Ni.'. tram pfl Nii ons =i LI • • ..—Major 'Gen. - Hooker is now repor ted to be inDetroit, and rapidly improving is beelth —A dispatch from San Vreingieeo reports consideible-damage to, /topping by the recent tornado on the Ilexicia mat.— The schooner Pizarro capsized of Saitilles, and ail hands with the exception, of thetap tain, Were lost. The schooner /lards Wai mink at Ban Fast sea the English brig (A celia was driven ashore in. Bandana Ali, Ella will be a total loss. Other &Fatten; involving less loss, were also mentioned, —On Friday last the house of Dan McCrady, hi Pair Haven, Conn.. vais enter ed by lnuglare, and $150,' which his Wife had earned by opening oysters; were stolen. —Prof. Perry, of Williams, will de lirer before the Junior Class,• the present term, fortynew lectures on the Gnustitn tion. —J. H. Appleton, of Portland, Me., has been elected Professor of Chemistry at Brown University. • Patrick I.‘eacb, of Weatvili Conn., Who was hired, for . $l,OOO, to James Gorman, of New-Haven, has been arrested, with two other persons, for at tempting the crime, and held in $5,000 far trial. —The Massachusetts Homeopath ic Medical Society declare against the use of butt er, which they avEr "contains no el ement of food required by the human fam ily." —Josiah L. Pike, wto has been on trial for some days, charged with the mur der of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brown, at ILlmpton Fells, N. IL,, has been found guilty and sentenced to be hung on the 10th of November. -011 Monday night a party of Kukin', in Marshal County, Tenn., went masked to the residence of a colored man, named Louis Lally, torebisn hum Ids home and family, and carried him a short • dis tance from the house and shot him dead.— There - was no charge of any kind against him except that ho was electioneering for Grant. —Wortuald and O'Baidwin, • the g i 4 ut pugilists, who were arrested and held to hail in the sum of $5,000 each . for prize tigllting at Lynn, Masa., on Thursrlay,were released, their friends having clibbed to gether and given the proper bonds for their appearance in January next for triaL --The Texas fever having again broken out among the cattle in Hampton burg and Montgomery, N. Y., State Com missioner J. S. Gould has published a let ter detailing the.symptoms and the course of treatment which should be followed. He says that it is only possible to restrain the further spread of the disease, by the most rigid isolation of all the diseased animals, and the most'careful disinfection of the pla ces where they may WM.° been. —Late advices from Rio Janeiro state that Gen. Lopez, • with all his force, was at Valetta, and that the forces of the Allies were within a short distance of him. A battle was momentarily expected.. The Portogese Consul was taken by force from the American. Legation and shot. The com mander of the United States war steamer had sailed up the Paraguay fiver with his fleet; and demanded redress. Tue State of Illinois adopted a new seal on the 2Gth inst., just fifty years and two months from the day on which the State was admitted into the Union. The design is an eagle on a boulder in a prairie,' the 'rising sun in the distant horizon ; in the beak of the eagle is a &Poll bearing the words : "State Sovereignty—National Un ion." There is also introduced the Ameri can shield, as adopted by the original thir teen States. —Two Men and three bays were killed near Cincinnati on Thursday night by the explosion-of the boiler of a locomotive attached to a gravel train. Two other per sons were severely wounded. • All but the three boys were railroad employes. --The Washington Mills at Law re nce, Mass., here damaged by fire Thurs day morning to the extent of $20,000. George Bliss, formerly member of Congress from the Fourteenth District, Ohio, died Thursday afternoon, at Wooster. --A Planing mill at Montreal was horned on Tuesday night, and the watch arm on dtify Perished in the flames. -Thomas Heath, who is charged with having committed an outrage upon a youhg school girl at Contoocookville, N. H., has been held for trial in $3,000 bail, —Bishop Dugan has prohibited dancing of any kind in the Catholio Diocese of Chicago during fairs or bazaius held for charitable purposes. —Another sharp ahock of earth quake occurred in San Francisco at mid night on Monday, causing considerable fright. No damage vas done. • —Gov. Hayes, of Ohio, has appoin ted Thursday, Nov. 2G, as a day of Thanks giving. —A son of Isaac Sacoe,of Waynes• burg Chester county, shot himself 'while out gunning a few days since. -The Schuylkill Navigation Corn- puny has completed a telegraph line from Philadelphia to Port Carton. • —Coal has advanced one dollar per ton in the mining - districts. Poor pros pect for poor people. —A couple of prisoners awaiting their trial for larceny, in prison at Belle. fonte, made their escape on Friday night last. —Judge Williams has accepted position of Justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, to succeed Justice Strong. —The loan by the burning of Ful ton, Batman & Co's extensive rope mann factor, in; McKeesport, Penn., aggregated 5143,0001425,000 on the buildings, $lOO,- 000 on thf, machinery, and $lB,OOO on the stock. The insurance amounted to $122,- 000. • . —Mr. W illiam Miller, an aged and respected citizen. of Beecberville, Adams county, - committed suicide by hanging Win self, on the litb inst. —Rewards amounting to $50,000 have been offered for the apprehension of the murderers of A. W. Itea,'near Mt Car mel. Several parties have been arrested on suspicion. --Reuben Hartz, of Easton, an agent for sale of ,Sewing miwkines, hi the street in Sunbury, on Wednesday night, of last week, and expired in a few minutes. to death was attributed to heart disease. —There 646 lodgeti of Good Temp lars in thb; State. • —Dr. Charles Jewett will Cunt tuenee e t maperaaes campaign lntbie State, next month. --The people of Lewisburg of mov ing for a course of jectrusiduziog the com wg sinter. —Aa the Wesleyan lietbodista Of Pittston, Wens bolding a festival Jut week, several of the door joists broke, a part Of the door settled 18 Inches, and there Vs a stimpede, a MU, Meting told' IsciXdfliad• ly injured, . laitord Tomb, Thursday, Nov. k, .LET TIB .HAVE PEA . C • VICTORY 110fOR =I The , .Weinting Tkle! . 7 ' EVERTIiORTNEIO4 STATE Grant and Colfax ! fiction held last Tuesday be announced in few words. GRANT and . COLFAX are elected President - _• and Tice- President, having carried every Northern State. - From all quarters comes the report of heavy gains for the Republican cause.' The reports of course, are not yet sufficiently accurate to give the precise majori ties, but the following table iipto bably not much out of the way The r MR GRANT & COLFAX. Eke: Votes. Kra l 7 . 4. 5 30.000 12 70,000 4 6,000 6 4,000 ' 26 ' 20.000 5 6,000 21. 25,000 13 10,000 8 ' 27,000 3 10,000 3 ' 4,500 - Slates. Maine. New Vermont Massachusetts Bhode Island. Connecticut. Pennsylvania West Virginia. Ohio Indiatui Michigan Kansas Nebraska New Je North Carolina South Carolina Arkansas Illinois Temnessee Wisconsin Minnesota lowa Missouri Nevada New York California Total Electoral Vote ..p4.1 . FOR SEYMOUR & BLAIR Georgia 9 Loniaania 7 Oregon 3 Delaware 3 Maryland 7 Kentucky 11... . Alabama 8 Total Electoral Vote . 48 Our latest advices as to the result in New York, give the electoral vote to GRANT by a small majority, and indicate the election of HOFFMAN (copperhead) as Governor. New Jeriey is reported as giving A small majority for (hula. The returns from this County show gains for the Republicans in almost every distriet, as will be seen by the following table, • The majority foe GRANT will be about 4,200. DISTRICTS. Armenia; Alba borough Athens township Athens borough. Asylum Albany..... Barclay. . ...... ...,.... Burlington Burlington bozo' Burlington West - Canton twp , Canton boro' Columbia Franklin. • Granville • Herrick Leßoy Litchfield: Leßaysville boro Monroe twp Monroe boro'. I Orwell Overton Pike. Ridgbnry - Rome twp Rome boro Smithfield Springfield. South Creek Sylvania Sheshequin Standing Stone Terry.. Towanda twp Towanda boro' Towanda North. Troy twp Troy born.... Tuscarora Ulster Warren Windham. Wyalnaing.... Wysox .Wells Wilmot Total U. S. SENATOR FeoYPaxxsrtv~u —+ There seems to be no lack of materi al from which to choose a Republican United States Senator in place of Mr. Backelen. Already have been men tioned the names of Tliemas M. Mar. shall and James K. Moorhead of .Pittsburgh, Benjamin H. Brewster and William H. Kemble of Philadel phia, Galusha A. Grow of Susquehan na, and Glenn' W. Shofield of Warren. Still other names will probably be suggested with's' few days. mi. The late election secures us a Republican "United States Senator from Pennsylvania, in place, of Hon. Charles a Buckalew, Democrat ; and another from Indiana in place of Thomas E. Hendricks, Demooribt.— Dixson, Johnsonite, in Connecticut, will be: succeeded by Governor Buck ingham, Republican ; and . Wisconsin will nezt-month supplement Doolittle, another of the same school, by a Radical. —Reno and Anderson, the Indians norms robbers, who have been under at: =bastion in Canada on an .application for • warrant of extradition, bare been deliven. ed to United Saks tieteetivea. They went quietly taken On bean, a tug at. Sandwich. with *considerable seerroy. and started on their return to Indiana. hu attempt at res cue was entielpatee: "Itilo6 .Requi#tion has been - mado by Gov. Gle*on Ckrr. Fenton of Nrr ', 111 ,0 , , - .:: 144:;404 0 ,, 4 0.-b.,„ ~,,:_...„.--- this ..., , ~,,,,,,.„ ..,. , ~...,: .„,.... \ b..-. 4 - the,.....1--- ,' 4- OW county for conspiring to Tio ~, or election laws. - Among them are tfenrrWA?ienetrPeter-Noitor; MitcholkFlorenci: Seammell, Le*in Baker, Rocky . lloore,,George Night erty, John (keen, :Edward Toßy, Michael Fitzgerald, and °theca —Since ---therAN4obee-electkM hkrfigligaher4eleo.s4V?ffiggr, have been arrested and-held to bail foi re-- tO recciOiat: naturalisation' papers issued by the Supreme Ourt in September., - .4hi . Satur47 all the bills viere . lsoCiist . by tlkeiraufijOY. In the test case, 400ge Bre*siei c •ini giving :his decision, .sostainediV* election officers in refusing Abe - votes, of certain parties' on' eleooU , day, holding certificates of naturolistldn signed by j. Ross. Snowden, timiPro. thonobiry having failetrto reoOlinize, his"own signature and seal orhie court in open court , LEM • —A petition contesting 'eleg• tion of Daniel M. Foxeika Been filed in the Common i'lese represents that the trite vete` of the city was 59,770 for Tyndale, and 57,- 000 . for Fox,. giving to. Tyndale majority of 2,779.- The speciitica=, tons of: fraud, &e, are similar t o. those in the other petitions filed , in the case of other officers.. Trio 14th of November his been fixed for the bearing. , —Judge Read's .- term . " Nisi Prins " began' Monday morning,. At the opening of the Court,. District- Attorney William B. Mann, :•accorn panied by a committee. of electors and merchants, called attention to the louse manner in which naturali zation wa% carried on in " Nisi Pri es"in September acrd October. Judge Read *laud' that the whole issue of naturslizatiou papers by the Court of Nisi Prins was con trary to the laws of the United States and of Abe State of Tenneyr vania, and that the papers leased 1:1 that Court are illegal, and should not be received at the !rolls as competent evidence of citizenship. Judge Real calls attention to the acts of Congress on this subject, and orders that hereafter no more. aliens shall be naturalized in the 'Court of Nisi Prins. There is no doubt that Judge Read is sustained by' a majority of the Court. The Judge then !added " I have been informed that, it is the intention of bodies of me k organized in the Cities of New,York and Baltimore to come to this City do to morroi , to il legally vote. I desire to -warn these people, in my capacity as ex officio Justice of the Peace, and as a Judge of the highest CriMinal Court in the Commonwealth, .that if they, are de tected in such violations of the law they will be punished to the full es tent of the law. I may add that I . have this City, of -which I am a native, for seventy-one years, and I never before ! heard of such out rageous conduct as that precticed at .the election held on . the 13th of ()eta her last ; and with the gentlemen of the Grand Jury I unite in calling opon our beet citizens, without re gard to party, to aid in preventing a repetition of these scenes."' • .. 40,000 15,000 .. 40,000 30,000 President lii 0 74i 40 177 110 112 192 Tan remit Tnotrm.r.s.—The se counts from the *est show that the Indian' troubles lire not yet over.— The last reported engagement; in Kansas was on Th, orsday last, when some seven hundred Indians were encountered by * put of one of our cavalry regime n . There seems to have been a gere concert of ac tion among all he hostile itribei in regard to their attiek upon the whites this fall, and it )will' require conga& erable hard fighting to put them 167 18 1 103 1 320 1 89 1 down. The Cheyennes and the Ara • • pahcii s were ' tile tribes wh ich ished the warri'rs for Thursday's ' fight, and these tribes, togeiher_with • :: the Comanches and Kiowas, will'be • • able to place about five thousand • • # mounted warriors in the field. Gen : erals Sherman ,and Sheridan, and . Governor Crawford, of Kansas, are agreed that thetnly way to perms . neatly settle the Indian troubles is : by the; adoption - a vigorous policy, and if the India ns will really take the field• and givo our troops a fair chance to fight them, therel is a very good prospect that a permanent peace will be the result of this fall's cam. paign. A volunteer regiment of one thousand cav alrymen is being raised in Kansas • for Service against the Indians, anditheY will belready for the field in afee: days. The lite and Osage Indiau !lave rejected ell ov: educes mao to them for joining with the bMttlie tribes mentioned •above, and tbeyL l will -render import ant set us in acting as al 57 21 112 108 73 17 N 7612 EM of the dist as follows : Bas n =ldeL.ana Wyoming Totals. Hsjort 7. -. Strnanorr ;or tfa_ALAaixa Information has! been received at the State Department to theieffeck that the difference . between Or GOverii; inent and Brighthiaa to thelawful responsibilitY r4iting opitie g latter country cm,acommt of *balsa claims has bembidittated in a manner satisfactory; both tci .. lllhdatet doiMson and and Stinteyr *is:T*ool4 sna minist44 themion that.a fisaljiettlement - of sill the gum ti°t'a 8 ° kmg bidispab3 Void soon Ao attained. •' • -• . • • I=l dal vote Idfi ct pr . State Senator is 1 paterhodt..; .• •4 • .4,684 • ; • ;.4..7.b86- I. I , :46890 - ! -i•• /1533 1,768, ' ! • 13,903- manta &lg. to opotabt bus on tt! ilit ''- - -Ptiliiert " atililtasitfa t:/111, talthron *lag ! , the fboh er sins it. - BA* Vetremiht the stablalto hweettllpt miteedbift tithe .loft ons bin** tlitilteedi jrai ' tialgog- to!' • , • illallla lfabullli it The:, :ll,' The: , there li°l2s V it 1 1114/ 4; I'. o ,, p li: streit. 1 , :. t, —Dr. l itioftiit'of .0 6 4 1 :MA4Pr0n . .. 1 ' 4* 4l oantflocf9 lll nelAsT of llizt Ire* --•Tw I p . 'distil° PiVettlOs4 In •• • " task- ;I¢; ..ins* :Were Riciiiiiiriit' • . • 'tine of , Mile seized a Mhilt;'111 : 8 ! sideemami Othei thi t ertetide di loss amonetieg to'S ' 'ehtice,` 4 thief auto 'at one ' o the hotels ' rings. ' fl"neither • eppreheutd. . --LA 1 jfpeng. m Banfordiwei ones • . day s abe'Od, pith Farmers,' end Me Re bad depoeited 4 000 ln4 $ 3 • 00 0 lame inn forg Waabin n bank.. t i ti , cash, on dra was arest.eil, their been ditotvered. ' —Ftaok Roun ly arrested as one o Johnscie itnd mate, of Somerset County county for trial, . • der in MEI first de: hanged. i He has haplictizig three oti are 110 1 lunder as murders were come robbing the vesseL there iwtitt 000 o $l2 fig. 1 \ • —Andrew Ro land, ilarmer Fee ding feuri u miles fro Hagerstown, Md., was mystetio ly m , Con Sunday ?night, -the 18th List. He killed by being struck ou thS head with club while in bed with his wife, i and the rer escaped. :Lewis Snydet., en inmate of the house, Las tuna. tad at! the time ott snspicioh, and subse.• quent;dSvelopments led to the &mato' Mr& Rowltind on Wednesday- last. Mr. Row land was a membt 4 of the Independent Or der Odd He bad his life insured for the ram of $5, ,ozio•ltalf for the bene fitll of ihie wife, the reinsinder for the benefit Of his * r . by his former wire. At hie death his vie entitled to $lOO from the Trans; of the Odd Fellows. habits the $2,504 insurance. -.The mtirdtr of Hon. J4mes Hinds, tate Mem of Congtess from Ax- Tfiaristut,lwas A. Clark, Searetaty of / 1 the tieniocratic nunitteit of Monroe Coun ty. pi met Mr. • ds and his companion, Mr. Brooks , in t road, and saying that be Nrorthl hill them th, fired at them, wound ing I f fri Brooks. ' Mr. Hinds attempted to escape,;and washot in the back with fatal . effect. ; Clark, w o, it is said, was laboring ur.dir an attack delirium tremens at the time; was ones and lodged in jaiL :The WY of Mr. • was taken to the State home it Little on Tuesday, where it lay in state several hours, and was thei fated to Salem, N. Y. 1 7—An Interer at the IMissicciar sgairei Boston, of the ;departure foreign field. Litclin'pla, m., Milne, Ohio, Itlerattifin, Penn., siotS Lei, Souther& er, from Wisc lur. o Mastmehusetts, 1 0 1, 21 1z;t 1 o luunton, N. for n. They Itobltre, ba l-The Tex(' ken mit in a dro N. Y. ...0 cattle in the dr' ol queUt ,day anotli is supposed 1 tedto them by tle,lwhich had i which had not'! The dtove was Ohio.' 1 1 grepogi t is , Arent its the ifittet. Vaii'desit k , The -*Mau this !, antrigespe# l7. l vujihilniiii I ~b' -, 4tiM to raj*, 610 thii l 'ilttick to ell 'ennigivaPikwlß .01 , ,c49.c0gr.bY04,_ MUM". On ;Well; :robberies vete' • coi • :; two Wines 1101.0)4 'Store., ehaeipo the. ttiiiheis ihe kat 000:th In, e other . the' itioin 6316 Vivo e were the iobbeill . :.,. u 4kamed Rodney ; in Baltimore on Mon. to Rationil Rank— in the bosh between cash,. sad 'boat the ebecks - drawn on a He then drawn! his . g against the ; checks worthlessness having ; s, the negw recthit tho rairderers of Ca ptj .f the sehOoneir" ikons, Md., and taken to that been convicted of =r e, and attained to bp' de a f confession, er persons, two Ofirhom tales of death. The, fitted for the purpose or The murderers thought , board,whut only found iug meeting was held Booms, in Pemberion. I , a Eautday, on the occasion of six missionaries to the. H. Palmer'l4. lk„ from E a Mts . Pallier frosik:NeW d Miss' :Hartley, from will join , the Ifadaia 112111•' 1 111dia. Rei. Itr.Peaiilll. in,' Hrs. Ihdteimer, from 11 \ Mas s Webstir, from Y., ` are to join the CeyloO were to OM the bark cattle- fever has bro. •e of cattle near Hampton lilatarday last two young dhul,nnd on the Bilbao. er sueenmbe4.- r The' die• to hLve been eemmuntea;. a carouses of 'other~ oat. led in the same field and. -n bona deep enough - 7 . I •rough! from Painesville, y night five bereate -On Sand brohe into the ; EL; and were waldt'whenit p National Bank at Alkw, >ngaged ifi Oiling into' tka vats 'watchman discovered theft Operatio and who was otherd came to frightfully steel tar, and rescue. r The officer wfui -is about the * heed •wvith's 'tingly shot thiough..the oer elidre4 4latatftlY; and IP4ting all their tools• cid of $l,OOO is'ofiered for hal t rt: The the! Murderers behind. Atw 'tilieeppiebetui , H t, an yirid y night, a man entered the inli- hone ear Meant Hope, Hashes tar! and, pressiting a pishd il) the head of the isterkee pe , dsmended :what money Wire .was in house. dihsr,some wordy,' . the keeper a the man by thiland con. 1 Wang the p and triad to wrench it fann his grasp. The man &redrew a club from ids slow and struck the keeper on 5 .--* rei m in the ........, g him weedy Wend big; ' The took from the thaws/ a few coppers, and - ped. He stated that he h r i... had jilst eau d from , the State Wean. - . I---Jobn Pe - per and hie wife,' wiiii' so'cmelly and ' nmanittreated & li ttle . Of.. phan ; girl nam - HriyAnn ihnithibybutzr ing her Ws, and , arms with Wrid: hot Poker,`ln Tennessee , recently, :were lined $6O the Bermidar. the highest tuirdelumutt could Indict. 'i As ,tbe part al ms Ake were . to leave thWPoline thant, Ili aqtonfroitt hianteipaCourt wrested both wn an *mid against then 9,037 by tie teed I Wit, sea. teat -!o metal 1 who' ttieeta the efej, Paskiw'sal . Wilt toy hhi HOU ding Stnegit died the soup. ttb, Mts. 811.1 001' be= I •-• 1 iliii 104 OW ra'°_ _ oo3l Mat ~be ttisit b 7 a WA eatePe . "btu pepAr- • ye, of" Jitesib Sharp rt, PoisolOd ID:Blida; Penn.. milmie ssointithied Unit tie ministered in ivies soirp sent i ibilehe vim vOrkbig inthir * 1 anaillirehma t 7 his at tier mothers rismst.....: el'i !itidit l 7 ahnia4adalli4 iltiritlid tisa i'cisepli ' Itii: gait's paramour, was mesa:' , Ala : Both.** tottuid, am` bs trifikla Prairitaar , ted ,that Aire/14414 Dunn; as were killed. On an M enge puma end InSnn and ean►p -J. The premed. - hes - - 1 , 1 641A71., Indium who . depredatkols *i Y. i.- Ef",g4':-11 Aasmr:.: irtiT 1 liedlierivrTer: . . lboullibtokr. 4 - 1:1 • I fOkiiiiikall'.l7l Carbon On*. k• • • -.l•A= Chester. Crearlebi . .1 Columbia. ‘ : 6 71 Debris:4 Sir,. • • •• •- • • a u auiofia na - erougy it; lottr': , 11811 s'asisOfitiedi t-J • E r s ra t oi •1W tr 4• •••• sr. tingdon. Indlsais,4'l'4- • jeffexsoa bbidibtob •w b • LopcblOas • 1 00 p• !.•.• Last* IXIZOMOL. Lyetaning MeSeim Mont* .c..--- •Mcisko-FF- • fpgr . IMon 114==.4i F•nr. • Phildelp*. • Polt " ptiag to defevid th• Behr Somerset... 4, 13 31 .1" El van Smiqnolianns. • TioSs - ;••'• •• • 5.,. Warren Washington... Wayne... • WeStOldeilp4 WO ll O l 4l , ••• • lrink Tot .... . , Majarities. TIMMIGMIG Unto God,- our • Creator; we sre in debted for life and all it& blessings. It, therefore+, becomes 'picot all ti 114% to render onto Him the 'homage ; grateful hearts; and, ` 'in .the perfor-: mance of our --Boded duties; to Set apart Special periods to "enter into 'His gates-with-thanksgiving slid into His condiwith praise." For this .puti., pose, and in' oc.eardanci with an: .establis - bed custom,' have designated Thursday the 26th day. of November I next ' • and I recommentlthat the peep. ple of this Coinmonwealth oa,thaday refrain from their, usnat,:avinatiens and pursuits; and: assemble at thei ehohen places of,. worship,: to "praise , the•name of God .and magnify ;Him „ w i t h t h itu i ts e v i ng . t +! devoutly to.aa knowledge. heir dependence, tinkle'' , upon Hit altars the cheerful offerings of grateful hearts. - -• Let us thank Him. with Ululation humility for health- and :prosperity -,: abundant harvests ; the protection of commerce, and advancement of scien tific, mechanical, . and • manufactural interests' ; • -our prOgressin edupation morality,: virtue, and social:order ; :the increase of otir material !wealth.;. exemption from pestilence contagion. dieea6 6 an& the :destructive hkiteence of war,; •ler' having blessed'. us at w people,and a nation; : ,and opened: be fore us the lifightest prospects for the;flitunt.; and for, other ,blessings, . both temporal •sod , He immediately seised Wag: eintaide; *bet! the ~~1 , 18991 , Ine3 EMI 2M , L 476 51 6659 2956 -9037 I inis 41919 if= 12 ' 1 28491 919 ;46'31 t I - Awn i , - 37815 1118 • • 1 20 902 77 • 3801 L. fool deal 7 702 110 EV 3745 4321 ~~ ~.1 • ~, 779 -482 1 .1722 A 1478 4842 119711 1413 158/8 3891 4287 4738 • meal 48801 883' 4793 __3343 • 848 tr 3 11::/1 1862 4949 9397 6569 _1765 4431 2990 4946 2698 5335 1549 6053 El] BY JOlri W. MAZY, CIOVXOXOI4 With . Blira Piviue favor let us pray,. for forgiveness ot our sins,- making, c publit.confession of 'our. dependence, i thit wp may non 'dune worthy of Hie parental love and protecting care ; that our civil• and religious libertiesand political rights may \ remain unimpaired ; . that we may remember with gratitude our country's defenders;'and cherish with sympathy their widows,, and • orphan children „and that imrpitt,he through life may be , dire by the extimple , and r instructions qt . the Bedeemer, wholdied . that 'we Might enjoy all the blessings which temporarily. flow therefrom, Aand eternal; life in the world to come. • I Given iinder my hamt. the _great seal of the Btatc,at Ravishing, this twenty-eight day of October, in the year of our Lerd ono thousand eight hundred and sixty eight, and of theVonimonwealth the ninety-third. JOHN W. GYARY. By the • Governor.:- f^ t Secretary. of theOommonwealtli. TUMBLE RAILROAD PpIABTER. A Hadisa River' Truth 11.skia4ed Ut ' Near Atiatiriro rirson4Kid and a Iris limumbeililreanded--A Illrakerri Safi °meanie of the Disaster: . - Amu:, N.-1%, Oat. 2rt. ; Aiirrible "accident occurred, about ifi o'clock last night, to the express train from New York, op the Hudson River Railroad. The ' accident oe;, coned three miles below Greenbush, and was . Minna by a' broken . rail.-,. The - train consisted' or eleven care, fear passenger &lichee, five sleeping cars, a freighV and a baggage car, and an expreisa- car. ' Three coacha and tiro'ileepirig cars were thrown _ from the. track,' and 'are CoroOletely, wrecked.''' Mrs. M. O. Tyler;of North. Bast Penutylvinik " who hiid been . Making a tinrchases in 'New Yoik was *filed outright. John' Davidson, ,n a railroad contractor, of I,Yone,-Wayne county, was fatally injured 'about the head. He was ? broug ht to .tte Dela. van Eloise, and; died this mornitig r -U The folloWitig 'tlittied I:pet:aims were also brought te 'lt his • ly ' and cared for.;; tor i a Mrs 'Sohn 1-13aVids u`,..'e1 , 1104' Wayne ' county ,'" injure f inieinslly_; 1 Pliney T. Sexton,* of Palatiiit,',N. , Y., t i t bruised' about thetead r B. M IfiAilet of Rochester,lT: 'lr;'' adlY lirnisedf JOhn'Heridestoo,'Wife 'ittl , threenhlV dren, of Philadelphia; pc* •:' Mt. Hermiston wee, aim* , bruised'' Mis..Hennititint *is slightly ftijiired; the children'ese*l:- Paint . ; 'ir. Adolphus; or .Anbiira,';!.!T., badly l ig igir i v:about the . hee d '; his wife. was . htlY Injured ; 'Jerome' W:. Rogere r ' of titer,' N. 'Y.'; Irijiii'ed in the' sable Sad - right sidei'danketoPitly ; Idling; Riad** % U' Colltaidttianii; fatheriinid sob, sY'leiw: riirleiiiii:( theldrigliji intiiiiall.f iiijiieek, and: ilsOlkillit le g and 'ip,basi': 6) late lokeknisly ; *ea* 044 • ; ~.„ 1 .,, . 1 .,,.: _,,, ~, „ . .:.„. Jo 'f. ...! ..= Of their number; Mr. Davideon wad the. 011:19001Pia...K.A.' atstr% !=1 CM fLit-iibtAiLlfgfonow % is, style 01. %. tei ..-_ ,a con-eon ' e i l iitoilzi,r, t ' , • I.* a r t4!if i r l Oi li fte . ; , i t . 01 0f .1 1 :pii6 '40.: e' `o.' Atit4l6 8 W. 0844111 . ROBO4 9 6f1 ii 1 .1,1 . stitth „ p i itiescron soeiviihu, A 0 ~, e i'act.o)i4.l l 4 l , o •=O,IuPP i4l, , 6 'o rot' pifO liiireii4 j i 34 stitoiilliite:Yil . r It 0,07#d I aibilte.' - lfihi li lit tiiiinateA by liffee of Jightplog n , ,imliOtjaie the 2 00 01111 !* 1 4,4 1 4tf0; it I:, l rV et i : C - 0114 : 1 , gil l il'. . e re-14.0:1:46C#.0#04 Or ir-*9t lip , pst9Pi! „ 9 ~ t ePlI nte MtiOliCf b itt3lo,ir ti f o9 o 4al I f RAti t t 9 tie i ng 9 .RtPt a rt tl° KIT I PIeV l i r j t )41 1 4: 9 4N-010 / 41 ft.lif I 'Pi 'tAP tV 9)9 l4 ;PfPßii*P Y . ( . 118 0,. Oit:Mtp. n pßaffket.,. milt 14 44 C" h ire ; 4 .'19 9 P- 0 9*P' i 11 11 4 ,4it i 7 ; ev c o P' 4 91) t 0114.." im .0g of t! istu r , 0,4 0 ittom • c) if in Ulcerat:Oa or the I. ratio t-. tot , ‘ Ono .040,01,ffecteliatial the liamve - mannTeduret by"this 'ootoi- PY.:Oir t 14 9 1, 10 , 1 F P 1 9 4. V r eTR5 4B P"' .ioiyi „4 1 4 iii 61 14 ',u °l °K-thq,''!M n P l i 4 the iiepot4,, 00; 1 'Flet r Ath „m i the peßtrp cif the",etfunk: 31,1 bi t c ii, cam ill'etelY, aidsilky fylikere be r.Thilii rho. 1010 r. PinfflileAekr . eiplcA;,i . ato the a ** i l Agifr ig4C. O) Ole ae otiDIPR,V,9 !CM. 4 4 4 hcK 4 iPik. ot the hlatettcal pietercle it ti s ixVieer, thalteet 4)(all utoscopicil, Fx,inmatidn. -., ; A • 14118 1,i1,48 3 awn' 1 2295 %,;$Oll6 „NW . 4319 los 1 5, 1 1 • 2075 1 , 1 rti • 4782 46Q't I 'isst 430 13459 • ,0037 • ' 810 4169 1631 .487:1 982 4795 1856 , 1 '733 1199' ' 4446 3680 . 2670 Om 337 1 '1605 8184 3189 _: DM 462 ' 468/ 5411 ,2018 4430 8 980 4936 1698 PAYIneIeRFUL .SToltre, ari Tsuc—ltTh e SinYtna.(ya),Timer says, f'Altronder fa! . story. ae •in :icinittlatiolf- in this . town thismOrning,• About in •,(Irisfield who has_beeilstriaken down foe, blasphemy. •The retorrrims thus : 'he mats :{we insult iearn•the name). on Sunday : last started off, to go fish wife,tried to persuadohim not to go, insisting-,he would he .vio kiting tbelaw.ofillad•by so doing. The man remarked • thet.i he could go end "catch meisi - .,0f fish I,before Jesus Christ- was awske,F, andtpro needed Inge 4.lmamsasix River., On arriving at She • shore , he mink down in the — sand up to .his neck, syhere he remains. .natwithettuiding every 'ef fort made i ts extricate him by digging away the sand.. 'This has beentone, iind his Sete,ellt to free his= feet, but he still remains:there, asinextricable its ever. '..our telegraph ;agent at Clayton, sent, IV telegram , last night flearn•Lthtn. facts in the ease; and the Operator. at i Crisfield replied • that • they% ..wero .atated above," Lt • !,--; ,t• 6578 1767 60(15 FE 321955 831184 321955 CM Ntw Abuttlistnitnto- WIC Ka AIM & BLACK ialie base, Just eeeolved a 'I ergo lot &reit 'from the . Pottory'or E. dark, Tattetall, , Co .; Sitnoges; Fr mice. LAMPS • - /se. ' " CHANDE,LIERS, For Churellei;Halli or Storni. * TOILET;.' .• - 'in Mtn*, Ration, and•Japitnned. SILVER PLATED Warranted of the best quality. (3 '4' l d:D , TABLE GUTLICAiI", ,LOOKIgG WASgES, Weroace to tbilradDE goods it City Prices. Promlslng,lo do our best. we reepscrtcr Al ask: you Leese us a call. Ttreasda. Oot.l, 1868. - •!, 'Krim P- I. PthIEIGN r I,OOIIIIISTIC."CaNNED 4 DRIED Nuti r aquies, Fruit Extracts,, • • Constattly*a hand,a and will be sold cheap as the cbespeg, Also the best quality of meai are, or can, or keg. Freak: ;up] Fine 1:14:WOOD'd NEW,VORS, .; 7 ' Ept ! yeet, IferFurs Mock Towanda, Oct. 15,. 1868. c j - .EROSVALE. PHOTOGitiGiI o wait —l3.4iraciki4 Ananiniped.: are abiegistge , Phirlogriptt Picturro. Ara u t7 ea t Gard Photographs. la the la total aad a reduced 'prices.. Copying and enog done to • order'. We charge Dabble extra tor Groups: , Babies -Pictures or Crippro! besda.wlth long face& Can and see our sp . :umens. our stoca'of Albeaiii,traaisiste. r ; -; . ; • HASNI3I3 GO., . Leltsysvilie. Oct. 22,1888. 1. pBIQT LISTo...CASOADEIIILLS:' .! 11 4 8 " '3 3 40 buidrad 4,10' 1 =1 . " to tiiliAllicants -swum 'to l aisirm;4' We e alg a tagata. Bl3l Y VII' st ;at 40,1141 412.0111011410 Re if him emus 91 Walk 39 ANG. 1 441t.... eitipten: RBIAERS.DOUBLE-AQTING, .; 1,006 ?MT INRoPillitt 1' S p a, •r:, !ZIA) 0- t._ , / 00 1 04 0 4 illectk. ita 310 4 4 0 , 00: r i a l t=ol4 l ltlflBV= loishroltiti to tautly sterpoitir oft Ne xt TbeJ ite at lM P t Iff.ettall Nastoom put In - ad ode ipts V. , % 1)41 pe mikd riPP agy,tie- rat; koPnition alatlisS at illMtfal °am - Ittowster=. •••_ Mit* GOO. ilDitg jt , :tioatit Unites. Wi lg qihMi st -t r :lP raitira "t* boastiti4 j IWIYI •ar IS TIIkni&CE , T43: pgr 0 R 0 C- 'K R Y ! .;CHIN A .GLASSWARE • U[•tll di nd prices *O9D' JOCD - 'W4l.O* " WAti STON.,E -WARE, FRUIT. AND FANCY. -().' ii l i::oi -.:* rii I'S New 'the Mire! liouse, TOWANDA"' srA.'" Jag id,iff.ed, a good supply of TEI~COFF[6, UQD selves, 4tc,a .&c. lA4 L TIMOIW O.IrISTEBS, Remo e!lbei Ike place lEEE rox, - : - Aso::-.wioliE*..) :: , : ,•,...-,:jitit-,,,-,:,-.]-, - .- A —L -o . ,oliii - N.-•:::dil:::;.•_'-:,,:',.fl .',-..;.:...--z..... .-';-:"...,:::_.,-,,,,4'.'•,‘:',. the TOWiNDA. Eil wFgl9l", Ii mal .to b_au! AOUT)- "app. ---Ji Ana Wmanos, to Oho alostell#l a patronage sal. R tltbbeat - nsoulc - gfir detneit - Our duty to' yr dittoed* all the Illeoni been:wed upon us the, Fion*W44,*(3l - 04;mifs AtiROADCLOIkBEAVIII 1, 1 * flro. • ;• , Of ely t grAce#o44Vilrsk a 1 ! 6 f.-a7Th , -.73751 4". iTrh ; R R4).41,4;1413M1PrRi14 VS 1 . ittae,titt.444.o lG 6(11 , 4 ;.. e . *A ttu " by G1111.400' IsetklosirtostAlhosoltrew , thereftwe irf ,Inletath fr fAa r tr4 oheolio and g, - efo put+ Ur goods ittlecitlew stwill'ouble asp bogy to boy x snit •of elo hes. We ate recelv. 1111141011, ' LA.RGEST Ortteko rovvtOoNts ttr , 12.4 lir! Ever *gaguitlftlip INA.* 111.1 ; 11.11eavet. Chlbcril• Does *n e at An plikm `vow !.011PaN th ir X' .61 _ to ys , 74*-11 4) ...?;0*: -r trh -Th o o 1 Awl .0101114 . feerralibraithWiliaiheido u they wiped do not misrepresent ant of atto,:atiotnt,tel our ,!! , / , Fet5#1..04.4. g 4,117 GANg 8 AFUNESEUNCI.43OO - D4 euehataiddidokantweetetiltAleiitfiti, _on. dersiwassai Drums , t ovaraileshd , ovenalirtei Glom, Cop*"" C9ll l ue, suit. Pendo l 6l " LATE okC APS, Whisk they alas sell at &due ed Prices. lee lea btOrohlitieteleawßiffe. , • • ,•, : t .1 t.,C.OUR doIIOSENPIELD. - Oopealtio,pouli tb,C,O„ ' • - -tt: ttto .. ,• • t • The ...ndersignod roopectOillyAniciftlt the citizens of Woolnsing sod vicinity that they hindlapeadot their old Stoat and have •site4oPleed atttatir old atma. war so satin newAocliof Ready Made Clothing-which are of Whaling= future mitrof Ihri latest Mile They have Beaver; Chinchilla, Doeskin and .11,1ot Onreosta.-- -Also a large `assortment of Genie Furnishing „Goods. walls -Overshhts trioderibirts,Tlrmiers, Rata; Cape , &C., which lhey mitred' lalledaost Prices. --Navin gala -ad the confitiopturof .0* peopte by honest and fait deathig,liotajtare sure of obtaM in,g to. share of their pstronege. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. - _ • COHEN de, ROSENFIELD. Mining: MITI, 1868. • CAMPAIGN OPE NE. D.l . GRAND I ALbT QP TOE MASEVI. • COME OEI :coAis • ALIO' . • DatopdATS, - And citizen' of eiery 'politica! faith are invited to attend the • - .GREAT=MASS MEETING Which is to be held and continued for the • three montin k by:tbe citizens pi•lowandl and vicinity . ..? 1 4% 42 ', 1 !# 4 '4 N - 16 7PFF T - - Where young anit old aro already gathering to prttlerthenuselirea with c ri - ' 13 I G, FOR 'I`ALL, AND - *EMU WEAR, • rroin-the acellent eapply haie lately received kid which for. , QUALITY. llugAintarry AND OREL PNESS Cannot be eienliedin 'this or any - other im ar ket. our entire -atonic being nen+ and bought for aah we. DISVANCE - ALL•COUPEtITION: Our motto is Qatylc Batee, Sufill Profits.;St fiat. ly Cub, and :Ones Pries.Only..'lffe Invlte! one and all to pay Aut a 'lilt at the old stand of tolontoif door north of 'Taylor .k Co. = . • SOLOMON - WOLFF. .LSX. IKMONION: aQLICa WOLF/. X o WaEldlt, 9Ct. Isps. ; . WE SELL Over. oats this season at very low pri,:es. Our stock was bought low, and is ro ts lied it lesilthmi a usual' wholesale profit. -- We oiler some,extra bargains at the once price store of - somktON WOLFF, " No. 123, Main Street. WE SELL-our stock of Pins Coats, Easiness I' kilts, P ants and .Vesta, and boys' wear atilow as'any previous time this summer. We have some splendid goods in this Una. bought ,cheap and selling at nyery small profit, of the One Price Store of • , - .SOLOMON & WOLFF, t • •_ r • • ,•'• - No. 123, lifain Street. • , WE SELL .Suraliking , Goads. much ,below current pricei: '•'Ottr stook isicomplete In Men'ai and Youthat.: On" theserleustoiners can save many times, inn,' 20. per cent'. 13 , buyingat tub one price store of . • •,) • - • SOLOMON & .WOLFS, .• • • • No: 123, Main Street. WE SELL seta articles as cheap as large ones, Suspend era, Ilandkerc Meta, Collars, Ties, Gloves, Matins :and shots of this class very much. less than they aro -retailed elsewhere.— We Wilts the trade .to cenv bee themselves at• thee'' one price *scot: • , I• , • SOLOMON, &. WOLFF, , iN0.123. Maid Street. ' The 'highest price . ' cash paid for Wool .lUdes, Pdts, and Oaf Skins at the one p rice store cot : SOLOMON & WOLFF, N 0.123, Main Street. 61111111 * t -:4:.::'01AMBE)1,1 4 IN Ran enlarged his 'Store and Its v jaarecelved a larga Mock of Gold and Silver AMERICAN WITOITES ~ • And a , well: selected assortment. a SWISS WATCHES, all warranted -to -run well or the ,monep relbrided- He keeps on hand a large as sortment oaths celebrated, . • • .• • - THOMAS' CLOCK Also inelegant aseortment of the latest stylei Gold` - JEWELEY.AND SILVER WARE. iu ilie"Oited line, he has lingerii Bother FORKS- AND. SPOONS" eletrelly plated Breakfait eDinner Castors, Elegant tieblepLate'llonble- I 0-E'. PITO IFE It, § 1.; Handsome . pike But'Feta, BUT TER it , HEBB DISHES; Pickle Stande, Tea 'tete, &c:,&c. CHAMBERLIii la now krepisg the .• 1 • . • . F'amil & ing Affiehines; ,J These liachines ste superior - to • all otikeri for. family mei, for the followistrelsothi: • -; ,They sew, With two threads diced = • from the - spools, and require no rewindipw. They tie' more =AY - tmdorMood and use d ,- Auld kwallable deisimemeut, than ` .other mss. - They are Callable of 'executing' perfect 3c ern/Lout *wipe of adjustmeut i ts much greeter lame of 'work than other machines.. , _= • Thq ty stitch made by Ahem machines •is mach Weetellne, ,thatio;and - duribbii : elpeciall7 upon articles_ Whiehrequite to be wished. and mooed, Pan any other stitch. • . This stitch,' owing the manner lairhich the tinder thread unirought, moth; the most plomparid.besatiful , -rise; and retains this pluMpuess beanty;',Even upon articles frequently washed' and :ironed, until thiiy are TIM strnei - re of seam, euCti,.that, We lt beitist 'ok , hroketi• at Intevals 'of only ie few stitales,'lt will: neither apeu, 'ran; nor , rmel, butremalns Amu and &Weida-, ••• - ° Unlike . other Wilichlies, - these fasten both sada Of the seam ily• their own operation: l kith lbws =whims:while ll* based. upon 110 right or . ONO side_ of the seam , ; cotton may, be used epon - the - othef 'aide without leareoing Abe 'freight* durability; of the , seam This c4ul be,tioaann no other machine; sud l is n mit, living Upon article' stitched or made up , .Thsse inschlnes, in addition to their superior %written Instruments for sewing, execute the mesibeautiful Ind - permenest embroidery and ..; • . You can grit 13eulog_KaohiniNeedlisoind all articles pertalidrig to the machine business: Winn Amu ow ratemarso tro In the beet 'tomer, as penal. at low rates Tovandiraulytt WO% - _ • " . ~„ , _ lopirlfax . - slitDza VINEGA.II, at _ J. - McCABH ' . , --- Et= • • -:144 . - . 0"-0 3. - - k . . . —t si kg '4; ) , .. „Thfs• ,ThAnto,the Ea 'ir'. • iii, ..„ 7 ., , . f ..';,.;- 't. . . .... , , . ", ..,,:j::-',I: .':..::'. • L' - ' ,7-.73' e r:: fl.4111':?,: , ?& .. : -. , ~ . • ' ~,., . • ii„, ..,,i01.4 3 :...: .„ : 1 : _. It ,- .. ~. „co .; .-__ts-. t . 11 , ,ii .• 4 • tii: - :...-....: 1-.0.: • g.....k.,2_.,•. . 4 . ~ ..,6 4. ..7.,.:..tcti,...,..,„:„.1.-.....,...: •:,. _.... ..-.J.;:...-:.--... , ...-•i- , ,,,..--4-,,,,:.-;,.: , ;.,. , :-..-;,- --,--,:.. -- ,--. 4i ,,,,.•.-.:,....,.,..;, .-,-,-;:,..:-....-.„.,:.,..., •...c.: . : 1 r,. •,.... •. ~ i , •f . : CO .:- '.. i... 3 H 0 X ti - ri) H O tri m 1-3 V• H ‘o ~ y ! O ,Q tl tl =I ii 4 0 0 1 # Pin OS • 1 6 . "-. 1 . pcs, . 1 • 1 11 I4 .1 tiq - , . ,t 4 . . ' 6 szt -I , w ,g -.L -.1 --,:. . • p- .... ii. - :- . • ;45 P ' A " 02 tb. O k 0 (1) 1110 t x ; I t '4 . I 'd 8 H _ . ' tt r (0 1 . MI 11 w? 4.. ' hd : - t• 4 4 0 - • r 0 o g 2 hi - . - L • 1-3 El ' • r „ti,, z • g MANfIiNebiIAMISILULIN6 mot.. , ru M ars APM „ bails ibbt .s i bmaid a be , NW at YA- M .j= clorrybm 41111601 . 1% .16. ,- so rati el t r i t .4 .7 . 11101111 ' 41 , iiia.11"1111. "Inleig ' Wilii.P - R ni-G1 - PAPIar! PrnimotrilreArrtio pint nisi NZ 011711D, , Mi=23 - Carte:W.4li. isTvi. the spat* for oil of the' Jewel somerteeliemnr fa the entity, ire o ft m tow an mat Indoceaseero to seed. others salter Awls/ Prom Oar eta* rosoptideer enrythlag tlie fi ne , as ore reepeetretly orbit • portiere of logroomer, 1111' are astleisolt tint we as so goods se low as any edabliebarest mold° of the 04144 ' • , • ALPO __ a. 11411111 Kit Towanda 1,1E4 I, Mau% Stock. latif MIVALS, -AT. ALLVOITA " O.: W. 1107111113 . nestansat— rafter amiss to tows tor Moser, WM di) 'di to stye btu' 41111 a: • O. XOTritY * 0 1 1 16 1 . 41 ' , lOU IL /149; FOB SALE AT SCOTIA TANNERY Plasteriagjiair at• wholesale sad also Soap sad Wagon Grease by the gaud sad 'barrel. Cab paid fog Sark sad Hides. ADAM 1K IFs. 'Granville Cadre; Pa..laly Mu*. miss - Humps SCHOOL FOR roans Wise r tepee on MONDAY the net der of 4.UGUST: The jeer iv divided into terms or 10 seeks _ TE111111.: Illtigllsh Mauler • • • fa so .et 18 co fnach and Latiapaach. 40 et 4 to Jugs mill km received at, say time. but DO deduction made after admission tar an . Abases of lea than we half a term Aug. 13, Ma. SEMIANNUAL STATEMENT OP ',WY0111)1G .0131:111dNag . COMPANY_ ASIIIIM-41oitoo. Milted Mates 81zeo of 1881, 100 Moues lint - Flignal Boak. 1W1lkoo•Suro. 113" 100 ilbarosescoad 011=3 Book Wilkao-Rarro_, 13,500 103 Mono Wpmlig National Back, Wlllups.llorro. 6,400 150 Elam Wilkes-Barre Gas Co. 8,650 58" Bridge _ . Company #,31.0 . nuclitAxsous. Cash Loans and Bonds, ..... —340,000' Stock not called in, 25,000 Judgments, 3,500 Cmih in Bank, 5,365 ()ash in hand and due from Agents, 17,450 Other property 1,500 Beal Estate, . .... I COO e m 111 LblUita paid in lea years, Unsettled Losses, Wane, .T. B. CAMP, Agen First black below Ward Haase, 2d story. Towanda. Sept. Si 1,368.-2 m. TOWA N.R:A AGRICULTURAL 'I'OIVANIM, _P ENN'A., MANUFACTURES HUBS, SPOKES 4EAVT,AND LIGWr WAGONS GENERA I. WOO!) WORK WOOll TURNING IN ALL Its BR INIML., V, ri; SCROLL SAWING, PLANING, ETC.,: ETC HUBS, SPOKES & BENT STUFF, El Ell LARGE ,4TUC6 IEO2 WHICH TO PELKT The abos . e are from the be.t SECOND GROWTH HICKORY OAK LIGHT AND HEAVY WAGONS ON HAND IVe !have the' Broad and Sarrvit