Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 04, 1869, Image 2
ryt; from all Natiimo —An t zutpi't !.1. - St Clair, .the ~vell - lecturer, died In Salt Lilco :city on WexinCiday; of MerclanW National Bank of Little; Rock has suspended. - - —The Virginia Republican State Central Committee Ina called a State Con vention for March 9. —The Pennsylvania Legislature is about to create a Metropolitan Police., for Philadelphia, --The Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association trill hare an exhibi tion in Boston this year: - —The Central Pacific road is com peted five hundred and three miles east of Sicramento. California. —Wendell Philips presided at the Anti-,Slacery Society's meeting in Boston last night, and a letter was read irom the pet Whittier, ' • ,---The Chicago River Tunnel was tested for business uses on Tuesday after noon. Several heavily loaded teams passed thr'xigh, find all went through with ease. —Charles B. transom, a freight agent in St. Louis, formerly of Lockport, N. Y., attempted to commit suicide on 'Wed slay by shooting himself through We 1.•:a and kit aide. —A Woman's Rights Convention, ' under the auspices of the "Sorsis" Society to be hd in Chicago . on the 11th of Feb ra:..r2,- Anna Dickinson Will certainly-M -t :-. 1. -1 memorial to Congrees waireir e.alatA in San Francisco against the pas• of SenatZix Cole's Alaska bill with the clause granting, to the successors of the 11tri,lan American Fax Company a mo r.rpulF. --Acting Governor. Hall, of Culora -0,.. Las warned the military and civilians iron: iLterference with the Indians who are 11. - ..ntit,g on the Republican - river, as the Utei •.re friendly and has a-treaty with the ( ,Neknment - . he Mikado bias all reuu dee.api ", 3 1 Ip:se horses are found on fuO. —l',:: Bulk of MA:treat lost $501) , ,- ~, ' 1;, - )loaning to speculators in Brie. —ln (T,llielg ) she therMometer in dicatel 13 degrees below zero on Monday r 3 -Lt. -106 killed 'Ad 166 maimed are among the achievements of Ohio railroads ! I t,l`, --Beeelwr is to discuss the modern drama in a lecture entitled Rational Ananse- nlints —Tice rQeeipts the United States Leasuryst SL Louis last year were $32,- 1,-,0,03i 27. —The Kan9lts Le,gisl aro pro po3es to regulate railroad fares and freights in that State. —John Stuart Mill approves dour practice in allowing a prisoner to testify in his own defence. ' --.1 gang of skillful burglars got $1.6.00 out of a safe in Wurtzborough, N. Y., without breaking a lock. of New Orleans luve subscri:bect - itts,ooo toward a cotton mill to Le ereetul in that city. OPuriovan liossa, wife of the I",nian prisoner in England, received a public reception at Chicago, Monday even ing. lu low,‘ larly is 'heir to some 10(f) acres of land in Term, granted years ago by the 'State to one Mullen, who fought Sa.nta . —Last year 41ichigl spent $2, •:,U7l for cducatioual purposes, employed h .ado tc ar:ht rs, and has .school property to N..tlle of $1,42'35,611. f the St. Louis papers do ck+, q that the only honest officer in the city government is the clerk of the police and he has no chance to steal. ' --Gk Leval N. P. Banks, Sir Henry of her Britannic Majesty's : sex v.e.7 : the ion. Charles A. Wasiabign, our ar Miniqer to Pardguay, and Professor of Cambridge,. Mass., aro in New York. —The Sianmsr• Twins, appealing the opinion of the Edinburgh doctors that it would be very dangerous to cut them asunder, are on their way to consult the need ieftl fraternity of,Paris. 1 Chicago bakery consumed 39,- barrels of flour last year. shipped 140,000 rat Osins to niarket last year. -13eecher thinks the "coming man" ig coming on.a velocipede., —Sasby is making au extensive ..usslug totir through Now Jersey. —St. Louis capitalists will erect a new Lindell Hotel, to cost $500,000. —John C. Breckenridge is to arrive in Baltimore, from Canada, Feb. 1. —Rossini's old letters said mann scripttrcommandi large - sums on the conti nent.. • —rhe peach crop is believed to have been ruined by frost in partS of Mis- =Ed —Elow-ell Cobb had an insurance of 810.000 on his life. It was paid to his —Hydrophobia prevails among the Chicago canines, and a girl died with it last week. In Minnesota they propose to abolish die office of 'State superintendent of schools. —The costs on both sides of the - recent ritualist case in London amounted to $lOO,OOO. —Menard, the colored Congress man,. was to address the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, Wednesday. - -Mr. Burlingame and suite occu py in Paris the rooms lately vacated by Patti. They pay $l6OO a month. —lt is said that ThArlow Weed fears_be is going to bo.alllicted with insan ity. • —When the Chicago police wish to stop a runaway bursa they shoot the (Hirer. _Gyverncr Wise has published his fourth letter an the Virginia movement, acid more are coming yet: . --Tl:ere have beeO over one bun dredtleatlis in llor.tical frorii small pox do ring the past five weeks. Grant goes to New York on the 4th of February, arid will be there several days. He will be the guestof Hon. 11.:nilten Fish. • train four miles long was rc c -nth• drain acres tla3 temporary bridge ov_r the Ilississippi, by a singlo engine.— It c -, ntaincd three hundred and seventy-two —A train in Ohio apparently ran over a men who was on the track, and after it had backed n mile or more to find his be walked off the cow-catcher. —The theaviest snow storm ever known at the South visited • Alabama and Mississippi mat week. In the vicinity of Hantsville, Alabama, the snow fell to the de th of ten inches. Vrtyliovil !minter. Tokvanda, There!lay, Feb. x'.1889.4 itAitatoiD SUBSIDIES. A good beginning has leetr*ade' in the Hove of Represedatives at WashingtO by rejecting the first railroad subsidy bill of the present session. It was one-of the very nn merous progeny of Pacific Railroad; schemes with which the whole coun try has been ringing; and _was re garded on all handi at Washington as a test case. Others; however, are pressing forward, nothing daunted, and very plausible statements. are made on their behalf. , We, are glad to see Congressmen standing up manfully against them all, and we sincerely trust,that they will continue to maintan that, attitude through the session, setting their faces rigidly against all further subsidies. This is the duty that Congress ()Wes to the taxpayers of the republic. It is so recognized by General Grant and all who represent his views. Our finances are itf no condition to war,,,l rant our proceeding any further in the career of reckless prodigality that has excited so much complaint•, and however desirable the schemes or public improvement for which so much money is demanded,they should one and all be left to be accomplish= ed by private and corporate enter prise, as fast' is the growth of popu lation and the movements of trade shall warrant. We must now pause and take time to look about us, to ascertain definitely the state of our affairs aid thy• future financial pros pects, before we add to our fiscal embarrassments. We must make both ends meet. We must garner up the immense resources we have been lavishing. We have heftily finished the build- ing a one great through railroad to the Pacific, and that it is sufficient now to bind together the widely sep arated parts of our far western do. main. While that region is so thinly settled it would obviously be unwise to give this line any rivals to divide its traffic. It is our duty to give it time to develope the -country and build up its trade. Let it have all the advantage of a monopoly of the field in order to insure its immediate and rapid success, so that the mana gers may be enabled to relieve us of that portion of our national debt in curred for its construction. This is the true way to show that it is profit able to go on building these works. We are satisfied that with proper management the road can and should relieve us of that portion of our debt, and hence we rejoice at the resistance in Congress to all further subsidies to Pacific railroads. We trust that Congress Will stand firmly by this view. THE PENSION FOR MR& Lutcots.- 7 - About a week ago Senator Morton introduced a bill granting a position ' to Mrs. MARY LINCOLN, widow of the late President of the United States. This resolution was referred to the Committee on PensionsVuesday, Mr. C A N WINKLE, the Chairo n of that Committee, made a report, in which the Committee say, in substance,they are unable tb perceive that Mrs. LIN COLN', as the widow of the late Presi- dent, c.r ..any other character, is en titled to a penSion under the letter and spirit of any existing law. The Committee are aware the friends of the resolution expect to make a per manent provision for the lady under the guise of a pension : but no evi dence has Leen furnished to them or reasons assigned why such provision should be made. If such was the intention, the Committee submit the reference should have been Made to some other Committee. The commit tee on Pensions, at least for some years past, have In t thought it com patible with their duty, or the ob jects of their appointment, to recom mend in any case the granting of any special pension, or any pension of a greater amount than is allowed by some general law. If they thought the amount so alloWed too small,they would feel it incumbent on them to report a general bill for like relief in all similar cases. If the increase proposed was on account of extraor dinary military or naval services, the proper reference would be the Milita ry or Naval Committee. Under all these circumstances the Committee have no altern4tive but to report against the passago of the general resolution INDIAN AFFAIRS.—The Senate COM mittee on Indian Affairs have agreed to report adversely on the House bill to transfer the charge of the Indians to the War Department, and will re port'in favor of the Senate bill to erect the Indian Bureau into a sepa rate department, with an official head who shall have a seat in the Cabinet. The ;Alley is questionable ; but Congress having all the facts before them in relaticn to Indian Affairs, ought to know how to manage them so as best to protect the treaty rights of the red men and secure the safety of the frontier settlements. TILE INAUGURATION BALL —lt has finally been settled that the inaugra tion ball is to take place in the north wing of the Treasury. This is the new addition to the building now nearly finished. It is thought that the rooms will be ready for the ball by the time they are required. One of them, called the "cashier's room,; will be, when completed, one of the most elegantly finished rooms. or halls, if not the finest, in the country. Its walls_ are of the richest Italian Marble. The height or the ceilling from the floor is thirty feet. —The Republican , caucus held at Wheelin6 W. Vs., zumnimonaly nominated GOY. Boreman for United States Senator. TUE FINANOZO; Senktor SO.sto Lai repaited,froni the Finance Collamittee of the Setate u impurittit Oneoovideik, fist Ar 4,40 g 0 41 0 f 6 r - 14 441 :0 1 , otfa, ititbolisfils the stoking a nd appropriates innually , $1400,000 out of the revenue from imports to pay interest-and principal of the debtf third, it provides.that holders of any legal tender notes may convert them into 10-40 five per cent bonds speci fically payable, interests and princi pel, is gold; and exempt from all tax , ation ; fourth, it -prdvldes that the Secretary shall issue gold demand notes for circulation to ag'ainount net exceeding the wild in the 'Trease ry ; fifth, the 'Secretary may - at his 'discretion use those gold notes to buy in these 5-20's ; sixth,, when he pays in 5-20'13 he shill cancel an equal , amount of greenbacks ;seventh, the National Banks may issue specie de mand notes without limitation by de positing in' the usual way $lOO in bonds for $6O in specie notes, provid ed that no batik shall 'take less than $50,000 of such specie notes. • The second is 'a bill to amend the National Bank' Act. This provides first that national banks shall make reports whenever called upon by the Comptroller to do so, which shall be at least four times a year ; secondly that no national bank shall hold de posits for more than ninety per cent. of the bonds it has deposited with the Treasurer, and subjects the bank officers-to fine or imprisonment for paying or offering to pay anything to secure ;government ;deposits ; thirdly, for winding tip the banks in ninety days after the stockholders have voted to go into liquidation ; fourthly, fixes the compensation of national bank receivers at fifteen hundred dollars., and commissioners according to a graduated scale ; provides the national, banks shall not make loans on United' States notes, or circulating notes of any other bank as collateral& HEALTH bp THE HON. H. ILL LOWRY The Hon. M. 11 - .,Lowry, Senator from the Crawford and Erie district, (says the garrisburg Telepiph) was slightly affected with _paralysis Mon day afternoon while at dinner atlas boarding house. The one side of his body, and particularly the leg and arm, were considerably paralyzed yesterday, but we are glad to learn from one of his attending physicians, that he is sae to use:his leg again, and is otbs - rwiso considerably im proved. Itt will, however, require' soul day's"patient rest, before he can partially attend to his duties. The absence of Mr . Lowry from"the Senate will be severely felt by his constitu , cuts, whose interest he is always watching, and we hope that his health may soon permit him to occu py his seat in that body. TENURE OF OFFICE the United States Senate, on Monday,Mr. Edmunds, Chairman of the Retrench ment Committee, reported Senate. bill amending the Tenure of Office act, with -amotion that it be indefinitely postponed ; and also House bill re pealing the act, with amendment authorizing the President to remove a Cabinet officer as his pleasure dur ing the recess of Congress, and to suspend any officer during the recess . in his discretion, without assigning any specific reason therefor. The committee consists of Messrs. Ed munds, Patterson,of New Hampshire, Williams and Buckalew. It is under stood that the three former Senators favor modification rather than repeal, 1 while the latter is in favor of repeal. 1 The modifications .'recommended will probably be adopted by the Senate and accepted by the House.. . TROUBLE AMONG T 11 1 ,3 DEMOCRATS.- Oar Demociatic friends seem to have considerable trouble about finding a candidate for Governor. Heister Clymer, who was so badly worsted by Governor Geary in the last cam paign, declines the honor of running against the Govermir a second time, most peremptorily, Asa Packer writes that he has no ambition of be ing a candidate,yet, if it is necessary that he should again be sacrificed as he was in New York, when he Was presented by the Pennsylvania delega tion, 'as their candidate for Vice Presi dent,he:must submit. Gen.WCandless and Gen. Cass seem to be the only gentlemen prominently pressed by their friends. It makes, however, little difference to the Republicans whom the Democrats present;-Geary will beat any one brought forward. is.. The •New-England Labor Re form League just established in B )s -ton means to employ leeturers,tracts, journahr,"the pulpit and the ballot in theft cause. The memorial of the League, drawn up by Mt. E. M. Da vis, of Philadelphia, declares that pa per money is better suited to the wants of the age than gold or silver, and that gold bullion or grad dust may be transferred to foreigners in payment instead of coin stamped at great expense in a mint. It also claims that the necessity which brought in greenbacks brought out old benefits to the cause _of labor,and that the' countrY , produced, in the last seven years; more wealth than it had ever realized before in the same space of time. What will the bullionists and the copperheads say to all this ? Of course,the' circumstance that most of the assertions put forth' by the "League'lltre neither based on facts or history, will materially affect their value in min& of some people. . . , .here ...--A. Louisville.dispatch sayse ie no 'truth - in the report that Jaz Gould Law obtained control of the ./aottherille and Naajtrilkt Railroad, and that the gangs will be °banged. , -.. :;-,, ...:.-; : 1, , :.,,...- - - :;n .illos-.'WASitINGTON. _ -V ! 44101 MW) - 0., Feb. let, 1869. • .• 7 . , :t100, presented some 7 1 10/ 2 L.:i t .: • • well of Mass.- prp.• , • :t of the Constitution rigtO"of sartige, was • of /lepresentatives on airote of 153 to 43. It proilibie ; tu,thkrigbi of any citizen' of the tfnitekkitebseio vote, shall not be denied or abridged by the Ilnited•Stiates or ylitate r by-reasonof sWee r Oolosr • _ vions condition of slavery of any ,Mils m kor class of citizens of the United'iltitis: slinilairOpOsition but .been - -pauling in' the Ficsksts,„for iono, o-Wooks.o l ol l 4 ?jib* jeotaukowi t ` theollilbliAlciaii°4 -41 0 - •tosotr witholo mach 4 , * FPon PP. House Bolo ' and die Seaga will nor doiiif psis it before the 0310 0 8 .9 e. the mom dongieiii, It will th en make the gatilloldon of three .- fourths of the.Stge Legidatares to orsistt ! tate it a part of the impugn law.;' ! .The civil swim. bill, of his. Jen4es, wss under odiaideration Omni: Mao of .the whole do Sato:day. but it does notmeet With mush favos. it cannot pan this !ow • The strong Minded .women: are. hereti force, pressing s=tand the right of women; bat the proposition d. not seem to be isvoribly teeiliT4 gross evidently ds not inolhied to give e clumping ,creatures the right to Sing Nothing has transpired that -indicate!' th any .degree of certainty, who are to .mpose the new'Cabinet. . There is more aeon for believing that Hon. diunes Fi ilson of loin, now s• member of ',the: 'use, but who retires at the close of ,the sent session, will be offered the post - of I .mey General,- than most of the spec's !tiers; as to the Cabinet of General Grant. ! Senator Wilson's bill for "the redaction the military forces" passed the Senate , Friday last, ; " • A joint resolotion ,relnliee to taking the I •nsus of 1870, was also passed by the mate on the same day. .o House is dealing with another .00n tutithceons witness, and the democratic party may bo furnished another martyr to, republican tyranny. A Mr. Henry Johnson of Now York, refuses to obey the summons' of the select committee to investigate the election frauds in New York city. A Resolution was passed on Friday last; requiring the Sergeant-at-Atoms; to bring him before the House for contempt. The Senate committee on pensions has reported in favor of granting a pension to Mrs. Lincoln,' from the, death of her ..hus band. The amount of pension is not Sta ted. From present indications, 01113 of the last nets of Andrea , Johnson} as President. , be the Pardon of Dr. Mudd, and Spangler, sentenced to confinement at the Dry Tor tugas, for conspiring to murder Abraham Lincoln. - • A mhiority of Senators in canons, have decided to confirm no. more c i f Andrew John - La's appointments, but leave, the places to be filled under the ministration.. The credentials of Ron. John Scott, SeKdor elect from Pennsylvania, wore pre sented in the Senate on Thursday last. The Senate committee on Indian Affairs, report adversely on the House Bill trans ferring the.lndian Bureau to the War De partment, and have reported favorably oa the Senate Bill, making the Indian Bureau a separate department: - Cotta. PENNSYLVANIA IN iraz CABINET. The Pittsburgh Gazette says that " the friends of Governor arms are working hard to secure for him the appointment as Secretary of Interior under President Gum. Prominent in this movement are FORNEY, MC CLIME, lass, and other gentlemen who are skilled in political strategy, and knoW how to turn the public ser -vices and unquestioned popularity of their favorite to the hest acqount. On the other hand, the friends of Mr. J. D. CAMERON are earnestly en deovoring to have him made Secre tary of the Treasury. Department: He has demonstrated surprising ex- ecutive and financial abilities, espe; chilly for so young a man. The new Senator from this State, Made such largely through his influence and management, is warmly enlisted, as a matter of course, in his favor, and Abe utmost, his father can do will be done to nomote his elevation. With ithe two Senators from Pennsylvania, it is stated, eight or ten others are acting in this matter. It will be seen, conseqUently, that the contest is an exciting one, and likely to draw into it all the elements. composing the Republican party of this Cetneonwealth." • : • , AFFAIRSIIf .aaxANsAs.-:-Geueral R. B. Ayers,who was appointed to inves tigate the state of affairs in Arkan sas, has submitted his report to Brig adier General Thos. 11. Neiil,- of the Department of Louisiana, and the re port has been forwarded to the adju tant general. General Ayers confirms the statements made by General Per. ter, of General Grant's staff, -as to affairs in Arkensas,and characterizes the stories about the outrages com mitte4 by the-militia-as exaggerated, and, many instanceL, pure fabrica tions.. The report includes : "As fast as the civil authority is establish: ed, the militia forces are disbanded; and it conlidently believed that the civil law can be enforced in the future by officers them of, And;resort to the militaiy power not to be again neces• sary." . . itta. ThO Cuban -insurgents have envoys to Washington,' asking our government to rrc )gnize them as belli gerents, uud our people to- furnish them with arms and munitions of war ; and it is stated that there are many members of Congress who fa vor the granting of these requests. These same Congreasmeil, we 'have no doubt,are bitterly hostile to Great Britain because she recognized the beligereney of the Confederate States, and because ,her Lairds supplied *the. confederates with Alabamas,' art well they may be; but they should . nOt allow-this hatred to induce them to commit the same blander towards Spain that Great Britain did towards this 'country, when she acknowledged the bellegerant rights of thaConfed-- eraey.: It is as, good a doctrine, ter hations- , 114 for iadivideals, that what you would have ' , others do ante you', do you even so unto them: • • -Six hundred livn , - qnalle :were shippOd from Dubuque; Soria, .t 0 Mai& *setts recently. 3:f . tws : ::4 l. tbe: Pink. • ' the ine ; itpa,ensr 4 fain , .. W, OW • ...,,,Vititalriroo l s4 ' ' • ...Alt A . iliVaid ;.. wailiikatta 1 . -- - ' • 4 * . k 'JA;44 "t . 1 ' • • 1 ' : 140; i ' The accident ilio . :a re the rein vafot Okla try some seituniliels • who, r evs 7, intended to plunder the train.= 411 A - 001 4 4 4.444 42 4/-fr e etlik , , - , 1 ,, ~ ~,,,-.7., ,, ,,,, _ 1,--1.. - , "1 - ..,.;. , i- - - , za - kyoune lady was found insane about the ifxds of Vigo *Odin .- RA i about wOgriari., indA,Aiv#lj #4 4) tell who shawls or Aire "aht bi- weatisken 10-thaPoor-haasc. -- In the Veehet of herfdrete Waikeio l PO* book Onii iini Ug 404 . 1 9 13 4 4 4 1 09 4 ,7 and. I oheohlor tab drawn - pp art,‘ Oswego, N. t0.1." 1314 14 4 1 " e*Metod eh,* : ilia' 'lutuainee..#9*Ter , reeetetea .14,300441 away the etletl l 7 that i r" m4.4 •______ arm 4°T * -7 says Shethat her name iredis Robin son, and that she lives in Oswego, N. I t:, with , her parauts, , who are weilikr. lihr _ __ _ _ ! a c t the d e te.elitt knitter et gookeil*Parke G"ntY , Mkt 0 4 theereY, became *mai and at. Teas Haute' took to the lido& Her trunk bee, been found at Terri Hants; , ..-Hoar D. D: neisi United States ideliiaCi friinniedians, .tendered,his riaignaticar is r ptate'ilenstorte Gov. Baker on Wednesday. end received". it the,sone hie certificate of election to the Renate of the "United . State& Write for au ere lion to be held on Elatnrdiii, the 130th 4.,Tebrn ivy, to All the vacanq_catund by hie, indg riation, have bee - ignored: . --One proinlinentoitizenof lowa, was:murdered by another onManday_ last. The murdered man was named Fre I. crick May, • and the mordent OM's. May mein. The two had been 'engaged in a dispute about a load of wheat* eared for sale by a farmer. Bider' words and :amnia passed between them, when Oharles May withdrew:to a store sitar by, And. turning with a rhaoliter„iiiiot and instantly killed the other while betwae on the wagon examining' the wheat. The mirdeier was immediately arrested and lodged in jaiL - —lt - is reported , .that Presideot .lohnion has decided to plirdon Dr. Mudd, and that he will soon hume,the 11806113821 .papers. The Maryland Conservative mem bers of. Ocingress, in their petition for the pardon and release of the prisoner, area that, as the Supreme Court decided in the Milligan case that. trials by military com mission are unconstitutional, he. having been tried by such , a commission, should not be held to the fulfillment-of his sen tence. —Advicea from South America in dicate that the Paraguayan army was- not so badly defeated_ in the recent battles as was reported. Lopez, with his remaining force, still occupies the stronghold of An gostuiw and presents a defiant front to the Allies. The loss by the brining l a the Custom-ho Use at Rio Janeiro was I greatly 'overestimated. —Several persons have been ar rested in Rochester, N. Y.-, charged with an attempt to defend a life insurance com pany. One of them, named Allen, had his life insured for $5,000 in July last, and shortly afterward assigned the policy to a man named Garlock, a lawyer. Qn flunks giving day Allen was reported to have been drowned while &Wag. Two .men made Affidavits that they saw him fall from a boat and drown. Suspicion being aroused, all the parties have been arrested, = including Allen, who confessed that he was not drown ed, ziobiithstanding tha testimony of his friends. ' - —lt has just been decided in the- Court of Common Pleas, in Toledo, Ohio, that the inteinal revenue tax levied by the 'Government on a piece of machinery is not legally a'subject of specific charge by the manufaCturer against the party for whom the machinery is made, nuless special agree ment is made. . —The fall forte of Colt's Armory . at Hartford is now engaged on the contract to furnish the Russian Government with thirty thousand Borden rifles, and upon the one • hundred Gating gins ordered. The armory is to be enlarged. —The Presiding Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church has appointed Tuesday next, Feb. 9, for the consecration of Rev. Dr. William Croswell Doane' as Bishop of the Diocese of Albany. Right Rai. Dr. Pcitter, Bishop of New-York, will be the Consecrator, and the Right Reverend the Bishop of 'New-Jersey is named as Preacher. The Bishop elect will be pre sented by the Bishop of Rhode Island and the Bishop of Maine. Connecticht • State Demo cratic Convention ' assembled at Hartford, Wednesday. All parts of the State were represented. Hon. J. O. Loomis was elect ed President. After a little debate the Convention - renominated unanimously the entire ticket of last year, with/3ov. English at its head. A resolution in .honor of the late Gov. Tholans H. Seymour was passed, the members rising and standing in silence. .Tudge H. S. Wallbridge, of Itha ca, N. Y., who. was supposed to have been waiting at the Erie tunnel to get on the 8:10 train from Newark for New-York, war/ struck by an engine attached to a train from New-York on the Erie Railroad, and thrown agahist a train on the Morris and • Essex Railroad. He was injured so [ranch that he died' oon after. He was a brother of Gen. Mein Wallbridge, of New York. —Mr. George' Williams, Collector 'of Taxes for Genesi% was attacked near the village on Friday night by two high waymen,. brutally beaten, bound hand and foot, robbed of - $626 in greenbacks and thrown by.the roadside insensible. When he returned to consciousness •he managed to free his feet from the Cheekier/. and walked to Geneseo with his bands bound, and gave an alarm. The townspeople turn ed out and scoured the country round, but, at last accounts, bad not , frousi the orimi- Mae. Mr. Williams at this time of the 'at tack was returning to his home 'abort two miles Prom the village, on' the • Crtylerville road. He had been to town do (posit the money in the - Gimeseo Valley liallnsid Bank, but was 'enable to do so, as the bank was closed.. Ntui ilboatigements. AMERICAN HOTEL, EAST SMITHFIELD, PA. The subscriber having leased this hence, late ly occupied by A.O. Bentley. and thoroughly rephed and re-fitted it. is now . ready to ac eommodate the travelling public. Kivu en deavor will be made to satisfy those who may favor him with a call: A. O.IIEYNOLDS- Feb. 1,16"8.-6m• . „ nAIITION.—Notice is hereby given that my wife Ellen left my bed ',tabard :without any just . canso or provocation, I the* lore forbid any person or 'peractal 'harboring or trusting her on my account, ail shall. Pas so no debts at her contraction after thin date: - ISRAEL BOUNDS. Bear Creek, Lytoming Co., Pa.. Jaa. IL , . • . • R. .TAYLOR,, Fashionable Hair , Drsiser, Ward House, Towanda, Pa., keeportMestantly on hand and makes to Order all kinds'ot Halr Work, such as Swlitchel, Doh, Braids, Prissets, Lady's Frost Pleas Wigs, Toopees, Waterfalls, Pon, False Whiskers and Ornamental Hair Work of.alltmeriptions made to salt the customer. Particular - attention pdd bithe.Cotthic and Dressing of LaO's Hafr.—. Highest market price paid tor 'Raw Wait. Towanda, Nov. 26, - • 1 LOVlL:—Mheat, Flo of all X imdotb-Bacerheati Flogrellem, Com Deal. Peed, ao.; it - - • • W. A. D0C1WR141.13.- toning ~ 4 . ('',".4 16.0. -.& ;,7t, - - t1i2,,,j , ~.„.. • ".-•.••• .--,-. , :;i74 i.:%.2.1, .!.1 - 7 ti l '• . l'i: ;,. I - 11 •i.: -i.--L.... ir •'• .. - * . r • • I'. N : c. fl • - • , E- -- -,, 7 . 1• § 1 2 / ..„ 0 i a 0 • C ' '• - b.' , 0 .-4ji .0 N -- t . i .....,.. . .:. ...„ ..,.,..„•,•••,-.. t . _. • , -*-- r ---- :: ; - -. :-..-----_-:,--''T 1:4 ..- P...; - .: ....:... I .~ ,•k+ G;{. ' r ~ 4 4 0 i , rii .1 Ps , . 121 t i .: op , It: # ' 01 :to ... " 1.1 a ~_~. U E w'p - n U - It 0 E P t 8 H es hd CA t 4 id *I mo t ti • O O tD I 1 tt, 1 5 Q a g I. 0 5 H et of 1 1 1 il 1 P g 0 i r* • bz tt. < P B f d ti t°6 po 1. 3 N m c• o 03 0 , to ;4 fr 3 a I . 11 g r't a I ti 3 o o . P' El it I S I,tln P-" . .' -,, 4 -oil .. c . , ~,, :,.. k 7 N! EW HARD:' • w-1- - -,4•. -. 1 - --- t l T , l 6 ,- " "' STOCK OF 870 YES . grerbriio4ls . thiS . bi found Ulf ,follotbs CELEBRATED:ONES, Agent Wigiaiida IBM moivittici FEZ miTaßoNr.s zia]aLuu, -Which 'are,* Without eiciption, the. brat lam also agent:for the coollltoves to 3 ODD OLD HOME,' And they-cannot be Excelled. Platforms and Connter.Ocides, Kerosene 011, Manic, Prices I also keep constant! y on band • Complete STOCK OF HARD WARE, Of all kinds, consisting in part of SE'rinis. • • Azle", Felloes Spoke, Iron, Horse Shoes, Nall Rods, Andsll k Inds of Shelf Hardware, which will be sold at the lowest picas. I would asp to Merchants that II will at all times meet Elmira prices. Towanda. Oct. 22.1868. 300 OASES BOOTS & SHOES HUMPIiREY BIebTHERS. Mks to their [old custom re and the metal NOT ONLY THE LAROEST ASSORTMENT GOODS PALL TRA6Lb3II El NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA THE'LOWEST RATES! WORK GUARRANTEED! SHOES FOB LADIES, MISSES AND OIULDREN RECEIVED THE ONLY SL ft !GAL Excellence 4rif Mcineacture PARIS .EXPOSITION 18437. ' GOODS FOB MEN'S *E, HEAVY OR LIGHT Hungarian and other Styles. OUR OWN - MANUFACTURE Made to: Otdei by iled Woiknar; Saddles y Department I • • ~• 100 HORSE BLANKETS I BUFFALO & WOLF' ROBES. Carriage it Team garnees, TRUNKS WHIPS, tge Towaads,'.od.:3l, IsB. gAYE YOU 'RAGS.—OId Papem -and Woolen 'Rigs boar by A.-,14011 STOOK Or OHROOOI3 JIM. sad Ippsviap at nom. EWE alistellm)tu No. 129. ifai4 &red, The iliari Par whin I B4Timont Oars, Mating&ems , mode. GARDEN CITY, • GOOD BAKER, I am also agent for Window Glass. Doom, Nang AD of which will be sold at To the trade Tin Ware. AT RETAIL. publics, BUT IIZST TOE THY Tbstican be round in The stock b offered at And the EDWIN C. BURT'S Awarded for ! , 4t, the" .4AX133 11.-111:11iTE Either egLP, OPERA, NAPOLEON, In full opetotios and all goods In the NNITAL REPORT OF THE' unterrtrus OF .Bradford County, from Jaanacy2, l t9A4ickb,oooBl'; ice` Midge Contracts 610211 Bounties to Wonted, per Act 1866 ilk ' ' Bridge. Views , . 41 OD Commonwealth Salta 1316 atte l PB • • • • ••• „int 1:514...1,t..4, 4 =14.4i: Iln Matelot Atkontly ' - 908'00 Eleatlons • 1674 25 Ind and iti crv. • • . 0 “.71. rir. 14 a t , it XIS • • Grand, .; f 699: Traverse Jurors 25M116 IPaterltedldtogr: - 110 25 Counsel to LW 00 ,Jruittoais' 49,52 Jury eas aid Clerk— . 119 10 Offloa Bo,* and fitationory. , . ' _ 2 5 7 69 Prisonara' support County . J ail.: ins 00 ME - --- • UllO4 85 ! ACCOUNT with , the seLeril CelloOtan! of-pciantpTist focAhn.oounty of Beadford for the yeas 1868 and pnriono. '• - -_ .. - "• •-.- •:. • • - tznimak4o, . ( * i bi s; , T er , dyed. 4ectival. itroaV l Per. CL Die - - i. . ± , - • . • —— --,--- , ----- . TroY. bo .r. 4 • ,.• ••. • . LB. Newman. , " - 1867 • -3110 •3550 _ 6.70 Arasenin; •• ..• ..1•... 3.• D. Beekva...•: .. :, . . 1868 135 04 106 00 278-. 6 81 30 ; 65 Athintt to;niship:. AIMS Well- ,;;.:.',.. ..c. 1741 96 -1638 86 16.25 8.8 25 . Athesni borough., ; Charles T. Hu11........ i . - 540 90 611 18 291 26 90 Aal ai ls ...c Iseaslanis._ .......,- ... .... • 634 07 -- 600•93 -67726 37 - .4.;:. ..• •• . ,English. . .... ' 347 28 • 303 83 21 14 -16 31 Alba .D: .1":". Men* - 97.13 -•,. 91.48 •89 481 Barclay " ' ' •:". ; Joan Wiggot ' ....., - . 70 t 18 706. 67537 19 fikadbugton, ... P.P.Baraa ... • . ~.,.. .... ,518 27 . 489 06 252 25 72 Burlington i:;;Vie.". A. T.; Most ' - .- ' 138 44 116 00 69216 52 Burlington Woot.! G. A. Oompton.., i... .::. 446 68 429 78 55 M 35 Chub= twp -- CM; Landon . ;.. ... . ... ' -- 933 03 882 70 387 48 46 Oentonboio'...... John W. OT* 297 35 60 15 65 Clobssahisc. - 4..... -H. , Morgan • 1643•59 - 987.55 400 51 98 f 34 Brandin::-.. ': .. •-•• : . ..........35618.. 356 18 337 45 97 17 78 • Granville.-.... -- ,,.,. Divatiay .11.4. - .:. ... . :.:. •••• 632 32 ' 599 01 174 31 57 Latn .Haniek."•••: .• . '•••••• • - 840,014._ ~. _:* ... . .... 434 43 410 31 252 21 .:_............ oi4scuter •Hcmcglinii. .... - 624 43 380 II 762 25 84 110 77 riiiraela. - Clec..W.-fiforie....... ..• • 857 18 .. 622 12 229 32 75 Lallimille b0z0 . .. I. IL Bealunn-...•.... . ~.. 131 SO 121 97 291 642 Monroe twp:.. - .... W.A. Kellogg ..... 672 98 641 36 •3 11 28 49 1 Monroe bow. ' tohn;D=rty... - .... 131 95 124 97 /36 663 Orwell ... w xt. •• .... ••• • • . 764 35 712 67 -.4 28 37 50 Overton ' •Tosialißbinebolt., .. -... •:...$•• 167 20 145 11 445 764 - Jobe Keeney c. .. .. 996 08 944 46 192 49 70 Bidgbnly _ James P. Squires ..... .... 737 04 697 97 307 36 70 Rome tap B. L.' Smith.. . . 550 31 519 64 932 .27 35 Borne boil, Christopher * Riney_ .:.. 79 05 .74 60 52 . 3 93 Sniithileld ......J ... William B.Torreat.'.. :... 1142.72 1083 68 200 - 57 94 Springfield - Martin Harkness .. .- .. .... 978 47 , 928 19 •1 . 43 48 85 South Creek G. H. Thom ..... .... 409 81 '-• 379 21 10 60 20 00 Sylvania:... N. H: McColam .... 106 29 • 100 98 • 531 Shesheqain O. D. Kinney. " . 1015 06 961 42 SO4 5O 60 Standing Stone"— Jacob Sluseldetan .... .. .... .504 68 477 47 206 25 12 Terry Jonathan Terry .. . . .... - 358 92 260 00 . 346 17 78 77 68 Towanda twp ' D.D. Ma .••.. . ".... , • 416 62 - 993 19 258 20 87 Towacida,boro .• ... A. H. K_rsgmbary - 1872 22 1771 02 799 93 21 Towanda North.... Geo. B. Mills ' .... 331. 14 311 36 339 16 39 Troy tip". " Ezmjcoomis - 1030 55 .. 973 20 613 51 22 Troy bolo. Chu. F. Bayles.... . .... 619 60 534 30 635 30 41 Tusesrora ..... .. Cl. IL Newman . "..- .... .... 535 34 365 00 2,35 26 65 Ulster S. 0. Hovey.... ...... "..-.. 614 45 575 34 883 30 'al Warren Abram Whitaker .. , .... 845 34 802 79 30 42 25 Windham. Andrew - Ha ul .0 ' .: .. 714 16 676 65 190 34 61 Wyalaaing........ A. C. Stevens...... . .... 789 41 - 748 37 376 39 28 Wysox ' ' H. G. SBllll2Bll. ....... . ... 779 41 737 65 •3 38 39 59 Wells ..... ...... .. W. S. Bowman •• • • 862 50 622 74 702 32 74 Wilmot - G. H. Morrow - 466 71 435 70 808 22,93 • _ Reassessments ..... ... 114 65 al 95 • 116 191 41 . . . . , —-- • •: .: 36 26472 39 197 69 1412 46 , Dr.. t'ass. N. Mossy, Treasurer, in account To amount due *upon duplicates ! for 1867 and previous years....! 982 17 To amount of dnplimites for 1868'28488 60 Received from_Unseated Lands.. _B7O 17 • •s &sled is 356 79 To amount of Re-assessinenta .... • .108 25 Incidental Receivals -646 51 In Treasury Jan. 1, 2654'97 Total... Dr. . County Orders in account with To Orders issued in 1868 .. $23104 85 Outstanding Jan. 1, 1868 • 637 Total.. • BRADFORD COUNTY, SEL. - We the undersigned-Commissioners of sal * County do hereby certify that the above is a=true and correct, statement of the reeeivals and expenditures of said County from the Ist day of January to the Slat day of December (inclusive) A. D. 1868. . Witness our hands and seal of office &goyim* this 21st day of January, A. D. 1868. .6tl W.B.DODGE, JO RM A. MOODY, 1 Cotters. EZRA. LOOMIS. Selling Attist—E. B. C4X)LBAIIOI{, NEW FIRM NEW . (mops WICKHAtiI a FROST, Would call the attention of the citizens of Borne and vicinity, that they have opentd with A New Stock .of Goods • _ At the old stand of L. L. ifoody where with close attention to the , wa nt's of the community, they will . keep a good 'assortment of - goods, which they will • SELL AS LOW AS THE LOWEST, And at prices that Induce every one to bay of them: We al i times have a good assortment of . , FALL AND WINTER GOODS ! Embracing all-the latest styles of LADLES DRESS GOODS! DELAINES, ALPACAS, PRINTS. GLOVER GINGHAM% HOSIERY, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES; CLOTHS, CASSTICEBES, TESTISFGS, FANCY GOODS, DYDRELIJS, Famqy Groceries, Ifardware, CROCKERY, MMROW, LADIES TRAVELLING BAGS WOOD AND TIN•WABE. Drvgs,. Furniture, . The above gives bat a slight idea of the GOODS ''PE HAVE IN STOkk, And we only say to Cm numerous friends and the public generally, call and see US. teat the merits of our pretensions, and if =rimed. Bur AND • MAKE YOIISBELVi • RICH. By saving- money In your wawa. We; In tend to GIVE. GREATER BARGAINS THAN EVER BEFORE BEARD or I We'll:low we can pleyse you, so give Os a call. All kinds et ' ' FARMERS PRODUCE 'Men in ext:hange for goods. • -WICKHAti Successors to L. Modi 0. D. WICICIU.S. ID. MDT Rome; Pa.. Nov. 13. 1868 LOOKI NEW J'EWE'LRY, AT WARNER'S.' • GOLD WATOHES,• •• • SAT WAIINERT. • ELGIN WATCHES, , --AT WAIMEA'S., W A-L T-H AM WATCHE S_, ; AT WARNER'S : . FiNE'GOLD JEWELRY, AT WARNER'S.. ALL ALL RINDS OF . • .OLOCHS, AT : WARNEIDI3.I Bepectacls. and lots or t 5 Loo na - mensa to mention, st WARNER'S. Canna saildm. its 10 sive treaty per wit: Mr Weber, Clocks and Jewelry repaired, and Warranted. Pattoria Block., • • • • A. X. WARNER. Towanda; Dee. 1 1888. MIISIO, OR 'ANY OTHER Alt -111:TICLE In oar Mae, ordered Osbert notice 07 calling at the , NMWEI BOOM VRANDALL & LULL'S BLOCKS, et. ALVORD & BARIUM'S. _ - gaunt fitakumlip, „,,' .... • .. , x3',13 7 1 4 § 8818618.; 'WBcsto;i I Psi*, 428 Co _ •=f41110=111 10 44 - • 400 to "Pl a ie sod Oforkof factious, 33 31 1111spastoisiaibito Bandlies.;.. .370 i n . - CI% Stonnooktt uat Huo%s T es' each Per Act of 131 441 Wad- gatitla g e tes a. ....... .... 135 0 5 Bit . ... ....... 3 75; SkoirlifetHoo, t We Commissirmer.. 340 0 0 William B. pod” Cointoischmer::- 424 o tohn - k, W 047, .„ " :. -406 co Ras Loomfg;' '-• ' is .. 48 ot , 11.4 0 0 0 401 4 4 of Conetc. 1200 co 4 ...•.,:..•., ' Ba*lotal . • ••. ~ . with the County of Bradford, for 1868. Or. Amount returned tadolleeted for 1868 and previous $ 767 73 Exonorsted to fkollectors ..... ..227 14 Peroen " " 1412 46 Orders eemed • ,_ 23105 85 Two per Gent. inalunission on sante 462 12 One " li $28345 86. 2t3 46 Paid State Treasurer - 5832 36 In Treasury, Jan. 1, 1869... ... . .-. - 1317 04 $33407 46 of Bradford, for 1868 irders redeemed in 1868 Onlntending, Jan. 1. 1869 Total 4- • ... $23111 22 OFFICE OF WICKH4I & BLACK - TAANDA, PA., Having cleared our shelves of our Holiday Goods and replaced them wit t h, House Keeping Goods of all kiridit, we are I now ready again to fit out. . any one going to House Keeping We have the largest stock, and best quality of Crockery and Glass Ware ever opened in Towanda. 'ln addition to these Goods we have full line of Kniveti and Forks, Spdons, Lamps, &c. By importing our main stock direct from the Pot tery iu Europe, and getting our Lamps. and Glass-ware from the Mau utactory, we arable to offer greater inducements _ than ever offered in this section'before. It is-worth yoe while' to call and examine Goods and prices, before purchasing.i . Most Respectfully Yours, Wicxnax & BLACK. G ° TO THE _ YOB A GOOD AT ALL HOLM& OYSTERS ALWAYS ON HAND, IDI THEIR SEASON. BREAD, 0 1-3 FRUIT, PIES, CANDY, CAKES, NUTS, SCOTT t BUFFINGTON. Towanda: Dec. 15 1868. STOVES I. STOVES I :-STOVES ! . Just received new line Stoves at 'SHE METROPOUTAN 'HARDWARE STORE, °EWE , LL,. PA.• Ara slim:frig mach attentbe . An imw: o variety of owes ' ' ALWAII ON RAND ! Stov.a t coal ,or wood, that will* , I n!t, you for PARLOR, OFFICE, STORE, SCHOOL, SHY, CHURCH, BOAT, on COOKING STOVES Come and see the new. patteres—at least. ONE LOOK BEFORE BUYING I We keep all leading Ars t.class Stow for the l os i t t r i tnt, or eichle n. variety lor y f o o a r r th o e r l , n at i : tenet. • S. N. BRONSON. , Omen. Pa., Oct. 21, UM • :' , • • NUTS . AND FRUITS. • A. BART. Calls the attrition of tie public :to the flee that be manufactures sad sells st WHOLIII3ALD AND 118 PAIL, Allidads of CoWfeetionaries, Pore Igo and rio. _media Nuts, he. "Dealers in the country wish ing anything la kis lino will do well to seed their orders to hien , and they win ( le prompt!. - *Waded to. Datishuglea guaranteed. Store In south side of Ntreur's New Block. Una' da. Pa. Feb. 24; 1868.-41. • Total 113 ,602 01 833407:46 $23105 85 5 37 $23111 22