,ii or tpix#i-x. tUaba . ini lin , 1 1 .1 11. 1 1 ....... .. 1 2 ... ... ~ 12 3 • 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . 4 6 6 8 910 1 1 10 11 12 3 1415 /6 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 17 18 19 9122 93 •18 1 20 21 22 24 24 25 38 97 28 29 30 27128 v' t 30 81 .131 _,.,iiiiii iiiii 69 1 V 7 8 910 11 12 13 r 8 910 11 12 13 14 : 4 '14 15 16 17 18 19 30' 15 16 17 18 19 30 21 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 22 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 • . iiiiii 6 . . . i i 3 i ie 910111213, , 71667'3 91011 14 15 16 17 18 19 96 12 13 14.15 1•17 18 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28293031 . . ..U262728" • .1 . • .... 1 iS ... :. 1 9 ii6l7B9loaiiiii7 B9 11 L 213 1116 16 17 ' 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 .4 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 252: 27 28 29 l . 24 26 27 29 30 I'6 8 1 1984 i ie, 1 81 .9101112131415 iB9lOll 12 13 Z 1617181920 21 22 'l4 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 23242526272819 212223 2426 2627 30 31 . . . . • '26 29 30 . . . . , ..., 1 iiii ......iiii 1 .678910 11 12 66 7 8 .91011 11 13 14 16 16 17 1. 9xl2 13 14 /6 1. 1718 r. 20 21 n 23 24 261. Op 19 20 21 22 23 24125 127 28 29 30 .. ..1 K 26 27 28 29 30 31 .. LOCAL AND GENERAL Tim Twns.—The following ilk the Time Table of the Pennsylvania and New York Canal and Rail Road Company, which took effect on Monday, Nov. 29, 1868: •4 .1 P.M. .8:..18.. _ ABIL. - .7:03... .718.... .7:40-.. - IV.a ATIEI2IIS Minn 8 - 10 12:00 6.00 7 6U 11:40 540 .7:37 1127 627 722 11:12 612 —720 • 10:50 4:50 A. ILP.M. JOHN P. COX, SuPvingoldent• WAVIRLI ATMINI . ULBTEL.. TOWLIM lar Our Stiberibers will bear in mind that the date printed upon the label after their names, tells when their subscrip tion expires. As we are now making many changes, it may be possible that a mistake occasionally happens. If the date is wrong ly printed, or if the paper fails to come, we trust that wp4nay be' immediately notified, that a propkr correction may be made. t Bir COURT commenced no Monlay 'mt. The business in the Quarter Sessibns is unusually light. We will give next week our carnal report of the proceedings. le. FRED . L'Ameßsules first public '"hop" came Off at the Means House, on Tuesday evening last, and was a decided success, being largely attended by "brave {young) men and fair women." Fred is teaching the Terpisehorean art in several places, and never fails of having a fall cfass, and giving entire satisfaction. TS; " Cease rude Boress, bluster ing railer," if you please ; for after the pleasant weather of the past few weeks, _your present visit is anything bat enjoy able. The skating, however, seems to be enjoyed, and those whose ice houses are empty are busy and rejoicing. ma. The Towanda Coat Co. has placed a new and beautiful locomotive, called the LaWei, upon the Barclay Road. DA. The Sue. Col. Institute has jest commenced its 2d half of the 4th year. Pa pilsdesiring to enter will find it to their ad vantage to do so without delay. • m:/- A merchant in the enterpri kim; village of Elmira, has received a large number of one-wheeled velocipedes. They are of the same pattern as those used in-the construction of the railroad now building here. i The Towanda Coal COmpany ii'shipping daily 500 tons of coa i rto Waver ly to supply the Erie Itailway and shops u4th fuel. THE TROT FIRE.—The Insurance on property destroyed by fire on Sunday mortic ing, amounted to $117,550, and was divided among the following companies : Home, $31,000 ; National,s6,ooo ; Spriug- Geld, $6,000 ; Hartford, $28,800 ; Putnam, $12,250 ; -Etna, $26,100 ; Girard, $2,600 ; Manhattan, $14,800. The following are the individuals in sured : Pomeroy Bros., $95,000 ; N. M. Pome , roy, $6,000 ; Horace Pomeroy, 0,000 ; M. A. Gates A Co., $7,100 ; V. M. Long, $9,500 ; V. XL & B. F. Long, $B,OOO ; G. Di. Long, $16,000 ; Mitchell, Parsons it Co., $14,000 ; 8. M. Leonard, $16,850 ; A. S. Booker, $1,6001 Wolf Orwan, $2,000 ; Moses Gristin, s4'Bo ; F. EL Parsons, $503; M. Darnoeban, $1,200 ; Hobart t Por ter, $1,300; Davidson & McCabe, $1,700; F 0 G. D. Aspinwall, $BOO. MAIL ROI3IIF.ItY.—The through . mail bag from New Tory to Ithaca, Friday eve. ning,:lannary 15th, was found onitho 2.lth,at the Depot in Owego, cut open and rifled of its contents. Nearly all of the letters were missing entirely, though a few torn envel opes were found in the bag. It 111 probable that the bag was stolen from the Owego De. pot while waiting for the Ithaca train.— Persons who missed letters at about that date, can have the consoling 'satisfaction that they were duly received by the mail rolibers. OPENING SERVICES IN THE PRESBY TEIVAN Caracu AT BAZCLAT. —Mr. ElitOr: On Sunday the 31st ult., the new Presby terian church at Bare was consecrated by Bev. James MeWilliam, who' delivered arerloquent and pathetic Weirell sermon. teases, 4f ever, have we listened to a dis course which awakened such deep, intense cud impassioned feelings in the minds of a congregation. For several years the Pro fessor has acted the good Shepherd to our little flock, and now -that he has left us to engage in a more extended sphere of opera tion, we are at a loss to know who can fill his stead. Oar pen fails in the effort to ex press our sincere thanks to him for sacri fices made in our behalf—for the great good he has eone—and our regrets in parting with him. May our divine Father bless, ehoer and sustain him in his new field of Libor.. Through his instrumentality a new church of architectural grace and beauty adorns the village of Barclay where the large congregation and Sunday School are Ileft by him in a mosefkrutishing condition. Here, as elsewhere, his many kind seta and ehristian graces have shed a lustre on ta name imperishable. To a profotiad, noble, learned and self sacrificing minister, whose warts will long servic e him as monuments of the great and good cause in which he is engaged, with heartfelt emotion we bid him an affection ate farewell. ter On tlie evening of Jan. 22d, the Rev. a P. Gann and lady, received `•ery p 1 asant visit, at the parsonage in Eest Canton, from their people and Mends ; whl left a purse of 3112 and other Talus- Meg, amounting in all to $l7O. • . For the akpoi2Nik, Ixerits at. Rouu.—Acoordpig t!), announcement Hon. Gso. Lammird4ressi lectnievit the IL E. Okinrch,ioiTimmelar evening, Jan. 28, on Homes Eismmtiraeo• olfaction! of a Busy Life. The house was emphatically filled by.the_ admirers of the speaker and - the subject of the, occasion—Hoasus 43311:LET. #ll%i a. &mai. acted as ebbirman of the occasion and called for a song. . The Teti.os Brothers, wasted by a lady Alto sang a Teminwarice Bong entitled, "We cannot give .thei up," after which the lec turer began in his usual oleir and forcible style by giving:a brief review" of Hoiteor. Giamtares life, together vith. various sug gestions and advice, particularly to young men, called out by the reading and contem plation of the powerful writer and great author. The speiker while presenting Mr. Gum ins's temperance principles took occasion to remark that while ne ,advocated strict temperance both by precept and example, yet he thought there was a possibility of legislating too much and makhtp, laws too stringent in regard to it, in ear zeal to ao-- complish the desired result, the .. eel of which would tend to weaken the ea e.— Of course this - idea was rejeota: most wily by the members of the secret Order. The speaker in the course of his lecture also expressed his opinionmn the way our Missionary work is conducted in some coun tries at the present day, that without the aid of the arts and sciences, tho railroad, the telegraph, the printing prese t •In short, all of the aids of civilization co-operating, our money can be more judiciously and successfully used in home Missionary work, where we may know of its operations and successful administration. Mr.Gniumns is opposed to:capital ment. The speaker endorsed this belief and defended it by proving capital punish ment inconsistent and opposed to the laws of the Bible as well as the best in erests of society. P. M. A. 11. 12:30 840 1245 8:55 1258 " 908 9:23 ..1:35 945 In regard to religion the speaker said Mr. Gnzznz believes there is a future proba tionary state, that eventually Christ will "reconcile all things unto . himself whether they be things in earth, or things in heav en" (Col. 1: 20); The speaker said wheth er this be Arne or not he did_ not know, neither did he believe that lima& Gam= knew. The lecturer does mot believe in the doc trine of immediate human perfection kown in Theology as "instantaneous sanctifica tion," cannot endorse thO theory "that a man can enter a church a.sinner and go out a saint" L e. a sanclifial person,' (see Web ster.") Mr. Gimirtsr's temperance, anti-slavery, universal suffrage, anti-capital punishment, free religion for all, principles, with his un tiring energy and perseverance in the cause of right were comm'esled to the attention of the Audience as worthy of imitation. The lecture occupied about two hours, after which a song was sung entitled "Lo gan's Gathering." A vote of thanks was tendered to the speaker for his able and eloquent address andLthe meeting closed with a sea of thoughts• and arguments revolving in the minds of the multitude. Sescramon.. MR. Eorroo.—Tbe undersigned pro poses to publish when Complsieda "Local History of Bradford County," embracing early information of this section when in habited by Indians ; Moravian Missionary settlement at Wyalusing ; report of Col. Thomas Hartley's expedition from Fort Muncy to Tioga, Penn'a. ; extract froin Gen. Sullivan's expedition . through this County ; settlements made under the Con necticut title ; conflicting claims of Penn sylvania, settlers in favor of Pennsylvania ; first settlements on the Susquehanna, Su gar Creek, Towanda and North Branch, and settlements generally ; the organizations of the Counties of Northumberland, Liizeme, Lycoming and Bradford ; original Town ships ; new Townships ; population ; and schooli. ThOe will also be given names of the that settlers, - date, first birth death and. wed ding, first school, name of teacher, religious meeting, denomination, first framed house, barn, mills, meeting honse,mechanic shops, public house, and distillery. in connection with the above will be given incidents of early history in each township, the different wild animals, bunting stories, notices of distinguished persOii in each Township, present religious state. SYLVESTER TAYLOR. P. S.—Any information in reference to the items will be thankfully received. Stir Dr. R. DAVIS having sold his prsctice and his place in Le Raysville, to Dr. C. El. Warner, of Stevensville, is about to remove to Providence Pa. • Dr. DAVIS during his residence among ns has won for himself a host of friends, and a most enviable reputation as a physician and surgeon, and has thoroughly gained/the confidence of the community, both in his skill as a physician, and in his integrity as a man. A. feeling of regret is very &Aural ly expressed at his leaving, and the good wishes of all will attend him to his new field. Crru,EN. _ IRON FOR THE SOUTHERN OENTRAL R. 11.—We are glad to be informed by HOLI t . John J. Taylor, Vice President at the South ern Central Railroad, that arrangenienta have been made by the Directors which will, without doubt, result in the purchase of iron at onto to lay the track from Owego to Auburn.—Owego Gazette. The Plicentx Mutu , rl Life Insu rance Co., through their agency in Towan da,,lave jest paid Mrs JOHN H. &mass, Ont,Thonsand Dollars, on a policy issued upon the life of her husband in August 1867. Mr. B. died shsrtly after paying his second premium. Half of each premium was paid by note, which were in- the hands of the Company at, the time the policy was paid, but were not deducted from the amount insured. This case presents anoth er strong argument in favor of life insurance. Had it not been for the money receiVad from the Insurance Company;Mrs. ft..tvonld have lost her home, as it was so mach in cambered that she was unable to save it.;- Elmira Ad. 1810 Thu go , ni_people of Elm'ru al- , ready boast of an Opera House, in which Parepa Rosa didn't sing, but not content with that place, Dr. Enwns ELDRIDGE, is rebuilding Ely Hall, (now :called Stanclig Hall), injured by tire some time since, and is fitting up one of the most splendid rooms in the country. The decorations, scenery, &0., are being done by one of the most. cel ebrated artists in that line, and no pains nor expense are spared te make it conven ient and attractive. It will soon bp ready for opening to the public, and will be an ornament and credit to Elmira. _ Ma. Enrron--Plvale let as express through your paper our fervent thanks to the dear friends of Barlington Borough,and vicinity, for their attendance and sincere sympathy, on the occasion of the funeral of our daughter, Mrs. Elnom IL Morley, on the 19th - inst. She died, after a brief ill ness,at the residence of her husband's fath er, Jacob Morley, Jan. 17th, 1869, at 2 o'clock P. IL, aged 21years and 11 months. B. L. 'STrmvxm. asn Fauns. Milo Centre, N. Y., Jan. 21,1869. MN= Gin. PgrroN who has acquired some celebrity as a Temperance advocate, we regret to learn, has had au - attack of ap poplev. by which his speech is 'slightly affected. Ind - .41W &We iilletaisliair aborts gr36:00,410-WIAO.of Vcogpotona.yrszke Wale and o . 3initY. foTr their kiutitie4 And favors as ml iikated st die donation visits 1TP.2 24 , 04 0 11 n. nth. - OY. epedal Gorr • and iritb,ot _Fnudditulalet ltindnisa in ilicing Williams nt ossidisiposial.l' . AN UNLUCKY DA.Y.-Our gOO4 grand mothern who still tain a lingeiing notion that they are right in their belief in spc44 - ghosts, hobtoblins and unlucky. days, will have their fast fading Wilt in these matters greatly fortfikea tor the chapter of accidents which occurred at "this place,' on Friday of last week ;--an unlucky day. Timms Farrell vrisile working in a dirt near. ThdenAtiOa: Tanneiy; was icr ; shed_ down and covered up by a slidsi or fall of earth and stones. •He waa-hmaidiaiely ex tricated frosi his perilous position, by his comp anions, but when dugout was appar ently dead, the blood was gushing from his nose, month and ears. Medical aid was soon at-band. -and he is no** ireZveiriiig from Ow effects of his Wafers and stains- On the same day,. Mr. John Harvey, in elderly man front Keisirville, while raking .ng our streets was run against, knocked 419)a and seriously injured by n passing orse and cutter. Same day, a Dix, Bowser, while attempt ing to extricate a home from a miry pit into which he had sank, was badly, out and bruised by the Sounaerings of the horse. 131rae day, a child of Ms. John Day vas badly ecalded . with heated wake. • None of these casualties .proved fatal, but so many of them on the sa►o day with in so small . a circle go to prove that there are at least, inluebeclaya in the (Wander. —2unkhanneek Dem. Utirroik itremrrim—Dear Yir Euvr in your last issue Cong Ass should have credit-ior good works when done. The Sue Alurply Clain:ryas virtually defeated in the Senate, &o. •If your vieweconcide with that of the Senate in ignoring the plainest principles of. justice and righteousness, I must acknowledge we differ very materially in our views of right and wrong. The case cited above was considered a feel case, end tha decision had was to affect a great number of /*jai citisens.. That loyal citizens should be renumerated for losses growing out of the war by Gov ernment soldiers IS a problem so selfevi dent that the merest tyro in political econo my can but acknowledge its justice. Why the Government should be less responsible than individuals or corporations in appro- priating the property_of individuals to their own use I cannot comprehend. TWA mat ter of obvious justice has now been pending for years, and a heartless.Congvese is al;.faz from meeting tbe'clabn as on the day the war closed. - It is known that tbsre are hundreds upon hundreds of loyal subjects who have boon brought to straightened cir cumstances, and some even to become day laborers, as I can certify by experience, by the destruction of their property by Union soldiers, and still their, demand for redress is all in vain. Were the Hon. members of Congress from the lame cause brought to the same 'straits, I opine their sense of justice wpuld imme diately undergo a decided change. - How much more honorable to this great nation that these righteous demands he not that squander the peoples money in the purchase' of iceberg territory' and twos to propagate the walrus. We' have it from high authority "That righteousness exalteth a nation" while sin (the sin of withholding what is due) is a reproach to any people. W. A. Canton, Pa. Opttial Notictg. TEMPERANCE LECTURERS IN EAST BRAD FORD.—Rev. Jas. A. Davidson, State Lec turer for the Grand Lodge of I. 0. of G. T.; who has been lecturing to crowded houses and making many Temperance converts in West Bradford, will lecture at the fdllow ing places in East Bradford : North Towanda, Wednesday Feb. 10th., Holland Hill, Thursday Feb. 11th. Ulster, Friday Feb. 12th. Frenchtown, Satur lay Feb. 13th. Tarrytown, Sunday, Feb. 14th. • Sugar Run, Monday Feb. 15. Wyalusing, Tuesday Feb. 16th. Spring Hill, Wednesday Feb. 17th. Caroptown, Thursday, Feb. •18th. Warrick, Friday Feb. 19th. Deßayscilla, Saturday Feb. 20th. Potterville. Sunday Feb. 21. • Orwell, Monday Feb. 22d. Rome, Tuesday Feb. 23. Sheshequin, Wednesday Feb. 24.. Wyalusing, Thursday Feb. 25. Standing Stone, FridaylFeb. 26. Athens, Saturday'Feb. 27. " Sunday Feb. 28. Gen. Pattonwill accompany ith,,Davin sort to some of the above places. Pastors of Churches in the above named localities will please announce Medal° and place of Lecturing from their pulpits. By Order of the G. W. G. T. • W. PITION, D. D. for Bradford Co. Feb. 4, 1869. TRY ROYAL BARING POWDER.—It ie the best thing in use foi cooking, and is cheaper, and much better than Cream Tar ter and Soda-. It is for sale at Towanda by W. A. Rockwell, McCabe & Mis, P. W. Cowell, John Merideth, C. B. Patch,. and Long & Keeler. Feb. 1.-4 w• FOLUID.--On the sidewalk, in the streets of Towanda, a Port-monnaie, (sup posed to belong to a lady) containing a. small amount of money ; which the owner can have by calling on the subscriber, prov ing property itc. EmisBr B. Psznoz. Jan. 17, 1869.*1t. ,'Fon SALE, A RARE CHANCE.—A EEO end hand grand piano, Loridon make, of sweet, fine tone, good action. Will be sold at a bargain on account of owner leaving the country. Can be seen at Mr. Pr= McCutuamA, Columbia X Roads, Pena._ Jan. 20. . *ES,. Everybody interested in' the merits of Sewing Machines' should call at the Agency of Wickham & Black and read the report in full of a three day trial had at Laficaster city, between the Howe and Singer Machines. - The result was as usual, Singer Improved Machlue first beat. Full instructions given at/the Agency. Ma chines let out on trial. Every Machine warranted. Jan. 20.---It gel. We will pay,_ in the Spring. fourteen dollars per thousand feet. board measure, for good sound White and Rock Oak Logs, and seven dollars per thousand feet, board measure, for good sound Hem lock Logs delivered at the Outlet Lock be low Wilkes Bane. Oak should be cut from ' ten to twenty feet long, and Hemlock, from ten to forty feet long. All logs Inuit be rafted in lookages not to exceed fifteen feet wide and seventy feet long. A number of the lookagee. may .be coupled together in one raft: J. E. PATTI:DSOS & Co. Wilkes Barre, Pa.,"lan. 26.-2 t A VALUABI PROPERTY FOR SALE. 7 -7 The subscribers wishing to• change their business, offer a part or the whole of their property for sale, situate in Tuscarora tn. Bradford county, Pa. on Main road leading from Stevensville to,,Lacyrille, Said prop erty, containing upwards of two hundred acres. One hundred and eighty acres im proved and under a good - state of 'cultiva tion, Has two good dwelling houses and three large barns, and all necessary out buildings attached. For particulars and terms enquire.of the subscribers. • • 8.13. it EL B. Answer. Tuscarora, .Tan. SPECIAL ISDUCESIENTS TII CASH Bogus AT Loan t Kau=l.—Call and examine prices and quality at their Teas, Coffees, !Izmir and Flour which they offer ampleroeah. Jan. 14.-4 t PARK tturrstrnisT.G. W. Coo ,s roprletor. Meals served et all hours. sa y every style, Ale drawn from the "wood. Under Ohamberlin's Jewelry Stare, Maio Tcnnnida Pa. Deo. 2s. _ 104410,.. the, mum peraktm drawn-WO firMaCi owl Swats Jurors for Maul' ?oast 186 P.: • t t Sherman ..$ Aiylum ; Phlliiq P SWeet, BullityttoW; Bobcat Gme gte VirfkUr rarthi ldledit,== John Cowiss. OrwealjbalsoLJl T a y lo r , Pike; ;WOG. ' Ria.brg7 loam Ilizegovamdea Elliott. aamanala ; William /Mamma, Jahn Taylor,- Tammuz ; Lemuel A. Tallar, I'm bozo • Edwardeaso;Troy twp. • WU INV ;Towanda - - borts4ll4cmso Loyd, t Henry BroinirLett rd; • • 'Wyelusing • fistrdiiCoalbaugh,' Wpm.; Geo H Balmy Wiliot f George 014 t audgen. Weiren• motes amicats—let wax. ' - Geo Burcluird, John Morley, Isaac ThnothY Skeen, Athena imp. _Miller, Albany; Ruisill Culver, Asylum; Sloonßoso,Bullington twp.; John 0 Tomp kinsom Thomas Blackwell, West Burling thn Honie 6 'Balk* . Giotto - It Uore7_, Columbia; William Patrick. Charley w Landon, Canker, twp. '•- A. Vaniessellor Trout. Samuel Benedict, canton .borough; W Chummy; Granville • Charles MMus Nesbit,,Entlek ; Douai ligothaniy,Lewis Darling, Lell4 t George Morse. Litchfield; Samuel Lyon, Wm A Kellogg,Monroe twp. Seams • P Cowles, Isaac, Marsh, Orwell Homo B - Chaffee, Mem Stone, War S Davies, Pike ;John B. Puce!. George COM Bi ; , Edwin S idgway, Rome tap. ; Sylvania . ; James Espy, Jona Stevans;. Standing Stone ; • James Mattock, , Springfield ; Onin g, Kinney,. Sheshequln ; John A Coddifig.l Henry A Cary. Towanda bora ; Giles 7 Valle, Troy bout ; Androw. Jackson. Edwin B White, Teiry ;John H Black, William Snydes,Tus. corona ; Edward Lockwood, - Ulster ; John B Hinds, Wykxrs ; Paul iltuuringeaeander Gamble, Wilmot ; Samuel B Chaffee, War- T3iV1313 atm oss.- 7 2in) wzrx. CUB H Spalding, N' 0 Harris, Athens boro.; Horace McKmney, John H hitursT. Athena twp.; Benjamin -Wilcox, ran/ ; Christopher Id BelknapP. Dania • Job Morley, lington boro.; Mortimer Burlington tnp.; Frances S Elliott, Can ton ;-Wm L Lyon, Frit:Min ; Hamilton Morrow Herrick Cheene7 B Stone, Le aeilauson' dun% Swath - D Barnum, ld; dames Rlrvine,Jamea Wirvine, tw;A Griswold Mathews,' Lafay ette G - Peldleton, Geri B Frbibie; Carlos J Chubbuck. Orwell ; JAMS Fordi Pike ; Bawler - Baer, Borne twp.; Harmon W Browning, *once boro.; Joel Adams, James Yerkei, Spnneeld ; Samuel Osborn, ; A N Thompson, South Creek; Sho- Per c civ va al Powell Wm 0 Bogart, Towanda boro. ; 'Charles 0 Paine, Troy ; dohnß Hor ton, J H Horton, Terry ; Man B •Tnttle, Ulatei; I ?dyer Heed, Wyaor ; Bascom T a ylor, "'Wyatt:sing ;_. %Tamen Finch, Wind h tusznB7inn.-3i malt. Henry Westbrook, Asylum ; Alexander Elabree, Athens twp.; Ralph , Stevens, Al bany ; Thomas Seinerson, Armenia ; Wilber D Gamage. West Burlington ; Ezekiel New man, Canton boro.; Omer 0 Rockwell, Canton twp. Wm ß Rockwell, Jolla Lantz;_ Franklin ; John Vroman, David Bayles,. Granville ; Stanley W Little, Leßaysville ; John McKean, Litchfield; Charles 31 Brown, Jcise ph Johnson, Hiram W Northrop, Mon roe twp.; M M Coolbaugb, Monroe bora.; Luther J, Pendleton. Orwell ; Rnappßareb, Win A Humphrey, Bradford Beecher, Plbe ; John 'V Woodburn, Rome ',bro.; Amos B Fanning, A Wilshire Berry, Orrin P Hark ness, Springfield ; Marshall Bullock,Sniith fielsl ; Sevellen Ackley, Standing Stone ; Bartholomew Lane, Towanda boro.; J Mercerau, Ulster .; John Irving, John Vaughn, James Gaylord, Wyalusing ; Haze kiah Darling, Windham ; Howell Howell, Philip Rogers,,Miles Prince, Warren.i. ORGANS MELODEONS, AND PIANO Forerra—is the co-partnership heretofore existing between Maynard & Fla ley is de= solved, the undersigned would say that he is prepared to furnish Church, School, and Parlor Organs and Melodeons from the best 'Manufacturers at greatly reduced prices.— Full satisfaction guaranteed in every re 'sped, and every Instrument warranted for five years . He is alsoprepared to furnish Piano Portes from k the best Nevi York or Eastern Manufacturersi at redured prices.— Any orders by mail promptly *ended to. Jan 4, 1869.-3ar FRALET. Stir The Bradford - County Teach ers Association will hold its next session at Ulstei, on the 12th and 13th of Febru ary, commencing Friday, at half past 10 o'clock. A. T. LUMLEY, Scc'y. :Jan: 20, 1860. TOWANDA COAL YARD.—Orders for Coal accompanied with cash, left _at the Old Established Drug Store of Di. H. C. Pounni, corner of Main and Pine Streets. Towanda, will receive prompt attention. Jan. 20. 1869.—tf WARD k DIVER. teti" Mciodvans, Organs, and Piano Fortes of every kind and style of manufac ture will be sold at a very large discount.— Send for circulars which will be sent free to every address. MENA ED MELODEON CO. Jan. 4, 186)..-bw•, Toa - arida, Pa. KEYSTONE - CLUB.—WiII you juili it? do you ask "what for?" I will answer— Lo you want the American Agriculturist, the -Marper's Weekly or Monthly, the N. Y. Evening Post, the New York Tribune, Nils- . by's Toledo Blade, Oar Young Folks ; or Oliver Optic's Weekly Magazine? then send lo me your subscriptions with Club Price and you shall have the paper you want, sent directly to you from the office of pub lication. Or, if you send theiregalar sub scription,price, I will pay, ..4: e t Spring, a premium. to each subscriberl worth from 60 cents to 75 cents, at lowest ash prices, in Strawberry or other small Fruit Plants, or in any Nursery Tree, 45101.11:1 - or Plant. Send for Circular and Price List. R. DI. Wr:Lize. Towanda, Pa. Jhn. 1869. A HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.--1•A splendid House and Lot for sale, situate on Second street, opposite the College, close to good schools, very pleasantly located.— The house is new. just finished from, top to bottom in first class style. For farther par ticulars enquire of D. IL BAEZ% on the premises. Towanda, Oct. 1868.tf.• Csirrlorr.—This is to caution all persons against hireing,. trusting, or liar 'boring my son. Wm. G. Chilson; a boy aged 19 years, as I wish him to return home. J. W. CHILSON. Monroe, twp. Jan. 7, 1869. St' HAIRDRESSING.—MISS C. A. HYDE, would respectfully inform the Ladies of To wanda and vicinity, that she is prepared to furnish them with Switches, Curls,. and Mizzens. lifair-Flinvers made to order.— Mize H. - isstepping at the residence of Jas. V. Wilcox, on. Maple Street, Where she will remain for three or four weeks. Towanda, Jan. 11.-Zt AYER'S HAIR VIGOR, For restoring Gray Hair tee its natural Vitality and Chian— ti. dressing which is .at once agreeable, healthy. and. effectual for preserving the hair. Ittrled or gray hair is restored to its original color with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness often, though not • always, cured by its. use. Nothing ean're store the hair where the follicles are destroy-, ed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved for useful ness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently.provent bald ness. Free from those deletenout stibstan -ces grid make some preparations danger ous grid injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benifit but not harm it. If wanted erely for a . hair dressing, nothing:else nbe found so desirable. Containing nei ther oil ror dye, it doe.; not soil white cam , bric,andyet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and grateful perfume. Prepared.by Dr. d. C. Ayer .:16 Co., 13nte tical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell,Mass. Price 151,00. • Bold by Dr. H. C, Porter Towanda, . all Druggita ik Dealers in medicines every where. Nov. 26; 1868. y - GREAT BassmN.—The subscriber, wishing to change his occupation, offers hiL property in West Warren for sale cheap, denuding of one acre of land, with honsq barn, shop . and store with goods. Per Inditer particulars enquire of the subscri ber. Joszru Prrior„ West Warren, Bradford county, Pa. 1 I Dec. 22, 1808.-4w* TOWANDA COAL YARD.—The Co- Partnership heretofore existing under the firm name of Overton & Co. is this day dissolved by mutual cadent. • D'A. °Tsarina, - dm. X WARD, ; ; , Aux. Drnm. Towanda, Pa. Deo. 31st, 1868. The business of the late firm will here after be conducted by Wm & Divan, who will - pay all liabilities contracted by D'A. °marrow & Co. up= presentaticm=and to whom all debts due mut firm ars to be paid —4n immediate settlement is requata - WARD & DIVER. _ . , Questutx the condition of WI Thstlintional Bank Of Tanta +24 on ttho nzoldalt oft/1000ilkukas7 Of ' AWAY • - .Miietie en 2 Dlnioonio. .. 4 .11149,563 41 1:415. iktei4OlNl4lo4 * 4idi ' - th e imn.toonStikko:" 190.000 (10 Do. . .an .111114 , 3 A9,9 41144 ijoIK F4t nitueb and' ," Q mimeos 00 947 47 Overdrat4.. - 4 5 9 29' hltemo..": . .... • 6,384 29 _ Dna - front . National Banks. Other Bankiandllanitairit.: • r Legal Tender 'Noted on hand:. ' Bills anther • National Banks. Fractional Purreney (including • Nickels,) , .. , , „ Specie (I 11,446 , 221 taimirrtEs. Capital " $125,000 00 ofSup Fund 32,000 00 tan - - 110,415 00 Individual Deposita - 149,357 87 United States Deposita 20,884 18 Dna National panto! - " ' 865 28 Diviikindriltipaid • - , ; . 91 00 Profit and lose ' 8,097 Q 6 I. N. N. Bins, 1n.,"--13aithier of tite - Pberti Nationalßank, T owanda, do , solemnly swear that the above shit:silent is true to' the best of nix knowledge and belief. _l4. Casbier. Sworn and autweribedbefore methis - fith 41 0 of Minna*: W. zi •Warzots„"osany semi annual dividend of se*lllper sw4t. free of all Uses paid Nov.l; 'lBO3. • . . Trial Letior February Term, IrSOOSD 3512 X. ii Stowell vs. QliverNiue. Decker,lit. aL u. Loniget. aL inane. ISingos vs. Polloek's heirs. • eject. Smith In. Stona et. al ' • tree. Vanderpool vs. vonderpool rep. 431010 n, vs. Sweet et. al • rep. _ , Bmi this. Mawr= et. aL'... .:. I are a Canley & Co. vel. Morran et: a1.......ca5e. Gibsomvs. Canby case. Pall Creek C. .&11 ;1:1:1 ( 1 /: vs. J. M. Bmith.tres. ware Wing & Mitchell vs. Wells &Blood...case. Van Lorn Tom . ap. McGill vsa Twp debt. Green vs. Burohard et. al ...tree. Elsbree vs. Blood et. al • ap. Patterson vs. Griffin et. al trap. Sackett, vs. Spencer 'VC° ",....eject. Goodrich vs. 'Amid' cash. Wiloox'vs. Ayers ap. - Men ws.l3all ' ap: Layton is. Layton case. Johnson. vs. Vanderpool ap. Ball'vs. - Griffis tree. Brown vs. Allen ' . case Briggs vs: Nichols trea.' 447 iSubpeonss for, Second Week returnable a Monday. February Bth, and for Third eek on Monday, 'February 15, 1869, at 0 o'clock A. M. Ws. A. Tricorn, Jan. 13. . Prothonotary. PACTS ARE STUBBORN TIIIEGB.—Loos AT TILE PAC= BELow.—Number of Sewing Machines, sold by six leading Companies in the United States. Singer Mfg. Co., 43,053 ; ,Wheeler dG Wil son,i 38,055 ; Grover Baker, 32,999 ; Howe Co., 11,053 ; Florence C 0.,: 10,534 ; Wilcox dc Gibbs, 14,152. 'Mamma dc Brras, Agts. for Singer im proved, Towanda Pa, • Jan. 20. MA . BRIED. Lellaysville, Jan. 14th, By Rev. M, B. Porter, Edwin D. Calutia to Matilda Dimon,_ all of Middle town, Susquehaunah Co.. Pa. MALLORY—WOLFE-..-At the Rome Rotel, January 25th, By Rev E. Burroughs, Rufus K. Mallory to Rev, Addis Wolfe, both of Sheshequ in. WRIGHT—FASSETT--At Windham, Wyo ming Co., Jou. 25, 1869,by Bev. D. Craft, Mr. William B. Wright, of Wilmot. to Mis Jtilia M. Fassett, of the former place. ST. 11011 N—HICKS—At the residence of . Edward. Ramat, in Wyalusing, Jan. 50, by Rev. D. Craft, Mr.,Charles R. St. John, of Phelps, N. Y., to Miss Carrie Ricks, o 7 Wyalusing. DIED. McINTOSH—In Wilmot, Jan. 27, 1869, John Mclntosh, formerly of Bridgwater, aged atont 64 years. COLE.—InI Asylum twp., Jan. 19, 1869, Georgo Alfred, sort of Wm. P. Cole, in • the 15th year of his age; RPEIAN'S COURT SALE.-.By O virtue or an order is•osed oat of the Or phan'4 Cqiirt of Bradford county, the 'under. , signed, afi'ministrstor of the estate of Calvin ' Lewis. late of Springfield. decd will expose at public sale on the premises, on SefIIBDAY, PFB. 2701..1860, at 10 o { elocit p. m. ,t be follow ing descrified.lot. piece or parcel of land sit uate in Springfield twri.„ bounded as follows : Beginning at the south west corner of lot deed. ed to Andrew Dubert by V. B, Gates, thence north.B9}° east 179 3.10 per., thence south 2° west 77 2 , 10 per., thence along the with line df lot No. 54, north 89e, 'wes: el and 7.10 per.. thence along the north line of lot No. 69 and 50. north 89°, west 118 arid 2.10 per., thence along lines of lot No. 82, conveyed to Orrin Scott, north I°, esst,74 per.,to the place of be ginning. Ciontsinidg 81 acres be the same more or less, there being on said real estate a framed house framed barn and fruit trees and about 50 acres improved. Terms, 2100 when the property is shack down, $5OO on confirma tion the balance in equal payments of 1. 2 and 3 years withlottre t from conflrinaW. S. D. .Ef AR 3, Administrator. Feb., I [DESIRABLE PROPERTY - FOR. t— tatou account of ill health the sub. scribe" tidies to to change hts business and offers-tosell his well known premises, or trade. for a farm and Pay .ifference,,pr rent the same thi. Spring. Locatediln the valley of Slieshe shequin, Bradford Co., Pa. A desirable place to live, plenty of good troit and good buildings with ail conveniences. A good place for a me chanic, as sherd is a good Blacksmith and Wag gon Shop on the !came. For farther particulars enquire of Ww. Nort.en, near the pretabies, or ti. W. VIECEST. ' • Tioga Co„ Pa . Jau. 27 RUMMERFIELD\ CREEK HOTEL, PETER LANDsIESSER, Ilaving purchased and thoroughly refitted this 1:11-i and wellknow n stood, formerly kept by Sheriff Griffis; at the mouth of Rummel - ilea .Creek, is ready to give good accommodations 'and satisfactory treatment, to all who may ft. vor hum with a call. Dec. 23, 1868.—tf. SACK FOR spl6adid Jack twelve and one hilt hinds MO, and a good teaser. ' December 10, INITIAL PAPER, Put up io neat Boxes, all styles, at • ALVORD k SARUM NEW MILt.INEEY GOODS 1 HRS. E. J. PIERCE. Presents herself to the ladles of , ' Towanda with a very choice selection of goods, and is entire ly confident of- being able to meet the justly dlscrimin sting taste of swill as may do her The honor of an examination of her stock. Thank ing her former patrons for their favors, she so• licks a continuanoe of the same; Fluting done beautifully and on the shortest notice. Roo ms over Cohen & Roienfield's, Kale Street. Towanda, Oct. 5. DIGS. ' , 41' REWARD.—In accordance 4 1 P tit/ with a resolution, or proPoPitton of the Common Connell of the Ibmough of Alba adopted. October the 28th, A. D. 188 R, I here by offer a reward of Three Hundred Dollars to be paid upon conitction of any pen* or"per sons who shall fire, or - have fired any building or buildings. os mused the same to be . done within the limits of raid Alb+ Borough. DAVID' PALMER, Burgess • Nov. 6 ,1868. CHEAP PASSAGE FROM OR. TO IRELAND OR ENGLAND ! 817105,4 CO:11 Ltoit or ammourlituna oiro gurus:vont oz. unarm.. Williams is Gqion's old "Slak Star Line" of Liverpool Packets, sailing every weoli. • , . gullow-tall Line of Packets from or , to to;a•• r don, sailing twice a month. ' Beanittincatito Engbold, Ireland and Scotland payableon demand. . For farther particulars, aiiiity to Willis:rug & Gain, 29 Broadway, New-York, or 0. P. MASON - Sc O. Bankers, Oct.. 1,1888. Towanda ,Pa FOR SALE AT 'A BARG-AIN 1 The subscriber wishing to change Ids occapa- Gott , offers for. Me Ms Store and Stock of Goods, consistlog of Dry Goods, Great Yankee Notions. lc. Will exchange for a w i lt Improved Parra, or sell stock and lease atom. The store Is situated in Lltchfleld, Bradford County, Pa. nut only gore %theta* hi 43 P• oration. For partlonTate call on or address . B. pIITON. Sept. T, MS. • , • . • 11 1JA1,706•11L1,4,wr - •-•". BAB L • Fee : 14 7th i rg o ila v rgie ‘Witt)t..TEgti ,. ,:',:s!Egii;''i St 04R, 625 117 %HU 74 487 00 1,677 00 . PORN, TRA;:BPUS; MR; LARD, DRxED ;WAND; CIANNiat ePIWIT 1 1,663-'76 666 67 saiigurqm,tiir 47311111 SEASUP, - SALT. BY THRBAOK. OR BARREL TonAcco 'AND -BEGARB, ' We are sole s o best brands of Inn: CA13.9001. SleiOjr.G T 0,134901), $446221 29 WhOTeI to '11.4401. Lainl.""libteZtEßr aid PRO VISION sfarltemember the Tolotoi No. 61 Nola - Millet 6r4 door below Beldlemsn'illock, .Towande, N0v.10,1868. pOBAOCO AND CIGARS! The nadersigued have eatahltshed STEAM TOBACCO FACTORY, A • 177 3:) A, On Main Street Lelow Bridge Street. Where they are mannfacturineall kWh of OUT TOBACCO AND CIGARS "Which they offer to Hie trade at W H.O LE WALE PRICES That cannot fall to Butt. We would most re apectfully toliclt a call from the dwgie.a through Northern Pgansylvattlo to on eillffnotion of OUR STOCK AND PRICES ! Oar Tobacco he maenrattnred tican the best KENTUCKY AND VIRGINIA Stock that can be procured In the marks Glee as a try. ' This is a borne enterprise and will succeed with a liberal disparities' of the trade to support home mann"actors. •!•* MEANS & PIIINNY, ' - -157 Main street, Towanda, Pa. - Joe 4,1268.—t7. ' B A. PETTES & CO Are now receiving. from New York a:Line ns• sortment of GOODS IN THEIR LINE 1 BROWN & BLBAQUED MIISLINS, LADIES AND CHILDREN'.I DDEz6 GOOVS Fancy Sklrteshawle, floopiSkirts , GLOVES; HOSIERY, jYANKEE NOTIONS, in Of which can be bought as cheap' as the lime quality of goods can be bought In To wanda. Their , MILLINERY DEPARTMENI bell; furnished with thejateit styirs BONNETS AND DA TS And a general rwsortment o' Millinery Goods with competent Milliners to suit the taste of al wlia may favor them with their parr 'new. M Miters will le turnit , hel with AI I t tads *mots at bolroale prices. DON'T FORGET THE RARE kNi) Maki Street, directly opposite the Court House. B. 1. pertcs sr. co Towanda, Sept. 24, 186..-3 m BOOTS! BOOTS!! BOOTS!!! NORTH BRANCH BOOT h SHOE STORE Hasjait finished and ready for safe a large as aortanent of BOOTS AND SHOES I b ive Boots for the yeoman thut tarnetb the sod And the bard laboring man • that carries the hod ; And for the mechanic that cat stone and lay brick ; And for Vie soft handed Gents that apply the yard stick ; And Boots for the wise that flourish Me quill ; And for the honest mechanic that works in the MW ! I have Boots a little extra made For the hard laboring mau that has no trade I have Boots for all; please give me a call. My Boots are good and prices just, But t am determined NOT TO TllllsT ! I have JAMES kroGREOOII. b7ot 4 lt'sn doe Celebrated in that line Call my friends, all yon that will Leave your meas urea—try hhiskilL The Episcopal Church that la about to rise, 4 , Hy place in front exactly Bea ; its known by many - very.well, By the title of—NORTII-1111ANCE HOTEL L. '. NELSON 7rowands, Aug. 25,1808.-3 m. ER I.E It• A I.L,W Y ILA On and after Monday Nov. 23d, 186% Trains will leave Waverly. at about the follow log hours, vitt : • 4:53 a, m.Night Express, Mondays excep ted, for Rochester, Bahl°, Salamanca and Dunkirk, Makin:. - direct connections with trains arum Atlantic and rat Western, Lake Shore and Grand Trunk Railways, fot all points West ; also at Elmira for Canandalitna. - 5:14 a. Night Express, Daily, for Rochester Buffalo, Salamanca, Dunkirk and the West, connecting as above. • 8:25 a. qt., Mail Train, Sundays circepted,lor Butiklo and Dunkirk.-' 3:58 p. m., Elmira Accommodation, Sundays excepted. , p. m., Day Express, Sundays excepted for Rochester, Buffalo. - Salamanca, Dunkirk and the West, Connects at Elmira for,Cantunialgus at Salamanca with the Atlantic and -Great Western Railway, and at Buffalo with the Lake Shore and Grand , Trunk Hallways, for all points West and South: 10:33 p. m. Express Mall, Sundays ex cepted, for &Mao, Salamanca and Dunkirk, con necting with trains for the West. 9 10a m.Way Freight. Sundays excepted. 3:15 p. m., Emigrant Train, -Daily, for the West. 2:13 a. m.. Night Express, Bfondays excepted connecting at' New York witli afternoon trains and steamers for Boston and New 'England cities. 6:42.a. in. Cincinnati Express, ; Mondays ex cepted; connecting , at Owego tor 'ithaca ; at Binghamton for Syracuse ' • at Great Bend , for Scranton and Philadelphia: at Lackawaxeci for Hawley, and at Gmycoort for . Newburg and Warwick. • 8:33 a: in., Binghamton Accommodation, Bon days excepted. • • 12:20 p. m., Day Express, Sundays 'excepted, connecting at Binghamton for Syracuse; at Gt. Bend for Scranton; at Lackawaxen for itawley; and at Jersey City wi;h midnight express train of New Jersey flathead for Philadelphia, Baltimore and Waahington. 1:47 p. Accommodation dallY.con necting at Owego for Ithaca. 6:27 p. m... New York and . Baltimore Mail, Earidays excepted. • 9:20 p. m., Lightning Express. connecting at Jersey , City with , morning impress train of New Jersey Itailitid forßaltimore sad Wash; legion. ' • - - 4.30 port. Way Preight.bmithys excepted:.. IL . A - revised and complete . 1 Pocket The Table ." of Passenger Trains on the Erie Rail way "and •on meting Lines;- bits recently been , publhbed, and can be procured . on application to this Ticket Agent of the Company. WM: IL BARB ,_ - -BIDDLE.. Oen'l Pisa AO, New-York. * Geol. &spit. DLANCIEUTZ JQ FIFTY oettivit WioRD 4 BARBERS z v. ? i~Mi:~b~=:=~ !MIN tantaisting in put of AND PRINTS, &c., &c., ac L. C. NELSON,f "GOING RM? GOING EMI% -I M=INEWM==ESS v.' . '1. 4 •:•1; 4 1 mar;otuntruitnutur. . ,• HIV .: -NEW AND - .IMPROVED E . , • ' .• • • 4lNFV.irra: JfAaturai,g . 7;' , ; VT , 4, - ; A._ ? J.) . • r Were tinselled the First Piize at the Paris EX po,ltlan,ollL7l,over,B2 etlumMachinee. • • - AIM; theloi owing State Fairs of 2868 hive awarded this Machine the first premium . New='-Yogi, Ghia, Permylvanii. Massachu setts. New Hampshire, Vermont, Wisconsin, -aid Indiana. County Faire of Madison; Abrandigs, Oswego, - Waym, 'Orleans, Tompkins; &mai, Monroe, Herkimer, Schuyler, Livingston, and a host of others. - - Report of the Committee on Sewingidachines, at the State Fair held In Rochester, Fall of 1668.-.'Your. Commtttee .have examined the . difinent Fairing _Machines; to:which th eir at. lentkm wes called: and would twroMmeadits the beat Family and Machine for all werk,ElisA Howe's Bantu Machine, and for • the following ceasona plicityotiamatructloa. 241-- Regularity of tension on both upper and loner threads. 34,--Ease of nunagement. Stk.-Great Ftaot -work ail 6th —The lttachtnents to the Machine 'felling,. emanates; tackle& braiding, quilting- bind ing and cording, - and the ease with whi ch they are applied,; 601.--The &WOO- of the ma chine, it being made of hardened steel, a.. d'ad- Justed in its headers. We recommend a med. • New style Hemmer; Braider; Tacker, gather, Corder, Embroiderer. Binder, Feller end proved Tuck_Marker. ' _ It Will use " Myriad iveri kind Of thread,from the finest to the coarsest, with a much smaller needle than ether machines. Be sure and ex amine one: beam. you purchase. Frio from $6O to 1100, and every_ machine warranted. The real value of our Manntacturidg - Machines for Tatters, Diet; Shoe, Harness and. Carriage Ma; kers, Leto* well known:to require s ernment Deal fall to call and Me them: _ • . SHEPARD & TEBNEUB, Gen. Agt'a. • - 20 Lake Bt, - Elmira. N. Y. For, sale by •CODDING.• HUBBELL & Co., General Asian; Towanda, Pa. ' . * N ATIONAL. CO. OF u.s.A CASH CAPITAL, .$1,068.0007-PAID IN. VCLL Chaffered by Cotigreis, 1%8 - cLkande CLARK, President ; -JAY COOKE D Cbalrin'n MOM!! minx. Com ; HENRY D. COOKE, Vice President ; -EVEASON W 4. PEET, Secretary and Actuary The advantages of the National Life Luanne Company are . . . .. 1. It h a National Co.. chartered by Congress ; 2. It bas a paid tip Capital of One Million Dol Tara • 1 , 3, It offers low rates of premiums ; • 4. It furnishes larger insararice than other Corn. prudes, kir the Same money.• • - 5. It is definite and certain ; .. G. There.is no possib lity of misrepresentation by agen ts, or mi derstanding by policy holders ; l i 7. The policies are pain contracts, iirfmach in strance for se m ch mono / ; 8. All policies aie non-forfeiting ; • 9. The.policies are ortempt from attachment. ICI E. W. cuttii ~Sc CO. Benke.re, Pinladelpta. !Lieneral Agents. B. S. RUSSELL, Planner Jar gents for Towanda and vicinity: Jan A. G. MASON, NATITAN TiDD GS. PECK/ - .2IIILLTirRIGHT 'MACHIIVIS7', Tow Anna, P. ?Makin& and Repel ed, Engines and Boilers' set in the best manner. I would - call the "Attellion of mill owners to my ' - NEW TORTEXT WATER WHEEL, As combining all -the elements of a Aral cl ass molter, simplicity of censtinction. accessribit ity, great strength of parts. developing the greatest amount of power for water used, easily repaired e rninaing under backwater with no det riment to power except diminition of bead, re qu iring no alteration In Mill frames or addition to flame, will run under low head, and made of any desired capacity . These wheels will be furnished at less than one-half the cost of any other first-class wheel in market, and Isarratit ed to perform all that is claimed for them— , These wheels will be made for dilivery with or without cotes, on short notice of -the beet Iron In market. _ For full particulars address or enquire' of the undersigned. U. S. PECK, Towanda, Pa. P. 5..--These wheels can be seen in operation at Messrs. Horton Wrils' MI, Towanda' twp. The wheels are whilly . composed of Iron is now rattd:. • Jaw. 14. 1849.—tf CTOR O. LEWIS-, gsaduate of the College of ".Physiolarus _rgeons," New York city, Class 1843-4 ..xclusive attention to the practice of Ms aion Office and residence on the east• lope of Orwell Hill, adjoinirg Henry es. • naary 14, 1f69. and -; give pion ern em - Bowl WANDA STEAM FLOURING MILLS WH. H. FULLER & CO., y•tfnliy inform the public that .they have C= • d the new and extensive Spain Flour parch! E • l ins, built, by 01115 tbs, Wells fr: Matson IsOth part of the borough of Towantla 3111 vfing . all the modern improvements, and ET ent tdillera, they are prepared to do comp CUSTOM GRINDING, beat possible manner and At unusually otjcc. Every pains will betaken to 1;114 short ,etton , and a e invite a public trial- Farmers doing business In _ruwn can bring their grain, and havo It groan& to take back with them. FLOUR, FEED' AND. MEAL, For sale at the bwest cash prices, and &livered . . a any part f the village free of charge. Towanda. November 10,15G8 TOWAIIDA COAL YARD 1 . ANTHRACITE AND BITUMINOUS . COALS.) The undersigned having leased the Coal Yard and Dock at the old " Barclay Basin," and ju-t completed a large Coal Rouse and Office upon the - premises, aro now prepared to furnish the citizens of Towanda and vicinity with the diff erent kincis and shies of the above named coals upon the moat reasonable terms in any quanti ty deiired. Prices at the Yard until farther notice : • Large Egg • EGA Small Egg 60 0 Stove,— - . WS Chescuat t ! :. . . 5,50 " Barclay " ' Lump ' . .4450 - Run of Mines, , ;. 4.00 "• Pine r Blacksmith " 3,50 The following additional _Charges will be madefor delivering Coal ' within the Borough limits : , . Per T0n,..50 cta. extra for Miming at 50 ell Half Ton _35 wra Quarter ton2s " " , Ss IS -2 5 , ler Orders mar be left at the :Yard, cornea' -o railroad and Llizabeth 61, Or at H. G. For. ter's Drag Store. It& Orders must in all =CS be accompanied with the cash. WAUD 4 DTVEN. Towanda, Jan. 1, 1860.—tf. - - ' • PRICE LIST.---CASCADE MILLS. Best - quality Winter Wheat Flour per hundred 85 '5O Gt. 08'00 Beat qualify Aye Flour per bemired 1 4 00, Corn Meal and Bye_ and Corn Feed 2 25 Btickwhest Flour, per hundred,. . . 40 A fait Mares allowed to des era; Wet pay, each .for gialo. Wheat $1 75 and 22 00,Bye, good; $1 25, Buckwheat 80 cents.. Cora Custom grindlorusually done at once, is the capacity of the mill is sufficient for *large amount of work. ' B. B. INGRAM. Csmptown, Jan. 14,1880. FASIIIONABLE TAILORING I Isms =num Respectfully Informs the des= of _Timms& Borovh, tad he „ has (paned Tmi.ok In-Phinney'a opposlte the Ileanklions and solldta a share of peddle patronage. Bea mewed. to tut "and' make garments In the most fuldonahle style, and the most. dame tde meaner. 4 Petfeet.mthfactlon will be gnar -1 Cutting and Repairing done tomdet on shot notice. • Sept. 10, UM. . 'M'Eattastrali i J• IT t 13:1 1 RSCIEI al OEM mONIA '7ls " NYE 1 , , , , LARGE AND SPELL SELECTED STOCIe Fall and G t of?.cls I . - AT THE PRE.ENT Depression of the Market 1 7 . Which will be 5014,feeendly at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL I Also, :direct tam Liverpool, FIVE CRATES CROCKEKY t Toirangla. Oct. 6,1668 Brumlleums. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR v BAIL.—The subscriber offers for sale.the following very desirable properties : Two acres of choice land in Athens, - Bradford eonnty, with a very promising young orchard, and silage framed bOnee, and barn, and_black aniith's shop thereon. - Payments to suitper chasers. If not sold at private sale, , will - be sold at Auction; March-17, 1869. For portico -tars apply to Timothy Mitten. ••, •ALSO—Fortracres otimproved land in Bldg bury township. with two dwelling houses, a good store house, two framed barns, and well of water thereon. Apply to James licArdie. Jan. 12, lB69—tf. PAL LIABLE PROPERTY FOR SALS.—The undersigned otters for sale his farm, situated In Leßoy twp• about one mile from Leßoy corners. containing about 70 acres of grMd" land, partially improved.- well .w,atered, and a good dwelling' house•and out buildings thereon. ror particulars inquire on the premises. RUSSELL LINDLEY% „ Leßoy. Jan. 28, 1e69.-4t• VALUABIiE VILLAGgPROPRit TY MR BALE.—The subscriber offers for sale his Dwelling House and Lot, 'now occn - pied by him, situated on the corner of Second and College stretch, in Towanda borough. The dwelling-housels In good condlUon. There is a good barn, well, and cistern ripcin the prop .- eel. also grape vines bearing largely. and • variety of trait trees. The lot is 50 300, be ing two lots divided by an alley. Possessio n will be giverr immediately. , 'Rerun made known application to . NATHANITIDD. Towanda, DBc. 4, 1868.—tf. ' DAIRY ' FARM FOR SALE.-A prime Dairy Pium,agood stabling for 28 'cows and a team, wil sell with or without stock, long time with gunnel payments it de. edred. , A rare. chance is offered to obtain It valuable property. For diacription address J. W. PAYSON. Orwell, Bradford County, P. 'December 10.-2 m! T.ALUABLE FARM FOR SALE.- The subscriber will sell his Parra situated in Burlington township, near Luther's. Mills, containing ninety•ontand-a•half acres, being In two lots, one containing 41} acres, and the other 50 acres. The lot ot Ale scrmis mostly under cultivation, sal has upon it a good haste house, two barns. corn house, two wells, ap • pie orchard, one living spring of water. Th , . 60 acre lot hu about 12 acres improved, nerrt seeded, ind has upon •it two splicer of water. The lota will be sold together or separately.— The farm is in a good stste -of cultivation. and is well adapted for both grain and using.— Possession given, immediately, if desired.-- r Terms, - one third down, and the balance in payments u rosy_ be; agreed upon. Apply to HRMET TEET, - Towanda, or Rosati Luther' Luther's Mills. H Miff PEST. Dec. 7, 1868..—tf. VALUABLE FARM FOIL SALE,or -11ENT. - --The imisraigued will sell his farm altuated at Ifonroeton. There are toil acres in all ; three of yonag hickory art oak timber, thirty-seven acres of improved hill, and sixty acres of superior flat land. There are two houses, barns, and . other buildings.— Ail -who are acquainted with the 'farm know of its value ; and it - will be sold for twelve thou sand doUars. • ' I • Tiams—Fivethonsand dollars dowitind the rest in yearly payments to snit the parchaser. Or if the arm is not sold, there will Ws goods chance fcir a -live man, 'with Mipital, to rent for Ave years .or more, or to wart on shares. JOSEPH HOMET. llonroeton. Dec. 17:1868.-3t0 - • R . FOWLER & CO., REAL. ESTATE . D.eitIii RS, onus 13 LEOLIAKOS PLACE; MICE crtixot; PUMPING tHeal Wee pm:booed and sold. Investmenti made and Money Loaned. , • CHICAGO, ILL.., Oct. 27, 1868. DEAR . Sra ;••41aving i stablishe d curatives permanently in the above business, we take the liberty of sending your our card. Should you have any desire. to. take in vestments" of loan money, oar fang residence fa Chicago, (having lived here and seen Its growth from • small. village to a any of over ihrtehtaairidihourari d inhabitants) gives as ample means atiwowhig where good investments can be made. or what wilTbe good security for money loaned.." All trisinesa entrusted to our care will receive prompt attention: , This city is !no , easing very rapidin lit wealth and population, and at no petiod lave bettAtr opportanithsi anted. for • Investment, .than at present. T • Near Twelve Millions. Dollars are expended armnally in line and . costly dwellings, giving permanence . and causing great :advance Fines for ail Improved •-•••• • $y ppaamiasioo . rders to Hons. Nal. J 1144.11. 0., Jolra V.Vatwell, S.C. Elbensan, (Akio; Owee. Simon 011iWieg U. 8. 13... U. Iteroari: C., Wei. SlereU,loo ISAL Dial: Psesinvik 4 Istet :Hoes. . alftlilte Charms, Ilimeesk; Boston; Hon. Wm. B. Ogden, New Ysir y man Truman, Owego. PI: T. N0v.26,118.8m. AGS ! ItACig 11 RAGB , IIISOO ;111,Tons good Papsel.lop issagod t nlvd the lilgttestetisitet rice _ litorr Anisk i . , 1 1868. . • uv, , t,aseukA4 , lz;2r.::.z . THE :DISOICT.OOIIRT OF tals oi et s p ha", Wads= Vow* a" ifrigamt_ • 71:a b 44:herd ammo of listell2 lis f ;:hi~ smiler he SIXIM hum • OW eadoditso Athos b di Of Carkortars Wel : 4 lout id* dna tainid sad oth- as pastas kisinhollrtn i ett fits _ filratt Joataas4B69, • • 4Wiothotkis. afatesi*, .0A c!f - COC Tonoud f , to: daft; co" Warty therlave; aim I Madam* aged sot be - wadies the Sid Pashassd. :Ant dallies mat.* hea r aff Om% us amid sad tbkiIPigOBIPAC ate OPO46Pa of ultimo Binkmit , revdted xna oaa iteth Sections of suss Just,'vmbe did before the_ ssidlfsetotes, strllWarazase xasi tai CF. • 4E 4 444E. • ( Saki/I - 0W Cocas. WE ME BAIikRErFret:NOTIC I LL4MM IS TO otti . follfte-art or es 21 - day or JornforYW.a wasseat ha Ilsokni % woo laud Ili estate of • -YMY gr: Kw of West terp m is the waft if .fee tsesd EliZrowireito, mho bee been adJoAged. Aea kW ont peetka ; tkat the yereelst or idebtoliref dettury al 111/ ,yroyertybeloagl9Ases'i eielahmknipt, to Mm or Ali am, atui the Izeirdeo ol ay "roped, by biro. lop Wages by lair L tlhA a meat Lag or -, the eradiate of Meade -UMW, to pow' their IhibteOrkto delogtom venire *wow 01 tikke;l4ool/U be/What a evert of Beek rote', to krY hones tt aerates of the Beer tor, la the hoestaot.layeale, PS., tato* Sir Imo Ovesron. Jr., on the 4111 flay of /ebony 1 1869, at 9 o'clock, a. I it. , • 11110 A, A. BMW, tr. ti. Itarabah . Auk 7, UM - ', 11.)11:0 , l, Eli neIiKRUPTOY NOME—Toth is AP to ; Grariknnas.—thee oath* Alt day of issinaty.A.•l4 l r, s i lfenarkirMrtof was Issued the estate ist Jr • 000LBA of Illowsotten, tie County of" • Stariford eed etare,of 'Peseryfireers. wbe Ise been adjedged Banicopt, kla aim petition ; that the paytnent Oen" debtor any property to web hankrept.te Maher - tor bio sae an thetranator of an be hl are for bidden by law ; that a isoollhg of the creditors of the said ItankerAte prove their Nina, lad to choose one or ,coew.taalpew at him Alete. will he held at a wart of &abate,. to be holds* at the Oleo of the Ilaghaerin the boro' ot Towanda. Pa.. Wye Maw.uno Chrearron Jr. on the sth du pf. Forum,lll4U pr % o'clock • A. ht. . • • TAM. 11. s. 'mak. K. B. Coons/eat. Delo', EMMY BANKRUPTCT NOTICE.—Tmw is To Give Nomni,—That en tie . 4a day of hammy A. D. 1868, a Warrant in Busk sup_tey _was tamed against the e state of EMMA; R. HELL, of Ulster Tap., in the County of Bradford and State ofPlva nii, whopetition has been adjudged BIWID on ids own ; that payment of any 'debts and delivery of any popery be/orig ing to such Bankrupt, to him, or for his use, and the tansfer of by - hill are forbidden by la* say pmpaty ; Wit I roosting of the creditors of the ,said Biudfmt, to prove their Depts. and to chaos* one or or more Asaiguees of his Pilate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy,. to be holden at the Oboe of the Water fn the Borough of Towanda, Pa, before EDWARD OVEE TON, .Ta., on the 4th ...day of libby. 1869, at 0 o'clock, A. IL . .-•• • moms A. ROWLEY, U. •B.lfashcsl,. l By E B. Cocenaucitc, Derrp. - Jan. 7, , 1869, • ; - lIIIANKRUPTGTY, NOTl6.E.—Tale re To Onm Ncrncz. —That on the sth day or January, X. D.1.889,n Warrant• haßankruptcy waa luued -against she' estate of -A luz•RAlf O. BENTLEY, of Elpringlield twp in the County of Bradford, and Buda of l'ineayiVania, who him been adjudged' Bankrupt on his own peti tion ; that the payment of any debts and - de= lirer of any property belonging to each Bank. rapt, him, or for his use, and the transfer of Nay property by hbn im forbidden by lair; that • a meeting of the credWi of es ipM Bankrupt, to prove their Debts, and to chow one or wow Aaalgokea of his Estate. tea be bold at s Court •of Bankruptcy, to be holdta at the Office of the, Register in the Boro. of .Towanda: Pa., before - EDWARD OVERTON, Js.. Register, on tho lath day of Feb'y. A. - D. 1862. It 2 o'clock, P.M. TIIONAS A. ROWLEY; IL B. Ilsrobal. By B. B. COOLBAIXIII. Deputy.. RXECISTOWS OTloE.—Noliic `JILJ Is hereby given that wsons Indebte:. to the estate of HENRY HM=D I / 3 1. late of Terry, det'd, are requested to make im mate payment, and all hnshlg. claims open said estate will present them duly acbenticated 'for settlement. • ---. MERIBAH E. RESSENDEN, GEO. F. HORTON, -- . 11114 0, 1869. itietttors. EXECITTOWS NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that all micas Indebted in the estate of •Ebeneter Wells, deo'd., late -of Herrick twp., are riposted to sake payment without delay, and those having claims against amid .state mast present them ,duly authentica ted tor 'settlement. Dec. 17.194-4 IANKAUPTOY NOTICE --THIS is TO turd lifortcs.—That ma the 6th day of - Januar°, A. D. 1868; a Warrant in Ban truptiy was issued naiad des estate of Andrew B. Cold lum, of Falls twp., la the County of Wyoming, and State of Pesuarybreata, Who has been ad• _ judged,* Bankrupt oa hill own petition ; that the payment of any debts and , lelirery of any property belonging to each Bankrupt, to hica.or for nee, and the tread's: at any property by hint are forbidden by bur ;• that a meeting of the creditors of the' *aid Bankrupt, to prose their Debts, and tit choose one or more Assign- , ees of= his Estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the Office of the Register In the Bore: of Tolman. Bradford Co., Pa,. before BDWAID 019113T0N, Jr., Itsgister.*; on the 20 day of Feteciati s 4t 'o'clock, P„ . THOMAS A. POWLET, 11. 5. Marshal. Jan. 14. By B. B. Commas, Deputy NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY.— rims g, To am roncw.--Ttlat on tkistb! day of Unity A. LI, 1869. a Wsweant in Book ruptcy was Laud against the e tate of Geo. Eaten of the Borough' ofTrte, to the Oionty of Bradford, and SMte of Peanjoylvanta who his been adjudged }Unkempt °whist own petition ; that the payment of any debt' and deUrerrof anyproperty belonging to 'such Bankrupt, to hint, odor his - am, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law ; that a meeting of the creditor' of said Bankrupt, to prove , their Debts,' and to chow* one er more ' Assignees of his Estate. will be held eta Court ' of Binkruptcy, to be holden at the Mice of the Register in the 8016141 of Toimutita,Pa.:hefons EDWARD OVERTON , Jr..flefister .on the 2Qth • day of Feb, A. D. at 2 o clock, P. If. THOMAS ROWLEY Ii • MB- arshal, By E. B.CooLuatrarr-, Deputy. TN THE ORPHAN'S COURT OF IN Bradford County, No. 99, SepCT, 1888. lathe matter of the estate of John Haverty, deceased. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania : To Orlando Beverly, Adeline Pants, Media Chase, Altntra Beverly, Orland Haverty guardian of Salley. Beverly, Edw d H verly, Amen Beverly, En . e Irvin* Maria Wayetan. Mary Ann Neal„DeAlanson Haverlyjiyivester Boylel4 Hera= Boyles, Lu..inda . C. Boyles. Wal Boyles, Nancy Banuell, Addle Boyles, frank lin Boyles or Irvine, lineal descendants of John Haverty. deceased, and to Sail' other per ions Interested, greeting BRADFORD COUNTY, BS You are hereby cited to be and appsarbefore the Judges of our Orphan's Cosr6 at as Or. phan's _Court to be held at Towanda, the Bth day of February, '1 . D. 180, at 111 o'clock in the forenoon of said[ griy,thee end there to accept or refuse to take the real estate of sold John Haverty, deceased, situate in the town ship of Overton, in said County, at tbaspprail ed valuation put upon it by an inquest ouly awarded by the said Court. and retorted bi the Sherif! on-the 12th de! o Dee. 1868.-- wit : 876940. =Cheroot tail not. - • itfences,,Mon. P. B. Streeter, - at Towan da the La ehly of January 1869. • H. . MADILL. Clerk. 1 Jan;s; 1889, - • A DMINISTELATOR'S Notice Is beseby gine that all 'pergola Indebted to the estate of Orrin Warner, late or Tea:arose twp ., dee'd., are requested to mike Immediate payment,. sad all pavans 10- lug claims against said estate. mast prowl there duly authenticated tor 'effluent. • '1...D. WARNER, • Dec. 24, 1868. - • , Adadalstrator. ; lIXEOUTOWS Jui hereby gins that all ,M i lsolehtar to the estate or flak 0 late of - Towanda bare, are requital to main I mmedir ate payment, and all persons having eh Joss o* .on said eatate mut pruut thee duly Where ticatedfor ettlement. - JA/11E8 MACFAIII,OIII, Dee. 17,1868. - too nters. .10 CUT()1113 NOTlCE::.—Notice hereby 'Oren. • hi= dobtod to . tho paw of wail= smith late ot.tiranritle, dio'd. aro .requottod to make LoraWmttato psymest,cord those t o O/olior NOWA mold estate win mint them dais loathe:grated for mottlowast. I 81T11 X.• Po?s% ", • • 11011LIPlar CATLIN, _1 I Dec, 17, 1868. , itaraain.. PnOTITOR'S- MYTlCE.—Noticei . .sa khanby rim WWI umontedebted the related . IkEDNZlYALMotee'di a r n il eu. 6 . 1 Wyslneng twin retillAM to make Me pigment, without erett• sea lieu bertha dame against, odd Mats mut present that duly autheeticatid for Vent; DATID Itteuto SAO D r e i. - ; Dec. 17.1668. FOR SALEATSCOTIA , TANNERY iris; ndi t gig No t‘ prat aaa bard. - psWfbr Bat lei Mt. - ADAK UMW Granville CAM" P5...14y 111, 110. S. JOHNSON WELLS. Executor