Mum of -the . tOttk _ —Several delegations pf Whine, re gpresentitig the Iffiamis,GreekeAturrokees and other tribes, are expeeted. to visit Washington dining this *inter for . the pnr- II pose of scenting additions to existing tres tles between them and the Government re lative to -the cessions of lands Sad the improvement of timir domestic condition _7. —Late advioes from Goic cement sources in Cuba represent tie the recrolxv tioniste were recently severely punished in an engagement near Puerto Principe. The same . authority . says that strychnine was found smong the baggage *mixed hem the revolutionist, and that it was their vowed intention to use it in poisoning the Spanish iroePe • The revolutionists' account of the fight differs materially _from this; but does not deny- the success of the Government troops, The insurgardsliave destroyed the lighthouse at Lucredis,Point. Another des patch says that 800 fillibrusters have landed in Santiago, sad that ;they have joined the reyolntionary forces. The'number of GOT.. ernment troops in that vicinity is only sixrcit 1,800, and they are. surrounded by 10;000 rebels. —Rev. John Bleck; of the Red River Relief Committee, reports that there tire 'there 484 families comprising 2,342 persons, who are in absolute want, and must receive assistance or starve. In addi tion there are several hundred others Who will heed assistance before Spring. The buffalo hunters are returning empty banded, the fishing is a failure, and of rabbits, usually very plentiful in Winter not one is to be seen. He asks for 4,000 barrel s of flour and other supplies to preserve the Haw of these unfortunate people. —Col. Albert Barnitz, Captain of the Seventh OEM*, who was supposed to have been mortally woundedby the Indians' in Gen. , Custer's recent fight with them, is now out of danger. The ' ride and the ball with which he was wounded are said to have I:4en presented to the Indiana last S ommer by the Peace Commissioners. 7 —A fire which occurred at:Erie, Penn., on Tueiday night, destroyed the St. Clair Hotel and several other bifidings. —Three vessels of the Olocoster, Mass„ fishing fleet were lost, during the past fishing season, involving 4.11 e loss of thirty live& Seven other Gloraister fisher men'were lost by being knocked overboard, and three were lost from coasting schoon ers. • —A serious fire occurred in Lynn, Mass., Saturday. It broke out in Lyceum Hall, and before it was eitingoished several buildings, including the Fat Office, were destroyed. The loss is estimated at about $300,000. As several shoe manufactories were destroyed, many people, aboutl3oo,are brown out of employment. Ottirlei »chili, of Kentucky; 'Wed at GrEenville, Mass., on Christmas day. He was a violent advocate of the rebel cause, and for his efforts to bring about the secession of Kentucky, was %nested and confined in Fort Lafayette for some time, He was 66 years of age at the time of his death. —One of the crew of the wrecked schooner Eugenie, who has arrived at Gal veston, Texas reports that the gale of Nov. 6 and 7, in which the Eugenie was lost,more than twenty vessels of various nationalities shared the same fate between litinatitian and Vera Crnz. —Senator sawyer publishes a let ter, denying the statemen,recentiy publish ed, chainging Gen. W. T. Hulett with having obtained his appointment as Revenue Sn pervisorfor North and South Carolina, on fraudulent recommendations. He also pro nounces as false, the statement that Gen. Bennett has been called to Washington to Answer these or' any other charges. —The Supreme Coure or Georgia boa just given a decision :sustaining the decision of a lower Court which' held that the consideration of a note given for borrow ed Confederate money Was a good and valid one. The plea was the failure i cd Q b:. _ ro .hJ h . 14 t 4 . g - 0 0 Fri o Q L-1 4 10 E t 0. tAI 14A r 11 . g 7 • • El Ei Illiettliantous. Slt-t.N. W.A L L Is now rcceivio g at ifs NEW; HARDWARE STORE_ /fo. 129-Main Street, The most complete STOCK S 7 O'V Eier_broughtto this place, amfing whith wit be fonnd the ropowini CELEBICA,TED -ONES; For which I am The 0;ily Agent in, 7-owajZfla MORNDIG GLORY; lIATHBONES BnILLaNT, Which are, without ex cepliou. the i; Healing . Stoves made. 1= also agent ler the ['col . Stoves OUR OLD ROME, GARDEN CITY, And they cannot be Excelled I am also agfat for Platform and Counter Scales. . . Kerr:sense Oil, Window cam. Sat, alcr. ti g o o I All of which will .be s'ild • a lianalfactuors Priecs I I also keep constant' yon Itz,ni a compxt,_ 7 STOCK OF HARD NAPE Of all kia a, coasiattaq la part of Springs, - . FelUes. Spokes, .; Iron, Nail rods, .And all k Inds of Shelf Hardware, whi,..h be sold at the lowest prices. I would say to Merchants that I will at all times meet Elmira prices,. • To . Oct. 1866. I SEMI ANNUAL STATEMENT OF WYOMING INSURA Nd.F. COMP.;.-NY . July Ist, 1868 ASSETS.—Boxna. t ' i United State Sixes.° f 1881,.... T:s.rocza. 100 Shares first :rational Bank, Wilkes. rre , ' $l3 500 100 Shares econdlrational Bpk Wilkes- rm. 12,500 103 Sba Wyoming National Bank, lkes•Barre6,4 o o 150 Shares Wilkes-Satre Gas Co. 8,5E0 08 " q " ' Bridge. CompanY lIIECELLAIMOCS Cabh Loans and Bonds, ..... . ..$40,N".0 Stock not called in, Judgments, Cash In Bank, ',, Cash in hand god doe from Agents,.... Other property Beal Estate, ... ..... 0 Losses paid in ten years, LIABILITIES. Unsettled Losses, not due. ....... T. B—CAMP. Apnt. First block below Ward Lions°, 2d .ttery. Towanda, Sept. 2, 1.-..31n. F.IIR.NITURE.; NEW GOODS NEW . 60 ,f,S! NEATLY FI-N1S•111i;11 POPULAR I C i E ! CHAMBER SETS, PARLOR SETS MU DIVING ROOM sEn3, MIRRORS; PICTURE FRAMES, Photograph Frame 4, lor eveubody A GENERA!, ASSORTMENT FURNITEIRF, ' l l 4 I Suited to this market. l 'rave the best upbols• terer in the country, and manufacture car own upholstered work. REPAIRING AND JOBBING, D one to order. -an experience of years in the business • IHaving can confidently hope to_ please all who patronize me. Don't forget the" place. No. 155, Main b t., two doors south of Beidleman's Block, Towan de.Pa. - B. T. - DECKER. Towanda,lelay 20, 1868.—U. - FOR • SALE AT 11 ,- BARGAIN.! The subscriber wishing, to change his occupa tion, Mien for sale his Store and Stock of Goods, consisting of Dry Goods, Grocerio. Yankee Notions. &c. WiU exchange tor a wel: improved Farm, or sell stock and lease store The store is situated In Litchfield, Bradford County, Pa. The only store in the•town in op eration. For particulars call on or address - S. El. LAYTOS• Sept.'?, IS6B COICE TEAS; COFFEES: SU GARS, SYRUPS, In fact all kind; 0: r3r. fly G cceries, cheaptor Ready Pay. at McCABE JACK FOR --SALE.—A splendid Jack twelve and one half hinds high, an 4 a 1005 1 teaser. December 10. 'o.—th A NICE STOCK OF CHROMOS and Engravings at- . . '2. d e z i 'pi RIIMMERFIELDCREEF HOTEL Having purchased and tharcuably" refitted tH4 OA and well know n - stand, formerly kept by Sheriff Griffia; at the mouth ,of EternerVd. Creek, is ready tu give good a ceotornoLlati ,ei and eatisfactory treatment to all who resy . f t• vor him with a call. Pec, 23, 1.417.8 r, v.. 0 0 t ., 0-1 VORSAL-E AT soon A TANNERY Plaatering.Gair at wto'e:rale ond also Soap and `Cauca GIVILEC Ly the pcuud acu barrel. Cashpald for Bark and Dirks. ADAM MEIN. - Granville Centre, Pa., July 16, 1568. 6m. I I ' I BALTIMORE HEATER GOOD BikER, To the trade Fierce Shnes, Tin N,.ate EISM I 33,C 1 ME 41.01 25,0x0 3 5,3^5' 17,450} ZOO II E IE ME = fll.; 1 Consisting ,0.1 PETER LANDMESSER