tiradford /tepatitr. .1;00AL AND GENERAL Tut TABLE.—The following is the Time "table of the Pennsylvania and New York Canal and Rail Road Company, Which took effect on Monday, Nov. 23, 1838 : I. P. M.. A. M. .6:35 12:30 840 .660 12:45 8:55 .7:03 12:58 9 . 08 .7:18 113 923 .7:40 1 . 35. :45 NORTSWARD. WAN - Enzy B'lo 12:00 6 . 00 Arens ....7:50 11:10 5.40 Sin.►nr .7:37 11:27 527 722 11:12 6.12 Towesnl —7:00 10:50 4:50 A. IL A. M. P.M. `JOHN P. COX, Superintendent. W AVERLY ATIELV3 . ll:terra.. TOWANDA get. The carrier of the REroirraa extends the "compliments of tha senses," to the citizens of this borough, and will visit them on New Years. Day, with his an nual address, which he hopes will be satis factory to them, and profitable to himself. Hon., U. MERCUB, reached home on Saturday, Congress having taken a re cess for the holidays. He will remain at home for two weeks. ,- FIRE.:—Tlie paw-mill of D.B. BLACK MAN, il - Monroe township, was destroyed by fire, on Wednesday evening of last week, with about 40,000 feet of lumber. The origin bf tho 3 fire is a mystery, as there had not been any fire on the premises for some love. • • te... The recent " run of sleighing,' has made business very lively for two weeks past. The stects of our village have been crowded with 'teams, and places of busi rn ss full of customers. COtliT PROCEEDINGS.—In the matter of the petition of sundry citizens of Wind ham township for a County bridge across Wappesening creek, the Court appoint as viewers J. H. Marsh, Stephen Gorham,John 13,1awin, E. C. 8011, H. Champlin, and Arad Platt. 'The commission of Hon. Zsbulon Frisbie, as one of the Associate Ridges of the Ciitin ty was read in open Court, Dea.l4, the oath of office administered, and he took his seat upon the bench. In the matter of laying out a public street in Buidington borough, the report of the rs, was set aside by the Court, The following resolutions relative to the ath of Fu+:scrs Surru, a former member of the bar, were presented by Mr. Canso . uLN, and ordered by the Court to be enter ed upon the minut. s I;(sort•cd, That we have learned with pro f mad regret of the death of Faexcts Shunt a Member of this I3ar, on the 28th L'y of Nov. last. Rts ,, fred, That while we bow in humble ,übmisNion to tuis (dispensation of an &D -v ise Providence, we mourn the loss of our brother Sutra 10 - a genial companion, wor -1.1,y lawyer, eloquent orator and an honest man. .'red, That we hereby extend to the 1.1 , 1n1y of our deceased brother our sincere , ympathy in this their day of sorrow and .. //e.so/ved, That a copy of the foregoing 7 ; Amiens be transmitted to the family of e deceased, and that a copy of the pro , c,litms of this meeting be furnished to •l; ~f the papers of the county-and to the Ga:.dte, for publication. ( solved, That the Court do now adjourn. fJ::: Court appoint P. D. Morrow, as Au . , r to - examine the accounts of the Public El . art orders subpuras and alias sub in divorce to issue in the following G. A. Craton vs. Frederick C s.VciLhlly S. Phelps cs. Victor Phelps. Armstrong vs. Elizabeth krm I:,l•ecc..lWaterson vs. N. B. Waterson. ard Chilson vs. Caroline Chilson. I:a.ut A. Witherel vs. Willis Witherel. • dorm Pitkiu vs. W. Pitkin. :au Williams vs. Charles Williams. Ilto-y Carrier vs. Eldad Carrier. T),vorces were granted in the following Totter vs. Emeline 'letter 1' aline Moore vs. 301111 Moore. :..1 •Ie I'. Rice vs. Sumner P. Rice. • lt Williams vs. Jacob Williams. D. Gurney Spencer H. Gurney. t' matter of the application of the 4 - n Cemr•tery Asgociation" for in n, the Court direct publication - to • : a.. I also in the case of the appli ""Tuscarora and Rush Reli?- p_tition the Court decree ' ,, z,tion of Bristol ns the child of • Idly !r...0e wore had ir(tho the week : ' •, Gpltaius Monre.—The I) , r. thc• o.•:feratut the such of EKED Jaw: Ifewitl vs .s.muci EiMan. Vti All ill wqment for tt sma i ILL Acy'mui towliship corn lin 1.;•713. The jury was sworn on - -•I ~•d it.,l Saturday afternoon, tendered Sunday atternoon, In,g t phtirititT the land claimed. tdl 'wing transfers of Licenses were •i by the Court, on presentation of :111a filing the necessary bonds D .rnin4's in Franklindate, I:. Guff. lw Ittd.di's eating house, in Towanda g to E. Childs.. i. (i. (; talvan. in Rome borough, to 1. Taylo" ' Fox's t,Lvtrti in Canton boro, to :-;;,-• -When ‘. Nterson's eating house in Towanda h. to Redmond Caton. J. Crane's tavern in Wysox, to Wit ' Brunt. W.Jfe's eating house in Troy bor. Wolfe S Orwan. . 11. Mor,gan's eating house in Towtin . r:;n , ..;11, to A. It. Smith. Barney's eating house in Towanda .I.zh, to G. W. Coon. :'he Gotta; having its attention called to condition of the County Jai), direct ~ a nd Jury to view and examine the hogs, whereupon the Grand Jury make report : lees of the Court of (leerier Sessions totinly of Bradford. Grand Jury of said county having . .iiireetctl by said Court to view and ex 1.. the County Jail, and make report of ce.wlition of the same, would respect y report that they hale carefully and ,x,unined said Jail, and find It lama .l for the accommodation of tho persons 11 , confined. That the same is rose and unsafe. That the number of cells limited that it is necessary to confine persons in ono apartment, thus plans for t 1 breaking of jail the escape of prisoners, and compelling J!nfinement of prisoners accusedof dif %; and widely separated grades of crimes viii, and compelling also the keeping t nile offenders in the same apartment ' those hardened in crime and wicked - . That said Jail is entirely deficient in pasans of securing. ventilation • s and from the location and con ..!! ! such means cannot be supplied, " , • . tt Jail from its location (being • •• emeut tbe Court House),is from ~ G aticei almost necessarily unwhole -,-. The said Inquest. would for the res t., .taro.aid decidedly recommend that a • 5 ., t...11•11ng be erected by the said County purposes of a common Jail. PIIILANDEIL LONG, Foreman. •* •• ruler Sesssious, 1868. matter of the application of sundry ns of Franklin township for a county t , -Gigt over ale Towanda creak, near the 0 .•--t mill of Iloraoe Willey, the Court ap c• point as viewers, gr. eespen Sweet, ft Hin man, E. 0, Kellogg, Robert lifeKee,', Reu ben Stone and Harvey Holcomb. In the matter of the application of sundry ;voters of Asylum township, for a change in the place of holding the general and town ship elections of said township, from the school house 'near liimion Docket's to the "Centre School House," the Cou#, .direct that the change be made in accordance with the prayer of the petitioners. Suns , N DEATH --WASMNGTON DFPSIV, of Vir • :la township, wliili engaged in shel ling corn, in his own house, on Tuesday evening of last week. euddenkr fell back wards from his chair, and expired instantly. When his family, who were in the room came to him, life was extinct. Mr. D. was about 30 years of age, and leaves a wile and one child. He had been in previous good health. The cause of his his death sup ..sed to have been heart-disease., DoNerzoN Visa.—The friemia of Rev. HENEY J. C 14201, will pay hinra visit, at the Parsonage, in Wysox, on Wednesday evening, Dec 30th, 'in which all are cor dially invited to participate. i GALAXY YOU JANLIARY.—SheIdon & Co., offer extra inducements for the yeas 1869. A story commences in this number by the talented and vemtile writer, lira. Edwards. Charles Reads, also commences avery interesting story in the March num her, for which, we are told, Sheldon & Co. pay $5,000,in connection with the English publisher& It is said to be one of Beade's best productions. The Go/cry improves Visibly and with long strides. It :is now without an equal of its kind. We congrat ulate the publishers on their prosperity, and recommend the work to all who Wish good reading, Published at 498 16- 500 Broadway at S 4 00 a year'in advance. OVER/ITIEIONY.—Dr. T. S. Ur DE q: BAIT, assisted by Drs. Rim. and Monsr, of this city, and several physicians from Mara thou and vicinity, removed a large ovarian tumor from Mrs. JOSEPH BAXEE, of Mara thon, N. Y., on Wednesday last.. This makes the fifteenth operation forovaiitomy. performed by Dr. Ur DE GRAFF, and itivive oi"his patients aro now living, n success not' equalled by any surgeon . in the United States.—Elmira Advertiser. . , , SAD-AC CIDENT.—A ead accident cc- , cured in Granville Centre, on SaturdaY;the sth inst. Ina 13.arrEa, a boy about fifteen years of age, son of 11. D. Bests.% was shot by the accidental discharge of a gun which he was in the act of loading. It seems that the gun was a double barrel one, and while he was forcing a ball down one barrel, the other, which was loaded with shot, was by senile means discharged ; nearly -, the 'wliLde charge lodging in his face. It was at first thought that one eye was entirely destroyed, and but little hopes were entertained of his recovery,but he is doing well now, and it is thought he will recover with the loss of his thumb and three fingers on his right hand, which were so mutilated as to render ampu tation necessary. They were amputated and dressed by Dr. 0. C. Cour,of our aide: —Xeri/tern flier Gazette. ilre' The new Eleetic Magazine, published by Turban & Murdoch, 54 Lex ington street, Baltithore, is now entering upon its fourth - volume. The Magazine stands deservedly high, considering its brief existence, and ranks to day amoe.g the very best in . this country. It really crin tains more than any other Magazine pub lished. Each number contains 128 neatly printed. pages, and is embellished with a fine steel engraving. The number for Jan uary lan is particularly interesting and valnabre. Terms, single copy 34 00 ; tWo copies 37 00 ; 30 cents a number. ips— A severe fire occurred in LE W ronceville,on Tuesday morning of last week, in the - Drug Store of Darling é Day, spread ing rapidly and destroying all the building! on the street. The buildings burned were Ford's Hotel, six stores, Post Office and Parkhurst's Law of&ce. The buildings were all insured. A similar fire occurred a year ago. GODEA'd LADY'S B0(1: —The J anti ary number is out, and botind to charm all who get bold of it. None so well as GO dey's 500,000 readers know what a treasnre the Lady's Boy k is. This number contains two.steel plates, colored fashion plate, col ored pattern of a jewel box, beautiful tinted engraving, a sheet of embroi-leries, con taining fifty patttros The embellish talents, steel and wood, are the following: A Klng's Daughter, a very superior engtav; ing ; steel title-page; a tableau plate ; col ored fashion-plate, containing six figures ; tinted cut, " Will it Bear?" jewel-box, printed in colors ; The Flight of Time, it seasonable engraving ; skating costupaes in: children ; large extension sheet, filled with a great variety of articles—dresses for ladies and children, and other novelties— thirtiv-two in nil. Toe articles of fancy wor. have been evilently selected with care. Among theta will be found a 'cushion, silk fan, work-hag, key case, for. combs and brushes, pen•wiprr, ed bodice, etc. gren . foot case knit T o literary matter is the crowning fee. tura of the January number. The storicA by Marion Harland, Miss Churchill, Miss Door, the O. Fogy Papers, and the charade by Miss Frost, are the best that have ever beeia published. PorEßuy BRos; of Troy, have just moved into n new Banking House, whichl was erected during the past sessim. The building is of brick, ip finished in elegant manner, and is an ornament and credit t 6 that ihriving place. tar K ELl.usir & Muuo cg h aye chased from LArowits. of Asylum, a lot of very One stock, whibh they are slaughtering for tlie benefit of the people of Towaida borough. They have also mad 3 arrange.' punts foie supply of fat cattle, and intend to offer none but the very best meats for sale. Poultry and Oysters will be kept in their season. II!. Mr. HALLIDAY, a mason, while doing a job of work, at the Rathbun House, Elmira, fell a distance of fiftben feet or mor 1 striking upon the sky-light of the wash- oom, breaking the glass and wood r work, cutting his . face and hands frightful ly, . setioctsly injuring himself. Though snffe .g much from his injuries, he will proba .ly recover. We are happy to anm unce, .e Owego T imcs, that the executive "ttee of the Southern Central Rail • are, at a meeting held en the 15th • rdered the purchase of iron for the m this end of tholine and will cora laying the same as tarlyin the spring weather will permit. says t COMM road, Inst., track inencs as tliel We are sorry to learn that re Bell, son of Mrs. Bell of this Dispatcher at the Depot, was caught a two cars on Tuesday night last badly crushed that it is feared his is so great that ho will , not Early.). —L Tunes. 1522 vill. !: betwe, and s. injury Owego I GLARY —tiuttit body canvassed I Smith's store, 'at Waverly, pretty lily on Wednesday 'right last, theta leiving an equivalent, rho, er valuable goods of the :value of more. • $ Br • L. thorou ingoi and o $3OO o Oun Yon g° Fo9a for armory baa reached tU3—the first of th ' young folk's Woks.' The! Publisheni t ounce rare at hacticnts for the' corabig ear. Children aid plenty to amuse ;i t uit them in t at ."Our Young Polks, l ! and it,.4 the best ju., iindle work for the} boa(' published,. Terms, $3 a year Slags, sgood L , Co., Poston. t. - : , : I SAn Accinrarr.— diett•essing acci• dent occurred in-this k Uage Baturday even ing 12th inst.,' resulting * the death of Mr. Cowden, one of the waribiestiofour citizens." !Mr. Cowden was thi ocitlernt Goldsinith's 'Motel, and - oil the evening queition had gOne upon the mow to' Bingidown bedding for the horses. In since wny he lost his fOoting,and fell head Aireinost to the ground floor, suffering moriel injuries. Mr. a Pierce, Clerk of tbe Motel, 14ppening to be near the stables soon nfteiwards,' heard groans, and found cow* in a help= leils condition. He *al carried into the hOtel, whnts Die. Bao4srantl Bacon sum ined his injuries. NO• ltioneg. were brOlcen, but the shock, and tits internal hurts, re salted in his death morning,—. Oellsboro Gazette. I .OIIP The time dtas - 14ar when the excited children w shall }fig np their stock ings, with a fall faith 4 the ;kin' &fleas and liberality of Spta Claus. That they may not be ctsapPointed, M ake art early visit to Confectionery', fad Toy Shop, and pipcure your supply. tAittei4 eaten bring no such delicious sensati sensations ` t experienced the youngstera, whai airrosty Christ mas Morning, they &Wake en unusually early hour,to'meet UM fruition of the hopes of; many a day; No anch on- amount of pleasure can. be .purchaSed at so cheap a rate, and Haar is print! told° his part. Dealers have but a she finite in which to make their orders.. I _ FIRE AT airEep.--A. deiiiractive fire occurred at Owego, on Saturday night,l2th ink., burning the Old Baptiat Church on Lake Street, and a number o otherbuild-' ings. Amongst the sufferer*, was O. IL KEELED, formerly of this, : pla e, whose job printing officeiwas destroyed. 8..... ~„ i i .i3, .17, 1868. ED. Eerom' Dl :—We l'aft awtsit yesterday afternoon and evening frpm ;Hon. S. B. CaAsz, the G. W. C. Templar 4f,Pennsylva nia. The Good Templar' Lo dge met at 6 P. 4, and initiated E. Quir.n Esq., the G. W. C. T. presiding andlaststed by his Pep* uty (Gen. PATTON), the: inimb?rs from To wanda and other Lodges het him heri.— j i After the initiation, thelLodge djonrned to the Church, where Bli, Cu . delivered a splendid public - Jecturt., On'tetiiperance, after which, he reccompanit d t o members of the Lodge to the Lodge room, where he gave a private lecture and initnntions in the unwritten degree work e i tf the order, with which all present were - clelightesl and bane fitted. Wxt. CHASE is a laWyer of eminence ; and an exemplary member of the Presbyte rian Church. As a publie leCturpr,ho prom ises a high order of nataralitalent; -without any attempt at •oratoriebl display. :In his manners, his open franlineis and urbanity, are such as alone characterizes the polished and perfect gentleman. . I After Mr. Citesn concinded, !there was a general call for GEN. P.Tro* ) who was invi ted by the Chairman (W 4, 5i:111*INS) to ad ,dress the meeting ; but he declined kith the 'promise that ho would add:lois -them at another time. ; ser The "attetstion I (Si the readers of the REPOLTEE: is calliid tb the extensive assortment of Jewelry, aidld and Silver ware now on exhibition at tne Store of Hu oumrs Bros., NUrst floor of Trot. BEI:DE/03 Photograph Gallery. Theiverk extensive stock these gentlemen have on band, ena bles all to make choice selection) for Christ. mas:and New Year Presents. I Watches, CloCks, Chains, Tea Sets; and everything in line of fine Jewelry, j can (fel found at this establishment. Their charges are reason able, and goods warranted tb be just what they are. Drop iu and sce.tbemi Sincial ,Dirot,i4ess.l A I • CANTON BORQL7GH.—. - An f)ru t zkalice to 'Provide for the removal of snew (from side walks. To take effect January 2kt, 1869. When any of the side-walks,4vithin the limits of this borongh,shall beer. e obstruc ted with snow to the depth of tw inches of more, it shall be the duty-of hverkeitizen of the borough in front of - whose premises,any :sidecialk is or -may be hereiafter built, to remove such obstruction; ifnmediately„— Ami should any sidewalk within tbd-borough remain obstructed with snow, Vor more than six hours, it shall be the dutyl of gie Street Commissioner to remove such obitructions, and the cost of such removal with twenty per centrim added thereto shall be charged to the party in front of whosepremises4mch labor, may be required, and shall be collect ed in , such manner as is provided by law, for the collection of like penaltiesi By order of,Town Council. Jeltis See'y. Canton, Dcc. 21, 1868. • - • 1 CAuTios.z—Wilefeas my wife ELLEN hits left my bed and board without just cause, or provocation', I hereby forbid all persoits harboring or trusting hhr on my account, as I will pay no debts of! her con fractibn after this date. PEEEN. Or!ell, Dec. 18, 1868.-3w* ' • • GOAT BARGAIN.—The Isub4criber, wishing to change his occapatton, offers his property in West Warren fo stile cheap, consisting of one acre of - hind, with house, birn. shop and store withi.goods. For further particulars enquire. of the subscri ber. JosErk (West Warren, Bradford donnty, Pa. Dec. 22, 1868.-4 w• , '• Ti OIIENING BALL.—A New f-Year's 801 l jwill be given at the Frariklindale House, Franklindale, on Friday :evenin g, January 1, 1869._ Bill 82,§0...; Good mum will be on hand, )Dee. 21, 1869, lg.. Al)Pointe and papar l allelled al:Meese of the Brilliant Organs and Melo deons manufactured by B. Shcilinker Melo deon Co. Sole Agents for Bradford Fousity, bee. 23.-2. w - W. Ditrinc &-Co. 19)... The•bei3t and cheapest ,riano Sheet lialnsic and all kinds ofd Instruction Books for _Sale by Dec. 23.4 w W. Drrrnzca ' it Co. A PERFECT JswEL.—My ,farnily ha's been using the -Wilcox 4 Gibbi Bening Ma chine for the last five Tears. It has given entire satisfaction, and my wifii considers it a perfect jewel.--(Letter of P. Jarrett, Lock Haven, Pa. For sale at the Store of Solomon it Wolff. Dec. 23. W. S. Jorrse.os, Agent EAR*. ItESTAtRAIrr.-4. ;W:1 I *Coos, proprietor." ' Meals served at ill hoins, and in every style. Ale drawn from the wood., Under Chamberlin's Jewelry Store, Main Towanda Pa. Dee. 23. I' Ant NoTtck.—After Jan. k, 1869, we shall commence to settle'onr necounts. Womtend that every mecca owing As shall settle np. Those who do not pay orb , atten tion to this notice, may expect that are shall enforce a settlement. P,arcn. • Towanda, Dec. '23. Toyama, Pa-, Oct l 17th, 1868. ]ram; Witutnam & BLACX{--iLtect Sir:— The Singer Sewing. Idechinel t4at Mu:ought of - feu a few months since give!: entire sate $, isfaction. I have tried several o er Ma chines and find none that compe with thelffinger. The Singer far surpass theta alt. I It is simple, and easy to manage. Wo !find no difficulty in doing alliinds of fitni ily sewing. We hold your IdachinOn high est6eut..... , Respectfully, I i , I. , ,M. D. l BTalcnt.AM P. S.—While visiting the Chemung Co. I 'Fait, (held at Elmira) I. was vet ; patticnlar I 'in examining the goodly number lof Ma chines that Iwer exhibited (there, 11 saw pone that surpassed the Binger. M. R. S. 1 FAIR WARII/NR 1 7 411 %broom in. debted to the snlismiher. are erebY noti fied that they must snake immediate settle ments. This means everybody who is ow 14.datizu. hil lowanda, Now. 26, ma. Cemioa.—A boy named ItaNnf Yeas Loam bawd to me by the gonna*. stoners of Burlington twp.,haring ran away for the third time, I hereby caution the public agairuit harboring or trusting Duahim. topm Burlington, Don. 1.1868:-3w Nsw YEAR's PIXIT.—The company of yourself and lady is solicited at a New Nears Party to.be; given at the Wish Roue Milan, Pa.. oa Friday Evening, January 1. 1869. Musicstardek do MoDonald's Fall Band. Bill $2 60. S. WATUNS. - Doe. 1,1868. Proprietor. NEW YEARS AT TEE HOLCOMB HOUSE, Leßoy, Pe. The public are invited to at tend a dance, Fridayjavening, Jan. 1, 1869. Music, Smith's Q.: Millen Band. Bill $2 50. Deo. 9.-3 w 0. D. Heiman, Prop's: . , Norms.--The Members of Xhe:differ• ant Masonic bodies that meet at the Mason is Hall, Towanda, Pa., and members of the 'Masonic Hall Association, Towanda, are re quested to meet at the Masonic Hall in the borough of Towanda, on Wednesday eve ning, Deo.' 29, 1868, at 7 o'clock. For the purpose of electing a President, Treagurer, Secretary, and three Trustees of said Asso ciation to serve for the ensuing year. H. 11 Maxim &fey Masonic Hall demi:dation. Dec. 7,1868.-3 w 16.. The 'annual meeting of the 'stockholders'of the Pint National Bank, of Towanda, for the election of Directors to serve the ensuing year, and for such other business as may come before them, will be held at the Banking House, in the borough of Towanda. on Tuesday, Jan. 12th, 1869, between the hours of one and three P. X N. N. Barre, Cashier. Towsxmi, Deo. 7, 1868. OW Call at Lona & KEELER'S and examine their new stock of Sugar, Tea. and Coffee just received and being sold oheap for msh. , Coffee ground fresh daily. SOS. Ifarpees for December, at Al vord do Barber's. . This number commences a new volume, and is a favorite to subscri bers. Nov. 26. M. C. o.—Call at the Book Sore - of Alvord do Barber and examine and you will be aura to purchase. . Nov. 3. Oysins.—The subperibere will keep constantly on band a fresh supply of counts, and also a first and second qual ity of oysters by the quart of gallon, solid measure. Donation Parties, Thanks'iv ings, and all other parties where large quantities are required will be furnished at a liberal discoant, Sam & Basement of Ward House. liov. 4, 1868.-tf NEW YEARS Perry.--The company of yourself and lady is solicited at a New Years party to be given at the Wyalusing Hotel, Wyalusing, oo Friday evening, Jan. 1,„ 1869. The best of music engaged far the occasion. Bill $3 00. Dec. 1.4. J. M. Brows, frop'r. TOWANDA BRIDGE COMPANY. —The annual meeting of the stockholders of tho Towanda Bridge Company for the election of a President, Treasurer and six Managers to serve, the ensuing year, will be held at tho First National Bank of Towanda, on Wednesday,'January 6, 1869, between the hours of one and three p. N. N. Barre, Secretary. Dec. 1, 1868. B. A. PtrrEs & Co., ore• offering their line of Goods, comprising Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Notions, Hosiery, Glbves, 1111111nery Goods, ite., &0., at greatly re duced prices. Persons coming to Towan da, would do well to call there and see for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. Towanda, Dee. 1,1868. v A HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.—A splendid House and Lot for sale, situate on Second affect, opposite the College, close to good schools, very pleasantly located.— The house is new, just finished from tap to bottom in first class style. For farther par ticulars enquire of D. IL Dazitst. on the premises. Towanda, ,Oct. 5, 1868.tf. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR, For restoring Gray Hair to Us natural Vitality and Cbtor.— A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy. and effectual for preserving the hair. • Faded or gray hair is restored to its original color with the gloss and freshness of youth. ,Thin hair is thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can re store the hair where the follicles are destroy ed, or the &Dade Atrophied and decayed. But such as remah can be saved for useful ness by this application. Instead of fouling the 'hair .*ith a . pasty sediment, it will keep it.clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent bald ness. Free from those deleterious substan ces which make some preparations danger ous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benifit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a hair dressing, nothing else can be found so desirable. .Contaming nei ther oil nor dye, it does not soil white cam bric, and yet lusts long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Prac tical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell,hlass. Price 31,00. Sold by Dr. IL C, Porter Towanda, & all Driguits & Dealers in medicines every where, Nov. 26, 1868. y MAYNARD & FSALEY, Dealers' in Or gans, Melodeons, and Piano Fortes, from the following celebrated Manufacturers.— Dodge da Lord. Carhart & Needuto, A. Mc- Nut, B. Shoninger, and. the New Haven Me lodeon and Organ Company. Persons who think of pute.hasing an instrument would do well to call on or address us before purchas ing elsewhere. All orders will be prompt ly attended to. :L. C. MAYNAIIM Cass. FRALEY. Tovranda,.Dee. 15. se.. A Lice Christmas present for yoar wife or sweet-heart—one of those beau tiful Mahogany cloth Stand or Table covers at Alvord & Barbers. Ncir. 2G. IS; Tim wants of our growing town and community, as to Holiday Goods, are to be fully supplied by Wickham d Black. Particulars next week. Nov. 26. MARRIED. MONTANYE- 2 SALSBERY.--On the 22d inst., in Masontown, by the Rev. James McWilliam, at the residence of the brides uncle, Mr. J.. S. Salsbury, Mr John D. Montanye, of Towanda, to Miss Elizabeth Josephine, daughter of Mr. D. A. Sals bury, of Masontown. G. iGor, PAYNE—In Stevensville, Dec. 12, 1868, Dobeit Reed, second son of P. J. and N. Matilda Payne, aged three months and sixteen days. )10., At a regular eomniunication of Trojan Lodge, No. 306, F. and A. 3i, held at'their Lodge Rooms, Saturday •eve. ning, Dec. 12, A. D. 18G8, the followimi Preamble and Resolutions were adopted : Wasaras, It has pleased Almighty God, Grand Master and Architect 'of the Uni verse in theexercise of, that inscrutable prov idence which directed the affairs of men, to remove from onr midst ourlbeloved brother , Flamm Burrs Esq., therefore, Resolved, That we his Brethren of the No ble Order of Freemasonrydo sincerely mourn his loss. - Resoled, That in this sad occurrencelve consider that a deprivation has , been sus tained, not only by the afflicted family and ourselves, but by this community in which our departed brother had spent the yeareFif his life. - • Resolved, That we desire to offer this poor testimonial as a tribute of our appreciation of the upright character, the inflexible in tegrity and all the genial qualities of friend linos and good fellowship that marked the career of him whose spin has ' been sum moned by the Almighty Power whom none can disobey—whose dust we have commit ted to our mother earth. Resowed, That most heartily do we desire to extend oar sympathy and feeble consola tion to our Brother's at lio - fed family, while we earnestly pray that lie who is t he Great Friend of the afflicted, may cbasten their bereavement and comfoit, their mourning hearts. Resolved. That 'copies of these Desolations be leap thelamily, and also published in the papers of the county. - May the sods lie light upon our brother's breast— May the grass grow great around him. )-3 0 .4 ,f 04, Ca 9.0 c*003r.,33me,- . r, • CUTLERY,WOOD & WILLOWWAIUry DIED 21mertuitturitts. ME =I TVIIOLESALE & ,REIAIL QHINA, GLASSWARE, LAMPS, LANTERNS, OIL4NDELTE.EiB,, -11 • SILVER PLATED WARE, 131 c/2 co t. 4 1:4 • I -.- 0 %.re ° El S to d 0 WICKHAM & BLACK. Towanda, Deo.3, 1868. TOWANDA. STEAM FLOURING M LL S WM. H. FULLER d• CO., Respectfully Worm the public that they have purchised the new - and extensive Steam Flour. ing Milli!, Valli, by GriPatin, Wells & Matson fa the south part of the borough of Towanda and-htiving%all the modern Improvements, and comphtent 411.1ers, they, are prepared to do CUSTOM GRINDING, In the beat poodble manner and at unnanaUy abort notice Every po'ne ll betaken to give satisfaction, and vi e Invite a public trial Farmers doing Unituesa m town• can bring tbeir grain, and bavc it ground to take back with them FLOUR, TEED AND MEAL, For sale at the I , west cash prices, arid delivered in any part of the village free o! charge Towanda. Ndienther 1.1,1338 TOWANDA COAI:. YARD ! ANTHRACITE AND BITUMINOUS COALS. The undersigned having leased the Coal Yard and Dock at the old •` Barclay• Ba eln," and Jo t completed a large i Coal House an:it:Mos upon the premises, are bow prepared to tarnish-the citizens of Townn4a and vicinity with the cliff: Crest lanai and *Men of the above named coals upon the most rca.4onab•e terms in any mutat ty do3ired. Pricei at the Yard until further notice : Large AM. Small Egg Stove... .._ Chesnut, i•.-.,, . "{ Barclay ? gun p { " 'of Mines, { ~ Pine • r Blacksmith The followltig additional , charges will be ade for deliv4ring Coal within the Borough li its : i. Pit T0n,..10 cs. extra.for carrying I i 50 cts Elalf Ton: .35 • ' .{, •• 25 ..{: Quarter ton2si• •• , lak. Oders list in all case s be accompanied . with the cash. . D'i. OVERTON d.. CO. ITowands, Nov. 4, 186.4.—tt FR -E. LIFE, AND ACCIDENTAL INSURANCE APEX :Y1 f . ,000, Capital Represented over $27,000 JOHN W. RIX, agent for the follow! known Companies : North America, Philadelphia,....s 2,90 Phoenix. of Hartford Germania, New York, Home 10. Co.; New Haven, 1,61 , North American Pin. In. Co., of New York,. 76.1,000 11 Mutnal Life, New Ywik, ' 20,00,000 Of Hanover, New Yoik 808,634 79 . We write policies in the above relbihole torn, panics at the lowest rates, and the loases,tf any adjusted at this agency. Particular attention given to farm property . Office at his law office. in Me , car's new block, north side public square Towanda, Feb. 20, 1868. NEW . MILLINE4Y GOODS I MRS. E. J. PIERCE, Presents herself to the ladies of Towanda with a very choice selection of goods, and is entire. ly confident of being able to meet the justly discrimintting taste of such as may do her the honor of an examination of her stockl Thank ing her former patrons for their favors, she so licits a continuance of the same. Fluting done beautifully and on thkshortest notice. Roo ma over Cohen & Sosetiald's, Main Street. Towanda,,Oct. 5, 11469. PRICE LIST.-CASCADE MILLS Best quality Winter Wheat Flour per hundred , $8 60 (0).57 00 Best quality Bye Flour per hundred 4 00 Corn Meal and R ye - and Corn Feed 275 Buckwheat Flour, per hundred, 3 50 A falr margin allowed to deAers. We pay cash for main. Wheat $2 25 and $2 50, Rye, good e sl 30, Buckwheat 75 cents. Corn SI 25. Custom grinding usually done at once, as the capacity of the mill is sufficient for a large amount of work. B. B. INGRAM. Camptown, May 7,1868. niss 0 MITI ON.—Notice is hereby given that the partnership lately; sabsiat. ing between C. P. Cross and .1. 0. Patton of the borough of Towand a , Pa., under the firm rime, of Cross do Co. was dissolved, on the 20th day of October, A. D. 1858, by mutual consent. All debts owing to the said firm are to be received by C. P. Craig, and all demon is against said firm are to be presented for settle ment to him. . C. P. CRO3B. Towanda, Nov. $.1838. J. G. PATTON. 'Che•bnslnesa will still be carried on at No 3, Patton's Block,- by C. P. Cross. BOOTS 1 BOOTS !! BOOTS 1 I NORTEI4MANC3 84T & SHOE STORE I NELSON, Balked dote' ed and ready for ale o Large 113. eortment of BOOTS AND SHOES! I h,ve Boots tor the yeerinn that tameth the Sod And the bard laboring man that carries the hod : And for the mechanic that cut stone andl.lay • brick; I And for tle wit:handed Gents that apply the • yard slick ; And Deets for the wise that ficiurteh . the 'quill ; And for the honest mechanic that Works In the Mill 1 I have Bootsa little ears mode . For the bud laboring,mas that basso trifle. I have Boots for 114 please sire mks My Boots are good and prices jest, ' But I am determined NOT TO TRUST kume ;hal ES MoGREC,OIt. bootemaa flue , Celebrated In that Ike ; Call my friends, *II yon that will, Leave your measures—U his , The Episcopal Church -hat Lisbon& to rise, Sty Otte in front exactly lies ; It a anosta by many' very well Ry the title of—NORTEL BRANCH IttiTEL, L. O. NELSON. Towanda. Aug. 25,18G8.--301. A CHOICE LOT OF. - WINTER A Fruit of all kinds, for sale by the 'Wren or Bushel. at cOABE do MIX'S. t A FINE ASSORTMENT .01 0 TOI LFT ; soimp.nc VcCABE A mire. liftwilantous. . Q.s T R E_C,A S,D.. 04 0 Id f --0 ifONTANYES STORE! LABQE gu. WELL SELEWTED•STOCK Fall and Winter Goods ! Depression of the Market WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 1 FIVE CRATES OF CROCEEKY Towanda, Oct. 6,1868. STOVES 1 STOVES I STOVES I Just received new Una Stoves se ARE METROPOLITAN HARDWARE STORE, ORWECL, PA: Are attractlog much attention . An:immense variety at Stoves 4L WAYS ON BAND! Stoves, coal or wood, that CU wit yon for PARLOR, ORM, STORE, 'SCHOOL, Mfg CHURCH, BOAT. os COOKING STOVES Come and see the new patterns—at leset. ONE LOOK BEFORE BUYING 1 We keep an leading drat-claae Stoves for the opulent, este o x r cheaper variety r yourselves, your Eltavee f p o u r r the Dom wn in tweet. S. N. BRONSON. °swell, Pa. , Oct. 21, 1268. ... 6; 0 . 6.26 ... 5,50 4,60 ... 4,00 .:..9,60 1112 .266 72 196 41 ,815 50 .070 31 HOTSL, 170, 172.174 & 176 Greenwich Street, The undersigned takes pleasure in announc ing to his numerous friends and patrons that from this date, the 'chine of the Pacific will be $1,50 per day. • Being sole Proprietor of this house, and therefore free from the too common exaction of in inord Mate rent, he is folly able to meal the alownward tendency of prices without any fall ing oil of service. le will now, as heretofore, be his aim to maintain undiminished the favorable reputatk a of the Pacific, which it has enjoyed for many years, as one 01 the best of travelers' bottle. - The table will be bountifully 'applied with every de icacy of the ' , aeon. The attendance will be found eflicient and obliging. The location will be found convenient for those whose business calls them in the lower part of the city, being one door n orth of Cort land& at., and one block west of Broadvriy. and of ready access to all Bail• Road and Steamboat Lines, JOHN PATTER. 'Nov. 17, 1868.-13 m. SOMETHING NEW! Having pnrShased the stock of Tobacco belong. log to Randall, Compton . & Co., and having built a shanty on the same ground, we are pre; pared to o ff er to the public WHOLESALE AND EETAIL, Gold Leal. Sunny Side, rind Apple, Michigan Fig, Rose Lest and Star, which we oiler formals in quantities to suit. customer. Packages ip Barrels, halls and quarters. The celebrated Lobe Jacky Pride of the Nal ted States, irtrgtalatle, Gold Leaf, Navy and all Made of • • Aziaban Eagle , Gen. Grant, Leboinet , Im perios Tycoon and the very choicest brands of Urns. We will keep constantij on hand a variety of Pipes, Cigar Cue., Tobacco Bozo and Poach es and everything unally kept in a 2Whateo Store, Landlords supplied with . i *II t Foil To bacco on liberal term". All orders promptly Illier • ?rant HOW Oct. Vt. 1867 A. BAUM& CONFECTIONERY, , TOYS, NUTS - • Calls the attention of •the to the fact thatte tasitelecturee sad mu, at WHOLNEIALE AND', MAIL, • All kinds of ConfectionadeL Foreign ma I t o* mastic Nets, &o. Dealers to the country wish ' leg anything in his line will well to - tend their orders to him. and they will be ptose_ptly attended to. Eletistaction guaranteed. Mrs in south side of Nemor's Mere Block. Towan da. Pa. Feb. 24,1814.--tf. (NOD_ FURNITURE, the pleat to AJI Lay at. 1 . ,0ir pries. k FROST'S. FLOUIL—Whest Floar of all pa& a, • Beeeibeas Noe; Ina, Con, ndolko, at Deo. U. tr: A. -2001CWIWIL ♦T Ili!!! M ; • 1 AT THE PHESEIT Which will be sold eecoodfy Also, direct from Liverpool, Nev - Irosx, 0ct.10.1868. AGAIN IN MOTION A variety of CHEWING TOBACCO, Such Au FANCY BROILING. BRANDS OF CIGARS. as D FRUITS. A. HART. to.'s alohnim. I)it 13 - GO.01) 8 1 c‘ib7 . - C 434 RACK PLAN aufts - Atto manna sILt S. Solid Colors, and plangeable Poplins, Preach iferinoli anti 'Moires" Ottanin Velpors, Berge', Biarritz - alotha, Brood' Cords, Alps es's, Plelds, and a gnat _ v riety of Nixed rim foi l . snits. - , fLL IVEW STYLES GREAT BARGAINS 1 POWELL & co. • Nov offer a great variety of • • Goods for Ladles. • CLOAKS kro smat Comprisin g all the desirable and Wilma. , • ble shades of 'Beavers, Chinchillas, Velveteens. &e. Also. Black cans and Mantilla Velvets, AT. LOW PRICES! CLOTHS & OASSIMERES, Black and Colored beavers; French Cost lags, English > Motions, Brosdelighs, ,Plain Black and Fancy Csasimeres. Fine Tll:ldes, and • full line lower grades for Boys MI wear, now open. PO WELL & CO. ALEXANDRE'S KID GLOVES, All Sizes in colors, Black and White of these Celebrated Gloves, will always be found At the Store of CARPETS ! CARPETS CARPETS caossurs TAPESTRY BRUSSELLS In and. 64 widths 3. ply EXTEA IMPROViD, MEDIUM IMPROVED INGRAIN. WOW/ CARPETS. IN NEW AND BEAUTI! F1T1... STYLES. ER WITH A LARGE STOCK 0? GRADES, JUST RECEIVED BY t. 'POWELL it • CO. , Oct. 5.1888. 008 OIL CLOTHS MATTING& MATS, RUGS, AC.. Jo vet mitt!, now offered by POWELL Jr. 00. Turmas, Oct. 5, 1868 LADIES' & CHILDREN'S FURS 1 . POWELL & CO.. Desire to announce thatathe • will open and offer sale on Saturday :,next (Otobei.lo), their stock of Ladies and Children's FANCY FURS, a large stock of which they are now receiving. Towanda, Oct.: 6,1868., BOOTS AND SHOES THIS DEriwrmzin OP OUR amines A SPINTLALTY. We have devqted much. time, and have spared no pains, to make our stock of BOOTS,* SHOES the largest, beet, and moist attractive to be found and having made our pur chasesfroni the best. and mos popular manufadurere in the country, we - now offer a stock of Chignii Made Goods equalled Both .in _magnitude and quality. - Oct. To m 5, 1815 300 OASES BOOTS &. SHOES HUMPHREY BROTHERS. Me to Viehlold enstome re and the general NOT ONLY THE LABOEST ASSORTMEN7 GOODS FAT ,T orm..mDm NOBTHZRN' PElyNsrivAxi4; THE LOWSST,WATESI WORK GUARRANTEED I SHOES FOR LADLES, MISSES AND O.HILDREN, RECEIVED' TIE. KY _SEVER MEDAL Excellence of '4ign,ufacture PARIS EXPOSITION 1867. 'GOODS FOR MEN'S WEAR, HEAVY OR LIGHT I Hungarian-and other Styles OUR OWN MANUFACTURE Made to Ord& by Ezpericeced Workmen POWELL 4L CO. 00 HORSE • BLANKETS Carriage Team Harness, TRUNKS, WRIPS,4C. Towanda, Oct. 61, 1868. NEW -FIRM t NEW ,GOODS 1 Would call the , attention of the citizens of Rome and wiokiitY, that they have opened with A 'New Stock, of: Goods 1 At the old stand of •L. L. Moody , where with' close attention to the wants of the community they will keep a good treatment 9f goods, which they wil • SELL AS LOW AS THE LOWEST, And et pleat that ‘lll Indite every one to boy of them. We shall at all times have a good assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS iIELArNES, ALPACAS; PIII4TB, eiwirgs, GIMGHAFS, _EMMY, Fr AlB, CAPS, - BOOTS, SHOFS; dAress, akesiaints, Family/Groceries, Hardware, LADIES TRAVELLING BAGS I Dsms, Furniture, •te., &c., Mee abort) glees bot a alight Rea of the GOODS- WE HAVE IN STORE; And we only aay to oar numerous friends and thepublio generally, csil and see as test the me to of our pretensions, and If convinced:l BUY AND-. MAKE YOURSELVES RICH By wring money in yea masses. We „in tend to - GIVE -GRE.ATEI; BARGAINS THAN We know we can pleyse you, so give us a call 111 kinds of Taken la exchange fO goods. • WIOMII & FROST. Successors to L. L. Moody 0. D. WICKHAM. ZD. TROST Some, Pa.. N0v.12, 1888, - H URRAH! HtIRRAH'! REEtriir IS AT LAST P . \ T 7 COWELL HAB IT ! Anything you want in the Grocery line.• See what they have : FLOUR, FEED, FISH, SUGAR, PORK, TEA, SPICE, sirs; EGGS, LARD, DRIED AND CANNED FRUIT I FREBII FRUITS IN THEIR SEASON. SALT BY THE SACK OR BARREL. TOBACCO AND ,SECIARS. We are sole agents for the blot brands of VIZ . ginia and CAROLINA SMOKING TOBACCO, Wholesale and Retail. Lutl7. e"thilliinlG the GROCERY a" line. agr iteloakber the place, No. at math street SW door below Beldlettuut's Block. Towanda, Nor. 19, - P W" :~ltiss;llaiious, AT' RETAIL. public, BUT Bin,- , - FOR THE Tbat can be found In • 'The stock Is adored at And tise EDWINA). SMUT'S Awarded for stun JAXS3 M. BURT'S Either csu, OPERA, :NAPOLEON, In foil operation cod all goods In the Saddlky Department 1 B FFALO & WOLF fcOBES. WICICHUI & FROST, t Embracing all the latest styles of. Ttat cannot fall to snit. We would most re- LADIES DRESS . GOODS!. spectfully solicit a call from the desk:. through Northern Pennsylvania to an examination of VESTINGS, EANCi GOODS, UMBRELLAS, CROCKRRY i MIRROR.% WOOD SAND TINWARE. EVER BEFORE HEARD F4RMERB PRODUCE IifO'SIO, ON . ANY OTHER AR AL 11CLE Is oar Ilse, or4ored se eat sodas D 7 cabig se it* _ • saws sou. Ctgai. i t Dianlientiaows - ?times.— Notice Is busby item that all permit Indebted to the meals or Ogle tames, lode of Tosoorors daVd., - art nquested to make Immediate Impeast, sad all seems bar ing claims ambit sib, estate. Rest mead them duly authenticated tor settlement. L. D. W1.1U1131, Deo 21,1818. idadelateater. ATOTIOB IN BANKRUPTCY. This is to Give Holies : That on the 14th. itay of December, A. D, 1868,1 Warring in vas spinal the albite Of R. BART° of the Boca& of Troy' laths County of Bradfcird and Mite of Pennsylvania, who has been 13eakrapt on bis own petition; that= ment of soy debts ina 41=1 say pro.. party belonging to such pt o . to Mir odor his use, and the toaster of any ;so petty by him are forbidden by law; that a iodating of the creams of the said Bank rupt, to prove their Debts,and to choose one or more Assignees of his Estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be• holden at the Moe of the Bagister in the Borough *Moulds, Pa, before EDWARD OVERTON, .Iz,. Sister, on the 30th d ay of January, A. D. 186% at 9 o'clock. A. /11. - - THOMAS A. D. 6. ldarabal. Rs E. B. - Cixantriou, Deputy. Dea 24, 1868. tIECTITOWS NOTICE.- .Notice Is hereby given that all pampa indebted. to the Mate of MU. °VINTON. late of Towanda boro, are requited to nuke I lamed!• ate patent, sad All persons haring els up on add estate moat present Shen den . Winn tasted for settlement. ILS6FAIILANE, Om. 17,186 e. Rua elms. EXICOUTOWI3 NOIIOII.---Notioe is henb ghat, that all_lions in debted - y to the ORM. of 11•17 th late of Granville, deo'd. me rennested to make Immediate payment. and those haring claims against asid estate will present lhan dal, authenticated for settlement. • -• BETH S. Pins 8.. HOLM= CAT LIN. &mutate.. Dec. 17, 1868 EXECITTOR'S NOTIOL—Notke is hereby given thattiqms indebted- to the estate of LORENZO .doe'd. late or Wysitudng tip. are requested maks Immedi ate yapstent, unbolt' delay, *ad Mose haling Claims against said estate - mist priant them duly autheuticated for animist, 0., 0. ALLEN. DAVID BROWN, . Executors. Din, 17,-1888. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Notice is herebyplven that all persona Indebted to the estate of Ebenezer Wells, decd., late of Herrick twp., en requested to, make payinent withoirt delay, and those basis* , claims against' 4a16 Istate most present them Ally authentica ted tar settlement. JOHNBON . VELLS. Ezecotor. Dec.l7 18% FOWLER ,& CO., R. -BEAL ESTATE DEALERS, 47101 13 12C0111KGS macs, -mum SLID x mum° • Real Estate pardiased and sold. Investments made and Money Lcetted• CHICAGO, ILL.,Oct: 37,1866. • Dsait rstablished ourselves permanently in the above business, we take the liberty of sending your our c.rd. Should you have any desire to make investments or loaa money, ptu bong gut:lean is Chicago; (having lived here and seen its growth from L ama vill age to a city of over ikree hundred amigos d inhabitants) gives - us ample means of knowing where good investments can be made, or what will be good a ecurity for money loaned. " AU , business entrusted to our cars will !active pronipt attention." This city is inc easing Very rapidin in wealth And mnrolation, and. at no period have better opportunities offered for Investment, than at present. ••• Near Twelve Milllnns Dollars are expended annually in tine and costly dwellings, giving permanence and - causing great advance In prices fo all Improved property. 1 Very.Hespectfully, B. FOWLER /t CO.l By permission refers to Hons. N. B. Judd, N. , C., John V. Farwell, F. C. Sherman, 'Chicago; Roth. Sjmon Cameron, 11, S. S.. Sferc tar I t C„ Win. Elwell, Judge 13th Dist., Penns yin. tda; Hone. John Bateme, /Chalets Hancock, Horton; Hon. Wml B. Ogden, New York: Ly man Truman, Owego. PL - Y. N0v.26,14.6m. OBACC I O- AND CIGIORSI The undersigned have establbbed a STEAM TOBACCO 'FACTORY, 1 1 1 - W . •-A. IT 3D On Main Street belowiltridire Street. W here they v.l l roanufoof oi dog all kind' of Cal TOBACCO AND CIGARS-1 Which they offer to the trade at R P, LE SALE PRIPES OUR STOOK. AND PRICES-1 Oar Tobacco is manufactured from the best KENTUCKY IND VIRGINIA\ Stock that: can be procared In the market. Giro as aitry. This is a home enterprise and will ancm , with a liberal disposition of the trade ter: support home mannlactors. MEANS 3 MUMMY, - .157 Main Street, Towanda, Pa. June 4,1268.—tf. 8.. A. PEI"TES . CO Are now receiving from New York Cfine sortment of _ HOODS IN - THEIR LIN'S EConalating in part of BROWN & BLE&CHED.MUSLINS,' AND' PRINTS, LADIES, AND CHILDREWO 1)11ES8 4/00DS, Fancy Sklrta,,Nhawk, Hoop Skirts, GLOVES, 110SiEEY, YANK EX NOTIOxS, &c., &c., &a All of which can - be' bin& am asap' as the same quality of goods .can be bought in To- wanda. Their - - MILLINERY DEPARTMENT 4 . la:being IfaintsbeCwith the latest etyles_er SONNETS ANO-BATS; And a general assortment of affilinerj Good% with competent ILUlncia to sait - the taste'of all who maylavor theta with their patronage. IL Witten will be 4r:wished with all I Indio( goads at laden!! prkee. DONT FORGET THE LUIS ISO PLACE. Irak 'Street, directly oppositi tbb Court - Muse. • B. A. PETTIS 1 00: Towanda, Sept: 21, 1863.-3 m . akoREWARD. --In accordance with a reaintkon, or proposition of the Common Connell of the Borough of Alba . adopted October the 28th, A. D. 18U, I here by offer a reward of Three Ruedred Dollars to be paid upon conviction of any_persin or per eons who shall fire, or have . fired any building or buildings oa Missed th e same to be dons < within the limits of said Albs Borough. DAVID PALNEB, Burgess- N0v.84868. - AW. ORIN - MARBLE SHOP,- • ELMIRA, N. Y., • You will And Granite Momunesti, both Quincy and Concord, Marble "and Bide Mantles. and Coal Orates to At., large assortment; con stantly on hand, cheep as the cheapest. Aug. 10, 1888.—ly. F - R. TAYLOR, Fa s hionable ' Hair • Dresser.• Ward Sous, Towanda. Pa., keeps constantly on band sad' makes to order all kinds of Hair Work, such as Switches, Carlo, Britt% Frisian', Lad,h_ Trost Plums. Wigs, Toupees, Waterfalls, Puns, Falls Intake:a tmd ornamental Hair Work of Iln drucepLions made to suit the customer. Pattioski attenUrr to the Catlin- and Premiss Of Lady'sia Highest market price pald for am Hair. Toinutds, liar. WI, 186 e.