14-ESIDENT , S - MESSAGE. ((aneadaininl_Flisi .Pcige.) The' two treaties 'betweeti the United. States and Italy for the regu lation , of consular powers and the, extradition of Criminals . negotiated and. ratified here during the last :=ession of congreas,have been accept a and confirmed ' by the Italian Government. • A liberal consular convention which has -been negotiat ed with Belgium will be submitted to the Senate. The very important treates which were negotiated be •tween the United States and North Germany and Bavaria, for the regu lation of the rights of naturalized] citizens, have been duly ratified and exchanged, and similar treaties have been entered into with the IC.lngdoms, of Belgium and Wurtenbiarg, and with - the Grand Duchies of Barden :sod the Hesse Darmstadt. I hope soon to be able to submit equally satisfactory conventions of the same character now , in the-course of nego tialloa with the ',respective ' Govern ment of Spain, ltaly,and the Ottoman Empire. Examination of claims against the United Stites by the Hudson's Bay company and the Puget's , Sound Agficnitural Company,on the account ~ f certain possessory rights in the Slate of Oregon and the Territory of proviso of the treaty between • the United States and Great Britain of June 15, 1846, has been diligently prosecuted, Mader the direction of joint international commission to which they were submitted for adjudication by treaty between the two Governments of July 1, 1863, .ind will, it is _expected, Fe conclded at an early day. No practical regulation concerning ,•Jlonial trade and the fisheries can be accomplished by treaty between tiai United States and Great Britain until Congress shall have expressed their judgment concerning the pr:uciples involved. _Three other question's, however, remain open for adjustment. These are the mutual tights of naturalized citizens, the boundary - question involving the title t,, the island of San Juan, on the l'. , .cifte coast, the mutual claim since the year 1854 of the citizens and 100jects of the two countries for iljuries and depredations committed under the authority' cf their respec tive Governments. Negotiations upon-these subjects are pending, and 1 ant not without Lope of being able it, lay, before the Senate; for its consideration during the present session, protocols calculated to bring to au end there justly excting and long existing couiroversies. We are riot advised of the action the Chinese Government upon the liberal and auspicious treaty which was recently celebrated with its plenipotentiaries at its capital. Japan remains a theater Of civil war, marked ' by religions incidents and political severites peculiar to that long isolated Empire. The , Executive has hitherto maintained trict neutrality among the bellige f, nts, and acknowledges with pleas ire that it has been frankly and lully sustained in that:course by the nlightened concurrence and co-ope ration of the other treaty powers, namely, Great Britian; France, the Netherlands, North Germany, and Italy. Spain having recently. undergone a revolution marked by extraordinary laanimity and pereervation:of order, the Provisional Government estab -I.3hed at Madrid has been recognized, .tud 'the friendly intercourse which has so long happily existed between the two countries remains unchang ,.l.. I renew the recommendation con tained in my communication •tb ingrcss dated the 18th July fast— , copy of which accompanies this iaessage—that the judgment of the people should be taken on the pro priety of so amending tho Federal CimStitution that it shall provide= 1-t. For an election of'Presideut aud. `ice President by 1► direct vote • the people, instead, of through the • ?icy of electors, and making them ligible for reelection to a second ':1. Fur a distinct designation of loe person who shall discharge the tuties of President, in the event of a \Keane,. in that office by the death, • signation, or removal of both the President and Vice President. 3d. For the election of Senators of the United States directly by the people of the several States, instead ; ; b,. the Legislatures ; and th. For the limitation to a period years of the terms of Federal iudges. Profoundly impressed with the ropriety pf making these important ,codifications in the Constitution, I _ respectfully submit•them for the.early and mature consideiation of Congress. We should arAfar as possible remove all pretext fur violations of the organic law, by remedying such isaperfections as time and experience may develop, ever renumbering that • ;he Constitution whicl at any time Lists, until changed by an explicit .snd authentic act of the whole people, Is sacredly obligatory upon all." In the performance of a duty im ;_uscil upon me by the Constitution, I ..ve thus comunicated to Congress ;uformation of the state of the Union, sad recommended for their considers t ian such measures as have seemed to rue neccessary and expedient. If rarried into effect, they will hasten theacmplishment of the great and Lene nt purposes for which the Constitution was ordained,and which it comprehensively states ware "to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and -ocure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity." In Congress are vested all legishitive powers, and upon them devolves the responsibility as well for framing unwise and excessive laws, as for neglecting to devise and - adopt meas- Ilres absolutely demanded by the v.ants of the country. Let us earnest ly hope that before the expiration of s•ur respective terms. cf service, now apidly drawing to a close,an allwise Providence will so guide our counsels a's to strengthen and preserve the Federal Union, inspire reverence for lle Constitution, restore prosperity ..nd hapineas to our whole people, prsomote "on earth peace, goad to ward men." AN , NIEW JuIiNSON Dec..,p 1868. VET. 7 DRESS MAKING ESTAB - LIM/LENT. Lass Aura S. 4soscsip, - .7:tc..,l^the attention of the lintel' of Towanda , rd 0de!.07, to the tatt that she bas opened a tnIESS I' 4 IAKING --ESTAI3LISIDIENT,; the ro-xn forarertr.ompled by tbe Mince eme deer outh of Fox, titerette , fitereur eotit Store, (second floor) where sbe would - Lapiq to serve those who moy favor/Ler .•9 their estroesge, teeltne confident that • Lau 7 lee perfect lutists':Lion to rt!!. • 11. 1, 0 20, 1118 idlotfjlng : '; ; B - EDELL & VAN VELSO4; FASHIONABLE ME#CHANT 7AftORS DEALERS IN BEAT!' MADE CLOTHING! HMS AND CAPS, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS ! G 8 Broad Street, tVAVULY, TIOGA COUNTY, N X I - We have a Fashionable. Cutter [ma t /law York City, and take all the risk in glalog.yon a godd tit. READY MADE CLOTHING We make at our own eatahlishment. We give particular attention to Youth's Bop, and CHILDRENS' CLO2HING And always have a gaod assortment CLOTHS AND ~ CASSIMERES, From 53 cents to $3 per yard, (all wool.) Best Stock of Hats and Caps Sept within 20 'Smiles." Come :and; look on prove for yourself. .3. Will be at the Ward House the flratan third Thursday of every month with sample of Goode, and prepared to take measures. BEDELL & VAN VELSOB, 68 Broad-at.. Waverl;. N. Y. Agents for Grover* Baker's Sewing Machines, April 2,1868. THE TOWANDA REGULATOR CLOIHING S 7 ORE Adjoining Patton's Bice h . OSENBERG S WOLFF, Would respectfully anno once to the citizens of Towanda and vi unity. thit they have opened the above store, under the name of " The To• wands Regulator," with a splendid assortment OF READY MADE CLOTHING! Gents Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, &c., &c., which they assure the said citizens cannot be excelled in style or elegance, and that the prices are so low as to astonish everybody.— Rosenberg Wolff hope that ; by strict atten• tion, and fair dealing with the people of To - wands, they will obtain their patronage and support. They also beg to subjoin the follow ing Commandments for their guidance. COME ONE! COME ALL! At Rosenberg & Wolff's One Price R egdator Main Street, Towanda, Pa. THE TEN 0031MINDMENTS, Keep them, and Happy will bo Thy Days 1. Thou shalt hare no other place to', buy clothing except 'Rosenberg S. °ill 's One Price Regulator, Rain Street. 2. Thou shalt not choose any other merchant: though shalt not listen to their speeches, for Rosenberg & Wolff arc no Chatham-st. dealers, but sell at one price, and reliable: and will serve you unto the third and fourth generation. 3. Thou shalt not seek in' vain any more for cheap raiment, for they can be found at Rosen berg k Wolfs One Price Store. 4. Thou shalt bear in mind that we sell only on six days of the week, and don't desecrate the Sabbath by keeping our doors open and hangin out a show, tor, on the seventh day. Rosenberg dc Wolff, and their clerks, desire to rest trom their labors. 5. Thou shalt honor the way Rosenberg & Wolff deal, and long may be thy days to enjoy its benefits. 6. Thou shalt not commit an impropriety—of baying ot Chatham st. Dealers, but come di rect to Rosenberg & \Vold's OncelPrice Regu lator, Main street. 7. Thou shalt not seek In vain for goods ot Foreign make, for Rosenberg', k Wolff keep a large variety. 8. Thou shalt not purloin from the Regulator for Rosenberg & Wolff sell so cheap it would be a sin. ; 0. Thou shalt not bar witness. but ' wnestly acknowledge that you can get better suited and for less money, at Rosenberg & Wolfi's than any other store. 10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors goods or his bargains, for Rosenberg & Wolff can! give them to you likewise : therefore, take counsel, and buy only of Rose ub erg, & ;Wolff the Oncd Price Men. Towanda, Sept. 1.19G9. U P TOWN CLOTHING-. STORE Opposite Public Square, 96 31 Al N STREET, TOWANDA Receiving new additions to his stock o CLOTHING Every week, which he is selling lower thar a house in tewn. GOOD CASSIMERE SUITS, $1 ,0 A large live of CASSIMERE AND UNION SUIT CHEAP OVERCOATS AT ANY PR A large line of CLOTHS AND. CASSIMERE Which is sellinz below cost, as he is ansf close out this branch of biz business TRIMMINGS OF Al!. MINDS GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS Of every description BOYS CLOTHING OF ALL HATS AND CAI'S ..1T COST Call and convince yourselves Towanda. Nor. - 2,6, Isc,s H AT, CAP, AND FUR STO The undersigned have opened a store o south side of .51ercur's new block, TO \VANDA, rA., Where they intend to keep a full stook FASI3IONABLE AND SEASONABL, Goods, coaalsting, of HATS, CAPS, h URE, TRAVELLING BAGS, IM:1112 BUFFALO cud WOLF Which we will sell at the lowest petti )le ei • _ and rupecttally solVlt a shared the I tttr 151 of the ;mitre. =EI Towanda, Oet. 5, 1353. PANNING & HARNESS MA . IN The undersigned have' this dhy fo • ed )t - ca • hip be known as the firm GEE .1; FULLER, for the purpose of c.arryb on the above business. Harness mal t fr n al repairing done to order and all work w Cash paid for bides GRIFFIN MA.GED EDGAR. S. FULL!' Camptown, Jan. '2B, 1868. FritlE BEST FRUIT JARS L I. a Itticc c ‘BE do erottri'm R — oc — E - 4 . ik,k . c:Pito*l.stoifi;-"-: OODEN, WILLOW AND s R, 33 I [Southeast corner of Main & Br New and Des.irable Assortment always Co CASH BUYARS THE MARKET lijelTES LONG & KEtLER Nov 11, 1868. i • NEW GROCERY .AND PROVI- McCA33E. & MIX, ,Respectfully announce that they have com meuaed the - GROCERY AND PROVISION BUSINESS a the North Store of Mercer's New Bloch. And have now in store a full assortment Condi in their line, - purchased in brew York which they have to.ected with unusual care and will sell at the lowest, possible rates. Their Lt.ock is complete is every particular, and qaality and price cannot tail to g iYe satidnction They the patronage' of the public, Sc he assura'nee that first rate pods and to dealing may always be expected They have now in stare, and for sale by th'e case or single jar, a large Sto.A . of M 00 RE ' S SE LFSE ALINcG Which they recommend as the very best offered to the public. They ask for this jar, an inspec tion and trial, as its merits are a 'parent to ev ery one. t. North st :re to Eiercur's Nev Blde Main street, Towanda, Pa. ra - C ASH paid for PRODUCF., and fbr BUTTER, at the highest market 'rates. JAMS McCABE,, HARRY MIX. June 25, 185-6. WHOLESALEGROCERY PROV I S I O N 11.0 U S P. S. tended their new enterprise, desire very liberal patronage they have re- mired, by giving their customers the advantage of their years' experience, together with the benefit of their Ngreatly increased facilities for doing business J M. COLLIE llTeas, which they are selling at New York Jobbing prices,—guaranteeing "'TOWANDA BAKERY Atib • • The undersigned having :entered!: in to a co partnership under the name of SCOTT & AL LYN, for the transaction of brumes at the old Bakery stand, first door south of the Ward Rowe, Main street, would respectfully an flounce to the ,public that no pigns, will be spared to keep Ithe beat Of overititing in our line' of business arid at prlOes as low as can we obtained elsewlMre. We will keep constantly on hand and will bike to order CLONNEY k A 513 BY FLOUR, FEED, MEAL, SO. No. 1, PAITON I S BLOCK TOWANDA, Pi: RECEIVED DAILY Great Indaementa C6IINTAYI : PRiMUO \/ Bought wind Sold at SION STORE! MAIN STREET, AIR TIGHT FRUIT JARS, 12221 OF M. 113, Mini STILEIET, TOWANDA, PA The uudersigned, encouraged by he success which has thus far, at- o make acknowledgement for the They keep constantly on hand, a very large and complete assortmen, of everything in their 'line, and are daily receiving such additions to their stock as the wants of their ti ads requires They have now in store, Bc4ar Syrup, Molasses,' Coffee, Rice, To bacco, Fish, Salt, (Meese, Fruits Crackers, Candy, Matches, Broome Wrapping Paper, alid Twine, Flour Sacks, Seeds, and a great variety of other goods, which have been recent ly bought at the lowest point in the market, and are offered at wholeaalei at rates to correspond. They desire to call especial atten tion to their large stock of Fin• e the quality in all eases Have also on hand a -good assort- ment of Flour, Pork and Kerogene They, still continue to have 'the benefit of a resident Partner in New York, who is constantly in the,market and prepared to .turn to* our advaa- tago any favorable changes the price of zoods. FOX, STEVENS, MERCIIII, & CO. May 12, 1868 EATING - ESTABLISHME NT - I - PIED; CAE, Customers may rely upon our work being well and neatly done. p our EATIN r er DEPARTMENT will ho served at all hiitirs of 'the day, and we will do all In our power to merit, not only a continuance, but an Increase of the lib .erel patronage heretofore e% tended tO the Douse. Fresh Oysterd constantly on hand. We ■ill also keep a good assortment of Groceries, Confeztioncry, Green, Dried and Canned Fruits Cash paid for Butter, Eggs and Fruit. • SCOT r. • Towanda, Sept. 15, 1805. J S. *LYN. Rio ceric 4 GiVroDielons. • • ,aitooNEYI IkativisioN , AND -FEET? JOHN ; j &tat.) , Ilit.‘door senth• of thr in tai e l t , h rail . Walk's of the public: moat o l :ll l Z and well L- I leafed dealt of ,- 1. imporatiEs 4.Np PROVISIONS, Wldel g 6 suit theilmen, and pnrses of all. He hm also tpened a splendid I y 4 TONE FEED STORE, , Which b well situated to supply the cans and Barclay coal region! at all, • times. Ho keeps constantly on hand a large:stock of ' TEAS, OOPFEES,-SUGARS, 23=1 Goods • MOLASSES, I • • FLOUR; BUTTES, PORK, &0., Which ho l 8 sellblg cheap for cash. GOODS D4LiVERVD - 41t1 THE BORO FREE OFICHARGE. f nplete. The citizens of Towinda and vicinity, will please accept my thanks for their very liberal patronage for the; list two. years, and we promise with their! askistancr, , to improve ev ery oppc rtunity to enlarge our business, so as to warrant satisfaationt t4l all. , Call and see us again- • ' - r; • • I • 'NEW GOODS NEV'G,ROiOERIESI W.: A. 49CKWELL'S. CANED ; FRUITS, PINE APPLES, (PEACHES, PLUMS AND CANNrp OYSTERS PEACHES, PRUNES, CHERRIES TEAS, SUGARS, SYRUPS, MOLASSES., COFFEE, SPICES, Of 41 kinds; is tact everything iu the GROCERY LINE! Will ha keptt constantly on hand and all goods will ho warranted for what they are represt nted to be. Come and examine and convince yourself. Don't forget the place, Temple of Fashion, opposite p the Means blouse, south end of Beldleinan s Block . •rI. JACOBS. VARIETY OF PARAIERS PRODUCE. I Towanda, 0ct.17, 1867. PLOU'R,FEED,,RAND, POTATOES, BUTTER, 1.411 D, EGGS, AND EVERY DRY GOOLiS-OF ALL VARIETIES, LOWEST POINT 1N THE 1114RKET CHEAP AS "; THE CHEAPEST TO TIE FARMER:' ALL OF PRODUCE,- . A.-ROCKWELL Af y 23, isc7 Oc1). HE UN ,SIGNED, HAVING rnretinsna the entire interest cr t PATCH, n in LL.o Run bf C. !IL. PATCH k CO - ., is now prepared to icdre4 tp the eillzan.l oL Biadford County and ill:Laity, a Large and well selected stock of Which I hai4nrcharied for Cash and tcA conil . dent that cant adll at in locei figures as can be purcasell ell3wbOro. I row offer to the public a splendid a Ck of; 11 TEAS, CpFFEES, SUGARS, STARCH, SALEIIATUS, SPICES, &C Have oil liana a largo stock of'= AKRON ":FLOUR, GRAHAM DO rag DO. :BUCKWHEAT DO I keep constantly on bawl, PORT{, HAMS LARD and kinds of F 134. Would call the a teation of the Tidy. to our Can't Ba Bra STo OF TOBACCO, i I In quality or pricit. Jesse Oekley's Celebrated • Laundry, New brol:k Chemical and BrcaM Soap Please call an ex l amlne oar stock of La'rge assortment of YANKEE: NOTIONS TOILET scups, ae., 3:e. I will pay the high est cash price fin Farmers gips as n;x:all before selling elsewhere All persons indebted to the :late area will • t. please call andtmake immediate payment. TOwands,lLetrcki 12,1867'. NEW FRUIT AND FANCY Grocery iStcore • • IT4WANDA, PA. Just flatted. a good supply of F U . I 71 1-- S ;4' FOREIGN, DOMESTIC, CANNED & DRIED Nuts, Candies,Fruit Extracts Constantly on hand, , and will be sold cheap as the cheapest. Also the best quality of - I . 11.41:77 SORE OYSTERS, i By mentirq, or dan,,or keg. Fresh and Fine Between the Flirelt House curt Mercnr's B ock Towanda,Oct 15, 18F8 WARM la A LS, AT ALL HOURS T (),. I.IOFFIT7B Restaurant- Persone cominito tows for dionerorlll do wel to give blm c!I • GTO. W. MOFFITT Tow.inda.:l4o 11, 1868 (10I0E TOBACCO ANDSIGARS ' . 1.1 Bravithall ¢ Cowdll' Chtap Marcel ar I ATI , oF IKN-Ds, DIM? AP LES, &c.,1 &c., &c. A fresh lot of Purchamd at the And. will be so!d as CASI PAID _FOR G CERIES, WOODEN WARE COIT,NTRY PRODINE C. B. rATC/1. C. B. PATCH .11Tr the Elwel House, TEA, dOFTEE, AND Stzus, &c. &c I ' Eteine mbet the place VVOOD'S NEW STORE 4110tbms NU" SPRING AND sMErt, A , GOODS 1:'• R.V: EDDY.' Would announce to the • eltliene et Towanda, and the public generally, ; It* he hakin•ntore : and daily zhing, new Ida • . •t. R G 0 D .• In his tine; suitable to the wants of the people, which he will sell for Carreuoy at former GOLD PRICE&I Conslstlpg as usual. of goOd 801 l and. rellabl' made • , CL'OT•IIIN0! (No Shoddy of any kind) consisting in . 1 BU.S.INESS SIIITS,4 Al grades. COATS, VESTS AND PANTS AU Wool DRESS.COATS, PANTS Sc VESTS, Linen Coats, Dustera and Pants, Over Ails and . Over Shirts, Linen and Paper Collars, Linen, Cassimere and Flannel Shirts, Neck Ties, Suspenders, Gloves, Canes ' Leather Bags, Spring Style Silk, So ft and Str aw Data. All first class. Remember that Good Goods are cheaper at a lair price than poor goods at any price. Call and examine my goods before buy. hag. Next door to Powell & Co. R. w. EDDY. • • Towanda, may 28, 1867. THE' TEMPLE OF FASHION 1 NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS! An entire new stock of Clothing tonght as cheap asletore the war to be sold with SMALL PROFITS I The undersigned would respectfully annourice to the citizens of Towanda4and vicinity that ho is now ready to oar them 'Clothing, such FINE BEAVER OVERCOATS, CHINCHILLAS, PILOTS, Also the FINEST DRESS AND BUSINESS SUM. HATS AND CATS i • Famishlag Goods, &c.. andt these goods bought at very low figures . will be sold with very small profits I intend to establish a per manent trade in this place, and in order to gain the confidence of purchasers„ will deal on a basis of HONESTY . AND INTEGRITY FALL AND WINTER GOODS GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES ! PROCLAMATION BY COVEN ROSENF.IE.L TowANDA, PA IVIIERE”. It WOOS to have pleased the in habitants of Towanda, end vicinity, to recog nize ourlair way of dealing ; Awn Wazazas, We owe our feineere thanks to ther comiunnity for extending to us so liberal ailatronage until now awn WLIEREAR • We deem it our duty to re ciprocate all the favors bestowed upon u 4? thus far; Vi'tkpo hereby publicly.PßOCLAlll, that on great stock of FA ILL AHD I VINTEII GO ODS, SUCH AS BROADCLOTH, BEAVER. Doeskin Cassintere . Suits, ( - if all gralea,anil of the lat , ltt styles ; will be dig.pos2d of at/ REDUCED PRICES! bur goods are manufactured in New York city by One of the members of the-firm, therefore we are enabled to sell as cheap as the nest, and wishing - to reduce our stock we will put our goods at such low rates as will enable any body-to buy a suit of clo hes. We aro receiv ing the LARGEST STOCK of OYERGOA,TS Ever brought to this market, such as Beaver, Chinchilla, Doeskin, Ice., for Men and BOys war. Call at the Clothing Store of • COVEN & ROSENFIELD, And convince yourself of the fact that they do as they sly and do not misrepresent any of their goods. We also call attention to our stock of GENTS FLTNISHING GOODS Such as Ca.sslinere and Woolen Overshirts; ' Ua dershirts and Drawers, ovaralls and overskirts Gloves, Cotdigan Jatkets, Ties, Collars, Bas ponders, LATEST STYLES HATS & CAPS, Whisk theynls, sell at Reduced PrNes. Give us n call betiire buying elsewhere. COHEN & ROSENFIELD. Opposite' Powell .& Co, Towauda, Oct . 21, 1868. The 4ndersigned would respectfully inform the citizens of W%alasing and vicinity that they have disposed of their old s tock and have again opened. at their old stand wit ) an entire new stock of Beady Made Clothing which are of the beat mane facture and of the latest style They have Beaver, :Chinchilla, Doeskin and Pilot Overcoats. Also a- large assortment of Gents garnishing Goods, such'is °scrabble Undershirts. Drawers, Hats, Caps, &c., which they will sell at Reduced Pr) ces. Having gain ed the confidence of the people by honest and fair dealing, they are Hare of obtain fog a share of their patronage. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. COHEN &, ROSE NFIELD: Wyalusing, Oct 21., 1868. CAMPAIGN OPi NED GRAND RALLY OF TEIE MASSES COME ONE ! COME ALL ! RErIIBLICANS, DENICiCRATS: And citizen of awry Toliticalfaith arc invited to attend the GREAT MASS MEETING Which is to be held awd continued for the noTt three months by the citizens of Towanda and vicinity at • • N0.\23, :MAIN STREET Where young. and Old are already gathering to provide themselves, with cz"a=Tl .1 N-G, FOB, FALL AND MTN ' TER WEAR, From the excellent supply wo hare lately reoeived•and which for. QUALITY, DURABILITY AND CUBA PNESS Ca'nnot bo excelled In this or any other mar ket. our entiro stock being new and bought for cash we. - - DLSTANqK ALL ~901EPETITION. Our motto Is Quick Sales, Small Profits ,Strict. ly Omar, and Once Price Only. ,We invite! one and all to pay us a visit at the old stand of olomon . & Son, one door north of Taylor & Co ' SOLOMON & WOLFF. • rams WOLVP. ALEX. BOLOY,01:. Towanda, Oct. °1,1359 WE SELL Over.cats this eer.son at vest low prices. Our stock was bought low, and is re. tailed at less than a usual wholesale profit. We offer some extra bargains at the once price . 4riore of BOLOMON do WOLFF, • No. 123, Main Street. WE SELL our %Vet' of Fine Coats, Business Salts, Pants and Vests, for men and boys' wear as low as any previous thrto this summer. We have some splendid goods in this lino; bought cheats and selling at a very small profit, otthe One Price Store of • • - sbr.onoN & WOLFF, • No. 123, Main Street. WE SELL' Furnishing Goods mach below current prices. Our stock's campletain Men's and Youths'. On these customers :Can save Many times, fully - 20 per cent. by buyintat the one price store of - SO!..OMON & WOLFF, N 0.123, Main Street. WE SELL mail articles as cheap as large ones, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Collars, Ties, Gloves, Mittens and' gooks. cf this class very much less than they are retatb d elsewhere.— We invite sheirade to convine themselves at tha one imies stored - • 'SOLOMON !'WOLFF', No. 123, Main Street., The highest price in cash paid for Wool, Hides, Felts, and Calf Skins at the one price 'store of • SOLOMON & WOLFF, f No. 123, Main Street., anb tc acinier - "I , OLD- 9 earner 140 n -and iiii*o ! . l9iralio.s, ra. Thrringreeemdly added largely to ids Stock, a full and aimpUtc soortmenz, constituting ius extensive variety, embracing many articles used in the Arts for mechanical pommy carefully selected with regard to tbeiorogresalve wade of the public, which ' will be kept consttantly Mk plea with :fresh purchimes i _and ofthred on the most mumble berms It Molesale or &tan; conaistintel ' • . • -- • . DitUGS I . IIEDI.OINES., OHEMIOALS, PAUVre, 00, TAANIanCet BENZINE AND TURPENTINE, BAI3E, PAINT, vAtziisH, NnuTEo,y.&s,it, bad all triads of Benches, KEROSENE 0;)p.; COAL OIL, Alcohol and Burning r,4ii1113, BHA,DEgS; 1 *ICES. CHIMNEYS, ' Sperm s Lard. Whale, Neat Foot, - TANNER'S ANTi:Vi.OHDIE OILS, Pane" and Toilet Articles In all their varlet', SPONol3B, m i i BRUSHES, !SOAPS, COMBS, Po es, Hafrayes, Perfumery, . I'OOKET,BOOS, POBT MONAIS, • I Pocket Knives, Bawl: • TORTE!, SKIN AND'HAIR PREPARATIONS PUBS 'WINES - AND LIQUORS, • For Medicinal use, , TOBACCN. SNUFF, ' PIPES AND CIGARS, .Barden, Field and FlourSeeds,,Trasses,;.Sup porters, Suspensories Shoulder Braces, Breast Pumps, Teething Rings, Musing Bottles, Nipples N ipple Shells and . ields. Syrinkes, Bed Pans, Self= Sealing Fruit •Jars, Thermometers, Flavoring Extracts, Stone Jugs, Clan • Ware, Bottles, Vials; Corks, Bath Brick, and Stove Blacking, Fish Taekle, Ammum• Lion , &o. Botanic. Eclectic and Homumath ic Medicines, and all the Popular Patent • MEDICINES. ; All &Aides warranted as represented. Per shim at a distance can receive their orders by stage or mail, which will receive prompt and careful attention. DR: PORTER'S' PREPARATIONS FOB FAMILY USE, Known as Safe and Reliable Remedies, are war• ranted for what they aro intended to 5. lye sat's• faction, viz : _ Dr. Porter's Pectoral Syrup, for coughs, colds, lung complaints,4w4oc&lll 00 Dr. Porter's Eclectic Pills, for bilious com plaints and mild cathartic.... • 25 Dr. Porter's Banifer Syrup, for 'scrofula skin diseases, 4w 1 00 Dr. Porter's Uterine Tonic, for jernale weak noss, • .... 1 00 Dr. Porter s Tonic Elixir for strengthening the system, „ 1 00 Dr. Porter's Tansy Bchnapps, for liver and kidney complaints ... .. . Dr. Porter's Comp. Syr. Hypophosphitel, for nervous debility • 100 Dr Porter's Blackberry Balsam. for diar rhea, t.e. . Dr. Porter's Family Embrocation foi sprains bruises, 4-c 35 D. Porter's Pectoral Wafers, for hoarse , .71e38, sore throat, 4-e 2.5 Dr. Porter's Worm Wafers, for expdling worms 2.5 Dr. Porter's Worm Syrap, for extermina ting warms 35 Dr. Porter's Infant Belief, for crying balnu colic; 4w 26 nr. Porter's Cephalic Snuff, for catarrh headache 2: Dr. Porter's Toothache Drops, for tooth ache lc Dr. Porter's Tooth Powder, for peserving teeth 2i, Dr. Perter's Trlcogene, for dressing and 50 growing the hair 10 Dr, Porter's Tricophile,ior beautifying the hair Dr. Porter's Odoriferous SharspooSor clean ing the hair 4 50 Dr. Porter's Milk of Flowers; for beautify. ing the complexion 50 Dr. Porter's Pilo Ointment! for externs piles ' 00 Dr. Porter's French Compound. for scald ing urine 00 Dr. Porter's Medicated for habitue: constipation... 4.. 01 Dr. Porter's Healing Salve, for cuts,woands Dr. Porter's Lip Salve, for chapped lips.... Dr. Porter's Eye Salve, for Inflamed eyes.. 25 Dr. Porter's Eye Water, for inflamed eyes.. 25 Dr. Porter's Corn and Wait' Remover, for • corns and tau:liens Dr. Porte:'s Constipation Pills, for costive- ness Dr. Porter's Iron Pills, for poor blood br. Porter's Citrate Magnesia, for a pleas ant catharric 60 Dr. Porter's Liquid Bennet, for making nu= • trltions diet for invalids 25 pr. Porter's Extract Vanilla, for flavoring ice cream, !be 40 Dr. Porter's Extract-Lemon, for flavoring ice cream—large bottles 40 Dr.,Porter's Oriental Cement, fo; m9ding broken ¬e 25 Dr. Porter's Liquid Clue, for repairing • wood work 25 Dr. Porter's Cleansing Flmd,for easy wash. tug ' 60 Dr. Porter's Bed Bug Poison, for killing bugs i. 50; Dr. Porter's Fly Poison Paper, for killing 11les 05 Dr. Porter's Rat and Mice Poison, for ex terminating rata 25 'Dr. Porter's Benzine, for removing spots from clothes 25 Dr. Porter's Black Ink, in pint bottles 25 in bulk by the gallon 00 pr. Porter's Home and Cattle Powder, for diseases of animals 30 Dr. Porter's Horse and Cattle Lotion, for sprains, galls, &c 60 Dr. Porter's Ring-Bone and Stavin Cure, for lame horses 50 Medica /advice givengratuitocsly at the office, charging only for medicine. sir Thankful for past liberal patronage ,would respectfully announce to his friends and the public, that no pains shall be spared to satisfy, and merit the continuation of t heir confidence and patronage. C. PORTER,.II. D. Dec. 18;1866.—yr ' S4arbmart. 41 c , . o ta k ba U. cra . a ti- - s. a • ..1 , ' - 'i : 4 ?, 0 Icl 2 r k' _ .:1 4 e, Z p... tn CI w X .F in tO F t 3 ,--4 . 0 .-ie '' 0 ie l'e c'FF , 0 _ i ,t 1 4:, 0 pp ..; r. tv MARSH, LL BROTHERS & CO., Wish 13 call the attention of the public , to their n w Stock of HARDWARE • PAREANO IMA 3 I.IIIENTS, BLACK STATrHS' TOOLS, and CARPENTERS' TOOLS. Also, a large assortment of Window Glass, Sash, Paints, Oils, ;Putty, Varnishes, and Paint and Varnish Brushes of all kinds, which will be sold for thelowest Cashipriee. A.lso, a fine assortment of Kur.osniTE DAMPS of every"etyle mid patterp to snit the public: Lamps repaired and lehanged from 011 and Fluid to /Unmans. .- of attention paid to the mannfacturinit of all kinds of,, . TIN W J 0,138100 PECO`OPT-LTiTTENDED TO We have on hand 'One article of I SLABS FIUIT JARS, evith improved seltsealing corks, and HIERLIETICAL BRAUN° GANG, which is one of the best calla' used. June 20;1865. TRAPPING OVNTON'S WRAPFING PAL' CEIVED, • ~ ~ r . 1 1 Haring secured the agency or one o the largest manntacturers in the ountry, ire are now prepared ta f..fftr great 1 dacemerita to i merchants and others rising Wrapping Paper; Oar stock comprises everything in the line, nut we respectfully solicit a portion of public Warm/ago, aswe are satisfied that we can sell goods as low as any establishment outride of the cities. ALVORD le BARBER, Towanda, Oct. 1,1868, Bursar's Mew Block. FEMMV i. - v::::' , : . ..,•;-:p.-.li; ;.t, - .lt• :8.,1 y. "I ....::1-_.-:....;.,',..,::: 4.;,: D:lLlTil,.,....lariciliri. , . „. . 1 %ABBR.! I EtV, JUST RE• Iffibitinti. !Dry '41:011.1 - "-S _ DRUG STOBB,c.i7 . . •o • soccomo L it. •ie U a r oo are eontboWkei - .. bubo" stand No. A I ton's Bloek,nhose -he realising Malone to bultliteek trim the most reliable imposters Ind titatintastariat reeved fully . asks or a . . liberal: Owe of public patron age, A large stock of . • FRESH DRUGS AND MEDICINES . , . Haijuat tieen recitred, and vra are nay pre = pared tolapply the • _ . . • . •.- • ~ . . W,I.NTS - OF' THE PUBLIC WITH ARTICLES IMLONOPIO TO. TON ?RADS. pultE WINES AND LIQUORS, FOR MEDICAL: USE ONLY. .. a' FT/LL ASSOZTKIXT OP, OONCIPTRATED UOTANIC ECLECTIC AND HOI,EPATIIIC MEDICINES. ALL 'SR POPULAR PATENTVEDICINES • rautre, OIL, vARNiad, PAINT AND VARNISH BRUSHES DYE•BTIIYYY .LND 'FANCY AND TOILET ABTICLEBOP EVERY KIND. TILDEN'S ALCOIIOLIO ANPFLDID ESTDACTS, ALFIALOW AND REBINOID,S, All the Best Tittssei, A BDO74IN'AL BOPPOETBRB, Shoulder Brace®, BREAST PUMPS: NIPPLE 811EL113, AND zmolftii:l Pinning Bottles, Syria - inn and Catheters, A LARGE ASSORTNXO7 07 ILLZOItEI.. 2711078, rtmorr xvivse, SUEGICAL INSTRUMENTS OP LATE STYLE AND lINST .417•LITIF A large supp.y Brushes for the Rat and Hair Also for the Teeth and Nails, Tooth Pow ders, and Pastes,olls Perfumery, Soaps, Combs, Hair Lot, lnvigor ators.&e., Kerosene, K erosene • • Lampe, Shades, Chimneys, Wicks &c., all of the • , late st styles. CHOICE.CIOARS, TOBACCO AND SNUFF Sir Physicians supplied at reasonable rates. Medicines and Prescriptions carefully and ac curately a:lmpounded and prepared by compet ent persons at all hours of the day and night. Sunday boars from 9 010 o'clock in the fore , noon, to 2in the afternoon. W. H. H. 6011 E. Towanda , Sept. 29, 1866. 33001 is anb Stationerp REMOVAL! ALVORD & BARBER I GO Have removed their BOOK STORE•AND NEWS ROOM To the magnificent new ; store in MERCUR'S BLOCK, Niearly opposite till! " Ward House," where they are prepared to offer to their old customers, and the public generally, a new and carefully se lecte4 assortment of 800 K S ! Comprising Standard Works, Novels Text 'Books, &c: Their assortment of BIBLES, TESTAMENTS, HYMN BOOKS, PRAYER BOOKS, etc., will be found to be complete. A large assortment of • Sunday School Books, Cards &c., always on hand Iffi Writing Papers& Stationer As cheap as ever sold in this or any other market. Our arrangements with School,Book publishers are such that we are prepared to offer' the se ries of Books naw in use in the Com mon Schools of this county to retail dealers, at as low figures as they eau buy them in New York. Orders sent for any book p ublish el. We keep constantly on hand at the Daily and Weekly Papers, ling azines, Periodicals, &c. - Give us a call. ALVORD & BARBER. Towanda, July 13, 1868. DIARIES FOR 1869 PAPER Sr, ENVELOPES NEW-YORK PAPERS SCHOOL BOOKS, , ' • - PENS, INK, MUSIC, STATION 'BY AND PICTURES BLANK BOOKS . YANKEE NOTIONS. Towanda, Nov. 19, 1868. BOOK-BINDEBY.-THE PUBLIC is respectfully informed that the Book „Pinder) has been removed to the - Argus Build ing, 311 story, where will be done BOOS-BIN PING! In all its various branches, on terms as rea. sonable as" the times " will allow. The Bind ery will be under.the charge of 11.. C. WHITAKER, An experienced Binder, and all work will be promptly done, in a style and manner which cannot be excelled. • Music, Magazines, News papers, Old Books, &0., bound in every variety of style. Particular attention a ill be paid to the Baling and Binding of • BLARE BOOKS, To any desired pattern, which 'in quality and durability wit be warranted. work will be ready for delivery when promised. 4 The peril.* satisfaction patronage of the public is solicited, and Towanda. august 2. I.Raft•—tf• FIJRNITURE WARE-ROOMS I JAMS ALAkINSON announces to the public that he atillcontinues to mannfactureand keep .on band a large assortment Of . . " • CABINET FI,TENITIIItE, Banana, Tablei. Bedstead Stands , 1 Chairs, Se., of every , description , which . will be made of the best ms er als, ands he moat workman like wanner. I Invite the unction of fhe public to mylwork, which shallnc surpsscd in durability, at any !hop in the country, and my prices will be found to be as low as the timer will admit. Beady-made Coffins constantly op hand or made to order., A good hearse will be furnished when desired. Aug. 15, 1665. . • iic*ttcu NOTH - BRANCH FOUNDRY ARD 114.11 H INE 8H0?, 131!airtesion Ilae, cast ef. Main Stozet, TOWANDA, - BRADFORD' CO., PA., now Prepated to famish - OIRCITLAI SAW MILLS • SHINGLE MACMNES, . . Of •tbe best quality with the . latest 'improve. ants. All kinds of Machinery for Flouring and Saw. Milli.. • - " STEAM -ENGINES,- MADE dr, REPAIRED; STEAM WHISTLES, - • STEAM GA.GIIES; • . GAIIDE• COCKS; OIL-CANS, &0., Furniabcd at abort notice. BOLT" C . IITTING,, • —Don! from *to Inches 1.0.dt-totter. I FORdiNG - ••• Of heary„ wrought work 'for - Bridges, and all other purposes;,-done to order. Also, a large aerrtasent of COOKING & HEATING STOVES- Coal and Wood Burners. Furniture for Cooklrig Stove', Stove Pipe; Tin-Ware, Boat Pampa, Plows, Cultivators and Lcrapera, kept constant ly on hand. . DRAWINGS & SPECIFICATIONS Ot all kinda of .. machinery for Walt and other purposes prepared by WREN HILL, 'Foreman, ho has had large experience in this branch of . the business. JOUR CARMAN. . . Towanda, - Oct. 29,1866.-Iy. T "ANDA CARRIAGE FACTORY. The undersigned respeptielly announce to the public that they have purehalcd the CARRIAGE SHOP G. H. And are now prepared to build w'tk iu THE LATEST STYLE And most. -workmanlike tnanner. The ) vtil constantly keep on hand an assortment of Splen did TOP' AND OPEN BUGGIES FAMILY CARRIAGES, DEMOCRAT AND LUMBER WAGONS ozir. AND TWO SZATED ALBANY SLEIGHS ALL WORK WARRANTED 11EPAIIIING promptly, attoodcd' to at rca soliable prices 1311.Y.A.NT Si STULIN Towanda, May 9,1867.—1 y. . N7EAV PLANING MIL The undersigned hav ir.g built a large and coin modioes 61ill in the Borough of Towanda, and filled it with, the moat modern and improved machinery, for the manufacture of ; 7 7U'M:eg SASH. & BLINDS, are prepared to fill ordera, whether large cr small, upon the shortest notice. We have also a large variety of SIOULDLSGS,',of the latest style and pattern, whiCh we can furnish much ' cheaper than they can he worked by hand. PLANING, , TONGUEING OiIOVEING; and al other work pertaining to Joinery, will be done to suit our customers. . Persons building, and • not livlnz more than twelve to fourteen miles distant, will find it largely for their interest to buy of us, or bring their lumber and worked by our machinery. Bring your grist of Flooring, or other lumber, and while your team is is feeding, have it ground out and take it home with you. We -will pay CASH for PINE a. HEMLOCK.. LI3IIfRER delivered at our lumber yard. Come and see us, or if you can't come, write. L. B. RODGERS & CO. Towantra, Feb. 1861. T . O WANDA AGjICULTURAL Iv OE Kb 7'OIViLVDA, ! ) ENN'A , MANUFACTURES DUBS, SPOKES BENT STUFF, Iit.HAVY AND LIGHT WAGONS, GENERAL WOOD WORK WOOD TURNING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES', SCROLL SAWING, PLANING, ETC., ETC Tu Healers in HUBS, SPOKES & BENT STUFF, We acr a LARGE STOCK FROM WHICH TO SELECT The aboce are from the Lest SECOND Gitowtti HICKORY S OAK. LIGHT AND HEAVY WAGONS - ON HAND We hare the Broad and _Van.6to Gaage 113 - 51111. PICKS * mac and dressed W. T. BISEIOP • Superintendent. M. C. MERCUR,•Pres!dent SEE THIS AND . DON'T FORGET that there is now. on hand a large assortment _ I"cptliES . AND :PLATFORM WAGONS - . At the ATHE9., CARRIAGE FACTORY. Which, for style, , good materials used ia .cria,- struction,quailty,-of work and &dab, can not . he surpassed. -I"MYPOLICY to employ only firskclass workmen, and use great care to get the best of stock, and to war• rant my work to give satisfaction. 53.. All kinds of Wagons and Carriages made to order, with - roartiduln care and d Is- Web. PRICES LOW. lietiairing, well, neatly and promptly dole. It wits pay you to patronize the ... ATHENS 'CARRIAGE FACTORY! J. A. IDE , TOLL. Athens, Pa., Sept. l; 1818 —3m. NE w TAILOR SHOP . AMOS PENNEPACKEtt, Has opened a shop in the room lack of the Booing of the Young Men's Christian A - Heels lion, second etoryi over Eddy's Clothing Store where he is now prepared to d all kinds of TAILORING, In the best and most fashionable 'manuer.l An experience of many }versos determination to keep up with the Fashions of the TiIIICP, jrida desire to please his customers. he believes will enable him to give satisfaction. la. Cutting done:on shcirt notice'and mutat, blo terms. y , Towanda. Oct. 17, 1867 RAG: t RAGS 11 RAGS.III-500 Tons good Paper Bags wanted. for which the highest market price;will be 'paid. • ALVORDI.k. BMIBEttt. Towanda, Oct. 1 IN6B. . • • • • _ / 111 )WANDA *- INSIJAANCE . - AgENcY . lesued;Lottieeadjaated ptemptly H. D. IprzAlv, Of the folioed:gate!l known sad reliable pan's& 01E0 lifordiaje's 13k dr. - AggOffate AlgotinCe CAPThst.; -$1 iGh (CU Arta Livir &rut lisstriires Cesisswy, • • Hartford, Onut, Cash Assets, Nov. 1, '47 . —SI LITESPOOL AND LONDON AND GI .• • FIZZ AND LUZ iNINDIANON CO. cipital, Burplas and Reopened Fans, (Gold) $56.171-1,7‘. Assets In the United States, over.... Daily Premium, upwards of - (Go 14) 2glll, ,t iNSURiIiCE COMPIXT, Hartford, Conn.:' Capital - - NNW INESEY MUTUAL LTfl htlitiaiNCl CO., I Nttoark: IV. J. •..: Capital slot•t. NORM/ dUZY.ICLU TAANSIT INACitANC6I . Co., (Accidental) . PM/add/dad, Capital $641? COl ' llikcrteCT MCTUALLIFE lxscaaxcs Co• Hartford . Conn., - ' . Capital Towanda, Feb.-20,186E1—U MIME, LIFE, AND ACCIDENTA 1.1 INSUBANCE. ~ q;VEN7'EEIV ;MILLION FOIL ?Ili FOLLOWING NAM= RELIA3LIC Orqtr•.. A °LUND Fut' do Bienasslntnwics Con:FA:yr Philadelphia, I Capital and surplus , oyer sJsc,ci, Horns I.Kauktuica Comp/Lay, Of NetarqrA Capital and surplus, crrer t 3,759 ..r 1P10711.11;c1t COMPAKP OP NOSTII Capital and aurplaiit-- "No MANIIATTI); INSIIIIANCI CoIITANT: Of New-York, Capital and eurpitin, Over . EnTitaratat lotteaton COMPANY, Of Plata,.lpkia. e Capital andeurplus, over . . A FIT IC IIiSCRANCS COMPANY. Of Need• }'fir Capital and aertdna, over. . _ . r177:162.1 INBCHANCE COXPANY, Of Hartford, Conl , Capital and rarplns, over... L rruez. Ln.-s INSCHANCE COarAN Y, 1 Of NI- tr. - Yr Capit :tn.] narpln vier COmriht, Of llartfca-d; Clipl:a 2.3(1 viirplca;Over asks La. en cut all kiadi cl Prop, ' P - low ratesas by an) other rellab'.o Compln IP. W Policies issued and Losses, ii arly do juated at this A geney,thereby saying tLe and - expense of going elsewhere for settlerseo. *Z" Oatee at the Ilardwhere Store of dint ..tßaseell .- C. S. RUSSELL. Towanda, Feb. 7, 14:13, -ti rtir E INSURANCE COMPANY OP NORTH AMERICA. Office No. 242...Wa1nut Street, Plailade This Company are now prosecuting the tri 1127.3 of Insurance from loss or damage by F II:V. on Buildings, hferchandise, Furniture, • throughout the Stite of Pennsylvania. on I;.er. al terms,for Ring_or short periods; or permscst ly of Buildings, by a deposit of Premium. The prompt payment of claims for losso lug the period of nearly 70 years that the Com pany has been in existence. entitle= them to the contidence of the publir. DIRECTORS.—Arthur G. Coffin, Samuel W . Jones, John A Brown, Charles Taylor, AMbruse White, Joe, D. Wood, Wrc Welsh, WET. E. Bowen, James N. Dickson, S. Morris Wain, John Mason. Geo.' L. Harrison. Francis R. Cope.F.dward H. Trotter. gdwaidb". t'Clarke, Wm. Cummings. LIVERPOOL AND LOS DON AN D . GLOBE FIRE AND 1.../FE COMPANY.-offlee, 4.; William St., and Broadway, N. Y. Capital, isurplus and Reserved Fends • ' (Gold) 516,271;4, Assets in the United States, over.... Daily Preiniums, upwards of (gold):. 17,0(Y. The shareholders personally responsible ifq engagements of the company. All Director- mu t be shareholders. tHECTORS tk Nsw YORE . —Francis Cotten , ' ES Chairman, Henry Grinnell, Esq., Deputy Ch rman, .lbseph Gaillard, Jr., Esq. E. N Archibald-, Es H. H. B. M. Consul, Afextiml4 r Hamilton, Jr., Esq., Robert C. Ferguson, Alfred Pell:Esq., Resident Secretary. A 1.,. adder Hamilton, Jr., Esq.,.Corinsel of Board. . • SCROLL MEE The Policies of this Company are issued - by well-known American citizens resident- in New York, who arc Directors and Shareholders, and consequently, with the other - Shareholders. art individually liable for all the engagements of the Company ; all Policies are signed by them, all claims are payable in cash on proof of- loss without deduction for interest, itind not, ',%s usual, sixty days after presentation of prod. They expire at six . o'clock, P. M., and nit-s. noon. Life insurance effected, and aunaitv , i granted on favorable terms, - A, B. licKEAN,Agrtt . Towanda. April 23,1867. rSEE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSUI ASCE Society's Agency for Bradfor4 Yearly income 07E r $2:000.000 cult. 31ONTANYE Br) Towanda, July 25, 1867. puE ASTOR FIRE VS,URANCE of New York. Agency for Bradford THE LYCOMING MUTUAL FIRE) Insurance - Agency f• , r Bradfqrd Cnunty, k_. 3lutual cash plan. In uc ces - 6 . tut - oper,ffiu:. er twer.ty-sevea years. MOSTA Y}Mr. WAllro Towanda; Judy 25, 1857 TOMING INSURANCE AGEN VCY. WYOMING INSURANCE COMPANY Wilkes-Barre, Pa SAMUEL WADHAMS Pre,hie.l" L. D. SHOEMAKER, Vice Preside - a' R. C. SMITH, Seawall • Capital and Surplas 8170,006. North America, Hart:ord. Cern. asset, Vco, 00 Fulton. New York, " 20.000 Springfield. Mass., " 400,000 Applications for insurance ih the above com panies taken at fair ra , cs, and beakless attend ed to_ with promptness and' care. Particular attention will be given to Farm risks in the country. 'Also Life and Live Stock Insurance at tutted in good and reliable companies. Othe over the Bakery on Main-at., fdrmcrly occupied by Mercur ,k Morrow.. . • T. B. CAMP, gen:. Towanda . , March 12. 1868.—tf. • Towania, J l /17 2 , 1868 cAriTALL i3mEA U S. RIISSEL4, Agent, Aarnua G. COFFIN, Pres . n C.-S. RUSSELL, Agent, Towanda. Baliii—:Cammahn Ir. Co, CASH CAPITAL $3,000,000. ' CAPITAL $400,000 Dividend for 1665, 10 per cent. MONTANYE A..WAI;I). Towanda, July 25, 1867. CAPI FA I. , 3,100;00.) FASHIONABLE LEWIS EEHBEIN Respeetfully Informs the citizens of Tow Borough, that he has opened a TAILOR SHOP, In Planney's Building opposite the kleans.ffet. 4 and solleits a share of public patronage: • He is prepared to cnt and make garments Ac the-moat fashionable style, and the most dcra ble manner. Perfect eatisfiction will be gor . anteed. • Cutting and Repairing done to ' order on sb:•r notice. • DR. _BAKER, Master Millwright, • la prepared to attend to all business la his line. lie warrants all work done in a worlt manlike man sr. Ali orders by mill, or other - wise, addressed to me at Towanda, will le promptly attended to. June 4, 1568.-3ai`. Towuna, Pa., June 26, ISt Tv a 1 whom it may concern: I certify that f To. have this day appoin ed D. B. BAKER, o 'wands, Bradford comity. Pa., an agent for thr sale of Bodine: Jima/ Turbine Water Whet' for the counties rf Bradford, Wyoming. LyCO73. ing, Clinton, Clearfield, Tipp,' and Potter, in the State of Pennsylvania. Parties wantinc these wheels can n. them through him nd be will give his obtai personal attention to patine .them in wten desired. Partieaby calling up°° Mr. Baker, at ToWanda, will be shows th , wheel, and on application to him he will turn. Ish .illastrated-pamphlets containing •wo:lon: tables, testimonials, itc. r &c. JAS„ A.diacPIIERSON , General Aent for Pennsylvania, for Bo ' dines Jonval Tarbine Water Wheel Ii)RD WOOD 7 -WAtiTf cards Maple, [tiara and suit} i Cucumber and T:.og I Wood. For n tieulara enquire at tI !MITI ing Mill tlenra?On t Nov. 5, 1889.—tr, • GiINEST BRANDS OF FAMILY is FLOUR, In market by tho Barrel or Mai McOABE &MOS. I lIIM =ISM MEE 11l I) —lOO Ligs;Wood , orther par VI; Tarn•