Farm Wozlr, far rebrum. Fares &act—Stock of every . cription at na time needs closer look ing after and more careful keeping. If properly cared for up to this time they should be all in.good condition, and as they come upon*deg point of the season and fam * e into the spring, they will fare well probably in proportion as the month of Fab rcary leaves them thrifty and strong. If they 816* any falling cdr,therefore, look to it and, bring it back by more or better food, cornice table lodging, and attention to eleansitigpftie skin from filth, all ocean:Misted dust; &o Let not, 'especially; the working stock be slighted, and avoid the vain e l coniliny of saving under a false im pression that having little to do,they may be putt off -kith indifferent food. They should have the opportunity of the comparative leisure of winter to lay up a store. of muscles for future use ; and, while the quantity of grain may be lessened, if not at work, its quality fhould be always icood, and udder zho circumstances - should a horselhat is to be regularly worked in the season to come be put off with long provender alone. Let mares in foal be guarded with the utmost care against accidents, and have moderate keeping and uni• form itteetion. Colts should be l daily handled, and treated always with the utmost gentleness. The most high spirited colts make for many, per haps most, purposes the best horses, if not spoiled by bad management:; and nothing is more sure to ruin them then rough - neer . of ,ttly sort. Cows.—Aii spring, advancet, cows need the beet treatment, especially such as are to hake . young. They should be dried off month before their time of calving, and have each food as will keep)them in a thrifty, strong condition. , keep . their coats _ in good condition. by the use of the. brush, it necessa, and suitable food, 'such as bran in two proportions and cornmeal in one. Call Ind foes an,. Sheep.--Calv thought to be, kept as well in ny with sheep and with food, unless it is designed them. They-are liable at thi to have lice upon them, th generally of pour conditiot can be corrected at once by well with carbolic soap, am nently by betteT treatment havik, or about to have, ,young should be strictly looked after. There - will always be some of - atflock that begin to lose their wool before shear ing time. Thisia an indication of weak ness of constitution or age, and these should be separated and fed well,and be made mutton of in the fall. Fattening Stock.—All stock that are being led for the butcher must have the best food with the utmost regu larity, while the strictest regard is paid to their comfort. There is great er economy of food in grinding all grain for their use, Pnd generally, perhaps, in boiling or steaming. Store Hogs.—These should be kept in good order throughout the winter. They will then be in condition to make the most of the summer's graz ing, when they make much increase at little cost, and pay well for gener ous, winter treatment. Breeding sows must especially be fed so Is to ,keep them in full condition. Pasture Grounds and Clover —Keep these well protected against stock of every sort ; the clover especially should not have a hoof upon it until it makes considerable spring growth. Well set old pasture will not.belio much damaged, but it should not be closely fed or trod on when very wet. Manures.—The;, manures in the yards may from, time to time be thrown into heaps, where it will fer ment in a manure as the weather gets moderate. Increase the quanti ty by - all possible means, and bear in mind that what is made from grain fed animals is richest, and must be ..most carefully preserved. One part of good stable manure to two of dried muck from the swamp, or of turfs, or any coarse vegetable mate rial, well mixed in a pile, - will be found for many purposes equal, load for load, to the•stele manure alone. EpTBll 'FOR THE GARDEN Carry On the work of digging and trenching, and of breaking up all nn: occupied ground, as the weather al lows. Very abundant supplies of mane rq are needed here, and mainly w4ll prepared compost. Make preparation for early peas and potatoes, for early crops of car rots, cabbage, lettuce, radishes, on ions, leeks, spinach,' parsley. Plant out roots of asparagus and rhubarb. Tieing hardy, all of these may be started whenever the ground comes into order for putting in the seeds. Curn,acr4a, beans b and some others, being more tender' must be postpon ed to later period. Neither should be planted till the ground is warm enough to spout them promptly; Agparagus.—The value and endu tanc.e of asparagus beds will dtpend upon their being thoroughly prepared before planting. A deep, rich,sandy loam is beet. Trenc i o .e ground two depths of the spade .o_, miring it•well all through. Lay on the prepared ground beds of four feet, having a path of two feet between. Lay off on these beds, one row through the centre, and one twelve inches from each side. Set the plants carefully along these, distributing the roots properly, and then put over them when planted several inches of good loam,and a good dressing of compost. Whiten the surface well with salt. Such treatment will make sures large product, and a bed _that, with good management, will b profitable for' many !rears. Cdd Frames.—Plante under cold frames should be carefully tended, giving plenty of fresh air when the weather permits. Plant out when it becoines mild' enough to make room under the frames. Cabbage; lettuce, and cauliflower may be set early in warm borders, and some risk may be run for the sake of thinning out tui der glass. Hot Beds.—Prepare these for toma toes, egg plants, and pepper, and sow about the middle of the,month in this latitude. SpinsA.—Sow when Ilhe ground comes in order. Lettuce and Cabbage Seeds.—Sow in a m9derate hot-bed. Peas and Potatoes.—Plant whenev er the ground is fit to work. Seeds.—Provide at once such gar den seeds as are needed. General Work.—Make a thorough c!eaniog up all vegetable plots. Put cibbage. stalks together to furnish uproots for spring use. As soon a the ground is in order to be worked; give a surface, stirriog around all crops standing over from fall. Gath er leaves, mould, etc., for composts ..tud ranching. , Plant hardy roses *-ben Ole Pond is in order. ~ F VAN VELSOR NANNERS, PAARIONAteII MERCHANT 7AILORS.I AU siumiss Ell READY MADE CLOTHING! HAIG 17, 1 1 QA, GENTS FURNISHING ; GOODS. 1 68 Broad Siveet, ° WAVERLY, TIOGA COUNTY, NS. We bays a Pashtos*le Cutter. Ilhote New York City, and take all the Mall is giving 10a a good At. READY MADE ounsibrG We mste•at OW own eataldiakenent. We pro particular atlimtion to Youth!" Sofa, and plaritill?ditt.)reirilvii,f4 Madmilibmigo*mmoftwaL CLOTHS. AND OASSIMHILES, P P E/ B 5 mt. to tt Per riot Oil wool.) . Best Stock of Hats and aips Kept within krmike. Come and loolWand prove for yourself Will bea t the Ward House the first and 'third Thursday of, every month with samples of Wade, Ind-Prepared to - take measues. YAW VELBOB & NANII2IB. • 68 . Browitt., Waved; ,11. Y. ' kV .1869. THE TOWANDA REGULATOR CLOSING MORE! 'AdjoinJag Patton'.. Blcck. ROSENBERG k WOLFF, Yould respectfully announce to the citlz enrol -Towanda and vicinity, that they have opened the above store, under the name of " The To• wands Regulator," with a splendid swaths at OP INADY YAW OLOTEI-111(1 I 's are comps• e same to force - season Gents Purnidilsg 00041114 Rats. Caps, which they ware the said citizens cannot he excelled In style or elegance. and that the prices sr • so low as to &steads everybody.— Rosenberg tic Wol ll hope that by strict aften. Con, and fair dealing with the people of To - w..nda, they will obtain their patronage and supßort. They also beg to subjoin the follow ing Commandments for their guidance. e effect , which ••ashing pellan- Ewes CONE ONE! CONE ALL ! Maio SRtreeeT 1 w Wandffa ,' sP O a. Price R egubXor SIR VMS COIOIANDRESTS, Keep them, and Happy will be ThylDays. 1. Thou shalt have no other place to buy cklthing except Rosenberg & Wolff'. One Price Regulator. Wain Street. I. Thou shalt not choose any , other merchant: though shalt not listen to their speeches. for Rosenberg h Wolff are no Chattia m wt. dealers, but sell at one price, and reliable. and will serrevou unto the third and fourth generation. S. Th iu shalt not seek in vain an)more for cheap raiment, for they can be f at Bomar berg Et Wolfs One Prim Store. 4. Thou shalt bear in mind that we sell only on els days of the week, and don't desecrate the siabbath by keeping our doors- open and hangin out a str, for, on. the _seventh :lit r trona be Rosettrg & their labo Wolff. endrs. their clerks, deldre est 5. Thou alkali honor the way Bombers & wolf!' deal, and long may be thy days to enjoy Its bonnets. 8. Thou shalt not commit an impropriety—of buying ot Chatham at. Dealers, but come di rect to Rosenberg it Woltre Once iPrice Regu lator, Main street. 7, Thou shalt not seek In 'vain for goods ot Foreign make, for Rosenberg, /a Wolff keep a kW vadat . S. nonwait not purloin from the Regulator for Rosenberg 4 . Wolff sell so cheap it would be a sin 9. Thou ahilt Sot bear fills witness, but honestly acknowlddge host you am get better suited and for leis money, st Rosenberg £ Wol ft's than say other store. 10. Thou shin set, onset thy might, ors_goods or his WWII% for Itoyeberg & Wolff - an give them to you likewise : therefore, take counsel, and bay only of Rosenberg & :Wolff the Once Price Yen. Tomas Is, Sept. 1,1808. UP TOWN CLOTHING STORE I Opposite Public Square, 98 MAIN STREET, TOWANDA, Receiving new additions to his stock of CI 0 ME IM . CH Every week, which lie is selling lower thin any house in lewn. GOOD CASSIMERE SUITS, $15,00 CASSIMERE AND UNION SUITS, OVERCOATS AT/ ANY PRICE CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, Which is selling below cost, as he is anxious to close out this branch of his business: MUNN:MOS OF ALL KINDS. GENT'S FURNISMNG GOODS Of every description BOYS CLOTHING OF ALL RINDS, HATS AND CAPS A? COSY •! Call aid convince yourselves i J. M. COLLIN& Towanda, Nov. !8,1888. HAT, OAP, AND FUR - STORE 1 The tublanlgaed bale opened a Sore oa tbs moth aide of oferbra's new block, TOWANDA, PA., Where they hand to keep a fall stock at FASHIONABLE AND SEASONABLB Goods, consisting of HA24 CAP - TRAVELLING BAGS, UMBEL LAS, CARES, GLOVES, BUWL►ALO sid WOLF ROBES, &e. Which Ira vill WI at the kratutpoullbta Nets sad fospeottegy 'Welt a *hereof the peony. of the pablk, trilatiatted with the Atealess Oenfotatatat, . OLOINICY & AMB9I3Y. fa' , Oct. 6, ten. MAANINGA lIAIWESS /MIMI A. 2wsesTirogualiso ads en fa; a imas . Ids Wimp's* ,as VIVO&•• some sisiss—Wasm I= Waft ea dose is oder Wall work vssrsided. cash tillable s. Cisopterweala. Is, - B SUIT 1 11113Thringi *COI /V 110s,' A Inge line of CHEAP I A large line of - C.V=M I ' 2 PROVISIONB, . : sums, inp:D.iiiiz e iiii - . -:-.-'. -. i :r . -..=.;<'.'•,_%'..' , r -. 1 ::,! - T - 1:=1: - ,:,: , :, v. , Y.:4.2.`::: i •WOODINk:-.WAUT 4110.149NR ~t" wAimm! thor:*, Soitheast 2Hr cilia& do Br dgelia TOWANDA., 6ioo*i nom= DAILY. Aileof..kenteitims - Comi*te (hvat CASH -.B,UYBRS! cotwnty •PRO6IIOB Bought'and Bold at THE MARRET BATES LONG & KEELER. Nov 11, 1868. W HOLESAI,EOROCERY PROVISION HOUSE OF F. S. M. & Co 119, Mai fifrum, TOWANDA, PA. The undersigned, encouraged by the success which hae thtut far, at. tendUd their new enterprise, desire to make acknowledgement for the very liberal patronagithey have re- caved, by giving their customers the advantage ortheir years' experience, together with the benefit of their greatly increased facilities for doing . business. They keep constantly on hand, a very large and complete assortment of everything in their' line, and are daily receiving such additions to their tato& se the wants of their tt adelequire& They have now in store, Sugar, Syrup, Molasses, Coffee, Bice, To- bacco, Fish, Salt, -Cheese, Fruits, Crackers, Candy, Matches, Broome, Wrapping Paper, and Twine, Flour Sacks, Seeds, and a great variety of other goods, which - have been recent ly bought at the lowest point in the market, and are offered at wholesale, at ratea to correspond. They desire to call especial atten tion 'to their large stock of Fine Teas, which they are selling at New York Jobbing prices,—guaranteeing the quality in all caeee. Have also on band a good assort- ment of Flour, Pork and Kerosene They - still continue to have the benefit of a resident Partner in New York, who is constantly in the market and prepared to turn to our advan -4n the tage any favors price of goods, FOX 8 gay 12, 188 e G. W. MOFFITT Rae just opened a 6111 and complete of GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS 1 TEA, SUGAR, COFFEE AND SPICES ! 110 V OP ALL EiNDI, Inctod the celebrated Wears" Soap, un for cleaning Tin and Sliver ware. — Ca; keeps constantly on band akin& of GREEN FEINTS 1 Peaches. Pears, applei. Berries. Greet C orn and T =atom, and all other fruits In their ses. am, which will be sold cheep. He also his connected with! the aboro an tittles Roma, where people Coming in town for dinner will lad a warm meal got up in good style. In readiness at any time. Cash paid for Greer Fruit. Ohre him a call. GM. Towanda, Ang.l7. 18x7. W. NOPOITT. HURRAH! HURRAH! HUE IT IS AT LAST 1 P. W. COWELL HAS IT ! what An they y°av u e mot in the Grocery line. See FLOUR, FRED, FISH, SUGAR, POKY, IRA, BPICZ, strrraß ROOS, LARD, DRIED AND CANNED FRUIT 1111=111 1111111*, IN miii. /MASON. ALT BY THE SACK OR BARBEL ToaAcco 11ND SNARL We are sole agnate for the _best brands of Vir gilds and CAROLINA SMOKING TOBACCO, lirbolmale and Beta L Lestly. eissytNitta ON tbe Gaocsar audPllo- , Ilse. iirseffliker the plias, No. 61 Weis street first door bake Bddlossea's Bloch. Teussis.Nor.l9. pot smat AT AAMEGAIN 1 x The ssboodbor sl‘bw to dung's idsiloosiss: hos , albs Ito sib Ws Nom ssal au Sksell of °oohs. co Yahoo . hoklys 9l344l4. l;ircit limiostot Abased itirs store. The Mit iffhiille Utcalloldi *mow gbh TlL'The oast *So bibs Sows Is op. woks. Pot psalmists call as co iddicos N. N. LAYTON. F ept.ll% 'VOL PLOWL—Wheat Flour of all a rs i!m: a ta i rbeat Thor. "in t