Indio* Stiitivitr. LOCAL AND GENERAL. Tins Tans. —The following is the , Tim Table of the Pennsylvania and Row York Cared and Railhead Company, took effect on Monday, Nov.. 23, IEI6B : rt1.10: 1 1"4.1 P. M. P. M.. A. M. . 625 12:30 819 .....6:50 12:45 8:55 723......12:58 • 008 . 113 923 710 1:35 916, NORTIKWAID. 1V ATZELLY ATELIM.. Moms.. TONANDk .810 12:00 600 .7:50 11:40 5.40 WAVERLI Arians . himis IE3 . 72 11:12 512 Utersa Towaarna ..7390 10:50 4:50 L M. A. IL P. M. JOHN P. COS, Bugerinteaulatt. kr County Supt. CHUBBUCH has examined 543 applicants for teachers trtifl cates this fall, 168 of whom had never taught school. Ole has :granted 450 certifi cates. There aro 370 schools in the coun ty. z Nct less than forty of the tea• chera of Bradford county have married du ring the year past- or The dedicatory exercises of 1 1 the new school building-in Troy, came off on Friday last. The two school rooms on the second flocr,seperated by folding doors, were thrown into one capacious hall, forty by fifty six feet, and being tastefully fes tooned with evergreens, were well filled at half past one, the hour for the commence ment of the exercises. Darks Roam= Esq., Secretary of the school board, presi ded. Music came first in order, then fol lowed a recitation in concert, by the school, of an appropriate selection from the Scrip tures. Rev. S. L. Fizz in behalf of the contractors, then delivered the keys of the building to the Board of Directors, rehears ing the main conditions of the contract,: which, ho said had all been complied with. He said that in accepting them the Board assn med not only the care of the building, but the grave responsibility of providing for the opening of the stores of knowledge to all entitled to the privilege of assembling there, as well as of excluding from those halls so far as was in their power all con taminating and corrupting influences.— .This idea was briefly but forcibly elabora ted. Mr. Bocswisia.. in behalf of the Board, on receiving the keys, replied in anent well timed address, thanking the contractors for the faithful performance of the terms of the contract, accepting the trust imposed in full view of its responsibilities. He gave some items of interest concerning the con struction of the building and its fixtures, adding that their cost somewhat exceeded their first estimates, reaching the sum of $20,500, that no pains had been spared on the part of the Board to make the building meet the wants of the people. An appropriate prayer was then offered - and the hymn of dedication sung, many in the audience joining. The building was then tendered to the State, as a part of its school property.— Deputy State Superintendent, Prof. C. A. Coiirerr in behalf of the State accepted the trust in words of gratitude, saying it ;was no mean offer, 'but one worthy tho people and the cause to which , it was dedicated, that in its architectural beauty its location, adap tation and fixtures, its superior was not, to be found in the State, outside the cities. Ile spoke briefly of the growth of the Com m an School,System and its adaptation to the work it was intended to accomplish, of the -millions of children it bad educated, its expenditures, which, 'were not really -xpenditures, but rather, re-investments, that the development of the vast material resources of the State, dependedmore upon tLe development of the mind of the State, in other words, on the education of the masses of its sons and daughters, than any thine else. He looked with satisfaction upon the support that Northern Pennsylva nia had given to the system of common school, that when, soon after its adoption, thousands of petitions were sent to the Leg islature for its repeal,not one of them came tram Bradford, and that so far as he knew, her representatives had always given their hearty support to the system. At the close of his address the audience was 4 g ain favored with music, when, upon the etW of the chair, short addresses were uJthloby Prof. ALLEN, of Mansfield, County Sur:. CIILTICCIC, Rev. Mr. Mcßuts, of 1 i oy, N. Y., Rev. Mr. Swum:owv and Her -1:INS t Troy, end Prof. LEWIS, Principal of Ic , tines ot. : . i, One of the Fpcakurs made the very perti pent remark t►at he hoped the example which Tr, v bad KO, c • oald stir up her sis tur town, Towanda, to do likewise, for, ad ded.he, such a building and school are very much needed them. The people were dismissed aith a bene diction prononne2d by Rev. Mr. Eforznis and retired apparently well pleased with the Proceedings. The members at the Board of‘clireetors consisting of Messrs, D. F. POSIEBOT, DE1,013 ROCEWELL, N. M. Poltrator, G. D. Los°. Jas. ADAIIS, and S. W. POILE3IO7 deserve great credit for the interest, perseverance and liberality manifested-in accomplishing this noble enterprise. A. S. Room Edi tor of the ..‘orthern Tier Go:ette, several cler gymen tiLd friends 6 - education have also /shored f 4 this praisworthy ob jvet_ Com. FRIGIITFUL RuNawAy..--One of the most exciting and really frightful runaway e ever witnessed, opcurred in this village n Friday noon of last week. The spirited team of Jona F. lisrrniumr, attached to an , pen buggy, containing his colored man who was driving, his two boys,Cnazus and ROBBIE, aged fourteen and ten years, and Ilexes ELtyze's little FRED aged four years became frightened at the care near the Wa— verly House. and in turning suddenly threw the driver out and dragged him under the wheels till he was compelled to let go the Mts. The team thus freed from control, with those three little boys, dashed madly down Broad street, making the buggy dance and rattle over the hubs most furiously, dodging successfully many standing teams had the men who attempted to stop them ; the children, mean time, screaming with fear, =tithe people along the street run ning to and fn . : , in the most excitedhud fran tic manner. Fortunately the runaways kept Broad street, although they manifested? disposition once or twice to turn corners at cress streets ; and as they passed along the rowded and more dangerous portion of the street Crum.= was employed in keeping the , miller boys in the Buggy, and in quieting their fears. When they had reached the summit near /Srs. Moaosit'S he ventured to leae the little ones in the bottom of the wagon, and crawling over the dash-board, , _cared till lines which wareAragging, and , ucceeded in stopping the team—no injury whatever having been done. No ono could ',.dre teenaged that whole affair more coolly, , a , itltlaitely and successfully than thus , :‘. :Jerry-mane ; and the praise of his heroic .. , nduct is on the lips cf every one who aneksed the exciting affair.:— Beefily Ad rate 12%. S G. HARD' xc,aa old aud high respeetkage citizen, residing nearly oppo this !Arun, in Eaton, some two weeks met with an apparently slight acei leat which resulted in his death, last week. few days before his death he fell from a LAY r.ack while feeding his cattle and slight- .ly b ed tbuittrePle 4 **ln,of blist Ae hOweeriwent about his work as usual though at times complainid \ Of a paiiiinthe: head. He came to town alniost every day; and appeared as well as usnaL \Ha washers on the day before his death, withsbia team, but while here, was taken with n *Went pain in the head' which produced AZ= at the stomach,. and.vomiting. *gleam home' and into the yard, i!rhere, after a long time, ha unharnessed 14 but in doing so, had unbuckled almosteverypiece of the harness from the other. On, 'going into the house, he remarked that he bad "unharnessed the team after a fishiOn," or to that import ; sat down in thair,!an if in a sleep, and neret spoke afterwards, but died the nett day, It is thought that the alight bruistron the head produced,a kind of parilysis.-21tokkannock Dem. 1 5a7 Eta * The editors and proprietors of the Lycoming Standmil, were convieted of libel at the late term of the Lroming Courts, and the defendants were Called up on Friday afternoon for sentence: :Judge Idaymad, Counsel for the defendants, made a few temarks to the Court as to the object of the law; and suggested the rondo epee of I& L. Tate and A,lrTate and; Jan L. Sew, and other soothing remarks Ma the propriety of a light sentence. H. C. Parsons counsel for Commanatealth, said the duty of Counsel had been pelifonn ed, the jury had pronounced them guilty, l and that he left the matter of sentence en tirely with the Court as the law requires.— The parties were th 'en sentenced, each to pay a fine of $4O and coats of prosfecation, and stand committed until sentence be com plied with. DONATION.—The friends of !Let. A. . SPEalt; will make him a donation ,visit, tithe Town Hall, in Orwe ll , Wednisday .vening, Mo. 23d. A general invitation is tended. COURT PROCERDINGI9.—The Deceinber ern and sessions of the County COurts . ommenced on Monday, sth inst. Min. F. I:. SxnEzrzn, presiding, Hon. J. IV. kPax- DIME, associate. The drat day of the terra was occ#pied ;WI the usual preliminary bnsiness,retnrias f Constables, motions, and argtnenta. ' The grand jury was sworn on yktilday .00n as follows PIIIANDEBLoNG Foreman, Isaac Aspirriyan, oses Ayers, G. W. Blackman, William limey, Asa Fuller, Joseph Gaylord, BlMore : orton, Samuel Kellum, John Mathews, Selim Murphy,Eli M. Merril,Saninel OWens, William Pierce,.Hiram Pierce, .folub. S. Quick; James Strong,Edward S. Skeel, nyder, 3. F. Saterlee, Addison Taylor: , The grand jury was discharged haying ted upon the following bills : - TIME amts. George Ayers for larceny. Harvey Brown for larceny Harvetßrown, same. Warren Leadvalley for larceny, Benton Porter for fornication and baiitar- Fred Booth,• same. .pentaa Porter for attempt, to procnre an a • • rtion. Stephen Chilson for fornication- Clark White for assault and battery. Josiah Bacon for libel. Thomas Porter for assault and battery and rape. James Williams f6r larceny. Samuel Vanover for larceny. - Charles Westbrook, for cutting down tim r r trees knowing them to be growing on other's lands. T A TS,II.r. BILL-PROSECUTOR TO LAIC COSTS IM. L. Vanbuskirk for libel. Ncrr A VMS DILL-COUNTY VOR COSTS, John Murray, for obtaining goods - inider a se pretences. aloud Strutton, for assault and battery. .K. Wright, for fraudulent voting. iStepben Chilson, for murder. Ore Court appoint Cliarles Hovey one of tipstaves to tako ehaige of the grand n, • I .e commission of Warner H. Carnoctian, District Attorney was read in openponrt, the oath of office administered. j The following cases were dispcs•ed of in he The : ..o»e. vs. ll'illicalßitienhouse.--Deferuiant cr4 indicted for larceny at tho September sessions, on complaint. of Geo. W. Molt, for taking S3O from the drawer of complain ant, at his place of business in Towanda borough. Jury found the defendant not ty. rn. vs. James 4" ende east. endant a• indicted at September sessions the lar e.y of a Shot, gun, &c., the property oft. 'artard, in Athena tap., on the 30th of May • The jury return a verdict of guilty, the Court sentence defendant to psi a of $5, costs of prosecution, and under ;o an imprisonment of sixty days in the of nty jail. on. vA. Jun es Thorp.—lndicted at Sept, 6es-ions for stealing n horse, tho propefty of so. F. sawyer, of Athens h.orough, ion th> 29th of August last. Jury found the udaut guilty, whereupon his course mo e for an arrest of judgment, for reasons 11141. Court sentence the defendant to itay a fine of 52.0, costs of prosecution, resthre thS property stolen, and undergo an impits omnent in (he county jail for a period. of thr i ee months. ;- Cos. cs. i Griffin Ellsicort/g.—Defendant was indicted at Sept. sessions charged with assiuslt and battery upon Charlotte Httm-- Orly, of Windham township. The jury found the defendant not guilty, but thakhe pa one-half the costs, and the prosecutor, Joseph Humphrey; to pay one half he costs, whereupon, the Court sentencelltian in , ccordance with the verdict of the jury. nt. re. Warner Leadvalley.—Defendiat w. indicted at present sessions for the lar-. can of one horse and buggy and other clr- Voles, the property of Samuel Putnam,: in Troy township, which said property he sold to 14barles D. Passage of this borough. be fenttant plead guilty, and the Court taste him to pay a fine of $2O, and coats, and undergo an imprisonment in the E. g. penitentiary for the term of two years and font months. ,m. qs. Rederiek Boca.—lndicted !at ent sessio — na for fornication with Licy, I. autin, at Troy .Defendant plead whereupon the the Court sentence him; to a fine of $l, and costs of prosecution. in. vs. James Williams. —lndicted;'at eat sessions for the larceny of a watch chain, the property of 8. P. Moore,! of r towuphip, on the 11th of October Defegdnnt plead guilty, wherenphn tone, sentence him to pay a fine of $5 osts, and undergo an imprisonment'of ear and four months in the E. S. pre Be , ty, Pay one iten !tn. vs. Harter Broten.—lndicted lr at t sessions for the larceny of form pie., .f cloth, the property of 0, 0. Hazeltdb, nton bcrrongh, on the 23d of October Defendant pad guilty, and was BEM • d to pay a fine of $5, and costs, aid • rgo an imprisonment at separate or ry confinement, at labor, in the F... 118. n. vs. Harvey Brown.—Delendaut *as dieted at present sessions for the lar ofn.n overcoat, shawl, and ladies coat, roperty of John W. Bailey, of Cantein, c 23d of October last Defendant guilty and was sentenced on previdna . vs. thil OM IL Lezeis.—Defendant barged by Hannah M. Lewis, with de g her, and living in adultry with er won= in the township of I . indicted by the grand jury, the oh- ntiary for the term of ono year and °nth& fSwisnisigmeriaitit4urt . .isterettPon the 4ulB:4"ae " line of likiestsMf prbieention, sa lairmisonmentlin thii County period of two trial* • • - Ia *o**,4 ihn?Petignn . ' gess:tind - Grin -tionMell of. Alio Troy for the.liPtisktimittkati semi the &images,: .osizseil" by , , . Of* street In seabfr i gh,thel point the following persons : CI. • ton, Mamas Mozwell, A. D. - 13 .1 F Ileiriok,. fite,O3IIIIIII 7 Wiltga ?rap, to portto, the neit Court of Quarter - In the natter of 1414 out's p • in the bough of i TaAreport o era Sled' tad oonfinnedtniAL In the natter of view for s pu in South Creek tewiShip, report recommending `the ereetion of approve4b3 the Court jniy. . • i i 3 NM. Preparatio skfor . . di t Holidays Lave just eim„ made scale by Wickham it lilck., \Th iriety of useful and fineof articles . tion at their Crockery 'Store are' . lig the multitude. Pe goods_ from their shelves likc Magic. Your chance for fire! ilex: grow by day. • Don't bug yctir stock amine their great variety. t DONATION.-. 1.1113 vipads of B. Fox will pay him a ticination • E. Parsonage, TifielneadOY No. 23. All.are cordially invite • Kir We are pleaeed to no the snow-Bank on the side-walk i Ilercur's new Banking Office Cleared away. It will Old great Convenience of pedestrians, and to the immense lhrolwho dail • word & Barber ' s ma= th Book c The crowds of ladies and gentle Seen there at almost any hour of remind one of the • first Class. sto Cities, and, indeed,. tha (kuality 'a tity of their goods will - compare Vrith any city Book Btoreiwhile:th much,lower. Donit 11 to .. nee their store and,prica heir goo. 4.± I DoNATION.--Ja: 1/01flati012 .vi be made to Rev. J. W.' Raynor an. at the Parsonage in Leftiysville, day afternoon and evening, Dec. 20 411 are cordially invited. I taw JAKE ALLYN has pu Burrmorow's Liver:3 , Stable, and la ded to the wick,' m prepared to , "turn-outi" sdekers or ness as may bo required. i His ho carriages and sleighs willleatisfy t tastidons, and his charAt# will be able. Giie him a call at the stabl y ; rear of the , Baton . = om4e, and sleighing while it lasts; !frith yOnr sweetheart. "' SES:HArri's ConfeOlnery au4l AO having a i'apid sale. • wide circulation given to teem, the of several counties will he 'pad° gla. they awake early Christinas raornin!l sect the pendant stocking. As h fectionery is :made under his own s ion, of the best and pure 4. materi,. happiness of the children will not or:elision of any "unpleasiintness," candies contain nothing dileterions. Dealers should be early with their as the demand is very grcat. and ing. Special Notices TOYS 1 TOYS ! for tThristm• splendid assortment at the Bakery Crindies of all kinds., children's Convention of Troy, Pa., will hold session on Monday, Dec. ?Ist, 3 Cee m., and continue with two; per dair days, closing with a Grand Donee: whole under the direction of Pro MeGranahan. of Linderrille, Ohio. tfr. llfccilranahan, whO ptught i parts of this county 'some; four yea has already.engagedsfor six weeks this locality and will engate to hob iced number- of conventions if early cation be made—any number of you 40 to 100 and upwards, forms a c Those desiring his Berrie, address Troy, Pa., without delay. NOTICE.—The ladies9f the PI terlan Church and congregation of iL ton, will hold a Fair and iFestival School House, on the 24th imd 25th cethber, afternoon and evetking. Doc_ at 3 o'clock p. m. Object, pay adi the Parsonage. .A.ll are cordially A VRAN& CONYESSIONt -Mr. 1 1 Castle, of Itciehester,'N. Y., !writes used your machine for siAreinl month being familiar with most izither firs , ' machines, I unhesitatingly Pronormc I the beat family Sewing Machbie. In , co with many others, I confesti I.was p ed against it, on account 'dills being thread machine, until I bad tho tested it. lam now satisfied that it '1 simplest, least liable to' gilt out of arid easiest toWork ; that it•iine the s makes the strongest seam, and - hems, and cords, better than any 6theVmac —[Letter to Wilcox & Gibbs S. M. Machines sold to be paid for by ' • merits, and machines to rent, at the of Solomonl& W01ff,123 *din Street. Dec. 15. • 'Si M. Joint lays - ARD & FRALEY, Dealers gene, Melodeons, and Milo Fortes, the following celebrated Manufactu Dodge & Lord, Carbart & Needum, Nnt; B. &wringer. and the`-New Have lodeon and Organ Company Person think of purchasing an instrument wo well to call on oraddress usibefore p. ing , ;.elsewhere. All orders will be p ly attended to. L.IC, MAIM Cues. FULL= I Towanda, Dec. 15. • ENV YEABI3 PA The C.l) i of yOurself and lady; is policited at al Years party to be gm.en at the Wyal Hotel, Wyalusing, on :Friday evening, 1, 1669. The best of ninSicl engaged occasion. Bill $3 00. I . Deo. 14. J. 11: Il4owx. frol TGWANDA BRIDGE COMPANY a • I amnia meeting of the stoMtholders Towanda Bridge Company for the ell of *President, Treasurer arid six Mar to serve the ensuing s rer, I will be lo the First National R k of 'Toward -Wednesday, denary 6, :1869, balm hours of one and three p. rd. N. N. Bprts, Seerbb Dec. 1, 1868. B. A. Pans & C 4. are . their line of Goods, comp rising Stop Fancy Dry Goods, Noticvi, l`psiory, G,; Millinery . Goods, &a at'gres &iced:prices. Persons . . Coming to T. da, wonld sto well to rail; there and s themselves before purchasing elselch: - 'Towanda, Dee, 1, 1868; I FOR SALE.—The lionan and now occupied by me, , sitiated in Oh , Street. The House is wiall arrang • small family, and will belsold cheap. . session given about the OM of darn: Oct. 20. S. W. ALV. 17 Dr. :WARNER, of Lora, knoin to our reciders as a p pular upon Physiology and disilnguisbe marl and ScFgeon, IS about to other professional tour t rail& this p the country. The following are his appointments for ibis county and vicinity: Betel, LeUaysville, , _e , Eday,' Dee. -15. Ward Horse, Towaudx Wednesday, DO.. 16. Atherican Hotel, Sinith4l3, Thursday. Snr Hattie, -Waverly, Vriday, Dec. 18. Cehtral Hotel, Cautort, (Wednesday, Dee. 23. 1 Troy . House, , Troy, Thursday. Dec. 24. Nov. 26, 1868. Hness FOR RIST.-POISECEIIiiOII given immediately. For further iartieulare en quire of H. V. Whitaker, Nowanda, Pa. 62=11 . , FAIR water 1.411 persons in. dated to the ..lotwaribar. sie - hereby wati. dal that they auk* immediate settlO-, meats.: This Steamowaybody who b - ow.k lag toe. _ M.Couran. Towanda. Ito% 2134811&‘ - t '. gailth to pay a dituderge ail for the the Bur . ugh of Carts° ' boy named'Evinr, Vain Low,. bound to me by • :the Clonuniew alonen of Dnzlingt4'.a tharing ren way for the third lime. I hereby caution the pnblic against harboring or trading him." An x . Dasoaom.. Burlington, Dee. ti ,sw - • '•• ,‘to fix , I.3ins 'ow couit sp- • liShor -D. ,`•bent Zed-. re- . • , . laY 154r--The amP of years& end k 4 solicited ativiiew Yens Patty to be even It the Men Smut • Man, Pa.. on Fntley Evening ) Jimmy 1, 1869. Illutda Quick IdeDonald's Full Band. BM $2 .60. B. Wainur. Dec. 1, 1888. , • Proprietor. biio street the.view• • bridge f viewers d bridge, d grand :-. L. L. Mown, will Sell at public auction in. Some Borough, on Saturday, Dec. 12th. 1868, :"one span of valuable Hones,l single oi • bum Horse, 1 heavy platform Wagon, 1 Lumber Wefflai,...l Bug. gy Wagon, 1 splendid barn Fam ily Car itage,Bleigiuh Outten, Cattle, Hay, Grab. aa. * Borne, Deo. 2,1868.-2 w. som ing 11 a large great Ira n draw• \ appear NEW YEARS AT THZ LLOLOWLE /lONS, Leßoy, Pa. The-p y ublic are [Dined to at tend a dance, Frida evening, J an. 1, 1869. Mudd, Smith* Cotillion Band Bin $2 50. Deo. 9.-8 w Houma, Frop'r. less day \ you ..,a- NOTICE....—The members of the differ. ent Masonic bodies thit meet at the Mason ic Hall, Towanda, Pa., and members of the. Mamie Hall Association, Towawda, aro re- Attested to meet at the Masonic Hall in the' borough of 'Miranda, on Wedneiday the. dog, Dec. 23, 1888, at 7 o'clock. For the. purse of electing a President, Treasurar, Bet:lreton!, and three Trustees of said Asso ciation\ to serve for the entrain year. \ H. B. Maras. Dec.Bect'y Masonic Hall Association. • c 7, D368.-3w :Rev. C. :it at, the 1 evening, lice that front of . : 'been to the ! • a ii i -Pee Y li visit Al. :ncern.— % en to be I.e day, in the I. d van . vorably ir prices .. in and le. The 'annual meeting of the otookholders of the First Nalloria Bank, of Towanda, for the\elsction of Directors to Be r n the etleekil sear, and for inch other busbies. mina" elude before them, will be held at the Banking How, in the .borongh of Towanda. on Tuesday Jan. 12th, 1889, between the holm of onitand three D. ld. • " • N.,N. Basis, Cashier. TOWANDA, Dec. 7, 1868. • Mir Call at . Lola & Kett,sn'a and examine their new stock of Sugat.isTea, and Coffee just received and being "hold: cheap for cash. Coffee ground fresh daffy. \ i Harper's for December, at 41-'1 vord & Barber's. This number commences a new volume, and is a favorite to sttbscri: bora. Nov. 26. it will %a Tues -111,1868. M. C. G.—Call at the took Store of Alvord A Barber and examine and you will be sure to purchase. Nov. 3. ' chased lag ad supply or bust- OYsrEßs.—The subscriberti will keep constantly on hand a fresh supply of emits, And also kfirrit and second qual ity of oysters by the quart of gallon, solid measure. Donal/On Parties , . Thanksgiv ings, and all other parties where large quantities are required will be furnished at a liberal discount. • SILLW h Bsiurrn. Basement of Ward louse. • Nov. 4, 1868.-tt ea and 0 most eason in the 'oy the fife or To LVIIBERMEN.—Wanted.—A, man of capital and energy to stock and run a Sawmill Apply to, Towanda, Oct. 21. tiro. P. Cent. Toys om tho ' dreg when to in -COll- in. A nice Christmas present for your wife or sweet-heart—one of those beau tiful Mahogany cloth Stand or Table covers at dlvord.& Barbera Nov. _26. va. The wants of our growing town and community as to Holiday Goods. are to be fully supplied , by Wickham A: Black. Particulars next week. Nov. 26. perm s, the be the Lv) big FOR SALE. —The undersigned cifers for sale a good Democrat Wagon. . Perms reasonable for cash or approved security. Rome, Nov. 26.-2w* E. W. TAILOR. SrsciAL.—All persons indebted to us either by book account ornotes past due are requested to call and settle previous to January Ist. 1868. ' Hownzzr Bso's. Dec. 10, 1868—tf., TEM riZZEJ El A .1101;SE AND LOT FOR SALE.—A splendid House and Lot for sale, sitnate on Second street, opposite the College, close to good schools, very pleasantly located.— The house is new, just finished from tap to bottom in first class style. For farther par- ticulars enquire ofiD. R. BARER., on the premises. Towanda, Oct. 5, . , 81Cal is first ock p. or ten t, the Jas. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR, For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color.— A dressing which .is at once agreeable, healthy. and effectual for preserving the hair. Ilded or, gray hair is restored to its original color with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, failing'hair checked, and baldnees often, though` not always, cured by use. Nothing can re stoke the hair whordthe follicles are destroy-' ed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved for useful ness. by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use, will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent bald ness.- Free from those deleterious substan ces which make some preparations danger ous and injurious to the hair; the Vigor can only benifit but not harm- it. If wanted merely for a hair dressing, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing nei ther oil nor dye, it does not soil white cam brio,and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and grateful perfume. - Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer A; Co., Prac tical and Ana'ytical Chemists, Lowell,ldass. Price $l,OO. many 8 ago, ork in a lira appli- from shy •nroe 1t the .f De , open -bt on ted. Sold by Dr. H. C, Porter Towanda, it all Druere. ggits & Dealers in medicines 1868. y every wh - Nov. 26, M. C. G.—Call at the Book 'Btoreof Alirord & Barber and examine and yon be sure to purchase. Nov. 18". tall- Store 1869 ! Diaries ! Diaries 1.1 The lar gest assortment of Diaries, opened in this market, just received and for side cheap, at Alrord tt- Barber's Nov. 18. Or from • Mo . MO :• who ld do '13a14- MARRIED. ENGLISII—LITTLE.---In Overton. Doe, 13th, by It. a Ilicbartis Esq., Mr. Almca English to Miss l'hoeb3 A. Little, both of Albany. New 2bnatistments A I3EAUIFUL NINE OF WRIT ING Dols jest opened-by ALVORD & BARBER, r J ay New sing Jan. pr the pLANCHETTE t FOR FIFTY c oats, at ALVORD & BARBER'S. ORANDALL & BILL'S BLOCKS, ' at ALVORD %tuna's. The 1" the (Won ,:ers 1. at On the I V NOTHER DECLINE IN PAPER' ..rx and envelopes. and examine. . - ALVORD '& BARBER. QAVE YOUR 'RAGS.—OId Papers , and Woolen Raga Wight by ALVORD k BARRER. I F .YOU DESIRE TO HAVE A_ your paper neatly atanapea. call at ALVOIAD .1c BARBER'S. lid mONOGRA.MS IN ANY STYLE 111 got op at short n tice, by Al,i10111) A; BARBER. y re -4,lara- n-1;-, for I%J INTER ErAS COMM So has VT . ALITORD 3 BANDER'S NEW GOODS, and they are ceiling them lower thint ever._ INITIAL PAPER, Put up in nest; Boxer,.6llstylea,at A LVORD IiSRBEICB. I Lot taint for a Pos- IF YOU WANT. A NlOB GIFT Book call at ALVOBB B.IRBERI3 and' examine their assortment. IF YOU ADMIRE A BEAUTIFUL; 1 Picture just stop in at the store of & BAUM Cod examtne their beautiful Chromes. we tura. Thy a an of iIISSOLUTION.—The co-partner .l./ ship heretofore existing between 'W. Bramitall Os P. W. Cowell. under the drm name of Bramhall k Cowell, is this day dissolved Dy mutual consent. Allontstanding accounts most be settled Immediately or they will be loft for collection. W. BR 4111 HALL, P. W. COWELL. Towanda, Nov. 21, 18C8. • The andereigued having. purchased the entire interest of W. Brauthall tri the above business • andproperty wilt continue the Grocery and Provision business at the old stand. Thankful for past liberal patronage, will nee every eat to merit a continuance of the same. P. W. COWELL. GOOD FURNITURE, the place to baj at a low price, is at MOS VS. EMMIEEM MM=a No) 2hOtisatunte. g, 2- 1.3 Fi *l od ° t'a ti CM TVII,OLESAE.& RETAIL CHINA, 0 - iz, 0 6 !K ?3 it ±-, GLASS WARE, LAMPS,I 4ANTERNI3, MIA.NDEIJ SILVER MATED WARE, MILS CUTLWir, WOOL; & WILLOWNMIZ, A 0 0 0 CI WICKHAM ar. BLACK. Towanti, Dec. 3; 1868 MOWANDA STEAM MILLS. IVAI. H. FULLER & &spectrally inform the public that _they Law; parebased ,that new and eitenaive Steam Floor- lug Mills, built by Gritßald, WeHu &Xiamen, In the south rfart of the borough of Towanda, and baying all the modern improvements, and competint Killers, they are prepared to do CUSTOM GRINDING; In the teat posettle manner aad at paosually stott, notice Every piing will betaken to give satisfaction, and v. e invite a pubUe. trial FLOUR ANDS EEL For gale at the I (west cash prici*. Towanda. November 10, 1868. \ TOWANDA - COAL YARD \ Is. ANTHRACITE AND 13ITIIMINOUS COA LB. The undersigned having leased the Coal 'raid \ and Dock at the old Barclay as ein," and jo t completed a large Coal Rouse and Ofilce upon the premiecs, are now prepared to furnish the citizens of Towanda end vicinity with the Cilr erent kiwis and sizes of the above named coals upon the most r..asletable terms in any fluenta ty desired. Prices at .the .Yard until forther notice : Large Egg ' Small Egg e, 0 Stove, 0,25 Chesuutg .' ....... ................. 5,50 " Barclay " Lump, 4 ,60 Ran of . .... ... 4.00 Fine • r Blacksmith 3,50 :The following additional cbarnes vril he made for deliversog Coal within the Bo ugh limits: , Per l'ort,:to cis. extra lur earrs fag ii 56 eta Half Ten.. 35 '• • • " 25 '' Quarter toa2s '-' •• •• 25 " WS. Ordera must hi all cues be accomproled with the cub. , O'A. OVERT )N fi CO Nuv. 4, 1,346.-tt. Taira kX ri. • W. 0 F FITT, Has Jitst open:id a I !il zompleft fon!ment GROCERIES oF ALL KINDS IRA, SUGAR, COFFEE ARD SPICES! ,sOA7 F ALL K1.5,E.5, Including the celebrated Mittenlj Soap, an surpassed fort clew. log Tin and Silver wale. He also keeps constantly on band all kinds o GREEN FRUITS ! 1 Peaches, Pear ., =toes, ad a l l aples. Berrie,. Greea C orn t and T other trulta In their sea son, which mill be sold cheap. Re oleo has connected with the abate an Eating Rome, woere people coming in town for dinner will ode warm meal got up in good style, to readiness at any time. Cash paid for Green /Nutt. Glee him a call. GEO. W. MOFFITT. TOwanda, Aug. 17, 18a7. FIRE, LIFE, AND ACCIDENTAL p rUBANCE A aux Y! . Ca tal Represented over $27i000,000, JOHN W. 141 X, Agent for the following well _ I known Companies North America, PhiladelPhin,,..s 2,901,266 72 Phcenix.of Ilarthinl. ....... 1,234,195 al Germania, New York,.. 476,615 50 Home In. Oi. New Haven, 1,619,070 31 North Ameri can Fire In. co., of Now Yor - . 755,000 00 Mutual Life,ll kir: lew York, 20,00 :.000 OC Hanover . . New York 606,634 79 We write Policies in the above reliable com, panies at the levee! rates, and the losses s if any idjusted at 'this -agency. ,Particalar. attention given to farm property. Office at his,law dace. in Me , cur's new block, north side public square Towanda, Feb. 20,1868. NEW MILLINERY GOODS f MRS. E. J. PIERCE. Presents herself to the ladies of Towanda with. a very choice selection of goods, and is sain ts' confident of befog able to meet. the justly discriminating taste of such as may do her the honor of an examination of ter Mock. , Thank ing her former patrons for &heir favors, she an- licits a continuance of the Mime. Fluting: done beautifully and on the shorteit notice. Roo ma over Cohen & Rosenfield's, Main Street. Towanda, Oa. 6, 1668 PRICE LIST.-CASCADE MILLS Best quality . Winter Wheat Floor per hundred 46 60 @ .$7.00 Beat quality Bye Flour per hundred 4 00 Corn Meal and Bye and Corn Feed .2 75 Buckwheat pour, per hundred.. . .... .."3 50 A fair margin allowed to des era. We pay *dab for pain. Wheat $2 25 and 42 60. Bye. good, SI 30, Buckwheat 75 cents. Corn $1 25. Custom grinding usually done at once, as the capacity' .of the milt is sufficient for a large amount of work. H. B. INGHAM. Camptown, May 7,1368. hISSOLUTION.—Notice ie hereby Oen that the partnership lately subsist ing between C. F. Cross and .1. O. Pattli of the borough of Towaudei, Pa., udder the firm n +me - of Cross & Co: was dissslved on the Roth day of October, A. D. 1858, by mutual consent. All debts owing to the said firm are to be received by C. P.'Cross; and all deem 's against said firm are to be presented for settle ment to him. C. P. CROSS. Towanda, Nov. it, 1833. J. G. Paral. The bushmea will still be carried on at No 3, Patton's Block, by C.?. Cross. ' A-CHOICE LOT' OF WINTER Fruit of all kinds, for sale by the Harrell or Nobel. at - ItaCdBS & MUM. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF TOI LET SOAPS, at McCABE k MISS. U S TP:It $l.O 8 . 1 it : E D 2101VIANYE'S; STOKE LARGE AND WELL SELEOTEDSTOCK a Fall and .Winter Goods 1 LOURING Depression of Me,. Market / Which will he Buhl cecomlly at WHOLESALE AND R 1 TAIL Also, direct from Livt trout, PIVE. CRATES OF CROG'KEKir Towanda, ()c a t. 5, 1.868 STOVES ! STOVES ! STOVES ! Just received new Jina Stoves at • I:TEE METROPOLITAN HARDWARE STORE, ORWELL, "FA. Are mtracliJg much attention `,An imnat.n,e variety of Stove» ALWAYS* ON H.,1 ND ! Stoves, coal 'coed, that wily wait you for PARLOR, O RICE; STORE, SCHOOL, SHOP, CU RCH, BOAT, on COOKING STOVES Cu:nostril Bee the pew patterns—at le ast. ONE_ LOOK - BEFORE BUYING ! We keep all leading first-class Stoves for the opulent, or cheaper variety Stoves for the hum blest. Examine for yourtelves, your own in. terest. S. N. BRONSON. oawell, Pa., Oct. 21, IG6B. pACIFI•C HOTEL, 170, 172. 174 k. 176 Greenwich Street, The underiigned takes pleasure in announc ing to his numerous friends and patrons that from this date, the cha ge of the Pacific will be *2,50 per day. Being sole Proprietor of this house, add therefore hie from the too common exaction of an inord mate rent, he Islay able to meet the downward tendency of prices without any fall ing oft of service.. It will now, as heretofore, be his aim -to maintain undiminished the favorable rcputatit n • of the Pacific, which it has enjoyed for many years, as one- of the best of travelers' hotels. The table will be bountifully suoplied with every de icacy of the 'ration. The attendance will be found efficient and obliging. .The location will be found convenient for those whose business calls them - in the lower part of the city, being one door north of Co* Landt st., and one block west of Broadway, and of ready access to all Hail Road and Steamboat Lines, JOAN PATTEN. ' Nov. 17, 1868.-6 m. ' SOMETHING NEW! Saving purchased the stock of Tobacco belong. in to Randall, Compton & Co., and having built a shanty on the same ground, we are prei pared to offer to the public WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, - CHEWING TOBACCO, Geld Leal. Sunny Side, Pine Apple, Michigan fig, Rase Leaf and Stir, which we °Bei for sale ID quantities to salt _customers. :Packages in Barrels, halls and quarters: The celekrated Lone Jack, Pride of the Un led States, Vlrginistie,Gedd Leaf, Navy and a kinds of Killicknick. American Eagle. Gen. Grant, Leboquel , tin perio, Tycoon and the very choicest brands o Yates. -- We will keep conatantly un hand a variety of Pipes, Cigar Casea, Tobacco Scans and Poach• ca and everythipg usnatiy kcpt in a Tobacco Store, Landlords supplied with bacco oti liberal terms. ' All orders promptly filler , Oct 27, 18117 CONFECTIONERY, TOYS, NUTS Calls the attention of the public to the fact that be manufactures &paella at WiIOLESALE AND,RETAIL, AU kinds of Confectionaries, Foreign arid Do mestic Nuts, 2i c. Dealers in the country wish ing anything in his line wUI do well to and their ordersto him, and they will be promptly attended to. Satisfaction guaranteed. Store inar side of Mantles New Block. Toren. de. .Fe 24.1868.—tf. nIGRE s ST MARKET PRICE I Caen paid for well fatted and well dress ed Hoge and Ponltry, at McCain, t arra, ' • North Stcre In Mercer's new mock. Nor 12,188 e. Itisaftwm ME AT TUI‘ !'RESENT tie• Youi, Oct. 10, IE6B AGAIN IN MOTION! A variety of Such as , PANCY SMOKING BRANDS OF CWARI4 Foil To• A. BARNER. AND FEU ITS A. iIART, folvilt :41,0 . .-f0;' . 0, : column.. D R ta OG oik 1 Just openea'ily POWELL • & RACK PUN COLORS' At. CHANGEABLE SXIi3K.S-. Solid Colors. and elmngeable • • French Merino's and Empress Cloths, - Ottoman Velours, Serge., Starr* Cloths, Brusiels Cords, Alps- :Plaids. and a great variety bf Mixed lib :rit4for snits. ALL NEW STYLEV • - , GREAT BARGAINS 1 pOWELL e 4 co. • Now offer a great variety of • Goods for Ladies. CLOAKS AND SACQUES . Comprising all' the desirable and fashions- . • blo shades of Beavers, Chinchillas, , Velveteens,-Ac. Also Black Astzt . Cans and Mantilla Velvets, AT LOW , PRICES! .• CLOTHS & OASSIMERES, Black and Csdoieebeavera, French coat- ings, English. Melions. Broadcloths, Plain Black and Pansy Cassimeres, Fine qualities, and a full line lower grades for Boys year, now open. POWELL it; CO ALEXANDRE'S KID GLOVES, All sizes in colors; Black and White of these Celebrated Gloves, will always: . be found at the Store of POWEL•L & CO. CARPETS !CARPETS! CARPETS! CROSSLAY'S TAPESTRY RRLISSELLE Iv and 6-1 widths 3 ply EXTRA I3IPROYED, MEDIUM IMPROVED INOR&I I IFOL CARPET., IN NEW AND BEADTI FPL STYLES TOVETHEIL Wali A LARGE, SOCK OF LOWER GRAL'Es, Ji ST RECEIVED BY. POWELL & CO Towanda, Oct. 5, 2669 FLOOR' OIL ULOTIISI 11ATTINGS„pLeyrS, BUGS, &C., r rtt tal it tj new uffercil by POWELL ik Thsvanda, Oct. 5, 16.68. LADIES' & CHILDREN'S FURS I POWELL & CO., Desire to announce that the will open, and offer _sale on Saturday next (October 10), their stock of Ladies and Children's FANCY . FURS, a law stOck, of which: they are now receiving. Towanda, Oct. 5, IE6B. BOOTS AND SHOES TEUS D4PAIITMENT OF 01110EVEINFES A SPECIALTY. We have'de:yoted muck time and hate spared no pains, to make our stock of BOOTS 4.. SHOES the largest, best, and most attractive - to be foun d wicl haidnit made our pur chases front the best and popular mturafacturers in the country, We now offer a stock of ; custom, Made Goods ui equalled ?loth- in, magnitude and qual". Towanda, Oct. 5,118613. ' IlltidUumis. 3 GASES BOOTS Sr. SBOBS AT RETAIL itumpunzy BROTELIIRS. Offer to tbelepid costume re and like general public, NOT - ONLY THE LARGEST OUT BEST ASSORTHEY7 -GOODS TOR THE ATITI TRAMS! That can be foand is NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA r The etotk, is at, THE LOWEST RATES! And the WORK GUARRANTEED ! EDWIN C. BUBT'd SHOES .FO , LADIES,. MISSES AND CHILDREN, RECEIVED TIE t ONLY SILVER MEDAL Airarded tin Excellence , of Manufacture At the PARIS EXPOSITION 1867. JAMES M. BURT'S GOODS FOR MEN'S WEAR, Either HEAVY OR LIGHT,I CALF, OPERA, 'NAPOLEON, Hungarian and other Styles. OUR OWN MANUFACTURE In 10 operatioa and all goods Made 1O Order by perienced Workmen. In the . . Saddfr27l Department 1 00 HORSE BLANKETS! BUFFALO ik WOLF ROBES Carriage Tethn HarneBB, TRUNKS, WHIPS, &C. Towanda, Oct. 31, 1858 NEW FIRM 1 NEW GOODS I WICXH.I3I S- FROST, Would call the attention Of the citizen* of Rome and Vicinity, that they have openad with A. New Stock of Goods At the Old at/ ad of 'G. L. Mood/ , where -with close attention to the wants of the commooM7 they will keep a good a.sortinent of goods, Which they will . • SELL. AS LOW AS THE LOWEST And et prices that trill induce every one to bay of them. We%hall at all times have a good averment at FALL 'AND WINTER GOODS Embracing all the latent styles of LAMES- DRESS GOODS! DELAINES, ALPACAS, PEINTS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, HATS, -CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHS, CASSIMEBES, VESTING; FANCY GOODS, CIIBRELLAS, Family Groceries, Hardware, CROOKEBY, MIRROR?, LADIES TRAVELLING BAGS 1 WOOD AND TIN-WARE DrUgs, Furniture, 4e., cf.) The above given bat a slight idea oi.tho GOODS WE HAAT IN STORE, And hre only say to Ira. , numerous friends and the nubile generally, call and see us, teat the merits of oar pretensions, and if convinced; BUY AND MAKE YOURSELVES --RICH By saving money in - your intrchanes t We In tend to -GIVE GREATER D. 4 LI; S THAN Ergg BEFORE HEARD -OF ! We know we can npyie you, so give cse call All kinds of FARMERS PRUD U UE Taken is exchange for pods. AVICKBAII tr. , FROST. Buccessorito L. L. Moody. an. FROST O. D. WU:KLUX. Bomo. Pa.. Nov. 12. 1868 HURRAH! HURRAH! HERE IT IS AT LAST ! P. W. COWELL HAS IT ! Anything ye:tie:it in the 4rocery tibe. Ste what they have : FLOUR, FEED, FISH, SUGAR, PORE, TEA, erioE, BETTE% EGGS, LAB; DRIED AND CANNED FRUIT FRESH FRUITS IN THEIR SEASON SALT BYTHE TACK OR BARREL TOUACCO AND SWABS. We are sole agents for the best brands of.Vir • ' girds and CAROLINA SMOKING TOBACCO Vitae=le and Retail. t Laitly. everithing in the GROCERY Bud PRO-. - VISION .line. Zr &member the place, N 0.51 Maio street Bret door bekror Beldlemsn's Block. Towanda:Nov.l9.lB6B. IiffUSIO, OR ANY . OTHER - AR ILL 'flea In outing, ordered at shad waits ay ealLtag at the BMWS BOOM . Artsulkaimiis. HORSZPOWEM TURESUIRS, CLEANERS! SZPIPLATORIII 1 Blood & Co. Athens, Pa:, Stlll continuo to rossofsetan !MOODS Cla,. EBOLTID TERNOMINIC AND OLIANIINB, - AID NORBI 201111118 nil Om now sion an prepared to AU orlon prom. ON AS (NXID 7111111118 • As silt bit Wight tit Lk tinged onus. Nary Thruhin boa u lt son nentimiN II nnanfootertag . g K ./rn approd NOW Um* nor pone* to panting oar soc Ants. and et 4lat to ban - THE BEST CLNANIII One that 'tat( tepenite the thebi - Eros tbe . Stem toots wholly era iiii4e l ,,,,l. liotth Has pees', thaa up other ataao lbg aye very aleph Ea construe**. cooMPod bt COW piece, se that tt does acoe - reepdoe a moboate to met Ibex up at no thus • hey ore all auto= ordained ander oar peramal anporriatott, and WE'pIiLddENGS THE- WUBLE To show better wortousibtr or material .131 , ay machine fa set op mad • -THOROUGIILY Tr 9116 VIM 'LOTION, Before leaving tbi. Works, sod are wAnsAarum TO- BIC It WORKINO 0111)T4 They have btu In .peethoe_- as torieveral years. and can be eihkehed to . Tread Powers, Sweep Pommy .Bteera or Water Paw, sad tor DIIBABIWTT. Parretti°, cd Working. end Economy:fiber equal Ina sot bees Invested. OUR. PRIM Are >1 low a. those of nay other ataanfeeterer, and parties badrtqr to pardon. IPSU and it to their Want to 117A1141111 oar stook beton par chasing elsewhere. paica-mrs On ',Oilman. ♦U lands el AGEJCULTUEIL YACIUNES On hand, and ICIII Work, Engines, Sofkip sad Dadaism of all . Wide got up to order pr pa ly and on favorable taw. BLOOD •i CO. Atbana, JDIJ 2,t, IISB. . ' • I BOOTS! BOOTSII BOOTS!!! NORTH. BRANCH BOOT dc SNOB 'STORE! L C. NELSON, Has just, Qula!•e4 sad nifty. for oak s large M. florthltet of BOOTS AND - SNOBS! E h ive Boots for the - • yeoman that tarneth .the sod the bard laboring man that cartieetbsr hod ; tor the mechanic that cat stone and lay brick; for toe sat hande z i 0011411 that apply ,the yard stlek And Boots for the ; wise that doarish the quill ; And for the honest mechanic that work, is the And And 1 have Boots a little extra• made, For the bard laboring man that has no trade I have Boots for all, please give me a call. - Up Boots are good and prices last, • Bot I am determined .NOT TO TRUST I have JAMES iIeGREGOR, Wot-man gee , Celebrated in that Hue • A Call Camy friends, all yo u that inn, Leave your meat urea—try his akal. - The Episcopal Church that is about to rise, My place In front exactly Iles ; Its known by many very well ' By the title of—NORTH BRANCH HOTEL I L: . 2 Towanda, Aug. 25,1868.-Im, FOWL E . E it cp., REAL L:STA t TE. DEALEB4S, orrrce 13 raCtlllCUlli !LAGS, •Xl= t XLIO X nirtz.vii Weal Estate par.:based and sold. Investments made and Money Loaned. • CHICAGO, ILL, Oct. 27, 1868; DEJA Eta :—Having t stabilahed ociradves permanently in the above badness, we take the liberty of sending your our c urd. , Should you have any doh% to make investments or loan money, out s ee nce in Chicago, (haring .lived here end ha growth from a mill village to a city of over three hundred &knee 04 el inhabitants) gives us ample means of knowing where good investmentn can be made, or what Will be good- security for gamey loaned. "AU business entrusted' to our. ewe receive prompt attention." This sit y is hie easing very rapidln In wealth and population, and at no period have better opportunities offered for investment, than at present. Near Twelve UM= Dollari are expended annually in fine and costly dwellings, giving permanence and • causing great advance is prices to all_ Very . =Rh= it CO, By permission refers to Hons. N.B. Judd. K. C., John Y. Farwell, P.O. Ilikenua, Chicago; Hone. Cameras, 11. 13. 8.. tr. Marc cm C., Wm. Elwell. Judo 13th Dist., Penns , , War Hone. Jobs BrWme Charles Hancock. - Boston; Hon. Wm. B. Ogden, New York: Lye man Truman. Owego. N.T T 0 BACCO AND CIG.ARSI e an4ersigned have established a STEAM TOBACCO . FACTORY, IS r TOW .A. IT ID-4.., On Italn`Street belowflteldge Street. W bare they are manufacturing all kinds of CUT ; TOBACCO AND CIGARS ! Which they offer to the trade at IV HOLE SALE PRICES That cannot fail to suit. We would' mot re• spectfully solicit a call from the ileac@ through Northern PenntylvanWto an exauttnatkna of OUR STOCK AND PRIORS Oar Tobacco is rasualactured from the beat KENTUCKY AND VIRGINIA Stock that' can be procured in the await. Give us a try. Thin is a borne enterprise and will succeed with a liberal disposition of the trade to support honi.rc. MEANS y. 157 Main Street, Towanda, Pa. June 1, 1288.-11. BA. 'Pg,TTES Si - 00.'r B. Are now receiving from New Torii Cane as. 4 sortment of GOODS IN THEIS LINgl Woe/listing pi port of BROWN & BLEACIIFA MUSLINS, iND PRINTS, LADIES ANL! CEII!,DRES'a DBEE I / 4 4 GOOI, Faacygklrts,Mtwlt, Riop Skirts, - GLOVES, EITSIENY, YANKEE NOTIONS, &c., &c., &c All of which - can be bought as cheap' Y the same quality of goods can be bosibt.-in To wands. Their MILLINERY DEPARTMENT hbein; 'fignished with the latest dyke of BONNETS AND BATS, And a general assortment o' Millinery Goods. with competent MlUlnas to salt the tuts of all who may bvor thammith their Wrong,. II aneroid:ll be tarahbad with all t tab of goods at %holm& prices. novr FORGET TAE NMI AND piacr, Maki :Street, directly opposite the Cowl Hotuse.,, B. A. PETTIS & CO Towanda. Sept. &300 BZWXBD. -In accordance wish • rowdatiots, or "Plogetitioa ot the Common Mimetic( - tho Botough of Atha adopted October the Seth, Y. a. bee• by 011A:ward ot 'flaw Hiedted DMus to be paid upon emoted= at ea: Lotdens t e i g ai M tons who dude are, or hew Ma all nt buildings. oa aumed the am to 'be doee within the thatts-ot DA add Albs VID PALlt i rlrtargeoe Noy 5,1868. _ II II 11 II II