~,..„.... , trinitiliiiiiii LOCAL AND GENERAL. Tuts Tams. The following is the Time Table of the l'ennsyhanla and N.! York Canal and Bail Road Oompaoy. add* took effect on Monday, May, 11, 1868 : 1101:113111/JD. P. M. - Lii. A.M. WAIMILT.... 620 1120. ... .820 Mans ....6:16: :..,:1196.....8. ...... .628 trzona 12413 9:13 Tow.uum.... 745 1958.....9.38 P. N. A. Y. ~ta•...)~•' A. IL A. IL P. IL Wausau 828 1120 458 Aseaas 753 10:45 4013 .7;10 1022 420 Times. 7.125 1017 4:11 TOIII2COL —.720 922 820 A. 21. • L.M. P. M. JOHN P.OOX. Buptrinkskyd. NS. Oar sabscribera should bear in mind, that the date on the address label of their paper, is the time when their rah. eaription expires. Just look at the date, and see if your subscription does not need renewing. tor We never believed a lie as good as the truth, however well it may be stuck to. For instance : tbe• Bradford As ! gus put a lie at the heed of its editorial col mums early in the'cumpaign. and " stack to it" with' a pertinacity abroad inparellekid; yet that county ins/awed its Republican inadozity from October to November nasty 600. The lie haring answered the dashed purpose its editor hes hailed it dairs.— Waverly Advoade. Juror. Hg cos Itz-asanu—Not., withstanding the extnordinsay tents of 'Actor B. Piollet to carry the District, be has been defeated. The people have faith in Judge Nereus. And sidle the combined agencies of money, whisky. fraud, and col onization were used , in favor of Piollet , the honed melees have sustained a faithfal pub lic servant by re- electing him to represent them in Congress.—Montrone Reineeicass. SCALDED TO DEATIL—On Monday kat, Vustru, daughter of Jou IL Valium of Standing Stone, aged 2 years, 8 months, fall into a pail of hot water and was so bad ly scalded that she only lived eight hours, retaining her senses to the last. REV. PIIINEAS STOWE, whoa•• lunacy we mentioned last week, died on Friday last, at the In ane Asylum, at Somerville. - Mass., aged 56 years He was an earnest missionary amongst the seamen and much respected, by them for his kindness and dil igence in promoting their wordly and spir itual welfare. He was well known through out the state He was distantly related to the husband of Harriet Beecher Stowe. " D ENOREST'S MONTHLY "--• The Chris mu; number of this admirably conducted magazine is oat, and is really a gem. The fashions are profuse, the contents, literary and artistic, of the highest tibial. There Is a beautifully. illustrated Household depart ment, music. and each worth the cost of the magazine. We do not see box any la dy can afford to be without it. It has, moreover, none of the frivolity of the ordi nary class of fashion magazines, but much of the high tone, and sensible, practical character of the best European Alontlilies. Subscribe for It. $3 per year, with a prem ium. Published at 473 Broadway. N.Y. DISTRESSING ACCIDINT.-011 tbalst, F. 11.5, only daughter of J. B. /awns, of Hainsburg, aged eleven years, was dro4ned, while crossing a stream near home. The girl was not missed until next day, as she had been.at a neighbors, and was not expected home. Her body was found in the creek about forty rods below the place where she attempted to cross. BRICK POMEROY has changed the Demote, published by him at New York, to a morning paper.. He looks upon his project as antagonistic to the World, which journal he spares no opportunity of denoun cing as Wire; bold out" the Democracy. We imagine that when 'llama's" ambition lead him to New Yprk, to establish a Demo cratic daily, it ont•rnn his judgment, and that he can easily sink in the great mewls troom of New York journslism.the money that camo so easily by the LaCrosse Demo crat. - Bares Ponssor's career has been a tortu nate, and in some r.•speots a remarkable One. Some years since he printed and pub lished and edited a small paper at Athens, in this county. .It was noted, we remem ber, for its propensity to retail the gontip of the neighborhood, and for a looseness of language, which his since bean so lavishly displayed in the _La-Grosse Democrat, and which kept him in continual danger from the horse-whip, though his• ready wit and tact usually saved him from personal violence. The press which he then "pulled" stands in the Reporter office, and the sign which indicated the locality of Baica's 'Printing Office," now adorns the REPOSTZU building, albeit the storms of time have almost rendered illegible the legend it bears. By some fortunate windfall, he came in possession of enough money to get away from Bradford, and Athens knew him no' more. It has been a fashion with most of the . Republican press to hold Batas up to exe cration as the wickedest man in the Demo cratic Party,and to publish his most abomi nable articles as proof of their assertions.— 'We have never joined in the line and cry, for two reasons : we could not afford to ad vertise for him gratis—(this notice is given as a consideration for the N. Y. Democrat which has come regularly to us, from the drat - number)—and then we didn't see it in that light The LaCrosse Democrat is a frithful organ anti proper representative of the Democratic party. In shaping its course Norm): has showed a shrewd and thorough knowledge of the wants and tastes of that , party. Ho set out with a determination to make such a paper as should_ meet the ap probation and command the patronage of the Democracy, How well he has succeed, ed, let the numerous circulation of the Dem nerve answer. Printed ht'a smell town on the Ifississippi it Is the leading Democrat ic journal of the country, and wields more influence than any other, because it speaks to the instincts of the Dentocracy,and open ly advocates Repudiation and Rebellion. Ponsaor deserves the credit which be longs t o shrewdness, (act, energy and ne m& Having struck a rich "lead" he is working it to its utmost capacity. The great, but ephemeral popularity' of Baum POW:IMM' is used by him torten "Sense" and "Nonsense"—song-books, pamphlets and almanacs—and be is working himself to death to "make bay while the sun shines." He probably cares as little peisonally,about the subjects that are discussed In his•paper in the .•blood-and-thunder". vein as the molt indifferent of his random, for socially Bain is amiable in his disposition, not giT , en to strong drink. If his -paper,is- fade `.nent, it is because indecomoy setts Demo. civic readers ; if it is profane and vitupera llve;\it is because such pabulmel'is deman ded bis,se who buy the two hundred and fifty thousand copies, which aro weekly sent fortli'..lf the Democrat may be used to point a moral, it is, that of the natural de prarity of the Democratic party. The New TO& Democrat proves that 'Blum is not totally ‘ lost. That paper boa . been conducted witW aid* and decorum, although it shows the flenlisoldeo of the sem Sao► 11 1 41 salt q5•1 0620 :7 of that city, yet reenalis to be MI, There are worse men in the world. than Desna POMO!, and he has our heel irisitin fot the snows o f his endeavor to lead the Dens _moratio party in 4 true peth7-4veri ft is involves It in the lame calamity that overtook the seriptaral is Slip Rev: 0...1. Dußote,of Big Plats, N. m.erti of ThglinBton). offended some of his midtown; beim:shalt° the Deutoesatie pennasion, by speaking for Peso% *wing the Presidential , amass, and they have withdrawn from hint their sip. port. In view otthis state of affairs,. com mittee of that townlavaissoad invitations for an Invinc i ble donatien tiitd . oyster sup per, to be given at, Big Plats, WI the tiviml, lug of the 20th inst. Bev. Itr. Delkoi made several speeches, in this county, which were of a pariah) rather than a par; dean character—and therefore. the more objectionable to the Cops. Vin.Lux Cauecaur., one of thei i Democratic police aims, of =min t Irak arrested on the charge of attempting to buy votes at the recent election, and _after au eiamination before the Recorder of that ! car, held to bail in the awn of $5OO for his appearsnee at Court. TliarChemung County gives GRANT • majority of 1 ; Horrmearr 132 ; and electi tim Democratic comity, ticket by majoritied i ranging from 113 to 408. Surcros.—On Saturday last, a man named John Moine, living about three miles from this village on the Spencer road. committed suicide by hanging himaelf his barn. It appears that Mr. Monroe has` been subject to Ate of insanity for nearly a year pad. so that his friends have had to keep a close watch on him, as he has at; tempted suicide two or three times before.; .The doomed was a highly respected and vrell-to.do farmer, aged about 59 years.— Ills untimely death has east a gloom over the entire community.—CcOader Press 6th. BRADIPORD AND TIOOA QUANTZRLY CON • max= —The Freewill Baptista have just held an interesting session with the Stony Fork Church. Among the items of business was the following preamble and resolution : Winans. All History, civil and snore& goes to show that there always lure be en two parties, on the advocate of free investi gation. and reform. The other di r e c tly i n opposition, and for enslaving the masses : 7henjore Resolved, That we recognize in the Republicanparty the first above,nanied ; and the so-oallyi Democratic party . the last named, and are aiming to turn the wheel of progress backward to the days of feuda li sm,' serfdom and slavery . That we t as ood citizens and christians,feel ourselves b and to support the Republican party ; and ay God defend the right. d. brozszcz, Clerk of Conferee MASONIC.—RICEIARD Vsox,l Grand Master of Masons of this State, i with his suite, made a grand visitation to Trojan Lodge, No. 306, A. Y. M., at Troy, Pa., on Friday the 13th inst. He was joyfully re ceived by a goodly number of the Masonic Lights of Northern Penn., and an them our distinguished friends and brothers, Sim = HAIDIX, G. D. MOSTANIIII D. D. G. IL of this District, and the officers and many members from six of the Lodges of this county. The cozy hall of the Trojans was filled to overflowing, :And at 7p. m. the Grand Master (iftergii ride 0ft . 35 miles through this county) twas_received in die ft form. He congratulated the craft on the harmonious. and prosperous state of the whole jurisdiction; expounded the chief points of the Masonic Law. =ages and cus toms, in a clear and forcible manner ; Oiled the work of this State, and supported its claims of being the ancient York rite in its original, purity ; promptly answered all questions propounded by the brethren pres ent ; and finally did all those things that a Grand Master ought to do, in a most satis factory and creditable manner. At the close of his lecture office hawrs&ation, he gratified all of his auditors, _y a high M- I buts of regard.and consideration for Broth. er Hamm,.. To the craft, he earnestly and affectionately commended oar District Dep uty Mmirauzz, and spoke in the most fl A toning terms of the high ippreciation in which he was held by the Grand ‘Lodge.— To him had been• confided the duty of con stituting four new Lodges in this District within the past year, of instructing them in work, customs and usages of the order, as well as the still more arduous, delicate, and difficult task of restoring the work of four old Lodges, hitherto, almost wholly neg. looted by the Grand Lodge and its officers, to the• standard of uniformity adopted_ iu this State. We bad most convincing, evidence, that oar Masonio Mid, is an earnest and able tkanot good and thorough Mason,and justly deserves the reputation which be has gain ed, by one years edministration of the af fairs of the Grand Lodge, of being nurivall 'ed as an executive officer, by any on the long list of Grand Masters of great merit, of this one of the oldest jurisdictions in the United States. Though an old citizen of ; Philadelphia, the corporate limits aro no barriers to his sense of Masonic justico,and fair dealing, but are-justly regiirded as'jast and proper formnnioipal purposes, only. Ail things considered. the precedent of his re-election, will be considered by both city . 'and country, as just and salutary. This visitation will undoubtedly result in the elevation of the status of Masonry in this county, and otherwise be productive of great good. The officers and members of Trojan Lodge, have, and merit the gratitude of all the visiting brethren for the cordial welcome they received at their hands. Limos. NU S. M. HEinarrr, the pope] 4r lecturer, will deliver his "Hits at the Times," in Tioga Hall, Athens,on Saturday evening Nov. 28, 1868. I. OLONNZY & &MUSHY now offer the public an amortises:a of fashionable Hata and Caps, and a large selection of floe Furs. Thera is no necessity for any one to go abroad for a stylish Hat, or for Furs suitable for the most partici:dim lady. ay We diin't hardly believe that Santa Clans buys . the Confectionery and Toys with which he gladdens the hearts of children at Christmas of one Haar—but if he did, the children - would be none the less pleased, as said Han? has a large variety of those hula-knacks, which are tised to fill the stockings hanging by the oldinney cor ner. Detders will bear in mind, that the bon der; are approaching and that Dart is al ready prepared to supply them with Confec tionary and Toys at Iowa; prices -than any one else. Send on you orders early and have the pick of the establishment. Every thing Is new and fresh and can't . be beat in quality and style. Diatom!' PARTY.—The friends of Rev. J. A. Boom. will meet et the Wynn: Parsonage on the meting of Thnraday,Nimr. 26, (Thanksgiving day.) A ' Novacrt.—lfrsers. ALVORD & Baum have been appointed agents in title. plane for A. J. tins roan's Mahogany Cloth garde. These goods are far superior to the old fashioned oil cloth. Acids will not die color them. and neither cold or heat affects ; bisides they are °nth* free from the disa greeable odor arising from oil clothe. We recommend our readers to call and examine for thauwelvei when in want of Table or Stand cloths. iktikaprs,: ' l'; •Ane ~ bm ~and con. mastitis dais; , - OW eViiit Igethoalal Charch, ill: .. 0 Donstion Sp the Bac 801 . 6 e 02 Chlarilel on Thursday. Nov. is.-- w•icazig wi l low ont visits blends to help au. , Wei iiindd say Ns. COOPIP bill 1 014MATOrbil iiik4 wi *WI together 4t for lis last taaal:y years .a Chards `e va. nisstlon; and t "mica this fat Inbls .afforktirsards.' ' tionandaleVa. u&A,. All thi4, ar e willia tb=clowita any. thing to onrlldatirill- ~ to stag it to 1 his-resldencilen pis gay a °resold. ' ' ; Order of Oanz i BRILLIANT Pri,thruvo oi MsTEO Ito., The meteoric ithOwers, peopled by the as tronomers, began about suidnight Friday night, and as the sky irat guile clear the display was brilliant and replete for those who were to:tin:rite eno to be awake at • that hour. Abont ma ce oak that night a magnificent metier. a in the 'north. a l west, which Iterted - up e-,heavens, and lasted terventyninutes. rtly - after ap• peering, it asattm', ed thepa of an 8, and * and then took shape o an& Other ap• nni lt peatsnces, of Osanal b ' (it and dustbin, were seen Abed 1 the Bain time by other observers, thti display lasting , until near daylight, the *aims Whig on an average of over one a zninnte. - file.eors were once. at onally seenfietunbry nigi tatter midnight, but the displays were not n ear so nunnery= and not so brilliant as on the pret:ions. night. 1 ` ! Our dispatches indicate L t the meteoric displels of leaf Friday 'nflht were aeenvall over the counts * and • • uncommonly brilliant everrabere, at ••., no doubt, scientific men *rep greatly . alighted. , ! ft. Symis l * Aus about 16 yeani; lin the dne fill Warn, maiden y shot , tol, an We rin . . . tered the left b init. The that it will p i 4 fatal. • • • Sprdal "Nottres. r- 1 1 M. C. o.—pall at, the Book Store of Alvord Rubor iund exa • e and you will be sure to purop4lB. Nov. 18. $5 Rgw.tunll4--Lost o' Monday last, between Harris'lialacksmi —shop, and ray' residence in Monroe twp.,l an old leather pocket-book, with a leather' string tied around it, contnatig 861 National cur rency.. The finder will pl leave it with Binnian; or the an 'scriber. anus LIDDY. Monroe, lio‘i 17, 1868. • 1 - STOVE iIIiTiTIONS AND LAGLARTEMS.T— , All articles ofvidtte and ea bushed reputa tion have their limitations. i Manufacturers who have not the brains t into t or-the enterprise to establish a treputation for themselves, seek to appropriate the inven t Ilona and reputation of th e who have.—. The American M king SO for instance, has obtained a World-wid4 reputation.— Messrs. Shears Packard & ,Co. have spent seven _years hi improving land perfecting this stove,till itiiCalmmit p vitas a stove, l l and they have kpent large ea:Lublin ad vertising and bringing its erits before the i people. Therelhtive been morons imita tions of it, and MO have n compelled to bring five snits against, different parties for appropiating thiir patentediMprovements. all of . which have resulted in tbel' ir favor. The last phase of th se imitations is one similar in design and a most an e a ac i t imitation of the name, only ne idler -left C Ursa imi tations are scraght!to be p `ed off upon the public as the gritine artie e. This is in violation of th it , rights ; d they have commenced a nit to res • the sale of 1 these franduLent articles ; a dthey propose t t i to prosecute all infringeme ts and imita tions till otheni cease fro appropriating ! and imitating tbeir improve ents.—Albany i Argus. , , 1 For sale by 13,N c . Bums° , Orwell; Pa. II Nov. 18.-St ' 1 _ , 111POMANT posicat. Irromt L. A. Powittit, at Surruitbn, • . trade large reductions in tba4rice of : son it Ham lin's "Cabinet ,' "Ilfetropoli • " and "Por table" Organs. He is sell_ng a 4 octave Organ for 550 j a 5 octave double reed 5 stop with tremolo for $125, and a 5 octave double reed 6 sior Nith P - -dent "vox humane" attar' m of the human voice) rention, for $l7O. Bend to Nov. 18.-2 w M. C. G.-I of kt.voirm It Bi will be-seirit to GO TO, Nov, Store Alvordi buy NOTE PAT common note ward. On 1 YES place to purclas at Alvord ct Br 1869 1 Dit. gest assortment market, just roc A!aeord .k, Battu Wis. Drrrascia, Piano, purchased fro,_ has been in almOst bonsta._ has been thorortghly tried b; 'beet players and moat compe the country. I has given s Lion, to all, and prouourace rior instrument. The impro .by Mathushek are unquestio lislue,:adding to the power. at tone, grid to the durab il ity went. - Tuners s that it keel dernilly. I hay no hesitat mending this m tiled instrur 'them by the one 11 have.' Wu. Arrrarcikts .1g :nt for t Pianos, and ass d sell Pianoti instruments generally. She :plied to order. II i Towanda, Nov 1 117; -18G8. M. C. G.—Cali at the I Alvord ,t Barber ittid examini be sure to p l TRIAL LIST fir Deeenlhe ern WERE. Smith vs. Moore t , llewitt vs. Bell .4 Wheeler vs Poll lee heirs.. Smith vs. Win. iStorrs of at . .Vanderpool vs. Vanderpool.. Chilson vs Sweet' et a McCauley duo., vs. Mellorran Gibson, vs Gib50n!........ Gibson vs Helen 'McCauley.. Gibson vs Peter McCauley... -Pall Creek Coal 4%1 lion Co vs Denmark frs N C i It C 0.... Wing & Mitchell frslWelles & Noxon vs Towanda Coal & lug Lent's Was fre Prince do do, ms's vsli ' • ... , . Seymour vs Fitch.. ' ' avian WEE& I Miller vs Tanner.!t ' Bayles vs Leßoy Toinship. McGill vs Towanda.Townshi, Weston's errs vs litiner at al. "Redington vs Perlion.. ?deans vs Watts... Lewis vs Jackson:et:al Elsbree vs Blood et kl Patterson vs Griffis et a 1.... Lovett vs Alder's.Tadmrs.... i i, Krise vs Brains.. I Hackett vs Sperm Ace t Chamberlin Jr vs t tinghli I, Cowell vs Andrew .to I.lalla I Goodrich vs Smi i McNeal vs Smith;l .', .... . .. Kent Brothers vs .... Tracy ilt Moore va•Sittith .... , EeckervaLaddl., I t Merry vs Stull Shaw vs Tusearo ' Township. Myers vs Griffis . 1..1 Smith vs Whitten al i ,lc Co kfacalloff vs . j o Bliven vs 8i11....,. 1 Lewis vs Whittenhall dr, Co " 4 Russell it Co Joe V i s Andrews ...deb. Marehall's admesirs, Marshall • trover Howard Express cs Braille gar, .att ex ' Kelly vs C00n... .1. aPPea McQueen's use val Elabren soils -Passage vs Martinis Adair's.... • case Pike et al vs Smith et a 1... ...:....eject •do i#) 1 '.... .. : .... .4 ' Subpoenas for s/oiad week rptursable on Monday, Decembe 14, at 10 si cu.; and for third week illanday, Decem . ; -21, A 111 a. ni. • P., W. L - p o OMAS, Nor. 12, 1868. 11 Prco notary. ti Timms Somon. wby pvpple pre? f T er cr toiitilitionegals.: tofrolo th bg Wore.' 133 4k; adjoining , Patton's 1344161 _ 1. We sell at one price, and one price} „ Aligoods IRO SW1(041,112 plain Embody - AC treated= akke, tral poor, high or Icor. - ' _ 4. We have ihe- best-Ituulo 4 olcithing ix Towsnda., _ : We mantifacture our own'goods. ' „IL Ourbusimes enables us to sell goody ; lower that sity'vlaglit house isiA'awanda. 7.,W. keep no,oneet the agor tOtallilit, gai u mnam ti. Yortartinoi- forget to lry'srekber en offer,-for .there- itotily one price.' ” 9. 'Because -we keep the, largest atm:Viet Clothing in Towanda. ' : ' . 10. Uron buy once at thelle=rcru, will cobra again and bring your 11. liettember: that the . Itegulstor Co l tbing - 13tore is 133 Main-st.,, adjoining Pat ton's Block; Towanda, Pa. 12 Dont forget the place, but remember to give Rosenberg & Wolf a call of their, one price 5t0re ,. 133 ..111nin-,st., adjOhring Patton's Block, Towanda Po: Nov. 3.-3 s • - , . . Oitsrpts.-414 subseribers " wilL keep constantly on hand a fresh' supply or counts, and also &Brat rind artal=: ity of oysters by the grunt of gallon, measure. -: Donation Parties, Tbankagiv ings s and: al.' other parties lawn Amp . 'quantities are required will be furnished at' a liberal discount. tbuir"4kiturncu. • . Basement of Ward House. I iiov. 4, 11368.-tf ' • • *; if oust Foxibarr.—Possesikui give . 1 immediately. For farther . partial/Jars en,' quire of B.C. Whitaker, .Towanda, Pa. WAtrigw--A family of onergit . good character, to occupy and enlafge a farm, and stook and inn'a saw mill. Apply , in person. - .G. H. & Wsums. Wyalusing, Pa., Nov. 6, 1868. a lid aged .ploy of Fusa ; elf with a pia- L of G. T.--Northero Lodge No: 223, meets it their rooms over Montanye's Store, every Friday evening from the-let of October to the let of April at 71o'clock,asid from the Ist pf "April .to the let of. October at eight; t_ all -members of the , order ;from -abroad are cordially invited to attend,l The ball ea• robabilities are SPECIAL - Noricz—L. L. Moody, will remain at his Store in Bome,'now occupied by, Wickham k Fivat t daring the month of November, for the Fuegos° of settling and collecting. Those - indebted will save cost by attending to their matters' daring the month. Boma, - N0y..2, 1868.-4 w STRAY SSE:--A number of coarse wool sheep and lambs strayed from the farm of G.H. Vandyke, in Ulster, abont.the 2Sth of September. Liberal charges will be paid for their keeping, and any information con. cerning them would be thankfully received by • . • H. buxom Ulster, Rot. 4. 1868.-3 V LIST OP JURORS drawn far Deccin ber Term and Sessions, 1868 :, Albany, Welles Wilcox; Athens twp., Jno F. Satterlee; Asylum, Samuel Kellum; West Burlington, Luther Fanning; Burlington boro' Philander Long; Columbia, Isaac As pinwall, James Strong. Moses Ayres; Can ton boro' Charles Stockwell, Samuel Owen; Litchfield, Eli M Merrill; Overton, Joh n Mathews; Pike, Edward S Skeele; Rome twp., Asa Fuller, Selvin Murphy, Addison Taylor; Sheshegnin,,George: Iv Blackman, William Snyder; Smithfield, Win . Fierce; Springfield, William Corey; Wyalusing, Joseph Gaylord; Windham, Hiram Pierce; Wilmot, John S Quick, Elmer Horton. TBASTS3B JUBOIO-11125T WEEK. Asylum, Israel Smith; Athens twp., John H Mills, James T D Meyer; David AReeves. Joel AI Tozer, William K Walker; Athens boro' Charles Comstock; Armenia, John Morgan; Burlington twp., Josephus Camp bell; Canton twp., Frank* M Watts, Allen 'Taylor, Ebben Lilley; Colombia, Charles 0 Havens; Franklin, Elijah Blake, Feints; F Fairchild; Granville, Simeon Case, Wm. Bunyan; Herrick. Charles, Stuart; Monroe twp., Nathan Northrup, William W Hiram Stevens;' ' Orwell Samuel Criss; Pike Evan W Davies, Walter. Barnes; Rome boro ,Lemuel- L Moody, Coon Hickey; Smith field, Elton M Dailey, Albert 0 Scott, Geo C Calif! ; Sheshequin, Charles Chaffee; Terry, David Craft; Tuscarora ' Denimon Ackley; Troy twp., John'Y Ballard. Burton Porter; Troy boro' 'Theodore 'Waldron, F Lucien Ballard; Towanda boro' Amos Pen nypacker; Towanda twp„ "H LaWrence Scott; Ulster, Armes McCarty, AtYron War. ner, Milton Holcomb; Warren, Mason Els bree, Thomas Jones, William Manning; Wells, Amnion Warner; Wyalusing, Dwight Chaffee; Wilmot, John P. Shorts, Perry Miller. .ironlar Athens twp., . Wright Dunham; Athens boro' Squire Northrup; Burlington tvrp., Oliverji Stone, Jeremiah Tram Jr., Ros well Luther; Columbia, Alvin Budd, John Kilgore, Stephen Keys; Franklin. Stephen Latiniore; Leßoy, Robrt McKee, Andrew R6ye3, Orator Holcomb; Litchfield,"David McKinney, Andrew J Layton, Silas B Ow ner; Orwell, Hampton Chin William S Frisli.e; Overton, Richard id Richards; Pike, Alonzo, Smith; Rome twp:, Peter Vonght, William Parks; Springfield, Oliver Dunbar, Alfred Brace, David Fanning; Smithfield, Charles M Scopton; Terry, Phi lander White, erne° S 'Davide; Towanda boro' Joseph D Montanye, Henry E Ship man; Troy twp .John .E Rockwell, John McKean; Windham, Platt Vandyke, Oliver Warner. Hiram Elebreei William Bitumen; Wyalusing, Edward 0 Vaughn. TIRED RIMS. Athens bore' William Hancock, Horace Williston; Athena twp., Warrin S Pinks; Columbia, George Hal; Canton . twp.. Enoch Selland; Franklin, Horace Willey; Monroe twp.„ Gordon Bull; Pike, Mortimer Pratt, Granville Stevens; Rome twp:, - James Park er, Burton S Smith; Smithfield, Ifenry'W Miller; Standing Stone, Alanson Taylor; Geo A Stevens, Henry Fisher; ,South Creek Heman Lewis, Henry.J Miller; Towanda twp., Geo H Fos; Towanda bore Wallace W Kingsbury, ;Geo Stevens; Towanda North, Silas Mills; Troy boro' Israel A Pierce, Charles C Paine; Troy twp., Eno* Luther; Tu s carora , William Mahoney; Terry, William Fratchey Ulster, -Geo W Nichols; Wilmot, Benjamin Stafford, Daniel H Corbin; Wells, - James A 'Roy,' dameal Osgood; Wyaltising, Samuel Howard, Har rison Black; Warren, Clark Bowen, William Rider, William M Chaffee. Gazerss, Sheriff. ok_ Store e and you Nov. 18. the - 8..0k want to ill now sell tinira up- Nov. 18. obettp-et tationotris Nov. 18. r T. e lar• ned in this e cheap, at Nov. .1.8. 16, 1868 Mathushek a year ago, since, and some of the ent judges in reat sattafac . a 'very supe r vements made ably of great d sweetness of :4 the izuttru %s in tune won !on in mann ents, judging Truly, f Goonnicu: hlathashek and mtuddal t music sup- -To fammenmi.—Wiintecl.—A man of xapital and energy to stock and run a Sawmill. Apply to, Towanda, Oct. 21. (ho. P. Cesix. ! u m uk d S ;n re will of Nov. 3. Fon SALE.—The House and Lot now occupied by mo, , situated'in Chestnut Street. The House is well arranged for a small filthily, arid will bo sold cheap.. Pos session given about the first ofgamtary. Oct. 20. S. W. ALVOLID. Term,lB6B _lssue Eject. Trespass. Beplevin. A HOUSE ANN Lor FOB SAL.—A splendid Douse and Lot for sale, situate on Second street, opposite the College,..olose to good schools, very pleasantly located.— The house is new, just-finir* died from top to bottom in &debuts style. For farther par ticulars enquire of D. IL BLEEP., on the premises. Towanda, 0et. , 5, 1868.tf. Case •mitL...Tres Caso Blood Co.,scila. mt Pa. LIFE IrtinzraAncs.--Tarties taking policies in Life Insurance,should take them in the Connecticut Mutual Lite Insurance Co. It is the the oldest. cheapest and best ; pays larger dividends than any other company, being freely mutual. IL B. Mawr,. agent, office over P&AbON 4k. Co's., Thinking /louse, Towanda, ~cabs appeal act fa .debt ...ojec .appen Lies I Luis I Linz I —The trader tigried having erected a large and ytinins. , sent UNE - KILN. which is now in fell operation, has - on hand a Lawn Su= or Warns Lutz, which he will sell as low as can bought anywhere between Pittston and Elmira. A CHEAT EthIICTION ie PIIICIS, Mille to dealers who buy by the quantity. Orders filled and shipped to all points by canaL • ...ease ..Sei fa .appeal *trespass ..ease appeal . ejeet .trover ..debt ..sci to .appeal • ' PAM BROWN'. trowitown, Pa:, Oct. 10, 1868.—tf. , MARRIED. WHITE—HIGDY—In Leßoy, No 8, Rev. S. P. Gates, Mr. Wm. M. • Sullivan county, to Miss Esther Hig =I ...debt trespass • -aPPeal of Leßoy. LANDON-:-BIINYAN—AIso, Nov. the same, in Granville, Mr. New don, of Canton. to Miss Maggie . of Granville. MERRITLIEW-:-WILLIAIIB-:In Towanda, Nov. 14, 1868, : by 8.. Esq., Ilir. Jobn I.lerritbbw, of Mn . Pa , Alias Mary Williams, of. • Pa. . COWLES—BARNPA I --In Orwell, by the Bev. Clark Samoa, C. G to Miss Perthena E.-Barnes, bo GRAND MUMS BECOND Ntw Wyatt ytittN3 FOR 1849: %P,Ei tangtiOFSPES 4 k- “. BW•YORK , PAPERS , : • SH0614:$000, MI Pus,'ln, Mu.w R. -,ATIONUT AND hartrium BLLNK BOOKS MEM YANKEE NOTIONS. Towanda, Nor. ),D,.MI R Rdaiß 1 rit Irk • 1 , = RE 11 us 'LT LLITI • B R A If If A fti; 'it 0 I, 14 'AitOttliaraPwats in the ero,''.4is' i*e what they have : _ FLOUR, FEED, FISH,, , SUGAR, roes, TEA, erica, BUTTER, W3OB, Lap, DRIED t AND CANNED., FRUIT Arabia .nuniii BAIN BY THE HAWK Olt BARBEL TOBACCO 'AND BILOMUO We are sole agents for tbe'best, brands of Vir • &la :and CAROLINA SMOKING TthIACC(IS, NCludesale and Detail Lastly. elrfry thin l kag ? i I n t.!CEItY =la PllO ir Remember she place N 0.51 *al street Brat door below Baldlemon's Block. Towanda. Nov. 19,1868. B.& C. LIFE, AND 'ACCIDENTAL INSURANCE AGENCY! Capital Represented over 827,000,000. JOHN W. MIX, Agent for the following we ~_ known Companies: , • , • North America, Pbiladelphis,...ll 2,901,266 72 'Phoenix, of Hartford 1,234,195 41 Germania, New York,.. .. ...... 876,815 SO Rome 10. Co.. New Haven 1,619,070 3' P North American ire7.o. do.. of New York. Kotula Life,Niiw Yark,.... Rimier. New nit We write pirliciea in the above reliable com, ponies at the lowebt rates, and the lossea,if any adjusted at this agency. Particular attention giver toifarm property. Office at his law office. in lie.cor's new block, north aide public aware Tows , Feb 20,1868. N. ,AS°PINWALL, Ea Is now receivin g at his , NEW - HARDWARE. STORE No. 129 Main &re,i, The most complete STOCK.OF S7O YES Eter brought to dill place, am ong 1 which be found the following CELEBRATED 0 ES, i , For _whlob Is m The Only Agent '4 Towanda MOBNIBG GLOAT, RATUBONES Mft;GMNT, BALM! ORE 'BEATER, Which are, without exception, the bed • Ilealing Stoves made ' iam a 4 agent for the Coot Mares OUR OLD HOME, CtAIWEN CITY, And they cannot be Excelled I am also agent for Platform and Counter Scales, Kerosene Oil, • Window Glass, Ali of which will he sold 1111 Manufacturers .Pricps ‘,To the litacle. I also keep censtial on hand a complete STOCK OF HARIIWARE, Of all kin coast-VAT ii p trt of Springs, sle4 &Ike.' . %AU Nods, Tin Wan, Ind all k Inds of Shelf Hardware, which will be sold at the lowest prices. 1 would say to Merchants that I will at all times meet Elmira prices. • ' Towanda. Oct,. 22:1868.7 NL ' MEW MAKING ERA& LIBIIIIZSM. ° MISS MAUI S. 2010SCILIP, Ineit.s the sttrittion of the ladles of torand% mi d yi. ; . ibits t to the . last that she boa opened a I r IRESS MAKING ESTABLDMMIENT, ton 1 the Min formerly =opted by the Mimes aster, one door tooth of Foz,sterreee , Nen= , Store. (tecon4, floor) where she woold • *happy to ears -those who say Woe her le! with. their, *trot' tam fediew.rwaideit 'Set eleecinitivelerfootsatheactiow to ell. pirsiptooks•lo, 1868,.--U• BESSZON ti al * - 41,,ff, 40,, 1)1i:*0. , ..0..,'-'4l# - - _,- powEr,z, & RACK RAIN COLORBfill MAE hi 4 r#4 IMMII bJ o o t:1 Solid Adam, amid Climaigamble: Poplhia. Frau& illembaks and., Empress Cloths, Ottoman Yakima. -datas• Mufti ~CUthst r4nulsels , c orer. Alp .a►s,,Ptsfdip Wok P4o* ,:famdmftel • ALL, NEW sierzzet N C. kt,_ IM. 'I .•;.-... GREAT. BARGAINS 1 Ell po w & CO. lO W , C 46 ; 11 1 1°4 111214# ct Goods for- CLOAKS - MD BIICB. Comprising ill the foldable and ihshions-, hle shades of *emirs, Chinehily/ VelTeteltut. itork , Abc931.•&404- esiM ana , ginuth velvd,/ - = AT LOW PRICES! C loths Accassitneroas, Black and , Colored / Beavers, French Coal inga, Englidi / Eaton', ilvadtdcothas_ Plain Black and Fancy Caathneres, - Pine qualities, and a full line limer grades for Bop -; wear, now open. POWELL Ar. CO. ALEXANDRE'S KID GLOVES, All sizes in colors, Black and these Celebrated GlOres, will Aiwa) 755,000 04 20,00 .000 02 606434 79 IE E:Ea 1 4" Towanda Oct. 5,1889. FLOOR OFL CLOTHS Towanda, Oct. 5, ISM. LADIES' do CHILDREN'S FURS ! POWELL V 130., Desire to ' announce that the will open and offer sale on Saturday next (October 10), their stock of Ladies and Children's FANCY FURS, a large dock of which they are now waiving. Towanda, Oct. 5, 1858. , ME EMOD BMPIt, BOOTS AND SHOES THIS DEPARTMENT OP 017 R BURNERS Hash, Doom, Nails We have devoted much time, and have spared no pains, to make our :docket BOOTS it SHOES the largest, best, and most attractive to be found,- and having made our pur chases front the beat and most Sirkes. 110D Haw Shoes popular manufavturera in , the Belt Ike country, we' t u na ofer a stock of Custom Made Goods un- equalled both, in magnitude and qualit y. Rang 111114101UNP. ' iya-t 0 Zi:1,:.'0.'..;i found et the Store of POWELL POWELL & 00. NIATTINCIA. 111A18, BUGS. &C., In pent verirty, now offend by POWELL & CO. tA SPECIALTY. TonedlN - 04. 6.3•18. Ahrullimeoou: g ;,Z1) Nsw,.su mnix GOODS IL 4. 211111CIG 140otti *MI hag teileit fle — th beery mow ninths et poi% eel eatbv to net the *III thee et nob se la M kr o Z hsese e/ bat Meek. Mt hen, pieces he Ask Istersoebest d theams. Mk* lktio sot si the shetteit'sethe, lee Is Ileseelidts# Bak ' - Oct. S. 18$11, _ • =I I,ustszoiciirs . • Alf()N7Altri7E'lB I,:foLlA 91:1 I Fall and * Winter Good • / ♦ 1"111 . PRES ' En _ Tression, of the Market! Whiet4ir,lll be sold ipecoadly at EU 1313 WIIOLESALE AND RETAIL 1 POVXD A lao;direot from Liverpool, EAUTI STOCK OP YE CRATES OF CROCKIKY ED By Tomsk, Oct. 6,1868.. A. PETTES A: CO:, re I sow receiving from New Tort it ine e► stment of ' GOODS IN THEIR ;LINE I ;consulting in part of !: OWN- & BLEACHED .MUSLIMS, ISS:AND CHILDESSIeI MIFFS GOODS, Muscy SkixtejShawls, Hooppiktris, LOlll2l, 11081131 T. YANWIE Norton, All of witels out be bought os ebeep es ti; same s. panty et goods can be bought In To; 'read Their WILINERY. DEPARTMENT Is'Agingrandshal with lb, latest ityleieot BONNETS AND HATS, And s gamed 'smartened, ov ■llih>ery Goods. with competent Milliner@ to Solt the taste of wbo ms aver them with their patexisar. 11 Winn will 1* tankibed with all 1 tads al goods at wboleciale price. DON'T FORGET THE NAIR AND PLACE. • Howe Nato Ettmet, directly opposHe Court. . B. A. Pgrrili'4 CO Toisads,Sept.l4,lB6.l.4m WICKH AM & SLICK'S 18 THB 01.&811 TQ ant OROOKERYI As we bare just rroefred a . Ism lot direct m fro th e Pottery of E. Jerk, Tanta, Rag land. Fzeia Baylis& & Co" Siniors, Fiance. Ban. Table, Mad, &a, &c. OHANDELLE.II9, For Chorcheo. Voris or Storrs., TOILET WARE - 'ln Chios, Swam, aid Japans& SILVER - PLATIO) WARE, Wateaoted of the beet iteelity. TOYS. FANCY GOODS, Tow Asa WILLOW WARgs S-TONE WARE; ?Asa , emir . , LOOKING CILLISSIB,./cO Wo odkir to the TRADII goods at City Pries& Promising to do as, bed ire rupeetto fly ask . you to giro es s ea. Tomodo. iDot. I, INB 1118SOLUTION.—Itotioe is hireby giventhat the ipmatereilirsle* lately sobeise. W between C. P. Clow and I. G. Patton of tiw boom& of Tawastii, Pi., Eider tie Ins was of Qui D Alo. ens diselred es Ow 70tb day of October. A. D. 1558, by masa canwd. Allduets P. to th e isld One are le be wand by 43. P. Qom sea all- dossed' spinet Ng Iss are to be prewelid for settle. meat to bl w. O. P. C 50313. Tosesia, Nor..,_llNB. J. 0. PATtOS. Tie Mw -win sUll be esnisd ea et NO.. 3, Pattas's Eloet, by O.P. Ogees nEOICIII 'TOBACCO AND .OIGANS NJ comas aissraa* . 1 AND PENIS, &a., &c; &a. CHINA GLASSWARE Of all kiads altpricee. LAMPS, -tes6l • N. PARTITION.--Orphan's ,Ccosui of Braked Camay; la the matte of the state of Jam Ramey, life at Overtop tarp,; deceased. 'tope bales sad legal ispreseatatives of aid Ailta, Bavaria. Irliersae. at as Orphsa , s Casa i had at Toirsada:ls sad foe mad county of . leadieed the 124 day of Bolitssiber. A. D., Me. hetors at Boa. P. It: - Brost/if pd' Asieciate Judges a asilliCoart; the petition , of Wad* Eamely, Addis* Paris (with km , meseed 13.0. peats. joinfta Stales Chase. (ma lasr bialmad 0. H. Mow, Maine el& dra and bars Jabs Havhy. late st Ova. tog. BadfordKeay, deafen', was !mod stabil forth. ilia lie said Jail ilaveety.died about the l i lgav o of dogma. 1864, lama% leaving to him a widoilf,Abalea Name ty Naas at a, and Mae diadem. via.: lilies Mao/dial alma the 20111 4or of Sept., 1866, leaving children, 00 *Edward, who is a aga(sail Belly. rot whom Orlando Haw ly is guardian. NOM Handy Haag at Albs- Orlando 'Masa Albsay, Makes (sow termartial with Geolsviiia) May aflame. liaria Waymsa (widow of Baloteos ii = Aa t i Albany. M . Nary ut (atm Geo. Neal, Wisp in Townes. Shales, ge d now intermarried Ida Oniem. B E4I *deltas Paris, now latermartia with gophers. Ms Paris i _ Using at Slimly. all of Madam! 1 1 County, Pa. DrAlansoa Haverty above& to Ohio daring the wari sad whim lilt head froni about i year ago. was lab* at Boman, Adams tautly. Whitman. Also the aildrea of a dsomestrilsoghler, at Piga* irif• Ohba Boyle who died about, yams so, - removed to Illiao4l,ald WOW died la the Malmo of the taiestati. at Orates. Pa., leaving to sombre her 'NM ichUdrah to wit: Elyhister. sim4-25 years. dem; at 1101000 s, Nabarka county , km,. Baena. NW 23 years living at Albion. Edwards county, _Climb, Lit• aged la yean livbp st Towanda, Pa. Wallace aged 21 yam, isnes mot Mows, Ramey who of Geo_rp Bunsen, aged UP yam -liaise at Albion, Edwards meaty. 114, Saes sied/17 living at Eldredavllle, Banyan county Pa. Franklin Boyles or !nisi, aged Etyma, living with and Adopted by George Iry .his Liberty Corners Bradford comity, Pa TM the amid John Beverly ,died seized de. 'alas as of . fee of mad aie maisomp or tract of bad situated to Overton. Bradford comity, Pa. sad described is follows s Be. at a corm mad midair south 14° east t pre. to a conier,•tbaaos southlo4 o west 3 pro. to a mow, these , south 574 0 east 70 pmeto s ootooktbotwo @oath 13reme -21 pm. to a corner, theme math a° eastA9- prs. to a coma, thews north cad 471 pea ton anasr, themettb=44 pis to the phoe carol . 634 MO% more role as ! apputeasacas. That sad.: by *toe of the latastate laws of this commil t it; the 081(1. Almiss Gaya- ly [the widow) ft belonp Where one third part of said »al sr ate for and daring the term of Iss• astaral Ills. That to your petitknas It belongs each to have the *goal latsenth kw at saidof rid estate, and frt oath of the e - of the said Catherine lioph.. deed, ft belongs so have cat isles* of one equal Meath part of said real estate In fee. No partition of said real • tate having been is the partitions pray tits Court to award on Inquest to make punk* of the same to sad amongst the afore said Firths according to their ;apatite sigh% • • Whereupon the Court, on due proof and con sideration of the preadult. award as inquest to this purposes aforesaid._ and direct noticeto be given to.the heirs in.this county 30 day. be ' fore inquest, and publication made and paper mailed to those out of . the county whose null deuces areknown, 20 days before inquest. Teat Norm, that an inquest will be held at the late residence of John Baveri.v, deed., In the township of Overton, in the County of Bradford, on Wednesday the Id day of Baum her,lB6B,4l 1 o'clock in the afternoon of that 'day, for the purpose of making partition of the real estate ot said demised to and among his children and legal representatives, if the same can be done wit bout prejudice to or spoil ing -of the whole ; aft:Twists to value and ap- praise the- same according to law; at which time and place you can attend If ou think proper. WW ORIPPIS. Sheriff's Office, Towanda. Oct. 23, 1868. RXECITTOIit NOTlCE.—Notice ie J 1.4 hereby given that all persons indebted to the estate oaßen,l. J. Hoagland, deed., late of Leßoy tarp., are - requested to make payment 'Bawd' delay, and those having claims against mid state most present them ,duly authentica ted far settlement. ' ELIZABETH HOAGLAND, REUBEN STONE, • Oct 90.18°x. Executors. EXECUTOR'S NOTloE.—Notice is hereby given that a. persons indebted to the estate of ABISAY SPALDURI, late of Leßoy, deo'd, are requested to make mediate payment, and all hiving claims upon 'said estate will present them duly ambentiested for settlement. AARON N. SPALDING _ tribentor °eV/ff. 1868. ADMINISTRATOR'S •NOTICE.:-- Notice Is hereby gins that all persona Indebted to the estate of .10/IN •JONES; late of ULSTER twp., deed., are requested to makelminediate payment ) and all maims bar- ins claims against said' estate, must present them duly authenticated for settlement. GEO. P. CASH, :- Administrator. Oct IS; 1868. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- Notice is hereby given that all persons J Indebted to the 'estate of J. if. PRESTON. dec'd, Late - of Smithfield, aunt requited to make immediate payment, and those harinfl demands againit said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. LYDIA B. PANNING, bept.B, 1868. Administrator. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- Am- Notice is hereby given that all persons een bled to the estate of Semantha Brewer, dilator Welles twp., dec'd., are requested to stake immediate payment, ant all persona har ing claims spinet mid estate moat present them duly authenticated for settlement. JEPPEBSON PUTBn AN, Oct. 20.1868. 5 ktninistnitor. ADMINISTR'S NOTlOR—Notice is hereby given that all —_persons Indebted to be estate of SAMUEL JOBBSON. late of Pike twp., deed.. are requested to make -im• mediatet. sad haring claims =Mate must present them duly an cited for sattlemest.--- UNTON BENNETT, Oct. 204108. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- NOUN Is qtereby 'ghee that all persons Indebted to the , eta te of. JOHN H. BADOSII late of Towanda, are requested to make im mediate pa t. and aII persona ha sing claim against mid estate must prom& them duly nu• thenticated for settlement. ELIZABETH BADGER, D. W. PRATT Oct. 20, 1868. Adininhtrators. A PPLICATION IN DIVORCE.- 1i To. Spencer H. fantasy-42'0. 247. Dec. term, 1868 . You ire hereby milked 'bat Mary D. Gunny. by her next friend Michael Jones. has applied to the court of common pleas • of Bradford county, for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, and the said court hu appointed Monday, the 9th day of December, 1869, at 3 o'clock, p. for hearing the said Mary in the premises, at.which time and place you can at tend If you think proper. Wif. GRffinfi, Not. 9,1888. Sheriff. ORPHAN'S COURT BALE.—By virtue of an order issued out of the 'Orphan's Court of Bradford county, the un dersigned Gnardian of the minor heirs of Enos Barns, deceased, will sell at public sale on premises on SATURDAY, NOVEM BER 28, 1868,.at 2 o'clock, p. m., (subject to widow's dower), the following described lot piece or parcel of land situate in Pike twp., late .the estate of John N. Barnes, deo'd., bounded north by land of Asa Warn er, east by John Bolles south by land own ed. by Kellogg Barnes, west-by land own ed by the heirs of Jeremiah O. Barnes, deo'd. Containing 40 acres of land. TERMS-Made known on day of sale. • JOSEPI S. MARSH, Nov. 12, 1868. Guardian. MOTION OF • INCORPORATION. The Articles of Association !cot tha Free Will Baptist Association of Bradford County, have been presented to the Court of COOIIOOII Pleas of said county, praying for incorporation sad snob incorporation will be granted on Monday.. December 7, 1868, uliless- cause be shown to the contrary. W. '--- A. THOMAS, Nos. 19,1868. ' Prothonotary. UNMET MARKET PRI CE IN .1-1. Cub paid for well fatted anoi drama. ed Noy and Poultry, at McCABE & MIX'S, North Store in Iferenea new Block. Nem 11.,11168. A CHOICE LOT OF WINTER 4-I. Fran of all kinds, for sale by the Swell or Bushel. at MOUSE it MIX'S. , FINEST BRANDS OF FAMILY rupurt, is market by tbo Barrel of Back, at . IIcUABB & SIMS CHOICE TEAS, COFFEES, SU NJ GABS; SYRUPS, In fact all kinds of Pim By G scales, dumpier Beady Pay, at lic(IABB WRAPPING PARER! Frig.TONS. WRAPPING PAPER JUST RE- CgIVED. I Raying seemed the &gentry for one of the largest mannfactareas in the country. we are now prepared to olitT great Inducements to merchanm and others =Mg Wrapping Paper. Our Mack comprises ererythhor lit the line, sad we reepeclintly solicit a portion or public batrostage, es we are fattened that we can sell goods ea low ea any establishment ontaide of the cities. • ' ALVORD k BARBER, Towanda, Oct. 1.18 4 18. Nercor's New Block WARM MEALS, AT ALL HOURS I I at 0. W. 1101WITTS diestiorant— Pam M pas coating to torta tor thaw. will 4o well - ee s call. , GEO. 10)11127 _Towage% has 11 1 10 M • , P 4114.- SERIM3- , • virtue a snit of Vena:..l6M,, issued out of the ,Court of Ora Mae of Bradford County, Arid to me directed. will botix. said to radii at the Oast noose ifs 18sOcernegb ofTapas* on THURSDAY'. , Dgcogsgalra, g, 18116, as' 1 o'clock p. ni4" the foHowhig ekseribed-lote s 9o6 _c'T Wed ' of bad situate in Wards boar bounded north by of Henry Card. - east by land. ier sai d Cod, south by had of Joy• mph Wordless. and weiA.by had of J. Ili 'Nash. • Containing 100 acres, mire Of less, about-75 saes improved, With two framed - houses, 2 framed barns, sooner shop, saw, Milt and orehad of hat treat thereon. Rebid and takes in eseention.ed the mit Feleg Peck Jr., The Sylvania Petroleum 6118pond0—The Mend* ambeacia ne of land allude in Orwell end Hee. slot tweet, boneded north by Issei of Wet Reath and the widow Light, east by land of Tholes B. Smith and tbeestate of Chas. ISteven. dated, and Homer Coleman, son* hybrids of A. B. Itrowti and Horner Cole. puma and west by land of FAO' Keeler and Said Widow Light. Containing 100 acres of land, more or less, about 70 acres WI:- proved, framed dwelling house,' 2 framed blew, ehop and °rased of hat trees there- - on. &Lad and taken in mention at the snit of E. P. Keeler vs. Stevens d Keeler: 1 ALSO— virtue of a Writ of Fa . 1 ; _ Will be w hat the same time and place,- the following deeeribed lat. piece or parcel of land situate in Utelifield tarp., bounded north by lands of Nathan Baldwin, east by Z. P. Walker, south by Michael Coleman. - West by William Calmer. Containing 66 acres of land, more or. less, about 4 scree , Ina red. with a few fruit trees thereon. • ' e other lot. phase or parcel of , situate in Alban/boa' bounded north by Chesnut.at.. - east by land of J. M south by lands-.of James Wilson, H. W.; l Patilek, J.B.Weller and the Baptist Church lot,l west by land occupied by James Snilth Ott 240 feet on Chesnut street in length and 110 feet in width.' Containing 26400 %fare feet, more or lees, all- improved. 'with a framed home thereon. . f ALSO—One - other lot piece or parcel of land situate in Atheist bow* bounded north„, by Chasm:Wt., emotter s lot metlid*d ia l James Smith, south' and west by formerly enr ot lN: C. Harris, and being lot No. 12 to stela. and survey of said borough __ by Orson Rickey for Ho. Bliniat, all improved, with a freWahouse thereon. and is in execution at the snit of Mrs. S. N._last va: W. K. Green. ALSO—The daiesibed lot,piece or panel of land ideate in Smithfield twp. bounded north by lands of Ziba Gerod - and William Russell, esitt by Robert Shad- • en. south W - Ira AdamS, west by Francis ' French and the patio highway. Contain inrloo. ears of land, more or lass, about AO acres • tarp:creed with framed house, flamed bun, shed, hog house and orchard. of fruit trees. thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit= of Robert McQueen vs. Lure A. Smith.. , _- ALSO—The knowing described lot piece or parcel of land situate in Canton town- • ship, bounded north, south and west by . lands of Orator Rockwell, and east by the publics highway. Containing screif land .more or lees, all improved, with a framed house and few fruit trees thereon. '• Seized and taken in execution at the suit - of William Brains vs. Joshua J. Denmark. ALSO—The following described lot piece or parcel of land situate in Pike twp., bounded north by lands of Milton Mid- _ &ugh, east by John Kinney, south by S. B. S. W. Stevens, west by Cyrus Stevens and Milton Middaugh. Containing 50 acres more or less, 'about 25 acres improved, with a few.frnit trees thereon. Seized and taken hi execution at the snit of Geo. C. Atwood vs. - N. J. Huff. ALSO—The folloWing described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Towanda boro' bounded north by lands of Thomas M. Woodruff and D. Larkins, catty an alley, '-south by the Widow Rawlins and D. Lynch . west by second strast. Containing IF•000 square feet, more or less, beihg 50 feet in front and about 100 feet leek, with a few fruit bees thereat. Seized and taken in execution at the snit of J. F.' Means ver. Henry Bassett. • ALSO—The following described lot piece - or parcel of land situate in' Smithfield twp. bounded north by E. 0. Harris, cat by Adam Schell, south by If. S. Dibble and west by Perry-Case and David Soper. Con taining 50 acres, more .or less, about 20 acres improved with a log house and board abed and few fruit, trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of josephus Campbell's use vs. Zopher . L. Morgan and Charla Morgan. • ALSO—The following described-lot lece dr parcel of land situate in Athens boro' being lots No's 11 et 12 as per plot and sur vey made by Orson Rickey for the Hon. E. Herrick, of said borough all improved and no buildings. - - Seized and taken in execution at the suit of C. F. Welles vs. John Caffrey. Ar ers—The following described lot,piece or parcel of land situate in Wysot twp., bounded north by lands of A. Lent and J. E. - 4 V. E. Piollet, east by Norman Wilite, south by lands of Samuel Shores and ..U. S Shores, and west by land of,D. Shores and J. E. et V. E. Monet. Containing 57 acres more or less, about 20 acme improved with a log house and few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in. execution at the suit of T. F. Madill vs. /sines McConville. - WILLIAM GRIFFIS; Sherirs Office, Nov. 12, 1868. Sheriff. Tao EGI6TZIL'S NOVO E.:--Notice in AA, hereby given, that there hie been fled and settled in the oak* et the Be etta of Wills, to , and for the Comity el Inrmard, accounts of Ad ministratlon dike the %Web; estates, viz : Final account of Barth Davidson and G. H. Vandyke, adios of B. IL Davidson, late of Uls ter, deceased.- Final account st Z. B. MGM, admr of J. N. Barnes, deal, lab of Pike. Mall account at illentsel Biter, admr of Hilo Peet, dec'd, late Of Smithfield, Final account of Janus Grant, adm'r of Isaac S. Crotat, decd, kW of Leßoy. Final account o(8. J. l W. B. Horton execo • tors of W. B. Horton. ikc'd, late of Sheleonto • Finalsecolott of Jeers Nolynetax, admr o' G. W. Hottenstine„ der.'d, late or Overton. FIAirSCCOCIIIi of L. P. Stafford, execotor of 'John Holleabsek, awed, late of Wyali u t= :Final account et Alvin Michela. - of , the minor children of Oconee Nkho dec'd. Final aceosnt of Geo. Pinch guardian of El ' len C. Johnson, now Ellen C . Walker. Final account of Samuel BU9aga, gardisn of F. E. Pepper. Finid account of Wm. Sheol?, adinr of Drt— can Sinclair, decd. ingot lifleter. Final account of laudßfillock, admr of Ab: ter Cooper, dec'd late of Springfield. : Partial account cf Sybil Lathrop and Daniel D. Lathrop executors of Wm. Inthrop, dec'd, late of Herrick. • ALSO—The appraises:eat oi *pr - vertyl set - on by thelfieentors or Administrators to'Nldo ws or Children of the following decedents :. Estate of J, t¢. Preston, . *a 'John - Joel% • • " * Samnerßennett. - • • Janie* Laces. And the mine will be presented to the Orph ans' Court of - Bradford county, on Thursday. the 10th of December next. for condrinslion And allowance. _ ____ B. J. MAD11...1., irtmember 10,168& PHOOLAMATION.-Wberess Hon PAU= B. STREETS% President Judge of the 12th Judicial District, consisting of the counties of Bradford and Sattuns. and sqee • Hons. Levi P. Stafford and J. W. Van Dyke.. Associate Judges, in and for odd Cathy of. Bradford. have issued thetrseebearteg date the 3d day of Oclebern.D. - Re directed, for holding a Court of Oyer Tenants, Gen eral Quarter Sessions -of the Peace Common Pins and Orphan's Court, at Tweeds, for W. County of Bradford , on Mooday. th e nt h day of. December-sent, to 'continue two weeks. Notice is therefore hereby given to the Coro ner...loth= of the Peace, and Coutables, of the Connty of Bradford; that they be then and there in tit* proper person, at 10 o'clock la the forenoon of said day, with their records, in =lons and other remembrances, to do those which -to their office appertains to be ddne ;-and those who are bound by retool= c or otherwise to prosecute ageing the intoned who. we or may be in the of said County, or who shall be bound to appear-at the eild Court, - are to be then and there to prosecute wen* them as shall be just. Jdrors are requested to , be punctual in their attendance, agreeably. to their notice. Dated it Towands,the eth day of October. in the year of our Lord, one Gamma eight hundred and sixty-eight, and of the Independence of the UMW States, the ninety**. WILLUIL tlgNpili, Sheriff. • A PrLIOATION IN . DIVORCE.- 11 To Silvia 8. Brown.—No.M. Kay term, .1868. Too are berebVed 'ftit George F your husband,' a piled' to the Court of Common Pleas ord County, for a divorce from the bends of =tidewa and the said Court has appointed Monday t he 7th day of December, Mb, for blazing the said George, In the premises, at "which time aad place you can attend If you think proper. WM., GRIFFIS. Sheriff- Nov 6.1668 A PPLIbATION Ilt DIVORCE.— Jos. To Boma P. Bice.—No. 181. Deo. term MT. You, are hereby nottdsdl that Lucie P.. - her toeat bind. Lester MOO, bra applisd to the Omit St Common Plan, of Bradford County, for • disarm from the bonds of malrionmp. sad lbw said Court bas appoint ed Monday, tba. Ith dop of Dee. lets, at two O'clock, p. a., foe bsatioutbs said Lode tn the prendiss,atirhielt Use a:l4oam csn Mind If poet& M um GRD'FIS. - Elberff. Iteider.