Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 08, 1868, Image 2

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    nine tram alt Natione.
—By way of London, late
gaiie is received ,concerning the war
on.; the Rio Parana, South Americo.—
The Marquis of Caries is marching on the
fortifications at the'confluence of the Tibi
cnury and Parana Rivers with a column of
3,000 men ; and Lopez is marching, with
entire force, on Cerroleon. Timbo has been.
abandoned by its garrison.
—The barns and their contents of
the Livingston County (N. Y.) Poorhouse,
and one of the work-shops anti varehorises
of the Monroe County (N. Y.) Penitentiary;
were burned on; Thursday night. Lou to
the Poorhouse, .V 5,0001 and to the Peni
tentiary, $15,000.
—Hon. Howell Cobb, of Georgia,
is at the Delvan House, Albany.
—The American Tract Society of
Boston has rescinded ita contract ,with the
se w-Tork Society.
—Rev. Thomas Hill has resigned
the Presidency of Harvard College, and his
resignation has been accepted.
—The Judges in the United States
Circuit Court at Boston have overruled the
motion to quash the indictment against
James a Martin, tho late Cashier of the
Boston Hide and Leather Bank, and his
trial on the charge of defrauding the Bank
mill commence the present week.
—A freight: engine On the Law
rence Railroad, near Youngstown. Ohio.
blew up yesterday morn ing, killing the en
the fireman and -. a brakeman.
--It is announced that Sartniento,
tl.c new President Of the Argentine
has proposed negotiations far peace be.
twecn Brazil and Paraguay.
—Somebody discharged a pistol
into the window of the skating rink at
Q;finey, 1.11„ on Monday evening, while a
prAitieal meeting was being held. Lient:-
Gov. Roener was making a Republican
speech at the time, and Mr. Barnard &rat
za n, a German Derreecratio speaker,. was
sitting near by, waiting for his tnrxf-to
speak in ansver, acearding to the pro
gramme. Thkil,all from the pistol passed
bctwe,n the two. The Democrats claim
that it was the intention of the assassin to
Lill Mr. Arutzeu, while the Republicans as
si_rt that tho deadly missile .was aimed at
th...! Lieutenant-Governor.
—A shell sherry was launched at
P..ltimore,'lt day or two since, entirely deck
ed ever. with the exception of an opening
where the single oarsman sits. It le thirty
t feet in length . : and twelve inches wide,
tied weighs but forty pounds.
—The late Mercules Dousnu,n, of
Prarie du Chien, left an estate valued at
from five to seven millions of dollars to his
id9w and son. He was probably the
wealthiest man in the Northwest.
--John Perkins, white, and Benja
thin Jefferson, colored, are to be hanged at
Portsmouth, Va., ono day this week, for
the crime of outraging the person of Miss
Saridi.E. Ford, in Norfolk County, commit
t:d two, or three months ago.
—Major-Gen. Hancock is still troll
bled with the breaking out anew of the
wound he received at the battle of Gettys
burg. It will probably be a month before
he will sufficiently recover to be able to re
turn toTashington, lie is now at Caron
&girt, Mo. •
—A serious railroad accident oc
clirred at Athens, Ohio, on Monday, caused
L} a collision between an express train,
which was backing up from the Filcher
tunnel, and• two hand-cars, containing
eighteen • section hands " and their bosses.
There was a dense fog prevailing at the
time, so that each party was prevented
from discovering the approach of the other
until too late to prevent the collision. Five
ef the workmen were almost instantly kill
ed, and two others somewhat seriously in
—A German, named Bogart, walk
ed in tront-of a cannon, to which the'match
Lad been applied, at a Democratic flag-rais
ing,in Mutamoras, Penn.,' on Saturday,and blown some distance down an embank
la,nt by the discharge. Re was picked up
but is not :expected to survive his
1% Quads
—Secretory Seward has keceived
nu ot&ciul account of the great destruction
lifc and property by the recent earth
(prikes in Equador, The destitution of the
s irvivors is represented as try great. and
immediate aid is caliedlor froth the United
—The New York State Fair at
Rochester closed on Saturday. The total
receipts were .$20,543,53. At the Fatr of
1.0. t year, held at Buffalo, the• recipta
amounted to $20,238,43. The Fair just
closed has been the most successful, pecu
niarily, ever. held by the State Agricultural
• —lt is asserted that this year's
apple crop is the largest Massachusetts has
Produced 'for many past seasons.
—The Governor of Maryland has
-set apart Friday, the 4th day of December
next, for the exeention of William Wells
and William Wilson, the negroes convicted
at the last term of the Circuit Court of
Somerset County for thaanurder of the Cap
tain and mate of the schooner Brave.
2 The Sixth Army Corps have
formed an association with Col. James W.
Latta as President. The semi-annual meet
ing will be held an the first Tuesday of De
cember, in Philadelphia.
—Alfred Barber, formerly of Bor•
dentown, N. J., and for a number of years
Professor in the Naval Academy, Annapolis,
committed suicide in Baltimore Friday. It
is supposed that ho was insane.
—The execution of Wm. Banks,the
negro murderer, did not take place at St.
twilit on Thursday, according to arrange
ment Just as the prisoner was being led
to the scaffold a telegram was read from
Gov. Fletcher respiting the prisoner for
thirty days.
---=Burglars stole over $lO,OOO,
- mostly in government bonda,from the house
of C. F. Sargent, in Yarmouth, Me., on
Thursday night.
—The Georgia Legislature have
passed bills giving about $3,000;000 to aid
the milards in the State.
—A snow white squirrel has been I
shot in Berks county.
—On Sunday last, Mr. Albert Rey
nolds, of Reynodsville, Jefferson county,
was accidently shot in the foot by a gun
in Dr. Gibson's office. •
—A little girl, three yearaold, in
Rose township, Jefferson county, fell into%
trough of water and was drowned. -
-Michael Morrissey, was drunk,
went to sleep on the railroad track, at
Irmersville, was run ovetind killed.
—They have a paiiitercu Columbia
who rejoees in in the chriatian name of Don
Juan. Was parents , must have admired such
characters. -
—John Cessna and Hon. T-. Kim
-met. rival candidates in the Bedford diatret,
are having public discussion before the
people. Cessna is one of the ablest dabs
; tern in the State.
—The statues and pictures of Isa
bella, Queen of Spain, • have been broken
and burned by the populace in Madrid,
Barcelona and other great cities. The art
ists will have plenty of work if she Aver
eta back.
radial fell:nit,.
Towanda, Thursday, Oct 8,188&
National Republican Ffonainati
7011 VICE' mammal:
Republican Sate Ticket.
701 Vnktrai ate,
Ckas. - lakti P. Irestriiiht, itontgomary 00.
. _
*joie innarroa OZIEIMAI t
Coll 'MobMIL Campbidl, of Cambia Co.
Republican pounty Ticket.
FOR coXrdissa,
'Olysmiliercrar, of brdford County.
Pater Ostorlioni, of Wyoxiing County,
ion agrarkassrofrizs,.
James B. - Webb, of Broithilebl Townaldp,
,John F. Chamberlain, of Wyalusing Tarp.
Zabulen Friable, of OrareleToireabip
Warner H. Carnahan, of,.Troy Ilerengh.
Ezra Loomis, of Troy *rough.
Asa 'McKee, Jr., of Whaling= Township.
*lions W. Storms, .of liersiok Township.
The town elections held in Con
nectient on Monday last, show large
Republiban gains, and evidence that
she will assuredly follow Vermont
and Maine in November. The gains
for the Republicans are tnarked and
We trust that these noble exam
ples will stimulate every Republican
in Bradford to be at the polls on
Tuesday next, with a determination
to devote the whole day to the ser
vice of his country, and ,aid in swell
ing the glorious v ctory which we
trust awaits us in the Keystone.
i THE pitospgar
From distant portions of the State,
come anxious inquiries concerning
this Congressional district. The per
sistent bragging and blustering of
Plouxr, has led his friends outside
of the District to entertain hopes of
his election, and has sometimes stag
gered Republicans Who did not know
the man, and his habit of boastibg
and promising impossibilities. We
assure our Republican friends both
in this District, and without, that the
political skies never were clearer
here, than at present. The Republi
cans of Bradford are thoroughly uni
ted and awake to the importance of
the election on Tuesday next. We
shall poll a large vote, and have
reason to expect 4,500 majority in
the County. We do not believe it
can possibly fall below 4,000. Either
insures the election of Judge Mums
by a decided majority, admitting the
most extravagent estimates of our
opponents. Nothing can be mon
certain in political affairs, than his
return to the position he has so ably
filled for e the past three years,
We cruet that we have faithfully
discharged our duty, by impressing
upon Republicans the importance of
the result in this State on Tuesday
next. The defeat of last fall by a
majority which might have been
overcome by the stay-at-home Repub
licans of Bradford; should be a suffi •
cient warning of the danger that
attends the non-performance of a
Freeman's highest duty. There can
not be a single Republican in Brad
ford who is not sensible of the impor
tance to the country of casting his
own vote. There has never been an
election in this State, upon which
hung such stupendous results. The
October election may decide the
Presidential contest. If Pennsylva
nia elects the Republican State tick
et, the Presidental question is virtu
ally settled. If the vote is close, or
adverse, the struggle is prolonged
until November.
We . again urge upon every Repub•
!icon the importance of voting on
Tuesday next. Not only of voting,
but giving the day to the service of
the country. It is too late for us to
point out or argue the questions at
issue. _ They have been thoroughly
canvassed, and are well understood.
The great issue remains to be settled.
Shall the Republicans administer the
government, or shall it pars into the
control of Rebels ? If you could give
years of service in the Union ranks,
braving death and danger,and under
going fatigue and deprivation, to de
fend the nation from the treason of
Rebels—if you could give your son
or brother for the same noble purpose
..—can you not give one day now to
perpetuate the fruits of years of war
fare ?
Give one day to the Country I we
say to every true patriot, to every
friend of Freedom ! The marshalled
hosts under GRANT and &nun never
went into a contest more fraught
with good or evil results to the Na
tion, than that to be fought on Tues
day next. If the Republicans in
Pennsylvania are defeated from thou
sands of Rebel throats will come the
same Rebel yell,our brave boys have
so often heard and gallantly answer
ed. The result, ruder, depends in a
meaanre, upon your vote. You share
the responsibility of the decision.--
Discharge your duty as becomes an
intelligent, upright citizen, and leave'
the result in the hands of Him who
guides the destinies of nations.
I. Have you any aged and infirm
Republican voters ? flee to it that
they are brought to the pollisio vete.
118.. Go to the Polle, rain or shine !
Vote foi EAtITBA . CAIiiBILL 4
and the Count • Tice
tuttuai. TaxaTtola aukineeunaty.
1 homer has but two plan in his
i'll.# o nnr B9 ll 4l,eikation.iilitEconoi /
u*.- -, lle la itniloo46ltinCirelda : o*l)
pOticil otinrsi - and th e recor d of OA
zlegttbi'PW,Wili fIoARVOU;
at Da, - bit we 'shall 4ikillOWl
him to evade the odium mill respni•
s a i r bil e i d ty, of his past sympathy with
treason...and hia_preeentnffill-..
ation with narepentant Rebels. He
is too rank a Copperhead tn deceive
any one now with his humhle pro.
fessions of non-partisanship - .
_ltia'.F4aal_Talatioaja a *granite:
unfortunate hobby to. rid f 4 lin ; this
county, ~ k mainly agri4ultral,
and-where ' , the Farmers are almo t
I entirely exempt .li= TataiioM It
would burden them withtairation, ifft
stead of meking the- luxhries and
capital of the corintry ‘ bear ' the bill.-
den. The Democratic doctrine is
promulgated "in their platform,'ind
advocated by Pieturr,"strikes`direet
ly at tha Farmer and hi' interests,
bytaxing the acres iii tills, equally
with bonds and whisky 41,1)4 all the
luxuries used by the itch. The 'phrase
sorinda well ; ;brit the practical ef
fect is-1 to impose; • taxes [ Open,. till)
'Farmer, who is now exempt, and to
exempt the deb who' are ricii taxed.'
Economy is always the, favorite
cry of your thorough demagogues--
It is the last resort of the" played'
out" politician. - When' such-an one
becomes satisfied that the i3'eople hag
lost confidence in him, he universally
resorts to the " atop th ief" cry. of
charging extravagance 'ripen others.
Let -us see hOw this plea 1 beeomes
'noun..We believe his public life,
has been ,
llinited to .holdingthe ell
ens of Superintendent' of the. North
Branch• Canal some years Since, and
to a couple of terms in
, i'he Legisla
ture. The first position A' 1113 notori
ously used as a means of favoritism
to political friends, at the expense of
the Commonwealth. Asi d Legisla
tor, he did distinguish hiruself as a,
great public benefactor, land . a friend
of retrenchment and reform, •bY re- I
ducing the pay of-4pm of the elec- 1
tion boards in this county to seventy - 1
five cents per day. This , brilliant,
stroke of public economy Stood upon
the statute books for a year or two,
and was then repealed. •
Now, Puna= promises that if he
is elected to Congress, l ha will have
the pay of members reducCd one
half. There are people uncharitable
enough to think that eved that would
be placing a high estimate upon his
labors. He also promises, we under
stand, to stop all extraaganne, re
duce the expenses of the Gbvern
ment, and bring abont a season of
genefal financial honesty and pros
perity, a sort of political millenium.
This is an excellent pledge from 'a
man who if elected i to Congress
would co-operate with the scoundrels
who plunged the country into civil
war, and caned the nation to be
burdened with its present 'debt, the
reponsibility of which he shares in
re common with Aidert wi
whom he is n
The honest, triotic citi•
zen is willing is fair share
of the burdi porting the
Government, and preserving invio
late public credit. When Plousr
prates of economy and taxation, let
him inform the people how much he
pays, with his large prOperty, for the
support of the Government. • Let him
give the figures to show how heavily
the burdens of taxation fall upon
him. The facts are succeptible of,
proof. If he is evading the Payment
of an income tax, them it comes with
a poor grace from him, to talk of
ec momy or of the extravagance, or
misdeeds of others. If he is right
fully -exempt from taxation, then he
has ne occasion to. talk of taxes op
pressing any one, for the is enjoying
immunity from taxation upon proper
ty which invested in other business,
or in• government bonds, would pay
its hundreds into the public treasury.
For fear that-Col. PzoLLnr will fail
to give this subject proper attention,
we propose to give the figures. We
find that the returns to the Collec
tor's office are given iin the name of
V. E. &J. E. Flown The Colonel
does not seem to have any separate
estate or • income. And the hooks
show that in 1866 the y Paid an in
come tax of $5,90 Por 1867, a tax
of $66,50, for 1868, of $90,56. It is
somewhat astonishing what a differ
ence it makes in -a
. .man'd income
when he . contemplates becoming a
candidate for Congress. These fig
ures need no comment. They are
the best answer - that could be given
to the extravagant pretensions. of
Col. Pious; of having a regard for
the welfare of the Country, and to
have public affairs honestly and eco,'
nomically administer'ed.
REPUBLICANS.! how would you' like
to see the name of the Congressman
from this District !reOrded on every
vote with the small iiinority in Con.
gross who will be opposing the ad
ministration of (hair, and endeavor
ing to overthrow the reconstruction
measures of the Republican party ?
If you would 'avoid this humiliating
spectacle, work forj . Ilitscun on the
day of election. See that he gets the
vote of every Republican.
Republicaini, i vote With your
party It was the preserver of the
nation'. honor in tikd field, and is the
Supporter 6f it. honesty non!. -Under
its colors only you can rally without
shame, •
tar rertiOnai;likes and dislikes
ahoidd have no' Julianne° upon-a man
of principle when be is called upon
to liejiesit .
- Se- Look out forjepnrions tickets,
ezainine ostefull , hefOre voting and
see that the netV i t evtry Republi
can candidate ; siva on • our Oast:
_ 7-P2'..
The electio . .otS,Hlresentatise in
the:CiMarOkja-, igreat inter..
44 lo'bor' loca 2 piiitil The Repub.
Ham 1340MtV . 110104i including the
*li l :;'''llo).k.*!i l ,o**o l ' by a taa
jtiiity itTliOnSandstiliScongres
41onal District, I:lieweveri, Is more
Equally divided - jtilti t i vote, and is
. ,
.. W.„the. an .. I .eseiting. szi ,
very extraoidinay
s truggle. - The,
.re-nominStion Of cadge Mulct*. was
the unanimOus di dorietneit by the
RepnblicatutFOr 3e "HistOCti 'or his
.09ngrCleiOali1 . CitiUree, ...,u4.: wan a
deserved_ 04 ~4;.ite4qibßt.eto. to.his
t t
ability ' indrintS Ott .- otid..4.i ;his
staunch • suffportl f . the measures . of
the Republigan p' l y. ' As - a ,faithfril
public servant Sbose the . 'suspicion
of Corruption, and
..industriously and
lithorionsiy ilisehariing his 'ditien to
i ..
his nonstittiSnts,,he deserves at their
hands,- the Osprefision of. thelinfip,ro
' Vit.
,' • ' i il
. He isoppCsed iby Col. V '.'.lLPtottarr,
who 'extortpd hok. own nomination
froth an Onwillii* part4e; by the' foie.
of brivSdO'Snd Minster: Hi ii : n ean 7
dhlati in. 'Opposition .to . the ; :wishen
1 and feelingS of iiine=tanths of his win
party, And . bythe:same means with
which he . Sccempliehed hie nomina
tion he is.endekOring. to overdone
the, fifteen hundiOdlepublic,an major
ity in the.. .111460 i, and elent • hiMseli_
to 'Conferees, . all au addition lO•the
small band of " j semi-rebels in ,that
.body, who , band
far as lay in their
power, ernbarressed the reconatruce
tion:of therUnien, and prevented the
return of peacejand prosperity to the
lkiatio.l: i 1 • •'• . •
We ask the'
, intelligent voter's to
examine lie p ersonal standing and
the politic S l antecedents of the two
candidate'; and then note the manner
in which !they are each conducting
the canvass, and the means upon
which they relY4for success. Judge
Msacun appealS to - the correctness of
the principles of the Republican par
ty, to his t.ecord in Congress, and to
the successof .GR AP T, as a means of
bringing !peace ? and happiness , to the
country. His banner, is inscribed
with the Iptintiples of Justice and
Right. He carries himself through
the, nil becomes a man, con
scious of the irectitude of his own
political 1 conduct, and firm in his
bell( fin' the justice of the cause ho
advocates. !,'
Col. Btous,x , , on the 'contrary, is
endeavoring by the lowest and most
contemptible liicks of the demagogue
and political trickster, to deceive 'the
intelligent voters of this County, into
his support. I ; Does he plant himself
squarely andfirmly upon the platform
of his party,l and• fight the battles
with th;Democratic flag in his h Ind 1
If he di so, he would at least com
mand the respect of his opponents.—
; contrary he is denying'
his a ffi nity with the,
and more than intimating his sympa
thy with thei success of Grant. In
the face of years of the most bitter
partisanship, he is trying to make the
people 1 believe that be is not, nor
ever was, much of a party man. He
is endavoring to ignore his past
sympathy With rebels; and his pres
ent association with such men as
WADE lAMPpN, FOR= and Too Mes,
and by appealing to the personal
interests of voters seeking to seduce
them to his. support. He is using the
patronage of the corporation of which
he is 4upprintendeut, to draw voters
from t ieir party allegiance by-prom
ises which I will be forgotten when
the sun goes down on Tuesday next.
He is 'appealing to all the baser pas-
democrat, if
tr of GRANT,
treats when
sting himself
to every cir
cumsfancei in the hopes to gull Re
publican voters into his support.—
The lien's skin is altogether too small
The people, of this County have not
forgotten the past, nor are they
blind I to the present. Col. l'lot.LEr is
the seine bitter, malignant Copper
head he hns'ever been ; hating the
Republican party with !the same
intensity ;! sympathizing with the
Rebel - lenders of the Democracy
, 1 ,
South, and as ready as ever to do
their Ibidding. '"lf unfortunately, he
shcnild bed eleoted to Congress, he
would be the most violent defamer
of *publiean measures in that body,
arid The inost! pliant and willing
tool /of the Rebel leaders.
Voter p . Bradford l which of the
two lan4idates for Congress will you
sopp i ert l i i Ilsecua, who plants him
self squarely upon his principles, and
appeals t 4 his past record,or Pious;
who 'sadis t by trickery and dissimula
tion to deceive you into casting a
Irotelfor edrank Copp erhead ? Answer
at the polls, whether you• will sustain
polit call honesty and fairdealing, or
tondo se !demagogism and deCeption..
....- .
1 i .
ifir "The Boys in B lue" - made a
grand deinonstration in Philadelphia,
on the 1811 and - 8d instants: Over
20,70 brave sol era were in line.—
Vie egtlt that w have dot room for
an account of the a ff air, furnished us
by al soldier, who was in - attendaapa:l
1 ' I
L Shele ea
e Olvernme
Prevent it,
• ;
• .t to gain contro
`t through the balk).
by voting for Man
ppe that
if he votes the
our neighbor votes,
'publican ticket. If
ad as well stay at
he a not, he
,tbat t e polls elm!!
e every Republidan
at 6alelt i xli.:.Ha
vote polled early
gOvern the ma
t' the poi)", vote for
We iniite'the earnest attentleit'fg
our &Public= hien, firkin the tolio*
lug consideiitioni,l:.-` !
I. PersuOithOvery' i lOdUres* E.
publican - 1i -Repnbi leap
vote in tide State on the- 1116 wOl
secure the enemas of Grant and OOP
fax in November.
Loaal-Oommittees - and < -others
should early provide -A-convoys=
to bring distant voters to the polls_if
they.havii no' other
„Way , of getting ,
there., . .
111. Be careful- into -whose, hands
the ballots get. Trust them only to
those you • know will pro,perly dusa,
them. , • ' •
Vote & straight tiekst. Alt*
carididates ca par tialtet.iiri worthy
of your Support. see to it that the
tickets that you , give your frieuds to
TOO are not changed or teinpered
with. •
T. Stead by the
,polls all day and.
do not hesitate to • challenge a suspi
cions or Illegal vote. Itis your right
and your duty to do so.
.If these ,suggestiomsere followed ,
and etch one `of yo'n work diligently
and earnestly we shall send greeting
to Our sister States the joyful
of steadfastness - to' the principlesler
whichl.we fought when Democratic
Rebels invaded our Soil and threaten..
ed our lives and 'property. If we do
our duty as nobly as have Maine and
Vermont done theirs we.shall as loud.
ly strike the tocsin, of Victory which
sent a thrill of joy through the land.
Tip renomination .of Hon. Muses
Mucus to Congress for the third time
is a tribute to hie fidelity, industry
and usefullness. It is as it should
be, and the beet interests IA the Mr
trict demand that he be elected.—
*One half of official ability cqmes from
experience. The best talents and the
amplest learning are of little real
value to a "Congressman until he
'acquired the tact and skill which
actual participation in the business
of legislation atone can give. A man
does not know what to do or how
and when to do it,and,what is a great
deal more important, what not to un
dertake, until he has gone through
one session and he is an apt - scholar
who learns all hie in that period.,
There is scarcely' an instance on rec
ord of a Congressman who gained a
leading influence in the House or Sen
ate in two years, unless, indeed, he
had gained legislative experience
and skill elsewhere. Mr. Clay,whose
'brilliant Congressional' career may
seem to be an exception tirotir state
ment, owed his leadership partly to
his exceptionally brilliant personal
qualities, but quite as much to the
fact that' the other members had
quite as little experience hehad,and
far less assiduity, ambition and
audacity. For two terms Daniel
Webster was merely "the member
from Massachusetts." John C. Cal
houn, in his first term, merely gave.
an intimation of what he would be ;
his first speeches compares with his
later ones as the spluttering, plies
phoresent glare of the match with
the clear and steady flame of the
lamp. Mr. Stevens himself admitted
that during his first term of service
he was a mere plodder after influ
ence, of little weight or use.- Bat for
the wisdom of constituencies in re
electing men to Congress for term
after term, we should have lost the
service and influence of the greatest
statesman this country has produced.
—Bloomsburg Republican.
erverted hi
FARMERS, and you who own land,
remember that the Copperhead party
in a declaration of its platform of
principles, wants your farms ' and
your lands taxed by the Government?
How do you like the proposition.. Yet
place it in power and, Bubb will be
the result. It adiocates what it calls
equal taxation of property, which is
done to strike at the legal bondhol
ders,, and at the same time increase
your taxes by taxing your
'Kamen., remember that you will
vote for this if you vote for the Cop
perhead ticket at the coming October
'He is "a
Ifir It has been , reserved for the
Republican party !to pay the debts
either contracted Or caused by the
Democratic leaders. John F. Hart
ranft, se Auditor . ' General, has been
reducing the debt of Pennsylvania, !the Democratic ad
ministrations which held , power in
the State, at the` rate of a quarter Of
a million annually. Defeat Hartranft,
and our debt, under Democratic rule,
will accumulate, instead of decreaee,
at that rate anually.
sun& r.oLit. mum on Rzeimus
Rule the country ? That is now
the 'overshadowing issnek The Re
publicans say the men who saved
the. Country shall control its destinies.
The Democrats demand that the
national power shall Qbe transferred
to Wade Hampton, N. B. Forrest,
Vallandigham, and men who acted
with them or symphathised with them
in the war on the government ; and
they are bringing up men from the
Sonth to advocate rebel rule. What
say: honest voters ?
Loos TO ir !—Tickets have been
prepared with the names of the Re
publican.candidates, excepting Mss
cues, for which Pious substitu
ted. An effort will be made to de
ceive the careless into *Oting them.
Watch them carefully. .
Id. Col. Bum ,aseurce no that we
iiiiarepreeented hie- polities", action in
1866, and that.he aupported the Itt
pOlican ticket., with the. exception of
Mucus. We accept his explanation
the more readily, as it is lnj accord
s* 'with hill usual custom of sup.
'porting both, Flartiee. '
The Mende of hotarr enteavt;
POonget Total . f 10.04
ri€o l "triteirabi** ll /I***, kgi
fPrA.4 11 04 11 ,r7 w*,
wiioodw v .eur - Reitibilop: Aktt:,*
rf•tiO be &relied
pretences. A irate for this State Tkl.-
et and Sfsacnst at the OciPbereleittiin,
bavo twice Ws...weight a.vots
mud in November. Besides, such
promises sic only made to be broken.
* ' !
`We caution ourßepublloisk Mende
throughout the County 4o be oar that
gusty% egshist Filud4pd Deceptios
of every kind: Look out fOr..Lying
Handbills of d Circularl biased cmlbe
eve of election when it is too late to
expose their falsehooda l -Therein no
Fraud so hitile:,So Deception spgross,
tbst our opponents 'willinot stoop to,
to defeat Judge MISROUILs.
• ma. I . gout? wan in -Congress
would . • able _ to fulfil all the splen
did , ..„ises of retainehment and'
ieforni ' 1 is making •T Why he would
be 'one of a :very small minority, who
Are not even numerous enough to
pievent the pansy ,o' laws over the
Presidential Veto. 11 e would be on
v i i
the, short roll of Coppe heads, whose
malignant purposes is . apparent
enough, who are po , rless through
weakness. lie ' would be a mere
cypher, without position, without in-
finance with the administiation, and
and could neither injure foes or help
his friends. The people 01 this Dis
trict would be virtually without a
representative. ; , .:
Jonas Mescuft.—Notwithstanding
the colonizing and all the desperate
efforts Made by the opposition Judge .
Mum will be reelected toOongress.
Aside from his personal poptilarity,
this district will never repudiate the
great principles of the party he rep
resents. On the other hand Piollet,
does not by any means possess the
confidence of his own party, There
is something connected with his for
,mar record, that detracts from his
strength, even among those who vote
the same ticket. All the indications
point therefore to the triumphant
reelection of Hon. Ulysses - Mercer.—
Montour American.
INS. The desperation of PIODIXT
and his friends is manifested in the
unscrupulous and disreputable means
employed to secure votes. They are
promising to vote for everybody and
are in favor of everything, even to
negro suffrage.
HOILIIIO SzyKous boasts that he
never loaned a dollar to the Govern
ment during the war, While many a
loyal woman gave not only her hus
band and son, but invested her little
earnings. in her country's cause.
Does homer deserve any
credit because he is professing to
believe that GRANT will be elected.—
Republicans don't be deluded by him.
As be is treacherous to his own par
ty, he will deceive you. You may
love the Treason, but you should de
spise the Traitor.
norms-es promises to give a
vote for Own for every Republican
vote cast for, him for Congress, will
not deceive a single Republican.= 7
Stich promises are not made to be
M. How do our Democratic friends
relish PIOLIST'S manner of endeavor
ing, to gain votes for himself ? _ Is
Plottzr of more importance than Siv.-
mous ? However, it is none of our
business, and they must settle their
quarrels amongst themselves.
"Bove Is BLue," vote as you fought
'Vote for Masco&
RuuntscAss,yon can't afford to split
your ticket.
Do you want Peace and Security,
vote the BrapubDoan ticket,
Von: EARLY 1 vote for lisaraAnyr
and CAMPIIIIIL vote for Maacua and
the County Ticket.
Frank*caste, Oct. nth, 1868.
EDITOR &POEM—Dear Sir—l , at
a so-called democratic meet
ing at this place on Saturday even
ing , last, .which was addressed by
VICTOR E Pram, the democratic
nominee of this DiStriet for Congress.
Remembering thSt the Convention;
which assembled at Towanda in Sep.
tember, and named Col. Plum as
its candidate for Congrese,at the same
time most unequovically endorsed
the platform laid down at New York,
by the National Democratic . Conven
tion, and also pledged the support of
the Democrats of Bradford County to
the support of Slymosa and Barra,
and also remembering that the Dem
ocritic Convention of the other Coun.
ties, composing this ,Congressional
district, has done the same thing, and
having heard that homer has before
General Grant's nomination for the
Presidency by the Republican party,
saidlrepeatedly that he would sup
p ort General Grant for President no
matter what party nominated .
I had some curiosity to learn - from
his own mouth whether he intends to
keep his oft repeated promise. I list
ened attentively to Flours's .speech
from beginning to end ; it was made
up of his accustomed personal abuse
of lending Republicans, and of his ac
customed misrepresentations of - the
principles of the Republican party,
and of laudation of himself, laying
claim tothaving organized and car
ried ,through to completion, every
public improvement in the County,:
(but forgetting to tell the people that.
hells an'emOoyee merely of the tom=
patsy buildlng=tbe - railroad:frorn IV;i=,
Telly down the river at's salary of
$5,000 a year and is no more,its or. I
deflator and constructor thin.
large number of othefoen wholnitre
invested their - capit* therein), and
then upon the .question of tUatkm,
his contortions and groantigniin
half of the .taz-payers, 'Was piteoius
to behold; ~O h I "these bloated bond
holders enriching themselvesiat the
egsmskof the door down trOden_tax
payers" was the litirthen of kis talk
But he forgot during
to mention the names of &mops and
Buus, the inevitable homer however
,prudncntly_ in the fore
gitinnd. At the clOse of his speech I i
Irene and,sid4"ool. — .li Sive
nederstood that yen have given your
promisithityPn *Pig 'vote for Gen-:
end Grant, now I Wish !AY know If
yon intend to keep 'that promiSe
good ?" said he, "yopwish we to ans
wer that question,, do you tl I ant
veered "I do," said' be "dcv you insist
upoin it,*J - said, - "most certainly Tdo
in the people hive's right to' know;"
said he, "I will answer that question
after the Otstober. 4:teeth:so," and' be
coming enraged left Gie lionee. 'Hiv
ing been, caught at his .game he
'aPaaka out - (,)E It, as, liars and. deceiv
eri Almada, and lessened the -con
fidence of his ' demodratio friends 'in
him, while he failed to-deceive , any
republican present. • '
• Itespectinily . yours
Not 2biationnents.
11.118. X. J. PISBOX.
Presents herself to the ladies of Towanda with
a very choice selecthst .of goods, and, Is entire
ly coatident of being able to nest the Justly
dlecrimhtating gaits of snob se say do her the
honor of an examination of her stock. Thank
ing her forage patrons hir, their Wore, she
Mita a continuance of the woe. Plating dew
teentiiony Sid on the shortest notice. Booms
ores Men &Rosenfield's, Yale Street.
Towanda, Oct. 6.1868.
Fall and Winter "goods 1
Depression of the Market !
be sold iecoodlyst
Also, direct from Liverpool,
Towanda, Oct. 5,1948
Saws twenty.flee cords of stove wood, shingle
bolts or stave timber, per day. Is driven by
one or two tunes, .re easily moved' from place
to per, and can in an boars time be set up
an here: This machine Is complete in its
aeu, month' the assistance of no other pow
mucherThe horses draw by a sweep, making it
more safe than a tread power; it ems
twice as fast, and is sold for one half the price.
A umber of these mills are now in nee in Pike
Renick and Orwell Townships, and are givin
universal satisfaction. Those wishing ma
chines will Imply to IL W. ROL'LES 14Raps.
Rile, or EL N. BRONSON, Orwell. '•
Sept. 22, 1848.--3m* •
DR. BAKER, Master if Wu:tight,
•Is prepared to d - to all business In
his line. He warrant sillwork done tis a work
manlike manner. All orders by mall, or other -
wise, addleme4 to me at Towanda, will be
promptly attended to. Jane 4,1888.-3 m•
WOWANDA, Pa., JOSS 26.1803.
To ail whom it may mare: I certify that I
hive tide_ dny appoln ed D. R. BAK ER,' of To
wanda, Madtord °NAV Pa.. an agent for the
sale of Boffins lomat e Water Wheel
for the mantle" - Brsdford. Wyoming, L
Clinton, aratield. ItopLarul PotW, la
the Ude ot Pennsylvania. Parties wantinw
these wheels can obtain them through . him an/
be will give ids ! attention to putting
them to when dMad.. Parties by ea/ling upon
Mr. Baker, at -Towanda. will be shown the
wheel, and on 'application to htm be will torn.
ish , t ; s innmrated gum =ateta oontalaing working
tatiff• ••*O.
General Agent for Penns hams , for Be.
dines Jamul Turbine Water Wheel.
The subscribes, having purchased of Mr.
13arnsAis interest in the ltrmessmut Musa
will carry on the business of Milling, and
guarantee all work done by them to be of
Ow way but, quilt
Wheat, Eye and Buckwheat Flour, and
Feed constantly on hand, for sale at the
kniest cash ;nice. -
Also hoer on hiiid a large qu)latity of
bast Chemed Oar. Pbsta toe WC •
MIER a non.
asps 24, 1868.
lobbing;' e Until 4
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Ntui: ihntistmtnts.
o,mcg 13 nanscis pLips,
• • .',cattsao, Ira..-
Best East; mama - sad sold. Ilasestmenti
marls sad Nosey Loomed.
, .71117.29.4848.-410.
• .A. Ttie nadersiegoed bete this day- formed a
p:osete •-• hip be known as we ifila of MC
GEE la- FT/14 ,TS. for the jraPose- of e &Ming
on the above boatmen. Barnes mating sad
repairing done to order ind all work warranted.
Caida paid for iddes.
Camptown, ha. 28, MK
VSTRAt—Cami into enclo
xl sure of the subscriber in Franklin twp.,
SePten,.. bat . 1 . MR; ono two year, old white bett
er wua rea spots on her. g-The owner is re.
nested to come forward, proTcPtoPerl.Y. pa y
. and take her away, or she will he di .-
of osera secording to law.
Sept. 8 ,18613. C. VARNEY.
ati 0.. -W. MOFFITT'S - Restaurant.—
Persons coming to tore for dinner,rwill do wen
to give Lim a call'.
Towaidi, Jane 11,1868.
Plistertog_Hair at , wholesale r and Wall,
alto Soap and Wagon Grease by
_the pound and
barreL Cub paid for Rut and Enda.
. A.DAlle
al:al:Mlle Centro, Pa.. July 16. 1868.6 m.
. Young Ladles will re-open on MONDAY
the 3lit day of AUGUST.
The year Is divided Into 4 terms of 10 weeks
each. • -
English Branches .... 50 0 tfi 00
French and Latin each 750 lj 4 00
Pripile will be received at any time, but ao
deduction will be made otter admission los an
absence of lesajbaii one half aterm
Aug.l3. 186841
I -
tnly lat,lBGB,
• 1 •' ts
tiniteA Sta tes Sizes of 1881,—.
, '. =oat
100 Shares Fitst Nationa ank,
Wilkes Barre $13,5(8)
100 Shares Second National Bank
Wilkes-Barre, 12,500
103. - Shares Wyoming National •
Bank, Wilkes.Bann, 0,400
150 shares Wilkes• Barre Gas Co. 8,550
58 " " Bridge -
... _ - A.KIECELLANEOI:3.•
OA Louis and. Bonds $40,000
Stock not called in, 25,000
JUdgmenta, • 3,5 ( 10
Crab in sank, - 5,365
Cast in hand and due 'from
Other property,
Beal Estate,
LoeseCpsid in ten years,
Unsettled Losses, not dae - 3550
T. B. CAMP, Agent.
First block below Ward Horse, 2d story.
- Towanda. Sept. 2,1868.-3 m.
To _Dealers in
We offer a
The above are from the best
We have tke proad and Narrow Guag•
oarmlLL PICKS made and dressed.
W. T. BlSllOP,•Superintendent
Sl. C. MERCUR,..Presiderit
Towaqin, Jpty 2,
Consisting of
Photograph Frames, ter everybody-. ..--
Salted to this market. I :ave the • best uphnls•
terer in the country, and manufacture our ow:
upholstered work.
Dane-to order. Having an experience of 20
years In the business , I can confidently hope to
please all who patronize me.
Don't forget the place. No. 155, Main it.,
two doors south of Beidleruan's Block,.Towan
da. Pa..
Towanda, May 30. 1868.—tf
That there is now on band a large assortment
of , -
At the
Which, for style, good materials used in con•
etructkin, quality o 1 work and finiab, can not
be surpassed.
18, to employ only first-class workmen, and use
great care Aci get the best of stock, and to war
mat my work to give satisfact lon.
11111,..A11 kinds of Wagons , and Carriacei
made to order, with particular care and d
Repairing, well, neatly anti ; promptly done. it
wilt pay you to patronize Die
A. musrou , .
Athens, Pa., Sept. 1,1558.-3 m.
k •
Having secured the agency -for one of the
largest manufacturers in the country,' we are
now prepared to offer great Inducements to
mercban's and others acing Wrapping Paper'
Our stock - comprises 'everything' in the iliac.
and we respecUully solicit a portion of publ
batronlign , as we are satiatled that we can sel ,
goods as low as any establishment onttiiie
the cities. •ao ,
. Towanda, Oct. 1, IV.S. ,liercar's New Block.
S 33,(X)V
14 304
8145 GOO