g4ricultuvai. Tbiliang Ilintigrar in Oat*. The New York Tribune •of a late date,is urging upon public attention, the necessity of immediateeffortnic arrest the progress of the oattle_dia ease. It has already" done-daman: in our county,. on"the of,* l Bon. J. W. Chamberlain, and cihs farms of some of his neighbors, and will,in all likelihood spread. It is not generally lencnin that the contagions plenro-pneumonis of cat tle is daily acquiring firmer hold on per country than is pleasant or at all safe. The disease was first imported from England, and a public spirited importer in New Jersey at once sac rificed the whole of his stock to pre vent the spread of the disease: It then appeared about three years later on Long Island,and has without inter mission sapped the resources of the dairymen, Dutch cattle carried the disease, the third time, into Massa chusetts, and the people of that State I abered earnestly,and ultimately with triumphant success; for its extinction. Massachusetts - is to be this day free, but the germs of the disease, in Long Island have silently, insidionaly, and with . unerring certainty diffused themselves so as to penetrate some of the rich dairy oliatricts in New York State, and thence through New Jersey to Pennsylvania, Baltimore, Washington, and Virginia.:.,Where t'.e matter will end we know not ; but it is certain that unless Congress and State Legislatnes inform them selves of the extent of the ravages by this disease and ~ a dopt rational repressive measures, the malady will soon reach every part of this broad continent. In this case, ignorance is not bliss ; it is an unmitigated tolly ; and we must earnestly press the niat tLr before the attention of the whole country. We' do not want a panic. Pattie, is the result of negligence, want of knowledge, and excited pas bi.ne. The time has come 'for the u:ientific investigation of the ills that iltbh is heir to and science tells us 11,,w to meet a cattle plague calmly, rationally, and with the utmost cer tainty of controlling its dissemina t .n. An ominous-looking circular Las been issued by an influential body of gentlemen from Westchester, Pa. They say that the great increase in the disease known as plenro-pnen mouia among cattle within a few years past calls for immediate and is arnest attention from the communi ty. ; "It is a well known fact," they continue, "that the cupidity of many "induces them, as soon as the disease "developi itself on their premises, to tf "hurry off their stock (diseased as i "well as not diseased) to the nearest "drove-yard,to be there sold for what "ever they would bring, to be either "ziold as food • or driven off to new "sections, and there to be infect and "poison other animals with which "they may -comb in contact." What_do ngress and our State Legislatures intend doing under the circumstances. Can the Agricultu ral Department neglect a matter which concerns the whole cattle-pro; ducing regions of America? There arc no funds appropriated, for such a eontiugency ; but surely, when the vast interests at stake ate consider ed, it is prudent to be wise and gene rous in time, and avoid the great calamities which hate overtaken England and .other European coun tries. If we have imported a disease, let us by all me am and at the earli• • est possible Moment follOw the exam ple of Massachusetts and exterminate the-contagious germs which are in flicting so much injury. We,are told and we have seen that the extermina tion of This malady is by no means' a matter of great difficulty,thongh call ing for energetic action for a time. Better this than the disease which neglect is sure to entail op us. AN Excmon. Ferrnazza.—The Journal,of Chemistry says that one of the very best fertilizers used upon the farm for all the cereal grains and r: , ot crops made intim following man-. Ir‘r : Take one - barrel of pure finely growid bones, and mix with a barrel . ,1 good wood ashes ; during thtimix log add gradually about three pail fuls of- water.' The heap may be made upon the floor of 'an outbuild ing or upon the barn floor ; and by the use of a'hoe the bone and ashes must be thoroughly blended together. The water added is just sufficient to liberate the caustic alkalies, potash s and soda, and these act upon the gelatine of the bone, -dissolving thif, little atoms, forming a kind of soap, and fitting it for plant aliment. In this way the most valuable constitu ents of the bone can be made imme diately available, and the addition of potash and soda aids in the forma tion ora fertilizer of inestimable value. A gill of this mixture,placed in a hill of corn, will work wondeis. It is excellent for garden vegetables and for all kinds of roots. It will be ready for use in a week' after it is made. Rsminv Fos Bosses.—Mr.lHenry B. Pierce in the N. E. Farmi.r, says : "After twenty year's experience, in which I have ,fonnd it to I work not Only to my own entire satisfaction but to that of others who have tried it, I can confidentially recommend stopping up the- holes ofl borers in trees with hard soap, as aril infalljble cure for this pent to our 'orchards. Though simple, try it, brother farm ers." This looks. to us very much like an actual remedy, and it ie cer• tainly originbl. • To accertain the contents of a corn crib measure the length, width, and depth in feet; multiply these dimen sions together , and the product by four, cut off the right hand figure, tind those to the left will express the number of unshelled bushels. If measured in inches, Multiply the three • diminsiofts together and divide the product by 4400. A correspondent of the American Farmer's ,Magazine helped to build a corncrib in Vermont fifty five years ago, which is still in good order, and in which no- rat or mouse was ever known to be. It is set on stone -pillars, two feet high, each capped by a broad, fiat stone, smooth on the under-side. A distinguished horticultrist learn ed . by chance that the best way to label a tree is - to write with a lead pencit on ;inc. The name cannot be erased at • first, -and it grows more distinct and durable with age. A meta. or moderate-Uized tree at the transplanting will usually .be a large bearing tree sooner than a bug. er tree set out at the same time, and which is necessarily checked in growth by removal. Tar latest definition that has been given to O. K.' is Oa of Nub. EGA BEDELL* V A Ni,VEL OE, FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILORS 114 READY MADE OLOTHI;i1G1 MOO AND OAPs, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS I 68 'tread Street, WAVERLY, TIOGA COUNTY, N.Y. We have s Fashionable Clutter grow New York City, and take all the !Lk in gbh* you a good dt. READY MADE, CLOTHING Ws nuke at our own ostaldhlimed. We give particular attention to Youth's Boys, yid reamilas4v‘lreirosmett And shays hale a good assortment. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, From 85 cents to S 3 per yard, (all wool.) Best Stock of Hats and 01p8 Kept within 20 !miles. Come and •look and prove for yam% IS. Will be at the Ward ROllllO the first and third Thursday of every month with samples of ;Goods, and prepared to take measures. BEDELL Is VAN VEIBOII. 68 Broad-et., Waverly. N. Y. Agents for Grover & Baker's Sewing Machines. April 2,1868. TEE TOWANDA REGUT4TOR CLO.7.IIING MORE I Adjoining Patton's Blcck. ROSENBERG & WOLFF, Would respectfully announce to the elfin ens of Towanda and vi cinity, , that they have opened the above store, under the name of •' The To• wanda Regulator," with a splendid assortment OP HEADY MADE CLOTH MG 1 Gents Furniatiag Goods, Hats, Caps, &a, &b., which they ware the said citizens csonot be excelled fu style or elegance, and that the prices are so low as to astonish everybody Rosenberg k Wolff hope that,by strict atten tion, and fair dealing with the people lsuan -Cdso, .they w ill o bta i n their i patronage To - Ingp portm dme a n o f b o e r g thorugncefokaw CONE ONE I COMB ALL 1 At Rosenberg & Wold'a One Price Regulator, Rain Street, Towanda, Pa. THE TEN COMMANDMENTS, Keep them, and Happy will be Thy Days. 1. Thou shalt have no other plate 'to) bay clothing except Rosenberg 1 Wolff's One Price Regalator, Men Street. X. Thou shalt not choose any other merchant: though shalt not listen to their speeches, for Rosenberg 1 Wolff are no Chatham.st. dealers, bet sell at one price and reliable. and will . serve you unto the third and fourth generation. 3. Thou shalt not seek in vain my more for cheap raiment, for they can be found a t Rosen berg I Wolff's One Price Store. 4. Thou shalt bear In mind that, w e sell only on six days of the week, and don't desecrate the Sabbath by keeping our doors open and hangin out a show, for, on the seventh day, Rosenberg is Wolff, and their clerks, desire to rest room their labors. 5. Thou shalt honor the way Rosenberg 1 its benefits. Wolff deal, and long may be thy days toe zloy ff. Thou shalt not commit an impropriety—of buying of Chatham - at. Dealers, but come di rect to Rosenberg k Worn's Once:price Regu lator, Main street. 7. Thou shalt not seek in vain for goods of Foreign make. for Rosenberg! & Wolff keep a large variety. 8. Thou shalt not purloin fromthe Regulator for Rosenberg & Wolff sell so cheap: it would be a 9. T sin. hou ; shalt not bear false witness, but honestly acknowledge that you can get better suited and for lass money, at Rosenberg & Wold'a thin any other store... 10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors-goo& or his bargains, for Rosenberg & Wolff can give than to you likewise_therefore, _take cours, and buy only of Rossub erg is [Wolff ece Price gen. Towanda, Sept. 1, 1888. IF TOWN CLOTHING STORE I OpPoona Public Square, 96 MAIN STREET, TOWANDA, Receiving new additions to his stock of 0 I_l 0 'l l ME I N CI- Every week, which he le Belling lower thaenny home in town. GOOD OASSIMERE SUITS, $15,00 A large line of CASSIMERE AND UNION SUITS, can' , 1 OVERCOATS AT; ANY PRICE A large line of CLOTHS AND CAS4IMERES, Which is selling below coat. as he is anxious to close out this branch of his business. raniinios or ALL sixes. GENTS Of every description. BOYS CLOTHING OF ALL KINDS HATS AND CAPS AT COST I Call and convince yourselves I Tmrands, Nov. 26,1888 HAT, CAP, AND FUR STORE I The undersigned have opened a Store on the south side or ilerenr's new block, TOWANDA, PA., Where they intend to keep atoll stock at T r n. Goods, consisting of H47S, CAPS, FURS, TRAVELLING BAGS, UMBEL LAB, CANES, GLOVES L IBUFFALO and WOLF ROBEI4 ac. Which we will sell at the lowest possible Prides and respeethdly solicit a share ol the pttestege or the pohlk. wilati fitted witkeie American Conformake CLORNEY A-Sidi:MY Towanda. Oet. 5,1861. TANNING & HARNESS MAKING The uadordiimed have Oda day formed a' of aartillithip Do u MI LI GE! is for thoparposa the of praying aa th e above bad , ness. Memo malt* sad ra th adV d d i a o o r e i l de o Vet and all wortwarianted. GRIFFIN MAGEE. • EDGAR EL FULLER Camptova, Jan. 28, 1868. - MU - 13MT FRUIT JARS IN USN tat KoCIABE a iareM ré 7 :Ip-: p. uogizAo..iiiitit oostttit i.-/-- - .i ~ ..,r; _ ei;-- ~., : :,,:_,,, • . imcck,11,04 , 701 41 1141" E INDDIN,‘MILLOW.AND 111'0111 liti; - „izA Na 1, r 4 Txne g &is*, Southeast comer of Main Bridge fte TOWANDA, 4. - ::, N:eip.', -- ancUr*,..6.k.kx* fIY;P emit Induonnats . to CAS-11 . BU I" El? S-! COUNTRY PROMOS Bought and Sold at THE MARKET 81.1'48 LONG Kum. Nov 11, 1888. NEW GROCERY AND. PROVI McCA33O 8z MIS, Respectfully announce that they have com meneed the , i In the North litore of Norm's New Block, ILtElf STREET, • And have now In store a fall assortment of Goods in their line, porotuuld In Now York, which they have selected with unusual cars, and will sell at the lowest possible rates. Their stock is complete in every particular, and In guilty and price cannot 101 to gtvb satlifaction They ask the patronage of the public, with he ass ranee that first rate goods and fair dealing may always be expected. They tukve now in store, and for sale by the case or single jar, s large stock of MOORE'S SELFSEALING AIR TIGHT FRUIT JAM, Which they recommend as the very bed offered to the public. They ask for this jar, an ins*. tiop and trial, u Its merits are aoparent to ar m one. • es. North store Le Mercer's New Block, Hein street, Towanda, Pa. sr CASH paid for PRODUCE, and for e BUTTER, at the highest, market Mee. JAMES IdoCAIIE, HARDT MIL Jane 46,1888. • WHOLESALE GEOCEE.Y PROVISION 11-OIIiRE F. S. M. eta co The undersigned, encouraged by the success which bas thus far, at- tended 'their new enterprise, desire to make acknowledgement for the very liberal patronage they have re- ceived, by giving their customers the advantage of their years' experiencie, together with the benefit - of their greatly increased facilities fQJ doing business. They keep constantly on hand, a very large and complete assortment of everything in their line, and are daily receiving such additions to their stock as the wants of their trade requires. They have now in store, Sugar, Syrup, Molasses, Coffee, Bice, To bacco, Fish, Salt, Cheese, Fruits, Crackers, Candy, Matches, Broome, 0 GOODS, Wrapping Paper, and Twine, Flour Sacks; Seeds, and a great variety of other goods, which have been recent ly bought at the lowest aft in the market, and are offered at wholesale, at rates to correspond. J. N. COLLINS. They desire to call especial atten tion to their large stock of Fine Teas, which they are selling at New York Jobbing prices,—guaranteeing the quality in all cases Have atenen hand a good assort- meat of:Flour, Pork and Kerosens:, They still continue to have the benefit of a resident Partner in New York, who is constantly in the market and prepared to • turn to' our advan- tage any favorable changes Lin the price of goods. FOX, STEVENS, MEUCVB & 00. May 19, 1868. GW. MOFFITT. - - • Ho just opened a fall and complete aseortment of - GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS I TEA, SUGAR, COFFEE AND SPICES . SOAP OP AJ.L IrLid the celebrated Kinard' Soap, for cleaning Tin and Silver ware.. "" . 4ideo Imps =Mangy on hand all kinds of GRINSMIFFS Peaches, Nam, Apples; Swank Green Con and Tonatoes,emd other fruits in their sea eon which will be sold cheap. Be alio has oonneoted - 111111 . . the above an Eating fsotrd rea m d l in d es w s st awn i y pr Metohpenleee.'a l co g m ot in u g p w good CashCsh paid for (Wen Pratt. Give him a cell. GEO. W. MOFFITT. Towanda, Aug. 17. IDIFIGKIF MARKET PRICE . IN Ciat d for well' fatted and well dress ed Sep as Poaltryi. at - . . • . . IIfoCOM 4 Wilk. I • Nclali hMe l !NM Mock. — Nov 1! ,11416 ' • •• ISCILIVID DAUS, REM SION STORE I 119, MEE Etrizer, TOWAJIDA, PA. 4, 1. - ^sm ,,, -47 _ . ~~rar-w fleumut . , Itr /AM ? 1 "49 1 " A T CI W.-A ► PPPFTI I - 404•1)1, ' lROotlictlio WU Bead )IPIM-11001 - soesettolV Wits law ate jjtpublio,to Wow sad well to• awnings AND nionsioNs t Mike Ito sel ling to salt tlio sA atii Primo' 01r_104 No boo GOO tonal a PPM • STORE, Widei ti wen 'failatii to Wipii Itaroloy ooal.roglos at _ ill Moo. He Aiolo, ortolly lualtilstgiotoelt4. ..q t 8 A 13 : 00 P} i 8 81 4 SuG - AltA . mokassig, - - )7101711, BUTTER, PORK, ,&0., be Isiah* elsesp for cash. _ :c0928 1181.11r#71110. 7,11,6 10120" FREE 0.14.C.E.1ut05. of Tema. and Arieleity, ilierensor theaksior iheleyemllbowel petrosego Um het two jests, sad we promise with their trelateaot. .to improve ev, Gm dully to 'Wow our lowinees, so as lowaniat eettafection to W. Cali sad toe as 1111111. ._ - ° ZORN INSIDETII., To ¢a, July 10, 1867. . N e S W 13 1 1 1 ,,01t II I 71 - • NEW GOODS I NEW GROOLEIEEI W. A. ROCKWELL'S. ON*INED FR71113, PINE • •PLES,,PEACILES, PLUMS • OF ALL KINDf3, 1 , D_ CANNED OYSTERS. DRIED AP LES, PEACHES, PRUNES, CHERRIES, 10., TEAS, STNIABS, SYRUPS, MOLASSES, COFFEE, SPICES, Of all kinds, in fact everything In the GROCERY LINE! Willie tent constantly on hand FLOUR,FEED,BRAND, POTATOES, BUTTER, LARD S EGGS, AND WARY VARIETY OP FARMERS PRODUCE. A fresh lot of DRY GOODS OF ALL VARIETIES, Portland at Vico LOWEST POINT IN THE MARKET And will be sold as CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST TO THE FARMERS. CASH PAID FOB ALI:KINDS OF PRODUCE • • W. A. ROCKWELL. May 29, 1867 THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING Porehasedthe entire interest of R. a PATCH; n in the Am of O. B. PATCH & CO., is now prepared to offer to the cltisenli of Bradford County and vicinity, a large sad Well selected stock of GROCERIES, Which I hive purchased for Coati and feel confi dent that can sell at ea. low ti;uros aa can be purchased elsewhere. I now otter to the public a liplendid stock of TEAS,, COFFEES, SUGARS, BTABOB, SALERATIIS, 80018,10. Have on hand a large stock of AKRON FLOUR, GRAHAM DO • BYE DO. BUCKWHEAT DO I Julep constantly on bane,. PORK, ZARB, LARD and Muds of FISH. Would oall the at. tuition of the public to onr Can't Be Best STOCK OF TOBACCO, In quality or price. Jesse Oakley's Celebrated Laundry, New York Chemical aad.lkori Soap. Please WI and examine our stock of WOODEN WARE. Large aseortment of YANKEE NOTIONS, TOILET SOAPS, tr,e,fr.e. I Will pay the high. est Cash price tor COUNTRY PRODUCE. Pamela give es elan before selling elsewhere. All Orman Indebted to the 51to Arm will please Csll awl make bmnedlate payment C. B. PATCH 'Towistits:March 12,1867. NEW FRUIT AND FANOY 6Frocery Store I Neor the Elwell TOIVAJDA, -PA. Jost started. a god supply of - IR.s : • • FOREIGN, DOMESTIC. CANNED ft DRIED gm . 'ooms, ulnae& , Nuts, Candies,Fruit Eetmete, +to. ac. Constantly as hand, and will be sold cheap as the ebispest. Also the best quality of - B4LTI4IOBE OYSTERS By eneasure, or ea,' or ht. Frei* and Pine llemembei the place G 4 H. WOOD'S NEW STOUR, Between the ElweU gouge and Mignuen Mock. Tbwot►d&, Oct. 15i 1868 WAIMMEALS, AT ALL HOURS l,st-0:5:w. MOFFITT'S Madonna—. Moose tooling to tows' tor dlzaker, will do well to give a call. • • - MOFFITT Towanda. Jane Ile UM , , HOICK TOBACCO g AND inam!.s C MIME -.' __ ~lQj ~i~ ~. - _ Nvw , SG; .'s ff , ddeto. o f ftlfsfulk is min E B G 0 , 0• D • Is • - , Ui line. mdielgito the vapti of the people. Irldeh he will sell for Currency at former' GOLDp..B.I:O'RSI. N AND Olingeting ea of good well s ind reliable L't C H (Noilhoddy of any kind) maist,l4 bs , 13trSIN,A..iks .§.O 1 , - 4, Al t grades.; . • s • • COATS; - VESTS\ AND - ;PANTS, AU Wool., DRESS COATS, - PANTS & VEST - , x, Linea Coais,p, , and Piust,a, ". , OrsruL and Cigar ‘ thisiiiiad Papa.' CollarL Cardatere and P2W.NI Ohms. Naok OW* 0,;. - -limegrag. Dna. Spring 8 la 1311 k, So ft and Straw Hata. AGS:Wobus. ba that Good Goods gzo I cheap . er at a bit price thaa poog goods at any paka CaU *woods bif ontba7- hg. Nat door to Powell Co_ . I . • B. EDDY. Towanda, kap; El, 1: . 7. I ' TEMPLE 0F ; 4ASMOit I NEW STOECI.ND,BEW GOODS.! s( • Al entire Kew stock of Oka'Log bought as drip as Wore the war to be sokt 'Uhl.- • The undersigned would tome ctitilly announce to the citizens of To*anda and vicinity that he is now ready to of them Clothing. such as ~ FINE BEAVER OVERCOATS FIN= , Thissa s w BEisuizas Burrs. Irurnishlag Goode, ac.. end that these goods bought at very low figures aill be bold with very small profits. I Intend to establieh a per manent trade in thin place, and in order to gain the confidence. of purchasers; will deal on a baits of HONESTY AND, . INTiORITY ani all goods will be warranted for what they are represtated to be. Come and examine and Convince yourself. Don't forget the place, Temple of Fashion, opposite the Mesas House, south end of Beidleman's Block. ' • M. JACOBS. 'Amanda, 0ct.17. 1867. FALL AND WlFrpt. GOODS I GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES ! PROOLAYATIOF BY COHEN & -ROSENFIELD • Wasaass, It seems to have pleased tbe in• habitants of Towanda, and ,vicinity, to op nisei= fair way of &allot ; AtrD Woman, We owe our /Sincere tlusrdes to the community for extending to to; so liberal a patronage until now, ;_ Aim WILMISAS, We I deem It our duty to re (Aponte all the Winn bestowed upol us thus far ; We do hereby publicly PEOCLAIM, that on great stock of FALL AND WINTER 000DS, SUCH AS BROADCLOTH,' BEAVER. Doeskin &. Cassin'4,ere Sits Of all grades and of theer 'latest . n - 844es ; wlll disposof at • REDUCED PRIC'Es,I Our goods are tuumfactared In New York city by one of the members' of the firm, therefore. we are enabled to sell as cheap as the next, and wishing - to reduce our stock. we' will, put (=goods at oath low rates As will enable any. body to buy a snit of clothes. We are • reedy. , tag the LARGEST STOCK of OVERCOATS, Ever brought to this mirket, snob as Beaver, Chincidlla. Doeskin. &c., for Men and Sop wear. Call at the Clothing . Store of • COHEN ac:ROSENFIt'LD, And convince yourself of the fact that they do as.they say and do not misrepresent any of their goods. We also call attention :to • our stock of GENTS FURNIS#ING ‘GOODS mach u Csasbnere and Woolen Orershirts,- Un dasblrta and Drawer,, overbill and oeceahlrts, Gloves, Cordhlren Jacket, Ties' Collar; Sur Pier. • , - LATEST.. STYLES HATS -it CAPS, Whig' they ab3o sell at Reducedßrlces. Give us a call before buying elsewhere. con= & ROSENFIELD. • (Waite Powell & Co. Towanda, Oct. 21,1868. C AMPAIGN' OPE,NED'I GRAND RALLY;O9 THE HAERIES OOME ONE 1 COME MA REPUBLICANS. DEMOCRATS.‘ And cittaezta of every politic:alba are Invited. to attend the GREAT MASS MEETING Which is to be held and continued for the next three months)/ the citizens - of Towanda and vicinity at. , . • • - • -• •, • Where young and old are already gathering to pride themselves with ... 14 0 "1" I-1 N FOR FADE AND WINTER WEAR, From the excellent supply we have lately Noeive4 and which for. QUALITY, DURABILITY AND JIMA PNESS Can no be excelled In this or any other - ket. o entire dock being new and bought for ntah vas • • DIBTANCEJALL COMPETITION. O. B. PATOH. • Oar motto is Quick Ba l es, Small Profits , !St at. ly Cash, and Once Price Only. We invite} one . and 611 to pay ns q visit at the old atand of Folonton & Son,.one door north of Ti_tylor Co SOTAMON WOLFF: • . _ . Viwan — da, Oct. I,IBGB WE SELL Over. oats this season at very low' prices. I Our stock was bought low, and . Is re • hms galled at than a usual wholesale profit. We offer some extra bargains at the once price store of SOLOMON It WOLF? - No. 223, Main Street. • WE SELL our stock of Fine - Costs, Muslims Snits, Pants and Vests, for men and boys' wear AS 10F 111149 y previoub tip* this 1111illaer:• - .10 have somemplesidlil goods in thirlide,lbong t cheap and selling at a very small profit, otithp One Price Store of • • -SOLOMON ' & WOLPP, No. 123, Main Streit: WE SELL Furnishing Goode„ much boleti current Igioes, Oar stock la complete to Men's and Youths'. 'On thee* customers tan •save many times, fully 20 per cent. b buying at the one. price store of \ • - SOLOMON & WOLFF; No. 123, Mali / Street. WE BELL sma ll articles as chew sa large ones, Suspenders , Handkerchiefs, Col ars, Ties, Moyne, Mittens and' gooks,of this class very much less.than they are reailed elsewhere.— We Invite the trade to .Convine themselves at the one price store of ' sot r oupa k WOLFF, , - • 123: Main Street. The highat price in cash paid foriVool Ilides,,Pelts, and Calf Skins at the ;-oneiseice store of r, , SOpOMON & WOWS" 'J -No. 123, Main Street. NJ' ''T'A 0,,1t1311 0 lin. , AMOS PENNEPACAth, . Has opened a shop in the room back of the Rooms of the Young Men's Christian Assad' • tin, second story, over Mee Clothing Store whirs he It now prepared toil% ell ldnds of . L- TAMORII4O, In the best and mast: .fsaltiona bitintanner. An experience of man_y years, s -determination to 137renp with the Pashions'of the Thus, anda to pleased& onstomers.ho , beliern will twablehim Wein satishwition. . 1" IL Oath* d0ne:46416A notice lid its= - Itoritda. IBM ME SMALL PROFITS 1 , ' CHINCHILLAS, PILOTS, Abe the HATS AND CAPS TO - WANDA,: PA: NO. 123, RAIN STREET -.LET. SOLOMON .141.1178, wind? - - - - -- -IDrutraitV --- t ..tp t , qg . - --0,-. ,,, fr oltiTrivp,--i• 41).!-Auila- - --t• , .?&-alq)us, ; l'' -14104111UMMIttartpertsialt,1::, '...,z.r. Chilblitaii,,Anarnegatetii I His taxa* mat hirgeti ti his" estookj,a 'foll sad _amottotea:, cooditatfas as sztaatii otabtactoit away articles owl w as Attalbr ‘ papoose. isaisfally witboal to thoppoolvo wont. of *DWG, Till- be oasts,* AO. Poellittli_ pafebtiesp. owl. (Oral oa Sbo a ca tgotobto *tiag a lt,, 0 / 111141 .-°r "Ikl i, Pal r akirgliPaNKSi - CrIAMICALOP - . I' PApitt; OM; ice; ' ~ 110ZINE - AND TIMPENTINR, - „ purr, vAaanggi mins wAsa, Azdalllof l!nt4es, xiigisENL : OR QIL, ''Ag4tsio Buisiosikams. Luck% anosql, - maks, creimanms,' rA;d: Ira k, Notiosrat.. :rANI4/11'13 D.MAOffINE OILS, Itaivandi)liet Articles in all their title% ;Toros, BIIUSHISI3, SOAPS, 00118, Itzi3mel4;wr:pyw.P•JA:axtri, ; ISIO4CET $OOBB, -POET 119,NA1t3, = a ptOTH, SKIN . AND. SAW PRETAILLTIONS PURL rx iii AND R 21 . 1 9R 0 , Pcr Nedkbad nee, Ton Alia, Ssumr;- Ens Aim OMEN vwsm fiarde h, Field smlrlour es, Beeds shold ,Trouss. aer anea Pumps, Testldsg Map, Nana Bottles' Nipples, Nipple.- Milk • 8 1 .- Islds_ t Byrhyges, Psis, Eielf ' Belding VerdtThermometers, Plavorteg Extriots, Stow Jogs, Maw Wye, Bottlehirish,Aorls,' !kith jilt*, Ind Stove Blacking, FM Taelkie, Ammuni tion, Detente. Eclectic and Homcepath to Medicines, and all the !smiler Patent U . E. 01 E S AU articles warranted as -represented. Per- SOU at a &dance. can receive their orders by stage or m te all. which-will receive prompt and careful atntion. . Ifedlca advice given gratuitously at the office, charging only for mefficlne. Thatal tor past liberal patronage,would =ll7 announce to' his kinds, and the that no psins shall be spared to satisfy. and merit the continuation of their confidence and patronage. H. C. PORI'S% U. D. Janj 1,1869.—yr. figriituare. to PI-MI o el CO O:i . o tSI 4 • I t 8 ci s t 4 I * l rj, 1 • c$ -t( 1 * --;. •-• CA ' hs ,IF o • v i k • IPP I' o .. D o P ! 5 4 l' CALL , (AR BROTritERS & 00, Wish .. call the attention. of the albite to tht. new Stock of . . . ' HARDWARE, . . FARMING IMPLIMENTS; • ..• • BLACK SMITHS' TOOLS, and CARPENTERS' TOOLS. Also, a large easortnient of n' - • Wlikdow Glasa,Sask Pante, Oils, rutty:Varnishes, and Paint 1 and Varnish Brushes of all kinds, which . will be sold for the lowest Cash mice. Mao, a dine assortment of KEROSENE - LAMPS everyi style and pattern to suit the public. lAmps repaired and changed . from Oil and Flnl4 to Kerosene. 4 Particular attention paid to the Manufacturing cf all •inds of WAttE. , .1011111110 rsomPTLY •TTINDID !Co We have on hand a fine article of (I,LABS 1 0 ,EIIIT JARS, with imprcivwl seltwitaling cork', and HERMETICAL SEALING CA NB which Lane of the hest cans used. June 20.1865. antiture. L . OAK Et There le now on exhibition at the Mainmoth Furniture Store IN , TOWAIi A PA„, The largest end beet stock of 7 1 \ 1 7.7 - Rd ZT s r Ri3El I To be foundtio NorthernliPenzusylveeia, which is beteg cold at GREATLY RED tnED2PRICESI My gook cerusiate in part of Pulor, Library Dining, Boom and Chamber stilts. Parlor, Li bier/0- Extension, Dining and Office Tables, Bedateada, Borealis, Washstands, Sofas, %Leas, T ete•s-tetea, What-Nots, Ora ' dies. ceibbi, 0. lc.' A fall line of. Matt:as ses and g, Pier, Mantel and Common Mirrors, Oval and Rustic Frames and Brack eta, &c., 4-c. t In fact everythiliik. 'the ,- Furniture .Line Which Most be seen to be appreciated and which will be sold at LOWER PRICES Than t. .e same quality 'of goods can .be pur cha elsewhere. ' Thankhd to the public for their past liberal patrimage, and determined to merit a contin uance of the same by offering inducements not to be fotind elsewhere, I invite them 'to call and examine my goods and prices before pur chasing elsewhere.. No chargeVor showing goode.and WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD COUNTRY Mut supplied as usual at the lowest moist' prices. - 'also keep on hand a large assortment of Ready Mad 6 Coffins from the most common to thd finest Rosewood. Also Burial Rats, Cap's and I am the sole agent in Bradford coun ty for RHUMB &TEM% NETALIO .BURI/J. CABIN, CASKETS, , &C. A good . ILEARBB always in readiness "un requited - JANBEI 0. FROST. Towanda.tDeo 1002118. U R NT ,T UREI • . NEW GOODS I NEVir GOODS! NEATLY FINISHED AT _P 0 P U.-li AR PRICE SA Consisting :of CHAMBER SETS, PARLOR SETS • DINING ROOM SETS, MIRRORS, PICTURE FRAMES, Pitotograrib Frames, for everybody. kA GENERAL ASSORTROINT , FURNITURE, Suited to this market. , I r ave the beat riphsila.. , terer hi the teeetii , and manufacture our own upholstered work. • AN* REPAIRING AND JOBBING, Done to order.. Ravine an experience of 20 years in the business ;I can confidently hope to please all who pattonize me. Don't forgot the place. No. 155, Naln twodoors south of Beidleman's Block , Town , do': Pa. ' . • B. T. 'DEGREE. Towanda, Nap: SO, 1808 —tf. • ' A FINE ASSORTMENT OF•TOI .w. LET SOAPS; ae . lloOLBEl& mars. • man , .ung . „. ,i ;- 1 -# 0 11 . 11 .1 4 ~ , -.:-..-. ~, ', •r. 1 ' ` , f•- i f :, '0 Wi arli ' 11...11. t . 11. • l(- ' in ',- tooot iii p a r. , ,- '' , 'geNtA ifriliii:-W staallNe.4, ',.. 1 0 1Rock gsta irimumi t a, litUabli . , . "'” • maatietasever ' Aar adz o tiltt. . :.aboooOlaithild= W. 1-,mcsiCmgrds:Alsw„muounsmk szedlospagrwi, - • yiumltoWtmlitOpplwrnuilmictm RELOXBUtiI 10 11111. TEADr. PURE Winks Asp.mquoixs, von *most. oes- • TOLL: LIBOIMIIENT OS • 00SOMIULTID BOTANII; EOLEX7IIO AND NONDN'ATNIC lIEDICDIZIL ALL THEPOPULUI PATENT ipuns PLUMP, on, 9.113511111, • PAINT AND VARNISH BRUSHES, lIYINOTOTS AND SLUL rincri Arm wilLirr ARTICLES OF MIIY E3:12 vumsx's AU/0110140 ARO now imams, 4LIZALOI . O AND REBINOIDE6 Altlhe Best Truism A BROS( INA L SUPPORTERS, =El= :T PUMPS ! NIPPLE SIMLLE. AND SHIRLDS. NFeing Bottles, Syringes and Catheters, • L• 10111 ASBORTILINF OF 1¢•ZON.11, /TAM. POW? 1:11r(t)(4141:(*4: 1 of 'iziojoi:joja Ai. 51* of FA MID 'riff QUALM' A large enpp.y Brushes tor the Bat and Bair Also for the Teeth and Nails, Tooth Tow ', den and Pastes, Oils, Perfumery; Soaps, Combs, Hair Die, Invigor ators, ke., Keroisene, Kerosen e lamps, Shades, Chimneys, • Wicks, Ito., all of the I late st stylea. CHOICE CIGARS, TOBACCO AND, BNDFF Physlolps supplied at reasonable rates. Medicines and Prmoriptions c,arefully and as id; compounded and prepared by Stnpersons at all hours of the day and night. day hours from 9to Wo'olock In tam fore noon, to 9in the afternoon. • W. Towanda, Bept.l9, 1866. - Books anb Stationni. EMOVALI ALVORD 4t BARBER Have removed their BOOK STORE AND NEWS ROOM To the magnificent new store in biBROUR'S BLOCK, Nearly opposite the " Ward House," where they are prepared to offer to their old customers, and the public generally, a new and carefully se• lected asaortment of B 0 0' K S I Comprising Standard Works, Novels Text Books, &c. Their assortment of BIBLES, TESTAMENTS, HYMN BOOKS, - PRAYER BOOKS etc., will be found tn,bo complete. A large assortment of Sunday School Books, Cards &c., always on hand Writing Papers& St,ationery As cheap as ever sold in this or any other market Our arrangenients with School Book publishers are such' that we are prepared to offer the se ries of Books of in use in the Com mon Schools of this county to retail dealers, at as low figures as they can buy them in New Yotk. Orders sent for any book publish We keep constantly on"hand al the Daily and• Wekly Papers, Mag azines, Periodicals, &c. - Give us a call, ALVORD & BARBER. Towanda, July 13,1868. DIARIES FOR 1863 PAPER Sr. ENVELOES NEW-YORK PAPS SCHOOL BOOKS, . PENS, INK, Music, STATIONERY AND PIcTUI BLANK BOOKS YANKEE NOTIONS. Towanda, Nov. 19, 1868. RID 011 -BIN DERY . —THE PUBLIC Binder Is has been r respectfully in o r that the Boot yremoved to the Argus lag, 34 story, where will be done Bull& B N GI In all Its various branches, on forma as - res. 'enable as" the times "will allow. The Bind e47 will be ander the charge of = H. O. WHITAR:tII, An experienced Binder, and all work will be promptly done, in a style and manner which cannot be excelled. Music. :Naßasineo, News papers, Old Books, &a., bound In every variety of style. - Particular attention will be paid to the ag and Binding of BLANK BOOKB, Tonny -desired pattern, which in - quality and durability wil be warranted. All work will be ready for delivery when profaned. The patronage of the public is aolleited;and s perk° antiafaction , An gaarranteed. Towanda 1884..4t. - • F ut w rr un , WAireROOMS ! JAMES KAKINSON annonnoes to the piddle that be still continues to minket= and keep on hand a hut. assortment CABINET PIISNITUSE, - Sarno, Tables. Bedsteads. Stands, kebabs , Ass., of wary deseriptim , *bleb mill be made tithe manner. beet materials,midsn he mostmorimne• like I invitees inaction of the 'public to mytwork, *bleb Aaiun be imposed In durability, at any shop in the eeteittY. and my prlces will be found to be as low ea the times will Ready-made Wens eonlitantil on band or madtto order. good Helae.will be finished *him desired.. !. -7 err:* .4, OteriV,Biti*Nos FOUNDRY MD ESEII IV* Olt I N 11- 8 H 0 P , Pine, rut of Main Staset,, A, BRADFORD . (10:, PA., L Dow prepared toroidal' OliterOLAß SAVVY/LLB.* _ BittNOLE ) 2LiOMN,P, Of the but qui -Wirt* the Utast improve seta. AU Ends of Metheemy for . Flouts. awl 'STEAM ENGINES; -• MADE & MAWR, STEAM WRISTLMI4I:I-1 — : STEAMIOAGUES, GAUGE , COOKS, • 011,. CANS, &C., • , Funibibed at short ! notice. BOLT CU`TTING Done from th to If aw In diameter. ' FORGING Of him wrought worklor Brfdpsoind all other purposes, done to order. Ms% &large COOKING & HEATING STOVES; Coal sad Wood BOSOM Poraltatelor Cooking. Stores, Stove Pipe, Tie-Ware, Boat`Pampa, Plows, Cultivators wad Latapers. lieft coastast ly on . , DRAWINGS A; • -SPROIFIOATIONS Of all of tosoldnery for mills ood othir purpaa pre sled b 7 ' WARREN HILL,;_ Foreman mho experience in this boutoh of the WON.. JOHN cAjzu Tcranda, Oct. • T° WA:ND A CARRJAGE FACTORi.'T . The undenlipted respectfully molt:ice to the public that they have purchased the CARRIAGE 8 • H0-P G. 11. . DRAKE, And ail) now preparcd W ball& work In THE LATEST STYLE And most: workmanlike manner. They wil constantly keep on band an assortment of spied. did .TOP AND - OPEN, BUGGIES FatOMY CARItIAGES, DEMOOB,AT AND LUMBER WAGONS, ONEI •ND TWO SEATED ALBANY. SLEIGHS ALL WORK. WARRANTED. IMPA,TREIM_ promptly attended to 'at rea sousb,le prices. BRYANT sc STULEN Towanda, May 9,1897.=1y. NEW PLAN•IN MILL The undersigned having builtn large and com modious Kill in - the -Borough of Towanda, and filled it with the most modern and improved machinery, for the manufacture of - WINDOW BASH, & BLINDS, are prepared to All orders, Whether large or small, upon the shortest notice.. We have also a large variety of - MOI7LDINGS, of the latest style and pattern,. which we can fornlsb ha mucb cheaper than they can be worked by d. PLANING, . TONGUING, GUMMING, AND SCROLL and al other work pertaining to Joinery'. vii be done to suit our customers. Pomona building, and not living more than twelve to fourteen miles distant, will - dud It largely for their interest to bay of as, or bring their lumber and worked by our truiebinel7. Bring your grist of Flooring, or other lumber, and . while you team Is In feeding, have it ground out and take it home with you. We will pay CASH for PINE tr. HEMLOC K LUMBER delivered at our lumber yard, Come and I see as. or if you can't come, write. • - L. B. RODGERS Ir. CO. Towanda Pet). 1884-. • D A AGRICULTURAL T 0 W . WORKS TOWANDA, PE.N2PA., ItLANCFACTURES HUBS, SPOKES BENT STUFF, HEAVY AND LIGHT WAGONS; GENERAL .WOOD WORE:, _; WOOD TURNING IN ALL ITSBRANCEIES SCROLL SAWING, PLANING, ZTO.,_ ETC To Dealers In HUBS, SPOKES & BENT STUFF, We offer a LARGE. STOCK FROM MITCH TO SELECT The above are froth the Lest SECOND GROWTH HICKORY & OAR. „LIGHT AND }MAW - WAGONS ON HOD We have the Broad.. and Narrow Game WMILL PICES 'made and dressed. W: V SIBROP, Superintendent M. C. fdpWWl, President Towanla, - July 2, 1889 SOBIETH_ING NEW! AGAIN fl MOTION! Haying purchased the stock of Tobacco belong ing toHandall, Compton & Co., and having built a shanty on the same ground, we are pre , pared offer to the public - • WHOLESALE .AND RETAIL,' A variety of CHEWING 'TOBACCO, Such u Gold Leaf, Sunny gide, Pine Apple, 31Ichigun Big, Bose Leaf and Star, which we oiler toisale In quantities to snit customers Packa(ceS in Barrels, halts and quarters. FANCY SMOKING • The celebrated Lone Jack, Pride of the Uni ted States, Virginintle, Gold Leaf, Navy an. a ldnda Killickolck. • BRANDS OF OIGARFI. American Eagle, Gen. Grant, Leboquet, Im. periNlyeeon and the very cholcmit brands of Yams.• We will keep constantly on hands vane Pipes, Cigar Cases, Tobacco Boxes and P. .ci as ore, and everything usual* kept a Toltec Ett Lassdlords supplied with ()tzars, sad Poi Ti bean on liberal terms. All orders promptlyailei•ru short water! 0ct.97. 1887. A W. AYRES' MARBLE S: IP, manual. N. Y. 1 Yon will Bud Omits Monaments, both Quincy and Concord, Marble and Slate Mantbas.r - and t'oal Grates to et: -A largo assortment eon stantlyon hand, cheap as the cheapest. 4 - Log. le, 1868.—1 y. AA CHOICE LOT OF :WINTER A. Fruit of ell khele r tor sale _by the Barna or Bushel. et • hteCABS 11;X'13. :„1 To irkaLt-fii;ll Zit -coo; oo Ifinjr ;mix* MniPtrAt. Mr* "iatiraltiecs. Co., d i Kai - - 7 • • , : sioo !,, 30 NOM latieDiair 'bums hesmul -I(.4eddep4so t I,P4osseimphtig; Capital . : ..... _ —*acolyte. Os Comoricirs C 0 . 4 Cosui.;l pftil ' ' ./0.0010 Co , I ' ciranda, Peb. " aSel-ti •• - - p #IE. AND' AMpENTAI, • . ntaultaxes. zmuimlutt.aptz*v.DoL LAßs - UMW 'Agent, rpirviri „ disasaPtsit Mationtlirstrautcs ! CommitT `, I Capital ind sorplutf;Ormt - - 1350.( BOMA billtrEANOl Conraiir, Of New- York . Capital and =plum. over rstriusci Ocnnuar or Morro I ANZILTIM; Pholestittp f Capital and stirplas, over; . - . MAJIMATTAIi Of New-York. 6ipltzl and inirphur, over &mars= Ingtawrai Con Of -Philadelptia. • aspital and mph% °Ten $350,00 lark NUISANCE tONEANE, ^ Of New , York. Capital and earplug, over PurviAm Isamu}ton Coxrairr, Of Ilartford, Conn, I Capital and earplas, over !terra'. Lays sligstramicz Colarairr, I .0f New- York . Capital and aurping,cnier TBArgLLERS NMRANCS COXPANT, Of Hartford', Conn. Capital and surplus, over • Risks taken on all kinds of Property, at es low rateaae by any other reliaLlc Companies. Lir Policies issued and Losses, if any, ad- Jaded at this Agency,thereby Baying the trouble and expense of going elsewhere for settlement. • ier Office at the Hardwhero Store of Cod ding &, Hassell • C. S. RUSSELL.- Towanda, Feb.. 7, 1860.- -tf LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE FLEE AND 4,IPE INSURANCE. COMPANY.—office, 4d WM= St., and 726, Broadway, N. I": Capital, Surplus and Reserved Funds ET (Gold) ' 816,271,675 Assets In the United,States, over... . 1,500,0 1 )0 Daily Premiums, upwards of (gold) .. 17,00 The Shareholders personally responsible for engagements of 'the company. All Director! , mu t be shareholders. , - TRECTO2.B ff: Haw Yoita,—Fraficis Cottenet ES Chairman, Henry 'Grinnell, Esq., Deputy Ch rman, Joseph Gaillard, Jr., Esq. E. M. Archibald, Esq., H. B. M. Consul, Alexander Hamilton, Jr., Esq., Robert C. Ferguson, Esq. Alfred Pell, Esq., Resident Secretary. Alex ander Hamilton, Jr., Esq., Counsel of Board. Raintima--Phenix. Bank—Cammann & Co. The Policies of this Company are issued by well-known American citizens resident In New York; who arc Directors and Shareholders, and consequently, with the other Shareholders. are individually liable f0r,,,a1l the engagements of the Company ; all Policies are signed by_them, all claims are payable in cash os proof of loss without deduction for interest, and not, as la usual, sixty days after presentation of proof. They ez_plre at six o'clock, P. H., and not as noon. Life insurance effected, and annuities granted on favorable terms. • li, B. bicKEAN, Agent. Towanda. April 23, 1867. Be.WING HE EQUITABLE , LIFE ASSUL T ANCE-Boclety'a Agency for Bradford cd• CASH CAPITAL $3,000,000 Yearly Income oat r 52,000.000 cash. MOSTANYE k WA P.I) Towanda, July 25, 1867. THE ASTOR FIRE,,INSURAN uI. of New York. Agency for Ifindford:Co CAPITAL $400,000 Dividend for 1866, 10 per cent. 11ONTANYE & WA'! Towanda, July 25, 1867 THE LYCOMINL MUTUAL FIRE Insurance Agency for Bradford Coady, CAPITAL $3,400,000 llama Cash.plrut. In successful operation or er twenty4even years. MONT*NYEtt WS :9 Towanda, July 25, 1867. v • WYOMING INSURANCE AGES- Y. • TIYOHING INSURANCE "SOMPANY Wilkes- . Bun, P. SAMUEL WADHASIS • President SHOEMAKER,..... ....Vice President R. C. EASITH, Secretary Capital and Serplus $170,00e. North America, Hartford. Conn. assets $360, CO Fulton. New York, , " 2.50,060 Springfield, Mass., I " 400F0 Applications for insurance in the :drove era paniestaken at fair rases, and business atteid ed to with promptness and care. Partivul,r attention will be given to Farm risks in tke coantry. Also Life and Live Stock lascrauce (acted in good and reliable companies. ()Mee over the Bakm• on Main-st., formerly occop:ed by /derma. &.41orrow. EMEi!ME= 'FIRE, LIFE, AND ACCIDENTAL INURANCE AGENCY! Capital Represented over $27,000,000, JOHN W. MIX, Agent for the following well• known Companies : 'North America, Philadelphia,.. Phcenis, of Hartford, 1,234,19 . 5 41 1 Germanba, New York,.. . : ... 876,815 59 Home In.-Co., New Haven, i,C19,070 SI North American Firedn. Co., of ' New York, • 755,000 01 Matnal Life, New Yerk, • 20,00',000 Of Hanover, New York 606,636 79 We write policies in the above reliable com, Finite at the lowest rates, and the loases,if any adjusted at this agency. Particular attention given to farm property. Office.at h 1 law office. In Me! cur's new block, north side public square Towanda, Feb. 20,1868. DR. BAKER, Master Mitheright, el. la prepared to attend to all business In his line. He warrants all work done in s work manlike manner. All orders by m tn. or other • wise, addressed to me at Towanda, will to promptly attended to. Jane 4, ISGS.-3m* TOWLNDA, Pa., Jnuc 26..18CS Too!! whom it may concern; I certify the. I have this day appoin od 1). B. BAKER, of In. wauda. Bradford county, Pa., an agent (or the sale of Bodines Jonoal Turbine Rater for the counties , f Bradford. Wyoming. Lycorn ing, Clinton, Clearfield. Tiogs and Potter, it the State of-Pennsylvania. Partici waeihe these wheels can obtain them through hita and he will give his personal attention to putting them In when desired. Parties by calling upon Mr. Baker, at Towanda, will be shown the wheel, and on application to him , he will tarn ish illustrated pamphlets contalnin.; tables, testimonials, ac., JAS. A. MaI:PHERSON, • General Agent for Pennsylvania, for Vo• dines Jonval Turbine Water Wheel. P MOTEL. .1 170,172. 174 el; 17G areenwich Stn.(' The undersigned takes pleasure in &anon:- ingto his numerous frietids and patrons alit from this date, the chvge of the Paci xi!! he $7,50 per day. Being sole Proprietor of this houie, and therefore free from the too common exlcti•n - ot anlreird mate rent, he is fully able to meet 11 ." downward tendency of prices without 3ay In off of service. It will now, as heretofore, be hie aim to maintain undiminished the favorable reputed( n of the,Pactflo, which it has enjoyed for many „years, as one of the beet of travelers' hotels. The table will be boontifolly ithoplied with every de limey of the 9 , 390111. The attendance will be found efficitmt and ,The location will be found convenient for those whose. business calls - them In the lower part of the city, heing one door north of Corte teat at., and one block west of Broadway. and Of ready access to all Bail Road and Steamboat Lines, JOHN PATTEN. N0v.17.1868.—am. A. ILtlitrZß. ~,~ a Alr OE 8900,0ne $760,000" $704,000 58,000,000 $600,00C Nx9. You, Oet.lo, 1,:(1;