TEED PITAJF,Wripir.. TIM "WOVE= hi intblished emery Thum. lay Morning, by B. o.'Cloonitau, at 12 per annum, in advance.., ADVDIVIIB3„ . exceeding Mean Linos are inserted at Tim morn per line for first insertion, and rrva am', per line for subsequent insertions. Special notices in serted before Marriages and Deaths, will be charged rummot ma= recline for each insertion. All resolutions of Associations ; communications of limited or , individual i nterest, and notices of Marriages or Deaths exceeding live lines, are charged 2zu cuasssi p sr line. 1 Year: 6 mo. 3 um.' One Oolam.n, $lOO $OO $4O MI Otte Square, 15 10 . 74 Estray,Cantion, Lost and Found, andother advertisements, not exceeding, 10 lines, three weeks, or leas, $1 60 Administrator's &Executor's Notices.. 2 00 Anditor's Notices 2'60 Business Cards, five lines, (per yesx) f .,6 00 Merchants and others, advertisinjtheir business, will be charged $25. They will bs entitled to j column, confined exclusive ly to their busines smith privilege of quarter ly changes. 504-Advertising in all oases exclusive of sub.cription to the paper. • JOB PRINTING of every kind, in Plain aa•t Fancy colors, done with neatness and dispatch. Handbills,, Blanks, Cards, Pam phlets, ace., of every variety and style, prin ted at LEG shortest notice. The lizrotrint Omox has just been re-fitted-with Power Presses, and every thing in the Printing ino can be executed in the most artistic wanner and at the lowest rates. TERMS INVARIABLY CASH. • tgarbs. VIEORGE D. IKONTA.NYE, l_A 7WRNEY AT LA IV—Office corner of 1 , 1 iu and Pine streets, opposite Porter's Drug Store. al ISS E. H. BATES, M. D. _l4l. (Grad uate e ct Woman's Medical C oPege, Phi hide lis`da.Aka 1854.] Office mad residence 0.. 11 nark street - Owego. Particular atten tion given to Diseases of Women. Patients visited at their homes if requested. May 28. 1868 V T. DAVIES, Attorney at Law, 7 •• Towanda,Pa. Office with Wm. Wat- Esq. Particular attention paid to Or. C,,ort business•and settlement of deco efits estateS. 'r: li 1 at l t; R O aw, da R p R 0 enn , Attorneys Me undersigned having associated themselves her in the practice of Law, offer their pro- I ...local services to the public. ULYSSES MERCUR P. D. MORROW. • Starch 9,1E65. & PECK, irrosairra AT Lew. offices :—ln Patton Block,Tovatida, Patrick's block, Athens, Pa. They may be , ulted at either place. U. H. FATIMA. apll3 W. A. PECK. B. McKEAN, A TTORNE Y & I C 0 1.; SSE LLOR AT LA W, Towan dA, Pa. Particular attention paid to business I , : the Orphans' Court. July 20, 1866. I_TENRY PEET, Attorney at Law, 'rowan ia, Pa. jan27, 66. - 4. 2 IDWARD OVERNON . Jr., Attor- ALA - nfy at La,r, Towanda, Pa. Office in the s:ourt Liou se. July 13, TWIN W. MiX, A TTO7EY AT LA 11', Towanda, Bradford C Pa. general insurance and Real tate Agent,_! floonties and Pensions collected. N. B.—All t.ncinets in the Orphan'• Conti attended to Promptly and with cure. Office Bill-ear's new ! , lock north side l'ablin Square. Oct. 24, '67. OLIN N. CIALIF,F, ATTORNEY AT LA IV, Towanda, Pa. Particular at t:on given to Orphans' Court business, Con \ I.L.2EICing and Collections. Ordce at the Register's and Recorder's it;;c—so,.th of Court House. Dec. 1, 1864. • !.1 I'. KIMBALL, Licensed Atm- LAL• tionear, Pottersville, Bradford Co.. Pa. folders his services to the public. Satisfaction i.tratiteed,or no pay required. All orders oy til, addresi , ed as above, will receive pronipt , Oct. 2, 1867.-em FIR. C. P. GODFREY, PHYSICIAN AND SrILGEON, hAS permanently located At Wyatt] ilng, where be will be boned at all times. ap1.1C68.6m." 1 R T. B. JOITNSON, TOWANDA, I I's. Having permanently located, otters ..rotes.ional services to the public. Calls r ouptly attended to in or out of town. Office aI. DeWitt on Main vtmet. Residence at li umphrey's on Second Street. 1 Prig 16, 1665, IT HERSEY \VATKINS, Notary • rutew is prepared to ta'so Deposi . I,lthowleilire The Exeention of Deeds, •_ rower- of Utornes, and all other ?:fidseits and other pipers 11,11 before •h. r with G. 1). M corner Matti and 14, ilt4;i: :).ARSONS & CARNUCHAN, AT io UNEY:, AT I. SW, Troy, Bradford •'o • i ein all the Corti of th- comity. , mnei made And prmni.dy romttmi. d 1.2 w. CARSOCEIAN. PRATT has removed to SLAW (first .c.ove Li. S. 'ln--se'. ACCo's • A't rsuns trom a distance desirous ' 't m., will tie most likely to find hir' on • 4 eroh week. Especial attention will ea.ses, and the extraction of or Eller administered !khan desired. oy .1.66. I). S. PRATT., M. 4,. wEsTos, DENTIST.- • e en ratt,n's Btock, over Gore's Thug Iral tit ors. 11;•i T. F..k. %IL A. MADILL, if. ANti .S'URGEONS, i Wysox. Pa. Dr. T. I c okolted at Gore's Dra....• S tote evt.ry saturday. hr. Wm. A. •: . gni. , attention to f Congress for that purpose, as under military coutr , l, are illegitimate std of •no validity • whatever ; and, is that view, toe votes cast in those States for dent and Vice President,in , putstianite c•t acts passed since the 4th of March, 1867,and in obedience to the so call. •d Acts of Congress, cannot be -legally received and counted ; while the only votes in those States that can be to gaily cast arid , counted will be thuds cast in ptirsuance of the laws in force in thti several S tatenprior _to the leg Congress upon tlie subject of reconstruction." , HAMPTON'S DEFINITION 01' THE PLATFORM. General Wade 11,mptop said his speech it the -first r4tificAti.ri meeting he attended at Charleston : "I yield to none in devotion to that ''Lost Cause' for which we fought.— Never shall I adnxit that the • cause itself failed, and that the principles which 4ave it life were therefore wrong. Never shall I brand the men who upheld it so nobly as 'rebels' or 'traitors.' Never shalLl ignominons ly seek safety or base promotion by a dastardly denial or' treacherous be trayal of it. "Agree,arnong yourselves, and act firmly on tide agreement, that you will not employ any one who voted the Radical ticket.. Use . all the means'that -are placed in . your hands to control this• element by which the Radical party seek to degrade us While "they secure success, can turn their batteries against thetu selves." " " Frog—fire to last---from the so called anti-slavery . t endment of the Constitution to the. ; ;.. 'of trash for all purposes, military,teivil, financial; and commercial—all the reconstruc tion laws of 'the whole peace period fall. to ' , pieces if the Demoqicy suc ceed in electing Mr. Seymour as their standard-bearer. ' We can take part in slush a conflict. We believe from the depths of our understanding that these Congressional miedoings . are all, one like, the other, perfectly void. West and fioj~tl A PAIR . Oi NORMS= neuron.. On the 84 of November next the I American *pie will endeavor to restore those' States to ,their constitu tional rights.'l Should this by,* pos: ability fail, the white population of those States may 'sticceed in' placing themielves inimissession of theirgov ernments otherwise, se nitre as the Anglo• Saxon blood runs in the veins of'Southern ‘,ltien, there will be an upheaval of civil war,and thenishould Congress suetain AC blacks, asties will cover the ruins of the Republic. —Chimera!: - 7bnt Baines /leech in WaBhington.'l: - Wzonca mink stumble over straws in the wto heaven, but climb over kW in She irßy to ilestrietion. "Here, I eaa't pass you," said the doorkeeper of s Wooten theatre. 'You ra=t re toe." as do whore be eddiesee4=ra Mug whore you area fool rn pies ym." An 4 be Palma *: a ~ ~ ~F f, . . EMI NUMBER 20. REHR! 7AITH IN BETHOU'it THE NATIONAL DEBT. nu aws-falg UL .• We see it oftirad by the eopp4r head Oil* AS hear :it asserted lioy their public speakers that ",slabs the close of the war, While the coule• try-hue been at peace, the black publican party hiewrung out of- tiite people by taxation ,over eight hrta• dred millions of dollarW, Sad'received into the , public Wessury - froM mat- • toms and other sources, over seven hundred thilliontimoir, making in all over fifteen hundred' millions of dol lar" received into the treasury ohmic the close of the ,war Also Mit "this enormous sum has been rect lessiy squandered, and _the national debt increased over - $300,000,00'0 within the same. thm" Now let the .pase be fairly and honestly state 4, • finite:lo republar party is vindica ted, and the cbsrge . of hiving bi dewed the national indebtedne4 pro ien ~ false. The: actual receipti • from 'April lst 1865, to Ist July 1860, into the treasury arise follows : Frost Customs 648,973,536 Internal Remus. ' 84336,178 Ylsoellsneoas Bourame 174744769 Total Booed*: ' .$1,540,055,583 The expenditure's were as follows: &mug.. Snouted during the 15 months intmedisto. succeeding the close of the war, for back pay, and 1 iransportstion of the low and Navy discharged, and. • . • 1 for Pensions, lomiiy._ of - • i loyal man destroyed. he.. $ 920,778,21$ The aggregate PeYmeete eel firet_above,.ccmetitutio the's= to bei added to the ;:amount of the asoer4 tamed and • reported amount nf" the{ national debt on the Bret day of April, 1868, and should be adde(r thereto, (or the reason that nearly six months back pay was due to al4 most the entire, army at the close of the war. • . Ascertained Debt oh Ist of April,. 1885, . 111,360,855,071 Payments as above for pur poses not therein reported 920,718, 212 Actual zniximiun amount of National Debt, $3,287;733,2801 Amount of National Debt at- this ekee of present fiscal year. SO June, 1868, 2,478,000,000, Actual' amount paid of the t var debt from Ist April, - l' 1865 to Jane 30, 1868,..... $ 811,733,289 The receipts into the treasury then; have been expended as follows : Amount paid on War Debt.. $ 811.333,289 Interest • 1 i• . : 433,484,883 Ordinarywspenses of Govern .. meat since the close of the , war to 30th' June, 1868, - ' .3 years and 3 months ..... , 295,240,4111 The deception attempted to be' palmed off by democratic leaders np oft those not well informld al - to the facts, will be readily djscovered by ' an examination of, their figures.— They take the aa6ertained add re 'ported ametint of national debt on the Ist day of April; 1865, nine days before Lee's- surrender, when six months Pay was due - the army, and 4 not reported upon the books of the; Treatiury, as follows : $2,366,955,- 1 , 077, and subtracting this . amount!: fiota the amount of the reported debt , bn the:3oth of July last, in whichi they.-include the bonds loaned to the Pacific 4ailroad, making the - tots.l4 sum $4,552,000,000. Striking thei r balance thus, $185,044,923; they at-' tempt to show the national debt in 3-1 creased._ After this plain statement from the' record, let no one be deceived. V u IGIIT IS WELL GIVE it Ikw of the test re A nlt in Maine, we have no doubt that the, reflecting toi, , ols of the Democratic party feel /: Li? they might as well give up all 1 . of effecting anything ia the I Pr . struggle, and that nofh- . 1 lug :emains hut to make a toler.sbto fight iu every ;State to preierve their local organization. This is a wino conclusion, as will bo seen from-tho past. In the Maine State election 1860. the Republican majority was a ' trifi. over 18,000: and yet Abraham Lincoln two months 'afterward, was chosen-President by s i dectrted siau 3 over his three Complititors. Again, in 'the State election of 1864, - the 'publicans elected Gov. Coney by 10,, 1 180 : majority ; in the November fol, lowing President Lincoln was re- electaby elettorial•votes; to 21 for .Gen. McClellan: Now, with a Reptiblican majority in Maine of up-.. ward of 20,000, -we need not say what the inevitelle infdreuce is .with` 1 i regard to the Presidency. - • rtitsTortul IN OCTOBER.—Seep it Before the People that .the contest on the second Tuesday in October will decidr the question whether General U. S. Grant or Blair and Seymour shall , be President- Keep it Before the. People that he who votes the Democratic ticket at the Octobor election, while havre tends to be a Republican, casts two vote9lgainst Grant and. Colfax. Keep it Before the . - People_ that a triumph of the Democratic • State ticket in Pennsylvania, .i 1 it is only by-the smallest majority, will secure .the State for Seymour , and Blair. Keeep it Before- the' People that to vote for any Democrat at the first electicin, no matter' how small the office may be, - it is giving aid and comfort to the common enemy. . Keep it Afore the People that he who votes against any part of our State or county, ticket is not a genu ine friend of 'Grant itud, Colfax' or Republican principles. lizsusiLvstak ewes John Hartranft says the Wilmington (Del.) Commer dal, the gallant soldier and honest man, at . least twenty , thousand ma jority next month. Three yearn ago - —the." off" year—when there was no national ticket nor Congressional election, she gave him twenty-two thousand, and now /that Grant leads, the celumni and the loyal and faith ' fel Congressmen are to be re chosen, she ought to endorse the - fidelity of his course an. Auditor General, by a majority none less. _John. Efartzauft is one of the men we brag about ;As he never blows for himself, it is ne ceuary that his friends should do it for him, and we do say that Pennsyl-- vitals has never had A more vigilant, a more conscientious, or more effici ent custodian of her finances than' her present - Auditor General.. .- Is. a game-of cards a good dwt do = a ct: alagood NOW U II $1,540,058,583