•1wn in Neaps at, equal distancos,the ova being five drills apart. As the i rses willk in a drill, they require no guidie_-, It is then equally dis tributed in the drills withdungforks, when the potatoes are planted on the top of it, about ten inches apart, some farmers? adding guano to the manure' before covering. The double plow is then passed through the 'cen tre of the drills, completely covering the manuf.e and potatoes thoroughly,, and leaving the drills in the same: shape they were at first, although' c , nipletely changing their positions. la a few days ; , when weeds begisi to :‘l,ow themselves,. light iron d'r'ags, fastened together, with a handle to • each to make guiding-easy,and nearly a oni-circOar in form, are passed over the drill 4, completely • cultivating them from top to hottom, and killing t r the time being, or at It.ast check tire growth of the weeds, which, if left aloue would get the start of t!ie potatoes. This operation is some tunes repeated before hoeing if cir ctinistances demand it. Previous to hoeing, cultivators are p4ssed between the drills, and again :after the hoeing is done, and as often .4 is neeaqsary, the condition of the soil being the rule. After a reason a-ble ticv, the hoeing and cultivating nre repeated: when the double plow is again pas:.4ed between the rows, turning up the loose clean soil ng- dust the roots, thus effectually protecting them against the severe droughts which sometimes occur.— Any large weeds which show them seh:es after thiS, are pulled up by the 1):tucl. In storing potatoes, they are plowitd up with a common plosi, and pat in large pits on the field. When c•ver a sufficient depth of straw is put on them, they ' require very little earth us ;a covering, there or any v.here else. Suos.—A cistern or tank, of the capacity of from two to four hoza• li-ade, should be constructed in the vicinity •of the sink or laundry of every farm house, and a system of conductors so arranged as to lead the Suds anckslops into it as they are made. This liquid matter is a most power ful fertiliser,. containing the food of plants in a state of solution, and con sequently in a condition; to be readily taken up and absorbed byvegetables as soon•as applied. •• Irrigating gardens with soap suds, after the liquid has become stale, is a powerful means of promoting vege table growth,especially in dry weath er. Some have considered the,value of such to be equal to that of the same" weight of. manure ; this, how ever, is probably an exaggerated es timate ; yet we want no additional corroboration to satisfy us of its in trinsic worth as a vegetable stimu lant. Great eare should be observed that the decaying matter and ands do not taint the air about the dwelling, as in the process of fermentation and decomposition sulphnrested hydrogen gas - is .thrown off. 6r This is an active poisun. When inhaled it acts direct-, ly on the blood, thickening it and turning it black. A single gallon of it, mixed with 1,200 of air, will ren der it poisonous to birds, and one gal la in 100 will kill a•dog. Many our , people are not sufficiently • eatefutabout allowing such "sinks of iniquity," to exist near their dwell s i ug,r.—New England Fanner. 18 WHITE CLOVER PASTURE GOOD FOR TT rk_ElEEP.—naving kept sheep for six • _yearS,.principally upon white clover, I cau recilmnat , nd it as being durable and affording stoma one-third more food than - oittier grasses, and it will stand closer feeding, and sheep will do well on it. I have about ten acres that have been seeded eighteen or twenty years. It Was sown with prairie gutsy, which is long since extinct, and the clover still flourishes, the ground has never been broken, and it has often been remarked that my pasture will sustain more stock than any pasture in the neighbor. hood. It also makes good bay for sheep. I mix white clover-seed and sow for meadow ; it soda over better and yields all of one third more per acre, and makes mach better hay for sheep. I wintered sixty-amp on hay thus mixed without feeffrog soy gcai4, an& ling none after Winier set in,•and none are poor and welt: My lambs . have needed but little caretheit dams - ail being in, good conditimh, " Ott SPECIAL ATTRACTIO;r, For pinissimi at C+ool3o. w. an sow orbit s brie Jed isei4 sortarmat Rev sad oiddedif stag styles :fa fiR Has of, Paats sod Tints for MEN; BOYS AND CHILDREN ! WILLA have be adisciall bola the CHOICEST STOOKS, • As&sand oar Meads sot cutoissnibat dup vtll Sad It to that Interest to all us sad pod dessoloss is. prices Wore Olsten. THE STEADY MORE Z OUR BALES gMws that OUR EFFORTS. To moll roaly FIRST CLASS Gooo Ai km U they OAN BR AFFORDED, Rave provel A SUCCESS, And that" OUR CUSTOMERS APPRECAII7 THE SAME. ht Tarnishing Goods oar stock is oompkte. 411 the new Spring St leg of Neck Ties, Pm. Undiermr, Harm, Glom, and the ealetestad ERENOH YOKE WITS, Ilimiklow arrived. Noah lolls =Md In gain 11prm, arid our customers sae aU treated aIMI. Tldarr_sbe public tor past patronage. we . a Solt a call when la want of goods ta our Ulm we will do our utmost to mollify all who yip• an on us at the Oro Price Store of SOLOMON & WOLFF:A • No. 12S Main St. One door north of Taylor & Co.'s Store TOrrands, Pa. , April 15, 1869. lirThe ltfgt pftoe in Cash pairfor Wool Hides and Pelts. THE TOWANDA REGULATOft CLOT HIND S7OREI Adjoining Patton's Bkok. R9BENBERG goold remedially annonnoe to the dila ear of Towanda and v 1 einity. that thej have opened the above store, under the name of " The To• wands Belidator." with a splendid assortme kJ OF READY MADE CLOTH IMO Gents Turntables Goods, Hats. Caps, &a., which they assure the said citizens cannot be excelled to style or elegance. and that the prices ar 1 so low as to astonish everybody.— Rosenberg 1 Wollt hope that by strict atten tion, and fair dealing with the people of To wanda, they will obtain their patronage and support. They also beg to subjoin the follow ing-Commandments for their guidance. CONE ONE! CONS ALL! At Rosenberg 4 Wolf'. One Price R egulator Yalu : Street, Towanda, Pa. THE TEN COMMANDMENTS, Keep Helm, and Happy will bet Thy Days. I. Thou abalt have no other place lo • buy clothing except Ihmenberg 1 Wolff's One Price Selitlistor, Main Street. L Thou shalt not choose any other merchant: though shalt not listen to their speeches, for Rosenberg lc Wol ff are no Chatham - at. dea lers but sell at one price and .tellable . and mill serve you unto th e thirdnnd fourth generation. S. Thqu shalt not seek in maw any more for cheap rainiest, for they can be round at Rosen. berg & Wolrs One Price Store. 4. Thou shalt heir in mind that we sell only ; on six days of the week, and don't desecrate) the Sabbath by .keeping our doors open end hangin oat a show, for, on. the seventh day. Rosenberg & Wolff and their clerks, desire to rest from their labors. 5. Ttiou shalt honor the way-Miser:berg & Wolff Oa!, and long may be thy days to err joy its benefits. 6. Thou shalt not commit an impropriety—of baying of Mistimes st. Dealers, but come di rect to Rosenberg 1 Woßre Once ;Price Rego later, Wale street 7. Thou shalt not seek In Thin for goods of Foreign make. for Rosenberg I Wolf keep a large irsrlety. 8. Thou shalt not purloin from the Regulator for Rosenberg 1 Wolff sell so cheap it ovoid be a . 9. Thou shalt not bear false tritimsa, but honestly acknowledge Oral you an get better suited and for lea money, at Rosenberg I Wolfl's than any other store. 10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors good s . or his bargains, for Rosenberg & Welt can give them to you jambe : therefore, take counsel, and buy only of Bose nb erg & 'Wolff the Once Price Men Towanta,l3ept. 1.1888. UP TOWN CLOTHING STORE ! Opposite ,Pablic Square, 96 MAIN STREET, TOWANDA, 7;441 Receiving new additions to hts stock o I_, 0 1 1 1 MI I N, G- Every week, which be is selling lower thaliAny house In Sewn. 1300 D CASSIMERE SUITS, $15,00 A large line of CASSIMERE AND UNION SUITS, OVERCOATS AT: ANY PRICE A large line of CLOTH'S AND CASSIMERVS, Which Is selling below cost. u he is anions to close out this brunch of his business. - TRIMMINGS 07 ALL KINDS GENT'S FIOpTISHING GOODS, Of every description BOYS CLOTHING OF ALL KINDS HATS AND CAPS ♦T COST I Call and convince yoneselvel ! Towanda, Nov. 26,1868. TOWANDA STEAM 'FLOURING MILLS., Wit. H. PULLEIt 41. CO., Itmpectfally Inform the -pat& that they have puribmed the new and eVenalve Steam Floor lag Vllb, bibt by OrOrtbs. WO. &Maim, la the .oath pert of the borough of Tweeds. and haring all the modem Improiemento, sad competent IHOew, they are prepared to do CUSTOM GRINDING, beet powdble maned asd at sitwodly eiwet notice. lleleyipalos will betakes to Ike istieleetka, aid we lulls a pads Pbseribiag babas a tows aaa bring ink grab, aati haw it vaaalto take back, with than". FLOUR, PEED AND MEAL, reg Pala at tito lawaiaaadtpekok sad dalivoled.. w. 440 lb. Minas, he diarp. Tomb. lonitbst 10 , leis. MHZ MT FRUIT JABS IN USE a . wed h NEM t , , •_ t G ROCERIES, 1%9V.P494Frti0 • ;L _M I M'IMI, I I ., 3i r ; - Aii WOODEN, WILLOW AND STONE Southeast, car- Main & Bridgc-sts. TOWANDA, PA., New and Desirable, Goode, Assoitment always complete. CASH BUY.ERSI 7'HE MARKET RATES LONG .& KEELP Nov 11, 1868. W HOLESALE GROCERY PROVISION HOUSE P. S. The undersigned, encouraged by the success which has thus far, a tended their. new • enterprise, desire to make acknowledgement for the very liberal patronage they have re- cawed, by giving their customers the advantage of their years' experience, together with the ;benefit of their greatly increased facilities for doing business They keep constantly on hand, a very large and complete assortment of everything in their line, and are daily receiving such additions to their stock as the wants of their tt ade requires Syrup, Molas'oes, Coffee, Rice, To- bacco, Fish, Salt, Cheese, •Frnits, Crackers, Candy, Matches, Brood' , Wrapping Paper, and Twine, Flour Sacks, Seeds, and' great variety of other goods, which have been recent- market, and are orfered at wholrsale, at rates to correspond. CHEAP I J. N.' c,oLusa , cff_tt*f - 1" 1 ,. - . 1 . - .' 1 - No. 1, Ettmg , a.BLoog, ..; ILIESIVED nuts.. Gresi Inciubeinents 'td COUNTRY PRODUCE Bonght•and Sold at AND M. ift .CO 113, Manz 6razirr, TOWANDA, PA. They have now in store, Sugat y bought at the , lowest point in the They desire to call especial atten tion to , their large stock of Fine Teas, which they are selling at New York Jobbing prices,—guttranteeing the quality in all cases. Have also on hand a good assort meat of Flonr, Pork and Kerosene They still continue to ha'e the benefit of a resident Partner in New York, who is constantly in the market and prepared to turn to • our adv 4..- tage any favorable changes h the price of goods FOX, STEVENS, MERCUR & CO May 12, 1888 pATTER.SON & KINNEY, Successors t) Thomas J. Joxis, Dealers In GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. Fauns, &a , No. 2, Patton's Block, TOWANDA, - PE NN 'A Having purchased the entire stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, oil. J. JONES. and having added: largely thelete by recent purelvaaes , they tale pleasure in announcing to the public that • they are pre pared to sell anythin and every thing in the GROCERY AND PROVISION LINE, Bach u sucaßs, TEAS, COFFEES, FISH, FLOUR, FEED, CORN MRA L, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, STONE WARE, &O. /X As cheap u the cheapest. We marrantee per. feet satlinction to an who may favor us with a ealL 018 W PAW FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. J. 8. PATTERSON. Nardi 10, 1869.-11 NEW GROCERY AND PROVI SION !WORE!. McCA.BE & MIX, Is *Perth Store ot Mercer's New Block. • L mum NEW TAILOR SHOP AMOS PENNEPACCER, Est opened.. shop in the room back of the. Soo= of the Young. illen's Christian Associs tiosomoond dory, over Clothing Store where he is now prepared to d aU kinds of • " TAW:SUNG, Ia the bast end moat faiddoneble manner. An ;experleseeof many years, detenninatioato =up with' the Padden, of the Times, ands to please Ids esotossers. he believes will midis Ida to give sathfsetlon. 1116(fettlag dose on shod notice sad AMU able Wink Tomas, Oct. 1867. 11,0gErt, PROVISION PEED STORE. JOIINO • • A/ 314 - • tltalwati drat_door south of the Rill Road Rouse) would iota ittlotaltualipraltvitiktitilst" legion of, theygldlolo, hlaleysfaileallAeta, - laded cloak of- • " • QROOl$llllll3 A. PROVISIONS, Wh!eh . be Ia main to salt the times, and parses of 411. He has also upeneft a.apjeaflld , "0„ • I,', ME Which is: , t , , ~ well situated - to supply thettabi`-_iind Botchy coal region at all times. Be heaps constantly oudruld a, k Mush of -. '. - 2.,__, TEAS, CO-EYE S, S UGARS, MOLASSES FLOUR, BUTTER, " PORK,' &0., Which he to ielUng cheiii• for efattl GQP.PS DELIVERED - 4N TIMPO,RO FREE OF CHARGE. • - Theeitisens-01 2owinds i and vioisdt , f NAN please accept m 7 thanks for :their very . Niers' patronage forthe last two _years, and we promise with their maiden& to Improve ev ery opptrtnnity to enlarge our business; so as to warrant satisisation ta.ill; Call and eke us again- - - JOON NEINOETN: - Towaida, July'lo, 1867. PEOPLES GRuCgliir et, P1 . 16 , 18;011 13T9PE. South Corner Bridge and Kahl Streets • a neir and complete stock of GRO g, RIES AND F'RqV Which wilt be sold at . 'he lowest possible prices. • CODFISH, MACKEREL, FRUIT OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, MODERN STONE WARE, YANK EE NOTIONS, FLOUR, .FEED, MEAL GRAIN, &O Bring op your prAtuo, which we pay cash for A constant supply el Ashton Salt, all sized Chtirnea, Flutter Furklos, Tubs, &c. - Please call and look'through oar stock, awl we will do our beat to please you. =•=:. W A.. ROCKWELL. Towanda. April 29, 1f.69. THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING Purchased the entire interest of loin the firm of C. B. PATCH & CO., is now prepared to offer to the citizens of Bradford County . and vidnity, a large and well selected stock of Which 1 have purchased ior Cash and reel coati dent that can sell at as low figures as can be purchased elsewhere. I now offer to the priblte. It splendid stack of TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, STARCH, SA LERATUS, SPICES, IC AKRON FLOUR, GRAHAM DO i keep constantly on hand, PORK, HAMS. LARD and kin& of H. Wonld •all the at.;': tention of the public to our Can't Be Beat quality or price: Jesse Oakley's Celebrated Laundry, New York Chemical and Brown Soap Please call and examine our stock of Large assortment of YANKEE NOTIONS TOILET SOAPS, &c. I will pay the Mei est cash price for Parma' give us meall before seating elsewbere All persona Indebted' to the late firm will please call and make inunedlate payment Towanda, hlardh 12, 1867 FURNITURE WARE-ROOMS 1 .I.4MES MAKINSON announces to the public that he still continua to manufacture and keep on bandit large assortment of Bureau. Tables. Bedsteads. Stands, C.l . /lc., of every descripten which - will be n, de of the best materials, wino he most workm o like manner. I invite the inaction of the public to mylwork, which shellac be snrpssed in dual:ditty, at any shop in the country, and my prices will be found to be as low as the timer will admit. . SYRUPS, MOLASSES, Beady-made Coffins constantly wa hand or made to order. A good Hearse will be tarnished , when desired. Ang. IS. 1/465. PACIFIC 11 , 0 T L , 17Q, 172.174 fr. 176 Greenwich Street. KEROSCENE, .• The o b i eraigned takes pleasure in enniminc- Ing to amorous friendi• and patrons that from this date, the charge of the Pacific will be $2,50 pudgy. Being. sole Proprietor ot this house, and therefore free hom the too common exaction of an inord bate rent, beta fully,/ able to meet the downward tendency of prices without any fall ing off of service. It will now. as • heretofore, be his aim to maintain undiminished the favorable reputatit n of the Pacific, which it bas enjoyed for many years, oscine of the beater travelers' hotels. The table will be bountifully sunplied with every de hum of the a aeon. The attendance will be found efficient and obliging. The location will be found convenient for those whose business cilia them in the lower part of the city, being one door north of Cort -Ludt it.; and one kilockwest of Broadway. and of ready access to all Ball Road and Steamboat Linea, JOHN PATTEN. Nov. IT. 1868.---fim. :•. t • -- , ll‘ • : W. S. KINNEY. ANNING, 4 HARNESSAISKING JL The undeialgned have ibis day 'haired 'co-ovensr4. kiwi* known so the Brm of. Ml' GEE FULLER. for the' purpose of carrying" on the above trasiness. Harness, making and repairing done to order and all work warranted. Cash paid for hides. - GRIFFIN MAGEE. EDGAR R. FULLER Canaptown Jan. 214 nHOIOEt YOUNG BYSON;: O. . long. Gunpowder and Imperial :teas of all :grades. Warranted goad.. - 4 1 - COWELL iii HEM. DRIED FI i tIIIT OF4gt.Eglips.. • I " WW I • , s" '• . FEET STORM, *HERRING, PORK, .MIITTO I, IAM, _ = DAIRYMEN, R. H. PATCH, GROCERIES, Have on hand a large stock of RYE DO. BUCKWHEAT DO STOCK ' OF ,TOBAOGJ), WOODEN WARE COUNTRY PRODFCE C. B.' PATCH C. B. PATCH CABINET 'FURNITURE, Ns, Youx, Oct.o, 1668. a~_ . 'J.J% , it S! 41 ,, t. -- •• I MEW SrlaN9,-. - ARD , su 1.1 -,-,,- ~-.v -,.. ,:: riog'...-...r. :1 .y...;. pail .' ,-1 HoooMtv , ~, ~, ,- ;:, , - , -Zc-o. T - -I,flx; \. A . 1 yd .z..-! . y:r:,...t, , ,'7.-.. - Kk ii),!" - f;s1 4 ~, 1 , . , ),-,.trary R ... 1- - W'R' EitfD'l'l -- 4- . • ~:t Ate ,1., - . t.: 1 zirA irr' tgess i vere -e-mn4% , ^/._. r. , ,I,li .z; tow I am day - - oev)u , ‹ .. ,.. r...,, , --,e.....‘,1,...4_ ~. „c t FB E 8.11:0 . 0 O-D 8 . • to Ms to W11:411-.1)t which "to 10 1 .4 0 4,WrPinimSY%s!'fc'irr cA 1. '4 .6115 *Middle/ M )rnel gf:o4 74 , 1 - . 1 4 4 .',10fitt made ' CL 0: .H I"--e (N 05110447 of say kind) . magtbig S gr.adm , • • • - DRESS o(iATS, l ,T***War , "ypsT,s„ - Linen Coate Dusters , and.Piutte • • - • • Over Ails and •Ovei,'Sbirta,!Lineri end' Paper , Collars. LinescOr*lintrel and , 4'breael 4rhirtit; Neck Ties, firisre. Gliass: - Caney Leather I Bags, %Oleg Stria Ink; Soft, and straw. Bats Allaretkleas. .11eistesibor,thot Goo Goods luli cheam At aloft price than . poor goode at nog price. Cill and examine topitooda betioTla t yr. Next door.tti•Poweli - „- Towanda, Mai le; t 8 67. • T.BILPLE NEW STORE AND NI.:W DQODNI -.; An . entire, nesv stock of Clott)log hought', u cheap ax beton the war to; be wld with• 1 . 1 , s Stint' PROFITS 1 ..!3 nadereigml Would respectfully announce to tag citizens of Towanda and victnltt that be is now ready to offer theta Clothing, each as FINE BEAVER OVERCOATS, CHINCULLAS, PILOTS, Also the ... - . FINEST DNEISB AND BIDUNEBB . I SUITS. HATS AND CAPS Famishlag Goods, Scc.. and that these goods bought at very low figures will be sold with very small profits I intend to establish a per manent trade in , this place, and in order tu gain the confidence of purchasers, will. dial! on s bests of RONESTY AND INTEGRITY and elf, goods will be warranted for what they are repress rated to.he. Come And examlneand convince yourself.' • 'Don'tigtget the place. Temple of Fashicaqopposlte the Medus House, south end of Beidleman's Block. . • . 4f;JACOBS. Toianda, 0(1.17, 1567. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS I MAT REDUCTION IN PRICES ! • PROCLAMATION BY COHEN & ROSENFIELD TOWANDA, PA v WarmsAs, It lietros to pave pleased the In habitants of Towanda, aid/ -vicinity, to recog 11 nice our fair way of deal gts Arm Watazas. We ow it= sincere thanks the community fOr ext n ing to Us so 'liberal a patronage' until now ; Alm WHEREAS. We deem it. our duty to re eipmeate all the favors bestoWed upon us thus tar ; - ' • :. We do hereby publicly PROCLAIM, that ou great stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, SUCH AS BROADCLOTH, BEAVER. Doeskin. c Cassimere' Suits, Of all grades and of the lrest styles; still be disptsed of at R ; E•DUCED P•RICESI Our goods aremanufaczured in New York,clty by one of the lumbers of the flrm;d theefore we ate enabled to sell as cheap as .the next. and wishing o reduce our stock. we - 4411 lout our goods at such low rates as will enable any boa) to bny a snit of clo:hes. We are reeete lug the finest stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Ever bmnitht to this maraet such as Beaver.. Chinchilla Doeskin. &c., for 'den and ..Boys wear. Call at the Clothien: Store °. COHEN Sr, ROSENFIELD, And convince yourself of the factrihst they; do as they sly and do not misrepresent fly of their goods. ~We also call attention to our stoch of GEMS FURNISHING 'GOODS ! sari' as Cassimere and Woolen Overshirts,, Un dershirts .ad Dr peers, ova -a Ils and .oVershlrts, Gloves, Cordlg in ' Jaelsets The Collar's, Sus penders, LATEST STYLES HATS Sk CAPS, 'Mash they els) sail at iteineed Prices: 4 * ye us a call before baying elsewhere. COHEN & ROSENFIELD. Opposite Powell Co Towanda, April 1, 1F419. OFFICE OF WICKHAISfIr. BLACK TOWANDA, PA., Having cleared our shelves of our Holiday Goods and replaced _ them with House Keeping' Goode of • all kinds,'we are now ready again tii-fit out any one going to House Keeping. We have the largest Stock, and best qUality of Groacry and Glass Ware ever opened in Towanda. In addition to these Goods we have a full line of Knives and Ftlts, Spoons, Lamps, &c. By, importing our main stock direct from the Put- tery. in Europe, and getting' our Lamps and Glass-ware from the Man ufactory; we are able to offer,greater inducements than ever offered in this section before. It is worth your while to call-and examine Goods and prices, before pnrcbasing. Most Respectfully Yours, WICKHAM & Baal. STOVES 1 STOVES ! -STOVES 1 • Just received new line Stoves at THE METROPOLITAN 'HARDWARE STORE ORWELL,~ PA. Are uttractiug much, attention . An immense variety of Stoves ALWAYS ON: HAND! Stores, coal or wood, that will salt yeti ter 'PARLOR, ORA STORE SCHOOL, SSA CHURCH, BOAT, !is COOKING STOVES Come and see the aew d patterns—latipa!t.,!' ONE LOOK • EEFORE• 'BTIM.NO I We keep all loading . tiret•ciass Stoves for the opbleat, or che a per for y u n pevari o ety t i i v t e n s y veot o o n r r th o e hnm wn fn= tenet. S. N..itRONSON. . *Owen, Pa.. Oct. 21, iceft. MACKEREL, COD 'FISH, BLUE Fhb, Mactloair -Trout, Ciscoes. Picketed. aa~ d .Bmoked .tiolnoo, Emoted R Beef, at . 1..0x0 •t Kcstte's. WitOUß...—Wheat 'Flour of all gnat a ,t,:wbeet Bran. Cali' Neal. Feed, ii 6c.,fat Da: FRESH FIGS, i TAKARINE PRE arm and Jellies of all kinds.' COWELL & MXEB. PFI, "1011:1- _ , ..., :4 ...... D r . . ; . t. i - - ' - -A l-f: - ; S-7.;,-.4i , ,1 , -. l' - th MiDl :VASE ..,-.4.i Av.t.l .:. 4.,L;;,]:. „ ; i: ,:7 - ie,tll3 ', .7. ;; 1 . -- - , 4 *WOWS P ' - *ilea teltausd - e 7 ei extecuitice inthe A.J... I , to Idielediritti the, Publitli*bl I Pria=ament ' eseusielleig a ,--:-,-,- a , )IED ' ii6i - - ..0 \ E4,iiitviurit4, - • t , r. ,, i . PUNTA, 0 ,TA.11:2DED1D,,..7 .., : , 13ENt/301!.:!:1 -. \' 10: : ',.riN.,E, -.- ' BMW: , PAINT, V RNISH WHITE•WASH ,::,- K ~ KEROSENE -OR ',00.54 On., , Ateebbilin Hiiiniug •FiulAs, • .. - 'Llitreil; - sit ' ;3'; slcirki , CHTHNET*, - :., :: 1.10p01; ter4 Wildif,lielits'Pooi,i • ' .t 4.T.! 1 54.'4;0 . rt.,:f44iiitii,, (AO .: 1:14434 Und Toilet Artioles in ;ill:Abet varieti I HOHOH3, BRUSHES, . SOAPA, COHI:k1 .1. - 1 Pomades;ll4lrDyes. Prirjuuteil. - .. _ !!oo!.Evr:poocs i: PORT MON A IS, ;,n •:, 7... I ' - . Pocket tires, Razors, - OTH, SKIN iiq -. HAM PDEPARATIOII4 1 ' - .'PIIDE • WIN• AND-.LIQUORS , . , • . . , ~. - 'For edleinal use, - f Toiscco, St:miff:, Plies : AND CIGARS; BEI ME Ilarden Pied Floar Seeds, Trusses; Sup , - portets Buepen °Tres, Shoulder. Braises, Bieest Pumps, eetbing Binge, Minting ' Ekttles, , Nipple Simile and S kids. Bye • gee, Bed Pans,f3ell • Sealing' Fruit Jars, Therniometers, • Flavoring Fair ts, Stone : Juge, Glum Ware, Beaks, 'Vials; Corks. Bath Brick, and Stove Bhicking. Fish Tackle, Ammuni tion. &c. , Botani . gcleCtic and Homirpet6 In Medicines, an i • all - the Popular Patent AU articles vita , ted as represented. I'er sous at'a distance can receive. their orders by stage or mail, will h will receive prompt and careful attention. • Medics advice gi en gratuitously at the office, charging °nig for edicine. sir Thankful to past liberal patrohage,would respecttu ly moon on to- his friends and the public, that no pal shall be spared to satisfy, and. merirthe continuation of 'heir confidence anal patronage. Wig. Open Bands to 10 a. it., and 12 Jan. 1. tqn„-,s, !r ar L ail art . • . . , • - lei .. OM C. et - ~3 o • i(7 •"" . o .e, .. w o • to pe t. .. 1 0 ' Z t +A N = 0 . "e. 0 :a R* 1," • ; *1 C *3 „.% ~ ~ El r 4,. 4 . ; o 0. g lt .. VI ea • Z ' r. 'll ei .... f MARSHA Wlab to call t , their new Stoc NEE A ift9 . a Largl Wind() • ;Pat of all kinds Cash pries,. of every stile' Lampe rep Fluid wo f!articnbir of all kinds JpIIPINO have G L th impmv i H Eji . Al E which it , on .1 Jnne 211, LOOK HERE! Ther ispow on oxhibitioa at the . - Hann oth, Furniture Store, I L IN TOWAN A, PA., he I . rgest and bes° Made of FUN I 71 1 TT Et To be fsti t is being s.l I.GR P, My stoc Dining brary, M Chairs, : Bliss I.n dies, Cri h: ses and : I Mirrors, ets, &c., •.4 In t' Which ..1 which , 140 1 Than th chased .1 Than 1 patrons I wince o .1 to be to. n and exa chasing f goods a. EVIL coU • the low - I alto k Ready the lin • et & c.. an • ty fsr ' : 1 META 1 require , 'Nara s ? ~. Fr m RNITURRI N , EAT . LY, FINISHED POPULAR PRICES! CHAMBER SETS, PARLOR SETS A GENERLI, ASSORTMENT tURNITIIRE, Spited to this market. I rave the best uphols terer in the country. and manufacture' ur own upholstered work. ' • • - REPAIRING AND JOBBING " • , • Done to Muter. Having an experience of 20 yenta in the l beetness can erinfidently hope% please ell who patronize me. , . • Don't forget. the . place. N0...155, Main et.. two doom south of :Beidleman'a Block, Towan da. Pa. • - • . S. T. DECKER' Towlittlz,kfiy 30, 1868.—tf.. , ~.r. MeM= 11 .0.1 , e jikitiONW=. 4 . - ...01:44 11 P . friiiP k; DRUG --STORE, . . • Twairr.TtAltll, - . . .190.01.7 frinniada;•Pi..s racbS Argelesk mit slat pwoom,' °oddly rthiprievintrarwsnta I be bask-ecostil:of hired iutd .offell4 ,Wholeindei MEDI ()INES. 'ys for prescriptions from 9 x. to 1, and 5 ton. P.lt. H. C. PORTER, Id. D. , Vo w t-• • • Et, z : 0 0 L BROTHERS & CO etteution of the public to of JING IMPLIM PICTS; BLACK StIITFIS' TOOLS, and CARPENTERS' TOOLS. assortment of Glass, Sash, Paints, Oils, t .:t y. Varnishes, and Paint - - od Varnish Broshes . hieb will he sold for the lowest lso, a Sine assortment of KC OSENE LAMPS and pattern tout* the public. Arad and changed frem Oil and ne. ttention paid to'the manufacturing • TI•N WARE; raotrr.rt.tr •TTENDItt TO hand a fine article of SS FRUIT JARS, self-eeallog corks, and • ICALSEALIN-(CANS, of the best ctns.ased. . • _furniture d In Northern eennsylvanii, which Ad at si !ATLY RED 1; ED PRICES! colvists in part .of Pallor, Library lom and Chamber sults. Parlor. Li. ctenslon, Dining and Office Tables, ledsteads Bureaus, Washataxids, xinges, Tetera•tetea, What•Nots, Cra- Ills, &e. A fall line of Ma ttras• eading, .Pier, Mantel and Common val and Rustic Frames and Brack c. In tact everything e 'Furniture _Um! net be' seen to be appreciated and ill be gold at .R - 7 - PRICES same quality. , of goads can - be par iliewhere. rul to the pablid for their past liberal le, and determined to merit a contin• .the same by offering inducements not ind elienhere, I, invite them to call nine my good!' and prices before par ela ewhere. • No charge for showing td I NOT BE UNDERSOLD I [TRY DEALERS supplied as usual at utt, market prices. - , , - keep on hand , a large atisOrtment of Bade Coffins [togs the mast common to at Rosewood. Also Brutal Robes. Caps I am the sole agent In Bradford roan lULERB A PIE WS !IC BURIAL CAS E S, CASKETS, &C HEAR s always in, readiness when JAMTN 0. FROST ds, Dec: lA. sacs NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! Consisting :of -.ING_ .ROOll SETS, MIRRORS, PICTURE' FDA M ES; Photograph Frame•, for everybody. AFINE ASSORTMENT =OF TOI LET SOAPS, at KcCABE & MIX'S. '~ . DIE I -0 ' B i dett: -34 " W. .I• I, sacconot 013 is, fared . ere "cost .the badnes at. 4 4be old ; 'stand N0."4, Pattaa'sld JllO,- boa recediriapi addit,kaukta reliable fargairtimi eta attic . oe s:;llberal;mbeeteipalldhF 'Mk '44un• stock . ' l7 '4lll:Bll , lnttlai3 4NI): HEDIOISIZEr. - use boeii:sreetrO,sPa , 7,l arf. pared to aupplythe - , . ' ; wins tio.tur: ratarantit , tolnisvaitla" , PURE WM . LIRDANECORS; 'r • MEDlCALitralkiNiff• • rini'issierinareiii , fioIcANIC ECLECTIC AHD. HOUCEVATIIIC" MEDICINES. ALL THE POPULAII.P.A.TEHT,MEINCLNEIL . ' ; • PAINTS, OM, ^" PAINT AND VAENISH S BUSSL 3 , Drit-57 1 LID °ail S'4NCY ANp TOILET. ABTICLES OF EXERT KIND \41L62:111 . ALCiOZIOLIC llt1:0Lilt; 11/11.111111 - ALKAI.VID AND . RE S INOIPS, sll the Best Trains, • - B D \ C( ., l4'lN A I 8 , 177 OUTFRB - • \ Shoulder Brazes, REPAST PUMPS, NIPPLE SDELLS, AND sumum, Nursing Bottle s s, , Sylingeil and Catheters, • tams issoaniaNT'ollP fuizons, wraoia, POCKET INSTRUMENTS , OE-LATE STYLE AIID BEIM QVALITT A large supp.y Brushes for the „Hat add gait Also for the Teeth and Malts, Tooth "Pow- . dem and Pastas, Oils, Perfumery, . Soaps, Combs, Hifi . Dye. tivigor ators.&c., Kerosene; Berosehe • Limps, Shades - , Chimneys, Wicks, Ste., all of the late at,,ntyles. CDOICE (NGARS,IODACCO AND SNEIFY 1 MT Phyaiciani em . *lied. et reasonable rates. Medicines and Prescriptions carefully and ac• curately compounded and prepared by compet ent persons at all hours - of the day-and night. Sunday hours from 9to 10 o'clock in the fore. noon; to 2in the afternoon. • W. H. H. GORE. Towanda, Sept. 29, tPM. Bookg, ant, Staticmati DIARIES TOR 1869 PAPER & ENVELOPES tkigW-YORK: PAPERS . - iOBOOL BOOKS, M!EI PENS, INK, MUSIC, STATIONERY ; AN PICTURES BLANK BOOKS YANKEE NOTIONS Towanda", Nov. 19, 1869. 800 it:l/1 ND ERY.—THE PUBLIC a . is . respee,ttally Informed that, the Book- Bindery has been removed to the Argus Build ing, S 3 story, where will be done B 0 0 ii•B I N !),CNGI In all Is various branches. on tertns as rea sonabli " the times " will allow. The Bind. ery .will be ande• the charge - EL-C. WIIITAKER, An experienced Binder, 'and alk, work will be promptly done, in a style end manner whirl cannot be excelled, Music, Mapaines, News papers, Old Books. lc., bound in every variety of style. Particular attention will be paid to the Ruling and Binding of - . BLANK BOOKS To TO any desired .pattern,. , which 'in quality and duranility wil be warranted. MI work will be ready „for delivery when promised. . . The patronage of the public is Aolicited, and pent.° satisfaction gourranteed. Towanda. Anent' 1 . I ugfi. - tr. N EW FIRM 1: NEW 400DS 1 wtcsaa! s FROST, Would call the attenti on of the cittzrne of Rome and vicinity ~th.at they have oyentd with A Nab • Stock of Goods At the old *and of L. L. Bloody , where with close attention to the wants of the community they will keep a good assortment of goods, which they will SELL AS LOW AS THE LOWEST, And at prices that will induce every one to buy of them. We shall at alt times have a good mhortment of FALL .AND WINTER GOOD ! Embracing all the latest styles of LADIES DRESS GOODS! DELAISES, ALPACAS, P o SIKTS, :GLOW% GIIIGHAHS, HOSIERY, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHS, CASSLUEBES rEstiNds, FANCY GOODS, DISBRELLLS, Fainity Groceries, Hardivare, CROCKERY, MIRRORS. LADIES TRAVELLING BAGS WOOD AND TIN-WARD":, : ... Druge; * Furniture, 4e., cE The above gives bat a . slight idea of the GOODS• WE HAVE IN STORE, And we only say to oor numerous friends and the public generally, call and sae us, test the merits of our pretensions, and it eaaeneed.a BUY AND MAKE YOURSE t LYES •RICH By saving (money In your purchases..-We; In tend to GIVE GREATER BARGAINS THAN EVEie . I3XFORE HEARD OF We know we ran pleyeti*on, soßglire na dean. All kinds of • - • itTIiIE'RS3PRODIICE Tae in excbange foigaxiL . . • WTOKRAW - FROST. Sarcasm to S. h. Moody 0. Do NICKEL/M. - ED. FROST Rome, Pa.. Nov. I.S6S - r4HOICE TOBACCO: AID _CIGARS. -it, .13raithake. cznoi/fi.,cheap pore. A ' FULL :ASSORTMENT - 0 DRIER iitia CANNES FRUITS, at — • : Ma rch 10, 1809. Lam &-Xllll.lsa'aft A NICE STOCK OF OHROMOS and togravings at FROM. . ••••••• Z 2 1:44 'v44 jo-viu g; , s - 8 •ff. 0 , P r „Lt. , "•,• - t, • .edrflitttddr , 4.44. 44ll36f P '-; TowANDB4 , I44ADvoRD , OO.,.PA;, • ioofisidt '''": l '''"OntrATUAlX "SAWMILLS rffll ,BIIINGLE MACHINES, • oi bed quidity with itte 7 htteirt Ititorows• enti. All Irk& of Mactilitory !or fflartfing mit STEAK.riftOIIOB, MADE R ScREPAIIBED, STEAM WHISTX4BS; STE4AM:;,OA:O I nS _ 04170 g CObB.S, Ott* OANS, - &0.; , Fordshilif at sixwi L ootive. - 0 B ls T. " 0 - 11 - TV I N 41, Done'from Ito Illoshati Mouses. FORGING- . of-tleayi 4rougbf werk . tor Twit% and ell other par 1, dAnte to inlet. !Ilf , o, a large . . • co Coal Stove PO 7 DRA Fore_ branch To , • COTIVN TARS,,,; , wTha 'O , IATTS. .;: • Th6l l , • public t , • ? NISSES';. and IM I Ad ' AND 851 And r manta did. TOP ITS, OIL CLOTHS, DEMO AL' ;SO - THE CELEBRATED mai. S. K. G. souabl Sprig Stock is now . comple The undersigned having balk a Large and con. lAtHiiotlF Mill hi the Roroagb of Towanda, And filled it with the most- modern and• improved amehinery,for the , manufacture of WiNM)* BABB, BLINDS, are prepared . to. fill orders, whether large or. small, upon. the shortest notice, We have also a large- variety of itIOULDINGS, - of the latest styled i tal pattern,' which we can furnish anich. , icheaper than they 'can be worked by hand. ' PLANING,'. . TONGUEING. GROVEING, . . . AND Wltol,l. SAWING, eersons building, and not living more than twelve to 'fourteen miles distant, will find it largely for their interest to: linyurtia.or bring their lumber and worked by eta machinery. Bring your grist tif Flooring. or other.lumber; and while your team is is feeding, bare it ground out and take it home with you: We, will pay CASH .for PINE & HEMLOCK L.CI.I„BER delivered at our lumber yard. Come and see tor. or if yon can't come. write.. 4 ,, • L. B. RODGERS & co. , To 'stela. T 0 WA ND A AGRIQULTURA.L. Sets , Policies written the shove .pmps nies at the lowest rates. I .fste., rj ten ar. this A genes . artenripp gr.eb to farm propert) it HA law Mercar's nett block, nuth 6idepu) . !:c .11IN \V. MIX. MANUFACTURES HUBS, SPOKES. I Towanda, Ma? ell 17. I*A9. TO WAjDA, HEAVY AND LIGHT 4.Ap03: GENERAL WOOD WORK. WOOD TURNING. IN ALL ITS BRANCHES SCROLL SAWING, PLANING, ETC., ETC HUBS, SPOKES & BENT STUFF, LARGE STOCK FROM WATCH ' TO SELECT The above are. from the best SECOND GROWTH HICKORY & OAK LIGHT AND HEAVY WAGONS c's HANDI We have the Broad and Narrow Guage magic and dre%sea M. C. biERCUR,. President AW., AYRES' MARBLE' SHOP, • You sill find Granite 'aionunicats, both Quincy and Concord, Marble and Slate Mantles, ~and oal Grates. to fit. A large assortment con stantly on hand, cheap as the cheapest. Aug. 10, 1868.-11: A:b13010E. LOT OF WINTEEL E'rnit of all kinds; for safe by, the Bartell or Bushel, at -. MCCABE k MIX'S. • VOBA . OOO AN6.OIGARSI The anderalgaed have established .a STEAM TOBACCO FACTORY, T O W .A.. N D A, Op Main Street below Bridge Street. Where Alley ire manofecturlaleall kinds of CUT TOBACCO . AND CIGARS I Which they idler to4be trade at W PRICES Tha't eaunot fail to Mat. We would most ,re vernally solicit a call from the deale.s through northern Pennsylvania to an eiamination of OUR STOOK . AND PRICES I Oni.Tobacco is taanufactureit from the best KENTtTOKT AND ;VIRGINIA Stock that ean .5e procured in the market. Glee we it:try.:: This la home ,eaferprise and wAltatteceed; With a Hberal disposition. of the hide to sbppott home manufacture. - - MEANS & PHINNY, 157 Main Street, Towanda, Pa. June 4,1268.—tr. Bail Citti 1/01:1N i D,RY TIOKINGif, DENIMS; STRIP* PRINTS, OHI!.,D4ENS , , SHOES, HATS, • I ALL P ALPER, &C. &C •~.i_.,flr tVOIIKS BEET STVET, To E'calers We offer a W. T. BISHOP, SuperiOr.ndent. TOiValliB, July 2, MS ELMIRA, N. Y NDA..I,N 1311 R ANCg Aoitscr • t tar lisinied,Loasenadiasie, , mptry - • ,Polk• By Ii,II.IIIIIEA4V. 4Zrqi " di. ihe following well knolin and reit a t,.,i t putts. Office tfonunye' ( Ifiireettc. Ansotiist 491716,Adnf1g STOOL- bIIVIAXICt C 047401 i I • MlTifolll, "001,7?,.. Cials:Aoseti Nov. . 1, '67 . fl 5 • tsviriraon, AND LONDON AND 01.- • sins IND Lin bennAnox Co. • Etarplas and Beeereed Food. di6;211,7q- • - Amex to toe Calico otates, over.. . .f, f, P Dobt,pragnins, upwards of (God) 17,c0. - kriteinediancz CONTAXY, liailfoi4,Conn. r 1 \ • ........ . MY/ o ' Capital Hs* 'sun iitrauat. Lin laoVitialCA G. Capitol _ llama. N. J. _ . Nowa AN= ax TItAXBIT (Accldeate) Phtladdphia, . Cdpital s - ti , ~" Coanorancrt Men/Llase livamsaittat llartford. Co..CARA Towanda, Feb. 20. Iggii--t1 LIFE, AND . ACCIDENTAL MUTUAL:OE C/1.711./L 6EPSEeBiKHD CVZC . 'ERN - MILLION DOLL /c.i! S. RUSSELL, Agent„ roturarm :wan XXLIAIII X (C) 1 ALI . i i E.Y. frlMAßrimltamp.il/cl. / - v . -, Phitadephia. r . -and au 4,lce 9ver . : .... ... saso,ry i !..ku.c;4l7.cogpair,. f t ry Nftt.• Ir'crk t , ..r. e 11,4:.1' or TORTE , r -.- PI: tisif;:law. -jI - na etirplr, over .- $1 .7' tz ....9 ---,_ INS ' ;CE COUP/N.', ' . )oy6. rd earpt: E 213 :P. lr&A.-I...ANer. Cogriir PbOade eurpira, over f}• . f 3i0,D0 MEE 1...7 :FE : t•r (q i1u,r1,.; t: . . tOJ-rs. eh Prt.pr:l9, v. by au; other rcliable COMitan'.CS. ytz.: it azty f:er:^3 t'.l•r., t'Th - :E5c6 hrr C. 1.. la. Fe'.. 7, lertr.. •! .POUL AND 1.0 .. I) IBE FIRE a N Y.---(ltEr.., 45 N. Y. cr~,lCsac] sr6Fn, ri a the United Staies, ore.: 'remit:fa s,apwardP (gold). thareholders persanally, :eats or the ccrepany, Aberahulderfi. • :TOKa t. Nsor l'oss.—FraLcis Cot], tirtmin, Fleury I;rinatill I a. "Joseph tlatllard , Jr., • M d. Esq.,:ll. B. H. Ceufsal, AlexeLelc I,ln. Polert C. Fere,a-, a., Pell. Esq., IteMdent Secrer:.! ,. . Aif i• imiltffa, Jr., Esec„ Counsel rl B. -rfi. acs Phenix Bank—Cammaen this Company .1.7 t i.sued own American citizens iesid:ont tho ,are Directors and Sharehclthre, and tenfly, with the other Shareun:fiers. ate tally . 1i:0A for all the engaccments ci nany all Policies ere stanefi oy them. • are payable in cash prom ul !eduction tor.futcrese, ati, ant, as "Is exty days trier' ore,snt.l - .tior ti p 1 ,61. Lplre at ais o'clock. P. M.. ccd ant a; Lite rinsarance effected, sod anuuittei I qr.'l.ffvoralfle tea me. 11 - B. Ager.t. Aunt 23. IRE, LfFE, ACCIDEN - I , k 1, .VND INSURANCE Age:NCI"! T 0 A X' DA PA .TOB\ W. MIX, A.,rert ', For the folldcri Phrzeriix,of Hartford, ome In. Co. New Havel, Germania, Fire. N'ew North amencan Fire In. Co.. el New York. Hanover New Yo•k*.... National Trarelcra (aCclder.t.,l) . . THE EQUITABLE LITE 1- HI ApioE Agtr, for GASH' CAPITAL Yearly income occt 12 000.000 ca: , h: hi , ;NTA.ti 1E A: WA. Towanda, 3,1:7 25, 11;67 THEtLICO.NIING :11T3TUAI, FIEF lnsurmce Agency for Bradford CAPITAL $3,i00,0c0 Mutual Cas44)lan. In successf - ul er twenty-seven 3..1r..4. • SIONTA YE & w.tEt) Towanda, July 25. 'Pia WYOMING INSURANCE AG'::Y. VT cv. • 'WYOMING Issurriwt &IMAM' Wilke4-Barre, SAMUEL WADFIAMS L. I). SEICEMAK.EII,.. IL C. SMITH, Capital and Sorplas EIIO,OOC. North-America, Hartlord. COn CS-t. rt:' ) Fulton. New York, Springfield, Naas.; applications for insurance it the :,bote plinks taken at fair ra'es and businessave: - .3- ed to with promptness and care. Partb 'attention will be gisen . to Farm ri , ts tn country. -Also Liteatfd Live Etvck Insurai-L , fectelltin toed and reliable cotnp/nies:.; ff , e flyer the Bakery on Main•st.. fOrmerly Merenr S Morrow. - T. B. CAMP; Agent Towanda,March 12.1P68.—fi. G• ° T : 0 T ILE • 33 A_ •IC M Y FOR A GOOD MEAL: AT ALL HOURS. ,OYSTERS ALWAYS ON HAND: . IN THEIR SFASON : _ :READ, •y FRUIT, pas, . _ co •.0 ANDY P NUTS, • . • '''' scoir a:BuFeiNaros. • Towanda:Dec. I. 1P69. NEW .MILLINERY GOODS ! • MRS. E. J. PIERCE. Pre=ents herself to the Ladies of. Toean• 3 a with -a very choice selection .of goods, and is entire ly confident of bang ahle to meet VIP justly discrlmin .ting taste ot each as may do her the honor of an examination of her stock: flunk ing her formerpetrons for their favor, she so lithe a continuance ot the same. Fluting done heautifully and on the shortest notice. Rooms. over Cohen & Rosenfield's, Main Street. _ Towanan , Ort. 5 16/5p .STUMP G. T. GRANGER,,blyersbnrg;Pa. le nnw manufacturing never Power Stump kiaehlnee. and trill keep them on han.:,er make them ca. Oort no ice} from the bes.t tesTerisl and-warranted. Feb. 15 , iSS9 -3 mo .A.CKEREL, TROUT, WRITE Flab, Cod-Fish and Herring. IdcrCABB UTTER T-438S AND FD ee. ready lei of April; Feb, 11. - ---11cCABEZs _ _ LI il. V. S3,7VIG' II , 1 , MEI 1, ~4 ~ 17 i I'o lEEE $ 1,V7. IAI,. 77i n 77. (~ ,•,2. 231 040 PO .Prt.--t , . , Vic? Sqret.try (10 401. -0 M A C-HI N E S GUI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers