,~, y ,. F ;a. .nom ~~~~~,. -~ .. LOCAL dp q.E.NERAL:- Tans TAgps.—The fbilowing is the Time Table of the Pennsylvania end New York Canal ana Road Compost which took effect on Monday, Nov. 113, len t I `.t.r.A.l, P. IL P. M. A. M. Wratars.... MAO.. Ana= A:55, . Maui— .... .. 903 PIO Ms= „.„ .1 - 0..... :;9411 Towurra.... ... . .7:40 , ;,,49511( aIOII2IIWAXD.-_ . WAVKILLY. Antoci - 540 ANT 11d7 527 UI4TKR . . 732 11:12 sas TOWAIWO; 700 - 10S0 ' 1 1,150 . A. M. A. AL P. 14, JOHN P. COX, fkiperintrOad., Emu. city claims a popula tion of 18,000, baseilupon a vote of 2,970, cast at the late eleetian. . INFouTuxut &rms.—The editors cf the if/coming Stand have been convlo. ted of libel, upon the complaint. of hi. „T 4. Doman, of Millisinsport. senteziee - bale - not been pronounced. MI6 We understand that H. A.- Busßezur hits associated himself with 0. S." Boom, in the Insurance Widnes& These gentlemen remold the very Life ant Fire insurance Companies in the woodsy. All those having business to teanatuit in Sat line, will Sad them at Cooonto it Itmeto's Hardware Store. * . • THANKSGIVING was obaerved_ with a eeetit respect in this plum Places of btudpess were generally elated. A Union meeting was held in the IL R. Chnsalb where a -very appropriate sermon waspreeeb ed by Rev. C. S. Fox,pestor of that Church, from the text : "He bath tot dealt so with: any nation." • •-• • • kir . The 1144:pc 'Citizen* , 1 8 a pa . Per we #tlwaYe 4pen -with-pleasure, -and we . have no dout'A would read, profit, but ‘ ,onfortunate4, it's only shout once a month 'that the et py we receive is printed legibly. This EeT Jai% a defaced paper to an ex change'ists custom more "honored in the brese's . than the observance." 14Rek. ELIZA. OvERN; wife of ED. e;AIR OVERTON Esq., died at this place on Stattrday. evening last. Mrs. 0. has been 7st resident of this borough for nearly half a century, iind enjoyed in an eminent degree the regaid and respect of the entire com munity. The funeral ceremonies ire await ing the arrival of Mr. & IttrsHsartunin, who were expected home from Europe, on Wednesday evening. DEATH CAUSED ST A FELON.—EDENE LES Elcur, a young man of 19 years of age, son of Ardos T. Hum, of Nichols, died on . Sunday, the 22d inst., of blood-poisoning caused by the absorption of matter from a felon on one of the fingers, which had been suffered to run too long without opening.— Ifis decease was sudden and unexpected, and is a Bad affliction to the bereaved fam ily. NEW YORIC—The official canvasa of the electoral ticket in the State of New York % has been completed. The majority for Gen.; Stocom, the drat elector at large on the Democratic ticket is just ten thoneand over Massnata. 0. nor mals, the fiat elector at large on the Republican ticket. The &ver ve Democratic majority on the whole elec toral ticket is 9,963. The total Democratic vote was 429,857, and the total Republican vote was 419,894- The total vote of the State was 849,751. Courresysrr.—A most dangerous counterfeit S 5 Treasury note is in circula tion. The easiest mode of detection is by .the green ornamental engraving lengthwise which in the counterfeit is of a paler color and consequently has a brighter look than the dark green of the original. Seen under the microscope, the engraving of the coun terfeit is coarser than the orlginal.and there are some misplacements or omissions, but to the naked eye it presents a genuine ap pearance. A CIiALLENGE.—We have received the December number of "Merry's Muse um," for young people, and old people,too, who hare not forgotten that they were once , young. The Pdblisher. Hon= B. rm.= Bos ton, claims that Merry is the bat magazine of its kind issued in this country, and challen ges comparison. Oar readers can decide this point for themselves by sending to him two three-cent Stamps for a specimen. The January number begins a New Vol ume, which will be further enlarged and improved. Terms, 51,5,0 a year in advance. Iltgt. A shocking suicide occurred P.t the American Hotel, Williamsport, Wed nesday morning. The circtunstancett as de t before the Coroner's Jury, are briefly aq follows : Mr. A. W. NORTON, who has boarded at the American Hotel for a year or m nrc, • arose at about half past 6 o'clock,and without dressing himself, took his revolver :1111 shot himself through the head,and died instantly. Mr. W. A. YOUNO, who roomed with him, was in bed, and was avikened by the discharge of the pistol. He sprang out of bed and found Mr. Notrron on the floor entirely dead. THE INSANE ASiLHH.—The Commis sioners appointed to locate and superintend the building of this institution, Messrs. Doctors Bran, Gum , and Crrawan met at Danville on Tuesday last and proceeded to open the "Proposals,' for building the Asy lum. The magnitude of the structure and the heavy security required precluded many from bidding. Three bids in all were offer ed, but the commissioners did not accept of tither. They resolved to postpone the far ther consideration of the matter until De cember 9th next, when they will meet in Harrisburg. Mu.es Czurza has now ready for the holidays a large variety of Fancy Goods, Dolls,' &c., which have been selected with great care, or manufactured Lad adorned in the neat and attractive manner which characterizes everything in this establiah inent. In the window appears Dolls al most as large as the children that gaze de lighted at them, any one of which would ensure the happiness of some young miss throughout the coming year. Within the store is crammed full of all kinds of fancy goods, toys and knick-nacks. Call and -see, and you will be sure to take home slthething to make some member of the himily happy: Is.. Harr is a public benefactor. Hie articles' go into a family, and 10! all cuutention cesses. The waves of discord ore stilled; pence spreads her wings, and concord and affection predominate- NV - , dren cry" for the tempting and tooth-some productions of his mannfactoty or the ee 1, ctions of his taste. They are put upon their best behavitr for weeks by a protein to be filled at Ilsam's—or punished bye threat of being deprlredpf Hares offerings. Nov in the time to provide for thelfolidays, e the stock though large is goln_g off with alarming rapidity. Dealers will and a la.ge. assortment of Confectionery and Toys. " air - Lue Dm investment ;;Dino .1 , 17 mabi, oda ttlil lllli gbil:Pou the anjepriaut and be the Mei= of OM* pleasure sad pro*, is a Firmed. 'Go to Wrcerms & Bums and see goad Roints _ tfoVitt. • 10. A newspaper says Niue : • : jnyeallee, are tathag to 41=1, 4 . :We - nottoed a divided inelinetbil for de ) that -, it has lOW ; •-• witetiewondetitd the lemmata which j veva* amtwenients seem to beanie epl - •• 3/ tbikboyebereiernelditallshout wad* you may be sere UM meg ethic boy In thewent:, le skilled eloot4F,twO •in the air.hteralatt to inakiriuktic*aii 4if "Owe Lennie, then there is it mina mud*, that th• Air nll throtmlt the country is vetted withlthem pa rr_ntaalualed4 invented to Medea hone& And so thorugh the whole round - of boyish _ - S. B. Gun, thb (I, W. C. T.^of Owl. O. crtpos4 Templar" o ItuumalnadeorM be pnientat tto meek leg ior the Bradford .otwatir Onsvantion lodge of Good Templar. in c Towanda, on Itteibunday, Dec. 16th hist., at 10 o'clock M., to give bubo:Alan in the unwritten ver/i of the order; and, in the weans of ,that day, will deliver a I public lecture on Teniminca. • " Se gill abiomisit Burlington ,Clentre Lodge, and lecture at-Burlington . e.re, on 'Thursday , evening, the 17th, IRO ilia visit CientceiLodge, and lecture at Galatia Corm, on Friday evening the 14th ioitr i sit. Mr. Games knoern ability as a leettne always insuring a crowed Hone. IN~aa OBlCBarsyss.—This exce • I . *paper Is Ituritaxpamed by none of the vagina Weeklies in the ability and variety ,of Its.contentso It is publishing a aerial story, entitled " Mr. Browning's Pariah," to Xun through a large part of the next vet lunaH It is written by the author of. the Ear)exa, ids, "The Padttur of 1863 ," "'Win 9 , 1 1 Wear," " Girding on the Armor," &o. The story will commend itself to Ministers acid all religions readers, by its high liter ary eluirecter:its,tecidedly eiangelical tone aid spirit, and its grand object to illustrate. the Woodard workings of. Divine Provi dence in defence of the right and bringing tolaaught the7counsels of the wrong. All uric subscribers get the story. !SAD A CCIDBRI 4 —OLARENC4 PIERCE, a young man about 20—and son of the late lii4cmtaa Prison, Esq., was badlYinjared by, the cars of the local freight train, at Bala ton, on Tuesday at this Week. It was at &Ist feared that both feet had been crashed, tint upon examination made-by Dr. Boca- WELL it was found that an iron had passed through one leg above the ankle, but with o breaking any !?ones. Both feet were haply bmised,but is thought no bones were broken, and that he is in a fair way to re cover from an injury that it was supposed w4rild render amputation of both feet neces sary. We have no particulars of how the aceident happened. but understand it oc caned while changing a switch.—Norlhern Ti r Gazelle. • FIRES IN Twee Courri—The shoe rd of Wu. B. Sari sr, on Troup's Creek, twp, took fire and• was cos. ed, with its contents on the night of the 11 inst. - Ensured for $1,400. col. Shaffer Tavern Stand Block Honse,now ke by Gordon kelter, was destroyed by Sr. with hay and grain, on the 29th ult., ev =ning. Insured 9300. .Loss $6OO. 7 -Mr. Frank Cure gives the following par. tic lays of the loss of his house by fire, in II . on, on the 28th : he family had been absent all day, and on turning, about 11 Is: m., discovered the ho to be in flames. Nothing was saved ex.ept a' trunk and ono bed. Loss 5200. In. ured for $7BO. SE.At. OLgou —The appearance of a, ito Li Seal, in our streets, one day this week, to • g "an airing." in SOLOMON'S best torn- on attracted considerable attention, and ox - ted great curiosity, which] was soon _ Wi l ed by the attendant of the seal who announced himself as the proprietor and vender Of the celebrated, Seal Olenm, which it is claimed is a positive remedy far Bleu- M4iSins Neuralgia, Headache, Catarrh, and allldiseases of the skin, and who proceeded to deliver a le6ture upon diseases and Seal Olecan as a remedy . . His lecture seemed to be convincing as he did quite a-bw3iness in • disposing ? of his remedy. The Seal =Mho p • • rietor will stay through the week, at the Ward House. CHIMANCIO CANAL EXTZNSION.---;;Leet Ja*, by order of the Canal Board, aid in pursuance of laW, Work.was again resumed on the Chenango Canal Extension, by let ting all of the. remaining sections, waste weirs and cnlverts,between the present ter taint= of the Chewing° Canal at Bingitake tonjand a point opposite tbe village of Owe go.l Of the work still remaining to be put wider contract between the points named, are the dam and guard -lock at Binghamton, three, aqueducts over Choconut, Tref:74l;nd Apalachin creeks, of Is 2 feet water space each (except Tracy, which is eighty-eight feet ; three lift-locks of respectively nine, set, and six feet , and the bridge ' s for farm and road crossings. The work already let is about covered by the amount of thepres ent appropriation of $600,000. I , gicasoNAL.—lloa. 11. MEacuß, M. C , will!leave for Washington, on Friday next. He Will be home to spend the holidays. -Mons F. Cumancarusr, Esq., member of Assembly, was in town on Tuesday . He leaVes about New Year, to' enter upon his second Legislative year. The experience of hot winter will enable .Mr. C. to bo of great service to his constituents, as many of.the old members are returned this' win ter, I , by whom he is deservedly esteemed for.bis integrity and arability. • The barn and stables attached to the mta Ruts: have supplied themselves the Seal Oleato. —}Mr. Wane, who goes back for his third year, (an unusual occurrence in this Conn ty,)will occupy a very prominent and in fluential position, having become thorough ly conversant with the routine of legisla tioilTand possessing there, as at home, the abounded confidence and respect, of all Who know him. r Special Noting. AIS WesrlNG I—An persons iti deb -d to the .subscriber, are hereby noti fiedlthat they must make immediate.stale wimp. This means everybody who is ow mg e. d. M. Commis: T wands, Nov. 26,1868. curios.—A boy named Ham Vri Lorca, bound to me by the Comniis blo go srs of Burlington twp.',havistg rim away for third time, I herrAky caution the pn o against harboring or trusting him. . AZSX• Dzscaorx. Bington, Deo. 1,1868.-3 w ---.4----- Itircr Tugs Pintir.—Tbe cvmpauy of yourself and lady is solicited at'a New letzn , Party to be (urea 14 the Milan House Pa., on Frulay Evening, Janussy - 1, 1 - Music Quick .& McDonald's Pull Ban& Bill Si 50. • A. Wanting, i - • 1, 186& . - l'roprietcw.:. , L.' MOODY, winsell Oublic • in Bow Borough ; on " Baturilay • ~111th. 184 on, span of valuable', • ,1 singles or palm Bo agonra% 1 heavy , •, Wagon - , 1 Limber W, 1 Bug.: ophollia 2- barna Cattim, o,loa, Bow, Dois. 11, 1868. —9 - Deo! _ c - air . " citie n sWaara shaaktriagtepaimir • , PaP La Nur litatailaulb a VockliaaSetel °kits vpy • 'Aroma* Dec. _ H I. O. 417 O. 1 1 .411 : mem 1 !maga 1, 9• 3 - wood at 148 . xegn r' urid a Dta. 7, laudoola of imputniost will be ,which regains a fullittendanoir _. -' (P k itesirsans; Tourism, Bea 1: 1 84-te . - , .. , -!- . ....-4; TOWANDA Bair :aWat mootintiot iTotranda Bridge . :to s dent, Tr l -... to betroths nishuhu r„ ,the Ant National 1 - Wednesday, :Ismail' 61 hours of One and 0,- bee. 1, 1868. Pions & earn= Goods.loo-' Pluiey Dry Goods, /• 7 Milllnery Goods. druid ;Woe do s. w Para da.lwould ell theinsetres before to maid* Tewanda,DolloBlB,_ Fox Sam—The !House nor oceuided by Oa, Situated in Wrest. TA. Um, is 'well wit small family, and will be sold die won given about the of Jai Oct. 21), 13.12' 1)1%.; Winn, bf iiew; knciwn to our read* as a popular upon Physiology and a talseingtda sioiaa and Bnrgeon.l is! about to' other professional tqur !brough tti the countay. • ; The following ars his appoint ads wank" _and ideinit3f: " I ` • Hotel, LesaysTility; Tuesday, ; Ward House, Toiandi, Wednes 16. Aineidean HoWLlSlibildl, Ded. 17. I ;1.:. :..- Snyder House, Wars*, Friday / Central Hotel, Canton, IVednes 22. 1 • Troy Honk', Troy, 1' Tinrsdoy, Ta Nov. 26, 1868: ti SI. At nice Ottriemas p yonrwife otsweet-hcalt—cilili of tifal itiattry . dote 14mA or Ts at Alv,ord. Batvem EIONINGER parties are advertiding themsel Agehth of the ShordigerMelodeo attention of the publiciis called 1 owiiig letter :, 4 1 • Haw Hs. i n, *Own. , Messrs. ow k, 00., Yori say other parties adVertis selves agents for the R. Bhoninger Co." We say in reply that we ha • er A t genta in your county but -yo • When any other Parties adve selves our agents they , do so wi authority from us. Yours Respectfully, Nov. 26.-2 w B. lino moss The wants our town and community q to Holid are Ito bo supplied by " Black. Particulars next week. ,OR SALE. —The MACTSI c iII for isle a - good Democrat Wagon rer a oaable for cash or approved r .me, Nov. 26.-2 w• E. W.- --- , . Lost —On Saturday, No Monroeton or Towanda,, twenty ceger stamps, signed bY A. Mull tor,ll3th District of Peoria. will i be liberally rewarded by lea .with the subscribers aOheir Tob in Towanda. • Means & ' Nov. 26. Harper's for Dec , mb vord & Barber's. Tilts. number c a new volume, and is alavorite bars. 1i369 I f lii Diaries arks I I gestlassortment of Diaries, open market, just received and for Wel AlvOrd & Barber's - 1 t 4.• - M. C. o.—Call ntithe 800 l Alvdrd &Barber and gamine an be Miro to purChase. i • 1 Oysrsits.—The subscrib e keep constantly on hand a fresh counts, and also a snit and se ity of oysters by the qttart of gal mealtime. Donation turtles, lugs; and all other-Parties w quantities are required , will be' fn a liberal-discount. Ntraw Jt. B - Basement of Ward Nov. 4. 1868.-tf ' Hi .. WANTED.---A 'family •of ep good character, 'to occupy and farm, and stock and run a eau Ell inperson . Nylu,,, Nov.;c f, ltfr4: A , HOUSE AND LOT FOR splendid House and Lot for sale, Second street, opposite the Coll to goad schools, very. pleasantly The house is new; just bottom in first class style. For f tiCidirs enquire of 1). i lf. B . premises. 'Towanda, Oct. 5, Aim's UAIR VIGOR, For ,Graylfair to Its natural Vitalitra, A &ening which is et once healthy, and effectual f t for prose , hair. j Ruled or gray ; hair is res origirial color with the gloss andfi youth. • Thin hair is thickened, fe checked, and baldness often, always, cured by its tuie. Nothi store the hair where the follicles ed, ot• the glands atroPhied and But inch as remain car be saved ness py this application. Instead the hair withwpasty isidiment, i it clean and vigoronk. Its occ will Prevent Mahar ,from ' falling off, and Onset - pent'' , pre ness4 Free from thosekleleterio ces which malcecomi Preparatio one and injurious Loth, hair, the only beniflt but notj harm it. merely for a hairdressing; n can be found so desirable. Con User oil nor dye, it does not soil bric,ind yet lasts long em the h a rich glossy lustre and grateful Prepared by Dr; d. C. Ayer & tical mid Analytical Chemists, Lo Price $l,OO. `-e- I Sold by Dr. IL C, Porter Towel Draggits k Dealers in medial where. _1 Nov I ~ STOVE IMITATIONBIAIND ri.sciainsais.- All aiticles of value and established reputa tion have their imitations. fdanlfacturers who have not the brains to inve..t, or tip enterprise to establish• a repo .• don for Af A RRI B D. thembelves, seek to appropriate t. e " r iven- PORTER—LAMING—At the residence of dons; and reputation those w.o have.— the.bride's father, in Wysox. on Thum- mi..: O btain ed ' ,A m erl c an °x'kint.. ri stov „ 4 for instance , ~..i . day, Nov. 19, by. Rev. F. D. Hasidim, a wed- .....e ref , . -on.-- , Ms., a uk . p orter, of i nimuida, to Mies Messrs. Sheer, Packaid & Co. •ye spent Lizzie lim i ng, daughter of M, H. Lim..l seven years in imp*oring and ' e - - rf e cti g'.. , ing, 'of the former place. • • this Move,till it is alO.oet perfect a stove, TOVTNER—GILLETT—At the residence of , sad they have spent large amo . •to in ad „Toro the, ~.t he, b _ridi e , s i ir r a re. _n _ts, Nob, 17, by Rev. W.' realising and banging its merits I people. There have been numer • us imita- O. ura.'” terms M. Towner of Ram, Pa : , to Miss Martha o.l3Mett..of t3hcslie.; tions'of it, and they hate been co.. polled to - bung i Aro suits sigainStidifferent . =ties for VIII. • . • : appropiating their patented improt. eats, all FROST—THOMSON—At the residence of of which have resulteln their fa or. The the brides parents,l Nov. 18, by Rey. W. last phase of these imi tionsis o •'e similar 11. Gay% Mr. E. Al. Frost. to Miss nallie. is design and &Wont I exact ... nation of W. TlioniPson, laadi of Rome, Pa. . • the name, only one lilt left out, hese 'imi- ELSWORTH—VOUGHT—At the residence tenons are sought to e palmed o. nponthe : of the bride's father, Nov. 25th, 1868; by publidas the genuin ; article ,. 1•• is in the Bev. A. Bur r oughs. Mr. . James 8.-1 violation of their rights • and •ey have : - Ebrworth, of Windham ,' - to Mimi' Helen coinidenced a suit to' res train .. sale of Yonght Of Home. - . . • ... ' these,fraudoledt artieles ; andth.y propose sopEft , dr y Lf s__ Akt stosaborg. Oct. 3. to presecute all infringements . d brae.' .by Bev. N.• L. Reynolds,' Mr. Remy P. , loons tin others cease `, from ap .. . printing soper, of Rutland, Tiog , s , t; to woo and Linitating' their innirovemen Albany • Lade L Wylie, of Wells, Eratord co:. ' Argui. 1 ' ' ELLIOTT —ALDREDGre- Nov . - 496%. For side by S. n N. r.on .J son, s , Pa. - Not. 18.-3 t i - .. .•. by Rev. E. Burroughs, Mr. 0. & Elliott, ~,, I - -. • : allows; Pa.,10 Mrs. S. A. Aldredgei-Of L4its ! Lunt 1 tiits 1-Tti . uner •• --- • .-• ._ .'• __- - - signed having erected I, a large a.d perm s DULOOK-111.400N-rAt UM - p mt sent sent II rUP. KILN . which la • . isileal . lionroekm,"Nov. 26tb, by Re_se,...lfalloch mera,non, has on hand a Liao 'Srocx or ' Armstrong, Mr. Lafayette W. Unmet to •WaTga Tsant. which i ba will a ias low as '.. 1161 . 0 ! 4 01 0' E.`lWasmis all Monroe: can bhught anywhere between Pi tston and iligccilipatp,lfAl.f.-4t, White -13* Elmiia. A GREAT Iteorcrios in Patty, , mteidgatii :Jaly., 28th, ' 1868, -Iv Gimp made to dealers who' buy by th • quantity. R usetive it i , E o/4 Mr. . Allen d r ooru k. o f Orders filled and shipped to IKAPte by- .White Hill, _to Mrs. Lydia T. lisentars: canah , . Dann Blum: of Dalton, Michigan. , - ' - ' BrOvidown, ri.,•oet. 10, 1868 -tf. ". --rte---- 'o Line"- .. Td LUMBERAIEN..--• Tranted.—A. at capita: and: mew to! Gina- an 4 s BawmilL • T Apply to, Talitaulk Oct 2L'i.•_• Gan. t. VAX*: C. G.—Call at the 800 Alped 1t Barberead'emeOs httlintre kipunetiee. ( -' , foiDebem .. : 'redo SO : _.... gudtit Til. IftWO. itaviarklitipi. , , riock il likalar . 11, wean laid :-' Ns - 4 Smith . 31! .II Bitainibt AL .. - .Trispase Vanderpool no. Vanderpool ' Belden& ObilioniniSiantorlig.-. - e ..10 3 4 , - -,' Ni oll4 eilko.. ',14t0 . ..-,:-....thisli' Gibson NS Gilition.. t ~,„ .........-?• • " Gibson as Helen 'lliollardef.::: . -. ~ ; .t..al, Gibiion Tsui's* MoCardey.... ..., ....... P! . . rill Creek Coal ,& Iron Co 111 iingth..,Trell Zama* vs 410111101 -' - • i.Gmn Wingirlilieloill as Wenn &Blood-. -" NozoirilTowaralsOisditlroist/Nealk L irk triragneolitatiaxii-111.40W..::. Illbi. Iffit I Cy. • .• • "-DJ- vestit,• •-•Ap -.*.e•wq— t ,_ R. It*. _,_ _ _to • ra • •,•.• '4 ..”.-•Pt: 4 44 ,114 4 T tx , , ' . IDNIZD WAX ' 3 " %: 5i..Z.: 7 •. later la Tanner ad fa ED It A k " ere o tO bo to be ~ , cri u. ~ ~~ _ ~~ Bayles n Toindiip; :McGill vs Tetrads Township. Weston's ern vsMiller et al eject Iledingten vs Person appeal Mots ars W _ . Lewis NV Jackson, et's' . • .sci fa Matins vs flood et al; ... appeal Pattmson vs Willis et a1.......*.....tre5pa5s Lovett vs Alder's .... Ifrisel•valkainei t - ... Sackett vs Spencer Ao , eject L'hamberlin Jr vs 'Vaughn • case tonally* Andrews tko . Goodrich vs Smith ' McNeal va Smith. • .. , ; trove/ Kent Broths:sly Ballar d., , debt Ttieg,& Moore vs Sinith soi fa Decker vs Le4d r appeal' here. tul Lot Chestnut 'gad for p. Pos. ;nary. .. imait Maw viTtmosror;; l rovudili 1 debt Was vs Griffis trespass Smith vs Yibittlau4 l .ar.Oc! -. -4 14 ,1 011 Maieallof vs - do - Bliven vs 8i11.,. - Lewis vs 7i9 bdttroball• ICo • 46 - Wsed! Co ao Va Andrews debt Marshall. is"7laodtalL...4 ;Armor noward Express Co ye . pada° gar.,..att, .Belly vs Coon.. :-.-• • ... j .appeal Molaulteselkugo 4414br50 . .... -.Thump vs Idartheit .... case Pikeket.al- vs Smith - et do . : -do VOIW well Leoturei ed Phy, ents for c. 15. • ay, Dec. nrsday l ikbpconia for second vs* ranziatda.on Monday, December 14, at 10 sa., oat= third week Mmulay, ai Deconiberat' a. Tama, IProthcmotasy. Deo. 18 y, Deo. Nov.. 12,: Leer or iThapus drawn fox Decent beiTerio sod Sessions, 1888 : sent for ose bean : covers v. 26. - • wn> - Albany; Well a es Wilciiii - Athiine twp., Jno F &Marlon Ag7lute, Simnel Kellum; West Burlington, - -Luther - Fanning; Beirlington bozo' Phibuider Long; Colnuibits,Aeic -Piave% James Strong, Moses - Ayres; Can ton bore Charles Stockwell, Samuel Owen; Tam , " Merrilit.Overteia, .John Mathews; Pike, Edward S Ekeele; Borne twp., Asa Fidler, Silvia Murphy, Addison Taylon.Sheshequin, George W Blackman, -William Snyder; Smithfield, -Wm Pierce; Springfield, William Corey; Wpdusing, JosepkGaylord; Windham, Hiram 'Pierce; Wilmot,. John 8 Quick, Elmer,Horton. TiLtizusa 317801111-ITBST certain S as the Co., the • the fol. EMI 1, • them •• elodeon a no oth - elves.— . • them ont any - Asylum:lsrael Smith; Athens twp.. John HMills; James T D Meyer. David A Reeves Joel M K Walker; Athens boro' Charles Comstock; Armenia, John Morgan; Burlington tarp., Joeephns Camp- . bell; Canton twp., Frank. - M' Watts, Allen Taylor, Ebben ' Lilley; Colombia, Charles 0 Havens•, Franklin, Elijah Blake, Festus F Fairchild; Granville, Sim - con Case, Wm. Bunyan; Herrick; Charles - Stuart; Monroe tap., Nathan Northrup, William W Hiram Stevens; Orwell, Samuel Cass; Pike Evan W Davies, Walter Barnes; Rome bozo Lemuel L Moody, Orson Rickey; Smith. field, Elton M Darfey, Albert 0 Scott, Geo C Califf ; Sheshequin,""Charles Chaffee; Terry, David Craft; Tuscarora, Demmon AcOey; Troy twp., John V Ballard. Burton Potter; Troy boro' Theodore Waldron, F Lucien Ballard; Towanda bore' Amos Pen nypacker; Towanda twp. H Lawrence Scott; Ulster, James McCa rty, Myjon War ner, Milton Kolcomb; Warren, Mason Elio line, Thomas Jones, William Manning; Wells, Ammon Warner; Wyalaaing, Dwight Chaffee; Wilmot, John P \Shorts, Perry Miller. • el. Co rowing y Goods, ekbam & ' ov. 26. d offerer 'fermis , nrity. ATLOB. . 14, in sheets of Inspec .o finder 'ing them co Store !r i at Al m mences Athena twp., • .Wright Dunham; Athens born' Squire Northrup; Burlington twp, Oliver B Stone, Jeremiah . Travis os well Luther; Columbia. Alvin :. Budd, Jr.,.' B John Kilgore, Stephen Keys; Franklin. Stephen Latimore; Leßoy, Robert McKee,- Andrew Roysa, Orator Holcomb; Litchfield, David McKinney, Andrew J Layton, Silos B ear ner; Orwell, Hampton Champlin,:William S Frisb!e; Overton, Richard H Richards; Pike, Alonzo Smith; Rome. Vow, Peter Vaught, William Parks; Springfield, Oliver Dunbar, Alfred Brace,David Fanning; Smithfield, Charles M Bcaton; Terry. Ph ilander White, Crime 8 Davis;d Towanda bird Joseph D Montanye, Henry E Ship man; Troy twp., John E Rockwell, John McKean; Windham, Platt Vandyke, Oliver Warner, Hiram Elsb - ree, William H Russell; Wyalusing, Edward 0 Vaughn. onbsor ov. 26: The lar- A in this cheap. at ov. 18. Sore of ynn will ov. 3. 1 18 will ;moray yof ! 2 !, :Vat : • •re large .iabed at UND. THIRD WEN& Athens boro' Hancock, Horace Williton; Athens' twp., Warren 8 Parks; Columbia,Chiorgo Ha ; Canton twp., Enoch Ballard; Franklin, Horace WHI Monroe twp„ Gordon Ball; Pike. Mo rtimer Pratt, Granville Stevens; Rome twp., dames Park er, Barton 8 Smith; Smithfield, Henry W ,Miller; Standing Stone, Manson Taylor. Geo A Stevens, Henry Fisher; South Creel; Haman Lewis, Henry J Miller; Towanda twp., Geo,H For; Towanda bore • Wallace W ,Bingsbury,.Peo Stevens; Towanda North, . Silas Mft; Troy bore Israel A Pierce, Charles, C Paine; Troy Enos Luther; Tuscarora, ' William Mahoney; Tern, - William Frutchey; Ulster, Geo W Nichols; .Wilinot, Benjamin Stalford, Daidel H Corbin; Well"; James Boy. James I Osgood; Wyalusing, Samuel Howard, Har rison Black; Warren, Clark Bowen. William Bider, William bI Chaffee. Wm. Grams, Sheriff. Hone. rgs , and enlarge a 4. Apply ALE. --A ;tuate On [:ge, close ,ocated.— to top to . er par_ . on the BGB.tf. adoring Cbloi.-= grpeable, limnerAvr To.Yopim lien.—The El mira Business College is. enjoying a high tide of prosperity. and holding day and eve ning sessions.' It is highly. gratifying as well as pride to onr'citizens to have so ex cellent and prosperous an institutionin our midst. fitt4ients are daily arriving . froni all pert. of the country, which clearly demon strates that itat reputation is using felt and sppreCiated abroad. . The graduates of this school era filling the very first positions. . The - College has furnished banks and other mercantile hous es with their best clerks - and accountants. •Graduates but fresh !from the College .. are giving perfect satisfaction and command good salaries. Warner's Commercial Arith metic is adopted as a text book,and is amp ly.aceomplishing the work for which it was . intended. The Lecture Course promises to, be one of more than 'ordheary interests, embracing ten• lectures from the first ora-. tors and writers of the country, and free to students. .llwmrpassed facilities are here: offered for acquiring practical and profitable knowledge that will pay a 'thousand per cent. on the investment. Send for a Col lege JournaL—.Emira Advertiser. r • wing the •red to its ieshness of Ding hair Tough not .g con re 1, destroy decayed. or useful.; .f fouling will keep_iotuil us g gray or set substan ,. : danger-, igor can f wanted .g else ng nei hite cam- 11 , giving it ILiftne. Fran ell,lgiass. da; & all es every 1868. -Hones von RE n.—Possession given immediately. For t further particulars en quire of H. V. Whitaker; Towanda, • . an, WARNER-1n Stevensville, Pa., -Nail 3, 186& Carrie, clanghb3s of. Dr. - O. IL and .- -Esamaiyasaer. 'aged 11 months aat3,l?, WELLtiF.--Xinulay, Nar...iKB AND CLIMICIS, Alp HOBS - POW 1115 to rai - the sass,ute are prepared tofill ertkrapromptly. O2f AS 00110 TIMMS At can be bomb& la the Vatted Stites. Ika. tea _b ee s 91 1 .7 1 eszio4 saithauffig T tag hoe, we tsw . wed Wax thee aoropmee fa perfeedel far illsidelot and cl.tut to have TIM BEST =ANIS yl One that will • separate the (Wm -from ifs Bass aeon perbxtly asd Yak Ism peerer. than so , other mass beansio Thy Ins Wis 7 dupla is ecestasetias. behg eaewsisa m gas topiece, as that It does sot-rewire Issebaskt set tbea 11, Of no than : wi ea all mes a Ls:WM miaow persooal sapervisias, asd To show* better workmsestifp or mateeal * ,lpr• ay .machtnis is ad op aid - THOROUGHLY MATED UNDOXOUL. Delon; leaving the W1100,..arl sae WAIINANTED To as IN wclmito WNW They have Isen te ls e inmos s for recoils& re.4:74C:ir. Stem or Water Rom did to Thad Pot ; DURABILITY, Perfectke d .Wouttagfi, iso Economy, their equal has sokken " larcntroti , Ars .1 low u thole of A 7 dim mssntufnter• awl rattles dishing W inwebase. will led It to Oak Wood to ozawlow our stock beton pOs (tuft ollowthas. • , • 011 hand, sad Kill Work, Saabs, , Bottom at I machinery of all kinds got opilo miler prompt- Wand on tamable . tams. , , BLOqD & 1:2)::. Atheas, July 23, Is 6& . BOOTS t 4414:)713 11 BOOTS I) NORTH DRANO'S BOOT I POOl EITORH! Has just ot sale dabbed sod poly for a large As sortmost BOOT . 13' AND I hive Boots tor the yeoman Bat tiuseth 43e Abd th em e bard laboring lun mac, carries the hod ; 1 -• ; And for the nonionic that eta atone and 'ley brick ; . 5 • And for toe soft banded beats that apply the • yard stick And Boots for,the wise that Boarish the gull! ; Arid for the honest mechanic that works In the Mlll I- I have Boots ilittie extra made,- • For the hard laboring mum that has no I have Boots for .14 plum give me a cell: My Boots are good and.priees Just. But I am determined NOT TO TRIJAT !,;, I have JAMES XoGIIEGIAE. boc!Valln one Celebrated In that line ; ,Call my friends, all yon that rl.inve your meat; ores—try his akin. . Episcopal Chnrcb about to rise, My place in front exactly Uta ; It's known by many very well By toe title of—SORTS BEANCH HOTEL 4 L. :. NELBOH Towanda, Aug:25,1803.-4m. FOWLER 40, REAL ESTATE DEAL.ERS, OPTIC! 13 . =muwas n•cs, Pllllll S.WliO x IV .MO • 1. Real Estee par.:based and sold. Iniestmerits made sad Money Loaned.. . . CHICAGO, ILL., Ott . DLAS Eta:—Having stabllsbed muselvde permanently In the above baldness, we take the libertrof sending _your our ,o.rd. Should yos have any. desire to- mate' in vestments or leer money, car long clidroce is Chicago, (having lived here end seen Its growth from a email village to a city of over three liumiredthastran qi inhabitants) gives us ample mama of knowing where good Investments.= be Made, or what will be good security for money loaned. "AU bnsinekaaukuted to our care , Seel* prompt atteiltion.' This city L inc easing very rapidin in wealth and p op:below, and at no period_ bate better opportunities offered for investment, than at present. _ Near Twelve Millions Dollars are expended annually in fine and costly dwellings, giving permanence and causing great 'dames In prices fo all improved property. Very Beepectlally, IL FOWLER k CO. By permission refers to Hoar. N.B. Judt - 111. C., John V. Farwell, T.C. Sherman. Chicago: Hons. Simon Cameron, 11. 8.8.. 11. Mercer, It C., Wm. Elwell, Judge 13th Dist., Penns ylvk Ma; Hons. John lbenear, Charles. Hancock. Boston; Hon. Witt. B. Ogden, New York: Ly man Truman. Owego. N. Y. N0v.341,V)3411:n. TOW A ND A BAKERY The tuldersitust hating Taitatred:' in to a co partnership under the name at SCOTT & AL LYN, for tbe tranuctloa of Weeper at tbe old Bakery eland; Srst door stratit - of the Ward House, Halm stre ethlks, woad rarpectfully an nounce to the pa that an ns will be spared to keep the bet of eseryt pai hleg ha oar line of baldness and iirkee as for as can oe obtained elsewhere. We will keep coristautly on hand sad will bake to order • Cnstonuns ntsy rely spas our wait being well and neatly done. In our - - Meals will be seised at all hours et the day, and we will do all tot oar power to merit, mot only a continuance, bet an increase of the lib • mil patronage heretofore e• tended to the Roue. Fresh Oysters;constantly on hand: We will also keep a good assoetilient of Groceries. Confectionery,_Greesi Dried and Canned Praha Cub paid for Butter,: Biors and'Frait. D, W. WATT. Towanda. flept.lll.ll6B. J• 8. ALLYN. HAS IT ! .; WE mauszoz IRS WORLD OUR PRIM (PRICE LISTS ruimnßew OaappBallo& AM tindz of AwuctivrFilm. MACHINES L O. NELSON, - saoEs'i CD BATING 103TABLISHWENT 1 BBEAD,;PIIP, CAM, IC. EATING - DEPARTMENT THE GOOD TIME 'HAS COME The surplus of lab* cossbiaed with other motes has told with fearfal effect op= FURNITURE! And it is p rim . which can essilY Ds seen by enquiring st FROST'S FURNITURE faiPORIUM Where may be found the largest and best stock of Furniture ever oCered in this market, and which :I em now offering at , . GREATLY RENNER PRIORS I am now.selling Oak and Chestnut germinal Thbles at $1,60 per toot, andother goods ta the same proportion, many of theta u chsag as be tore the War. I due also increment tacilltiei for Minnrietming. cod can Walsh DEALERS AT WHOLESALE. Thankful 1 rtheir_past liberallatrotage and determined to merit a continuation of the same .by oaring Inducements not to be fogad dm where, I invite the public to, call and examine my goods and prices before pato bads, Ow where. hio charge for &bowing goods, sad 1 WILE NOT BE UNDERSOLD. I Isle keep on hand a large stet% of Ready Rade Collin frota the most commas to the due* Room d. Also Victoria; Lunt, Medea and Satin Robes. caps, he., and will furnish averring In the line of Undertaking on the most reasonable terms. A. 000 D HEARSE Alrisse ra*ness vben mg**. JAN= O. FROST. •Towanda, 4PIII 1,,1868 New IREI'VsusMAKING ESTAB ' s MISS MUM S. 1109CIUP. Invitesithe attentke of tibithalies,oiTorsada nth vicinity, to the fact tist obs apastd a DRESS MAKING. EST In the meart_torsaarty by the Khoo Chader, she - door month of Altana* , Isms Ca's'Store, (semi toe) when she woald be happy to setto gem who sey liver bet with their yetromre, *Wag maddest not sbe out give perfect siddstsetioo to all. • Vivaadt,Det. 11.1 ea —U. MREWARD.—In &cc° . idince shit a ramistisa. or proposition ma Camila, the Boassarn et Alba adopted October ,A. D. MVO bore by oh r a wend of 'Mien Issibed Dolkrs to ,be paid opoa sinioniels et an nossa b olc i i SOBli who shall Are. or - lava iirsi say or taildhsp. or armed So saes to be ion wit la the Dane el sstil .t DAVID PALartiiii. .30v.3,18511.