Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 25, 1869, Image 1

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Tailmilinna Is evere
0101034111reffikill 04101011101191111914
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agio" .
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enbesimmillimelimA t .......
sestet beim lirtirfielliffitaA:
los abstpdmaiimtiniliilM 1 ii
III.; :/ditandlirSodilipnedimii
acanarniano 4.: id *tat iii*O64oo
ininrskikad slotke..i... ani..0f 1 4. 1 .
Jazosedig *vs Mils% estidAtirdeptcapttn
peillia.' . ,
Cia dbl iblit• - ' -j ' lr si a l •
ihu ,'•,, - - , so - u • -`:
, One Om" ' '-- 15 -10 'Te
~Astray;Oaatton,'lost and loonnd, aid elliit
adtettiftententt, not estenllol,lo linibj
taaa= iA or
2 i• $ll 50
daditos'e Notions It
Autism Onde,ate lints, (per yeat)'..s
Xerehants and other,' aft:Akins Sidi
badness, will belga:gad $ Therlill
be satitied tort esbuin, tenfland extimirei
ty to their blabieitsvithptillegen,
!•1 ohanget. , - . , t
Or L in Weasels nin!Abtrte of,
:inbsetiption to the paper.
JOB rEnrnitG of sillry khlAt * re*
wia /Amoy col its. amp 'with naaniasa 4114
dispatch. 1141163411, Valiti; 9424 . 116,
... naki
Iphlots, AA., of omarffalefirStibi,
I:ed at the &attest Milo,. i Tbilgamisq
Onus has jastbesn reptittedW*V*l!
/Presses, and nay Wag in the Pa
Inc can be executed in ,thittassi -
!manner and atibelowest sates. -
liNvAmmy luta. • ' ' 7 1- 1
ET,ENEY . PM. Attorney at..L(ne;
Torus is, Ps. 1aa270111.
al Law, Towanda, Ys. OAaa . ta~ber:
-.occupied by lo late J. C. A dam • •
ItaTth I, 1869.
%.A TORNET etT LAW—Office conger of
:He and Plot streets, opposite Porttr's Drug
Aliv.2ll Elf AT, LAW.
I • Totrandad'i• Office over the Behlatti
Booth of the Ward Souse And oppoettelbq
Coat% House • i leov. - 3„ ten,
118. H. WESTON, DEArusr.—
L, Office In Petunia Block. over Gore's Drat
End Chemical Mora. WWI
T. DAVIES, Attorney at Law
T • Towanda, Pa. Office with Wm. Wet.
ots, Esti Particnkr attention paid to Opt
online Court business sod settlement of deco
July 29,1868.
rt B. FORD—Licensed Auctioneer,
WII attend promptly to all business entrusted
so him. Charges moderate. Feb. 13, tF4SB.
11 U, ISS E. H. BATES, M. D:
(Grad nate t Woman's Medical; Wier,
Vhilade a. ells' 18641 Office sad reside's*
No. 11 Park street Owego Particular Mimi
- tic's Oven to Diseases of Worms. naiads
•visited at their homes If requested.
Ifs Vt. 1468
VRANOIS E. POST, Painter, 2bia
1: coda, Fa, with .10 yelusesperience. is cilia
i 'lea he can give tire best satisfaction in Paintr
Graining, Glashig.Payering, ac.
SiirParticaLsr attention paid to Jowl to the
, entry. April 9 ,1868.
f K. VA.llGHAN— = Architect and
.• • Beiider.--All kinds of Architectural de r
ages tarnished. Ornamental work in Biqa%
roe Ina Wood. Omen of/ Wain street, over
aaaoll & Co.'s Bank. Attention gives! to Bo
-al Architecture, such as laying oat of dA,
, &e. April 1, 1 887 7
SRCUR & MORROW, Atto rney s
at Law, Towends,Peon's
. The undersigned having seeeolited theodielveo
Anther is the otieticeof la!, offer their pro.
r.sninital services to the public.
TT I.TSSES 1181147178 P. D. MORROW.
march 9,1585.
`AT H. CARNOCHAN —.Attorney
• at Law, (District Attorney for Drat
laid County.) Trey, Pa. Collections made
and promptly remitted: • Feb. 15,18x8 -It
LAW, Towanda, Bradford Co. Pa.
General insurance and Real Estate Agent—.
nountles and Pensions collected. N. B.—All
na d jnens la _the Orphan' • Court attended t 6
promptly and with care., Office Mercur'a new
luct n , :rtp side Publie . liquare. 0ct.34, '67.
AT LA W,Towanda, Pa. Partionlarst,
~ nt,on given teOrphsne',Coart business, con:
veyancing and Collections:
Ifir Office at the Registen's end Recorder's
~ (nee—Ro th of Court Hottee. Dec. 1.1864;
R. T. B. JOHNSON, TowisDA,
1-7 PA. Having permanently located, oilers
i.rof , •ssionsi services to the public. Calls
;.)^ ,, ar,btly attended to In or oat of town. Office
ith .1. DeWitt on Main street. Residence at
.trs. Humphrey's on Second Street.
- April 16, 111611,
"IRS. T. F. &. WM: A. MADILL,
4)llice and residence Wyse', Pa. Dr. T. F .
itXll consulted at %rem Drug Mote
in Towanda, every Saturday. Dr. Wm. A.
Madill will give especial attention to diseases
of the eye. Etr. Throat and bungs. having
made a speciality of the above diseases for the
..asit eight years.
T. P. lIILDILL, t 1• SADII.I..
Jane 11. L4I
Towanda, Pa. All business intrusted to
his care will recele• prompt attention. °face
in the office lately occupied by Mercur itc Nor%
70 9 r . south of Ward House, up stairs.
July 16.18418.
FR. TAYLOR, Fashionable Hair
• D, Ward loose, Towanda, Pa.,
keeps constantly on band and makvi to order
all kinds of Hair Work, such as Switches, Curls,
Braids, Frissets, Lady's Front Pieces, Wigs,
Toupees, waterfalls, ?offs, False whiskers and
ornamental Bali Work of all descriptions made
to snit the customer. Particular attention paid
to the Cutting and Dressing of Lady's Hair.—
Highest market price paid for Raw Hair.
Miranda, 'Joy. 26; 185 .
The subscriber basing teased this house, lste
ly occupied by 4. Bentley, and thoroughly
repaired and matted it. is now ready to ac
commodate the travelliqg public. Every en
deavor will be made to satisfy those wh o may
favor him with a call. A. G. REY NOLDS-
Feb. 1,16 9.-Am•
Cor. Bridge and Water Streets,
M. B CALKINS Proprietor. audited by L
T. Rom, formerly or , Rovse House," Ruling
t on, Penn's. Feb. 24. 180 et
Homing lewd Pais S3llll. it now reidv to ac
ouits,vdate tbe Travelling No pies
q ,, r expense will be spared to give Satisfaction
10 those WIO mat give Ws *will*
sir North aide of the publicsquare , east of
— .demur's new block [now building].
Having purchased and thoroughly ratted this
oloi and well-known stand. formerly kept %by
Sheriff Grills. at the mouth of Baramerdeld
Creek, it may to give good accommodation
and satisfactory treatment to &Wilma nsylso ,
vor him with a call. Dee. 23. 1868.-0.
ito Rain Street, near the Court Roue.
P: 7. SMITL Proprietor.
C =atom Bradford Co., Pa. Thankful to
bii many employers for put patronage would
re...Tretfolly inform tke 'citizens of Bradford
court -that be-is -prepared-to- 3o aay work to
hisline of losiness that may . be 4i:trusted to
biro. Those baring' disputed lines would .do
sell to have - their property soeurstely suns
b.fore allowing themselves to feel aggtheed by
their neighbors. •All work warranted correct
far tithe nature of the case will permit...
Allunpatented lands Waded to ,as, soon U
currant' are obtained.
Feb. 21, '49 -ty • O..W.BtItTENB.
a gaulaite of the College of "Physicians
and &weans," New York city. Clam 1843-4
give exclusive attention to the make of bb
eneewon. • Oflce and ?celibacy etstlei mt.
e'sslope -of Orwell MU, atelabg Bow*
January 14, 180.
vojnvr:ri)lt - i.lifli
~i~'di= ~ 1!~
,~r<:, :,, ~ ,
1.-:B. mairlarbilArrailirrZ 4
COMMILLOR 41 1 1kiltr i Me d i
da" Pastitabie
vv.. B. KELLI i
-over viol i=isfit;waida,(4
All tlie rubs_
Ow vik!
WWI*: 31111 4 ;•rfr
• 0440 4;-
beard* a , '‘' ,7 l • ,oragte 4 , - .
" IZ sil riabliterad 'onlee di
Oblerotorm far
rectionof • Aut. is, iser,u. _ , •
Mir tit s ~it t
gm, ?o. a milt - Mint Pint, iNic
Mad, Otabitaillaar,ber s i air dat ta timid
Use ia say pa 1, et the
Costiasea mill lid sr; Mitaltldtttli
am .e 1 Ilhdd:Mdmmade limert Co. • Altar.
4 . 111 em rw ll "kir9 l tolio.: 1 01 1 14 o,l l i
ba24 4 3 .l 4 . lll l ll ll.larlitligliabili teatr'
ireitov ' animal! la maid:
, vomit a, 6;
Yamada, JAW imn
12101.41. •
id how tin Ward Sawa sad Ma opansks
fifilVlSO AP' sin( .olooturil 'woo
Two doors Womb of tbs. llaikassl2,H.;:slPlk
adjoining Patton's Block, on Alain, maw, ID
the basement.- This ship is oven vow gutty ,
trom-6 a. m., to 9 p. to ueonimodatefall
'bet will favor: hi& with a arll. Two Papal
enced workmen in this saloon, always ready to
wait on customers In a satisfactory manner.—
Gents ana ladies Hair. cutting, is the Vast
fashionable style: 7 Boors Ilona audletseidy
for use and warra, led to ink, (Irnamental
Hair Work. !Witches, Waterbilla, shd Carla,
made to order. Wigsmaddind repaired. -
Towanda. Log. ' ,
JL opened& lisakleg House Is Toinittla;lia4
des the name 0: P. MOON 1r QO.
They are 'menaced to draw BM' or , Sla.
ebabile. and t colledioes is . Nerii Yett:
Philadelphia, and all portents of the United
States, as also Ilegland,Gemanyoutdiftines.
To Loan money: 'Melee depodito „ and - to del
mural BasilathethleF l6 • _
Ilastd_tras one of Gut. sun firm - of
Impost*, It sop/ Go.. of Towasdlesisd
his itensk j‘e of the Winos iiss of adfesd
and adjoining Coantieeald Melia bail to elf
banking Wainas for aboutll-
_yam maks
this house * desirable tWbakftlirhieb
G. P. 11A801fi
Tamed*, Oct. 1,1866; A. G. KAROL
H. B. Btu. Enna Aargr.
. Valuable Farms, Mill Properties,- City,:aint
Town Lots for sale.
Parties having propaty for sale will dud it
tatheirawiratitage.bios - - - .11-Wier iption of
the same. wit% Ueda °flats •at this arm. so
parties are constantly eaquirlag tor farms k.O.
- _ B.
Beal Estate Agent.
Mee liontanye's Bloek,..Towiindla; Pa.
Jan. 29, 1867.
,Olfersibe_. folkiiilag Penns, Cool toff...Timber
Lends for sale:`
Fine Timber lot, S talcs from Towanda. c n.
Wotan 53 wpm Price $1,325.
Parm In Asylum, containing 135 acres. Atiod
buildings. Under a • It• deti.of eultivatlon.
Mostly. improved. Price SLIM.-
Pant. West.: Ibullaston—on the Creek.-,
New house ankbarzt. Under acne state oft c enl
tivetion. 95 Germ. , Price $5.460“
Farms In Franklts. All coder good entsfrai ,
Goa. Good baUdlscs. , For sale oNsip.
Several very der table looses and Lots Is
A laige tract of Cs . ILands.lit I toga county.
Towasils. July 18. PM
The inibantibem ha ' urchased of Mr:
Barns his intermit in the Yarswsin Lon
will carryon the business of Milling:4nd
guarantee all work done by them tote Of
the very best quality. '
Wheat. Bye and-Buckwheat Blois. and
Feed constantly on hand, for sale at SU.
lowest cash price. .
Also now on hand a huge quantity of
best Ground Oayaga Plaststdor' sale.
Myersburg, Sept 24, 1868. .
Having entered into a co-psitneiihip for the
traneacOon of the PROTOGRAPNICiarathess;
at the rooms formerly oceupied' by Wood and
Harding, would roipectfully call tbi'jittentioa
of the public to several styles of Plctires'which
we make specialties, as: rioter. Photographs,
Plain, Penciled and Colored, Opaltypes, Po n c e .
lain Pictures, &a., which we claim for clematis
and brilliancy of tone artor . Artiatic Int* von
sot be excelled.' We - lushest) to ezatnine *him
as well as the more common kinds of Port site
which we make, knowing full well that they
will bear the closest inspection. This Gallery
claims the highest reputation for rep& work of
any in this section of country, entire are deg
nermined by strict attention to boihrese still
the superior quality of our work, to
,ttrif oat%
retain but lactose. its very turffellAtillicuslog=
We keep constantly on lobe- Ito biosystity
of Primes and at lower - Moe' ittlitiatitntdbett
eatabUshtnent in town. AlsO4oesiepertraiti
Card trames, Card Toselertiewilltirist;.
scopes, Stereoscopic Vies,las
.. _-eywritbßifetrei
of importance pertaining to "G ire
as ea early eaU
N. 8.--Bohr Printing for the trade no tire
most namable terms. D. HARDING, '
Aug. 79.'67. P. SWAMI'.
nuzinqa * co.'a was or iniaannum mai oa
qyzawarown OP Lnraarook.
Winking ar, Gain's old 'loack Statana" .
Liverpool Pickets, sailing weir Week".
Swallow-tail Line oI Piddle from . or.
don, sailing twine anon*.
Remittances to Englind,,ltalaa . Good
payed*, on demand.
.I . 9 bw ilmrdZ a Areir s To i ror
0. P. MASON a 0., Bank erf.: l
Oct. I. la6B. - Towanda . P a
J. B. Sinew; 11. D., would nosetfully laforer
the inhabitants of Bradford County that be is
permanently located la "and
would say that_from his long_land enocessm
practice of TWENTY4I96 MI,M: duration
bets familiar with all the different st lea of
work dose in eay anitall Dental ts
la city or ^_opuntry, and is better prepared
any other Dental opentlee in the Who
work the beat adapted to the many and riot
maw that prima thearsdree ,colienthunip the
Dentist. as be understands the art of makfizt l is
own artificial teeth, and bee facilities for
the same. To those requiring under sets
teeth he would call attest , imato Worn klal of
week which consists of porcelain far both plate
and teeth, and forming a °antismog nuaL
famfolumble, more natural in appearance, and
much better adapted to the mini then say other
kind of work. Those fri need of the same are
invited to call 'and rearms sersolmens. Teeth
tilled to last for years and oftentimes for IBC—
Chloroform, Ether, end " Nitasse ;Oxide !'ad:
ministered with perfect ssfety,u Over - four hen
died patients within the last fear Yampa* le*
gilce in Petton's Slosh,, Jan.ll.lsllB,
NAB. PECK, 11114WRIG117, -
• 111.4CRINIST, Tower
_,tra - "Ti. ttfiilidtlt
and Repel al, Entree and Boilers set in the
best meaner. I would call the atterlioa of
mill crimson° me r; ?
As combining all the elements ofm
motter, abnplieity of 'cienstiticitioe; aebeseiblt.
ity, great- atmagth 4 1114 1 , :4 1 telaairthe
greatest amount of power for waxer • , easily
repaired, etwater with no del
rimentiogra• .af-bood. -re
%MU so Minoltas_ 111411rmisa oraild[thia
to itoomirill we wider low ME: atilt 'deft ef
any desired capacity. nem wheels will be
furnished at leas than -_
the 'eta
other fiest-oleas wheel la work • , 110110011 t.
led to perform 1111 - thatle4 e
lbw wheels will, 'heat feed
"Moat come, eit
awatei. -
For fall p u timdare addrieeeireettldeellf the
andersliMed. - fl:PBC11, Teirslial"
P. s.— . There 'bleb caw be olift
at mVicovtatik.ll4l6-101WAItip.
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• I.*Aitir 1 , 47r-j#lflr 461130,411.111,
iltiablisherb - • I. `''''''' .ll .-" 1 .7 4 ` . ' 1 1 - - - ~.
• • - - -19 y gtiAt.rt tar; -44,;;:0ff
jkledd pkg.
Right taffies track where Shaman \ t
P 10 1440410 ;WORM
Oat of the "WOW 014thi -
. llp from the eellarte gleam - I
Ibehatedihblittleihlidt 1)0000 0
With freedman/orb , dowersd.
Wheee bell& their Northern teacher. 5
in listened wig hawk the children
Of the poor and Ipaitenslared
Reeding the wails of Jesus.
• Singing the songs . of Darld.
Behold saute lief spieling;
The m blind eyes seeing
80ik1,.9 1 A1LP1911 1 4 4 #011-, •
Warmed info befog I`
Taniformed he saw tiers passim
fills!: newt 1111;ititir ' T ` - • •
Almost it seemed the mono
Put on the ImmortaL
No more withiliets of.burden.
No more wit:Vitae and OW.
But crowned with glpry and honor
In the image of God! -
Shen ) I Fici*PIPAR 4 ,4tattOr , 'l4
manhoodistdsg; -; • •
There t e , 3b ,c44. ik r srmist a tu%
A so, iron Waking!
The inan,ofmisiiiistilisi' 3 • -
WitLKear;:his wi l di4 ll M"... /11.
Stretched over ihose dnalry foreheads
His one-armed
: , 4 ,cObincniirk"-,1:
Rear for or d oubt you: -
What shall I telli,
the ebibiren, „
pp Nortti above your" - •
.Tbau tellxol4. 4 a nldepervaniarmer;
. • Wine answer devising;'
4fld. ) 1 0 1 9 boy stood ,
'en we'reffidni
0 Mack boy of Atlanta!
Bat hill Ina llPPketk: - ,
The idariao44aiiid.the,coistisli"
Aliko ale hookah ,
The one muse of thei , mcs
Held tottme; • •
Therfawrighig -11 are lighkg,
. Thd bisoLsna - 1104 Writhe; t
,C) bai! Mania& kW moisenl.' . ,
111 comes of hate andSectedistv:
86u41 the dest,*4.o4" . . •r !
Be taniSti monridmg - •
lltike`Ahns yMmspis',NissiSi t
Medt rateledf-r**4 lll *eit:
• A joy ond blesslogl
"You'll tend Ohrlatent! vritlf:ttell
John Me lba,
and Brian; .rumeriberiefr how" sf!ty,
gleoMilairt Ynktde a bit,' aiiibelopti
ag viewed' , kern. .t ti hei:nolitadaiifidei
chambers, gladly , aeoepted:'' }Mania,
exile; if ittiey called,trafitte.
tirely voluntary. If hb- bad afrept: ,
ed the itivitatione that, permed In; he
might have Passed hiaNdaya buntingi
ehootifig or diainr; but being of an
ambitioai lor4;.aod from higi
earliest, boyhood beard- it &averted
that be *mild' •"do , ffonsathinerfatt‘
attain Barnet Position shovel .the
nary 'herd, Brian *id laid_ down - a
mutant. hard laW4eading o to which,
.be had , bithes to stuck honestly., Per
halia there Was tot much ineriarre
to him"- yet; the plow an& runt*
may hive been 'an fascinating*thei
imter -wor ~ He_ had inn Wax gaMkt-i
let, it is true, of -thany:4l . ki::tlitiatli3oo4,,,
tationa" "moat beset . a
trian r but he had never been inilover;
that trial remained, and, we ahall:see;
boa heSinet Art firinglie4addone
Work, requiring - cottztet—exisite-1
meat nowand thetp , and Stianje-,
lag' indolent ithie iunrfaliolato.A4okl
that whiCh wae" at band. licit?the;
wothan• with whom be flirted said het
had uo heart.
It Written• that there , is , a4idi
the affairs of men. This particular
tide had not as yet set in upon the;
even ?shore of , Brian's life, but the
crisis ; was not far off, and, a . it , is gen
erally the way, fate came concealed
by' the most innocent of disguises ;
and so it was, that being, in a fair
way to become al: if nothing
,more,' &bre; runningi against
cousin, John Mellish, in the Strand,
was summoned to meet his fate at
"The Cedars," where, a week : before
Chyistmaa,_wtt found ottrAp s rtong
by ihe - Squire's young vvife,-butloblt
log with *Rids-eyes. at'stlier4tnfng
,01" ," the,. wife'll Youtigetw-eifiter
Kate; todlrykag.with aU /hilvetuff
catch - , the, mull= ether:, low, , :soft
"I'll marry thit - girl, or none"
Brian said to himself, as he,:itinlttiiiiit
ed the night after his arrivnl ,and so
be repeated still more t'pittinionately
when, on the fontition rousing him
the next - .morning, lie became con
scious , tliat4lK.iste's gray eyes had
been shining upon him in his dreams.
"Vtie-lintiods meet at the kennel,
sir," said the servant, "and . m asted
says you'd better be down soon, asr
he and Miss Kerr are gointosid. ride
to cover.",
"All right," quoth Briah , ; and him
ing Incki r ptnue_s (provided with
breeches and tops, it was not long
before he desee - ended to the breakfast •
room, *low he, f9aud• - gaterVaiki'
bit'arid,thelqiniie wind 'a' conga
atrangera from theietherl.:4l.oo , 4l the
country limy in fortifying ,
the thaticeOria /0. 1 4/ 731 er4-: ;
&deka the young akestilla
for: you,'Briase - safd aftshnili - •
him shqwn,pc and 1.-=14417
ta4a7 ; ) 34 #01atriii:M-;
s4trectlian'any -
the . conversation:. turned upon t
merits of 'the hoi:Se, and the prospect
of having a rut: -
For the int tessauinot toe
ing Brian hinfitfilfinider,
until the" ehestMitkiiiiittAlibiWia bad
he ,a fairwellettaat2Witthftiii
'144 1 4'011 - E. .
blllir ll , 4 - 1 1UVAttilg
itti'lva -
4: 0 19 1 5.4 14 ' Na 4
~.i• t
deirdsdativaisiungs: asst
ts - ri - •
r 4
sr:: a-Ancients.
.".=Aficulti4 Mighty
is,cslaf igoiu ,
= t,— - • A.
';;;;.K.• ~ t :13.., 1 ;vr•. .!-, : , ~, .t,- , _ ' i
Nkflid'trill., -ts: ,m, .. 1
• libillglitj *lf ' *V.'"
.. .
xkliglitlftnkttgerli ViiiiMitgi iMt -. •
inemcppc.iled istiPd • ' -;:
=OM mitikiiii,APActimiiiip4tit,lo ,
„V ise 0%41 the 43 0 . . -
. '-'1 - fa V* ... 1,.. 0 - il i s .., a. , ,, Y.
1- . ' ' ttIV 3 itar q iiiiiiiriN .
.gitiesiiiidlefrungd4,4liii d •• I *•_ , ll
• 'ipt.dnudyer*einditcletutlar ,. .
tri49P. 1 .10140-I . Akte. . • I
JP. 114 1,117 IltliAg _ lkiffiN 1
'lr inilli,thiitr" thl id .- se • i
in, andlliitifiilfiltkiiiiiiiiraitibeitt 1
ing down -- everrilbstiele in the 1
catune..:-;-:. ~.i. •7 v. -,7,1:4.7...t- ..,„:„; .. . ""): "
.. ,-. l 44igfitil hq , 40. - 4 0 9.tvb I rrc-404 • I
I .o l rt . betra.,,yed bimetal'. to • sto.
•ivasfietiebAoo'geep t lf Tit lifiiiit
tioknikierted itOO'''''Heltiliii' 1 '
• etas lifeor, dimly i eel to sliesirl';
11% latglogkbeitattaizilialettclllo .
partly l C't - 8 !",,t114* -
„,„,... beers or niaide 1i . ,-
- *ore, pint -- iiiiit:heriiiiserOf'nielp;
:presently I-.,..,i - 7 7 .?.. ~'-..:,:!:1',."• •- ;' • •:' ,':- - ' !
. i .IPOIOIRU4II WO OTeriirilq 32 o7 , ol4.. ;
'PA - VtAle-rf C.NIA-1 , 4 0 1 11 4 PP.':
nto' .dratinig-room ininpiening
And being reiliet"l.4o3iiiiiliun
items mills seseinbledriet4ciyitte thio :
-pleeeinteitOt all.timae, - .llis Leaa4
!PI 14*. 1 10 .!*: - ,4efur, iIi4P,F. ';,:1414A
. wip eittiPttneir Ate fire, Rd 'PO ll e
ilileittY IA 'die lightest ' Pert 'of . th , ',
I room, and by her ''rule 'A -- `Stringer ,
nor a young-mak-And - old enough .
, be her father-yt marital : stootkneide i
-content-to: warsnipihis diiiinity at' '
riiittinne.:: Presently she natighl : hie 1
eye and beckoning; him* 'to ..tier,:izi. , ,
traduced 'him: to i _General Amberly;
who beldiout:his hanitaayingr-,- •;', •
, ".1 bine jest. been-telling-,Ka
thetlour titbit. anti were vim,
in- early days, .and saw seine; hart
Alsizentogetherwith tbeDukeof York;
You; have beard him speik of Tjeasy;
Azberly Pi- And:. then, nturninuto
Sate; lie merit on:. "Jassy , was my
mains': when I joinedi I. believe
in those - , days, I' wan considered:*
'pretty boy-„!aadoemning. flesh Irani • al
mother's eire,.my . .vre3rit ; - .aid - ..Aratitti,
were diffeteit• from those: of kpublia
-school.4On. flhie young gentleman%
• Lithe' , johted the-saninyearland:fki
ing biggernedi stronger' It that time
*toad; by die irilmore than: one - wee ~
," HIP-fatherAs-.deadiLGletieralM
whispered Kate,bersaft eyentillingi
. " Yes, my dear, I -know flint-Abe,
memory; of A goott:=Anamizziever dies!
Ilia , ifather -was one;of . the ?best -, ior.
Ahem, - ' -:- ,• • -' • ,• = -; '-• ; .-; ,
So Briiiii's:lieart; , *anat vat, ;and
what •liras :left of -it! went' straight td,
;the outspokerinld4oidievirbase• Old;
;faibioned tourteir-and chivalrous it,
teintion to Kateneemedfiti pear Brit
Mat i n 'Wei4 , thegreatest &win be - ;ios- - ;
' . Two dayit after th!e, Brian's: wish
terminated: 1 l'Ae ;bedAech twopldi
iiiiinik Kate had:a,:headachet , tha
last , dayphe 'neither Appealed at din;
net, 'ear, yetin the' evening- : , -Britto;„
Arbor bid made op- - his mind - t,ti !speak:
ont, - ; was down I tat . . hoar befornAny l
one tilse:next , morulug, but Bate only;
*haired bersell when- breakfast walk
halt over: .-I So', as-time Waits for ue
one, be hatti-te 'take , his departure
.minus-thir hoped for; and
there win nothing ford burta, multi,
• his fite to the-past.l So after- reach-',
higlondonite wrote a manlyatraigt. ;
forward letter, telling Kate-the truth!
and askieg ler ta,be his wife.
- In two days' the reply came,' , and
Brian's fate was sealed. . •
" latitt deeply grieved,'-'- wrote Kite,
- "more deeply than I can •posaibly tett
you: I thought you.. knew %I was au-.
:gaged , to; Geheral:- , A wherry: , • • ,-John
:should ,have;; told' Tyou;: , arictLeiiitiot
Aiuderattud how it. you nitver-:,
beard l the -. fact. is ma ::tusiversally
known amongst. my •friends . ;-that , l
never doubted': you - =knew;
- arid • that
itifkl-hopyrtmatite — yotr . tcriorgive
lne if oty„cooduot.lituritelputkto pain
you. ..1 showed your lethiCto the.
Guttural, wutt hwio4l!-•mut:;sity ; that he
[eels ackdoi r v_ery.-• :awry; it'd
that akytitir - fatheiea pia artist
--• •
•-• Orcriu&ovei. , again fOriati-xcual
thia:lettettli,oo77o ll4 4 l o:- but
Witliethn -ttitist Oat:Owes:of :despair:
Ilit, ea* iF•ag'j . ;*rtd:;ig*te*o*. ` foot a
it40.4* . 4 . 1 114115ti1t4h, - .01.
heitti agatu.t - .Kate; bat the light
to_ go out of..hia Mei:and:lot
thteeTigOlta,,ißrisn Atied Ahof,wkl' Ulf*
oLd,rivbk ..
Of;rifot -- `./ktithOnct r ot - ' three' *eke
aot 3 auiihius,i-44 lnettilyyttb atop
dlioiterigewif 4 : l oter.)3 lo oL''''''
voya;ge e t!4; :
," I \ mutt , bee- , lter
014(':014 - Whoa
i50 t.gq4.44141 1 91/..00 - 0w144-mtiaCtii
I wiinlaftter" s=•: - • ,
a ' Stillo aC teri ** lll o /6 " 9lii
gilen*kille'iPuraN;,,e*Po6 i
hifitAmitgist;,7ifiret Alms 'Station,
drove, ow Ito," The 4Ctedareit- Mr.
AtAlliimit , ii ,4 4 6 -70 1-81 Seft
. *PrillOttr !!0•04 14,44 .kg
liOndog rtlsotirW*Ai*nott.o44Wi
ikso,„thei asw
rate: -Ste waliteAtup-14 , ihto 06410
hitket,' ele*lt0 1 047,441*6*iiii
a i ttlre beiaksgautilikl4o
Alkipliact 1144;elfoo !Alia lie
dessideflAi4lC.aiiis ifitoe:l She ,attop
pekh.o§./400,'"'Iia; aadji3olted
at if unceititio to
*WIWI belonged, w_hiiiNerofgo
9 .Tri - *C4 4 o 4 4 ll64llBl f , MWs v p r
bor. ye heimna: quoklyp 419 ft
thetimilaw'A' l .lifilettlitkiiii*t#S:of
Wightet**4l l l44444;iog4iiii
, T; f : • -
4litifullo 01,50,
bit , IMMO
liVA ir t,g
ite WWI 0:411
ot thilr 1 40401r z ldiC4E.Viic
&rap '6414
nxo - it &Wince atiltidottr hd!i#)#
ageing jcate, sod IA iiii44oiirmita-
Womb* ihstilditti4to4
ad4llol4PdOtiaiVirait 44V1,1104
figtitis --statiotr - before — Mtir : TAeltiA
00:11 . * littl#4 , ogM*o-4
blast' ilk* that Afr4-14dr.. was
l e
oa: ltoif.lii.ct , fr ~,,1.1.6 ire, .-- - - 'r- -, - -, :..u. ~,-,
- 2- firnAnkrat PX ~ , Agn ut„,6& 4 4T,i.,,i ii - r,:zl - -,:+-. i - i, .1.4.14
ifts f 0.3 eZs
fo tk
in- ttiatthazi ad e w
1 ..,.a todldibbilleiti - r dal .41ildi
aftireardll; olae . j AasiL iciti,i
igolreFmrsl tA wsnattend kt
z t g q,t_", t i ct op vetr t".
r",:g R I ? Alp and sett kiwi ,F 7.7!
A " t rotif iffko•cfsib:l4o3 `. - " or — thia ,
'. .' t oid ilibreefifen iretlidirbild. l
meth apipatairrineutbdayoAkiNg
R e g* !Jib AlW44l l 4ollY4iisirl
. .. wi t my...
iicit,c. am IN w ; .. re, ,1
y , ' ..
Aciekii, inities ithitlittfri4 ire*
istiked of readliwialrttinesetato
;*sit t i:tllNO#A4l,7444/4RIPAis• .C:413
. •
'Yo 'lt eomabsek ,to ne seamdi%
aft Yell tir /ifiiii''the'sci"utieV Eire -
-,:<it i gri ct tell. yeeni Vil upeptlo4
A 44
la, with;rinT , , , .....,: .. ....,
4:5> ells• l 4l44lk,ilitrivaiAi jit, Ittp
• flult**- d
, 6 ,7- 1 4!* and 4.9 F
Briiin langiied4-bitbsriY, 'rep - sitting;
IF ; ten : years , and' Ifni; Mellish,
coning up' to.histi 4 sun betwhands .up..
con 1 0 aP, ?alders anCiAllie 4 -4.4 1 k
Whits ' hig - "her btesling, to **au ;
4citt - i a noble' felloir. •
+. - She' Ifollowiitt: her < husband dOwn
!stairs, and toting alcab, they' drove
Act-Eiiot 4 4 l 4/are•
Kate w,ap sitting by , ths libiltry
fire *hen ' they reachea - &nip, ',slid
ire4,4letttilly, thegirl I' lied attei
,elder sieter b inhoi ssiCas he took off
her.shawli ' ,
!'Ylk , have : t e en, 4rialh: itil4 ti 4" ).
,it emelt tietter,ond IMO been ordered
- a tea Voyagii," 00 - .l'lo is , Obit to try
low Australian sir Willi stilt ''him'.
He hits p"rontla &to epend -Christina*
with us ten : y ears benne!r. -': How „did
baby get along without me t", : .
- Spring Millie ilittrthe General was
'cot weft; inkthe inerriage" Was U.
eir nntil: (Ihriiitinan,butivhen atituaitt
Mime,: the old -man" was prostriatii,
'He lingenitt so,, nearly two .yeatit,
, Kate nursing him, and. to her he left
his PioPerty Once or: twice (104
his illness, he had asked - Teiri4iiii nil
Briiin,•anii by.his:irequeit,Alie goalie
had written to relation' and fnendi,!
but no tidings could be obtained.,
, ." He alight have bad" the, . grace to
Write,'Nniit Jan, whet • lie"tolit„the'
General 'tbel'result of ' inqui ries.
'Bat the hate shooktit head. ,!-
,Nay, .4, i lia is_rigbt.",; .!Httliat
prittethlie h tid,, to AO', plough „and
loOliedli'lialr, is pot Meet, fur the
kirigd4iiiirlieittion.'" The' 4 ,.. ....e -boy
has thine well ';' he Will cismelbick in
ten Years, and :when does,: till him.
, ,
• . When t he. General* warfare was
over, • and 'the 'old soldier had ansive r
till ' hit I itet -muster roll;iKetel'reitiiiin
-ed,attogetba ;:it' The , Vedars ;-, and,
Atallieg herself tbeold • - mad - of? the
fatally,. was looked up to with much
„reapeetly,. tbe • rising generation of
iiipbews'artilieeita.: Nor sraa'Kette's
:money idle ; - Many - . a wrinkled • old
lace in the , village grew: anzioue
.when gossip 'gamig that.hliss Kate
had another wooer, but when i the
lover moiintetiaed rode away,
Kate was gill Visits Kate, " 'the deco!
,spread like sunshine, and the smiles
-caw!' back. again ;.- ant Christmas
...alter Christmas brought - good , c heer.
and . full: larders .
to, very:
. hointiiit thdl
little village, tiatfter glow tit Kate's
- cheek' and a brighter smiles-ter I.ateNi
• ' l' ~..-
..: At last, the : teutl Christmas was
near at :hand. - . The winter was a
hard one.,Upon the Morning of
Christmas eve ;
d , KEtte and thechildreit
went forth • to:- gather greenery:-
1 Young Ethel, tiownearly-si tall as
Kate herself ; pick, :inert the- sheltie,
1 Tom and, Harri araad
with.. knives,
big enough to do. serious, damage to
'the - holly trees " • .
•••,,Anicingetihern stood Kate; time,
1 ii taking: spay the lightness of•girl 7 ;
i hood, Perfected. 44 "waterer:leanly
of, womatihosid,' , and, trerY, fair, , aitt .
lovable she locked,Os,with ber kande '
fell of gleaming 'holly, she; stood it
the wintry
,Picture's 'Plait:ire very'
witolurilike that: of a Christrifas on
tliacther : sideof, • the • world, where
'toionozni are/treed upside. : dowa.and,
Christmas day counts-at,: reidaiminer..
SO tliciught 'a man who Wai., leaning
tigaiust - the churchy ard gate. 'Be
had been standing. Ahern for :some
time hettire the. chi I 4 reit „Came .dole,
the avenue, and moving , a little at
ita to,bring " the .hritochee'of ii'. Fret
lietweMi 'hen aid' them, he still itood, -
tuitil•the thud 4f horses" feet on 'the
silo*. made him - torn; ~and- -_ as tbe
Ovate :trotted. pp,Abe • men camelepe
to, face.. ~ 1 . , • •.: • .-•_ .. ,
,- John Hellish . reined .in - hie heron,
nd stared , stooped reined
in his earl ;
dle and grew red alai he cried l''''' •"'"
_- ":Not _Brian 1,--and - .; yeti by , the-
Lrdilarry, it-is.: . -,_ Welcome : bone;:
fellow, I". ...Ait, he, 'peke; the sgoirt
bad got deism ' i•ftert . his hor se, and
Wes elaspirig Brian's • binds.' ' " Why
didn'tyou *Pith t" '.1 .- '! -• .' •' : 7- -
=:!! I'll tell, old friend;
letigoties bel l , bygones,: ':., .
1 , " 'Right, there ; but see, liad,thete!s •
something to aim* theCtiygoce,"and
qinlin•ph'inted td the .group' so,' briefly
Flattering greenery but' 'which , that
instauk,patchitig..inghtof ...kirk WOW
up,thri.....boye i rtimung4trvrard to
him, , leaving, Kato, aid .; 'Ethel.
iitone. - :, up to yrbeer. Jiihnod hie coda:
la 'titeitt.". ' ""' " •i ' .
- • " ' ' '."
:., ." Flume broight• the guest of -4. be.
IftereKallef -tier brother 'said, : ; `
guest. come frora, th e , other, aide of
the world to keep a:trust ins& ten
years ago; ~ before you ;Were tarn,
Dick"; th ink of that," and tiskiug-the
sheltie's rein, JOhn rao down the
toad, Galli,* the other btiya.toiningi
1118 horse.' • ,- . ~. , ---, . ~..,-f
. Katio'aeyea had .dirke Enid Aka Beim"
'Caine towards her, and the 'I4IIY fell
ftiiin her bands, 'Asti that bell' Wein
ready-4G be putin his. 'lleyand thil
ilontdoshake e the meeting ~was;cold
01 44 1 0 tg< fOike---Etbelf lis, s F-In
cold way of receiving a friend Otil
Pell away for te4 Yea ; bat lat'el,
,eo, had 'ii, great ,4 al "to r learn
yeit? - irtier , ii"4kuod 'DV tbi -11'4tae
together, and --when II aitmiait to
aptiakAn lits.lMellisti, , 'tile 'dieitp
„, What tt, dieser Abut ,as i, . Aunty
ininni`of tokkiiive kno of fired In
the bappinesis of Wel '' fi li , one tong
tithing' • ft; the': haute ' ' do . ; , itinti
aftensetty.daYit et exile . : by sea- altd
leedi•Pf. ik t' adteubtres r 4ierile
eV.*.1 0 164.4111#.1MW#4
num VIM t kil ulceeNl#97o
, , _
.iv T. ,
• ' • :4- n 11 +.4
E , • 11711: ;leer 1.• •
, • _ - .
the tables put
iset:::idhato4d - i;stakayetathen same 1
-tatualaAppiandithweyee itinnubsclt
-theitpnawavi4statistias x sadtiiiik!
-410, ioo, feitlenottiveib Nark -41k*,fiar
Mob Ilehavts. ikttei
4.4eristllie enstithembflatlinolfiv
411,ataintiairaboitt,a4be droPtk.mAic
MlSORPlglethit cc** ablefsi 4 1*
lirisoluandroa, appmailitidArg ,
Rik F Auip
nemplovgits o! , To 7
Kate, aid I've been faithfony
*Me Ahringh.l l 4. itthefiel:lqx -4 10 140 88
37.4 1 w1• kis. , - . 1 " 111 !.:i 0 A-FRYt.„-
n'lk.ktqu i "* .
149#ilro,fgaiimkip. 4 . 0 044, ig
~ o. ,li •:. , 4 1 *.nA.- 4140 . i . r .. riiirw l i caed°,44. 1 04, ~.; 1: - -....:
The Last OsbbeeVlbefiazThe' ext1,4(440
;;; 4olusiwileirs at Des .',byhatri Nasby.
: ' i
Wmeinfoxini;likreii 4 1886 1
:;,,,She'.'agerty is 'ciViin - . 'A.' Johnsini;
;Tallied tiy . tin ungrateful people,ilob
idideh, des erve', so. sweet a Inion,:iii
-. l .!P*ltt pokiipriticcitizie, and ‘ev, i' l e
mine : accou nt Allan 1 am.'-'-nor: et
,mush,fOr I 'am atill'a 'Postmaster::: ''_
Nz I snit In : at 'the birth:oV - the
Johnson party, so it wit ini.phieful
Booty Alf( belt' at ' the death:_ - I wuz
inesent at'the - fi rst and ' the irt4t4e
its Cabinet meetings. The firat - wni-
A eggisleratin scene—the last the
most ninutituk X tier • witilist. At
the first we started out with high
hopes- freshin our offisia, with a
Treaatirrio-dra*. on ,wick seemed to
se totiev nombottom, ',. and - with siiih
nip as .11iiymond; Weld et al., to
give tia.character z —and the voices of
the timusiand,aV patriots wich wanted
offis bicklin us God speed—at the last
there - wuz left only, those, who had
become_so fixed .that _they
. couldn't
get away . „ - and egery ono' nv em con
runs tbsit't,lie tiestdaY at 12 M, they .
Wat - foreirer lost. "Thilharlot dim
ineimin her career with' youth,: beati
ty, etretigthand store clothee, is one
thingthe same" bele' . hollereyed,
sunken-ebeeked, dirty`and drabbled,
tinned oat to die on a dung bill; ain't
so pleasant to look at. - '1
- The weetin was held in the same
old room, • in which,l hes < Been more
_weepin .t/lan eser,felkto - the lot
Pue'manf ...(Thee ; administrasheir nv
'A. Johnson-Will bellown in • history
g theinciitit - administrashee.) .It wuz
in.this room that are ~decided to veto
the . Fteedmen's Bern and Civil Bites
bibs,. and all the other acts ay the
Bfilh "and 40th•Congressesit Wet in
Mil wont that we 'received tbe news
co: the ileek - eherra il V ' 1886, '67 and
Mel' it int in 7thie room that the
PhiladelPhitt Cenienshen'vius •deter
mined upon, and the tutchin march
uv Couch and Orr,- arm in' *lin t up
the eieletwuz arranged, the President
writip at the -sarneLtime his • little
speech lin which 'be menahuried the
fact ...that , ez , he read the account
thereof- he couldut restrain- his emu•
shitn,but bustid into ,a flood . nv teem ;
it wuz in . this room that the eponta
neolia tribliotit . uv respeek , towards
his Eggelency at various- Linea and
places wuz arranged, and the detiils
thereof fixed tip-; ittehert, it was ia
this Xoom that all' the .aota whieh gild
the` emory tit , the late_ - adcninistr- -
shell . Wu - decided upon end evenchoo•
allY wept 'over. , ' -
Ez I entered it—for tbe last , time
probably—l best into- teen on the
threshold,.anal jined the other weep
ers who bad. been diatillie briny greet
far some. hours., Indeed so , long bed
they bin . weepia - that one , friend ay.
the President, who .bed a Kentucky.
countenance, howled, piteensly for ,
some 'liquid to replace that : which he
had lost. A bottle wuz handed him,
and he, wept
_no more. I tried to
;strengthen meagin the waste that I
iknowd meat intim - 'lngratitood Is
;not my failiiig.' Till - A. Johnson gets
;back•to Tennessee, my eyes she, not
;be dry. '
The President' was terribly calm'
,and composed: . ' ' ' " -
" Weep I my - friends I" Bed he,
"Weep. 'I can't blame yoo, for you
are about to be deprived of me I But
in this tryin hourl will be Balm. I
hey swung eroded the. entire circle
ov Gibbet hontir.. I hey 1)20--,"
, ~A t this pint, - his voice trembled and.
.hiae,yeii wet enffoosed., '.
' . " But no I -I will be mys elf. Sek
letaty Seward, is . there-any ..siore
;sicia.of a unconstaishriel Cengrelis to
ivete r -. . •
"Nc—pockitin ter em ansere the
iparpos. •
i . " ll'thar neyboddy to pardon •?"
--4 ' No orte — bot 'stay. Now that I
think uv it, two kounterfiters; • one
wiiieky speculator's Confedritiotficex
Air two;:and wats left ny- the's:mast!.
nashen party still languishing either
in BasteePsor in.exile. " ;
"linos; finish' my work.' Hand
ibethem.blaalepaidoes." . --
1 . Be:wrote Wake firm handot Min
1 qv em - m14,111166 oily , took a second,
.ez:he•hes -blanks pnnted for all the
I vitiious , offenses. Men kin be, guilty
u 5..,. - • , .
" /lw, the n , m' decides, is ..coon
plished, and 1 cheerfiy - resine,. the
power - wicil I - viond hev - laid - down
Idoettin', hit 'for :the sake 'iv -my
:Meddle 0600try:'"I wood heir saved
niv eatiVe land bet---;;;. Baia - Ada
;mit our friends."'. , r -: ' - , - •
1 Mayor-Maitre mil Son Orkiens,Mrs.
Cobb, - 4 scare , or, .more of _Ganfedrit
officers and a flood - nv anfurchnet men
stio , iihdlin accoosed 'av-Aamperin
jwitki an uneuestito?ebnni currency,-
land a hundred,- ; more: orleue, air Fed
"ral cNis - holdera filed
,in and shook
Idle president chi:jelly by the he t.
droppin a siletit tho elekent teer i s
they visaed.= : There-cauz,io , addiell. --
*thele,eelevq, InaPO!eitr*wretek,
'tie,bad bin ia,ftn ithoutlWashington
for Menthe waittn fer'Pesisliens, 'btit .
Safe.' kidn't got em, - They .Iced no
nhapxMay tor/Choi:4i With, tiatthe3r,
inauttidAhat the President . met_ and:
aloud! , furnish, pmm . e4ns. Qua
em; demanded uv Randall, $5OO bat
! I
that grate man finally 'tit rid iiv him'
bilostsiu film .;clean is in andatioi
tit.paper, cellar& ' , -
The _man: wuz depreat though still
hepeftd. - "This," Bed hs, ws,vin_thit
i - difirill'itsittir,, "thietisitll I'lieti tii
iititfiii .gin-wh e n : 1 ernbarkt into
gektleinilsni ray friends fell , off. • .In
li.toolutotlilikoiOnal step. by
sent.down tin;. 7 tonoinstitho
... ...., , , .
.444 7tPkt" , : ,
**NW ek Icta;b4llo/&-t , Bet I
he, , aoina•
, body. , ..,Asitoifiteditn
inspire 1.1447; 0 4440pau
Atutdamet,siNktpt pou. speek
49 taco, the street • - •
Is A; ew,him.:*ike*S; * 1 4,4A.1 1
4140. A. WWI* , to &
eit Dv. kjtate
Pglid#o*- AMMO ..A 41 4.4 0 3; to - . l b o
judged lentOrse.'h44 him
Alitn,, AMU, that the olpni,sh:44o
Inn Poor felt9wlT :
Then come .thet*fit
Alt 'TbilYesiclaicked, : to", id
tried:Mid :treafid friends , '" hq
#MinenCed, - ;iThoo Randall '
*kb thn — ofireoljii remaik'tbat "he'd
ticilcr say '`4Piti4. 1 .4 6 4: 4 7 without
."tiNd:" •
4:lbst gang 0 ,
. pooptirfeitep labia
, jinf left ths preseice., Th'ey weight.
only, tried bat . conirictid."
Seitretary Seward Won' vizablt
'fietedi Thet - afternoensho had beta
island' for sale, - the' priiicfpal
- • •
volcano - on'ishich bed mostly stopped
gushiimuni he wept to think belie& t
time to ciimplte nefrociestieni "for it.
It was offered for1)20,000,000 and-he
;considered the price"a• mere bags.
' • -
' Sekretary Wells - was the- only
Cheerful , one in tbe party. He bed ;
no idea thathe WWI to atop being
Sekretary nv the Navy—beexpected
to. go along- ez too .nothie! , bed hap
pened. 'Seward anitßandall hed;bin
trying for-iti boar to mate him coin,
prebend the sitoodshen—that, there
wan be,a change—but to no per
wise; • He coodent get it through him.
-I undertook to impress it onto his in
_telleck, but ray efforts win furtile.T—
Huggin _ to bin -buzz= a model of a
Erie canal boat.which he bed deter+
mined to remodel into a revenoo cut
ter, he kept on sayin r -,"Why- l -wby
should . I go . out 7 wuz , under Link
lin. and then-Johnson. %ware no
more difference ,Itetween Lipkin and
Johnson than there is between John
son and Grant, is there? I agreed
with. Lakin and , with' .Johoson, and
shall. agree with Grant,. doubtless.--.
Why elionld I differ with - GFiust•7"
Randall smiled a sardenical smile
at the aged iufaut, and remarkin that
he (Randall) hed. lied a good time uv
it anyhow, the recolleishuns whereof
the d—d Ata liebiniete, 'cocidn't rob
him uv, shook hands with A. J.,' ad
din th;st be didn't' bear him: any
" I'm a pained i man," continyood
Randall, "bat l'in'ez much to blame
ea you are. I shetgo into histry 'cou
pled with . , yoo-roy bloomin -- boys
when they arrive at man's estate will
apply to the Legislachers nv their
respective States to tiev , their names
changed to quihin eLse:, _km Young
and can't - die in a few years ea Welles
kin. and most therefore drag ont,a
longer. eggsisteuce,bni I don't blade
yoi). I went into it thkin the chatt
ces,and I stand the hazard nv the die.
tsbel serve the ambishus yooth nv
this country ez ail Awful Eggsample:"
But little remained to be done,
Randall and Johnson arrangeitt6 hey
Wells absentfrom - Washington for
the week followin the inaniurashen
knowin that otherwise he'd hey to t!4
carried out •nv the Department -by
main force. They appinted a com
mittee tiir Connecticut men to keep
him busy till after his aticeestfor wiz
installed,andeliakin hands all around,
each ebeddin a manly lear i ; the last
,Cabinetl meetin nv A. Johnson's ad-
Ininistrashen passed into history.
try the inaugnrashen nv•Grant the
nest day,l hey not the heart to write.
•Sufflee it to say that Diggers partici
pated in it ? Niggers wits ott the side-
;walks ; not ez in the olden tiine, ham
,ble and meek, but in chairs waitin to
see the, procession , pass, emoosio
Abeirselves the- while. and readin
; uoosepapers. .
Deekin Pogrom, who was with me
called my attenshen to this,: askin el
it,> was possible tor l,C.entackian
whose eyes beheld sich site - to Lev
any further faith in republikin instoo
shena ? The old saint shuddered vis
ibly ez a nigger in a dress coat,ping
hat andshiny,hoots passed us,nearly
knockin DS intnthe . gutter in
. their
,baste; his wife onto kus arm, dressed
inlhe height itv fashion, with a pan-
Yu., Be smiled feebly and in a be
wildered ,Fay, ;but Bed nothin. The
Nitti nv a nigger regim ent marchiiin
the precession , finished the Deekin.—
gre* so faint tbat r bed to take
him to his lodgins. He left the "saute
evenin for the Corners.'
I The members Iry the late •Adminis-
triSheriChe* : - nat'deeided,,wit tiide. - . ,
BrOisnitig will probably go: into" a
4oliiim - agency 'in' lioo Wilt. - Rindill
retharkt.that if - Sammy:oex and ..lack.
i lingeis . O.Onii 'mini:end in Nbeicitit, , he
#iOugiit, he deed: liirs: 'Cobb. will go'
AO Nod York; and probably-the-par
donibrokerii,. lobYists, and - - slob will '
do lilteirise: ' A ddzen :or two' Fare
batiitti 104 - id-DV to;nitk-tind! , '' °theft:
:dill eiftedily
. followtbent. : ,- In cense
keneeav thi s bteakin :op in thezad• - •
thinistraticitand- its anpPorters,- : the
poleeee , - farce , nv Washington: hae
peen - already lessened.:
'label ackcinipaoy tha.--lite.. - -Pxiiii-, -
dent to' TenSeisee, and: take Inyleave ,
;01t hint lben: , ;:•Ele , will !want :soma'
faithful . -friendi .to .eonsonl r. hint , iiin.
that dreary passage, and whai Befit
for* offis es the emitted.? lithe' ,
oattkiterttntoPbgcl in J;GrOavi,tc aid,- -
:thetkaaftlitra•V-', tOPE.!kc!gell*tki
enj.., a:Wait. , th,!: , , ish ~, at , :. eireitce,„ ..'..t
1 *4 u,y-eoeise hit' 414:40 4s.i.efilio;.
i AS-1 - :*440 1 ,:144. '..?,, Pli' , "4o; ':-, A-: 3 ;
Il'ulli-k910014.t4.8,'..0iT.0.nnie*-tor '
~the liPveriii**P. - 1 1 4 - ..51 : 0110..'4",b 1 .18 .
1 i*,piifgyfii&p, if a ,I•iligl-g&to,liiii.
IAOLa. : ..i4i4i**.iikfc:2 l .loo XCikir;
ifPF„o4lo4.3ti'll,in.biionttOO., 'WO:
i :T.PF*94i ,Aiiiidalt,7o 4 : , :t l o tbona
!g!, 1 47, - wiqg ~ 4 ;, out :.10. - .o. o 4(Wiliiithiii4.
m0h,4:044. FO 09. 4 9 0‘ 4*, 0 4: 04 *10 1 -
ifar pie 1, ,' : :. - • - .. i. 1-, "::" :,.:;.". ':..- i S ':-....
- _ . .::,,POupintV,,ltiniii , l,:lif,'..
~- - . -.• • . .(Yi e .icli,.iii i iiliti4lit -. ,).''.
:.i ) : :' ii - 4
-The . .. prim; which is' : now
sulieitlize.C. is -- afijOilidi*l4llo**o;
11. .. 1 03aiiiit ' ,.T44nOfilbi io-t-kßemin* .
Ilibliikuiti#Oen.:'• ills
iiiiileitid.:4!.iiti , id th!ijlippifiy, : gliet
rant. start-'. be'nelikir sed, 41,
W41".44 - ';'mOitir4 t
- 1 11 004 - .M704 - # l .o'
throng ~ 0 1. 4 - h ezlip*ect. w ii:to: R a y'
O*, Oisjecit.l4, *O.:till 'l,iiip,pr= .
07 Ji*
O bur TOi* en **St36l'
ii0 . 0 18 4.1 '. tOi'Oraiit:;V*o
't',1:011/10"0014 - 221:002re - AfaiVQ, 01110..
Mg r;. q%
„,. 4..1
4 "' tr• .
. 4~': i~~: i.r ~ ~
, 4 et.
Ike entire chyle * pi? boor and
kiln •affotit to°
Let-hhatev -the entini - credit ire ivit
ektkinsivia Js Ea5ui43044.1. Oood
anything be nviiTe noble
- "
P. V. N.
mri was 'oda=
,• , {.l ~ ~,: ;:-
AboutSfimouthy att ' tor
„ago, :IPrlti.-
in' Nei York' city, _..witi.le spekteg
iierints Meane Of Making barrel shier
intpervions to 4 petteleum; accidetittY
boa cplecnior mustblit to Wedge.**
barret Aterilreirlespertmattitic Noit
into, ita„ 111 . aF e 4, la the vat
_ 40 149 , 4*11
AO lidation' with *ll4he w4s.iii*
liii to fill iher . :Vores Of thiiihod - VI
tekhie-cint3 tbe s -itietble i
'be' tiothbed
that -4 was, beantifollretaintato bat
l i h rfq f .,,i1
. so& ~2,,withent. T , 1: 12 0. Me "
thought. Abiint a month-- late/x. 4 (ii
September, 1866,) he . picked It pp;
examined - it;' tried tci , waltfir - it' 'dean
faVed,brithe it with alainuter:itrOld,
and,lo- 7 the color had _penetrated the
,wintle marg . ! "ere:civil%
. the . almot
infinite vain° of the dittcovery,4e
so . happily stumbled up o n;" helteg lu i
new. fuvestigstionti, and , ,iimers
others with him in the enterpriie; A
soitable laboratory .was: obtained,
communications were quietly °Reseal
with leading Marble men, a.sertmof
1 25,006 experiments was instituted,
and now after two years of - patient
toil, this discovery is set forth to the
world. , , .
Yesterday a number of gentlemen
were invited to call at the laboratory
of thelnternational Marble' Coloring
Company, NO.l9,Third-aietine;north
east "corneeof Twelfth St, team&
story. 'Here, they found an - Italian
sunset imprisoned in enduring stoned
Here were snow-white marbles from
Vermont,. turned by wizard touch oil
cbemic art into scarlet splendor not
found in nature. save in the, gem, they
flower. and the cloud. On one hand,l
the purple of the Ccesars gleamed 141
solid stove, and on the 'other a man
tel's yellow lustre rivalled the rarest
marble from Sienna's quarries: Here
a plain white ctiimney piece bad been
tinted •wattisdove-colored• hues softer
than those of the .choicest Listsin
atone, and there the wondrous= touch
of this new art: bad. created 'a mar
sive black•veined., emerald r eclipsing
it: beauty the finest verd-antique that
nature ever stained. In a word,
more'than six hUndred hues and tints
and shades, all the work of mares
adoraingfinger,shimmered and blazed ,
on every side with a confusion: and a
glery of color that it-bath not before.
entered into the heartof man to con- ,
ceive as possible in the domairi of
architecture... The invention consists
simply is the discovery of a mor
daunt, with which the proper dyes
are mixed, itirming a solution. In a
shallciiv bath of this the ,maible. id
placed, molecular action imMediatelY
ensues, and in a few " hours or 'days
the whole mass is saturated with col
or. The severest tests from acids
and exposure to the elements Shim
that these
_colors are more endurable
than those of nature. The interstices
of the parble being thoroughly filled,
grease cannot penetrate it ; and the
severest weather can scarcely wear
it, and it , becemes susceptible of the
highest polish. In fact , this single,
easy,and inexpenaive process secures
at once the three great ends of beau
ty, durabilit4andeconotny..• A plas
ter cast has just been completed of a
baptismal- font, sculptured- with _a
Cross, and ' wreathed with a vine,
which icr te be reproduced in blood
red marble, the sacrificial hue. For
a white marble altar in'a new cathe
dral at . Albany, sixty-five. thousand
dolfare in gold haVe been approprit
.ted.. This Company bays offered-to
pat up one of purple for ten thonsaid
,th greenbacks. „ _
Not only can marble, granite, and
all similar materials be Solidly color=
ed in this way, but so can wood, the
result. tieing a cheap, durable, 'and
exquisitely beautiful material, whiCb
requires neither painting.or varniab
ing. The vista of archireotural mag
nificence-opened to the view by this .
discovery most be left to . the reader's
imagination, the Arabian Nights. be
ing the , only suitable .treaties l that
now suggests itself. .Apropoa. of
this, it may be noted that certain
common crystals, were lately subject
ed to this process, and. afterwards'
submitted to 'a leading jeweler in that
„city, who declared himself • unable .to
distinguish them from genuine emei—
alder , • •
A Toms CAss.'--Eider Enapp had
been holding a protracted' meeting
in .A.ikanass, and on a: certain Sun
day, wait to have a baptising" of
converts in the river, in the secluded.
loCality, in which the revival tonk
place. As he advanced' into the Wm.' ,
ter with a wiry, shsrP•eyed old chap,
be askedihe usual question, wltath
er any persou,knew any 'reason why . ,
the ordinance of baptism should not,
be administered. WI one answered'
fora fear iniiinente'but at 'length; s
till, straight and powerful looking
chap, with an eye like a blase,_ who
was leaning upon si long rifle 'arid
quietly kicking 'remarked a " Elder,
I don'tWiiiit 'to interfere with this
yell, business, any way, bit I want
lq:say I know that- old anti ~you've
gottcdd of, and I know- that tints dip
won'irdo him any good. If you want
to get the'sin out of hini, and save,
havele 'anchor Mai out hi
deep watir,over night. _
HAYS you 4bed r 'said frangry
man to his friend. •
have, upon honor." replied he.
.44 Then,'!, replied thellret. 'lf o
~ fin
dined wpm your honor, I kat you have, bad
a scanty nutaL"
A *Ames editor says that ahe I
street of one of the western chime are to be
P&Pod with red-headed girl.- .i_redliketct
taie lump poste. . , ,
ji(j i stoup, die red go to,
stioiddl veer * ikettralikes
dreear ilkt, wars sourest
="2l:Are sheU wear the. attire of thin
1" thelnet.” . • 4 Thedi tell me; tee,
hew the mogeb weald know -be kesed
:the bot 11 9 41 0*"'
'- • . , __ q
- " Hos or' dog f—that'a . the
tiogi;* pawn meld' whoa lei let
itilera to a eft mug*
Ar apparty, while a rang ledj
Afis- Pling ap a er ldih W=ot ot :
low* a
,ter=th maid Ilbe-lbOsc-asidtur
Aldeogeob• logtv
-Y r ' ~% iit
,'~i'S .'. ~.. .. ~
!4' 4 I ' •
lenanylviSt - side • the
litiii'arir Wei I Rea
satisfaction under ell circunistenies.
iewell adapted fat ale In acianec-
Om with the -viricotakpismeata ca
pable- • of ;amanor ,
49apled mitbaxataadiaal lian y=tl
saitedlor Ike tdriata ingraittlig and
'other ornamental- work. For blind
painting it id of value , as it
toiefi - welk,,givee's luperier nish,
and 414 color yrifUrfai gird. "
fiekof thin 'maajtJf.piiinter
4 - blinds Jose.' bis-libef - abd
pelted to go over
-Any-mere: trick of adulteration by
wideli. the quality olpalat Jo impair-,
ed, car its value diminisbed i shnuld be
frowned upon end. lipoid by aliwLo
love honest dealing. -Oa the other
0%4 auy discovery whereby an &-
tido of such universal consumption
alial_ba seas- jaw:s* l o4 ,ll2 ). 4, 11 4tY,
end cheer:nab. price, ' Es a mstter
of firstlmPortkrice, - lamming alery -
.The Lillingston, paint is so:riew
experbneat r bat haw been in entail
use for along time. Its qualities
have been ascertained by experience.
Some of the 'painting. Which we ex
iimined_bad been exposed to the
ihei for three years ; bat, : ire found
it hard,' frail . looking, • and entirely
free from chalkinesl.—Sciceiific
Tat Mt or Obit Snuck. '
the , Di& fern
seem** , that ef the' !iiieksise" pe
riods- that have ' pasta in s -the- grad
es] formation:of the 7 eartk:l So vast
were the cycles of, the time preceding
even the sopa*. refine of man °tithe
surfece 44. our. globe, Opt= our Own
peTiod49 s ffill as Pillicr47.4en cow
pored Vans
before it. Hid we only; theevidenee
of the deposits of _rocks. heaped en,
each-other ieregulai stilts byl,the
slow ot meter's* they
atone would 'convince us ot: the Tong
and Wow niattuingof Gaidi 7 viirkii on
earth ;. but when we add to thesethe
suboesitive populations of whose :life
this ..wcwld has been thetheatre, And
whose re - Maine are, bidder' in ithe
rocks into Teta& the Med, or Realtor
soil'of whatever kind, On which 'they
lived,' baidesitt inVie eohniite of
'the eitotmeitiat ague of
mountains whose upheavel. divided
these .periods.otquiet ,accuta*ion
of great cow the changes
of different nature Inthe . magus
tion of- our globe, as the, sinking of
lands beueatti the ocean, or the grad
nal-rising of coat einii-,sad -- Winds
above—er titestoti 'growth of Oval
,reefs, those- wondettnfiesewaris rais
ed by the little mein irchiteets,
whose own bodies - fendsh both the
`building ate - nese:id the awed Alit
binds them together and who kive
worked 'so busily., together ,,
Ontario* . th it , there are _extensive
countr,io,. :now**, chains, istaitids,
end long lines of ,coiet v . Coisititieg
eolelY 2 of *if remains—or the 'Coant ,
less forests that hate grown ;Op,
flourished 'and' decayed too-_ fill !the
sterehixisesef coil that filed the Steil
:of the human racisif we aonskler ill
these records of the past,theintellect i
:fails to grasp a•chronolocs of which •
oue experience furnishes. ;iodate, end
the time , that lies beldr.desiseuut as
mach an eternity to out: conception,
;as the future that stretches indefi
nitely before us'.--dgossir. •
not belie . ssyan g
that I cannot auderatitii.4
".Nor will11," - sad - imiother. • •
" Neither Will Yr klahfled iix a
"Young_:gentletheit," , said an 'pld
;than. Whom `thew los* Sillows,rs
garded as a dance, wbeisiiii sitting
close, "do h assdeiallitnd- yin- °cor
rectly' shat, ypa_...llo Doi • kthlitive
'anything that yon &A lit utidarstand?"
"I' will _not," avid - one, and so said
eiich - one in the trio:'
41 Well," said OS itrampw, "while
riding in the country thismorAing,-1
saw several grebe in is. told eating
grass ; do. u: balks" ear.
" Certainly," said the three great
`•"'I slab saw pigagatiastraes ;kto
you belie* that f' - r
" Of anme," - said they.
"I also saw sheep sad cows est
loses 4 floymikelleveatkai f!'
Of mew" was :dais the, - -read7
answer of the three. '
Well, but -the'. greacwhich they
had formerli 'elticr:hlol -- 000 ;to
feathers on the bicks Of the - gamma _
.bristlecon the hicks et tkilwrae i l.tO
wool ou the backs' et theaktapoind
on the cows, jihad, lamed i 0 hair ;
do you hellos thit, gentlemen In ,1 •
" 667
vel !glad- I
" Yes4outeliete - be rejoined,
do - you" andelitind It ft'
-=They-Was cedfolided sad sneak
,aad evihmtly: Wafted, ies after' hai
mbeam so semi* -reptor they
might ha; • - - •
. *WOW& qie
tbspithe *Mow
*aka, awl law *bind
which he dl4 Awe
-bee WINN di fiai MAW la
POWitait= oid bib hatimizatil
ou to bog idea% be 4 011 * 10 41 401
UK • -awlewsiml bir
17P7 NT.,