IM=l a Nitosfrint all Nations' —A life insurance Company . of Hartford, receiving no returns of funds from their agent at igen* Ga., sent for him, and oommitted him to jail upon his arrival at Bedford last week. The mount due is about $6,000, atul he claims that ira has saner Jeoetted it from the snbage*ts• —Toronto dispatches •state the new Dcenizdon Parliament ham been Anther prorogued anal the 18th of Jemmy. The memo of Canada for November vas 111,- 214,1 K and thentroditures $877,448. —The 'steamer if. &Mier took ere at Carrolton (Ku -oa Saturday last, by the bursting et a coal oil lamp, and burned to the water's edge and sunk. No lives were lost. The Teasel was raked at $6,- 000. ' —Mr. A. Belot has sued the pity of New-Orleans for $28,000 damages for the destruction of his cigar store during the riots previous to the election, —A fight took place Nov. 22, be tween 300 Sioux Indians and a bend of Shoshone% The latter were ;forced to re- ter -at, leaving two of their number dead. Two Sioux were also killed. —A boy fourteen years of, age, employed in a ,hotel at Westboro, Mass.. stole $l,OOO from the room of one of the guests sal decamped. He was subsequent ly arrested and sslo reoffered. .—The New Hampshire annual State Temperance Convention_WM be held at Man cliestr next Wednesday. —A Snob, storm has been raging for two days in Nebraekmand it thought railroad oommrmioation would be tempora rily suspended in cOineveace.. The storm was equally severe in Montana. --The snow was twelve inches deep on a level in Rochester, N. Y., on Tuesdsy.- —The trial of Deacon Andrews for the murder of Holmeir, at Kingston. Mass., was continued Friday. The case will be I given to the jury to-day. —The dry goods store, of William . Black J Oa, _at Zanesville, Ohio, was en tered by burgh= on Monday night, and .$3,000 worth of silks Were stolen. —Silas Taylor, Jr., City, Alderman in Lowell, Mass., and nominated for teeleo tion, was found dead in his room on Thee day, —Allen, alias Edwarde, charged with being concerned in the robbery of Ad am Express messenger last Angaat, was arrested in St. Louis on Monday, in o nd default of-$6,000 bail committed f trial —S. P. Hayman, formerly fi mes senger of the American Eqpress Company, was taken to Cincinnati on Monday tinder arrest, for robbing a . safe in his charge of acl, ow latit.idarch. 1 —Melville Brr- —Melville irown, a brakeman on the Boston and Albany Railroad; fell be. tweet' the cars of a freight train at West 1, boro', Mass. on Tries 34, and was iiatant . ly killed. Tho body was horribly mangled. —The charter election on Ogdens burg, N. Y., on Tuesday, resulted in the reelection of William C. Drown, itepitbli can, Mayor, and a Republican Majority in the Common Council. All of the Supervi sors are Republicans. . —A wood train on the Cleveland and Toledo 'Railroad was thrown from the track on Monday, near Milbury Station. John Nilond and Michael Costello were killed. John Maloney was 'seriously and four or fire others slightly injured. —The residence of A. W.'Seaver, cashier of the National Bank of North%Pro', Mass., was entered by burglars on Monday night. The burglars were frightened, and left without accomplishing their purpose, which was supposed to be the obtaining possession of the keys of the bank. —A petty punster in New York says that city is now governed by Oakey Hall, Tammany Hall and alcohoL --Dr. Collyer is receiving hard blows from the western religions papers for attempting to defend the stage. —The- Washington clerks will make another effort to secure the oft-asked tor 20 per cent. increase of salary. —Some Wisconsin papers are agi- tating the subject of holding a convention to form a new State constitution. —The Harrisburg Patriot is much' exercised over the arrest of • deserter in that city by a squad of regular soldiers. —ln Kansas, 20,000 acres of land have been purchabed fora colony ot Swedes, who are coming over in the spring. —The result of the vote of the elec toral colleges will not be officially announc ed until the second Wednesday in Februa ry. —lt is believed that the Stiblime Porte will recall its Ambassador from Athens, uidess recruiting for Crete ceases in Greece. —The fox hunt on Thanksgiving day in Chester and Berks counties was a failure. A rain the night before destroyed the scent. =A•deaf route in Maine,• who was senteneed to lie hing&d for "setting fire to an almshouse, has bah sent to a lunatic asylum instead. —A fever induced by exposure in the observation of the August eclipse of the sun was the cause of the death of the King of Siam: —At Quaker Hill, Warren county, a bear was recentiy shot, which weighs 400 pounds. —Burglars have been operating in the . cellars of Freeburg, Snyder county. —A Book weighing 267 lbs., was recently shot at Tionesta. by John McFar land. —Seymour and Blair medals bring twenty cents a pound in the Philadelphia market. --TheCommissioners -of Northamp ton county advertise for a loan of $20,000 in owns not less than $l6O. —The large rolling mill now in course of erection at Bethlehem will con tain slaty-two heating - furnaces. It will go into operation in a few weeks. —A city le, boat has been launch ed at Philadelphia, and will probably be ready for service by the first of January. —The citizens of Eiie have been, for some time, digging in the mud to find the pavement, success has crowned their efforts—in spots. • —Mr. T. F. Owen, of Meadville, while dressing on [Saturday morning, a week, suddenly fell dead. He was an esti mable citizen. —Two young men of Scnylkill county, have invented s new melting ma chine to melt - snow from railroad tracks. —At the recent term of the Court in Hmitington comity, every criminal case, was immwilately and directly the restilt.of intoxicating drinks. —The Commercial Bank of New Brunswick, Nava Scotia - hag failed. —The Ministerial Budget of, Ans- Jest bean made public' sad shows a d about three mad a half million vaind rttpsti t3*antia, iltiolAky, Dec. 17,1 TUN razurierre BUCSSAGUIL We lay before our readers to-dy, to the exclusion of much Mkt mit; ter, the fourth annual message of President Johnson meni that should isoeive a farad pe rime, ; though many portioned of it will excite the indignation of every patriotic and intelligent American oi- tiaen. It opena with a bitter and violent assault on the ileasustrlstien measures, and the legislation of, Congress in relation to the late rebel States, and rehashes the various sr- gnments that have been from time to time made use of in opposition to the policy of Congress. Its whole lone. is grossly disrespectful towards the legislative bran& of the Governinent, and more than justifies the action of the Senate on Wednesday,in adjourn ing- without listening to it In this connection, Mr Johnson has even the audacity to refer to the cotidition of the Southern States at the close of the rebellion in 1 1865, which he compares with the:present aspect of affairs there, and:attrib. ates the different spirit now Manifest ed in that section, of what he denom- inates the Unconstitutional and im proper measures of the National Legislature. The truth is, that this Chwnge_in the feeling and sentiment of the late rebels, is attributable mainly to Mr. .Johnson's own dogged and persist. eiirefforts to warm into life the spirit that was well nigh crushed out by - the Federal armies. Any one at all conversant -With the history of the times, cannot Lit to remember that the close of the war, the people of the South showed a disposition to accept whatever terms might be dictated by the victorious party. They did not expect , to re enter the Union in full possession of the political rights they were in the enjoyment of before they seceded.— The idea was too absurd ko be enter tained for a moment. All they ex pected, and all they would have asked at that time, was to haVe their liberty and be kept in poseision o their property. But when Andrew Johnson—false to his repeated public declarations— began without legal or coutitutional authority, to reorganize the rebel States, utterly ignoring the loyal ele ment there, and proceeding on the assumption that participation in the rebellion worked no forfeiture of pol litical rights to menifest itself, and has only been kept in subjection by the wise and salutary legislation of Congress. Mr. Johnson. caps the climax of absurd audacity when, in reference to the Reconkruction measures he says ;—"The repeal of all such laws would be accepted by the American people, as at least a partial return to the fundamental principles of the Government." This assertion, in the faoe of the fact these measures were the most direct and prominent issue in'the late Presidential canvass, and Ord in the .trinmphant success of General Grant by an unparalleled majority, of the popular vote, these very measurers were most emphatically endorsed, is most decidedly cool—cool even for December: Nothing 'ut ignorant, dogged big otry, conpd with blind, 'chronic demagognersm, could have induced such an assertion. Passing from the ReconStruction question, Mr. Johnson enters into a consideration of the Nhtienpi finan ces. He occupies a groat I deal iof space and time in establishin g, i what no one denies, that the annual expen ditures of the Government 4n3 Vast ly in excess of what theylWere at any period of our history anWriOr to the rebellion. He aims, with all--the arts of a_ demagogue, to create the impression that the vast secession to our annual expenses are wholly un necessary and improper, totally ig coring, the fact Wig this mainly, arises from the payment of, interest on an enormous public debt, besides a vast amount in pensions to dis abled soldiers, and other expenses, all resulting from the law terrible rebellion. On the subject of retrenchment, and an economical administration of the Government' the President makes some sensible remarks, which, it is to be hoped, will belcarefull, consid ered and acted upon. In regard to our Foreignlotions the message is interesting, though not giving as fall Batista tion se would be desirable. Our elations with Great Britain fare briedy and. ed to, and the President ex pressed a hope that he can submit sa factory results at an early period. Of Mr. Washburne, now o his re turn from Paraguay, he says that the charges against him of inte erence in the domestic affairs of th t coun try are very improbable, andeclares that our national rights will o fully 4 ) maintained. The purchase of Alaska it defend ed, as also are the negotiations with Denmark f 6 the acquisition of the islands of St. Thomas and St. John, on the ground of national and politi cal necessities. The Presi ent, in deed, seems to favor the ext ding of our possessions to the whole conti nent, and the islands contiguous thereto. ' The document concludes with a re newed recommendation for amend manta/Vs-the Constitution, p crviding. foriffe election of Preaid-nt and Vice President by a direc , vote of the people, for the distinct designa tion of their successor in c - - of both offices becoming vacant, for the elec tion of Senators by the pop .li,ir. vote, and making the tenure of t apreme Judges for a - terin of years .nly. On the whole, the message will serve only to- increase the popular disgust for ::the stolid.demagie, hail! soon, to reti ,re b !smutty. iT • -*1 RwAt - atssr or • the Tiathaa the Wit" terdlle It ?" 1 the Ohio rive; by which so many • lost their lives, win Rev. Rams of Philadelphia . He Was the Seeretary of the Ennindical Medan Skiety. ilbsolpuguld the duties of the position. vis ited Cincinnati, which phice_he left ih She steamer :United States. for Louisrille. He was known to several of the pessatmet9 and was seen to retire to his ststaroon about 9 Woke k. - About 1110 the 1411 . States collided with the. steamer Acwica Dear the tabu slew% 40adiaccs. I The tatted States being leartty leaded i with pettoleuat, the shook of the eollteloael, • the hernia and a flood of the coahnetalde material was at once in a blase. 'etrielikping the boat in •an,instint in, a abed of alma Kr. Parma w asnoiseen among She gen who attempted to foam ant m probable that he was suffocated in his state-room. • r MI It is a ilocn- , Mr. Nunn was a native of Fiffladelphia, , graduated at the Virgin:7a Serainsuy, was lc ordained, and entered upon his that in the Episcopal elrarah -of • this p He was then a young man, Itut his INN and his affability rapidly rut, for him e es -teem and ecmfidenee of:tfurpettple He of tener& filled poeftionff at Rochester and Leßoy, N. Y., and at Pi Ma Man ' His last parish was at Otteli Pa., Where his family dill reside. The well-known banker, der Coon, who is uneeasinevsngaged in forks of lumen ince and plea enterprise, was an idmirer, of Mr. Privet's Teeth arid Wend, and thro ugh his lumificenee - el wide field of la bor tuultutefulness was opeind to the4ttar: Daring theitar ha was engaged in thci ser vice of the Christian Ckentaission, in con tributing to the welfare of the soldiers in 1 the field„ , and many a wounded - veteran re memben with gratitude' the sulatte mt 4 comforts administered , by him. After the war he visited Engluni,. And presetdid to that people the cause of the Preednen. The family of Mr.' Paws conailits of a wife, three ebbs, the eldest, of whom is nineteen years of age. 'Mrs. Pains is quite ‘ delicate in health, and greatly pros trated by this bereavement. She .has thel sympathies of the conuun to which she came twenty-one years ' ago a happy bride, in this her great affliction. : The 21At anni versary of their marriage was celebrated on the evening before Mr. Navel left for his Western tour. A policy of insurance for $5OOO was taken out for Mr. PAR= in the icadental Insur ance Company to last for one year, but a few days before the terrible catastrophe. SUSQUERANNA.—A skillful civil en gineer has within the last few days been through on the proposed route for a railroad from Montrose 'to Tunklannock arid Ands it quite feasible, with no i r i n n ition fiat can not be overcome withopt cony 'Or great expense. He finds the altitude of Montrose about 1.100 feet above That of Tunkhannwk. A good start has been made in the way of subscriptions, but more nitiit be suiactibed before the generous offer of Judge; Packer can be made available.: "I r • —Mrs. McCarthy, of Auburn triumuthi p, fell down stairs on the night of Nev. 27th, and broke one of her lefi in two plums.— This occurred about 6 o'clock in the even ing,and she lay in the house until 1) o'clock the next day without any; reliaL !She is a widow, aged about 65, 64 lives al4ne. —Bev. A. Miller recently complked the iOth year of his ministerial service in his congregation at Hartford: At a social visit he was presented Nrith a book - which with additional doatitions had value of $335. . -if • FATAL RAIL ROAD ACCIDENT --many of our readers will remember two little Ital ian boys who have. procured a living on the streets of our city, and.othar townsill play ing &tarp and a violin for the contiibutions of those who chanced to bear theml About . 6 o'clock Tuesday evening, they started up the railroad track to the depot, to ascertain at what time they could go out.l While watching for the cars on, the track; they were walking on another, and amr backed down the switch, striking both of &cm and throwing the car from.thetrack. Ile oldest one, named Pow= Busk; age d bout 14 years, (the harper,) hid both his legs very badly fractured—one below the );nee and the other above. He lingered .or some time, but, although he had the beatof med ical attesubace, died before morning. His cousin, aged about 10 years, named Fuss. LArinszi,was seriously injured in the chest and had some ribs broluni, and was injured internally, but the physicians repOrt him as doing well, and they have hopes Of his re covery. The oldest boy ' bad mai been in this country two or three months: —if'il liamspori Ba kiln i • —ln tho case of Gen.. Geo. W. Cale, who has just been a seconditime for the murder of L. Har tle .whom he charged with seducing his ((Jule's). wife,the: jury brought in a verdict acquitting the prisoner. The jury found the p4soner to be perfectly sane a moment before:the mur drr and also a moment 4fter, but were in doubt about Ids condition at the Moment of firing his pistol. Under the circutances the Judge directed theta' to give the pris oner the benefit of the dclubt, an 4 they ac cordingly brought in a verdict of acquital. GLIDE Bokuns.—The law frequirea guide boards to be placed at the forks of every road, and it is the duty of cons tables to report to the admit caner where the law has not been complied with. Whin speak ing of the law, a contemporary says it is a useful provision, and beneficial to, all clas• sea of people. Nothing is more ni pleasarit tiumnot to know which of two roa to take, • especially when a longdistance from a place where inquiries can be made. Neely town. ships of this county are entirelydeliciatit in; this respect. We *mild raspy/idly cell the attention of road litipervisori] to the. subject. BAanuturr LAW Earrsurto.— tpngress on the bat day of the last serial* passed the Amendment to the Baniript: Law, ex tending the time within which debtors can be discharged without paying anything to creditors until the Ant day of Januiry.lB69. This extension was obtained after mach opposition, but Congress realizing that there, are dal a Live class of persons iho here-; tofare have not availed themselies of the Act—for want of means to do so--lias made; this extension so ea to enable such' persons • to obtain a discharge hail all their debts. After the find of next JantLary. thecre is no probability of any feather extension. Blir No action Ilia yet beep taken the admission of Georgia Sen. ~rs by the Senate itadiciaqCom-! . Leading Bewitors„ ar to be in favor of allowing to take. Abair seats, and it is, ri'e than probable that that course, 11 be adopted. Pie question of the reconstruction 'of; Georgia ,and the suffrage questioni in elitist States. of the Union, North a 4 well as Southi will be settled by constitutional' amendment. ' - II front''' 4 in, 2 • c: • • - wone,.l);:i ', D ec. D 14, /8 6 8 , . - The Stet weilrecAis -t menden has 4:ool6,lll*Sheiltft. r _ • . Won of sorer el hiptilhutt '' .-; -•• ••• g which are a -resolnllitit; '' ' amendment of the Oons. tie I'. • _ of estibliddng 4.Fialjefrireji:, '.. .. __,......,_, An 14°4. :ant bill rin theltddecti .••• - rossion.•-,-- at bp40.16404.,, . ant States of Ike State Of ,Gebikia. . The body claiming to he thelegialainrioL • • State d Georgia, having aiXenspted to a • • vest the print:Wee of the reeonetridion • the Senate . re fused to edniit gr. Ira claiming a seat eu Senator elect-;from . •,, Stiste,444ll, 14 qua** Of the !Wit • the fitaie emoet _tied-. h-billltti provide_ • the inounsion of specie; ends on ,• • Atikof i1p1y,,1868- 1t hill to ibobih gist • .i • •Ii lisitilsge?• A NU blirilailiii the an • ' - 4 /n44 13 01a est.- , . The insolent One d "Annual ifessage of •Preeident' Icesecrs; ` deliveni4l to Con ger= on 1111blendr4r t evitedirest in dignatiorr inlikoh Hop • ' The Senate - At ter lietenhig hillie r - ~ • gut' a plingrapb albs Ilesseik, iiritn' - • tilde contempt by igfiekr te•ruljourn yen ,Without. bear -14114 4orunent read. The Balm heard it thicniit„ and wee. . referring it un-• dert i r eaPr e 'r4tt boaasi . ' 4 118 lifTre **lssitteSs_ ,es , Inks __• .- • gm sestemOsid it ripen the table. The Prorident ignores the fact that: we have • • a four years win, charges Congress with • • disorder, existing in the SOS* , declares die reconstruction sets It lidhisir, end t• ' Otekgram the, bed better repeal them and • tore order in the I south, anger Comp - • with disregarding Qui will of the people,. • d •caps the climax of all his absurdities • advising a zepudi- align of the national • • • ebtedness after the' payment, of-the ante , for - a period of " sixteenyears and erg • t months." 1 ' In the i faceof the ov - barring endorse; meat bylthe toyid:peo •le at the late elec.. Lion of the action of • • • • - • , and the fi nancial Policy, of the , publican party, the of ronterY of President 'I ohnson is unpaid- Wed. :it is rumored •et he intends im mediatory upon the e •1• 'ration of his term of office,; to take the s •••• • in Tennessee in advocacy of the doe • •es 'of his message, w i as a candidate for the nited States Senate, from that State. If he succeeds as well by this in convincing , th' people . as he did when he made his a g round the t eirele 7 - he will find the fate o all recreant pnblio servants, and " die nn Spt, nnhonored and ',. 7 unsung. i The tiblity of dinigt session Isito do no moi found to be , actually a ry, for Ole pieservati protection Of the fi .. interests of The gover Nothing definite is y circles, ea tbl the co. : cabinet, but all sorts circulation by the wis. fident none of them tive inforination. Hon. .G. A. Grow, and Thomas `fit. Scott o all been here! during question wlo stud' . States Senator from coming qui on exar ally among I the sell Remble it ..3a understi from tho field, in favor] son, President of the Railroad , Couipany. clines to enter the low me, I will predict eventually settle betty who is the olioice of tl Ides, which up majorities ofithe State, :Moorhead who seems the strung republican and western Eennayl Either lof these men Pennaylvaniii in the Astho reprmientative triot ia . Qui:cress years, Mr. Grow came ted reaOrd,4tet Navin friends ito prieside ove the /loan a Speaker. true in the afivanoeme trinettiat time when nerve and kaiser metal and were: debauched of the Southern fire be remerebeted with in Peminsil+ia. Ge. of large trpstrience is j the solid g:o tctical typf make al represe nia, whose intereekr stank in the United seems to Mr. Grof4 he seems The 'city ii throhge the galleries ; are daily flowing. In the mo this winter' seem to erally here the '" niez," worn Upon the nailed the 4 Grecian' them resemile more Camel standing upon human buint and as Avenue, yo , see the ' mg with Ilia parted gasping ibi reat b , meat. ►titndo by his party Moorhead is a man public 'affairs, is of of men, and would e*.at' EMI ' L sir The cot:misfit have Within a fe -, drawn thelsnit ins, i l rior Court of Balti .1 Butler, anl in \., hil l ry motio , to qn: turn, argument • ber. The' ease oft era againtit tlen. on theidoditet. I odiqtte: death vain *ill iio offici; the House f on nex the will the deceased -sta i members have so intention, of mak the arraagement I speakers aro to utes.Col; 0. J. t nor and ex ecutor, t i a memoir Of the de ter The Gettys sociation Imet in Wednes.laY, and • Gettyabirg., Presi. told, of Rhode Isla J. R. Russ4l,• of nrer. Thelcemete ted on Jul 41, 18 6 . tee of . arr ,gemen Walls; of'iennsyl • my, of Nei* York Pennsylvania ; E. Jersey; Y. S sin, and B.l'Defotd, wa.; isms, cliimed to ibe - started oil, the 1. wallc'iroro Maiior Wow' and,lieturn; to hie Inuarrous f ceeded as. tar as 11' he a4tidetied hie - seque* 4 Is ' latoacceitthieh ca Tex Nazzekti's Ouszeii.--Cled. 0. O. Howard has binned a oironlar , 4m l:sem:oh* that, in • aceorditazdwitti the aot4 Ocongredie !CA* `,Othe 1888 ,_ *!Peretkii /X *. men's ...Vex* wit bett",:',,.• on Des** 8114486014 1 4 1 40e*, of the :military debdemi VilrliiTre• flexed, and, all citizen agents WA be diecharged, except such as mar hero afterto desiiksated tot e-retaineti-for service - 1n the department's of edam., tion and collection and payments of _pensions sod , bouptien, , ,wllickmep . be continbed. - The. ortinizstion . " of each State,,will to as follows : An Assistant (knmissieuer and, We( Superintendent of &tools, a Disbur sing Officer, Assistant Superinten dents of schooln, varying from one to four, agents for the ,payment of Reunions and .01erlut t Orders relate iug to the freedmen'o hospitals at New Orleans, La., 'Viola:bar& Miss.. Riohmend,tra ,'and ..*ashicgtori, U.,. will hereafter be publishedl In the meantime the .pumber of medicalefficers ; -attendants and pa-, tietifit now inihose hoopitals'ivill be reduced as speedily as possible;and . they will be conducted with a view „,,to closing . them at an early day. All other medical officers and attendants and employees will be discharged on the 31st of December inst. Proper ty Of every kind ; not needed finder the new organization; is to be sold and the proceeds paid into the Trea sury. Tux HOLIDAY liscass.—Tce Senate agreed Monday to the House resolu: tion providing for a recess from the 21st instant to January 5. This will give a large number of members to opportunity to visit their homes, and will enable the Committees to consid• er and'decide on the_ numerous bills which have already introduced, and referred. j A Dr: Fennimore was murder ed by one of his step-sons, named Atchison, a few days ago,at his house in the village of Hickory, nine miles north of Washington, Penn. He bad been working in the field with his . two step-eons during the forenoon; and for some real or fancied injury to a tub which he bad with , them, he threatened to punish the youngest boy, about 18 years of age. The el der brother interfered, and, angry words passed between them. After ward in the boned the discussion was carried on, when the elder son de clued that he would live no longer at home, and went up stairs to pack up and prepare to leave. On his 'way down stairs his step-fathei met him . with an az and struck at him twice. The toy then drew`a revol ver and shot him twice, from - the ef fects of which he died. Before . he died be requested that the boy should :not be arrested. Young, Atehiscn is ready to give himself up at any time. At last accounts he had not been ar rested. . sa for the present legislating than is urgently necessa- I. of peace, and the r ail and commercial [ ent. known in outside ruction of the new gaesses are put in acres, yet Ira con fonsarded on posi. don. Wm. Kemble, [Pennsylvania, have lie past week. The 6 the next united ennsylvania, is be; g one, nal:lnspect al aspizants Mr. d 'has Withdrawn a J. Edgar Thomp. ennsylvanis Central Mr. Thompson de ma. If you will al thal it the contest will m Bon. G. A. Grow, northern tier corm. If of the republican and the Hon. J.X. to be the choice of ounty of Allegheny, very generally. would do honor to ted States Senate. f the Bradford Dis twelie consecutive out with an unspot : beet chosen by his the deliberations of Always earnest and J. of republican doe .. °Ahern men of less turned " doughface" Fasxcs. r -There seems to be trouble brewing in France for the l / 4 aNpoleonic dyn‘str. Paris,which is the heart of France, is getting restive undrr the tight rein that the Eilperor note holds. Some demonstrations have been made shOwing a sympathy for opponents of the Emperor, and he has had his minions busy arresting editors so as to stop • the. agitation against him. lime was a report on Monday that a revolution had broken out in Paris, Int later intelliance contradicted it. But there is no doubt that the , French head wearing the crown is resting very uneasy. the blandishments , he deserves to AtiVe of tennsylva e thoroughly under totes Senate. Neat to be most talked of with strangers, and ed almost to over of dress the ladles e adopted very gen basket " or "pan- . backs, fishionably e n i n form, i "w 11 l a Fi e h Arabianmakes bir Letters from Minnesoti state that the indications Ere that Senator Ramsey will not be reelected; owing to the Dannelly and Washburn quar rel, he having aided with the latter, and Damelly's friends can 'control the Legislature even if they icannot elect Donnelly.. In Miaow?, Ben. Leon is reported "to have ithe inside track to- Henderson's seat,. and r in Maine Hannibal Hamlin is p easing Lot M. Morrill very close, vri chan ces,ti however , in favor Of -th latter, In Nevada, Stewart has no serious opposition, and Chandler none in Michigan i . hind legs, thitn a they pass along the country chaps " gaz and eyes distended, wonder and amaze. Cows. for O. W. WOLLEY days past with ituted in the Sups ore against Gin. h, on alprelimina '.h the Sheriff's re• as had last Octo [e Kimberly broth 'atter still remains lir Mr. and Mrs. Twitchell,charged with the murder of Mrs. Hill, the mother of Mrs. Twitchell," were in Court, at Philidelphia. The counsel moved that the indictment against Mrs. Twitchell be -quashed, and pro duced her affidavit charging. that the District Attorney had influenced the Grand Jury to prepare a bill against her. The motion,after a sharp debate, was overruled. , . •Mr. MAD. Snit Uy announced in Thursday, when, 'be procounced on esman. Sixteen ar signified their I,g speeches, and that none of the xceed_ thirty min i jokey, his enema to lead off with esed. us,,:The '"cold snap" is 'gait° se• vere in certain portions of thr West. In Chicago,' Monday morning, the thermOmeter indicated from 10 to 14 below zero, In Wiley, 111.,13 degrees below, and in Oairo'one below. It is reported that Abe Mississippi River Ss frozen over as far down as Cairo. nrg VlineterY as , Was hington on acted D. Mills,-of r ent ; John R:Bar , d, Secretary; and ttysbarg, Trona-. In the case of Deacon Aunaswa, who has , been on trial at Plymouth; Maas., for the Murder of Common's HM.sts; the jiffy came in, at 1 o'clock Thuis4 - ,:lay - .morning, - and returned a verdict of guilty :of manslaughter.— The prisoner was then sentenced to State Pvison for twenty years. ►• is to be,dedica , and the Commit- ,consists of D. anis ; R. H. Mit,- !F. R Russell, of . Dabois,of New Mack, of Wiscon of Maryland. A Itsystiyz Cou.r.croa - Oeuvicritn.— Geo. W. Alexander, recently the revenue collettor in Berhs county, has been convicted of receiving bribes from several distillers, who defrauded the Government out of the tax on , whisky. The parties to the crime were the, principal witnesses in the case. There is still another indictment pending agaittat him. Some time since .estriam and who t, of , December to• liie; to St. Pant, , as added &nether Dups. -He , pto. , , del'oni,'lde- when r ndertaking in eon.' -rted; a serloits . [”e Upon biro. as. The Retrenchment Committee will report disritig the coming week,' in the alleged whisky fronds in New toik. • E - Nen)2itrotrhs` antitti. no T O„ ... -,.,i,,, ~,,: -:x It liir2--:”, - 2:‘ . • ''''':- >; '1 t , - • ?!) . f,, ,_. '47:4-- ' l [l;4,l' l • nil, A,;,1 ~. • , i;'''' ; '' - .--...:,••-- CF 00 D M. 333 .A. 1.8 ) AT ALL. HOURS. OYSTERS ALWAYS ON HAND, 1 I - l E*lO 04E% j ', mo d.RUTS, & SUPPINGIONI 'awaits: Dee. 15, 1868. 4,, • YeLuABLE__ gAttit TOE SALE,or • - !tilt!.— The' inderslgned win sell' Ms fawn. situated it • , 11enseeton: there. are 100 acres la all ; three of gouog hickory awl oak Umber; thirty seven - acres of improved hill, sad sixty acres of Naperica, d at land.' -Then are two houses, barns. sad • other balldtap. Airwho are anzahUsal with' the far know of its value ; and rt will ti a sold' for twelve thow. sand dollars. .• _- • •• , redse t boatload dol Jars &wand the , payments to suit the purchases. Or,if year Sam is not sol d, Uwe will be a good oh ono for life -.with capital, to =mn• i or flee , years or more, or to Imt on , a • • - JOSEPH Bomar maroon. Dim 11 :18613.—Vm • WoIpr...BO I XES, • - • aoy OliCe F ATRE'R GANDER Nekoliiii'something new, Jost oat, it T RANgpARENT Wes, all sisai, cheap a I A. A B'd. KEYSTONE PUZZLE Try It, at SQUAXAS Tice verylatezi game, at d. & B'S MOREITRAN FIFTY Dlfibreat seta of Juanita B )3kt, at gre MI, to dozed prices, at A. A , 8'6.. STEROSCOPES AND VIEWS, Ter, cheap', at pRIMMERS, Ode hundred different varieties. at A. & B'S THAT HEAUTIFUL, Violet ink, all sized bottles; at A. WS. penß AND ENVELOPES tilamped,to dtder bd A. Sc. DON'T YOU K NOW That ALVORD it- BLit SFR have the largest assortment of Slam ped Paper and &metopes ever offered in this market ? IF YOU gA.VEN'T Got your Wary yet , don i t get one until you =mine ALVOgO k BraliKß'S stook. L OOK HE R E I Vigo I. now ow exhibilkm at thg Manimoth Furniture Store, IN TOWANDA , TA., The largest and best stock of CrlZWl r l i t r lZEsl To be found in Northern Pennsylvania, which Is being sold at GREATLY REDUCED PRICEY! My !stock consists in past of Pallor, Library Dining lbom and Chamber snits. Perior,44- brar7, Extension, Dining and Office Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads, Bureaus Washstands, Bobs, Lounges, Tete a-totes. What-Nots, Cra diva, Gribbe, *o. kc. A foil line of Mattres ses and Bedding, Pier, Mantel and Common Mirrors, Oval and Bustle Frames and street eti, ko., 4-a. In tact everything • In the frurnfture Line Which mum be seen to be appreciated and which will It sold at I LOWER 'PRICES Than the same quality of goods can ,be chased else Where. Thankful to the public for their pest liberal ua patronage aen same b m y o n ff in to g ind m uc t e mae nntin, not to he found elsewhere, I invite them to call and examine my goods and prim before pur chasing. elsewhere. No charge for showing pods and I WILL' NOT BE UNDERSOLD I COUNTRY DEALERS supplied as usual ai the lowed mar ket prices. I also'keep an • hand a large assortment of Ready Made Cabs from the most common the awl Rosewood. Also Burial Robes, Caps As., and I am the sole agent In Bradford soon* ty for SMILES & VISE'S iIETALIC BURIAL CASE, CASKETS, AC. A good HEARSE always In readiness when required, 1 • Towanda, , ,Dee 10.1_868. VrA.LIIABLE VILLAGE 'PROPER V TT POE SALE.--The subscriber off ers for sale his Dwelling House and Lot, now occu• pled by him, situated on this corner of Second and College streets, in Towanda borough. The dwelling- honse is in good condition. There is a goOd barn, well, and cistern !upon the prop erty,silso grape vines bearing largely, and variety of fruit trees. The lot is 50 x 300, be• ins two lota divided by an alley. Possessio will be_ given immediately. - • Terms made known on appication to NATHAN 7IDH, Towanda, Dec. 4, 1888.—tf. D AIRY FARM FOR SALE.-4. Prime Did l 7 !Farm, good stabling for 28 caws and a team, wil sell with or without stock, png time with annul payments it de- sired. A rare chance. Is oared to obtain a valuable property. For dismiption address J. W. PA N, Orwell, Bradford County. Pa. ' December 10 .-2m! VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE.— T The !subscriber will sell his Perm situated In Burlington township, near Luther's Mills. co ng ninetpone-an d-a-half acres, being, in two lota, one containing 411 acres, and the other 50 sores. The lot of 411 acres is mo atly under, cultivation, and has upon it a good frame house, two barns. corn house, two wells, ap• pie orohird, one living spring . of water. The 50 acre lot has about 12 sere s improved, mewls seeded. and has upon it two springs of water. The lots mate sold together or separitely.— The farm is is a good state of cultivation, and Is well adapted far both grain and Poisession given,' immediately, if =— Terms, one third down, and the 'balance in fErasas may- be agtesid ial?on. Apply Le PEET, Towanda, or Nowell Lmher' Luther's Mills. EMERY PEET. • Deo. T, 1868.—tf• • 11100IITOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice - AV Is hereby gnew that all persons indebted. to thief - estate 'of ELIZA OVERTON, late of Towanda boro, are requested to pats i nunedl atepayment, and all persons having els bus up on odd estate most present them duly anthem tinted for mttlement. • ;JAMES MACFARLANE, ice. VI, 1868. Erectitois. PIECUTOR'S NOTIOL---Notice KJ ishereby given,• that all_ ._-.lsons in= debted to the estate of Smyth bits of Granville, deo'd. ars requested to make immediate ,t and those having claims against estate will present them duly authenticated &sr settlement. SETS X. POW _ _ SOLLD3Tra LIN.. Executors. Mx. 17 ECM E%ECIITOWS NOTlON — Notices, , Is hereby . even that all paioMe Indebted to the estate of LORENZO ALLEN,detod., late of Wyalusing tsp. me requited to maks bum& ate payment; without delay, and throe-having claims ageing said estate must present them duly authenticated for settlement. 111. ALLEN, DAVICY BROWN, Rao:dors. • Dec. 17, 1968 VXEOUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is .A.A hereby Siren that all persons indebted to the estate el Ebenezer Wells,.dee'd., late of Harrtot tirp., are requested 'to make payment without dela/, and those having: _dams splint mid - state must present, them All ',theater tad Or settlement. JOHNSON WELLS. Executor. Deo. IT WA. BLANKIITS, SHEETS, PILLOW Cases, Comforters Elk., .to., at FROt3TI3. Nam Montstmnds. W. : . k;' CIWO.3W=g: • . Main street, fronting polio Pqrsamlisi sadist tp his stock a lugs opidtakt.of BILVEIi WARE, HOLIDAY, BROM; PRESENTS, PIC KNIVES, 'Lona "Juni NM= MOS, - FRUIT, K 2 MAL 111X141141iLLT t MU 111010 t CANDY, SILVER PLATED WARE, of i!operto*qualitypd 4iiibOgrAnding itanisa4Esrs, • - asTW•. . oarxes.. ca lITANDe t . • • NAL? MINDS, and (Wier articles, suitable for irritate. FINE GOLD JEWELRY, A gnat variety of fornAtems on exhibition, I. & B'& GOLD . .M!I, , TINS, AMERICAN WATCHES, A. -.1r.. WS From theselebratedinurnfactories at Waltham, Kass , and Eigin,lll., in great variety, and at the lowest prices.' Also, a One assortment of Ladies' and Gent's Gold Watches AMERICAN CLOCKS, A. A Bib, Both eight day and thirty hour, in great variety and at low prices. WATCH AND CLOCK REPAVING, Done iu the best warmer, as usual. at' low rates. eirliaie street. Towuida, fronting the public Nov. 26, len. square L 0 0 K '1 ELGIN WATCHES, AT WARNER'S. • WALTHAM WATCHES, AT WARNER'S. FINE GOLD . JEWELRY, AT WARNER'S.: ALL KINDS OF CLOCKS, AT WARNER'S.? Spectacles, and lota of Woes ,too numerous to mention, at WARNER'S. Call and me him. on will sue went y percent in your purchases. sir Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired, and Warranted. Pattnn'a ! lo t WARNEIC, ToNsT t la, Dec, 1, 1888. GREAT UNITED STATES ?EA WAREHOUSE T. Y. KELLEY & CO., NE:W YORK CITY, Are now supplying families throughout th country with teas and coffees through the op tem of clubs and 'their regularly appointed agents, at a slight advance on cargo prices,. and guaranteeing their teas to be pure and fresh, and also to give entire satishction, or can returned and the money refanded. r that by our system the oonsum pays only ONE PROFIT, instead of seven or el t r i i l4l he moat do when be purchases of the o grocer. WE DEFY COMPETITION. Wei special attention not, only to our stand arditoods, but our fancy brands of Oolon and Young Hyson Teas—peculiar flavors—sad teas sixty dale from Japan. Our Codbe Depart ment is managed also on the system of one profit only, and all our coffees are Old on their merits. We only ask a trial. i All our Importation - of our teas and coffees can be had of our regular appointed agents. All our goods are goods put up by ourselves In one pound packsges.-at our warehouse in New York, and retailed at W. H. H. GORE'S Drug Store, No. 137 Main street, at the small advance. of 11 cents per over our New York prices. This , the goods at the prices they can be pure for over our .eounters , with the freight 'added. JAMES O. PROST OOLONG (Black), 600., 70., 80., 80 ., 11 per lb., best. MIXED (Green and Black). 60c.. 700., 80c., 8I).. 81 per lb., best. YOUNG HY BO2N (G n lb ) . best. I MPERI AL(G r s n ) $ 9 1 0 0, , $l, 81,24. ENGLISH BREAKFAST (Black). Teo., 80c., 80c., $l, $1,16 4 .81.20, best. JAPAN 800, 81.81,26 per lb. GUNPOWDER. $1.25, 1440 per lb. Shantung Moyune Young Bison, in original Chinese packages $1 60 per pack age. Mengel Oolong, In 'original Chinese Pac" re a li gg ac" C . FANCY ,—N gyong Oolovla) -$1.23 per lb: - Nankin Marine Young (Green) $l5O pet lb. Uncolored Japan Tess, (60 days from Japan) put ay ,exprealy for us in Yokohama sl,4oPmlb. GROUND COFFER.-4 7 pre Bb, 20, 24 and 30 cents per lb. Best Oa Government Java, 40 cents per lb. Royal Club. 26 sank; per lb. Mountain Plantation, 60 cents per lb Beware of imitations and bogus. oompazdas. AU our goods bear our Trade Mark on each bag. No others are genuine, • SIAM. CHEAP PASSAGE , FROM OR TO liiNEEE!ZE WiMaine & Guion'a old "Black Star Lino" of Liverpool Packets, sailing every wok. Swallow-tall Line of Packets from or to Ism don sailing twice s month. Remittances to England, Ireland and Scotland payable on demand. For farther particillars, apply to Williams Onion, 29 Broadway, New• York. or_ 1 7 : - . IfASON & 0., Bankers, Oet. 1. IBM Towanda-,Pa D • HILADELPHIA _ANp ERIE RAIL ROAD.—Winter time Table. Thro' and direct route between Pldladelptda. Balti more, Harrisburg. Wllliamsportond th e Greet Oil Regime of Penns,lnnis. Regent 81e4M- Ing Cars on all night trains. Oa and Oar MONDAY. Now. --23 d, 1_ __pin the trains, on' the Philadelphia. & Erie DO, Read will run a ' follows : • Kali Train leaves Philadelpida.. —10.63 P.ll, " Williamsport - .3.15 A.M. " - arriveiat . .. 330 P. K. Erie Express-leaves PMlad6lphis....ll4o A. it Williamsport... . arrives &Carle 10100 A. K, Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia... 8:00 A. K. ... 6: " arrive at Lock maven. 7:45 38 p. p. m. WITWAILD. Mill Traln,leaves Erie . 10:56 a, m. Williamsport... .14:511 a. m. ' arrives at Philadelphia..lo:oo a. m. Erie Express leaves Erie 616 p. m " Williamsport_ 7: 6 a a,m " arrives at Philadelphia 4_lo, st kill and Express connect with Oil Creek - sad Allegheny River EgU Road. Baggage Meted Through. ALFRED L. TYLER, Geol . Supt. A LARGE STOOK OF CIOODS 41191. sellable for tle• floltisys at VIM'S Furniture Esmorlum. Embracing VOILA, COAINI. won% mriroxs. AO ISIE NEW JEWELRY, AT WARNER'S. GOLD WATCHES, AT WAIINER'E. Nos. 28, 28And SO Vesei Street, LOOK AT OUR PRICER. IRELAND OR ENGLAND Lobbing. IV Sundt. tn Pr It! I :14 .Eit, o °Skell 42, 2