Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 13, 1869, Image 3
E LOCAL AND ORNER...a. 118.. Velp ci p edes have made their appearsueb on our streets maim Ur. second span of'the railroad bridge, at this pine, is np. .4114 - See notice to Firemen -in -an other column. iiirMr. B. S. Bueszu, who remov ed from this place to 'Hardpan last has become a retddemt of . lti6carly, R. J. is.. L. iltmaY, Esq., has returned from Wiliburisport, and again taken up his residence in this place. Mir Dr. 11. 0. ELY, of this place has_ just been appointed to a lucrative position on the Board of Health in New Toth Oity. Loar.--On Mondiq evening kat, in this borough, a Twenty Dollar .Bill. The :finder will be suitably rewarded on leaving it at this office. me- ALVAH E. CHAMBISLAIN of this place has been appointed °meths levee tom of merchandkie for the New York Ohs tom Hone& kir The last of Mr.. Lpioesues bops in this place for this season. came of at 0 Ward House" on Thursday evening last. 'mu Thp - N9rthern Trier Gazette says .Itwournoron,3Ltawram, t Lzon.tin. of Troy, purchased two hundred and fifty thousand dot !ars worth of butter last season. *sr Rev. F. D. Hosturre, Rector of Christ Church, is in Philadelphia, attending the Amine' Convention of the Episcopal Church of this diocese. Jena; W. Maims has been re elected Superintendent of Common Schools of Sul livan county. The salary was Axed at $BOO. ,Pretty good for little Sullivan. NOTlCE.—Soldiers, and ,others, in terested in the ceremony of decorating the graves of soldiers, will meet at the Grand Jury Room, on Friday evening, May 14. A full attendance is desired. sm. Not% ithatabding Dr. PORTER'S Soda Fountain did not " suspend " during the winter season, it is now sending forth its delicious and healthful bcrerage as fresh as though it had just commenced operations. itir.HOD C. R. BITWIALEW, late U. S. Senator, has resumed the practice of law at Bloomsburg. Hon. ,& F: WELSON, Representative in Congress from the 'Doge and Lye:ming District*r the past feur years, has resumed the law business in Wellsboro. mg— Mr. A. PARDEE, the gentleman who made the very munificent gift of $200,000 to Lafayette College, Easton,, Pa., a year or two since, reports the largest in come of any man in Luzern county for last year. His tax was $13,119 60, on an in come of $262.352. Pno Szsmen, one of the sufferers by the fire the otheinight, had rn insurance of eight hundred dollars through Ur. C. S. ItrasELL's agency. On Monday the full amount of the claim was paid by IL Such instances are'rare, but are character istic-of this agency. ' iEy We don't use the " weed," but as some of our readers are addicted to the ":rile habit!! we desire to Inform them that they can procure Tobacco and Cigars of the best quality at Captain Gnomon V. Mules, just south of the National Bank. 135., PERSONAL.—Mr. • J. H. VAN DT.LE,,an old resident of Ulster township, who removed to the South last fall, is about to ieturn to his old home in this county, having become satisfied that Virginia is not just the place for a Northern man to live in at present. M. The vestry of Christ Church, this place, are discussing the propriety of selling the pews of the Church at Auction. The revenue received from pew rentals un der the present arrangement is insufficient to meet the'expenses of keeping up public orship. Mr. The report printed in the El mira Advatiscr, that G. H. WOOD had sold his Fruit Store is untrue. Somebody has been imposing upon the Advertiser people. and we advise them •to discharge their cor respondent here and procure the services of some one more reliable. Ater By an act of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, approved March 31st, 1868, -a penalty of twenty-firOdollars is imposed for the killing of any insectivorous bird, one-half of which is paid to the Wordier.— Robins, blue birds, martins, swallows, and wood-peckers, - come under the head of in sectivorous birds. din. R. K. R. DultAßs well known to the editorial fraternity, has be come one of the editors of the Elmira Daiiy Advertiser. yie.congratnlate all parties con cerned, on the new arrangement. Capt. D. is iaready writer, and will add to the inter est and nsatilness of the Advertiser, which is already One of the most readable dailies in the coruatri.' Stir Neighbor EttestAN of the Ad vertiser, who has just been installed P. M. at Elmira, found on taking possession of the office, that his predecessor had taken the names from the boxes. Our new P. M. took possession of the Towanda Post Office On Monday morning lastAut we have heard na:auch complaint of bad treatment by his predecessor. stir At the Election of Officers of the Y. M. C. A., on Thursday evening last, the following gentlemen were elected for the ensuing year : Presiders!—Cass. M. HiLt. Secretary—O. A. Macs. Treasurer—F. E. BannEn. Librarian—C. D. HTILP)3II2. Managers—VA OVYACCON, G. IL Wow', A. F. Comm and S. W. Avvoan. SM. After the sale o the.pewS of the Presbyterian Church in Honesdale the other day, the salary of the pastor was rill& *5OO, making it $2,603, and four months' leave of absence given him, the church to see that the pulpit is .supplied during the absence of the pastor. • The pews rented for the coming year at a premium of $894. Bow many pastors in Bradford county get such a salaty? sor Fagrrpro.—Yon gain nothing by feettim; you only waste your strength by it. Qboose your work, plan as aldllfully as you can, put yonrwhole heart into what - you are about to do, and leave the test to a kind Providence that overlooks not a single one of us. Do you know how many years of your life and happiness are mortgaged by the habit of worrying? How does it help you on? How much strength•does it bring to ,you in your labors and exertion? A ruf fled temper all the time throws to the sur i,,,e the mire and dirt•of one's nature; it does not combine the beet elements and help them to work together to the beat ad vantage, but only the worst, and gives them alone all the chance. the Asemanee "Woad= Dia."%;- TbauCsaionieeremidectinirditioimig to the Grand Army , of thei . &pub*. bat if for any reason this' order do) aid see fit to observe the day hem ve Would sagged** the i3itizens take the mitts: in hand, and see that oar brave Wendell who pie their lives a ransom for car free inatitationmass not forgotten. It teM be a sad day be the maim when the people forgeto r to -do bona to the memory of these heroes that gave new birth to liberty! " LEA 1111 FAUX 40 the ground. Our soldiers'. Owes moan& And strew each lonely mound. With the choicest dowers of spring; And the spirits of Walrus. . , O'er the land they diefttosave, Shall keep watch while wtitheui alfainge wilting the Om% we have been informed that orrengements have been thade by the soldiernto drew the gnaw of their fallen comrades, wheal mains vat in the cemetery here, on Swift afternoon. We trust that a generous response will be made to their !spied fallowern. We will give full paztialas next week. , ca . was viarusr. I kini. v ra:l 9 . si gtatit 'Mention pi ll= Court b adness and. settlems WHERSEY WATKINS . - COUNSELLOR Also a NOTARY PIT BLIC, . • borough of To wads, Pa.. for • the Execution of Dads, Mortgages, Attorney, Wit Is Contracts, ANd 'Jonas Payers and other Legal April 28, 1989. Baia eas and Pisa le, PAL- Com. vs. Reuben Miss &o. XOT • X. VB. SELLy, Dentist. - -Cbm.vs. aw. Thnith.--Selling liquor on T V • over Wickham - A Mack's, Tow Sunday . . Psrkviarattantba is calha to A Cod. vs. John Driscol...-Assault and bet as a base for Artificial Teeth.; Ete4 % these materiels for the pad Am yft tern. - confidently recommend it u balms (di Corn: vs.. Reuben Stiles .— S a ti n g liquor, &o. ! to Rubber. Mesas call and OXIXOill• lea. Chloroform administered when " " R. O. filinsabaugh.—dasaalt and day 20, 1868. - battery. Ei3 Ell 1. . atm. vs . G. C. (haw — Larceny. . M YERS' 11 i - T. L 4 The following causes were disposed of by SPECIAL NOTICE. I: the coral and jury: ' 1 Nd ann. vs. son Obfistead.:=DeTt. awned Myer. Poster & Co., will deliver Plot Meal, Graham Flour, or a n thing elm with perjury. Jury return & verdict of not Hue in any pa tof th e v /- guilty, but defendant to pay costa. Customers will And Me rcer der lio& store of Fox. Stevens, & Co. ann• vs. JCL W. BossfxweL—Gape. Jury de left in said book will be PromPLIT return & verdict of not guilty. ed to. El ormer AT ..r of Drug Any Inquiries In regard to Grinding. i ann. vs. B. It BaTC—Assaulo and battery: badness of the MW, entered In said BO Verdiet,not gailty,and 'proseentor,R. Mann, be answered. . - jum p i rosTEki pay $lO of the cost, and defendant paj bal. Towanda, Jane 21,1868.—U. - ance. • 12321 to the 868. HE UNDERSI G NS Com. vs. a McAlister. —Obtaining —Obtaining opened • Banking House In To D 1 goods under false pretenses. Verdict, not der the name e. G. P. MASON & guilty, but defendant to pay costs. They are prepared to, draw Bil , s Cona. vs. Reuben iforley.—Assault and bat change, and make colleettemi io Ns Philadelphia, and all portions of the eogY on K.*" Long, Albert Long. and Mrs. es also England German y , and , 1 Albert Long. It appeared that as the cons ge.on—"eral Itim mo rdn y i brraineas"e dep osits " m • Plait:tante were riding along the: street in G. F. Mason was one of the late : Burlington borough a week ago laatainday. Laporte, to eon & Co. of Towanda,Pl defendant threw several eggs at them. Jury his knowic p of the Laziness men of B and adJoin,ng Countimand having Dm returned a verdict of guilty. Sentenced by banking business for about ttfteea yeah Gila house a desirable one, througk I the Court to pay a fine of one hundred dol. make collections. Las and costs of prosecution. Towanda, Oct. 1, 1886. il 'man After nsive roles e and d by 43 - P. Km Com. vs. SamuelDepue.—This was a charge A. G. ItA; of larceny. Jury find the defendant guilty. 11011 RADFORD COUNI Com. W. a W. Smith— Selling liquor to minors. On motion of District Attorney,' REAL ESTATE AGENCY, nigh, Preseqe i en tered by directi on of Court. . • H. B. Mc4.EAN, rim ESTATICorn. vs. John Hoyt, Adana Hoyt, Ma -:ry K. Hoyt, Samuel Hoyt, and Emliis Cempton. —The above defendants were Otunied by the Grand Jury at present term, on two in dictment& Settled by consent of Court. Cern. vs. Samuel Vancover.—Larceny. On motion of defendant's counsel, caseleontin ned to next term. - - The tollowint licensee *ere transferred: G. W. Moffitt, eating horise, to George R. Alvord John Fitzgerald, eating house, to IL Madigan ; Seth Peck,-hotel in Burling ton, to H. Peck. A• On petition of sundry citizens of. Ulster township, the Court appoint J. 8. smith town clerk for said township. i ; On petition of Joseph K. Horton, consta ble of Sheshognin township, David Horton, Jr., was appointed his deputy. Onpetition for a county );ridge in Athens township; the Court appoint S. O. Hovey, James Van Dyke, Edward Walker, Win. Sny der, J.B. Smith, and G. W. Kinney, viewers. On motion of H. B. McKean, Esq., the Court grant a license to M. Gaudio to ped dle on foot in this county : In the matter. of an appliCation for a new trial in the case of E. Loomis vs. Dr. Rock well, argued at last term, the Court grant the petition of plaintiff fain new trial. A number of cases were continued until September term, on account of parties not being prepared for !Aril. The following licenses were granted: Valatible Farms, Kill I,ilapegtleg x . ips.. Items frdm the Northern Tier Gazette : —Mr. J. B. Mcileait, of West Burlington, bad a narrow escape recently. He was pass ing a colt in tie barn, tithe; the colt 'upon. being touched suddenly kicked Mr M. fall in the chest, knocking him down 'and ren dering him senseless for a time, Happily no vital part was injured, and Mr. M. is IL round again, but rather sore from his injur ies. A man of 'tail vigorous constitution would have stood a good chance of being killed. —A fe.w big stung already laid and a big pile heaped up, mark the foundation of Pomeroy's new building on Canton street. The rubbish clears away, the limber Oct thicken,' h uge tank for water and lime a lime ho indicate early work. —The undations of the Troy House are approac g completion. The brick for the middle ll is partially laid, and we judge that Lo will not make any unnecessary delays in c rying up his buildings. Fuller of Elmira has the contract for building the Troy Ho —Th Methodists of Granville twp., in what is known as 'the windfall' are abotit to erect a fine church this summer. Rev. J. D. Requa, of Canton his been very se five in promoting the enterprise, but its or iginator is Mr. J. Ferguson of Granville; who has generously donated the land upon which it is to be placed, and is assisting in a very substantial manner. L. 0, Vanhom of Granville shares. with Mr. Ferguson, the labor of seeing that the building is erected, assisting to furnish the necessary funds and liberally giving his time and money to this object. The building is to be put up near the old Union' Church.. The contract has been taken by Theodore Waldron, of our village—a certain guaranty that the r work will be well done. ~ We print below the proced ings of a meeting of dentists, held in this place in March last. We trust the Secre tary will be,more prompt to furnish us With Osier hereafter : At a meeting of Dentists of Bradford and the adjoining counties held at Towanda. March 2d, 1869, Dr. 11 Wrarorr of Towanda was elected President And Dr. C. 8. Doss:N ara; of Leßaysville, Secretary. • The folloWing resolutions were unani mously adopted : Resolved, That we organize ourselves into a , society the object of which shall be the advancement of Dental *late" and the promotion of the interests of our profession by increasing our knowledge thereof. . Resolved, That we maintain the practice of Dental Surgery to be a speciality of med icine, and that its ranks hke that of its par ent (medicine) are infested with quacks and charlatans whose work is justly a disgrace to them, and unjustly to the profession to which they pretend to belong, on account of the masses of the people not discriminat ing between good and bad work, competent and incompetent practitioners. Resolved, That the motto of our Society be the " Elevation of our Profession and the suppression of quackery." Resolved, That the practice of Dentistry requires a thorough knowledge of anatomy and physiology as well as of medicine, and their actions ' • many of the most poweritil. of which are used. also the importance of saientifia and mechanical knowledge and skill—and that all this cannot be obtained in a few weeks or months as is claimed by many of the itinerant ebup of practitioners, but requires years of patient study and prac tice. Resolved, That we view with regret tie tendency to neglect the preservation of the natural teeth by the employment of skillful operators to fill the cavities of decay. We minder the use of bard Rubber in the a -Unit direction as mischievous faeby its use =entirely ignorant of the - science of t l ry are able to construct defective sets of and through their agency thousands of have been sacrificed that might have been saved for years by proper attention, the president appointed a committee con sisting of Dm; Dremenuar of Lellayaville, Remy of Towanda, and Mtwara. of Wyalus ing to draft a constitution and by-laws. The meeting was then adjourned to meet at Towanda on the first Tuesday in dumb • next. • O. 8. Ihmxlmorr,.lieo'yt sir Mr. A. Anna°No. of Owego. N. Y., committed suicide by cutting his throat with $ razor, on Thursday last. Mr. Aies well known through this °minty, having been engaged in selling oysters here during the , winter season for the past ten or twelve years. He bad once before attempt.. ed his own life. Pecuniary embarrassment is supposed to be the ease which led to this rash act. P I O"- a La** lOW li:/teCitiOn'tikaak e -r tPdfifielimuls. 4 4 5 1 3ft0 Va*Dnia - AnsodaniOn; Ibi tenth. 'Phi ' Ilist.dapias nocmpled Itith ths liouni Pt*. MAIM buldnell..,l l4l ollll Itnitioliniteall4 Gual,laront Pun& ana Torlailigufilkesimeh*tia• obie of Ids lionanaulgo Buinna„ on *NW Om= ; - • .. Asaus .Lette, =o; ahltvifies M. a Annablik .4 L Bt!rbila4t. DeTitlD•l4. lib, 0.,P. Odle, Ahab thiatiall, Maio* aiiingrrith e La J. Oahu, Mom Elliott; B: W. Bashi, D, D. Mei. Ir., Itiehatd - auto; &piker ,Lliorgan, Matthew, Marshall, -Thom. Iffeaothue, Martel Sega; Porter Stephen Wilbur, Lewis Wheat,. The Orsad .Turi ;steamed in seetiontuttll Thusedq, May 6,' heriag seta upon the following bills: p.,,,,,,,i • thns. vs. IL E. pretense. " Jolus Peiatork—Assatdt. ;fit 111 Drubeearorky,... IS le . JOU Haitga -Entering . suite liith Intent to Med, - Gbw. es. &small Dtpue.—Lereeny.. ii " 'John Arguson.—Bake pretense. 4' -a W. findes.—S el ling liquor to Oro. vs. Joh* L. HoY4'..4dalins Hoyt, Mo. ry S. Hoyt, &nand Hoyt, and Emily Cbmpton. —Forcible catty and.detainer. Ckls. vs. same.—Assardt and battery. =3 Elsworth Osborn, Windham twp. J. M. Brown, Wyalasing twp. John Champion, Leßaysville borough. F. D. Chase, Canton borough. M. B. Calkin, Towanda born. Charles:Day, Athens boro. Oscar Decker, Athens born. 0. IL P. Disbrow, Towanda born. N. D. Fox, Monroe born. P. T. Fergerson, - Athens twp. L. D. Forrest, Smithfield twp. H. G. Goff, , Towanda bozo. 0. D. Holcomb, Leßoy twp. Thomas R. Jordon, Towanda bow. W. L. Lewis. Franklin twp. P. Mingos, Monroe born. Geo. ?dollar, Canton boro. W. H. McClelland, Sylvania born. A. Martin. • Troy born. John H. Morgan, . Columbia twp. Peter H. Mackey, . Warren tsp. John M. Pike . Athens boro. Jacob P. Rodgers, Sheahequin twp. N. M. Reynolds. Alba born. J. P. Strong, columbia twp. Orrin Stone * Wells twp. Peter Sherman, Overton twp. John S. Sherman, Wysos twp. Daniel Sullivan, Towanda born. Emily Vanallen , Springfield twp. N. B. Stevens, Troy boro, C. W. Smith. Franklin twp. 1. 8. Thompson - , Wyalusing twp. Tuttle lb Mather, Ulster twp. A. A. Taylor, ' Rome born, Wm. Vanbrunt,. Wysor twp. A. D. Vaughn, Wilmot twp. John C. Wilson, . Towanda boro. ratimso nova= John ,Coleman: Athena twp. Patrick Costae, Towards born. W. & Crunmer, Redmond Caton. Morris Clare, - Ulster twp.. McClelland & Adams, a ....Colombia Oscar Corbin Wyabudng twp. Thomas Dithan, . , Athena born. Barnard Dunn, Overton twp. C= Pinion,.. Pletcher, Charles •Grohs, Triy born. Wm. Henry, Towanda boro. T. W. Knowles, Athens twp. H., A. Kiln • .Atlsms bores George_ W. Matt, Towanda born. John MeGoffie, jr., Athens twp. Morgan A Wolf, Troy boro. Samuel N. Manley, h Troy boro°rl4. 11 • W. IL Or • . ' , .=c' Charles Rice;.......- :. ~. . lk._ . twp. E. W. ,3mlib. Towanpa boro. A. IL Smith, . Towanda boro. Henry Raw, . .Ulster twp. T. N. Wilson, Albs bores M. A. Wall.. ' • Athens twp. Franck Wittig, Towanda boro. miummumr imams. Colwell i Whitman,. ' Canton boro. Barnard Dunn, Overton twp. Dennis McMahon- Towanda boro. Eihoreghessy-& Co Towanda bore. A. L. McKean, • Towanda bores B. F. Bedington, . " Trey bores Valle A Vanordn, . Troy tep. Having disposed of all quarter sessions besinesa, Court adjourned on Friday to meet Again-on Monday morning at 10 o'clock. Nil BOSH IN TUN Case.—We lave been informed that a lady who was a par. senger on 8:30 p. m. train going west on' the 29th nit.. gave birth to a child be tween this city and Aluney station. She was acoonipsale3 by her husband. They were from New Jersey, and en route from Towanda. The child lived only kfew mo ments. The . mother was taken to the Her. die House, and her wants Pranided for. she is now doing ai well as could be carded. -4 4Mndit9 Gargiik - • iiobly wool otiAllpilitikiiis limbs 41b thori.**4l4o 3 Ovilk / 6 .4,1120 bistaillwthsti tnt4 aithiteikei4earti . ling and shop would now lky in ashes .:-Tjzcontraot for reijiatrift e Meth oat Snow& has been iwarded L, acicisis aQo ot=tWs plsoo, The tadlfts mill ha- WWl' moodeka, and an Wit* of JLirt7 hot -rit ow the leak 4114161011 will make it 000. atthe largos .thoret4 i. lioseln toes. ,itteirode is to wit WOO. AIMIONir MULIa. bein Assistant //wises for this district. rice W. Ditossi. - We deem it due to Mr. D. to say that he las discharrid the &Mei *this aloe ins satisfactory menses. • Orin; Ooox, of Qrwall, hie ale) been &V poliited to the:Saute pcialtion, is place of IL W. Boca. • • - - Otorissy ar, - Aiissser say there is ao truth in the report, that their dook of Hats and Caps is sold out. - Notwithitand ing their large soda of these good; their stock is yet cowls* as they mein daily additions to their assortment. Owing to their immense Wes they are enabled to sell &tittle cheaper than uty one elle. • • Comm.—Bey.' J. B. Bums. and wife, assisted by, others..vill gin a mead at the XL Church in Etianding Stone. Pa.. on Wednesday ev r eulAg; May . 19; 1860. Procieds - cl concert to be used in *prim ing a library for the SuUday.4ichool of that place. Ailruissioni 20, dents ; Andrei, 10 cents. Concert to commence , at eight. its►. Oro WiDNABKB GONIL—The two large willow trees which have akiod in front of Mrs. Burrow's and Mr. resi dences for many years, were cut down on Monday last. They had grown solaria that they obstructed the side-walk, and people who frequent that side of Main street not be_ sorry that they are gone. •We the trees were grown from cuttings put into' the ground, in the early history of Towanda, by Mr. %Mum Baowx who formerly occu pied the property. _ . N' The filth sermon pf the aeries before the Y. 11. O. A. was delivered by Bev. Wm. Hamm, in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday evening last, from the text Am Imy brother's keeper." The vs- Hens congregations in town were well rep iesented, and alflistened with peculiar in-, terest to the , able and eloquent discourse, which was eminently practical. His argu ment was logical, and his conclusions such as commended themselves to all who listen ed to him. Such sermons cannot but ac complish good, and we have no doubt that many who left the church at the conclusion of the mantises, - felt a deeper reepobsibility in regard to the welf - tr — e.of their 011ows than they ever realized before. MIL The follow:lug persons were installed officers of Northern Lodge, No. 223, LO. of G.T., for the quarter cotumene ing May 1, Friday evening, May 7 : W. VAN Tvu. 'W.V.T.—/dies M. M. Halting. 8.-0. P. %was. F. fiantrozasotc. T.—J. H. Hisoinawr. M.—J. H. Cans:, Ja. C.-0. M. Ham. L(l.--Join Com:intik D.M.—Man: Mosoare. , • A.B.—Mon= Laws. - . W. T. BISHOP and 0. llusroir were elected delegates to the (}rand Lodge. The Lodge is his prosperous condition, numbering over one hundred members. -- • CANTON.—Messrs. Ealore :--Pmit Hume is not satisfied with his building at the Mineral Springs, so the foundation for larger house is being prepared in order to hive an edifice 402.80., • Mountain Lake hail, changed liands in part. In a few months (on the spot where a renowned Indian Chief fell while leading 18 braves against an equal number of Col. Itswimzen men, 1778,) there' will be prepa rations made for a . pleasaut Summer resort. It is &bent' two miles and a half from the lake to the springs, The Good Templars are about "swarm ing," as the Lodge room is not large enough to hold them all at once they propose to send out a young swarm. The Odd Fellows are preparing to orga nize a Subordinate Encampment. The School Directors are making but lit tle progress concerning the new School House. The citizens are !waiting anxiously, desiring to see it completed, but, oh, how long shall they look in vain ? The Methodists are erecting a large meet ing house in West Granvilla, Clarrrox, May 9, 1869, FERGUSON—LYON.—In Rome, May , 9, 1869. • by Rat S. Elwell, Mr. David Fer guson, of Owego, N.Y., to Miss Lemira Lyon, of Orwell, Pa. • ENNEST-INGHAM. —By Bev. D.Cook.Mai 5,1869, F. it. Fames and Mollie L. Ing ham, the former of Standing Stone town ship and latter of Wyalnaing. PEET , —HAWHINS.—In Towanda, May 5, by Rev. S. J. Lusk, Mr. Vertner Q Peet to Miss Helen A. Hawkins. WILLCOX—In Fninklin,Biadford 00.,Pa., April 21, 1869, Rebecca Willcox. in the 65th year of her age. • Yes, moll*! thou hast.: - lift: our home deplete. We feel that death in all its ter rors has again—so soon--visited ne,—has been standing on the threshold fin months, and at last entered,' severieg frem us a be loved. affectionate, and only remeining pa rent, a fond mother! What sound so sweet on earth ! what friend so constant and true! Oh! mother, the tender cord that has bound us together for so many years is forever bro ken. The fond hopes we cherished , of . hav ing thee spared us yet a little while to cheer and comfort us in lonely hotts, are forever blasted. All our bright anticipations for the future have proven but vain and illosoryf Nevertheless, mother. .the Lord's will be done ; and we will bow submissively, well knowing that He doeth all things well, and worketh all things togetherfor good to those that trust in Him. Feeling assured that during thy protracted and intense sufferings . His all-merciful arm rested, upon, strength ened, and supported thee, causing thee to endure with patience and'fortitude, and un til the last thou couldst lisp praises to God on high, for which we know that all is Well with thee; Then farewell, dear mother! forevermore, rest in peace, undisturbed, on Jorbui's fair shore, where we hope to meet and greet thee as in days of yore. DIIRAND.—At his residence in Herrick, on Thursday morning, April 29.. after an ness of eleven weeks, John. Durand. aged illty-one years. Monroe bores ..Towands boro. bßidgury twp. —.Troy !)oro. F--raits of every taste and lte, R—eoeived by express, fresh and new ; 11—nuattelly fine this year they come, I—nviting health to every home. T—ry.their virtues, you who will, 13—:topping thus the. doctor's bill - T—o•day we have on hand is store o—ranges and lemons by the score, 11 7 --4xl bananas and pineapples good, Fr-,very kind, cheap, of Gm. H. Woon. NOTICE TO Fisassi.-411 . personi having hits, shirts, and belt'. belonging to either the Franklin or . Naiad Fire Gomm- Mee, are hereby reqtdred to leave them at the store of Codding, Russell it Co. hams &MeV. Q. & Buses, MAY 9,1869. • Burge & Buias Aikozast. NIMAT. MARBLE I. DIED Special Notites. • dr , o of .D. Wynn& - T?1_ 111 . 401 KW uNw.; • 7, - ar The next Session of the' B bed amity Teseheat, Ameoetatioetis to be held at Omen ea the lith sad 12thif Jane. beitee4-1100404amboti ilmegge6— Ape Pewee t - -,Ded~e,M A. Axes* Z.IJ: amen ; Beebtess Chet.-41. J. tbtos• s is Clutaistx Pearce, , AD cammicas. PATIN* lisbiugoase— .Fer. Ilona , 'A. taxasri,l3•o.' ' = , mos 361. The best 1 0 0) 'IM dr tared nos the United Btstes Striate' Decker Brothers in Now Yoh, and Nallett d, Cern. SW; 801 the belt iiilaCalol3l and Or; gems New Haven, M. For Mk by W. Die m & Co., Toweide. Nay 5#41 I ) Aisles $llll VIOOI4 For restoring Qty Bair to its-IMM* VitMkr and fbkr.- . A. .thesi&g which is at once agreeable, healthy. and , effectual for preserving the hair Adel or gray hair is restored to its iiitgbad color will. the=freshaess u tf yoth. Thin hair is checked, - and,' Widnes' alien, not *brays. cured by use. Nothing can re state the hair where the follicles are destroy ed. or the shads atrophied cad decayed. But such as tumain can be eared forirmitd- Itese by this with application. Instead of (waling tbe lade • pasty sediment,. it keep it clew an vigorous. oecesionel use will versa& the hair from . turning gray or felling off, and consequenDypt bald ness. Pree.fross those del mahatm as which make some preparations danger ous andto the hair, the. Vigor can only Wadi but not' harm lf. If wanted su for • hair drewdog Ali canrely , nothing be foundio desirable.Omtiongnel their oil nor die, it dorm not soil white cam. bria,and yet lists long on , the hair. Oring it a dishglary lustre and gratehd Prepared by Dr. J. O. Ayer & Co., Prac tical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell,lfass. Price $l,OO. • . Sold I, Dr. IL c Porten Towanda. &AM Druggita k,,D6alere in medicinal every where., Nov. 213, 1668.7 Nonce.—The person who ex changed overcoats at the Means House, on Taal, the 4th of Max as is supposed through a mistake, will please return the same and take his ova. That taken. was a black beaver.. It is important to us that the coat taken should be returned to us without delay. Joao= it Roam May 12. Prole= Means Honse -o Los; somewhere between Scottsville and Towandada long Waterproof Cloak. The finder will be suitable rewar ded on leaving it at this office. April .21. a iffir We have a second-h and Man afacpuing Machine , in good ordev, suitable for sewing leather, would give' good %satis faction to a Shoe or Harness Maker, or Carriage Trimmer. We will sell it at a bar gain. - I Wrositsu dr, Bucts. March • - ser - NATniti TIDD, Justice of the Peace; in office with E. Overton Jr., front ing the Oonrt Bonse,lnd over Pettis at Co's Store. • Feb. 25. , M. Mies Mom A KEENE, teach er of Vocal and Instrumental Music, bas se cured the Agency of , the celebrated Soho meeker A Co's Gold Medal Piano. These Pianos have maintained their reputation as first-class Pianos, for more than 30 years ; they have been awarded the highest pre miums, and are now admitted to be the fin est and most hifildY imPliged Pianos made in the country. Also Geo. A.. Prince do Co's Organs and Melodeons: Towanda, Aptil;:2B, 1866.-4 t = To nix Lovsns or FLowints.-Sin (*rely thanking my customers for their very liberal patronage during theist pers. I have much satisfaction in, informing them that I have this demon a large stock of Plante, such as Bove, Geraniums, Pashias and others too ntunkrous to mention here, either for house or garden culture ; Also ao rawly a large supply of early Cabbage, !Tomato's, Peppers, Egg plants, and others In season. Orden from unknown correspondents must invariably be accompanind by a re mittance or responsible reference. Haim Mix. April 21.- Towanda, Brad. G0.,-Pa. 'Kir Now is the' time to boy Viral Paper and Window Shades cheaper than ever offered in Towanda, at U nmans do .Bta =lnt " April 28. A Tors Sraawacasy.—The cele brated Dr. Nimble Strawberry: It has been grown to weigh 12 to the pound. Plants by mail or otherwise, 60 eta per dozen.— Plants'in pots, 15 eta each. A large Hat of leading strawqerries for sale. Send for de scrip ve eireolar and price list. B. M. Wawa. Towanda, Pa., April 26._ SS. Mueslis Si Mix have just re- . ceived a large quantity of Punt Cm= Vans -08,14 which they ire selling at reasonable rates. ' I • April 2.1. THE BAIA BURNING AHOICAN COOK ING Swim—Mons liernovrautirs aim Two ?toau Paramus.—After a long.series'of expe rimentS, we.lutve added the Base Burning principle to this already world-renowned Stove, by means of hot air chambers in front and rear of the of the fire-box, and a regulator at the pipe collar. With this im provement we accomplish - the following re sults : let. A. coal fire can be kept all winter by replenishing the fire twice every twenty-four hours. 2d. A continuous fire can be kept through the winter with the consumption of less than 20 lbs. of coal in 24 hours, and the .oven kept in baking order a large portion of the time. . . 3d. The coal will be thoroughly con sumed without the - usaal amount of cinders and clinkers, and the annoyance of damp ing the grate every morning to maks a. fresh Are, avoided. 4th. For a wood Are, pith two moderate sized sticks of dry wood; a Are can be kept from 15 to 18 hours without any ,trouble. This will be found the greatest improve ment yet made in Cooking Stohe. It has all the adlMntages of a self-feeder with much greater economy of fuel, and without its in conveniences. .It is fully secured by letters patent. Manufactured by ( Suzan, karm) it Co.. 17 and 19 Green Albany, N. -Y. For sale by CODDLING. Buttamm, As., To wands. Fe. April 27, '69. Ntto 2lbstrtiotments. TOWANDA MARK . (Wu oczaamt Pawn.) Corrected .... eWednesday by O. B. I lidded to changes 4147 : Wheat . $1 50 0 175 Bye. ,1 00 0 1 • Buckwheat ..... 65 , 75 . Corn 85 . o 90 Oats . 60 0 65 Beans 250 ©'-4 00 Butter (Bolls) 35 0 do (Dairy) . 35.0 .37 Eggs ... 17 G Potatoes. 40 G 50 . Flour 8 00 a 10 00 Ham..: 20(4 22 Onions - 250 1115 3OO Wznurrs or Osaisr.—Wheat, 60 lbs. ; Corn 56 lbs ; Bey' , 66 lbs ; Oats, 32 lbs ; Barley, 46 Its ; Buckwheat, 48 lbw ; Beans, 62 lbs ; Bran. 20 lb. ; Clover Seed, 60 lbs ; Timothy Seed. 44 lb s ; Died; peaches. 33 lbs-; Dried Apples, 22 lbs ; Flax Seed,66 lbs. Tune Tun .—The following in the Time Table of the Pennsylvania and New York Canal and Ran Road Company, which , took ° effect on. Monday, April 26, 1869 : 11017171WA/Xl6 P. AL P.M. A. VirAuzza.... 635 1:15 8.1. Arens . 130 8 ...... .7:03 1.93 928 Morn ....7:18 Tcnomma 740 220 9.45 4 , 1 & P. IL • P. IL Wavraur 810 12:46.... " ..520 Avioni ' ....7:50 - 12a6 600 Mars 737 12:12 4A7 Man.— 7a2 11:57 4.22 TOWANDA .1120... Joan P. 00X :. Y•.> ~oddin~ igt ns and ROM Weeliti • 111,1Ai I CARRIA - H - 4 1 : ipoLes, VELUM: 8, BILVI* BACKS, , TOP LEATHER, DASH LEATHER, ENAIIELLED . OIATEC, SPRINGS . a AXLES PIPS BijXES, CIRCLES. BOLTS. ANVILS, WILLOWS. and At Codding, Russell & Co's. MACHINE 014 ROPE, LEATHER BELTING, BABBITT METAL, PUMPS, itud SAW:4, 4k, ALWAYS of+ HAND. CORN SHELLERS, FEED CUTTERS CHURN POWERS, PLOWS AND ALL FARMING TOOLS, At Codding, Russell 4? Co's. BUILDERS' MATERIALS, NAILS, PAINTS AND OILS, -LINE AND CEMENT, by the teriel, CARPENTEWS, BLACKSMITH'S, And COOPER'S TOOLS, DUPONT'S P 0 WDER, AWES' SHOVELB, PICKBIAND PISHING TAME and • HOOKS E 1 E.a I; \. z a ' pw i i 0 0 x (1) 3 = s Z ix, &. . 2 • ig WS °.• • 11 ~ lil . 2 4 T... m' "a - ..g . o co .0 1.7 al el ` p a j • - 3 It: . 1 2. 1.8 cc C7 ',;, 2-s .2 3 ... wn a c el ci ki ~ .8 C. • 0 ,= ir 1 . . _ .5 - •- i a :4 -is .z 11 2f, a. 0 Ep. k , 0 ra - o: m E W gi -,, DOTY'S WASHING MACHINE Universal, Clothes Wringer. .EIXO EI e SIOR BENCH WRINGER. SILVER PLATED WARE, LAMPB,,LANTERNS, GUNS AND PISTOLS. POCKET-KNIVES, RAZORS, " ;SCISSORS, AND SABLE OU'iLE-RY, At Codling, Russell & Co.'s. A.: g . c• 5 cp • 5,1 n -4, . w eta 4 i P i l 1 • : e tD -m A av .k-4 z 1 g 4 p i .4 , m t ., 04 8' d 1 ...._ 6 . .1 I, 04 ;,4 2 iZ4 44, ._. 1. .I.c 4 0 C at in ,71 g g 43 Z z .. e ' " C+ .s. 3 4 3 [fi Ch a 11 1 - .., ta ~. w t % z e t a a, u; Ei of 8 L ... a L 0 All eit "a r 4 0 a. .1:,E4 . g . Hi lt ti co iii . 4 w E l cri 211 ET I IEII SANFORD & ORIRNPI 4 HEATERS. , • . IKON, KEROSENE OM, VARNISH,' - SCYTHES, HERO FRUIT. JARS, AT,W.H O'L SAL E. BZWIWG MACHIN ISE , Tama, ispiese. • & _,.: 01 „ L ..~ ~: t : } i ~"~ I'i'. i. t "' . T S'~-"'~' E SPOKES, , TELII49, GAS PIPE, In large stock. Including , SASH, GLASS,; plurwry. Fuss, WHEEL-BARROWS.: The largest Stock of In towanda. SOLE AGENTS FOE WE OFFICE GLASS, NAILS, Agentsi for Elias Howo, Jr. kiii ;•444: 0 4 1 El ME . . . . • . . . . is NEWIHARDWAREItO E . , e. . . No, 12fillf.ausfitreet 'Abe moss soiiplete: ; • ' . S 7 O C K-O.II.ISTOtrY:ES !Ter lioagti!: to this place, =Nag which wl9 .• .. •••:'itielootThd CELEBRATED •ONESi = lhe Only. Agent ,in; 7026fria ' OIIIIIN , G GLORY, glakktlONES /314140 T,, BALaIMOUE NEATER, Whitb:are, withi4a. ivreption, Me bed Heading Stoves male lanytlio agent for the' Cook-Stoves OUB OLIN HOME, GARDEN CITY, , And they cannot -be Excelled. I am slap agent-tor atf orm and' :Counter ,Scales Kerosene Oil, Window Glass All of which will he sold at Manufacturers Prices TQ the bade. 1 also keep coonstattly on ban it complete STOCK OF. HARDWARE, Of ARAMs, coasiscla io pirt ofr. APrings. " MIMI Felloes Nail Rods, Tin Ware. And all k Inds of Shelf H ardwate, - which will be sold at - the lowest prime. I would say to' Merchants that I • will at all times meet Elmira prices. Towanda. Oct. 22. 1868.. HUMPHREY BROS., 'No. 100 MAIN STREET, TOWANDA; PENN'A., Keep constantly on hand .oat complete assortment or - BOOTS AND. SHOES, LE,ATHES, SHOE Fl N;DINGS, xgr rT~ss, SADDLERY- HA DWAR • t TRUNKS, TRAVELLING BAGS, All In ". hivh will 1)3 w Id opan rhe ME .1168-r BEASO NA BL E TERM§ 4 14 N._.,- Ilmrep4tiOtet Y-llumpli,,t's,:Bo9l43:" Is to welt eaUtillah!if that'rtt 'vcittsideFlt.tiat necessary to okflasytblegitmxtt them. MI /I; 10. gir AT; OAP, ANWITIC SAME I AA. Lonichs,..4l4 r ;;;1-'l. - f • ThirjeAlersi. vied have opened a Store en di south du of, liercues new,l494e • ; I uor* Ir *4,l"Ti- ME =ME i ,: t ",!i . .%7 , 1C,'AP4 - •,t4R.5i:,.,.: EWE LLAS, CANES, .GLOVES, = - I Wlilett, we will tell et. Iha lowcat p ill able esic.4 4 andre n epectlally sellelt : it ohare el 4he !, v roi tie of the patie. „:. . • ... BM MI Air HO fitted ;with. the Anierkip; :Collfpnnatpr: L - po K 1 lEW -JEWELRY, A T WA BNER:p. GOLD. WATCIIES, WARNERT. _ EI GIN WATCHES AT WARNER'S 4, WAWT)IAIk WATCHES, LT *All=lO3,, F- Ho, GOLD JEWELRY, Arewiy- ALL KINM , CLOCKS, , AT Spectacle4;.watidu!tt)ll4.lls4lnrgrhlti,stumer!ismto GOOD BAKER, , . Call and Beatific. you will save wanly per cent pot - purchaser. • Watehea, Dinelll and Jewelry repaired; lind'Wsrratatcd., l'UttorfrEtlock. l •• - • t: , A. WAIIITER; Towanda, Dee. I`b6B. , , N An.pNA 4 LIFE INSURANCE f u 6, Doan, -Nails • 1/../M j • k CLARRCE 11. LUIZ, President ; JAY COCKE,Chairien [inane and Er. Com ; *ENKE lk' COOKE, Vice President tIIERSON W. PEET, georetary..and Actuiiri •. ~ .. . . , . . .. . . --- Tbe advanties gof Pe National Life 'antrum . Company are : __ I. It is a National Co.. chartered by Congress ; 3. It his a paid up - Capital of. One Million Doi leis ; 3..1t offers low rates of premiums ; 4. It furnishes larger insurance than other &in , 4.kardes, tar the same . money . i .- • .5. It is definite arid certain ; 6. There la no Possibility of miarepresentallori by agenta, or misanderstaading by policy : • holders i. 7. The policies are pliin contracts, so mach in ' guinea lor so much money ; 8. -AU paliatui are nop-forfeitleg ; ' • 9. The policies are exempt Spnkes, Iron, Horse Shoes, Belting. E. W. CLIME dcCO.,--Benkers, Philadelphl3, TOWANDA COAL YARD i ANTHRACITE AND. BITUMINOUS COAL La. The undersigned having _lensed the Coal Yard and Dock at the old " Barclay Bade," and Jb t completed a large Coal House and Office upon the premieres, are now prepared to furnish the citizens - of Towanda and vicinity with the ditf erent baps and sizes of he above named coals upon the most rensonable; terms in any quanti ty dealred. Prices at. the Yard until farther notice :. .. . ~ Large Egg . - $5,50 Small Egg, . . ..e . 54,0 Stove, - 5.50. . Chesnut, - 5,00 " Barclay" Lump 4,00 ' - " - Bun of Hines, C - 340 " Pine . r Blacksmith . 3,00 The following additional charges will, be made for dellyering Coal within the 'Borough limits : P Per T0n,..f.0 eta . extra for carrying is 50 cts Half _T0n..35 " " At " 25 " Q au t er ton Ts v .. . - . 01, - .. • .. 25 gs U Orders may be le't's! the Yard, ' corner of ,f ailroad and Elizabeth - at!, or at H. C. Por, tees.Drig S'ore. ww.. Orders must -in - all cases be accompanied with the cash. .7 • The subscriber offers for sale, this Spring, a good list of leading varieties of Apple, Pear, Cherry, Peach 811 , 1 MUM Trees, both Standard and Own,. Also, a well selected list of small Fruits-, such as Grapes, Currants, Gooaberries, Strawberries, 11 aspb rries and 111a4berties. WHIPS, &c., &c, I= ~,--, ~.~~ MER=M ENSUE =I Whenthey tit,tis4to,kerP 6 fug i istficc, of IMO PASHIONABLt DUMN Gobdf;t'cm:eitngot zl`.'C; 'i 118121111 TR A VELLIN B AG% BUFFALO aitik WOLF ; Itai,e§4e. CL(LNIVEY-A Zivands, Oct. 5, +.; CO. OF Q. B.A • \ • Csixt CrArrrst,,ooo=ssns fM -stria.. Chartered by Consress, 1868 general Agent!! B. S. RUSSELL; SS:tuner& torAgenta for Towanda - and vicinity : lag_ A. G. MASON, NATHAN TIDD. WARD pivEN Towinda, March 1 FRUIT , AND ORNAMENTAI, TItEPS, ALSO, CHOICE EVERGIIEENS ; Such u Norway Spruce, Bab= Fir. i Arbor- Vito, Hemlock, Juniper, ac. Choice deciduous trees : such u Idaples. hionntald Ashes, !unt ies, Weeping Birch, Weeph:g, Willows, Elm,, Horse Chestnuts, - 4. - r Ornamental shr ubs, FLOWERS, ROSES, VINES, &c. , • Asparagus Hoots • Cold Frame ClO:l2ga x i Mattel Earl Giodrith and Harrison- Pota toes ; Arbor Ville', Osege Orange andlideney Locust Hed Plows. Van Baren's Holden Dwarf Peach Tree. - Send (or Circular and Price List , E. AL WELLS , Towanda.. P . atch,3rd,lB 4 9-.-tf THE N W AND. IM?ROVED • lAS EEO SF 1111 V G. NACiIINES, FA3tIL Y Were award(' the Finn. Prize at the Patin Ex= '67, it v:r 82 ether Machines. posiOoo 1 ' • • State Fairs of • 186 8. have Sachin.• the Ault premium ; rertniylvania. Ila,slcha• Vermont, Wisconsin, Also, dal - f atiarded lb;s New York, setts, New a Id Indiana. ' At the Con Oswego, CV% • flonrcle,Herki host of others. Ity Fairs% et Madison. °madam .ne, Orleans, Toroßkins,...Senaca, er, S, triy ler, LivingAt 3n, and a Report Of the Com.-ittee on Sewing Machines, at the State 'Fair keld in Rochester, Kali of 1869.—"Yonr Cox:mitt e - bays examined the different - Sewing . Ida:lines. to which 'their at tention was called, and would reoommendas the best Family end - Machine for all wOrk,Ellas tiolre's Sawing Mt:chine, sod for the following reasons : of constructton. 2d-- -RegolaritY of tension on both upper. and lower threads. - 3d--Ease of management. 4th—Great range of work upon all materials,, ;; bib—The perfect attachments thetilacbine for felling, hemmming, tucking, braiding, quilting. Illnd• Ing and cording, and the ease with whicbrthey are applied, 6th—Tile durability of the ma chine, being made of hardened steel, tadrad justed in its beariegs." We recommend a med. New style Hemmer, Welder, Tucker, Quitter, COrder; , Bmbrolderer. Binder, Seiler and Int.. proved Tuck Marker. • It will owe arty onil every kind Of throad,frotis the finest to the coarPest, with a much smaller needle than other mPchineis.`Be aura swim. &mien etu beforeyou i.urchase Price from $6O to $2OO, - and every - ma chine warratted.•c The re it value or •uur. Matinincturidg id +chines for Tams; Boot, Shoe, 'Pampa and Carriage ken is too • well known to require comment— ; Don t fall to call and pee them. .• SREPARIf.& TERNEUB, Stn. Agt's. •. Lake fit, Elmira..N.Y. For sale 'by CODLING, lko•Co., .13eneval Agents, Towanda, Pa. - 11 the irider (DICE FLouR. it the lowed Piegdo.o. l l, gill's it' Feb• 34• •,f " tkibirr7 . 6 l ll fOik4 -1' Alti is hereby - glven4 that, all An- !* debted to the estate oIiDAVID: I.III6VAN. Otliurlington dee'd. ace 'requested -to ula ! h i anemelledlate pa ost y moete nt, and tbos• -- havtag sinstgaid'leinismitttbeitiliky authenticated for settlement. - ;Y• UPLEZNBA.CK, • AlpfttlegikKG-4' • ' !Madden.. "::Aptifit LTRAITOWS..::i4TOT/OW-- 444: ofilas litreby, Meek to &Wolter/es I. depted lietrireisto of Oerddlii It. Kellett. late. of Alban* Ow, stecloLi, wet ',quested. 19 make liemedlatkpeoteitt.ag4ll=ine deltas naiad. odd Ni de. lout- - them duly authentleatiklier • FEZ , May 5.1861' - .:'; - MOM =Zia P. wo XEOTORM-- botobrylitoo dot sayoupou tridet:teci to tbs o Orimulltill BILES, eked.: Wiultrosingtip.ontioyouftilk) maktimmedt• - ate pokye rt iyithopt , piss. sod those baring tlokua yam owe Present tb rfu duty ma tlestod foe - -,-.7r3T: IMES pril 19; 1841M.A. - A DAIDLISTRATOBIS Noticelir busby eves. that all persons. aidebted to' the 'estate . of IL w, guei late of Wilmot, telt - , - Eited.jere rapieeted to make Jaw - tdAt' 4o matt wt. ail pewee baying claims against ad esam,il.,muse pant them duly tut : - . t- r ARPE ELY, Aftloistratoi• . STATSV INTERNAL L.) aniffffillE .--110TICE TO TAX PAY EBB .i—Zietiole is binary given, that the under eignede Assessor of the 13th District of Penn 'Annie will held Oasts et Appeal for the cor recl ions of erroneous assawasents at his office in Blesmsbeg, Tuesday, Wednesday and . Thursday. Wiy Ilth 12th and 13th, 1849, All appeals meat be in- wrfibig, and should dpeeity the particular cause, matter , or thing, respect ing• which a declaims is requested, and shall state the- ground , or prieciple 'et error com plained of. Appeals may be aide at the nefice, of the Asseseon" at any time previous to the days shove fined for baring appeals: If any " pe eon liable to • bonne tan. orowidtle• Care I sieges, Watches, and other articles liable un der schedule A olthe tease livr hare not yet - reported, they hereby notified to do wt at , once or become liable to the penalty., It is she duty of every one amenable to the law to s.!tir. the Assessor of his district and Wake big return. • - '13A1117E6 Xbiollll - . - . . Aserssoes otrics t Areesor. Bloomsburg, Pa.,April 34. 1849.1 • • - IN.-TaE DISTRICT COURT OF 1 the 'United Stites, for the Western Die-- . . tract of Pennsylvania. Perry Buell, a . Bankrupt under the Act of Congress of -; lifarch2d, 1887, having applied for a Dis charge from all his debts,. and other rl'dma _; - provable under sairl g ii t, - by order of the .. Court, notice is he y given, to all per , sons who have prim their debts, and otb- : 1 i er persons interes d, to appear on.the 2lth day of Max 1 . at 10 o'cicick; ami . - before Edward verton, Jr, Esq.,' - at his of- . , lice, , in Tow da; to show cause,, if any they have, why a discharge should not be -, granted to the said Bankrupt,-Andfurtber notice is hereby given,. that the second and -_ third meetings of the Creditors of the said' Bankrupt; required by 'Me. 27th and 28th , • sections of said Ac t willtoOrekl before the said Register, at the same & time arid. place. _ • S. C. Md6ANDI;RRS/ - May 5, 180. -Clerk of said Court. ; L'ARMERS OBSERVE.--RED KIRK--A Thormighbred. - Short recorded stock, A; FL 8.. vol. 8. Will stand for service the przsent•seasm on Joseph Hornet's farm, in Konrotton, at the 1 ol lowing very low rate Of service, cash Single cow, $3 ; Two cows, $5 ; Five or As OMB. $lO ; Ten 'cows. $l5 Al.o for rale, calves, both heifers and bol ts, the get of lied Kirk. Call and examine the stock. Monroctota, Ma B TONE , As persons wishing .fLaging. steps. 4. lintels. water tables; or any kind of build i2x atone, will please address the undersigned. Ail or ders.promptly attended to.. J. W. GO O'DWIN. P.O. Box 230. P. B:—iatt order : left with Joins Miaes will be forwarded. May 5, '6O. SULLIVAN &, - .ERIE RAIL ROAD , Wages $I 75 per day. Bo nrd 818 per month Apply at Engineer! Once, hionroeton Pa. ' J. 8. ANIMIEUS. Elmira Daily a* .13'.eek'y Adve)tista and Binghamton • 13emacral r publish one month and send bill to this Once. . MEANS HOUSE, JORDAN & HORTON, Prop's : This popular Hotel having been thoroughly refitted and rephlred, and tarnished, througnout with new and elegant Furniture. will be o pen . for the reception of guests, OR SATURDAY, WAY 1969, neither expense' nor pain 4 has been spared in-rendering this house a model Hotel, in all Its arrangements. A superior griality old Burton Ale for invalids just received. • - April 28,-1969. • L OO K lIER 1_ COWELL itt at the old stand of Riumum.x. dk. Cowitt.ti . are 'no* tezeiving a large and .0.1 selected stock of GROCERIEF... AND PROVISIONS,_ r which they offer to cash buyers at prices that eel) , competition. .• "3 Cash paid for all kinds farmers produce. April 21, 1869.-tf ruf ACKREL, CODFISH,:. WHITE .4.II. dab, Trout and Smoked Halibut. • COWEL I L & CHOICE •CANDIES; WELL & `VICES OF ALL KINDS, JAVA L.) andlllo Coffee of all grades roasted and ground. . COWEI.J. 4 MYEI3. CHOICE FLOUR OF ALL GRADES at the lolrest prices. FEED AND CORN MEAL CHEAP. COWELL ct if YEE. SUGAR 0 J BROOMS, WOODEN AND low Ware, &a. 4 1' COWELL & MYER. - STONEWARE OF ALL KINDS., COWELL tt, MYER. lIQUTTER TUBS AND FIRKINS; gooitquality. coWELk & *TER, Towana, April 2t, 1869. TA D RIED FRUITS,OF ALL RINDS , McOABE'k. MIX. Rral l'Estatt, • POR SALE.--Fifty-thqnsar4l acres of the finest farming land situated in the County of Los Angeles, Oalifontia,lat prices ranging front $lO to $2O-(conency) per safe.— Theselait_a are contiguous to the thriving city of Los Angell's, and are admirably adapted for the volt ivatron of the Orange, Lemcio", ive, tirhortleberry aid fruit and grain. of every desdrlption Oreatattentioa is now being giv en to the pmduction of ,Raw Silk iti this 'dis trict, for which -the genial climate [renders it especially 'tilted. Arrangements will short ly bi made by which.intending emigrants can be furnished with guarantees for Utiel deeds be fore leaving New York. Por further particui lays address' TILESTON, EMERY tt CO. March 30, _ La Angeles.' VILLAGE PROPERTY rot SAL. V The inbscriber will sell ole or tin iiickses and Lote, pleasantly situ tted - in the 4 borough of ,Tosr.and.s. ono c rner lc 10(Lat.12 [teat with gaid house. Tne other 5532150. irith good house 'and barn. It is so arranged that the barn can be sold , with either lot. Terms made easy. - W. 11.tSH.M. Towanda, Huth 24, 1e69.-3m pARIIf FOR - SALE:—The linbscri -a: bee offentifor sale his term 'looted in _Al bany twp., about I+ mlien'trom Depot of S. ,t,` R. Farm conta klieg -31 acres, about 7 acres well timbered with white 'esti the whole is well watered aid under Aliciod state of cul tivation and baa a quantity or 'clunk 'roll trees thereon . For p,rt.Wars enquire ofTEI A 3. F PERRY:or the premises. - April 31.-41 VALUABLE' PROP . ERTX: FOR , v :SALE —The Subscribers offer tor sale the folkiwing desirable Frty : • ' One Farm ( n. Berl twit.. situated. ncat the borough of Bar Mgt.*); containing, 110 serfs mostly imrrored with ygobd teamed . house:two bards sad sheds .thersoa, numbg water at the house and lam, a - good orchard. • -, d alitbe Modein improvemonts editable' (or dairy Pummels. sums of imprieved land • with one framed barn thereon. in ttie b2roogh of Burlington. ' • - " ••I '• Aaact.=—Three bongos antflots an ;one brit.p 141/0 In the borough of TetZtil made_ guy. • For particulate enquiri • - ot, ONG Towitalha , or ,Iti/NANDIR LON Ballaskierborsegb, Ap0134 1 "..4 w LONG IMO'S. '"-• '• ' •. • i, ' •, • i! - , V•t.spniztr. A HwisCAltu ( # ‘l I ' 'Auilaistratots 4.-A. BILES- Rucntars. IllisuUcmetni#. J. G.' HOMET REI 100 MEN WANTED. TowAiDL,PA COWELL tk AIYER. ALL GRADES cownt & MYF.R.;-