Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 25, 1869, Image 2

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    • lities frontigt Nation-1c
. ,
--The capital of West :Virginia ie
hereafter to be Parkersburg. , .
—.The- National Industri!cl League
is is aesslein in Philadelphia.
—Agi.on Jones, the prise , fighter,
died in Levetworth, Ind.;on Tuesday. . •
—Ttie snow in the streets of Mon-,
treal is-eight feet deep , and some litre*
are almost itnpaasaVe
—Several buildings, among them
Dumpy &Bentley's large ,atone block, in
Helena. Montana, were burned on Thee
day. . . .
. .
,- . 12). G. Olcott, of the well known
firm of Olcott, Cooper & Co., of Savannah,
committed suicide on Thursday last.
--The. Louisiana House passed the
Senate Civil Equality bill. The _bill is
identical with the one passed List year, but
vetoed by th 3 Governor.
Goldwin Smith, of Cornell
University, read the first paper before the
American Social Science Association in
Albany Thursday.
—F. G. Wilson was killed at Mill
buiy'Station, Maris, on Tuesday, while brak-.
_in freight car which he had pushed down
to a crossing to unload some meat.
—John W. Coleman ia under ar
rest in Boston, charged with absconding
from Baton Bongo, La., with funds belong
ing to the Freedmen's Bureau.
—The Republican Convention o
the First . , Congressional District of Con
necticut, in Hartford, nominated Julius L
Strong, Esq., of Hartford, for Congress.
—Several extensive lumber mer
chants in the Ottawa district have closed
their operations for the winter, owing to
the difficulty in getting provisions into the
woods for the men.
--.The Maine House of Represent
atives, by a majority of eight, refused to
concur with the Senate on the interest
question, so the legal rate will remain six
per cent.
—The Kansas Senate defeated' a
proposition to amend the Constitntion by
striking out the word "white" by 14 to 17.
Three Senators voted " no" because they
wanted the word "male" atriken.out before
the word " white."
HSpencer and Rogers, the Granby
burglars, who had been sentenced to two
years in State Prison, arid who were in jail
awaiting trial for the Granby (Coini.) burg
lary, broke jail on Tuesday night in liart
ford, and are supposed to have gone to
—An armed party, beaded by Lije
Baker and other desperadoes, have - been
committing depredations in the neighbor
hood of Mount Pleasant, Ky., and peace
able citizens have been driven from their
homes. A few days ago the party met Mr.
David Middleton on the road and shot him
to pieces.
—The Catholic Chniel. edifice in
Auburn, T. Y., was burnd Thursday even
—The ship Tavistock,from Charles
4 , ton for London, has been abandoned .a
—Snmtiel Schofield: ad English
man, committed nnicide in Henderson, Ky.
on Mondev.
—Complete diplomatic relations
letween Italy and the I:Cep:Lillie of Mexico
re soon to be restored. -
—The Maelichusetts Baptist Min
isters' Institute met in Worcester Thursday,
far a three days session.
--The Penos}lvaniaißailroad pro
plFes an increase of $33,040,000 to its cap-
Rai stock. -
--The Louisiana Civil Equality
bill, on its second reading was so amended
as to make it take effect April Ist. '
,—Gen. Sheridan is erected in St.
Louis about the 20th inst., at which time
Gen. Sherman will probably return from
the South.
—A severe ice storm swept over
Augusta, Me., on Monday night. Hun
dreds of trees were ruined, and the roads
are almost impassable.
--Peter Mitchell, a respected i farm
er, was' killed in sight of his own door and
jaunty Thursiay, near,
,Manchester, N. H.,
by a train on the Concord Railroad.
—Charles Bigford and James Quick,
murderers, were. taken from. the jail at
Hillsboro, Jefferson county, Mo., at 2 o'-
clock on Monday morning, and hanged, by
a large crowd of men,
—Three girli--two sixteen and
one seventeen years of age—who escaped
from the Lancaster State Reform School
about three weeks ago, were arrested in
Worcester, Mass., Thursday. • Two were
found in a noted house of ill fame.
—M. Vtralewski reached Paris Mon-
day, on his return from Athens, with the
reply of the Greek Grovel!=eat to the reso
olution of the Conference of Paris. The
Conference will meet to receive the res
ponse of Greece. •
—Thc Georgia Legislature's it
vwigating committee reported that Gov.
Bullock has not been guilty of bad faith,
but that be bad no authority for drawing
and using $35,000 without an act of the
—lktrs. Elizabeth Cady Stanton'and
MiS9 Susan B. Anthony lectured in• St.
Louis on Monday night, under the auspices
of the Roman's Suffrage Association of
Missouri. Miss Anthony started for Leav
enworth Thursday, and Mrs. Stanton will
address the Illinois Legislature •at Spring
field on Friday.
—Martha Raiser, of St. Louis,
stabile?' her lineband with a butcher knife
n Monday morning, from the effect of
which he died.
--Nine hundred packages of to
i.aeedwei•e seized , in Nashville last week
by revenue officers,,the brands and stamps
ivhicl were forged.
--In a ease between two Nation
Banks relative to a forged eheciclhe : • ti.
mere Court of Appeals has &cid.. that
the bank first receiving the forged per is
forged per
Lsponsible for it. The bank is resumed
- and bound to know the signs re of its
/ If
eintomers, and if it passes o any checks
in payment it mast make th good.
--In Cleveland, Saturday, a
ta i
workman at one of the oil refineries went
dawn into an oil- for the purpose of
m.king some repairs. He was overcome
by noxious . gasesn
d fell insensible to the
Lzdtom. Ano er workman went-to his
rescue, but w also overcome by the gas,
as waq also /third and a tomtit workman,
The Wen/were finally got out alive, and al
though/much prostrated, it is thought they
-.rill rwive.
i -In the Circuit Court in Chicago
Thursday, the motion for a new trial in the
/libel case of Dirs. Prances M. Wilkinson
- / against the Tribune, was granted. The yea
/ diet gave hirs.iWilkinson $7,600 damages.
Una. Wilkinson has also instituted, suit
against Mrs. Ellithorpe for prying into Mrs.
Wilkinson's apartments while le pursuit of
her husband who was with Itirs.;;Walkinson.
--The remains of J. Wilkes Booth,
the assassin of President Lincoln, were re
moved-from Washingtonon Monday night,
and kilo' by friendi In Baltimore,
Towanda;Thurtylv, Feb, 25,1869.
The speech of General Grant joia,
rece,iving the certificate of.hia*C'-'
tion to the position of President, is
pregnant with wisdom such as we
may alWays expect from the greatest
man of his era.
• 'The surprise expressed . 'I3Y some
that he does not announce his appoint
ments of Cabinet 'officers, exhibits
ignorance of the action of preceding
Presidents. General Grant is only
doing what has been done by all his
predecessors, in witholding from the
public the names of his Cabinet offi
cers until the eve of his inauguration.
General Jackson, for example, reach
ed Washington on the 11th of Feb
ruary, 1829, and it was not until the
27th that the lntelligencer published,
semi-officially, the probable list of
the Cabinet,and two of the gentlemen
thus named were afterwards chang
ed. General Harrison reached Wash-
ington on the 9th of February, 1841,
and his Cabinet was announced on
the 13th. Mr. Polk arrived at the
capitol on the 13th of Febrtiary,lB4s,
but his Cabinet was neither announc
ed nor formed until after the Ist of
March. :,General Taylor reached
Washington on the 23d of February,
1849, but it was not till the 311 of
March that the newspapersansounced
of whom hie Cabinet would be com•
posed. General Pierce arrived at
Washington on the 21st of February,
1853 ; four days previotisly, on the
ITtb, a list was published intended
as a feeler—but the whole was
changed with a single exception,and
no official announcement of the Cabi
net appeared until the appointments
were actually made
sir We have no disposition to in
terfere in the affairs of the Democra
cy, but we hear frequent inquiries as
to the reason_ why the Argus does,
not hoist the name of Hon. Wm. Et-
Irma. as the choice of the Demperacy
of this County for the nomination as
Supreme Judge. The late Democrat
ic Convention we are informrd, pass
ed a resolution recommending Mr.
ELWELL for that honor, and also in
favor of Mr., PACKER for Governor.
The. Argus flies Mr. Peel= lat its
mast-head but leaves Mr. ELWELL
out in the cold. Has Mr. 'PACKER
more friends in Bradford thnn Mr.
Faxem.--or does it not suit the plans
of the leaders here, that the latter
should be honored in his native coun
&MOM -A most terrible disaster
occurred to the Austrian frigate Rad
elzky, in the Adriatic, on Saturday
From some unexplained cause an ex
plosion occurred in the powder-maga
zine, which tore the ship literally to
pieces. Nearly all the officers and
crew were either killed outright_by
the explosion or were thrown into
the sea and drowned. The 'ship is
said to be a complete wreck.l
The right of the people to, assem
ble in public meetinsa is noW denied
in France. In accordance with an
order issued by the Secretary of the
Interim:, a public meeting in the nu
burba of Paris was dispersed on Fri
day. Those announced for Wednes
day next will be prohibited. Gen.
Dix publishes a letter denying the re
port that he recently made a speech
sympathizing with the Greeks.
The Duke de Montpensier has been
granted permission toveturfto Spain
as a private citizen. '
A French frigate has been ordered
to Cuba to protect .the rights of
French citizens.
se.. It is asserted by the New
Yorifjournall that no similar period
of time has been so fruitful in daring
robberies and burglaries in the city
as the past ten days. All the crimi
nals of the country, it is stated, have
made a prec mcerted raid on the me
tropolis. Tho audacity and boldness
of the robbers
_and burglars are re
ported to be unparalleled, and the
arrest of any of their number, it iA
contended,' has apparently no e ct
in deterring the remainder. Th ope
.rations of the law in New Y rk are
ordinarily so slow, that th enter
tain hopes of escape even so unfor
tunate as to be arrested The courts
are, ` therefore, advise to enforce the
law with vigor, an one judge is
pecially praised f disposing of over
one hundred ca es of felony within
three weeks' *me. ‘,
THE M s : art OF Du. &W LL.—The
New "i',)k World publishes the de
tails , a confession said to have
bee made by Charles Jefferds to a
de •ctive, , proving that ho (Jefferds)
`as the actual murderer of Dr. Bur
den in 1857. Jefferds was convicted
of the murder of Walton and Mat
thews in 1860, but the sentence of
death Was never carried into execu
tion. Jefferds vas himself killed in
Sing Sing a few months since by a
fellow-convict, now awaiting trial for
murder. The confession was made
several years since, and is now for
the first time given to the public.
The Cretan question is at
last decisively settled by the submis
sion of all the insurgents to Turkish
authority, agreeable to the rule of
the Parfs Conference. The right of
the case unquestionably justifies this
conclusion ; as Crete was a depen
dency of Turkey and the rebellion
there was promoted and 'aided from
the main :Ladd. Still many will re
gret learniug that the Mohammedan
Power has - re-established itself More
firmly on u part of the natural limits
Greece. Concurrently with the
ciskin tlf this, the cause of creek
troubles,- it is annonnoed that the
new Greek- ministry had revoked
earlier preparationd for.vrar.
Waanticorox, D. ct, Nu. 73,1869.
The Cogaiiintional amendment relating
Wm;ibage_iii dig untlet,rgdin4 ,Thation
st° 9 1 0 1( . 7 0 11 044 041 Aiii*
1100 00 0 -1 11 P ies AY V ic tit c4444l,
oat* mass
of the elective mamas or hi - ther t,r•
hold office in any State on aixtonni:of*e,
colOi, nativity, property, education or,
creed." The Rouse refused to concur.
'the &nateamendment, a nd asked,' a mom-
=Webb' confereee. !Tip Senate theii re-
'ceded from its fa amendment, refused the
request of the House for a conference, and
passed another amendment to the House
joint resolution, a modification of the first .
non-immured in bi the House, as folloirs :
""The rightof citizens of the United Statei
to vote and hold office shell not be" denied
or abridged by the United States, or any
State, on account of race, color, orl*Y lolll3 ,
condition of 'servitude." lihislastpropold
tion of the Senate,' tame •np foi considers =
tion in the House
.2:4' • Saturday poet hist.,
when a motion was sibmitted by Mr. Bing
ham, of Ohio, to amend the Senate mnend
ment by snaking it read as folk* : ' " The
right of citizens of the United ' Stausifto
vote-and hold office 'shall not be denied r .or
abridged bi'any" State on account of race,
color, nativity, property, creed or previous'
condition of servitude." This amendment
was adopted by a vote of 93 to 70, and the
Senate amendment as above amended, was
concurred in by yeas, 140, nays, 33. ' In
this form there is no - doubt but that the
Senate will concur,'ind it will thus be suh
witted' to the Legiilatures of -the several
States for ratification. In ' the -form in
which it first came froin the Senate, it will
be perceived that if adopted, it would so
change the organic law as - to make natural
' izpd citizens eligible to the office of Presi
dent, but under the form adopted by the
House, the railed stales may . " deny or
abridge," within the terms of the Constitu
tion as it now is, the right cif citizens; to
hold office, on account of '" nativlty,".tc..
Preparations are actively being made for
the inauguration of General Grant and
Schuyler Colfax, as President and Vice-
President, on the fourth of Much. The
wooden structure is being pat up about the
main portico of the eastern front cf the
.Capitol, so as to form an extended platform,
upon which the oath of office, is to be ad
ministered to the President elect, at such
an elevation as to be in full view of - the
multitude standing below in the public•
grounds surrounding_ the Capitol. If the
day is a fair one, the scene will be moat im
posing and grand. The several different
organizations, military, Civil, and fire de
partments, of this, and neighboring cities,
will be present and join in procession, in
such order as may be , prescribed by the
committee of arrangements. A joint sea
olntion passed on Saturday last, postpones
the meeting of both Houses for the organi
zation of the 41st Congress from 12 o'clock
noon. until.,3 o'clock, p. m. on the 4th of
March, in order to permit members of Con
gress to participate in the inauguration
How significant the impressive words of
General Grant, closing his letter of accept
ance of the nomination for President, so
unanimously tendered him' by the repre
sentatives of the great party who Saved the
country in the time of its peril : " Let us
have peace!" . Since his election, the tur
bulent embers of the conquered r.bellion,
which had been fanned and fed into such
force by the encouragement offered by An
drew Johnson, and by the revolutionary
spirit manifested by . the so-called, demo
cratic national convention, which nomina
ted Seymour and Blair, as to be almost
ready to break out into a new flame, have
gently subsided, and give evidence of their ,
appieciatfon of the m ghty power of a free
and loyal people in bringing the country
to a permanent and enduring peace and
prosperity, which will be doubly assured
by an administration of four years, by the
great Captain who led the loyal army of
the Union to snccessi
How different would have been the con
dition of things nor; had Seymour and
tilair been elected, and the slumbering ele
ments of rebellion made powerful by the
hope of triumph under an administration
fully in sympathy with their 'cause? L' t
every loyal heart, thank God, and take
courage. The struggle has not been in
vain. Mistakes may have been made b
the great Republican party, but imam • y
is fallible, and what patriot will not a use
slight mistakes, in a great party w• o has
saved the country from threatened dissolu
tion ? Where errors have been ... de, they
may now be corrected, and w.: may hope
that the party in power will . o its utmost
to restore the country to . firm financial,
and tranquil basis, in all especte..
Emigratiqn is rapidl . tending South from
the north, and mo especially into the
State of Virginia. 'airfax county, of my
personal knowl- .ge is rapidly filling up
with North' . farmers. Lands of the
finest quali • , are cheap, but rapidly in
creasing • . • eine, as the northern element
promises progress and improvement. At
Clifton a new northern settlement about
thirt miles south of Washington, located
n the rolling lands east of the Blue
Tt dge, a large extent of country; has been
/prti•chatied by enterprising ' northern farm
eng,who are making valuable improvements,
establialdpg schools, and inaugurating a
new order of things upon the system which
has brought the Dort)", to so high a state of
prosperity and intelligence.
The ruling element of Andrew Johnson's
administration, is still strong in its dyin -
hour. He has lately pardoned Dr. Mudd,
one of the conspirators in the murder of
President Lincoln, and is almciat daily par
doning criminals who have been convicted
of frauds on the revenue, counterfeiting
the national currency, frauds at elections{
and other crimes. But 'a few days since,
Mr. Dempsey, of the firm of Dempsey &
O'Toole, who were contractors for supply
ing the stationery for the Interior Depart
ment, (which contract was abrogated. by
Congress on account:of gross frauds,) was
convicted in the Criminal Court of this city,
of committing a flagrant assault upon - Geri.
Samuel Duncan, Astistent Oommissdoner of
Patents who had given evidence against
Dempsey in the contract case, and was sen
tenced by Judge Fisher to imprisonment
in the city jail for tea days, and the pay
ment of a penalty of 1200. No sooner had
the sentence of the Court been promul
gated, than the pardon of the criminal by
Andrew Johnson was forthcoming, and the
prisoner set at liberty.' .
The tide of moral pollution which has
grown so fearfully wicked and strong under
his administration, is evidenced by the
revenue frauds, the election frauds in ,New
York, the murders, riois,aill assassinations, .
south, let us hope, is about to be arrested,
and a better and more tranquil order of
things secured. - . Cosa.
iiiir The Oommiusiol7 of Internal .
Revenue has recently decided that a
judgment note sh nld be stamped at
the usual rate of promissory notes,
being five cents n every"; $lOO, or.
'fractiOnal•part thereotsvith five cents
additiimal, on account of the clause
"without :defalca ion." thisdecis- .
Rion . % tuade - unde the clause of the
Internal Revenue law, which provides
that no stamp dutly shall be charged
upon any Warrant' of attorneyacorn
-I:eiinying a bond :t note •dpli stamp-.
ed. = ' ' ' - - ' : • --- ' =
tm artljeZick
Theo 4i~fle
as arrested by
Vflited Oltopin St. Louis on.
AC* 7 n i k i 4 ll Ws e; They found o l o.P.F#l4lllPr` Tai*L!7! and the ir o -
04,1. • • •
',40 1 04 0 . i k
04 freight train
onliieprise - *mama Radioed
was going up a steep gods when a coopling
broke, and , Absswertrour Of ;the rear oars
commenced to descend the grade at a fiisht
fat rata ' Thstrakemszillthe rear "tar be
came alarmed, and instead of aPplyjog tho,
brake leaped fr6m' the car.'; The can flan
back nitil they came in coWidon with 'Oth
er 4,trein, ;whereby peel* - perkini ife74
Ina: - Hammon, theblukemei,' hisjuit
inswoonsioted'imller the lawrotleunryi. -
Tli Oa of IINI•Sof end` sentenced to ,
imprisonment at. bard. labor for thtrteen-
A'general election In Siraeitno
en Tuesday resulted in a siceeping‘Rein;;l
Henn triumph. The entire tieket wee elect
ed by about 600 majority—an more inie of
200 over the inaliniry .bist, Spring. Bit of
the eight Aldermen elected are Itipubliiiins:
The Find, Secend and Third Wards, whieh .
have generally gone Democratic, elected"
Reptiblican Aldermen, Whlle the end
Seventh, usually Ileptiblican, electedDemo
cratio Aldermen.
—The Kiowa Indians have all .come
in to the reservation at the Washita Moun.
tains, in accordance with the demands of
Gen. Sheridan. The Cheyennes' and Ara
pahoes are marching to the came point,and
it is expected that these, three belligerent
tribes will be peacefully located on the
lands set apart fin them.
—The North Carolinit State Audi
tor, Mr. Adams, has been committed to jail`
at Raleigh for having refilled to obey an
order of the Supreme Court directing him .
to remove his papers from the Clerk's office._
Washington .correspondent
says that the only large payments. to be
made from the Treasury this month are on
pension accounts, and that the receipts Will
reduce the public debt about $10,000,000,.
On the first of 'next month there will be
paid -$4,500,000 interest on- ten-forties,—
This will be the only heavy payment . out of
the Treasury until the first of May.
—John W. Lee, a' respectable
zen of Lexington, Ky., on Monday last,
while temporarily deranged, cut the throat
of his wife with a'razor and then out his
own throat. Both pre deffd, Mr. Lee had
been sick for a long time.
—The Nebraska Senate has passed
the House bill giving twenty thonstind acres
of land for the construction of every mile Of
railroad track within the State boundaries.
—More fighting between Spinish
troops and the Cuban insurrectionists is re
ported to nave taken place recently near .
Chienfuegoes. The Spanish Minister Pie
nipo tentiary to the United' States will leave
Havana for Washington by the next steam
er. The second cable between Havana and
Key West has been restored, and two lines
are in successful operation. -
• —The statement wailst W. H.
Bander, POstmaster of Salem, Masi, Proves
to have been totally unfounded. San=
der has been in Washington some time
adjusting his accounts, and Ands a balance
to his credit. .
--On Monday morning, a passen- I
ger on the early train going into Chicago
was approached by a stranger, and info .
ed that the condnctor wished to see ! 'm
immediately in the baggage car. • pas
senger started for the baggage car, .Ilowed
by the stranger, and, when he 'reached
the platform of the second car he was set
upon by a gang of three or, men, wb
garroted and robbed him .f $2OO. The
gang then jumped off .• • train and made
'their escape.
—On Tuesday • t,Putnain Stevens
and Franklin But fled were on a fishing
and hunting exc • :ion at Beaver Dam,Wia.
when Stevens as shot in the mouth, from
which worm e speedily' died. From the
fact alit o -half of a life insurance policy
of $lO,Oll on his life was made payable to
Butt , Id, the Ccironefie jury held him to
anew r a charge of murder.
A Kentucky paphr rePoiht that
e en. Preston recently asserted that he ran
for the Legislature for the purpose of testing
the Fourteenth Amendment—that he de
sired to be arrested and tried nndea,
—As the Steamer Glendale was
passing Green River. Island, near T.vant
villa, Ind.,, Friday, fire was discoVered in
her pilot-house. The passengers were tend
ed and the crew by vigorous efforts succeeded
in extinguishing the flames. The destruc
tion of the pilot-house was the amount of
• the loss. Great coolness was exhibited by
.the officers ofthe steamer.
—A special meeting of the trustees
of Princeton College was hail on the 16th
inst. to. adopt measures to increase the effi
ciency of the College. Siiieral new depart
ments of instruction were resolved upon
and the,elective system to a limited _extent
is to NO .- adopted ; bat when stidents choose
their studies, the studieis will be made
obligatory upon them. Dr. MoCoab, in
addition to his duties as prfsitleA, will
take an active part in the effikaticnia
partment; and a readjustment of the duties
of the several Professors will be made.
--It is reported that the Erie Rail
road Company . has purchased twenty-two,
propellers to run in connection with the
Erie Road to transport freight 'frry'thei
'West. Lines of propellers will be organ.'
ized to run between Buffalo, Cleaveland,
Sandusky, Toledo and Detrbit, as welt as .
between Buffalo and Lakellichigan ports.
—The funeral of Sol Smitb, t4e
veteran actor, took place at St. Louis, on
Tuesday, and was largely *attended by
prominent citizens of that city. Several
sons of the deceased, were present and acted .
is Pall-bearers, by his ;pedal request pre
vions to his death.
—Benjamin Joy ; the able and . dis
tinguished temperance advocate, died.and
den)y aihis residence in Penn Yen, Mum
day morning.
—The Phoenix Hotel, at Whitehall,
N. Y., was destroyed by 'Ore on Wedesday
morning. Loss 810,000.
young man named Jacob
Hamer. in the employ of Hoctre Cole, of
Rochester, who 'on a salary of $6OO a year.
he had been making large purchases
real estate, has jest , confessed that hehas
been in the habit since 1862, of robbing, his
employers almosrdaily. He restored prop
erty valued at $8,250, and escaped proseeu
—Capt. James McManna of•Baffa
lo, has been missing a fortnight.
—Green peas are rip three. or Tour
inches in Norfolk, Virginia,
—The Minnesota Senate has passed
a hilt giving $5,000.t0 the Red River relief
--Peter Philips, under sentence o i l/
death, has , been reapited by the Govirnor
Of Virginia until March 10, -
' N —Daviil Fitzgerald was shot
Scrixtbßoatma, by Laughlin Cameron...
—OS. Snow, of Brvokly, oonO.,
gold - pen Manufacturer, diedf , tiddenlYwhfle
at' the rapper‘table at th United Jiltates
Hotel, Hartford'
stucklaciidAre of the
nati, lhardited, iuidDaytoa Bailratallass
raililed • the lease ter thalt*Olo and Groat
Bliilloalt 6 . •
- • -
fish l jliw 'Am
Judge rl . oantl
'co neat '
can; .!4
places ti
ways in the obstructing dour, and
-90' 1 1O, 1 1 111 ," itudlf!Fa'4 l o,follifttAi
bleat which can he dein at
little expense..., Our stivaini, it
habitztionuf_,black...bass,.Xml.a few
hundred dollars would stock any one,
Of them. it,doeit agent nurrsonable
that' , the hundreds
. of‘,..tlkoulande of
citizens residing is the valleys of the"
Susquehanna; nnlata Awl their tribi.
,utaries should L.he . deprived ' , .of the ,
luxury of fish of the, grit quality, on
'account of the !elfishness or persiend ,
ty, of one or two incorpoildell totn
pOeswhotie dame ObititiCt ins-'1
sage, and nonielogia roinedY ought
to' be' provided.,
, •
- , i@• The Republicans of Geolgia
haVe differences of opinion that:have
ripened into contradictoii opinions_
alaut' 'State affairs, . A meeting of
the party, held at Atlanta, •parieed
resolutions requesting
, 'Congress' to
reinstate the colored meinhera of the
Legislature, enforce reconstrsctioi) by.
removing men from office who are lU
competent-under the' fourteenth ar-•
none tide, to allow none t be 'appointed
who Cann'oti:ake the at oath-, Laws
were ols6asked to cure tife,proper
ty, protection an Political' privi
leges. • • , / , •
Tbe s o -called OonservitiVe Repub
licans prot , st against all this i ' de
notire_those who urged it as xtre
mists' and as hostile , te the Adminis
tration. '• These latter are;! verrens
picious by virtue of their "Conserva
tive" styli. ' They lire made more
than doubtful by Working against
Measure's that are inherently_ Bound,
ThaYet.; and Morton -argue'd in favor
Of its absolute. repeal, And Meagre.
Conkling, Sumner, Edmunds ; Wilson,
'and others,in favor of its virtual rik
peal,' but in favor Of enduring it to
stand on the statute booksifor future
amendment The caucus ' finally
agreed to let the, .stihject go over to
the' March session, as if any 'ini3difi
cation is made Johnsonwill' not sign
it. Gen. Grant is known to be per
fectly satisfied with ,Mr. , Ootikling'e
Amendment to it, and' in- speaking of
ndrew Johnson, to regirain . Whoin it
was enacted, he , remarked thist- be
thought it might be safely modified
now, for there was never more than
one such :one man as A. Johnson pr -
duced in one century.
treaty made by General Ciishing with
the Government of s Columbia conee
des to the United States the' exclu
sive right to construct an inter-ccean-
ic canal', across the Isthmus f Darien,
at any point which may bt sele e ted
by tie United States. ! 'he Columbi,',
am Government cedes six miles of
land on each, side of- the canal, one
half for its own benefit end the other
for that of the party 'Undertaking the
construction of the Work. The Colum
bian Government to receive 10 per
cent. of the net income , for the first
year, and after the canal is , paid. for
25 per cent.ll the net profits. The
treaty is to bo ratified,by the IJuited
States within ten; months, and' the
surveys are to be "made within two
years after the ratification.
The canal is- to be , begun within
five ye t are and finished within fifteen
years after the ratification, otherwise
the charter fails. i The charter runs
'for one hundred years., The canal is
to be under the control of the United
States,,and Conkress can 6,x he rate
of tolls. The navigation is to be open
be all nations in time of peace, bat
closed to 'belligerents who may seek
to avail themselves of , its advanta
ges. It is estimated the canal will
cost $100,000,000. A company was
not long ago organized in New York,
under a charter of that 'State, wit
al .
'Petei Cooper a Preaident. it/ia
said,. on•distingn she'd authority,/that
this company h the' capitaland4i
ready to coMmen e the work`.,
CongreasAhoty ver, to
give the . preference to
. this or any
other private company or the United
States.cati itself timlertake the com
atfitictiom of the o, al. •
We refe!red / a) fed; days since Ita
a project on foot among the many
friends Of / Lieutenant General Sher
man i x 'phirclutie, for him . an, appro.
prig, residence le Washington,
where, of couirso, as the comnuinding
inter of the armies of 'the; United'
Stites, his headquarters will hereaf.
ter be. . The Plan has, been. carried
into execution,General Grant's house,
on I Street, having been selected and
parchaeed by the committee lading
the matter in charge. Pessession
will be given General ; Sherri:lan im
mediately after the 4th of March. I.
'The tranifer•included thefirniture,
&c, and the I.dentensint Gencini will
occupy . the hoese:enbehmkpellit ea it
new is..
41' taelLisda.aliaddiamaating..—
,refuwid to allow him to proceed. A
'number of the proininent members
teak' the - Father - KAVANAGH from
tti . 4l4r t'Aire: l l/14,4 1 out of
Sb.“ ll UtelLs-aud—the-Aieba;Lwas t #sr
O ac e 4 tl9, 4aPhl!quent
,me e ting,, tysogrofflijo!*
to' stand by their old , piator,dentnmc;'
'ed the eotiOn.' of the' Bfilliop; Mei de:
4 r,0/ 6' 1 4 1 #4, n0940.r . - - 6 0 011 . 1t°
fE,'"nel; :l 4 ll wee 69*. -to
ogierekaatl 1 im to ap
peal to the Pope' if.neceeemz. They
resolved "lett' the new 'Pastor
' 4161 ' 1 4;04 kio" : " ige,aud
• ills:. papa eye that
Gen. Gam reiently: ienuniced that
nthetbei:Opeigiene tiro* any: action in
the matter or not this' Winter, the
reduction of 'the :array wonbi.go,on
by the proeeis ofiabsorptiOn,
preme Court ; and, consequently, no
der his hand and the great seal of
the State, directed,th4 Sheriff of Mon
roe to return the death warrants to
the. Secretary of the Commonwealth,
with a view to- await the result of
the proposed action.
, The Leann. 21intes of Monday
says the want of a definite ~.basis of
arbitration will , reconcile illngland to
a rejebticin of the Alabuma - treatyby
the - United States ; that this point•
should be kept , clearly in view in, the .
event; of offers . further negotia
tions. The • Tithes continues "We
hati.e; done citiri)est. We have gone
to 'itte , vergea, national humilation to
secara',a settlement of the question's
at lisue. We shall now wait for
'propositions from the new Adminis
tration- under General Grant." It is
admitted - thixt the clainis are a fair
subject for'friendly arbitration.
u_ The Spanish cause again
seems to be successful in Cuba. The
repcirted*ictoriee won at Cienfuegos
in skirmishes are not of much value,
as we have had them there and else-1
where all:along,only to find that they
we're practidally'of no account. They
at. least report no victories for the .
inilorgents ; and, on the other side,
near. confidence is , reported among
the Spaniards.' They are filling the
prismis with suspected persons,whieb
they wonie hardly do if ,doubtful,—
They -have dispatched armed tugs to
patrol, the coast,. and prevent the eel).
els frore'eiscaping, as well as to *e
vent airy hostile reinforcements. A Id
they expect the arrival of two 'thou
sand fresh troops' from Spain..
And concurrent) with this, the dis
persion and eiodus of the patriot Cu
. attesta defeat. ' Key West is
,overcrowded with theta, nearly two
hundrell 'having arrived in a single
day. They cordon .of tags along the
Cuban shore inarki the intended exit
ofothers. It will be a mericleff i with
such a, state, of affairs, supplemented
by the arrival of fresh troops, the '
Cubans are nbt entirely put down.
And if they are, it is doubtful wheth"
er Spanish clemency will be taken
from qte same leaf with Ameriean
thongi the fresh rebellion lid Spain
may mitigate the severitiesthat.peo
pie usually Assign to treason.
KO The political campaign of 1809
will open with ih /i t i f t :llowing State
electiens . New• pshire, March
9 •, Conneeticut,/ . April 4 ; . Rhode
Island, April 7./ A Governor is to be
chosen in eacl.
7 \ Ibirerfigments.
A UDITOR'S NOTIOR--/n the mat
- fri 4l* eitsto.of Milo Pui,ited..
hi the OrpUn7s Court of -Bradford County.
Late'd the, Township of litnithdeld, BAKU EL
Adintnistrator. - -
Tha nnilisilicood 43 auditor, appointed by
laid court
to disposed exceptioss - filed to the
litistsotioult'otthe adininistawn. will attend to
the datiakot his amintosat at his oilLos-hpi the
bonxigh of Totran on SATURDAY; tU
here day ot MARCH, 1869, at o'clock p. where
all -pantonaldetested trill please attend. • •
Feb Ming.
tS FlBll hia withdrawn -from the Firm 'of
VOL SWUM, IiBRODII & Co., by mind
conzentl The business vIU be eentinuedfat the
I old egad by the other member' of the Firm,
,who will pay all Indebtedness ; and to' Ishw ,
ill debts doe mug: be paid. •
Totraida, Feb. 11,1869.
We have a large 'stook of State, Olds and
Pea Aloe Clatter ; ebb Inn* Timbal, seed,
.which we aller.for wholesale or retail on favor.
'able terms. This seed balmy beeb selected by
ewe of our dna, we can nnarsat t ee it oar
friends sight in evet7 respect.
• PDX', STEVENS, NEC= a co.
_ Tmnuide. Fib 14 IBe9.
IC. iptown, Madam! Co., Pa. Thaakhd to
maappoplo) gal for pas t "'Aromas would
regimittalip inform Oto., ahem of Bedford
Comity tbst be Is prepared to do toy Work*
Wilms of bottom that 'may be intrusted to
.Itlm. • Thais bating dictated would del
ibittoltmie their property, aeoitrataltrarriyad
betbriiillowitartheemsliet to teal aggriaital by'
tapir neighbors. AR wort; warranted correct
tar an taistaUire of the cue will "permit...
All atipatated laido 'attended to as
warranto are obtained.
Feb, 24, '6O -Iy, . , ,O.
ST=II MP. meognirs
.. .
. ..,
~9,.."T„..,,G4AGLER,Ks t iatior a Pit, -..",-
d e
,i• w!l.= Ps Um. Pam.. "
waietiblesOprjrill keep UMMICOII bill ' II f
Wit= inal tothiei pee -itiv ,
and wansated. . . , reb../11, 185
Nem 2bantonnents.
. sunrilßs#
to the Northl3tete ot 11 1 itoor4
MAIN „, 4 ‘A.Z. ",.
Beef. MOAB& k
-Pis roa r 7 -
--B. .4. •
grade, On Gunpowder A
d. - oOABE V
131116 40 14 ; Btril
rtes 'and Jellingt all tin& 4 - I
gue,,,Parias,,Pequi Berl. • go, .Volni
Nksiebni,&o. No ► Bg.t, XIX; •
fIHOIOII FLOUR.. . 0 grades it
the lowest polulibPiPti •
gob. 24 - •' 111cCABelhi1X.
- -
VERY '940 OP:SUGAR; by,
KEEN -TAP •_ .:BY H80 R, 7
Gr e l• Balbel.s, • ~ , -, -Miailegf4 MIX;
rlad9 let or April.
'MED FM " "iallizi!fitll!'
rocs ed,ready mind, or ground . o order
put op In 2, I, A, or 5 poun d bores.
voAtapa , lux.
gratitude Omit firvoro. and shall chow
close deSll ll B/.9 t 346 Amu.
• . .
PAW FOR .SALE.-.-The under
signedsell his Farm, itnated in Pike
.tvrp., three w ill les vionth-westof Leßaysvile,ala•
one mile west of Sack's grist nrtll. containing
20 acres, about 85 under a good state oi czithre.
thin. the balance being a peat swamp with tim
ber thereon_ gitita good, dwelling house
calculated for daity.pnriives. 'barn and other
out buildings. +ppm orchard and other unit
trees, with plenty of living -water thvreo n.—
This farm is well adapted lor both grata a ad
grazing.' Possesakin given immediately if de
sired. Terms. one-thud down, •nd the balance
as may be agreed upon. Apply to
Feb. 20,1860.4 w• WM. AGNEW Jr.,
I N BANICILUPTOY.—Iti the matter :
of iiiiilAwat 0. BENTLEY. Bankrupt. In
the Metrics Cohrtof the ..United States for the
Weatein District of P inutylvanfa, ss. -
To wbotti ft may columns - : :The undersigned
hereby give3 i notiee of his appointment iss as
signee of AD tom 0. Bentley, of Bmthlield. in
tke Counts , Bradford;' and Stat. of - Penned
vards-mithirg.said District., _who has -been, ad
judged a Bablumpt uplift his own petition, by
the J) strict Court of mid Dietriet .
Dated st Tpwands.thil tithdav of Febmarj
A. D. 1869. I SIMI. 11. PECK. Assignee.
SEASO.N 1869!
Ravine been to much expense in fitting up an
other GREEN nousZ. giving more room for
large pots, I Ratter myself that no Green Houses
owl make a hotter • show. of rare and. thrifty
plants, Dahlia, Rom. Verbenas. Petunias, Ge
raniums all sorts; basket 'plants all sorts,Hang
leg beakeda new patterns,' beaattott, ga moss
in variety. Cmines. Carnations, Clams
•diecolor Pe t s variety, &o &z.
New-Crimso n r. Tomato Plants, all sorts ,
in pots orty the dosen.
All kinds of Cai•bage Plants, Egg Plante. As
paragus, Roots (two years old.) Sage Roots,
Celery Dwarf white talid, Gentili mere, Thyme,
all &Luis of
trendy Istof- Anti!, at the Green Houses and st
'the Store orldallAßS & Is IX, ilercnr's dew
. Stock. ..,
• Raving employed one of the post experienced
Florham, he will at all times give any informa
tion, to customers on the mods of propagation
and cultivation of plants. This Spring a Cats
logos will tie aent to all 'that rosy de slrecee,
-write for it I invite all tt come and see my
Bones, Plante, &a for . themselves. With
gratitude I acknowledge plat favurs.
• BOOQUCTS 'Lit' be found at the Store ot
I101)&012 & KIX every morning. Sundays ac
cepted, SS •to 60 eta each. •
Towlines, Pa.. Feb y 20. 1889. •• •
ANotice is,hereby That all Persons
ludabte d to the estate of Robert Ridgway, late
of Wysos are reipiested u.
, make immediate-payment, and all persons has,
Mg claims against said estate. most- present
them duly authenticated for settlement.
Nib. 24•
IN BANKRUPTCY.—In the matter
f F. : EERILY BUELL, Bankrupt. In the
District Court of the United dtates fort be Wes
tern District' I Pennsylvania, sa.
To whom it may concern : The undersigned
hireti gives twice of his appu ntthent as ea
aloes of Perry Buell, 01 West Burlington, in
County of Bradford. and State of Penhayinnia.
within said District, who; has been adjildged a
Balkiamt upon his own petition 'by the "District
Court of said district.
Dated at Towanda,this 26th day cf February,
A.. D. teas. Joint N. CA LiFF.
N,BANKRUPTOY.--an the mato.
JLor 84111 WEI. B. MIX; Bankrupt. In the
itistifct Court of the Unitel States for the Wes.
tern District of Pennsyi ?anis , ss
To whom it may concern ti The undettrigned
hereby gives notice of his topointment as as-
Signee of Samuel R. lof Merin the entllP
ty of Bradford/ and State of Penussivania
within mat 4 District, who has been - adjudged a
Bankrupt upon his owg petition by the District
Court of said District'
Dated at , Towanda,tbia 25th day orFebreary
Cor. Bridge and Water St reets,
/M. B °ALBIN& Pioprietor. assisted by L
- Ti,Royss, formerly of Boys° House," Burling
ton, Penn's. Feb. 24, 18.9 tf
One of the boil Literary Institutions of the
eountry, accessible from ail politta, is altuated
. The Departments are complete. the "Cis sad
cal" embracessal those studies-required for ad
mission to our beet Colleges: Also a thorough
drillin the modern Languages.
• • The English , course comprehends both the
common branches. taught in Elementary
Schools, an d many of the higher branches, usu
ally pursued In the Colleges. ' In the Cimimer
dal COMM the instruction bas thorough and
complete as ha' our most successful Commercial
in ll gee- •
streetion upon the Piano and Organ by the
old metkodelso by Robins' new American meth
od, by width pupils can acquire si krio wieder
el Mask' in one-third the time which it hitherto .
The rates of lotion are very moderate. Board
Obtained at reasonable prices—alinilted num
ber. of poplin. can be accomodat ed in the fami
lies of the instructors. Booms can be secured
in which students can board themselves one
lessen tbs uprose onehill.
The Summer Term consisting of 14 weeks will
•open on Tuesday, March 31at, 1869. _
"•. • ' Por particulate address,
- - • •A. J.LANG, A . 11. PrincipaL
A. YATES, President of Board of Trustees.
FOWLER dr, CO:, -
07111 C& 1$ LECIIANGE ?LACE, •
Beal Estate par.:based and cold. Investmenta
aladeand-Honey.Looned. ; , "
CHICAGO, ILL . Oct. 1141888.
" „Dias - Sin :—Hsving . I stablishe d ourselves
Permanently in'the above business, we takelhe
liberty of sending your oar o.rd. Shout d you
have any desire ; to make in vestment& or loan
money, Out long eesidenee in Chicago, (having
lived beta and seen its growth, from a `small
alnico to a tilted over tkr ee hundred Armand
inhabitants) gives tts ample means of knowing
'Where' Scrod Investments can be made. -or what
good: murky for money loaned:
bunko* entrusted to oar care will teceive
prompfatteittion. •
Tile city is ine teeing very ratildhs In wealth
and ..opulation, and at no period have better
pportnnitlea offered for investment, than at
prete. - . •
tear Twelve Millions Dollars are expended
smelly In , tine and costly dwellingi, gbOtig
pennanettce - sod ceasing great advance In
pekoe-Ibl all implored' prverty. , - •
,'• Very Resul •
. F O WLER, & CO.
By permission refers to Huns: N. B Judd, Y.
Q s . John V. Vartrelli P.C. - absentee.. Chicago ;
.HonAllimon °menu. U. S. 8.. U. Akron",
tr„ Witt! Ewell; Judge - 13th Dist., Penns rte.
gliellown. , Returns, • Charier Hancock.
4kNitos; Wm., B. Ogden, New,,,York:
matt Truman. Owego. If. Y. ,
AGIL:I RAGS It RAGS 111—;600
4L-j9navga Paper Asp minted; for blab
41 . ! bighea; auutet Ittlew wM be paid.
rri S or WOODEN
On the Premises
• - - • •
row, dF THE HEMPTic AND ExiitlitornmEs OF
nnty, from January 1; to December . 81, 1868 i
1 , - 'iilll4llAl. RE
a Bradford ►
:-,V,. , . • ' ' EXPEND
0141Nom - ' • . $
- " .Ts .
Qo . ~.. -. , ..... ... 1666200 00
5102 28
, tie . Volanteenfpes Act 1863 2; 00
Bridge imr4 • 41 00
Com wealth
finite ' 1316 $2l
Cone la for making Deturns and* t
- ' ...
~1116362 00
: , . Agoirnim .1... ''..:••• .... • • ».7 . • • - SCO °°
• eciiiinu . i 1674 25
Fael.arui lights • 223 881
Grand Jurors. -,,, ..... • 699 11
Tr ' WM 96
InrarandeupouPittliolhildinks.. - 110 25
Couswelio , "Coutssissionersi... - .... - 60 001
justices' Intjuisitious 49 62
Jury Commissioners and Clerk.... 119 1
Office Books and,l3tatlonery ' 257 61
Maps* support in Ckuntty Jail.. 1242 11
:41,00013NT. with the niatrial Collectors Of C6Onty Tai for the County of Bradford for the
year 1868 and previous: •,• • : , , - -• , -
1 1 '
Toicruthli. - . 1 ,• , oolletfors.,.-• i Yer. Clanged. &ocelot& Bron'd , Per,et. ~
. -
• . .
TNT boo:::., .... A.S...NewMan:.:.-.... 1867 31 20 25 50 5 70' 17 —
- Arminair.i ... '
. 1),
::: 1. 8ecker.'..'...... 1868 135 04 105 00 2 78j 6.61 j 20' (15
:Athens to iiiiiiiii i ii &nil Sidi; .. i ., .. „.. .... 1741 38 i 1638.16 16 251 86 25
Athens borough.;- . Ohaelar.T..Hall ' .... 540 99 - 511 18 291 2G Ny.
Asylum ' Isaac Ennis: c .... 534 07 500 93 01 77 1 06 37!
AiNsny..... • Alexander English....... - 347. 28 309'83 21 14; 16 311
Alba borough D. J. Manly * -.,-; .97 13 91 43 - 8 3 1,. 4 81i
Ilszulay ..,. ... John W . agg0t„...... ...: '748 18 705.24 . - 5 70, 37 191
Burlington . f . p . To. B arns . ...":: '5lB 27 ,489 '96' 2 52' 25 79!
Burlington, bore.. A. T. Mist .... : .-.. ;.. 138.44 . 115-00 I 692 16 rh,
Burlington West.. G.' A. Campton. ...... ~.. .2 445 68 - 422 78 551 22 25j -
Oanton.twp •••0. W. Landau, :.. : .... 933 03 882 70 387 46 46,
Canton bone. —— . John. W . Griffin ...... .... • 313 60 297 35 • ' 60 1 15 651
Columbia.. . •J. IL Morgan ' .... 1043.59 987 55 •4 06 51 98'
Franklin. - W. H. Kilborn ..... . -.... 356 18 337 45 97 17 76
Granville - David Sayler. ~. .... 632 32 * 599 01 1 . 74 31 57
Hertiek • ..-. '0 L.• Stewart, . ~' .. ...• 434 43 410 31 252 21 COl ,
'Leßoy., ,:: .... ... Carpenter Hoagland .. ... 524 43 380 00 762 * 25 84,110 37 ,
Liteldbrld. • ... Geo. W.. Morse ....... ... . 657 16 622 12 229 32 75'
Lellaysville bore,: J. M. Benkuun, ... ... .... 131 30 .121 97 291 6 42.
Monroe twp W. A. Kellegg....—. .... - 572 96 641 36 311 28 49!
Monroe bolo. John Dougherty ..... ..,. 131 95 124 97 135 - 5 53'
Orwell.:. W. H. Darling... ... . .... 75435 712 67 4_28, 37 501
Overton ' Josiah Ilhinebolt ..... ..... 157 20 145 11 445 761
- paw .. ' • • John Heaney. ...`. •996 08 • 944 46 192 49 701 '
Itidgbnry - ' James P. Squires ..... ...: , 737 04 697 27 30736 70
Rome twp ...... .. B. L. Smith, 550 31 519 64 332 27 3.1
Rome haw ..-",:;:"... Christopher .133ney... , ... ,' 79 05 74 60 52 393
Smithfield William B. Forrest.— --..„. 1142 72 1083 68 2 00, 57 04 .
Springfield. Martin Harkness .: ... . :.. 078 47 928 19 1 43 1 _ 48 85
South Creek . G. H. Thompson .... : .... 409 81 _... 379 21 10 60, 20 00
Sylvania. . ' N.H. MoCollum - .... 106_29 100 98 1 531
-Sheshequin ' 0.. D: Kinnsy.._: , ... . .:.. 1015 06 961 42 304 50 60 ,
'fitanding'Stone .•.. Jacob Slurekletan ..... 504 66 477 47 206 25 12
'Terry.. Jonathan _Terry ...: .. .... 358 22 260 00 3 - 46 17 78 77 68
Towanda twp D. D. Maynia .... .. .... 416 62 393 i 9 256 20 87 1 -
•Towaiula bozo ' A. H. Kingsbury ..... .... 1872 22 1771 02 799 93 211
Towanda North... - . Geo. B. Mills .... 331 14 311 36 339 16 391
Troy twp ' Ezra Loomis ....... .. .... 1030 55 973 20 613 51 221'
Troy boro. ' Chas. F. Saylea..... . ...% . 613 50 534 30 535 30 411 43 44
Tuscarora ..... :.. 0. 11. Newman ..... ... .... 535 34 365 00 235 26 65;141 31
Ulster • -S. 0. Hovey.. • 614 45 575 34 •8 83 30 281
Warren . Abram Whitaker .... .. .... 845 34 802 79 30 42 25'
Windham'_ Andrew Hand ' 714 16 676'65 190 • 34 61
Wyalusing..,...... A. O. Stevens • .... 789 41 746 37 ,3 76 39 28
Wysox II 41. Seaman. ....... .... •779 41 737 65 338 38 38
. 1
Wells -W. S. Bowman •• • • 662 50 622 74 - 702 32 74
Wilniot G.H. Morrow 466 71 435 70 808 22 93,
Reassessments -,... 214 55 21 98 1 16'191 41
. AC
• . , . . --..-. . • - - - -•- - -,--, --- -.....- . ...-1-.-- --
• ,28584 35 26472 39 197 69412 46160.2 01
Dr. .Cn.Ls. N. MOSEY, Treasurer, in account
To amount due- upon. duplicates -
for 1867 and'previons years....s 332 17
To amount of duplicates. far 18G1 28438,60
Received from Unseated Lands.. 870 17
" Seated "...,356 79
To amount of Re-assessments .-... 108 25
Incidental Receisals 646 51
In Treasury Jan. 1, 1868 - 2654 97
. . .
Dr.' ' County Ordern in account with the County of Bradford, for 1868. % Gr.
To Orders issued in .1868 $23104 85 I ardent; redeemed in 18s8 , 523105 65
Outstanding den. 1, 1868 - ... 637 I.outstanding, Jan. 1, 1869..1 ~.. ~ .i 5 37
We the undersigned Commissioners - 4"f said County do hereby certify that tlie.above is
a true and oorrect.statement of the receivals and' expenditures of said County froiu the
Ist day o f
i i January ` o the 31st day of December - V:mingles) A. D. 1868.
Witnesour hands and seal of office at Towanda, this 21st day of January, A. D. 1868.
JOHN A. MOODY, 1 Com'rs.
Attest-LB. B. Coomttrag.. Clerk.
F -
Would call the attention of the oitisen it 'of
Rome and vielnity, that they have opentd with
A Areio . . Stock of Goods
At the old stind of L. L. Mood , where with
close atten'ilin to.the wants of the comnninity
they will keep -a good assortment of goods,
which they Will
And at prices that will induce every one to buy
of them. We shall at all times have cgcled
assortment of
Embracing ala the latest stplea of
Family Groceries, Hardware
Drugs, Furniture ; ite:,
The above gives but a-alight Idea of the
AndVre opho say to onr nnmerotta friends and
thepublicfgenerally, , call and see as. test the
merits of car preloadone, and if convinced.'
By saving moneylu your purchases. We; in
tend to
We know we can' prom you, so give on a call
All Muds of •
Taken in exchange for goods; -
• &icemen to L. L. Mood y.
Some, Pa.. N0v.12, 1888
boK .1 " •
- . • AT WARIER'S,
*".• AT. WARNER'S.] •
and of too numerous , to
81)63- "irsatina. at-WARNER'S. _
Can audios MN, you will 111,0 waxily per cent.
la your purchases.
_air Watches, Clocks and 'Jewelry repaired,
and Warranted.-- Patton's 810.1 t.
• _ _ • A. N. WARNER.
Towanda . Dee. 1 ;3148. ;
MILE in oni Woe, ordered at abort notice
co, Mang at the NEWS BOOM
at' ALVORD a 13101.11Wi1.
frininta Statemtni
Sitinnere ingPoit in 7 ,, a 6 ;ri/ Pt n.
Wi • . iin....
ots_ t o 1555 1:3
s- • ,
. . .. 362
Public 428 50
Didezinglpdgnient D0cket ....... 400 00
proem:o4cl Ind Clerk of &ration, 383 3 1
Repaint tepotiPub li e Buildings— . - 370 01
SW. Xfitual*. 4 11 7 14 m; .... ........ 65 85
Fitinuttonlng Jurors 131,40
Teachers' ' Institute:. as per Act of
9th of April, 1867 135 0;
Wild Oet Oertifletites . ..... 3 75
Stern McKee, late Commiseicmer. • 348 00
William B Dodge, Coramisaioner.. 924 00
John A. Moody, .. 406 03
Ezra Loomis, 18 Go
E. B. Coolhangh, Clerk of Coma. 'l2OO 00
_..Sam MU!.
with the County of Biedford
Amount, returned unlolleCted for
1888 and previous years $ 767 73
Exonerated to Collectors .. . : ... 227 44-
Percentage " " 1412 46
Orders redpemed . 23105 85
Two per cent. commission on same 462 12
One " " $28345 86 283 46
Paid State Treasurer 5832 36
.In Treasury, Jan. 1, 1869.. 1317 04
$23111 22
Having cleare4.our shelves 1 or.r
Holiday, Goods :Mad replaced. them
with Hene.e Keeping Goods of sill
kinds, We are now ready again to fit
out auy oue going :to House Keeping
We have, the 'largest stock,, and best
quality of Cleat ry and GlaEs Ware
ever opened in Towanda.
In addition to these Goods wo have
a full line of Knives , and Forks,
Spoons, Lamps, &c. By ,rtiLg
our main stock direct from the Pot-
tery in Europe, and getting hos .
Lamps and Glass-ware fropi the gal
ulactory, we are able to offer greater
inducements than ever offered in
this section before. It is worth you
while to call and examine Goods and
prices, before purchasing.
Most Respectfully Yonre,
3E3 A g M"' R Y
C 74- 0 .02") MEAL,
AT ALL HOURS. -: • -
• o-f
PIES, • .C 1 : 2 CANDY,
Towanda, Dec. 15. 1865.
Just received new line Stoves at
- ORWELL, PA: - '
Ara, attracting much attention . An imetetre
• variety of St eves
Stows, coal or Wood, that will suit yea 10
Come ant see the new patterns—at bast.
We keep all leading drat-class Stoves for the
tat t i g l i: nt, or, cheaper variety Stoves (or tha hapet
yourselves, your
teresi Exami ne
Oawell, Ps., Oct. 21,1¢68.
Best quality Winter Wheat Flour per
- hundred $3 60 0 $$
Beet qualify Rye Flour per hundred .....4 1 ?
Corn Meal and Rye and Corn Feed... /
Buckwheat Flour, per hundred, ....... 4 " 1
A . fair margin allowed to des vs.
Custom grinding usually done at once, 14
capacity of the mill Ls sufficient for Oaf ,
amount of work. H. B. INGRAM.
Campttnen, Jan. 14, leas
F _
Plastering Bair at wbo'essle red retail
also Soap and Wagon Grouse bi th e pcced ana
Darrel:. Cash paid -for Bark A D
Granville Centre, Pa., July 1968. )
8231 018:1
for 1868. Cr.
133407 46
$23111 22