Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 22, 1868, Image 1

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7 010' . 1PVILIJOW111011.
. _ .„
Tux liiiihiiiiiiipilliihiaeinxitiorn
daygon dny„ by IL .0. Gocutrom!. at Pa
annum, in aiivance.
ADVERTIBEKENTI3, exceeding fifteen
lines are inserted at as cans per line for
first insertion,"and 111111 al= per,line : fin
subsequent insertkci4 - -Speidalnotleee in
serted before Marrisgew eiul;Deaths, will
be chord MTN!, % 0121 Fee * II P fm ' ea c h
insertion. All riogliticois:of Aamisdations ;
obinmsinioations% of Unified or indhiduel
ntersat,and notices' of SifirligeS or Dual
exceeding 114 e lines, are charged Tint man
psr line.. . .
• • 1 Year. 6 mo. 3 nua
One Column, • $lOO $6O $4O
Halt " 60 3525
One Square, ' 'l5 ".10 7;
ti:stray,Oantion, Lost and Pound, andrither
I - advertisement% not exceeding 10 Moro,
three weeks, of less " $1 50
Administrator's it!ieentor's NcAloos .2 00
Auditor's llotlem ' •9 50
business Garde, Avelino% Ver. Yera)- . 5 00
Merolunits and others, advertising their
business, Will be charged 825. • Titer will
be entitled to 4 column, (m112'11.041 szolruthe
ty to their business, with privilege of quarter-
IY • • ,
. „
iiiiverttsuigin allcases exelnerre of
subscription to the paper: ,
1011PItINTING_of every kind, in ' Plain
and.rancy caliiii,Aionsi with neatness and
dispatch. Ilandbille,.Bhuda4, Cards, Pam
phlets. &0., of friertiarietyandstyle;prin
ted at the shortest notice; '';'The Itrzotress
arms bits just been te4tted•with*ner
PreSiled, and every thing is the Piliiting
hie can be executed in the most artistic
manger and at tin lowest rates.
'NYE, D. MONTA.NYE, 41. -
-m TORNEY AT .4.4 W—Otllce writer of
Main and Pine streets, opposite Porter's Ding
i§s E. H.•BATES, M. D.
111 (Graduate of Woman's Medical College,
Philadelphia, Clam 1864.] Ofßco and residence
No. 11 Park street Owego. Particular atten•.
Lion given to Diseases of Women. Patients
v !sited lat their homes if requested.
Map 28, 1868.
IV( T. DAVIES, Attorney at• Law,
v V Towanda, Pa. Office with Wm. Wat
kins, !Esq. Particular. attention paid to Or
()haus' Court business 'sad settlement of deco
cleats estates.
-01 at Law, Towanda, Penn's,
The undersigned having associated themselves
: - ..ogether in the practice of Law, offer their pro.
lessional services to the public.
March 9,186.5.
pATRICK dt PECK, Arroaarsys AT
Lsw. Offices Patton Block,Towanda,
Patrick'a block, Athens, Pa. They may be
clothed at either place.
W.`PATRICK, aplt3
da, Pu. Particular attention paid to business
in the Orphans' Court. July O. MB.
HENRY ENEY PEET, Attorney at Law
Towan ia, Pa. jan27, 66.
p" 1 D OVERTON Jr. Attor
.Clney at Latp,:Towuuda,
,Pa. (dee In the
-curt Ilou ge. July 13,1865.
T U ll'
II 1.4
IV, Towaa,da, Bradford Co. .Pa.
iieueral ineurance and [teal &tate Agent.--
llourititaud Pen,ions collected. N. 11.—All
basilic:. in the Orphan' , Court attended to
rrouiptls , and with cure. Office Mercnr'a new
block ni rth aide Public Square. 0ct.24, '67.
1 - 0131 N. - OALIFF, ATTORNEY
el AT APV, Towanda, Pa. Particular at
teutlou g wen to Orphans' Court business, Con
veyancin , and Collections.
Jar OftiCe at the Resisteg's and Recorder's
office—sd •th of Court noose.. Dec. 1, 1864.
1 44 P. KIMBALL, Licensed Atm
• tioneer, Pottersville, Bradford Co.. Pt.
tenders his services to the public. Satisfaction
guaranteed, or no pay required. All orders by
urili, addressed as above, will receive prompt
attention. Oct. 2,1887.—nm
1 7 AND Srataaort, has permanently located
at Wyalusing, where he will be found at all
Uwe. apllt'6B.6m.•
Pt. Having permanently located, otters
his profesalonal services to the public. Calls
promptly attended to in or oat of town. Office
with). DeWitt on Main stmet. Residence at
Mrs. Bumphrey's on Second Street.
April 16, 1668,
.4 ! • Public is prepared to take Deposi
lions Acknowledge the Execution of Deeds,
Mortgages, Powere of tttorney, and all other
icatraments. Affidavits and other papers may
be sworn to before me.
()Mee with G. D. Montanye, corner Main and
Pine Streets. Towanda, Pa., Jan, 14, 1867.
TORNEYS AT LAW, Troy., Bradford Co
'raeLice in all the Courts of the county. Col
cetions made and promptly remitted.
D. 11. PARAONS, dl2 w.a. CLRNOCIIAN.
[IR. PRATT has removed to State
LI/ street, (first above B. B. Russell ts - Co's
Person from a distafice desirous of con-
). hitir, will I,e most likely .to find him on
)i each Week. Especial attention will
t.q surgical cases , and the extraction of
h• ,11. aas or Ether administered when desired.
i , i;y 1.4. 1566. D. B. PRATT, M. D.
k..." Oak° in Patton's block. over Gore's Drug
Chen:le:A SION. ljanGs
DRS. T. F. &. WM. A. MADILL,
..,t) nice and residence io Wysox, Pa. Dr. T. F.
Matill can to consulted at ,ore's Drug Stote
in Towanda, every Saturday. Dr. Wm. A.
Madill will give especial attention to diseases
of the Frye, Etr, Throat and Lungs, having
!.ade a speciality of the above diseases for the
1.1 ..?ht years.
Juni li. ISGA
I-1 Towanda, Pa. AU business intrusted to
hi. eare *ill rawly' , prompt attention. Office
is the t•tli-e lately occupled , by ?demur h, Mor
row, south 4,j Ward q , ) , I•!, op stairs.
July 16.1, S.
FIRS. 1(A AO & ELY, Physictans
13 : , ,,gra+.s.—Olace PITA. .street, To
wanda, nt the re,idenre of Dr. Mason.
Part calmr attention given to diseases of %VD
inert, and diseases 4.1 Eye, Ear and Throit.
0. 11. btAsoti. tt. 0. iIiNIRY OLIVER ELY, x D.
it 9 I •.9.
1.4 1 . 1.AV 1 1) MEEKS-AUCTIOVER
Ld ti! letters addressed totiiin at Sugar Run
G. pa.. will receive prompt attention
r i qtANUIS E. POST, Painter, Tow ,
i'es, with 10 years experience. fa calk
lent he can give the beat aatilfaction in Paint ,
! n r ; , Staining, Glazing, Papering,
['articular i.t.teu: ion paid to Jobbing In thy`
, tuttry. April 9, Ifitta.
K . V A lIG RA —Architect- and
o Sailtleri:—All kinds . Of. Arcaiteatural de
• furnished. Ornamental work in Stone,
-,.n and Wood. (Mice on Main street, over
cII Co.'a Bank. Attention given to En.
;t: At, Miceli:ire, such as laying out of grounds,
he., April 1,1861.-Iy.
)sell, Bradford Co. , Pa„ will promptlyattend
sl fill business in his line. Particular attention
Jan to running and establishing old or divo
t lines. Also to surveying of all anpattented
',di as soon as warrants are obtained. myl7
LI B. FORD—Licensed Auctioneer,
I: it
TOWANDA, PA., , . •
Will attend promptly to all business entrusted
to him. Charges moderate. Peb. 13, 1668.
SYB. KELLY, Dentist. Office
over Wiektuam A Blaols's c TowindaPa.
All the i - arious styles •of.arnik. scientifically
1011'2 warranted; Particular attention is
called to the Allumlnnm Rue for Artificial
Teeth, which la eqUally u good as Gold and
fur superior to either Rubber or Silver. Please
call and examine 'Technics.
Chloroform or Ether administered ender di
action of a Physician when desired.
Aug. 6, 18G7.—,tf.
oitcrs the followlag Parma, Coal and Mabel'
Lauds ler sale : I
Pine Timber lot, 3 roiloir from !Towanda, a n•
tsioing 31 acres. ?flea 31,325.
Rum in Asyban, cortaining 135 acres. Good
•'aildings. Under a -- lire state of canine*:
ki:istly improved. Price 13 , 000 .
Pam in West Ittylinton—on . the Creek.—
eW buns and barn.= Under • llne.state of car
'ration. 95 acres. Price $5,430.
Farm; la Frankill. AU under good
• Good baildlcx. Per Ws eheap.
'creral very , del tble Houses and Lots in
• owintla. ' -
A large tract of C lands in fioga nonnty.
Towanda, July IE. ' S 7.
E. O. 431 4 C3ODELICIII,
1- -
Ori train Street; near the Coast Name.
• C. T. sots, Priv:iota. 1
Oct. 8. 18811. ,
, ,
ME13,40.&N 110TEIL
:41411. I •
- .
Itavteg purchased this well Maya Hotel ea
BridgeStreetj have refurnished and Patted
It, with everyeenveOtea* ter the aosomateda,
tten ot all who way patronise ate. opa l slg
lbe(ereS to lithe all planet sad arratab
14 J: !3 PATTIRSON. •
Having leased this Home. is now rawly to off
oommodate the Twelfths public. Jito pains
Rot expense will be wrettto give satistaetion
WNo may give Ida /call. _ • ;
North sae of' the public square, east of
Itercar's new block plow baildieg].
The 'subscriber having purchased the //RAI
formerly owned by 0. W. Delano. respectfu l.
informs the public that he he -Q to do
kinds of- work in his line and will attend promp
tly to all orders. Honsebold goods caretally
bandied. - Charges reasonable.
0. B. ALvoRD.
"Towanda, Tune 1,1869. • • i
Byer, Foster A Co., deliver Flour, Feat
Ideal, Graham Flour, or y Wig else In their
line in y pal et the villag a
-Custo an mers will find Nook at
store of Fox. Stevens, emir , A Co. All or.
disdem left in said book wU be promptly attend.
Any Inquiries in regard to Grindini; or other
business or thy NM, ente ed In said Book, yr
,be answered.
/dlflit, FOSTER it CO.
JuneTowanda, ?t, 180 —tr.
1,7 ed from the. Ward Sou
Two doors south of the
adjoining Patton's Block,
the basement. This oho.
from 0 a. m., to 0-p. m
that will favor him with
cooed workmen in this sal.
wait on customers In a sal
Gents ono Ladies Hair t,;
fashionable style. Razors
-tor use and warra ted
Hair Work. Switches, W
made to order. Wigs made
Towanda. Aug. 18, 1868 ,
J. opened a Banking Bonbe In Towanda, tin
ders, the name ci G. P. Id N & CO. - '
They are prepared to mar Bills of Ex
change, and make colle t na in New York,
Philadelphia, and all po nit lof the
States, as also England. Ger ny, and. Prance.
To Loan money, receive de sits , and to do a
general Banking business.
G. P. Mason was one - ol the late firm at
Laporte, k son & Co., of Towanda, Pa: and
: : knowlc ge of the busbies! men of Br adford
d adjoining Connties,and baying been in the
banking business for about fifteen yews. make
this house a desirable one, through 'which to
make collections.
Towanda, Oct. 1, 1866. ' A. G. MASON.
H. B. McKEAN, REAL Emma Aaiun
Valuable Farina, Miff Properties, City anti
Town Lots for tale.
Parties having property for sale . will fled it
to their advantage by leaving a description of
the same, with terms of sale at this agency, as
parties are constantly enquiring,for farms ac.:ll
H. 11.1k1c10EAN.
• Beal Estate Agent.
Office ifontanye's Block, Towituda, Pa.
Jan. 29. 1867.
Having entered into a co.partitership for the
transaction of the PHOTOGRAPHIC boainesi,
at the rooms formerly occupied by Wood and
Harding, would respectfully call the attention
of the public to several styles of Pictures which
we make specialties, as Solar Pbotograpbai
Plain, Penciled and Colored, Opaltypee, Porce.
lain Pibtures, Ito., which we claim for cleritnesr
and brilliancy of tone and Artistic finish, can
not beexcelled. We invite all totexamine them
as well as the more common kinds of Portraits
which we make, knowing fall ,well that they
will bear the closest inspection., This Gallery
claims the hightait reputation lot .goOd--work of
any in this section of, country, and we are de
termined by a strict attention to buainsand
the superior quality of oar work, to not only
retain bat Increase itstvay enviable 'repdtatitne.
We keep constantly ,on hand the best variety
of Frames and at lower prices than atany other
establishment in town. Also Passepartouts
Card frames, Card Easels, H olmes' Stereo.
scopes, Stereoscopic Vies, and 'everything else
Of importance pertainieglo the business. Give
us an early call,
N. B.—Solar Printing for the trade on the
most reasonable terms D. BARBING,
Aug. 29. '67. P. SMALLEY.
A CARD.—Dr. Vli
AlFiUsklaatis ob
tained a License, as required, of the
Goodyeat %reinitiate Company,' to -Vulcanize
Rubber as a base for Artificial Teeth, and has
now a good selection of those beautiful carved
Block Teeth, and a superior article of !Pack
English Rubber, which will enable him to sup-.
ply all those in want of sets 'of teeth, with
those unsurpassed for beauty and natural ap
pearance. Pilling, Cleaning, Correcting fireg
ularitlea, Extracting, and all operations be
longing to the Surgical Department skillfully
performed. Cholotorm administered for',the
:extracqon of Teeth .when desired, an article
being used for the purpose. in{ 'which he has
perfect confidence, haviog administered it with
the moat pleasing results during a practice of
fourteen years. '
Being very grateful to the public for their
liberal patronage heretofore received, he would
say that by strict attention to the wants of his
patients, he would continue to nierit their con•
advice and approbation. Officelln Beldleman's
Block, opposite the Means Hone°, Towanda;
Pa. Dec. 20, 1867.-3 m.
.1. S. D., would respectfully inform
the inhabitants of !Bradford County thAt Innis
permanently located in Towanda, Pa., He
would say that from his long d euccvutful
gpractice of TWENTY-FIVE Y 118 duration
ale familiar: with all the deftrent styles of
work done teeny and all Dental Establishments
ineity or country, and is better ' pro
any other Dental operator In th vielnity to dO
m w s
work the best adapted to-the y and different
cues that present themselves oftentimes to the
Dentist, as he understands the art of staking b
own artificial teeth, and has facilities for &log
the same. To those requiring J under seta of
teeth he would call attention to bla new kind of
work which consists of porcelain for both plate
and teeth, and forming a tontinens
,um p
n un. It hi
more durable, more natural In a
much better doted to the gum any o t her
kind of work. Those In need of the same are
invited to call 'andezamlne specimens, Teeth
filled to last for years end oftentimes for life.T-
Chloroform, Ether, and " Nitrous Oxide " ad
ministered with perfect stray, as,over four buns:
deed patients within the last four years can teis
Diflce in Patton's Block. Jan. 13, 1868.
The sutserlber would inform h 6 friends and
the phi* generally, that ha hafnow on hind,
and Is prepared I. band to orders
Democrat and Lumber %goal, et .reduced
471' k li t a nt e i r en d la rrn i a %l i ar!
en dell i ar . tmensa are Hader the ceergent
the NICE.
I wouldliform PubWhat., It have named
theeenrices orldr. JAS. W. IDNIBOIdi formerly
of Waverly, who bit .eherprof , the
Deportment, we are now prepared 14 1 r 1 4=
kinds of ?Matted. bowing Jest, Deceived the
largest aid bent alerted stock of pante and
nftlabeteretbroolidit kip like Comity. Otd-,
ertiolleited and all. work wenskl l l4 RePaW7
log done on thalami remonable tense
April 26. -
%rat Dreadmil. CostreWs Cheep Store. .
- .
!aid has opened
' **nal Hotel, and
on Main Street, in
is open conatantli
to accommodate a I
a call. Two exper •
n, always ready to
iefactory manner.-- t
1. Wing in the lateei
oned and set ready
eult. Ornamental
terfalls, and Carla,
and repaired.
a►r TILS
3lJ't a /1.
Dawn bf th 4 kips of
Into the tb lay o
!MitOrialaki iooktbsz'
Mho* thci Maly it
L. 1
The dr. as night via 1
On *cal lea The dor '
lad •
Yot, hob"
In erg
The plaiont
And lm
And let
On broken!
TbeY van! b
&au no/
Yet anti'
Doth all'
Our p' stint',
They see*
Bat hoittal
Are earth,
In thhsty
Our th
They ,
In paradise
Oar the
For He
And and
But vie
ROW vla
I. 7 Tali V • .
Dear little 1 iolet I bey must have
known the ' fo r of It• r eyes before
o f
they chose • ter - nem. Poor little
Violet ! Her !mother .ad died years
before we kneW her ; i en-there came
a stepmother; one of the ohbfashion.
ed step-mothelrs, strieand exacting,
caring much for her own eons, and
little for the ' onely d tighter of her
l i
new home, Se and ma matt, in these
days, if we are to bell ve in modern
fiction, exceed in loverd tenderness
all other 'women ; b t Mrs. Ashley
belonged to 'On earli i
,part of the
world's history. Sh had , no - soft
e t
place in her ' heart fo that tender,'
violet.eyed, Motherleets child ; .per
haps even a twinge o jealousy be.
cause Mr. Ashley lovher so well.
Mr.Ashley,:learned lin time, to re
press his feelings,lca wing that, if
noted, they wily brough t trouble oja
on his darling!. naturally of
l e t
a reserved peace-lovi g disposition,
and eventuallY school himself into
perfect quiescence. T us there arose
a barrier ...betWeen hi and his lone
child, too. lkll this ended by her
throwing bee, little f ish love-bur
dened heart of the fee of • certain
penniless young Ger an who gave
daily her ate brothers and
herself. Mr. bet beha d honorably •,
he liked the 4hild wel enough, and
be found out' , I her qu - i little secret
one day quite by elm ce. She had
-written no end of pus s abOutit and
him. Instead of taki g advantage
of his discovery, Otto mparted it to
i her father.. 'lien Mr. Ashley came
to us fur help
Will and I'had a pri;
tion • then I drove oi,
Street, and brought N
our cosey bogie. She
little soul, bitt'half fi
quite at a fuse in her ti
inge. I had seen her r!
but knew nothing of In
to Harley Street were
formal. Friendship
between the ;gentlem
lies. Will and Mr. A
'school fellows' once. el
Violet sat in te Ellicott ,
very grave' ail silent.
"Do you like driviq
whipping MY ponies wi
We were oil!, on the hi
speeding homewards
"Yes, thank you,
much," she seid, aemu
" This sort! of tal
thought ; "We must co
understanding, in som
win her confidence ;
shall get on" , So I tort
into her pretti i face., 1
"Violet I" , ; said, ",
thought anythl e ng at
,al e l
"Yes,--ofte , becan
"That wag kind. II
about me, 40[1ille mel
pity me Y", :1
"Pity yoo, - , Mrs. Bell
not.. Whyeyhr should
She was pbzzled la
interested. I ;I did notl
presently be spoke -1
aloud. I 1 1
"You hare (carriage
and r,
do jest whatever you Ii
—you have sibusband
to you, and I Whom . yo
ever should I. pity you
_"You seemi quite s
loving my btOand."
"Of course you do,-
see,that ; bopides, be ii
know, you couldn't hell
The little bird woe, /
tel now, ant ePokein /
way that I 0000! deli
Well," sad; '"duat
between . atiy bud • 9
ideas of my,p4sess
I think -you.l woidd
knew how Ilbave *lab
'thing bi- year and ye
been denied
_t4 me."
Violet said ; 1"0 In ' ihi :i ns &
her eyes and i ger li ttle mon th ignite
toned to suit Abe letter the ast q ik.
islunent it couryed. e were eras
sing the biidger now,- one of the
ponies was itrolubleeo '..:.:00:111*
time Went bY•f*forit I` ' ..
"Do you know Wait have wa nted
no long jet**. ri _. _. :..:
„ ..n think Ad..; Soma One to cat rite
uilina*:* to bp_ your:or; own,`l
- 1 I I
„ , .
T'. S 5, i'~ ,~ ~~
Il e.
owe pet, and Yr. BeWs; too. .1a .
what you lean-r" - • 1 ,,,
Iris. Now yowkooir my,trosb
tilS l r.;Yolirso" too'c.V;h*t,• and . ' r o rn
wir7 i irhc r % . 04 X -., O d isir li gi• tin 4°
one ' geed,' : That jai whyl
asked Yoe to come and stay with me.
Do you know what we ;are going to
do. together.n .
_1 ..
! 1 ,2 1 0-reallk an d work, sad drive; d 6
yogi. seas r .... ..,
jthe sun
• not
be dry
in vain
the Inv
losething aka; thail that.: To
"Op Belk! tun I to go,
"Yee, irides& You'ihill" do any
' thing mid ivii4dibig yenliloe. - ; This
day week s e aregoiig ihroidito!
getter; your pptimows all about
B, sad is gel to willins. •
Midday week. `secirdligly
seism Landon I and atter atithe*
of Pade n , very hot aid duty, at not
the less amazieg to our little protege,
we went on to Spa. It Was very
eady„ Wag fbidore the Spa . season,
when we &Mt arrived ; but we pro
posed !pending three or four months
there, sad gonad Jab minshhie sweet
*ad *amt. Nor was there any
-heat to domplais of in the king mid
woods t
o ys that We 'spent in the
What a owlet Ii ttki nest' is that
X. I I What delightful walks, and
and thrives I what glorious
keen sad view from the beights,and
what pleasant winding paths op to
them T Row pretty, km, isthe one
gayly bfay most and the glorious
avenue into which it spread's, when
its attractions are at an end I Its
principal feature is the , "Redeem"
(nom superooded by a few handsom
er buildings farther down.) Oppo
site that , centre of attraction, cun
ningly placed indeed for him who
has won, or for those desirous to
loge, crowd the shops . of banker, to.
bacconist, hairdresser, ladies' fash
ions, jeweller, and specially tempt
ing, the positories for stained and
painted wood articles peculiar to the
place. Thtts the fortune winner,
sauntering out of the Roome , ie tempt
ed in every possible -way to invest a
,portion of his hoard ; while the bank
er will, for a consideration, change
any kind of money under the sun into
a five-franc piece, to enable any un
fortunate speculator to go and try ,
again. One end of the queer little
street leads into the much-sought
avenue, as 1' have said ; the other
opens 'upon the miniature 'market
place and town-hall.
Violet was very much amused by
the men in big blouses who stand in
the square- from morning till night.
Some are guides, others possess ,car
doges or saddle•horses, at the service
of excursionists ; others,' again, sim
ply stand there looking on , smoking
long pipes, and making slow, obser
vations upon all' going on around
them. Violet's naive exprissione of
astonishment and delight were a kind
of "continual feast" to Will and me ;
and the child soon beoime quite fa
miliar and at her ease *kb us Iwo
old people. We mist have 'seemed
so very, ancient td her I We *Ore
staying at the Hotel d'Orange, and
had !spent a very quiet, happy month,
when some Mends 'arrived, whOie
coming brought about various little
adventures that have led me into this
telling of Violets proceedings. She
had by no means forgotten Mr. Otto,
and in confidential moments would
tell me of his perfection and her ad
"Oh I I did like him so very, very'
much," she said one day ; "ao would
you, if you knew him. He is very
handsome, you know, bright • blue
eyes, and such a beautiful mustache !
Then he used to be so patient and
kind to me, and I did love to hear
him talk. - At last I could not bear
to be away from him,—l used to cry
and fPel so wretched ; at least, not
really wretched, you know, but such
a nice, new, strange 'feeling. Yon
know I have read ,all about being in
love. And when he came it used to
make me start, and when he touched
me I used to tremble. Bat now it is
all over, quite over. Ho laughed at
me llt was very cruel. You know
he found my btxik of veraes, and Otto
was so difficult to rhyme to. Ali I
Mrs.' Bell, I never could have stayed
on at home,and I am so thankful you
took me away. I dreaded coming at
first, though."
We had walked op to one of the
fatuous wells to breakfast,—the San
viniere, that boasts of a greater at
traction than Its mineral spring. We
had taken our meal oat under the fine
'old trees, and found the cotelettes
and omelettes well deserving of their
wide spread fame. My old gentle
man had Walked away wittatia cigar,
and we two were still sitting in lazy
enjoyment, very cozy and confiden
tial. There now, drove up to the inn
door a ,queer old rumbly tomb!,
chariot, drawn by two small Spa
horsey, belonging decidedly to the
aborgival species , common there'. I'
looked on in the contented, apathetic
way in which people ratting at ease
generally watch the movements of
active travellers.
ate consults
er to Harley
iolet away to
was a sweet
ightened and
ew surround
ow and then,
r ; my visits
of the most
1, ere was only
of the fatal
hley had been
in s time.—
besides me
.r asked,
h road now,
like it very
ely. •
won't do," I
ne to a better
way. I moat
after that we
ed and looked
live you ever
about me ?"
1 lilted you."
you • thought
did you ever
No i certainly
d einnewhat
answer,l and
er thoughts
Out of the nondescriPt vehhile
sprang briskly s bright-faced laugh
ing youth, with an unusual snantity
of thickly_ curling hair, which' I no
ticed all the more because in jumping
he lost his hat. Him followed, more
soberly, s,somewhat older mak who
impressed me by his composed insu
and boner.
end yolk:can
ke, and and
Who is good
re about !so
"He looks like the lightliired ones
schoolmaster,* whispered Violet.
The merry youth ran after his hat,
and the other stepped back to the
chaise, and held out both hands to
help a i ls*. in the difficult descent.—
She was a very tall,broadithouldered
person - of middle age; arid had about
her an air of severe propriety. This
expressiou - went into all - the .det
tails of her sed•colored attire ; her
-very . bonnetestrings were cat, into
rig straight lines at the end, and
the tips of her stiffly extended fingers
were clothed iniquareimt, gloves. I
do not say that I. discovered such
details in these first moments, but
theY wiMe to be eci , nuociated in mi
mind wiih Min Prudence Herbert,
that I cannot speak of her without
• Lest,lat no nines welt i , there
eamelorth a:very" imposing
nee; id** grautisee and and
s long • it/ apathy
Was at - siende I started ' to • say feet
say one can
eo nice, you
tting cheer
chirßY, Pert
Whig . settled
tying ail Per
Le be eetreek
-ale if ,
tor owne
r; and it bee
.W-1 - .n4•N
Auld approaching the strangers aer .
tainly there could beim ..doubt,:.this
, was our :dear old. friend, the General.
I had 'bees - telling of him rand his
brave ,deeds, but-yesterday. Then I
-spoke of him as though there were
:thousands of miles between us - ,; now
he` was here 1 , .I bad-seen .:him last
,tienty years ago,
_yet I heel him
again' instantly. He , was; apnea
young :captain then, and.hs4 stood in
my desk-father's: place wheal:be
came Willa wife . - Then I bide him
loncfarewell, but I had heaid of
ever since ; that flats his ;AIM,
then from " m — mutual friends, once or
twice froni ,himielf. I met now
'with outs_ tretched hands. He ;.give
tile a Waited said I looked , fast as
young as 'when be left home; Then
bctunted,, in his courteous Way; to=
-wardilittli Violet, who had crept up
with her eyeil full of cult tut _ clues.
"And this (airy 1" said the Gener
al ;' "surely I should - have lieard,—l
cannot have forgotten 7" -
"No, she is hot ours," answered,
cheerfully...l saw our old friend was
distresied- by having spoken his sur
mise; "But we are taking care - •
"Very pleasant care you find it,
-Missy, I should say. And where is
Mr. Bell I"'
He came up at the moment. Then
there was aftich introducing. Miss
Herbert was the 'General's sister4n
law,and bad Met him - at Southampton
with hii younger sons.
"Miss Violet took you ;for your
brother's school master," I said, at
this part of the Antroduction ; on
whiph poor little Violet emulated the
deepest-dyed rose with her blushes,
and when we were alone scolded me
well for being so very, very wicked.
The elder bad gone out to his fath'
.er SOW )ears before, and bad just
returned,from Canada with hiria. So
these great frilows were the babies I
had cooed and crowed with end thie
fair haired; laughing Lionel was the
elitibb, cherub that had rivalled even
'Will in my affections and attentions ;
and. us was the
,elder, after all I
fancied I could dtect some some of
the aunt's sehoolige in, grave Her
bert,..who was certainly very solemn
for hie years. 'A very handsome fel
low now that I looked more closely
at and much more like his father
than ray old pet, Lion. • Whether
from old association, or for the sake
of his liiughing face and merry, way.
I d r on'tl know ; certainly -it is that
Lion immediately. regaieed his bold
on my affections, and that I was as
enthusiastic in his praises as Violet
horself, iu whose thoughts he quickly
usurped the place of Mr. Otto. Pray,
do not think that Violet was giddy
or heartless ; -far, far from it ; the
little soul was alelove,and had given
of her tenderness to the very trot
man whom she could justly admire.
It was only a child's feeling then ;
now, I thoilght, or came to think
shortly, tho woman was arising, and
the child pfissing away. I said to
Will, when we were alone after that
meeting at the Sauvinier, that be
tween Lionel and Violet had arisen a
ease of love at first night; Lionel's
admiration had been so plainly visi
ble iu his delighted faco, and in his
cheery Words ' when he took Violet's
hand in his Then again, when we .
all- went to the well, and Violet had
been persuaded to put her foot into
the legendary hollow stone,and wish,
it was Lion who h e ld her hand to
steady her ; and he chatted all the
time. He said how he wished that
he might wish • and would not she
wish his wish for him ? "I must not
wish my wish myself," he added ;
"don't you know that we men are not
to have -any extra et.ance of fulfil
ment given to us , like 'you of the
privileged sex ? Well , 1 grant You
any Ind every privilege under the I
can cheerfully." I.
At this Violet put on her little pert
pont, and replied-;--
• "No doubt the saints 'won't give
men any encouragement, because
they are .unreasonaye in their de
sires, and don't deserve to have them
"I don't know about the reason ;
but Ido knots- about tha strength
and good will of my desires. Per
haps some! day I will tell you, and
let you judge foroureelf."
I can see all'tlfe pretty picture be
fore me still.'
Glimpsed i f very blue sky and
fleecy floating eloodlets, through the
rich foliage nverhead, fantastic shad
ows swaying on the sward beneath,
air ail about us: The brave old Gen
eral opposite, leaning on his yonnger
son's arm ; Aunt' Prudence a little
further back, holding- the glass of
disagreeable water at stiff arm's
length, my! dear Will persuading her,,
in hid droll way, to try its salutary .
effects. Then—between them all and
me; and some steps below us—Vio;_
let, as lovely a -type of maidenhood
as_ I have ever had the good fortune
to see. Her arched brows raised,her
sweet lips parted in' s smile of pro=
test,-her long soft curls taken off the
smooth brow, and , falling gracefully
over her shoulders, and her trusting
look and hand given-childlike to the
care of her bright-faced Companion.
Her whole attitude—even the soft
blue folds of her muslin dress--adding
to the inexplicable charm that an in
nocent girl has in the eyes of all be
holders. Of course Lionel had' his.
share in the . making of the pretty
'picture. His merry face and, strong
figuie ; his tawny—l was going to
say mane, and it would be correct
well, then, his tawny mane and beard,
and the admiring interest with which.
be regarded "the :hild of wishes," as
be tOked his. i nonsense—all these
things impressed themselves on my
Mind's eye, and enable me to-day to
give you a faint idea of s bygone but
very brilliant,ieality. '
The meeting of that morning made
a new era in our Spa life: Where We
three; had formerly ,gone, there were
no mostly seven of 'ue,and many
hap days we spent together. As
for Violet, what with sunshine, hip
phiess and love, she Was growing
absolutely • beiutiful ; so I saw, and
needed not the constant telling of the
two 'old gentlemen 'whom I voted far,
'more impressionable than the young
ones". 'An for the General, he - put
himself entirely at - Miss Violet's feet;
'lnd fled her awstinto an entbusiattio
flirtation, which' often ' celled' &fel
t-i - .i'.., , 1
~.~ . .
N 111111 1T -MUM&
severest oriticisci - 9haperone.--
Lionel's admiration ' wad evident
enough ;_ btitlierbot.*med to heed
the-'velineit - BOA 110 : Aunt
Prue; but ,:then , ...-Berliect. mai alto
gether so quiet audaninifirissicinable.
With his godmother; Kiss, Herbert, I
lied to fightmaniamiliiiiittles, about
the liberty grantedlfilbcpro* Pee:
ple in the &spoliator
,thmr time, sad
the choioe-of • their, 'airinsements,
reciat'Y on the occisjim of.*-,perticu
arky nice ball.. Lionel bad entreated
89 for : Violet's debut at thil entertain;
ment, that I at - last yielded.
"You give s way to the young.peo.
pie too much—far too-much," taid
Aunt Prue, ; severely. "TheAdea of
encouraging --I may leading
them on to think of nothing but plea
sure; Oppearo to me ihnost
Surely. we are not sent intethe world
on such account. ~ Life has sterner
thoughts, and duties."
"But we are here for the holidays."
"I greatly fear; Ifni - Bell, you
would have all the days of the year
devoted to dances and junketings,
and leave none for sober. work& I
cannot but say that the idea of this
ball is extremely distasteful to me t
and Ir misdoubt me much - thit thus
effect of such dissipation will mot
tend to the improvement of the youth
ful minds of which we have .underta '
ken the charge." •
"I am sorry yciu•don't approve.—
We must not disappoint them now ;
Violet and Lion have quite set their
hearts upon it." . -
"There, my dear madam, you put
my worst fears into words. As for
my beloved Herbert, I shall certainly
exert my influence in withholding
him from these thoughtless - pas.
Aod so on, and on. My bluff old
Will voted - Miss Prudence a ,bore,
and a muff; and all sorts of naughty
names ; but I knew that, though fns-
8y in words, , die was always ready
for a kind and generous action. This
much debated ball was the first "se :
lett" one of the Spa season, and it
had been settled that- we should
go. As for Miss Herbert and her
of course we should miss
them ; but they were not absolutely
indispeniable. • I' had dressed my
little Vielet in snow-white, and
crowned and garlanded her with
very leaves. Over her cnris,,too, I.
had shaken a silvery shower,and Will
had, ,with some difficulty, procured
corresponding Ornaments for her neck
and arms. I thought ter perfection,
and kissed the laughing lips with—l.
think, almost a mother's pride. 'Will
led our_ petinto the , four!), while I
leaned upon the_General's arm.. Lio
nel, tired of waiting, had gone on ;
but in the pretty rooms we looked for
him in vain He had claimed Vio
let's promi se for the first two don-
"I want to get her well used to the
slippery floor and the size of the
rooms, you know," be had said,. half
apologetically. When I looked on
her now, I thought the dear boy
needed no excuse. But where was
he, and why did he not' gladden his
eyes with the sight of our fairy.?
Meanwhile Herbert was leading her
away. He had - been standing half
hidden behind one of the pillars near
the_ entrance, and'l caught sight of
his watchful eyes as we came in.—
But he did not join us until the music
began, and Violet looked ou with a
wistful disappointment. She rewar
ded her unexpected cavalier with a
beaining smile, arid was swiftly car
ried away, amongst th• dancers,
while we elders looked on.
"How well the lad dances 1" said
the General ; "upon my word, I did
not expect it of him."
"Such i partner would put life into .
any man," said Will. "I am going
to have a turn myself presently."
The next quadrille saw Mr. Bell
and Violet standing together, with
Herbert and me as via a•vis. hen I
felt almost thankful' that Miss Pru
dence was not looking on. Of course
we had all wondered—first privately,
tin n to one another—as to *hat had
become of Lionel. At last I became
uneasy, and deputed Herbert to go
and seek his brother, and not4o re
turn without him.
"Do you really not know what
keeps him, Mrs. Bell ?", he asked,'
looking straight into my eyes.
"No,—indeed, do you.? I am anx
ious iecause he was dressed and
waiting;, and said he would come on
here.' Do you know ?" But Herbert
was gone before be had time to reply.i
. he had muttered, "I will find him,"
and had *awn his brows somewhat
sternly, I thought ; but then Herbert
was so peculiar, and might have
meant" nothing.
We had met some English friends,
and we had made some foreign ones,
during . our stay, and Violet had more
dancing offers than she could accept.
There. was a certain MODS. Dejazet,
who had put his heart,' verbally, .at
her feet and at my feet,. all the eve
ning, and who was excited by,cette
beards virginals. to a frantic pitch of
gestidnlation: The little man looked
altogether like a lively note of admi-
ration. He capered and figured about
oar pet, and brought her refraidiase-
Ments innumerable. She took - all his
attentions in exceihint•part, and was
grateful and amused. Befor*we left
.Spa Mons. Dejazet had demanded mu
permission to . paylkia addresses to
cette chirmiuite Jenne•penionneMees
Vi-o=le. I made some *Emden 'to'
her. about ber French'initor, and her
answers wererttite sufficient to war.
rant Mr. Bill m humbly deediaingthe
proffered honor. Mops.:Dejszetorith
his,cinquante miile lime de rente a,
wee astounded,' and went 'his way ln .
Wonder, but 112 peace.
, Herbert noon came back to the
balkoom. "Lionel, will follOw me
directly," be said, and gaye his imps ! .
tient partner his arm. A few, min.(Ai
ntes later r: truant appeared waltz
ing aWay with a certaitiMisti Noble
That dance be came tains.
:"I emnosorry ; Mrs Bell E I really
cOnid,ncit help it.- . I quite„inten&4
to come straight. - bers tnitlree' de
tained, 'aid, sceing - ine some in,
Hells begged me to dance With hie
daeghtero so I • would not -come
atreAltht talon: Where is oat sweet
Violet ?"'
4 11iim ficeir Oweet Violet," 1 oeld r
little'vaillYl ,
- "and eho lit enjoying
beraelr a ma zingly:" - Then I looked
well into hie facelo"Yon 4 ans strange
:;tßxs *st•
_,. - , ..., ,-, . •- .
\ - ~ ,
-, Ir‘ : •. "
. .
. ~ • • ...
~;,,, .., ~.,,,, • ~
.. - .
--.\. =j .i . ' : - .
• ly Bushed, Lionel, after one dance." I,
"AM I?" he said, and bit his lip.
"I am ,very , warm." , - •
"You can rest at your' leisure .
now." '
"NO, by Jove. Ism - going to Make
ups for lost time." Just then he saw
Violet standing: ppiriiite: -
"0, . Mr. - Be, , how delicioue abe
shilookt to-nig t." _
'-Bat Violet did not come : over - to
our .part of the room,- •as he bade".
pected, and, al soon as the music be.
f l al SO", whisked t'Y with Mn..oejaset. , ,
can't' 'itanti "- Inutteired
Lionel, and hotter blood .Dame into
his face. • He left Me, and 'matched
his opportunity ,• .with the last Awid
h'e Ma Violet's hand in 'his, and
walked her 'off,uncermonionely, They
went into the - farthei room ; fol
lowed swiftly, and was in time ;to
hear him say,— • • • • - •
Mint you must not,. must not be
angry with `me ; lam so savage With
myself." •'
Lionel, I will know what
kept -you. Tell me ; then, I, will
forgive you, and dance with you
"0, do. Dance pretty with me,
arid don't pout and - look so bewitch..
ing, oryou'll make me say more than
I ought." . •
"Yon must tell me first, sir." -
"I cannot tell you first or list,
"Then-I will not dance, at least not
with you. - It was Worth Herbert's
-while to come to me."
"He is inch a calm chap, nothing
tempts him."
"Maybe I was sufficient tempta
tion." .
_ "Oh you daughter of Eve I"
"Don't abuse my dear first mother,
sir. I never will acknowledge that
she was so much to be blamed :as
people make out. Why did not Mae.
ter Adam sensibly and kindly point
out to her the error of her ways ways 7
She might have beenied aright with
very little trouble."
"In ycinr opinion, then, • Adam
I should have reasoned with—with - a
woman. Poor logic I sad would have
been thy early fate." -
"Now you are talking
and only to lead me sway from the
questions I wrt.t. hive answered.
What kept you, Lionel ?"
"Will yon cofue and see ?" -
"Nothing I should like bettq."
"Come then" • I
-"Oh what Can it be? Would Mrs.
Bell let me, do you think ?", -
"Never mind Mrs. Bell. Trust
yourself to me, I love you, sweet lit
tle Violet, and mean' to ;intik° you my
wife some day. Come with me now. "
She looked straight into his face
for a moment, then gave a low laugh.
"I will. come with you now,". she
said, "for the fun of the thing, and
.I am curious; but as to thit
other.proposal of yours, I have noth
ing to,say to that." She had very
determined, quiet air when she chose,
and now said her words so resolutely
that they'startled me. Lionel laugh
ed aloud.
"'Vime will prove, my dear, and I
can wait. We must fetch your cloak,
and muffle you up well. Now you
can come. "
I, very near them, though hidden,
had heard macho( what passed„and
now resolved to follow. I had no
longer any doubts as to where our
pet was to be taken. I left them 'to
go their Own way while . I went back
toiny htteband, and whispered hur
riedly to him. Then .I put my' shawl,
over my head, went kink to my hotel,
fetched Aibounet and veil, and rejoin
ed' Mr. Bell at the entrance of the
Rooms. '
When I put my hand upon my hus-
band's arm, we walked lip the stairs,
but did not go amongst the dancers
this time. We want into a lofty, well
lighted saloon, in the center of which
stood a 'crowd: That it was an eager,
anxious crowd was my first observe-,
Lion;, its strange component
parts. I had seen 'such-, places be
fore; I had watched the green table
of danger-with its wierd numbers; I
had heard the monotonous call of the
croupiers; and watched them raking
up the lostiloney. But I had never
looked with such intense interest on
all these things as now, on this.night,
when I wished to note the effect upon
our' darlineond her admirer. By
this time' we had all began to think
of them as belonging together. Their
suitability had been beyond doubt_
from the first. Age, faces, and for
'tunes would be' well mated, so we
wise elders had ag,reed. A little to
right -they now stood, far too
:much engrossed by the gambling op f
erations to, heed us. Now and again
Violet would turn with iequiring look
or word to her prOtector, to whim
she clung timorously, then back to I
the table and those nearest and most
interested/ Her lips ,were parted,
_and all her powers of keen observa
tion &thing ' from her • Wondering
eyes. Lionel had not forgotten her
presence, buthis thoughts were chief
ly with the game playing before his
Mechanically his hand _Moved to
wards bill pocket; and be' brought
forth small gold coins.
"I muatry again," he said, "your
presence must change my luck... Do.
Only mention one, just- one." ,
"It is wrong Lionel I",• • •
"No; - no, 'eery kind; quite right."
"Thirty.six," said Violet, and . Lion.
el' hurriedly pushed three ten-franc
pieces upon the .ohosen number.
In another minutethirty-six times
thata sum lay - whiting him. •
"Shall I leave - it ?" he asked '
"Noino, take it, take yours,— any
thing. ' But comenway, please, come '
AwaY," said Violet, not in the .least
understanding the =transaction, but ,
quite aware of the hungry, and envi
ous eyes followed the money as
it dame baokluto ' her. eompanion's
.hand. Aiiit then the : eyes were turn
ed nponi her; And I could see the
blood mounting Into her very templei.
illoweAf the eyes so attracted. were`
Cot speedili-withdraWn. One , swar
thy; blaCk-bearde4 man, with eyes
like a' . hawli ; vow), 'and invited our
'Pet brie* end gestate to take "his
inci all the favor of ze gia•
liiiiil'ortnns," be said grinning. '
"Dci Yiole4 you will not be
notioidno - niuch; do, , there's a'ldiot
girl, and tell me whsteplay.P '
410i - joer Annual s in A.dvance•-
"1 shall unite to your • ventures,"
said the foreigner, evidently under.
standing the purport, though not the
words of LionePs entreaty. And he
backed quite. out and offered his
chair to our poor confused pet. I was
just; coming to the rescue, when Her
bert (who had a knack of appeaiing
a t
apled fot the right moment this evening)
You have forgotten that .I was to(
hare the last waltz, Violet," he said ;i
"I haveleen seeking you; come."'
He took her unreshitlng hand ; gave i
his brother; who was about to nter,-
fere, a look that Will called a "alien-
MT," midi led her away. They did not
go back into the ball-room. When I
reached the hotel, - I found my 'Violet
in tears.
"Yon "are overexcited, my dear,*
said, sod began to take off bar orna
manta; .--
• "I am in each tronble,l don't know
how to tell you. Will you ever for
give me ?" •
• '"Dear child, you have dope - no
"Do you know, do you really ?"
• "Yes I was there, watching you.
We quite, intended to show you. the
Rooms some evening, and Hr. Bell
would have enplaned the game to
you.. There was no harm in your
going, but Lionel was to blame for
taking you in your ball-dress."
After this the little soul sobbed all
the more, I put her into-bed and sit
besiide her, holding her trusting little
hand in wine, until her breathing be
came regular, the tears dried'on her
face, and she slept_ Perhaps anoth
er tear 'fell upon it as I kissed her,
butl know that I thanked God for
his mercies, and for the beauty and
brightness in this pleasant world:
Im am sorry to have to tell you
that my old favorite, Lionel, did not
behave himself very--,well during the
next month. Miss Prue was in a
State as nearly hoarding on distrac
tion as propriety , allowed her. ,
"The young man must have his
fling," :said the kind general ; "he
has never seen 'anything of the sort
before. -I He'll soon come straight
again, Don't worry him, Prue ; he
his good lad."
"Worry him t What expressiona,
brother 1 Counsel, advice,are now to
be spoken of as men speak of —of
aggressive. dogs. Worry indeed"l"
, At- last however things'were gett
ing too bad. Lionel took his seat at
the green table as soon as the doors
were opened,and scarcely left it again
until they closed for the night We
-all besought the general to interfere.
"Our little plans for Violet will all
be rained by bis-presentthoughtless
neris,” I urged. Then the father told
his son he must either give his word
not to re-enter the gambling saloon
or . return with them all to England,
and at once.. Lionel chose the form
er alternatiie. He must have felt
grateful to his father,who had allow
ed him to run on in his own way,and
given him all necessary moneys with
out a- word of complaint,until aeck
was 0 , solutely necessary. So Lionel
acquiesced with a good grace, and
now sought to pass-his time, and for
get his craving for play in a fresh
burst of love making.
But In Violet there was a change
'that chilled these thoughts of his.—
She did not tura from her merry
faced friend ; that might have augur
ed hope in th winning
,of her back ;-
hut she met him without any oilier
wonted interest and sprightlinessf-
She did
.not care if he came, stayed,
or went.• She did not mind walking
with him; but • she showed neither
liking nor disinclination when such
walking was proposed. We all saw
the change, and I acknoWledged that
I had been too hasty, and that the
woman's feelings? still slumbered in
the little breast.
"Perhaps she will never care for
any one s " said Will. "This is the
second lover in six months!'
"She has never been loved yet," I
answered, fearing. to say more,- as I
had been so manifestly wrong in my
former ideas. My husband shook his
head. .
"You are very queelcreatures,you
women, very , queer, and not for me
to day which. How some girls would
have clung to that handsome young
fellow all the more pertinaciously,
just because he was thoughtless and
foolhardy, and - -turned , ..,bis hick upon
them a bit,aild hankered after forbid
den pleasures I"
"That would have been so if 1. girl
—if Violet had loved him. But in
deed, matters went too east and too
smoothly ; we might-have been sure
they could not all end in rose-color."
"Thu old theory about its being
unfortitnate to win the Bret rubber?
Cards and love have something in
"Have they though 7 Then I wilk '
thank you for, 4 • eiome information
about it."
ant that led us on to another sub ,
ject, with which Violet has . nothing
to do. That young person was alto
gether in a somewhat contradictory
and unsatisfactory frame of mind for
weeke after.the ball at the Redout.
She made desperate love to the dear
old qeneral, and turned her back, as
Will says, on all her other friende_l
never-found out what passed between
her and. Herbert when he led her
home on that , eventful night ; but I
.know that she shunned him,eould not
be inda - ced to take a walk with him,
alone, and scarcely - answered if he
spoke to her. And yet I caught her
eyes:earnestly fixed upon his face_
sometimes,. and I knew that she
heard, ay, andteagerly listened to,g .
the few - words s ke. He. was .
not mach with us , ed walking,
and would-often start away with his
knapiack on his back, for two or
three days', tour.
October was coming upon us now,
and we began to speak of going home.
I had resolved that nothing but abaci•
lute necessity—or a good husband—
should take our 'darling from us
again. She was such ablesoing and
comfort.. and so constantly reminded
us, by her vary tonne even, of opting
and sunshine, and all th at- is sweet
and pure in Natures day-of promise.
Row long might she be with us ? I
thought. I held a letter from IMr.
Ashlr my hands. I had told" him
wishes and
_opinions hone st:
ci Land he
hatriiipond .4 with all Ida
nese. Be would not her itWay.
How about that handiome lover
the tawny name I '
Wi elders.ere sitting - out in ti.
liestiful - avenuet,. listening to the env
getio band, sad the two in' .
thoughts were walking - up and.dow ,
Limes arm had' been offered - and re
jeated;and he had-folded his handl
upon his back. Violet. a little pont
log; a little trifling, Wholly:clumping,
toyed with her- parasol ; looked , pr 1
voingly into his face, and gave hi
pert mows!! .in her own pert way
At last he grew impatient of he
.noasense, -and must—l "judo fro
later confessions:--have said some
thing like-- • I
"Tort are making . fan of me, Wok
I am in earned, and will not b
laughed, at. I lell you plainly, on
fofall, I love you, and want you ti
be my wife, I am tired of all thi
play. Let there be an end to. it."
"I don't think I made the begir
• "Ton di& I thought - you beauti
fur that veryilrst day, when Iplael.
I your little foot in the wishisg•place
I Wished the. that you might have
put it_ upon my neck instead, and
called me your slave. I would have
done your bidding fast enenigt."
"Now you know • me better, you
want me to be . yours. Thanks; I
don't careaboat a master at present."
And she laughed merily_ enough.
Then he•stood• still, fronting her.
"Violet,* he"-said; "I ask you for
the last time, will you be •My wife ?
I know Mrs. Bell would like it, so
would my father; he wants me set
tled; and ':surely your father - could
not object. Violet, may we write
rand oak. him ?"
"No I" she said, and 1 saw her
plant her ':foot and parasol firmly
down into the wound. "No, no, no
ten thousand times no I And I tell
you; Lionel, you' will never -chango
me, not if you worry me all the fe,
days - we stay. together, you will never
Change me. I don't love you, and I
don't love Mr. Otto, though you have
picked np that silly story, and choose
to say so, and—and—and—l don't:
think I know what love is,—and—and
—I don't wish to. There IP •
"Let me toad!. you. I an and
"Fro - ni you I could never learn • it.
Let us be friends. Shake bands, and
have done with the nonsense, once
for all."
Of course - he. would . not shake
bands, but went away from her with
. halty and angry stein.
;; ,.2..,,5he told it all to me . afterwisrds,
'and silenced all comments oP eulogy.
"Dearestand kindest of -mothers—
and you do seem to me like a moth
ther," she said, with her;eyes full
tears, "you love me, Ind you
dear Mr. Belli and you know how
nice that is, and we are all so happy..
Let us go on so. I am sorry if he
cares for we; I know it won't la s t;
but I do assure yon I can never care
for him in the right - way, you know."
And she would'say no farther word
in the matter.
-After that walk. Lionel did -- not
come near-her. He was a 'somewhat
Spoilt and vain yotuis man, and hia ,
vanity had received a smarting blow,
which he could neither ignore nor
i l he last mornineof our pleasant
stay had come'. Violet had hurried
away to her mineral bath; from which
she was wont to return like Hebe,Or
Aurora ; or any one famous for rosiest
health.. Herbert had been away for
a day's walking, but had promised to
be home in time "to see .ff."
After her bal t b, .V 10:• 'walked
away along the winding pa : to
the heights that tower over the town.
"I wanted to take a last look at
the dear old - place," she told me after
wards, "and I marched away, up and
up, till I came to the brightest point
for the view. I took tay hat off, and
stood panting and hooking down,
when all at once, Herbert stepped Ucit
of Akre wooct. Hs startled me so! And
I was apyrarm, and ED out of breath,
-aid - mylair all untidy I was so
ashamed! He said he bad been walk
ing since before sunrise; on purpose
to—to-40 see us again before we
went, and to offer. me'a
. little flower
he had found. He'saA, 'Was it
not a very strange time of year for a
—for this ?' Then he showed me a
forget-me-not. It seemed' to come in
answer to his - thoughts and wishes,
be said, just as now came the Violet
in whose hands he wished to lay that
other blossom. Then lio'gave me the
' flower, and held:my hand, and—and
—somehow, all at once, he held me
too, and I cried, and I think he cried,
but I don't - know. He said he was
too happy. Dearest of mothers; Ido
.that I do love him, and that_ I
am too happl,and that it is—so nice?"
- So the woman had risen at last. It
was not very long, before I had to
give into another's keeping the flow:
er that had come so 3Soung and guile•
less' a blossom into mine.-
It is only a sketch, you see,. a lit
tle jotting down about sunshine and
love, perhaps a rain or &storm eland,
but it speaks of a time _that has led
to a very beautiful summer in two
hurn4 - n lives now one.—Landon
• - -
THE idea of a smile "is the
whisper of a laugh." Some folks' idea of a
"aziile" la something that comes but of a
black bottle.
RIND-Enriter—Throwing watermel
on rinds on the pavement.
"Tam cradle. is woman's ballot bOx!''
Yeesome of them deposit two ballots at
once,_ Now, isn't that illegal?
CHILDREN wonld'nt cross their par
ent* so often when they are grown up, if
they were to cross their parenen--knees a
little oftener when they were little..
"How long did Adam. remain in
Paradise before he had sinned?" asked an
admirable cars spots of her loving husband.
"Till l !tegot a wife," answered the hits
.band, emly."
"I wisu, Sally," said Jonathan,
"that you were locked in my Arcot and the
key was lost."
• 'Tie little trouble to brew beer,tbat
beer often brews much.trouble.l • -
THE salad of the solitary man fA,
lettuce alone.
Morro for a jourualiat—"D3.writ.•,
and feai not !"
Oua good feelings have . tileir
sons as flowers have.
k BAKER should feel compliment , Nl
if called - a big loafer.
TITE world has a million roosts fin
anon, but only one nest.
"Time is money," tia the man said
when paining his watch.,
WHEN intoxicated, a Frenchman
wants to dance, a German to sing, a Span
iard to gamble, an Englishman to , eat, an
Italian to boast; a Russian to be affection
ate, an Irishman to fight, and an American
to make a speech.
• *
'1 have passed the greatiti part of
my life," said Simon, the an of ' Gamaliet,
"in the society of the wise,and tonna noth
ing more becoming in the man of- witdoul
than sitedee."
MITIRILOGIIITB tell us that Io was
turned into a heifer, but adootor!sprescrip
the& I= the following pisoe of information
respeeting the doom
luuof that meg person :
dk4l - ot potessi