!r,a4for,t_tfpo;4l,., FOB -4868. , _.... f 11 '1444: 8 :4. ; 1 : 4 ;11 20 21 ' 1 2788 4 11 18 25 21 I 10 17 24 31 Ele 4 11 1 118 1 25 2 04 10 Ll 7 CM U 32 6 6 2 13 920 :627 gil! id 17 15 IL 222: 29 31 OE 6 6 7 14 tat , 1 6172101 M ll7 1 .. 24 2 1 31. 7 8 . 4 • 7 221 1411 : 29 sl2l 2 • -11.12812 to 1 ,29. 9 16 23 130 26 271 SI • 1; „9 10 16 1 1. 1 23 211251 31 .. 1 7 8 14 15 2122', 18829' En 6' Is 20 127' LOCAL AND GENERAL: TIES Tmax.—The following is the Time Table of the .Penneylrards and New York Canal and Bail Road Company, wldeb took effect on Monday, Nov. 25, 1868 : 4 am:maw:tan. . •P. M. P.M. .A. M. 6:35 12:30 840 ....6:50 • 12:45 8.55 .7:03 12:58 9-08 :7:18 1.13 923 740 1:35 945 nowntwann. 8 - 10 12:00 6.00 ....7:50 , ~5:40 .. 7:37 11:27 527 7 a 2 11:12 5:12 ..7:00 10:50 4:50 - A. M. A. M. P. M. JOHN P. COX, Superintendent. Wavzsta Ancms.. Urstn.. TOWANDL SVANTittx ATimts . trzarzn, . TowasnA. -Rev; W. A. Nit.es will occupy the pulpit of the First Presbyterian Church is this place on Sunday morning nest. Rev. S. J. LUBEC, late of Or leans. N. Y. has accepted the call of the Towanda Baptist Church; and has entered upon his labors as pastor. Regular Sab i:loh services at 10:30 a m. and 7:30 p m. ogi. On Saturday last a beautiful back horse belonging to Lloyd Fish of Elheshegnin, .one of a finely matched team, and worth at least 8300, was, kicked by its mate, and one bind leg so badly shattered that killing became necessary. -a R.N. W. A. Nu.r.s, of (Jonaßg, 1 N. 'Y., will de deliver a discourse before the Young lllen's Christian Association of this 'place; in the Presbyterian Church, on Sun day evening next, 11th inst. Services in : the other Churches will be•omitted on .. that evening. INSTAIATIONS.—The cffieers elect ci Bradford Lodge No. IG7. L 0. of 0. F. for the current term were installed by Dist. Deputy (Alarms, on Monday evening. D. D. G. W. P. Maas installed the offi cers of Towanda Division, No. 103, Bons of Temperance, on Tuesday evening. i The Bradford ll rgus,l am told, has been somewhat concerned for some creeks Fast, as to. my whereabouts. If the editor of that paper-vill call at the Custom House, in Philadelphia, Isbell be happy to rt Lure his anxiety. ' E. 0. G. tee• Business outside, it cideut to I,a:ow his arrangements for his departure 1.,r Philadelphia, has prevented Mr. - Goon s:en from bestowing his usual attention to the interests of the paper this week, while the junior has been so much occupied in aisposing of his other business, preparatory to entering upon his duties in the office, that we mist ask thec indulgence of the rea der for omissions and short comings this keel:. Vsr in. the list of appointments s,alt to the Senate on Friday last, we find' the nano of CHAS:LEA G. 'FAIIIMAN, as Post Master at Elmira. Mr. F. is the chief edi tor of the Ativerilher, to whose labors that Raper oa*CS much of its wide-spread reputa ii.On as able and sprightly daily. He has to tialtin NI nth cause in its col umns with great rigor and ability, and mop.. than L'a:elves this mark of encourage ment awl szt l yJrt. He will mon.-over make 'a papilla! and ,efficient officer. =mom Comaider:Ole anxiety is In;thi- Testeil to kwon 'what are the duties to be . performed by the Surveyor of the Port of Philadelphia, which office is now or abotit to be filled by the former editor of these columr.: , ;. ire are not exactly posted, but we suppose his principal duty is to go-down every morning to the Delaware river and take a survey of the Port—he being, like Alexander Selkirk, on the island of Juan Fenandez, "monarch of all ho surveys." -IVo don't 'believe the rumor that the y new Surveyor has been making or procur ing a set of instruments. NARR Ar ESCAPE FROSI DRdWSING. 1 / 1 Sunday moaning last, two young men, named Win. Dow and Thos. McCarthy, at tempted to cross the river above the mill dam at Apalachin, and paring that they would - be carried over the dam, both lump ed from the boat into the river and swam tor the shore, which McCarthy succeeded ta reaching. Daw not being es good • , simmer, was carried by the current over 'the Jam, but was successfra, however, in grasping around one of the mill-posts, , v,,ere he hung until a boat reached him.- - - , - 90 Gazelle. DEATH OF JOHN BINGSLAND.—.JOHN , INGSIAND, ' the unfortunate man who was convicted of the crime of wife-murder in this County, about two years - since, cam witted'suicide in the Eastern Penitentiary, • , n Saturday last. The following notice in . the Philadelphia .Press, explains how the deed was accomplished : '• Coroner Damns held an inquest on ..iturday last, at the Eastern.PenitentlarYt ~u the body of ti convict named Jomt K Ixosxasn, who committed suicide by stab- Ling himself through the heart with a knife Lich he had made out of apiece of iron and in his celL KINGSLAND had beets in institution two years. He was convict i in one of the upper counties of this State t,-tr the murder of his Wife, and sentenced :•• t Nelve years' imprisonment." Cr:lE Etiß HYDROPHODIA.—We have nitwit Lith in cures for hydrophobia, as the eases seem to be more numerous s season than . usual, it may be well I,:vagh to hate sotto remedy at hand for tuaiediato tige when anyone is bitten. The ulloaiog is said to have been tried with "Teat success : Take of the root of elecampane (green r lry.) one and a half ounces ' • bruise it = aid ono pint of new milk, take at one in the morning, fasting until four dock in the afternoon, or, at least, take a light dint at noon. Miss one morn- ;:. and repeat as before, except take two ~leeee of the root. Miss the fourth morn ing, and repeat on the fifth, as before. This the last. Attar_ this no one need fear the - Utc of a rabid deg.". mill - topek her ,flew 'Prins Malf=7, .0 00411 . * Pal% Avail 10.. • , _;lni • SUSQUEHANNA COLLEGIATE /NEM= —The Spring term will oommenee Any. April 19th, and continue eleventrooke. ag.. Col. MANUEL KNORR, of Blooinit; burg, has been appointed assessor for this District, vice Roamer F. Cunt smarmed. The appointment is one which, is highly creditable tolbe "potrindinitlse," - and en. tirely satisfactory to the party. gl7 CIO ~~ Oil $ Dr. P. Joe; late of the Col umbia Co. I - isirablitrut; 'is , bbelit,to femora to Elisabeth City, MIL; *here' he "lit e& tablieb a Itepublioan paper. Dr. J. is one of the ablest republicans in this district, and we regret to lose him. However, the principle he has so nobly battled for in Col umbia county, will still find in him as earn est and eloquent advocate. BE i~~ PE 7 121 14 28;1 tJ. .~ ~~Q 4 5 1 112 Or Mr. FM). 3. CALN.ISB, of Troy, has purchase:le half interest in the Sobk Store of. iwtonn Al ban= - The siame.of the ilrm - will now be Osmatts & lianas . Mr.,(). is 4 gentle Mai . of good' business qUalifieations, strictly :honest and upright in all his dealings, and is worthy the pa tronage andremildence of our people. We ,cardially weloome him to - Toweada. We bespeak for the new firm a liberal trade. i 8 113 20 127 i a ti)l/11 L 7 181 !4125) gig nE II 15 16 1r 22123124 29 30131 I i -Duswoas Ifitits.—En. Pam; ,PacfM". Dear. ECtr :—As ft may interest some of the numerous readers of your :piper, I laid you the following facts - nilattre to the pro- . gress of the Sullivan & Erie Railroad : Col. Deegan, an - the worth, and Breen, MacDonald & Burgess on the south, are pushing'the road towards a speedy maple don. Several hundred men are employed on the road at present, and I underidand that when spring opens fairly, the:Con tractors intend to double their force and pay promptly about the middle of each month. , The trestle work over the creek at Da shore is completed, and will cotnpare fa vorably with any work of the kind in the State. Its dimensions lire as follows : Height above the creek, 50 feet ; -length 340 feet and contains about 90,000 feet of hewed and sawed timber. The trestle is braced in ' every possible *ape to give strength and solidity to the structure. Mr. George Collins, the contractor and superin tendent is a skillful and errg,etio machan ic, thoroughly understanding his business in every particular. R. W. H. air The fol!nwing changes in the Constable and road laws of this county, will be of interest to our readers : That so much of the second section of an act entitled, "A further supplement to the road laws of Bradford county" approved February 27th,1867. as authorizes the path masters appointed by the road commission ers in said county of Bradford, to do all necessary work upon the roads and bridges within their respective limits after the set tlement of their duplicates, and receive their compensation from treasury. be and the same is hereby repealed. That so much of any law as requires con stables of the several townships and bor oughs in the counties of Bradford and Sus quehanna, to make returns to the several courts of quarter session, and oyes and terminer be and the same is hereby repealed. Samos 2. ,That_ thti attendance of con stables upon general_special township and borough elections' in _said county, shall be paid by the reapectiye , townships and bor oughs of said county.: This bill became a law March 191869, ITHACA AND WAVERLY RAILROAD.-- Books have been opened at the office of G. G. Manning, in Factoryville, for aubscri bing stock to the Ithaca and Waverly Bail road. Mr. Manning has taken hold of this matter earnestly and vigorously—has sub scribed liberally himself, and already se pared the subscriptions of othera. ,Bvery busbies man, and owner of real estate in this village and vicinity, who is able,shotad take stock, though it be but little. The road._watdd be of incalculable benefit to this locality, and the people - onght to manifest their interest in it in:suoh substantial way as will tend to secure its construction.— Such a manifestation of interest, and spirit of liberality, would be Of manifest benefit to us, aside from the aid it would reader the road itself. We are aware that Waverly and vicinity ale not overstocked with surplus means ; but what there is would be well invested in this enterprise, and, now is the tirne to use it. We hope to be able to give a good account of the liber ality and enterprise of our people in this undertaking.— Waverly Advocate. We most heartily rejniCe in the appointment of F.. 0. oocannott, the able editor of the Towanda Reporter, to the responsible and lucrative office of Surveyor of Customsfor the port of Phihatelphia.— The great Repiiblican majority in Northern l'ennsylvania is as much due to the labors end services of i Mr. Gomm= as any other man. He was the associate and compeer of NYn..,mor and Gadiw in the organization of the Republican party.. He has never Vi vered from the faith. He has fought the battle earnestly, consistently, and consci entiously, In the distribution of political patronage such men are properly remere bared. And there is no one any where in all the party more deserving than Mr. GOOD ' rucH.—Elmira Advertiser. E. 0. Goonszen, Esq.. the able and aa coruplished editor of the Bradford Reporter, is recommended for Surveyor of the port of Philadelphia. It affords no pleasure to say that no man in Northern Pennsylvania de serves more at the hands of the new Ad ministration than Mr. GOODEICH. Ile has done effective service as editor for many years. He is honest, honerable, urbane, and zealous for upright public service. He will, if preferred, receive the warm congrat ulations of his brethren of the press in this State: 'lf faithful service merits reward, then his merits are undeniable. ' We hope to announce his appointment.-1 foga Agi tator. Ma. Emroa.—Avery' great revival of religion has taken place in the M. E. Church, of Leßoy, and many are beginning serve the Lord with fall purpose Of heart. Over one hundred have been earnestly deck ing to know the Son of their Saviour and God as their Father, and arniwithtrathfal nese they can say that the kindness . and love of God our Saviour toward Man ap peared to them, not by works of righte-Oas nese which they have wrought, but accord." ing to his mercy ho saved them by the washing of regeneratin and renewing of the Holy Ghost, which he shed on them abun dantly, that being justified by his grace they should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life. The tender young hearts of the Sabbath School children, " were first led to see their danger. and flee for refuge and lay bold of . that bops which is an anchor to• the soul both sure and steadfast. And many of the bible class witnessing the faith of /he children humbled:thew , selves before the Lord, that he would lift them up and, ma them go 4M their war cep Then came the harder hearts. The fain.: ere and mothers of some of ne born children, and with b g hearts bowed at the alter and gave thudsolve" !holy God. And now they are as new born babes; end desire the sincere milk of the word that they- may grow in grace for the, have tasted that the Lord is gracious: Many are the prayers that lbw lot:kola still be iitlied for thefreraiwsoxoe who are yet oat of Christ. 7 , D. P. C. - Flom a- Barn= Pi at our little Owe, tad only, we made a nd s o ld 180, of X& 1, 4rst quality, Wier, :00 ThIL. family, three grows.pirrimedell the milk.. cream, *i4:= l **,!re. tfthefil. triitetble asbniii. Ildoliffired $42, - • • ikeVect ,P 11 17• Euiciumc;L Tan Itris.—From the Gazette.-: Work he going on vigorously on the' cells! of the Troy House. The excavations are being made for the additional width, the atone are being hauled for the foundations, and everything betokens that the. Judge items to keep his 'word and have; a first class hotel in good run ning . order before the cold winds of autumn drive travelers from the highways.' • —The President has apointed and the Senate confirmed, CUL- F. Bayles for Post master of our village. This is s fitting re- ward for the faithfulness of Mr. 8. to the Republican party of which . he has been a leading and influential member. We be. Rove our people of all cleans, are well suit ed by the selection that has been made, and we have not the slightest fear but that this goo 4 opinion will be confirmed by the manner inwhich the office will be conduct ed. let. The Ministers of the Wye toning District that intend to go to the con fesemes at Lamble by way of the Lecke -1 vat= Valley. can get therebest I am in fornied by Dr. G. O. Smith, via Tunkhan, .nOcir, Pittston, Screntob and Carbondale, or by L. & Western, to Scranton &e. The Pain leaves Scranton at 10:80 a. m. - A vei g ial train will leave Carbondale for Ho t dale on Tuesday and Wednesday, 18 and 14th. Brethren come to the del i Les on of our new Church on Saturday the 10 and stay to the Quarterly Meeting on u day the 11th, the last one of the con- Pee ,year 'held by 'our esteemed P. E. B . Olmstead. We are ready for.you and as any others as will come. All will be ho pitaely entertained, and may the bless. bag of, the Lord•be with us. • S. F. %lows Tnnithannolk, April 2a, 186 p. • APPOINTILiNt.—R. H. ligontatos, of. hie County, was not selected by Gaear as one of hie Cabinet officers, nor as a foreign minister but he has been appointed agent for this County,, for Lrrrutrinns portrait Of Gen. Gattrr. This engraving is certainly a superior production, and promiset a high value for hi such as want a picture of Gas= just as he is. Mr. Itrcrtairos will sell these engravings by subscription at the following low figures : Campaign edition $2,, plain print $3 ; India proofs $6. Mr. It is also agent for the splendid steel engraving, "Christ weeping over Jerusa lem" which represents one of the most touching events inthe life of our Saviour. Price on white paper $3, Omit; Couurr, N. J. . Editor of the IturourEn :—Thinkibg some of your readers might be interested in hear ing something from this part of the coun try which has been so recently brought in to notice, I take the liberty of writing you a few lines. Ocean county is in the strip of Pines which runs south to the Gulf. The land was formerly considered unfit for agricul tural purposes, the few inhabitants obtain- ng their living by burning charcoal, 'boa tag" as It is called, the little farming they did being done in a very superficial man.- ner. There were ' extensive Iron Works called "Bergen Iron Works," which con sumedim i ease quantities of coal. The owners ' f the works bought large tracts of land fo e coal only, at merely nominal prices. These are the lands now being de veloped by the Bricksburg Land Co., Way having about 25,000 acres. Bricksburg five years since consisted of one dwelling house, and store, now has about 800 inhab itants, and 10 or . 12 stores, being peopled principally with, • New Englanders, The climate is. exceedingly healthy, there are no malaricius diseases, and persons threat ened with consumption usually find it very beneficial. ' The winters are short and mild, this winter we have had but little ,cold weather, the frost being Out of the ground nearly all the time, and at no time snow enough to make good sleighing. The bind is a light -sandy loam, but there are large deposits of peat and marl in' appar eritly inexhaustable quantities ; the land is very easily tilled and gives large returns for the fertilizers used, is well adapted to corn and other farm crops ; sweet potatoes do finely and are raised to a considerable extent. It is lespecially adapted to small fruits and vegetables which find ready sale in the New York markets. The discovery of marl has pmduced a most wonderful transformation in some parts of New, Jersey. Land formerly worth but little, now bringing from $l5O tos2oo per acre ; it does not net as a stimulant like guano, and leave the land in worse con dition then before, but containing a large per centage of phosphate benefits the laud permanently, one dressing of marl showing for years. Cranberry culture is attracting much notice, and pays better than any other crop for the attention it requires, in many instances paying 100 per cent on the' capital invested. One person I know 1 / 4 ,'of realized this year, nearly 200 per cent ton the original cost of his bog. They do not come into full bearing until the third yeir after that they require very little attention .and are a more certain crop than any other . fruit. " Piton." Special Notices Tc7 l rrta, April 5, 1869. Messrs. W„roritara it BIACIL.--Gents : The Singer Sewing Machine I purchased, MUD you last June, has fulfilled all your promises in regard to it. It is always in order and does its work well, in Short.gives entire satisfaction. I Would recommend all persons desiring a first class Machitte to give it a trial before purchasing any other. - Yours truly, . April B—c Bus,. M. Pzaa: .Boinfm--.By a late act of Congress - Soldiers who enlisted for three years and received only $5O bounty. are entitled to $5O additional. Apply to H. B. lifoKr.sw. Office over Mason A Co's. Banking House, Towanda, Pa. April B,—tf I. F. T. Pans, - of Athena, Pa, will commence his annual Auction Sale of Tin Ware, on Monday, Armin% 1869, and continue each day.during the week. He will dhipime of a very large stook of Nib; Poros,- - and „everything in the line of Tin Waie. This.ware has been marmfacturcl with great care during the past winter, sad eigarticle sold is' warranted. _Ms. a assortment of Dress G oode , Notions, loves:and Mitts. Black Broad Cloth Cloth ing, Boots and Shoes, Ac., wilLbe sold.— The entire Hotusehold Fgraitute Ofirpete4 U., ra good Ladd A: Webster Sewing ;Ma. chine, belonging to F. N: Page will be sold on Monday, , the 14th. Those wishing some mgod bargains will do well to attend, :ibis MeTllB sale. Dealers in Tin , Ware. are specially Invited" to attend. • - A; It; ljur, Auctioneer. . . TO twirr.—One of the boat donaiirk tent homer in Towanda, TIT Towanda, March 30. - a &133ancr: NEW PICTOII3 GALLERY IN TOWANDA --Mereur's New Block. over tbanow Drag Stara Piot CLltlabils, from Pulsars:m(4) bas opened Photograph $OOB as &bora The Profesaar. • offessPh Booms very low, 4 for 76 chg.' :Ws° ProL -being &Van.' ate of Pletloll llnipland muter of 'Pip oh,' Dillon and langnigest — PruPuue, to twiebst, Lir Ate ofßik re; quarter Sit lessons." • • March 8.-tf aged hub to do generel.-harisswork. and loot'- afier- two smallsoups..p.Situation perineum* Protestint_prefertee Addresi ' Repo . - Towanda.' Fa, with narnefind reference. Towanda, April 6, 1868.Af • • ' - . 1 THE .. ' .&11ZBIOAN COOKING sitrittvs...;- 'As . oruza--rtt finalivtivlr; Arta ,ArrozganYis24-7After a long eerie' On; jaaiineatairihara added - the' Fititilhuning Wtto the Asaabsea clooliag Iltava - by agicaa:4ll6o:ooKanbalikai 7 is 14:4; • igiiill ' WeL-Fuctik of ibt - s7Thi : llo4 - sob s bakepi midi a onsivaii • l ving atlook-i-Tbialaraathexpeat . aagetb& tiVY to is world Itemmalt Stave, MY' Mimed: by- Tigettaall rite4' Thia - Stave bai now been . Wee - Ike *pie 10, eight years, and ore; fifty thousand of them are inuse. to the. entire ltallatection of the people, arid they are eagerly sought alter hi all the States betweesithe' Atlantic and Pa cific coasts. We have Improied it' from Ulna to r. time, =Wit .1s adiwitild' to heal• ' most perfectas a Store ; and thattrisigest evidence of its great,. superiority :over all others. is the numerous attempts to imitate its name and design. -Whilst sof:tura-these imitations are lnftingenients of our rights: - 'sad are being prosecuted, all *WU found greatly inferior to the. genainty article in their operations. • - - - Bozo; • - 17 lad - 19 Green 'Street; _ • • . , Albany,.N. For sale by corwrird& Susanna, Tarim da, Pia • March 17,33 llotraz Ann LOT Foit,SALL—Sjiglated in the Werra Libertiessh in Towanda borlog l 4's Voatastb34l. new batik: *611, - /to. Inquire of 3. N. calser. Towandi, Pa., Much 16.--4w* Fon RENT.--.—A Dwelling House on Main Sti: Bruitdre of G. Dc fiforrawn. Towanda, Hatch 24. VALUABLE - PROPilalt 'roar Sia,R.L-- The subscribers wishing' to change -Ahab' business, offer avert orthe whole of their property for sale, situate in Tuscarora twp. Bradford-county, Pa. on Main road. leading from Stevensvi ll e to Laeyville. _ Said prep. arty containing upwards of two:hundred acres. One'huridred; and. eighty icres im proved and under a good state of cultiva tion. 'Has two good dwelling houses and three large barns, and 'all necessary out buildings attached. • For particulars • and terms enquire of the subscribers. H. 8.& IL B. Amimirs.. Tuscarora, den. 2G.—tf AYER'S HAIR VISOR, FCI" restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Cbtor,— A dressing which is at once agreeabli t healthy. and effectual for preserving the hair. ltul.td or gray hair is restored to its original color with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin Judi is thickened, fulling hate checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can re store the hair where the follicles are'distroY ed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved for useful neas by this application. Instead of fouling the hair witlla pasty sediment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will 'prevent the hair from turning gray or falling oil and consequently prevent bald ness. Free from those oeletenonesabstan cies which make some preparations danger ous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benifit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a hair dressing, - nothing else can, be found so desirable. Containing nei ther 811 nor - dye, it does not soil white cam ' brio,and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer A; Co., Prac tical and Analtical Chemists, Loviell, Mass. Price $l,OO. , • Sold by Dr. 1 1. C, Porter Towanda, & all Druggits do Deiders in medicines every where. - Nov. 26, 1868.7 TOWANDA. COAL YARD.—Orders for COM accompanied with dash, left at the Old Established Drng Store of Dr. H. C. pornat, corner of Main and Pine Streets. Towanda, will receive prompt attention. Jan. 20, 1809.—tf Ws= & Divot. A HOME . AND LOT FOE SAI splendid Honso.ond Lot for sale, .dinate on Second street, opposite . the College, Close:, to good schools, very-pleasantly located.— The honse.is new. just finished from top to bottom in first class style. For farther par- Scubas enquire of IL R. Bim. on the premises. Towanda, Oct. 5, 1868.tf. sap We have a second-hand Man.'. ufacturing 'Machine, in good order, imitable. for sewing leather, would give go odi satis faction to a Shoe or Harness 'Maker, or Carriage Trimmer. We will sell ire* a bar gain.Vircumat &BIACS. March 4..—tf itir• Sewing Machine Threads, Silk, Oda, Needles dm, kept at the Sewing Machine Agate)! of Wiekhunt A Black. March 4.--.41 (Er NeTatir Tuni, Justice of.the Peace. in omce with E. Overton Jr., front ing the Court rionse,and over Pettis at Co's Store. Feb. 25. FOR SALE, A RARE CaAwcE.—A sec ond band grand piano, London make, of sweet, tine tone, good action. Will be sold at a bargain on account of owner leaving the country. Can be seen at Mr. PETER Meays.TAND's, Columbia X Roads, Penna. Jan. 20. Tile beet and cheapest Pianos, Parlor, Cottage, Church and School Organs, end Melodeons, of every kind and enze,, Sheet Music and Musical Merchandise in general, for sale oy Drrrmon dt Ca,' at Chamberliu's Jewelry Store. - "March 4.—tf. $ List of the names of persons ardwn March 10, 1869, to be Jurors for May Court, commencing Monday, May 3, 1869 anon, Amon& Albany, - Portis Wilcox ; Burlington twp.,' Zopher . Morgan ; Canton, Lewis Wheatand Robert Lilley ; Franklin, Mathew Marshall Leßoy, M H &unable ; Pike, Asa Stevens • Smithfield, ( J F.Coffin Sheellequin, Mu: Spgar; Milton Elliott, L.l Culver ; Thcis McCollum ; Standing Stone, B W Ennis ; Towanda Borough, H A Bur bank, Win Cnamberlln, J Delay Hontanye, l Albert Long•C M Manville; Towan Richard Horton ; Tuscarora, D D Gray. Jr., David Baldwin; Troy twp., StephetiVilber Terry, Alva Crandall ; Wyaltising. Ediard Wells. . Tnivinis runr—lsr went. ' Asylum,•Alvin T Ada, Isaac Ennis and • Daniel Cook ; Athens twp., J L Elsbree, John Woodworth ; Athens km John P Blood, A F Campbell ; Albany, Win Allen ; Brirlington . west, John Ballard ; Barclay,' Lig= 0 Blight ; Colnmbia, Rangier Wolfe; Cornelins Mosher, Win H Gustin, John• Calkins, Sld Peckham ; Cahton twp., Da vid B Barnes ; Leßaysville, J H Marsh A. Leßoy,, HenJ Heinen; . Monroe twp.. Wm J. Masonl; Orwell Charles Beers ; Overton, Daniel Haverty Jr. „. Pike, James Gorham ; Rome twp., T J Archer ; Rome borO, Wm Coolbangh ; Ridgeberry, Volneji Furnnuin ; Standing Stone, Hiram Gordon. and Wm Stevens ; Shesheguin, William Patterson Springliel&L.Porter; &ratline/Idol") Tracy. ; Troytwp,Dariiis'R Ifanley,Oliver Williams, Thomas Porter ; Troy bore; Moses Guinan, Wm ()rwin ; Terry, Oeo Richards ; Towan da bow, Emanuel Evader, Allen Moßean ; Towanda twp., Geo Scoville, Anemia Fraich e,: ;." Wysox. John W.Pool, John B Smith ; Wilmot, Joseph N Gamble,- John Comes hey, C S Stowell ; Wells, Omer B Brasted - ; Wyalusing, Hiram Elliott,; mph A Dawes. smataratirintr-2xn we= Alba bow,: V Id Wilson,lram Wilson ; Athens twp, Wm Underld ; Athens btso, A 0 Snell, J W Comstock, John Saltmarsb; Asylum, O D Chamberlin ; Albany, Alex English ; Burlington west; Fred Johnson ; Barclay, D M IdeCraney ; Canton boro, John -Vf Mix ; Canton tsp., Wm Owen; Mil ton Greenleaf ; Cottnbia, Daniel Bradford; Franklin, J L Johnson ; Grenville; -William McKerron. Gilbert McNaught ; 4:kaiak, Richard. Hillis, John Lafferty , Monroe born, B'B Hinman ; Eike; al Gregory , She' siiequin, Geo Chaffee ; Smithfiel d,Tab. fie ; Terry,- E G Terry ; Troy born;. S W Pomeroy, John H Grant ; Towanda boro, Chas)) Clashr David -Rehm,Clintonkaw JPowinida twp., - Maidon Swartwood ; "Wylicrs, Henry Van Brunt ; Wyalusing, George Piles ; Warren, James Bows; Warren Bow en, Job Dean ; Wells, Abraham Buchanan. STORES AND OFFICES TO RENT.--Tbe subsmibers effer the stores and ' .offices in , their new Brick Block, located on Bridge Street in Towanda, Pa., for rent These stores are bat is . the most substantial manner and will be fitted up hi mietiiiieon venience of any business for which they may be neede&.. They are suited for Dry Goods, Clothing, Jewelry or other-And% and it is believed that the location ifill be fowl 'equal to any othei for business. The two upper 'stories are fitted up into suites of rooms with every convenience for offices or family die, and are finished in the beat - Application-may be made in !mason or-briettetlo ids & . 4 47 12 . 1 t 1 vowandrOdsret3o.47 " ie. Fos auxl3l4o.* - . - ;Oas-Hatched Tem, 'nun Horses. 1 .(oma-gnaiart • ,,.. ...- • ,Oris hewed Hami . *S. A sia • Plefiont Al l re wjen & e. if s . 22, 31. _ .li,,N. Astriswsuk ' .c......w.,-- .. —__1.41... 6 . 4 „,.. - - - ..,...,:...," .31 4 "-'F.,l* ' ` : W.,Thinidli:l6 ;':eittilia4; Pa., respectfully call the attention of the pu_blie hi thei Pane Pastes, Orgiiimiindibi r //Wont. In doing so, the" desire to state ebste)ltheig chief is akwaylvdiveriad let instruments vrideh -will meet illi expects. thins and requirements that maim made, by the Most cnltlvateapeiforthers. Peeling omnadmit that, - there are no instruments in thelledted ;States or &trope superlarlio' those we sell, we beg leave to mention the' following principal !Sedum vrhich sre.clahn for them : 1- - ,-, "- • :. • ' i. Strength and durability. 1 2. A sympathetic time—powerfal without, Walnuts'. mud in base. rich and ,01 1 2 111 2 in, the middle ocitayes, and of cleat bright ness in high treble. 3. Elegance in style aid finish. Sheet amide and music books always on band. Erices moderate. . Towanda, March 29.-3 I Fos Ssis entii.--a- new louse pleasantly located on the Main Street near - Col. G. F. Mason's dwelling, lot 83z187. Arco,_ bonne' on west side of Rail Road Street. near.too Cates Planing Mill. 19 . 13x160.. Paaionirtvantinadiately. r „Marehitil.-71.• • • _ - - • Fair Itssr,--The sabitariber offers fair rept a house and vied garden attached; situated near the residence of ITarnea.Ward Bag. For farther partionlara enquirs'of Toinutds, Pa. ExammitrioNs.--Special public ez aWnations of Teachers to supply Summer Sehools only, will be held at Orwell Bill Siphool House, Tuesday, April 20th, Towan ds, April 2311, Troy ,tworongh, April 24th, and Towanda, May Bth, to commence at ' the usual hoar, 0 A. AL AU applicants for certificates, who failed. to a .-ttmd an examination last (evili please to 'comply with the requirements on thel 139th page of the school laws.. - I - • 0. J. Ononnucs, • _Orwell, Mar. 25, '69.-4t County Supt. MARRIED. STORES—Gr,LFFOUD—At the brides borne in Latoy, April 4, by Bev. L B. Lake, Mr. 3. F. Stores, of Granville, to Dirs. E. J. !Gifford, of Leßoy. REHBEIN—GILIIORE—At Towanda, 'March 24, 1869, , by Bey. Wm.. Harris, Mr. Heim , Lewis Behbein to bliss Mary Gilmore, all of Towanda. DIED. LENT.—In Sheshequin, on the 3:1 t• Joseph'Lent, aged 83 years. HILLIS.-40n Friday, March 26th; at the; residenee of her father, . Dr. G. F. Horton, in Terrytown, Mrs. Deborah E., wife of Dr. W.T. Billie, .of Barclay. She was born Nov. 1841, born again Feb. 1866, and has passed from earth to heaven. Non 2botrtiseintitts 1011.1 ROLLS OF WALL PAPER 9 Comprising all Stylna and Prices, Jost opened Web aiIALSVORD & BARBER'S. • - 10 to' 40 cents Buy a good BOOK worth from 75 cents to one &Oar, at Molt 22,4 7 d9. At.vorio 8111111fit'll. VINDOW SHADES AND'CURTAiN PAPER, sLfflooD a-,esmirs CAUTION.—Notice is hereby 'given oautloalnq the public astaiiiss negotiating tor a note ot 890 given b y me In April. 1.68 to RAIIVIrYI Wastrtutorne, as 1 Intim reatived no value therefor. and will not be b eld re sronsl• ble for the lartme. eLso.—A note given Jon% AYRES, dated In 1566, of $2l. as I have received no v Me there 'or, and will not recognise the same. Catvn; BLIVITT Asylum, March 25,1869 -3 ir ATTENTION THIS WAY! N. KINNEY & CO., -WAvEsLy, N. Y., Rave on hand tor the Spring trade, the largest aosortaient of BIIGOIES AN PLATFORM' WA(.IOSB to be foaridd in this part • f the country , . which Met , sell at the most reasonable prt ma, and warrant all work- All that doubt need but call and examine. k word to the wise le sufficient. • N. KINNEY & CO ....!‘• • Aprif l, 1889.-4nt DISSOLUTION.=The firm of Pon- Tim k, Ntonovi bovine been dies-dyed by mutual ooieent, the business of the lated.rm will he settled by the subscriber; who will con tinue to take your photographs in the most-ap proved modern style. Givens a wall and ezttn• Inc our A. B. Wyalusing, March 24, 1849.-3 t HMLOOK LUMBER.-LATH Sr, prime article of Boards, Plooring,,SCantling and:Pother of almost any length and didensions. Also any gitantity of Lath and the best Sawed Shingles, manufactur ed:in the COuntjt, can be supplied to parties for building purposes upon short notice and upon the most reasonable terms, by legating Clairol , dens at the Towanda Coal Yard. or with J Taos. ii . lit'oaboor P, Ea i.,ac the Towanda Coal Depot. • Towanda,. March 2'5, 1860.-6 M AIITION.— All persons are hereby C cautioned against purchasing a Novo given by me to Joel Tuttle, fur thirty dollars, d ated Feb'' , 11, or, thereabouts, p i able ninety days after date. Not having received any val oe therefor, I shall n.,t pay said note, tiolem en m pelted by law. H. JENNINGS . Standing Stone. Feb. 16. 1869.-3t* CLOVER AND. TIMOTHY SEED For safe at W. A. ItICIEWELV3: P.Sarch 3 , 1 1869. APPLICAPION IN ,DIVORCE . To Warren M. Dewitt —No. 101. PePtem her Term„l66B. You are hereby notified that Berea Dewitt, by her next friend iksli rindr ewe: has applied to the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford county, for a divorce frourthe bends of matrimony „and the said court issit.APPOirited, Mondoy the 3d day of May, 1869, at t o'clock 4 for hearing the said and .Dewitt, 1a the premises, atyttleh time and Ave you can at tend if ton think proper, ' WILLIAM April 5, 1669. Sheriff. • APPLICATION IN DIVORCE.= To Nathaniel B: Watterm an. No. 173, Dec. Term, 1868. Yon ate hereby notified_that - Rebecca' Witterson, your wife, by ber next friend H. WI, Abner, haa applied to: the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County for a Di vorce from the bonds of matrimony, and ,the field Court has appointed Monday, the 3d day of Ray. 1869, at two o'clock. p. m., for hearing the std Rebecca Watterson, in , the premises, at which time and place you :an attend if you think.' - - WM. GRIFFIS; April 6.1899. Sheriff. A DMINISTRA.TOR'S NOTIdE.— -C1 Noticeis hereby, given that all_perras Indebted to the Witte of Getman Tires, late, of Herrick ftwp., decd., are requested to make immediate payment, and all persons hav ing claims against said estate,- mast present them duly authenticated for settlement. „ LXXi April 8. I $6O. , • :Administrator. A DMINISTR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby siren that' elf persons - Indebted to he estate of BETSEY WILLIAMS; late of Sprinflekb tp., doe!d.i are requested to make fm media payment, and those' ;haring claims ttrmdd.estate,must present ,them duly en ? eated for settlement. • •. • NORMAN 8. EASLEY. Admisdatrater. , • April 871869; A IibIINISTRA'rRIX'S NOTICE.— JCL Notleits hereby' ghee that all pernoMt Indebted to' the estate of SYLVEAUS GKE, late of Franklin twp.;tre - secittested to make Ini• mediate pigment. and all persons basing claim against said estate mast present them dalp an shentleated for settlement:::, •- L - • • LOVINA GEE, ' Apt $ 1869. ; Adrelniatratrix. A .UDITOk'S the,mAtT Ll kr of Ifte.:Eatgile of Jam dcc`,l4. late of . Colombia twp.,Bradtord County., • The- ondetsluzied appointed Auditor bf the Orphans Court of Bradfort County, to &drib , .nte moneys lathe lands - of the Execntora o said Estateofillottendlo the duties of hirau• polotment It ttelbeice of Delos Rockwell, in •thiborongin of Troyi ad Tuesday the 20th-day of Aprlf, 1869, at - troe o'clock P. Au per. - soolpinteratteAln aid estatujakkat, - ciab#,.os filipteger deburod thereafter. - HAT. Marcb,i7 41/1/1"!* if s, lll/Mt : . :I ,..( 7li ,,,lr :iiri llo iL : cc , 'CCOI4IIIS A 41, ,s. ' • - • - -- - : --4 -ea td,Oify , oll,l -- tr.s..-ilni:. "., • to •:'•;:s. - Is . -- . • % • ~,,, x (pf#FRATA€!,!, : T.;-1,;o; ,i;' . .4 STE % : z tin? tat4ti the attention of the inton oso e . w. tame sU • Welliver f • `;,7 • EARn w4I~E, ` IRON; &c. .f ;' Biaitittillitritil IIrAGOILMOPIO Rill Sad ai iepplled, with the is best' of ell„ kinds of IA - G.,ElTRlmitiet4qtai POLBB, HUBS, SPOKPF 3 7; 1. PELLAIS, • Apt I.I4THERk TO~ :y~IITS6~, ENAMELLED, CLOTH, SPHINOS & AXLEEL PIPE BOXES,. CIRCLES, BOLTS,- BELLOWS, and VISES - ANVIU3, LEATHER BELTING, BABBITT METAL, ALWAYS OR 111fkD CORN BRELLERS, FEED CUTTERS CMG& POWERS. PLOWS B Ul LDER,S' HA TERIALS, In large sleek. Including GLASS, NAILS, PAINTS AND OILS, LIME AND CEISEIIT, by the band, At very close figures. RAILROAD CONTRACTORS Will find an bead-quarters for; DUPONT'S POWDER, iSAFETY Fl7BB, AMES' SHOVELS, PICKSIAND WHEEL-BARROWS: We intend at an ttme4lo hart TRE LARGEST ASSORTMENT S 'T 0 V;333 S , To be:found in this part of the State, And wish it iinderstood.that in Miles in other We wilt not be Undersold ! THE AMERICAN " We tecomuiend se heritofore, aP the brit stare known. We bavejast received a eapply of the popular Farmer's coal Wive THE " MAGIC SHIELD.' DOTY'S, WASHING MACHINE; Universal Clothes IVringer, SILVER PLATED WARE, LAMPS, LANTERNS, BRUSHES; ,GUNS. AND.. M,TOS„ ,We nein keep by tar the Urged does{ of 'POOKET , KNIVES, RAZORS; 8 . 01/390118, !In Towanda. TIN.I-WABE Manufactured in our own shop, hi which we aft peptised to do nti kinds of JOB WORK AND REPAIRING. muses runnels= wtiEi HEATERS; GAS FIXTUR.,.i sxo WAER•WOBgB; On . ihort noike. Mira AGENTS FOE SANFORD & ORIENT'L HEATERS. ~$ r WE OFFER. NAILS, RON, KEROSENE OIL, VARNISH, SCYTHES, , REP.: FRUIT JARS, AND 'II4 NT OTRU DODDS, 'WHOLESALE. Ini II Elki rAitidis stitzw-AcuiN SE • -41 1 !:`,' 1, 5 - - • • , - - r ToWeada, Febrairtle3eit3; STT W " toommeiwipipm - NEWHAVIDWAREITORE ' No. 129 Haii-.Elieet, The most eemplete 370 CK OF:SIOVES goer btosittt to We pito; moos stitch TM CELEBRATED, ONES, 14e ; Only Agent 14 . 98N1NG Glpfq, TRILLS, Which are, without , exception7thebbest I SEAT BACKS. lam also moat for the Cook Stoves ODE OLD HOME, And they cannot be Excelled, GAS PIPE, lett Grua anill Counter Scales, Kerosene oa, Wiudair Glass, e , SASH, I also keep constantly on band a complete STOCK OF HARDWARE, Springs, Asles, • Felines. Nail gods, And all k Inds of Shell Hardware, which will he sold at the lowest prices. I would say to Merchants that I - will at all theses meet Elmira prices. Towanda. Oct. 22 ; 1868. CASES BOOTS &' SHOES HATMPHRET BROTHERS. Offer to their old customers and the mend ASSORTMEN7 GOODS M I A T irp.,.Arnm NORTHERN PEN*S'YL ,IF;AIdA TARE I4OWEST RATES • WORK , GUARRANTEED SHOES FOR LADIES BMW opty BLVERI MEDAL Excellence of Mantefactuie =I GLASS, MI BM TAlRocillOmitss;' , WM be found the following lEEE —is .. - 14 `• For which lOM ULTHBONF,I;i BALTIMOBE HEATER, Heating Stoves made GARDEN 'OUT, GOOD BARER, I am also agent for Eash,;toois, Nails Allot which will be sold at Manufacturers Prices To the trade. Of all kind', conslstfol fa p2rt of Spokes, hes; Tin Pate AT RETAIL. pablic t NOT ONLY THE LARGEST By szsr TOR TES That can be found to The stock to offered:et 'And the C.. BUBVB missgs• _ Awarded An At.tbe PARIS. E X POSITION 1867. tJAXES BURT'S.- loons FOR MIS WRAR, Ellin HEAVY. OR LiGHTI phi* OPIFECL., NAPAplaitHi. trungarian.:and , . othei 'Styles Ott 'OViN ItANUFdcTVRE ' maaito sordir by Worlana Saddleti Dipitinterst - I 100 - HORSE-''BLANKET* pIIFFALO &Iyi'W.S ROBES. Crtrriage reatnliarneee TRUNKEIi WAIPI3,'&C. Towsodai_Oct.:3l. 1868. 11 . ,ifik:.,;M kfo . T:l2 , l4lll9Bl,:l4erilriii ". " trrei Mum iistudietidai r P IfachlasiAlitallikuptilimion-hadporlinaks tbstavribni. fronthorberil tad . vutilated- - - FeVith 1859 Ag e. , miva~oat. 11 - S - T "11 O.E IV 11 MOIVIANYES STORE! LARGE AIM WELL SELECTED STOCK Spring and Sumnier Goods, AT THE PRESENT Depression' . of -the Wilci*rtliie /Old eecopdly 11 7iV4OLESAL - rIND BETAIL-71 Alpo; direct from,LlTerpccl, .FIVE CRATES. OF UROCKEKY EE Horse Shoes Towanda, April 5, 1889. Belting, NEW .FIRM 1.! NEW GOOD S & - .FROST, Naiad call the silent! on of the cithena of Rome and vicinity, thaLthey have opencd with A New 'Stock of ' Goods ! At the old stand of L. L. Moody: where with clean attention to the wants of the community they will keep a good aesottment -of goods, villa they will SELL AS LOW AS THE LOWEST, Ana at prices that wM Waco every one to boy of them. We shall at all times have a good assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS Embracing all the latest styles of LADIES DRESS GOODS! DELAINESi'ALPACAS, PRINTS, ;GLOVE?, OBIGHAMS,- BOSIEBY,. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHS, CASSINgIiES YESTINGR, FANCY GOODS, UMBRELLAS, family Groceriest gar dw - are LADIES. TRAVELLING BAGS WOOD AND TINWARE Drugs, - Furniture, kc., The above gives but a slight idea of the GOADS WE HAVE IN STORE, And we obly say to our numerous friends and the public generally, can and Nee us, test the Merits of our pretension", and it conyinced4 BIM' AND By saving money in your parehasa t . IVe in tend to GIVE GREATER RARGAIIVi THAN EVER Across HEABD 03, We Mew we can ;dere:you, 83. glee as ion. 111 kinds of .CFAIUVERB.IPRODUCR Taken in exchange for goods. WIOKELUI 1 PROST. Sat. - tenors to L. L. Moody O. D. WICIIII.II. SD. I/ROST Rome, Pa.. N0r.12, 1868: • WEB o K 1 NEW JEWELRY, , WARNER'S. GOLD WATCHES, SAT WARNERS ELGIN W ' ATCHES AT WARNER'S , ] iV I ALTHAM WATORES, . AT•WWRNEWB. FINE GOLD JEWELRY, . AT WARNER'S. • ALL RINDS •OF CLOCKS,. AT WM/AE:9'B4 Siatotaclei, and lota of tblnlitik too numerous to mutton. at WARNER'S. • Can aaa see bin: you irlit isve weal' per test in lone PushOlel irsbages, Cab sad Jewelry repaired: sad Naireaatea. IlstiOn's Block. Tolikads. Dee. 1 ,1966. A. 111. W4INIIII. • • HlGlistr , gam PRICE IN Cluh pitd Ns welt flitcd nil well dress ed Hop sad podia. at; - - - - -itcoiss & lariv siviafo~ • ! - UM EM ' CROCKERY, MifiRORP, MAIZE YATBSILLVES RICH heal.. RERIMISALIL-By vitae of wrii Um Pa Wad NW &Vann 'it ,Conists PA* et, Ihadtold 00F. Odd Se • 41 1 1 1 1041% o ilibi(orpoisi g tr oaks. as the COort. , is tho bo at Toriaisda. )I Wlttkied doe l ow UMW T. AMY. . upt i aarst p.m.. Ihilneing ar 1 , o no etrp:,iadpu or oorogot outs bi Trol onofot .11 de' rout. on the out and Ma Will W . A. Cele,asd on•tbe west bibs& e i lk o Co7. Ing sine acne *MS Which misdeed - 4by Cisi oto - A 'for lite,with reminder to •WAI. P. • Mai P. Case, and limb A. Cesw;anti on yid* is sow muted a fr!nsed ortmelll, dwelling basso 'ogsd other ha- WM* mesa* ist thel atilt of '•r: rprWM6Wealiet ro itty Minim A. Cow. Lephe • —6 A. Cam andWir g. Aullog* otter lot. olonoe Puoire lase ii &tate ln Colutbip.ll%. pod !bombed eat the earth by bad of T. L.' MEird. east by land of Wit. Tonne, ninth by land et Pi sts;- and isp west _limdiot Merritt Bochent and Fish. Containing ninety acne mon or leer, Wag the lands sow.bslenrtog to Leptis A. Cue, Yaws - E. Palmer, and Ms. P. Ow.- ALBo—Tbe following described lot, pied of pared of land Orate in Anowsictwp.. Wooded oarth by lash at IL A. Cass and Lepbe A. Qes.Ps• the east by hind of EL A. Case.sad on the south by land* Amos Places . sad as the 4 . west by of MSIMIKOe of Timothy Coe. Contaatiog lifty-toar acres mileer tt bee log a tract of Umber-land belonging to Lephe &nit Cue. _ Seized and takes Ii exientkni at the rat of ?Week %edgily ye. HiriniA.ind'lsephe - A. Cue. ALBO.—A mean weed balding. befit for a hotel, Males oa publio seem is Smith& Id' - Centre, three Modes high, halftime front ot tat ands dept oil! het on the street lading from Smithfield Centre -to Bar ton, with a wing attached is the mud sa id frost. on the mid Street, Mid "lag being Wed fookand two stories high. The-dre, May of UM rang being 9 fiet, between Meta. the second story 9 feet. and the third story being belle for a ballroom, • and Is Ll:sated upon a OM- of land in the top. Seized and telteele ezeobtles et the snit of Jennings & Lyman corponitors vs. L. 8. Arnold. N. F. Tuttle and A. C. Bentley. ALSO—By of _a weft of Feed Repo the following bed lot, olec‘cir,pareet of land situate In Canon-bore'. and boon 'ad on - north. math and wait by lands of W. 8. Baker and east by lands Wooded brthe ham of alo C. Kona dec'd. Containing„fou sues more or leas, an improved, with a framed Mum, end a taw fruit time thereon. - Seized end taken In execution at alio inlb r of B. B Mitchell h Co. vs. Wm. Beer.' ALSO—Tits telkmistliessollnd let . pine ' parcel of land eitaite Burlington township; and bounded on the north by land of H, temp t° t east by•Plyen Phelps. jr., meth by • the cretin°, -highway - Medias from Ihirlington to - Troy, and west by land of Mrs. Jolla Oalkinb Containing oae-lourth of an acre more or lam, all improved, with it framed dwelling house. -- and a framed dreg store thereon. - iseizeinnd taken Into executive et the sat of D. B.4lweeney, now to use of Wm. Wheatley Tx Boyne. - ALSO—By virtue of a writ of FL Fe.. ih followlog described lot, piece or parcel of land chaste in Armenia twp., bounded as follows : On the north by lands of Elbshe Nadas, east' by Andrew Monroe, Beath by . J. D. Becker, and weal by R. A. Case-and Leroy Cease. Contain. — . log 55 acres of lend more or lees, abort , acres imp end. with a framed house, framed barn. iodyoung orchard, of - fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution et the stilt of Wm Brehm vs. Abram - D. Wilcox. ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of land situate in the Borough of to wandeobonnded on the- north by George Ott, out by Second street, Knoll by Ste a et., and weet•by land of C. L. Ward, belog about 60 tt. op' aaio oaeond at., acidl49 ft. on State street. more le a. with.e. reused boom. framed barn. and a few fruit trees thereon, Seized and taken - into execrate:La the salt of George OttOe use ve. Jame! Mclntire. - • ALI9J—The following described lot, elem., or " parcel of land, attains in North Towanda twp. ' and bounded on the. north by the estate of John' • Simons, dec'd. Oast bp Sum Creek. south by • Edward Overt on, and west by. Win. filuyter,— Containing 65 scree of land - more or less. about, 10 acre improved. with an old plank house And a low fruit trees thereon. -r, aim& and taken into execution at the mit of Jacob Myers' admr's vs. Geo-Simons. ALStr—The Coliowteg described kn. piece, or parcel of lend. alined in the borough of To wands, bounded on the kWh by lands of Charles east by Second' rt., south by-James Stoneman and west by an alley. be lug 100 feet-front and 160 feet deep, Contain. - tug 15000 square feet. more or law, with a teamed home and a few fruit kers thereon. • Seized ad taken into execution at the suit of IL M. McDowell vs. Geo. W. Soon. ALSO—she following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in South Crackles-nal* - - end Denuded ouotte forth by lands of A. Thom.. pecn, east by Harris Ward. route by the estate t. of N. Smith dec'd., and west by Win. 11. fined- *ker.- . Containing 100 -ores more oleo, aboin, - 60 acres improved, with a log house; framed' 4 torn, corn house, and a few feat trees thereon. beized and taken-into execution et the suit of • S. B Leonard vs. Joseph 0. Gordon: ALSO—The famindescribed lot, piece or , p reel of land, sicastse In Opangdeld townshiP, bounded on the north by . load of A. Decker, deed, mot by Geo. Lewis Mouth by the estate • ot said A. De ker, and west by Wm. H. Breda ter. Containing 40 acre- of land; more of lese." about 20 acres improved, with two- log houses, . end a few trait treat t ,:u Seized and taken in tl n et the, snit ot , 3. W. Paine vs. James W. Benjamin and Lacy ' Anti Benjamin. ALSO—The tottering described lot, piece, or parcel of land, situate, fa Bonze township. bounded on the north by landsof Cyrus Russell and Joseph Fought, act by a. D.stn. ,s oath by A. ,P 13emin, and .west by John Renell and tu mss Fought. Mutat lag 90 acme of land, more or less, about 70 eats improved, with a framed house, framed barn tad shop, and freer - quit trees thereon. ` • Seized sad taken into execution at the suit of Beadford.Beecher. executor of the estate of An here esecher, dec'd. vs. ham H. Lent ALSO—The following described lot, piece, or , ' parcel of land, situate In the bcrough or Troy,' bounded on the north by lands a Geo. N. Hull, east by Levi Bradford, south by Chars ascot,' zed west by N. N. Pomeroy. Cootakdag one half enocre of land more qr lees, all Improved. with (rimed house, barn, lad a few fruit and ornamental trees thereon. - Seized and taken intooxecetion t the snit of R. B. Phelps, ? now louse of i. W. logliam vs. - ALSO—the. following described lot. piece, or parcel f land, situate Jn the Moro' of Troy, .31114 bounded on the north be B. T. Bedington, east by Canton street, Muth and west by N. M. Car noiban, being about 21 feet trout on odd it. and containing 460 square leas more or less, with se two story (brick front) building: used as • a briber shop thereon.A ISO —The following described lot; pie*, or parcelot land situate In Troy ;bore'. bounded on the north by land of Fleeter Pomeroy, east tty ogre reek, south 'by B. H. Hobert, •and west by Canton street, being aboir 70 ft. trout,. on said street, and about 80 feet deep. Con taining 5600 square feet, more melees. with a framed house, with wood shed attached, and few fruit and ormunentak trees thereon. Seized and taken Into execution at the snit of E. Pomeroy's use vs. Joseph Jorolomon. ALSO—The following described lot. place or parcel of land, situate ht the top. of Athens and bounded on the north eel north-west by the State h ue batween New York and Penn's, the Minims river and lends of the /We= Canal - Coo east . by lanis of Theists news. Wei. Et , • roore. Inc L. Olmsted, south by lands of , othy Bireen and Chaeoll. !Mew& sad frost by Lands of said Janette* Canal Go. Containing 150 acres of and, more or test about 60 acres improved wtth two framed dwelling houses One framed- barn, and two orchards of hat trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the snit of . I- L. Bosworth vs. Solomon Bosivarth's admr's, and. AoH.Spalcituggeardtan of the minor child rem of Solomon Bosworth, dec'd. -ALSO—The foil swing dekoibed lot, piece or parcel of land situate In Barlingten and bounded on the north by - land Wheat, east by the ewe's of Addison McKean, moth by the Saga: Cleat teed leading from Luther's Male to Troy. asclogeit by the Ser. wick turnpike. Contacting ono acre of land moreorless. all improved, with a famed tie- , ant home, framed dwelling : house, framed barn , framed blacksmith shop, shoe shop, and slot of- fruit trees thereon. - • Oelied and taken into execution at the suit of A. tit J. Morley vs. Geo. C. Mil k and Jerome 8. following lot, piece, or parcel of land situate in the township of Albany, bound. ed on the north by bads of Lori. doses, Mat by the south branch of Towanda Crash, south by Orlando Harem and west by tbe -Pecker Coal Lands. Con 2 00 acres of land more or less, about 140 acres red. with framed house, two awned tams, shop, and an orchard of, ircili trees thereon. Seised and takes Tito execution at the suit of ALSO The following demeibed lot, piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Bev rick, end bounded oa the north bfrlands of C. S. A gogers, east by the public trey lead ing _from gerriolrieb to South south by E. W,,Vilckiser, west by A. IL Bro;rn. Con taining one sure, more or less, with a framed bonne and a few fruit trees thereon. - Seised and taken into exectUdoolat the snit of M. filoctun's use vs. W. W. Sodprs; C. B. Patch vs. A. Saved,. GRIFFIS, A mil 5. 1869. .. Shariit TN_ THE Dom COURT -OF .1 the tOted states, for Ma Western Dis trict of Pamairarda. William R. Bain a Bankrupt inidar the Act ot Campus of March 11;1867, having applied ibr a Dis charge from all his delAs, and other dilate provable under said Act, by order 0/ the Coat, notice is haeby men. to all pe eons who have prayed lies debts, and oth er persons interested, to wel& on the 17th day of Arses{, 1869, 10 &dock, • ar. before Edward Overton, Jr, Esof, at bier* doe in Towanda, In show cane, if any they bare.. why. a diabase ?Meld not be granted h ereb y sad Benktugt And father notice isghron; that &timid eal third meetings of the Creditorrt of-me aid Bankrupt. umpired by the 117th sad 28th sections of said Act, will be bald babes the said Register, at the Mine time and •a; 8. C. NoO4I I IEI 1 March 30,18&9." = Clerk of said Coat. 1 • SUGAR., bi ' .11170/411/1 KES - . •iLj la