Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 22, 1868, Image 3

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    frzataiiti piax x.
Ocurch.—Utiv. &gm DMA!, Pastor.
Iteashing. SnWrip .lAM a. awl 71
1.. rt. Sunday a. in. Pryer
Ideating may Thursday artodtig:
Z S. Charah...-Say. g 7. T. Bacrwisza.; Pan.
tor. Preaching may Say at. 1011 a.x.
. and 7i /P. 31. Sunda School, 111 tb. it.
Prayer' iretlng army coming.
.Prarbyteriors • WA&
Pastor. Praia:Jag est ry
PraK d t hr.e7
AV/moped Chauck—Bay. F. D. Roan" Pas.
tor. Proaahh* env &ntday at 104
and Sr Sunday School. 1} P. rt.
Tins Tanix—The following is the
Time Table of the Pennsylvania and New
York Canal and Bail Boa Catayany, which
took effect on Monday, 181113:
r ~•..r,:~J~ •~
• P. IL A.H. 4i. M.
'Ws.vaux.... 630 1120.....830
arms 1105.
Mari— ...... 4110 .B.flB
!Meru 12.15 9.13
Zoiraz*., AS 19a8 938
p ••
A. M. A. M. P. M.
........753 100 4.43
- WrniLT..
MILAN .7:40 1022 -400
725 1017 4115
..71N) 9:52 300
A. IL A. M. P.M.
JOHN P. COX alPerinfauktiL
Republican Meetings.
At BURLINGTON, at the School House
near Lather's Mills, on Saturday-evening.,
Oct. St Speakers, G. D. MONTANTE
and W. T. DAWES.
At-BURLINGTON BODO, on liondaLin
ning. Oct. 26. 13Peakeiss Hon. r i w e n"
at LEROY, on Tuesday evening, Oct. 27.
Smite Speakers,-
At VYALUHENG, Thu:allay evening, Oct.
29. Speakers. Hon. U. MERCUR and
At LERAYSYILLE, on Friday, Oct. 30.
Same Speakers.
At WINDHAM CENTRE, on Saturday eve
ning, Nov. 1. Speakers, Hon. U. MEP.-
At NORTH ROME., at the litimptosvn
Church, on Saturday Evening, Oct. 24.
Siniakera, Capt. O. M. MANVILLE and
Col. E. OVERTON, Jr.
lea. The Pre-ddent has appointed
Mandan Nov. 26th, aa a day of 'Thanks
giving for the nation.
ifir Gen. Ear, the Democratic can
didate for Surveyor General, was in town
last week, assisting at the nuptials of his
friend, Major Mason. The General bears
his defeat.very philosophically.
SNONi.—The first snow. of the sea •
son came Friday morning, and for a few
minutes, resembled a regular "old-fashion
ed" snow-storm, the air being filled with
the fleecy ihower,and the hills whitened by
SCALDED.—A young 801:1 of RICHARD
and &Anna McCann, of•ilome township. on
the 26th A., fell into a pail of hot water,
from which his mother was mopping, and
gadded 'himself so badly that ,be died on
the 2d inst.
s The Rail Road track is now
laid as far up as the Lock below this place,
where switches for turning are being made.
The workmen am busily engaged in block
ing up and ballasting the track,so that reg
ular trains will probably be run to this
place next week. —7lmkhannock Democrat.
Atmr. SOLOMON, of the firm of
&Lotion it Co., has returned to this plats,
ind will Rpentrthe coming winter here.—
The establishment has lately added to its
stock, a large assortment of Clothing and
Famishing Goods, to .which the attention
of the public is respectfully solicited.
Owtn Coury, an employee nu the
Bat Road• near Milan in Ulster, was on
Friday last thrown from a hand car by the
crank catching some portion of his clothing,
and run over, cutting the skin to the skull,
sharing cleat from the head Most of one
ear, breaking the jaw bone and bones of the
ttne ,, , and otherwise iajnriog him severely.
mid dons Elomssii, had a most des
perate fight near the Central Rouse, on Sat
tirliy evening, about eleven o'clock, which
ended iu the stabbing of HOLLAND by Coax,
in tine places about the head and chest.—
They were tinder the' influence of liquor at
the time. The fight having sobered them
in a •measure, they began to realize what
had been done, and the wounded man was
helped into the wagon and rode , home with
his companion and antagonist to Leßoy,
where he is now lying insensible, with no
prospept of recovery. Cook is held to bail
in the sum of one hundred dollars.
Autosr A CoIiFLAGRATION.—About 8
o'clock on Monday evening a fire "Ives die
covered in the Drug Stare and office of Dr.
V. Swam in STAV.I's brick block—
two doors west of our office. Tfie alarm
was given, at which a large number of citi
zens collected at the place. The door was
broken open and the fire extinguished by a
tew"paila of water. It had brirnt and charred
the counter for several feet and destroyed
quite a number of payers lying under it.—
If it had progressed for ten minutes /anger
before discovery, the destruction of the
west wing of the block,and the Surrounding
buildings would have been inevitable.-
211,11-hrinnock Dent.
WS. Our Young Folks, for Novem
ber, contains its usual variety of excellent
entertainment for children. "Mors , About
Trotty" is funny enough to provoke a , hear
ty laugh even from a sour old bachelor,
while papas and mammas will immolate it
still more keemly.- The,third -'-'Lecture on
Heat," and "Little My, or the Ilse of
Tearc," are also excellent in their way.
The leading article in The Atlantic Ifonlh
;.y for November, is upon "Cooperative
Housekeeping," and very clearly seta forth
the deficiencies in the training of the pres
ent generation of women. The remedy
proposed to-be discussed in a future num
bet Other valuable articles in the =P.
me are "Foieim Faces," by Engem Ben
son ; :“Ilayden-valley SplniterLand," by
Adams ; "Kentucky's Ghost," by E.
Stuart Phelps, besides poetry by Alice Oary
and Bayard Taylor: Ticknor A Fiekbi.Bos
-ton, publishers.
Acctomrr IA MonoLsOs.-00 Satur
day lest a Aire. likmeensker, of Elpringrilio,
accorap in i e d by two other women - and tiro
children, while driving alorig the dog road
above Pier4ville, in going op y. steep hilt
by reason of breaking or felling out of the
whiltletree bolt, had the wagon detached
from the horses and precipitated over &Ws:
peudieclar wall of about 10 feet. Two of
the women, with the chrldren, passed over
with it. The wagon after haling ca the
wall and turning over, lodged against a
finial tree i theiroinan'wera GROWII '
ihnnt r < - steep haul: to near thit edge the
itream. One of them in the ail I hit
leg broken. The other was seriiiiilanis.
ed end scratched. Atter this one *A
one of the children, an iqt
pt of a llerr
MAW old was'found si on the wagon;
seat which was under uphirned wagon
—entirely unharmed. The other child; it
small boy, and the innioari escaped ,
with but slight .—tingdiamyx.k.Dirn.
dal Notig.
Yon House' and Lot
now pied by me, eitnatadin. Chestnut
Street.' The House is veil .airaisged for
:#faxolly, and will be sold cheap. Poi
on given about the Brit of ..Tennary.
Oct. 20. ' 8. W. &NORD.
Ilfir Planed,- and the celebrated
Bhoniniger Melodeons and Cabinet Organs
of every else, style and Rim Sheet in n.
'do. itielardaon's Piano. Winnerlthlelodeon
and Howe's Organ Instrootors for sale lil t ,
W. Dress= & Co.'
Oct. 22.
To 'LumnsioneN.—Wonted•-="A Juan
oteapital and nnergy to s tool and sun a
84 To da. Oak 21. gst Omsk
stir Mims Griffin would say to the
Ladies that ahe Les returned limn the eity
with the. Pall and Winter style of Bonnets
and Rate. and is prepared to offer the same
at the lowest prices. also Velvets and Wins
for dress trimmusgs.
Tomas, Oct. 41.-3 t
Fcne SALL*One span of biky Hor.'
sea, eft years old, Ism& kind kid well;
matched. One two horse Piatforni Spring.
Wagon, in good order. One two horse sec-1
and hand Family Carriage, in good order. ;
One second hand two horse harness.
One new open Buggy..
One second hand open Buggy. , i•
'• The above property wilVbe sold lbw. En•
buire• of
8. N. ASPINWALL, 129 Idain•st.,
Oct. 8.-2 w. -- Towanda, Pa. -
Warrrao.—A _ good . wagon maker.'
'Reasonable wages and steady employment,
J. P. Laws,
South Branch, Bradford Co., Psi
Oct. 13.-3 t•
Lima ! Luis ! Lam I—Theundßr
signed baring erected a large snit perina
nent LIME KIM which is now in fall
operation bas on band a lamas filtroca . or
Wynn loam which he will sell is low as
can bought anywhere between Pittston and
Elmira. A Gunn. RIMITCTION ZS Paws,
made to dealers who buy by therquantity.
Orders filled and shipped to all points by
Browntown, Pa., Oct 10, 1868.-tf.
EsTawr.—Cime to tee enclosure.of
the subscriber in. North Towanda, On the
10th day of September last, three Sheep
and four Lambs, without any partiouhtr
marks. The owner is requested to prove
property, pay charges, and take them away.
Ws Atoldosium.
North Towanda, Oct. 13, 1868.--3w*
WANTED.—A family of good char
acter and competent to manage and im
prove a farm as a dairy, or otherwise.
G. H. & E. %rims.
Wyalnsing, Oct. 6,1868.-3 W.
116.. A young gentleman witthea to
correspond with an unlimited number of
young ladies Object, tun and mutual im.
provement. Address P. O. Drawer 81, To
wands, Pa. Oct. 8. 1868.
Reanuros—Ous PEIVICEPLIL—AII goods
marked in plain figures, and only one price
and no deviation, a system endorsed by
every honorable man as the surest and
safest way of dealing, which allows of to
fraud or imposition. If this style of deal
ing suits you better than the fraudulent
bantering system, then give us a call at 133
Main St, adjoining Patton's Block
TOWAIMA, t4,_Sept. 23.
EXAMINATIONS.—The annual .exami
nations bf Teachers, for the several districts
of this county, will be held as follows :
Oct. 8.. Warren, Bowen Hol'w School house
. ..... 9..Windhitin, Caykendsll 11 '
... .10.. Orwell, Orwell 1811
....12.. Boma, Borough
...15—Sbeihequin, Lower Valley "
....16—Ulater, Village , II
... .17. :Towanda, Borough .6
....19—Litehtlebi, Centre 44
... .20..Atheas, Borough , 41
....21..Smithlield, Centre l 4
....22..Springlield, Centre 1116‘
....23..Bulgbury, Centreville 44
....24..1d0nth Creek, Gillette_
_ ..26..We115, Bowl' , Rill "
....27—Columbia, Austinville ..
....28_Troy, Borough ' gs
....22...We5t Burlington, West Bur
lington Centre. .6
..30..Burlington, Luther's Mills "
N o r. 65.. Wysor, Myersbnrg 66
..... 6—Standing Stone, Centre . 1 "
..... 7—Asylnin, Laporte
.. ' ... 9.. Terry, Tarrytown
. : ..10.. Wilmot, Sugar Run 44
....IL Bahr' .Alhany and Overton, a "
....12— Monroe, Monroaton 14
... .17—Rerriek, Landon 4t
18.. WSalasing, Camptown "
19..Tnscarora, Spring ' "
....20..Pike, "
4 .24 ..Fnaddin, Varney
....25..Granville, Centre 4.
....26..Le110y, Corners
....27..Canton, Borough a/
Jan. th Troy, Nov. 28, Towanda, Dec.l2,
and 9. -
Applicants are requested to attend in the
vicinity where they reside or expect to teach.
Those finding it LlecioNsary to attend a spec
ial examination. will comply with' the re
quirements found on the 139th page of the
school laws. :Exercisea will commence be
tween 9 and 10 o'clock ; none admitted to
the class after 10 o'clocktinless =avoidably
Teachers mist invariably procure certi
ficates. valid in thiacounty before comme i
cing school professional cer
tificates issued prior to tile tirct Monday of
June, 1866, were, by the Act of April 9th,
1867, made to expire on the the first Mon
day of Tune last. Directors are requested
to be present, and also see that Teachers
for their respective sahoold are in atten
dance. 0. 3. Ciitasszcs,: •
°SWELL, Sept. 18. oonntypayet.
Tna Attrulcsri Comma Srovs.—The
only real base burner. It is a well-known
fact that in a cooking attire with no elonga
ted tire-box the Are will die out at each end.
and a large quantity of dead coal will accu
mulate at these points. To prevent this
the American and to aid and makea unifo
combustion through allparta of the fire-bOs, rm
air is admitted • into a hollow chamber at
the top of the stove above the fire, end car
ried trough this hollow bested ,chamber
down - to near the bottom of the firebox at
each end and then admitted, directly into
the burning mass of cost By this means
a uniform combustion is obtained in all
parts of the fire-chamber, and less coal con•
mimed, and a more continuous fire can be
kept than in any other stove.- This new
patented improvement is another great ad
quisition to this already world-renowned
cooking stove, which is now on the Fair
grounds onlo for exhibition, where it can be
seen by all desirons.of examining its. many
perfections, and is for sale by Warrant do
Southworth, of this city, agents for Shear,
Packard .t Co., of Albany.—Botherier Dern
nook Oct. Ist.
' For wale by &N. Bronson. Orwell, Pa.
Oct. 22.-3 t,
the Ward House, who will do all kinds of
Hair Work. IS witehes,'Curls, Braids, Puffs
Frlssets and Ladles Front Pies's, made of
their own natural. hair. Wigs, Toupees and
False Whiskers, made it ordered. Pirtle.
nlar attention given to the Crating and
Dressing of Ladies and Chtldren's Rah'.
Highest market ~ price. paid in Mash for Hair. •' • B. Timms.
Towanda, Oct 8,1888.-4 w. •
• Case:tee Mum - Floun--Mada from
prime old Winter Wheat, is *nth 16 per
cent. mom than the. *suit =lewd, area
quality, made from new wheat. A mask or
barrel will make 15 percent, or ime pinia
in seven; ' more bread-'tine 'item the'new
crop. Making a difference in mine in fa
vor of , the old of two dollars per banal or
fifty . oents per melt. owing to.the new con
isimng WM mortice of water more. Shin
the old. This fact is wellinsown to
ena bought,. eaderstand-it:-;•.-We
Useand EMI Imamate tit,. all
the Old Wheat to' be , bad, and have a
supply until the neer
,erop is , fikto-nee to
dvantageNo decline 'ln We, propel° to
make fibetter smd better fal the time; •
'1E731.• -
Camptown, Aug. 13,1
. •
— Tiiiii , . :oiiiiiiillikiii•iii.' - • : 'Titiir"
uniguassOilkatiiorvit • • ,• -' for its AM
term on:ltooday. Oat. Nth, • - ;'. the 410
nets 4 f ll -
0 0 21111 4r= 4* M• , Jlobti 3o l4llol4- -
6. I • .ad lett hfitelliOl
albite Forest :r • , ...lialtool Amu. Oldaego,,,
yrofeaeor Aloft • • liallgyy reI3OIMSIW
4114 4111 d.WW- , 40#6444 ni *embed
libatisok tuattaii Mot are le: r to, Ili
sa t
cotoplatelieeeme. ,- 1` Thrwill aisle ted, by
tio 'able- *alma, AMU ;: IN Jobaion,
- one of - the- &Outgo ortht6:. tilieri nal
13ebocd at . kbasidelkiMd';: , - .Bos'-Bortly,
late of Holyoke Ferns* . Mask - - '
•_: We quote from the. also :..reesntlt- : faz
sued- by the •Diseethre Who: - tit be oorn;•
minded far their t er nnd:fidiblolo
nese in stniyil ng .ot the, itta • ofthlveitir.
UM& - - . / ... .
• The Asitisans !Of Trot ti ' - ini4 '' ' s
long felt the want of s proper 001, to ea
r:grate *4 tl m arar i Al k art 41 =.
ties for all the UM" . Gan ' en . d pa
dies Of Waskout Bradford who d to ob.
lain a thorough eaotion, ha gat Sex-.
POMO (Carer 120,000.. just tha
finest school bull , J;tig in N ern, yl-.
mean 't The-Indio:Bog Is :sibs tient
-strutted of Nth*. hi' hicidern style • i 60
feet square ,; with mat and . t _lrilgs for
-entrance, aid ., two . ekwlea ' h=-has, ors
Booms, 28x28 feet on the. t floor, d
two Booms 28:40 on second .
' of being thrown into one
whenever necesehry4 r -
There are. also tiro.. Recite
16228 foot each, o 4 lthe'secon
=Cloak B o oms-m- on be
of the Buglih...:
The whole bdiffliig Is well
ventilated, and is heisted with
son's Patent Hot Air
The Bixessit are . . bed
ash, and hudirshedwith seats
the most modern miff approved
It is the design of the peopl
make this in . au respects of
schoOl ; andto supply,. dams
long eadatedin this Cosununit
lug Wellies for the illtainmerS
thorough aniipnaticisl educatil
Students desiring to prepare
will here and the amplest oppc
that thorough preparation so b
to anaemia. : 1
Owing to the unavoidable del
In 'the building. theßrat Terri
only eight wiecksthereattarl
year will be divided into three 1
weeks each. .
Non-resident Sch9lare will
Trotion,es follows :.s
For the Cominon English Bram
i!oulltiogeil aid / 11 8 11 1-----
mastics. .1. ...... .-._ . 8 iXt"
No Incidental •Eitiiiiiies. lairs' will
in all cases be grided accordingto Merit.
Competent Tealglin in Musks e, prepared
to give instructions td Scholars who desire
it. ,
Board can be ohtamed for u resident
scholars at ressonablelprices, pplicatiocs
for board willbe made to the tary.
l ik
Tuition bulbs will be paid at onunence
relent of the Term ba t4the Se ' toy of the
School Board, C es for t he short firm in proportion.qi l•-
The hoard of Direators we 'll respect
fully announce their Oonfidence in the per.
mallard success and high of this
School ; and they cordia ll y in is the ear
nest co-eperation of tide -busine a men and
citizens generally, in 4id of their efforts.
splendid House and Lot for sal:
•Second street, opposike the
'to good schools, very { 01essantl
The house is new, just' finished
bottom in first class style. For
-ticulars enquire of D. B
premises. Towanda, Oct.
ter Choice Ci ltre at ,
one door north of Bel er's To.,
Towanda, Aug. 20, .—tf.
CAVZION.—Casco4e Mills.
dealing in flour are centioned •
Ling inferior flour in Eeinka or 8 ,.
ing our Trade Mark, is we she
protect ourselves against such
when detected. 11
We will miggest a rileboweve
the consumer may (*coder on
first appeance. (Nakano Cas.
can be ideptifted frookite effec
Weary amiability of wives lard
children rosy cheeked'Aina haPpy
'good digestion the general off:
household, bright as snnlight.
Camptown, Sept. 3,18C8.
Bev E. Burroughs gr. M
' and Miss E. A. Kinney, all of
by Rev. P. A..Dimmi6k. Mr.NO
! ton. of Orwell, - andilMiss t
of Windham.'
by Rey. T. Thomas, Mr. Lacy
•of Stevensville, Pa; and Mi..
Birehara, of BircharAville, , Pa.
14.14DON—FORREST4At finti
Bth, by Rev. L. Anies, Mr..
Landon and Miss Fannie Fo
• CORBIN—COB:URN-0i Warren
C. E. Taylor, :On the 13th inst.,
coca E. Corbin to 311111 Eliza
burn, both of - Warren Pa. • •
. on the 14th hut., by Rev. T.'
Mr. Roger B. IHowell*nd Mies
T. Ceoper, both of A'rert, B
I STONE—CHAFTZB--4t the re
Mr. D. D. Chaffee, the brides
Camptown,, 'B, by Rev
• Mr George It Stone f rof Stove
liiiea, Ida J. Chaff e.
Ville, Jun. 25, 1868, , yßev. 3. 1
nor. stir. Azariali Champion
11.ry Shortelle . , of Leilayaville.
gnat 13, 1868, byllt*: J. W. Ba,
Ezekiel M: Brick; of Tipton,
Miss 13arah E ; ;ltrink, r.:3 Pike.
Sept. 20, by 'the same, Mr.
" and bliss Mary 31. nutehinsoli
Leßaysville. i •
13, by the same, -Mr. amid
of Pike, and Miss Eliza Daviea,ol
- vine.
MORSE —LLOFD—In itorae, Jan . '
Mr. Leonard Morse ? and M' •
Lloyd, of Franklin.
the bride, October It 3. 1868,
Gaylord to Blhia Julia', M. Toads
Oct. 12, 1868, by Bev. D. Craft,
Elliott. of. Boom, Pa i l to /dlia
Gaylord. "i
1 by the same, ',far. Rert W.
Russell, Mass., to Alias Sarah V.
daughter of Henry
JONES—WELLS—By the same, •
Oct. 17.1868, )51.17 . . Darwin' don.:.
Sarah Wells. _
MASON—MERCCR— this p i
„Thursday, October 16, 1868. b
' D. Hoskins, Maj. Addison • Mal
Adelai le, daughter of 11. S. Mar
. .
Montgoinery, Ala , ozi the 12th
Rev. J. H. Ticknor, D. D., Cap
ertson Honey, U. S. Army,
,daughter.of Req.;
1 . of this' place.
quaii--iotroirr-44 wlrx:
Be,. Henry J., Crane, Mr, „
Clark, of Rome, ri.l '",
Vought. of Standing lltone. Pa.
COOPER--GREMi—ln l rTragek
13, by - Rev. 'W. F.xitoti,.
Cooper to Miairozmai Gram
DEAN—WELSON--Bii , le seine.
• Mr. John Dean to "Mixer
of Warren.
PASSYLORET—In Borne; borough, ,
Jane ShipemelerililisioillOp;;''
more. •
Ws. ressmore was born and
,tar finned valley Of Wyorning ; •
aifer her death, a' wl
dad their way with hert-remains,
eemefern at Forty Fort her body
With herparents, and other kin ,
to await the resturectimi of the j •
resided in *Mini *early kqnsrter
aiid, - dtirjai that lfme; live
of a tumble; abnidstent eluistia
141°kww her can te B ,* , Nose
but lore .her ;. aoss_, anted' •
PO* — B l4 - I k l o'*Dcitlip4! , I
yorks lad sims4iiidriirldiii
aieaji b : l 4 Diead Aitr
low Mid seimisibie ; 'Naito
eharoh;otQb a fsj a *tiable motobq t, hut
wit taiA timid Ms Oat baits bar" e 1 sly`
mg - :...5A7 -.1 7- •
FAlltantw),,ln IVentinfile. Bt.`_
13Ounty11,641Ani. 9, ASS IMAM IL
acm, afliOnor IL Mdrahild, 411176 Par
Of hill 401%, 7 ;
The tether of the slemased„Sicired wltlr
fern* Orwell in Ochibes 1867,•t0
hiniti:Ptars . *Aiwa
the gievilshtiedislovety:Asi -41ns Joy
/ I .P- t,i 4 1 ;!, 41 # 417 .. 1
d 4;" 001;41: - EH"- , &nights* isf lases
Marla flue, 1114, arid •,'f
/f O I--IriNeeforif UV, Tandy 'mom
ing,'2oth MA; Palm, daughter of B. T.
Pox, aged 17 yes and 11 months. .
alw_ajts .nnwolerne visitor,
norms this essaSnder *airy afflict-
Jag eirountehmeee of grinfacul sonsim, The
deceased sa. 4 ob7 ol o l t.inst bu4doe
into ir. o2 * l l oo . Iribminesqft,els .0 9 m the
473 ; 1418 bad 6 ' llllltilialled iltilb un foil am,
and who repshl this peened affection, by a
sweetness of chantoter, ty a minim of mi
nstrel gifts of and mindAustessaloen.-
'Otto tutd kiotthoP*ortheiloFlc Pour
weeks before her , death:she was plsoed,at
school in NM; where'ehe bad lug entered'
upon her Studies; 'whim She Was Stricken
with.disemei salsas parents sumunoned to
he bedilds:l, Despite their tenderness and
all that ekill Amid do, aim languished and
dh , d,_ and ilie,home from she went
but a few since in all the brightness
and }ilk : - ot" yentb and and , beanty,
reeeived, Ism Weiss remain& The afflicted
parents and relatives have the liveliest ape
patties 6r the entire vonininnity, .which
aromas rwith them the - untimely death of
cafe 50 beaatifQ). " SO amiable, 11 //C 6
abased so many homey , affections, and
'whose future seemed so bright and joyous.
Nilo ilbierttes.. •
' 7 021 Boom,
floor, saa
floors for
liglatod and
too of Low•
ghoul with"
desks of
of Trot to
a find class
a that has
by affotd
for College
itlea for
in finish-
will be for
the • School
erns of 14
be ohatged
A.. 1 LIMNER!.
hex 'l6 00.
the., '
kitten the attention of the hales. of Towanda
and vicinity, to the tact that she has:opened a
DRESS iii/aING EsTAßugaiwarr.
in the room, formerly occupied by the Riau
C cater, one door eolith:of For, Stevena, /lemur
4t,Co's Store, (aecond Ador) where she would
lie happy to serve thole who may favor her
with their' patronage, feeling confident that
she can g ive perfect satisfaction to ail.
Towasds, Oct. 20, 1088 —U.
ber will offer for sale at public ailation
on the premise!' of the late Abiram Spauld
ing, deceased, on TEMSDAY, OCTOBER
27, 1868, a farm of 72 acres, in Leßoy tarp.,
Terms—s2so on the farm on•the day of sale
and $250 on confirmation of sale, half of
the balance in twelve months, the other
half in 18 months, with interest on the
whole from the day of sale. The farm is
well watered and - yreU fenced, and-under a
good state of coldiation. 2 apple orchards,
and peaches and cherries, a plenty and good
buildings. Also on the same day and time
1 span of Bay . Mares. 2 sets Double Harness,.
1 Single Harness, 1 Lumber Wagon, 1
Democrat Wagon, 1 Skeleton Wagon, 1
Pleasure Sleigh, 2 horse, 1 two horse Lum
ber Sleigh, 1 set of Whiffletrees and Neck
Yoke, 1 Fanning lffill,'l Bobsled, I Cultiva
tor, 2 horse; 15 tooth' Drag, 30 Shee_p, 1
Sidebill Plow, 1 Corn Plow, Grain, Hay,
and other articles too numerous to mention
Terms of Sale on Personal Proputy—All
sums under 225 cash, all over and under
$5O six months time with approved securi
tY, all sums over $5O twelve months time
if desired. A. N._SPALDINO.
Canton; Oct. , 22, 1868. Eitecutoro
S •
situate on
lege, close,
rota t•ip to
littler par.
on -the
1868. t
. Parties
st pst
riels hear
t eertaily
txtposi • n
by; s l:
' h *and at
.8' P/
and froni
of the'
No. 129 Main Street,
Oct.. 11,
Bth inst.,
Abby J.
Ever bicnght to WM plata, among which vii
• 31d, Oct
1 Cornelltus
• at, all of
by Rev.
M. Co-
?he Only Agent in Towanda
ford 00.,
' r *. once of
F Camp
:ville, to
W. nay
Which are, teilhing.e.reeption, the best
Heating Stapes • aide.
ace, An
. or, Ida
wa, and
lam aliu ageat.tor the CA/1;i 'atones
C. Lyon
.Ibotb. of
deuce of
. N. J.
Loth of
And thexcannot ‘ be Excelled
Platform and Connterliicales,
o time,
alio& of
KezJsepe Oil.
ta miss
Ali of willolt milt tie told at
Rev. F.
n, - to S.
nr, Esq.
inst., by
S. Rob.
se lira
Manufacturers Pr ices
• • ;•
I Mao keep coast c at I/ on bail a maples
a.. Oct .
Of all Ma conerettir pit!. or
9( Hoes
Oct. $,
'ria Veille.
And all lt,fada of Shelf ilardwale. whirl will
be ald at the lowest prices. I would iray to
lierchanut that I will at all times meet Malts
_1 Toiianda. Oite; 32;
In the
not: lies
1' a nen
• go rife
as all
bui In
r tcod
h The
A 1
I the'eaheeribeti 'having - 43 M their towhees iit
IVlttingle see desirous of sew.flog their. so,
toas t tea reqee4 those indeibted,-to esit to t•
*White f lad eettlij ! ' kit eceowatirof
.p Umtata tt Elea. oniettled by.
'tab line of 0010tiee. Sen. will be phiteel ebe
of Wjaettei , tor -vollootioecteltioneeri.
Pt" PI
44- )111 .7 1111 / 1 1 t ' mum&
Is new met tiring at bin
The moat complete
be totted the fallowing
For which I am
I am also agent em
Window 01Ixis
gash, Door+, Nails
Ta the trade:
Inis r '^
Hope Shoes,
seO I,<i v Tll`-s n r¥ mews
•• • .
Isms imi h ßoveu). MEDIUM tOPPANICO
1 11,131141.11. • -
- , •
'WOOL o Ainrai s lS NEW *fp Of4Oit
i s 2 , •i.
1. ; POWELL 4/.430.; '
- •
ftwists, Oct. 1868. • • •
. ,
F 1 "
x44A7EI, fluol, &c..
In spiv
To7anda, Oct
5, 1153.
Desire to announce that. the
will open and offer sale on
&turd/ next (October 10),
their stock of Ladies and
Children's FANCY FURS,
large stock of which they
are now receiving.
Towanda. Ott. 5, 18e8,
BOUTB • AND 8-Hog3i
We havi de 'voted much time,
and have spared no pains ; to
makeoicir . stock of BOOTS 4.
8110.4'S the largest, best, and
most ;atttadive to be found,
and having made our
chases front the best and most
populgr manufacturers iwthe
country, we now offer a stock
of C. 7 1492 n Made Goods
equalled both magnitude
and quality.
Tow,nds, Oct. 54[1801
Isnnwi, oet. s,isa.
,".sew o
N EW '' Walla
Bespectroll.f imams thst - 'lliirrlukes hate
. . messed*,
080ERy AND , 12 0 18 i0ii ingialt.nde
",..• • -
• • - •-y
la th e North Store of Ifercorte`iter Block s
c . f . a• - •
• • STRUT, • „ ".=
. • -
- •
•- , . •:. ' ••••, . te,-•
Anfluivi now ii l ssont.f.ii 44) , simalist
044!eltbelr-We, 1 ! --1 ?Try Yo* ,
which th ey have:: reletled with octavo' ease;
Mil at the loimmtipootlble rates. nou
',tack is complete la. every patiloolor, MA to
quiltyood Ve r o , espoolifoll,ler iphysollafmtios
;be/ eali
!Wt 1 *•:10 0 e# „sit Aie
mow alwayi'lMo
,•;"- • ,3
Tilli/hlTe totads
cite Or stogie jir, a large it.O.:k of
MOGR pi' 13_ IS 4:1
- •
Width theyteelsauseed aetbe very heatetrined
to the pab9e. They ask tor ibis Jar. an hopes.
1 1011 and Oki. sa It Merits are a .parent to ev
ery OM.
111!‘ Not% iitire la Mercer's 'Nett' Block,
Kiln street, Towanda, Ps.
,CASH paid for PRODUoa,, led for
BUTTER, it the highest market rates, .
t'. ;JAEN Neel ß
'une 25.1868
Blood tf Co;
414i1Q; Pa.,
SUS continue to manufacture BLOOD'S CEL
AND HORNS POWERS to run Ole sable, and
areyreparea to 1 011 m.dent promptl7.
• -
As can be bought; to the United States. Mau{
log been 15 years engaged in triamoraetnring
Threshing Machines, we been .rpared iidther
tine nor °spell/se 'in perfecting our machhica,
and cl , lat to have
One that Will seperate the Grain from the
- Straw more . perfectly , and with less power,
than any other mans tacturcd. They are very
simple imconstinction being comprised In one
piece, mitbat It does not require a mechanic
to set then) pp or to n um, are *Wotan
thettmed'under•our personal superMslon, and
To show better workamoehlp or tooter:at E,.
ery mir-bltte le set op Bad.
pdore !awing the Wcrka, ablate
They have M i
en n practical na e for !even]
melt. and can be "attached to Tread Powers,
Sweep Powerr, Stearn-or Water Power, sod 'for
DURABILITY. Perfection of Working. and
Economy, their equal has not been invented.
Are s low as those of any other tnatutscturer,
and parties desiring to purchase. will end it to
their Interest to examine oar stock before par
chasing-elsewhere. _
Oa application. All klada at.
On band, and Mill Work, Engines, Bann and
machinery of all Itlndsgot up .order 'prompt
ly and on favorable terms.
Athena. July 23, 1868.
Easiest detailed and ready for sale a large aa
eortment of
h ice Roots ror the yeoman that tinneth the
And the hardtisbortag man • that carries the
hod ; ,
And tor the mechanic Or
brick ;
And for t!.e soft heeded• Gents that apply the
surd stick ; •
And 'Boots for the wire that flourish the quill ';
And for the honest medallic that worki in the
3dlll i .
' I have Boote a little extra made,
For the hard labortog min that has no trade .
I have Boots (or all, please give me a call.
By Boots are good and prices jest, •
Hat I am determined NOT TO TRUST I
!hare JAMES MGMIWO& bott-mao line ,
Celebrated in that line ;
Call my friends, all you that'll%
Leave your meal urea—try
The Episcopal - Church that is about to-rise,
My place in front exactly lies ;
Its known by many ritry'srell
By the title of—HOETH BRANCH HOTEL !
Towanda, Aug. ,45 , 1868 . L3m. NELSON.
11868 1
Offers to builders !most complete stock of
Builders Hardware, Fe di, Glass, Nails. Oils
Pilots, Varnishes, Blinds, Trimmings, Butts,
Duor Ti immings. /se.
Gutters, put on by. efsperioneed workmen and
at the lowest rates. Tinkering and jobbing,
sapbollera, Ssp spUes, liowe's flowing
Machl .es, none better. Universal Clothes
Wringers, beat in use. Wheel Rakes and Com
blued Plaster Sower. worthy the. attention t
the tn•elligent farmer. Unhhard'a Mowing Ma
ehliter,thumble and . .desirable. 4 or; 41'foot mat.
Tatses, Chairs,' bedatewrs, spring bed bottoms,
and other
FOAMS irai 0.01 ,this 101116011 the. best quality
f Tin Pans, Milk and Strain Pails, and every
desoription i ' or Tin Ware. Flour end Salt.
Clover tad jimothy Seed. Spineing !Wheels,
Flait Wtireli, Reels,Wheel-Rends. Flyers,
Field &Reno and Pster Sowers Airnished to
order at long possible prices. •
"ALSO—Corn Sheers, Morticing Neckaris,
lintting Boxes.
firwell,Feb:3o. 1868. ;
The supcvlor media oithe " SINGER"
inesover all others, for either Family nee, or
Manufacturing purposes, are so well established
atzd so gft nay admitted, that an enomers tton
of their relative excellencies is no longer could
era) necessary.
. .
hitherto manufactured by this Company, bay
gained and maintained. the !mid, over, and for
years pastAn - asp.raltded repttation and sale.
But notwithstanding the excellence of this Ifs
&lay. Ire havecan to anaom.ce that %has bees
superseded by oar
which has been ver two ,tmtur In - preparation,
and which has been brought to perfection re
gardless of. MX; basoit!tW • Irtrintne, and which
is now conildeatTy presented t- the public as in
comparably the best . Sewing !Whine in Extet#
The Machias in question: is Simple, Compact;
Durable ealßtantifah his quiet, light.ron-
Meg , and eatable of performing a tame 20
variety of work never before attempttd upon a
mintftp Ithchine, mire either Etilkil‘wht'
or Cott en Threads, and sewing whip egna
6 14 .fsgy #ll4lthead , essmentmthartift'itad
anything between , the two extremes, la the
MOOS besatitat , and mthstantal manner.
attachments for Haraing,' ladlu ttri ars
aad tet:
novel and praetleal,and have been
*tasted wpm* , Ily tor that Ifaelthie.l,; ; •
is.lbei above Machine can be hid of
Incuudca. SLACK, Agents:
• Full instructious ern it* our earring MUoblUe
Depot. • Au csaiduatioitisrespeAAAF Vl
Towanda., July 1818.—Sni •
BALE. —clltasta la the bartnen part of Yale
Mont. - WeU aatabllsltedsad &IDS $ ant rite
kalahat, Par fartlier
- - isuul4l .4 lei Proprlabar.
qiez 185T.71t171T4A1it1N.1715.11
'LIATIOII.--11hdreek o by its rat le Meek.
Worths flostetaiweslth 0111% r a de; int.
Slues e es set Midst to the or Mt
=Sibt at Ztr i a i ff=loe o Wet
eliotheamseendlos hi sear swam what cgiqs
sill of She comity of do hereby t he •
knowe end.sfive notice to the skaters of laid
oeWvom TWISILVA.T,the id day et /MM.
gams lasimmrstoitdde.:. In mid imuntY4 co'
VD: - - -- •
. Saab Borough, at 'Gni Scitise &Saari* eeca
py by D. P. Knapp. - • •
at Vasil; at the wheel boon
Is Annegdi; et theluxus oflobaB. Becker.
_ll Asylamoif She melted hotmeintar Ellemou
Athena hero'. it the Smite' formerly. OCCA.
pled by S.B. Dammam • • . -
In Athena tw., at the Loose fornticrlY cacti.
pledNa sto l. Hunt, fa Athena bon'.
In bone, at the hbusii. formerly
L.l. Dope. • .
Iq :BaNlngton twp., at the house of Jaime
In Burlington West. at the 'home of'Ls rO
Ls Ban dayst the School Reuse.. •
- Oast= bare', at the Central Hogue. • ;
•• la Goatee MT., jet Um Mem forarrly Gm.
pied by S. 8. Dyers, In Canton bolo ,
In Colombia, at th e hoose.of James Moslem
Is Prenblla. at the Iwinse slmaocuplid by B.
Irillwaseille, at the himeaoi BeaJ . l►. Taylor,
Nerd* at the schoollionse nearlianiel
la Lelhilville hero . ' the forme sly
occupied by J. Pielher ' .
In LitchAeld, at the h au te formerly oceupliki
by Clem Ilbsodgeod. _ •
dal Leller. it th e Cope (kind &aid. -
Li Norrroe 1$ the bat foimbrly occu
pied by H. B.Dockwell.
In Monroe boor, at the home formerly occk.
pied by Niel Taylor.
le Orwell is. She home of NisafdelWee dale:
• la Overton, at - school home No. 2. •
In Pike at the booze of Traver Bosworth.
In Rome tarp.. at the Academy in Boom born.
'ln Borne brae', at the Academy.'
' In 11104 t. at, the bones of Renj.Nermana
taBbtan, the Valley Douse.
In Bfiring at the home formerly occupied
by Jesse Hanunond.
lnStanding Stone, at the house, of glom
I -'
ID Bmlfbpeld, at the house tort:tie/if oeceplei
by A; J. Geroeld.
Itialltutta boro', to "the hooted Curtis Net
Iti,Boutkerook, at the bows of 4.1%
. Tarp, at the lanwo of 4stob Frutohy.
In Towanda bora', sat tbo Wald Jury Room
In Tosandalwp., at the home of,. T. B. Jor
dan in Towanda born'. •
In Tr 4 tvrp. - , at the house of V. M. Lon In
Troy bozo.
-Ik Troy bore, et the•boase of V. 11. Long:
• In Theaters, at the teheol house near James
In Ulster, at the house of 8. B. Holoolm.
In Warren; at the house of R. Cooper. '
- In Windham; at the house of B. Kulkendall.. -
In Wyalusing, at the house of J. H. Black.
in Wilmot, at the house of A. J. Stone.; '
i. Ix& .
Wysoz, at the house faimerly odzipled
Reed. - •
. In Wells, at4be 600 of 4. Bteley.
' At which thee and place the eketers af k lre-
Bald will elect by ballot. .
Twenty-six persona as Electors of Presi
dent and Vice-President of the IJuited
Aud in and by said act, I - am 'further directed
to give notice that any person exceptlegje.
tine of the peace who shall hold any Office or
profit and trust , . under the governinent of, the
United States or this Stale, or of any incorpor
ated atria, and al o that every Member of
Congeal and ot, the LegialatOre,and the select.
and co mmoricoubeil of soy city or couunimiLm-
Ars of any incorporated district, is by Jaw in.
capable of holding or exercising at the samr
time the office or appointment of Judge. In
spector or Clerk -4 an election
.of this Cern.
monwealth , and that no Inspector or other offi
cer or any such election shell be - tben
to any office then to betoted for.
By the 4th section - of an act passedihe Ist
day of April, 1810. it Is provided "that the
/4th section of an act passed July 2, 180, en
titled 'An act relating to one electioca ol this
Commonwealth,' " shad not be construed so as
to prevent any military officer, from serving - w.
Jadge. Inspector or Clerk At any aenerai
special election of Ulla Commonwealth. ".
An ' Act to change the time of closlnirtbe
point at the dental and. Township Elections
the county of Brad.ord.; •
Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and
House of Representatives of the Commonweaith
of Pennsylvania in General AmeiaiWy melana
it is hereby enacted `by the authority of the
same That at all Omuta.' Special, and Town
_iibip or Bmpugli - elections heroiner beld,in the .
county of Aradford. the Pons shall be closed at
six o'clock in the alternoon lustead 01 seven. as
hs.sthiora tinivided_hv Law_ '
of A further Supp
: lement the Election : Laws
Wausau, By the act of the Congress of the
United States, entitled "An Act to amend the
several acts berbinfora passed to provide for the
enrolling and calling oat the National forces.
and for other purposes." ant approved March
third, one thousand eight hundred and sixty.
Ave; ail persons who have deserted the military
orgasm& service of the United States, and who
have not been discharged, or relieved from the
penalty, or disability therein provided. are
deemed and taken, to bare voluntarily, relln
grained,' and forfeited their righterot citizen .
Alp. andere deprived of exercising any right.
of citizens thereof:
And whereas, Persons not cinema of the
United States are not, ender the Constitution
and laws of fetnisitania, qualified electors o)
this Commonwealt h:
- - .
SnoTlon 1. De it enacted by the Senate, and
Douse of Rer:esevtativei of the Commonwealth
01 penneyteanta in General Assenibly met, an ,
it is hereby enacted by the author lip of the same,
That in all elections hereafter to he held. in thi :
Commonwealth, it shall be unlawful for th•
judge or Inspector of the election to receive an
ballot or ballots from any person or persons em
braced In the provislons, and satject to th
disability imposed by s aid aot of Congress ap
proved March 3; 1885, and 11 shall. be anlawftp
tor t :a t e:eh person to offer to vote anyballoi
etfae sad, /i 7
- fideorrow 2. That if 'anY'sntb judge and in
apecton of electioi os any One of them shall
receive, or consent to receive, - say such union-
Cal ballot or ballots, from any mach dlsqualidec
person, he, or they"so offending, shall be guilt
of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction tbereo
in any court of quarter seas Ons of this Coin
monwealth, be shalficfor any such offence, te -
sentenced to pay a fine of not leas than slob.
and undergo an imprisonment, in the jail of lb
proper county, for not ream than GO days.
SECTION 3. That if any person deprived o ,
I:aloe/Wilts, and dhsqualided 'as iforesafd, ts hal
at any election ; hereafter t't be held in this -
Qoaucestwei/th e vote ar tender. to, the offices
thereof, sad offer to vote a - ballot, Or ballots
'any p e rson so oneidlng, &bail be _deemed go It.
of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof, in
any court of quarter sessions of this teconmot,
wealth, shall, for etch offence; be punished in
like manner as la provided In the preceding sec
of this act, in the case of' ofticereof el ction re
ceiving such unlawful ballot or ballota.
Storm 1. That it any t erson shall hereafter
persuade or advise any nelson, or persona de
prived of citlzenahlp,ond die qualided as afore
said to offer any ballot or ballot*, to the Ole to'
of any election, hereafter- to be held in this
Commonwolth, or shill persuade or advise any'
such officer to receive any. folla. Or ballot*,
from any person- deprived t ot citizenship, and
dliqualbled as aforesaid, such person so offers)-
, leg shall be guilty of a miaderaesnor,and aon
conviction thereof, in any court of quarter ses
sions of this Commonwealth, ghat to ponlabed
in like Meaner as io provided in tbe second sec
tion of thfi act, in the case of officers of such
'election, receiving etch unlawful balkit, or
ballots. • ' •
, .
21113rsit:actai1 Mum* of March-30,1888s en.
titled Anfregnlating the mode of voting at
all elections, in the several counties of this Conti
monweafth, it is enacted u follows ! •
*lemon' 1. Be it matted 4 du &map sad
EMI of Rept eseatativss of the Commonwealth
elf Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and
it is hereby enacted by the anther, ity of the make,
That the qualified voters of the several counties
of this Commonwealth, at all general township,
borog4; and spectsi electione. are hereby .
tathorized , required to Vete by
tickets printed' or written. severally classified
as follows: •One. Ueket shall embrace the names
of all iadges of court to be voted for, and to bo
labkdr, outside. " judiciary :" one ticket shall
embrace the names Of all state , officers to be
voted for and . le labelled "slide;" one ticket
shall embrace the names of all county officers
voted for. Inandlng offiba of senator, member,
and members- of, assembly, it voted for , sad
members of congem, It voted, for, and be Iv
belled " county:" ewe ticket shall entbrate the
names of all loWitahl "Been! voted - kir, aid
be labelled.." ode tieketnhalt em.:
brace the name of all borougliAleloeis - Voted:
for: and .hell'be abellenborotigh?
coach class eball.hrfieposited Ihrstsprde t allot
The meeth4l;hittlictigiei:tat. tho' eoont
of Bradford; wUtbeittbdOttrt Roam in To.
made ' oa the ' tldrd"dititter th e dectiow
which will be itay,- the tith day of Itovember,
at 1 o'clock. p. • • ---
- Sheri ff:
Oct: 15.1868. ' •
- Mikis to:Otie mike, That tegitilitttak7
Sept.. A. 1868, s Wanant 1n .Bankruptry
Vat iettneditgainalthe ' estate of Makitne D
F. Hama, of Wyalneing, in the county of
Bradford, lid titnte of Pmsylvania, who
has been adjudged liaidangton hie ownye:
tium WA **Masa of esi *Au and
delivery_of ant property belonging to inch
Bankrupt, to,bim , or for his- use , and the
transfer of ray proprety by him ace forbid
den by law • , AM a meeting of the mellitus
of the aid, BiadatEA, Worm their debts.
and to'ehooari OW or store
_ Aselat his
estate, will lat bald at a Court of amlauptey
in be hoiden et the Mee °tilts 1140eter. In
tb. bores& 44 Towanda. Ps4 Wore EN
WARD O.RWN; -is:, aviator, - on Um
'nth day of,,tXTilillit, 'A.' D.,* X 8,38, at 9
o'clock a. 7C. ' •
TllokAfi A: itok , n4l .
14. Meahstse hiesnoger. wen
- . tan_ Riateiet Pennt
• 111134113. Ooauwaos, LP•Putl.
etda: of
kJ *writ at n. Vs., - issued out of tiniCbtart
Of Cosonalt eless.of Braifind County, sad to
me directed, there will be exposed %So :pablth
sale at the Maus Boos, is this Borough of To. f
maw% BATillltterY, OCTOBER issa ,
• •,Wailtp. the knowing deoCribid lot;
Lt i tr s et kw ensilefa Titsearoes tp,
deserited as follows: Begtouhme
at a btherltthe ifotienhadt • road . the iambi
east cotarm .ef Barwick Clotteta. • r . *heady
• alost,tha Mid Hollenbeek romilnort 19• 4 wost,
/13 Pflt• Ur • beech a maser of Petrick Madden
lots moos 131 akinereald Illadden t e south '
lima to a pow. 111 pa. to a pod,
them* wait 136.`pni.thtephOorbeglitaing
- Containing 99 acres and '33 patches of lad.
more or lasi with a email hafted hoses thereon,
Lathed and (AO in execution MAthr snit Of
Edward- Clutha vs. Bichsel • •
ALlllo—By vistaed a writ aUVeed. Repo,-
will be sold at th e. said at the' Lase Limo tnd
piece, shelbUowing lot pleas err wade brad'
situate in Liteldield ip.,bwzdM solth by land
of- IL •Viaduct. sot kids of said B. tram;
dozer and J. J.-Warner, maths* landed J
iltratigeorest by huntot.Wau Bostwick. cos.
lathing sinesly Mtn, MOM or Ime,aboot thus
acres Imprordiwith u *awed bps and,
A4w.—Onenthee'lot pier* or viral - te lama
sithath in Litchfield twp., bounded 'north by'
the above described lot of 70 arra, oa the.east
sontu and westrhy loads of James Straits.—
_Se- serfs, MOTO ' or lism, WAY Ito
furred orith -a fawned 'dwelling Maass And
Mesas saw mill with inschinely and liztures
bolooSiet to same thereon. •
Belled 'and taken in eutectic* at the son of
William Bostwick vs. B. C. Bishop and r 11.4.
Towanda. Oot. 1..18684 - .
- vfrttte of Mt's:edit issued oui: at the
Orphsea• Court of Bradford Coutity,"the
undersigned adttifulataikes of the estate of
Addison; McKeon'," late of Burliager...n Bo
rough, deceased, will expose to pedie sale
on the prernhos is Burlington Boramth,an
2 olletek, - 4. the following described
tot,pieee'or parcel of , land' situate *Bur
lington Borough, bounded land deconled as.
follows t Cenunercing at the northwestern
*ornery! the lot hetton described. !king
lot N 0.6 of a plot of the entire lend, that
the said Addison' McKean 'died seized of, .
from thence running north d east 17 i
4-10 prs. to aeorner; thence south 661 deg.
east 24 Pra toe corner; theiess6 deg. east
12 pre, to. a timer; thence south 87 deg;
east 60 pre, so ie corner; thence south 64 4
deg. west 0 6-10 pre. to o corner; thence
South 214 deg. east 8 pre , to's center thence
tictith.64l degeast 10 pro . to a corner;
thence Smith 5 . 1 deg. east Bpre. toe corner;
thence .64i-deg west 12 pm too comer;
thence south 24 deg. east 37 140
corner; thence north 641 deg. east rper. to
a corner; thence south 20 degeast 6.4-10
pre. to thence "
south 62 deg: "west
2 8-10 pes. te d Comet thence tomb 25 deg
east it 7-10 pra, to a &tier; thence south,g. east 8 3-10 prs. to a cop pry thence
- south 62 deg. wed 7 4 10 pre. to a corner.
thence south. 334 dep.. east 16pra. toe corn
er; thence south 67 deg. west 24 pre. to a
Corner; ,thence south 74/ deg. west 31 7-10
pre. -to a corner; thence - north 81 ;leg. west
123 . '4.10 pre. 'to a corner, and from thence
north 501 deg.. west 30 3-10 pre. to the
'lace of beginrung. Containing 36 acres.-
.. . 4 / 4 30-i-Que other piece or parcel of land
situate in - • hounded and des
.cribed as follows: Beginning at the : theist
Western-corner of the land hereinafter des
dribed, from' thence south' 28 deg. east 28
pm. 'to a corner; thence north 361 - deg. east
57 5-10 pre. to a corner; thence north 87
deg. east 30 4-10 pre. to a corner; thence
south 9/ deg. east 171 pre. to a corner;
thence south 76 deg. west 3 MO pre. to a
Corner; thence south 20/ deg. east 14 e.
to a corner; thence south 53deg. west 5 p pr rs
to a corner; •thence north 121 deg. best 46
pre. to a corner; thence south 691 deg.
west 7 pre. to a corner; deface north 211
deg. west 2.8.10 rods to a`corner; thence
south 571 deg. west 11 5-10 pre. to a cora
-1 er; thencemorth 9 deg. west 16 pre. to a
corner; thence north 501 deg. east 5 pre. to
a corner; thence north 33 deg. west 10.8-10
pea. toe corner; thence oath 551 deg. west
6 pre, We corner; thence north 37 deg. west
36 pre. to a coiner; thence north 67 deg.
east 10 pre. to a corner; thence north 281
'deg. west 4.7.10. pre. to a corner; thence
north .63 deg. west 9 pre, to a corner; thence
eouth, 55 deg. west 6 pro. to a corner; thence
nottli 541- deg. .w..%t 14 pre. to, a corner;
thence, north 174 deg. west if . pre. to a
comer,; thence north 431 deg. west 16 pm.
to a corner, end from thence north 91 deg.
west 30 pm. to the place of beginning.—
Containing 50 acres and 144,.perches, with
a friened barn thereon.
TBRAD3—SSO to be paid by the' purcha
ser for - each lot at the Woe of affle, awl
at the confirmation of sale, Mau months
then after, the balance, in one year from
confaziation of isle.
Oct. 8, 1868, • • Administrators.
virtue of an :order issued out o>6 the
Orphin's COurt of •Bradford County, the
undersigned administmtrix of the estate of
William N. Colored, late of Sheshequin,
will expose to public sale on the premises
TIASDAY, NOV, 10th,J868, at 2 o'eleok,
p. Er, the following lot,
,piece or parcel of
landeiteate in Shesbequin 'twp., bounded
as follows : Beginning at a white-wood the
north-east corner fo a lot contracted to
Charles FL Sweet, thence west 80- per. to,
the•south=east comer - of a lot contracted to
Win. N. Conrad, thence north 79 640 per.
to a post, thence east 80 per. to James Ran
dolph's west line, thence south 79 6-10 per.
to the place of beginning. Containing 40
acres more or le,stu
• TERMS -.55 , 0 to be paid 'On the property
being struoit-down, and one.half of balance
on oonennatiori of saleand the balance in
"one year from confirniatfon; with interest.
Oct. 14, 180 t. 'Administratix..
virtne of an order issued out of the
Orphan's Court of. Bradford County, the
undersigned administrator of the estate "of
Theodore Arnot, live of Monroe twp., dec'd
will expose to public sale on the prernisea
on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1868, at
2 'o'clock, the following described lot, piece
or parcel of land situate in Monroe twp ,
bounded on the north-east by a public high
way, south-east by Gala and Sulli7an's land
south-west by lands now in possession
Haines, and , north-west by a pnblio
road. Cont aining about 30 acres, more or
less. .
TEEMS-115Q to be paid upon property
'being struck down, on} half of the balance
upon confirmation, - and balance in one
year with interest.
Oct. 15, 1868.
virtue of-an; order issued out of the
Orphan's Court of Bradford County, the
undersigned administratrix of the estate of
Horace Kinney, detect., late of Shesheqhin,
will expose topub li c sale, on the premises
OD FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13; 1868, at 2 6'.
cloch, p. m., • the following described lot,
piece or parcel of land , situate in Sheshe
quin twp., -bounded as folloirs the,
east by hoicls of G. W. Dinney and lands
formerly belonging td: Myers Osborn, west
by, lands of Dr. A. J 'Cole and Geo. Smith;
north by lands of Myers. Osborn, south by
lands of L. L. Kingsbury, Containing 30
-acres, more or laps.. • A.
ALSO—The following described lot,piece
or parcel Orland' situate in Shethequin
twp., bounded as follows : Beginning at a
post aid stories, beirig the conth-west corn
er of a later land. now or formerly of the
estate a Nancy Snyder' deed., and being
the north-east cornet of the lot hereby des
cribed, thence north..B7. deg. and 30 min.
west 64 pm. ton cheamut sapling and stones
the tiorth-east - corner of a lot of land late
belonging to Ciao. Kinney, deo'd, thence
tenth o:44igoind.3o west 70 prik. to a
posts:id stones; the South-east cornscoi
the said Geo. Kinney lot, thence south 87
de* and 30 mine east tot pre, to a chasm'
!oak,' being thew:a-neat canner of said lot
now or formerly of the said estate of said
li,aneYlkiyder &med.,: thence north 2 deg.
ind 30 mhn. east 70 pre. to the place of be-
Containing 28 .acres, more or
TigtllB-430 to. ht:rpaid. OIL the
being struck down, and Me _
ance mem confirmstkm of - sale, and the
remainder. of purchase prwMtrm to Ist of
Miy,.1136% same to be mowed' hylodge.
Meat bond or bond and moth to-be en=
tend asp lien on the p',
; Administrate/.
Oct. 15. 1888.
; .
•Notlee id busby' gives that ell persons
Indebted to the estate of "JOHN JONES, late
of ULSTER terp., , dse'd., tui.: requested to
make immediate yaymest, ead'ell perms her
fng claims against said estate. most present
them duly authenticated fbr settlement..
Oet tp, 1868. Adtsdnlatritor,
Notice Whereby Omaha At mum
imebtkii :to thkestate t: MEWL
deed. Uri.' at Elatiklield e are Toraested to
make Immediate maws, and lkuirJkarist
4ramo3s oislast saki orator mill pemamtlhoor
am Ii far setikomad.
4101114T_. Eata4,lo
"Mee or 41' at booed out of Me
= d on' i o l i ama Court of Dneliord 'Ccen4, the .
Ementor et the white of I Re--
ra Betty, *eat North Towanda, downed /
will moor topubiloode Mae Ocarrt.lieforo
on SATURDAY - OCTQBN.S 3f, 2 &Oka.
the foll owing dote:Awl lot i _pleon or
grad -of bind aikido • hi North Tea
1 1 1 24 - bOondeol eofigloin s . Beg buting it's
goof at the WOW of the old Ira R. Morph
ine' tann end id' with :D. Tintry'sUl
B theater north el deg, 'Oath along Oa
it no terfe feral sau-sode ton poet, Meaee
50ie4214. deg.. art ite Data . Rattes
load 1411 Nodal* a poet' Qenoor. alaogehe
said David Natty's land over .the ;week -
sontts.42k dog., yea 1064 rode to an Oat
trek thence north 22 deg; ' west along the. •
old Its R. Stapbens fans rods to the
'plain of eginnfrag., -Containing 32 seen! -
TERNB-11132t0 be kaid on the impart ,
13P - betrig.atotak down Ana the residue with=
In sin months Man , antliniuttien, wfthin
tercet from oputirmation. - I
Oct. "15 , 1168. • • , Executor'.
eirteeof an order issued oat -et Ole
Chphsies Court of"- Bradford Conn y, the
undersigned daministattor of nillp At 4
Hall, late of TO teroms twp., deal, wiil
sel n it s eblio sale_ on . the premises, on
T i a
AY; NOVEILBER S r 1868, at 2
clock,:p. a.,- all that seitain Toy pirelor
prml of land situate, lying sad bengiin
T CISCOM I6 tiVP at the sontb-east
-corner of a lot cos Thos. Hall,
north to the south. corner of a lot sold
!Mein Hall, thews along the 'east lillB
said Hall to the county lb*, thence soouth f
al the the rot'line fir ewe& by ran
a line due west by: Reuben MaWsm's
east line ti:iaMag one hundred -acres, with
sir per cant allowance. '
TERX13,2300 on the property -belog
streak down; and the balance art contima
tion of said,
- Oct. 16; 1868. Administrator.,
virtue of an order lamed out of the
•Orphsies Ocrort of Bradford County, the
undersigned spuudtan of the estate of. Mai
. Compton, late of West Burlington twit,
deo'd., will eell at publia.aale on the preni
1868, at 2 o'clock, p. to:, the following dee
mined lot or parcel .of land, sitnato
inWest Burlington twp., bounded and des
cribed its follows : Commencing at a stako
and stones the north-weat corner of D. tL
Ilsydauss lot. _thence -West 179 8.10 pre. to
a corner in the western line of warrant --
thence south 45 35-100 pre. to stake and
stortmOhence east 172 6-10 pre. to a *stone
in the highway, hounded by I. A. Compton
thence north 46 35-100 pro: to the place of
beginning. Containing 50 acres, with the
IMMS—SSO to be paid on property be
ing struck down, one half on confirmation
of seta and balance in one year from con s
finhation with interest.
Oct. 22, 1868. Guardian,
virtue of an caller issued 'out of the
Orphan's Court of Bradford 'County, the
undersigned executors of the estate of John
zixbY - , late of said county, deed.. will sell
at publics sale on the premises on FRIDAY,
'NOVEMBER 13th, 1868.1tt 2 o'clock, m.,
the - following,described lot, piece or parcel
of land situatein Sylvania boro., bounded
and described as follows On the north
by lands of Samuel P. Tinkham and Wm.
Peck, on the east by lands of Abram &oa
ten, on the south by Curtis Merritt and on
the west by G. IL Bixby. Containing 125
scree. more or less.
TER3lB—$2OO tco be paid by the pur
chaser on striking the property down, $lOOO
on the contlrmauon of sale with interest
from sale, and the balance iu six and twelve
months thereafter in equal payments with
interest from sale.
Oct. 22. 1868.
O ftigAN's COURT SALE:--By.: virtue of an order issued* oat of the
Orphan's Court of Bradfordcounty, the un
dersigned Guardian of the estate of Chas.
D. Miller, late of Columbia twp.i.deceeised,
will eipose to public sale on the premises,
on TIaUIaSDAY, NOVEMBER 12th. 18g1 , ,
at 2 o'clock, p. m.. the following described
lot piece or parcel of land ' situate in Col
umbia twp...ded north by the public
highway le ading from Troy borough to Syl
vania, east by lands owned by S. Hager,
south by lands hereinafter _described and
Charles Waldo, west by lends now owned
by Gem P.. Monroe. Contsixdng about 28
acres, be the same more or less subject to
widow's dower.
- ALSO—The following: described lot or
paroel of land idtitate in Columbia twp,
and bounded north by lands hereMbefore
described, east by lands of S. Sager, and
by butds. late belonging to Cheallanyon,
eonth by the sante, and west by Andrew
KIM and Obarf. - pe at Containing. 37
acres and 108 the suns mon or
less, subject to wi -dower.
TPAMS.--$5O to be - paid on each lot on
the day of sale, one third on the-confirma
tion of sale,: and the balance in sit and
twelve monlhs, with interest from confir
Oct. 22. 1868. ' Guardian.
virtue of an order issue d out of the
Orphatca Court of Bmdford county, the un
dersigned Guardian of the estate of James
Baths, deceased, will sell at public sale on
premises on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER, 14,
1868, at 2 o'clock.. p. to., the undivided one
fourth part' (subject to widow's dower), of
the following described lot piece or parcel
of land situate in Pike prp., bounded north
by land of Asa Warner,: east by dotal Boca,
south by land mined by Kellogg Barnes,
west'by hoot owned by the bezra of-Jere
miah G. Baines, deo'd. . Containing 40
scres'Of land.
TEEMS—One-fourth of the purchase to
be paid on the sale of the. property and the
_balance on the final confirm/ate= of sale.
Oct. 22, 1868:
Notice 1.4 hereby - given that all' persond
eeri bred to the estate i,t Samantha Brewer,
eilatot Welles twp., deed., are requester to
'make immediate payment, and all peraoni .. bar-
Leg agalaat fain estate mad preaent
them duly authenticated for settlement.. "
i. JEFt•EitaOS PUT 8 ,1.4 N,
Oct. 20 1868 adminktrator.
ADMINIS_TR'S NoTiog-Notice iet
hereby given that sail persona indebted to
he .estate of SAMUEL JOHNSON, Late cf
Piko twp., dee'd..we re:quested to make im
inedlate payment , . ' end ' hft.a haling claims
:against said estate mast present them duly as
thentleated for settlement.
. • ddminivrator
Oct. 20. 1868
Notice la gently given that ell persons
Indstded to the estate of .JOHN H. BADGER
late of, Towards , ate requested to make im
mediate payment. and all persons having shim
against said estate must present them dulyl.a
thenticated for settkment. -
D. S. PBATT, • •
Oct. 20. 1868
EXEOI7TOR'S NOTlC E. —Notice is
• hereby given that all persona Indebted to
the estate ot Sepia. Revised, deo'd.. late of
Leßoy twp., are requar.ted to make payment
without delay, and thou:llol , ring dahlia against
mid "elate mast present. them
,duly , authentic-a-
ted »r - settlement.
- - Euzißrni thinatisn,
Oct 20 'IVA. Executors.
hereby given that a. perms lAdtKe
to stir estate of ADJHAN SPALDING. Vee or
Canton dee'd. ate maculated to make Im'
mediate payment, an 6 aft heahaft &Inn ape*
sold Watt:MU maw them duly anthentkate:'
tor settlement. .
• • EzectitoT
Ost. 21. 19118.
The Undersigned having leased the Cbal Yard
and Dock at the old" Barclay Basta ," sad ja.t
completed.* large Coal Room and Oftlut upon
the premises, are now .prepare-o to furnish the
citizens of Towanda and vicinity With the dif•
cent kinds and sizes of lbw above named coats
pon the most reasonable terms is say genial
desired: Prices .at the Yard until farther
Little Egg 430
Scull Egg . • ' 5,50
Store, 6.75
"Pessau 4,00
Barclay •
,f 0
" Ran of ' 3 4 ,60
" Pine • r Blechmaith 3,00
The following additional Charge* will be
'made for delivering= Coal within the Borough
Per T00,..50 cts. extra for carrying Ls 50 cti
Half T0n..35 44 -"- • - " . " 15
Qaarter ton 24 4 " " " " "
- "W4:?aah Orderg In all came 10 accompanied.
s tbe .
OltairrOg & Co.
Towage . .04r!,1114&—U.
- Executors,