L_- Agriadiurni. Fall PingLipp Without - elaborating • the any : Strong points in favor of fall Plough• iag, a few of the, more prominent benefits may be briefly' stated as" fol lows 1. August and September is a.good time to turn over bound out sod land, and manure and reseed it at once to grass, obtaining a crop, of hay the following year. . 2. October and November is 'an' excellentlime to break' up sod land for planting the following spring. 3. The weather, is then cool and bracing, and the team - strong' and hearty for their work ; while the 'weather in - ,-,spring is more relaxing and team less able ; and spring work being always hurrying, it saves time to despbtch as 'much of the ploughing , as possible during the previous au tumn. . . . 4. Sod le n d broke up late in au tumn, will be free from growing grass the following spring, the roots of the late overturned sward being ro generally killed by the immediate succeeding winter that not- much grass will readily start in spring. - 5. The frosts of the winter disinte grate the ploughed land, so that it readily crumbles in fine particles in the spring, and a deep mellow seed bed is easily made Tile chemical changes and modifications, resulting from atmospheric action during the - -winter, develop latent fertility in the upturned furrows, which, with the mellowing influences, materially in crease the crops. 6. Most kind of insects are either tshully destroyed or their depreda tifins materially checked by the late fall ploughiug. 7. Corn stubble land may be vloughed late in the fall, and_thus be ull ready for very early sowi n g in the spring, thereby going far, to insure a good catch of, grass ; the roots of the new seeding hold well, being well established before the droughts of the summer come on. _ • 8. Most land needs deem:Plough ing than has generally been practio ed. When the sob, soil is fine grained, unctuous and close,or where there is ' a hard pan of good quality, deep ploughing may at Once be resorted with decided advantage. Where the sub soil is poorer, the ploughing may still be advantageously deepen ed by degrees, say an inch at each new breaking up. But in by far a majority of cascs,deep ploughing may t , e practiced at once—indeed,it may be the rule with safety,whil; shallow ploughing may be the exception.— Plough, say nine, ten, eleven or, twelve inches in November. The sub soil turned up will grow . several shades darker by spring. Thq frost and atmospheric influence o winter will mellow the soil ; -the- inor ganic demerits, and all latent fertili ty will be made more active for bene fiting the crops. In spring, spread the manure and plow it in, or other wise work it in.or mingle in with the -soil, for the depth of four inches, or a little more or less, and you have the , very best attainable condition for iv.ilizing good crops. Deeper plough thg_may thus be practiced than would at all time be safe, or expedient, if the ploughing is delayed till spring. • —Maine Fanner. The Various Kinds of Manure. Opinions vary much as to the val ue of different kinds of animal excre ment, when used as manure. The dring.of swine is probably the most powerful. The dung of sheep is gen erally of two • kinds. That =which forms the upper stratum of our sheepfolds is commonly'dry and brit tle, possessing little cohesion ; while that below is more unctuous and of a different consistence—being decom posed. In any condition it -is not suitable for elevated lands which are dry ; but on low,moist, or rather wet lauds, it is properly regarded as the best ameliorant that can be applied. When sheep dung is kept in a close heap and rather moist, it decomposes rapidly ; but when not compacted, with a chance for its moisture to o, cape, the process of decomposition is more tardy. When applied to the soil or voided over the surface by'the animals, it decompoies' more rapidly than most any other animal excrement, and produces more speedy and ener getic effects. A too large application often, from its great energy, proves injurious to the crop, and pushes vegetation with an unhealthy rapidi- I ty, and should therefore be used in less quantities, both as regards weight and volume, than any other manure. From the excrement of sheep, both solid and liquid, there is eliminated a large quantity of ammo nia. This gas in not • without its value to the fatmer,but this we are not now prepared to speak. In preparing dung for agricultural purposes,. it is well to mix it with a liberal quantity of some dry material which will absorb the volatile products of de composition and become good manure. For this purpose, good loam, muck, refuse hay, straw, and other similar substances, are valuable; Bat what ever material is made ute of for this purpose, it will be necessary to pitch the mass over frequently, and the more carefully this is done the more valuable will be the manure when used. The excrement of poultry—hens, turkeys, &a., though limited in quan-' tity on moat farms,is very energetic and of great value. In its nature it is very different from the dung of quadrupeds, and appears -to con tain a substance which is mostly composed of albumen. ' Vanqueline analyzed this dung and discovered a marked difference between that void ed by brooding liens. It has been asserted by those - who have'experi mented.carefully with the excrement of fowls,and particularly that of hens, that in order to derive- the greatest possible benefit from it, care "mast be taken to comminute it finely before applying it, and to apply it only to the surface without covering it np.— When it becomes necessary to use it as a starting manure, should al ways be mixed with some qualifying manure=such ,ros plaster, ashes, or - common mouldi, This is necessary in order to abate ,tts natural energy and cause it to actor a longer time. In compost it is wobably The most val uable ingredient -that can be usad.— A steep made of this substance may be profitably used in irrigating gar dens. It his sometimes been recom . mended as an infallable remedy fax the various evils resulting from the ravages of the "striped bug," as well as from the attacks of various other insectiveons deredstore,the attacks of . tvhich so often prove detrimental to , certain plants. A very valuable artificial guano is made by mixture of hen excrem ent ; muck, and other art' , cies ; but car...must be exercised in using it, as it is too powerful - for many -plants, and timid net be, placed , In; Contact with either tbe roots or italks.---Germantottstlbl. ~5. . R FEB-, A Y oi and alter Monday May'*llth ; .. , 11114 Trainsertil hare Waverly."' at about, the Mirk log hours, TM : • t - • ammo, with% • OAS a. m., Night - . Express, Mondays" lieept ted; for Rochester, -Bufrlo ealsouwww"ald Nuaklrk, making direct connections with tra Of the, Atlantic and-GrestWestern,'Lake ! and thud Trak_eve for all potent West also st Elmira for Vimamdalges. • 11:57 eh,* NiOt . Express, - Rochester Baal°, 'Wm,aceiDunlitifand the West, eensecting as above: s. Train,Sundayi ewes= for Ballido - sad• Datkirk-comMotleiritt • for tauandaiga a. -3:18 BmireAccofewolt . Go ' s; thindayi Day - Express, reondayiticOpted, for Roc hest er, Bolmto. Gal emetics , Duuldrkaa the West.* Itennectsat Elmirelor Caaserdalgul at Salamanca with the Atlantic - and Great, Western Rellwayourd st -Buffalo with-the Litho Shore and Grand Trunk Mantrap'', for ill points Went and Soo:h: p..Pautreas -.lllsliclantdays "ex °opted, for Bulitilo, Seisms= andthinldrk,Co* nesting with trains for the West. • . 9 10118.. Way• Freight, Etmdays =opted.' 4110 • p.. •Em!grarrt Train; May, for the *Steps at Waverly on Need* ' sonar scar. 6:34 a. m., Cincinnati Hamm, "Nondays ex cepted, connecting at - Owego for nthisea ; at Binghamton for Syracuse ; at Great 'Bend for Scranton and Philadelphia : at lackawaxen for Hawks and at Grayoodrt for Newbini and anrici. • 843 a. m., Binghamton Accomatodiitkmi Pen' da ezae rt(' p. mown odation train, daily. • 11:13 m. m., , Day ExPreell., &MAP mars connecting at Binghamton f or Byrum; a Gt, Band for Scranton; at Lackawixen for Hawley; and at Jersey City with midnight uprose train of New loner Railroad !Or - Philadelphia Baltimore and Wasabigton. 6:27 p. m.. New York -sad. Baltimore Nall, Sundays excented. -' 9:17 p. m., ..ightning Express. Sundays ex.! oepted, connecting at Jersey Cho with morning express train of New Jersey-Railroad for Bald; mom and Washington, and at New York with morning expresa trains for ••Bosion and the East. 2:08 a. rol.. Night Express, Daily, " con- New fat , Orayeoart for Warwick; and at ork with afternoon trains and• datums, for Boston and New England alike. • 4.25 p. m. Way Praight, boadays excepted. . 1111._A renrisedind =pieta " Pocket-aline Table "of Pam:henget Trains 611 the Erie Ball-, way and connecting 'Lines has recently been publlahed, and can be Intalred 'en application tolha Ticketear. of the Cornea • Clan Pam Agl, :13aimstirt. READING ILOMI-1711- 'lly.a eatinantENT.lLOSlOth,-1868. 011/IMe T uu. Lasts PROM MI Norma.. MID Normi-Marrfor Philidelphia,New.York,Reading. Pottaills. Tamaqaa, Ashland, Lebanon, ailen• town, Eastaxi.&.c.__ ,sce. - Trains leave Harrisburg for New-Yorkiaajol-, lows: At 2.50, 5.25 and 8.10, a. m., and 12.40 M. 2.05 and 9.35 p. m., connecting with similar Trans on tue Pennsylvania Rail Road, and ar riving at New-York at 5.00 and 10.00 and 11.50 a.m., and 3.50 7,40 and 10.30 p. m. Sleeping Cars aocompanying the 240 a. m., and. 9.35' p. m., Trains, without change. Leave Harrisburg .for Beading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Mineraville, Ashland, P/ne.Grove, Allentown and Philadelphla s at 8.10 a, m., and 2.05 and 4.10 p. ta.stopping at Lebanon and principal Way Stations; the 4.10 p. Train making close connection for Philadelphia and Columbia For Pottsville, Schuylldll Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road leave Harrisburg at p. 5.5 p. m. Return. ing t ;Leave New-York at 9.00 a. nr., lin noon, and 5.00 and 8.00 p. m. Sleeping Cars accom- PlUlY4 l ,g the 9.00 a. m. and 5.00 and 8.00 p.m trains without change. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a.m. returning from reading at 6.30 p. m. , stopping at all stations • Pottsville at 8.45 a. m. and 2.45 p. m.; Ashland at 8.00 and 12.19 noon, 2.00 p. m.; Tamaqua at 8.30 a. m., and 1.00 and 8.45 p. m- Leave Pottsville for Harrisburg, via Schuyl kill and Susquehanna Rail Road. at 7:10 a. m.. and 12.00 noon. Reading accommodation Train : Leaves Read ing at 7.30 a. m., returslng from Philadelphia at 5.15 p.m. Pottstown Accommodation Train, leaves Pottstown at 6A5 a. m.,retnrniug leaves Phil adelphia at 4.30 p. m. Columbia Rail Road Trains leave ReaJing at WO a. m. and 6.15 p. m. for Ephrala, Lancaster, Columbia, &c. Perkiomen Rail Road Trains leave Perkiomen Junction at 9.00 a.m. and 6.55 p. in, Return ing : Leave Skippack at 6.45 a m., and 1.15 p.. in., connecting with similar trains on Read ing Rail Road. On Sundays : Leave New York at 8.00 p. Philadelphia 8.00 a. m., and 3.15 p. m., the.B,oo a. in., train running only to Reading. Pottsville &Ws. m. Harrisburg 6.25 a. in. and 4.10 and 3Eep..m.,and Beading at 1.10, 2.55 and 7.15 a. In.. for Harrisburg, antl-g.06 a. m.„ and 11.40 gin., for New York, and 4.25 p. m.;,for mmutation Hileage,_Beason, School ana Excrtrtion Tick ets to and from all points, at re dared rates. -, Baggage checked 'through ; 1100 pounds al owed each Passenger G d. NICOLLS, General Superintendent. Reading, Pa., May 20, 1867. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL ROAD—Summer time Table. Thro' and direct route between Philadelphia, Balti- more. Harrisburg. Williamsport, and the Great Oil Regions of. Pennsylvania. Elegant Sleep ing Cars on all-night trains. On and after MONDAY; MAY 11th 1668, the trains on the Philadelphia it . Erie Bail Road will run as follows I Mail Train leaves Philadelphia.. —11.15 P. hi, - " Williamsport 8.20 A.M. " arrives at Erie 850 P .M. Erie Express leaves Philadelphik:..l2:oo noon. • " Williamsport... 8:50 P. M. it arrives at Erie 10105 A, M, Elmira Mall leaves Philadelphia... 8:00 A. IL " Williamsport... 6:28 p. m. ,I arrive at Lock Haven • ,' 7:45 p: oa. I,lor ain, ZASTWARD, IF Haileaves Erk. ' • ' 11:00 a, M..• I. " Williatn9drt....lo:ls p. In. . . . _. . .... _ _ 6P ... '•' arrives at Philadelphia.. 7;10 a. m. Erie Express leaves Erie 7:40 p. m ••Williamsprit.. 8:55 a, m arrives at Philadelphia 5:00 p m hail and Express connect with 011 Creek and Allegheny River Ball,Boad. Baggage Checked Through. ' ' ALPIIED L. TYLEP.AIenII gupl/2: Ziottlicituoui. THE GOOD TIME HAS COME! The supine or labor combined with other canoes has tom with fearful effect upon 4 1 .-V I TTIR;•=t O :73II.I And it is decidedly lower, which can easily be seen by enquiring prices at ' • 13ZIII:VVAlltillt4k0V0118:41. ‘ ;k0: till *bete may be found the largest and best atoek of Purnttare ever offered In this, market, and which lam now offering at - . • . GREATLY REDUCED PRICfiS I am now selliag:Oak and Chestnut Extension Thbles at $1,50 per foot, Radon:at:goods In the same propo . ...ion, many of them as cheap as be fore the War. a have also increased facilities for Manufacturing, and can furnish DEALERS AT WHOLESALE Thankful to tueir past liberal patronage and determined to merit a continuation of the same by oaring inducements not to found eha Where,l invite the public to call and examine my goods and prices before pun basing else where. No charge for allowing pods, and I WILL NOT BE . UNbERSOLDA I also keep on band a large atock - of Ready blade Coffins ..om the most common, to the finest Rosewood. Also Victoria Lawn, Marten and Satin Robes, caps, ' be., and will iamb& wearying In the line of Rndertalting on the most reasonable terms.. A 000 D HEARSE Always in zeulincss when re_qulred. - JAMES 0. 'ROST 16i1888. Towanda, A TOWANDA BAJIER, EATING ESTABLISIIIVE NT The undersigmeiraring :mite - minim to a co partnership under the name of SCOTT lc AL , LYN, for the transaction of business at the old Bakery stand, first door south .of the Ward House, Man street, -would resPectfolly an nounce to the public that no pains will be awed to keep the best of everything In our line of brudroms mast prices af low as can .m obtained elsewhatn. • We, will keep constantly on hand and will bake bY order.. BREAD; PIER, CAKES, &C. Carman; may rely upon oar work being well ind neatly done. In oar ' F &TINGDEPARTMENT Moils will be served at - all hours of the day, and we will do all In oar power to merit, not only a continuance, but an intrease of the lib! awl patronage' heretofore extended to the House. Fresh Oysters constantly on hand. We Min also keep is good. assortment of Oratories; Confectionery listen , Dried and Canned Trills Cash paid for Botta, Eggs and Fruit. D. W. SCOTT.`; Towanda, firpt.15.1869. . 8. -ALLYN. A. W. AIRES' MARBLE SHOP, • • : ELMIRA A. : • Yon irtfrittel Xesibmitai, bah • tirst* intOospeord, and' 8140..104 1 6 1 r !cosi Glatmi to AL „A- torKr stilatlyostasd,ebeipmq,b4 4 sll,pfistot, AGO°, 1868.--Iy. • - _ oral " A t ir ~4 tIOREAIf • ESTAISAGESTOr_ 1 1 1 1 f i "V lei siTlbnfl Jebt6 - , , e r yr = o nic * killail*Pololl, -& no -01 nelo ITFAttit 114 to 1 %Jew landittedelailisillalW**C Allfsarteamyli, from Magi litettone Hallway. , Thg" Aniihor h 341'4 fi co ft township, Camden county, n. MO Berm. To he sold in WWI Potter County Lands. Heavily thalm with Pine. Hemlock, Ash, Cherry and 4 woods as follows : ' •• •• • I i Trade No. 470, containing ~ 990 acres t 4155, C9O acre— betwen first and ; east forks of the Binnamigening in Wharton and Sylvania townships. J • . Tracts No. 4767, 990 %mit No. 47 4 ,i5q acres; No. 468, 100. acres; narks twa ship. line of. Appot. boa-tater, of -Naftali Croek. =• 1 Traria No. 6911,1100 SOTO ; No. 6120 j NM acres • No. 6833, 1100 Sere' No. 69134,:1081 acres 7t o rwsbss : 041 3 ,A=114: MAIOO •. anilliarardson town: ships on head waists Karla creek, oar Ina* branch. Tracts No. 4717' ; 196 aorta ;14729. 990 acres Appot and Marathon Unrahlps, near Little Nettle Creel. - , Tracts No. 4910, 837 sores ;< 614, 600 sorer Wharton township ,rnaht !ninth, IBlnnamahon, in& • Two hundred and seveSty-Bre acres primal first class coal land. Blakely township, Lai setae county, Pa., half way between Scranton and Carbondale. Very near the Railway: ; . 41 6, th e n iAii coal land about 1} roues north kast of Wilkes; Barre, in the midst of improvements. About 1000. acres of land ill Medford townj, ship, Burlington CO= New Jersey, about four miles north from ;aeon Junction of the, Camden and Atlantic .and Delaware and Bari, tan Bay Railways. Valuable seat.l Two', or three houses, stable barns, &c., second! growth of timber, neverfatg water. Power: fall 15 or 16 feet overshot: ,oe $2O per acre.? One-third may remain. • " • Delaware Farms and Pen hints Lilac—, Descriptions and dtrectinns von on appllw A valuable country 13eid near Splendid grounds and trees. 69 acres bald. WESTERN PROPERTY—For sale or ex• change. 120 grim of good land one third tlm• bered. San Plere, Stark county, lowa. Forty acres of gold 1s idWilth trait trees;np pies, peaches ' pears, do 25 d one half mile from serfs imProve Ban Piero on Itativray.— Price 8800. . . 80 acres one mile from Elan; Plere, one-third timbered. No Improvements. On railway. Price $BOO l 7 . • ' ' A steam mill property in parlington town ship, Bradford county. A very desirable lam bering operation. - Eight parcels of land, containing from 50 to 100 sues, each partially timbered, and itnprov ed suitable for farming or grazing. Hocise and Barn in good order and 136 acres of improved and timbered land, orchard, good water, &c. Union township, Tioga county, on Northern Central Lailwzy. I Por sale on long time and easy terms. RaiTcrin4?ta in 4 1 9w 0 P. Ti/csooloo4 l 4ford county, Pa: •• " • 3,000 Acres Wild Timbered I cud.' Sullivan county, Pa. 122 Acres good Farming Land, Burlington ownship, Bradford county. Other timbered. l and properties Descriptions given on spr..lation. Tenements and Improved Beal Eatate, To wanda Borough, and other pimpertles4 Execute Conveyances, tamibh Briefs ;of Title, buy and sell Heal Estate; imilect rentals and lienz,eurvey and examine all hinds of property. They are prepared to.wotiate sales Of farms, homesteads, and properties especially desirable to ; to Procure gidventet !dr maktey upon bond and mortgage, and to proseentile gables for those dashing to make fn eats or secure a home. They will effect • ' In the best ]mown :WIRD AND. LIFE COMPA NIES. They have exclusive Agency of Brad. Led, Arid iteishbottiNgrfeetle. :AgedlUVl is plinteeln these save dePartments •ot [near. ante.. . • . 7tiostv *bp deforti to biller WI tortoli' ••N ') jr ). j I ARirti o deek' permanent, lairtinits for the' future benefit of theft faintly., In Inane and firet-olien bibs CongparAso g 1;.• Ospitallo; &shim :toDqy • fiang?!43 Krectbdive.prcipaides,t • ," .!..Aliwishing surveys and earunlaatinns I - wishing adianees 'n ' e'on 4aldable"rea p rop e rt y - ••, •k i All who wish- to °rata lelllo dr rental Of Farm! or Tenement!, . 4 Are respectttilly solicited to entree{ such bald ness to our Agency. • ICI 4 .1 •-1 • MONTANYA Si WARD, INS 0.14 All who wish to effect Insurance against Fire; Further particulars furnished at o# ?fftcp, ,comer ot"Haia I and ',pilo t ttreet!„ Ei. D. motitairti, HENRY WARD. ~. Mir PROPERTIES ADVERTISED < •rs.t, Y UU 4 /GP - 01.4 AGE! ..,, H „„ ; ', • ~ REFERhNCES: . Hon. U. Heacnr Towaada, Pa. t - • Hot. William Elite% Bloomsbaiit; Pa. C. L. Ward, Einf., , Towinde. „ N. O. Nerene, - "ist - " G.F. Nation a fb.ilkeDies,,Fclianda• J.. D. Nouti,;Townwea: - Lathrop, I,ngton Oaf New York. Dickeen•Brotbersa hiai •- • Non. John N. Contient. Barre. eb,•WU 'f• • t - • Hon. P. B. Streeter; Nontowe, Ps. Towanah--.Aprila. par r t- •••• t• • Vc. 1 0 FF I Vci, Has just opeiie'd a fall and conipletiassortznent • , 4 ter, GROCERIES OF I AL., KINDS ! TPA, svgai4 COPES AND 1 3/190 9 -soar, a?.= tcaul i the' caletratSll-16tettal Iktatoi Ti" tor *Wag Tta antalllter ware. 71g, "0- 4P•0 x P,1 1 5, 1 - 4 ,. 9 0. 1 , 11 P01 9f , - .•• ycatpaisviumtiv , ; • ilithel„allii ; ll, • Applas3l3ertias'i - 1 lbws sad Traastossolad altatbstitraltat la estrus. iseAritlals till be ALI sp.: 'I- • le totkeatell 11 , M1 use alma an allbleHatmei t IF** 'people :,eovalkirlis lam tattltnaer *Ulla* aragarmeatflotosp la poi itylailitieldliess4ary gas. •- - club 410 torG n hit: °aft Ova still. • • , -- • 01000Ww111. Tomas, Arawl.l Mao. IttlirSUPßritS, -;,,t-1.).= a AIM nt are. ►N P . - j ici l T • - 11 4 111 " ti— 41 She Ball Read Hem) ' wag tuna the 114 taatioa of to luso sad wall ale• Wad utak i - • „ t .i L. PROVISIONS, ..1 PROVIP4ONS,. Which i! na, to t the thaaa „... „ , aabi rio.; tlit,f 1 11 11 , tt,r l ,l- i t ~. \it tl iP, i - '' .71 11111 'A I RF, ' li S Which la .iika cue aad i sc r te r, at ,:i si• keeps a lup . , 1 1 148: 1 arty s, stii i* tu f $l. Flaittie r ' ititzt; -- Voßir, &D., iiht: fr ii .., 1 li , ,,th. GoOnkh 4 IN 'T' a thicrt Or R. '' '' l , The A. land vieinittorili_ p i ma l it wool , their Tarr =WU patronage Fie. .lilt , two. , aad Is; promise whir their . to baltrim 41 - , 127 opt, do*" to our baaaus, ao so to vaunt aittsfutioa to all. eon and ne e ad igde-ei4l,ApßAii ielaga rg . ` Towsoda l l o yall 100867 ' _ . IMO sif#,Tilis9sND iim*T-FmtaNT. 1 That there hi l now on a large usottment of I sm BlTGOilie'AltD' Pta WAGONS ! fi. i ‘ At 1 s_..tili_t__•-. .I' 4 ; ..- T_ . '" 3 . 4 4. ' .. " . ; :-, 4 AMEN CARR GE FACTORY. Whie:6 fol PAR, good. ge . aced in oon larnetiOr . .0: 4 41 0 4r AtteAulths can not: be : i tis neer Dr% MTV I& 4 7,1/.., , :. .1.... ri.l,. , au , ~ • ; ..-. , 1 it4i1 1 611114 61111 . 1 - Via ' W6Tita a, Aaiun . grottiani tO get tOnbott , stooks ankto war rant nitwit* girth tact ton. - ... All, hindm - tiof. W to tad- citniTs made to All, trfth . enter cite and ist plitch. ! ,1:..)1 Wii , t ik 1 .11 PRICES OW. .....,.._ ,i ZraVoircg ' o= l i ATHENS CAS.,RIA,I 11, Alterl.ri,l, Sept.SePt. N 81; ° NEW Gito KIM W. A. ROC ivrE,7.l.,Es,?: 1 - OF ALL AND-lA.I4INa I DRIED • - PEAOHF,S, PUN: • ac., ac =TEAS, SUG:' :0, SYRUPS, MOLASSES,' COFFEE, SPICES,' j Of alik i nde, in feet evesfiihin,g in the L. aR;O-a E It ' I; 1 .-- N R. 1 Wqbe kept e tinily on hand 1 FLOUR,FRED,JsR 131:=B, LARD, -E ventEir '6F F DRY OpDs OF =3 LOWE,§T POINT And will CHEAP AS I i. THE CASH P A,Lip ; ES , W 1867 TTHE TINDERS' t is r epro co Defer ,40 .0.344r\ / 1 I ' c‘. 111,7k.0 Which' I pate p dent Qui can sell at purclu!e 4 A Oisewhere. a apleadid stock of TEAp, CO 11; BT OH, SALE ti i • ila i ve on ban, MUICN FLOU • BYE DO. B' OIEWHEAT DO. i 'kee•ii IC,Cuiriantly ' .fi Laud; PORK, HAIR, LAM and kinds of iD3E. Would cull the at,- ~ 1 fr tkitio It the publlii onrclan't Be leak t . ' TOOK F „TOBACCO, • s ia iillu ' bii;ice:-‘ , * ":Ese ' 00E14% celebn'tea New Yo rk IwandrAr, rlemultalbindArsininoonritiocknl, '. ' s.‘ , , ••• . • ;,/WOOD N WARE. liaU Toumt SOAPS, . ,04.000doselor s' ObIINT Illirn!stllg i rluii Plelle gland make' NM Ni r TA 11 1 I I -'A 4 , i' A Oa P ( i 1 Has i opened $ shop 1 BOOrS Of the Yo . . • Ila i rootill story, o thawp •, 1 1 1 i i l In the . est and m. • I experle ca of man i lteep u with the F deafte to please hb oasts Mai to give .. 1 1111:43utting • "• • - • Meters. q=l 1 0 nL.' SNOW.; 'AND =Rift • wow • - • ON. 'OD Zii2 weimanouvo totaii . - dtheis woo patella pima', that Isi In la OW anddallyntahlsiroaav mad Y; ~ FREECIU'OOttp ei' llae. odtabla to tit waata off the people,, 3MS ha nil !Rewrap, at forme. ; Sim Ming so Wind of goal wen nflaido promptly Ono., 4., E FACTORY! J. A: BRISTOL'. En EW GOODS ! E'R I E S WELL'S: RU 1' 's, ACHES, PLUMS OYSTERS. i[E2l S CURRIES !CI POTATOES Di* AND EVERT 'PRODUCE. lot of A fresh LL~ARIETIES, at tho TEX MARKET sold u E CHEAPEST V i\ FARMERS. FOR OF ,PRODITOgI' ROCKWELL. GNED, HAVING higeit . 1211 zE3 TATCH .6- CO !h Uoicor e oltlsens of Brsdford Lige and well selected B,IEB, for Viab and feel coati isa, low Agora; as can be I now offer to the pfttblio s, sirgAni, TUB, BPICFB, &O. a large stock o 1 GRAHAM DO ft. I win pay the high• PRODUCE. kieltbriteellhig O. B. PATOB. • ••• :14;1 : 4 g Li .- : ,; ,iiiih =l:2 , — ii'i ! i k k!'•,c.fo'l . :(= -,- _ , LOB.. SHOP sorsa. the room hack of. the Men's Christian Auoeis er Clothleg atom &WASH hiside 'T.'•'` LING. • • fashionable manner. Air: years; * letierat tips to. Woes of ~the Tim , saes . • mere. he believes wili tida en sb art notice and nom TowsidiFi 4:101: WPM' 41STAIrtiOq .G: 0 L D• . ilt-tiliztf 'a:L:O T•H rr,t4l OroShoddy of soy khan 000ilstiog Is —BUSINESS _SUITS,. VESTS AND , PANTS; All Wool. - DRESS COATS,' PANTS & VESTS,, Linen Costs, Dudes Over Atli sad 04er _Sitio, tills* Ma istlei Oollos,Usss,Csodststo sad Pisani Eltdds. Nook TIN, likens. Cams; Loan vi s la . Bon and atm Mts. that Good Goods us obespor a s u itZr=this pm n goods Widest doorioTowell ll /%7 `11; W. EDDY. • Kay se, us's. \ THE, :TEMPLE *WON' 1 NM !WORN AND NEW 1300N6 Ad intlri new 'Otosik at obXtdog bought s• theeNall before the was to be mold eilth ' SMALL PROFITS I The underidesed would rope drolly ensconce to the citizens of.Ttnnntds 'and vicinity that he Is now may to MD* them CI °thing; 'sub as MS 'BRAVER OVERCIOATS; CHINCHILLAS, PUDIS, Also the Puma Dux; Ale Busulrai SUITS. HATS AND CAPS. Furnishing Goods, &c., And that, these goods bought at very low times 'will be sold with very small prong !intend to establish a per trade in this place, and in order to pin the. oonfidenoe of pool's's:li, will deal on e basis of HONESTY AND INTEGRITY and all goods will be warranted for *bat they are represented to be. Come and'examine and convince yourself. Don't forget the _pince. Temple of Fashion, opposite theideans House, south end of Beidleman's JACODS. Towanda, 0ct.17, 1867. • BEDELL & VAN VELSOB, FASHIONABLE MERCHANT. LtilliOß,S; flr7'lll7rTl , READY MADE CLOTHING 11/118 AND OAPS, , GENTS FURNISHING GOODS 68 Broad Street, WAVERLY, TIOGA COUNTY, N.Y • We barn a Fashkumble Cutter from New York oat and take all the risk in giving gou a good fit. BEADY CLOTHING Wanks* sit our own estahllatuneni. We give partlenlarsttmtkon terouth's Bop, and CHILDRENS' CLO7IIING • And always bays sigood aasortment. CLOTHS AND. CASSIMBRES, From S 5 cents to 'SS per, yard, (all wool.) Bed Stock of Hato and Caps Kept sisthlnk 20 Trolley. C5llO end Cook and prove for yourself. b. Will be at the Ward Bone the Brat aid third Thursday of every month with samples of Goode, and wen erect to take measures. uEIJBLL & VAN VELBOB, Gti o ltroad.4. l Waverly N. Y. Agents - for Grover & Bakers Sewing Machines. April 2,1868. N_EW LOCATION NEW ATT'RACTIONS J. M. COLLINS, Has removed to the atom forme occupied by Mamball Brothers & Co., next below the Post Wee, aqd has replenished his anortmentwith a large and new stook of READY MADE CLOTHING, CLOTHS, OASSpIERES, TRIMMINGS, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, &0.,, &O. / These goods have been recently parctiaseil since the decline ; in prices, and win be' sold at EXTREMELY, LOW ' RATES • Give me a call, before purchasing elsewhere. as I will sell better goods.% at lower plow than ,elsewhere.; I have Made arrangements with an expert need Tailor to MANUFACTURE GARMENTS, And having a law stoat of Cloths and Trim mings, I can famish_ outman/a with every style of Garment they may desire, made in a fashionable manner, and warranted to flt. Don't forgot the place, next door below the Poet-Office and News Room. Nabkat. Miranda, April 80,1868. CAP, AND FUR STORE I The tillareknecl bfirccOpened a Store on ne south side of Nen= s new block, TdWANDI, PA., Where they Mena to keeps tall stock of IiAiIIUONAJUJI AND SELSONABLW Goods, consfdlig of ME HATS, CAPS, IURS, TRAVELLING BAGS, UMBRELLAS, CANES, GLOVES, :BUFFALO aud WOLF ROBES .te. Which *win sip at the kriest possible Peps aud'revecifolfy solicit 'hereof sne Jar lIIV of the publks. \ r, salads fitted with the 4 , 14. 4 40 Colonnater. CI OEN 1 4 fIY 7 . "Towanda, Vet. 3, Mt. L MIIRICI, , OR - ANY- i• • AR. Oar Bak ordered at ilioetitetlat tallisit at the -11MIWB20011111 , • • •••, 'Air ''Jr.i.,.-.1'.•;----;;•±4,7,1:::-:::-:,-,:_:-...-:.,:::::,Y...:._;.. :, 10isp:::-.04017x.r.leive:;:.:i.gTx,,Ei. Afiunan. *mai MAC' - Cosset liia so k niteetessilh 10w 114 ,d. Ps.l liiial-leassibill&A fa* toils s =.11,1:111014 Ustatmeszi eoessitsfsair ea Trinalb admidelt any ittidso mei is theists Ow simbaded, m. pitePosel;Audi% - taste tirtiMITVI be GiTelii iiatirapyr id* es* puchissisail 411100* sod auosable glens et ..oisme orFOllO, l DRUGS 'MEDICINES, 0 - . . Qua, timningp. - . B&NZINB AND TUREIDITDI4 BABE innismaint, And sal Ida& of Brumbis, . KritOSENE OR,coAL, OIL, , + Modica aid Biasing ' SMADIO; 'CIUMMEII3, , Signs, Lir& nabo b pro& not, T &RN . RWS, ILtOIIINE OILS, pole Tolkkitzettes 1;10 thaffludor, Nkomo, mammy SOAPS, COMM poem BOOKS, - PORT MONAIS Pocket.xams, Rams.. Tom, sant AND HAM nuseiatTuimi IpinizAnim AND =ion, r ikadzial s TOILOCIO, I Santr,l Pins AND Cie _ ales , chats, vicai andsloirocou.Trammkacllo' pal I Ektspeusorkee, Shoulder Brume, j.. Tifieull!a -•8•31- LIMN, Ek%...o, is hani t _lrbermommars, • • Pia itztfacts, atoms- Jaaa. Obtas Warei Nr.labl, _Nab, DA Mok, • ton Mom ,_ Blab Taelak o r4l. , de., Botado. Ms -Mc sad . to Itsdidnowassi all the Popular Patent _ . M E 1) I 111 N E" 13 i, ', - All articles varrizited so represented. i Per; sosaat a` Masao, can mashy their ordam by atop or attentio EA whirl wUI fiscetre prompt sad cared n. DR. PORTERS PREPARAVONB , L FOR PAXILY 178 E, See and Reliable Iteme r dles, ate war tat they are intended to Five astir Known AS rioted for wl faction, via Dr. Porter Dr. Porter' Maffei Syrup, for scrofula skisdiseasu, skis dismal, ke. •• 100 Uterine Tonic, for Amu* wok nos, .c.I. .... ..... ' A 00 the Totl;gdrfor streagthating \ 1 00 Tansy, Schnapßa,forliver and Witty •ftsm/auds. . . .. ,—... • 1 00 I Comp. Syr. Ilypophosplites, far nervous debaMty' • 1.00 Blackberry Balsam. for diar rhea, ice. • .. 35 _ Famllyßmbrocaltentoi sprains bruiees kg . 36 D. Porter's Pector al Waters, for femur- - s 5 Dr. Porter's Woim Wafers, AT' expelling 2 6. ~ Dr. meow POrtcr's Worm Syrup, for exterminal • . nig 35 Dr. Porter's Inlaid Belief, Pr MOM bah* ._ none, Dr. Porter's 0 _ Banff, for catarrh . Dr. Porter's Toot che er Drops, for tooth. 25 i ache 25 Dr. porter's Tooth Ponder, for preserving 25 Dr. Porter's Trloosene, tor drendng and 60 Crthe hair 60 tille,ior beautifying the halr 50 Odoriferous Shampoo,for clean- Big the halr 60 ILUk of Flan ,ers for beautify: log rueo m m l e et 3 ion ore xtensao Dr. Porter' Dr. Porter' Dr. Porter Dr. Porter' Dr. Porter' Dr Porter's Dr. Porter's Dr. Portor'a Dr. Porter's Dr. Porter's Dr. Potter' II Dr. Poster's French Compound. for Scald °0 bumble 00 Dr. porter's N.Wiaited n Yip,. for habitat. constipatio Dr. Porter's Healing Salve, for cots.wounda /cc Dr. Porter's Lip Salve; for chapped lips.... 26 Dr. Porter's Eye / Salve;for inflamed eyes.. 20 Dr. Porter's Eye Water, tor lamed eyes.. Dr. Porter's Corn and Wart Remover, for -corns and bunions tit Dr.Portees Constipation Pills, for costive nen, 1 Dr. Porter's iron Pills, for poor blood ••-• • • 25 . Porter's Citrate__ Maglassis, for a pleas ant ca• +5O 1 + . Porkestiquid Ben n et, for making nu- Ultima diet for invalids. 25 .'Porter's Extract Vanilla, for flavoring ice aesm, Ea 40 Dr. Porter's Extract Lemon, for flavoring ice cream—large ic bottles..-.... 40 Dr. Porter's Orientalbroken Cement, for mending I ius,o 25 Dr. Porter's Liquid ig Glue, 10j repairing wood work 25 Dr. Porter's Cleansing Flaid,for easy wash in,g.. .1. 50 Dr. Porter's Bed Bug 'Poison, for killing ' 60 imp • Dr. Porter's Fly Poison Paper ' for killing . flies 05 DiaOrter's Bat and Mee Poison, for es- Dr. Porter's =los rata removing spots fro clothes 25 Dr. Pprter'a Black Ink, in pint bottles ' 93 in bulk by the gallon 00 Dr. Porter's Horse and Cattle Powder, for diseases of animals 80 Dr. Perter's Hones and CattieLotion, for Porter's si b ts, galls, &c. -60 Dr. Bons and Spavin Cure. , , , for honer 50 Ned* ladvtce giv=altoaaly at the also, el l t aktea mily fa tor past liberal annonnee to his Errand'Ahe p , that no pains shall be spared to sath4; and . matt the oontration of their confidence an Wpm* H. 0. PORTER, N. D. lee. in,184,-p. TOWANDA MUNE= .C10.7.1112VG MORE! Adjoining Patton's Block. 1101,3ENBERG & WOLFF, Would respectfolly announce to the citizens of Ton;da and vl deity, that they have opened the ve store, under the name of " The To wanda] Regulator," with a splendid assortment Gents Our nishlag Goode, Hata, Cape, ftc:, &a., which Ihey utue the said citizens cannot be excelled 'in style or elegance. and that the urieuinri so low as to utonleh ever/baby.— Mosenherg do Wolf hope tbst by -strict at-Na tion, and fair Outing with the people of To - wand', they will obtain their Nitrous'. and sittopre Tees also bg to subjoin the follow ing C mmandmants for their guidance. COME ONE I COMB ALL I At Beseiberg & Wolf's One Price It egolator t Yale Otrc:t Towanda; Pa. Rapp them, and gappy will be Thy Days. 1. Thou shalt have no other place 'to! boy clothing except Rosenberg & Wolff 's One Price Regulator, Main Street. 'K Thou shalt not choose app other merchant: Dough shalt not listen to- their sperte=r Ramberg & Wolff are no Chatham-et. brit sell at one nice and reliable. and will seise you unto Lae, third and fourth generaticin. 3. - I Thon shalt not seek in vain any more for cheap raiment, for they cantle found at Rosen berg & Wolf: s One Price Store. 4, Thou shalt bar In mind that we sell only on six dsys of the week, and - don't deseerat3 thellabbath by keeping our doors' open - and bin& oat a sw. for, - on. tiro seventh day, Rosenberg & Wolff , their clerks, desire to red from, their labors. 5: Thi shalt honor the wayßamberg & Wolff deal, and long may be thy days to saloY ita Meets. 6: Thou shalt not commit an improprietyM recOf Chatham at. Dealers - , but come ! toltasentierg & Wollf's Once3Priceititpl htorllllln street. • Thou shalt not seek in- nth for goods of l'oridgn make. for Rosenberg; & Wolff keep a lugs varie. 8. Thou ash not purloin hointh e Regulator for Rosenberg & Wolff sell ea cheap it would be a sin. 1); Thou shalt not bur false witneu. but honestly acknowledge that yon can get batter ratted and . for lees money, at Roseate* & Wol Ws than any other store: 10.. Thou abut not covet thy neighbors_ goOds or his bargains,f i c Rosenberg & Wolff can give: them to • likewba : therefore, take counsel, and bo only of Rosenberg' "Wolff thrOneirPriee Men. _ -Towanda. Sept. 1.111411.. - . „ Poinades, liairayai,Perflamery, a tir Or pi nt ak or bitians cost- Pectoral eoldr,bat Eclectic pjo . Coq sad wild corkorric, iniscrUaluous kIF READY MADE CL01IING! TBR TEN• COIOIAhLMENTEI, THE BEST FIWITIAItt3 - IN lISE a.; at CI4CLOII KIX% .'_ii ~':' - ~,,,:',.l'i,--',:. Ankro *ltl"kgla per,;4loBB6llllll4unianunillmi ll' ea dem Na 6114 BA. hoe NoiewthS ail*. ' 4l °• 1 MANI !ON _ • • - ei — , r0ni , 31744 ,. Tea . 1 7 asia • \ sow pro. ' tesupOr 11 _ 110 WOMB Or rall PUBM Wrra nu)nrso to tit tam; • PORN Inns AND LIQUORS . 1011,INDLOAL Olin ONLY: ♦ ills Aivingium oi onsirmana „ nOvanc.' 1301,14=1 oin) iciausi Alsip MpI0:111111E1. ALL -VII POPLRAB-PATEXT MEDIW=3; OU,vll=Wis PAINT AND YOMBII pßtialrEs4 trifrimmn asp num AND TOLUITABTICILEB or EMU KIM. nmx's aummo.u; suruk, • diLIMLOID AND REBMOIDI4 Atlthslo,. Tenons._ Bil - 01111411ii s • BIIPPoiiTIJIB Bbouldetßneii; must PIMPS, NIPPLE AND MELD% ' Nadas Botthr!, Bid!wee and COhaties.; OP ILIOWNIMII t POO= t' • . • - • LAWN anoint INIM=:Mi or LAn STYLI laltD • 112117 A. Urge =pp., Brushes for the Hat and Hair Also for tM Teeth sad Nas. Tooth Pow.' ders sad Pastes, Oils , - Perfumery, Hasps, Combs, Hairlt=gor-1 sUrsote.,lteraseae, La m ps, Shad e /U., s, Chimney', , ell of the late El' styleare- 011010 E OIGAES; - ,I I OIIAOCO :AND SNUFF Jr Physicians implied 'at reasonable rates. Medicines and Prescriptions carefally aid ac curately compounded and prepared by of spec , eat moons at all hoary of the day and night. Su hem from 9 tolo o'clock in the four noon, to! lathe afternoon. W. H. H. fiOltE. • Towanda, Sept. 29,1888. • ~atiDmarc. 03 t-210. , 0 g • = PI, g • to DTI t " bd I' • I - o ; pIZI 1 : ; \ .z -ti C 4 ft. i 101• - • If 4, 0 s C:54 MARSHALL BROTHERS & C WM to call the attention_ of 'the public their new Stock of HARDWARE, . PARKING INPLIKENTS, SLACK SMITHS' TOOLS, and CARPENTERS' TOO Also, a large assortment, of I Window Glass, Sub, Paints, 011 s„ putty, VandshV arnish and Paint and of all kinds, which will be sold for the low Cash price. Also; a dine assortment of 1 KEROSENE LAMPS of every style and pattern to nit the public Lamps repaired and changed from Oil Plaid to Kerosene. Partkalar attention paid to the man , of all Wads of TIN WARE-. acistsersowreLw.ArTssosweo We have on hand a Soo article of GLASS PEITIT JARS, with improved self-sealing corks, and HERMETICAL SEALING CA NB, which is one of the best oasis used. Juno 50,1865. . - Misullantons. WHOLESALE GROCERY PROVISION HOUSE P. S. 1 it CO 113, Maar STBZEr. TOWANDA, PA. The undersigned, encouraged by the success which has thus far, a tended their new enterprise, dedire to make acknowledgement for the very liberal patronage they have re- ceived, by giving their customers the . - advantage of their years' experience, together with the boiefit of their greatly increased ,facilities for doing businets. They keep constantly on hand, a very large and complete assortment of everything in their line, and are daily receiving such additions" to their stock as the wants of their trade requires. They have now in store, Sugar, Syrup, Molasses, Coffee, Rice, To bacco, Fish, Salt, Cheese, Fruits, Crtickere, Candy, Matches, Broome, Wrapping Paper, and Twine, Flour Sacks, Seeds, and a great variety of other goods, which haxe been recent._ ly bought at the lowest point in the market, and are offered at wholeiale, at rates to correporid. They desire to call especial sites:- tion to their large stock of Flne Teas, which they are selling at New York Jobbing prices,—guaranteeing the quality in all cases. Have also on hand a good wi:soit- ment of Flour, Pork and Keroaens They still continue' .to have the benefit of a resident Partner in Ns* Yoik, who is constantly in the market and prepared to turn to , or advan, tap any favorable changes iln the prise of :goods. rex; sourr.T. a o?. May 19;.1868. - :W=WkaaM." ' WtAtti:'s: =MI SOMC.I . „ • 'stomas tini;toEirlistiefitet, "l ' tOW:OP4,BRAAMD. , .O44* ittOffil*- oruictilitztusi_v!th ?belga* gas, An Idled, at IfaciMer tot Ponsiall 841°1114.7 1iriAlt 4NG I - MAX WHlSThat c—' iirtRAM GMES; • ,AA.VGreoorh . - - OLT 'l'l4 G ' Done frozitio ii*ei dlfrOter• FORtag,o o ar' rperposer,- beivi ttF1 Also;s 44; L agi he doge to order; lur, ametnese : • COOKIN4 HEATING, STOVEB,I sad Wood asenero. Poriltue tar &Obi su ms , won pipe. Tin-Ware;.- Host . : Plows, Cultivators and Lempen, kept • muewiNcis , at. sEgollachtTioNEi ix saw& at issor9slolo7blisoy, for &NW .oisitothew Mr . rs, , '• Foreman, who has p4ll larßs twelence ttdi lama of the bosiwww. , •• JOHN CIABIAII. TOwaids, OcZ. wies OWANtA' , OAR -AGE t 10 A. MO ItY Y . ••• ;if 1 The'under•aswa . rai n - lens , • ~ , T ;r 1 . • t.. ~ pabllo est they Purbikaipi the _ '''''''...Li G 4, . H .:"., D '4{, A., 1.,i,E.-p 444 are now , prepared to ka#4l work in TifB.LA`ES -1 1 1 S-TYLE And most voeitinaillke manner. They will cousin/4r keep oil hand in assort meht of eplen- TOP LAND OPEN ,31JGGIES; FAMILY CARRI4GES, DEMOCRAT Al D LUMBER WAGONS, MI AND "TWO ISZATED ALBANY - - SLEIG WS ALL WORK WARRANTED. REPAIRING promptly - attended lo at rem seeable prices. M • BRYANT & STUTZ% Towanda. may 9. • N EW PL-A.N.IN.G'-MILL The undersigned hating built a large and Coin.; mations KUM' the Borough of .Towanda; and ailed it with the most modern . and .improsed machinery, for the Manufacture of .. WINDOW SASH, at BLINDS, rreeparsd to fill orders, whether large or email, upon the shortest notice. We have also a large variety of •NOULDINGI3, of the latestatyle and pattern, which we can furnish mulch cleaper than they can be•worked hand.. • PLANING, • TONGUEING, • • . • GROVEING, and al other work pertaining to .7pinerj, will be done to suit our customers. • Persons building, and not living more than twelve to fourteen miles distant,. will find it largely for their interest to buy of as, or bring their lumber , and molted' by our machinery. Bring your grist of Flooring, or other lumber, d :and while your team - is is feeding , . have it gronnd out and take it home with you. We will pay CASH for PINE fr, HEMLOCK LUMBER delivered at'our lumber yard. Come and see us, or !typo oan't come, write. ~ L. B. RODGERS 4%, CO, - Towanda, Feb., 10d4. I). 00K-81 - NDERY.-THE PUBLIC AO is respectfully informed that the Book. Bindery has !seen-removed to the Argos BMW ing, 3d story; 'where will be done - In all its varione branches,. an terms as rea. sonsble as" the times" will allow. The Bind• . cry will be onder.the charged An experienced Binder, and all work will be promptly done, in a style and manner whick cannot be excelled. Music, litsgsahree t News papers, Old Books, ie., bound in every variety of style. Particular, attention will be paidto the Ruling and Binding of - To any desired pattern, which in quality and durability wit be warranted. AU work will be ready for delivery when promised. • ' The patronage of the public is solicited, and perfto satthfaction August guananieed. . • Miranda, 2, 1888.—tf Y OPAOOO AND CIGARS! The undersigned have established STEAM TOBACCO FACTORY, O WB. N P On Main Street belowliridge Street. Where they are manufacturing all kids of CUT TOBACCO AND MAUI W.H 0 LE.SALE PRIORS That cannot fail to snit. We would most. re ged4ully solicit a eon from the desle.s , tfutiugh Northern Peunsylsania to au, e , " mivatio.o of _:, OUR STOCK AND PRIDES. Our Tobacco is manufactured from the beif KENTIIGKY AND -VIRGINIA Stock that can be proonrcd ht. the market.:.. Give as a ttrryy. This is 'A home ant aprise and Will succeed• with &liberal dhniosition of the trade to support home manufactory. • • - - • MVANfi X PraNhit.' - • 157 Main Street; Towanda, Pa. Jane ' 4;l26B.-4f,.., , • ... ' . FURNITURE WARE-ROOMS t JAM HAMMON announced to the public that he still castigates to manufacture and 49 on hand a large assortment of . ' cAalNT:Tu'uls:ArOns„ .itersatuf,' Tables. Bedsteads. Stands, ' Chairs &e., td every descriptor..., which will be made nt the best materbtb, rink %) .he nnet workman like manner. I invite the inaction of the public' to mytWort; which Walla° be summed in durability, at any shop in , the quarry, and my price* will be tbundtri be as low as the times will admit. _ Beady-made Conks •._oonstaatly ton:hand or made to 'order: A good Hearse willbe furuished when desired: - Aug. 16, 1866. • ' • ' ' TANNINGAZARNSSS MAKING The eederefifeed have this, day - formed a .00-Dirtner. bin be known u the nem of MA- GER A FULLER; for the _purpose of 'argil% on the above' bumees. Harness nuking Apo repairing done border and all work' warranted. Cash pald for hides. • • GRUPFIN LAGER. EDGAR S. ruLtUR • Campteien, Jan.- 28, 1868. PAGE! , ! -RAGS It RAGS .111 7 -500 Ili Tons good Paper Bags wanted, torzildeb: the highest market pHs* wilt be pildl4•• 4 • • ALVORDA IMMIX Towanda, Oct; al 1868.. ITI `. „ AND=r ;: =ME AND SCROLL • SAWING, Miectilantous. 80,0 ii-B IN DINO! H. CI , WHITAKER, BLAME BOOKS, Which . tliey offer te the trade at 11114 TI . T ONVANDAEMIUNg, Pollek g s lasodiLoinesseilisd . profipuy ;J, RI Mr 1121411; Asia. 62 6444 1 ,.54/ 01 0/1, 2 /0 0 60,1 111 1 4 Malik Coo. . s ll # l l , 061 40 11 $1 2 1Wes "ul. 1 ,a*026 1 .464:142:4! Crqd,g,o):: ..... $1- 7 ,cO3 -r -apt/. Lres Cowart, /4 doltAMi t /i if'l7 Cs"' -• • $ 156 , 29 6 110ami ' idlii,Lognos din GLe• nu aalliPtillannwtos Co. • itfenrod Poad.: . • 11 MX MR 11201 IA ;be VAliod Wm, 0w... 1,800.00 0 Daly oprordo el (Gold) 17,000 frigtigar,, iiiiii_:, iiivainiffr.74ixoll, 4,.COlrlvem, cisinnur,ons':• ..* IF ' I ; Cropital - - '- ll.O OD Xst , ir Juin 'lltrwAi; tas broviax,el Co., I . r .': , _ ._!..: : New4l. lir a J. • :• • f L. clopital. ,- ., t. •• . ~.• " -' , 8100. i. C." (11..._ 41) . - ?.- - ,:.... ::, - •'Pholatdpilia, 1 • 4500.000 —. • , emptiotrilitnuslaribmitnuicoli 7 - , r,C,0... , ~, liartfor#,ccum, - , 1 b. SO, 11166- .. 4f , • , .... 10,000,1m0 -.earn:l'6 r PAL LIFE,- AND-ACCIDENTAL, • INBI7RANCIL CUIALL 1 1 / 7 111113317111 Mat • szrzzirzas JULLION7 DOLLA ( Ris, EL . RIMEL; Afgast, ta.iyatio memo *pup; cosrav, .411rAisa 8 11-umilaivains ' 17, 1 44d , IriPiiim";ll4;44.o,;;-4.:- • •• • OAR C 4 411111 and SUP as °Prete" - . aver • $3,750,500 P=Af""Ftlit"gii... 1 Capital mid surplus. over.« ...-...41,700,000 Of Jrawrerk. covul and iondu.gmer sumo) Vitsiseassitirolannirl:ionfairr, Wlskaisikipdsk • :CapiUl sad sar a, plas, over— ..$3110,00 Arm iniscunitte Contrsiss, - CO' lireurrerts.. Capital and argue, over - s7;ooXia Pvricas Ixsonaturs COXFAXT, . 01 Ilerff'ont, Cots. :Capital and surplus, aser • $703,000 ydritra.t. Lin Invinses "Conr.urr, . . Nevi-York. , - Capital and surplas,over POPO Tsars/ rasa Itumutitics Coil:rutty, t Of Hartford, Co". Capital and earpins, over ilisks,takeis on all kinds GI :Property, at as low rateaas by any other reliable Companies. -/Er Policies issued and Losses, If ' any. ad jured at this Ageney,thereby wing the trouble and - expense of going elsewhere for seulement w Office at the Bardwhere Store of Cod ding Russell ' • C. S. RUSSELL. Towanda, Feb. 7,1866.—U THE INSURANCE COMPANY .a. • OP NORTH AMERICA. Office No. 242. alnut Street, Philadelphia. This Company arc now prosecuting the 100-i• ness of. Insurance from loss or damage by FIRE on Buildings,Merchandise. Furniture, &c. throughout th State of Pennsylvania, on Ref.- al terms,for long orihort periods; or permanent ly. of -Buildings, by a deposit of Prenuam. ' The prompt payment of claims for losses doe ing the period of nearly 70 years that the:Com pany has been in existence. entitles them to tte confidence of the public. Driscroas.--Arthur G. Coffin, Samuel W. Jones, John A Rrown,Charles Taylor, Ambrose White, Jno. R. Neff, Richard D. Wood, Wm Welsh, Wm. E. Bowen, James N, Dicks* S. Morris Wain,4obn Mason, Geo. L. Harrison, Francis R. Cope, Edward H. TKtter. Edwrd 'Clarke; Wm. Cummings. . •• • • Arrata G. Conn!, Pres); C. 8. RUSSELL, Agent, Towanda. - LIVERPOOL AND LO ND -11... t-GLOBE FIRE AND LIFE ilatilillANCE COMPANY.-0111ce, 4.5 'William St., and 726, BXDadway, N. Y. Capital, Surplus and Reserved Panda 'Weld),.. • $16,271,C75 Assets in the United States, over 1,P00,000 Daily Premiums, upwards of (gold).. 17,000 The shareholders personally responsible for engagements of the company. All Directors ma tbe shareholders. INZOTO9B in New You .—Francis Cottenct Es Chairman, Henry Grinnell ; Esq. , Deputy Oh rman, Joseph Gaillard, Jr. Esq. B. E. Archibald, Esq.,ll; B. 'N. Consul, Alexander Hamilton, Jr.,F.sq., Robert C. Ferguson, Esq. Allied Pell, Esq., Resident Secretary. Alex ander Hamilton, Jr., Eaq., Counsel of Board. BM.—Phenix Bank--Cammonn 2, Co. The Policies of this Company :Are Issued by well-known American citiserui resident in New York, who are Directors and Shareholders, and consequently, with the other Shsreholdens, are ndividually. liable .for all the engagements of the Company ; all Policies are signed by them, all claims are payable In cash on proot of loss without deduction tor interest, sad not, as is usual, sixty days after presentation Of Proof. Theyexpire stela o'clock, P. It., and not ai noon.- Life insurance effected,- and annuitiel granted on favorable terms. H. B. HOMAN, Agent. Towanda. aPril 23,1867. T HE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSIII ANM Society's Agenej for Bradford c CASH CAPITAL. $3,000,000. roily income over 52.000.000 cash. • MONTANTE k WARD . Timada,JalitS, !ME ASTOR FIRE INSURANCL oi Nev York. Ageley VW Bradford Co CAPITAL $400,000. , Dividend for 1866, 10 per cent. i oiranda, July 25, 11 1 447ANYE k:WARD. THE LYCOMINO MtITUAL FIRS Insurance Agency for Bradford. County, CAPITAL 83,100,000 Mutual Cast plan. In auecouful operation - or er twenty-aeren years. MOST IYEA WAIID. Towanda, July 25, 1667 - WYOMIN-G INSURANCE AGES CY. WYOMING INSURANCE COMPANY . Wilkes-Barre, Pa SAMUEL WADHAMS:'.. Presideat L. D. SHOEMAKER, " Vice President R. C. SMITH, Secretary Capital and Surplus $170,000. North America, Hartford. Conn. asset3l36oo o Fulton. New York, . " 250.000 Springfield, Mass., 400,000 - -Applicatinns for insurance in the above coat ian Ire taken at fair rates, _and business attend ed to with vromptneas and care. Particular attention will be given to Farm risks in the country. Also Life and Live Stock Insurance at. reeled ina te d and reliable companies. Offer over the on Main- a t., formerly occupied .by Meteor o urrow.l I T. B. CAMP, Agent. Towanda, Mar ch h 12, 186IL—tf. ABHIONABLT _; TAILOBIKG 1 Reap',Arany informs the citizens of Towanda Boro3gh, that he has opened a TAILOR BEOP, In PhlnneY's Saildingeppoeite the Means,Elbus Ina sgSeits share of public patronage.. 1 in Hels prepared SO cut and make guessals-. the fashionable style, and the most dura ble manner. Perfeet satisfaction will he guar anteed. . notice g and Repairing done to Sept order on 567 shor . . 10, 1. DIL. BASBR, Master • la preiared to attend to all basins , In bls line. He warrants all work done Ina work ntattlikeziameir. All orders by mill, or other wlse,addreased to me' at Towanda, will be promptly attended to: Jane 1868.-3 m• • _ Tewasna, Pa., Jane 16, 18f8. _ To wham if nuty.eoncerer I certify that hive this dszappoln ed D. It: BAKER, of To wanda. &Imre 'meaty, Pa. ' an agent for the sale of Bodine; Joncol- • Toolline Water el for the counties of Bradford. Wyoming , L Whe fe °Tll. tag, ;Cibttoa , Lelesideld, Tioga and Potter. is the Etats , of Penneylvsnia. Parties wantle4 these wheels can 'obtain-them through ott an° be will glee his perwnal attention to ping them bi-whes Parties by calling °P° ll Mr. Baker, at 'Towanda, .will be shown the wheel, and on application - lo him he will tem Isk prated p a mph le ts containing trotting t el itl lE t 9 4lll l l h 4 4 1 , * (3, - Jac. ItacPuboSo. s . General Agegior ,Pennsyleasts, for P°' • dimes &seal. Tubb !l. s Water . l. fIORD' WOOD WANTED.- 100 *•.° cords Isen.thard so ft ] Bass Wood. ClatublW_ 'Nat Wood. For Pother P' tlcislars ehqulre at, tIAWES BBOTHBIti Tarn. lngKill.llloaroeton. 1869..—tf. • • -ElLoux-mrhot, '• Flour" of all, Jz- lifistiv.socihrbeat.!-Piour, Ow!. poe litsalijFesd e ickag ,, LS. W. i; B9OaLWELL'B. .$600,00C