Agriathud: r in Waal Puma Wrana Cow TO tbsrix.—at "is art =penalise mutton. -oir-.-ausage meat to geed:whole ipain toaar Mud of animals: isiiduAltraeraiin grains' p ruirioleiVirithaicsol4ll or skis t arhfr.h ors.; FA moat &annals will noiaotvel taak sequently,4 the skin , hi - salmi:en before the grain enters ths stomach, the .kernels will- pun of With droppings without affording the ani mal that swallowed the -grain any more nourishinent • than fragments of wood of eqttal size. During the month of August lait, the *titer procured a quantity of horse minexe for topdressing straw berry-plants; and in &few days after the mulch was staved around the plants, the unbroken kernels of oats vegitated, so that, the entire surfaoe of the ground appeared as green sea lawn., This fact showed-conclusive ly, that much of the grain had never nforded the animas that swallowed them any nourishment at all. Young hopes having sound and sharp teeth iiegnently swallow their mean of oats without breaking the skin of the kernel. When mills are at a distance pr. ple will peitrist in feeding-Whole gram, it will always be -found move advan tageous to soak the grain at lei* twenty-four hours before . using it.— Suppose, for example, ,s teamster is accustomed to "feed a team - eight quarts of Indian_ corn and oats• at l each feeding,say three times a day. Let the grain be put in a pail and covered with warm water every time the team is fed. This plan would require three pans when the team is fed three times daily. Wards water is far better than cold.water,is cold water, in cold weather will soft en the grain but little. Teamster may rest assured that it will. pay well for all trouble before feedingit.- , - N. Y. Times. EVIDISCIS OF • GOOD FAIMEL- -Thu thrifty*rudeat farmer,—one interest ed in his business, an :who persues it as well for the love of it as for the prfit it willaniely afford if conducted with system and-economy,—it is con steady engaged in fixing up his pram; ins and putting them in more conve nient and through order. He spends no stormy days at the country vil lage,as do his less prudent neighbors, nor does he have any spare hours in which to loaf at the country shop or store: His time is bettir employ ed. In winter as well as in summer he has his stormy day work planned beforehand, reserving to be perform ed at such time some needed job that can be done without interfering with the regular work of the farm on pleasant days But while constantly. active, and watchful that time is lost or wasted he always has plenty of time to receive and make calls upon his neighbors, attend to necessary business that frequently calls him away frc m home, and store his mind with useful knowledge. It is this very attention to his home duties,this husbanding of his time, this constant care to the tittle necessary fixings of his farm and buildings_that enables him to keep before his work and have time for a day's leisure without be ing driven by his business. Not only are the more important matters upon his farm attended to, bat the little details are not overlooked.— While his fields are smooth and pro ductive, his fences upright and per manent,and his buildings well painted and in good repair ,' at the same time the windows to his house are not Ntuffed with old rags, the latches and handles to hist.doors are pefect, and the numberless little conveniences, quite expressive in s themselves, but which render a set of farm buildings so convenient and handy, are to be found at every turn. Sirrrry Coati Porsorrom—Several cattle have died suddenly of late, in the Western part of Massachusetts, which is attributed, by a correspond ent of the N. E. Homestead, to their eating Smutty-corn, which was found in most fieds the past, autumn, to an unusual extent. Some cattle havingi died at West Springfield, Professor Gamgee, who chanced to be near at hand, was called, and decided that the disease was undoubtedly caused by the smut on the corn with which the cattle had been fed. He presoib ed purgatives for the cure of the liv ing, and thought that with proper' and timely care there would be little difficulty In saving the lives of cattle which are attacked. His prescription is a pound of. Edsom salts, an 'once of aloes or five pounds of sulphur, and two ounces of ginger, the whole mixed in water, and poured down the throat of the sick animal. - • FLU MANAGERB.—Mr. C lift, a New York farmer, in a recent address, made theie correct remarks ; "One defect in our farming was lack of capital. More money should be in vested in labor. Farm managers were also needed,- and one good re• suit from the agricultural colleges springing up would be[providing a class of farm managers. There was a great many wealthy men, men who were engaged in commerce or mann faetnrers,who would be glad to invest their surplus capital in lands if they could employ good managers, so that the young men who had been educated at these colleges, if poor, would find remunerative employment from this soarce,and thus benefit result to both parties." Snow roe POULTRY.—Have any of our readers tried the experiment of giving poultry snow, instead of wa ter? An old poultry-fancier told us a few days since that he rarely gave water to his fowls when they could get at snow. We have often noticed that fowls in winter will pick and eat the snow - rather than go a few roes to a stream" to drink, and do so day after day ; but it is a question yet undecided in our mind if snow will entirely suffice to quench thirst. We should be pleased to hear from those who know,. on this subject. Rural New Yorker. Sons Tana in Ocows.:—Mr. CM. Fisher, of Cabot, Vt., recommends in the Farmer,' as a priventative 'for sore teats in cowis L in cold weath er, to wash them thoroughly with cold water as soon Liss 'the milking is over. The _best " remedy for sore teats he also says .is tar and lard melted together, attrred well, not making it too eticktind applied once or twice a day. Sore teats are pro duced by wing the- teats before milking, as tetoo commoirpracticem -made wet bythe sucking of a caU: Warr 13 the difference between hungry ma and a glutton ? One loaf:6.W eat, and the other este too long. gentleman iminplah*g of the impeller anti tines, Op be am rme gip. hie boob the momiag vilboatm 117=1 BEDELti,& VAN VELSOR,, FABRIONARIS MERCHANT TAILORS Ain DIALZILII IX READY MADE CLOTHING! - HAiS AND CAPS, GRIM FURNISHING GOODS 1 68 Broad Street, WAVERLY, TIOGA COUNTY, N.Y. We have a Fashionable Cutter :from Now York City, and take all the risk in giving you a good fn. READY MADE CLOTHING We make at our own establishment. We give particular attention to Youth's Boys, and remsoawateirosurettj And alms have a good assortment. CLOTHS AND CASSnIRRIt4, From SS cents to $3 per yard, (4 wool.) Best Stock of Hats and Caps Kept within 20 Gales. • Come and s took 'and prove for um. Will the Ward House the first and third Thursday of envy month with umpire of Goods, and prepared - to take measures. IDEDELL & VAN 'MOB. 68 Broadet., "revert..., N. Y. Agents for Grover Baker's Sewing Machines. April 9,1868. THE TOWANDA REGULATOR CLO7BING S7ORE I Adjoining Patton'a Blcck. ROSENBERG & WOLFI, Yonid respectfully announce to the citiz ens of Towanda sad vi cinity, that they have opened the above store, under the name of " The To• wands Regulator," with a splendid assortment OF READY MADE CLOTHING ! Gents Furnishing floods, Bahl. Caps, which they assure the said citizens cannot be excelled in style or elegance. and that the prices ari -so low as to astonish everybody.— Rosenberg & Wolff hope that by strict atten tion, and fair dealing with the people of To wanda, they will obtain their patronage and support. They also beg to subjoin the follow ing Commandments for their guidance. CONE ORE!' CONE ALL At Toinuida,Ra Str ee t & Wolff's One Price Regulator, t, THE TEN 00101ANDNEErh3, keep.them, and Happy will be Thy Days 1. Thou shalt have no other place "tot buy clothing except Rolenberg & Wolff'e One Price il r, Main Street. e t u i sto hou shaltnot choose any other merchant: though shalt not listen to their speeches, for Rosenberg & Wolff are no Chatham-st. dealers, but sell atone price and reliable. and sil l se r ve unto the third and fourth generation. 3. Thou shalt not Week In vain any more for cheap raiment, for they can be found a t Rosen. berg & Wolff. One Price Store. 4. Thon shalt bear 'in mind that w e sell only on six days of the week, and don't desecrate the Sabbath by keeping oar doors open and bangin out a show, for, on the seventh dx#, Rosenberg & Wolff. and their clerks, desire to rest trom their labors. IS. Thou shalt honor the way Rosenberg it Wolff deal, and long may belby days to enjoy its benefits. 8. Thou shalt not commit an impropriety—of buying of Chatham at. Dealers, but come di rect to Rosenberg k Wolff's OnailPrice Regu lator,Main street. 7. Thou shalt not seek in vain for goods of Foreign make. for Rosenberg, & Wolff keep a large variety. 8. Thou shalt not purloin from the Regulator for Rosenberg ik Wolff sell an cheep It would be a sin. 9. Thou atilt not baar false witness, but honestly acknowledge that you can get better suited and for less money, at Rosenberg ft Wolfra than any other store. • 10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors goods or his bargains, for Rosenberg & Wolff can give them to you likewise • th erefore, take counsel, and buy only of Rose nb erg tr, !Wolff the Once Price Ken., Tommie, Sept. 1, 1888: UP TOWN CLOTHING STORE I Opposite Public Square, 96 MAIN STREET, TOWANDA, Receiving new additions to his stock of 0 1:.• 0 'l' 3a I "N C - Every week, which he is Bening lower than any home fn tewn. GOOD OASSIMERE SUITS, $15,00 A largo line of CASSIMERE AND UNION SUITS, CHEAP I OVERCOATS AT ANY PRICE A large lino of CLOTHS AND OASSI HERBS, Which is selling 4ow cost , as he Is anxious to close out this bra n hof his business. TRIZIMOiS OF ALL KINDS. GENT'S F+NLSHING GOODS, Of eters description. BOYS OLOTRING OF ALL KINDS RATS Air) CAPS AT COST ! Call and convince yourselves J. U. COLLINS. Towanda, Nov. 26, 1868. HAT, CAP, AND FUR STORE . The undandgmed hare.opened a Store on the south side of Sercur's new block, TOWARDS, PA., Where they intend to keep a fall stook of FASHIONABLE AND SEASONABLE Goode, consisting of 11.4 - ;: \ 6tPS, If DRS, TRAVELLING BAGS, UMBELLAS , CANES, GLOVES, ra:PUFFALO and WOLF ROBES, &el Which ire will WI at the lowest possible PliC3s sadthe reepeeually sollett a share of the p 03110 of pablk. arßats Iltlid with the American - Conformater CIAINEST & AKSBRIff Towanda. Oct. 5. Is. IWITGi HARMS MAKING N at a rs i l ed haveMe day based a s-outair lab be blows . as the Arta et YA M& /ULM be 61wpalyoes et amalbeebese bubo& Mats imalabaM a 12811 dam to erase sad ell .at wananted l . Claab pal tar bides. =PPM NAGEL _ =GAR B. MILER Ciaptima, Jai. 28; 1868. 'lmre Islerratrrr JARS IN. lISE .4.110 , KoCABZ 1111X13.2 erottrits SP fravishnm PROVISIONS,, 1113 Ylagir-& 0 . 'WOODEN, ,WILLo* syttilf CT R. 311 No. 1, - Purols's !Loot, Ebntheaat corner of Main & Bridge-sta TOWANDA, PA. New. and Desindie Goods IUcCEP7ID DAILY. Assortment always Complete -Great Inducements to CASH BUYERS COUNTRY PRODUOE4 . Bought and Bold at THE 'MARKET BATES LONG & KEELER. Nov 11, 1808. NEW GROCERY AND PROVI SION STORE! McCAIIE & Respecttally, announce that. they have coin manned the In the North Store of Ifercor'n New Block, MAIN STREET, And have now In store a full assortment o Goodsin their line, purchased in New York which they have selected with% unusual . care and will sell at the lowest possible rates. Their stock is complete in every particular, and in qxality and price cannot fall to give satisfaction Th ey ask the patronage of the public, with the assurance that first rate goods and fair dealing may alirayi be expected. They have now in store, and for sale by the case or single jar, a large stock of MOORE_'S SELFSEALIN . G AIR TIGHT FRUIT JARS, Which they recommend as • tho very best offered to the pub!ic. They ask for thin jar, an hope°. Uon and trial, as its merits are a 'parent to ev ery one. - in.:Borth. eta./ to Mercur's Nom Block Kahl street, Tosranda, Pa. sireisn paid for PRODUCE, and for BUTTER, at the highest market rates. JAMES .11o0ABE, HARRY MIX. Jane 25, 1868. ' _ WHOLESALE GROCERY mai PROVISION HOUSE F. S. -M. dc •CO 113, Meer 13nurer, • TOWANDA, PA The undersigned, encouraged by the success which has thus far, a tended their new enterprise, desire to make acknowledgement for the very liberal patronage they have re ceived, by giving their customers the advantage of their years' experience, together with the benefit of their greatly increased' facilities for doing business They keep constantly on hand, a very large and complete assortment of everything in their line, and are daily receiving such additions to their stock as the wants of their ti ade requires They have now in store, Sugar, Syrup, Molasses, Coffee, Rice, To- 'bacco, Fish, Salt, Cheese, Fruits, Crackers, Candy, Matches,. Broome, Wrapping Paper, and ,Twine,, Flour Sacks, Seeds, and a great variety o Other goods, which have been recent ly bought at the lowest point in the market, and are offered at .wholesale, at rates to correspond. They desire to call especial atten- tion to their " large atonic of Fine Teas, which.they are selling at New York Jobbing prices,—guaranteeing the quality in all eases Have also on hand a good assoh- meat of Flour, Pork and Kerosene Oil. They still continue to have the benefit of a *.esident Partner in New York, Who is constantly in the market and prepared to tnrn to our advati- tage any favorable changes On .the price of goods FOX, STEVENS, 313MCIIIt it CO. May 12, 1868 W. 11 • 0 FITT, ID Has just opened s full and .mmplete assortment of. GROCERIES OF ALL BINDS 1 TEA, SUGAR, COFFEE AND SPICES! • laci the celebrated lilnerali Boap, tat ter cleaning Tin sad Silver were. Caro keeps sientetantly on hand all kinds of GREEN FRUITS ! * ' WU AT ALL LLIIIDN, Teethes, Pears, Apples. Berrie 1, Green ont and T. mabxs, and other traits lathe!: sea son which will be sold cheap. He also has connected with the above an sating -Rams, where people coming la town for dinner WM dad a warm meal got np In good style, In readiness at any time. Cash paid for Green Fruit. Give him a call. GRO. W. MOFFITT. Towanda, Artg.l7, 11347. HIGHEST . MARKET PRICE IN Cash paid for well fatted =dwell drew ed Hogs and PowP3'. at Neo.lllll & ILEX% North Stone In Mercer's new Block. :Now la, 11068.- GrouMn. l :r . o:l*(vigionc (2.40cyg1y .i.. _,' PROVISION ,;AND ` Ol • " -I.IIAURAITOIIII. . lEM 40IW, `"KMDETH,, j bar oath of the Bail Band ,weiss),veald met resimadtally invite the It looted dente teaks eribeinuil -e to line and well se d- MORRISS AND PROVIS t IONi3, WWI be Is: soling to sun the times & saa . penes of all. ifs hos also LPened • gPleildld tE'ERI) STORE, Which Ii wellshoaled to supply the canownd Botchy cod Neon at all times. • He bop. constantly on hand a large stock of TEAS, COF,FEES, STIGARB, YOLMII3I2I, FLOUR, BIJTMI, Which be Is seillog*sp for cub._ GOODS 'DELIVERED IN THE BORG FREE OF CHARGE. • • The eltMent of Towanda and vicinity, will please accept my thanks for their very - liberal patronage for - the • last -two years, and we promise with thelr ambiance to improve sr= cry °pew dually to enlarge our business, so as to warrant eatlslhatkm to 21/. Call and see es again* JOHN K :4: SILTH. Towanda, July 10, 1867. = N EW STORE ! NEW kEw GROCER W. A. ROCKW CANNED FRIIIT PINE APPLES, PEACE E', pLIIMS OF ALL KENDS* -7- AND CANNED OYSTERS • t DRIED AELEf3, PEACHES, PRIMES, CHERRIES; am, ao., its , TffiNti SUGARS; SYRUPS, MOLASSES, COFFEE, - SPICES,, Of all kinds, In fact everything In the aR,OCERYLIN • Will be kept constantly on .d • FLOUR,FED,BUND, P6TATOES, BUTTER, LARD, -V,AGIEI i r AND EVERY VARIETY OF pARKEIRS PRODUCE. A fresh lot of ' DRY GOODS OF ALL VARIETIES, Purchased at tho LOWEST POINT IN THE MARKET And will be Bold as CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST! TO THE FARMERS CAM PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE W. A. ROCKWELL May 23, 1867 T HE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING Purchased the entire Interest of R. H. PATCH, In In the firm of C. B. PATCH I CO., hi now prepared to offer to the citizens of Bradford County and vicinity, a large and well selected stock of GROCERIES, Which I have purchased for Cash and feel cone dent that can sell at as low figures as can be purchased'elsewhere. I now offer to the public a splendid stock of TEAS, COFFEES, ;SUGARS, STARCH, RALERATUB, SPICES,' Have on hand a largo stock of AKRON FLOUR, GRAHAM' DO BYE DO. BUCKWHEAT DO I keep constantly ontrid, r- F0R11, , , HAMS LARD and kinds of FISH. Wgpld ca . ll the at tention of the public to oar Can't Be Beat STOCK OF TOBACCO, In quality or price. Jesse Oaklora Celebrated Laundry, New York Chemical and Brown• Soap Please call and examine our stock of WOODEN WARE Large assortmentf YANKEE NOTIONS TOILET SOAPS, &c.,&c. I will pay the high est cash price for COUNTRY PRODUCE. Farmers give as a eall before selling elsewhere AU perions indebtedkto the ;late -firm win please call and make Immediate payment C. B. PATCH Towanda, March 12. 1867. NEW% - FRITIT AND. FANCY Grocery Store.l Near the Elwell Souse, TOWANDA, PA Jost started, s good sappty of FOREIGN, DOMESTIC, OaNNED & DRIED ;TILL, COIPPSE, AND shcas, Nuts, Candies,Fruit Extraels, Ckunitantly on hand, and will bisold cheap as the cheapest. Mao the best quality of BALTIMORE OYSTERS, meas ere, or ;an, or keg. Fresh and Floe • Remeitber , G.E. WOOD'S NEW STORE, Between the Elwell House and !Terinee Block Towanda, Oct. 15, 15E8. wARM ARAL% AT ALL HOURS _VT at G. 'W. MOFFITT'S Restaurant— Panne coming to town for Mum, will do well to give hlm a call. GEO. W. MOFFITT TOwanda.Jone 1868. . MOWN TOB • COO AND CIGARS IL/ at . Brauliatt. Corxers Clasp aort. NEW ,< EIPRING E'DfD Weald aniiiiiiaihi*eithass anstAba pablia - ~E7.- that hit Au la slam 1 114 *WY medwfts POE, _ 404 GOODS lES C. B. PATCH ho. &c. -Ostlibtll in Ids line. malteds to thS traits of the people which he will sell for emeno, atiormer,. • • Cloailstingss =al of good wa ll an re as da l• • • •O .L. OT.H' T 1 a! (NO Shoddy of soy kind), wadding In : 13_1713 INBB 5, Al guides, ©OATS, ,VESTS - .AM:/' PANTS, AU Wool. DRESS ODATS, PANTS & VESTS, une4 fib_, - Dfulteri and Panta. Over Alla and. Over Elkkti, Linen and.Piper ' Linen, Oandmere and Flannel thhtai a/a n nul. Ballade* 010701, Cane, Leather Baca, Spring Style Silk, Solt and Straw flank All Ern elma. .Rmmber that Good Dodds are damper at a fair price than poor goods st price. Call and examtne my goods before bay ing., Next door to Powell 00. B. W. ESOP. - To , Nay 28. 1887. ' THE TEMPLE . 0P .; FAspico ' NEW Eemßrelyii NEW GOO , : , , • / - An entire new stook/ d Clothing • mkt u cheap as before the be sold ith SMALL PRO 1• The =deadened 'would ectfollywnnotinee to the Citizens of Towan and viehdtv that he now ready to cabs CI othing, .each ne FINE BEAD R 'QVEROOATE, • • . , • :11' CHILLAS, PILOTS, . Also the ' '" F = DRESS AND BUSISEfIS SUITS. HATS AND CAPS. _ _Jhg Goods, &e.. and, that these goods bought at very low figures will be sold with very small profits I intend to establish a per manent trade in this place, and Inorder to gain the confidence of psrchasers, will deal on a baste of HONESTY AND INTEGRITY and all goods will be warranted for what they are represented to bet. - Come and examine and convince yourself. Don't forget the place, Temple of Fashion, opposite the Means House, south end of Beidleman's Block. U. JACOBS. Towanda, 00.17, big. FALL AND WINTER, GOOS GREAT REDUCTION:.IN PRICES ! - PROOLLYATIO'N BY CbijE-N k ROSENFIE ' LD , TOWAI‘DA, PA. Warevas, It seems to have pleased the in habitants of Towanda, and vicinity, to recog nize our fair way of dealing ; AND WIIIRIMI, We owe ourisincere thanks to the community for exteading to us so liberal patronage until now; Awn WEEMS, We , deem it our duty to re ciprocate all the favors bestowed upon us thus far ; , - great We do hereby publicly PROCLAIM, that on atock of PALL AND WINTER (loops, SUCH AS BROADCLOTH, BEAVEt Doeskin' Cathimere Suits, Of all grades and of the latest styles, will be disposed - of at 'REDUCED, PRI - CES,! Oar goods and inanufadtared in New Yprk city by one of the membera of the Orin, therefore we are enabled to sell as cheap as the next, and wishing to' reduce oar stock, we will put our goods at such low rates as will enable body to to buy a salt of clothes. We are dy ing the • LARGEST STOCK of OVIRCOATS Ever brought to this market, such ae Beutver. Chinchilla. Doeskin,. &c., for Men and Boys wear. Call at the Clothing.i3toro of COHEN & ROSENFIELD, II And convince yourself of the fact th ' at they do as they %say and do not misrepresent any 'of kof their goods. We also call attention to onr stoc GEF7S FURNISHING GOODS ! t'neh as'Casslmere l and Woolen Overskirts, Un dershrrta and , Draweva, oVaralla and overskirts, Gloves, Cordigan, 'Jackets, The Collars, Bus. pendent, LATEST STYLES HATS & CAPS, Whir& they also sell at Reduced Prices. Give tufa call before buying elsewhere. . 0011 ENTIOSENF1ELD.' Opposite Powell & Co; Towanda, Oct. 31, 1868. CAMPAIGN OPENE-D1 GRAND 'RALLY OF THE MASSES COME ONE I CORE . ALL ! REPUBLICANS, DEMOCRATS, And citizens of elarp political faith are invited to attend the GREAT 'MASS MEETING Which ig to be held and continued for the next three months by the citizens of • Towanda and vicinity at • NO. 123, MAIN STERET Vbereyoung_and old are already gathering to provide theniselvea with CL'OTI3ING, FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAB,, Prom the excellent supply we have lately received and Which for. k • QUALITY, DURABILITY AND CEIBA PRESS Citnnot be excelled in, this or any other mar owe ket. entire stock being new and bought for cub DISTAiEB ALL COMPETITION, Our motto is Quick Salee, Small Profits, Strict ly Cash, and Once Price Only. We invite! one and all to pay us ,a Oat at the old slant of olomott ,& Son, one door north of Taylor & Co SOLOMON & WOLFF. ALEX. SOLOMON. JULIUS wca.vr. Towanda,.Oct. 1,1868. WE SELL Over, oats this season at rely low prices. • Our stock was bought low, and Is re tailed at less than a canal wholesale profit..._ We offer some extra bargains at the once price store of SOLOMON & 'WOLPP r • No. 123, Main Street. ; WE BELL our stock of Pine Costs. litisinsui Suits, Pants And yests, for men and boisS' sear as low as any previous time this summer: We have some splendid goodainthis line,ibought cheats and selling at, a verb small prolity of the One Price Store of • SOLOMON t WOLFS', No. ,123 Main Street. 1 WE SELL Furnishing b oo ts much beloi curtest prices. Our stock is complete in lien's and Youths'. On these customers can save many times, fully 20 per ant. br buying at the one price,store of SOLOMON lb WOLFS', No. 123, Hain Street. WE SELL small articles its chejsp as large bees; Suspend ems, Handkerchiefs, Collars, Ties, Gloves, Mittens and gooks of this class very much *leas then` th* are retailed elsewhere.— We invite the tract to convine ' themselves at the one price store of , ' • SOLOMON ,& WOLFF, No. 123, Main Street. The highest price in cash. paid for Wool Rides, Pete, and Calf Skins at the one p store of 'SOLOMON & WOLFF; ". • No. 123. Kiln Street. NEW TAILOR SHOP AMOS PESNEPACIMS, Has opened a shop in the room back of the Rooms of the Yenng Christian Mewls tion, second Mori!, over Eddy's Clothing Store where he is now prepared to d all kinds of TAILORING, In the best end most .fashionable manner. no expellent* of mei' lean, determination to keep op with the - Fashions of the Times, ands desire to please hie common. he betimes 1111 amble him to give' satisfaction , • *IL ne'o Cutting don abort notice and reason bbl tams. Tolman, Oct. 17,1867, ~tlt~f-'Qlt~ . ~t~t~tti. D :• ;- E R - 1 91 11 ) : '.0:teR: , VAVOG -- gtoRE, • ,• • FilaraiiKaiiti4lttliiiiits;terin'''rais Ps; . rieentli added lug* lie Stook. a• ion sad mugged* aametteme:, - aositltetieg fill extessire wariody. egebreedpg MAY stUelel!llßd ia the AW leketed glgib4F ' pfd QM hat BPOI =1 'TOOTH,IIEIN AND HAIR PREPARATIONS PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For liedlabial use,. TOBACCO, Slim, PIPES - AND °WARE, NiuMen, letd and FloUr Seeds, Teases; Sup porters, Suspensories,n ShAl p oulder e Maces,Nandng Breast i . Bottles t Nipples, Nipple wells and, , Syriniges, Bed Pans , Self. • Trutt, Jars,, Thermometers, • Piave Extracts, Stone Jogs, Glass - • Ware Bottles; Vials, Corks; Bath Brick, and Store Blacking', Fish 'hale, Animal. tion, &a Botanic. Eclectic and Houurpath• Medicines, and all the Popular Patent ISIEDjCINEI3.I All articles warranted as represented. Per lOU at a distance can receive thetr orders by dalr Mali ttention.', which will receive _prompt and a Medics advice given gratuitously at theolllce, charging only for medicine. sir Thankful tor paat liberal pstronage,would respectfully announce to his friends and the public, that no pains shall be spared to satisfy, andmerit the continuation of their confidence , H. O. PORTER, M. D. Jan. 1.1869.—yr. 4aib wart • g; t - t cl 2 d rl4 3 2 ro' m" cs '9 i a 14 LIJ CD cs) Pr - 0 • • - MARSHALL BROTHERS & Fa to call the attention of tho public to their new Stock of BARDWAKE, PAWING IMPLIMENTS, BLACK SMITHS' TOOLS, and CARPENTERS' TOOLS. Also, a large assortment of Window Olass, Sash, Paints, Oils, !Putty, Varnishes, and Paint • and Varnieb Brushes of all kinds, which will be sold for the lowest Cab price. Also, a fine assortment of • IcEIIOI3.ENE LAMPS of every style and pattern to snit the .pablic Lamps repaired and changed from 011 and Fluid to Kerosene. • Particular attention paid to the manufacluring of an kinds of TIN WARE. JOBBING PROMPTLY ♦TTIODSD TO We hale on band a fine article of (MASS FRUIT JARS, with Improved nit-sealing corks, and HERMETICAL SEALING CANS which.fil one of the beat cans used. • Jane 20, 1865. .furniturt LOOK HERE! There is now on exhibition at , the Mammoth Furniture Store IN TOWAN A, PA., The largest sad best stock of P ' UR_NIT.UREI To be found is North'ern2Pennsylvanie, which is being sold at _GREATLX BEI RCM:PRICES I My stock consists in part of Pallor, Library Dining Boom and ; Chamber salts. - Parlor, Li brary, Extension, Dining and °Bice Tables, Chairs, Bedsteada, Bureaus, Washstands, Bolas, Lonn, Tetes-tetes, What-Nots, Cra dles, Cribb', c. &a. .A fall line of Mattras sea and Bed ding. Pier, Mantel and Common Mirrors,-Oval and Bustle Frames atel Stack eta, dm., 4.c. In tact everything In the furniture Line Mkt' mast be seen to be appreciated and which will be sold at LOWER PRICES Than the same quality of goods can .be pur _chased elsewhere. . Thankful to the public for their past liberal patronage, and determined to merit a ContAn uance of the same by offering inducements not to be found elsewhere, I incite them to call and examine my goods and prices before pur chasing visewhere No charge - for showing goods and I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! COUNTRY DEALERS supplied as usual at the lowest:market prices., I al* keep on band a large assortment of Ready Vade Coffins from the mast common to the finest Halewood. Also Burial Robes, Caps and I am the sole agent in Bradford coon ty for SHULEICS do FISK'S IIETALIC BURIAL CASES, CASKETS, &C. A gLd ,HEARSE always la readiness when required, JAMES 0. FROST. TowandaPee 10, 1888. FURNITIIREI NEW GOODS 1 NEW GOODS NEA,TLY FINISHED PIPPErL.AR pRICESI Consisting :of CHOBRR SETS, PARLOR SETS DINING EGON SETS, MIRRORS, PICTURE iFRAMES 4 Photograph Frames, for everybody. • A GE'RERAI. ASSORTMENT PIIptITURE, Suited tothis market. I have tho best upholsd terer In the country, and manufacture_ our own upholstered , work. REPAIRING AND JOBBING, Done to order. Haying an experience of 20 years in'tbe business , I can confidently hope to please all-who pationise me. Don't forget the place. 155, Main st., two doors south of. Beidleman's Block, Towan da. Pa - B. T. DECKER. ITowanda.Rayi3o. 1888.-41. AAFINE ASSORTMENT OF TOD J LET 804 PS, at NaCABEtt 1111111. . . o inzst -13,11 r. H . ' H : ',At :0 - ,1411 4- I'-' • - -..,._ , '.,7, - i; , DOG-Wiliik ' './:` ~;'. W. H. H.oole.)(ll3ollllll4itoW4ll44tiVii t ly are eentbuslag lbw- , lieslieig- , at • tint' Ol t' Mena No. d, Pattoa'a Meek _ Aitila - 4 reomildng "addltkina tolls Moe thil reliable batman Ind • ' a tally min or a . li be ral Aare of public pa. age.fb,r geatock of , Nlili t N‘ t DRUGS - AND _SINDICINES , ...- Jut been received , and - mine' now pie ta 'MAY the - • -. • '• ; -- ~~:~ WANTS SeTilgyzna,io MTII ARTICLffi itimosaixe ro ?U! !tam, PUNS WINES -AND LIQUORS, FaII*EDDAL USE QNLy , - - ♦ ;nu& woman or conzwrawrin BOTANIC ECLECTIC AND NONCEPATNIC XEDIGINEEi. ALL THE POPULAR PATENT MEDICINE/3. ?MOM OIL, Y•EIrMD. .• PAINT AND VARNISH BRUSHES, DTI-esvpra AND GLASS. FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES OF EV ERY KIND Trzam's•LLITOZIOTACI AND 'FLUID lITFAACITE4 Af f irdLOlD AND RERINOIDq. AU the Beat Tresses, A BDO at I N'A L .13 UPPORTERF!, Shoulder Braces, BREAST PUMPS; SHIELDS, Nursing Bottles., Syringes and Catheters, &LAME Aasosrmurr OF RAZORS, arson, rooks: Jortvzs, SURGICAL IRISTRWEENTS OF LATE STYLE D BUT QUALITY. A largo supp.y Brushes for the Hat and Hair Also for the Teeth and Nails, Tooth Pow ders and Pastes, Oils, Perfumery, &apt, Combs, Hair Dye, invigor• store. ao., Kerosene, - Kerosene • . • Lamps, Shades, Chimneys, Tete, /to., all of the .. late at styles. CHOICE (WARS, TOBACCO AND SNUFF sr Physicians supplied at reasonable rates. Redloinds and Prescriptiohn carefully and RC carately compounded and prepared by compet ent persons at all hours of the -day and night. Sunday hours from -9 to 10 o'clock in the fore noon, to 2in the afternoon. Towanda, Sept. 29, 1866 Books cutb •Statipnerp. REMOVAL.' ALVORD & BARBER Have removed their BOOK STORK AND NEWS ROOM To the magnificent new store in MERCIIR'S BLOCK, Nearly opposite the " Ward Ho . use," where they are prepared to 6ffer to their old customers, and the public generally, a new and carefully se lected assortment of BOOKS! Comprising Standard Works, Novels Text Books, &c. Their assortment of BIBLES, • , TESTAMENTS, • HYMN BOOKS, .BAYER BOOKS, etc-, will found , to beicompleee. A large aortment of. .;• Sunday School Boas, Cards &c., always on hand, Writing Pa er,ik Stationery As cheap as eve other market with School Boo: that we are pre ries, of Books no i • moo Schools of t dealers, at as lo • buy them in Ne Orders sent for sold in this .or any Our arrangements publishers are such ared to - offer the se in use in the Com is county to retail figures a& they can . . York. any book publish We keep co the Daily and ' 'tautly on hand all eekly Papers, Mag. 8, ke. . azines; Periodical Givens kcal ALVOAD 84.118EK. Towanda, July 13, 1868. DIARIES FOR 1869 PAPER . & ENVELOPES NEW-YORK PAPER S I SCHOOL BOOKS, PENS, INK, MUSIC, STATIONERY AND hertrams ' • BLANK BOOKS. YANKIE NOTION. t - Towanda, Nov. 10, 1668. 80 011- BINDERY.---THE'PIJBLIO is respectfully luformad that the Book- Bindery has been removed to the Argus Build ing, 3d story, where will hel done. 80 , 0 - IE-BIN.DINGI In allits various -- branches, se terms as res sonable es" the times" mill allow. The Bind ery will be under the chargo.of H. Q. WHITAKER, An experienced Binder, and .all work will be promptly done, in- a style and - manner- which cannot be excelled. Music, Magazines, News papers, Old Books, &c., bound in erery variety of style. Particular attention will be paid to the Ruling and Binding of - • BLANK BOOKS, To usy desired pattern,' which in quality and durability sill be . warranted. - prom Allised work will be ready for delivery when The patronage of the public Is solicited, and perk° satisfaction guarrantea. Towanda—Amore 2.1' _.;27tf. F URNITURE WARE-ROOMS JAMES MAKINE3QN announitts to the public that he atill'oontinues to manufacture and keep on hand a large imertment of CABINCT, FURNITURE, nirvana Table.. Bedsteads. Stands; Chaim. &a, of every deseriptan , width will be made of the best materials, andlle he most workman- I invita the ineetion of the public to mylwork,- which sballuo be surmised In durability, at any shop in the country, and my prices will be found to low as the timer , will admit. liesAiy-taido Coffins constantly, on band or nude to °ado. ♦ good Hearse will beturaished wbee-dadred. , - - Au Pk 1865* Bani*ttorit' g spir. NORM . .11:0171ifpRY- ME U.Af3III?“ imitated on Pine, cut of main shun, TOWANDA, BR ADFORD CO.; now prepared to tarnidt CIRCULAR SAW MILLS :sslsing iteonmEs; Of the best'. quaky: with' the Weil ligniive ente. All kinds of Mechlroxy for ,pqnling sad Saw Hills. • - . STEAM , EN'GINES, _ - MADE & REPAIRED, STEAM WHISTLES: - - STEAM GAGUES, GAUGE COCKS,- • " OIL GAINS, &C. - , Furnished of eh* notice. .BOLT CUTTING,. Done Doi* from,l tort} Inches In diameter. !, FORGING Of Utley Wrought - work 'for Sedges, and all other purposes, done to order. aW, a large assortment of - COOKING &HEATING- STOVES; , , Coal andlrood Surnews. Samna?. toe Cooking' Stoves,Stove pipe, Tin-Ware, Boat Pumps, PlowsCaltlvators and Lorapers , kept constant- Iron Wad.. DRAWINGS do SPECIFICATIONS Of MI Ideals of rosetdnezy for mills and otter FirPolmo prepared by • Foreman, who'hao hod large-- aperlenco in . thle branch of the boalnese. • - JOHN CARMAN. Toiranits,-Oct. 214'1866.-Iy. TOWANDA_94;RE.IAGE Thb nnderatgned respectfully announce to the radix that they lutie purchased the CARRIAGE SHOP And lare now prepared to build wlrk In THE LATEST STYLE And moat workmanlike manner. They will constantly keep on, hand an assortmentsof splen did • W. H. H.. GORE TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, DEMOCRAT AND LUMBER. WAGONS, ALBANY SLEIGHS. REPAIRING promptly attended to at rea- souable prices., BRYANT & EMMEN Towanda, May 9,11367.—1 y. NEW PLANING MILL The undersigned having built a iarge and com modious Mill in the Borough of Towanda; and filled it with the moat modern and improved machinery. for the manufacture of WINDOW BASH, & BLINDS. are prepared to fill orders, whether large or small, upon the shortest notice. We have also a large variety of MOOLDINGB, of the latest style aid pattern, which -we can turnish much cheaper than they cab be worked by band. PLANING. TONGUEING , GROVEING, AND SCROLL SAWING, and a.. 1 other work pertaining to Joinery. tell be done to salt our customers. Persona building, and not living more than twelve to fourteen miles distant, will Bad it largely for their interest to buy of us, or bring their lumber' and 'worked by our machinery. Bring your grist of Flooring, or other lumber, and while your team is is feeding, have it ground out and take it home with you. We will pay CASH for PINE 1 HEBILOCE LUMBER-delivered at our lumber yard. Come and see us. or if you can't come, write. L. B. RODGERS & CO ~.- Towanda. M'eb.. 1.864. • T 0 WANDA AGRICULTItAI, TOWANDA, PE/V2OA., • • MANUFACTURES • HUBS, SPORES HEAVY _AND LIGHT WAGONS, WOOD TT:BRING TN ALL ITS BRANCHES' SCROLL SAWING, PLANING, ETC., ETC. *ft HUBS, SPOKES & BENT STOFF, LAgGE STOCK FROM WHICH TO ,BELECT SECOND GROWTH HICKORY a OAK. .LIGHT ANT HEAVY WAGONS ON HAND We have the Broad 'ond Narrow Guage girMILL PICKS mace and dressed M. C. MERCUR, President S9METIIIZIG NEW! Haying purchased the stock of Tobacco belong• to Randall, Compton k Co., and havihg bunt a shanty on the same ground, we are pre : pared to offer to the public • wg.ousALE, AND RETAIL, Gold Leaf, Sunny Nde, Pine Apple, klichigin Fig, Rose Imif and Star, which we oiler for sale In quantities to cult customers Packages in Darrell', halls and quaiters. - The celebrated. bone Jack, Pride of the Unt ted States, Virffinlitte,Gold Leaf, Navy and all kinds of Mlle War,. American Eagle, Gen. Grant, Leboquet, Im pato, Tycoon and the very choicest brands of Yams; We will kpep constantly on hand a variety of Pipes,.Cigar Easel, Tobacco Boxes and Pooch; es and everything usually kept in s Tobacco Landlords supplied with 13igari, and Foil To. bone° on liberal terms. AU orders Promptly vim t notice:l Oat. 27. 1367-, ..t? EARNER. W.-AYRES' MARBLE SHOP, Yon will_tlnd Granite isonaments, both Quincy and Concord, Marble and Slate Mantles, and foal. Grates to At. • A large assortment uon stantly on hand, cheap as the cheapest. Ang.-10, 1868.--Iy. . - . ACHOICE - :LOT OF WINTER Pratt of all kinds; for sale by the Darrell or &label, at IffcCABE 11181 t. WARREN HILL, F A: - 0 TO G. • 13". D F, FAMILY CARRIAGES, ON AND TWO IIZLTED ALL WORK. WARRANTED. It 0 I.KS BENT STUFF, GENERAL W 001) WORE To Dealers in ,We offer a The above are from the best W. T. BrSEIPP, Superintendent Towania, July 2, 1868 AGAIN IN MOTION! A variety of CHEWING: TOBACCO, Such as FANCY SMOKING BRANDS OF_ CIGARS,. ELMIRA , N. Y. ni 'd n a p , - ; OW A IiDA. INBII RAN E 61 11 1 0 1 .1.'prcii i P " y 4(6-661 / 1 040reatkook Nike C. " .44 ' re 4 ,0 4 Aa+.6l — clApite,...:4l, 7oo jo i r ita j o i l MY' • et Conran? # • ta iiereld. Cann kale NeV, r r ' t t, . • * l5 in rOM mai ii=lirb O t , 11111 Anillin , CI Co. 7a l o "l t _ ladikael " li an 4l4 Anneltis In the United " $18 ' 17474 Da, 1 " z10 ° 8111 . ilPituds of ((kid ) / 1 0 1 .60 P ,00u Nir , nta btstinnnen Centex*; C°l72' Zinwlna= litroar, Litz- lastraanci co 'Newark. N. J, • • Capital; ' • tlein Nairn .131111111.14•11T/WISITINSIIZANCi CO., " (Aitiden4l) °s i ne I PAI/Mephfo, (7oxwaninnirldimiii.Lant Inaaaaant CO*. WargfOrdi Cone Capital Towanda; Fob; IRE ' L/ P / ' "DANOA" ENTAI F ==2l : au:4l4,lizeszeibmap _ow SAPV47 . IO ° BIk7 -*AMMON DOLLAR.. ;•. RII4E-4-ti, dam , to& rag soitowiliii ILUb many 1311/42D Fuut .11 litmus balms ' *wpm , Phdlade/phia, f CaAll and sufplar:vver. Howl !Fiats ANCIVOMPANT, 0 f New-York Capital and attrplosover r1.75n zustrwics Commair _or Norm AXIDI7C.II, Pkik4e4shia. Capital and surplus, over MANHATTAN Inargairci CON:PANT, Of New-York. Capital and =plan, 0ver......... . EIRSIIPIROX iIRCILAROI COXPAIR, Of Philadelphia. j Capital Jid eurNas, !nor.. ,VaTIC W9E/Yell CONPANT t; Capi:4l/ and dial, over °rit. i760,C0C PrrNan It:mut:az CoNrittY, Of Hrord, C Capital and surpl a us, tf over cmu. H.C•TrAL Lang IVEMAILIICI CotreAlly, I Of' New-York. Capital and purpina,arer - $8,600,00C - TPAVIILLEFaI INELII.IIIOE COY/PANT, } ' Of Hartford, Conn. Capital and "Inarplus, over Rieke faheis on an kinds of Property, It le low ratesas by any other reliable Companies. Sir Policies issued and Losses, It any, ad. lasted at this Agency,thereby saving tbs/rouble and expense of going elsewhere for settlement. Sir Office at the Llardwhese Store of Cod. ding ,±c Russell C. S. RUSSELL Towanda, Feb. 7, Polc.- tt T Iv ERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE FIRE AND 611 , 'S COMPANY.OIIIcc, 45 William Si., and 72; , , Broadway, N. Y. Capital, Surplus - and .Reserred (Gold) f16,271,,15 Assets in the United States, over .. 1,800,V4 Daily Prearinms, upwards of (gold)-. •The shareholders personally responsiVe for engagements of the company. All Direetor• mn t be shareholders. - macrons IN Nzw.YOßlC.—Frar.Cis Cotten, , Es ChAlrman, Henry Grinnell Esq., Depot) .C.IL =km, Joseph' Grullard, Jr., E. M ARUlld, Esq., H. B. f. consul, ).-tlexands-- - Ilamilton, Jr., Esq., Robert C: Ferguson. Esq. Allred Pell. hart., Realdent Secretary. Aka ander Hamilton, Jr., Esq., Counsel o: Board. Bananas—Phenix Bank—Caminann A I o. The Policies of this Company are ts,ned by well-known American citizens residing in New York, who are Directors and Shareholder , . and coaseqaently, with the other Shareholders. are Individually liable for all the engagements of the Company ; all Policies are signed by tllcal, all claims are payable in cash ea proof of without deduction for interest, and not, as it usual, sixty days after presentation of proof. They expire at six o'clock, P. IL, and not a, noon. Life bazaar/et erected, and annnitirt granted on favorable terms. 1-1. - 13. MCKEAN sgsnt. • • Towanda April 23, 1f67,, . _ T HE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSUI ANCE-Eaclety's Alency for,Pradford c CASH CAPITAL $3,000;000 Yearly income ovi r'eaeb. MONTH YE WAIID Towanda, Jicly 26, 1867. THE ASTOR FIRE INSURANCE 1 of New York. Agency for gradtord CAPITAL $.100,000 4 Dlndend for 1866, 10 per cent. MONTANYE fi tv..11 -, ;Towanda, July 25, 1867. - THE 4 LYCOMING MUTUAL FIRE ..,,,,,m7ency for Bradford County, CAPITAL $3,4G0,000 Mutual Cash p . In successfrd operatkuc er twenty-sea years. hiONT.;:: YEA Towanda, lily 25, 1867 WYOMING INSURANCE AGEN WYOMING INSURANCE COMPANY Wilkes-Kure . , Pa SAMUEL WADHAMS' L. D. SHOEMAKER H. C. SMITH Capital and Surplus $170,060. North America, Hartford. Conn. asset:. iat3f), Fulton. New York, " • 250.100 Springfield, Mass.,. 400.000 Applications for inecrance in the above com panies taken at fair rxes atd br , sroe, , r attend ed to _with promptness and care Particuio attention 'will be given to Farm country. Also Lite and Live Stock le:stance .:5 fected in good and reliable companies. On, over the Bakery on Main-st„ forracriy orccpip.: by - Mercur & Morrow. T. B. CAMP, .sjpr. , . Towanda. March 12, 168.—tf. F IRE, LIFE, AND ACCIDENTAL INSURANCE A GENC Capital pepresented. over $27,000,000, JOHN W. NIX, Agent for the - to!loo Mg wet! - known Companies : . North America, l'hilidelphis. $ 2 901.255 72 Plicenix, of Hartford. . 1,234 194 41 Germania, New York,.. 976.815 51 Home In. Co.. New Hai ~... 1,1;19,070 1I North American• Fire In. Co.. of New York. Mutual Life, New Ya rk, Hanover, New York We write policies in the above reliable eon!, pules at the lowestmtes, and the losses,ifau) adjusted at this agency. Particular attention given to farm property. Office at his law office. in Me , cur's new block, north side public squarx Towanda, Feb. 20,1868. n R. BAKER, Master Millwright, ..a." to Is prepared to attend to all business in his' line. He warrants ell wcrk done in a work manlike manner. All orders by mill, or other- Wise, addressed to me at. Towanda, will promptly attended to. Jane 4, 1868.-3m* TOWANDA , Pa., Juno 2G, lt3CB. To.cill what it may soneirn: I eertity that I have this da,y appoin ed D. B. BAKER, of To. wanda, Bnidford county. Pa.; an agent for the sale of Dodines Jones/ Turbine IVater late .for the counties- f Bradford. Wyopaing. Lynam , log, Clinton, Clearfield, Tinge and ]'otter, in the' State of Pennsylvania. Parties wantinz these wheels can obtain them through him and he will give his personal attention to putting them in when desired. Parties by calling apou Air. Baker, at Towanda, will be abbe - vibe trOael, and on application to him he will Wm. ish illustrated pamphlets containing working tables, testimonials, &c., JAS. A. MacPUEBSON.' General Agenefor Pennsylvania, , forgo dines Jorival Tarbine Water Wheel. p ACIF,IC HOTEL, 170, 172. 174 Sc 176 Greenwich Street NEW YORK, 0ct.10,1,30 The undersigned takes pleasure hi annnone , ing to his numerous friends and patrons (hit from this date, the ,clia - ge of the Paciti; will be 81050 per day. Being sole Proprietor of this house, and . therefore free horn the too common evil:Una of an 'nerd bate rent, he is filly able to meet the, downward tendency of prices without any fall lag oft of service. - It will now. as .beretofore, be to -maintain undiminished the favorable rep:ILA n of the'Paclfic, which it has enjoyed for many years. as one of the beat of travelers' hotels. The table will be bountifully stinpllef with every de icacy of the a aeon. The attendance will be found ancient am! obliging.. The Location. will be found convenient to those *hese buslnesi calls them in the lower part of the city, ..elng one dour north of roe iandt st., and one block west of Broad wry, and of ready ac c ess to all Rail Road and Steamboat JOHN PATTEN. Nov. 17, 1888.—gm. - • T: • 41 00, (y) MEM $1,7 , () (4 3 $9400,c0: ...... $350,0C -11704,00 c 1600,00( PicaPre 5 PresiEt-.: Secretal 7.55,000 0! 20.00°,000 OC 606034. V