Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 24, 1868, Image 2

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    News Irani tta Nations.
—Tbe British Association for
spreading the gospel among the Jews,apent
some $36,000 last year without madng ... a
single coniert.
—Frederick Hudson, for many
years managing editor of the NeWleek-Her
akt, is editing. hie- "Recollections of New
Sherry, of Chicago, lies
been-sent to States Prison for forging pat
sion papers.
—A Hebrew Grant and Colfax club
L in operation in Raw York.
—The Newark and Patterson Rail-
road lute been leased in perpetuity to the
New York and Erie Railroad.
—Rich gold discoyerios continue
to be =de in Arisons. There is great ex
citement in California in consequence.
—ln Nebraska, Kansas and Michi
gan, 40,000 acres of Government land have
been taken up during the month of Augast.
• —The tidal wave of the great
earthquake on the Pacific coed, was felt oin
the ahoree . of the Society Island&
—The now lightning train, coal':
mencing on Sunday, runs between New
'York and Washington in eight him!e and
fifteen minutes.
—The Republican negreen of At
lanta, recently had a torch light procession
numbering 300. The action of the 'rebels
in the Logialature has caked all names of
—Elder Jaeob Knapp, of Winne
bago County, ILL, who is now inCalifornia,
' has just purchased 36,000 acres of the Mojav
&mete, on the San Diego rives, twelve
miles from the city of Diego.
—Whalen has been found guilty
of the murder of Hon. Thos. Laxly McGee,
and sentenced to be executed on the 10th of
November, at Ottowa, Canada.
—Reverdy Johnson, American Min•
ister, had his lint interview with the Queen
at Windsor Castle, the day after her return
from France ;
—The bleachinichouse and gal oth
er buildings of the Washington Manufactur
ing Company, at Gloucester, N. L. were
destroyed by fire on Sunday afternoon.—
Loss $500,000.
—Jacob Young and his wife were
found on the river bank near Indianapolis.
Ind., on Sunday morning, dead, both Itav
ing been shot and Mr. Young robbed.
—A fire at City Point, Virginia, on
Sunday, destroyed the Railroad depot, four
warehouses, six wharves, and the James
River HoteL The loss is $30,000.
—ll„otch Butler Field, a notorious
character of Cleveland, Robert Kearney,
painter, and Lew Davis, blacksmith, who
were arrested for the Sldnner_murder, have
escaped, but are being pursued.
—A skiff capsized in the Mononga
hela River, near the landing at Pittsburg,
on Tuesday, and three boys who had been
sailing in it were drowned.
--As an elevator in the Hollister
Paper Company's mill at West Cmuring
ton, Man., was being hoisted on its And
trial„Tuesday morning, with three men and
o boy upon it, it fell from the thin door to
the - drainer pit, a distance of thirty feet, se
verely ibjnring all but the boy.
—Henry K. Newcomb, one of the
oldest citiaens of Woriester, Mesa., died on
—The recent he at Quincy, Fla.,
destroyed a third of the business portion of
the town. The loss was over $50,030.
—The woolen till of F. W. Bard
well, iit South 13elchertown, Mace., leas en
tirely destroyed by fire on Wednesday anon
noon. Loss about 510,000. .
—Mrs. Stout, wife of the proprietor
of the City Hotel,ol Des Idoinea,was burned
so badly a Tew days ago at Indianola,' that
she died. She-was mixing some medicine
Efor a sick child, over•a stove, when the oils
in the concoction exploded, the Auld was
scattered over her, and she was immediately
enveloped in flames, - She died after thin
' teen hours of great agony.
—The schooner Echo, loaded with
coal, went ashore in the harbor of Cleveland
before light on Wednesday morning, and
was broken ep by the wind, Which was
blowing a gale, and the waves. One J uana
was lost in attempting to reach the shore
—The' troopi reported on their
way through Lynchbnrg for Nashville are
not deatined for the lattaxplace, but ate on
.their way to the Plains for airvica against
Loatile Indiana.
—Gen. Logan is getting well, and
left Jolist - for hie home at Carbondale, M.,
an Wednesday.
—Hon. John F. Follett hiss re
signed the Speakership of the Ohio Hone of
Representatives, and his position as &mem
ber of the House, The reedgnation has been
accepted, and an election ordered in his die-
Arkt to fill the vacancy.
• —A man named Nelson has been
arrested on the charge of haring been con
cerned in the express robbery at Seymour,
—About 8 o'clock Thursday morn
ing flames were disooveredin the handsome
edifice oniWaslagton Heights, owned and
occupied by Mr. James Gordon Bennett,
proprietor of the New-York HcrokL The
flames originated from a defective fine, and
lieforo the firemen could extinguish the fire
adamage of $20,000 had been occasioned.
• —A young clergyman of Boston,
named John Owen, shot and dangerously
wounded Michael Sheen, on Wednesday
night, while the latter was in the act of ta
king some fruit from the garden of the for
mer. Owen was arrested and held to an
—Three enlisted men belonging to
the United States Arsenal at August% Me.,
have been arrested, charged with setting
Are to buildings in the Arsenal grounds.
—H. H. Beckley, of Fincaetle, Va.,
committed suicide on Wednesdae night by
taking morphine. He had recently lost
5,1,000 playing faro.
--Michael Hohanneses and P. H.
Varteog, of donstentinople, agents of the
Turkish Government, arrived in Biehmoud,
Va., on Wednesday, in search of lands for
the settlement of a colony of six hundred
families of Armenian Christians.
. —Owing to the continual decline
of cotton and cotton goods the mills of Pall
/liver, Mass., are sunning, at present, only
font days in each wsek.
, --Henry .. Sheldon, 'Rag., one of the
oldest andlost respected citizens of Hart,
ford, Conn., died quite suddenly of he art
disease on Thursday.
—The house,barn and outbuildings
belonging to P. I. Skinner, of South' Wood
villa, Mum; were totally destroyed by Are,
a for - days ago.
-The Synod "of the Diocese of
Montreal will be called together on the 9th
of November tufzt, for the Impose of elect.
ing s siumessor to the Isle pant Bishop and
—Silas Saddlek, the alleged mur
derer of a man by the name of Ward, In
Tecumseh, Ohio,. beau beau Wad and amnia
SAL The convicted man fa won known la
tab tig gtpovitt
Towanda, Thursday, Sept. 24, 14
istioaal nerabliess proaalaatione.
4> • :"
iterablicall Sieto Ticket.
pas,Arwros =maw
Mo:1oos ofilMatioiaty 00.
.teI.I“:=I:!NER lloollll4'
OoL Jacob L Ouipboll, of ihupbris 00.
Republican Cininty :Ticket.
Boa. Iflymesliforaar, of Bradford Conte.
rear N. (Mahout, et vtansig daub,.
James IL Webb, of aedtbiel4 Taints**
John r. Chstieberbila, of Illysluibg Twp.
rut :.11111001011,, MO;
Zebulon ,Prlablo, of etwoll Towaddp.
Warner FL Minorlissi of Try lorratt.
rot bourn' oconastuolues,
Ezra Imo,* of trey Borough.
FOR ciOI7NTIr Atmos, • .
Asa KoZeo, Jr.,. of Inds ha leiwaahip.
biliret W. atevens,, °fibrils* Township.
I •i• d 4 tfP)j'l '
Vermont and Maine' have epokem
If any doubt was entertained of New
England this united Voice has diasi
pated it. The land of the
whose detestation of prescriptive
rightapdelaae privileges drove them
across an ocean to a homeless conti
nent, gives forth no uncertain sound.
The austere determination of the eons
is but the reflex of the anitere.Filw,
hition of sires ; 1 and the liberty.whieh,
one founded the other will maintain.
How will. it be- with the Middle
States ? A look 'at the prospect will
serve as an indication of the result in
Pennsylvania, and the influence of
Pennsylvania, always potent, will, in
this case, prove conclusive. We are
careful to hold our enthusiasm in
check that it may not obscure and
judgment when we confide ntly
seri that all is well with us. Th?
local organizations are numerond,
well handled and compact. A tan
vase , to through an that now being,
made by these has never before been
attanpted in this State. • Money for
the legitimate expenses of this most
important crisis ip furnished with a
liberal hand in many . indeed in most
—localities. Documents are circulat
ed with a profusion and 'benefit
never before known with us: That
quiet determination tt win by all
honorable meani,which is so superior
to wild display and reckless extrava
gance,is seen everywhere. The East
is doing ,well ; the middle counties
are straining every nerve to do their
very best; the northren tier is all
awake ; and the west, the Gibralter
of our strength, is ablaze with enthu
siasm. The question of who will
carry Pennsylvania has given place
to the speculation as to what will be
Grant's majority .
If the electio‘ had been just after
the nomination of Seymour we Might
have lost the State. Two Weals after
that the open treason of the Southern
rebel' leaders of the Democratic party
had lost this State to Seymour and
Blair. Every day since then the
success of Grant and Colfax has been
rendered more and more. _certain,
because the people have determined
-to vote. This al*ays makes' our
majority in Pennsylvania secure.— ,
And to that security we notice,daily
accessions twin the ranks of the
enemy. The Democtatic committee,
intent upon repairing this )rose,cogag.-
ed - colonizing, where it tin he
done, and arranging gigantic hands
where they deem themselves secure.
Two causes join to make this villainy
fail. Their leaders do not know how
much cheating theYl want to carry
the State, and our side is quietly tuid
determinedly laying plane to thwart
them in fraud. The stampede, now
set in, to us, from them, will increase
from now until election day, and the
figures of last year will furnish Mr. '
Wallace no criterion for this year's
operations. He must increase the
Democratic vote forty thousand if he
carries the State, and this he cannot
do by either fair means or foul. When
frauds reach that pitch the• game
passes out of feeble and unsteady
hand, and his campaign ends like.
Johnson's Policyknit enough of it
to fasten criminality on the perpetra
tor, and not enough to make the vit•
lainy successful.
Friends everywhere I thee kiee are
bright, and the future is certain. Go
to work with the certainty that on
the second Tuesday bf October Penn ,
•sylvania will range herself alongside
of Vermont and Maine, and cheer the
heart of the nation by a majority of
25,000 for Grant and Oolfaz and
Peace. - •
mir Will Ptoxisr perform his oft
and emphatically repeated promise
to support Gas"- no matter which
party nominated him f We have no'
doubt he will reiterate the pledge, if
he could 'thereby. persuade one vet
dant RepubliCan to give him .a vote
for Congress.
sir We understand that hoinrt.
is trying to induce Republicans to
vote for him for Congress, by prom
jibing in return votes for Cii,nr. If
them is any RePnblican green. enough
to be then in hymn* problisiout,he
deserves a leather medal , for his ver ,
Coueueo.—The Demoosratie- 4 rcako
teerwaa &little toe quirthin:erowing,'
The latest 114elligoraoe *that tiOa.
publicans okra still ahead, with - ever,
prospect of oantSoe the TorritOrY tip
a mall akajorit,;--
The srst i.
A. BRIM of
The second
atti*4- 1 t
Bin*dpoi igth
stUllitite - aialence;"gohli at tit
tel l
the question of the finances mid
t h e ThlPCM3Sti*Pkb.lllol,helb bnrdeti
ed us with a great, debt ? the ccinii:tt7
hititt;• - ielltke 4 erill4101:1
crtniustea In ea matte: 4:4tasta .
so, thst , the intedenj vita rest minty,
npoirthe thhlitehlid:ofitheriiik
°lo. l i*eilnOilid 'ieklesiaridii.!
He ihow4 that stisi:444lWaiii?;
" bloated bondholdervO' fropetetly
repeated by the 4roppria,
outlenndation in fatilii!the is 6.0'
a large pretinket 4,lioctidd
,held in anntlketuili:
and-iremen i -and b." , the 4011114. mi
widows. and erpharie tiewhont they
have eoecebied eudderCin.oree='
tiei;:ttie depth 4 1 1 00 1 . * * 01
theAlearity with *O4 Ahoy eaegfir
bete to -Vie pa7melt at their pie,
Odes. Mr: Theme Idkepeeith.
ai - PPAP4 041400i 6 .0 3 4 01 4ii",
ed.... gig reiereacee—taLlieratie:Sei,
fettermottr'al Akbott friends !:
" tileinS - hirtiln 4 tieltA , of
trouble,," were piiiidiarly''efoh 4W•
rot* greagY 04974 b741144=
dienoe. " ‘.; -
He was folloired -14 llon.: - Gionnk
0)1 14 . - !!0 1 4: 0041141 . 4.
meetingeigodrfta:CA4 ev.eldig.l
The demonitrOon iirthe evening
wan 'One 'of the largeet• Owl inoet,
ePir#o we hare -0,0 •iriinot*
The i:ivening Uain
Drought the Grant 04A; of .Weaver-
ly,' about 160 strong, in tinifornt,with
their • banners, Aranipaiencies and
torches, acoolnpanied by the Vir&rer•
ly Band. Forming at the depot, they
marched through:town, presenting a
splendid appearinoe. The turt
House was literally _ *:rammed ith
people, and hundreds Were unahla to
gain admittance. - • Hon. S. D. CuL t vxi,
of New York, *poke for nearly itwo
bonne to" the great deliiht, Of the
crowd. railißiar wil.h„the coulee 1 ,
Gov. Buxom, hie scathiolr savte,r Q
his record during the war mustlprokl
duce s damaging effect onibe
of :the wilvdethegOttle 1 - his locai
notls the . Auestiln of
reconstruction was" complete• vindi
cation of thecourse of the Reptibli
can Congress, as 'compared
what his treacherouS aocideney , of
th e White lionea 44410 as my
polity rl and his grand, soulitirring
appeal to the patriotism • of the, peo
ple, to vise , now in the mejesiy of
American Cjtisepi; in 'defence of the;
principles for which we fought
against the rebel oblate and j their
northern allies; aroused his .audience
to the highest pit& of •
The intereet of the otos:Sion wee,
mtoh intreaeed by .thefpresence of
Brass Bands from Waverly, Mater,
Leßsystille and Orwell, - who contri
buted excellent intik.
THE Taoy Disarm
• The premised
, - , attendn,nee of Oen.
Biala. IL Breams,. at the meeting at
Troy, Made that the .great 'woes*,
end ' , the; 'expectation 'that s issowd
would - be Present, wag more than re'
slized. Despite ,unie,vorAle
er,irom 7099tOiti,000peoPie gorged
into-that towniin processions
long; in wagons,- on' liorseb,sek; anal'
on foot; witkinciaic and with haireeri.
Thedemonstritine eqUalled; if! it did,
not exceed; the great foreemout meet
ing of 1856. • • I
'The meeting wan orgenired call
ing Hon. IL Mums to : preside. He
muds a short speech on, taking the
chair ; :thanking the people 'for the
mildew* they bad' 'reposed in him
in-nininating him for the third time
for a resitip qougrem. He spoke of
just returning from Washing*,
where , each member of Voligreas:
brought up to the Oapitol the good
news that the politic:el skied . were
everywhere bright,ind the,Repliblican
fires never burned. - brighter. I
He then introduced to' the vast
crowd, Gen; Skates, who ashe came
forward was loudly, and repeatedly,
cheered. The General • proceeded:to.
address thupeipcds the ilium of
the day.- . He firetteviewed the 'posi
tion of the two patties, saying', this t
fight res but a,continnationt, of .tlie
';:wh:en the - ...wholileetien wee
in arms and struggling ;to oireserve
italvery existence. , He . then proceeded
to 'take up ' the: rev olutionary pier
gramme as enunciated by Blatt
proved from Seymo,t,ela rem:4l,o4le
dragfullygin favor Lot sich,e rneseure;
!showed the course ofSeymoutdriring
the war ; referred to hislacklef : lol3l''
P#4. for *V Iola!' eirc t iatiff th!itt
during the war be new enennragea
the Union cause •by word, money Or
deed. .' l llle General 'lllOretehtrie4 'to
to Mit
the 0.04?;
the time ilmbriatend , *
Arrar.. • -ffe !spoke • of of
Congressional - Art of iietifietinetion;
lane; otthe 4194115 41 k ita !o :l4
4.1140111e1.4 vf47104.711,/19:411
;the 'rebel inivea to,llistropthallnlon
.a re the vinyennieilei ate tnerehalllni
'about - ilim-quarteris of anienir u in
hia-happirea•ityle, and twaafitlneht,
Co-asOsk:ffsittdad -thesit'sb'Yl sassi
VindagAisi epee& at ecaWolenttGeo-,1
, l
-wore _theuile _ Bon s ll
1 , 1 )'.1 4 ; Of Nth: PLTEra
4419urAied-fr_opi 9,44. 1 9w4,44Prett0t
ifip4skinc4g_ , IA
_4:l ,Tsfs4s..y..* :1140
fee150p,,t44,„94,1)0j4; 11 , 4 00404
?gtfRA•P. I IOB I 4:I?79ITP O 4 O II4*
Cettf et*, i‘te i.. .., „ SYPAttelttte* .'llfet
IVTTPulieteltritf9r; him, and giving.
: hit!t2 Oil luittYii/edil!F!4r, o l ' T 943. •
/ 44 414.1,P3 .!.A4Rilig. 4 *
ii'i _i_ t ! ° P , * Reill•tin4tkvel tor' :iert?
.**!, trF,P t.44eYNAtieff t!**_t!Ate
ibe,„!ePreftet, ...,i '... A4P - efleOttufuta faith
IttSTPTCI.. t 4 W11 , !! , 40: ha. also
g i
lUkcAtAtPee,.. A.TiltheCVtere , „9f.*
Ong .c.t.k , *_. . .
.with 1 thA•l'Ohlwi of
,I*thettetati-Aed ,DiUl4o4itetutly ,
Attn. 'duties at which. be discharged
et4.i,effut9 l *-1' Httilrill rUu.eltTAu.
' l *P' ) fe:PefiliW!LPUFV , 1 . 0 4.'_ 4!
`the Eitate:: ; Reffate.,l,!el ihUP ';e 3 tPUeyt,-
.6 9% l i*tt-: 4 30 1 t.A ,Peeti!etettt „Alk4:
e!ghq° l lr#4 P l ?utse eit - _lO4 :meet
the, itP.PPiiltion of; i? lirgeoc,o,netk
' . ,14.!z. , rf4retull4--- 1 4PiPitu:liuilif!
bie,-"MiOull:49:lgue. o o , -49 , !lxuligee.
1 : 1 4 0 F,,e-VIOTia Wu ' julit!eucP '1044 47,
iirr. ; • l. 4e ) Pir r *;4l . 4.Pt tu 'JO: tlenott4l l
te-. l 4 l eJliPO4e3ll-PfA l e , .ltePuh4sUll
Oarty. l:),licon to the interest of.
1 4.untet4ieu., Ith,a1 1 1 1 : 11 / has# l 4 4 4o.
. 1 404) Utittet fuMPuhliefeffeekt.
1en.....,,-. • ,-- 1 •• . • , • ...,• •,.
is harttlY necessary' for us to.
1-ay , • that (the -'Bradford Conferees
adhered tu,,eir v0te5 4!. 1 4,44eu!? 1 ,,
and songht by ell fair tneami„to place
hinkin, nomination. The abnottunan
lamas Teice of Oradford, asking . his.
renomination, was based .upon „no
personal considerations;
. bit upon
reasons &Ceiling the welfare of the
*hole Coteuionwealth, and the, inter
este, of the Great Republican , party.
From all quarters of the
,State, and
from the beet and purist men in., the ,
party, there came ; the unqualified , ex-
Prcusionef I . 'desires that Mr.,l;annort
;should be lot .on a . theatre .where
hilt sphere of usefullness, was. widen-.
IA and whire hie. abilitiesand pow-.
ere were known, and,. felt. Bat our .
'e,fighhertfolleitteS up the Peet Mee
:di*: !!claimalen the.groend of,' County.
lines, 1 47 set Aside the,,atill_ of.the
people ; an d-disappointed the hopes
'sada:3;4ol%oone of our • wisest -men
*Pugh* the State. We do not
eisty, this
,tol Bad .fault with the nomi
nee, or to 4omplain of, the action. of
Suaquebouna or Wyoming.-,Whining
in not e*totly our forte. We make
these. comments: : to allow • why Mr.
, LANDON consented to be a candidate,
and ; what defeated him. • ' -
As far as he is concerned personal-.
I Y, he .hael reason to be proud of , the
Manner ini*llich the republican par-.
ty of Stadford hem endorsed .him,
'and vindkCated" his name and fame
from the simpersions of hie detractere.
The 'Conferees of the., ether Counties
while r aOknewledging' his, sbilities
end service, clalinett-that it was not
trita'&l4m to him that dictated their
' Sattoi,htif dukethe ikhioinition should
be - 'nind'el nowt' I Iltrfpt . arithmetical
prineiplek giving to each County the
Sinstei the `term of Ye - Ali - their vote
ic Old 'etiiitle 'the& to. "'in' tegiet
eiCeedir'igly that ilet' 'motives ihoidd
ttiVi'dieVed the StftWiiiid the Re=
Public* party of Mr.' tittees's ebtll
4iii stiatesperiehie and if hie poier
ftirl'appistaler'tlielight aid ponder
onkitttiSketipati the'iiriOlig; shall he'
oilseed tiiiiiii . lientheihe people of
iiiimithra'it - lesst win' have the nee. -
idlition'i lif' - keowing ' that the" lobs
Win tiofrimitained : through 'any in.
struineStslity . Otthelie: - '
simpromur ,coiniuusgen.
The °Md ce met; purism tto adjourn=
merit; 'at ToThannoek, on Tam*, Sept.
16th; at 81 pc m. All the Conferees *ere
present, as formerly. On motion,, proceed- ;
ed to thew ballot fora candidate for 81111.
ator, when .
Mess}, Elsbree, Smith, Alvord. Puller
and Goodrich -5, voted for Gm: Lamm.
messeri Fitch, Grossman, Eldred- and
Searle-IA, voted for Wm. H. Issas.. ~,
Merunni Loozois and Jenkins-4 voted
foi Prirriza IL Osrannotm.
Cu tilOith bad" Hessen Orman' nizzi
Searle; s on the 25th and - 26th ballots,
Mr ' voted for .ostertiont. On th&
27th- ' the. Conferees from each County
Toi l atir respective "sandhlatesorhen
taw co ' adiouMeiltutll Wedieldrty
riiisinanii, i at 8 o'cliciik. - ' '
1 Vi n ce met Iffidnesday Morning.—
fieveridiMllotings were had with imbehos.
1 lielly,thi same resultsis farmerlyi.vhen of
for Ple*- I ?aUes.. PO Conforms Sioux
el, *44 li• In•
'1 4d
! p. in, and 'poietaiid to' the ista
billi.t,./in ' ' .
• . Elshree, , Smith, 'Aherd, Adler
and ':voted foram. LIMON.
i _, nt
-_ .. • ..
_l* Craegal EllkAnaiales
mmitand ‘lsnkink-S. voted fFtEsnali.
Whirietpon, PETER M. OftrritHOUT,
of Wyobing 43.5int7.. he s tatietio , of
**sighs wt. Tie dodged dalyseed•
10104 me the Itecoutateen.Canalet•ke Bea
°l! 11 "9 1 4 . 11 ° Ostignk vi•
leeeamota .
ilihiftiattanbe then tosokii • Shit thi
nett *Wes ot.the Ocedieen et-thle NAL
etertea•Dtddetbeleld.rt itentivisevai
theft ,thee of ateetieg by the,
.:!enftit*Plesteot ,
• L .
pcslimme elextotio,Congress
ii..“Wanito4 *ad !OS E RAnnos
I , ll 4Cipitobar Fount 4:o".the
Muld i tnoCitic,roto ewayi z bi.ess i t
rig4l44otare; , ilot_ Ilia politico;
4 0 11,01‘, Pad vokocistioes Ira the,
201petili:141Je4ap. Souther"
8e,171. Yet be hopes bit
roes */:;el_praxml. demagogW,
k!fi . ‘ , 6 o4.lo**Pub•,
p ria4 poky Mew 3Mo-riling
47za: wino
Band, the
I ,"4 . l r aereo
Per. anatP4
to say
la the
in ee indefinite .
WM.' a firfat deal
Lsll, oppo• ,
• LONG was
gig , 0 40 11 077-0 1 90 , tgY-liork
iciegals;il is - to - be ' put ipon .. their
Oedge. --: The so called pemooisile;
}Cat!,c!* 444
8 " - m i rY i r ies
plopeviiscetn!dbittcrfta r •
hioludbeflMnunent' Lk - nub, - and
4theiL'Wic eol tles? i'''
i r ten,i
' 49;14 .44 . the foPr
Man oi the man of mndetiteAnoonie
It -Meion.theinoat 4,esehingiti 441641
load hsteut oStini4bin that' "fine'
eviiUna* age ind,lnmeivar
ebb!, lipeeekotaenarge Sherman, the
intnbei-ofartfoterintieoLikally: tined
ihi the interim.
01 00 1 i0:0.444 1 4 1 9_
tisq haa , nowabeea minced vons MOIL
'mob:v*62, - n &new , • The , Domociate;
therefore, would', tinier thii7 t` enofr
,rlooi'lat Vtiil+.oejel `e„efendefj iu oil'
der to heie.p l eietyapepiesi of,propert,
,tyii equally tpied. : Again, the:, pow
ant incoMelsi oPeratesonlyeii tbots l
rirtaitiveilniate inofinicatit it' thew,
'hie 'exempts**, *tree
. *Me." . !i,
14.37..1 .11006,,;.The s:Demoorain Are
Pledged Wallow= inch exemption‘'
The'ineohanii3 — Who hie" , -eartied two
~ao4i}ll farmer irif) 1 11 :..1144 1 1.JO.
iihethet Imo ideakent ingthiagt
stheidaplibereriiho tiered from band
icciiismitivanal•vaioiek ,id' '
thAir7au 7 01 ! 1 !k-ul. stacu_t.E!nuer,, 43,4
Lilnanoinl adtniniattation.,ofnanymnur
are bonndrto eximtar
'Proportionate Jtaistioti Jim.' "evil."'
spaniel of:Property." '. l l l l4ownnLd
4144 "410 poorEaokigo, with 11 `
vengeance. It would: tax ,the me
&snide tools, the farzoingi oxen, the
laborer's house and' every thing init.
When 'thee the:State and Sher' local
comes tp..bp added this
"equal tgation,ln every spreles of
property" bjr-the United States tlov
erieent, how reuCh per;
men gain by coming *der tile ton : ,
der• mercies RI those,whose unpatrictr,
is coarse necessitated thwbulk of the
'heavy burdens 'from 'which we .ire
now ' suffering! . 'issue;
bat its■ irelt,liotth,hbrrildnr4iit.
Per. the third, time Hon! limns
Mgt= it his beimi nominated• by the
Repnblicium fee this Distriet as Weir.
candidst,ti fot Ocingolls; l flaviSt beet,/ '
triumphantly elected, .his course has
been so satisfactory to his loyal con
stitnents that eseb CoUntrin their
conventions asked f' his reumnitiu
tion. OulTednestligy last,the CoUrs.,
rees met.tit Towandi sad. as sireidy ,
stated, plitoed him in renomination
the third I
the third time.
The tudiaer` of fit]
Congress, h is hsesk, fgarlesntiad
sistant. He has• been tructo princb
ple, true to Ada District, 'true ito the
Republic Though not neer 'icor•-,
denionstratiyeibe bsa Wiit been idle,
He is a working member, :Alwaya)
st the post of duty and ever faithfully I
meeting his resplinsibiiiiies-''se"si
Itepresentative,.he' . is rapidly,
lag influence
new.-members nev_er. _possess.. That -
he - will be re-elected 'by-an increased
ma i jority there 'I no
-- VATS. Joiggplipe72, iiSe"
Publicans of Pennsylvania -wish tot
maTntithilheir..mijority against . the
frands'which 'the Detuncratie'
POOtiOr Pommitfee. are
rangements for, ,they mast:-.get out i
every vote. We the Material , '
for a majority of twility thousand
in a fair coute4,:hutif that number'
of Republicans .atay away fromsthe
polls, a repetitien 'of the trends com
mitted by :the Democrati hint-year ;
Will , carry the Stnte against us. It
lie were su r e of . a fair vote we might,
indulge in the overweening cond.
deuce which seems to prevail , smong
ns'; but every man bf (Air party fa
required at' the . 'painto - C4::innteract
the double voting, coffee coloreil nat
'nralization papers, and:Ahem forms
of fraud to which bar opponents will,
resort in their desperate:determina
tion to carry the Stith. thorough,
organisation. should :be at,-.ence ef
fected in every -borough and town
ship in our counti. Clubs ihould be
folioed and *tinge held fCr the
thorough discension:44l.ventilation
of the new rebel' , ctincipiracyA co m :
mittees should be appointed' Whose
do it 4,
TOW4O - be - tis - bri) , l* Oat. e every ltet 1 0*. 'O 4l. oi AO,
eleetics4 ,one :wades Aforns -this
thorough organization: can .Ibkoom
;hied, to be followed by' =_ tWO
of earnest ° ll 4.,lllf.i!!"nt w o i !•
deserve suocesivuUly-szter neelpg
madelineh exertions: -; '
Pmuter has the' assuntioe to ap.
preach the 'staunchest Republicans
with:4 ll -Peddhlg.No4 l I. 9r**
ire seems to thisk thitkihei Sepal*
011111 are fools, oiierrforgetfol, that
the 7 do act recollect him hi the past,
or *St thei afr'is llll iSgAiLigliste his
present usocistion with', Southern
&vomit riramsli Da
amid 7- yoa akeentiiablethatkiltrek
this questices, tar 'the.liefstire ;
torment 7°Ti Nlve.A4o *
too t 4, 4kiiim
YOUi twaiongthotiowship...xil,
see that you are , proper; on.theelist,,
101401 i tiitOenitiNaoirecti - 41 . , is'
tine; hi 'Safe ihst yoti *
fit# B4 tandorMAO
asi 14:0:41041
via un
sort. vLitssicat
't •
the iRf
FityAin _
defer any etnergeficien" that - may
wiltheve tendency to keep
. . riboUtowl- - -leaderrottlite - 41outif
*IV . I:perpfpn LotlAnironi
ititicitilestWitit kmoll'ol2'll4' dons=
toirtKiree nimble; oriiiiiiic - *ii
iliit be&nittiogitiliiii.onti*'.''! ! :
! i..;.0,1.1 , ,.: 0. : -. 1 .
' - ,,V441404*0 1 :1440•3145ire f i
xpoi*We ~tbo,4l;artiltiptilill.';
. ! taw - vim do•notirithiritiOlthiathif
o . tvibtitco*VpoirollrittlilkitinAlin
000,4*b i tt4 P #1 1 4:,4: fit O:
041101k..#4.09410,tie ipyepAii..: At.
nie* , I i Thottirtitanstinoeit , lite ;mutt
nnliiiitoillt to itsinifetcthtpinnidett
1 'Lt- g e l *
I ; s 74°tt i ' l 4l kt,i# i • -'', *
1 FP!.1144 1 1. 1 . ' ti A. Tf#77LKl* -14: 4 X. q.. 1,044
1 on !tbinipinwio Therleek; that:: *fro
inVotobertwilt tetidisivitonnt ltiL)roir
1 Tentit4e" , littretrtsbpironict
I *l' iikine*.-X4P ul
.?ri,40 4- 4#3 7 *
; ! th e
i l-4 4 1 4,;49!YZ.; To ~; lkinNiOnpil
nvntlittligrethetto fire lig, a ettivis , Ili.,
cessinertiypol!'!vieti 4vottlf it' the:
O d o c iiref et i o ie - :.1
; • :.1 1.7'...)if a ?ilitiLt: "1:,if1ll:?, 4 , .. ;,,'Clf
r ,t1 , 11i; t: Mt I
iirtSdpe.nfq -, the. ouncalled:denno.
eratnaremiot -op.' fn. theirT history..
Thor don't gel hack lowan bar, yeirn
in. their Treading.% witikGi they
atithe; republicanadornoinina ,
ingiCirant,.! Mincated,.. sii they say;
Salt far the'lifemuldrdier of a soldier;
they forget that in 1864:the democrats
nomilmtedlarrithet same': slice Geh.
ifoOlelha, educated for nothing but
a soldier, and a failure, atithat.J - They
forget,too.thatieran* , *.at the imad.of
the. War DepartmeritohcWed in shit
ity -affairs which' , mob thto
warMest ,encomiumsAretn: the detsci
~ The 11L Y. Workl;the Boston.
Pint and,joarnals -..0f that class, cow
mended Wm: nal eshibitisg. a genius
for civil admlnatiation,only, second
his gobs ,as , a military commander.
.tuid more, we know that at one
time the democratic leaders hoped to
have Gen.,Grant the democratic
nominee: Sourgrapes, gentlemen. -
18. Ale* • days • niece s well in.
fortned i and therefore influential Dem
ocrat, while'= atoushig, himself 14. a
library, was thus addressed
theinexibers - et your party
would . pen:awl impartial history - as
much asi#otido_prontlsenoti litrattire;
from now till November;: migght
safely. bet . that , •thilatate of 'New
Yorr wouldlfire'Grant a-majority of
sevenc3r4bre thous:lrak: .• • •
.With. deliberationend nuiphasis he
ade this: netliorthirt44lsZ.-- . • -
",....4 , There - 48 a lirgei parentage of
oar party whickabould notbe blamed•
for sot reading; ae.they •cannot lead ;
and swhat. is more • we don't want
them • to r Thai's 'where tee'velot them."
NO .I,lbvtrOttittitO*
The enbectibens haTing.purehased of Mr.
Rams his interest in the Munnouso Mmiri;
trill envy on the bonbon aflie end
manntee : done Own to btkof
the verylmot ipialitar. ;
'Wheat M:ye- and llnOliirheat Mai, end
Feedhothihiptly algid di hand,' for the
loweintadh-ptietha , ./ftl '
,Aleo now on, hand , .siait glentit3:, of
lAA Ground Cnytr Phones 1,1140. •
TER . kThOgr..
MY O / 1612 46 Sept 24, 1 1868.'" - ' h''
„ oa' • ' '
' RA V NG *371f1/mOugri.
i ?be tiadanditned • twang :tattered. le tea ea
patthefeldil, padopthe nate of. MOTT 441 e,
LYN:,faelhe haalactloti of borthees at the old.
Balmy /Nand, Ant deer' iboth - ortbe R are
flats litteef i t would ‘Awpaotlekl , an*
flown to the. pablk that po pataa will be
sailed to hasp the bed "of ei `tri oaf
Ilse of bedlam and %dwelt low et an - 06
obtattaSebewherte s i e ew ItentAinstently
1)4 . 41 1 1 5 1 . a d i fi l4 C•V I L • --
/ I) , 4OI4EAPOTO I / 4 .043.88,
edialinbirCliik pliinVitur work being. wef
stmi sexily DOI. - :71 •
•• t. • • 41,J 1= ii I
'Oh iatiellt 6 1 4 31 - o f Uji
Sl r ir
11 e di
do all roar Owe , to therit, not
„accatianeack blitisivincieue of tberillA
ropa~s_heretidote, es loaded to the
103'atera 65natantlfen bald: We
JaPth ahettalpiigoad;amiellateetef Grocerkej
PeaN4Bo4•l7LOWan,Dlitat Aid GNAW 'f'ntits!
Orb flrßottF, top and JAR, -
• •••11: W. SCOTT: •
loanda, Bept.l6. NM •;A 8. ALLYN.
Aims teeny-see cads orstove wood, shines
bolta Of stave Unbar; per day. Is driven by
minor twohorses. are easily . moved from placer
torplice. and can' in an hoary time be set up
. ,ThiskAnschine falmamplets la its
;se acing Um amistance of no other..pow.
er. The horses +draw by a sweep. mating it
much mese asfe than a tread power. It saws
titles as fast, and" is sold foconetalf ;the peteb;
A number of these mills me =Win use in Pike
Renick Ind Orwell Townihipl, and are siting
universal satisfaction. Those wishing ma
chines will appirtaX W. BOUM, Leßsys•
vide, or B. W. 13BONBON ;Orwell.
dept.T3, 18611.-4 m" • - ,••
orricalt ittinunis ?Lass,
Beat Etataii c puFehaaed ' aid sold.laveatznen4
wade and lloney Loaned. • • •- • ' • •
; Job 111.1868.-11 m. . •
AN. ,
'The 6ilenlgoed hs*e Gab - *day formed s
4 at oil 9-
_l4pbir Movie sa the Mit - of YA-
W/ is PRIAM_ L b' the
_purpose: e
on the Shoes ,baidttesi. Rattiest milli=
repairing lobs 'to eskeisnd dt.wworlr marriakted.
Cash-psld•kabldesi; * I • !
son. am. u c•..... •
• I. ~ ; . •:,... , ~I. ..„., t . „I , i 11. : ..i:
• `"
Ebijoit oirseal a fart atitiiMiSetfarod4oraiii
~, •,... , .-14: •• , 1 - . - '5, of-,Q .i. , , -.17- , ••
ea ri
. -;••• yip .sta At e corrzt • ANli' lasi
or • i
.iika , li ; Ai i , joilii; .1.,. ~
.... Er.,; s o.t: ;-). -,,•,1 ,
442= gal 'Ail*** 4 1 2 4 40 4 41:i
for &sees Till sad vet were, .. ,
lk — idiii teeptibsisaatty 'es , ad Midi vl
v til.`f::S4. , - ;i7eiiiik a irifiß m i 10 41,W"
1"..', , 4:,!;:i , t:' , v...., '', F 7.•!1 • 7-)3:,!:::':ti. •,•!„. 4
12414 zsztli
ftliallitnegirA Ahlniall%Aiiiiii OMk
and Toaatowood , 4., t i ke4A9,- ,
sos_, which Inn bef sold
He alio has cosseet•d_ *the above sal
leatiag Hose; libritii. people - but to tow*
lerdissefi will iRd smarm meal_ Ta iroo si .
ghle•liklumen Intottille. i _ .
- Obeli odd her . now Abe Idiefteau.i
. ,
4 1 DiMiliirrEATORS: 1 NOTIOL—:
o ffs
', _ _
~...M,Notka tokolokilisisi Not DK i
N '
#odobsoa :to t o , (lid A g iJ. N 4 .
:41•8 1 4; leo tt`mpint, IN . tol l
oialwilesidloto vorisokoliad ,
41 0464 1 / PLOW I St
1 11. 4 1114 00t=ted kw '
-: 1 3 F7:4 t., , ,i4i,.. ~1 .LTD twymunneiatit I
at - kalleSeen il 1.: ,-::Adolliiiikeasoni :
Li) -
noir vllO 1011111R0 I c s,
Jly 29,18118;
its. 4imatistii
• . 0 .4' ;
1101311 . 148 ERG . • '4l 1. 4
. . .
iaohlfill _ammo* to the Milieu of
Towanda tad Tioadiy. that they basemen&
'the abate store, Muter the name of " The To.
wands TMgtfilMot," with a splewild assortment
,s , . a
Gents insulating Goode, ifilievaft,asi.;
which they Imam Arabi eittems cannot be
• tied la-styleAreimputan - and7that the
=r it e so low wt to astonish everybOdY
I Weld bops that by Arid atten
tion, end fair deaths; with the people of To -
Pat El V: 4 l4 ll s beg toZereth=lair
mmrdsimispitor Gallsoldeltoei?,
400.11111-,9.M. OW, PALL- ,
t ItenehaWo4QlFt eiulator,
Ka* etreste Towanda; MI:
- -TR Mt W III •4I4RA I RMA;_ •••
Keep them; antitsp”,ll2be4l7-Daytu
1. Thou shalt *tits' netitir te buy
olothiag except Itosentheg &Wm's, Ow Price
Viktor. Kofkarrissie,t
-2. Thou shalt not - choose asma4 l i t i nanet
ahiit silt 'Ratak'th t air •
Ale ill ade7nOVlteibroa 4 t: -
gem, prick aid NA*. iT3Pi
Jou tudo Wer Mid Witt ?berth generaUbm
ri - Thon shalt not seek * thin en, more for
;cheap tediventAtir thoptoniehgthad at RIO*
bag & WolWerent 221th.8torepiri.: 11 ;•
t". Thou, abaft bw. . **lid .t men only !
em six days of the ` t i tad' doer, twee:este
the BAUM by keep*, eiteloo iCuldis
Esru ouft orcpsl!pmet da7/
nberg & wow, and snet; !yap, %Lam to
team their laboes. ' .• ' i.
Thou- sbalt ;Wen alt, mat Illemeeberg,W
iffolff deal; and long may be thr s daya to eoliol
its benstita:''' 4 .•- 1 ;•-• •
6. non dealt notoomnA 911 luiPPKlrief7:7 ol
buying iit Demeee vat • eame di
rect to Rosenberg - & mar. Ones, FAN /tech
*tor. Rain street, a l e* - -• •
I. 7. Thou shalt tebt in' "Iffn 114 16440
Foreign make. for Rolembergx& >war Iteeps
jlf.,_ °rata
ear Rosenberg I well so &WWII would be .
9. Ilion"'that' netiotif Witneir;-bui )
bonestlyerledge :that yen (*stet better'
suited and for leas money, at
, Itosenbeeg
Wolf's than any other" atm: • ; • • . - •
I 10. Thou @halt notpoyst thy. neighbors goods
be his bargabis.lfor Itosenberg & Wolff can.
give them:to - yeti; likewise : there fore." take
c th ounsel e , and boy only.; of „&panbterg. & Wolff
Once Moe •
t Towel*, flipt:l;l29s. • • • '
t there is sow'noti band &Large' issofiniMit
' ' u of
81104311101 iiib . ritititriii - , - wAiiolf€l
. -.., -:- Atib e ` '' ': -':' ': •
iikTliiilß l 104. 1181. /AGIB "F49TIORY•
Wide% for style, good - insiorMlS need In gm*
istenetlon;qcuslity of work. and - flniski, as not
"liY ., rOtICY'”
Is 0 0 012Ploroltily thstrelaas workmen, sad nor
greet Care w PiAll balla Of atOdb and to, var.
rant my work to give utilise' ion. '
egi..kit kinds- of ',lrwin and Carriages
mole to ado,, willNputsabir are and dia
-11140%, - 4 +'
Mairing; o o: 6 ll l , nett e rm t i li tromptly done:
.. it_
- 'A. kiIiTOLL.
Athena ' , Pa., -Sept. 1 , bllfi---tmt_
F A:1-11, W .4.11 - 14 I.N G
The s Tr haring mold their business at
Ptott , drti "Ileliroud of settling their se.
mats. siag lei Request Woes indebted to call la-,
millet* ant settle. All accounts of Hi mba 11
dr Ellsliorth; Hitaball A itorionuiettled by
the lbst of:October nest, will be placed In , the
hands at a Justice . for collection, without re,
gird to persona.
,Tidy 14;1868.
, -
1 1Y514e4 flt,s)soo of 1881„... 33,09R
100 Share. Flub Ilatkial,Bank; 1 '
1111kr&Barte, 4013,300
1013hireilkOoqd National EtFik
livvtas-ilartei "- • DAM
103. Shins ,Wpotalag National-' -
.Bank i ,Wilkesairre, • 1. „0.400
13011touiii 1411ktta•Barni Ilse Co. 0,510
• PoPPIIII•-•z1 • 050
E„i; •"1' • almosti.lutsom•
"rialto and 439ju15,.....,......540,,000
1:not 25,00°
Judmentill' • 3500
aith Bonk.; ' 4386
Oish , Awl& :47,66-7 F ppi L
...... *.**."; ... . 17,450 " •
• . 94,315
Lois" ten - Yesro,... ,
' • • umett.rrico.
ilboalttlekilmei Dot aim ?, • ,
belcrieifird Hone, - 211 story..
• Tentscida,Etept. 1868. 1 44ai.; sz;
. _
Atkrl4o/T-E JI/Mitat
NOIII3 C 041,13.:,
'The' undersigned tutting leased the Mat Yard
.sadDoek at the old •‘. Barclay: Babb;'!. Wit tr,
comptetai a Isrge,Coal f ,ifosse and Office apok
',the pecals, are now. re tofoil* the
,AWrtu WirsiNs sad 'lady' , with the des
sad shies of the above named cod*
upon tio_ ;vat reasonable terms litany qoantb,
ty dedftd:', Prices until farther notice, as fol• '
a • cc so •
: • t. • .
G 0 "
• " "6" t 1 3 '
e .6"
't •h- a.. co 0 S h ia
MI6 Orderim
• i - ,in sit cues b• secompakkied
irithl . he cub..
lyIt: BASER, IfaskiilNtiviiila_,
• Ii prepared to Wild hi all 'badness la
Melba. Bs istrasts all walk &beta s work
itslelike istommar. All wient b• - atall. or ethos-
OW, !Wised to ale st Irossads. will:be
roars" attended to. , Jane% 1808.-3 ate•
s„ au IB.ISM.
i Mod Waft ttetsreasetto: I NNW" thati
,have tbis a V o noltred Di R. 0481111, el To
made; toonty r yk., so tor the
UMW Beitieri destiir Thr•Olrf r Wheel;
lac, Clintoo.
p Mf, Timm sad. la ,
th• Altatt'ot nail. • Platte* •Irsittizr
*Om *hedges' thes though Ida
be SR eta kb wing
_attogitkot to patting
Mel la 10 'M[ gembeff• : - natio by carlins iwoli
WS mai" tv , zwailda, , ' sat , b• idioms ilia
"hod sad ott application, to him tits bill (gm
tiplab West:ate& &lets 000 t wodang
em;d._ • ' ' ,
1, f :1 , .' i's..,- ! 2 h. iesornilltiKet ~ . t
~,• ; Gard at lot lenamhrsalaJor Bo- ,
hand TOMO Ws Waa l . 3
POTRAY.;m4Camit , ,. "obi i . the. •, , enolo-:
4:4i mot the gala} i 1 10 , holt t ,, , ,,i witi
sepal - 2,18.68,ene two year old - , he
tit f'le'd vete ea .rlei. The ,OWlltft . lba
Votaateofintble. Yams saaekbey. pay
Weak. bee away t 9s foe erUl be die,
ordtairlolmr.• -, . • -- - ,
O. • OW. , ....... :._ ... O,..IrAINEY:k •
s.t.tV i eS
•4tornrrs ne t
Paiiiiiptaiiiik Noz fiekrtgowteroiOnittitlll 6 Well
*shiiiduarcalie? )°,u.
no; W., *WM
/ 1 6111 : 11Ani. "i' '
•4, !BAKU 1100 T Ak "golf frfons,l
'L. 01 , NELSON,
461.11alelted and ready for isle a largo-as ,
_ e a61141.14 ,, • I
lAns is ler ths yeoman that tureeth the
4ilPhirii-11604141-.111111-4 4 5t ,- Wrin thol
!llPLltitPlictilloll4ll.o9l-4.131154111d lay;
414911tW u billdell 9 04 !I ,• Ply . the
And gook for tlid — ifles ;Ist derv' •„
And for the honsht Aistbento thstlrtninth the
I have Boob a little extei"made _
Por the bard laborlaitAle* Kat has no trade . -
I have Boots for all.
g plialtelve me a• cell.
i r fut a tit= 1 p jas tafEY
• - est' oar Toor r.
i havaJamus,mainuiaoli„toovilau suitr.
Celebrated in that Hue • • •
Call ntyfrlendb.;•elryntithatwill. l
Lesve your mese urea—try his alit!; _
. .
The Epbeepel Church that la about,twybe,
Ky &coin front exactly hal • -
It's known by many very,well ,
: lotrinied_fge'iAll.lll43l3M •
'Off* hifiaireate the eit ne oC To *sada,
and refers - to the following tli tlllcate r --
Pnraerenur‘iN: Y., Mill 1 4, 1866. '
i Mist Harm A : Siam has been a student In
the Allegany Aeaderuy oniusie. _ ,• •
Weare,yrelli rh acquitnted wlthtter abllltbeennir
chiLiadier: • irerout rordall7 recommend hey
as a akllltatplayer, . sod, as - wen; qua lined to
teach ,the:-Piano, Organ, -Ofoglng,,T borough
Base, tad Harmony' • • -
- ganiti'ciVii4. j.
air Res rl idence t it the • barging boas of H.
st;, Uganda, Ps.
DIggOisM,N.LLII4.; 1
beretoforebetireen B. J.
Rlckoki and C. L. Stria- anditrAllegrm Mao
Of iliwkoltis -Btralt;in Canton, as general mer- '
Chants. is this day dbuiolveil by mutual.con
rct. All noise and- weeoanti are left-with S.
Hickok, for settlement, who will . coiatin as
basineu. And' he also wishes 'to say,te
the former patrons t hat. he Is thankful for the
iberal patronage (AVM. past and respectfully
boll, a 4 . :nzOin . wiAte!?.4:4l.l2e same.,
• -8: J. , IIMICOK,
.0;' 4. 'STRAIT.
Canton: Aug. 25, 1868 .`
• .
ig 7.1
• "t
V EP .B', "a. - a
a. .e o : a. , -
;•- t • , • • •
iee 2hitfthrtnunti.
Ilut. Young Ladles - 4M reopen on - MONDAY
the .31,1% day of AUGUST. . -
The year ls aided Iftto.4 term of NI weeks
soh: r
English Benches 46 60 eoli 18 00
French n 14114113. each—.'
. ... 501 - 4_ 400
Pupils w il l be receliedat . ; any time, ; but no
deduction will be nude - after admission - for an
absence of lees then one baU a term
Ang.l3, 1868.
t 0
- W'
. 64 '
. .
, A . N)?±A ,,
•, - •
_ 7 1 01V . A.p.4; PENNIA.,
idAIRTAIntriEs Inrk , micEs
To Dealers in
We oder a
Limit' !frogs' Flow wuscri:. ?O str,scr.
The above are from the beat
Ws halm the Inroad and
.Narto4 Guage.
larmibi PIUS made and droned.-.,
T. WHOP, Superistendeat
W. Cr IIERCUR, Pro:sides:it.
Towszia..Julf 1,: 1868.
A. ON.--i—Wheress,• - '
my wife
LUCINDA has WI lay bed and board with;
Mitjust came or promo:01ot, all persons are
hareby foelkid barbostag or • truth* betoir my
.asootudoes I will pay so' debts af her matelot,.
Malta* this data.t , I .131110. BREPICHaIr.:
Barsky, May 2i,b1888. 0 -, •
.IQa. Ban Ihrtann—The, reason why, the
ALL -Brew - Pratt Jars 117 e the best of any. in
the mantis* ti lan The rubber- Pact NI got
;melte' the lent, 'nets on - a•smooth thotildsr
which is !Amu to the mould hate ad of beteg
ground down on the end; consequently there In
o bidet oat or glass in I - finding to let the
dr tato the hi. which the'eause of en much
MO/ ben ,ind You will see the rub
ber fit iwayirom th e fruit. Wherein the mond
ihoulden or-..ends mud' necessartly ben ne
edge of theiabber In contact with the nub.
mg.-. Toe - - mitt 1 test ; or, loosen tip fastenings:
WIWI the' laeor huh coob, and wee If your
corer le tight ; Xs°, you lumw at once that
yore fruit win biro. If the corer is bon low
digtheeli ft One biliorelt ' ith. They are
easy to open which ti the nen haportant put
after MiMir s'hp: thir/rift •
Melo 4.4 Willented ALL 111014 T.
ware erti antretail —•
:Towanda* J 111,43, 111118..—thr. , 11, I ' . -
.• .
113tAi.*01., occupli
latC glrfe, his :More 1114 Mock , of
tltDry... ex Goods,- Otiretlek
Tittles SO ; • oiyl/111 change for itell
velirrittleir bedik we levet doe:
ClUitted - hi`. - Litchfield; Radford
CointvPi.... Ale onitecoriilatheloten facosel
. kiii":3ltrers.4.43PWl,ldlers
- 111bWkntm.
020:1E:ktoR.; .ON RAND
Reiteefially -memo, to their immerota
friends that they ere now ready to open one of
the Weed; beet elected and lard, stock el
swat brought Ithaeirsads .111r.tiomon, trbri
bas until recently carried °ugh co taialneu for
a greet amber yews, and be • daring all
that time ; enjoyed the .pationage , of nearly
emery' atlma of the county, with credit to him
leit and eatlafaction to hie patron, heel], or.
dee to m erft a farther continuance of the good
will, so Id their entire old stock ata great earl
Alice. and are now opening an entire
Complete New Stock -
The bini sees will bereft be. col:elected} ott s
striedy.. zY •
midst on PRICE ONLY, on which principle
Mr/expect to be
_able to sell goods - at a vs
small prodt.mul distance all competition. We
invitetme and all to pay n o s
visit at the old -
stand of:Solomon is' Son one door north of
Tayloi& Co.
The highest market price paid for 'Wail,
Eiden, Pelts and Car Slobs.
: T9wanda, Aug. 3.1888.
The cuidersigned will dispose of 'er stock \-A
of =May' Goods to any Person desirous of m
engaging in nisi business. Affording an excel
lent opportunity to purchase a
favorable terms Application may-be made to
thowabseriber; at the , Monroe
tot • - . Miss E. SILL.
Aug, IT; 1 1 368 .6v1.-
Respectfully announce that they have coin '
=used the
In-the North" Store of Nercnt's Now Block .
And have now in store a full assortment at
Goods in their line, purchased in Nei' York,
which they have, a, selected with unusual care,.
and will sell at the lowest possible rata . Their
stock is complete in every particular, and le
panty and price cannot fail to ere satisfaction
They aek the patronage of the public,
the assimmict that lint rate goofti and fait
dealing may always be expected. I .
They have uoir In gore, and for itale by the
case or dog% jar, a large sto:k of
, -a.2
Which theyrecommend as the very beat °Sired
to the"pubge. They ask for this jr,r an itopet
lion and trial, is its merittfare a. , parent to ev
ery one.
iteL. North sure in Mereur'a New mock
Main aired, Towanda, Pa.
efs ,
sir CARR paid for 'PRODUCE, and _for
BUTTER, at.the highest market rates.
Jane 25,1888.
Blood & .Co Athens , Pa .,
Sttl; continue to manufaCture BLOOD'S CEL
AND HORSE POWERS to run the same, lad
are prepared to Mt orders promptly.
• ..11
As can be bought to the United States. Bar
ing been 15 years' engaged in mannfactiming
Threabing Machines. we have spared neither
time nor ezpense fe'perfecting our machines,
and claim to have .
One that will seperate 'the Grain: from the
Straw more perfectly , and. with less poser.
than any other Bison factared. They are very
simple is construCtion, being comprised in one
so that it does not require a mechanic
to set,them up or run them they are,oll man
ufactured under our personal supervision, and,
0;`': ,
Cl 2
To showtetter workmanship or -material Ev
ery maeblne to set,up and
Before leaving lbit Works, and are
!Thay have been in practical us a for reieral
Sleant, and can be _attached to Tread Powell,
Sweep_Powers ;Steam or Water Power, sod for
DIIRAEWI, Perfection of Working, and
Economy, their equal has not been invented.
Are as low as those of any other manufacturer,
and parties desiring to purchase. will find it to
their interest to examine oar etock Wore par
alleling elsewhere.
On hand, and Mill Work, Engines, Boilen avd
machinery of all kinds got up tqorder prompt
ly and on favorable tame. -
Athens, July 23, 1868.
_ •
Having increased the accommodstione for pc.
pits, desires to inform her patrons tbat'itbe 4
able to offer the advantages of ber Institution
to a larger number of Youngl.adies.
French Is the language of the school.
Madame M. refers, by permission to J. U.
Howe Greenwood,Wm. Al. Mallory Esq..
and Al. O. Goodrich ,Tovattta, Ps.
June If , 1868. -
This is the most effective and cheapest force
pump manufactured. It took the first premium
at the Chewing County Fair ''of 1867. and only
needs "a trial to satisfy everyone of its merits.
They are in general use in Western 'Bradford,
and of some hundreds put In ;tot one has failed
to give satisfaction. ,
g This pump may be seen in operation at
1 the Reporter printing office, and at several other
places In Towanda .
Address' GEO. DIINHAM, Jr:, South Creek.
Pa., who is Agent for Bradford and Cheating
:counties. • ' • July 21, 1868.3ai•
Plastering_Bnir at wholesale and retail.
also Soap and Wagon Grease by the pound and
barrel. Cub paid for Bark and Bides.
••" -
Granville Centre, Pa.. July 16, 1868.6 m.
• 1868 1
oftrig, to builders most comete meek m
. Builders . Hardware, Saab, Glue pl, Nails. 01It
'Pents,Aramisbes, Trimmings, Wu.
`Door Trinun(ip. Sc.
Uutters, put" on br experienced workmen and
at the lowest rat. Inkering and jobbing ,
-sap boilers, Sep Iles, lc., Howe's &wig
Machbes, nate; tter. Universal Cloths
Wringers', beet ftiv». Wheel . Hales and Corn
bitted Planter Sower. ;worthy the attention)!
the letiligent lamer. Hubbard'. Mowing SI
china, durable and desirable, 4or foot est.
Tables, chairs, bedsteads, spew bed bottoms'
and other • • •
Winners will Seed „Ibis season the best qualill
I Tin Pans, Milk. and Strain Pails, and ererl
deception of Tin' Ware. - Flour and SIM
Clover aid Timothy Seed; Spinning Wheel'.
Flax'. Wheels, 'Reels, Wheel Heads. Flyers.
Wield-Rollers and Plaster Bolters furnished to
order at lowest possible prices.
• 'ALl3o—.oorn libellers, Morticing Machines ,
Vatting Bow.
. Orwell, Feb. 20, 1868. '
SION 67011 E !
On application. All kind! of