Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 21, 1869, Image 2
ICI fNewrfrEmi idt Nations; -Knoxville, Teen., finds $lOO,OOO, vnlid be requiied . to mipray it with linter- ' —Michael McDonald, alias Andrew D. Stanley, the iionnfldenoe men," trio de trended the Hartford (Doen.) Tows Com pany, • Mae OM • uteediii ago, ant of $4,000, hen been ,aitested at hls-tather's house In LaOhelne, Canada. - • —The Episcopalians in• Nebraska, ha'e a missionary In every phee stieb Us fire hundred inluddtants. —There are now 1868 impala in France. Pixie has .69 potiUal jornels, and 710 that are not ,' --The British garrison at Montre al is distinguishing itself in the peaceful occupation of amateur theahioals. • —James Disraeli, brother of the late Premier, and pommies, of the Board of Internal Itevenne, died recently in London. —A New England college ex-pres ident declares that this men' - are not so strong nor the women so beautiful as they were a thousand years ago. —The Pueblo (Colorado) mer- clients have agreed hereafter to close their business houses . from Saturday night till Monday morning. -1 he number of claims held by: citizens of Tennessee against the United States, which were incurred by the :then , icrn, amount to 66,402,365 61. —The Pacific ':oast is suffering twm the 'mynas of smallpox. •Theta is scarcely a town or district in Oalifornia in which the disease has not appeared. —A bar of pare merchantable tin, weighing 85 pounds, has been turned out in San Francisco from a tin mine at Temes cal, San Diego county, California. —The Swiss residents, of Green county, Wisconsin, have contributed nearly eight hundred dollars in aid of their suf fering fellow countrymen in the fatherland. —At Wanconda, Illinois; on Satur day afternoon, John Raymond, a farmer, strangled himself in his own barn. Finan cial and domestic troubles were the cause. —The Republican caucus at Jbf terson City, ltlo.,nominated General Schurz for United States Senator on the first bal let. _ —The Democratic caucus of / the New Jersey Legislature has nominated chanimonsly, John P. Stockton for/iJnited States Senator. -The Legislative Cougeil of Brit- Ish Columbia are considering the question of a reciprocity , treaty/with the United', States. —On Monday (.. - ening, at Ottawa, Illinois, Dorritt 84 Thorn, two young men, were drowned / in the Illinois river while bkating. / —E. LiVangurden's barn, in Rush township: dcumfa county, Pa.; took. Bra from a 'kerosene lantern lett hanging on a nail,and was destroyed. Loss $l,OOO to $1,200. Insurance $B5O. —Th2roof of Sayre Bros. atoWat MontrosC was crushed by the heavy weight of snow upon it on New Year's night, do ing a good deal of damage. —The Addison Advertiser stutes that ten stores and forty dwellings. were built in'Addison in 1868. .• Bath ' I Courier states that 7,092 crates of Grapes, weighing about 285 tons were shipped by Express from Bath during the late season. —One of the track men, named Thomas Manly, was recently run over in the railroad yard at Scranton, and his head severed from his body. —Thi be perSene were recently des cending a shaft neat Hyde Park, recently, when some,substance fell down upon them, killing ono man and severely injuring the others. At the Ithaca Fire Department Election, on the 30th tilt, B. B. Williams, of the Democrat, was re-electe4 Chief En yineer, and Thad. S. Thompson and Geo. • It. Kenyon, were elected First and Second Assistants. -At Lackawanna, the other day, a boy named Daniel Boone, heard his mother scream, ran to see what was the mat er, found her near the house and a large wildcat threatening an attack upon ter. He procured a gun from the house and killed it. The boy was only ,thirteen sears old. John Campbell, engineer, killed II the explosion of the Pocono, near Mont rose Depot, "on Tuesday night of last week, a'as buried at Susquehanna on Thursday following the accident. He was at the scud-box when the explosion occurred.— The engine from the house forward was blown all to pieces. In the house were several men, not one of whom was Anjured. —On Tuesday Dec. 29, two little children, a_ boy of six and a girl of two years old, were locked into a house at PleJusult Valley, N. Y., by their parents while they went away. During their ab -aeneethe house caught fire and it, with the children, wero.entirely burned up. —The majority in Minnesota for the Negro Suffrage Amendment to the State Constitution, as officially declared, is 9,372. The proposition to preserve the Grand Jury system had 15,781 majority. —Two lowa _young ladies, Misses Emma end Ella Harlan, have asserted their rights by securing Government lands under the Homesteid law, They will settlo upon and cultiyati3 them next season. —Col. Marmadake 3ohnson, •of Richmond, has written a long letter oppos ing the new Conservative movement in Vir ginia. —The Pennsylvania monument, at Harrisburg, to the soldLers from - that State who fell in ,the war /with Mexico. Ia to be dedicated on the 26th of May next. —Somebody kindled a fire under the stairs of a school-house in Evansville, Ohio, on Tuesday. while there were 600 children in the building. The cry of fire Greatly excited and alarmed the pupils, but the teachers were able so fir to restrain them as to secure their safe exit from the building.. 2 —Hos'ton proposes that a grand international exposition of - industrial arts bo heldin this country in the y!az 1876, to commemorate the centennial anniversary of the .llnited States. —There is a most lively excite ment among the heirs-at-law of , a certain rich man in Mansfield, Ohio, who Myster iocsly ,disappeared about four years ago, tint lies now returned, as cinch to their dis gust as to their astonishment. -Jacob Binkley and his sister Elizabeth, two aged persona, died in Ha .mstown, Md., last week, in a state of des titution, although they have left - property valued at $25,000. They had denied them. selves the comforts of life thatj,they might accumulate darts. ' —The first-marriage certificate ia• mai in Boston this year was to a oolored man, who contemplated marriage for the sixth time. The wonldbe bride is - a white woman, who autos upon the mammonist voyage for - the Brit time. taltard plata Towanda, Thursday, alai 24 ImpostAro MeAstrese.—ln. the Ho of Representatives (Washingtl")"- • MondaY last, Mr. Boutwell, tom the` Judiciary Committee, reportpd a joint resolution proposing an amendment tothe Constitution of the United' Sta , b!! ;. also, .a bill declaring -Who, may ,:vote for electors of President and Vice _President, And for Repre sentatives to Congress. The resolu tion and bill were ordered to be print ed, and Mr. B. gave .notice that he would call them up for consideration in a few days. Section one of .the propooeitarnend-. ment to the Constitaticin 'prorides that the right of any citiZen of the United States shall not be denied or abridged by the United States in any State by rekson of race, color or pre vious condition of slavery, by any citizen cr any class of citizens : -Section second gives Congress power to enforce by appropriate leg islation the provisions of the firAt ,ar tick. The first section of the bill provides that no person shall be deprived of the tirivilege of voting at the elec tion of pretident or Vice President, Representatives in Congress, and members of the State frgislatures, by reason or race or.• color. The second And third sections of the bill provide punishment for per sons who interfere with the exercise of the privilege. The fourth section provided im prisonment at / tiard labor for three years for any/Person who holds office in violation"of the third sectionol the fourteenth " article of 'amendment to the Con / stibittion, and subjects him to ment at any time within ten y/ars. t The fifth section gives to the courts of the United States_ entire jurisdic tion of all offenders against this act. U. S. SZMATOR_ FROM NEW YORK.-- The Legislative caucus fur 11. S. Senator was held at Albany, on Se.t urday evening last, when REunnt E. FEFrox was nominated on the first ballot, receiving 52 votes 40 for Senator MORGAN. Governor FEsrrox has had much experience in public life and has al ways vrved the rople faithfully.— For ten - years he ably represented his District in Congress, and was ever true to loyalty and faithful to free dom, and as Gtivernor of that great State for the past four years, he has evinced executive abilities of the highest order. Gov. FsFrox's Repub licanism and t•is abilities cannot be questioned, and his legislative and executive expences fit him in a very eminent degree to fill with hon or and' with usefulness, to himself, to his State, and to the country, in the Senate of the States. lissommos.—Hon. Thomas Ewing, formerly Secretary of the TreasurY under General Harrison and Secreta ry of the Interior under General Tay lor, takes strong grounds against immediate or sudden resumption of specie payments. His first proposi tion is that "we are not bound in faith or morals to make the :funds which we pay to the creditor rim his principal—be it what it may, gold 4f4 legal tender notes—worth more at We time of payment than it was worth when borrowed." lie then argues, against immediate specie re sumption, on the ground that a gene ral provision of this kind would prove a great hardship and injustice to the debtor class, ruin the "ploduoilig class," and drive them into bankrupt cy. The postponmeta of resumption by law for two years, and then ma king it alisolEAte, he thinks, would "produce the same result in a slight ly mitigatd degree." On this im portant filiancial question there is a wide difference of opinion among statesmen. Some medium ground, which will wrong no one, will proba bly be adopted, after all the proposed plans shall have been submitted and considered.' -The Elmira Advertiser, in speaking of the nomination of Eton. JOAN Scorr, by , the Republican cau cue, says : "Save Pennsylvania,there is no other State in the country which would have thought of making him a United States Senator. Yet we are certified that bele a good man and a true Republican. The only difficulty is we barbarians outside don't know it." We don't know that the Legislature of Pennsylvania is to be.governed by the ignorance of outside "barbarians," in selecting a U. S. Senator, Mr. Ad uertiser. The Legislature of New York elects Gov. Pastes, whom _ we have no "difficulty" in knowing as a "good man and true Republican," yet Joss Scorr is the peer of your new Senator, and will take a promi nent positron in the Senate. BUSINESS FAILURES.—Daring the peat ten days, failures to the extent of about four millions of dollars have occurred in New York City, among jobbing and commission houses in the dry goods trade. Business in this line has been very dull for nearly two years ; it has not paid. The recent failure of one of the largest dry goods houses was due .to heavy losses through customers in the North wes tern States. There are apprehension that a few other houses may be forced to succumb, but the leading dealers hope by' retrenchment to overcome present difficulties. Dramas mg HoNon.—Heister Cly mer Esq., of Reading, declines , the doubtful honor of being the copper= head candidate for Governor. Mr. 0. has had enough of that kind of patronage. Oft. The Repnblioana Of Main have honored thernaeltea 117 seleetin [en. Hu*. guilit u V. & Beni, itt al g 7 1 1ligt ,41 11 4 4. 40 41 E y Et.* a :inw, ,of: - t 4 Was ailt' , „ 7 ' r• i ~.. ~:" to 1 '75 fcrtril ~' tei tfor 1115triuti4' ' one blank. The caucus adjoit without - a definite detilaration as to thernaminoe i -and-surite - donbtirstacir 6 timeleltias to the result of the ele+ tion. We observe , howevei, that re cently cently the friends of Mr, /donna. de clare that HAKIM was fairly nominti, lied": end—Mr. litomazt v - in- 4 lettir whjich dosaltink crethtoirithziraws hiC." l toe, and 4equiescee in the selectiein Of the Cancels. ._lf , : ... ' . m 1.- Mr lin!, enjoys in a lug" ,d - tree the respect • and 'confidence br the Republicans of ,thetnion. glee-, -ted Vice Presideak t in 1860 . 4 the tick et with lamented laurootat,he win put aside in 18(W - trout', ihort-sight Motives of ,i)olici, to - mtate .. room for the traitor, Jothesoti. Appointed 010.- lector of the,, port ot. .Rostou s Are promptly resigned the position whim it became.evident that hie aecidermy had apostatized. A man of fair 'alai- Moon) more honest,. straightfor. • aid,_ upright man, ever tool; his seat lin the Senate. _ • EMI Eurters.—The Paris Peace don •r -:1 ence has closed its sessions .. lt .redem mends yield the'peint garding Crete in accordance with the Sultan's ultimatum, and to submit to the decision of the Courts the case Of the Turkish Admiral and the Greek steamer Enosia. The last point, of the ultimatum regarding institution al law is to be withdrawn by Turkey. Inteligence from ' Athens indicates that Greece is actively preparing for war. Trouble has broken out on the frontier of Asiatic Turkey betwe l en the Persians and the Turks. In Con• sequence the Turkish Ambassridor has withdrawn , . rom Teheran, had Persia is massing troops on the bor der. There have been more riota I in carious parts of Italy, otcasioned by the attempts of the authoriti' a to collect the tallow , mill tax. The Mil itary have been called out, and many rioters kilted." The country, ate the last accounts, however, was traminil. MORE PUBLIC LANDS • WANTED.- There is a bill now before Congiess to incorporate the Manias and;Pa cific railroad, from Little Rock via Fort Smith to the eastern terminus of the National Pacific railroad , on 1 the Rio Grande. This bill modestly asks, in aid of the enterprise, a grant of twenty alternate nectioni of Oh-, lic lands per mile, on each side of the road, and also the issue of Goiern ment thirty-six per cent. currency bonds, to the amount of sixteen thousand dollars per mile, to cured by a second mortgage on tl property of the company. If a few more Pacific railroads are. chartered with such grants, the public lands will be exhausted and the Goi,ein ment credit impaired. 318..50me time ago, Mr. JOSEPH FELLOWS, of Corning, made a deed in trust of a vast amount of property in Steuben County, IN. Y, in Luzerne County, Pa., to JOHN HEEPALLiii,4 also of Corning, his nephew: For some reason,not made public, Mr. FziLows recently revoked his -deed of trust, and notified the public through the newspapers, not to harbor or trust the said Hzz mews, on his account, as he should pay no debtie of his contracting. Mr. HEERIIINS now comes back with a " •ounter irritant," and claims by public notice, publish ed in the Scranton papers, that said property wax "duly conveyed to him by deed," that he is the owner there of; and not JOSEPH FELLOWS. There it a "good time coming" for the law yers. M. The standing committees of the House, were announced by the Speaker, on Thursday last. The . Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, is Geo. Witsos, Alle - ghany. Mr. WEBB is Chairman of the com mittee on Divorces, and has ;also a place-on the Ways.and MeanS, and Judiciary Local committees. Mr. Cnsisszsux is Ouairman of the committee on Vice and Immorality, and a member of the committee on Pensions and Gratuities, of Estates and Escheats, Education and -Ito - ads, Bridges wad Ferries. • EDITORIAL CostrEtrrios.—The recent Editorial Cenventii n, held at Belle fonte, was slimly attended. It was resolved to petition the Legislature for a change in regard to the; publi cation of the laws, and fixing the 2d of February as the time for holding a full convention of the fraternity at ftarrisburg—notice of which iS to be given to each editor in the State by circular. stirln the Criminal Court, Wash ington, District Attorney Carrington Wedneediily entered r nolle prosequi in the case's of Jefferson Davis and John C. Breckinridge, for trOason ; he also entered one of the cases of Suratt,but withdrew it the instance of Judge Fisher, who will refer it, to the Attorney General for considqation. RIIBBEII, THLYER contests thy . eke tiori of Taoxes Gasmratcs, as Asso ciate Judge of the District . Clout of Philadelphia. 'The drawing of is corn mittee in the case, took piece on Thursday last, the two Houses hav ing :pet in• joint convention for that purpose. The committee is composed of Messrs Miller, Brown, (Northamp ton,) Stinson and Lowry,_ Sellators ; and Messrs.' Nelson; -- iinee, Beatty, Hunter, Robiuson,, (Mercer,) ! Goon die, Marshall, Josephs and ;Webb, Representatives. to defraudi the Government of ..#/, lands, and ,if railroads are put_inAp eration'thei,, cost. abeat-threc _limy) ai muili* traii`Jare lioillij beitig mostly miserably. -oonatsuctsol.„.. 7 . pefitioos►uiliresentcd,:tr;fie,nator Folinglmykr frccut nember .of cep -7 iiiiisti.t. 3:1 - 111 1 "the.stiiiii; offering to constiii 't the Northern Pacific : Itiilioad at' less thin t one they emu that bae been prop os e d te -lie given.;; aOtliVt company - ; Senator, 'Rice inkOdnceii a bill which provides, for thOnoCrporation of 'the Arkansasi And P# llll 9 R . ai!wgiF"'C9mParbF;' ,l :°, 1 construct and "maintain` railroad . . from Litti Bock, Arkansas, ma Fort Smith, , Arkarisas, to the eastern ter- , minus of the National Pacific Rail road, op the Rio Grande. In aid"t4 . the enterplise, the bill pro Poses le grant dtw4rity alternate sections , of publicland per mile , on cacti aide o the'road, and also the issue of Glev , ernment thirty year six per - cent. currency houda to the amount ofst6,- , 000 per mile, be secured by a second , mortgage 'on the property of the coin Pant'.'. it* Glen: .Grant authorises The Tribine ter 'Pay that the articles writ ten by an occasional correspondent of The Wthlel, Purporting to rciate conversations, or furnish opinions of his in!reg i ttrd to public, men and pub lie matters, are utterly without fotin datio. .o human being has ever listened to or dicing such conversaticnts with Aim as those reported. ..Gen. Grant wonl,l not deem it becoming in hitt' to contradict the articles in' question,l if they &imply ' effected himself, Lint as they are evidently publiiihed with a view to embroil his relations iwith prominent gentlemen, most 'IX them are political or personal friends, or a,t, least to outrage their just senstbilities, he thinks it best to deviate in-thin instance !roin his usu al course; and pronounce the articles alluded 'to incorrect, indelicate, and impertinent in an extraordinary de gree. , 26.. The reception of the chittese Embassb headed by Mandarin Bar-* lingame, is more immediately cordial, at Paris than it was at London.— From the tenor of all the English news welinfet. tbat Mr. Burlingame pet , the thajor objects of his mission a in fair way for success before leav ing;that:fountry. From the receptidn accordediliy Napoleon,as well as froth the different, interests of the two na d J ons, it is probable that success will be achieved 'with less trouble in France. ilia will constitute a strong lever fqr any further negotiations in LOndoh. The situation is certainly much cbanged,since II be allied armies "tooted" the summer palace near Pe kid, and it is‘to be hoped that diplc macy may fairly and peacefully open the celeatial empire to the world. U.' S. SENAToRs.:-Senator Chandler egg. has i bee re-elected U. S. Senator from Mi higanfrom the 4th of March next. Senator Stewart has been re nominated by the Republican caucus of Nevada, - for n -election to the Uni ted Stairs Senate. 'Cite rejoice to learn that the caucus of the •Republican members ,of the MisSouri Legislature has nominated Carl Sebum as its candjdate - for Erni tcd Stoics Senator, in p!aco of John PAenderson, n•ho voted to acquit Andrew Johnsuo on the impeach ment. gen. .churz is one of the most gif ted; highly educated and eloquent ; melt in he West, and adds great lus tre tote position of Senator 'To our knowledge he will be the only foreign:born German wit;• has sat in the;l:Tutfed States SeU'ate ... lier 4 bill providing fur the further dim! nation of the dominions of Mc- Halt Your:a, was introduced to the House Thursday by Mr. ASHLEY, of Nevada!, who said it. was favored by all the trans-Missouri representatives in Congress The bill apportions the greater; part of Utah among the State and Territories that adjoinit, and gives , the iformons little more than• Svlt Lake City. Mr. ASHLEY said that his original purpose was to blot otat! l Utah as v. seperate Territory, but4te had agreed to modify his meat ore i We believe the passage of this would be one of the best means of breaking down BRIGIMI YOUNG'S • . power, 'and destroying that "twin relic, bf barbarism," polygamy. --;. LioAil t Teston Aor.—The, excite -meUt regarding the decisio of the inpreme the legal-tender caries hi reviving in financial_ circles; andi there is a current ,rnmor,that Justice/ Grier, Davis, Swayne, and Miller are in favor' of declaring the legsl-teilider act constitutional, and that Justice Field; Clifford, and Net arS againat it. Chief Justice Chase i 4 also believed' tale in favor of it. ' tis not yet known when the deciSioU will be'rendered. GI = -FIRE IN l'amsnsuatt.--A" verydetractive fire occurred - inlyhil -1 adelphi - on Thursday ~nia- r niui last, origtnatJiug in the - splendid marble bnildincorner of Nitan, mid Chest. i intists.,l' and dent royi ug - the Btorvs ncenpint by ll , ,well it - 0,, o l . a bis i n paper h nginzta. CLldßell',4 j., , Trelry .establiailineor, aid Orne'S'carpet etore. Thal lose is very large,and the tra Ana now heavy. . 1 .. nunitibr tit I ,hettnii and all of them ineetion with astonishing. Governinent 3 ie no doubt roposed lines the bills are . The intention dW oonthme in =3 l' =-Getc: 3 l ) lferftettClelelirtiptiedqe , heedirtaten it Washingtoto on fistorday,: " 4 1m ) = - I „% l Zl=pitr it. MilithLrititiVAlMAMlLiout , , ~11.01 ates, Olathe destreotion of the Comanche +Mega * 174 fi 3O iiiftb ri a i h s e ' at MWliiibli* aid rebellion. 1 - aittoioir of . .itio r esii awing men 9f the 1 4:140 i dad 9 taloa dine bi poi 000yit ilaiaiget4, on the Slit, and beg Ot fkiiir#S'ae/V itii p+ 1 iiiiiiiii - Sir .tiiii*lde r aiiii ,:ii: ' Tho riliscitea ttik irtheiOn - Sno P. .. `ftir . ttieli. !ma* OW iitttilk ! . .t" Oar 'l4ool' ei,,tfin oisii* no botrido,.'lo : iiiaiii to iilirepit* nit6ol l ii , 44 l i 9 ' ffitiiiatii denies the, State*Teni l tioale i lo , Aii,14141, 1 Ati 6 that mia..luSa . liiiitic* thoerese i iii*fi 4 ,ai gini iir=o4 - iicket -P - .'..t '''; . ' . ' .--; .2,,—...' ....Thu. Detreit(Fosi says , that the knell-post is now president sad 9serz c . ;vits• lent in the:western,. atlas. .s do Mara deaths a dip:hare been repotted in Chola- mitt ;it is declared to be, El epidemic in R. Unify . ; ' . it , ii ' scourging - MAP; thdadh nothing is said about, it in ,thszwirspePers end in. Mihrenkes the public laciols and the Auk shutting closed hi, eonseinenee, 'end the shutting np of the theatres, mint `saloons,and otherpisees - where people/sit do congregate,, bis been dimmed; Several tit6mUis of,;, thi4 Maiue • • supported Lsguslaturey wh o snppo . 'the We Ca 'l7Zll4a etnt . it Bealit4; ;widch, they eay that, aaaat4ittii ta4.l l Preca4 l oo, 1i r ,Huai lin was nominattia, and: that they will sup :pia him at i the coining ,election: There were seventy-five votes, cast fot:Mr. Hamlin, seventy-four for Bloyrilli aril one was -Dr. W. H. M. -Howard, of Fairies, Vt., . wliila on his - Way:llOMS from New York. was rob bed by pickpockets, in the New Haven dept., on Friday night, of large sums of money.. He had with him 'when he' started from New York nearly '550,000 in bonds and greenbacks. These le bad stowedaway in pocket-books which -he carried in the breast pockets of his coat. The thieves jostled against him while be was getting into the cars, and, as was after ward diricovered, cut his pockets partially out. They sueoeededdn getting two- pock et-books, one °attaining $14,000 in Govern• meat bonds, and the other $8,500 in green baOks. The book which they did not men age to get hold of contained $10,500 in greenbacks. —Gen. Sibley has just returned to Savannah from "imether visit to the Ogeaohea He reper . rts al l qtllet. t i and that the remainder of the negroes for whose ar rest warrants have been issued have disap-, peered front the neighborhood, and that no further arrests have been made. ' -:-Several days ago, the People's National Bank, -in Pittsburg, Penn.,, was robhed ef 1112,000 by some •adroit and-dar ing thief, who abstracted a small tin box containing the amount - from the safe. The affair has been kept quiet, in the hope that some clue might be obtained to the' perpe trator ; but, although the alien of the bank have been making every exertion to ferret out the thief, and have had.the Ansis. Lance of experienced detectives, nothing satisfactory has as yet been discovered. - —Many of the , tai:payet'S or; Co lumbia and Charleston, Ii C., have taken measures to test the legality of therasstunp. Non by the State of the ppymeht of the bills of the bank , of the State, and to prevent the issue of bonds for their 'redemption. They dispute the validity of the not authorizhig Gov. Scott to issue bonds of the State upon the surrender of the bills. 't —file civil war iu Japan is said to be ended. An arrival at San Francine from Yokohama, brings intelligence of the surrender of Prince Aiding, which it is thought has ended the war. The 'Tycoon has retired to his private posseisions, and the permanent residence of the Mikado is fixed at Yeddo. —A fatal accident occurred on the Pan Handle Railroad at Cork's Run, Tuesday, The sleeping car was thrown over an embankment sixty , feet, nearly per pendicular. Three men were instantly killed, one being John_Allen, conductor of the sleeping care and the other, , Mr. O. McPherson, of -Springfield, Ohio, and one unknown. But seven men were in the car, none of whom escaped severe injuries. The accident was caused by softening and giv ing way of the earth beneath the track. —Hon. Oden Bowie was installed Governor of Maryland Thursday. • Opening of the .Albany and I Busqnellerina Railroad. • The final completion and opening of the Albany and Susquehanna Rail- road was celebrated at Binghamton ou Tuesday last ; Five excurs on trains came from Albany, and points along the route, carrying between 2,000 and 8,000 1 excursionists. The trains were greet ed by great crowds at all the stations, l and there was great President Joseph Ramsayl, with 1 200 or 800 invited guests, were on board of one of the trains. At the city they were formally received by the Citi zen's Committee and escorted to the Firemen's H3ll, where a grand ban quet, was spread. Judge Balcom presided, and made a few remarks. Hon. George Bart lett,,Chairman of the Citizen's Com mittee, made the speech of welcome. President Ramsay was called out, and gave a brief history of the road from the .organization of the Compa ny, and-the subscription- of a million dollars, viz, by the 11 - citizens along ,the line, in 1852, tri the . completion of it in 1868, in spite oft the vetoes of Governors. , Ho Waft rapturously ap plauded. John.H. McFarland, One of the earliest advocates of the road, gave some reminiscences of the first meetings to subscribe for the stuck held in 1851. He wag followed by Col. Snow,on behalf of Gov. Hoffman; by D. C. Littlejohn, President of, die Midland Railroad Company ;; by- J. Bancroft. Davis, for tlnErie Railway Company, end by others Among the 'distinguished g uest. were : Hou. Lyman Tremain ' Nathan U ' pham many meMbers and ex-mewm hers of the Legislature. z Almost every city in the State was represent ed, and nearly all the railroads. The excursionists not especially invited were entertained' at a - , freelutich at the Court House, andl,the 'stair, was in tin respects,a rnailted success. .. . The Albany .and SusAuchanna Railroad is 140. miles took, and cost riot fai trim $1,pomo o ;, - of which about ss;txpoq wore - olitAined. by private aubieriptiod autibibunding the Cities:of Albanytaud - Blugbeinton and,tbe•totrutitai,the 11 4 Deakraptay, to he Wass 4 the Ofla of Os Wto the Borigh of Toms% Vie= OO 204 D.114_11,4 igH 2b ia rr THOMAS& la s tillßLlF--1111 ; t2, , n , n ik s , al Vlkasebilt_aallppsloo miragimaisnote aOsatri.o. Wil§r pitomidag e .yooag asoliard.' ands, _ rto botuda me tasa. sad,: .rnolidiva " tiareoi - WI , in "NW idisoata.-; _. oad mad , loha", Wei lio sold at Audio's .IdirobMlls 9 .. , ! OT-,1 4 6 4- :ilawiii4l7 7 to flootbra_. , ._,rood. '"‘• • ' • .lalMPlParla uopootlagrowealiadaillidt' .fripas towaabip:,i walk twa tdirolller laloisSpl _AgOod stool komow,,lwa ' trek& bane. aad you *I anitsgplatstio. i - Appir sr daub* iedodiat • . . T JOHNSES4IOIIOII, -IEVIIERS pJ ghat tbst, Ira 606,Uuslipllaillis for ,g,ktonloWaverrs t .- =ins ,BoanOo analfr , .obant Napo. OM treini, Skid thisolleQ and that Warne will be i stea tar the Men of , Quirfar Sondoms_ , . MEN* 1,111119, its% 00 ! 1 #4 4 4 2 . 1 of • Pgort - ' yorraw.... ti r ti.. , Itartion Mho, llaFfew. 441.12111141WPrilSi. 1' A K Smith . ' 19691201 1 weft rArr , . .44 ; i; . bebo I Sonrisan.Tor ttornsbipsy. 'Pleb B Con,-13Outk reek liwp• Alitth Pocks Brizikkrbeinlinci. - ; i Abstan:) RAynabb finditoislA SwpAl - Pinar lAntimonser ilganding ptone. s' P Y Jacobus, 'maw mom: . - T . ' notch Um& *ash 4 arnoM Walt -1 John Fifserrabl, 'Babe* THolley,Tro v Corbin & Ptak wriftnring twp. !lernsolnit,lll4,,a,Mourtm• - annuntAxr FUW Miro, loom& Donk.: . sir. WLltartar Onntori. Unctions Pam= k Co„ :19Troi borogh_ JorJon:l4, pee. '. A. TriONAs,f.ers ip t onEnttn NOTICE -TIM to L to (Avg Ncrrics.—That on the sth day of inure; A. 0. 1068 Warrant In Ban kruptcy was lamed egitinat the estate of Andrew B. Col ' bun, of Falls twp., * the County of Wyoming, , and State of Pausylvania, who has been ad judged a Bankrupt on his own petition ; • that thelnient of, any debts and energy of an propertylielonging to tmch Bankrupt, to. him,or for tree , IRA - the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law ; that a meeting of the creditors of the told B .okrapt, .to prove their Debts, ana to about cme - or ' more Assign ees of his Estate, • will be held at a Court Of Bankruptcy. to be holden at the Oilloe of the Register in the Boro. of Towanda, Bradford Co., Pa.. before EDWARD OVERTON, Jr., Register. on the 20 day of February, A. D. *go, .at 2 o'clock. P 4 THO HAS A. POWLEY, 11. S. Marshal. /an. 11. By E. B. COOLDAIIOII, Deputy , NOTICE QF INCORPORATION. li The mattes of the - incorporation of the Terrytown Comet ray Associat.Ws, have been presentA to the .Court of Couunton • Pkall of BrsidfOrd county, praying for incorporation and such incarporation will'be graded on- Yonday, Feb. 1,1869; unless cause be shown to the con. W. A. TROWII3, 'Jan. 'lt 1889. Prothonotary. OFFICE OF WICK & BLACK Hailog cleared our sheives of our Holiday Goods and replaced them with House Keeping Goods of all kinds, we are bow Teady again to fit out any one going to H ouse Keeping We have the largest stock, and best quality of Gunk. ry aksi Glass Ware ever opened in Towaoa. • In addition to these Goods we have a !full line , of Knives and Forks, Spoons, Lamps, &o, By importing our main stock direct from the Pot tery in Europe, and getting our Lamps and Glass-ware from the Man niactorY, we are able to offer greater inducements than ever offered in this section before. It is worth your while to call and examine Goode and prices, before ipurchising Most Respe COSFECTIONERY, TOYS, NUTS Calla the atteutfou of the public to the fiet that he manufactures and sells at All kinds of Confectionaties. Foreign and ' 'o mestic Nuts, &c. Dealers in the country wish. log anything In his line will 'do well to *end their orders to him. and they will tie promptly attended to. Satisfaction guaranteed. Store in south side - ot Nercar's New Block. Towan da. Pa{ ' Feb. 24.1888.—tf. NSW FIRM - 1 , 1117 GOODS.! Wimbr call the attention of the - ettizons of Borne and vicluiti, that they have opened with A - 'New Stock of Goods At tbe old stand of ,L. L. Moody, where with close attent i ki i to the wants of the community ey which they w e a- good rsortment of goods, SELL AS LOW AS THE LOWEST, And at prices that will induce every one to.bu of them. We shall at ati times have a good assortment ,of FALL AND WINTER GOODS I DELAINES, ALPACAS, PRINTS, GLOVES, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHS, CASf3THEREf3, Itamily Groceries, Hardware, LADIES TtiVELLING BA,GB I Drugs, Furniture," 4'c., GOODS (WE RAVE' IN STORE, And we may lay to our numerous friends and thepablie generally, - call and me as, test the' merits of our pretensions, and if conneld.l BUY AND MAKE YOUREININES RICH Bi wing atolow Is. your pardons. WO. in tend to , • TUWAXDkrIPA., canny Yours, Wlcsnitu & BIACK AN'D FRUITS A. HART, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, WICIEHO & FROST, Embiaclag all the latest styles of LADLES • DRESS GOODS! 011IGHAM8, HOSIERY, HATS, CAPS, vansas, FANCY GOODS, I:3IBIIELLAS, CROCKERY. M [BROW, WOOD AND TIN-WAD& The abote ghat bat a 81%1414es of the GIVE ORFATER • BARGAINS .THAN suss BR/OBE mew or I We luiow we eau plop. you, o give us eall. All kin& et on FARMERi PRODUCE 'Men exchange for oods. W F :•1 &mo l ws to L. L. -it 0:1). linalf4lll `' Dnal. P.« 5tiv.).1.106& • `~~~ 5111 iii tl S T azogrvlll-- :t 4 4t7:4 - • 7f 11 431 MONIANYES' - STORE I . i!". 4 " pCk6 LARGE AND !iiipi+atixiar t p STOCK Fall and , Winter Goods_ AT THE PEMENT Depression; of the • .Market A h ich will be sold secondly at WHOLESALE AND . RETAIL A Lao, direct from Liverpool. FIVE CRATES , OF CROCKEKY Towands,'Oct. 5,1868 STOVES STOVES 1 STOVES ! Just resolved new line Stervys at inE METROPOLITAN HARDWARE. STORE, • , ORWELL, PA. Are attracting much attention . An immense variety of St ores - • • ALWAYS ON HAND! • Stoves, coal or wood, that will nit you .or . • . PARLOR, OFFICE, STORE, SCHOOL, -SHOP, OHUBOB,. BOLT, on COOKING STOVES Come and see the new patterns—at least. ONE LOOK BEFORE • BUYING 1 We pep all leading Ara t.class Stoves' . for the 2: v ar iety or cheaper A lortheba tr terest. . B. N. BRONSON. °swell, Pa., Oct. 91,1468. G 0 TO_THE' B -8., "Sr capon ILEM:A.I.I; OYSTERS ALWAYS ON HAND, BREAD i PIES, Erl 3 tCOTT & BUFFINGToN, da : Dec. 15. 18se. L °' O K 1 EW JE"*WELRY, r AT WARNER'S. OLD WATCHES, AT WARNS 'P. GIN WATCHES, AT WARNER'S. WAL - THAM WATCHES, FINE 001 4 ,D JEWELRY, ALL KINDS OF CLOCKS, Spectacles, and' lots of Wogs too nameroas to twain's, si-WASNBS'R• Call end eeeldm. :you jrlQ afvs Wen , jper cent • - yout purchasion. . Watebee, Clacks sad Jewelry repaired, and Minuted. Patton's Block. • A. 11. WARNEk. • ~oiiedi, Dec. 1, 1868. MEW MILLINERY GOODS I • mas. J. P 111124. Pretests herself to tba ladku o Towanda with weary choke ealeatlda of . sad la tattle otiefliorintaingott otfbaleg able to set the jolty tads of soakea atay do ber tha ;bottor of aaezaattestlon of her tftat. Thank 4a' ler know piteous for favor/ob. so: Dolts outlaw:as of themes:: IPlatitte dose beautlfdlyaad on th e shortest notice. Roo me over Odes & Sd.edsl4ls , Nell Street: Tommie, Oct. 5, 1868. . . - ' . „ . .B. TAYLOX. Fashionable Hair . Dresser, Wird $001136 Towanda, Ps., kaspieonstaatly on hand and 'makes to order all tilde of Haft Work:snakes Bernthal, Oath, Braids, Prima', Ladj'a Prinit Piens, Wigs, Toupees, Waterfalls; Pao, False Whiskers and -ixteasestal Hair Work of an descriptions made to Mit timo COSJOINIIN Partioular aireirtioa paid bribe Cutting sod ,Droiaing of Lady's Bak...—. MANS marked price d for Raw Hair. - .Towanda. War. 211, LOUR4--Wll t Fjour of 111 (raki, Baoeirbait Flour,..Bras. Cora Fad. 10.,al 11.ntc. .A. -~. 1 .'r y~ ~ d~c., i i;7, .V 4 HEE I 808 A AT ALL HOURS IN THEIR SE'ASQN o *3 FRUIT., P 2 CANDY, NUTS, WABNEICA. AT WARNREI'd AT .WARNEWB.I ,: Ong ,.= ~ ;~~tdl. .;~,~. pp , t . 13:1 N. , _ _ flo OPi 0 gt w - ts H . • 44 1 41 to t . 3 - . g . t 4 t 3 • M H n 5 6 - r t op. Li co..q) u ~. CM HI z H U) Pr cr H 0 I 0 MI Pi Ell ti iti i i .. , g ' nd . 4 i '‘ J co rii 1.3 tal to r , 4 t , ll= o o r Ps 1..7) 0 l a 3 • . 1 0 Q ta . b:.. c, 8 g g - g El 0 ti 5 0 ce . -..- a •,t,..- -...4 m to VI 0 4* t .0 , : 4. • -6: _ 0 - 0 E 5 t . - 1.4 e- 1 0 r ›- --, 02 .A...,_5.:1'713:W_ A. L P L 171 ( 1 1 ° NEW HARDWARE STORE !The most complete STOCK pF 810 VES Per,brogght wide. place, Meett6L6 .q CELEBRATED ONES, the Only 4ge . rit. in lowanda MORNING GLORY, Which are, without exception, the t Heatiag &twee zrwtke. lam olio agent for the Cook' es OUR OLD HOME, - co co ti And they cannot . be Excelled. Platform and' Counter .Scales Keniette Oil, 1 I alao keep constant' y on hind 'a e.urp:ev STOCK OF HARD WARE Springs, Axles WI Nail Rods, Arid all k Inds of Shelf Hardware, which be sold at the lowest prices. I would my to Iderclumts that I :will stsdl times meet Elmhu prices. Tiowanda. Oct. 22 1868. 300 CASES BOOTS & SHOES F' HUMPHREY BROTHERS Offer to tbelr fold enetome is and 'be genera', 1M IJ , NOT ONLY THE LARGEST ASSORTMEN7 GOODS M'MO' n. '1 El NORTHERN PENNSYLVA.VIJ 0 THE LOWEST, _it A TES! WORK GUARRANTEED! SHOES FOR LADIES, RECEIVE) TIE 6NLY SLYER MEDAL 0 et- Excellence of Manufacture Hungakan and: other Styles• Made to Order by Experienced, Ilorkuo. • Siddlery Department 100 HORSE ;.BLANKETS IEI Carriage, 4- Team Harness, SS AVEYOUR RAGS.-01;1 Paps" and Woolen Sego bobgbt by ALVORD h BABBEEt. • A NICE STOCK OF CHROEOS and Engravings at • - ?ROST& Issow reestOog at his No. 129 Main &re, be fond the followirg For which I am RATIIBONRI3 BRILLIANT, • BALTIM ORE ',HEATER, _ . GARDEN CITY, GOOD BAKED, ImemagtM3w Wicdow Glu; `at6, Dot 17, All of which - Jfcen - kfacturers Priceq To the trade Of all kin d 4, conilettog rri.ei Fences BErtes, - • Horne Stile Tin Ware AT -RETAIL public , EDT BEST /OR TH S Thatlean to found in The stock is oTered et i s And the EDWIN C. RUIIT'z MISSES AND CHILDREN, Awarded for At the PANS EXPOSITION 1867. JAMES M. BURT'S GOODS FOR MEN'S: WEAR, Either HEAVY OR LIGHT! CALF', OPERA,-NAPOLEON, OUR OWN MANUFACTURE In inll operation sad all goods In the BUFFALO & WOLF-ROWS TRUNKS, WHIN, V Towanda. Oct. 31. Huts. MEI