SEE ftlifotititpatitt. LOCAL AND GENERAL. rowArca - cams Duescrozr.—Baptitst Ourrch.=Rev. Rosa= Ihntirr, Pastor. Preaching. Sundays at 101 A. V., and 71 P. at. Sunday School, 11 r. z Prayer Meeting every Thursday evening. AL E. Chord. —Bev. J. T./larressaa, Pas tor. Preaching every-Sunday at 101 sac. and 71 P. 11. Sunda School, 11 P. as Prayer Meeting every Thursday evening. Presbyterian Church.—Bey. War. Hems. Pastor. Preaching every Sunday at 101 A. it., and 7P. M. Sunday School,ll rah Prayer Meeting Thursday eveninge. .710iscopaChurch.—Bev. P. D. Hosioie, Pea. tor. Preaching every Sunday at 101 A.M. MA 3r. K. Sunday School, /1 P. X. Tnts TABLE.—The following le the Time Table of the Pennsylvania arid New York Canal and Bail Bond Company, which took effect on Monday, May, 11, 1868 : I +.lll P. M. L M. A. M. 11a0. ... .8:30 4b......1135.....8:45 11:48.....858 12:03 9.13 7:45 1228 938 P. M......P. M. A.,11. NORTHWARD. A. M. AL M. P. 11. 8 08 1100 4:58 10:45...-..4:437 53 7.40 '10:32 430 7/.5 1017 4:15 ....7:00 9:52 3:50 A.M. A.M.P. M. JOHN P. 1301, BuperitdewleAL WATNELT.., traos Utz.= TOWANDA . kraus IkturN TOWANDA.... Republican, Meetings. At ROME born, Satirday evening, Oct. 3. Sp'akers, W. T. D&VIES and HENRY PEET. At AS YLIJM, in Macedonia Church, Sat urday evening. October 3. Speakers, Gen. B. J. MADILL and T. E. GRID LEY. At - ASYLUM, in the School House at Frenehtoten, Friday evening, October 2. Speakers. Capt. lii M. PECK and W. H. THOMPSON. ' At SHESHEQUIN, at the Ghent School House, Friday evening. Oct. 2 Speak ere. Gen. H. J. MADILL and THOS. E. GRIDLEY. At - BURLINGTON, at Mount Pleasant School House near 'David Luthers, Sat urday evening, Oct. 3. Speakers. Col. E. OVERTON and W. HERSEY WATKINS. At WELLS, at Rowley School House, Fri day evening, Oct. 2. Speakers, H. N WILLIAMS and W. H. CARNOCHAN. At Ausnicvnr.rx, Saturday, October 3. Some speakers. At ROME, in the North Rome Chnrch,near Bumptown, Saturday afternoon, Oct, 10. .Speakers, Gen. H. 3. MADILL, THOS. E. GRIDLEY and others. At ASYLUM, in Macedonia, Saturday eve - ping, Oct. 3. Same speakers. At ASYLUM, at Frenchtown School House, Friday evening, Oct. 2. Speakers, Capt. B. M. PECK and W. H. THOhLPSON. GEN. JAMES B. MCNEAN, of Saratoga Co., N. Y., will speak as follows : TOWANDA, Friday evening, Oct. 2. WEST BURLINGTON, Saturday afternoon Oct 3. SOUTH CIIRPK, Monday afternoon, Oct.S -The proceedings of the Brad ford County TemPerance Convention will appear in our next Ostia. ' Is.. New Goode New Goods For the fall trade, Tsywn & Co. have the largest stock of Dry Goods ever brought to this market, go and look at them. ALVORD & BARBER are just recliving h large stock of wrapping paper from one of the best manufactories in this country, which they offer at very low figures. TO POST-MASTICRS.--The Boxes re cently need in the Post" Office at Towanda, are offered for sale cheap. There are 350 in number. The front of the case is Black. walnut. The case is offered for sale because it is no longer large enough for this office. Apply at the Post Office. :Sept. 30. TEuren.ANcs.—Lectures on Tempe. prrauca were delivered last week, by Gen. fern ,N and N. S. Fmtzstr, at Terrytown and Sager Run, and Good Temples Lodges orgttaised at both places, which makes 2.; L dges iu the County. ag.. We are requested to say Oa th• c , .mplimeut of the Argos to the Orwel 131,1, Baud is duly appreciated—and to as satr that paper that there is but one Demo crat to th* hand, and on the day spoken of Lc was a little too e:ev eed to play well. tom'" A Sli School I cis ti tutr. an , i-r the auspices of the B. C. S. S. A., b' held in Stevensville, Tnesday and Wednesday, Oct. Gth and 7th, commencing' evening. Speakers are engaged. S. S. Superintendents and Teach er. in paiticular are most cordially invited at every session of the Insti- Rexturawlet.a, Penti,Sept. 22 Lo. ItErowrzu—Dear :—I wish to in 14,rm the readers of your widely spread pa p.•r of our old friend Linton. BREWSTER Who cast his first vote for Thomas Jefferson and has voted for every President since that time, ho was a Jackson Democrat, and re mained one until the fall of Bnchanan's election, when the old gentleman went with opposite party, he says that he cannot , upport such mertas Seymour and Blair, nol I will vote for Grant and Colfax. He is LOW ninety years of ago, was ;a soldier of the ii.,rof 1812, is smart and active, and often vi,,lk s five and six miles a day to see his Truly Yours, T. F. E; Pc t.e RAISING AT GILLETTS. —The Re lillicans of South Creek are wide-awake thta year, and if every vote is not polled there it will be wonderfuL On Saturday. afternoon last a meeting was held at Gil ~~tt ; and a beautiful pole 190 feet in iptiizth was raised, and next week will float a stie fing and a Grant and Colfax streamer. In the evening a meeting was organized .th J. F. Gur.rrr, Esq. as chairman who ..t.trudnced J. HARD Esq., of Elmira, delivered an able find telling speech that forcible selection of words peen hiro. JOHN LAGILAW, of Elmira,also •i• 'ee briefly,, but to the point. He was , owed by Mi. LEONARD, of South Creek; “LI the meeting broke up. 11r1, _Maio Street of Towanda is i ,, caiing proverbially the muddiest piece of r jin the County. The crossings, in Pat !, 41sT, are deeply grievous. Why not fol , w the worthy example of our "sister Williamsport ami Elmira, and put Nicholson pavement? We shall be g. ,, d to sea some of substantial citizens i n tb e ma tt er ; we do net mean the inatty:r of Lund, for there enough already • , '' ,4 lis in that ; but in the matter of a • , 'uavement and decent crossings where t- , y are molt needed. Something let us • t !Lace of the muddy slush ' , washing "v'l; Va• 'sidewalk s against the very walls " the more elegant blocks and finer stores are not to be seen in Northern Penn sylvania." Manure Drxonser's Agent, directly from the establishment in New York,' be be at the Ward House neit Monday, with a fine stock of Hair and Fancy Goods, te, which the attention of the ladies is respect. fully invited. Mi. A Grant and Colfax club was organized at Union Comers, Sheshequin, on Satnrdey evening last. J. B. Smith, President, I Nm. Patterson, Secretary, L. L. Post, Tres. After the. transaction of business wo tened to a very able speech by Gen. MadiiL The llepublicani of 'Union Corners are, awake and will be favorably, represented at thc.polls. Aciurowuumacar.—Tho Bradford Coounty a a Association has received from the Presbyterian Church and Sunday School of Orwell a contribution of twenty five dollars, which was accompanied with at least forty names of the "cheerful givers." - Let every other church and school in the county gto and do likewise." From a cir cular in cur hands we gather the following ttmmary of work done by the Asti:II:WWI:, through its Missionary, Bev. B. - Clusum nu, since May Ist, 1864 : 1. It has made a thorough canvass of the County, and gathered, complete Sunday school statistics for 1864 and 1867. 2. It has planted 55 new schools. 3. It has gathered into these 3050 per 80118. It has visited sad otherwise aided 380 schools. El 5. It has duplicated its annual schools. 6. It has given away in books and tracts, fie., $571 38. 7. It has distributed, by sale and dona tion, 651 copies of the Scriptures. 8. It has a roll of 52 schools that have committed to memory the Ten Command- ments 9. In accomplishing this work, over 2361 families have been visited, and 9800" miles travelled.' Dont forget the Society thattakes Care of the children. Contributors will -tie faithfully credited by Ties. 0. D. IiIITISPIIIIET, Towan da. The names of all contributing schools, for the year, will be published, November next. NEW BOORS.—WILAT ANSWER? Story of To-Day,—By4SNA E. DICILLNEION.-.• Miss Dickinson's reputation as one of the most popUlar lecturers in the country will draw public attention to her novel which Ticknor and Fields have just published.— Those who have listened to her eloquent lectures will turn to her book with eager intergst.. "'What Answer" has a skillfully-construc ted plot, and deals with some of the most important events of the late war. The stork• is one that will deeply interest those who read simply for entertainment ; the char acters, incidents, and situations will attract and charm novel-readers ; and no thought ful person can be uninterested in the bold and earnest treatment which sotne import ant political and social questions receive in this volume. Price $1 50. Ticknor & Fields, Boston. THE HALF-DOLLAR TEMN. YSON.—The nine different editions of the LaureatiA's poetry which Ticknor and Fields have hitherto published seem insufficient to meet all the requirements of the reading public. Their Diamond Edition, published two years ago, was a miracle of cheap, elegant, and com pact book-making. It •is quite outdone, however, in cheapness and compactness, by the Half-Dollar Edition of Tennyson's COrn plete Poems, just published by Ticknor and Fields- This edition is froin new types,set in double columns, is remarkable for beau ty, and no danger to tho eyes need be feared from reading it. It is neatly and durably bound in a handsome green paper cover, with an excellent vignette head of Tenny son. No one can now complain that Tenny son is beyond his reach, when his, entire poems can be had in handsome form for fifty cents. These books can 'be procured of any book seller, or directly from Ticknor & Fields, Boston. Lzaarsrtx.r.r., Sept. 25, 1868. Mit. TGoonnicn :—Last evening we had lectures here, on Temperance, from Gen. Perrot and N. S. Faszra. The lectures were of no ordinary ability, young Paszen spoke eloquently and with great fluency. Gen. Perrox'S lecture was deeply impres sive and affecting ; and his personification of a case of delirium tremens caused a thril ling excitement. Owing to the bad state of the weather and roads, the audience was not so large as it otherwise would have been ; Mr, Karszx and most of the pupils of his select school attended and de , p, ly interested: Gen. P. deferred the organi zation of a Lodge of Good Templar.; until a larg..r attendance of citizens could be had. Your Friend, li'•S. SIMON CAMERON, HMI BENJ. P. flrrwsrsm Attorney General of the State, and Cu). Sasatn.►v, correspondent of the Tribune, visited this pLico last Saturday, spending the Sabbath here, and departing Monday. They are on a tour of observation through the State, and give the most en couraging accounts of the certAiuty of sue cess at the October election. • GRAND DEMONSTRATION AT WAVERIX.-- . Saturday evening last, a special trainwas run from this place to Waverly to attend the Republican meeting. After receiving accessions at the several stations on the road the number in the train when it reach ed Waverly was not less than six hundred. The demonstration at Waverly was the best that has been held in the Southern Tier during the present canvass. Large delegations were preitent from Elmira and Owego, with transpariencies and torches.— The torch-light procession was really a mile in length, and numbering 1900 torches. Speeches wero made by Major James - Haggerty and Hon. Geo. Landon. A Democratic meeting was held at the same time, and a few doleful looking Cops paraded the streets, and afterwards were treated to a speech by Brick Pomeroy. A new and 'powerful engine has been placed upon the .Railsoad, for the purpose of hauling passenger trains. It is a great Improvement upon the locomotives now in use. Noti tt c_ TOWANDA, Pa., Sept 16, 1868 • Messrs. W/CSILLII & Br aca—Dear Sirs: The Singer Sewing Machine that I bought of you a few months since, gives entire sat isfaction. We find it very simple and easy to manage, no difficulty in doing all kinds of family seming, and in fact we are more than satisfied with Tours very truly, E. W. HALL. Sept. 23.-2 w No DOUBT OF it—The Singer hie Vir ing Machine is the best. Get one and try it. Full instructions given by .WICIULtIi AND BLACS; Agents. A RARE Cunscs.—The subscriber offers his noose and-Lot on corner of Sec ond and Elizabeth streets forsale. Terms easy. Possession given immediately if re quired. Psnr-zr K. Foot. TOW.t.siDi, Sept. 14. DissoLurion.- -The - co•partnership heretofore existing tinder the name of W. W. Moody Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All notes and accounts due the firm are in the hands of L. L. Moo dy for collection. W. W. MOOD'S: EOM Pi., Sept. 15. L. L. Moonr. f 1 auliquazorfc-,-The annual exatgi °idiom of Tem:hell, for the several distribi Vas country *ollie hila - ms follows : B..Wastes,powen Horw School hbuse .... 9..Windluini, Caykendell • ' ....10-01wall,ell Hill . ,y .....12..80me righ - t•• ...15..8hea1: ' Lower Talley " ....16. Agates, dime . e f ' 41 ... .17. .Towan4,lßorough ~ .19.. Ce ntre . " ... .20. . Athens. ugh ....21-Bmitidi 4, Centre II ....22..E1pidn,g204 Centre' t '" ....23...RidgbuSy4Centreville . " ...41..liouth Cr*, Gillette . " ... ,26..We115,W1y Hill gil .....27—Columb 1 4ustinville " ...28 —Troy,. ugh ,ii B l ul • 29„West B gton, West ' Bur - iintoft.Centre . , .II ....30..Burlingtiki— , Luther's Mills " Nov.6..Wyso, Yersburg ..... 6...13tah Stone, Centre ..... 7.. Asyluin, poste .... 9: .Terry, In fovea l a ...10. ;Wilmot, agar Bun ....11..Arba4411 Croarton,Balm's i. in ....12..M0nt0e,1 onroeton ! " ~.. .17.11estick, : . don • " ....18..Wyalualsgi Camptown .4 . ... .19. . Tuscarers,lSpring Hill " ....20. :Pike, Leiloyeville Il ....24..E'ranklisqlyiusey 14 ..25..Granvilld Centre 41 } ...26 Leßoy, Gksers ' . 1 .. '' . . .27—Canton, Bdrough Bpeciel,,Troy, HoV. 28, Towanda, Dec.l2, '26 and Jeri., 9th. 11 1 Applicants are , ei n nested to attend in the vicinity where the 'de or expect to teach. Those finding it the y to attend &spec ial examination, ill comply with the re quirements found n the 139th page of the kohool laws Ex Saes will Commence be tween 9 and 10 o' Ock ; none admitted to the class a ft er 10 &clock unless unavoidably detained. 1! • Teachers must ivariably l procure certi ficates valid in Miff County before 'commen cing school. All s o. called professional cer tificates issued pn!to the first Monday of June, 186 k, were, 1 ' the Act of April , - 9th, 3 1. 1867, made to exp, .on the the first Mon day of June last. t ectore are requested be present, link also see that Teachers for their respective t schools are in• atten dance. Q. 1.1. Cuirsouci; Onwptr..,l3ept: 18/ I . County Supl. 14. ROSENBERG it 11 3, W OLFF'I2I CLOTHING REGULATOR-Gm t aptcans.—All goods Marked in plain figures, apd only one price and no deviation, ',W i system endorsed by every honorable man as the surest and safest way of, dealing; which allows of no fraud or imposition, t If this style of deal ing snits you better' than 'the fraudulent bantering sysfein,lien give us a call at 133 Main St., adjoining phtton's Block. ToIVANDA, Ps., Sept, 23. ' _ M C PHERSON'S P . 44ITICAL —This convenient .coinpendivru of political events, neatly bounditi cloth, and contain ing nearly 400 pagesi is now ready for side. It is almost an indispensable requisite of every student of poltical history, and es pecially of publiciiiicakers, as a book of reference. Its unbiiissed, and is tised - by, all parties: Ciipiesii*itl be furnished on application to J. Eldldomb of this place.— Price $2 50. Aug:lB. . CASCAk MILLS iflLocß—Nfade from , i priine old Winter Wheat, is worth 15 per cent. more thin the) same amount, and quality, made from new whcat. A sack or barrel will make 15 149 cent., or oue pound in.auven, more breads than from the new crop. Making a difference in value in fa vor of ;BM old of two ' dollars pet hirrel or fifty cents per sack. owing to the new con taining that proportion of water more than the old. This fact A *ell known to Bakers t i and every one ehoul'llunderstand it. We have bought, and st licontinne to buy, all the Old Wheat to bad, and will have a supply until the neat' rop is fit to use to advantage. I No declinit in quality. We propose to make abetter and hatter all the time. • H. B. INGE..k.m. Camptown, Aug. 13, 180.—tf. IS- Mlle. J. ViizoN, from Geneye, Switzerland, will bo happy to, receive pu pils in the Freiichhiluage and in Draw ing, either in claas.vior tor private tuition. Dirms for each, pesduarter of 24 lessons 85,00. For fanner, information call at Bender's Photographic gallery. Classes will commence on Tuesday, 15th inst.; in the gchoollionse occupied by Miss HITST. Towanda, Sept. 3, 4€158.-3w. THE AMERICAN Uq9KING Wove.—An other Patent Suit.—WO understand Messrs. Shear, Packaid and &*Co. have been corn. pelted to commence 00,lit against Runt & Miller; of Hudson, for %ufringing the patent on-the Ash Sifter in thal American Cooking Stove. .This is the Ififth suit they have been compelled to bring against different patties for infringing the different patents on this Stove. The four previous suits have resulted favorably! for S.,P. &Co. and they. are determined to ollow up all cases of infringement eintil others cease from appropriating th improvements.— Albany Evening Jourualauly 29th, 1868. All persons are cautiOned against selling or using Stoves with a Shaking Ash Sifter in the:hearth, or under the grate, as this improvement is inlly secured to us by five different patents, and al l parsons selling or using Stoves with this i provement,will be liable to prosecution for :infringement,ss we have granted no licenses ! to other, parties to make or sell this impropment, and all in fringements will be prordptly prosecuted. Sunsii, , P,scasnn & Co., • ~ Albany, N. Y. For Sale by CPDAINCi Russktr.„ Towan da, Pa. SMITHFIELD IiANTI.TIIf! Stuitlifietd orn-t Band,witlia new Set of instruments„ tender ; their services for Political Meetings. They have had mach eoerience and can furnish-as good music tO any Band' in the vicinity Terlll3 few:opal - hi. Apply to EUGME TRACI leader, East Smithfield, .Pit. Sept 111-3a7 FOR SALE-douse ;and lot No. 4f l , Chestnut Street. Forphrticulars 'enquire on the , premises. H. A. Timm. tar Moice.,Cigarg at , 111..4'FiTT's, one dolt north or Barnees Tobacco Store Towanda, Aug. 20, IR6B.—tf. STRAWBERRY PLANTS —Wilson's :Al bauy See tlilig. 12 ets per . doz., 50 cts per 100, S 4 per 1,000 ; Agriculturist 12 cts per doz.: 50 cts per 100, $4 i)er 1,000 ; Jocnn da, (Knox's No. 700) 25 cts per doz., $2 per 100, $2O per 1000; Jucunda (when 'other kinds are taken) 12 cut per doz., $1 pe;.100 $lO per.looo. • Can furnish Wilson's find Ag,riculturist now ; Jucunda's by August let. - J. G. Mom.; Alouroeton, Pa. ILJuly 13, 1 1868.-3 W : 1 ' CArrioN.—Cascade IMills.—Parties dealing in flour are cautioned against put ting inferior flour in Sack or Barrels bear ingpur Trade Mark, as we shall certainly protect ourselves againsti such imposition when detected. . We will suggest a rulehowever, by which the consumer may discoiter such frand•at first aripeance. Genttinb Cascade Flour can be identified from itit effects—extraor ,dinary amiability of wirgs end mothers-- children rosy cheeked and happy, and from good digestion the genekal affairs of the household, bright as sunlight. D. INGRAM Camptown, Sept. 3, 1868. • MARRIED. PARRY—WILIJAmSt—On the 15th inst., at the house of Mr. P. 'Williams, in Pike, Pa., by Rev. T. - Thom assisted by Rev. 'B. A. Williams, Rev. D. "Parry, of Provi. dence, Pa., to Miss Rito Williams, of Pike, Pa. BROWN—DARLING—S4A. "27, 1868, by Rev. Samuel F. Colt, D. ID., Mr. Eugene L. Brown; of Details, lit., to Miss Sarah E. Darling, of Aurora,:Sane Co., EL MURBY—DICKINSON-rin Granville, Pa., Sept. 22, by Rev. 0, 0. gills, Mr. lar man Marry, of Troy and Was Mary_ Dick inson, of Granville. .1 BROWNING—MONTGOMERY—In Frank lin, Sept. 24, by Rev. 04C. Hills, Mr. B. P. Browning and Miss'gmma Montgom ery, all of Tuscarora. MYERSBURG 1119 S 1 The subscribers having purchased of Mr. Barns his interest in the ld;rEsaturao Mima will carry on the bhsineasj. Milling, and guarantee all work : of done by them to be of the very best quality. 11 Wheat, Bye and Buckellteat Flour, and Feed constantly on hart for sale at the lowest cash price. :Also now on hand a lti,rge quantity of best Ground Cayuga - Plaster for gale. MYER'S:. FROST. .Myersburg, Sept 24, 1868. ' DIME CIDER VINEOAR, at, Mced • inn 2tronfistnitnto. WIOKHA.M ..Bl4AOlc.,'S • PI utp..P6itc4l9-o6e • • . As velum Jost received lafP for direct from the Potter] of E. Dark, Tuastall; Eng land. OMNA. From WOW 41r, Cu., Blom* Prince • • GLASSWARE Of all kinds end prices. LAMPS, • Hall, Table, Hl*, 40., .10. It A.. 111 DE LIR RS FRr Churches,. Hallf or Sigma. ,- TOU4T.WARk. OM Ih China, Euthen,: and 'sienna SILVER PLATED WARE,: Wernustei of the beet quality. TOYS FANCY GOOD§w WOOD. AND WILLOW 'WARN, STONEW A.l, TABLE CUTLERY, .LOOSING GLASSES,. &O. We ant to the TOADS goods at City Prices. Promising to do our best we respectfully ask you to give us a call. Towanda, Oct. 1, 1888. • • CAMPAIGN OPENED! GRAND. RALLY OP THE HABBffi•! COME ONE 1 COME ALL t REPUBLICANS. DEMOCRATS. And citizens . of eveey political faint are Inetteil to attend the GREAT MASS MEETING Which is to be held and continue:a:for the next three months by the citizens or Towanda and vicinity at '`,. NO. 123, RAIN STREET. ,Where young and oldtre already gathering to provide themse.ves with CLOTHING I FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR, From the excellait supply we .have lately re calved and whluh for QUALITY, Ii . : , OULIABILITY AND CLIEAPNESS Cannot be excelled is this or any other msrr ket. oar entire stock belog new and bought for cesb we DISTANCE ALL COMPETITION. Our motto Is Qaick Sales, Sinai! - Profits , Strict ly Cash and—Once Price Only. We halts one an d on to pay us a visit, at the old stand of S..lontoo & S 000pne dor north of Taylor-A Co 8010110 N & WOLFF. inure WOLIN,. ♦LEN. SOLOMON. Towaotia„Oct. 1, ISGS, TOWANDA COAL YARD 1' • ANTURACITE AND BITUMINOUS The Undersigned having leased the Coal Yard and Dock-at the old •' Barclay Basin," and jd•t cOmpleted alarge Coal HOlllO and Office upon the premises, are now prepared to fainishlhe citizens of Towanda and vicinity with the CUT event kinds and sizes of 'he Above named coals upon the most reasonable terns in any quanti ty desired. Prices at the Yard until further notice : Small Egg $,50 Egg 5,50 „ Stove, 5.76 Chesnut,:.' 5,00 " Barclay " Lamp, e 4,00 Run of Mines.' 3,50 " Fine , r Blacluanith 3,0 e The * following additional charges will be made for delivering Coal within the Boroagh limits: - \ Per Ton,. . 00 ets:. extra for tarrying Le 50 cts Half T0n..35 " " Quarter ton2s " " " . " 25 " , w3 Orderi moat la all cases be accompanied ' with the cash. D'&. OVERTON lc fa. Tthraxkils, Oct. 1, liteol.—tf. , A. PETTES , . CO., Are now receiving from New Yorks fine es• eortment of „GOODS IN THEIR LINE 1 :Consisting to part of BROWN & BLEACHED MUSLINS, AND PRINTS, LADIES AND CHILDREN% DRESS GOODS, Fancy Skirts, Sbawls, Hoop SkirUi, (JUNES, 11081ERY. YANKEE' NOTIONS, &c., /cc., ac An or which can tie bought as cheap u the same quality of gooda can be bought tu . To• wands. Their MILLINERY DEPARTMENT beim; turnislivd trith.the lated ■tplesi or BONNETS AND BATS, And a general assortment of Millinery Goode, with competent Milliners to suit the taste ol all who may favor, themwith their patronage. Milliners will be terntabed with all I lads of goods at wholesil.• prices. DO:VC FORGET THE II&HE .I,ND PLACE., Main Street, directly loppotate the Court Rouse. B. Al PETTES & CO Towanda, Sept. 24, 1R6.4.-3m TO W A NB A BAKERY EATING ESTABLISHMENT ! The undersigned having entered into a co. p-srtnerehip under the name of SCOTT It AL• LYN, for the transaction•of business at the old Bakery stand, first door Booth of the Ward House, Main street. would respectlully an noatite to the public that no pains will be spared to keep the best of everything in our line of brainess and at prices as low as can oe obtained elsewhere. We will keep coastantly on hand and will bake to order BREAD. PIES, CASES., &C. Customers may rely upon our work being well and neatly done. In our EATING DEPARTMENT Meals will be nerved at all hours , of the day, and we will do' all In oar power to merit, not only a continuance, but an increase of the lib. ersi patronage heretofore intended to the Ammo. Fresh Oysters constantly on hand; We *IN alio keep a good assortment of Groceries, Confectionery, Green, Dried and Canned Fruits Cash paid for Butter, Eggs and Fruit. D, W. SCOTT. Towanda,, 1868. .1 S. ALLYN. F lISNITtri:EI NSW GOODS 1 NEW GOODE! NEATLY'FINISHED POPULAR PRICES! Consistingi of CHAMBER SETS, PARLOR SETS DINING ROM( SETS, MIRRORS, PICTURE FRAMES, •PboMgrapb Frames, for everybody. A , GENERAL. ASSORTMENT FURNITURE, Baited to this market. I lime the best uphols. term to the country, and manufacture our own upholstered work. RE PAIRING AND JOBBING, Done td order. Having an experience of 20 yams In the baslness I can confidently hope to please all who patronize me. Don't forget the place. No. Nein at., two doors •aoath of Beidleman'a Block, Towan. da. COALS 8. T. D ;~list~ttanidat: Tag DEPARTMENTPOMPLETE I BM ous Sion or. BOOTS> OD SHOES. Is readying LARGE i:DDi,TIOiIt3 01 09001 Suited tri,the - Sprifiglitadel ,THE LATEST 'STYLES I TEE BEST 'QUALITY AT LOWES'' RATES, AT LIUMPHR Invokes of Prima Goods are DAILY BRIX° OPE'NEDI And are ready tor the insperikte of the public: one OWN MANUFACTURED GOODS, Clit ‘ band as anal. We are offering BARGAINS, BARGAINS, In order to close .ont-tbe ODIC r 1 rid over FROM LAST YEARS' STOCK! And will mill them REGARDLESS, OF COST! ALSQ I MN Harness, Harness, Harness, SADDLES. B LANE T.S ! dates, andNl:goods connected with the ' Saddlery Business I =GRES, TRAVELLING nAps,_ VAusis, SHOE FINDINGS, HARNESS TRIMMINGS, /co Towasda,lApril 16, 1868 MONTANYB' ST4OREI Nrgeiind very Desirable Assortment Goods L+ bon being Opened at the stove store. CONSISTING OF MANY ARTICLES Thep have not heretofore kept HAVING 'FITTED : : UP ROOMS Ablvo for the purpose. AMON GOTHEr ARTICLES ,May be found C,A.P,M) HITS! From' 38 cents t 44 $2 per yard, of EVERY DESCRIPTI O N! Mao Window Shades (k- Fixtures, Of 'every description. d P. 0 0 31C. M IZ, "Y” I JwA!mpvted4 BOOTS & SHOES! Iniendlesittarlety. mut.Ts - & G CAPS Prom the style of 1812 to 1888 : /AV I;(ell :3 A*l ;11;:16):13:,,A 4 01,13;t: Ttiestfoxlde will be Bold at ,PERY SMALL PROFIT! • WeficordbUy inTto our OLD FRIENDS TO VISIT US, And the public generally, ktiowisl we rMN:iatiALVI:V4:I)ki: - /s;w .. 2 j ac: To do au M 0 N Fri A. N ‘ v i r Towsads i Kay 6.1868. Ar : • : • . . 16 • 1 abseil; dastaara wagon. sleighs. 4_ bones sad lama, • tar alb cheap- Sawa' WU iii;.o, - 04 . t:,6-itO cit kr PR 013 . 13 Z F. F 3 - 3Vr.; =&I CO. The undersigned, 'encouraged by the sweetie' which 'hair thoi feti'et , tended their new likterpihse;destri! to make aoknoivlidgement for ,the IRE very liberal patronage tboy lll. re ceived by giving tiiir customers the, advantage of their y,eane cFperience; together with the • hanefit' of their greatly incrennid facilities for' doing busineaa. They- keep' consiantly on - hand, ti vemlarge and;Coinpiete assortment of. eveWhing in their line, and are, dailyi receiving . snob additions to their Ateel' m . the wants, of, ,their bade iegniree. They h ave now in store, Sugar, Syrup, Molasses, Coffee; :Rice, To bacco, Finh, Salt, Cheese, Fruits; Crackers, Candy, Matches, Broom; Wrapping Paper, - and Twine, Flour Sacks, Seeds, and a great variety of other goods, which haie been recent- ly bought at the lowest ,point in,the market, and are offered at wholesale, at rates to correspond They desire to tall especial Eaten- tion Ito their large stock °Ulna Teas, which they are selling at New York Jobbing prices,—inaranteeing the quality in all cases Have also on band a good assort- went of ,Flour, Pork and' Kerosene Oil. They atilt continue to have the benefit of a resident Pirtner in New York, who hpeonetantly in the market and prepared to turn to our advan- tage any favorable changes in the price of coode. FOX, STEVENS, MEECUE it :CO May 12, 1868 powET ,T, .00., SPRING- 'VARIE7Y OF GOODS, leTowands, April 7;11168. SEE THIS AND DON'T 'FORGET That there is now ow hand a large assortment of - DIIGGIEB AND PLATFORM-WAGONS At the ATHENS CARRIAGE FACTORY. Which for style, good materials used IS con struction, quality of work and finish, can not be summed. "MY POLICY " ' Is, to employ only &skims workmen, and use great care to get the beat of stock, and to war rant my work to give satisfaction. I& All kinds of Wagons and- Carriages made to order, with particular care and d 1s• patch. PRICES LOW. - Repairing, will, neatly and'primptly done. It Will pay you to Patrol** the • ATHENS VAERLiGE FACTORY ! J. A. BRISTDLI.. Adana, Pa.; &mt. 1, 1868.—Sm. .--• , i-t, 1 op 118, Naps itzure; - -- •`, TOW. NDA, - PA:`' Are now receiving their Which comprises THE USUAL GREAT IN EVERY DEPARTMENT, !All .which ,ARE OF F Epp D At the Lowest **et 'Prices I LiISSOLUTION4—The cii.paitner 'ship heretofore estates under the firm wee of - Bailey, Rorton & Co.. le Willey du mbed by meted Lenient. The booed of the Iles trill be aettdad . by i. W.Baney et the ogee of the Canton Steam ,i. EXILSK," . ' 9.A1-404Taris. RE lllisuliaucOus. W. 4k; -011410ERLIN Has =kilted ids - store •and bs just received • kage Oak bt Gold lad Billet •'. - AMERICAN WITCHEI - . . 'And I well selected assortment 'of SWISS WATCHES, all. warranted to ran Well or the . mono Wanda. B. teens on hand; a large as sortment at the celebrated SETH THOMAS. 01400 Also an eleganiansortment of Abe latest &tyke Gold JEwslay AND, SILVER WARE :In nits'ptated line. be has Bogeis 13144er AND SPOONS.! tleatlly plater Breakfast .1k D4ner CaitioB, - , Fjegant treble plate "donble. wall , I C'E .P I T C'H _R S ! Ilszdsome, Vat. Baskets. BUTTER i f. BERRF - MARS, Pickle_ Mazda, Tea Belle, &e., &c., /cc. BEUMBERLIN la now tailing the " GROVES it. BA EERIE; .Seu;i4 Machiw. Thestilfachines are superior to all others (or family use. for the following reasons : They sew. with two threads dleect from the spools, and• require no rewinding. They are more Wily , understood 'and used, and less liable, toderangemont„ than -otherma chines. • . • • - They; are' callable Of .executing perfeet.y, without change of adjustment, s much greater variety of work than' other machines. The stitch niade by these machines is much atorelirm, ellatio, and durable, especially upon articles which require to be washed and ironed, than any , other stitch; . • This, stitch, owing to the manner in which the Antler thread is unwrought, la much the most.planipeed beautiful in use, and retains this plumpness and beauty, even upon articles frequently washed and ironed, until they are worn out. The strniturn of the seam is such, that, this' it be cot,: orbroken at interraLs of only a few stltcheaiit will 'neither open, ran, nor ravel, but remains firm and - durable. .. _Unlike other machines, these fasten botb ends of the seam by their own operation. With theseernachtturs, while silk Is used upon the right or faosAide of the seam, cotton may be - used upon the other side without.lessening the strength or durability of the seam. This can be done on so other machine, and , is a great Wring tattoo all articles stitched or made' op with silk. • These machines, In addition to their superior merits as histraments for sowing, execute the most beautiful and permanent embroidery- aryl ornamental work. • . Yon can get Sewing Machine Needles, and articles pertaining to the machine haziness. WATCH' ANC CLOCK ItEr4RING„ Done in the best manner, as anal, at low rates Towanda, July 18, 1867. AND,HE PLAYED ON A HART OF A TH9II§A.NDISTRINGS, DITTRICR do 60'6 . TEMPLE _O 4 P MUSIC ! For sale the celebrated litathushei G and, and the _beautiful little ColibriPlanosi Piano, of 219 afrings. Pianos of one third more pow er. Pianos thateshibit more skill In structure Pianos that are better made in every respect and will stand in tune longer than any now In use in this country arid Europe. These Pianos differ in coristmctioiln the inside from all oth ers, the strings cross the iron' Irame in all di rections, distributing _the Immense pressure equally to all sid,ei c 1 the, gate. Besides oth er improvements peculiar:to their construction they combine alt the Improvements of every other manufacturer. Send (or illustrated circa lam where verything is explained to satistac- Oen. Also constantly on hand - a full assort ment of Haines Brother's Pianos, Organs and Melodeons of the best of various styles for the church and parlor. Parlor and Melodeon Cov ers, MUM and Melodeon Stools, Instruction Books for Ile:odeoti and Piano. New and old sheet music on hand and ordered If desite:l. Also for sale. Prof. Van Rensselaer and Pier son's Piano, Furniture anu Carriage Potish.— Natio tuning done on abort notice. Liberal diacdunt to ministers, churches an/ teachers. Ars° agents for the . . DECKER DROTEEE4 UNEQUALLED PATENT PIANO FORTES ! W. A. CRAM BERLIN. Towanda, Feb. 13,1868 SINGER SEWING MACHINE IJ The superior merits of the " suNGER' , mach- ines over all others, for either Family use, or Manufacturing purposes, are so well established aid so generally admitted, that an enumeration of their relative excellencies is no longer consid, eyed necessary; TLE LETTER "A,' FAMILY MACHINE, hitherto manufactured by this Company, has gained and maintained, the world over, and -for years past, art unp,ralleled reputation and sale. But notwithstanding the excellence of this Ma chine. we have row to aunoucce that it has been superseded by our- NEW FAMIIY MACHINE, which has been ~ ver two years in preparation. and whlCh has been brought to perfection re gardlees of TIME. LAHOR or )aririss, and which is now confidently presented t • the public as in.' comparably the beet §'ewiog Machine in Exist ence. 'the Machine in question, Is Simple, Compact. Durable and Beautoul, his -quiet, light•ren. .slag. and capable co performing a Lange and variety of work never before attempted upon a singn Machine-, using either Silk. Twist. Linen or Cotten breads, mid sewing with equal tact'- by the very finest ed coarsest materials, anti au3thing between the two eforemes, in the treat tematitul and rubstant al manner. Its attachments for Fleming. Braiding, etc., are nn vel and praci island beer-been invented and adjusted evecially for this Machine. tks-1 he above Maehine can be had of littA.ll S BLACii, Agents. Fall ingtrotiong given a' our Sewing Moot:hp Pepot. An ex.:onnaihn ix respecttully invitee Towanda. Joh 23. 186R.-3m TO' THE FRIENDS OF. EDUCA- CATION AND LOYERE OF MUSIC. We take pleasure in. informing you thattoe have just opened in Timm- da, on the corner of Bridge and Main Street, .Ao: 3 Patton7it Block on Elegant Neiio Book and .111a6: Store, where every thing in the Book. Stationery and music line may be found. Also Statuary, Paintings, Gold Pens, Spectacles, Eye Glasses Spy Glasses, Opera Glasses, and a general assortment of Musical in struments, Yankee Notions and Fancy Articles. Our Goods were all selected in the city with great care by experienced hands . - and bought ' , with cash-at a very low figure with' a uiew to the wants- of this cownwizity. We feed confident we shall be able to offer bargains- to"4-allwho wild faft or us wit their a patronage. Call and see us C. F. CROSS. Tars Is Ptssoitu. To arz, wno RE4D rx.— Coss & Go., have just -opened* splendid New Book and Music Store, in Patton's Pico*, Toinurda, where they are MIN; everything in theii line cheap for Cash. Cigand see them and, sat- iefy yourself that such is the ease. MUSIC, OR ANY OTHER AR TICLE In 'poi Are, ordered at abortrtottee Watling st the: .! ilcawa.ROON GENERAL ELECTION PEOCLA MATION.—WhereaI, by an ;mild Assem bly of . the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, en• titled " an act relating to the elections of this Commonwealth," it la enjoined upon me to give public notice of inch election to be held, and also the enumeration in each notice what officers are to be elected, I, WE. GRIFFIS, High Sher rid of the county of Bradford. do hereby mate known and give notice to the electors of said . contity,on TUESDAY. the 13th day of OCTO.. 888, in the several districts in said countyhto , In Alba ' Borough, at the house formerly cccu• py by B. P. Knapp. In Albany, at the school hoime near William Barnes'. •- 111 Attueais. at the house of John S. Seeker. In Asylum, at the Naha)! hope, rest Shaeon 1/eclat's. / / In Athens bore', at the 'house formerly occu pied by &B. Mathewson. „ in Athens twp., at the house formerly occu pied by J. B. Hunt, in the. bore. In Burlington born', at the house formerly occupied by L. T. Boys°. In Burlington twp., at the house of James Wilcox. fa - Burlington West, at the bocce of Ezra Godard: In Barclay at tho SchOol House. In Canton boroYatihe Central Helm. In Canton twp.aat the boom formerly or by B. S. Myers, in Canton boro'. ' In Columbia, at the house of James" Morgan. In Prinklin, at the house n yw accepted by S. B. Downing. In Granville, at the house - of Benj. F. Taylor. In Herrick,' at the school house near Daniel Durand'e. • In LeMayville boro', at the house formerly occupied by J.R. Fletcher. In Litchfield, at the house fOrmerty occupied by Cyrus Blobdgood. LeEtoy, - at the Centre School Reuse. In Monroe twp., at the home formerly occnt pled by R. R. Rockwell. • . In Monroehoro', at the house formerly °tea 'pled by Ethel Taylor. ' In Orwell at the hedge of Francis Woo dratf. In Overton; at school house No. 2. In Pike at the housev of Traver Bosworth. In Rome tirp„ at the Academy in -Orme Imo. In Rome bora!, at the 'Academy. In flidgbnry, at the house of SevJ. Hermans. IA Sheshequw, at the Valley Rouse. H. in Spring Geld, at the hones formerly occupied by Jeste Batemoad. Id Standing Stone, it the house, of Simon -Stevens. Suiithliehl, at the hoase fo•meriy occupied by A. J. Geroald. -La Sylvania boro', in the honse of Curti - Mer In Elouth'ereek:;at the_house of./. F. Gillett. In Terry,'at the house of Jacob Frutchy. ht Towanda boro', at the Grand Jdry Boom. In Towanda tWp f , at the house of T. IL Jor dan in Tovranda.tioro'. 'ln Teivanda North, at the house at S. A AtillA: • „ In TrJY tivio•, - at the hiss of V. A.I. Long In Tp*boro. • . In-troy bora% at the bowie of V. IC Long. inluseitrora, at the ,choel house near James Black - la. • - Intater, at the house of S. B. Holeolm. In anent, at the house of It Cooper. In Wittdham, at the bunee of B. Kuykendall. In Wyalusing, at the homie of J. H. Black. . In .Wattnot,nt the house of A. J.lltone. in Wysoz, at the house formerly occupied by j. 51. Reed:, t. , In Wells, at the house of L. Seeley. At which time and place the, electers ea I d elect by ballot.-. One person for Auditor General' of the State of Penn Amnia. One person. for Surveyor General of the State of Pennsyliania. OLIO persen. to represent the 13th Congres sional potrit, (composed of the counties or ,Bradiord, • Wyoming, tnillivan, .hiontLur and Columblajin the Congress of the Unittri Sta . es. Ohe person to represent the Senatori4l Dis trict; (cumpbsed of the counties ut Bradford, Susquehanna and Wyoming) in the Senate of Peousylv.inis.. Two ,persons to r_present the. counties of Bradford and Sullivan in the House of Repre •sentatives of Pennsylvania. ' One person to Associate Judge 01 Bradford county. One periorr.for Dish ict Attorney of Bradford county. One person for Commissioner of the county of Bractiord. • One .person for Auditor of the county of Bradford. - One Petaon! for Surveyoi of thc county of Bradford. ' . And in and by_ said set, I am further directed to give notice ••ttiat any person excepting jos Gee of the peace who aball hold any Ohm of peon and trust under the government lof the United Statesbr this State, or of any ineorpor. ated district, and. al o that every Member of Congress and of the Legislature And the select and common Manneil of any city or commission ers ot Any incdrporated district, is by law In 'capable of holding or exercising at t same time the office or appointment of Jade, la 'pet:tor or Clerk -I ms, election of this Com monwealth , and thatMo Inspector or other eftl oer ot any such election shall be then elig.bie to any office then to be voted tor. By the 4th section of an act passed the lot day of April, 1810. it Is provided "that-the 14th section of an act passed July 2, 1803, en. titled 'An. act relating to the elections ot this Volumonwevlth,'" shall not be conatrned so. as to prevent any military officer from, Serving as Judge, Inspector or t..lerk. at any general or special election of this Commonwealth. An Al 3 to clt.inge the time :ot closing the polls at the General and Township Elections in the county ot Brad ord. Sacrum 1.. -Be it enacted by the Senate and Rouse of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania In General Assembly met and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. 'lhut ut all General, Special, and. Town., ship or Borough elections hereafter held in the county ot laradford. the Polls 511411 be closed at six o clock in the a ternuon Instead 01 seven, as heretofore provided by law. .A farther Supplement to the Election Laws of Pennsylvania : WillialtAK, By the act ot the Congress of the United States, mitts led "An Act to amend the several acts heretofore pissed to provide for the enrolling and calling oat the National forces. and for other purposes " and, approved March third, one thousand eight hundred and sixty five, all pc rsous who.have deserted th.- military or ;naval service it the Unitect Hates, and - who 'have hot been diseh .iged,eir relieved trout the penalty, or disability therein provided, are , deemed, and taken, to have voluntarily relin quished, and 'tot-felted their rights ot chine ship, and are deprived,or exercising any riots ot citizens thereof : ' And rchsree,, Persons nut citlaeas of the rteittd Stites arc not, user the consul. ution and laws ot renml tv..nis, qualified electors ot the counnorsiteatth : :•4:c•tio. I, Be it e-rteted by the Senate and Hear eof Rep e.enialt fh. Comm , ,,,,eta.fh of Plnutpronnia in Gene. al Asn , mtity met, rind it 1, , tetchy enacted by it, autho, ay oy the same, 11: , t 10 to 1..1141 in this Con , rin" ryea!th: - st slcs!l he. 71(1144Wial for the j ",;ge ~r 44(m:tor of 711.. ol.:t an to 1.,. -e , ve 30% .b.olut or ballot. from any person or p n. em b:uos-d in the providous, and a,i Jett to tir. ilsty imposes! by • aid act 0 , Coisres•s ap proved !lanai 3, 1865, and it moil! be 01 for any snub person to oder to vote . any.b.ilut , or whom. NV. -lIITTIITCH SEVTIOX 2. That if any sin , -h judge' and in. ups ClOll. nt ele:tion or any one at thew shag ra.ceive ; or consent t, receive, anv such - un Isl b.ll t s. from - a 1 , oirh d person be, or they so Irctqling. 4.1,0 be of a toi , deroeuni.r, :end upon conviction tn, riot in stny etart at q trt,r se-son- of this coin tu,,nwealth: be shad, for any such off nee, is sentenced to pay a tine o 1 not less then ma. oridergo . sti hoprisonment, kr the jail of the proper county, I, se than Go daps. I,ECTIO'N 3. Xhatt, ti any person - deptivei'at cif zeuship, and ditiqnslified as aloresakf, at any eleclon, Leredter ti be held in this Cointr.on wealth, vt te- or tender, Ao the office,s thereof. and offer to vote A ballot, or ballots ant p rson no ottendlaz shall be deemed ga fly of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof, in any court of quarter ses•dons of this IComition wealth, shall, for each offence, be panitbed is take manner as je provided irithe.preeedina MX' ot this.act, is the case of officers of el ction re ceiving such unlawful ballot or ballots. SECTION . L.IThat if any r. erson shall hereafter persuade or advise any, person, or persons de prived of Citizenship. and disqualified as More said toadfer May ballot or ballots; to-the °film rs of any eltction ' hereafter to be held'in this Commonwealth, or shall persuade or advise any. such officer, to receive any ballot, or ballots, :from any perarin deprived of citizenship, and disqualidta as aforesaid, such person so offend ing shall - be guilty Of a misdemeanor,and non conviction thereof; in any court of quarter fres• sions of this Commonwealth. shall be punished , in like manner as is provided - in the second sec tion of tills-act, in the. case of officers of each election, receiving such unlawful ballot; or ballots. • • ' 'By an act Of, Aesembly of March 30,1868, en titleit an Act. regulating the geode of voting at all eleotiorui, in the'several cOuntles of this Com monwealth, it is enacted as follows : Sscrlos 1. lie it enacted by the Senate and House . of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in Generaltasembly met. and it is hereby enacted by rheaurnority of Me acme; That the qualified Inters of the several counties of thi' Commoniresitb, at all general township, bcrough,, and special elections, are hereby, hereafter authorized and required to vote by tickets printed or written. severally classified as follows: One ticket shall embrace the names of all fudges of court to be voted for, and to be tabled, Outside, " judiciary :" one ticket shall etubtace the names of all state officersio be voted for and be labelled."state;" one ticket shall embrace the names of all county officers voted for, including office of senator, Member. and members of assembly, If voted for, and members of congress, if voted for, and be la belled" County:" ono ticket shall embrace the names of all township officers voted. for, and be labelled "township:" one ticket shalt em brace the name of all; borough officers voted for,' 'be labelled "borough," an each class eball bt deposited in separate ballot boxes. • CBOSS a CO. J. G. "PATTON. The meeting of the return judges for the Sen atorial Dnittict e will be held at the Contt Rouse 1:1 the Borough of Towanda, on the eeeenth day after the election, which will be , on the 20t h di, of October. • .The meeting_, of the return judges- for this Congressional District, will be held at the Court Home. in the Borough of Tunkhannock, on the seventh day alter the election, which will be held on the 20th day ofl)ctober. The meeting of return judges for this Repre simtatiire Mania, will -b• held at ~. ttgal. EMI The meeting of Atmlodges forts county of Bradford, will Wei the Omrs Bowe Is To. wands, on the third &Wafter the election ` which ell be Friday, the 16th day of October, at 1 'o'clock, p. m. WX. GRIM, *riff: Bept.24, ;;:. - 44 in Bankropitoy .otata of itaionms - D g. in the county of Parinsylwania, -who on his own pe any debts - and belonging to such his use, and the w him are forbid. ' ; of the creditors nine their debts, • Assignees of his st of Bankruptcy 'the Register: in ?a., lbef . : ors ED- Rwider* on the D• 1868 it 9. a. RONbWr, NU4srumor, Wes- Penzurflyanhi. -tvas, Deputy: By viftae of 30t of 110_,Court .d County, and to exposed to publio the Borough of To- ' ICTOBEIZ 24,1868, )wing described la ,- a In Tumors tp. Basinalast road the south otter's lot, thence road north 13° west .er of Patrick Maddens Pr 5..... Jg said 'Madden ' s south 117 to a past, thace south 111 pm. to a post, thence west-1-33 pre. to the place of beginning Containing 99 acres and 33 perches of land,* mere or less. with a small framed hone thereon Leired and taken in execution atths a nit of . ' Edward" Overton vs. Michael Collom. " ALSO—By virtue of a writ of Vend. Expo., will be eold at the told at the lime time and place, the folicewing lot piece or l of land situate in Litchfield tp., boa north by land of B. Vandozer, east by hinds of said H. Van dozer and J J. Warner, south br. lanai of Ju. Strubble, west by land of Wm. Bostwick. Con taining seventy noes, more or less, about four acres improVed, with an old framed barn and shed thereon.. ' . - - - . ALSO—One other lot piece or parcel of land 'situate in - Litchfield - twit., bounded north by the above described lot of 10 antes, on the east soatu and west by lands of James Strtible. • Containing - 3i acres, more or less, partly im proved, with a framed dwelling 'house and steam saw mill with machine!y and fixtures belonging to same thereon. Seized, and taken in Cuention at the salt of William Bostwick vs. S. C. Bishop and E. J. • - VTILLIAAI GRIFFIS, Stieritl. Towanda:, Oct. I 'IS6B. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. A-A... Notice is hereby given, that all persona Indebted' to the estate of J. M. PR,L•sTON.. dec'd, late of Smithfield, are reque4ted to make immediate payment, and those havinfi demands againqt said estate , will present. them duly authenticated for settlement. LYDIA, E. PANNIIM, Administrator: ttept. PXEUCTOR'S - YOTlCE.—.Notice is hereby given that a. persons Indebted to th.' .eatate or J. 8. MITCHELL. late of Snalthtleld.den'd; .ire requested to nuke im mediate payment, and al, having clatmsupon said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement: • CHAS. B. RIGGt", LEVI SCOTT, Sept. 8,-'IS6B GREAT UNITED STATES 7EA -WAREHOUSE, T. Y. KELLEY & CO., Nos 26,28 and 30 Vesey Street, NE W YORK CITY, Are now supplying families throughout tit country with teas and coffees through the sys tem 01 clubs and their regularly appointed agents, at - a slight advance on cargo prices, and guaranteeing their teas to be pure and fresh, and also to give tatter, satisiAction, or they can be returned and the money refunded. Remember that by oar system the consumer pays only ONE PROFIT, instead of seven or eight, as he must do when he purchases of the ordinary grocer. WE DEFY COMPETITION. We call special attention not only to our stand ard goods, but our fancy.brands of Oolong,and - Young Dyson Teas—peculiar flavors-4nd teas sixty days grim Japan. Our Coffee Depart meet Is managed also' on the system of one profit only; and all our coffees are sold on their merits. We only ask s trlsl. - - All our importation of our teas and corm, can - be had of our regular appointed agents. j,.1 our goods are goods put up by ourselves ip one pound packages., at our warehouse, in :New York, and retailed at W. H. H. GORE'S Drug Store; No, 137 Main street, at the email advance of 5 cents per pound over - our New York prices. This brings the goods -at the - prices they can be purchased for over our counters „with the freight added. LOOK AT OUR-PRICK 3 00 !ONG (Black), 60c., 70., 80., 90., - S1 per - lb., bis*.- MIXED (Green and Black). 60c.. 70c., 80e., 90.. $1 per lb.; beat. YOUNG HY SON (Green) GOc., 70c., 60e..., 90.. $l. $l - .10, $1,20. per-lb.. best. IHPERIAL (Green). 90c..• $l, $1,23. ENGLISH BREAKPAST (Black). 70e.. 8-e., SOc., $1.11,10.11.20, but. JAPAN. , $1,25 per lb. GUNPOWDER. $1,25, $1,50 per lb, Shantung Stoyone Youug Hyso3l4. in original Chinese' packages $1 60 per pack age. fillings' Oolong, -in original - Chtnese packages $1,30 per package. BRANDB,—Ningyong Oolong. (Blk) $1.23 per lb. Nankin Moyune Yonne- Bison, (I ls eep) sl'so per lb: Uncolored Japan 'rens, (ou flay+ trom Japan) 'pot up torus fu Yokohama $1,40 per lb Gitt)Ul4l.) I.OI.VEE —Pure Rio. 20, 2S 303 3u ceu , 4 per lb. Beat Ohl Government Jaen, cent,. per P). !loyal tllnb. 2S emits per ib. mouot.tiu Plantotbut, t.O rents per lb. 11 , Vi.11t: Of imit,tions and bogus ootorvolea. Al , oor Koons bear our; 'trade Malts on ".0 nth- r-; are geboi•le, 51,624. G ROVER BAKEVS HIGHEST PREURIII S-EWING MACHINES! 73u Chiaut Stre.:t , I:l:l!th2lphLi THE VERY HIGHEST PRIZE, THE CR ISS'OP THE LE ;10 -1 Og. HONOR %Va..; conferred on the representative of the GROWER' AND BARZB. SEWING- MACH.I.Z?:ES-, at the EXPOSITION lINIVFRSELLE, paris,lB67 ; thus:attesting THEIR GREAT SUPERIORITY _ Over all other sewing-machine;. An assortment o(these celebrated mashln es constantly on band and tor arid by W. A. CHAMBERLIN, - TOWANDA, PA.' Feb. 6,1865 6m • l EAL GSM 8AR ..110 Gam—About 430 acres of liana la One state or cultivation—so divide' by roads that four good farms can be made oat of It without waste—good add substantial houses and barns on two of the divisions.. Also 36 copra, yo)prof osen. span of horses tind wagon 'farming int. plementa too numerous to. mentioa, situate in Sheshequin townahlp, 10 miles from Towanda , and about 3 mile, from the river. Will be sold at low rates on easy terms. Will one, two, three or four gentlemen who want good farms. alkin running order, call up on J A G ES WOOD, it 'Towanda, or DOUGLAS DAVIDSON. upon hlit farm; for further info?. mation. JAMES WOOD , DOUGLASS Ds:CT:WIN, Towandi, July 18.1868. , - VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. Situated in Towanda Urines/tip. within hall a mile of the. village of Towanda.; Con, taleing about 200 acres, about 100 *Mel 11(-. proved. with plenty of waod..and feacirut ma - teri.ala, welt watered. comfortable entbr and well adapted for either grain or ihe. For particulars inquire of 3•11 C/1 Towanda, Pa:, or L. CHAAPSL, Wed Frank lin. Pa. fiat 2a. IFona.—tf. FAIR_ WARN - INGC - Tbe hol,scrlbers having sold - their nsinets at Pottervllle, are- desiroas of man Itheitac. counts, and request those indebted ealsim modiately and settle. AU accounts o Kimball & Ellsworth. and Kimball & Boa, nthettlad by the first of October next, will be platled in the bands 01 a Justice for collection, wits re gard to persons. . iri!inau. & ¶ OL Sept, 2, IAB.--sw. LIME AND CEMENT, CA INED PLASTER and Rhode hand Litia, iray p, for We by I . IW 11 EIIPTCY, the 14th day of Executors