fradiotiftpovitt. Ds'o. t i e /gip _ . 1 11111 i 1 - Il :.i 12. . .. • 12,5 N-84667.89 i iB9lO .110 11 12 13 14 1 15 16 11 13 14 15 16 17 irt22 011 ill Wang _..iiiiii iiliiii L7B 91 11 1213 8 91011121314. --:- 14 15 16 11 18 19 9 0 15 16 17 18 19 21 : i i i i ; 22 29 . 26 26 27 :2 9 23 3 125 26 .. 28 . 2 iiiiii....... 3 2 3 4 • 7 8 9101112 13 56789 10 11 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 a 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 21 ,1212223r252. 27E19242122 25 -428 29 30 1 . . . 26 27 28 29 30 . .. .. .; .; i i 3 .; .i . . .; i i i 111: 1; i: 1 9 6 1; ICI li 1;,,1; 11 1: 1: ... 1 ' llBl9 212294 24 :417181020212223 252627252930. 2425 2627 2930 . . '. . i 81 . . . - • '. ' iiioilie ..iiiiii .• 1011 13 14 15 - 1 78 91 11 1213 .4 16 17 18 92091 22 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 1 1 i a 2024 25 26127 28 29 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 301311.. . 1 -, .. .. .. PA 29 30 .. .. .. .. .. 1 9 3 4 6 ..3... .. 1 2 3 4 .678910 11 19 56789 10 11 II 13114115 1 17 18 1 . 121 14 15 18 17'18 Z2O 21 22 23 24125121 a 19 20 21 22123 2425 127282930....1..X26279229 30311.1. LOCAL AND GENERAL. Inn Tains.—The following is the Time Table of the Pennsylvania end Near York Claud and Bail Road Cempanyrstich took effect on Monday, Nov. 23, 1868 : Li Al P. M. P. M. L. M. ... 6:35 12 30 840 6 50 a 8:55 12:58 9.08 ... 113 923 .:7:40 1:35 9.15 NOIREWABD. - 8 10 1200 600 ........7:50 11:40 540 .. .7:37 1127 527 7a2 11:12' 512 ..7:00 10:50 4:50 LM. A. M., P. ,M. JOHN P.,00X. Superintendent. WAVERLY ems.. Towsara WAVEILLY kruzys : therm. TowAiqpi lam. The snow of last week "fixed up," the sleighing and it is once more first rate. The ice bridge is also in Food order, and ueleasicely patronized. Hon. U. HEECUR arrived home on Saturday evening, fora short visit, be ing one of the counsel in the MoDome will case, now trying in Court. r r EZRA Loomis, Erq., one of the Conn sy Commissioners. met with a painful occi dent by a false step on the side-walk one ay last week, sevenly injuring a limb which was broken some time since. lee. Rev. W. COCHRAN, P. R, will deliver the next sermon before the Y, M. C. A., at the M. E. Church, on Sunday eve ning next, 14th inst. No services will be held in the other churches on that evening. RAILROAD Accgirmr.--Au accident occurred on the Lackawanna and Blooms bury road on Friday last, the rear car of the train being precipitated down an embank ment ten feet high, making a complete rev olution. Ron. G. A. Guow was among the passengers, and was slightly burned. Re was sitting near the stove, which, with its contents was thrown against him. It was a narrow escape, and we t ejoice to know that he escaped so-fortanately. The first report was that he was severely burned, and Elici ted the apprehensions of his many friends here. DounLE Talcs.—The work on the loahle track of the Delaware Division of the Erie Railway. is being pushed with vig or between Port Jervis and Pond Eddy. Tha doable track is completed from De posit to Dale's Eddy and trains are now run ning over it. On the westward portion of the road this improvement is being rapidly completed. STATE TEMPERANCE CONVENTION.—A general desire having been expressed, by the friends of Temperance, for a State Tern perance Co•svention,for consultation and . harmony of action the effort to lessen the evils resulting from the use of, and traffic in, intoxicating liquors in Pennsylva nia, all interested in the cause of Temper ance will meet in State Convention, in the Court House at Harrisburg, on Tuesday, tbe. t Aeutythiril day of February, 1869, at tip - o'clock; A. NI. THE HONEST MAN.—The Mo• trosu Republican says : • •The wickedest man" lives in New York and is named John Allen. We are inclined to think that •the honest cst man" lives in Lathrop, Susquehanna county, Pa„ cad is named John Johnson. Here is a noti"•e . he s mds to the Independent I: , publeqn : NOTICE —I was "burned oat" about twelve years ago, and my neighbors and friends, raised a subsniption for my benefit, for which I was and ern very thankful. Having since been prosperous, I have repaid all those whom I could readily find ; but there are some on the list not yet repaid,and this notice is to request allsuch to let me know their present address, by letters or other wise. Jottli Join:sow. LATEIROP, Jan. 30, 1869 . We think the above should be noticed; as such honesty is rather a rare article at the prvsent time. Scull-AN CorNTY.—The Free Press says : we received—too late for publication in full—a letter from our Cherry correspon dent, "11. W. H.," giving the 'details of a shocking accident which occurred on the line of the Sullivan &Erie It. R. recently, from which it appears that five men were more or less injured, three of them being terribly cut and bruised. It seems that while blasting rocks in the cat through En. Gsr.mes farm, they put in a very heavy charge, which for some reason they were unable to explode, ar4irhen- they com menced to re-drill the hole the powder was ignited-and an:explosion followed with the frect abcke staked. —Work on the Sullivan & Erie E. E. is ling vigorously prosecuted, and the styli alents of tho skeptical are rapidly giving way before the sturdy blovis of enterprise. The tressle work for the B. B. bridge at I)ashore is being put in place. The bridge . 411 Uv 324 feet long and 50 feet high. AkciDENT wan DEVIII.—MI. ROSWELL WALsr.r., residing near the Sulphur Springs ,11 the town of Nichols, Tioga Co., N. Y., en Friday morning last, of injuries re ti the day- previous by being thrown his sleigh, which ran into a deep gully .!nice-way, while coming down the hill Mr. Jacob Hand's. He was a respectable , rmer, and his age was G 3 years. . DEDICiTION OF TEMPERANCE HALL.-- , 1..4. Temperance Hall will be dedica oa Wednesday evening next, -17th inst. The exercises will be conducted by. the (601 'femplars and Sons of Temperance ' It is earnestly hoped that the members of Moth orders will be punctual in their at -1,•12,1 Lace ; and a cordial invitation is ex t—idel to all friends of the cause, and, es -1.-:ivaly to those who so kindly and fiber ; 4il f sided us in r.dsing funds to finish our Exercises- will commence at .8 o'clock. 0. A. Buc, Chm _ , Come Psocumns.—The February term and sand= Of oar Coin*. oessnaineo on Monday, Pebinary & Hon. 2.8 eras* ran, President, Hon. V4anstit and Hon. Z. Fassart,-Assoeiste. Midge& The flr# day of the term was ocettp)t4l7 the usual preliminary bnsinias. hearing Win; flails, granting ides, andreceiving Omuta.: The Constables elect were attain id on Monday afternoon, as follows : D. P. Kepley, Alba Boron& James Terry Albany: O. T. Lyon.. Armenia.- - _ : . B. C. Sizusebangi....Athens Boroug h. John Waggett " Itarelay:-* • Orlando Vosburgh..-.lkulingtfin BOroagh: - P. P. Barns • - Burlington. • I. A. Compton. Bur West A. H. Mix......:.... Canton Borough. W. W. Cole.. Canton.. John H. Morgan. .oolumbia. - L W. Lewis. Planklio. Dayid Bayles Granville. - 0. - L. Stewart.. Herrick. • J. W. Benham.. Leltaysvfile. C. E. Andrus • Leßoy., • Joseph P. Munn.. TilcbtlokL • John Enid& . • M013%00. • • M. M. Coolbaugh.....Monroe Borough.. • Chubbuck ..:.Orwell - - • - Henry Sherman. Overton. Charles H. Crandall—Pike. • - Charles C. ThompsonEidlikorP J. Crandall . . ... ....Rome Borough. ' A. W.'.Taylor Bane. J. B. Horton. :... - ....Shesheq_uin. Wm. B. Forrest..." .Stnithiiald- N. H. Moore - South Creek. R. B. Gleason.. Springfield: Nathaniel Mosier... .13tanding Stone. H. P. Smith. ivaale. ' - E. L Shepard. - - ' Terry . _ A H. Kingsbury Towanda Borziugh._ D. F. B. Ford do. D. Maynard - Towanda. , A. Mead Towanda North. H. N. Fish Tmy. W. E. Ring. Troy Borough. C. H. Newman..., ..Truzez' trora. Milton Holcomb.....Dbitar. Abram Whitaker Warren. - Jessee Edson- Welles: • John Saxe. Wilniot. Ander Hand. Windham. . W. W. Wood Wysox. A. C. Stevens. Wyalusiztg. The following Grand Jurors answered to their names and were sworn : Sherman H Cole, Asylum ; Philip P Sweet, Burlington ; Robert Bailey, Gran ville ; Noble Leavenworth, Herrick e Theo dore W Brink, Litchfield ; Henry Gibbs. John Cowles, Orwell ; Henry B Taylor, Pike ; David G. Gilbert, Geo W Peturson, Ridgbury ; Ai Frances Ransom, Charles 0 Elliott, • Litchfield ; William Lattimore, John Taylor, Tuscarora ; Lemuel A Taylor, Troy born ; Edward Caso, Troy twp. ; Wil liam R - Hill, Towanda boro ; Alphonso Loyd, Henry Brown. Levi P. Stalford, Wyalluiing ; Morris J.Coolbaugh,- Wysox ; Geo H Birney, Wilmot ; George Coffin, Windham ; Otis Hamilton, Warren. The following bills were acted r upon by the Grand Jury. ;-- TRUE BILLS. ' Perry Buell for false pretences. Benj. F. Ball, for assault and battery. NOT A TRUE BILL, AND COUNTY YOB COSTS. A. Loder and 0. IL P. Disbrow, for faire pretences. NOT A 733173 BELL-PBO=C FOB 008 TIA • MicliaelCoffeney for assault with Intent, Tho business in the Quarter Sessions was unusually light, but few cases being on the record, and most of them being for trivial offenses, were either settled, or a node pro &aqui entered by the District Attarney. W. a Carnochan, District Attorney, be ing sick, George D. Montanye was swerving District Attorney for the present term. . Chin. vs. S. L. (.Alison.. —Charged with fornication, &0., and indicted at December term. A jury was sworn, when the cause continued and defendant bound foihis ap pearance at next term. Cont. vs. W. B. -.Porter.--Charged with fornication; and indicted at December term. Jury sworn, and evidervie commenced,whan the case was settled by leave of Cotut,.-on payinent of costs by defendant. - • Com. vs, W. B. Porter.;—and Same vs. Thcmas Porter.—Nolle prpiequi entered by leave of Court. Cam. vs. Perry Buell.--Indictedut present session for false pretenses. ,Jary not guilty, but to pay the costs of prosecu tion, and Court sentence-him accordingly: The following transfers of licenses were granted by the Court : J. B. Patterson's tavern license, Towanda borough, to M. B. Calkin ; kJ. W. Magill's eating house li cense, Towanda borough, to Patrick Costel lo. 0. W. Stevens, was sworn faithfully to perform the ditties of County Surveyor, and oath of office Sled. Valorous C. Leonard, was appointed Treasurer for the Township of Welles, on petition of sundry citizens, s.iid Township -having failed to debt. William G. Bradford, road Commissioner of Columbia*Township, having filed his re signation, Court appoint George M. Card, road Commissioner in his stead. — ln the matter of the application of A. M. Wattles to be annexed to Itome borough for school purposes, the Commissioners appoin ted report favorably and report confirmed ni In the matter of County jail, the G Jury having at December sessions condem ed the present jilt and recozimended erection of a new jail, the Giand , Jury I present sessions report adversely to said r commendation. The following licenses were granted Tarns. P D Wilcox. Albany twp. AHen McKean, Towanda baro•igi. Cyrus T Smith, 0 Shobel Bowman. Terry township. J L Pitt,South Cre.k. Seth Peck, Harlington Boro. Absolom ti Reynolds, Smithfield twp Peter Landmesser Standing Stone. iP M Jacobao. • EATING EMCEE. Thom Wha'en, Towanda brlrJogh. Geo W John Fitzgerald, " Robert F Holle9. Tro , Barn, .Jeremiah Bla ckman,Momne. URCUANT DIALER. H W Nobles, Towanda oorougb. Mitchell, Parsons & Co„ Troy borough. The application for tavern &ease of Re ben Stiles, East Troy, and Caleb E. Co South Creek, are not yet granted, remo. strancesbeing filed. Several applications for licenses were fused, the petitions not - having been flu :1 within the time required - 1T law— air The regular Annual Meet' , g of the Bradford County Bible Society w 6 _held in tho Presbyterian Church in Tow anda last Sabbath evening. Interesting ad. dresses were made by Rev. Mr. Fox and Rev. Wrausu Rams. num stn, Esq., was elected President, td till the vacancy occasioned by the re. moval of B. S. Rusarax, Esq., to Harris. burg. Reports of the operations of the Society for the year presented the .foljaw ing facts : First. Copies of the Scriptures sold, 136 • men away, 130 Total distributed, • Value of volumes given away, Receipts from sales, . Total value distributed, .Second. Portions of several townships have been canvassed, and the destitute supplied with the Scriptures. . . Third. The different places, and asses of persons, supplied by donation Medal destitute poor families, servants and or phan children, Sabbath Schools and mon Schools, hotels and canal boats. Fbara. , More thin four fifths of the Churches of the, comity have contributed nothing in support of this 'Bible auxiliary the-}oat t►a years. Only two- f2earies, oliptiile of Towanda, have 'contributed any. thing during the year just closed. . The officers are compelled to state that they cannot keep the: Society alive -without a more flameout oimventket on thelaelkof• Pasta* and (Umbel in the °panty friendly to the Bible Mum " Should gni Boot*: ea in maim omee to ei t l 4 eitt ibefeeett Preeent et - eeri family . f° 34 Pe° l slk ft!.*o-oF;itif tittb , trig WOrd Life ; at•out or by ponektbak, IWe le With: heal* the Peeped Society: • Math. The result, whate;eir rag be, - depends apieithe action of Chelitlin tetel**o_ s: 2 !ileanekii.the OPluth: • Contributions sent to & W. Amain, Eli; Towanda,' 10 be Promptly maiPted• 'f. . 8. earrnansa, Bay. To • ands, Feb. Sib; 1859. EinurnoN.—The_ Roap 'Library Association will give an exhibition at the' Academy in Rome borough, an Tuesday . craning, -1614, at Which Will be per formed "Dick Turpin and Tom King," a serio-comio draina4bi two seta, witliapprO priateeoendty and 00/4111321111. Admission 25 cents. - • Itti.OiriskrLstir Surr.—A. trial is now progressing in Court,' involving's large an amount of property as any ever tried in oar Comts,testing the validity of the will of the late hum MoDvnrs of Athens township. Mr. MoD. died in 1868, leaving the bulk of his property valorid at $75,000 . as follows r. One-third wart to his brother arum klo- Douai, ono-third -put to - Dutst and W. H. Maus; of Towanda, and ono-third part to. Evan Ihmarcs, and others. It is alleged that the testator was not`sompetent to make to make a will at the time of its execution, and the hake at law of the decedent. who are out MI by the will, now desire to 'set it aside. The trial will probably occupy the entire week For the will. keels. Musa Monnow, WATKINS, and E. Hamm for the contestants, E. tkamn, PATRICE & EVANS, Maus DialiVirr. j A re.nnion of ' the members of, the 57th regiment Pa. voltuatears 'is to he held at Meadville, Pa, on the 22d inst. A . good time fs expected, and the officers and privates of the 6741 are einnestli requested to be present. Wes. \Ve understand that Messrs; ShOw et Braund have Wight a two thirds. , interest In the Bakery building at this place. ldr.,W. the former owner, retains a third interest in the building, and also buys a third interest inShaw & Braand's business. After the first of April the Mar ket of Shaw & Braund will be moved . into the building. The business* will be car ried on by the three, in the name of Shaw, Braund k Co, where it is expected that a Market will be kept in City style. Meats of every description will be kept. Also a full stock of foreign and domestic fruits and Vegetables, Oysters, ()lams, and Fish. It is expected also that the Baking busi ness will be carried on in all its various branches at the same place. The public, we; are. certain; . will feel a pleasure in the above announcement, as the proprietors are noted for the enterprise and acommodation with which they conduct their businese,, and anything that adds to their facilities for supplying the wants of the people, will be mutulY profitable. Optriat Notius. The Children's Musical Con vention of Wyalusing, Pa., will hold its closing Concerts on Friday and Saturday evenings, Feb. 19, and 20, in the Town Hall, under the management of ,Issizs Me- Gitamourt, jof Lindenville. 0. - Tickets, 25 cents. Mt. IlicGihrtAnAw will also hold a Con vention at lzlteveruiville, Pa, commencing Monday, FCb. 22d. In these -Conventions, which consist of a course of 20 lessons, (two each day), a thorough investigation of the rudiments, reading notes, &e n forms a leading feature. (and terms are such as cannot fait to snit). /is his time in this part of- the country is somewhat limited, those deString his ser vices should address as corly as possible, at Stevensville, Bradford Co. Ra. Feb. 8.-2 w• ' WASHINGTON% Burn-DAY PARTY. The Public are cordially invited to attend a Washington's Birth-Day Party, to be giv en at the Milan House, in Milan, Pa., on Monday evening, Feb. 22, 1859. 'Music : Beeler's Fall Band. Bill $2, 50. Feb. 10. S. Vararss, Prop'r.' TEMPERANCE - LECTUREB IN EAST ERAD POEM —Rev., Jas. A. Davidson, State' lec turer for the Grand Lodge of L 0. of 0. T.; .who her been lecturing to crowded houses and makinOnany Temperance converts in 'West Bradford, will •lecture at the follow ing places in East Bradford : Notth Towanda, Wednesday Feb. 10th. Holland- ill, Thursday Feb. 11th. Ulster, Friday Feb. 12th. • Frenchtown, Saturlay Feb. 13th. Terry town, Sunday, Feb. 14th. Sugar Bun, Monday Feb. 15. - Wyalnaing; Tuesday Feb. 16th. Spring ma, 'Wednesday Feb. 17th. • Camptown, Thursday, Feb. 18th. • Herrick, Frid I Feb. 19th.. Lellaysville, Saturday Feb. 20th. -Potterville. Sunday Feb. 21. Orwell, Monday Feb. 22d. Borne, Tuesday Feb. 23. Sheshegnin, •Wednesday Feb. 24. Myers Mills, Thursday Feb. 25. Standing 8 one, Friday. Feb. 26. Athens, Saturday Feb. 27; • " Sunday Feb. 28. Gen. Patton will accompany Mr. Diivin son to some of the above places. Pastors of Churches in the above named localities will please announce the time and place of Lecturing from their purpits. By Order of the D. W. Farms, D. D. for Bradford Co. • Feb. 4, 1869. TRY ROYAL BAILING POWDER.—It is the best thing in use for cooking, and is cheaper, and much better than Cream Tar. ter and Soda. It is for sale at Towanda by V. A. Rockwell, McCabe dci Mix, P. W. "Cowell, John Meridetb, C. It Patch, and Long 46 Reeler. FM SALE, A RARE OnAril,cs,—k see, and hand grand piano, L ondon make, of sweet, fine tone, good action. Will be Sold at a bargain on account of owner leaving tate country. Can be seen at Mr. Parra McCzarmAstis, Colnrqbla X Roads, Penna. Jan. 20. A VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE:— The subscribers wishing to change their business, offer a part cir the whole of Hair property . for sale, situate in Tuscarora tag. Bradford county, Pa—on Main road leading from Btevensvi4 to Lacyville. Said prop erty containing - upwards of two hundred acres. One hundred and eighty acres im proved and under a good state of cultiva tion. Has two good dwelling houses and three large barns, and all necessary out buildings attached. Far particulars and terms enquire of the subscribers. - FL r& aB. AcEizr. Tuscarora, Jan. 26.—tf SPECIAL INDITCSVENTS TO CAM BUYERS AT LONG k EZEUSEE.--Can and 47.111131i118 prices and quality of .their Teak',Coffees. Sugar and Flour which they offer cheap for 14.—1 t PARK ESTAIMANT.-G.. W. Coo's, proprietor. Ideals served at all hours, and in every style. Ale drawntrow the wood. Under Clunnbeilin's Jewelry Store, Main St, Towanda Pa. • , • Dee. 23. • 286 $26 60 66 25 ORGANS, MELODEONS, AND PIANO Poarza.—As the co-partnership heretofore existing between Mayne - x.(l & Fraley is=de: " solved, the undersigned would say that he is prepared to famish Church, School, and Parlor Organs and Melodeons from the beet Manufacturers at greatly reduced prices.— Full satisfaction guarautedd in every re spect., and every Instrument warranted for five-year& He is also prepared, to Amish Planta FOAM from the best New York or Eastern Manufacturers at reduced prioes.— Any orders by mail promptly attended to. Jan. 4, 11309.-Aw Caw& $92 85 nay! The &a ' dford County, Teach. - - era 'Association will hold its next' session at ttlattir, on the 12th and 13th of • rotas ay, commencing Friday. at half past 10 o'clock. A. T. Taus:, Ree'y. ; Tan. 20,1869. . . Tow= 1- Caw Ttiv.—Orders for Cod it* . disk lift s&thi 014 sonsimaws4 Thug Mare of /tea a Pomp*, corms qUitiln and-Pins eine* Toyama, will up*, Jii6144:1469.-AIC . 1 • ilttlptionnit;'Orilltsol4l.lllo, Nortm of ermy_kiad Ind Mg& at mailkor, lure will be Sold at trvery large dfstionstio Send for dreams which "Whip Mat !Mato •Oa :1 4 k i B * -s wt: %T o r 4 .l l kt'.N. do4po - a4l; X will enema: De - want the _Arneriesti Agrkfrdtowlst,.. the thapa's Weekly or Monthly. tbeN. Y. Evening Paditha New York Teibutte." Nee= Ws Toledo - Blade Our 'Young Folks or Oliver Optic's Weekly Impudnet Shen Mead to me your eulmnigUone with OA Price and you ihall have the peper vra Went. mat directly to ion from the once of pub lication: -Or, If yotteemithe. regal& sub scription' rice, Ineat . Spring, a premium to each: rube." tkom Irm'm So cents to 75 otada, at lawrst rash per, b Strotheary or other small _ Fruit manta. or in any Nam* Tree, Shrub or Plant. Send Oireubw and Erie* Lisk - ' .1 Wmase. • Tourmie„pt.l4/[804..11 .• A 'Home anTn la? Pon Elaut-,1 spbmdid Honee and Lot for sale. 'situate on Second street..-opposite the &Mtge; ekes to good schools, Tiny 'pleumotkr locate& The house'is new. just IMislustfrom top to bottom infest clam style. For par: tieulars enquire of D. B. BAUM on *be premises. Towanda. Oct. 6, Iltanos.--4118 to caution 01 persona against ldreing, tnuding; or boring my son Wm. G: Obligati; s b aged 19 years, as I wish 1d to return homy J. W. thurAnan Monroe, twit. ann. 7; 469.: • WAIRDRIIIBBING. , -- Mies . 0. A. H 222, yronkll inform the Indies of To wanda and a icinfq. that shale prepared to furnish them with Switches, Curb. and FrisreetAs. Hair-Flowers ,ande to order, `Miss 8. is atonic/I at the 'ruddenee of Jas. V. Wilms, on Street, where she will remain for three or four .weeks. Towanda, Jan. IL-3t AYES'S ELM VIGOR; For restoria‘' yy Hair to Us natural va y and Won— & which is at once agreeable,, healthy, And effectual for preserving the hair. .Fhded or gray hair is restored to its original color with the gloss . and freshnessa youth. Thin hair Is thickened, f = checked, and baldness often, tlnot always, cured by its use. Nothing can :e -aten the hair where the. follicles are destroy ed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But snob - as remain can be saved for nsetni ness by this application. Instead Of fouling the hair with a pasty sediment„ it will keep it clean and vigorous.. Its ode - askant' use trill prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent bald ness. Free from those deleterious 'substan ces Which Make some preparations danger ous and injurious to the hair s the Vigor can only benifit but not harmit. If wanted merely for a hair dressing; nothing else' can be found so desirable. Containing nei ther oil.nor dye,-it does not soil white cacti bric,and yet , lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. d. o..ityei& Co.. Prac tical and Analytical Chemists, LoWell, Masa. .Price $1,00., , Bold by Dr. H. 0, Porter Towande,.& all Druggits & Dealers 'in medicines every where. Nov. 20, 18684 • Gaut BARGaitt.—The .subscriber, hto change his occupation, offers his property in West Warren for sales cheap, consisting of one acre of land, with house, barn. shop. and store with goods. ' For further particulars enquire of the sitbscri bar. - Jos= Paha. :West Warren, Bradford bounty, Pa. • Dec. 22,1868.-4 w• . TONVAN_DA Cost . / ARD.-7"1:126 Co- Partnership heretofore existing under the firm name of D . A. Overton & Co: is this daY dissolved by mutual consent:' , IYA. Ourrow, • : M. Wasp,' - Towanda, Pa. Dee. 31st, '1868. ; The business of the late' grin will here after be conducted by Wasn, , h Thum, who will pay all liabilities contraoted by D'A. Ovicirros lc Co. upon presefitationand to whom.all debts due said firm are to be pMd —an immediate Settlement is ,requesta WAIID DIVEIC • IVA RRIED.'' . BROOK—MASON—At the house of M r. Wm. G. Mason, in Masiontown, Feb. 3rd, by Hey ; Halleck Armstrong,. Mr. 0. M. Brock to Miss Florence M. Mason. GLEASOF—GLEASON—At the residence of T. 0. Hollis, in Canton, Pa.:, Jan. 28, by the Bei. J. L. 'Watson, Mr. D. L , Gleason of Cberrytree, Venango eolmt7, Pa., to Miss Lney A. _Gleason;, \of Tioga Co„ Pa. CHUBBIICK—TRIPP=p-At the residence of of Mr. A. Wickham; in Windham, Feb. 3, 1869, by Rev. A. C. Sp_erry, Mr. Tracy J. Chubbuck, of Orwell, Pa., to Miss Nancy' M. Tripp, of Windham, Pa. LINDSEY—JOHNSON—At Towanda, Jaw. 20th, by Rev. S. B. 'Lindsey, of Towanda, to Abbie IL Johnson; of Frank lin. illtpllaws COURT SALE.— By V virtue of an order issued oat gthe Or phan's Court of Bradford county,, t he under signed, administrator of the estate of Calvin Lewis, late of Oprlngfield, decd will expose at public sale on the pretnises, on J3ATURDAY. PPS. 27th, 1859, at 10 o'clock p. m., the follow ing described lot, piece or parcel of land sit uate in SpringfieldtWp., bounded as follows : Beginning at the south west corner of lot deed. ed to Andrew Dubert by V. 11. Gates, thence north Rei. east 173 340 per., thence. aouth west 77 2 10 per., thence along the north line of lot No. 64, north 891°, west 62 and 7-10 thence along the north line-of lot i No. 63 and 50. north 89°. west 118 and 2-10 per., thence along 414 es of lot No. 62, conveyed to Orrin Scott, north I°, east 74 per.,to the place of be. • ginning. Containing' 11l sexes be the same; more or less, there being on said real estate framed house framed barn and fruit trees and about 50 acres improved. Terms, $lOO when the property is aback down, 6500 on COIATOW tifin the balance in equal payment" of 1.2 and 3 years with hitere t from confirtnatkin.r S. D. .11 dm ABKNESS, Ainktrator. Feb. 1 DESIRABLE; PROPERTY FOR BALa.—On account of ill health the sob. scriber wishes too change his tininess and offers to sell his well known prettifies. or trade for a farm and pay,4fference, or rent the same Olt Spring. ' Located in the valley of Shaba shiquin, Bradford Co., Pa 4 A desirable place to live, plenty of good fruit and good baUdinipi with all conveniences. A good place for a me chanic, ail there Id a good Blacksmithand Wag. gon Shop on the same. For farther, particolars enquire, of Wm. Swirvint, near the pimping, or CI, W. VINCENT. Tiogs CO,; Pi. Jan. iT. QRPRAWS COURT SALE —By 'vit.= sae of an order ts:sued out of the Orphan's Court of Bealord County the underilgned ex ecutor. of E. W Durga, late of Bush twp., Sus. quelmons county, dee'tl. - , will ezposeto public sale be the - premises. on WEDNEDDAY. BAUM 24, 1869; at 2 o'clock P. •the fol-. lowing described Jot, pleceor parcel of Ina situated about one mile trout the mouth of the W . yaltuticg Creek, on the,Wyalosingcreek road, in Wyatt:ming township, Bradford cont i lbouro ded as follows ; On the west by the W alusing creek road, on the north by lands Widow Bragg and , J. T. Stallard, on the east . the W 3 sluing creek, onthe south by lands of B. Taylor end N. Boss. Containing 5 acres' and 23 perches be the same mar or less,, with the appurtenances, a good twoistory framed house, one barn. one blacksmi , h Sh 9„ a good garden, f mit. trees, ha. kc. TERME-4100 to be paidtrn the property hit log struck , down, one third of the. purchase money on the condrmation of the sale, with in terest, one' third at six months, with' interest, and the residue et one , year thereafter with in-, threat, and to be secured on the place. 12,: ORANGES. yFebrcarf 10.1882. , Execator, poR SALE AT -A> BARGAIN 1 The subscriber wishing to chaage his maim- Utak • offers for tale Ida Store and Stock of GaAs, ' consisting nt Dry Goods, Gra:tries. Yankee Notions, ho. Ail exchange for e wW improved Parrs or sell stock end lease store. ic leli The stored. s it uated in tchtield, Bradford Dough Pa. The only sto in the town in ',op. oration. POrrxtrticulars ea aor address . LAYTON: __, , • - . REWARD.--In accordi4oe .s3,vv with revolution, .or propokition of -she Common Council of the Bliectgb (Calls adoptial Oetaber the 28th, ..A.l). "1868,1 here by offer s. reward of 'Mx* Hundred Doliare to be paid upon conviction or any ;env or r. eons who shall Ore, or have Oral any or baildfnaa. as canoed the same to be dole' within the Merits of said Aiht Borout urgen • WW S PALMER, "LlLOUR.=—Wheat --Flour id'•;', all grAdiii, Ititceirhest Floor, BM, Cali, Meal. Feed, ao.,at. Dec. U. W. A. Nam 2thvertietmcnto EeplL 7, . 1968 Nov-5.1808: • . ' , _ . I RIM LL t-kyorroorm..tikw.i._ , 'HARDWARE STORE . • No. -129 Maim • • !nett ME D 61.:0kra.7 „it a • " • •-. • • • Verbs - tie*, thi* 'place; ete,ebi Ithieh /1. • • ••• , be Remit the tellowiegl . • CEJLIPTIATED. ONES, For wilkiLlais-; Ihp cnk Agent f,n, /alai* /10/INUIti BATEBONE, 43! EMI ? •• ' • • BFes TEX. • " - mit - • udthinst exialtitinirthe iat 'fading Stover, made. lam also wetter the CocWove; OVIVOLIi NOME, , • GLUDIIIN ' 4 And they cannot be Excelled T ion o'oo most for Platform and' Counter ;Scales Kerosene Oil, WiLd ;yr Glap, / • Falb. Doan, Nags All of will be sell at / Manufacturers Pricey To the trade. I also keep cm xiiitl7 02 bead a complete STOCK OF .11ARD WARE, Ot all Wadi, Wilstla R 12PArtOr 11 / 2 1 rhiiPio Aibta Pegoxi, , .. . , Spots. ... . lea, • sew • OW L S :- .1 is Ware. • ' - - Nail Bode,' And all It hide.* Melt N Sederue, whkh will be sold' at he lowest prices. I would as to iferehants that II win at ail • times meet Shahs prices. 1 .,• I - Thwaitils. Oct'. 33. N 368. ,* OASES BOOTS & SHOES AT RETAIL. HUMPHREY BROTHERS Offer io [Ad oilstone ri and lh g general _ rblio, NOT ONLY THE LAE -BUT BEET .44SSORVIEN7 G 70a 'fB3 I".A.ILIJ TR Tbatican be found In NORTHERN PENSSYL The stock Is offered at THE LOWEST RA- WORK GUARRANT EDWIN C. Bu n% FOR SHOES' MISS AlktD4 OHLI,DiEN, RECEIVED 11E ONLY SLYER' MEN. •warded kr ,ExcellenOe of ifanufacture PARIS EXPOSITION HWY. JA*Y. Burrs 'GOODS FOR MEWS WEAR, HEAVY OR LIGHT I CALM, Ofilake 'NAPOLEON ngaricin and 'other Style's. IT , p, OWN MANUFACTURE La tail oppiloasad an goods mad,,lh r kr 4 Z2Veriated • ' &l4dikt s i Department lOW:HORSE ,BLANKETS BUFFALO & WOLF Ropm. Carii4e - Team Ecrnese, . Tati/ILS, WHIPS,4O., frovas&h.ol3t4Sl, less. Paper tad Woolint ft!igibot_by ' _ .11.1TOID BAUM A NMI STOOK OF MOMS 12, sad Sograviop at ' noes - • ~ _ TT -- R R Altr frtli RAHU -- .. 171.0.)r A.S. i iLASt r r , -..... 0 0 W.,. 'a t .q..ri -' 7 O , ' , z .F 4 i le f 'lji t ( %c -r " - ',,,:5c.4.41`,44" ♦ 4 imis ill . 1 _,,,, A il iab it i in to tbs Oroooll U.O. 6 " L Ali Pefklitttf li. I 1 ,, :: f f ', p li o r 'f, t I GAR 41 lib, , ,r 2 4 , 10 = Su ' ‘... 0 ,1,r ... t . t s ....i it NNAID TRUITi Dzi. I' I 0A '' 7 hie Tam IszAton. v 77 7 .: t t : taw, BALT BT kkeg- OR BA ro to Ina . tgojkino4 C?ROWU li(uim aco ".• • - lostly; e reisittin bi the oaoQESY sod P@(l , , YIKO/1 LW. !Mir Relasmbittikk 61 Mr* AM door below Badlinla Block: ' fI . Towanda, Nor. 19,1888. =EI ME rpopecoi) AND CIGARS! !tie isieravied iis:;;esaik' 081 TOW -.--#-4-b*, CUT TOBACCO _ AND CIGARS GOOD MOM. WHOLE seta PRICES Tho% cannot fall to suit:, We would =oat re: ieKtrully eothilt s fr om the denim through Northern Pemnsylvuda to in examination of Stock that cube procured in the market:— Give us a try. This is a borne enterprise and will succeed with a liberal, dhspoaltkui ,ot the trade to support home minnisetent. • MEANS & PRIEST, 167 . Main Street, Tot/ands, Pi. Joie 4, 12118.—tr. B. A. PETTES & Co., Are now receiving' from- New Yorksittne sn ood:mit of BROWN & BLEACHED MIIBLINS, WWI& ,ED ODS PI 'RNLI EU And the in El ram =0 mom STEAM TOBACCO FACTORY, IS On It s In Street Where they are minufieteringliU Ideidi of MEM %Vlach they offe,r_to,tba,trOe at OUR STO6K. AND PRICES I Our Totome 4 manutactmed from the best KENTUCKY AND VIRGINIA GOODS IN THEM LINE 1 {Coin!ethyl h* part of AND PRIFITS, LADIES:4ND CHILDREN'S MIDIS GOOD*, Fancy Elkirts,Nhawb, Hoop Skirts, GLOTEB, 11081113 Y, YANIiLII NOTIONN ac., dr.c., b.c.- All of which eau be bought u cheep 'es the same quality of goods cea be bought in o. trends. Their • • • MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Is belts: famish ed with ihe,latest . styles of BONNETS AND. HATS And a general assortment o' Millinery 0 with competent Milliners to nit the taste : 54 4 Who may favor them with their , patronage. L M illltara will te l flunialiell with all Linda of golds at wholesale priers. ' DOW(' FORGET TgE NAME AND.PLACq. Main 6tieet, directly opposite the oouit Boo*. 8, rrna & Towanda. Sept. 21, 1883.4 mp - B OOTS I BOOTS 11 BOOTS O! NORTH BRANCH BOOT A SHOE 13T0IiR I L. C. NELSON, Has just Balked and ready for sale ilarge aortment, of BOOTS AND - SIT.OESI I h meoots for tbeLywanfantiNat turned* the And the hard laboring man that carries the hod ; • • • • lindio t r wi th;: ; mechanic that cut done and lay And•fort , te soft handed Gents that apply the ' yard fo u r t h e k • •- And Boots for the ; wise that &wish t h e q uill ; And fort be that work" in the l! • I have Boots s little extra mite,• - For the bard labortog man that has no trade. I have . Boob ke , an, plasm give me a call. My Boots are good and prices jag , Mat lam determined NOT TO TathiT I • I have JAMB MoGREGOR, bootee= fine Celebrated In that line • Call'my friends, anyon that will • 1 Leave your mess ores—try The Egueopsll Church that Is about to rise s ,: Hy place in trout exactly Res •, - Ws Imimu by =ay very well • By.tbo title of—NORTH BRANCH HOTEL 1 L. NELSON. Towanda. Aug. 25,1088.-10. PETE RAILWA Y. On and after 'Woodsy Nov. 2.5d1;1988. Train" will leave Waverly. at about the follow fog hoary, ids r GOING Win. 4:53 a. m., Night Express, Mondays map ted, far . Rochester,ftio• Salamanca and Dunkirk, making direct connectksis with train of the Atlantic and Grist %Yoram; lake Shore sad Grand Tnizac Railways,* all points West; also at Irknint,for Canan daiga. • 5:14 a. MA, Vight• Nsprese; Daily, dx Rochester Wale. Ralantkncli, putikirtari 4 West, connecting is,above.% 8:25 s. m., Y Train, Sundays excepted, lb Ballo and Dunkirk. SSW p.m:,Elmira,Accounodation, Sandals 6:17 pp.' m., Day Express, Sundays eXcepted lbr Roaster, Baliblo. Salamancalt and the West„ Connects at Elmira for Canandaigua at Salamanca with the Atlantic and Great Western Hallway, and at Mid° with the Late Shore and Grand Trunk Hallways, for all points West and South. 10:33 p. m..• "Liprem Nall, Sundays ex cepted. for Buffalo. Wamnatandlhinkirk, coll uding with tralna bribe Wmt%. • - 9 10a m. Way Freight. Sundays excepted. W 5 p.FOgrant TWIN Daily., for thik ed. , • 00130 wr.. 3:13 a. Night litzpraie Wonder, excepted Connecting at Nei York with afternoon trains and .steaniers • for 13,oeton atxt7,lyerikgiandt 5:42 a. In.. Cincinnati Express, Mondays ex cepted, connecting at Owego for 'lthaca ; at Binghamton for Byrum ; at Great Bend for Scranton and Philadelphia : st Lackawaine for Ila=and at Gram:tut for Newbarg and 8:33 a. m., Binghamton Accommodation, ikan daym exceptwl. - , • - 22112.2 c, Day Kmprenr, &Maya Mired, at Bingluunton for Byname,. a Gt. Swirl — Tmaatoator Imeitawasam• fa Raft; and at :Jersey City wiih midnight express train of New J Yhik&lphia, Baltimore and W _ •-• 1:14 p. Accommodation train, daily,oon- Dating at Owego fa ' • • 6:27 p. m.. New York sand Baltimore Nall. , POO p. a., Lightning' Nevem at harry City with 1110111111ffiespres= Sew Jeraerßaikad for Benison and Wash ' Mo. Vin. Way Praigh' Tatt"Arnis° and am t`wici ihe Eas m eakel: t!: amain Lines. has mangy been &ha, and an be Feared - , on appUo:Moll tha lkket a triof the Company. ';•••' RODMIV Geni Pima Aggi; ow, 00k. Oei'L Sept:, TOLLNOHETTS FOR FIFTY A. cub i st ALVOSD I BABBEIRS. hiffilli FM= ge Nipir AND 01111tWEIT iitritirarfiZta , i' MAMMY itige inrarileit She FMK Piiiwat ibeamis' position leen 4~22 Mdeldoes. r . Mao, the followthlf State VOW pllB6B bun alluded thlitilimbinatheiltat prwaint Yak Ohio Penzuglinstie.; Maisactui- Neir Hampsbire, Vernionc,Wisconain, 414 , Onandiga, .tinvego, • Witlall t Orleans, Temples, Seam. Ifooroe,ll,olc2tylfs, L 1 legicon, and boat of *them - -• • • Report of the Committee on Sewing Reclines, at Op State Fah; MIA in itoebeeter Pall of Par easiftw ° biro A* Min frevrwrx Aw. 4 . to which' Midriff.' *ffl= wee ethic And inonbi recommend ea enn best Panay sag Machine for all work,Elhis !Rowe's& Meddle; and for the following meow Witt of contraction- Id— df ma and lower I thraaihk‘Adr•Mais otampiOnat. itti•i -Gist of wailE opon'all materisie: " fith•=-The' attachments to the Machine for felling. , tacking, braiding, tdaa lag and carding, ~-thsi ems •Alin IrKeb they ,tiro applied, Ink—The durability of the ma :tildna ASkninititn4nof,hardeped Wm!, aud rad •la lt d balitingb. ydrecontmattdA, "- Maw st la Ifenzaar, Bralder r Tacker, Quitter,. ( Corder,. Raller',and Int• It win use any and avert' khan! thread,Dem the _finest to the moist, 'Mt am** manes ladle than (ghee aratlibmi; — Mason and ez *mine one before you purchase. . Price from $6O $2OO, and every machine warranted. 'The real value of our Manutactosidg Machines for Soot; Shia, Mamas and Clarrlage Ma kmi, bitty well known to *Oro comment.-- Din't fail to eaU and sob them. SHEPARD TERM= ft, , en., A Et's. • %, •-20 take 01.; N .• Y. For sali - by coptuzio,ElVl3SELl i ds Co., Genera Agents, Towanda, Pa. NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE o.44tariTiL, ii;000,000.-1Ar11 /11 !ITU. CLAUDIUS - O. CUM Presidint ; JAY 00ONE, Chalrm'n Fthance and Ez. Com ; HENRY 'IL'COOKE. The President EMERSON W PEET, Secretary and Actuary . =IIIE The advantage; of the National Life Inmate CompattYlare • 1. It is a National Co.. chartered by Commis ; 7. It has a paid el Capital or. One Mien Do! • tars ; 3. It offers low rates of preanjams ; It furnishes larger Insurahce than other Com • panics, for the same money.. • 6. It 1s definite and certain ; 6. There is nerPoislbility of misrepresentation by agents, or misunderstanding by policy holders ; 7. The policies are plain contracts, so. much in n:ranee for so mach money ; 8. All pilules are non-forfeiting 9. The policies are exempt - from attachment. E. W. CLIME h CO., Zenker', Piffladelptda, • to wAgenta for Towanda and vicinity : Jag A. U. MASON, NATHAN, GS. PECK, MILLWRIGHT & r• MACSMin Tovainui PA. Kills built and Repel ed,Engiaen aid Boilers set lathe beat manner.:.l vont& call the attettion of mill owners Um/ • NEW VORTWXT WATER WRKEI4 . As combining all the elements of a fiat class matter, simplicity of constinctJon, accesgbit-' ity,- great strength of-Tarts. • developing the greatest amount of power for-water used, easily repaired, running under backwater with no det:. riment to power except diminition of head, re • (Inking no alteration in 'Mill frames or addition to dame, will run-tinder low bead, and made of any desired capacity. These wheels will be imbibed at less than ono-half the cog of any other first-class wheel in market, and warrant ed te . pleidem all that is claimed for- them-- These wheels will be made for dilivery with or without cores, onedtort node, of the test Iran In market. 'For hill particulars addrem or enquire of the andereigned. 11: S. PECK, Towanda, Pa. P. B.—These wheels caa be seen in operation at *ewe. Borten t MU, Towanda twp. The wheels are wholly composed of Iron as now made. Jan;. 14, 1848.-1( TOWOIDA KBAM ,FLOURING Respectfaliy Inform the public that _they :have vorehaaed the new and extenatve Steam Flour leg lids, %alit byGrillitba, Wells k Matson VALUABLE VILLAGE PROPER TY FOR BALE.—The sutisoriber offers for 'sale his Dwelling Hooae Ind Lot. now occu pied by him, situated ou the corner of Second and College streets, In Towands Borough. The dwelling-house is in good condition. There is a good barn, well, and cistern upon the prop erty, afro grape vines betelpg largely. and" a variety of trait trees. The Mt_is SO x 300, be- Ise two lots divided by an all", Possesito ti win be - given immediately. : Terms made know, - on application to short notice. Every pains will betaken to give. Towanda, Dec. 4,1868.-0. In the south pats of the boripgh of Towanda and turfing all the modern 'improvements, and competeit Killers, thlky are prepared to do to the test possible mincer and AC unusually satisfaction, and s e invite Fanners doing businens in town -can bring their grain , and have it ground to take baCk with theai. FLOUR, FEED AND MEAL, For safe at the fovea can prices, and delivered in any part of the village free 0 1 charge. Towanda. November 10.1868. TOWANDA COAL YARD I .Y :4 X►l :3k4J!i Islsi COALS: The ender:rig:led hiving leased the Coal Ya'rd and Dock at the old Barclay Basin," and ju. t 'eon:prated a large Coal House and Office upon the premises, are now prepared to famish the citizens of Towanda and vicinity with the, diff :trent Mob and slue of the above named Coals upon the most reasonable terms in any :pant!. ty deshed.• Prices at the Yard until. further notice : 1.111:0 Egg. - - Binall Egg atom . puinutt,: . , Barclay - Ban of Woes_ " Fine r Blacksmith • The following additional charms will be made for dellreling Coal within the Borough limits : • Pearu T0n,..50 cta . entre for carrying la 50 is cta R•4l ; 40 4; tawnier ton2s 14 I s al Sr Ordway:ay belelt *trim Yard, corner of Railroad and ElLaibetb at.. or at-H. C. Par ties Ding Store. ; Orders moa t . ithis o, in all wan baleen:panted W tlar cash. . • WARD A DPTEN. Towanda. 1.1060.—H. . pRioE LIST.—CASCADE MILLS. per Best quality Winter Wheat Flour Bed .$6 5010 Bed quality Bye Floor per hundred -4 00 Corn Meal aM Bye and Cora Fad 296 Buckwheat Flour, per hundred . . ... . 400 A fairn i pin allowed to des ere. Weify , ash for . Wheat SI 15 sad SS 00. . goad. 0/ , Buckwheat 80 cents. Cori $1 Custom grinding usually done at once, u the eapeeity-orthe . la salliotent .for a hirge entount- of work. . H. B. INGHAM. CapipturniJan.l4,lB49. . FASHIONABLE TAILORING I Resp;etfellyinfitiras the tinsels et 'hinds Boroighi ,chat he bas opened • Phinney'sDallatigappoeito the Monttßoas end nelletta killers. of palate patronage.- • teremed to ant, end sake ituntentils the I=Mo/it& sty* and the meet darn blemenaer. ?erteet tatidection will-be guar . Cutting and Repairing dens to.order ' on ahoy swim - • • - fiepte 10,197 nAtlVlON.—Noiice is beieby given' ‘J that ivy elk Hfen kft my tied orui.bostd without joss owe on prOtOestlOn,l the* iore NOW toy tenon or gonna!iodating or trosibgliri on mganooni; as 1' shall p 7 no so debts oilier ectuksidica alter this date. • IllttaLliOtiliPS. Bear Creek. l op. Co. • . ha. 0. CO. OF U. B. A Chatterid by Congress, 1968. General Agente,, B. 8. RUSSELL, MILLS. .FULLER & CO., CUSTOM GRINDING, - 46,00 6,$ 0 • 646 540 460 4,00 . 9 40 LZWIE SEBUM TAIIaOR 3HOP, MIEN itrunillatuois. • OM ~ _ ~:_ ,:: . . i: - / ,J , .,...„: •,. z• - ,- _..,• 4401 V. UN YES :' STORE / '1: " WgIGE 4 WELL MEtt=D ETO9IE MEI =EI Fag , and Winter Goods 1 111.E-P.BiSENT epreesion of the Market MEMO which ill be sold secondly it. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Alm, aired from Liverpool, FIVE CRATES . 0P CROOKEKY Towan*Ott. 5,1868 illieullantons. - • VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR V SAUL—The subirriber ofera for sale.the following very desirable - properties : Two acres of choice land In Athens, Bradforgi county, with a say 'promising young orchard, and !Marge framed house, and barn, and black smith's shop thereon. Pay ments to auk pur chasers. II not sold at prwate- We,. will be sold at Auction. March 17,1868. for partial lars apply- to-Timothy Hiram. ALSO—Forty ides of Improved land In Ridg bery.townshtp. with two dwelling houses, a good store house, two framed barns. and well of water thereon.. Apply to James Wardle. Jan. VALUABLE , PROPER* FOR naderslgaed offers for rab bis farm eituated in Leßoy twp.. aboat one mile - Iran Leßoy corners. 000tstalugabont 70 acres of good laud, partially improved. well watered, -Ind wgood dwelling house and out buildings thereon. For particulars inquire on the premises.. RUSSELL LINDLEY. Leßoy, Jan. 25,1869.-4 to ' DAIRY FARM - FOR SALE.-A prime Dairy Farm, good stabling. for 28 cows and, a tear • wit sell with or whim:int , stock, long tithe with annual pigments it de sired. A rare chance is offered to obtain valuable property. For diseription address J.IV:PAYBON. Orwell, Bradford Criunty; Pa. • DeComber 10.-2m.*" -• VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE.-- The subrcrib-r will sell his Farm situated in Bur:hrt= township, near Luther's Mills, containing nlnettimeand-whalf acres, being .In two lots, one containin 8411 acres, and the other 50 acres; The lot of tit acres Is mostly wider cultivation, and has upon it a good frame house, two barns. corn house, two wells,ap ple orchard, onelivlng spring orwater. Thu 60 acre lot has about 12 acres Improved, newl seeded, and haenpon It two splints of water . The lota will be sold together or separately.— The farm Is la a good state of cultivation. and is .well adapted for both grain and Possession given Immediately, .If desired ?quasi one third down,- and th e Valance . la payments u may be agreed neon. apply to HENRY PEST , 'Towanda', or Bosweli Luther' Luther's Mids. 11 NUT PEET. i Dec. 7, 1868„--tf• VALUABLE FARM FOR . BALE,os BENT. , -The undersigned will sell his firm situated at Monroeton. There are_loo acres In AI; three of young hickory and oak thither, thirty-seven acres of Improved hill, and : sixty acre* of superior flat hnd. There ire two houses, harm, and other building..— .VI who are acquainted with the farm blow of its value; and it will be sold for-twelve thou sand dollars. • Thaws—Fives thousand dollars down and the test in yearly paymenM to suit the purchaser. Or if the arm is not' wild, there will be a good) chance for a jive man, with, capita/. to rent . for Eve yeare or more, or to work on shares. - JOSEPH HOME?. 116nroetan;Dee. 17,1808.-3 m" R. FOWLER & CO., REAL ESTATE DEALERS, OPTICS 13 120/1115011.namit - , - NYMIL t NIXQN 1114LDLIcli. Real Estate purabased and sald. Investments made and Noney Loaned. - - CHICAGO, ILL., Oct. 27;1868. Dens Eta:—Sating catatillshicd ourselves permanently in the above badness, we take the liberty of sending your our cird. Should you Dave any dealre to make investments or loan atom, oar long residence in Chicago, ()Lavin lived here and seen its 'growth from a squill trials: city of over three Admired thous= sl ) Vies us ample means of blowing where good investments can be made, or what will be good security for money loaned. " All badness entrusted to oar care will receive prompt attention: , This city is bur easing very Midis in wealth and population, and at no period have better opp resent. ortunities offered for investment, thin at p . Near Twelve Millions Dollard are expended. annually in Sae sad costly dwellings, &tug permanence and ceasing gnsat advance its r!lfi for all improved praised& ' • Very Ree r el o__ NLRB & CO. By persolidon refers to Hons. N., 11. Judd, N. C., - Jolla V. rove% Y. C. Sherman, Chicago Mod: Simon Cameron; IL 8. 8.. Q. Nercur, - 11 O. Wrs. - Nlwelli Judge 19th Dist., Pennsylva nia; Hons. John Eskimo. Charles Hancock. Poston; Non. Wm. B. Oelen, New York: Ly man Truman. threw°. 1. - Y. Novitt.ll9Ani. GB'! RAGS 11 BAGS !U-bOO RA good Papeiltep wanted. for which the highest master, pr ice will be maid ALvOlUktri BiltBRE. 'A 1_ t.l 1868.. N Tax Malmo? COURT OF ;4.. the thdted Stabnclor:tite_Weeteta Dia- Wet of Pensuryinsdo. Lawrence C. Conklin &sirup& tinder t.Met. of, Cot:peas of -1 March 2C1867: Wing applied for st Dis. charge from all his debts; end other Oahu =thieender. mid Ack b 7 order of the k notiee is harelti gieete. to moth - i hava purred kb& M*4 er meow intereeted. in2r t , th a 22l h • dny aftharmax, 1149,. 0 - dalool. a before EditarstCherten; 4424, et his of fice in Ttnrende ? ; to show alma if &BY they have, why s . tilisitharge should not be granted to thesaidlbektpt. 'And farther nodee is herebytirestlket the wand eked third meetings of the dos of the said Bankrupt, required by the- - Nth end 28th see of said Art,- be held before the said Besides, at the mate thnet ar sdtee. Jan. 6.186. . Clerk of said Court. ME BBANKRUPTCYNOTiCI—Tias 111 - TO Givs Xiiriot t —lbat os :the sa dsy of Jaunty. 41-. D.; 184.. s vanast is Bankruptcy • - was tuned ageltwithe estate of 'MY BUELL of West Burlington twp. - ,lis the toasty of Brad ford and Slate of PesasylOmils, who has been . adjudged Banimapt ors his own petition ; thit I the payment of any debtiand deriver y or soy property belonging to midi beaknopt, to him or his use, and the Wader of may property by him are forbidden by law • -that $ meeting of - -the creditors of the said Bohm; to prove their Debta,and to choose one or mete Assignees of his estate, wilt be held at a coot of Bank- r roptey, to be hordes at the Alm of the Reg is tor, In the borough of Towanda, Pa. jhefore Lo wisp Ovairos. Jr., as the 4th day of fabolry 1849, at (fetlock, A. K. THOS. 11, - . ZOWLII I /. WO. Nanhel . Jas. I. 1869. - La. Coormavais. I play. BANKRUPTCY. NOTIOE.—THis to Om-1 ontht lth — llay of liming, A. DOM, WArreat Baskin ptcy was Maned against tbs- anat. of MARVIN M. COOLBAUGB, of Minaret:2os, the'Vonnty Bradford and 13rite of Peamylvania, who Mu been adjadgal Bankmpt,.on hie own petition that-the payment of any debts any property be longing to nth 'beak:rapt, to him, or for hie use and the transfer of any property bv him are lor bidden by law • that *meeting of the - creditors of the mid Baidaupt,to prove their De*, and to choose one or 11. are Amlipmes of his Baste, will be held at a coca. of Bankraptey. to, be holden , t the aim of the &tester. With* boro ' or Towanda, Ps.. before Emmen OVIEFOX Jr. on the Sth day of 'Ornery. 1869. at 9 o'clOck A .If. THOB. A. ROWLEY'," • U. B. Marshal. Jan. 7,1869. By E. B. CaoLnaton, Dep'y nANKRUPTG'Y NOTIOL—Tins is eo Gtvw Nancit—That an the 241 day of .Tinuary A. D. 1869, a Warrant in . /tank, nzn E was issued) against the estate of a L B. HILL, of Ulster Twp., in the County of Bradford and State of Pennsylva nia, who has been adjudged Banknipt• on his own petition ;,that the fayment of any debts and. delivery of any props* belting ing to such Bankrupt. to him, or for his use, and the transfer of .any property by him are forbidden by law • that a meeting of the creditors of the wild Bankrupt, to prove their Depts, and to choose one or - or more Assignees of his Estate, will be held at s Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the Office of the Register in the Borough of Towanda, Pa., before EDWARD OVER TON, dn., on the . 4th day of Fairy. A. D. 1869, at 9 o'elcok, A. LL THOMAS A. ROWLEY, - U. & Hackal,, By E B. COOLHAVOS, Deputy. Jan. 7, 1869 - TIANKRUPTCY - NOTICK—Tsis i s to Owe Ncrnoz.—That collie 6th day of January, A. D. 1869,4 Warrant In Bankruptcy was Issued against abs estate of ABEtatield C. BENTLEY. of Springfield twp In the County of Bnidford and Elate of- Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged Bankrupt on his own tkm ; that the payment of any debts and de livery of any property belo n ging to such Bank rupt, to him, or for his Sae, and tbs. transfer of anyproperty by him are forbidden by law;.that a meeting of the creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their Debts, End to choose ono or more Assignees of his &tato. will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the Office of the Register in the Boro. of Towanda, Pa., before EDWARD OVERTON, , Ja., Register, on the 13th day of Feb'y. A. D. 1869. at t o'clock, P. M. ' TROIKAS A. ROWLEY. 11. B. Marshal. , - By B. B. Coofsatrea, Deputy. • EXECUTOBIS . NOTlCA—Notice is hereby given that a. •persons indebte- 4 to the estate of HENRY FEINEIENDEN. late o: Terry, dee'd, are regal:Mod: to mike im- mediate payment, and all MOM; claims upon said estate will present them duly law benticsted IoT settlement. MERMAN E. FESSMIDVI, GEO. F. HORTON. Jan. e, 18694 • - • Executors. ' EUCUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is - rebylives that all persons indebted to the estate of Zbenezer. . hug of Herrick twp., are requested to make paytoent without delay,' and those having claims agaluet salt %tate must present them ,duly aatheaties ted for settlement.' . JOHNSON WELLS.. Executor. 'Dec 17 1.8151; B ANKRUPTCY NOME—Tars TO GIVE Novo i.—That On the 6th day _ of Januar,. A. D. It6B - , a Warrant in Ball kruptcy was twined against the estate of Andrew B. Col lura:a Falls twp., in the County of Wyoming, and &ate of Pennsylvania, who has been ad judged.a Bankrupt on his own. petition ; that the payment of any debts and oelivery of any property belonging to inch Bankrupt, to him.or for his flee, ac d the transfer of any property by. him are forbidden by la* ; that a meeting of the creditors of the maid Btakrcrpt, to prove their Debts, sna to choose one or mon Assign ees of his Estate, will hi held at a Court of Bankruptcy. to be holdeuntthe. Ofdce of the Register in the Boro. of Nowanda. Bradford Co., Pa.. before EDWARD OVERTON,Jr.. Register. on the 20 day of February, A.D., 1859, '10.2 o'clock, P. If TRONAB A. POWLEY, U. &Wardle . Jan. 14. By E. B. COOLSAO3II, Deputy MOTICE IN BANIERTIPTCY. 2 —: A. Tilts is ro awe )(atm.—That on the sth day of Jauaary A. 18;r9. a Warrant In Bank ruptcy was Slimed against the e'tate of Geo. 13. Eaten of the Borough of Troy, firthe County of Bradford, and state of Perm sylrania . who has been adjudged W nkrnpt on his own petltton - ; that tht, payment of any debts sad. delivery cif any property belonging to such . Bankrupt; to him. or for his nee. and the transfer of any property by him are' forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of said aankrupt, • to. their Fichte, had to choose! one or more Assignees of his Estate. will be held at a Court . of Etnikrciptcy. to be holden at the Mee of the Register In the Borough of Towanda. Pit: hem EDWARD OVERTON, the. 20th day of Feb, A : D. }l3OB, st:2 o'cloct r P. t. r TROKAOR. &OWLET Marshal, s BiE. B.Coopiatroa, Deputy. .11N Te. ..11. Riad' orl NATHAN' TIDD In the detea,ed The Co monwealth of Pennsylvania To Orlando . : averly,Adelwe Pant, Almira Chase. A Imirs Beverly, Orlando 'Overly guardian of Batley 'Beverly, Edward El verly, Amass Beverly, En t• e Irvine. Hart Wsyman. Nary Ann Neal„DeAlanson Haverly,Sylvetter Boyles. SevolloOtoyies, Lu Ands C. Boyles. Wallies Boyles, Nancy Bunnell," Addle Boyles. r B h oyles or Irvine, lineal descendants of John Haverly, deceased; and to Oil other per sons interested, greeting t BRADFORD COUNTY. SSA . • Yon: are hereby cited to be and appirs before the Judges of our Orphaq's at an Or phan's Coat to be ,held it Towanda, in ilia Bth day of February, A . D" 18119. at 10 - o'clock in the forenoon of said day, they sad than accept or reftwe to take the rest estitd.of said, John Beverly, deceased, situate in the towns ship of Overton, In said County, at the apprais ed valuation put upon it ky. an inquest duly awarded by the said Court. and raWrued by the Sherif' on Abe 12th day o Dee, 1888. to wit : $78940, and hereof teapot. . Hittites, Hon. .P. B. Streeter, at Towan da the let day of January. 1169. H. J . AbILL , Clerk: • Jan. 6,1869, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTIoR.L. Notice is boob gime that all mime indebted to the est ate of Otein Warw. late of Tuscarora twp., deed., ars reopmeted to make immediate muscat, and all puma hal. lug claims against said estate. must present them duly antitenticatadice settlement. L.D. WARNER, .I.dinbdittiator.. Dec' 24,1868. VICEITUTOWS NOTIOR.- ! —Notice .IVAL hereby gistnt that all wpm ladsbted• to be estate of KLIZA. - MERTON, -late of waada boto, are requested to malts =medi ate payment, add all pees= hiving ales law up on said estate mut present thee &Is when- Uwe(' for settlement. Dee. TAMS. VX:ECITTORS NOTIOIL---NooCe JJ hereby • given; that all %- deb* *to Um ar.ate Smyth late of miaviDe, dated. are noineated to make immediate moist. and this laving claims against saLtadato proud Mena d, sothanticated for aettlemant. • S K. POTEL H ETH OLLISTER CAT Ltitt, . Deo. 17. 1868. ' Ezieutors• EXEOUTpIO3 NOTICE.— , -Notice la hereby giro* that sit sons Indebted to the estate•of. TANISNZO late of Wyaluaing tarp. are watuelledito mate ate payment, without itehiy, sad thous basins claims whist, said estate put presout Qom duly autheutkated for rettlommoi. 0. R. Atilt DAVID. MOWN; Dee:- 17. 1868 El OR SALE AT SCOTIA TANNERY X Plastering Halr at wholesale and Mall also Soap and Wagon Grease by the pound ass banal. Cash phi for Bak aADAK nd lildsa. • , 1/111141. Granrille Centre • J 1 11118. dol. , , Cenal, ORPHAN'S COURT OF a County, No. 99, t. T. 18€8. atter cif the Male of Jam Hatierip JAMES MACFARLANE; Ezect atom El II