1 Nltingtural. Storing Potatoes for Winter. It is often a matter of very great pecuniary-importance for a farmer to be able to keep his potato crop until spring. Many made very handsome sums by pursuing • this 'course the past season. Potatoes were bought for fifty cents• a bashe!, and those in good orderwere sold very generally in the spring for two dollars. As long as the custom of early market ing prevails so generally, the man who cultivates the new seedlings and stores them until spring, will be like lyto pursue a safe course. Prices arc generally enough higher to pay for the extra handling , and leaves • a margin for profit. They can be stored upon the surface of the gm:Ma in any dry position, in the same manner as turnips, but this requires much care in covering the pits,on account of the extreme weath er that prevails in the best potato districts. It is not uncommon for the earth to freeze two feet deep,and ' the raising of a mound with walls of that thickness over potatoes is a great labor. It has its advantages however, in saving carting, and once - The heaps or -pits are usuhlly made upon the field where the potatoes grow, and Be near to cl.ther that when -the pigatoe are picked up they are taken directly to the heaps, which contain from 30 t , 100 bushels each, as snits the min vonience of the farmer. A light coo t ink of straw is put upon the pota toes, nicking a roof that will shed water and keep out the fro St. When the farmer , wishes - to keep his pots ws for_the spring market, this is a gotd method. Another' way is to st,•,re their potatoes in pits, partly t 421 , w o:c_surface, but this can only t c done where the soil is perfectly I..tli , cd. There is not much differ - cc in the labor involved, or in the Fecurity of the crop against frost.— l'ariners - living near ports, who wish to ship,their potatoes in winter,build cheap Vaults or cellars in hill sides, that will hold from 500 to 1,500 btu hels.• The vault has a window :.nd sheet arranged for tipping in a cart-load at a time,and a door is upon the south side. for taking the potatoes out. In New Jersey and Long Island it is quite common to store potatoes in the house or barn cellar, to he ready for market at any time v.hcn the price suits. Immense quan tities arc stored by dealers in the city of New 'York, more in barrels, but sometimes in Lull:. In cellar storage straw Should Le thrown Over them to keep, out the light. Tills crop keeps best, away from the air, in darkness, and a low temperature, a few degrees above freezing. That method is best which secures these conditions most perfectly,. with the least labor and the least expense. MANIME TIM TEST OF Goc FARM tic.—We farm for profit as a rule, however many exception there may, be. This profit which. We all seek' comes-from the sale of products/of 1.1“ , land, or from that of animals fed upti them. This divides twining into two classes, / and de termines the nature oftheta; and the system Rustled upon different farms, upon different fields,Of the same farm. By far the greater number of farmers pursue a mixed system, de riving their ineqme in part from crops !.old, and in part' from animal pro. ducts. With such animal manure is a necessity, and the sucess of a far met may be' predicted upon the amount he i rnahes and uses. A tem porary exception to this rule is seen 1111 sotrie/‘f the virgin lands of the st, / snd wherever apparently inex anatible 'fertility of 'soil renders manure superfluous. When a sys tem of grdat. manuring for wheat and Indian corn, with the addition of I:me and plaster, and perhaps bone • (lust (a-casionally, is sufficient with 1 tilliage to maintain fertility, •tr.y.rs have an economical substi tute fur animal manures. This sys t. to may often be profitably - . be ap t to "ont,fields," and - occasionally • i•Cre farms. Manure—barn yard :1r.., or properly barn manurefor .11, yard is a poor place, at best, to r..uk;• it—regarding both quantity And quality, must be considered the n,r.asure of good farming, and the ;f success. SJItINGYIALT IN 110R1303.—This blem ish in horses has been defined to be a "nervous c ffection for which there is no cur,e." Until recently this defini tion lkould have been accepted as genuine.. A more thorough knowl , Age of the veterinary art, in connec tion with a closer anatomical ltnowl. edge of the horse, has rendered the version obsolete. This affection is shown to be not one originating in nervous debility, -1 At one arising from the strain and consequent inflammation of an elastic cord, extending from 'the bock to the hoof joint. The cord lies immediately w‘der the main middle vein;-. , and in cases of strain the inflammation which ensues may affect the nerves and oth er parts in sympathy, calling off the mucous secretious,rendering this cord • elastic, and thus causing a hitch or - halt. If the skin is slit by a skillful and steady hand, four inches above the hoof of the effected leg, and this cord. be- carefully drawn nut with an awl and server, it will relieve the horse of all lameness as soon as the wound is healed, an experience has shown that no injury results from the ope ration. This incision should be wash. ed often with warm j eastile soap uds, and anointed with sweet oil, or stunt; healing ointment, and the horse kept quiet till the cure is effected. C ALPS AND Bunxs.--A correspon d• nt has scut us the following reme dy "Mix milk of sulphur and common it (seahoil.is . the best) to the consis tency of cream ; then with a feather apply it to the affected parts as often as possible until the pain is 'gone.- - The mixture will form a crust, and must not l , e washed or touched, but allowcd to remain until it }eels off, which it will do, without having, a Los PiEs.--Take three good lem •.-i',roll them until soft,take the juice of into a dish, pick out the seed, ch, p the peel very fine, -- chop one tea ,•npful of raisins ; add the whole rthcr, with one and a half cup of ; stir it well, put in a little water and flour ; do not - hurry the .kihg,t as it will run out. The above will make two delicious • - - with a rich paste. RED CABBAGES.--S4Ce anive, and spiinkle each kalt, Lf...t the whole dri,in rf...k.1,t, :ion add some sliced placx; the whole in a voar vinegar. it 4.4 tai -4 , g* 14 the finest. thbnttr„ w=,-.•,!.t. cloves, „, aver I I' 4 I=s=2=== E!MEMIII BEDELL & VAN FASHIONAIII r ,, 13; MERC114.117:,. LOS READY MADE OLOTHIN t GENTS FURNISHING GOOD WAVERLY, TIOGA COUNTY, N We have a Fashion ib ie Cutter froth York City, and take all the risk in giving yo good fit. READY 'MADE CLOTHING We make at our own -establishment. We g particular attention to Yotith's.Boys, and , CHILDRENS' CL07.111- And alwayi have a god assortment OLOTHS CaSIMgitES, From SS cents to $3 per yard, (a 1 wool.) Best Stock of Hats ant : l, ,Caps inept within 20 ;Miles. Come and look and prove for yourself. *IL Will be at the Ward HOrise the first and third Thursday of every month with samples of Goods, and_ prepared to take_measnre.s. • . & VAti'Vff.,s4 GB Bioad-st.. , Waverl-, N. Y. Agents for Grover & Baker's Sewing Machines April 2, 1868. T HE TOWANDA. REGULATOR CLO7HING S7ORE ! Adjoining Pat:on's ROSENBERG. 'SD , WOLFF Would respectfully . announce to the citizens of Towanda and vi malty, that they haie opened the above store, ander the name of " The To wanda Regulator," with a spleadid.-assortment OF READY MADE GLOM ING ! Gents For aishing Goods, Hate, Caps, ac., which they assure the said citizens cannnt be excelled in style or elegance, and that the prices art so low as to astonish •everybody. Rosenberg & Wont hope that .by strict atten tion, and fair dealing with the people of To - wanda, they will .obtain their patronage and support. They also bem to subjoin the follow ing Commandm,:nts for their guidance. COME ONE I CONE At Roseaberg Wolff 'S 0.121 C Price It egniator, Main Street, Towanda, RI. • VIE TEN Cf.l4td NEMENTS, seep them, and/nappy will be Thy Days. 1. Thou shaltAave no other place - to) buy clothing except Rosenberg k Wolff's Ono Price Regulator, Main Street. 2. Thou shalt not choose any other merchant: though shalt not listen' to their speeches, for Rosentwrg & WoLT are no Chatham-at. dealers, but sellat one price, and reliable, and will Serve,yon unto the third and fourth generation. 3./Thon shalt not seek in vain any more for cheap raiment, for they can be found at Rosen berg & W.olfra Ode Price Store. ._ . —• /. 4. Than shalt bear in mind that we /ell only on six days of the week, and' don't desecrate the Sabbath by keeping our doors open and hangin out a show, far, on the seventh day, Rosenberg & Wolff,and their clerks, desire to rest from their labors. 5. Thou shalt honor the way Rosenberg & 'Wolff deal, and long may be thy dayirto enjoy Its benefits. 6. Thou shalt not commit an impropriety—of buying of Chatham at.. Dealer's, but came di ,rect to Rosenberg & Wolff's Once',Trice Regu flator, Main street. • 7. Thou shalt not seek in vain. for. goods of Foreign make. for Rosenberg; & Wolff keep a largo variety. 8. Thou shalt not purloin fromthe Regulator for Rosenberg & Wolff sell so cheap it would be a sin. O. Thou shalt not baar false .witness, but honestly acknowledge that you can get better united-and for less money, at Rosenberg & Wolfer than any other store. 10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighb qrs goods or his bargains, for Rosenberg & Vilolft can give them to you likewise ; therefre, take counsel, and buy only • of Rosenberg dr 'Wolff the Once Price Men. Tpwan , la, Sept. 1, 1868. UP TOWN CLOTILING S 96 MAIN STREET, TOW Receiving new additions to his sto C I_, 0 2' 11. I N Every week, which he is selling lower —honso in town. • • GOOD CASSIMERE SUITS, '515,00 CASSISIERE AND UNION SUITS OVERCOATS AT' ANY PRICE CLOTHS AND CAS6IIURES,' Which is selling below cost. as he is ausionp to close out, this branch of his business. GENT'S FURNISIIING GOADS BOYS CLOTHING OF ALL ICINDS FIATS AND CAPS AT COST ! Towanda, Nov. 2i,. HAT, CAP, AND FUR The undersigned have opened a Et , south side of ffereur's new block, Where they intend to keep a fall a, FASDIONABLE AND SEASON' 11A7S, CAPS, HI, UMBRELLAS, CANES, G BUFFALO and WOLF ROBE. Which we will sell at the lowest pass and respectially sJii:nt a share of tt: of the pnblfc. sarflats Qlt> 9 with th 2 A —atrio.: i C Towanda, Oct. 3, 1 ica, TANNING &HARNESS KING 1 The undersigned have this de formed a irta hip be known as the rea of MA; GEE & FULLER, for the porpo,se f carrying on the above badness. Harnes9 ' - ing an d repairing done to order and all work warranted. Cash paid fur hides. , • GRIFFIN 'EE. • EDGAR S. I.LER Camptown, Zan. 1868. THE BEST FILM JAR' at I'HcCABE , 00 0 1 ,Pg• Et'go =I lIAIS mit, CAPS, S 8 Broad Btroel, ` Oppo.iite Public Squum, A large line of cnE tr I A large line of TRIMILINGS OF ALL KINDS Of every description. 1 Call and convince yourselvesll J. M. C?LLINS TOWANDA, PA., Ocods, consisting of TRAVELLING BAG CI.ONEY P 41 454) . 4 ' , PrOAC I. GROCERIES, PROVISIO &C ' WOODEN, WILLOW AND ST O NE W A. 12., 333 ! Ns,!.g 1 i;115mOt P.lFtKi Southeast corner of Main & Bridge-ate TOIVANDA,• ~ I esttale" Goods r:i:: ~r:=;-. " DA1111::: .; -,-.:, ::,. :; - i . -:• , . E1,,1` 7 , ~,,,-. , Assortment always Complete. • --1 1 7 ••17: • Great Inducements to CASH' BUYERS! a Vic c;,•ti TA :ma COUNTRY PRODUCE (±) ft 4. its t'(l Bought and Sold at 1 . THE MARKET RAIIS -(61 LONG & KEELER liqyr„kb,. s NEW GROCERY AND PROyI -S/ON § BE McCA:I3E ' Eespeettullyronnee that .• they m have corn meneed the GROCERV . " AND PROVISION BUSINESS tioitistOie bP mercol: , B zto4 tit. cu MAIN STREET, c now in store a fall assortment Good's in their line, puransed In New York which they ' have Eclected with utuanal care and yinll sell at thelowest possible rates. Their stock is complete In every particular, and in qaality and price cannot fail to give satisfaction bey ask• the patronage of the publie, with the assurance that flrt . .., , r u te ace , ds, and In dealing nay.alirays . . They have new bkatore, and for sale by tie caso or *Angle jar, a large stark of M 0 - ORE'S SELFSEALING AIR TIGHT FRUIT JARS, Which they recommend as the very beet offered to the public. They ask for this jar, an inapec lion and trial, as its merits are aoparent to ev ery OW. ww., North store is Mercur . 3 New Block Main street, Towanda, Pa. Er GASH paid for PRODUCE., and for * BUTTER, at the highest market rates. JAMES. McCABE, • HARRY MIX. Jane 25, 18G8. WHOLESALE GROCERY PROVISION HOUSE OF P. S. M. 113, ]!&e,m ,STnEET, The undersigned, encouraged by the success °which has thus far, a ORE tended their new enterprise, desire to make acknowledgement for the ) KEE very liberal patronage they have rc ceived, by giving their customers the advantage of their years' experience, together with the benefit pi their greatly - greatly increased facilities for doing business. hail any They keep constantly on hand, very large and complete assortmen of everything in their line, and are 'daily receiving such ndditionn to their stock as the wanti‘ . of their tied° requires They have. now in store s Sugar, Syrup, Molasses, Coffee, Rice, To- bacco, Fish, Salt, Cheese,' Fruits, Crackers, Candy, Matches, Broom., Wrapping Paper, and Twine,-Flour Sacks, Seeds, and a great variety of other goods, which have been recent- y bought at the lowest point in the market, arid arc offered at wholesale, at rates to correspond They desire to , call especial attcr.• TORE 1 tion to their large stock of Fine Teas,,which they are selling at New York Jobbing prices,—guaranteeing .rd on the the quality in all cases Have also on hand a good assort- ment of Fleur, „Pork, : ond Kerosene. ZERO They _still centime to have the ns benefit of a resident Partner in New !, York, lho is constantly is the market and prepared to Awn to our advan- tage, any favorable changes in the; price of goods . FOX, STEVENS, ISFALCUR ez: 'May itok"' '".' , ' OvL,s, T o W AIN D ; A BAKERY' EATING ESTABLISHMENV The undersigned shaving neutered lin tera co-' partnership under the name of SCOTT fr, AL LYN, for the transaction of business at the old Bakery stand, first door south of the -Ward' House, Main street, would ,respectfully an nounce' to 'the' publitt that ; no — pains will be, spared to keep the best of everything In our line of business and at prices as low as can oe obtained elsewhere. We will keep constantly on hand and *Dhaka to nrdar BREAD,- PlEti, CASES, &C. sle itr) oaformaatcr, . Customers may rely upon our work betkig Wen and neatly done. In oar • ~ .; . 11,_.!._ _ •.' . kATINWDEPARTUENT‘ Ile2IS will be sorted at all hours of the day, and we will do all In oar power to rgerit, not only a continuance, bat an increase of the lib e:'el patronage heretOfore :avtended 'the' House. Fresh Oysters constantly on hand. Wo will also keep a good assortment of Groceriaa; Confectionery, Green, Dried and Canned Froitsi Cash paid for Barka, Ran artilltralt. D. W. SCOTT. ' Towanda, Sept. 15, 1869. J S. ALLYN. IN USE Mwq.: 415zogtrift 1 .0_, .. 0800ER,Y,i1 1 PRO ' 7 „. . ~, 8 ' -I TORS t' : I l ior ir o tt, Anti l ould atoit south , : Within of thepabplo to. his looted #4 °t 1 I I 'il?.. • GROCERIES; AND • I I 11111, he is:'#*lll:gsait4 p of all. e 50 l• i Whic,. Bards) Pri ddi P T E ' I The please i patsens i prorates err— NEVGRO . NV% A. ROC i ~'aED PINE APPLES, PE AA`D' CANNE PE'ACHES, - rRuN MOLASSES, CO FLOUR,FE'ED,BR VARIETY OF F DRY GOOpS OF LOWEST PONT EMI & CO TOWANDA, PA AirD •=i% D i ; j4n014 SIGN lUD M2l the Bail 'Reid Untie tlw* aad well I* ROV/SIONS, It the times, and .ned splen did EED ST ID E 1 ' E I W . ST 0 EW GOODS! R R I E. S WELL'S. RIIITS, CHES, PtIIMS EIS OF ALL OYSTERS. EMI DRIED S CHERRIES &C., &C TE IS, SUGAR, , SYRUPS, F.EE, SPICES, everything in the Of all kinds, in fact GROCER tautly on hand Will be kept con ND, POTATOES, 8, AND EVERY ;noTTEE, LAP, E VP.IIB PRODUCE. A I re h I. LL VARIETIES, Purcha. at tho N THE MARKET sold as And will B CHEAPEST! CHEAP AS T FARMERS TO THE CASH P OF PRODUCE. ALL KINDS ROCKWELL M'y' 23, 1667 IGNED, HAVING THE, trINDER Purchased t . entire interest of PATCH, R. H PATCH 4!b CO., Is now nto ho ftrO2 of C prepared t4)l offer to ho pidseas of Bradford .large sad welizelected com;ty- and[vlchtity, stock of OR 0 C ERIES, for Cron and feel con& WhiOh 1 have pure as low figures as can be dent•that can sell a I now offer to the public purchased elsewhere. a splendid stock of TEAS , COF EES, SUGARS, TUS, SPICES, &C. OTARCH,S4L d a large stock of Elo i ve on h R, = GWATTA Id DO AKRON FLU OKWHELT DO ' RYE DO. B I keep vitisthntly on band, PORK, HARR, BU. Would cell the at- U . ,11D and,Limli of osont Can't Be Beat teOtion of the pnbli F TOBACCO, STOCK Jesse Oak'era Celebrated In pnality 'par urtre Lanndry, Aiew York Mina oft and IChemical and Brown Soap ne our stock of N WARE ; WOOD • Lige . as ortmerii TCilLtiT & est eaeh price far,. of YANKEE NOTIONS ote. I will pay the high Y PRODUCE IEI Rirmers give trs before selling elsewhere. ted. to the ate , flrm will All perpons ind please call and mak I " • • oiramla, March immediate .payment DEM NEW FRII I Oroce, T AND FANCY y Store Elwe'l Renee, - I . Mar t ANDA, PA ; ' I et ..,a good mini,' .or • ITS , PO DO •s: C4NED k DRIED. S=ly CO .IT'ute,lCand LID smogs, es,Fruit &tracts, MEM and will be sold /ails • th e beat quality of Constantly on ban the cheapest. • BALTThf BE OYSTERS, By meal ore, or ca i ! or keg. Fresh and Fine mber the place ! • ! • 4• 1( . 1 t . Ithe To;ran!da, Oct:. i, OD'S NEW STORE, t Rouse mid Mercur's mock. ME 1111,M ME: y .se i'ersodi botch)! Co give ilia a• call ... LS, AT ALL HOURS MOFFITT'S Thiotaurant,:- towa for alma', till do well GEO. SV. morrrrr 1-,1868: :Towicjds. Jane ACCGAND CIGARS CoFelee Cheap 61437„ fIHOICE T Dramh MEMMMMM M=l==ll "i • NVIr SPRING AND SITIAIRR • • . • -7 GOODI3I — W . ED D Y Wolitidlosaineato ths . .:ettlsews" , af i 'axiAt the puldl6 generaDy test be' hal etor_a end daily secehingi new and • FRESH ,GOODS, In Ids line. suitable; tithe wants at the people, erldehle will sell for Currency at former . G 0 L.D P-R,l C E ConidetMims anal of gaed'well and icllable made . . . and. laps .OLOTHING! (No Shady of aiiy kind) consisting -BUSINESIS COATS, x VESTS AND PAN AQ Wool. DRESS COATS, PANTS A: YE E Linen Costs, Dusters and Panto, Over Ails and_ Over Shirts, Linen and . Paper Collars:Linest, Camino?. and Flannel Shirts, Neck Ties, dens, Glom,. Canes, Leather Bags, Spring Style Silk, Soft and Straw Hats. AU clam. Emember that Good Goods are cheaper at a fair price than poor goods at b any price. Calk and examine my goo ds before bar tag. 'Next door to Powell & _. EDDY. Co.. Tolima*, Raj 78,187. B. HE TEMPLE OF FASHION T NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS! An entire new stock of Clothing bought n cheap as before the war to , bo sold with The undersigned would respe etfully announce to the citizens of, Towanda and vicinity that ho la now ready to offer them Clothing, each as 1 FINE BEAVER OVERCOATS, FINEST Daiss AND BUSINESS Surrs Furnishlug Goods, &c.. and that these goods bought at very low figures will be sold with very small profits I intend to establish a per• =meat trade in this place, and in order to gain the confidence of purchasers, wilt dell on a basis of LINE l HONESTY AND INTEGRITY and all goods will be warranted. for what the are repress nted to be. Come and eiamlne and convince yourself. Don't forget the place Tetaple of Fashion, opposite the Beans House south end of Baldlemon's Block. • Towanda, 0ct.17, 1867. FALL AND WINTER GOODS GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES ! COHEN & ROSENFIELD, Winatzta, It seems to • have pleased the in habitants of Towanda, and vicinity, to recog nise our fair way of dealing • AND WHIANAII, We owe oar [sincere thanks to the community for extending to unite liberal a patronage until now ; Aim Wnximas, We deem it our duty to re ciprocate all the favors bestowed upon as thus far,; We do hereby publicly PLIOCLAIM, that on great stock of FOR FALL AND WINTER GOODS SUCH AS BROADCLOTH, BEAVER. Doeskin & Cassimere* Suits, Of all grades and of the latast styles, will be (lisp osed of at REDUCED PRICES! Onr goods are manufactured In New York city by one of the members of the firm, therefore we are enabled to sell as cheap as the next, and wishing to reduce our stock, we will put our goods at such low rates as will enable auy bcidy to buy a suit of do hes. We are reed's-• ing the LARGEST STOCK of OVERCOATS Ever brought to this market, such as Beaver, Chinchilla. Doeskin, r&e., for Men and Boys wear. Call at the Clothing Store of COHEN & ROSENFIELD, And convince yourself of the fact that they do as they say and do not misrepresent any of their goods. We also call 'attention • to oar stock of GEN74I FURNISHING GOODS . Such u Casidmere and Wogian Overskirts, Ur, derehirts and Drawers, ovaralls and overskirts GlovekCordigan Jackets, Ties, Collars, Sus pendent, LATEST STYLES HATS & CAPS, Whish they also sell at Reduced Prices. Give us a call before buying alsewileit. COHEN & ROSENFIELD. Opposite Powell a . . Co Towanda, Oct 21, 1868. The nndersigned would respectfully inform the citizens of W,alasing and vicinity that they have disposed of their old s tock and have again opened at their old stand wit an entire now stock of Ready Made Clothhig which are of the beat mann facture and of the latest style They have Beaver, Chinchilla, Doeskin and• Pilot Overcoats. Also a large assortment of Gents Famishing Goods, such asOrershirts Undershirts. Drawers, Hata Caps,t &C., which they will sell at Reduced Prices. Having gab ed the confidence of the people by honest and fair dealing, they are sore of obtain share of their patronage. Call and exam ne before purchasing elsewhere. COHEN k ROBE FIELD. Wyalnaing, Oct 21, 1868. . IAMPAIGN OPE _ • • 1 GRAND RALLY OF THE ISSAFtSES COME ONE I COME ALL REPUBLICANS. DEMOCRATS. And Citizen of es ery political faith aro invited to attend the Which is to be held and continued for the nest three months by the citizens of Towanda and vicinity at C. B. PATCH Where young and old are already gathering to provide themselves with CLOTHING, FOR FALL AND WINMR, WEER, C. B. PATCH Prom the excellent supply we have lately molted and:which for. QUALITY, DURABILITY AND OHBA PRESS Cannot be excelled in this or any other mar ket. our entire stock being new and bought for cash we Onr motto is Qnick Sales; Small Profits, 'Strict. ly Cash, and Once Price Only. We invitee ono and all to . pay us a visit at the old stand of rolomon & Son, one door north of Tcolor & Co SOLOMON & WOLFF. - ;slat. SOLOMON. aTcLIOS WOLFF,. Towanda, Oct. 1,1568. • WE SELL Overt oats this season of very low prices. Our stock was bought low • and Is re. tailed at leas than a usual wholesale profit. =- We offer some extra bargains at the once price store ,of- SOLOMON WOLFF% No. /23, Main Street. WE SELL our sleek of Pine Coats. Business Suits, Pants and Vests, for men and boys' wear as low as any previous time this summer. We have some splendid goods in this liqz, bought cheat:rand selling at a very small profit, of the One Price Store of SOLOMON & WOLFF, • . , i • No. 123,• Main Street. WE SELL Furnishing Goods • mach below current prices. Our stock Is.complete in Men's and Youths". .On these customers can save many times, fully--20 per cent. by buying at the one price store of _ _ • SOLOMON & WOLFF, No. 123, Math Street. WE SELL small articles as chehp as large ones, Suspend'ers, Mend here biers, Collars, Ties, Gloves Mittens and gooks- cf this class very mach less than they aro d . eisew here.— We invite the trade to coast-co them relves at the one price store of ' KILO WON .t-WOLFF, No. 123 Main. Street. Tilt highest -price in cash Paid- for Wool. Hides, Pelts, and Calf Skins. at the one price store of • SOLOMON - & WOLFF, No. 123, Blain Street. ;pllottjmg; Al grades. SMALL PROFITS CHINCHILLAS, PILOTS, Also the BATS AND CAPS. A. JACOBS PROCLAMATION BY TOWANDA, PA GREAT MASS MEETING NO. 123, MAIN STREET DISTANCE ALL COMPETITION. - 30•04t1. 1 *iiii,'SW*: . '.,! -H-;‘, -0 ; PA E T 4iLD EN :CASH': DRUG ;,• fiTqllE, iterAittautia Twirir Two, • Corner Mein and Pine atreete,—Tonatub, •Pa Having recently added largely tolls Stock, a dal and complete assortmen: constituting an ateaßiTe YarletY. embracing . m t any articles mod in the Arti tor regard to mechanical purposes. carefully selected with the progressive *ante of the : public which will be kept constantly au • Plied wjth _fresh, purclwee4 and offered on e most reasonable terms at Wholesale or Ile Li, consisting ot • : • . , DREGS •MEDICINES OHEISIC pawn, ona, VIANICILB, BENZINE AND TURPENTINE, BASIL, PAINT, VARNISH, WHITE•WABB • ' And all kinds of Brushes, • x.EROSENE OR COAL- OIL, - • , Alcoltol and Darning Pluldar LAMPS, SHADES,: WICKS, ORDINETB, El Sperto;Lard.Wluilo, Foe , TANNER'S AND:MACHINE OILS, Fancy and %lit Articles In all their variety; ' SPONGES, BRUSHES, SOAPS,. COMBS, Pomades, Perfumery, POCKET BOOKS, PORT• MONAIS, Pocket Knhiea, Raison+, TOOTH; SHIN AND HAM PREPARATIONS PURE TEES LAD LIQUORS, . For Ifedicinal ruse, TOBACCO; SNUFF ; Puss AND Ciamis, Garden, Field and Flour Seeds, Trusses, llaF• porters, .Suspensories, Shoulder Braces, Breast Pumps, Teething Rings, Nursing Bottles, Nipples, Nipple Shells and . Wields-, Syringes,- Bed Pans , Self- Sealing Fruit Jars, Thermometers Flavoring Extracts, Stone Jugs, Miss Ware, Bottles, Via% Corks, Bath Brick, and Stove Blacking, Fish Taekle, Ammuni tion, An. , Botanic. Eclectic and Elonacepath to Medicines, and all the Popular Patent MEDICINES. . All articles warranted as represented. Per sons at a distance can receive their orders by stage or mail, which will receive prompt and careful attention. DR. PORTER'S PREPARATIONS • 'FOR FAMILY USE, Known as Safe and Reliable Remedies; are war ranted for what they are intended' to `give Antis- • faction, viz : Dr. Porter's Pectoral Syrup, for coughs, ° cold's lung comPlqints,4re.toc&Sl 00 Dr. Porter's Eclectic Pills, for bilious cam plaints and mild. cathartic.... 25 • Dr. Porter's Sanifer Syrup, for scrofula skin diseases, QT. • , 1 00 .Dr, Porter's Uterine Tonic, for ?male toed!: ' n ess 4.c. i 1 00 Dr. Porte : 8 Tonic Eitzirfor strengthening the system, • 100 Dr. Porter's Tansy Schnapps, for firer and - kidney complaints 1 00 Dr. Porter's Comp. Syr. Hypophosphites, for nervous debility 1 CO Dr Porters Blackberry Balsam. for diar rhea, &c. . 35 Dr. Porter's Family Embrocation fai sprains bruises, 4-c 35 D. Porter'spectoral Wafers, for hoarse ness, sore threat, 4-c - 25 Dr. Porter's Worm Wafers, for erpelling worms 25 Dr. Porter's Worm Syrup, for extermina ting .woe ms 35 Dr. Porter's Intent Relief, for crying babies colic, 4-e 25 ' Dr. Porter's Cephalic Snuff, for catarrh headache 26' Dr. Porter's Toothache Drops, for tooth ache 25 Dr. Porter's Tooth Powder, for preserving teeth ' 25 Dr. Porter's Tricozene, for dressing and 60 - growing the hair 50 Dr. Porter's Trictrkhile, tor beautifying the hair 50 Dr. Porter's Odoriferous Shampoo,for clean ing the hair 60 Dr. Porter's Milk of Flowers, for beautify. Ing the complexion.., 50 Dr. Porter's Pile Ointment. for externa piles . 00 Dr. Porter's French Compound, for scald ing nrine - 00 Dr. Porter's Medicated Figs 4 for habitna. constipation 00 Dr. ,Porter's Healing Salve, for cuts,woands fr.c ' - 15 . Dr. Porter's Lip Salve, for chapped lips.... 25 Dr. Porter's Eye Salve, for inflamed eyes.. 25 Dr. Porter's 14)e Water, tor inflamed eyes.. 25 Dr. Porter's Corn and Wart Remover, for corns and bunions Dr. Porter's Constipation Pills, for costive:s - Dr. Porter's Iron Pills, for poor b100d'..... Dr. Porter's Citrate Magnesia, for a pleas ant cathartic 50 Dr. Porter's Liquid Rennet, for making nu tritium diet for Invalids 25 Dr. Porter's Extract Vanilla, for flavoring ice cream, dm 40 Dr. Porter's Extract Lemon, for flavoring ice cream—large bottles 40 Dr. Porter's. Oriental Cement, to, mending broken glass, &c 23 Dr.. Porter's Liquid Glue, for repairing wood work 25 Dr. Porter's Cleansing Pluid,for easy wash ing 50. Dr. Porter's Bed Bug Poison, for killing • bugs 50 Dr. Porter's Fly Poison Paper, for killing flies 05 Dr. Porter's Rat and Mice Poison, for ex terminating rata 25 Dr. Porter's Benzine, for removing spots from clothes 25 Dr. &liter's Black Ink, in pint bottles '25 in bulk by the gallon 00 Dr. Porter's norse and Cattle Powder, fax diseases of animals - - 30 Dr. Porter's Horse and. Cattle Lotion, for 'sprains, galls, Ise 50 Dr. Porter's Ring-Bone and Spavin Cure, for lame horses 50 kiedica ladvice given gratuitously at the office, charging only for.medicine. Ara' Thankful for past liberal patronage,wonld respectfuilY announce to his friends and the public, that no pains shall be spared to satisfy, and merit the continuation of • heir confidence and patronage. net. 18, 18-6•. l.—yr MEI '~ ~ Y t cb tit 0 --. '2 - ri ''t V. PO 1 = Cc D. V. '7 tij O ZZ : Z * r ; . 4 v o ..?.. i. 12 . ...., ..0 1,1 W 4, bm ,--, ; -- - LI , z, z 2 c l 0 1:1 F. , 4-) 0, a . x O Q O ;19 0 • ti MARSHALL BROTHERS & CO Wish to call the attention of the public to their new Stock of . HARDWARE, FARMING °MLitt &NTS, • • .BLACK SMITHS' TOOLS, ' and CARPENTERS' TOOLS. Also, a large assortment of Window Glass, Saab, Paints, Oils, " * IP ;Patty, Varnishes, and Paint and 'srnish Brushes of all kinds, which will be sold for the lowest Cash pricy. A lso,afline assortment of - RVWE -LAMPS , of every style and pattern to suit the public Lamps repaired and changed from 011 and Fluid toNerosene. Particular attention paid to the manufacturing of all , kinds of . TIN WARE. , - JOBITING P•II.OSPTLY ATTIINDID TO We have on Witt a fine article of GLASS- FRUIT .IARS, ' with improved self-sealing corks, and HERNETICALSEALINGCANS, which Is one of the best. cans used. June 20, 1865. WRAPPING PAPER! FIVE TONS WRAPFING PAPER; JUST RE CEIVED, Having secured tha agency for one of the largest menu'acturers in the country, we stir now prepared to ' , .,tfrr great ludaceMehts to merchan'a and others using Wrapping Paper. Our stock comprises everything * the line, and we respectfully solicit a portielti of pubite hatronage, at we are satisfied that we can sell goods as low 28 I any establishment outside. of the cities. ALVORD & BARBER, Towaida, Oct. 1,1818. Merced He w Block v.ipoilli.::ot,(g4**o - ?. 01 . 0 DRUG! OTOMD, „ W. H. Gore, Vinceensin to Gose & Poling.; are cohtinning the. baldness at: the cin stand No. 4, Patton'a Block inhere he is daily receiving additions - to - his Stock from the most. reliable importers and Manufacturers respect. fully asks or a liberal share of public patron. age. Liars, stock of • itasjnot been received, and we are , now pre• pared to supply the WANTS OP THE PUBLIC WITH ARTICLES BOTANIC . ECLECTIC AND HOIDEPATHIO ALL THE POPULAR PATENT_HEIMOINES • PAINTS, OM, VAMIIIII, PAINT AND VARNISH. BRUSHES, PANCT.AND TOILET ARTICLES OF EVERY EINO. . 11. C. FCRTEII, 31. D fAirbiv art • - - CHI tj 0 0 :FRESH. DRUGS AND IIEDICUIEB 113108OINO TO TOS TRADIt. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS. FOR MEDICAL USE ONI.I. ♦ PULL AISORTMEINT OP CONCENTRATaa MEDICINES. mrwerurys ♦ND GLASS IILDIN'a •LCOIIOLIC •ItD ALKALOID AND RKSINOIDO, AU the Best Trusses. "A . ll k,N.A L BUPPORTSSS Sioalder Braces, BREAST PUMPS, NIPPLE SITELLS. , _ANp SHIELDS,/ Nursing Battles; Syringes and Catheters. A LARGE AMORTSIKSikOP RAZORS, liT&Orlf, POCIET 13=11 , - SURGICAL INSTRIMNTS OF LATE STYLE .11k! QUALITY. A largo sopp.y. Brushes for the Hat and Hair Also for the Teeth' end Nails, Tooth Povi dere and Pastes, Oils, Perfumery, Soaps. Combs, Hair Dye, invigor ators, dm., Kerosene, Kerosene ' Lamps, Shades, Chimneys, . Wicks, kc., all of the late st styles. CHOICE CIGARS, TOBACCO ' ArlD SNUFF • w Physicians supplied at reasanable rates. liledlch2es and Prescriptions carefully and ac curately compounded and prepared by compet .ent persons at all hours of the day and night. Sunday hours from 9to 10 o'clock in the fore. noon, to 2in the afternoon. W. H. 11. GORE. • Towanda, Sept. 29, 1966. ' Books anb Otationerv. ItEsIOVAL! ALVORD 'BARBER Have removed their 00K *TORE AND NEWS ROOM •To the rnnuificeilt new store in MERCUR'S BLOCK, Nearly oppoSite tho " Ward House," where they are -prepared to offer to their old customers, 4nd the public generally, a new and carefully se lected agsortmeut of BOOK S I Comprising Standard Works, Novels Text'Buoks, &c. Their assortment of BIBLES, - , TESTAMENTS, lIYMNBOOKS, .PRAYER BOOKS, etc., will be found to be complete: A large assortment of Sunday School Books, Cards &to., always on band. Writing Papers& Stationery As cheap as ever sold in this or any other market Our arrangements" with School Book publishers are such that, we are prepared to offer the se ries of Books now in use in the Com mon Schools of this county to retail dealers, at as. low figures as, they can buy them in New York. Orders sent for any book publish eft. We keep Constantly on hand al the Daily and Weekly Papers, Mag azines, Periodicals, '4%c Give us a call. ALVORD 154 BARBER Towanda, July 13, 188, DIARIES FOR 1869 PAPER & ENKELO PE NEW-YORK PAPERS SCHOOL BOOKS, - PENS, INK, MUSIC., STATIONERY AND PICTURES .1 BLANK BOOKS YANKEE NOTIONS. Towando,Nov. 19, 1868. • 1/00K-BINDERY.-THS PUBLIC is respectfully informed that the Book- Bindery has been removed to the Argos Build ing, 3d story, 'where will be done BOOK-BIN LING! In ants various branches, on terms as rea sonable as" the times" will allow. The Bind ery will be ander the, charge of R. C. WiIITAKER, An experienced Binder, and all work will be promptly done, in a style and manner which cannot be excelled. 'Music,. Magazines, News. papers, Old Books, ,kc., bound In every variety of style.. Particular attention will be paid to. the Haling and Binding of BLANK BOOKS, To any desired patterk, 'which la quality and durability wil be warranted.' All work will be ready for delivery when promised. The patronage of the public is solicited, and petite satisfaction gaarranteed. Towanda. August 2,1866.—M - FURNITURE WARE-ROOMS 1 JAMES MAKINSON anstotinces to the public that he still continues to manufacture andkeep on hand a large assortment of . pABINETFURNITURE, Barvans. Tabli-s. Bedsteads. Stands, Chairs, ,te., of every deseriptho , which , will be made Of the best materials, andlin he most workman like manner. I Invite the inection of the public to My/worki which shall cc be surpased in durability, at any shop in the country, and my prices will be found to be as low as the times, will admit. Eudy-autde Coffins constantly on hand or made to order. A good Hearse will beluir.ished when desired. Aug. 15, 1665. 5 4117t.;; - 5 . NORTH • BRANCH YOUNIMY : - IdACIIINH H-OP, Aided on Pfir, ;mit of litri toWANDA, BRADFORD. Vgi t PA, mow Prnisied to WWI, bmauLAR SAW latth SHINGLE •MACHINES; /OD Of the bestaallty with the latest Improve este. All of. IfeehlesTy for. Flouting and Bair Mitt.._ STEAM "ENGINES, MADE, & REPAIRED, STEAM wnisrms, STEAM °AGUES; GAUGE COOKS, • • • - OIL CANS- AC Furnished at short notice. BOLT '0 T G Voile from Inchon .firdlarneto'f. - . FORGING 01 heavy wrought work' 'forand all other purposes, done to order. -A ; a large assortment of . • COOKING lIKATING. STOVES, Coal and Wood flarnars.rnitorefor Cooking f i t=, c tai v rg re lpe zid Thaare, o li re filt ei„ P= . , ly on hand. . DRAWINGS hr.' , SPECIFICATIONS` . Of all kinds of machinery for mills and other' purposes prepared by WARREN -.MLL, Foreman, who has had large experience in this branch of the baslneea. _ JOHN CAIIiUN. Towanda, Oct. 49. ;1866.-Iy. T O W A ND L A OARR.IAGZ FAOTORY. The undersigned respectfully announce to the public that they hare purchaded the CARRIAGE• OF G. - 11. DRAKE', And are now prepared to build work• in THE 'LATEST STYLE And most Workmanlike manner. They wil constantly keep on band an assortment of a plen did . • TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES FAMILY CARRIAGES, DEMOCRAT AND LUMBER WAGONS ONE AND TWO SEtal:l) ALBANY - SLEI•GaIIS ALL WORK WARRANTED. REPAIRING promptly attended 'to at rea sounble prices, - BRYANT It STULEN Towanda, May 9,1867.-17. NEW PLANINiIi:MILL The undersigned having built a large and com modious Mill in the Borough of Towanda, and filled it with the most modern and improved machtneryefor the manufacture of WINDOW SASH, k BLINDS, are prepared to fill orders, whether large or ama , upon the eihortest notice. We hare also a large variety. 110IILDMS, -of the latest:style and pattern, which_ we , can furnish much cheaper than. they can be worked by hand. PLANING. • , • TONG UEING , • GROVEING, • • - • AND SCROLL SAWING, and al other work pertaining to Joinery, will be done to wait our customers. Persons building, and not living more than twelve to fourteen miles distant, will find it largely for their interest to buy of us, or bring their ltimber and worked by our machinery. Bring your grist of Flooring, or other lumber, and while your tom . is is feeding, have it ground out and take it home with you. We will pay CABS for PINE k HEMLOCK LUMBER delivered at our lumber yard. Come and see us, or if you can't come, write. ' L. B. RODGEBB k CO. Towanda. Feb.. 1864. ! TOWAND , A AGRICULTURAL WOIK TOW4 4 TDA, PENN'A., MANUFACTUEES HUBS, SPOKES BENT , STUFF, HEAVY AND LIGHT WAGONS, GENERAL WOOD WORK WOOD TURNING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES SCROLL SAWING, PLANING,. ETC.,-ETC To Pcalers in RUBS, SPOKES & BENT STtIFF, We ofkr a LARGE STOCK ORM! WHICH TO SELECT. TTOMING INSURANCE 3.1;',,N CY. . WYOMING INSURANCE. COMI'A NY Wilkes-ILtne, P.a SAMUEL WADH ANIS. .1.'1.- , .! LIGHT AND HEAVY WAGOSB ON HAND; - . Vice i'rt .1)4 R. C. SMITH,St r ' The above are from the best SECOND GROWTH lIICKORY & OAK. lazi:e the Broad and farrow Guage iIirMILL PICKS madc and drueed W. T. BISHOP, Superintendent. M. C. MERCUB, President SEE THIS AND DON'T FORGET That there is now on hand a large assortment - • of ' . RUGGLES AND PLATFORM WAGONS . • At the • ATHENS CARRIAGE FACTORY. Which, for style, good materials . used in con struction, quality of work and finish, can not • be surpassed. • "MY POLICY " is, to employ only first-class workmen, and use great care to get the best of stock, and to war rant my work to give satisfact ion. • • *3. All kinds of Wagons' and Carriages made to order, with narticular care and d is patch. < PRICES LOW. Repairing, well, neatly and promptly done. ft will pay you to patron's!) the ATHENS CARRIAGE FACTORY! • J. A. MRISTOLL. Athens, Pa„ Sept. , l, 1858.—tm. N EW - TAILOR SIOP AMOS PENNEPACKER, Has opened a shop in the room back of th e Rooms of the Young Men's' Christian Associa lion, second story, over Eddy's Clothing Store where be is now prepared to d all kinds of . TAILORING, In the best and most fashionable manner. An experience of many years, wi determination to keep up with the Fashions of the - Times, soda desire to please his customers. he believes will enable him to give satisfaction. 113.. Cutting done)on shortbotice and (EMMA ble terms. Towands. Oct. 17, 1867 RAGE 1 RAGS 11 - RAGS 111-500 Tons good Paper Hags wanted. for which the highest market price will be paid. ALVOILDta BARBER. Towanda, Oct. 1 1868. .51' I 1.4 4: 41 , .:/). • - ' T „ARRA I,NSUR AN CE AGENCY Policies inineUotons adjusted ipmtr.fitly • hrirRAN, Of the following well kaolin. Ana relfeLic peat& efliceltionialtge's Brick. Aggrvgatt Amount a/ ETNA LIVE ST= INEISANCII CO:ZiAt4T, I lidriford. ( Cash Uicts, Nova. '67 - LtvissoOt LI D Lonriox . sen GI Prez:strn LIPS lestntsycx.Co. , 'Clirße 'Supine and Reserved Fenn:. thad) • - Assets In the United States, over— 1 Dslly.Premlume, upwards el (Gold) h.IPI:I:I2 , TS COMPANY, lioofford, Conn.. Capital Nsur YETIIZY MVITAL LIFE 11 .. i,L":..v.c; ". - ,Ntwai* R. J. Capital . . Norrrn Axgrucin Tiictror tw , r.r.Atlrt - • (Accidental) Phtladdphia. Capital (kantaintqcr IfirruraLlAps INsuaasca t I Co.,' Hartford Capital Towanda. 1431). 20, lileA--tf • lum, LIFE, AND: AMIDE NTA 6; INSURANCE. CAPITAL itz , apirtzxp 071", SEYENTEEN ' 4VILLION BoO.:1 C. S. RIISSEISL, Agont, FOR TUE FOLLOWING 'WILD RZLIABLE t •> GIRARD FIRE & Minna IttEr/tANCE - Coicrams Philadelphia, f • -Capital and surplas, over •Homs INSTMANC-11 COMPANY, . • .J.-01 New-York. Capital and FS a Tins, over •817HANCI CONEANT Or N011.71i t AMZEICA, capital 'awl surplus, over EfagnerraxlHauatrce COXPAN r, Of ILetr-Yo7lr. Capital and iiarplize, gr4T.G . UPILISE INSCRANCE COMTAN7', I Of Pheladelphia. Capital and surplus, orf:r.... ! iNBriANCS COMPANY, Of Nem , Yori; Capita; and rfurplai, o7er.. Prrxim NW - RANCE COM . PAiY, • Of liarlford, CO:112 Capital and earpins; over. ... Murcia. I.EFE CO3PANY, of New- York . Co.pit-4 atkci surpluß,corer TAAVELLSIIR INMrP-ANCIi COMPANY, - Of Lia: tfirrii, C . : lll4l'Z * . f Capital a ti.l n7rplar, ..... taken-on all kit,E3 low rate;as Lj ati3 , nthcr rr..:iable at;. - .1% aer Policies ie•Pied end linssr-s, it jasted at !lib Ageney,ls.erei.y, Saving t h , . an&expenne 01 going elsewhere for Vl' (Mite Et the Efirdwt:ero Store • ding Or, liasseil C. Towanda, Feb. 7, InC,S, THE INSURANCE CoN; OF NORTH A IdEBIGA. Office No. 242 Walnut Street, Phi , This Company 'are now prosecuting.:' . nesa dr Insurance from iota or damage ty P •_:, on Buildings, hiercharajisc, Furniture throughout the State of PtLnaylvania, :•, al terrris,fmir long or abort periods •, or psi -. • ly of BuildingS, by S deposit of Premier , . The prompt payment of c:aimns for lug the period 01 nearly to years that ton I -mil _party has been in esisteut - e. entitles t ms t•• - - confidence of the public. - Dittlemrotts.Artlir G.' CoMn, Jones, John A Brown, Charles Taylor, a White, Jne. R. Neff, D. W , • - • Welsh, Wm. E . • Bowen• Jatret•lP' • Morris Wain, john eieo . . L. Francis R. Cope. Edward R. Trott:mm . r• -.Clarke, Wm. -Cummings. •- -A WrIll:11. G. COFFIN, C. S. RUSSELL, Agent, Towand, F _IVERPOOL AND ,1,()! ,, . v()N .\ GLOBE FIRE AND t‘i FE.: ,•••• `• • COMPANY—UtiIee% 45 William tq., Broadway, N. Y. Capital, Surplus and Ileserced Fonda (Gold) . .$l.; .. 1 1• Assets in the United. d•tatra. or cm: , • ~, Daily Premiums; upwards ot (gold).. t 7,.• The sharehohrers personally resp•mnsil, engagements of the company. All .":- mu t be shareholders. -macrons IN New Yeres..—Francis Es Chairman, Henry Grinnell, Esq., l , (j Ch rmau, Joseph Gaillard, Jr., Esq. . F. Archibald, Esq., 11. B. M. Consul, • Hamilton, Jr., Esq., Robert U. Ferguson'. I.;r. Allred Pell, Esq., Resident - Secre.t.,. ander Hamilton, Jr., Esq., Counsel - of 14,ard. Barersaa—Phenix-Bank—Bank A. Co. 'The Policies of- this Company are is-ned iy well-known American citizens resideut,in N m -a York, who are Directors and Shareholder., consequently., with the other Stmareholdet individuilly liable for all the-engagerocema -the Company ; all Policies arc signed ny all claims are payable in cash . 4l Woe or without deduction for interest, and L , I ie - '' usual, sixty days after presentation Qt r.. - They expire at six o'clock, P. M.„ ar,,M m ..• noon. Life insurance effected, and granted on favorable terms. 1-1, B. I:SEAN—% zez, j Towanda , Alai! 23, 1667. • THE EQUITABLE. LIFE A* . Tl ANC.EI Society's Agenz:, for Brad: • Yearly Income ovc r $2,000.000 Cash. MONTANYE S WA! Towanda, July 25, 1867. THE ASTOR FIRE INSCRINCF. of New Tor?;. Agency for Bra. 110!.! Dividend for IS6a, 10 per cent. BIONTANY 1; A: W Towanda, Jul!" 1567. THE LYCOMING MUTUAL :mina Agt::cy for Sr:p:rorri Kutual Gash plan. In successful opei.s• er tweuty-seveu years. FIONT A YE A: 7:.‘,1; Towanda, July-25, ISO Springfield, Mass.,. •' tup4 • Applications for insurancel , ni the Jbove c, ponies taken at fair rates, .and immines. , ed to with promptness and care. PArtl , -:•! , attention will be given to Farm ri.!•l:4 if., 11 , country. Also Life and Live StOdi Insurer.; t feeted in good and reliable companies. over the Bakery on formerly by !demur &Morrow. T. B. CAMP, ' l n( Timanda.ilareb 12. IH6B.—tr. Towan2a, July 2, 1868 CASH CAPITAL $3,000,0011 CAPITAL $400,000 C SPIT .1L $J,100,000 _ -4 )5. Cariital atid Smiddri $170,0 0 .,. tiorAmerica, Hartford. r.r,! rq.rt• Fulton. New York. •• FASHIONABLE TAILORING LEWIS REHBEiN Respectfully informs the citizen , : of. 1 Boroagh, that he has opened a TAILOR SIIOI' Ia Phinney's Building opposite the Hea r, and solieits a share of public patronage He is prepared to cut and wake pumeLi , the m6st fmhionahle sti , le, and the rnosi :r. .ble manner. Perfect satisfaction will I.e antced. Cutting 'mid Repairing done to order notice. Se lit . 1 R. BAKER, Matti Ofilltri'ight , 11•15 prepared to attend-to his line. He warrants.all work done in a W.. C. manlike manner. All orders by in ail. 6r , t ) .: . " vise, addressed to me- at. Toranda, promptly attended to.- Jane V, 1568,-3m•- • TOIVAIRA, Pa.; June 20.1" - To al &bout it may concern: I certify O.!: hate this day appoin ed IL It. 8AR1 7 .11, wanda, Bradford county, Pa., an acen. tur sale of Beelines &teat Turbine Water Wish for the counties ill Bradford. Wyomiog. ing, Clinton, Clearfield: - 'Flogs and l',Atcr, the 'Stile of Pennsylvania. Parties w.int!s, these wheels can obtaleithem through he Will give his personal attention to 1 ,111, '" them in when desired. 'Parties by Mr. Baker, at. Towanda, will be .1.10 , vs wheel, and on application to him ish..tlinstrated pamphlets containing ' tables; testimonials, 4c., JAS. A. lifacrilEPS o) . General Agent for Pennsylvania, for 14, .dines Jenval Turbine Water W 13,1 . ---- CORD iI'OOD WANTRD —lto cords Maple, [hard and soft] ISA,. W,l Cucumber and iog Wood. For further rir ticulara enquire 4 a:\ Wr...-; . MI. ) r ::E.1.: 1. , ' , lug Mill Menrp-t •n.. - Nov. 5, 18,t9.—tf. • FINEST BRANDS OF FAMILY FLOUR, in market by rho Barrel or tiac:i. Mk:CABil Lt MIX'S. ME = 81111 M f 1,11,1 ,j, DEE =I