Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 21, 1869, Image 3

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Tao TA . put.—The following is the
Time Table; of the Pennaihanie; and Nei
York Canal and Ball Bond Ocinqigu' iy, efiioh
took effect on licaulkr;" Nor. 29, 1288
P. IL P. M. A. IL
VATmax.... ..... 6A5 12:30 8110
Ariccse ....8150 12:45 BAS
...... .703 -14:68 9118
..7:18 1:15 935
-7:40 135 9.45
WAnous... 8:10 1220 620
Arras .720 lt:40 640
MILAN 727 - 1127 , 527
Mazza— . 722 11:12 512
Towel ...7:00 ° 10:50 420
A. M. - LM. P. M.
, JOHN P.OOl. aplitatendrad.
sei. An eclipse of the moon " takes
place on Wednesday evening, 27th inst.,
provided there is no mistake in the eSktila
i ion.
M. Lent kigins this year on Wed
needy, February_loth. Good Friday falls
on March 25th, and Easter Sunday on
liar& 28th.
ier The Binghcanion Standard has
'beeninerged in the Bepubilconthe retiring
.publishers-saying that there is no apparent
cause, political or otherwise for its ecmtinn.
once as a si3parate sheet.
Fist —A store house belonging to
J. Cloamtvou, 'situated on the can al
bank, in Wysox township, was burned on
.Friday evening last. The building was oo
'cupied, and the origin of the tire I= the
bursting of a kerosene lamp.
UNUSUA L.—Blac , Violets, as iftesh
as Spring, where shown us a few days since
by ,Ir. J. W. Pawn?, of Orwell, just pick
ed from his dooryard where were mijit
more, which the recent "thaw" had un
covered from their snowy bed, all beautiful
as May.
neg.—Fur the hest lusurance
agnifistFire, in the most reliable Compa
nies, at the lowest rates, call an Joust W.
Ma, Insurance Agent, Towanda, Pa. Los
ses if any, adjusted at his Agenc y }. Office
in Al=cures new block, opposite Public
ifir:The Lehigh liegWer states
that "official notice has been given that on
and after the Ist of January, 1869, all eol•
tors, school masters and minieers of the
gospel willbe•passed over the Lehigh Val
boy Railroad free of charge, upon showing
their Certificates of office."
ter On Min,day night some one
by means of an iron bar pried open the
folding doors of Badger's Grocery at Pain
ted Post,stole a few dollars from the money
drawer. D. Oretat's Drug Store was also
entered and robbed of a few dollars in
change; the( same night.
ter William 0. Markrnan,of Coles-
Broome Connty, deliberately shot and
killed a colored boy; named EnochAforiner
ly a slave,] as the latter was passing hie
house, and with wham he:had a dispute
about a trifling matter of eents which
boy claimed Markham owed h im. Of course
Markham \was held and committed on a
charge of murder.
Thursday, Jan.. 7. Mr. Truman Southwick,
residing two or three miles above Fleming.
vine, in Tioga Co., N. Y., fell from a hay.
mow on to the barn floor, severely injuring
his hip and shocking his entire system in a
manzier—which, in view of his advanced
years, renders his condition exceedingly
DRUNKEN * Womgx.—The ' ladiei of
Williamsport, are decidedly "gay and fes
tive," if rthe Bulletin' correctly chronicles
their pranks. That paper of the 16th say 3
that "a pair of drunken women exhibited
themselves on Fourth street yesterday, by
driving at a furious rate up and down the
street from the Herdic Honse to Hepburn
street. •They reeled about and poured
forth a torrent of oaths which would have
shaMed the moat hardened wretches r of the
masmiline gender, while the poor horse was
*hipped with all the strength the drunken
rrra arcs could command."
BonorGI! OFFICERS.—AI t e el4cti,uo
Friday last, tho following Borough offi-
.8 were chosed
Jirdge if k'irclich.--Jomv A. CODDIICO.
hiSpECtnr , 1 Election —Ltcruza H.,SccaT.
Town Council— ALEXANDEII Div and Ina
Auditor— MAUSHALL.
Justice of the Peace—NATasm TIDD.
School Dine:ors—P. D. Moßtow and 0
1). BenTLErr.
Assessor—B. F. VoonHEEs.
eonsirdite—A. B. KINGSBUILL
Highconstable—F. B. FOIID.
OCCTSCCrS rj the Poor—C. H. LADD and
Wm. Mrx.
.or tbe books which will be rend with an in
terest rarely secured by any other work of
recent pnblication, is that epitome of New
York life, called "Sunshine and Shadow."
It is written by Matthew Hale Smith, and
in his best style: The many incidents of
dark and terrible transactions, of sharp
business tact, of genuine villaLny,of squalid
pover, y, of luxurious splendor, and in short
all the various phases of life to be met
with in a great metropolis hire New York
City, are vividly portrayed. It gives the
reader more insight of the great city, than
could be obtained by years of residence
there. It is neatly printed, contains about
700 pages and is sold for $3. Mr. M. J.
LOVELAND, the agent, will call on our citi
zens and give them an opportunity to se
cure a copy.
SOMETHING Ntw.—Prof. J. B. An
drews, of Philadelphia, (formerly of Ches
ter county,) is visiting this county for the
purpose of teaching his new, short and
simple methods of Calculation. He teach
es to add several columns and to multiply
several figures at once, with, as much ease
and accuracy as by the common methods.
His rules for interest, banking and partial
payments, are the shortest and simplest
ever discovered. He has been very sue
vessfal in teaching his methods infthe dif
ferent cities - and towns he has visited
thiorghout the count*, end he comes
Among as highly recommended. We have
been instructed in Prof. Andrews' concise
and beautiful methods of calculation, and
we must say that we regard them as far sri
perior to the old methods. We are author
ized to say that he gives instruction to
1 .dies and teachers at a reduced fee. His
terms are moderate. He takes no fees in ad
u,ce, d gives fall satisfaction or makes
no derive. His rooms are at CoL MeSean's
residence on Second street, where be may
he found at any time when not profession
ally absent
liefilrences :—Hon. Lemuel Todd, Carlisle,
; 'Aside, A. IL, Baltimore. Md.;
co. Armstrong, Boston, Pa ; 'Chas. Martin,
1) ; - Hagerstown, Md ; Gen. Albright,
Rauch Cbtutk, Ps ; Thos. Creigh, D. D.,
Itereersburgb, Pa ; Bev. Dr. Landis, Wil
mington, Del. ; Rev. Dr. Lineoli,
Port, Pe.
betimes , Rotel Ilaa N. J. New•
Homtbrook, s dark ;flak Ilrf4:orpta,
liberal reward will be paid to any osollisi.
ing the same at the ADlelidln
wand*. . J. S. PriemaereC
Donnos.—The friends Of thi)lev.
Mi. Pub?, will most, at the Tow . Vfotli,'
in Meta, on notroill. tho 28 th day of
January. Altataxpti and- erring- • All
are invited to attend. . '
IMS. The Quarterly. Report of the
First National Bank ofTowanda, :as pub
lished last week contained some arms fin
which the Ontos are lespinsible. We
glee the figures cosiseteikt in another col-
a The Tioga County Teachers
Association will hold ita next session at
Bertehirc on Friday and ileAurday. January
22 and 2& These meetMgs are important
to the teachers of the county. and it is
hoped there will be a general attendance.
Dam— The Sullivan - County . Dem;
errittsys that never perhaps, at- least is
many years have the hastens of the delicknut
gime been so sacoesefil as &dug thi sea
son just closed— One of Our hunters - cap
tured 24, another 21, and a less mum,*
were captured by othe r s.. • '
M. Mr. Jomi S. CRAWFORD, of Her
rick, in 'this County, last a very ealusible
colt, a few days ago under the fcillowing4
Mrcumetances. For the Purism's - of wean
ing it, he , had shit it in manta stall s
without tying ; the call undertook to jump
out when he hit his head spinet the comer
of the joie° alms, and S3ll deed without a
!struggle. Mr. C. had refused one hundred
dollars for the colt not long since.
day night, Thomas Doyle, an Iriahman,son
of widow Patrick Doyle, of Philadelphia, at
tempted to jump on Express train No. 12,
after it bad started from the depot in Owe
go, slipped and fell between the platform
and moving train, had a leg and arm crush
ed off, and was otherwise badly injured .—
Drs. Metcalf and Daniels amputated the
mangled limbs, and did what could be done
for the injured man, but he died on Wed
nesday morning at 10 o'clock. Re was
about 25 years old, and was somewhat in
—This admirable parlor magazine receives
large additions to its list - of subscribers,
with - every returning holiday season, be
cause of its popularity as a christmaa and
New Year's gift, and it undoubtedly de
serves them; for it is always welcome and
seasonable. No better Investment can have
been _made for the New Year than a sub
scription of the small sum iteguired to se
cure its monthly visits. To honakeepers,
mothers of families, and aU those who wish
to know how to do woman's work, it will
prove a treasury. of wealth and knowledge.
$3 yearly. Published monthly at 838
Broadway, New York.
TEAS ENDING Bac. 31, -1868.—Prom Cong.
Oh. 8. 8. Leßaysville ; Rev. J. W. RATNOS
Standing Stone B. 8. Dist. No. 2 ; Presb.
Ch. S. S., Athens ; Norway Ridge 8. S. ;
Canton Convention ; Standing Stone Con
vention ; Fresh. Ch. S. S. Towanda ; Christ
Oh. S. S.,Towanda ; Merryall Presb..Ch. S.
S.; Keystone U. S. 8., Burlington ; Troy
Fresh. Ch. S. 8.; Indian Hill U. S.S.;
Woodland U.S. 8.; East Canton U. a S.;
Freak , Ch. 8. S. Rome ; Hinsdale U. S. 8.,
Rome ; S. U.S.S. Standing Stone ; Wood
side U. S. 8.; Tarrytown U. S. B.; Smith
field Fresh. Ch. 8. S.; Moore's .Hill U. S.
S.; Meth. Epia Ch. & a r Rome ; E. Troy
U. S. S.; Potterville U. S. 8.; Austinville
U. S. S.; Sylvania U. 8. 8.; Hatch Hill U.
S. 8.; Sylvania Convention:; N. a Freak
Ch. S. S. Wysox ; Grow U. - 8. S. Burling
ton ; Spring Lake U. 8. S.; Prelib. Ch.
Towanda ; Barclay U. S. S.; Welsh Cong.
C. 8.8. Pike.
Whole amount contributed during, the
year 8404 GI Expense of printing, adver
tising &0., to be deducted. If there are any
omissions in the above acknowledgment,
the necessary correction will be made by
the Treasurer of the Association, O. D.
HIMPHILEY, Esq., Towanda.
VERY CONtiISTENT.—A man from
Newfield called at our office .the other day,
and asked if we had concluded to take less
than two dollars a year for our Paper.—
When answered that we could not afford to
do so, we were told to stop it. Then this
man had come to town with his butter,
eggs, dried apples, Ac., for which he wan
ted the very highest price. When he was
offered forty cents per pound for his butter,
he said "he would take it home again if he
could not get fifty. When offered 10 cents
per pound for his dried apples, he said he
would take them home again if he could
not get a shilling. And so it is, you occa
sionally meet with such soulless men ; they
want the very highest price for all they have
to sell, butaire not wi ll ing - 10 pay a fair liv
ing price for a newspaper,' which more than
compensates them ten times over during
the year. We are very thankful that we
have but few such men on our subscription
list. When the subscription price was a
dollar, just such men as is described above
would ask Tonto take fifty cents. When
potatoes were 25 cents per bushel', newspa
pers could bti afforded at a dollar, but now
potatoes are 75 cents, and these little then
can see no difference when the odd fifty is
coming into their pockets.—lthaca Dem.
—Just such small-smiled men are found
in every community ; but we theink fortune
it is very seldoin we encounter one.
TROT, Pa., Jan. 12, 1869
Enrrou Ernorrzu :—The Temperance
men end women of Bradford County will be
glad to leant that Mr. Divroson, of Erie,
one of the State Lecturers of the • Grand
Lodge of Good Templars, is now here, an I
is about to fill a series of nppointmentl in
various portions of the County. The Brat
lecture of the series was given in the l 3 ap
tist Church here last evening, and notwith
standing the violence of the rain storm the
house was nearly filled with ladles and gen
tlemen. On concludingjhis address D.
led upon any in the audience desirous of
becoming members of the Good Templar"
Order to hand in their names, the result
was that twenty-three ladies and gentlemen
volunteered. The Good Templets then ad
journed to the Lodge Room and upwards of
twenty persons were at one time initiated,
among them many of
,the first citize4s.--
Rev. L. S. Free,of the Presbyterian Church
was the first to give his name. We liope
that-this meeting and i its ,result is only a
precedent of many sim ilar ineetingsin this
county. Truly Yours,
1 -' Recorria.
BuaoLuttas,—Tho Stearn Flouring
Mill was enteted on Saturday night, the 9th
inst, and the safe blown open, the chaps
getting three or four dollars and Hallett:l
shawl for their trouble.- This is the second
time within a year that this safe' -has been
blown open, incurring considerable expense ,
for repairs ;. to obviate repetitions we, ad
vise the proprietors to leave the key in the
Friday evening the :Annie' were around
again By 'twining" against the doors of
Atwater Bro's Grocery Stow, and Manlier
& Hayes' Corner Drag Store, the' Slimy
cast iron fastenings gave way and entrances
esaily made. They secured abodt a board
of shinplasters and a gold watch at the
Drag Store,. brit nothing has . been :missed
at Atwater's, owing no doubt, to the silent
protestations from above.--:Wanly Enter
riv/0 4 *,
tullust f 155,
telif . 3 U, knot* ammit *to'
- , 1.
.141714"41rMs,a'' Ai'b''77l,l't.*
r': ' ,i ,
1 . P!: ,presei iterliiliaten
in noWissilesker 6 7 , # 2 44 1 01*
In this vicinity tie b.dighinif ' keen it-!
salient shicatin t+ limn lthe aria.
4 0 4 in Deesmbeksiltb!in .144 1 - ' S44lii
kieen - temperate, !the! 'moon/ Alnifitbs,
Pingunntar PA ani . 4 ' , ea Iluir Ano- 4 4••
*re Sem, 'r as fer is Standing from 241'
, to 35 deg.- • aborsC: eh *lnd;
sinter has not keen annsifor yew.
Et.mitu. Ifousx:-= Thin - popular hotel
Li txdng waged bythdbending bf alTortit
estenakm: Aiklek illt liiible the 2 1 20isrlstas
.T: Q. %mit, toa =nob larger
number 4, glAnst* - meM,rootiut mill be
rem* tor 000nliatiii Februmy' Oo 'nit—
Thelocatke of theplwidl Noose makes it
&sexy oonserds44oPpindlgre Noose_
attending Cloart ; I
DJ:gm:mom or. ; IV ILL . IliuDaz , sr
PrOoo.--The tint Open, ,- or half of the new
B E. Ihidge,"which was being built—lure
, nearly completed—at this place, - wu mar:
ried away igr,irt ion and water% flood - in thot
creel, about midnighi on Saturday hug:
It was so neirly finiatbd or *soured against
an accident of the' kind, :that a few hour it
wart, With 'the :Aire& employed upon it,
would have pleied'it hvond the necessity
of support from nib - Oiluing or false work,
an l
Much of the' iron `end ' of the timbers—
except a feWof the er pieties—were in
place. Every pleat, o which with the der;
Ode used in Fabling it; was slept, away.-:
ninkhcumock, Dan '
FATAL BUSING.-tertible aff4iir
occurred at Town Bill, Ittizerne county, on
'Wednesday, lan . . k , the: particularsof which
are ablaut as follows : Mr. Benjamin Royer
had been sick some time and wider treat
ment of a p*iciah Who preaoribed turpen
tine for tho sink man's breast. Mrs. Boyer
wee preparing it, and its the act of squeez
ing out a rag saturated with the Said; when
by, occident some drop fell into' the fire,,
which inamediatelyiblaxed up igniting that
iai the vessel - and-enveloping her in names.
She fair to a corner !otthe room and *toed
there until the clothing; withthe exception
of her woolen stockings; was entirely burn
ed from her body,. and 6o one present cam'
ble of rendering aid !in tlais fearful litualicin•
The . accident; happened tabant o'clock
is the morning and she lived till sit iq'the.
evening, remaining c9necioni until death
relieved her of suffekings terrible to contem
piate. .1
Spttial Noting.
'Fon:tn.-4—bn 1,111 Cidewalk, in' the
sheets of Towanda, 'a Port-monnaie; (sup
posed to belong to .a lady) containing a
small amount of monej'; which the owner
can have by calling on t ie subscriber, proy
ing property &a 1 flassorr B. PUIVIEi'
Jan. 17, 1.869..11.,
ond hand gmnd .pianoir London mebe,of
sweet, fine tone, good.aetion. Will be sold
at a bargain on account of owner - leaving
the conntry. l Can be keen at Mr. Pzmn
MoCtruzasteS, Columbia X Roads, Penna.
dan. 20. :• • - •
Stir Sewing Machines„for sale and
to pont at the; Store of SotomOn & Wolff, one
door North of. Taylor & C 0.,. Main-at., To
wanda. Stitching, 'Binding, embroidery,
&c., done. .1 " W. S. Joie:sow, Ag't,
Jan. 20 ' A • •
LEcrunz.--Ttio friends of Hon. Geo.
Landon will be happy - to learn that he will
deliver a lecture at the M. E. Chhrch, in
Rome borough, on Tirariday evening, Jam
28,i 2869; Subject : . "Horace Greeley e:Rec
ollEctions of a Busy Life." The publia are
invited. ' • 1 . :
IL R. Twriom Sec'y. t" . . •
Joan Pons, 1 •
' . L.-A. laroo - wAY, Com.
L. 14. MOOD; '
Jan. 20
he.. List the ' n ;roes of persona
drawn to be Grand and Travers Jurors for
February Court 1869.
Sherman H Cole,? Ailylunir Phil3p P
Sweet, Burlington ; Robert Bailey, Gran- .
vide ; \ Noble Leavenworth, Herrick ; Theo
dore W Brink, Litchfield ; Henry •Gibbs;
John Cowles; Orwell ; Henry 11 Taylor,
Pike ; David G. Gilbert, (leo WlPeterson,
Bidgbray ; , Di Frances Baboons, Charles 0
Elliott, Litddield ; William • Lattimore,
.John Taylor, Tuscarora ; Lemuel A Taylor,
:Troy boro • Edward Caso, Troy twp.;
sham B Towanda boro ; Alphoriso
* Loyd, Henry Brown. Levi P. Stalford,
Wyaluaing ; ~orris .1 Coolbaugh, Wyaos ;
Get. H Birney, Wilinot k George Coffin,'
Windham ; Otis Hamilton, Warren.
Tasvans rim&
Geo Burchard, John Morley, Isaac Greg
ary, Timothy preen, Atfiana twp. ; Russell
Miller, Albany; Russell , Culver, Asylum;
Slolln Ross, Burlington twP.; John 0 Tomp
kityson, Thomas Blackwell, West Burling- .
ton ; Horace Ballard, George R Corey,!
Columbia;. ZVilliam .Patrick, Charles 'W
Landon, Canton 'tvip. '•}. A Venrenseller
TrOut, Samuel Benedict, Canton borough
A W Gurney ; Granville ; Charles Sill,John
Nesbit, Herrick ; Douglas ihlcCmliey,Lewis,
Darling, Leßoy ; George Actors°, Litchfield;
Samuel Lyon,, Wm A Kelleigg,Motiroe twp, ;
Seines P Cowles, Isaac Marsh,. - Orwell;
Horace B Chaffee, Itighain Stone, Wm S
Davies, Pike ; John B. Parcel, Cleorge'Carr,
Ridgbury ; Edwin' & RidgWay, Rome tarp. ;
Tinley Farman, SyliaNa ; James Espy,
Jonathan Stevens, StandiUg fltotke ; Jatgies
Mattock, Springfield .; Ornn •D Kinney,
Sheshequin ; John A Codding, Henry A
Cary, Towanda boro. ; Giles P Velie, Troy
boro. ;
Andrew Jackson, Edwin B White,
Terry ; John H Black,; William Snyder, Tuts
carom • Edward Lock Wood, Ulster ; John '
13 ludic Wysoa ; Paul Hunsinger,Leander
Gamble, Wilmot ; Samuel B Chaffee, War
- Chas H Spalding, N Q Harris, Athens
boro.; Horace McKinney, John H Murray,
Athena twp.;: Benjamin Wilcox, Albany;
Christopher M Belktiapp; Barclay ; Job
Morley, Burlington bozo.; Mortimer Knapp,
Burlington twp ; Frances $ Elliott, Carl
ton.; Wry L Lyon, Franklin ; Hamilton
Morrow, Herrick ; Cheenoy R Stone, Le-
Roy ; Alms= Munn, Sniith D. Barnum,
Litchfield; James 11 Inine,James W Irvine,
Monroe two.;' A, Griswold Mathews, Lafay
ette 0 Pendleton, Geo B Friable, Carlos J
Chnhbuck, Orwell ; James Ford, Pike ;
Sawyer Fuller, .Rome twp.; Harmon W
Browning, Rome bora.; Joel Adams, James
Yerkes, Springfield ; Samnal Osborn, She
shequin ; A, N _Thompson. South - Creek;
Percival Powell Wm. :13 Bogart. Towanda
borb.; Charles C Paine, Tray ; John ,B Hoz.
tom Jli Hatton, Terry-; Ethan B Tuttle,
Ulster ; .1 Myer .Reed, ' Wysox ; Bascom
Taylor, Wyaiusing ; james Finch, Wind-.
ham .i ; , - r 1
'waving annx,-30 wax&_
Henry Westbrook. Asyltun ; Alexander
Elsbree,- Athens twp, ; ' Ralph. Stevens, Al
bany ; Thomas Seinerson, Arnienia ; Wilber
D Damage. Iffest Burlington; Ezekiel New
man, Canton! boro:; Omer 0 -itoolrwell,'
Glutton twp.; Wm B Rockwell, JohuLanta.
Franklin; John "Malan, 1 David -.Bayles;
GrarivMe-f Stanley W Little. - Le'llaymille t
John MoKeari; Litchfield; Charlie/41 Brown,
Jose ph Johnson, Hiram W NorthreP, . Mcrn
roe tarp '
• M M Coolbaugb,l, Monroe boro;;
Luther J Pendleton: Orwell ; Kna p Burch,
WM 8 Humphrey. Bradt , Pike.;
John W Woodburn , Beall) toaft44 :Amos B
Fanning,A Wilshire Berry Onus Pflark.
flea, BpAngfield ; Manikin' Bullockfimitha
fieldi - Bendleti , debtor - Shindig - Moine ;
Bartholomew line; Timid.* - .hord-:; , 1 II
Illarcesau, . Chia ;-- iohu-i Irving,--4Olm
Vaughn, Jaunts Gaylord, Whdusing;Hese-
Hall Darling, Windham ;.,'Hoirelrlfowelit
Philip Rogers,; Miles Place, Warren... -
FORTEEL—As the oc=eshiL aey heretokere
existing- between ' a . hi aeo
solved, the undned-irgrald oay
_that ha
ritz ,
is prepared to fur at &boa raid
Parlorr - Omani and - fitins the bat,
Mionfiebnersi at greatly need: palm:—
rou eatisigetien inegeryi re
spect, and every Instrageat • . - _
fireplug'. Re is alsO "Ski ,
Piano .Portes from the Nei'
Eastern ,
Eastern 111aindiettures M . did -:
Any tirders 10 0 21212 pimp - • . ", .-*:
Jan. 4, 1869:4w .4. liaini. '
1 I
r ill - 414h 1 1 411 11iyirir
4 1 ! 11100,11""--
-.!.14 ., W : 717:74151 -- .4.1.1zz , ,
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.1 1 0 1 ,hrilrou. vet t...
- •
.. , r•f.; 3 .
- Fon MS Srintsozw. Tiiiies: 6 -10i00%
, Attailtakiiaiiiiiii"43Xiiiiiii.eifj
ini g.
Mooldwes sold by sit kading,CorW "i t
the Ilulteitateracr lio- liAmt.f ., .
'.', lll ffr Mfg.',.4sa tYjmtitt 44.
14 4 11 015_,:vt , isamori : ' . I
How Co., '-u.oslllNOrenois C0.. ,- 1% i
IlfthkeelkalbleClAAßY -- ;:
- WeraruarykArcrotiAfktr9t . Sib . lin4
Pr oted o I M ial A 11 1 ;
„1- CO - • r...a -.. • '
.: ;
- Si./644;/iniugIIWINTI)A4/410 8 8. 4..
AT LOW& illitkat ' Aiilil.. - • -., • i
1 1 1,4W_qtapity . ixt - Ilitiirr •
WinflPFliikkthgketcdrvltheft , foi.
' AftglA 4 ., k:::: ,
5.c:1 . - s . v.:_ L V7 - .1C,:••01 - .:: ....:t,—...;, '. a ,
~stop , 4 11 1F4 1 444 1 7. .. --41 - ' rWs :., • ......' t
`fie Melds oerTed.l4l/41 ..
. • • Ana
trieerily etyle. , "' ,, Aho &tint ihowthrE: • •
Under,4lbamberlia7e: iltuteleyAork
IX, •Tirmidii Pc... .-. ... ~.. ~.D00.W. , .
• , -ti.,.; :. ,- Auf," .41,.. •. pek At', ,I. t LIAT.L., ~.. „. 1
. tLitamtrasnialilas . .„4; A. .11iriisi
would reopeolMb•lidozai 'the Efullet!pf,T9•ll
•Wiroilsied : .. o . l.' ,o . l tleifrehritie-'preiewed'hr
flutdi k il leitt *" Silligi t" C". ' n4
Mize -0 . Moms 'in e to - urder•-''
Mils H. is StalMill." 1 a& the'rreideuoe of Jim!.
V. Wilcox, au maple Street, where oho will
roma* forthreb . atlour' iretki. - ' t.
• , Towanda, lam 11.-4. , •
WA _
Pettitaiddp bemoan* ettistilog under the
Arm name of D'A. Oreatoli & is this
day dissohad tensistit.'
- • Onstraw,
M i it u fez a ,
ToWindit,, `k" _
The business of, the will hires,
after beitonduciad by' Wawa &Dress, who
will pay all liabilities contracted; by VA.
Ovairrow & presentationand, to
wham ali'detti due are. 'tp be paid
ImMediate settlement is ,retinest
. .
•, I . II3IITRANCE - 'LirmluntiL;—We'. - 41all
'the speciatuttention: of litkieadeti . to the
Lecture amointMittita'.,for_,Wriatel Btied
'f6rd,'for the State n Lectnier;.RevJeri*
Davalfolti'Whilma the reputation f being
one Of 'the ablest champiolut, - In, a great
Terapincovement of the day 1— -----
West Burlington Thursday Jan. 2 at.
Burlington BM* FridiiJan. 22nd ;
Ent Troy, Saturday Jan. 23rd ;•
Granville. Centre, Siutday.lan. 24th ; •
-...4 Monday Jan. 25th ; , '
Alba, Tuesday Jan. 26th.; '.'
Canton, Wednesday Jari...27th ;
Leßoy. Thursdity Jam. 28th ; '..
. West Franklin. Friday Jan. 29th ;
- Franklindalty Saturday Jan. 30th"; ,
- blenrocton,:klondaj Feb'y lst c ,
Barclay, Tuesday Fab'y2ad ; ,
Towanda, Wednesday Feb'y ard ; ''.. 1
Pastori of Churches in the above named
10o:slides will please announce the'time and:
plaie of Lecturing from their pulpits: • • I
- Ity Order of the .G.- TV. C. 21 , .: , f
. - - :, .W. PiTros, D. D.
-.,'.:: .'for Bradford Co.
Tan. 7, 1869. ' ~. -': - -
QUARTERLY REPORT . of the condition
of the First National Bank of Towanda, on
the - morning of the first Monday of January
Loans and Discounts - = 5149,563 41
U. S. Securities deposited with
the Tree Stair United Stater'. -199.000 00
Do .on hand 3,509 49
Banking House, Furniture ind
Fixtures • '• 8,000 00
Expenses ' .- • -947 47
Overrafts... .•
.. '259 29
Cash Hain . • 5,384 29
Due tromliational Banks 59,695 97
Other Banks and Bankers...• • 3,878;14
Legal Tender Hetes on Mild% -.28,487 00
Bills of other Fadeout 1,577 00
Fractional Currency (tindtuting
-N 1 49/ 4 )-. , 1,215
Specie ' ' 445-37
Surplus rand.
Individtud Deposits .
. United States Deposits
Due National Banks...
,Dividends unpaid
Profit and loss '
$196,000 00
.- • 32,000 . 00
. 110,425 00
. 149,357 87
. 20 4 884 18
. 265 .28
. 91 00
8,097 98
I, N. N. Baits, dn., Cashier of the First
National Bank, Towanda, 'do solemnly
Wear that - Abe above 'statement barite to
the best of my knowledge and belief.
N. N. Brrrs, Jr., Cashier:
fiworn and subscribed before me this 6th
day of January, 1869.. • • •
W. H. WATKINS, Notary 'Public.
A semi annual dividend of seven per cent.
free of all taxes paid Nov. 1, 1868.
ler Trial List for February 'Ft riri,
Stowell vs. Oliver . , .... issue.
Deedcat4W Id.",Vs.' Long . . ... .
Mingos vi. Pollodles Lens:. 'eject.
Smith vs.. Storrs et, Si. r.. tree.
Vanderpool vs. vonderpool • rep.
Chilson vs. Sweet et.. al rep.
Smith 'lra Hudson it. SL
Cauley it Co. vs. Morran et. al , case.
GibsonCauley... • case.
Fall Creek C:.4 Co..vs: JI f. BruithAtes•
Wing h Mitchell v& , Wells
Van Lorn vs. Ladd. .. . - ap.
MeGill•ve. Towanda TWO ' - debt.
Green vac Bnrohard et. hl.' ..tres. -
Sistine vs. Blood
Patterson vs. Griffin et. a 1..,....
Sackett vs. SpeticerACo eject.
Goodrich vs. Smith. ,
Wilcox vs. Ayers
Bliven TS. Ball
Layton vs. Layton case.
Ball vit.' Griffis trig,
Brown vs. Allen
Briggs vs. Nichols
: Subpeonas for Second Week returnable
on . Monday. 'February Bth,' and for Third
Week on Monday, February 15, 1669; at
10 o'cloik A. IL Wa. A. ;Thomas,
. 19. "Prothoziotaq.
AYER'II Hem VWQR, For. restoring
(fray Hair to its natural Vitality = nd Okyr.--1-
A dressing which is at once agreeable,
healthy, and effectual for preservirig the
hair. .Fleded or grag hair Is restored to its
original co* with Ms
_ken wridfreaturess of
youth. Thin hair. *Wakened, falling hair
(awaited, and baldness, often, though not
always, creed by its use. Nothing can re-
store the hair where the follicles . Are dektroyt
eB; or the 'glands 'atrophied and decayed.
But such as remain can be saved for useful
neasby this application. Instead Of fouling
the hak with a pasty sediment, it will keep
it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use
will prevent the hair from turning gray or
falling off, and coneequentlyveventbitlit
fleas. Free from those deletalous substan
ces which make - some prepandions danger - -
ens and Injurious to the hair, the Vigor can
only. beuitit but not harm it. •If.,wanted
merely for" a hair dressing, nothing eke
can be found so desirable. Containing nei
ther oil nor dye, it doe.; not soil white cam
brio,and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it
a rich glossy metre and grateful perfume. -
Prepared by Dr: J. 0. Ayer lb Co., - liracl'
Beal and Armlythial Chemists, Lowell,Mass.
Price $l,OO.
Bold by Dr. IL 9, Porter Towanda, it f all,
Draggits ,, ik 'Dealers medicines-every
where. \ 'Nov. 26, 1868. y -
Gaiter BARGAM—The. subictiber,
arishbEofthangelisoccupation. °Ben his
in West Warren for sale Cheap.
consis of one acre of land, with house,
barn. Shop and store with goods.' For
further particular° enquire of the subscri
ber.* •• •' -! • • dolmen ,Paces,, West:Warren, Bradford county, Pa. •
.Dec. 22. 18684-4 w! • •-• • -
d Horne and Lot for sale, situide.on
street, 'opposite the College, - close
to good schools, - very pleasantly located.-:-
The house is now, inst. finished.from tap to
bottom in lint class style For further par
tiouhmi enquire of D; B. Batik MAW
pramisne. Towanda, 9et. 5,-1136&te'
'Cratmorr.—This 'dentine 'jilt
persona spinet hireing. trusting, or - liar."'.
my son Wzn. ILCbilsory - ft boy aged
9 years, aslirfah hies to - return home. •
••• „.= Vf: Chuseorr..,
..9120%. foam. 7,2!.•
moh • - _
tabor '• - 1 / 4 1.
le. virreceir e
' -gM311001014
Metodaae prkill it; and Pisio
ton le be saia ae a 'ors -large Altsoeunt,
Saud kw iftiAdetrihrikkh vine sea tote to
"g- ' 44llll •"‘ — '
Jan. 4. 11M,-510`
D. Lskb. Ithr;r4Siddluito
!. Mr' .1. a Kendall - to Mai
potkot Chemin& • •
1 RUN WAY. the Oditial
I r-IRaptist Othirekin nobs; On Weikesday
swank?, Jam 13, JAM by the Rev. T. lii;
1 Sandia% MorrisM. - Ridgway. to Panto
I p AL Peteldh.. ;--,.....„- , ,z r. , '''
/WHO wee fatetwir Ono Of cut'
Wig; i ki 4 4 64o g-b l Outiuess in bit fu
of We l we eikluiot And, wish Min , and
gliATO O' 4114 1 4 i).f.u4iiii* l 4l
4 ... ......j.„..... , kv -,...,...-1 ,
. ' : 4:N%1615.11,...4111-.41:1X
P.99110";01/ hig a 14724444'
c."-ses4.44raabbiten Meroff • ManoisClapi,
' Pa. to palm Oilastuipsayar., of Monne
fiRGAR--BILTES--On i'hvaisilay, Jan. 14,
!, 38611rojthe reoldeticaikr the biliko In
Water. po., by the Rev.- S. O. Sony.
Reny Regar;" of Smitbboto;: N. Y.
to hfra,Mariah P. Bates, yonn=h
', ter of the_ late Col. Marna . " .
of thiter.' i , ; -,-
•1 D A
AW:USEN,n-liess Sara% Bradford county.
Pc..,Nov. Allen Mandan. • aged .50
years.- Poriperly or Suit en Oa.
1 13TRQUDIn Monrocdon.' Briar** county.
'-ditdi Sandi Northenp, wife of
GeCrge W.' Stroud, aged 21 years.
$1.0 0 0,06- t ran, Hi'ivna...
CLAReiNCE H. CLARE, president ;
JAY COOK*, Ctistrnen Finance and Ex. Cris - ;
HENRY D.I.COoKE,'Vieo President;
EMERSON W. PEET, Secretary and tretiney..
The advantages of the National Life Inearese
L a National Co,. chartered by Congress ;
2. It has a' paid up Capital of One Killion DoL
3, It offers loin dies otpremiums ;
4. It furnishes larger insurance than other Cora-.
panies, tor the same money.
b. It Indent:WO and certain ;
1 6. There is no possibility of mlsrepresentation.
by agents, or In isunderstanding • by polio
holders ;
2. The policie4 are plain contracts, so mach in
( &trance for SO mach money ;
b. Alt pollides are non - -forfeiting ;
polkies are exempt awl attachment.
E.. CLACK & CO., /hirers; Philsclelphis,
General Agents'.
' .110rAgftitsior i limanda and vicinity s
.lal/ - .- A. G. MASON._ NAT GAS Twro.
and Repel ed; Engines and goiters set In the
beet attune": • I would cell the -attel Ma
al owners to my
Al combining all the dements of a ant ei am
motley, simplicity of ornstroction aceesslblt
fly, treat • strength of parts. - deialopLug the
greatest amount of power for water ased, : easlly
repaired. runt - dog under baokwatar with•no det-
riment to power except din:1111101'n of head, re;
gutting no alteratim in Tllll fri*.l- Or addition
la flame, will, run under low, bean., and made of
any desired capacity. These" Wheels will• be.
furnished at leas thantatelalf the coot of any
other drat-class wheel in matket, end warrant• perforta all that is claimed for them--
These wheels will be made for dillvery with or
without cores, oat short. notice of the, test Iron
in market . •
$416,9)21 29
For full particulars addreia or enquire of the
undersigned. - G. S. PECK, Towanda,Pa.
P. 6.—Thato wheels can be seed in operation
at Horton Zr Wile' MI I, Towanda twp.
The wheels are wh - ity composed of Iron as now
made. • • Jan. 14, 18,9,r4f1
10 CTOR 0.. LE W.I ,
JA gasdnate of the College of "Physicians
and Stitgeons,' , New. York city. Class 18494
give 'exclusive atteittio to the __practice of his
pfriteisskut Office and residenee on the east
ern , elope of Orwell Hilly adlolnlrg ,Henry
Howit's. '
Jax!try 14, 1660.
Respectfully Infcent the public:that' they have
purchased the new and eaten:we Steam Flour-
Ing 'Mills, built by OriMtbs, Wells to Matson,
fa theaouth part of thq borongb of Towanda,
and having all the modern improvements, and
competent Mlgem,. they are prepared to do
In the beat .poselble manner and at unusually
*hart notice. Emy pain will be taken to . give
eattaracVnn, and n e invite a pnblin trial.
Farmers doing, buatneas to town can bring
tbeie• grata. and have It ground to take back
with theca
For sale at the lsweat cash prices, and delivered
fn an liart et the village free of charge.
iowLeda, November 10,A848
• . COALS. - I
The undersigned bavlntlealed the . Coal Yard
and Dock at thd,old't Barclay Basito and ja t
Completed a lime Coal , Bouse Office upon
thiipremires; are now 'prepared to lurntah the
citizens of Towanda and vicinity with the Cill
event kinds and
,sizes of the above named coals
- upon " the most reaionsble , terms in any quauti.
ty dgrilred. Prices ate the Yard until farther
notice :
Urge Egg - • ' • ' ' 30,00
Snug! Egg . ,-; ' -• o,* 0
Stove, OAS
" - Barelay o l.nnip. l 4 / 1 0
- ;Run ot.blines, . 4,00
- Pine( r . -3;50
The folloirfni Additional' 'cberOre will •be
made for delive„Ont Coat 'vithili-tbe BorOrldh
' • - '" ' ' •
Per T00,..00 ctir.
..extra Ur: tarrying , td , so ctsi
Halts T0e.15.. •j " "
Q uat ro i on 2s. Is . .• .. 25
mr Oidernittay le't at tho intd, corner
6f -VailroadiuidltPsabnth at.; or stil. 0. per.
,ter'sartig Store.
is'` Order, Must in nll cases be .accompanied
'with the o cast.
• : - WARD &
Towanda, Jan. 1,1869.-4 f. .
BeetAislity- _Witter' • Wheat Flour per • -
• hundred . . .83 60 dp 18'00
Best ipolltifri ' FicW; per inindred. 00
Corn Neal and Ritual/ Corn Feed 2 26
Boolierbeat Flour, per hundred_ 4 e 0
A fair vg, allOved ta.dies;ors. .weir
eesk Soe .•:• Wheat $1 7 5. and 22 00,
Irrel. 21 - aninrioset 80 °esti.: Om II
Chaos Iteladiarosoally. dose at woo u th e
of the sill: lit mdflelenk km once.
Ale Welt: B. =GEM
Comptownase.l4,lBl9: .
f r
Nan 21bnatisemtuts.
'9. OP U. B.:&.
puLitlciTell fA;ngress, 19a..
_ - •
B. RUSqELL, Manage,
.I" M t li'
.tri - 7.011£10k , :-ROOL
• I
,1: a,
-7;1 _ , -P;lr I.lz.ntat t4oraow (*max
p. 4. .5d *..4:14W4 100,14 o.",
1 -- .-'l'
4,4,1•4 - 0
, • z
-•' ;
' valsssl
• :_,-; 1 '
134 1 44 13101064 '
.`OA 0 4(4 11 .4 1
,oiVeloßkressiosiAlin - *kin
_ 14 1 044 1 . 1 -Ckillis AAP
•.:„A'sc...f"4l4o‘ol4ol-tassurio-te:;,:! '
:4. 4 7
.40 .1 0 4 0t7.
E 2
t+. T
Owe. .& C 01174
Now olfes &great wit*: ob •
. _
g ods for 14adies.
CLOAKS Ami ;wpm
ComPthdell.en the deogrehle led feehheter
ble shades of Beavers, Chinchillas,
Velveteens, ke. Also Black Astri.
anut and Mantillsr - Velvets, t
Black and Colored 'bearer% ~Firiaelttloalj
ags, Eaglial Melton. .Broadelcdba.
Plain Black and Fancy Camila:term,
Fine qualities; and a NI iirte'
lower grades for, ; Boya.f
wear, now . opea.
Anibal', in inAckis, Black .and:Whiteo;
these Celebristed gloves" will always be
found at the Store of
1 and 64 : widths 3,-ply.:
won awns, IN 'NEW AND Be:Ain!
• • • :1
Towanda, 042 5,1858.
in Emit omit}, now offered-:by
Trwanda, Oa. 6, 1868.
PowELL a co..
Desire to- announce thatrithe
will open. and offer sale on
Saturday next (October, 10),
their stock of Ladies and
,Childien's FANCY FURS,
a large' stock' of which they
are now receiving. ,
Towanda, Oct. 5,x868. .
We have4evoted mue,h time,
and have spared no pai*vo
make oarliock of BOOT 3-41
SHOES the ktrgest, best, and
most :afiracOve- to -11,e lewd,
and having. .made our pur-
Chases from the' best aiid inost
popukr tnantiferili tie;
countrYvwe now 4 . 0 r a Mock
of autos- Made Goods un-
Orggifd *llOl
i 6 17i
and quality,
1 41 4) * 0 40.841 86 %;
Notice la hereby given' that all persona
Indebted tO: the estate of OtTill Warner, ' late
of Macaroni twp., deo'd., are . requestd to
make Ismontlale payment, and ail pemonahay.
tnircLihruf 'aphid • slid estate - , most 'present
• t4temdfily napentleated for lettlemen_t4
' • L: D. WA IDVED, - ' •
Dec 24,1868. dthelastrater.
isliereby ifren•tbit'all Indebted-.
to the estate of ELIZ& OVERTON, We of
Towanda boro, are requestedle makerl'instedl..
ara payment, and all persona' barlng-igs We up.
on saki' to taatt Wean Vithent duly antban.,
floated for settlement. p"
Ezec atom.
~. • .
.au ta hereby given, OM itir_ppretzut
debted „to', the estate of.. Wlliam Smyth
la t e •of Glanville; • ilee'd.' repeated- to
make inunediate_._payment, . and those having
elahns sald'eatate will present them 4617
ackt , tor settlement._ • • - - •
_11111:2i indebted 10
- the istatxriCLORMIZCI late of
Wypieing tarp. are'ssgaiiitette aiake _
Ste mama, isithast- dilly,-and dale haling:
laisis against '! said' &tile Auld laeseil - tispar
ddi~iatbentkatettotsettkteeat , - 4 ' •
• ..
6e44.11 - iitteti: gidU49l2.
JIA,VOLIin eqfhle;erdered dare
ey ones at the 7r • al. -10
CiPl'Alis taV449as.
e ,
etel ey.,,iB--- : hmeitimi- dam..
Ana fit„ - tbo bora of To
of lekllinioirjoolal of land *ado tit I.loellv
MIA ...._.,
i i i ti lwa l A il al E- m 110
so* by lan o
_ds a
$.'Y ~ ' by bra&
of Ana *ruble, and wort by Inds .of. Ilg.l
a ß ila s Miiii toCtrwal i a l Val ganleii
bars sod abed thereon. • _ , 1
0 1,..th1a otbotiot,Plago or Donato? Lod
MUM*: lOC bOullatMiollortb:
fiy - W — abore lleacribed lot of 10 acres, and op
the oast / math sod areit, l a t ialida of ARM
de -lloptaiktmli owe or leak
partially traprofoll, - Will a mod - dwell's'
I= booloot atom ealomill, with machinery anfl
„._tl=== tliVaitlisi
m . Bostwick - ro.• it. 0. Bishop' sod E. J.
• inge—Thp . fanift, lot, piece or
=o l f Lula altatte RCLIW(ga township,
as follows Nortliby ball of Nathan
le mats load, Woes or lam, about 4
acres ve 4, with,' few fruit trees thenon:
AlSQ#4lelle lleigifmnflt l of neice bad
Ante hi the Borough of Athens, and bounded
as follows On the mot* by Chattnutost., on
; a t
tit 1 11 W 0110 LA E
B. Weller and the Baptist. Church lot,- and on
the west land occupied by James Smith, tai.
Iffe •betheitaidobtrl~, 110 feat
to wl Containing 24500 Kasha feet moll
or less,altiniparred with .fmono bogie *mi.
Ca. i; • 14 ; 1177 ' !,
Seized lia.talios azetAtion at the suit
of B. F. Lollar: to vs. W. IC; Great. • F
ALSO—Tho followbg lleoefibed lot. piece ay
petal ar bad afteullelta Weill llittUittat
`batallatad labial . : North ltj Mad: of Lam
'McKean and Clinton Ay res. on the east by
Frederick Cole and Oeo . Coddird, on the month
Iby Mfontgapoommfi west by Calvin Bock.
weltiAlkontalubjr 25' lutrarmore or law, about 5 actemimproved. with Ong Annul awl few
itrezedes thereon:lake ktAit - -
Se and atation at tho Onto(
..Wt IL Cariallook's ta ossit Floilandes
ALSO—The following described lot. piecwor
parcel of land ethane. in• _Burlington borough;
bounded as follows !' Oath, north and east byland belonging to the (agate of Addison No.
Nonal„..A , -'d, on Ahe of Obit am, twomt74 Aft
Contandog 9 acres of load m re or less,
proved, with a framed dwelling house, framed
bun_ ism's** trait tree. thanmew "4
Belted and taken in (attention at the snit of
John A. Cod#ing varNenly es Hill. • - •• •
following a lo t , ideCO or
parcel of land situate kr Smithfield -tonnehip.
nOnnad - ii - tollothei North 'by the public
pounds, east public -highway leading
from Smithfield Canto teillurlinOton, south by
land of A. Phelps, and west by nd of M. But.
/PA. Contodoindoneacreinorgo or lam. ail gm
proved; with a framed Cavern house, framed
-barn, omod•afew fruit trees thereon. . •
• Seized and taken in manhood at the suit of
t. F. Wilson's: Nosh • *
ALSO—The following described lot, or parcel
of laud situate fn -Troy, bwoulibi 1 bounded "
follows e•NOrth by lands of the lietbodist Epin i
copal Church, east by Canlonmt., moth by lot I
of , Veo."-L. Peek, and *eat by lot belonging to
W.'PeCk. Containing ' , bout one fourth of
aflame; with a framed hoe*, tiod flamed barn
thereon. •
5' Belted and talieir f erieeittlon st the suit' o,
E. R. Beckwith d
va.,Asaph Colbert'iircel f,
following described lot. piece or
!Ai situates in Wilmot tarp., ed
as follows : North; e ast and so ntb .by bounlands d of
,Finch d .Iforiow E and entst!by, AlbX 'Winslow.
Containing 76 acres end S 3 pe:ches more or less
about It acres improvtd, with -framed hone,
shanty, stabile and a few fruit trees thereon. , -
Seised and iaken in execution at the suit of
John Efortotrie executors-vs. Jos. H. Hatable:
ALSO—'The following described lot, piece or
parcel of lend situate in Wilmot twp. b bounded
as follows : North by Land of John Jacoby, on
the east by land of David Eilenber, er, on'thet
south by lend of John Fox, and on the west by,
laid of Hiram Horton. " Containing 40 bons of
land mote or Jess, about 10 acres inqmrved;witit
two log houries,one log bare And a few fruit
trees thereon.
Seized end taken, fn. exeention at the-Snit of
C. 8. Btowen use vs. Hannah PIA; •
ALBo:—Bi l v i gtue of two writs of Ft Pa. and
one Vend:. . the Jollwing described lot,
piece or pane of land alkyl. in Asylum' twp.,
bounilee.sefollows : Beginning at a corner on
the ban thelhasquettaina river north 35°
east 20 per. to t corner thencenoreh 66° west
20 perches to a comer , ' thence 11° east 20 per. .
to s corner, thence to the place of beginning.—
Containing one etre of land more or less, all
biproved, irith two framed dwelling houses,
blacksmith shop' Piet, mill, saw mill, turning
lathe, machinery and water-power thereon.
ALSO—Ono Wirer Ist, piece or.parcel of land
situate in Asylum tarp., afore ai d, bounded as
lotions : Beginning at a white oak , thence by
land of Wm. Morrison, north 2° west 266 per.
to a post, thence east•s2 per. to a chestnut,
thence nort.h.2B° east 117 per. to ne, thence
south 60° ekitt-100 to a blaelkosk, thence south
34° west 207 • perchee tow black trek, 'thence
west 200 per. to the place ot beglntiing. Con
tabling 433 agree snore es , less, and known as ,
the derab Korrison tract The above two tracts
being the same as described in deed recorded in i
Deed 800k.Ner,416, page 33 ke., - of Bradford
County, about L5O acres improved, with Ave
plank and Mimed dwelling houses. 4 log ham'
and few fruit trees - thereon:-
ALSO—A quantity of land known its the
Cluster of Wands situate in the Susquehanna
river, in said twp. of Asylum, turd opposite the
milts aforesaid. - Containing; IS acres of land,
more or less, about 10 acres improved. (No
buildings). • -
&feel and tibia ler =edition 'at tte idled
Jacob Tome vs: A: B. Smith. • .
„A.U343-117 ulnae: of It weft .of -FL Fa., the
following described;lot, piece or parcel o( land
situate in the Borough of Athens, boomed on
the'noith.byMakt-st.. east and south' Ty lands
ot .ceo. L. Festabrook, and west by Chester
Park, being 23 feet on Hain it and about 80 it.
back. with two framed dwelling houses thereon.
• Seized and taken hi execution, at the -snit bf
bawls A. Smith vs. C:arissa A. Wilkinson and
Henry Wilkinson.
ALSO—The folloain. desdribed lot, piece or
parcel of land situate ii AlW.nytwp., bounded
on the north by laUd of A. Ladd, exit by S.
D. Steriget, soutk by Wm. Bahr, and vest by
Geo.klunetfaridlL :A'. Ladd: Containing 78
acres more or , less, about 35 acres improved,
with two famed lanais, one framea barn, and
(rut trees thereon.
. 4eLsed exul taken in - execution at the =it of.
Ormaby vs. R. S. &V; N Wilcox:
A' 80—The following described hit, ptece or
parcel of land : situate in Standing Stone twp.;
end boundedan the north by lauds of V. E. &
J. E. Piolett, cast by David Dixon, south - by P.
A. Coolbangh and John Vought, and on the
West by Patrick ?dogmata. Containing 510 acres
moza or less, about 20 acres improved with log.
house, and a few fruit trees thereon. -
'Seized and taken in D ixon ,
at the suit of
E. T. EMU vs. E. L. Dixon Sterling Dixon
aid Thos. P. Madill.
Towanda, WU. GRIFFIS Jan. 4,1863; Sheriff.
Bradford County, No. 39,13ept. T. 1868.
ha as, mustier of di estate Of "John Haverty,
The. Commonwealth of Penesylvaula t To
Orlando Huverlyotdeline Penis, Almlra Chase,.
Almira Haverty, Orlando Haverty guardian of
Salley Haverly,_ Edward R verly, Amass,
Haverty, Ea . e Irvine. Maria Wayman. Ann Neal,,Alanso
Marsy,Sevilla' & De MLu nHa o r O y . ,B o v e e W y lae
Boyles, Nancy Bennett,. Addle Boyles.- Mak.
lin Beyles or Irvine, lineal ' descendants of
John Havaly, deceased,- ati4 to all-ether per.
sonsintbreeteiL greeting
BRADFORD 00'01STY. sea:
' You are hereby cited to be and appear before
the "fudges of our Orpha .'a Court, at an Or !
Phan's , Corot • to' be held it Towanda, 'n the
Bth day of February, ;t., D.. 1889, at 10 o'clock
in' the linemen el sald dsyMb -m and there to
acceptor refuse to take. the real estate of laid
John Beverly, deceased;; situate in the toWri•
ship of Overton, in said County, at the apprais.
ed valuation .4:calves tt,:by six inquat nuly
awarded • bylhei !aid Court. and returned by
the Sheritt on the. 12th dey..o Dec.lBBB, to
8788.80, and hereof fail not. ' •
lifitness, Hon. F. B. Streeter, at !rowan..
da the Ist day of January, 1589.
H. J. 11ADILL, Oak.
,Tan.. 6, 11340 i,
Dee . 11, 111146-.=
:7 - 13i11113r.
ileo:17, °At T LINL
:. --. :; ~~zi
..~ ep .. _
' 4 COUTri r BALK. •ii;!..B,T
stress of an order issued out of the Or-,
•phaWs Court_ of, hicadford monnty,• the ander
signed. Ortardhurcrithsef !Ulan of Heat
a PWA.t O3 . late of Pike twp., will
co Petbei, otrantOrD l ir ,
Tarsal's; at 2 OWeirp.ths, the follow
ing described lot. piece or parcel of land sit*
ate in Plba afeeesald 4 Waided u follows:
Beginning at mit in - AlldersOn • line, thence'
month, Mimi 111.1.10 a rt to, a pine stamp, I
thincis mistisrt *m44 hmd .of Bradley 11
Sherwoodl 4; l4s4 to a ormlock, thence by
land of EI * sad Vangikitr, north 878
west 138 per: to pitbikilllghway, thence by
therms north So east SI perches to a thrw,
tholm'MOW Tro Postat
theism south Wl* east 0 pinches to a post r
thence north 2° et 840 per. to the. place of .
beginning. nacres and 4 perchers.
more ot kas, all Improved.
44, qi - gr*-1 4 /1 0 1 - et 4 31 4
'boul i dt=corms: legittricotner on
bank of Wyalursing ores , thence by lands of
Boventhe, north the ease 164 per. , to a corner,
thence south 91°. west 114 perches by land of
Briggs, to a corner. thence tenth 621 welt 22
-onr.ithesco oath Sito west 54 . ,Int; thaw north
41° wean pardto 'plea of brigtsthrg. • Con.
taming 50 acres and 24 perches, about 40 aura lmproved with house barn and other out builds
nVon,,and trees. , -
Om otherlot boas tad at follows :
Gegi= a c it o o re4 , l 4o l 11= 1 6 , 4 1r
t i m e::
1. 1:
Pr- ICS oilmen ibefreebyTywaliht land south
IP east 43 per. to a stake across the Wyaltudng
awe north 70, west 38 per. to mem
thee* WWI 224 1 , 1 *AA*, lave, thesee sot&
west 16 per. to a corner, th ence north 371°
west 16 per. to a comenthence north 114° west
18 per to a bombe*, thanes south 4591° west 35
240 per. to a corner, and thence north 52}0, sag Tom, to &we of bolriuning. Gouts' clog
196W2 1 :_mreor hiss;
150 to be pakt on the. property bo•
Ingoirocig dm', 2200 on conismatUa. 2nd the
balance in one, two and three years from =fir•
mationosith intereakttumson annually. • .
.• JOSEPH 2. 111411101.:A
- S. issi. Guardian.
rittee of an 'order issued out of the Ot•
Ceara of Itradterd County. the -under
=Adasinktratrix of Samuel W.WII, deed.
Urea% will mien et put& sale en ft
prewar. on SATURDAY. lAN. SOtb, 18119, - at
2 o'clock - p.m, the following described lot of
land'aftriate In Driven Atrp.: aforesaid. bounded
es follows : North by Leda of G. W. Seaton
andl. Sexton and the highway. east 0 4: f t lands
W. of Lindley Taylor. dee'd, south loy
pher Nine,. and west by lands formerly owned
13 .2. 6 04r0rd grinoe. • ContaininglOQ acres more
or lese i rs trained homerJrausedwa and orch
ard thereon.
TE21113..—5100 to be - paid on the propel,
beingatraolt down, $5OO on confirmation of the
sale $6OO within tour months - the eater, with
interest'on the whole from confirmation, and
the mediae in 12 nionths thereafter, with inter.
esits aforesaid. .
• ,Tan. 6, 1849. Admittlattatrix.
virtue of an order issued, oat '
of the Or
phan's:Conry of. Bradford county, the under;
dried; administrator of . the - estate of /Sohn
Jones, late of Ulster, dec'd will expose at pub
lic-ale on the premises, onATI:II3DAT. JAN.
SOth. 1669, at 2 o'clock p. nr., the folloiring de-
Berthed lot; • - pfeceor parcel of land sithate in
Mster-twir., bftnded -as follows : Beginning
at a corner on the east side of the highway lead
ing from Towanda to Athens, being corner of J.
S. Smith's land, thence y said Smith's lands
easterly 133 feat to stake in line of James -
Carty, thence by McCarty northerly' 71 feet to a
post, thence westerly along private road of said
,llCCarty, 142 feet to the dist mentioned high
way, thence southerly by the same 66 feet :to
the place of beginning. All improved with - a
framed building thereon, formerly occupied as
a Hotel, and known as the "Barley Sheaf."
TERMS.—SIOO to be paid on- property bring
attack down, $2OO on contlrmaticn of sale, and
balms with interest in one year thereafter.
. Jon. 6. 1869. • " Administrator.
-thtnenf an order Issued out of the Or
phan's Court of Bradford Connty, - the under
idgued" administrator of tho estate: of Lewis
Johnsen, deo'd. late of Asylum twp.,will expose
at public sale on the rm.:nines. on BAT JBDAY,
JAI2.-10; 1869; at 2 o'clock p. m., the following
described lot of land, situate in . Terry two.,
bounded as follows : • South by lands of J. W.
Dennison, west by lands of Sawn-1 Vanderpool.
north by lands of Josia h . Johnson, east by land
of Nelson Vanderyool. Containing 50 acres be
the same more or less.
TH61118.-450 to be lid& at the time of strik
ing down, $2OO at coa6mation of sale, one-hall
of the balance in SU months, the other half in
one year tam date of a onfirmation, with inter;
eat on the whole balance due after confirms-
Jae. 6,19dd. - . Administrator.
virtue of an order I emd - out of the Or
phan's Court of Brsdh:rd county, the under
*sued, Executoi of the est to of James For
man; deo'd; Will expose at public sale, on • the
premises, on SATURDAY, JAN. 30th, 1869, at
2 o'clock, p. tn., the following - described lot of
land situate in Armenia twit., bounded as fol
lows : Beginning at a corner in the south line
of warrant survey No. 994, thence by' E. Pam
erortlot No. 317,morth 147 per. to a post and
stones corner, thence by Alaason Smith's - lot
No.. 303, east 125 per. to a post-and stones cor
ner, thence by Ablzer Field's lot, 3(0,315, south
147 per. to a post and Stones corner.ia the south
of warrant survey No. 885, and thence west 125
per. to the pekes of beglanin_ - • Containing
10 acres and /36 per. more or leas. Excepting
fiord the above one acre on the southwest cor
ner of add lot, no wlit posseulon of Geo. Nor-
Wood. -
TERILS..—SSO to be paid - on day of 'ale, one
halt on conarination, and the . W.lance n six
months from confirmation, with4aterest from
confirmation. CHAR. CBiiNDALL,
Jan.s,-,1869. i flzecutor.
hereby given, that there has been flied Ind
settled in Ito office of ;he Register of WAIT, in
and for the county of Bradford, accounts of Ad
ministratioa upon the following estates, els :
Final account of Andrew Royce and Thomas
Harris, afters of. Francit Harris, late of Leßoy,
dec'd. ' -
Final- siccount .of S. W. Pain, guardian of
Daniel DeForres 4 • '
Final account of Rnhanna Ryder and Shabel
Bowman adin're of depthailyder, late of Terry,
• Partial account of P. 11. Back adm'r of lien
ty Pepper. late, of Pikn, dec'd. •
Partial aooonnt of Clue. F. Crazidall, orrly
lag executor of Jammu Forman, - late of Arnie
Final account of S. C. Hovey, adver of Has
sell McKinney, late of Mater, dec'd.
Final account of Uchida Cotirad, admlnfstri
teLx of Win N Conrad. dec'd; late pt Sheshequin
And the saute will be presented to the Orph
ans' Court of Branford county, on Thursday,
the 4tb of February next, for confirmation and
allowance. H. J. MADILL,
5, :: 9, Register.
A ,lIDITOWS NOTICE. In the mat
'll ter of f4. ids!, of D. J. Hot ea*, dec'd..
In the Orphan's Court of Bradford County.
The undersigned an Auditor, appointed by
said court to distribute funds in the hands of
administator, of said estate. will attend to the
dritles . ot his appointment - sit hi.. office in ;the
borough of Towanda.. on THURSDAY, JAN.
28th, 1869, at 2 b'clock p. in., where - all persona
interested will pleaie attend.
.1. N. CALIFF,
APPLICATION IN . Drvoßdt..--
. ToJaaies Harry Simpson.--No. 171, Feb.
term,. DM. Yon are hereby notified hat Sarah
E. SiXpson has applied kr the court of common
pled/ of Bradford Co:for winsome from the bonds
of matrimony, and the said oonrt has appointed
Monday, ; the Ist day of Febniam 18691 at 2
o'clock, p. m., forhearing the said Sarah in the
tend at which
if you
-think proper. and tilace_yon can at-
Jan. 5, 1869. • Sheriff.
Zas . To Sarah M. Edasll.—.No. 735, Sept. term,
1868: You are hereby notified that Stephen F
Mull, your husband, has applied to the Court
of ' , Common Pleas of Bradford Coanty, for a
divareeirem the. heeds of matrimony,, and the
said Court has appointed Monday the tat day
of 'Febrnary, 1869, for hearing the said Stephen
in the premises, at which time and place
you can attend If you think proper. , •
Jan• 6 1869
. To Rinaldo C. JeweU.—No. 684. Msy term,
1868. You are hereby notified that Loretta Jane
Jewell,haa_applied to the Court of common pleas
Bradford dOolthrY. far • diyorce from the hoods
of matrimony, arid the said Court - has appoint.
ed Monday, the lat day of Feb. 1868,'. at two
o'clock, p. in., for bearing the said Loretta
in the,pretnises,at which time and place you can
- if yowthink•proper. —. •
Jan. 5, 1869.
To Barton K. Luther. —No. 206 Dec. term
1867. You are beteby no Lined that Lucy E.
Luther, you wife, has apPl led to • the Coast of
Common plus of Bradford county,for a divorce
from the bonds of matromony, and the- Bald
court haa appointed Monday, the lit day of
Feb,11869, at 2 o'clock p. in., for hearing_ the
mid Law/ .la the premises, st vldch:timKand
place vti con atteratif yon *fat proec.
WM. 13111
Jan. 5, len.
.a 2 is hereby given that a. ns indebted
to the estate of HENRY F EN, late of
, .deo'd, are , mooted to make - in:-
payment, and alt hating claims upon
mid estate will present them duly amhentiattal
ler.settlement. • •
J 4.4, 1849. - • L_.
'PIECIUTO_ R'S NOTlOR—lioticaii
'AUL' liereby gistit.that.ali panes la4ioted to
the imitate of G e nesee Wads des. 414 /MS Of
Renick twPw ate requested to make payment
without delay; and those basis;
,okdms Whisk
said estate mast papaw lima fiatlisit . isp
tailor settlement.
,WKLIS. -/ •
/*/i , / 832 ' Eleautost ,
vi ta m g ransism s orz
Plow • umissoo. Oalldth
re mast ihs Lei at Gripes of
I , l4 amiliad foe a Dirk
a froat'idi his 'And Wise shims
MU" 'A*. TV ardor of th.
401100 MI #Ol heap:
Bona who han'prinsallihrehlo t aad alb
&.d OrsPils iiks l “ l o.4.• .g OI 4 — MIWZt 2) Ue
dey.Ol J/31 411,111 r mow as /.11 r e' a sr,
Worstdirlid., 'kg*, a t of
des in Tomo% - to! deb, moss, any
ilase ism Irby O. ilisehop should not be
grardad as h enmid Bankorot. dad farther
=doe is y (hen. th at the osoond and
third meetings tho Manton of fibs said
ddsabaspt'ratAirair by the Mb and 281h.'
mitiOns of isAd dok wins um won the
ishilusider. at fibs ors* lima sad
_ O. C. MoCAND
tan: 9,18Aa. . Mahal said Omni, -
~14/ so. Otra temom—Thst se the 24 day, of
Imitary, A.
D. - lfiSt. s sweat is llashrsperr
wu tmostl aw * to tite estate of MUT RUBLE, -
of -
Widt tarp.* the county. al Brad
ford ited Mate of feentylvaols, who has bees
adjudged Banktipt on Ms own petition ; that
etc payment of any debts and denser, of any
property belooging to mach beeksipt, to hlm
or his nee, and Um transfer of any property by
hinfare forbidden bylaw t that s mantas of
the creditors of. the old Banknps. I? i f e o
their Debts,and to choose one or more . s
of his estate, SDI be bid ate court of lt•
roptcy, to be bokbm-ai the *See of tbe Bees
tor, Is Umboronch of lonscals . Psi. before Do.
WIRD" 011n1011. ar., Os the 4th day 01 loeboney
1809, at 9 o'clock, A.
THOS. ♦ ROWLET, U.S. Marshal.
Jan. 7,1899..8. B. Commas,. Deputy.
AO, TO Gam Nonce.—That col &Lath day of
January, 4D..111119, a Wanant in Bankruptcy
-was issued apart the estate of YAW=
COOLBAZOI9, of illeareetea, fn the County of
Bradford and State of Peinsylnata. who Ise
been situdged Isaktiest, on bass owilpetition ;
that the Inmost el weydebte stay property be. •
Wens to soda beelnept, to him, or for his use -
and - the transferor any property by bins are for
bidden by law ;'that a meting of the creditors
of • the said ThlabliPtp to pm thou Debts. and
to choose one or mare Aadsnies of , his Estate,
will be held at s court of Bealsuptay. to be -
bobber. st the dice of the the boro '
of Towanda, Pa., before Sewaan Cvswrox Jr.
an the sth day of•Pebe, 1869; at 9 o'clock -
A. M. • _ A. ROWLEY,
11. B. ,
Jan. 7,'1x89.
• To (km Nozum —That on the 2d day
of Anus* , A. D. 1869, a Warrant in Bank
brzigrELwas issued West the' estate of
R. BILL,of trbter Top., in the
County of Bradford and 13tate of Pennsylva
nig", who has been adjudged Bankrupt on
his own petition • that thipsyment of any
debts and delive ry of 'any property beloog
ing to such Bankrupt, to him, or
. feir
and the transfer of any peoperty
him are foibidden by laar ; that a meeting
of the 'creditors of the said Bankrupt ; to
prove their Depts, and to choose one or ,
or more Assignees of his Estate, will be .
held eta Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden
at the - Office of the Register In the Boroug'h
of Towanda, Pa., before EDWARD OVER
TON, Ja. ' on the 4th day of Feby. A,4)..
1869, at 9 .. secloek, A. IL Y I _
That. on the 14th
December,ay of A. D, 18a
68, Warrant in
Bankruptcy wait issued against the estate of
WILLI MI H...BARTO of the Borough of
Troy in the County of Bradford and State
of Pennsylvania, -who has been adjudged
Bankrupt on his own petition; that the pay
ment of any debts and delivery any pra
yhis belonging . to mach pt, to his
or for use, and the transfer of any pro
petty by him are forbidden by law; that 14--
mdetiog of the creditors of the said Bank
rupt, to prove , their Debts, and to choose
'one or more Assignees of his Estate, Will
'he held at - a Court of Bankruptcy, to be.
holden at the Oftice of the Register in the;
Borough of Towanda, Pa., before EDWARD
OVERTON, At.; Register, On the 30th day
of ,Tansy, A. D. 1869, at 9 o'clock. A. M .
V. & man k bai r :.
. • BYE. B. Coomsitron, Dept4y.
Dee. 24, 1868. •
NOTICE.—' Tuts is
1... P To Gsfs Notion.--That on the 6th day of
January, A. D. 18611, a Warrant is Bankruptcy
was issued against, she' estate of - ABRAHAM
C. BENTLEY. of Springlield twp in the County
of Bradford, and State of Pennsylvsnia, — Who,
has been adjudged Bankrupt on his own peti
tion ; that the payment of any debts and de
livery of any property bekMging to such Bank-
rapt, to him, or for:his nee, and the transfer of
any property bj him are forbidden by law • that
a meeting of the creditors of the said Binirapt,
to prove-their Debts, and to choose one or more
Aasignees his garage. will be hel2 at a Court
of Bean tcf, to be holden at the Officer°, the
Register in the Sao. of Towanda, Pa., before
EDWARD. OVERTON, Zs:, argisteu, on - the
13th day of Feb'y. A. D. - . 1810), at 2 o'clock,
• - 11. S. Marshal.
- . By IL B. UOOLIAI7IIII, Deputy.
TY FOS SALS.—The subscriber offers for
Bale his Dwelling House ancLot. now occu
pied by him,
attested do theumvfer of Second
and College streets, Tcniundg borough. The
dwelling pease Ls_ in good condition. • There is
a good barn; well, and cistern upon the prop •
erty..alio grape vines bearing largely. and a
variety of trait trees. The lot is 50 x 300, be
ing two lota divided by an alley. Pommel° n
will be given Immediately. tTernis made known
on application to , .
.Towanda, Dec. 4; 14 NATHAN( TlDDB.—tf. •
prime Dairy Perm, good stabling for 28
cows:mil a taw,- "11 sell with or without
stock, long thee with annul
_payments it de
sired.. A rare chance is offered to obtain a
valuable property. _For Alscription address
J. IV-PAYSON. Orwet, Bradford County, Ps.
. December JO -
- •
Te stibecrib:T all sell Us Farm Situated
in Butangton township. near jAther's
containing ninety•one-and-a•lialf acres, being
in twolots, one cotdainin g4ll wee; and th e
other 50 acres; The lot of 41i acres Is moan
under cultivation. and halt - Upon its good fram
house, two barns. corn house, .two-wells, ay
pie orchard one spring of water. .Th •
50 acre lot has about 12 acres Improved, newt
seeded, and has upon it two springs of water.
The iota will be sold together or separately.—
The farm is in agood state of cultavat, and
Is well adapted' for both grain and g ,ntr.—
Possession given, immedlately,_if desired .
Terms, one third' down. and the Wake In
payments as may be agreed upon. Apply to
MNRY PEET,Vcianda, or Roswell Luther'
Luther's Mills.. H NET PEST.
Deo. 7, 1888.—tf• • • -
RENT,-The untorsigned will sell his
farm situated at lionroeton. There are 100
acres in.all ; three of young hickory ani oak
timber, thirty-seven saes of laproted hill,
and sixty acres of superior flat land. There
are two houses, Darns, and- other baUdlngs.--
A/11 who ate acquainted with the bra knotr of
its value ; and tt will be sold for twelve thou
sand dollars. . - • : _
• Tama—Five thousand dollars down and the
test in yearly permits to snit the merchant.
Or if the Urm is not sold, there will be a
goods chance for a live man; with capital, to
rent for dee years or more, or- to work on
shares. • JCIAPH 11011 ET.
lionroeton. Dec. 11.1868.-3m*" ' -
ri FOWLER & - CO.,
orriOr 13 lisoiraxas !Lan,
Man e =LON Scrii.Otni
Beal Estate purzlissed and sold. Inltestments
made,and Money Loaned,
. .
CHICAGO, ILI...Cct. Y 1,1568.
Gras Bra:—Haviag .Mabttthe d ourselves
Ipermanently In the above business, we lake the ,
libertyOf sending your our cord . Should you
have any desire to make hnestments or loan
money, ow long vaideaci la plicate, (having
lived here sad seen Its -growth from a mall
village to aet of:eft/wee Awadred Ammo d
inhabitants) gives ot =pie means of knowing
_where good imnatteerde Can be made, or what
will be goodseam* to foam loaned._'' All
busineur es/rusted to our care. will :cc& re
ptt_topt attention,*
This alt y le tur *slag very mobilo la wealth '
and Populstko r aad -at so - perkod • have better
opportunities (Oral to Investment , than at
preseat. •
Near Twelve liillions Dollars are expended
annually ha Aloe sad orally dweltinip, giving
pertuenemos aad• amain great advance in
prim to* all latjprovad n... metl,
• The & CO.
By petudelloomemito &am If. H. dud& H.
C., Ada V. Vartreil. P.C. Shiratas, away; -
Hoar. Simon Cameron, 11. S. S.. 11. Hamar, lti
' . C.; Wm.- Oren
:Jain IS* Dbl.. Pennsylva
nia; Ham, Jobs- Mime, Chubs Hancock,
Boston; Honi.Woi. B.Og n, Nsw York: L -
- man Truman, Owego. N. - -Nov..ll;eddlm.
RAos t RAGS It BAGS 111-500
Tons good %pat wantad. be which
the highest market rice wigie paid.
Towanda, Oct. l
ciati i st APO= I SABBIR'&
'.rr ri f7.y~.