a tans fiom all lit sting. man named Henry Taylor, while out gunning vitt% a companion last Sunday, in leconlnitar, Mass., accidently shot himself, and died almost immediately. —Seven men• who were fishing in dories ,belonging to the fishing vessels in Boston Harbor, were drowned during the gale of Saturday afternoon. They were all residents of South Boston, : and nearly all leave families. —A woman named Henrietta Mey er obtained a judgment in the Cironit Court, at St. Lonia, against the Nato Railroad for ;5,000-damages, occasioned by the kil- ling of her bighead last Ally. Meyer was . flag men, and while signaling one train was rim over by another coming from an opposite direction. - - ears will be running over 860 ,r. • es of the Union Pull° Railroad on Mon da eV: President Johnson has placed dim Wendell, of Washington, *the Board of Commissioners, and has removed .. Mr. White., —A. B. Scott, of Harlem, Mo., was murdered on Thursday night by some.nn known person, who celled him to the door of hiti hOmie and shot him reeentlT. appointed ow of the Judges of Electimi, aid had furnished information to the Ilekistors. His murder is attribtited to politic} opponents. —The Tenth Ovary (colored) re cently had a fight with 700 Chemins and Anal:Wipe Indians at - Buffalo Station. Nine Indians were killed, thirty Wounded, and three soldiers wounded. An attack on Fort Dodge is anticipated, and all the troops din being moved is that direction. —Coroodore C. 11. Poor has been promoted to be'Bear. 7 admirat, nice Iletir-Ad miral H. R". Hoff, retired. —Minister Johnson has telegraph• ed that Great Britain proposes to refer the question of a mired committee to settle the Alabama claims to the Sing of . Prussia for arbitration, but ha doesnot say that he has' agreed to it, nor is it understood that this Government • will give its consent to any such arrangement. —Bfarshall S. P. Pollard,sentenced Aug. 31 to four months imprisonment and to pay a fine of $1,300 for distilling liquor in connection with his vinegar business without'payment of tax, has been .pardoned by the President. —The young student who fell from the stairway of the third story of the Agri cultural College near Bladensburg, Md., on Friday last, has sin& died from the injuries; received. His name is not reported. —The insurrectionists in -Luba are still committing depredations in variouslo calities. Volunteer companies are orsani zing,.however, for the support of the Gov ernment, raarthe bands of taarrauders - are being dispersed. , Heavy rains have inter fered with recent l?ttilitary movements. --A man lfas been arrested in San Francisco charged with having murdered Capt. Mitchell, of the United States steam er Saginaw, a few nights since. The ac cused says that the Captain; threatened his life, and he struck him in self-defence. . —Mr. Alexander Rea, of Centralia, Penn., one of the best citizens, was mur dered on Saturday. - He was driving over to the colliery of the Locust Mountain Coal and Iron Company, of which he was agent, for the purpose of finishing the payment of the hands, which had not been completed the day before. When about a mile from Centralia it is supposed he illipped at watering trough :Jo 'water his horse, and - while doing thisbe was fired upon by un • known persons Six bullets entered his aa'dy, killing hiikinstantly. The body was rifled of abotit 5%0 and the murderers es caped. —On ThttrOay night, five mee armed with revolters, jumped on board the canal-boat SonterAf as it was passing under a bridge a few miles east of Buffalo, and threatening the captain and steersman with their weapons, robbed them of about $lOO in money and some clothing. No clue to tbg robbers has been found. ' —A very sad calm:l34y occurred. at Peabody, Mass., Tuesday afternoon. Three of the !children of Byron Goodell—a boy and girl, (twins,) 5 years old, and a girl of 3 set'fire to his barn while playing with atcbes, and were burned to death with it. The mother dh3covered the fit acian after it broke out, but was utterly powerless to saveher children. —The Legishiture .Louisiana.; adjouriaed sine die at midnight of Tuesday. Among the last acts of the House was the passage of the five million city bond bill • over ~the Governor's veto. The Senate, however, sustained the a vote of 19 tog. • 2 -Col.Tope, the lath Sheriff of St. Mary'a Parish, La., who wasieeently formerly, commanded the Twenty third Illinois itegiment instead of the Twen ty-ninth, ps . has beep stated. His body was sent North from liei-Orleans in the stea mer Nicholas Longtr2orth. —Finke'n" building on Mill-street, 1. , Rochester, N. Y., Nveg damaged by.fire on Tuesday evening to the amount of several hundred dollars. —The victor in the late priie fight on the Isle of Shoals, George Sheddons,has been arrested in Boston. He is to be'tried ter violation of the law against prize fight ing. —Eight boys were poisoned, Sat. . urday, at Suncook, It H., from eating turnips for artichoke& Two have since died. —Gen. Cassius Fairchild, United States Marshal for Wisconsin, and a broth er of Gov. Fairchild, died at Milwaukee, Saturday morning, from a wound received at the battle of Shiloh Be was married on his death bed to a young lady of that city. —Gov.. Scott, of South Carolina, has issued a proclamation in which he says that information has bees received that Samtel libirtishaw and William Fitzgerald were the murderers of the negro,Lee Nance, and offers a reward of $2,500 each, for their apprehension and delivery in jail,with proof to convict. .—Charles E. Gilbert, who was con finer in the prison at Wethersfield, Conn., for a murder committed insew Britain, (soaped by scaling the wall. A diligent search for him was made at once, but with out success. --Nearly all the beads of Depart meats, it is reported, are engaged upon their annual reports for subraission to Con gress. The Secretary,of the Treasury has nearly conipleted tha report for his Depart- Meet. The President has not commenced b message. —The Presidency of Harvard Cot lege has been offered to Bey. Dr. Andrew P. Peabody, the college preacher, and he . is considering whether to accept it: - —lt-is rumored in Canada that a &den of $162,000 has been discoreied is the publicaccounts of the Province-ague. bee. - • —lnformation Las been received at Minna to the effect that two hundred in- Enirectitigets have surrendered to the' firm emmoit troops at liennuaillo. Atight taols . - Owe at Tunis, in - Which the . rebels were defeated, losing all their equtpmesits. The _ troublei,s all oor4fineff torts will dintric4 • the interior fradford ftportrt Tows Ada, Thursday, 00ti...410108.- Natkutal. Republica" 1111114 . 4 - ; FOR PUIRDIDNIF,;.; GEN. ULYSSES S. GRANT FOR "Vice ,PRRISIDF.NT HON. _SCHUYLER COLFAX ELEOTORAL VIOKEZ G. Morrison Coates. Thomas M. Marshall. William H. Barnes, William J. Pollock, Wlidey, George W.. 10 1; Watson P. 11.011, John' EL Bringlimat, Freak 0. Bootee. Lome Eekeri, Marls Hoops'', David IL Bank, William Davis. Winthrop W. Ketcham, • Samuel Knorr. Benjamin F. Wsimnsellen - Eberle H. Nalkm, rW. Elder, m i rltewart,- Jaeob 'Grafton- James Sill, Henry C. &amass,. • John IL Ewing, William Frew. Alexander W. Crawford, . James B. Buten. ' Mr. Scott vas SWEAT NAN TO HIS POST. --- • . _ Frimids of Union,beware of a false confidence in the completeness of victory I You have succeeded in breaking and repelling the enemy's onset, and have driven them back for the momeademorilized and temided to dispair of the contest. But we see them again rallying into line ; they still obey the voices of leaders ,whom they _cannot reject if they would ; they will soon be, if they are not already, formed for another at tack, and that one to be far more desperate and critical than the last. espair will nerve their arms, and the fight they are again to give us, will be to them . one of life or -death. They have all th gain and nothing to lose ; you have everything to lose by suffering your first triumph to betray you into a final defeat. Corisider," Republican reader, that you have only the small majority of ten thousand in this State, in a total poll of nearly six hundred and fifty thousand votes. More than three hundred thonsind citizens of Penney} vans voted against you, and they will do it again if leaders can coax or drive them to the polls. Any evi dences of wavering, or confusion, or of over-confident carelessness on your part, are a direct encouragement to the enemy, and will surely lead to ' your overthrow at the next trial. Standing to your post, on the other hand, everyman of you, your ballots ready, your fines closed and present ing a compact front, resolute, vigi lant and confident for your country's cause, 'the moral effect of the first re pulse will bo strengthened by your evident ability to repeat it, and you will find it a far easier.task to hurl back and scAtter an enemy knowing, itself to be already whipped, 'in an rreparable rout. , You have but a few days for prep : Auations. Let every day; and every evening, be improved. Remember that years mast elapse beforeyorican be again invited to similar duties and resposibilities. You have enjoyed re pose, after - the glorious exertions which gave yoh the preliminary vic tory. Time flies ; wake up the slum bering, bes tlic long roll, and fall inl The'enerny presumes upon your fatal reliance on past results, and hopes to find your numbers diminished. Let there be no stragglers, none asicei Grant no leaves of absence ; picket every road, so that you may see all the absentee* and recall them to their duty. citizen Should leave home who" is not sure to be at hand on Tuesdity 1 next. • No. expedient should be-omitted now, to secure . a victory in November, which has been found of service in winning the Octo ber election. Your Clubs should re sume their regular meetings ; let every lamp 'be trimed bright and' ts bearer ready at roll-call. Give your banners once more to the air ; your music be heard in all quarters of our crowded towns and float over every county hilt; gather together and call in speakers to address you ; take account of your neighborhoods, and let - each , district aim to exceed all others in' its,increased Tote for the Hero of Appernatox, whose civic triumphs• shall be green in history whep even his military glories shall fade in the comparison. lip and brethren, friends of the Union I We entreat you to heed . these .suggestions I For your own sake; if net for that of your childrew or your country, give these this short time to the Great Cause,- as heartily and generously as you have already given-to it months. Do not pup, all you have won, by inviting a success ful attack upon your lines flashed and disorganized by one triumph. A few days more of fidelity'. to your Own , principles, and all will be-well—and well forever'. Halt now; disarm, leave the field for the quiet of your homeli er li yes, and you will lose all. How bitterly you would then reproach yourselves for the criminal with which you laid doirn your arms too soon, and'betrayed the Calm of the Republic, of Law and of Peace, to` its ruin. We write earnestly, for we _feel that this cause is in danger from the carelessness -of it§friends. We know that the stra i n upon all nerves, upon . all loyal hearts; has been a se• vere one, for, months, and how the: natural reaction tempta to a Haden repose.. But it is vrell - to remember that no'such' a#iiitvoratiain is ,now needed.; tae all know that what has been done, can : be done again, =and that, if we *wee last hours of this uunpalgninii ,oUr triurnith aut marchlromthe, first: mutat) , to the fuiii rout ,tbe rebels; oar its* l alyeßingiwitkhundiedi t!00 m 44 6. of oititoosiv4 *fillabar:!•l: - .,, • • ta liii standards, until the' g " rand array of friends of the Union shall be a secind lkne reviewed and dismissed, underf yirakhilof i llOpip4 ,‘ 401.11211 ' 1 eahni "Xt • • , Ai \a , • Y' 4 .ef • Nothing remising 10;40m brit to` ,reghster in Novemberliii.decree of October.. The elecstien of Grantiand Colfax - re planed egond ' 3o.`bt or danger. With their ; triumph mimes order,; with an overwhelming !ma jority comes peace ;` , 4nd while; the maintainers, of order in the rebel States, 'with force - if hecesserY; the almost'' , inns/meal demand - 1 the American MO; thik. hope 14 4 4= which will not requio- force, as s ttieir dearest wish , • A *ere ;majcsrity„of the votee of 'the ' or, • albare mejoritYin,the elecierel - -colleitrfor Grant,. give us the powerfte*eep violence under, by . the power, Government; but an encii,tnondi vote I at the Polls 'Will -demeisstritte the utter folly of contineedsiOmMet'' A. full vote...el:l(l4li cousNaelie'k' mighty majority, is the objectef that party which fights, this, civic battle under the banher,incl With the object' of "peace," e”ry. vote cast (or Grant, rely upon itj, the of Union man in the &nth dephrule,and the manifestation OrpoWer at the polls will render ihri existence donee cessary hereafter. I Oar victchl is sure, but is not in oftr power telmake ft a bloodless one,actd -- whilo the lives and property of un compatriots in' , the Southare now assured of Protec tion, let us see that this protection shall come from ballots, ,and not buk lets. The - issue is .in our Isands.— Another war to _protect thole who clung to as in Cdr.-calamity, or a decision at the ballot-box so grand and positive that another war will be unnecessary. • Freeinen 1 a nob er motive never animated a party.{ A nobler motto than ours never grhced a banuer,and a - nobler leader never before-led on a - victorious host., One more chirse,and an uncondditional 1, surrender of the tottering Democraey will protect our land form bloodshed, our national honor from the stoun of repudiation, and our form oil free government from every danger:, and shame which our defeat, or mre succesi, might bring Ilf 41613, to another Now given tts .yaburg defeat ; March on from conqueriii to conquest. Let not a jot or tittle bf our organization or our zeal be abated. Follow up the victory and let Copperheads, treason and repudiation be driven from the country and from the world. Let no false seburity—no' feeling that themictory 44 already won, bill the Republicans *to inaction. "Eter nal vigilance is the price of liberty," and it is the pric + f political success. Keep in line and kieep battering away at the enemy's ramparts until sun down on the third day of November. Work 1 work harp. Act as if on the personal exertion@ of each men de pended the fate of the country.' We should have 31,000 majority . for Grant and Colfaxiin Pennsylvania.— Of the honest, fair, legal vote of the State we have more than that major ity) to,day. At the November elec tion, thousands bf the imported Kin Klui from other States,will be home to vote. The Shrswood Naturaliza tion machine has 'ground oue.its heavi ests griat,and haieruipendecLbusiness since the defeat id all their schemes by the sturdy freemen of; the last election day. They cannot poll so large an illegal- [vote in November,. while the . Republicans will have the votes of thousands for Grant :who did not vote ,Otir ` ticket at the Stite election. Don't telex your, efforts.— We must show an overwhelmingpop ular majority, aid force and App . mattox surrender. ligir THE BUltiMore Gazelle 13 1' 13 in their nominees de T:lo,mocrncy" .lect ed two candidates whose antece i . enti were widely different, although they now stand on a common platform.--; The name of one, was regarded as a pledge Of good Faith to the'North.— That of the othei as a similar pledge to the South." tNow,which is Which, according to the ideas of the Gazetfe Was Sutton:, a "pledge of good faith to the Zioith" by reason of his con. duct during the war ? or was Bum a "pledge of gold faith tai the South" by reason or his. condUct‘ during tho war? If it be the other way, then what is the South to • think Of Sim mons, or the North to think 0r8n.21 1 I Tna Democratic leade are advcr tieing for anothdr candid le for PrOe ident. Why not be hon at for once with their folloliera and take Grant, who was the first choice of hOnest men of all partifs P - air A stirring addres,_ from Hon. G. A. Geo!, chairinan ofthe Republi can State Conunttee,,congratulatory of-the great Nfiotfory inTenusylvania, is published :oic , our -outside, • :Mr. Glow sounds the . charge for another vigorous onslaugbkon the foe. Ittrusticsuzi Keep op your or ganizations.' Ttr . are in lull *treat. Tike llitOe' of Piv* _Forks has been fOugifi. • " Push' them e "Push theml" br Seymour ie ! forced `ib', ;Ore be w d lfeavri fill .uobedy . ' i wa l utu Walk,h4 what da tdroily ghattly-tepulobre:, - Tat rebel ‘Delo,ersle _ Iranito get 'rid 'Of 'aoyini4r4b4 : the y not lir& Pam _to .disznantle tkeltrtebel Sok , bin. lint '0de:611549W tediffObl for ELn ,A€ mall ill - •Inejori 4 1 ,000 an. (444 DIP; pubAlos , Milt chinve -- Th. - Of H* Oidtudia ' of the Ifeimblioan mitten,; on the gre A 1 4 1431 t1 :14 0! ,), ".3 4 o,l?ressti, ry .of the, priricap tbetleindt, .and tn':oetik - : renewed Preeidentiial coo neetiozi l l we are gr olimeolenittonil ticio *iOrb _ amities i*Japai: , ..;e'peei:thea._ w , stetteenr nt!,sl quiet; Greir 1 doieeA' . l4:' 9 1 eiRePRIStes nerin[nOch be to victory: ed -Friday the Pless!eflphiladel late eieetion in pnblinatiteandida Dietti`4ttorney and • Pretitenota Cowell Plena, tione;land.notice to tin? Apposing °Sena are -wird witbin.jen day. The ctifieee, each licito City Co.. • . ; ; mist:on:9er, itte,, days' . file These ire now will tw i Oresente Doiler Eircouir. LUKEWARM —= We ap• peal .t4ioni. Rep iblican friends in the diffeferit distric = not to abate their vigih+e in dr: . great work that is before them. " e[have given them, our foes, a goo. threshing, It is true, but Ody aro nit entirely lifeless.— Anothq atlll severer .. drubbing muat. be administered to them inNo vembei Yoe know their weak points Recar vase your districts— captlue the a .ragglera from their camps--and when ejection day comes bo prepared asisault their lines with even grea r vigor than you did on TUeaday 1 tb. Keep on in the , great, and good work I e have BEEP ON TN we have aerie ..ed a glorious victory, we Must not y t sit • down to enjoy it. !+.nother . eat battle is to be fought. "Wi e Swakes," and "Boys in tine," keep on your uniform, and re-411 the. lan erns 1 Many a field has', been Email lost by soldiers-stop ,!l in t he -- ping tu tar t flush of victory, to enjoy the frui s thereof.' Let it not thi±lbe said o the Republican party, in Bradford co nty 1 Let us_re-form our l ,llaes, and ontinue in pursuit of 1 theifieeing an demoralized foe. If we l d° this, on ,:majority. will be fall 25,90 in Nov , mber 1 Every man to hisliiibst again 1 , tirRZAT iminense masal nornitition of Co4pe !flotilla, in responce to merchants an. NeW York Ci . 1. actedi 'with The' hall was and an ontaid , gainzed. putaided, and byl,l!)n. taw , JAXE B. BE o era. - le. The E edam' Ticket at the heed of this . : per is the GRANT & COLFAX llvtoral Ticket, ,revised ant!Bentto s by the Republican 1 It f 3 to Corona en. • T he ahtive Republicans in every election istrict are requested to cut out tbe tick6..herewith published, ati4l preserve it _for comparison and reference on e day of election. We tugstbe on e alert for frauds at th 4 hands of the Seymourites, .until thh votes are' ueted. 'l 1: iHq 1 I - w THE Di Sepie of '4li 1, , tkey :might yi oi l I c4ndidatee Ora nominal *Orient, - a! Ylipeyresidei lif i excellent candidates' it fonlylehinee, I 1 I 1.- l IIP D 1 u • I : I ELL ON Republe tij4titY: NI 41Dradford I áór neigbl of our laurel Cthe result 010, ramie ljtarrou Tu! , . Ms day fc 'l',ll l a boar for lei s!pneh. tli , iri )Ci.' . and 0 1 / i 7berii Ped, I t l-8., rei ) Fil'el'' Potts, Richmond." •, . , lawlzatione. ii*e I •-•lie • • trcitti‘ hii :c1 . 1. I • ; .. s . ROI/aid Y4t 3 ii . 0 . ,4 I #ctrly - on 111 11 A inkreitY of elin AM. x. irestartaaa , sad L1N. 04 #4, ,; 1 1 10 R‘t-A O SOP',O I - Ask .4.11 I of-.014 ,1 :410? 4'lo The motion witiebikl,•ito west, : , Sev eral buildings oil Pi', Battery, and Samson streets, were thrown down, awl 'A.-considerable number - &Linage& The ground settled, which threw blinding Out of line: - Several severe shocks followed at inter- Nils since, creating general" illavin totting thik t . people, IThe ishock felC-With great severity at San Jose, where enumber Of .buildiegs ere con siderably injured.`.' A:survey et the., city shoWS that the "principle dimage,ls confined',tti the lovierportion, below Montgomery street, and wing, the old" buildings nn :the . made Around, Numeione houses in , that , podia]) pr have been abandneed- _and .palled I „down.. . The Cnitom•honse a brick Onildinghtint on , pile gigund—Whieli was : badly Shattered,- by:- the eartht Analie of October 186 5, Kt:weekend have re=, moVeUrto the 'revenue Businese in-the lower part dile city itietisPenol. The atreete,arei thierig. ed with peop_le and IFetil excite - input prevails. ; The parapet walls and, chimneys, of -number. of. buildings beim bee thrOwndown, Causing lose of life: The &image will -not exceed ti million dollars. At Oakland the , shock was yeiy se= Vera ' throwing . down .4ahimikeys and . gleatly damaging a nunibei of Wild inge: The ground , opened in several I placed; and a strong ,stilpheioun smeltwas noticed after the shock. was court house at San Leandro I was demon/bed and ono life lost. i ' "prom.valionepertions of the coon tryand ' in the v icinity of San Prat-i -mp Bay, the ehock tareported 'as 'severe, and considerable ,damao is suitained. In many places tie earth opened and water gushed forth: The earthquake On Wednesday in fiioted. the:greatest' damage upon buildings erected-up.in made ground, although many walls were seriously cracked on the solid ground, and I many chituneyslbiown down. 'Near. ly all the public buildings were injured more or less. There were_thirty casualities reported, and' five persons were killed.. A second shook was felt on Thursday, at 2 o'clock r. M., .causing great zonster nation, but doing little damage. There was another 'shock of 'earth qoake in California Friday' morning at 2:15 o'clock ; but it did no harm beyond sending the people of San Francisco shrieking with terror into the streets. The first of thesishocks oectired on Wednesday morning at 7:50 o'clock,_ and during that day there were -.felt altogether twelve shocks.' On the evening of the same day at o'clock another shock was felt. On the next day (Thursday) slight tremors were felt'; and these were followed by the shocks of yes terday morning. . A short time before the awful convulsion on' the Pacific Coast of South America, two monthit ago, there were premonitory 'shocks similar to those we now hear of in California- of the counties in four, show** :in the Statenf 5,000. The three iota elect finti Ware is lergOly ,Apititc4, Address. Chairman . tete Centre) Col t victory over the of . Ppnpsyi snip, a capital enotok. ,viedicatod .41/ I ` -eloque n t iavoca -42,2*.0:08 for pi!' • st.,lti Oh/ titled to Notice the linweitied ezer-. during the most in otk.hiet#l; f. ie:frequeit; able, 1 litkokjeii . ir;ittop, iittiathig-'; Mr. of . the party Cori the:a:ice ' wed' ee gi were 001121:90D0- Court, of !Common :his to contest - the at oaf; :The Re , .13 for the offices of recower. Of taxes, • of.. the Court of ‘ ed the ptoper Sti• waa . itt once given candidates' These ed to be contested after =the eteation: as Mayor, ptrolier, City- Com er° , : allowed twenty heir-.specifications. firepared :and I in due time. . UN IFORN. —Although ou IN Nei Yon.- .4d meeting to. ratify the •t en GRANT washeld at e Thursday evening, a call by the' leading professional men of ; who .have. hitherto ` ! lie Democratic . party. filled to overflowing; meeting was also .or, FRANCIS B. CUTTING addresses were made l'isaosporre, Hon. ban, of Indiana, and toenail - Mow WIN.- 7 Democrats . think that t aucce:ed with a change . So they might. Let Ulyeses S. Grant, for Sd Schuyler Colfax for and „they will' stand Dhance of electing their Noiember. 'lt la their 'however. ' Conntj gives n State Ticket 8861 -'warn the Repubticana hat they - mist lOok out, or county will strip us This large majority of indefatigable lubber/ - 8600 'Majority - for 067 • epeeOes has gons.— worli is 's,t, 6110 7 Let oge " on Ot) 3d 'ot Jo , . an ao,(llract h'adrhip• at—Petersburg And they marched " ouio kcep. op your or. Luieware itver-conft- riot . . a lain •rbe 'Atteept sad, , election, day. • 84-* 048 1 s 3-11 11 04- Aiter Umiak 864, 20107fvv:41';'-' CALEVOIRIPA* 1,.'...-, TELE OLD "Muter Dierruer."—ln the .dull of 1844. when Francis R. Shunk, of blessed memory, was the Democratic • candidate for Governor of Penasylvania, being closely press ed by adverse results in Philadelphia and elsewhere, he was saved from_ defeat by the splendid' majorities given in the Wilmot district, in Northern Pennsylvania. The same counties in November following ee- , cured the vote of the State to James . K. Polk, and made him President of of the United States. Look at them now.! Bradford is reported at 4,800 Republican majority, Tiogn at 3,500, and Susquehanna l i ra 1,500 ; total Re publican majority . 8,8004,. ere ; Where and who are the "Bemq rats" , now ?---Press. f 1 \ts \\ ' l •THERIC are twenty Repn tielof the sixtrairt in Pen tha can add at least two 1, their last majorities. ' Tag rebel cry in the Bon i is Mill "death to the •Radicals, In - the North the Democratic cry i t s _" life and honor to the rebels." F Do not rely on Democrats at home on election day. .Le: Republican vote early. - Non 2burtistmnitti. WIOKH. AM & BLACK'S IS.THE PLACE TO OCT OROCKRRYI As we have joie received a large lot direct from the Pottery of E. Jerk, Tunatall, Eng land. CHINA - • 1 From Boveland & Co., Simoges, Fraiice GLASSWARE Of all kinds and prices. LAMPS,, Hari, Table, Hand, &e,, de CHANDE LI ES, For Churches, Halls or Stores. _ TOILET WARE, In Was; Ratting, .as Japanned SILVER PLATED WARE, Wavanted . a the best, quality. GOODS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, STONE WARE, TABU CIMIXRTi LOoNitja G Bit, &C. We offer to the TRAMS goods CB Prices. Piomlrtng to do oar best we Uy ask yon Co give ifs a call. Towanda; Oct. 1, - .1868. • . . . n. B. BAKER, Mater. lifillioright, 'h prepared' to attead in , all bake= In lde Una . - He warrants all work done in a work. mealtime manner. , AU order* by m dl, or other wise, addressed to me at, Towanda, will be promptly offended to. - June 1, 18(18.—Sitto - - Towkona, - Pa:, June 28,18 Ce. ' To atl edam it want ecostenii I certify . that l• hays this day awls ed ,1). R. BAKHB, of To wends, Bradford coputy, Pa., agent for the . Babe of Bedlam Aftegi 11166611 Water WIWI: for the mantles • 1 Bradford: W sing. Lyom• l c ing, Clinton, Clearfield, nog* Pe„ ia the State of Pennsylvania. Parties wanUng' them/ wheels am obtain them through - him and he will gime r hts mama attention , o putting. . • •• innate* deified. 'Parties by milling upon Mt: Baba, at Towanda,: vUl[,be !shown the wheel, and on application to Wm be will fun. Ul lab ostratedsphteta eontalnirtg, working tables, - testis* ito., So. - • • J ' Ak. NaoPlll2lllolll, ~, General Agent tor Penneylermia, for B o- ,-• • - ''. • Mimi Jonvil Tuitine Water ,Wbetl., Irg. PLACE' TO BUY tetlaiakicia biesieri:z FINE SYRITPSANO MOLASSES at NoOABE & - --._ ----2 , ..!..; ,- , , -_ - , - - ,: - .,..:-,. - -,..-,.. ,- i - -,-: •: : :, , ...=:-:',7, , - , . -7 , - ! NalVaalOrtiPtintidC : ': ,- , . . .....„ .... .. Toy.witt. , STOVES STOVES 1 stomas Ii(METRIPOWACOMWARE FORE, Are stfractloititoolt - sttestleh. idlownie Variety 01 Stoves • . , .41LWAYS ON HAND, Stoses,co4l -or wood. that wilt nat. 700 for, 7AlU.Okaira i tt', tin SCHOOL, SHOP, erfut t ia,milonc, - iiictoolinui STOVES ..= • IRMO and ree ttieriewiettiorerrat loot: - „ ONE LOOK`' BEFORE BUYINO r We keep's)! leadlog ind-oisse Stores for the 112 at ia r eittrrIr, 'ety Stoves elves. rfour the r olt h il West. , • . . 1 - 't ' WI; BRONSON. .._ooweil, Ps:. thaw 21.111541•'-7:''. , - ussAysrLW'lllloToGßAGe Life alse,Largknotogripit! Othinet Planes: Mann .,l es an 3 Oath Pindoggspite. in the la test angst reduced 'Oleos. Copying and en g done to order. -We chirp nothing• seas for troops t Babies &tenni or Copper /was gith long facia. - • pall and-lee onr **Omani:: Our stock of Album. Prim* •W • ; - undi CO. ' 0it:23;186=, • pRIIi*.LI I ST.CASOADE MILLS. BestAnality• Winter Wheat Ants per $6 50 CiP .27 00' Beet vallty Bye Flour per hundred 400 Corn Neal and Bye and Corn Feet; • 2 75 Buckwheat Plow, , 3 50 A. fah Man& allowed to &aims.. We psy cash for gain. Wheat:ll2 Wind $2 50, Rye, good, $1 80,13ackirbest 115 amts.-, Corn $1 25, Iloatemgrindhlgusually done at-once ' as the capacity of the mill is mifealent for a large amount of work INGHAM. • camptown, Kay 7,1868., 7- TN the District Court qY the United States for the Western District of Penn's. Hassan Billings, a Bankrupt llndeig the Act of Congress of March 2d; 1867,having opplied for a - Discharge from all his debts, and other claims provable under said act, By ordir of the Court, Notibe is hereby given, to all Creditors • who have proved their debts, and other persons interested ; to appear on the 13th day of Nov. 1868, at 2 o'clock; p.m., before E,Overtbn, Jr., Register, at his office at Towanda,to show cense, if any theyhare,why a Discharge should not be granted to the said Bankrupt. And fur ther, Notice is hereby given,that he second and, third meetings of creditors of the said Bankrup r• (piked by the 27th and 28th sections of said Act, will be had_ before the said Register,at the same-Alma and place. ' S. C. NOCANDLEBS, Oct: 29,'6$ Clerk of said Court. INTN THE DISTRICT COURT OF United States, for the Western District of Pennsylvania. Riley Sickles, a -Bank rupt under the Act of Congress of March 2d -1866; having applied for a Discharge from all his debts, and other claims provable un der said Act, by order of the Court, notice is hereby given, to all creditors who have proved their debts, and Other persons in; wrested, to appear on the 13th day of No mmen. 1868, at 10 o'clock, a. m., before said Court, at the office of EDWARD OVER TON, Esq.. at Towanda, Pa-, to show cause, if any they have. why a Discharge should not be granted to the said Bankrupt Arid further, notice is hereby given, that the iec ond and Third Meetings of Creditors of the said Bankrupt, recinired by the 27th and 28th Sections of stud Act, will be had before said Register, at the same sine and place. S. O. hicCANDLESS. Clerk U. S. Dist: Court for said District. Oct. 21, 186fL TN ~ TEE DISTRICT ,COURT 01 4 ' the' United States, for the Western Dis trict of Eenrutylvania. Alonzo E. Benjamin a Bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March ad, 1867, having applied for a Dis charge from all Jis debts, and other claims provable under said Act, by order of the Court, notice is hereby . given, to all per sons who have proved their debts, and oth er persons interested, to appear on the 11th day of Ncnx)caza, 1868, at •8 o'clock, am, before Edward Overton, dr,Rsq., at his of in' Towanda, to show, cause, if any they have, why a discharge should not be granted to the Paid Bankrupt. And further notice is hereby given, that the seeond.and third meetings of the Creditors of the said Bankrupt, regal:ad by the 27th and 28th sections of. said Act, will be held before the said Register, at the name time and place. Oct.B. C. McCANDLESS„ c 21, 1868, Clerk of said Court, Ti THE DISTRICT COURT OF 1-1 the United States, for the Western Dis trict of Pennsylvania. ISAAC N. LACEY, a Bankrupt under the Act of Congress of °tr e h 2d, 1867, having elpplied fora Dis c arge from all his debts, and other claims p able under said Act, .by order of the Court, NOtice is hereby given , to all per sOns who have proved their debt ,-land oth cp persons interested,! to appear= the 14th day of November, 1968, at 9 o'clock, a. m., before E. Overton, Jr., ER., Register . ; at .fiis office in Towanda, Pa., to show cause, if any they have, why a Discharge should not be granted o the said Bankrupt, And farther, Notice is hereby given that the Second and Third Meetings of Creditors of the said Bankrupt, required by the 27th and 28th Sections "of said Act, will be held befox'e the said ikister, at the same time and place. E. O. •MoCANDLESS,. ' Oct 220868. Clerk of said Court. coon ivania red to T N THE DISTRICT COURT OF the United States, for 'the Western Dis trict ef Pennsylvania. GEOBOE SMITH, a Bankrupt wider the Act of Congress of March 2d, 1867, having applied ford Dis charge from all his debts, and 'Other claims provable under said Act, by order of the Court, Notice is hereby given to all persons who have proved their debts, and other persOns interested, to' appear on the 13th day of Novinanna, 1868, at 9 o'clock, a. m., before E..Overton, Jr., Esq.. Register, at his office in Towanda, Pa., to show cause. if lll;rthey have, why 11' 4 . Discharge should not be granted to the said Bankrupt. And further, Notice is hereby given, that the Second and Third Meetings of Creditors the said . Bankrupt, required by the . 27th and 28th &diens of said Act, will be, held be fore the said Register, at the same time and fi. C. MoCANDLESS,. - SoL 22, 1868. Clerk of said Court.- yang I levery EW FRUIT AND FANCY erocery -Store; Near the Elwell House, TOWAND&, PA Just started, a good-supply iot 7'. 12, "Cr I 'l' S , MIMED, DOMESTIC, CAIINEDijr. DRIED. ) Tr 4, corp[, ANti snow!, NtitB Caniesi--Fruit Extracts; Corietantly on band, and be sold cheap as the cheapest. Also the best quality of BALTIMORE OYSTERS, By measure, or e.in, or keg. Fresh and Fine i Remember the place t O. H. WOOD'S NEW STORE,i Between the Elwell Bowe and Mennen Bloet TiiwiuAds, Oct. 15, 1868. TOWANDA COAL YARD I :ANTHRACITE AND BITIIIoNOUB • COAL& . • The undersigned having leased ' - the Coal Yard` and Dock at the old " Barclay Bads," and Jut completed a large Coal Rouse and Office epos the Onmihm, are now prepared to famish the Wants of Towanda and vicinity with the diff erent kinds and sizes of the above gamed t o m s upon the molt reasonable terms in an guanti• ty'deMuid. Prlear st the Yard unti lfarther notice : . ; Lame En $2.50 Small •Egg ' • Steve. ' - " - ,5,50 Cheento4, . • - -tape 13arelay "lump; 400 Rau ot Rime, ' 1,50 Tine tilled's:llth 3,13; The 1 following additional charges will be ettide for deltverlet COW "HIM the Itormigh T0n„,.50 eitra for carrying so eta gaff Tair:.33 .7 " " u". 23 " , Q ual t ertt os,l (a • au , • Orden mot falai:este be eterimpildell -with .7 2 •` • ' IYA"; OTilkOlf Towanda, Oct. 1, 1868.—tf. - AND g# ~; ° N & 0 S g.tr`n • IBLD-, emni WanuoVt,s . to la u rel the hi.' hibttanto farand4 Mid Woe our tair way of dealing ; APD Wlllll2llll, WO ONO our Illneen %Maga to the community for extending to us so Mini Patentalis ;MU now; AND Winnow', We deem it our duty to re apneas all , lbs. (swore bottomed :upon or thus tar; Il ..& We hereby patdiely - PROCL. 11. that ou Fan. &Winter GoOdai -Doeskin. Sina; of 'stt grids ind or the' West stiles will be: , - = diepaseter of 'REDUCED' PRICES Oa geode are indonfaisteiret lii4er York litj .b3t 0 4 6 Pt N l / 9 inembers the flan , therefore we are alibied to noll tut stock and wielder to reduce our put, our goods at each low Mee as will embitter; body to boy a suit of doilies. •We are ready fht! • ' . tr LARGEST STOCK of OVERCOATS Ever 'brought to ale a:whet, Buhl as Bearer, Doeskin do.. for Ken and Boys wear. Call at the Clothing Store of _ iSOHEN Jr. ROSENFIEO, • did.ionitoee yourself of ;lie fact that they do so they-say sad do not tilerepnwent any of their goads. We 'Lao peal) attenttoo to oar !Well tif GEN7EI FURNISEITATO GOODS! . • • lash as Cass!mere and Woolen Orerstalrts, Qu deeahuts and Wavers, °saran s int ovenddrte, Ciloves, , CorAlsma Jackerta,Tha, Collars, Sus penders', • . . _ LATEST STYLES RATS • A t ' CAPS, Which they also sell at &dated Prices. 0 lye.. us a call before baying elinehere. - ' * COHEN & RI3BI3NE4ELD. Opposite PoweU & Co. Towanda, Oct. 21,1868. - • The ondersigued would' respectfully inform the citizens -of .W ruing and vicinity . that they have disposed ot their old stock and have . again opened at their old stand with an entire new stock of Beady Made Clothing which are of the best manufacture and of the latest style ,They have , A l sonc Doeskin and 'Pilot Overcoats. a lame assortment of Gents Furnishing Uoods, such as Overehirta Undershirts, Drawers, Hats Caps,./cc., which they wilt sell at Reduced Prices. Having gain ed the Oitildentie of the people by honest and fair Oiling, they are sure of obtaining s share of their patronsga - Call awl' examine before purchasing elsewhere. COHEN . & ROBE FIELD. Wyalusing. Oct 2t, 1868. TO THE FRIENDS 'OF. SDIJOA CATION AIM LOVEIV. OF MUSIC: We take pia:lure in informing you that we have jug opened in Towan- da, on the corner of Bridge and Main Street, Ao. 3 Pattm's Block, on Elegant New Book and Music Store, where every thing in .the Book Stationery and music line may be found. Also Statuary, .Paintings, Gold Pens, Spectacles, Eye Glasses Spy Glasses, Opera Glasses, and a general assortment of Musical At struments, Yankee Notions and Fancy Articles. &a. &a. T0W11111.11,.,1%. MOM BROAHLOIII, BEAVER. - Our Gooda were all selected in the. city with great care by experienced hands and bought with earth at a very low figure with a. uiew to thi- wants of this community. We feel confident we shall be able to offer' bargains to all Soho=totllfav s or us wit their a patronage: Call and see us. CRO&S i t CO. 0. F. CROSS. J. G. PATTON. Tate m -Pignsomu. so stn Tao gaup IT.- COB 5 h Co., }inv.) just. opened a splendid New . Book and Music Otore, in Patton's Block, Towanda, where they are selling everything in their line cheap for Cash. .Call and see them and sat. isfy yourself that sugh is the case. • ; "?- W.' A. CHAMBgRLIN Ras en!argail Ms store and Lase at recelred a large stocl of Gold and Silver , AMERICAN WATCHES I And a well selected assortment of SWISS WATCHES, all nrarranted to run well or the monep refunded. He keeps on band a large as. outman of the celebrated • SETH THOMAS CLOCK Abe' an elegant as sortment of the I latest , styles • Gold JEWELRY AND SILVER,WARE. In the plated line. he haft Rog* Bother , FORKS AND SiOONSi Heavily Plated Breakfast &Dinner Castors • Elegant treble plate donble wall • ; .ICE PITOK.ERSI; Handsome Cake Baskets, BUTTER J. BERRY DISHES, Pickle Stands, Tea Bells, &c., /to., &a maximum is now keeping the GROVER & BAUM'S Family' Sewing JfachineB.: These Machines are superior to all others for dually us. for the following reasons s• They sew with two three& dieect hom the gaols, and require no rewinding. They are more easily understood anima liabeodnmnt, than hnu ms., They are capable of executingperfect/. without. change of adhastment, a much greater variety of work than other machines. The 'Mich made by theth machines is much more dna, sloth., rind durable, fay upon articles which rennin to be and ironed, than any other ditch. • This stitch, owing to the manner in which the under thread is anweought, is much the most plump and beautiful in use, and retains this plumpness and "beauty, even upon articles trequintly washed end irontd, - until' they are t The dna:tare of thi Ram la with, that, tho , it be oat or broken at internis of only a tow Ababa, it will milker open, Mai nor rarely bat remise Ann mad dura ble. Unlike` other meddles', these - fades both indoor the seamHby their own operat4On. With these =Wanes. while Mlirh used upon the tight or face aide of the seam cotton may beamed upon the other side with out lessenlic the Myna* or durability of the mem. me can be done on uo other machine, sad is a gust ruing twin all articles stitched ,or made up ...; These,mmblum, hi addition to theirloaCriar Mame aa hattrameara for ;swing, men the and beeetifel and permanent embroider* and emamental wort...:. Ton on N ee dl e ; geteettoilfs44oean d ..all iitieles peral : Mint to the araddne ':. 4ATt3T . AND ' ciiSClE:*Ankisp, , 2 „.... Dole bt the beat manner t as nnial, at low rates Towanda, May 18, 1867 . . . 1110ibirti • - : ID P r - ' ''' • ri: - - ' 4 a - ml . - 6 - 0 0 t a g g ,O, A.r n i r t: E t t ° : ii. , , ,-. „ ::,,.,'-: . NA PP tz i a 1 41 8 13 01 0 i H d 4 it l 4 k VI CD a 1 1, rd ,M t a g pp 1 t i ,_, • tl i . 12 ' 4to L.'.h l i N 1 CI , 0 ki Z•- 44 .. -i , • 0 V 4 . i i .I '3 ii - iCO 1 1 • 0 - . ... tti D rt o w '1 t i 0 0 q I - 31 t 0 ac) I 'd i hj ' i 1 ti i ? ti) -.° ki ts 4 8 '4 h~ ~-. Q 0 p_co 0 g rot`i M ti ►4'._ H 8 ~' ~.: U 1 t~ 0 44 '74 " c a ° l c 0 N. ti to 1-3 tzi I it tg Cl 1 _ rd w ci •o P - m 41- cm 4 0 k tn Ell ~~- d; to z ~_ ~. EN =MEI IEI ;~~ ~~ N Z . twir. ME DE Mie444,Oizos. - - rriANN e UtitutNIMIS MAKING fins tidr day formed a vvr.,+-4,,, bit -to kiewa sane brm of M. is,FutidicAo umunupo n of carrying oiftbe above balla01111: mairm; and topeatiag does to ads/ slid WI wok mm rated. 114fil itM1414 MAGEE. =GAS 8. PULLER; - 28, WO. W - RAfPING PAPER NO PAPER JIIS : r TAvi TONS WitA jago , pF Hub s sectied Abe agency for one of the largest nutnefacturers in - the country, we are sow pared to-offer great ladocementa to / ir and others using - Wrapping Pape. Our stock comprises everything is the lice, 'sat we rupeettolly solicit a portion of "bittOnaipl, as we are Whiled that we ten oieh goods u low ss any establishment ontiide tt I 411111. • _1 - ALTORD I BARBER, "Toirsnds. Oct 1;1848 Merazea He* Block IocrARN MEALS; AT ALL HOURS it: MOST1TI"8'" Restaurant_ POMBA coming to town for dinner, will do-wsit to give Mtn a cap. " OEO. W MOFFITT Towanda, one 11,1368. • poR SALE AT SCOTIA TANNERY Pbuderhag flair at wholesale and- retail. 'also Soap sod - Wagon Grease by the pound "and Nand. Cub paid for Bark and Bides. ADAM INNF7i. GriatriDacentre, Pa.. July 16, 1868.5 m. MSS HUNTS spool,- FOR Yam Ladleswill re•open on MONDAY the 31stday of AIRKIBT. Thejear Ls divided Into 4 terms c f lo wetlur 70:deli Bran_ $6 50 fqj Si co Pane and UM, such. " 2 50, (i 4 100 Pupils will be _received at any time, but ao deduction.will be made after admiralon for ' absence of leas than one half a term -. _Ang,12,1848. • SEMIANNUAL STATEMENT OP . 7 . 1"011:NG ISERM M ANCE COPANY, Jab , Ist; 1868 'Asskrs.—Bosp f . lll4ted stags Sixes of 1881,—. 100 Shares First National Bank, Wilkes-Bane, 313,500 100 Shares Second Natiomsl 13mik Wilkes-Barre • 12,400 103 Shares Wyoming National .. Bank, Wilkesalame 0 8 r 160 Shares Wilkes-Barre Gas . 50 fa -64 Bridge - Company " XIECELLANEOCS Cash,thana and Bonds,. Stock not railed in, • gs, Cash In Bank, Cash In band and due from • Agents, ....... Other property' 1,500 Beal Estate, .... . ... • 1:.00- 12= Losses paid irrren years,... =3 UrnsOtled Losses, not doe. T. B. CAMP, Sg•F•nt. : • First block below Ward llon4e, ;d story. Towanda, Sept. 2, 1;68.— r 3m . T o w NDIA. AGRICULTURAL OBKS TOWANDA, P ENN' A., MANUFACTURES HUBS, SPOKEi HEFT Intl?, HEAVY e AND LIGHT WAGONS QENERAL WOOD WORK • • WOOD TURNING IN ALL ITS BRANCiIE.i SCSOLL ELiWING, PLANING, etc., F.TC la Dealers in HUBS, SPOKES & BENT STUFF , / - We offer a LARGE STOCK - FROM WHICH TO• fELECT The above are froth thc bt-14 SECOND GROWTH HICKORY 4t 0-NK. LIGHT AND HEAVY WAGONS ON H,AND We *ire the Broad anti f 117 arrow I Gur .11/1"11.1t.L PICK S made and dresiied BISHOP, Sqperiutccde:,t M. C. MER'CUR, PreAident • FIIRNITIRE! 'New COOLS! NEW Golns! N E , ICT F" I N SNWE P 0 PUL. A G 1 , . ! • Consisting of. 'CHAMBER SETS, PARLOR SET:4 DI 226 BOOR" SETS, MIRRORS, PICTURE FRAMES, Photograph Frames, ler everibotlyi A- GEERAL. ASSORTMENT FtiT;;T4F, Suited to this market. I have the best aphAl• terer in the country. and manntacture our or: upholstered work. REPAIRING AND .JOBBING; Done to order. Baying an rape 4 1116 a '2 years In the baslness , I can COMO fly Sore to please all who patronize me. - Don't forget the place. No. 15.5, Main two doors south of Beldleman's Block, Tore.. da. Pa. Towanda, Kay 30, 18613—tf. HAT, CAP, AND FUR MBE The undersigned have opened a Store on ttF south side of el ercur'd new block,_ TOWANDA, PA., Where they intend to keep a full bta;kqf FISSIONABLE ANDS 84SONxBLE Goole, consisting' of HATS, ,CAPS„: (IRS, TRAVELLING B 6VBRELLA, , §, CANES, GLOI BUFFALO and WOLF RO3~S•t: • Which' we wilt-sell at tte lowcat Friti and respectiallY aoliAt a sturegt Via of the pabl:c. , _ or Rats fitted with the Antezila a • Conformer Towaad, mum, OR ANY. OTHER AB' TICLE In our lino, ordered at abort eetici oy calling at the NEWS 800 i 33 ,00.) 4,350 140,C00 25,000 5,265 ISM EBM El TpFania, in,)Y B. T. DECKER- C:0 'Y