Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 14, 1869, Image 3

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Tun Tuma.—Tho- followitig fit the
•Time, Table ciibibe litimtnidimi2 Now
York Quid saciltail Road Ocapagr, milk&
took effect o Wady, Nov 23._1888:
lil.,i z r. . I 0 .1
P. M... :1 P. M. .
.... 1220 '
Aram ....610 • 12:45 856
Nam ..... . miss,
Ikaram 123......923
Zowisna,... 740 • 135 9:45
WAVERLY.... ..... 8:10 12A0 SAO
.YILMER 11:40 5.40
.747 11d7 627
722 11:19 619
tawmas. * :.4110 1050
L A. 31. P. IL
JOHN P.OOl, filupsixtfarkst.
Warrzo.—A good jounnyman .
Printer wanted immediatdg at this °flea
ie. The borough and township
elections in this Conniy.;tsks Plus on Fri
day next.
- Der The residence of the wet/a
l-ID WILXOT has been sold by the emanates
to Gro. Szrvzse f0r.58,500.
Wig. A writer in the Troy Deily
Times speaks very complimentary of the
Hornellsville Dining Salo on, kept by our
old friend and sometimes neighbor, Baena:
No hungry passenger ever emerged. from
that dining room, without leaving a beniaos
for the proprietor of the "best Railroad eat
ing house in the Halm"
aim` M. W. WanLoos, of Waverly,
N. Y., has in contemplation the erection of
a large Woolen Factory at this place, and
wo understand is ready to commence the
work of building, provided a suitable loca
tion can be secured. Such establishments
are the nuking of towns, and we trust that
our citizens will render every encourage.
ment to the project.
The -Quarterly Statement of
the condition of the First National Bank of
Towanda, which we publish this week,
shows a condition of things which must be
gratifying to the fortunate holders of ita
stock. The pank pays a half yearly
dead of seven itr cent. besides accumulating
a surplus fund of several thousand dollars.
TIOGA Cotricrr.—On the night of the
28th ult., Mr. Josue Wfrerroor's barn, in
Chatham was consumed by fire. Abort; 100
bushels of wheat, 15 tons of bay, and a
quantity of buck-wheat was destroyed.—
The fire originated by the explosion of a
lantern. Insurance $2OO. Loss , about $5OO.
--The Agitator says that the account of
the bursting of a shell at Mansfield, is a
HOUSE. BURNED. —The dwelling of
W. W. Rtsrsznooirs, in North Towanda,
was destroyed by fire on Saturday afternoon
last, with almost all its contents. The fire
was first 'discovered by Mrs. E., having
caught in the roof, apparently by a spark
from the chimney, and before assistance ar
rived was enveloped in flames. The loss
is about $3,000, upon which there is an
insurance of $l,OOO. Mr. E. is an indus
trious and worthy citizen, and has the sym
pathy of our citizens.
rte. The expected "January thaw"
made its appearance last week, and a feW
days of southerly winds; swept the snow,
accelerated by Warm rains, until the sleigh
ing, which was superb, is a thing of the
inst. The ice in the river moved off very
quietly, doing little or no damage, while
the freezing of Sunday night, stopped the
flow of water toward the streams, and al
layed the apprehension of a destructive
freshet. ,
P. S.—A copione rain on Monday even
ing, ending in an eight inch fall of snow,
and a freeze, has restored the sleighing.
—The, formal opening of this new and im
portant avenue, took place on Tuesday last.
It opens a direct route of travel between
Binghamton and Albany, and affords the
people of Southern New York and Northern
Pennsylvania, an easy and convenient route
to the capital of the State of New York, and
thence to Boston, and the New England
States. It also opens a large and fertile
section of Now York, hitherto sequestered
and shut out. nil completion is a matter of
interest to this section.
THE BLVE Coats, and how they
lived, fought and died for the Union, with
scenes anti incident of the great Rebellion,
comprising naptives of personal adven
tures, thrilling incidents, daring exploiti,
heroic deeds, wonderfnl escapes, life in the
camp, fiord and hospital, adventures of
spies and scoots, together with the songs, •
ballads, anecdotes and hnmorons incidents
of the war. •is one of the most readable of
the largo min:thee - of books that have retail
fel from the ;ebeltion. It is splendidly il
lustrated with over. 100 fine portraits and
heautifal eagravinge. Mortars Curs, of
Ulster, is caficassing kettle work, and also
for 11.1.r.x.tnamt H. Srarninis' "War Between
the States."
M. The Commissioners of Brad
ford County have made the following ap
pointments for the current year:
Counsel—GEo. D. hiolvniaz.
Physician --Cuanza IL LADD
The faithful servioes and great experience
of Br. Comm:con make him almost a ne
cessity in the Commissioner's Office, and
render his re-appointment a matter of
eanrse. ` •
We-take great pride in referring to
the fact that there is no County in the State
whose affairs are so prudently andeconomt
eally managed as Bradford. The expenses
of this County are much leas than those of
any ether in the State of equal size, and the
County does not owe one dollar. A share
of the credit for this gratifying condition of
Affairs is due to 2112.. 0. who bait been eruk
bled from his experience to largely aid the
CommiSsioners in prudenily administering
•the County matters - in an honest and econo
mical manna.
ter. Rim, R. OarrraNors has shown
us a .sac simile copy of the first newspaper
published in America. It bears date Oct.
29th, 1761, and has been continued without
interruption or change of name to the pies
eat time. It is he amnedfild Courant, pub
lished at Hartford, COWL The paper had
reached its twelfth year before the first grim
of the Revolution was fired.
The Courant of Oct. 1, 1764. contains
some interesting items df news. We make
an extract or
"It is now out of fashion to pnt on
tuoriniing at the funeral of the nearest re
latie4mhieh will make - a oaring to this
pwri - of . twenty thousand ,sterling per an.
Another is
TO ONE MAN rs 01131 WZMlL—Plitahlhed II SOO
daY —lr:furled allcarday—bad a etuld a Tue.-
lay—stole a horse a Wedneaday—baniahed
a T hursday—died a Friday ---brutied a Bator.
in one week."
kV' The children's Malicia' Con
,,ution, of Ulster, Pa., will Illve its dolling
Kacert in the Town Hall, on Tbtosday
au.l Friday evenings, Jan. 14 and 15, under
the direction of J. McGasasasx. Music
from Bradbury's last work. Admittance
25 cents.
MIL Mr. N.M.lfam.,
Cboody Dionoortd.died
the 2nd bat; of onormaption._
iffylani. Mfr. koidnin Ikinok
lan of the ifteeited G r etttfe.' 4ket:*;
Johan _ _
stir Rev -F D. flo a pre ,a,
my able and vikoplintilinuoi Tooli
Men, in the Epi.ooppl tinny*, aid &many
inning bat to a hear triaMy ial Plow
trkitv'io Ate*
ten iWf, at the:lnnintio, . JSIL
22. afternoon aid - seeing: MI Ati Otte-
dully invited. • •
The Anew* have been 030-
gaged ke name days peak_
.beloobiag over
des COUnty roost's and
1868. Tha UMW: aketedlaal •da*
McKee, war 'swam ip,- sad the bl?F ir : I t
silts ot Meta& & Rade ifeed 1.
de" & 0 Stleviess wat'll!l**, the
people dais antalg moan as alarirjoduig
adtk erampagader and ireetaalm4 4 :en:
nfidel! "Oar Beaus and Que 4)
impute spilme cot car Attkinal
Asa; its celgia, beaskeleo,
laatitatioas, and meide r ered 4)1101.. 4
. sir At a meeting of th e • Bredford
000 34 died sochfir • bath •41 i rireaMbi'
illept.llsth 1868, the following atoms wire
elected for the Mining year.;
G. Trion Pice.Pneaste
Henry Oliver Ely, E. BL /body; PI
Tracy, lees Davis; armpits:lbw Bandari,
—L P. A ll en .RexmlisP rk s , Hoof
kayo ; Decenner—Geo. P. Baton ;. &more
O. Rockwell, E. &Everitt, i Oristavnsi
Conklin, Volnq Hornet, W. L, Claggett . • •
The meetings of this &mkt , are steadily*
increasing in interest and importances; high- ,
ly gratifying to all who are intarestedin the,
intelligent and orthodox practice oflmedl-1
eine, as opposed to ignorance and einpbri-1
clam. Its next regular meeting will be'
held at Athena, Wednesday, Jan. 18, 1814.
Mir &WU H. GODDAIID, a uoiduc
tor on a iceight train on the Nmthm;Cen
tral road, nltt with a very serious aejident
at Gillett's Station, on Thursday testi In
attempting to step upon the plafformiwhlar
the train was moving be slipped and fell
beneath the wheels, two trucks of till&
passed over his.lega before the engine ould
be stopped:
He was taken to the reatde ee of his w
enta in Elmira , where his leg was amputa
ted, and the latest. 8.000111:11.8 report him as
doing well.
Sons ox Tursitexcii.—The follow
ing officers have been elected and initialed,
to serve the present quarter, in Tcrilan, da
- I
Division, No. 103, B. of T.:
Frank Smalley, W. P.; L, 11, Woodruf,
W. A.; L T. Burbank, B. 8.; Chas. Ts4ker
A. B. S.; W. B. Shipman, F. ; William
Jones, Tres.; Clarence Shipman,; 00h. . ;
Chas. Parsons, A. 43.; With MagaziP; IL. I.
13.; D. D. Shipman, 'O. S.
We are pleased to state %gads Division
is in a very flourishing condition, andinow
numbers upwards of 100 active members,
and making additions every week. ' The
two orders-43. of T. and I. O. of G. IT._
have just fitted up a spendid half, at tooit
of over 1600, Moutanye's block.'" which
does credit to the Temperance (sum j
MaeoNic.—The following officera cf
Canton Lodge were installed by Geo. D.
Moirratma, D. D..G. IL, on the 28th hist
W. IL-0. W. Landon.
J. W.—W. W. Whitman.
W: Clark.
Tres.—D. P. Elliott
—At en election of •Trojin Lod"
306 of A. Y. M.. held Deo. 26th, 1868, ,the
following °Moen were elected :
W. M.—R. 0. Kendall.
8. Wd—Aritin Mitchell..
J. W,—Thos. Maxwell.
Treak.E. vaiuline.
Seey.—Delos Rockwell.
8. D.—Ghee. Colony.
J. D.—J. M. Williams.
8. M. o.—Randolbh McKean.. .) •
J. M. O.—W. H. McLelland.
Pursuivantßobezt Young. -
Tyler—W. O. Chilaon.
—We have received a bound copy of the
fireOvolume of the "History of Pennsylva
nia Volunteers" from 1861 to 1865, prepared
in compliance with acts of the begislature,
by Samuel P. Bates, member of the.hiskiri
cal society of Pennsylvania. • • •
. From a cursory glance at the general fea
tures of the work, we bellevelt fully meets
the general expectation of the public. The
first volume numbers • 1327 pages, and is
embellished with a frontispiece worked in
colorseof the different army corps badges,
and fire liccurately drawn maps interspersed
through the volume.
The record of three months' volunteeM,
under the President's call o'f April 16,1861,
for 75,000 men, has been prepared with
great care. W&feel, from the examination
we have made of the history:of our volun
teer organization during the war, that the
Seat volume of the work for accuracy, clear
ness, impartiality, valuable informatioP,
and mechanical execution will meet 'ilk
hearty approval not only in the minds pf
the general public, but will elicit a ARUM;
of general satisfaction on the part of s
ded majority of those living whose names
are recorded therein.
Spuiat Nclfiwr.
41T Loam & and:examine
snipes and quality of their Teas, Coffees,
agar and Rout whioh . they offer: cheep for
Jan. 14:-.4t
Loaf.—A black and tanimp, abont
months old, weight 10 to 15 potmde, ears
anditail cropped, and double bunting els*
on each hind leg. A liberal reward will be
Ripen for the Dog or infarmatioa leading to
A. M. WWI& '
Towanda, Jan. 13.-lw
11.tuumsanta.—Miss 0. A.
would respectfully inform the Ladies of T
wandamsd vicinity, that she is prepared to
fund*, them with Switches. Curl. suid
Frirsette. Hair-Flowers made to order +.
Kiss H. isstopping at the rAddeuee of/es.
V. Wilms, mils& Street, where she
remain for three or four weeks.
Towanda, Jan. IL-3t
imp,. - rime W. & G.,end Aimproir
ed Howe Sewing Itaebinea .at the store
Solomon 4 Wolff, owl door moth of T o
& Co'i., TOWSSIdat All
Stiteldag. Braiding, sad Embroidery done.
Meablaes to mat
Jam 14.-It W. S. icamen, Agent
14 tO caution
wpm lipase 'drain& trusting, Or Ur.
boning my aon Wm. G. Mile" a boy aged
19 years,. as I wish MI to totem home. -
J. Vt - Ownwow.
Moan% twp. Jan Z 1888. - ,St'
- _ - •
Partnen&fp heretofore existing under the
Inn name of D'A. Overton & Qa is this
day &solved by mutual cement.
• Jas. 3L Wan;
• ' Ara, Dram.
Towmilla, Pa. Dm 31st, /888;
The impious of the - late arm mu nono
after be °mauled by Wasp & Drnm, who
will pay all liabilities contracted by D'd.
Ormaren & t7o. upon Feeet to
whom all debts &Wean linar, to be paid
—an immediate settlement is tequsW&
Wasp ,
Cu I. ;
Duik ,X 2,6915
abir %Oil and AB7B Mk.
TAW TODAlr.liotai_on - r *,34487
sum citottiorlistioNalliakCf . We
hsetkesl .
tau 37
=Mid& -...;•....;.......-. - 82.000 00
Cireeletisol -, .........`.i.i , ....-...". - U4425 00,
&divided Deposits .. - • • 149,857 -.87
sij osite
Wild litetos .... .. 149,358 fiT
Due Noticed ;.!,,-.. . :-.... , .385 28
Dividends am .... , ..1..,;:. .. .
•Proatead:lessi;;;;.;;.4..-; - ..i.. : -8,097:98,
- - ..; • i,4
' •"- --- •
- - -, T r.: , wok 29
I. N. t item, J lcid tea of .the Mist
National' Bank •Temecula, do sokannly
swear that ,thip. above , statemient is true ter
thelest of my knowledge and belief. - , •• j
• _,- ,
an ..' -, L14.17. - -Butrrear., Cilablet..
• throne d ' 'before me this 6t h day of Amen, 186* \ 1
::. W. 11..-W Amemn, Scotia Public:
semi annual dividend of seven per cent.
freed all fates pal N 0 ,441868: :-
1 I rmalMlsrocTrige.—We rat.
the speeded attistetkee of our readers to the.
Lecture appointment. for Western Bra&
ford, for Us', State Lecturer, lien. ha. A. \
I)Avusom who banes I teeputatknebf being
°nett the ablest . charapions in the great
Temperance Manallalltof the day :
Tom likereday, Jan.l4lth t
tinsel; Tuesday Jim. 12th ;
..Nosk's Mtllm.Wednemiley Jen. 18th ; ‘
Dunnings.i Thursday All. - 14th ; .
.. -
Bentleys' Creek, Plidty Jan. 15th ;
KW City, itaturday I .16th : -
Smithfield.. lkmday I 17th ; ' .
" Monday J Bth ;
, Springfield, Tuesday an. 18th;
Leona. Wedamday Aix. iNkh : -
Westßarlhmtom, Thmeday Jan. illet. •
BeS. in,' Mom Fiddly Jan. 22nd ;
East TroT. Beturday:Jan. 28rd ;
Granvilletkmtrs, liunday Jan. 24th ;
- 4, kloadaygin. 66th; e'.
Mb., Tuesday Jan. 26th ; . .
Edenton,A Wednesday n. 27th ;
Leßot t r adin. nerega4 , 22th : • :
Wirt Faldny J an. 98W ; •
Peanklingak : Jan. 30th ; , ~
monrostan.pliontisy _ Zk i t d t; -
Barsky. Tuesday Pab i l le ;
- Towanda, Wednesday b'y Srd ; -
Pastors of Churches the above named
localities will plume ann ante the time and
place of Lecturing fret their pulpits. :
By Order Of the Gi W. G. T. ' ,
W. Pan; D. D.
1 for Bradford Co.
Jan. 7, 18*
• . ,
,ifir Trial! List for February Term,
1869. i „... 1
mown , ,_....... ' •
Stowell vs. Oliver , I. • issue.
Decker et. al. vs. Long . 4. al. Issue.
Mingos vs. Pollock's hens eject.
Smith vs. Storrs et. aL . 1 • .. tree.
Vanderpool vsl vonderpoo ' . rep.
Obilson vs. Sweet et al' i ---- . rep.
Smith vs. Hudson et.-aLI • tree.
Garde, it Co. is. Marren et. al. 1 case.
Gibson vs. Galleyi 1
Pall Greek 0.4 L Oa. v 5 . 1.1. M. Smith.tree.
• , THUD was",
Wing it Mitchell vs. Wells it.Blixul... case.
Van Lorn vs. 'Ladd
.•• .. -., . . a p,
McGill vs. Towanda Twp , ' debt.
Green vs. Bnrobard et. al. - t ' ...tres.
Malaise vs. Blood et. al: ap.
Pattehaor - •
iatterson vs. griffin et. al tree.
:Sackett vs. Spencer & C 0—..... : - ...eject.
Goodrich vs. Smith case.
Wilcox vs. Ayers ' . rip.
Wren vs. Ball ' ' rip.
Lawton vs. Layton . cue.
Jana= vs. Vanderpool: • ap.
Ball Vs. Griffis -
Brown vs. Allen . .1. ..... .1.... ... • .case.
Briggs vs. Nichol; • ' ; • tree.
Sulrpeonas for Second Week returnable
on Monday. February Bth; and for :Third
Week on Monday, Februarils, 1869, at;
10 o'clock A. M. • • Ws. A. Tnowas,
dark. 13. 7 }Prothonotary.
MS.. List of the n lities of Eitrsons
drawn to be Grind and Travera Jorors for
February Court.lB69. " 1 • -
maim ar able.:
Sherman H Cole, Albite; • Philip P
Sweet, Burlington ; Rob rt B ailey Gran
ville ; Noble Leavenworth,. Herrick ; Thee.
dere W Brink_ LiteldielU Henry , Gibbs, ,
John Cowles, Orwell ; my B Taylor.
Pike ; David G. 4 Gilbert, i e n ly Peterson,
Bidgbiny ; Francais out, -Charles 0
Elliott. Litchfield ; W` Lattimore,
John Taylor, Tusearora ;1 Lemuel A Taylor,
Troy boro ; Edward Case", Troy twp. ; Vii,
Liam K Hill, Towanda i hero ; Alphonse
Loyd, Henry Brown, Levi P. Stafford,
Wyalusing ; Morris J Cenlbaugh,. Wysox ;-
Goo H Dimon ' Wilmot; I George Coffin,
Windham ; Otis.llamilton,' Warren.
Taavxsa.niawas—lir wan.
Geo Burcbard, John H oley, Isaac Greg
-07, Timothy Hireen, Athens twp. ; Bate d
Miller, Albany; ' Hartsell Culver, Asylum;
Sloan Boss, Burlington twp.; John C Tomp
kinson, Thomas ' Blackwell West Burling
ton ; Horace Ballard, Gorge rge It Corey,
Columbia; William Patrick. Charles W
Landon, Canton twp. -1 A - Vanrenseller;
Trout. Samuel Benedict, 'Canton borough;
A' W Gurney; Granville ; ; grades Sill,John
NCsbit, Renick ; Doughui McCraney,Lelis
Darling, Leßoy_; George - Morse, Litchfield;
Hell' Samuel Lyon, Wm A Kell ,Monroe twp.;
Slimes P Cowles, Isaac ' arsh, Orwell ;
Horace B Chaffee, In Stone, Wm S
Davies, Pike ; John B. Parc 1, George Carr,
Ilidgb ; Edwin A . lii , Rome tip'. ;
, Sylvania' ; James" Espy,
J ' Stevens, Standing Stone ; James
Mattock, Spnngfield ; Orrin D nu m.
, Sheshequin ; John A Codding, Henry A
Ciry, Towanda boro. ; Giles F Velier, Troy
biro. ; Andrew Jackson, . Edwin B White,
Terry ; John H Black, Willitun Snyd,er,Tus
carora • Edward Lockwood Ulster ; John
B Hind's, Wysox ; Paul Huheinger,Leander
2 i
pa t
Gamble, Wilmot ; Saniuel Chaffee, War
ran. .1 . ' :
Ci P= BS— Wl=
has H 8 • ,N 0 Harris, Athens
bozo.; Horace M • "John H Murray,
Athens twp.; Benjamin' Wilcox, Albany ;
Christopher M Bellenapp,' i Barclay .:. Job
Iforley,Burlington bozo.; Mbrtimer Knapp,
Borlingtoti firs t ; Francen 8 Elliott, Mu
ton ; . Win L on, Fra nklin .. ; Hamilton
IfOrroir, Berri '; Ilhee B Stone, Le-
Rciy ; Munson Munn, S mi th D Barnum,
Litchfield; James Blrvine;' es W Irvine,
Monroe twp.; A Griswold ewe, Lafisp ,
ette G Pendleton,' Geo B bie, Carlos J
Chubb:wk. Orwell; Jam Ford, Pike ;
Salyer Fuller, Bonito. tripi r ; Harmon W
Browning, /tome bolo.; Joel Adanis, James
Yerkes, Springfield.; Samuel Osbornz She
ahequin ; A N Thompson,' South Creek;
Percival Powell Win 0 Bogart, Towanda
boro.; Charles 0 Paine, Troy ; John B Roil.
ton, .1 H Horton, Terry ; Ethan B Tuttle,
Ulster ; J Myer ' Reed, Wysox ; Bascom
Taylor, Wyslusing • /oil Finch, Wind-
-mums its
Henry Westbrook, Asylum . ; Alexander
Elsbree, Athens tn. lisdphEttenns, - A!-
bait ; :Thomas Behutemn, Anneals ;11rdber
D Gamage. Westibulington ; Ezekiel New
ase, Canton boro.; ftm., BookweD,
Canton twp.; Bock*John Lents,
Franklin ; John Bayles,
Granville ; Stanley-W UW vid
84 Leßie ;
John McKean; Litchlield; Mules M Brown,
Joseph Johnson, Mr= W I Yarthrop, Mon
roe twp. ; M M Coolbaugh, Monroe bon.;
Lather J Pendleton. Orwell ).14 , 2
. uspp Bunk
WmHumplerey.' Bradford um',.Pike ;
John W Woraltaut," . Brune Anin
Fuld* A .Willhlre Bari. 'Orrin Pliark
ness, Springfield Melba Dullock,l36llll
- ; &maim Ackley 4itthilaillg Stone;
Bartholomew Lane, TcArands born . ; R
Mercers% Ulster ; Johe l pg, - John
Vaughn, James Glylord, g; Haw
id a h paling, WthdlUart ; IIPM II ,
Philip Born, -Wag litinCilt
...Um, - Midas/A, Ann na 0
--- 1
' PLUi
Poixea,-As the - eapaitnathip landidare
orbiting between Martial 4. - Frideraile.
aolS4 the utotereigned_ ay that he t
is prepared to banish Mar 4 "School. and
Pastor Organs and Itelodemus s from the beet
lianufaetarers at great¢zedtteed *ea.—
Pall utietaotion- guarantied in evay,te•
spat, and may Inetranisit 'warranted far
Ateleent. . Ile is also pearlized to thrsdah
Piano Porter hem the beat Near York or
heirs Itanufatearsat ced;psimm-T
Any ordere_br nail prom *add to. :
• Am. 4. 13011:4'w - ' I. Peasant. , ;
i •
raiz IterrAtriurr.-:—GI
.prositiotar.: Webs iservaiioXl Wink
In tong' akik_TOOL
Raider Alhombotheir Aftww7, Main
%mg& Dees.
1;5 119 , 4 63 4tl
'ha ditisbetsrlisidllirrir-- , ,
'Veal W"‘
• knocilmeliAl: , ;-- 1,
106014-Orl ind o uud
rtir i virtidtityrstesifta t it
dead foe elsoulars e
will seat Mosta
'- • - -sitsclUaD )(sisal:l=o4 f
Gam .
• 40 -
lia7l -46142 10/ 11 k O aMP*O 11.0 6 nby
4 df kw's, !Net *Ali% gyp' ;
or hie sate putdorith lksups,
bern...ehop 414 stow tritic good& Per
beypsatiteulare tuvliss 4 thcbCoooo-
' • hunt
Most Waures;litsdford mus% Ps.;
--014 211,,48880—die
• ,
A H Fos. EtAta.4
wdetzed.2o6o6:barma.tiiteseitzge.isiosz ,
to good sebobla.WidsessetttlosetieT.Z
The house is um just daddied - fnue top te
WU= ie prat ohm sidle; For Anther par.
*Weis enquire of D. 'W -Bern. tat, tln
Scoodost. • rcnouldie Oct WM'
7.z, 164 - 24
- 2:Titton, iersit
Grq Norio At NOR* aloft and Cniiff•
A, • aside' width- -et ein p i i s
heathy: and effeetasel foe- the
hat., pug Ariiiismisiond ile
'MOW eatervigh imikreandfraisms, 6 9
Thin hair la hair
checked._ 'sad baldness. ollen; Use* not
&MIA- ;Wed brits ilea Nothing can re- I
Months hair whersithe follitbm ere destroy
ed, or the glands' atrophied -and= dime&
BO such remeht eau be Mad" toieueltil
am: bk Ude epplicatlee, Instead pointing
the half !Mt a pudirsedllnattt o
and vigorous. Its occasional tun
will meant the hair from - birsdoggety
falling off,' fro m utedl pairmt
ness. Pie those delster 'abider'
ass which make some preparations
qiis Mid ixduriois to the - hair, the Vigor
only benifit but not harm it: If wanted
merely for a \ hair dread* nothing else
Gan' be foundso desirable. Oontatidlig nal
lluir oil nor dye, it does not soil white cam.
bric,andyet lasts long on the hair, giving it
a rich glossy lustreand grateful parttime.
Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., Free:
Price $1
Mal and A
00 nalytical Chemists, Lcnvell,lifass.
~ _ _
Sold by br. H. 0, Porter Towanda, & all'
Iheggits t. Dealers in medicines every
where. • • . • Nov. SO, 1868.7
DOUGLAS—RILEY—it Montrose, Penn.,
on Thursday, Jan. 7, by Be,. Henry A.
Riley, Rev. Ittiniamin J. Douglas, of Co.
lumbia, Penn. ' to Julia 8 ., daughter of
the o2ciating clergrmaa. •
Parsonage; Jan. 4 by the Rev. J. A. Roe
seal, father of the bride, assisted by the
Rev. Wm. Harris, Edward Overton, Jr.,
of Towanda, and Colette Therese RoatuteL
31, by . Rev. IL J. Crane, -Francis Arden
Craze, of Athena, Pa., and Miss Mary E.
Schouten, of Waverly, .
W. I. 3 arkhurst, 'Esq., Mr. William Tillot.
son, of Leßoy, to Miss Hattie Eaton, of
. •
. ,
PARKS—FORBES—In Rome, Jan. 6, at
the residence of the brides father, by P.
Forbes, Esq., Charles W. Parks, of Or
well, to Miss Sally Jane Forbes, of Rime.
WINNANS--DIBBLE—At the M. E. par.
nonage, Orwell, Pa.. Deo. 25. 1868, by
Rev. A. O. Sperry, - Mr.' V. C. Winnane, of
Meshoppen, t4r Miss 3L Z. Dibble, of
PAYME—COMPLON--11 the .Parsonage;
Monroeton,' Deo.- 13, by Rev, Hallo&
Armstrong,' Mr. 0. S. Payne, to Mies
Henrietta Compton, both Of Franklin.
McLEN- , WOLFE—At the residence of Mr.
Geo. R. Wolfe, Mec. 30th, - by-Rev.-Hal
lock Armstrong, Mr. S. M. Helen, of
Towanda; to' - Miss Lizzie Si Wolfe,' of
Towanda Townithip.
MASON—DIMOCK—At the residence.. of
the brides mother. Dwe 3l . - bY Hey. Hal.
look Armstrong, -W. A. E. Mason, of
Monroe, to pas Ella O. Dimook, of Arty
ldnti . *
VOBE—GREGORY—In Athens, Deo. 24,
at the house of Mr. - Johpelark, by Rev
T. J. B. Haw. Mr.- William S. Yos% of
Spencer, N. Y., , and Mimi Josephine L.
Gregory, of Athena, Pa. -
BENHEM—GOODWIN—At the. residence
of the brides father, in Pike, on the 234
inst., by . Rev. W. 6. Heaton, Mr. E. N.
Benhem and Miser Lydia A. Goodwin,
both of PikeTownehip, Bradford 0o.; Pa.
BELMBOLD.-111=13.—Der.. 10. 1.868,by
Bey. S. V. HOVey. Bev. J. K. Helmbold,
of Dateville, latzerne Co., Pa., and' Miss
Henrietta E. Miller, of Albaray, Bradford
Oa, Pa.
Ngu 2brialistmtrits.
so tirvs Name—That on the sth day of
Januaro, A D. 1868. a Warrant in Rail kraptcy
was lamed grated the estateof Andrew B Col
lam, of Falls twp., fn the County of Wyoming,
and. State of Pennsylvania, who.bas been ad.
jedged a Bankrupt on his Own petition ; that
the paymenrot any debts and .tellvery of any
property lo
bengingto such Bankrupt, to him,or
brills nee, and the transfer or any property hy
him are forbidden by ldw •, that a meeting of
the creditors of, the said 11:ntrapt, to Prove
their Debts, Ina to choose one or more Assign
ees of his E'tate, will be held at a Chart of
Bankruptcy, to be holden at the Office
P R c eg . ibse th of Toirmi of
_t o h . e
rfornEDeWRD OVESTON,Brdßeogister,
on the 20 day of February,. A.D.. 1069,- at
o'clock. P, tf- • ' • -
THOMAS A . POWLEY, U. S. Marshal
Jan. 14. 8y.E.13. COotaAuan, Deputy
The matter of the Incorporation of the -
Terrytown Cemetery Association, have been
preiented to the Court of Common Pleas of
Bradford county, praying for incorporation and
such incorporation will be granted on Monday,
Feb. 1, 1869, unless cause 'be shown to the con
trary. . W. Ai THOMAS,
/an. 12,1869. . Prothonotary.
by given that the following application for
Licenses for Taverrs, Eating Houses and Mee.
obabt Beale.", have been Bled In this °Meet and
that the same will be presented 'to the Court of
Quarter Session!, on'Monddy. February 1, 1869, -
tor:the consideration of , said Court
P D Wilcox. Albany twi; .
Reuben stiles, East Troy, -
Allen McKean, Towanda boroug h . -
A K Smith.
Cyrus T Smith, " "
Shaba Bowman, Terry township.
Caleb E Coe, South Creek twp: • ,
.1 . 1. Pitt,
Seth Peck, Burlington Boro.
'Absalom G Reynolds, Smithfield twp.
Peter 'stammer:Standing Stain. ;
P.M Jacobin,
EATING 11001116
l'bomao Whalen. Torianda borotigh,
Fit z
zg oo er n ,ht. .. I
Corbin & a ll,Wrainsing tarp. -
Jerenibth'Eliektnon Varner.
W Robin, Towards - •
Kitchell. , Parsons Ac Co,. Troy borough.
',Jan. 14, IEII9. W.A. 211011AS.cklit
G-•- B. - pza, MILLWRIGHT &
, • MACINIBT. ThwAsna, Pa. Kin built
and Kemp ad, Engines and Boilers • act in the
beat manner. I would
_call the ittettion t of
NEW_ VOI WATER. TittilElt .
- As combining ail the elements; of a, Enact ass
matter, simplKty - of constractkia, seeessibit-
Ity, greater strength of parts.- develophsg the
greatest amount of power toi wider aged, easily
; repaired, running under backwater with no dett
Lenient to power except dimbsition of bead, re
quiring no alteration 112 Min faunae or addition
to Mane, will . Maunder low head; and made of
anrdesired - capacity . - These • wheats will be
furnished atlas than one-halt the colt of any,
tither listclits wheel In 'ma ,rhat' and warrant
ed to perform ail th at la claimed for them...; ,
These wheel* will be made for Military witli at
without cores, =Abort Iloilo' of the .best tra
litnarket. - -
,- fPpr bill particulars address or etrealre — of $ll
undenignal: • = .G. B. PECK, Towanda, Pi. .
• . P. ere wheels ma be seen in
'alleles". "Horton it Walla' MU, Towar i
The wheels arewhlly composed of Iron steno
made. . ::- .
-.• - - . Jan. /41,184110,4 f
0 142
iitipidilito of -the COltege of el*
einiitiV. Mir Tort city. Ohs 11141-1-,
grimly.. &Unlit* to_ the mak* of his
1110,1 Of OlVell ai llr ea" " lb°
u, task
"1.41:44, •
xr?4 ..f l4yoyr ,
0 - C1 MAO aiti4Z
%Oa: 6
:6 • WAI,L4I; .; • 0
, 4
• .."
Lawn . Lant.
' •
SILVEri t r LATILD W 844,12'
" r
. •
•9 ••• 9.9
t 0 42,, , 11
1 : •
AI ' •
! • • t
• -1::
w.19414.4,,1iLA01C.. '-
Respectfully infovpi the pit"; Oka they-iiiip
Plaichased lLi ne>• and. extensive Steam Mote-
ins vau, tat bl Grildtbi; Wells Waterer,
la Miscall' part of Obi bark pt 3binada,
414 haing all the waders haprtnemenn, land
competent Millen . they are prepared to do
, .
fit th e bat s tororlblo manner mid at
short not*: Everi pains to give
ontiotaction, and no bolts a public trial.
Farman Air Weirs 111: town errilOni
their g
amin, and here it peund to take back
with these. •
Por sale st the tweet cash pelts!, and delivered
any part of , the , village free of charge. -
.Tovaadi . 4 Nov.ber 10,11168.,
ANTHRADITD AND Dittridriiol7l3
The undersigned having leased the Coal Yird
and Dock at the, old " Barclay Basin," andJci-t
completed a large Coal - I ilouse'andlHOce upon
the premises, are now prepared to famish the
citizens of Towanda In 4 vicinity with lbelitt
• erentddids and ekes of ohs abort nam ed coal,
upon Shaman kmeareal4 ,
ant quanti
nether ty desired. Meer at - the; Yard until 'father
• .
laritir' BEE ` ' • ' ; ` '
llama Egg ,
L. 60.0 ,
Stove, - • r * 0425
Cbeznnt„• 5,50
• • liarelay".L;Mp, 440
. '••• Raw Mice., 4.00
Pine r Blacksmith - • 3,50
The following additional charges - IW, be
Made forleUverlng Coal within :the Bomugh
- .
Per T0rr,..50 chi: extra for carrying 14-50 ors
Ralf T0n..35 ''• " 21
e mitter to es is 411 et 'es 25 le
n. Orders must In ill cases beaecompanied
with the auk.
• ' WARD k 'DIVE: •
Tewmida, Jan. 1„,1469.-41. , •
Capital Represented over $27:000,000,
JOHN W. NIX, Agent kr the following well:
known Companies : '
'North America, PhiLidelptils,... 3 2,1/01,268 73
Phosnix.orilartford,....,. ~. .. 1,234,196 41
Germania, New.Y0rk,.::.....::• 876,816:51
Home b. Co., New Elmo .1, 6 / 9 0/11 31
North American Fire In. Co., of
New York. 466A00 d 1
Mutual Life, New Turk, .00 - 300 -
Hanover. New York .. 806,83& 79
We - write pond/sin the atone reliable emir,
ponies - at the lowest rate, and the losses,if any
adjastad at Ibis agency. Particular attention
'Arco lo Propert.s. northse at his law dace.
m kte• car's new block, side public square
Towanda, Feb. 20,1868. • ,
MRS. 11.0 L MRCS.'
Presents hermit to the ladles of Towanda; with
a very choice selection of goods, and is ca
ly confident of being able to meet tad jingly
discriminating taste of sack as may do hakhe
honor of an szamlnottolt of her stook. Think
ing her former patrons ror, their &MOM, she so:
Mita a Ixontintwooe of the same. Fluting ,done
beautifully and on the Shortest notice. doo me
overlJoben & Rosenfield's, Rain Street.
Towanda, Oct. 5.1868.
Bast quality 'Winter 'Wiest tionu oar
hundred 46 60 40 441 guilty Rie flour per haadred. • 400
Corn Neal aad Bpi and Com Feed 276
Buckwheat roar, jeer hundred. - 4' 40
fair :Flu allowed to des era. We i F
each kw , IWhrat t 6 and $2 OD..
pod, $1 .lElathibest 80 cents. Catkin.
Custom grlndfreg aerially done at once; as the
of the!-Is. nalleieat. a large
amount of work. H. B. DIGHOII.
Campkwro,"Taa.l4, 1849. • • T
F tr:R s, IT* EE
151! , ..W GOODS I ;NEW GOODS! •
1' OP. lI.LAR R les
. o .• I
C • •
nstati,ng of
.•, • ,
i l
' • •'' ".- , • ' 1 - , -- -'.F. • ' '
'mititoiig Pronatik RAMS
,iniotagni i ik Fiono.•kii Teeribody.'
a. OMER li:. 'ABSORTIIpNI! Filltb(lll7R4
Relied to IM. Market, flave tie beet tapiebe.
tent la the eeeisk?trvezig lbellqiisalleoarOwa
111#0M wo -.
2":.• ; '',:-3, '''•.l-, .:;:,: '',.";
REP.4IRING iND" ;mat
Donis. odek - sa •tweisibi 2.
Irian la ;be bastion t i co awsieswimlo
pious oil wito patrOsist mi. • 1 . •
;Don't lorpt &es:, rtit';• 151 .'Xim
tio dobro' otottlrof aamftwililock. Ton*.
,II.oTAYLOR; '2llBAiona*fpio_
=xi, Drum. • Ward' base, .Tateutan'i Pa..
keeps .eanstan ai t_ on head eat askicia 'order
an biads. of
Work, nth as Switch", 'Purls,
Balder. ttheets i • I.4Ws_ Prost nem, MID,
Toupees. Watatihni, Pay' , Mee Makers and
oinatnentallialeirnek tican sAad•
taxa the =tamer. ,Pantleatat t rd
la the Chttliag and Dratabag
Blithest market prtee *ld forks! r.. -
Towanda. gm 24, •• ' . ,dal,
;thi,‘„,, aNB or_wßlT"
"4'.l '
..A.11141P,111 I,AWRD BA
`ytd .
"PON I VEL,Ia ; • AC: - 4 :104
olF l7 i'lim • - (6 ,: k .41 ?;r1firg00r. 7,,
4 •
t W ' MAME
- ,
'- • :
, 74 --; cr.4.F.2 . 5.-111:114.Mn firfillets
1 1, :r IFIRAVIWr.O4III: 11 1 1 . 11 R ' g". ' .
..XYZAr4,I.4 . 4:2 1- te
4 u.
Pasch Yetiao's Emma
• -
St r i t 5 11Z.
Vtatilt: *lnlet! CORK 44111.
• '
4A4,) .
ad./it - r e i t .
. 3
; ,Cte1 41 . 1 9Ing‘OR
ti . 44+5 , 1r ,
•P- •,
llkka a r' BARGAINSt7
pow - srAi
Nclif left Ittelti rtrif4y
a ,r.
Good for Ladien.
Coutpeall the iiiattshis sad fashisnie
VelleteseeAls. - Peek Astri
ap Vearb• , •
Molt and Co•iolonst bonsai', Eras* Cost:
ings, English 'Monona, Broodokotlui,
fnk Elastic andlanoy et '
SOB Velitient and n' NI Una
/MP Emden for 80111
wean now open.
Miami,in Axdius. and -White of
thaw Celebrated (}loves, win always be
found at of
_ f
In rind 6-AlrldthsA ply.
• . • INGRAIN.
. le• •
Towanda, Oct. a i IS6B. -
f) L T S'l
fa Snit T/4 1 / 1 1y, now offend by
- - POWELL & CO.
'ffowands, Oct: 6, 1868. 2:
POWELL a co., •
Desire to announce thaithe
will open and offer sale on
,nart - (October 10),
their stock of, Ladies • and
Children's. FANCY FURS
a large stock of which they
are notcr receiving. • -
Towanda, Oct. 6, IV&
Wt ha 'bet . iieveted muck time,
and .fiavo.oportd .110:.pait*
'PI,* our. !ifoPf BRoTiS'
SHOES ilfe largest, best, and
most _ gttractive _to _ enfound,
and ?fug "made our pur
**aid inimt
pf/pskir , manufacturers , inthe
-::. -,-, _.',' , :, - , , ,v:. -, .:-';'..7,1 -- (2, -, .- - ,:1 - :, , ,..-:•1-.!.._\-:.., , : 1 2, - ,, . '..
cOuniri.wo now °for Q. stock
of Ousioni' Ade .- Goods U
quailed, "bpth iniggnitiOai
4 -' .1 h
~,a ~unauy:
_ -
'&. CO.
I r. •
11 . 41 § A
' . :d al : ..'•,. ~ -....-.. •• •• " 4- ••••• •• "
~ . ... ,..
Fik 1,-- - , tikiallielt: "f 7 'ilk od
the . idiAbiOtio • • 111-Teemadt,
tanoti'mtlialllSDAT d
: 1 011. Nth;
INV it _ , .;m4tbit •Llethl doieribiw
ftr i. . lirt FIM - r ' llit a t
k , enfluse , , Aid by lands 4
'IL T _ ad I I ''.l Wernen vytth b,y bie&
of Jamie peblead i* lly Ands of !in.
Boetwksk. -• Contsi tti A 9 70 acres, mortar Mim
at deereelni Arith old frenied
• entehed ' tow— ~ ' 1 - --, .• -
Al6l)=One other lot,pleoe or parcel 0/ lean
slime MLld_t ._,_wp lead bone on' tbe north
i liPO - OMilierthildloti of -10aerie4 vet*
net; sonth and wet 'bg lands °llama.
Reside. Gondolas 114 acres, more or lam,
=MY Pereoll4,l!th i g t itimed dwelling
, a mum pinroue- It Ine s and
listen* belonging to was, theme. • • -
aelmd and taken in eseenltoo at the 'salt of I
Witt.;,ileittrrielr ; L ye,: 11. - ,,,C. pftp gel -S, .1,.
. italo--'ibe fillkoWing dean . bed lot. Pisa of
steel oflanditikien IC ianthileld township,
booaded as follows' r 'Valhi* land of Nathan.
Baldwin, east by B. P. Walker, south by Mk
.sad west by Wm..Cannee. (kw
rWlrefia kind! illiPsolW-, Saii4ol4 A
pro oil= aow f r uit trees snereea.
' Arta k
other lot . Weed Or Pared a
etull Illifitililistoon ta, tad boun b g
as fo l• .0k tbe nort it h by Oialli Ciillt-iiti., .
Hwang by hind of -. -.J. 11. Ell. on the south -lt
Illininot4antet Wilson. H. W. Pernik . and a.
ill‘Weinftttlikft*Urit Chita e.loti 'Won
toe west by land occupied by James Eintitb, bee
lag 240 feet on Chesteltstt ;in length, 1/0. feet
la width,:; Clontaising_2olloo squint feet more
Or letl,ali linproVed wham framed boost Writ
. Sebum and-egio essenumk • at the. Mutt
of Hrs. S. P.'
__ .41 vs: W. 11: - Green. i
ALSOc-The following described lot, pike ot
parcel of land situate lb West Baresgtft tern.
. aas followil -,North -by iaN ' Ofjene
McKean end Clinton - Ai tee on the
Frederick Cole andlleo. Goddard, on the sou k &
by it B.Montgretery,ste west by Calvin Neck
tie!. Containing 25 - acres more or less, abut
5 wee impreved, with iii log. hoe* an,: akW
frult trees thereon.. ',..-- z
_. _ . z
- &heed and taken in eit a M i t o t ir . Meru - it cif
IV 11
_. Carnochan's use v s..P Ayres. -
ALSO—The toll:rain, Int. plege at
Wigland situate Barlingkit: boroh,
as follows: On the north Men
land befouling- to the edge of Addison
Mu, deed, on the south by land of A.J.
Boss, sad on the west by the-Berwick ton***
4300berthig !sores of WWI ail re or hiss;dt be
proved, with a framed dwelling , house, framed
Um_ , and a few fruit trees thereon. - - •
Bend and taken In 'execution - at the seta
John A. Coddles vs': Hwy B. Hill. ,
ALSO-2 be following described lot, piece or
;Weil of land aitdate In sAnitntled 'township,
bounded u follows : North by the public
grounds, east by the nubile highway , leading
from Smithfield Cantu to Burlington, south by
land of A. Phelps, and west by land of M. Bul
lock. Containing one acre more or lea, all im
proved, with a framed tavern hook, 'framed
Mwn. and a few fruit trees thereon, -
Seised and taken, in nem:titre it tba AO, of
C. P. Wilson vs: Noah P. Tuttle. - -
. . ALSO—The following described lot,. -
of land.situale in Troy borofigh; bounded ' as
follows :, North by lands of the Methodist Ephs•
copal Chinch,' east by . Canton-at, south by lot
of Geo:L. Peck, and west by lot belonging to '
H. W. Peck. Containing about one fourth of
an acre, with a framed house, and framed barn
Seized and taken in execution at the salt o:
E. IL Beckwith vs. Asaph Colbont.
ALSO —The following deseribed lot. piecOor
parcel of land situate in Wilmot twp., bounded
as follows : Nortkeast and. Booth by lands of
Finch .I: Morrow, and west b„V Alba iiinslow.
Containing 76 acres and 83 perches more otters
aboat II acres Improved, With a
,framed house,
shanty, stable, and a few fruit trees thereon...,
Seized and taken hi execution at the suit or
John Horton's executors vs. Jos. M. Gamble.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or
pastel of land situate in Wilmot twn., bounded
as follows : North by land of John Jacoby, on
the east by land of David -Mabee. er, on the
south by land of John Fox, and on the west by
land of Hiram Horton. Containing 40 acres of
laid more or less, about 20 acres improved,with
two log houses,one log barn and a few fruit
trees tnereon.
Seized and taken in execution 'it the suit of
0. S. StowelPs use vs. Beulah Flak.: - •
ALSO—By virtue of two write of Ff. Fa. and
°Le Vend. Ex o. the foliwing described lot,
piece or parcel of - land situate in Asylum two.,
boundei' as follows,: . Beginning at a corner on
the bank' of the Suquehaans river north 35°
castle per. .. to a corner,
thence Horeb 86° west
20 perches to a corner, thence 11° east 20' per.
to a corner, thence to the place of beginning.—
Containing one sere of land more or lees, all
improved, with.. two .framed dwelling helloes,-
blacksmith shop, grist mill, saw nail, turning
lathe, machinery and waterpower thereon. -
ALSO—One outer !et, piece orparcel of land
situate in Asylum twp., afore aid, bounded as
foliose : ' Beginning at a white oak, thence by
land of Wm. Morrison, north 2° west 266 per,
to a post, thence ea 5.752 per. to a chostuut,
thence north 76° east 127 per. to a pine, thence
.south 50° east 200 to a black-oak, thence south
34° west 207 perches to a black Oak, thefts
west 200 per. to the place of beginning. Con
taining 433 acres more or less, and known as
the Sarah Morrison tract. The above two tracts
being the lime as described in deed recorde d in
Decdtioqk No, 66; page 266 Ac., of ard
County, about 150 acres improved, ith five
plank and framtd dwelling houses, 4 log barns
and few fruit trees thereon.
ALSO—A. quantity of land ltioas the
Cluster of islands. situate in the B nehanna
liver, in said twp. of Asylum, and opposite the
milts aforesaid.' Containing,. 16 acres of land,
mote or leas, about 10 , acr es improve . (No
Seized and takento execution at e salt of
Jacob Tome vs. A B. Smith. .
ALSO—By virtue of a writ of - FL. a., the
following described lot, piece or par of land.
situate In the Borough of Athens, bo ued on
the north by Malesta. east and south y lands'
of Geo. L. Eastabrook, and west, by Chester
Perk, being 23 feet on Maitre. and 'a 80 It
back. With two framed dwelling houses I hereon. I
Seized and taken in execution at the salt of
Henry S ti th' Wilnson. • -
ALSO—The follo.wie. described lot, pleases
parcel of land situate in Albany twp bounded
on the north by land of M. A. ladd,..east by 'S
D. &crises , south by WM. Bahr, and west by
.Geo. M unch and M. A. Ladd. - Containing 78
acres' more or less, about 35 acres improved,
with two framed houses, one framed barn, and
fent trees thereon.
• •
Seized and takeitiii execut% 'at the suit of
D. J. Ormsby vi. H. S. & N Wilcox. •
SO—Tne following described lot, piece or
parcel of land Murata in Standing Stone tarp—
and bounded on the north by lamb of V. E. 1
J. E. Piolett, ear. by David Dixon, booth by R.
A. Coolbatigla and John Vaught, and on the
west by Patrick Olsgarin. Containing 50 acres
mom or. kis, about 20 acres improved with log
house, and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at She suit of
E. T. Ellin vs. E. Il.' Dixon, Sterling Dixon
and Thoa. F. Madill.
.Towanda, Jan:4,1608. • ' Sherif.
Bradford Connty, No. S 9, Sept. T,
in the matter of the rotate.. of John Haverty,
deceased. ' r -
The Commottirealth or Pennsylvania t To
Orlando Beverly, Adeline Almin:
Almiia Beverly, Orlando — Haveriv guardian of
Salley Beverly, Edward. H verly, Azusa
B nnN y I E D eAlanm vin Ha -
v M er ar yA TWI v ayman B.
Scanlon' Boyles, .• Lu :Ands C. Boyles; Wallace
Boyles, Nancy. Bunnell; • Addle Boyles, r rank
lin Boyles or Irvine,. !Bleat dabber:dente of
John Eagerly, deceseed, and to :all other per
lone internated,MetiPS
You are hereby cited to be and appear before
the Judges of our Orpha Court, at an Or:
phan's Court to be , held at Towanda, -n the
Bth day of February; A . D. 1869, at 10 o'clock'
is the forenoon pt said day, then and there to
accept* refine to take the real - estate pf said
John Beverly, deceased, situate in the town
ship of Overton, In - said County, at the apprais
ed valuation put upon, It by an inquest uuly
awarded . by .the said Court. and returned by
the "Sheriff on the 12th day o Dec. 1868. to
wit 4 176940, and hereof fail not.
- -Witness, ' - bin. F. B. Streeter, at Toxin--
Oa the Ist day of January, 1569.
B, J. MADILL, Clerk: -
Jan. 5, 1869,
- .
atones is hereby given that all • persons
indebted to theostate of Orrin: Warner, late
orTarearorslep4. dm:l'd., • are requested: to
make immediate payment, and ill persona hav
ing claims against- said mime,
,mut present
theraluly authenticated for settlement;
.‘ . • - L.,
L'XECUTOR'S • NOTICE . .--Notice
is bereby given that aU iKmons Indebted-'
to the estate of . EUZA OQSBTOH, late of .
Towanda boro, are requested to make 1 sunedl
ate pa t, and all persons basing eb hies up
on said estate mast present them duly nth"-
_tiotsted for 'settlement. •
Rees ntors.
%.E9IITOR'S NO TICE... ; -Notice E
fif hereby given, that: all' , persons " In
debted to the estate of William Smytik
late of Orsurille„ deol. — are 'reputed to
make thunediste„payment and those haring
claims agoinsteald estate will present them dirty
authenticated for Isettlement:
. SETH N. Porsa. .• • ,
' is herebyxlmt tbst all Indebted to
,tbe estate or:LO=ZO' *044 late ot
Wysteetng tirp. - AreTenneeted to - nate inuisdi
...ate.Pal/mont, mithoni end th on eb a b is
laid edits must Ititeeettl these
.OrrantV ii tttated iettkutent.:' :
- • •81101115.- - " .
• Dee:l7 - "
7 • • Executeni.
rrnit of a11,k14 . 41, for sale la tho Barren
Boatiel. at Noo4llll linCE .
i.. lii3 caglgt • 41490 - RD 'F°
4 11. BARBRII-
hirliffai cd ad oNa , liked ' , . 7: 1 4EI
COM Of *sums eondj• thl 1
earthed of OWE ant. a •
e at
legg de er dee'daited g =stp., moo
wee o n the dd HA will
‘ r,
"atria Pike twp., atemeteld: la we
Begianlitg at pd is Abiseson's line, ewe
mouth. 67 6 sok6l-1411 Ow $ piss stamp;
thence south 3! wee ( laid of Bradley It
11117 - IATIL I N ci a l i Ztritg a,, ,,
il l zi
wed 1119 pet. to p....... wac ..,
the weimeaortlf SS seltit SON* a corner),
them meth 5* watt El pet. to te em,
117 S - 63 *--twwwwthea 4
== P 4370416 TX ki - id=
leek gonias.- Cantatas' 91 acme ead4 percbm6
more or all7mpopar
ALSO—One ' loc — pledi - °V pareel .of hat
' Mt '''. - 'PI2I , 11M3
. 4
H • --, ' l. ' ,• . 104 per. to a carrmr,
thence Ida 10 , 4 114 perches t i e lsed or
Brig., to a wow theme width west -76
per., Menai south 67* west di pr. north
AP want 611,100 4 :40CA N1 V1..t:
ttialagili timer 40
improvitterldthirose" *ad' IMINII6.
inp thereon, sad some halt trees. - - :
itliZ:other lot booaded as' follows
iirorneer:wiLiffigelifid:ilid the
lot, thence math 64* oast 40 24
Wlo a poem, thence Tpregia ised sooM
eld 41 pirm to 6 laka by lertme pis Iftelesing
ereek;theaed mirth WNW' "PM 'hi afilir,
thence with 621° west 39 10 "theme nor*
• Seinitild pet. Se a - PO W
itted It pd. Wit *Mee iefdlstler- vest
18 per to a hemlock. thence south 694° west 34
240 per, to a, come, and.,thence walk 624*
ens 70 per: fdpkterof besieging. A7ohtstning
114eras i tens or kW. _ ,
. .. 'MID be Old an Um.: bd.
a g stAmk down, 1200 , Old
It one. two and par emu sa i conno
matron, with inkiest . • , 1
Am 4 Via. ~ , Z - \ "t . ......,T. , '-',Goardl4 i -
(AMMAN'S OOUW I • flat— By
V . _.10 1 - 0 f 0 rt4t 4 40191 1.1 4 =Cal the .
POWS Coon ' Bradford IClenatp. the :mew ,
dyad AdealidetndelmetdielmelMAlllAio'd, '
WO 4 ./ngenjW l l/ loosest Wiliam& eagle
prendlW on saltidukT - .IAII. soth , Vinod
1 o'clocit-p f neAto following - deiceibed lot of
had sitoats la Orddil wp.‘afomea ki bounded
as followet North bg 'aide of 0 4 1.11eatoa
anal. Sexton:and the blgtimsy. ity, lanai
of W. Lindley Taylor, deed, solidi kg, memo
ri ll =fre al itie viniss . a r n=l7l ll o 614 : 6 4
or lees, a framed house, framed, barn 'kd me*
and thersoC . : ',, ‘" 1 •',•\ ‘ V ~
• news . -4i01) to - be' plid on the - propteig
being struck down, $5OO on confirmation of the
sale UM With* four Moathe Lb* ealter, with
Interest oaths whole, how oondrmatlon. and
die reedfne in' 12 months thereafter, with interi
est as aforesaid.
Jan. 1. 18a9
iiirta*of an order issued .out _of the Or.
pbn's Coury of Bradford - emit*, - the under
signed, administrator of the estate of John
Jones, late of .llMft, deo'd willmom arputr
Ue sale on the Oreniteft;on EATUBDAY,',IAW
11=869; at 2 o'clock p. m., the follesingle.
iot a : piece .or parcel of, land situate'
mater twit:, bounded , as; folloWs /kernel ag
ut , bOrneren the east side of the highway kid
fog from Towanda to Athens, , beititoonter KJ.
S. Smith's land. thence-y said; ft.l thls lends
easterly 133 feat to stake in Übe of Areal ; /11C4
Carty. thence.elicCarty northerly 71 feet to $
p_ost, thence sitsterly along pirate road of said
ftreartY: t 22 feet to the dud mentioned high
wy, thence southeilby.the Gel feet to
pine Of, beginnin g . All tin name
red witit a.
framed building thereon; formerly occupied as
a Hotel, and known as the "Earley Sheaf."
• • TERUEL-4100 to
n e r. b pakten prtgierty being
struck'dowo, - $2OO o..firmetlina of isle, and
balance with intere.4 In one year thereafter.-
, GEO. P. CA8,14 , :
Jai. 6.1869
virtue of an Order issmed oat •of um .or,
P g a n n ed 'a C ad d a ur i t n ioßodf
tCo n es t t y at e b bfLs •
Johnsen, deed. intact Asylum twp..will
at public ads On the uvulae. on 8,12 AWAYespos,•
JAN. SO; 1869, at .2 o'clock p. the following
described lot„of land, Bhutto in • TIM 'Urge
botuided as follows -Bostic by lands of, J. W.
Dennison. west by landifotßatanAl . Vashirpool.
north by lands of Josiah Johnson, east by bad
of Nelson VandetTook.. Con 4%14'6 . 0 postale
the Same more or icsa. .
TEltilil-150 to be paid at the time of strik
ing down $lOO at =audios of •sale,,earkall
of the bslancein alic months, the other half in
one year film daunt confirmation, :with Inter
est calla whole. balance die after. maim.
lion.: • • lIENRY.:IIIINJAMIN.
Jan. 5;1969. - Administrator._
%or virtue of en order I need ont• of the 'Or
phaiee Court of Bradfroll tioanty, the ander
signed-, Executor of . the est .te of James For.
men, dec'd, will expose at public sale, on the
orembles, on SATURDAY, JAN. 30th , 1202, at
2 o'olciek, p. in. the' followiw described lorof
land eituate twp.% bmndedu fel.
lows : Beginning ata carnet in lbw soeth line
of .warrant survey Non 1494, thenee by E. Pimp
eroy's lot No. 317, mirth 147 per. to_fs pe a t aid
*topes corner, thrice by /Janson Bat th's ISt
No. 303, east 125 per _ to a post and stood* eft ,
ner, thence by Able r Field's 10t,'N0.1115, south
147 per. to a post and stones denier fn the math
of warrant survey - Bro. 98S, end thence - wait 125
per. to the place of -• beginniti t. • Con
114 acres aid 135 per. more or less. Ex e r
from'the above one up on the south.* con
ner of said lot,tow In ponies:don of . Nor.
, .
• TERM. ,
8.—550 to be paid on Oty of sale, one
half on confirmation, and the Wanes ; n- six
mantis from
,Confirmatkm. with interest from
Confirmation. CHAS. CRANDALL,
Jan.s, ism 'Executor.
- ,
REGISTER'S No ti col s
hereby-given, that there has beekilled and
settled In tte-oftice of the &gigue of Wills, in
and for the county of Bradford :sccoilittl of Ad
minlatr ation npou the followin g estates, viz :
Final - account of - Andrew__ Royce' and Thomas
Harris, adm'ra of Francis Harris, late of Leuoy,
Fhad account of 8. W. Pain, guardian of
Daniel DeForrest,
Pima- account of Baldwin* Ryan and 81Wthel
Bowman*d m 'n of depths Ryder, late of Terry,
Partial account of P. H.• Buck adat'r oiffen
ry Pepper.late of Pike, deo'd.
Partial account of Chit'. F. Crandall, *Tardy-
Jag okecutor of Jame Forman, late or Arms
Mil. deceased.
Final account of IL C. Hovey, ,a fiver of Bus.
sell. McKinney, late of lUlster, deo'd. •
. ,Final account of Lucinda Conrad. administra
trix of Wm N Con deed, late of abesheguin
And the saute will be presented to the Orph•
sus' Court of. Bradford county, on Thurs d ay
Abe 4tb of February next. for confirmation and
allowance. -H. 7; MADILL,
Jan. 5,1887. - Register.
A UDITOR'S NOTICE.—in the =air
- ter of the utak of D. J. Ho, eon, dee'd..
In the Orphan's Court af Bradford County.;
The undersigned an auditor, appointed by
said court to distribute funds in the hand. of
admlniatator; of said estate: will attend to the
duties of his appointment at hlr office in Ithe
borough of Towanda. on THURSDAY, JAIL
28th, 1869, at 2 o'clock p. where all"persons
Interested will please attend.
Jan. 5, 1869.
11 To James limy Simpson.—No. 171, Feb.
term, 1868. Yon are hereby notified 'hat Sarah
B: fillipson hasapplied to the court of common
pleas of Bradfordro.for a divorce trom this bonds
of matrimony, and the said wort baa appointed
Monday, the Ist day of February 1869, at 2
o'clock, p; - ni., for bearing the Add Sarah falba
premises, at which time and- place you can at
tend if 'you think proper. MI. GRIFFIS
Jan, 1 ,1888. • sbestr.
.411%. To Sarah M. Edsaß.—No. 735. Sept, term,
are hereby notified that Stephen P
Edsall, your husband, has applied to the Court
`of -,Common Plena of Bradford County, for a
divorce from the'.bends of matrimony, and the
sold Court hatilappolptsd Monday the US day
of Febnua4, 1869, for hearing the said Stephen
in the prembiori at which. time and place
you AU attend
,if you think4ooper.
To Rinaldo C. Jewell.--No. 664. May term,
1868. You are hereby notified that Loretta Jane
Jewell,has applied to the Court of common pine
Bridtord County. fora divorce from the tan&
of matrimony, and the tam divorce _
bar appoint
ed Hoag. the lit day or Feb. '1869, at two
o'clock, p,.m., for hearing the said Loretta
in the premisee,at which time and place you can
attend If . you titink preper.
- WILLIAM imams.
• Jan. b. 1869. • . Sheriff.
To Bartonn K. Lithe".'.=l9o. lOW Dm term
11367.`z- Yon are hereby no titled that Lacy M.
Luther, you wife, baa applied ts the. Court of
Common Rlea of Bradfind cOunty,for a divorce
from the bonds at mittromony, and the Bald
court but appointed Monday, the Id day of
Feb,. 1869, at 9 o'clock p. m., for bearing the
laialkeY prendires, at which- that And
phcbr a P s !' lit tT 4 P s
JLI Liberally ghee that , ss . _ 2 as tideland
to MI. estate of HENRY PERENDEN, late of
=deed, us requested 'to make
. payment. and all hiving claims apes
said edits will (ram% them ddy henticatai
for settlement.
_KERIERE / 111i ;
) 1R- ROcatii iciettfrs. l .• •
.j ran,
a Sico . 1 30040
Admit- u s W 40%, et
11 /Wrick - irs musts& :s a g=
vitheet dela:, sakthemnieltU
add Mite alma peeseat th em say?
%dig settlemint.:' • • • • -
:3.;.•• -1, , , 4 17 • ' • •
41 - ' A. J
' 44 !' " ' •
....g.dhdiegr ! lblidit' lab*
••••• - .. h% .11 M r iti4 ra
-.• ta*si
. . -I )tibd frikalmeith
inabodadd beisiOut
,11000‘,. stalrorappllo : )e,
4 7, a c Vie:.
RAN - JEAKIIPUM — .7401%0L-r, THU vit. ,
Goy Irwriae.-220 Weir 4th ief -
eHt s = a : 146 tiumi L a surest ii lieerrootrr
the restgefillart MIMI,
14 iria t1e44, 1 8 Om watt of 004-
fent sof Mato o meth OS Ike Vied ,
adis4b4 Beskropt on Ids wolf :fsekivel , lber -.
iler.piresi of up/ debts sedieftwer teeny
to ftseh beakreptito bin -
1 1::% P netZettidertit of say property by
_VW s moist of-
LUIS °CU* esl4 maws" Jo wore
Their "Arld tothowe ow or nuserbufenees -
a hie •44114 brie et s en& St Mak-
7 1 44grilids Wake et, limveibeepif the
liortt i t i Mp t of.Towuris, Ps., %kw. gs.
•wa . .; es So 4th day of . - ,Febrry
1862; 040 , elisk, '4lV , ' ' = . . r- f
no*. ; ,,, ibliiiii, 6:IL litinil.
... ha. T. um . ,- LA Coetaseat;
B 2 1 ,•f OV, -ZIMICZ- ' 'Tam 46
' - ettArrra Monom—Thit oittht 4th day or
/minim A:fr 1.860. s Warrant in Hankraptey
ilidelmied Abe edited KAMM If.
im the Paul:
_ Mid ir e ei rieZtvasia, mho
adihidgal • ,ai hit'ernr sake ;
thelibedrePmlst of dm, debtaany property ba
to Imatenktept. to XII, er _kr h 5 use
inn um transfeed/ any property by atm are for
bidden by law ; that $ meeting of the creditors
of 0811 4 AkabteM•lo prove their Debt*. and
to chaise one or more J.mlgneea or Fts Edge,-
will bd ha aid Cooed -of- lbaktagky. to be ,
i tli Met
iiatiA4.thesillee Writer. to the bozo
ot 4, Pa.. oraliniraaa OvairmC Jr.
certlialithday of . ,1869, at 9 cede&
A. M. , ,•„ -- ic .211 £ 11,0 WILY,
4 _ , , - ,17.41,Mainhar.
grati..7,1840: ' 171. a:Coma/A:ids. Dep'y
AP FP. am Ncencla.That go the 2d day
'Of jittooryA. D. 1869, a Warrant In Bank- -
tat Tor 'lsanti& wind the_ estate of.
R. 11111AL,lofilEater_TwP., in the '
.Qounty otitradford na *ate of Pennsylni
ithi, who ha l:tern 'adjudged Bankrupt on
his own petition that the payment of any.
debt! and delifery of any property bek9g;
in gr o g ' Benkrup‘. to 'him. - - or for
us A dan transkir of by
him** , by lawitteeting
of the 'of the oaf Bankrupt, to
prove their Depfu and - to throws one or
or more Assignees - of hip - Zest% . will be
held at a Court of gam, to beholden
at the Moe of the RegLster in the-Borough
of Towanda, Pa., before EDWARD OVER-.
T0N,..1it,-or ia #or 4th day of Feby. A. D.
1889, at. 9 o' L lf.
mo A. ROWL&Y, U. s. Arashar,
Coornartaii, Deptey.
• Jan: ; t, 18 6 •
ELISA IC Hari, 7,
-This is IS Give That on the-14th
day of Deceinber, L 1196 k a Warrant in -
I=o7 was Issued against the estate of
BLRTO of the Borough of
!Troy in the County of Bradford- and State
of-.Pennsylvenia, who has been adjudged
Bankropt on his own petition; that the PaY
meat of any debts and deity_ ery of any pro
perty belonging. to such Bankrupt, to his -
or for hie use, and the trans* of any pro
perty by him are .forbidden by law; dad a
meeting of the creditors of th e said Reolc
*rapt, to prove their Debts, and to choose -
one or more Assignees of his Estate, will
be held at, a' Ccnut
in of •Bankruptcy,to be
holden s t the Office of the Register the
Borougff of Towanda, Ts., before EDWARD
OVERTON, ,Ts., Register, on the 30th day
of ,Tanuary,tA. D. 1869, at 8 o'clock. A. M.
-IL a Marshal:
Br E: D.` Cootztron, Deputy.
Dec 24, 1868.
!To arm Diaries.—That Abe sth day.ot
January, A. Dian, a Warrant In Denten y
was bawl- nitwit, shi estate of • Am
C. BENTLEY, of . Springfield twp in the County
of Bradford . and Mite of Pennsylvania, who
Imam adjudged Bankrupt on hls own peti
tion Ohs&, the payment of any debts and. de
livery. of any property belonging to sacb , l3ank,
rapt, tehim, or for Ks ass, and the transfer of
any property by bins ate forbidden by law ; that
a meetiag'of the creditors of the sZd Bankrupt,
to prove their Debts, and to choose one or more
Assignees of his Estats. be hell at a Court
of Bankruptcy, to be, holden at the Office o t the
rater In. the Boni: of Towanda. Pa., bef ,, re
7ARD •OVERTON, it, Register, on the
13th day of Febiy. A. D. 1869. at o ' clock,
. • IL B. Marshal, •
, By E. B. Oomairez, Deputy.
TY POE SALE.—The subscriber offers for
sale his Dwelling Doan and Lot. now occu
pied by - htm, situated 03 the center of Second
and College streeti, In - Towands borough: The
dwelling-house is in good condition. There ls
a good barn, well, arid cistern upon the prop/
erty. also grape vines Deming largel y.. and a
variety °Mutt trees. The Mt is 50 x SOO. be•
in two lots divided by an alley. Passessio n -
will be given immediately. Terms made known
on appUcationjo
Towanda, Dec. 4, 1868.—U.
priniii - Dairy Farm, good stabling for 23
oows and a team, wil sell with or without_
stock, long time with annual
_payments it de
aired. A rare dunce is Misted to obtain a
-valuable property. For diseription address
J. W. PAYSON, Orwell, Bradford County, Pa.
'December I 0 Rm.•
The subscriber will sell las Parra situated
in Barrington • township, keel" Luther's Mills. •
containing ninety-oneitad-s-ball saes.belng
in tiro lots,.one contalnin g 411 acres, and the
other 50 acres. The lot of 4I acres Is mostly
under cultivation, and has upon it a good frame
house, two barns. corn house, two wells,lp
pie orchard, one Hein* spring of- water, Th e.
50 acre lot has about 12 acres improved, newly "
seeded, and has upon it - two springs,ot water.
The lots will be sold testaer or separately.—
Thetarm Min a good state of cultmatlon. and
Is well adaptedtie both - vela and pairs.—
Possession given,. immediately, it desired,—
Terms, one third down, and the - balsam ha
=la Mt may be agreed upon- Apply to
nn, Towanda, or Boswell Luther'
Luther's Mills. ••H Asti" PEET.
. 7, 186g.—tt;
• . 'Auditor.
BENT.—The unfleraighed will sell his
tam situated at Monroeton. There are 100
`acres in all ; three of youug hickory and oak
timber, thirty-seven acres. of imprcrred hill,
!and sixty acres of superior -fat
ate two hopes. barna, and other buildings.—
.MI; who are acquainted with the farm know of
its rake; and it will he sold for twelre thou
nand dollars. •
' Thaws—Fire thonaand dollars down and the
rest in yearly.psyments to Inn the purchaser.
Or it the arm is not sold, - there.will be
goody chance for a lire ruin, with -Mpltal, to
rent Jos tire years or-more or •to work on
shares. 1014TH HOMET.
Monroeton. Dec. 17,18d8.-3m*
onsca 13 itumAiat ?tan,
FYI= & NIXO x 11C11..DIFO
Rea I.lietate pus:lased • and sold: InvaiiMent,
made and Money Loaned.
• CHICAOIO, ILI-.oct: 27, 1868.
Dire Ent :—Efaving established ourselves
persumently is the ahoy, business, we take.the
Maq of sending your oar cis& • Mould you
have any desire to make in vestments or loan
money, ow long raid' ince in Ctrieago, (havlng
lived bme and men , its growth . from a .small
village to welts of over More kenirini Mow an d
inhabitants) gives us ample means of knowing
where ,gocsilavestanenta asn be made, or what
will be good security for money loaned. " Alt
baldness_ entrusted to our 'cars will receive
prompt attention: , • • -
This city In Incertsing very rapid's In wealth
and popokill, and at no period have better
oPPoil l iuMereeTed "hoestmaare th an at
per. Neat{' Eri e 111111kes Dollars are expended
ann tally in tine and costly dwellings, giving
permanence and -.mining Irreal advance- In
Prices fo , ell leproviig • I
- • I'PeL;=7l6Wtila 3 CO.
By permission refers to Roes. N. B. Judd; X.
0., Joba.V.Faireall, P.l), Shenusn. HilbaNN
Hons. gills= Cameron, 11. B. S.. 11. liens', XA.
0., Wm. . Ew el l ., 11t h Diet Pennsylra-
Wit loasr.ohba , Chants Ransack;
Radon; Hon. Ws. , I York: Ly- -
man Trans , Owego. N. ri
• N0v.38,N18.6m.
- 1C -W.." A RAM -MARBW 3.!
torlidt 154 Olatheletaineata; bath Qabz
(Vamadlenta Ctlab°Kt Sable Ire lbaikk aa.
COLL L avaband.
WV M Ufte
, .
Aln: le. • • - • •