MEM - /ken!tura] and MAWboil Unite 1119tetober. With September, in, our atitwis, l we have harvest, seedtiale, and Pre" paration for whiter. Winter gram, wheat, rye, and winter barley, are to be put in during - this month, when it It the purpose •to cultivate winter grain of any kind. But our winters are becoming so severe that.this kind of grain is beooming more and mote unoertain. Land, in some sections of the countri , ,seems to :grow more wet as the soil is cultivated ; and, as the 'forests are removed,sweeping- winds, accompanied by intense cold, are more =ruinous to the growing plants than they used to be, when the grain fields wereprotected by large bodies of standing timber. When fields can be protected by a forest,winter grain may be raised with little difficulty.— But, in most bealities, it will be found more satisfactory to prepare the land in autumn for a crop, and not put in the seed till spring, than to sow in autumn. As spring wheat,. for example, can be raised wherever winter wheat will groat. and in many places where a crop of winter grain cannot be raised,it will be found more satisfactory, in many instances, to rely , on spring grain. Spring rye and spring barley are not inferior, in any _ respect, to winter varieties ;- and by proper - selection - and cultivation of spring wheat, for a few successive seasons, farmers may raise spring wheat in every respect equal to our choicest varieties of winter grain. In most localities, potatoes should be dug this month. .When the crop is dug, seed potatoes ,should always be selected. Seed potatoes always have a peculiar appearance, which the experienced eye alone can - detect at a glance, but which it is difficult ;to describe. As the tubers roll- out -of the earth, there Will - usually be one or two potatoes of a bright, fair and glistening appearance in a hill or an occasional hill Those are seed tubers. In many instances, - bushels of potatoes may be dug without see• ing a single tuber that is fit for seed, although the crop may be fair. Na ture always makes provision for the next crop by concentrating the pro ductive energies of the plant on a portion of the seeds. We perceive the manifestation of this principle in the vegetable kingdom, especially when seed has not been allowed to degenerath by negligence on the part of the husbandmali in failing to select his seed with proper care. When potatoes have fingers, toes, nipples, or clusters of small ones attached to large tubers, very few seed potatoes will be seen in the whole crop, as such potatotes are au evidence that inferior seed was planted. September is one of the most satis factory periods of the growing season to exterminate noxious weeds from cultivable fields. Stubble ground should be harrowed thoroughly, or scarified with a wheel cultivator, every two weeks, for the purpose pf destroying the young -plants of mus tard, red root, or pigeon weed, and young dock. The heed of all such -weeds will usually ripen before the crop of grain is harvested. Conse quently, much of it will be left on the ground,when the grain is gathered. But, by covering each seed slightly with mellow soil, nearly every one will germinate in a few days. Then, another harrowing will destroy the yofing plants in the seed leaf. Most farms are badly-infested with noxious weeds, and there is no more feasible and effectal way to exterminate these pests than to allow no plant to go to seed, and to clear the soil of the seed that is already scattered, by the pro cess alluded to. Indian corn will be sufficiently ripe to cut up : during the present month. .It will pay well to make large stooks, and bind_the tops with two bands; and then bend abent six or eight inches of the top over sideways, and put another band around above the • others so as to turn off the.rain from the middle of the stooks. .With effi cient power corn-huskers,the disagree abrL,' drudgery of husking- a large crop_ will be almost entirely avoided. Besides this, the stalks, after having been run through a bower husker, will dry out in a few days, as all the joints are hacked and crushed by the machine, thus affording a ready • escape for the large quantity of water that is contained in the heavy butts. Strawberry plants may be putout at any time during this mouth. When the plants have occupied the ground for three years, and new` plants have appeared between the ro we, the old plants may be ploWed up with hand= hoed or a horse •hoe; and new rows may be left between the rows of old plants. Then, after the plant 4 are all dressed out,the hills may be mulch ed with stable manure, or a small handful of commercial manure may be scattered around each 'hill and worked into the soil with hand-hoes. Wood ashes, and coal ashes also, are excellent for strawberry vines. Raspberry and 'blackberry bushes should be checked in growth this month so that the wood may mature perfectly before winter. It the canes have already ceased to grow, it will bo all the better for the bushes. ,But if the extremities continue to grow,. they must be clipped off, or the wood will be so green and soft that the bushes will riot endure the winter, even if they are covered with earth. Lambs that have not already been separated from the dams, should be rbmoved at once, that the ewes may recruit before winter, and that the young-animals, in the best of pasture, may be fully prepared for winter quarters, before grass fails. Mileh cows that are to be fattened pefore Chriattnas, should be diiided off at oricg r as all the profits gained in milk, will be lost in flesh and.tal low. Examine furs, winter clothing,:and everything in the wardrobe for moth, as they often make fearful ravages among wearing apparel, during the month of September. On some bright and warm day, let everything be ex posed to• the sun for two or three hours. This will quicken everything into active life. Then beat every ' inch of furs, woolen sheets, and woolen clothes, with smooth whips, which will destroy every living thing among the clothes. After this, per fume such articles with camphor, roll them up neatly in newspapers, and pick them in close wardrobes, or in trunks. THE weakest living creatnre, by concentrating his powers on a single object can accomplish something; the strongest, bydispersing his over many, may fail to ac con?plish anything. The drop, by continual falling, bores its passage through the hard est rock. HE that strikes with his tongue must guard with his band& A 'room ° lady talking about the over-varying fetnale fashions, said: "Of coarse, it's•only-wosaan of means who can !calm ateinv". itrglglignan. who happen. od to ~bo -pwaetsteOsorred: "Or rather, Miss, women of, 'extiemes.' " M=Sing2=23 ERIE RAILWAY. On and after Monday May 11th -1848, TrTrains will kers. Waverly. at about the ibliew. hours, vls Goma totter. 4:34 a.m.: Nightft,rslll, Mondays' eicep ted, for Rochester, Bono, Sahunanca_and Dnakirk, making direct connections with trains , of the Atlantic and Great Western, Lake Shore and Grand Trunk Beihreys, for all Pants also at Elmira: for Canandaigua. *4:57 •a. :Xt.; Night Express, Daffy, for Rochester Beale, Salamanca Dunkirk and the West, connecting as above._ • 8:25 a. Mail Train, Sundays eimted, for Bunko and Dunkirk, connecting at Mint for Canandaigua. • • • • 348 p. m., Elmira Accommodation, Sundays excepted. 5:17 , .1. 4 Day Express, Sundays excepted, for the West. Connects at Elmira for Canandaigua at Salamanca with the 'Atlantio and Great Western Bellamy; and at Bu ff alo with the lake Shore and Grand Trunk Beltways, for all point! West and South. 10:33 p. m., ftpreas Mail, Sunday's ex cepted, for Buffalo, Warns= and DenMrk, con necting with trains for the West. 9 10s m. Way_ Freight. Sundays excepteff:' 3:10 p. m., Emigrant Train, Daily, for the West. *Stops at Waverly on Mondaye only. coma JUT. • 5:34 a. m. Cincinnati Express, Mondays ex cepted, connecting at Owego for Ilthaca ; at Binghamton for Syracuse ; at Great Bend for Scranton and Philadelphia : at Lackawaxen for Hawley. and at Graycourt for Newburg and Warwick. 8: 5 53 a. m., Binghamton Accommodation, Sun da y excepted. • 1:20 p. m., Accommodation train, daily. 11:13 a. m., Day Express Sundays excepted, connecting at Binghamton for Syracuse' at Gt. Bend for : .ftaanton; at Lackawaxen for Hawley; and at Jersey City wi;h midnight express train of New Jersey . liailromi for Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. 1:27 p. m., New York and Baltimore Mail, Sundays excepted. 9:17 p. m., Lightning Express. Sundays ex wilted, connecting at Jer ray Ra ilroa dw morning express train of New Jerseyfor Balt more and Washington, and at New York with morning - express trains for Boston and the East. " 2:08 a. m., Night Express, Daily, con necting at Graycoart for Warwick; and at New York with afternoon trains and steamers for Boston and New England cities. 4.25 p. m. Way Freight, Sundays excepted. U. A revised and complete " Pocket Time Tibia "'of Passenger Trains on the Erie "Rail tray and connecting Lines, has recentl been published, and can be procured . on appl i cation to the Ticket Agent of the Company. WM. R. BABB, * RIDDLE. Genl Pass Ag't, New-York. Gen% Sup't. READING RAIL ROAD-SUM HER ARRANGEMENT. MAY 20th, 1865. Guar Tanis Lnre.lition ma Norm awn Noirrn-wirsrfor Philldelphia,New-York,Reading Pottaville4annlqua, Ashland, Lebanon, Allen town, Easton, &c. Trains leave Harrisburg for New-York, as;fol hare: At 2.50, 5.25 and 8.10, a. m., and 1240,m. 2.05 and 9.35 p. m., connecting with similar Trans on toe Pennsylvania-Rail Road, and ar riving at New-York at 5.00 and 10.00 and 11.50 a.m., and 3.60 7.40 and 10.30 p. m.• Sleeping Cars aocompanying the 2.50 a. m., and 9.35 p. in., Trains, without change. Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Minersville, Ashland, Pine Grove, Allentown and Philadelphia, at 8.10 a. M., and 2.05 and 4.10 p. m.,stopping at Lebanon and principal Way StationS; the 4.10 p. m. Train making close connection for Philadelphia and Columbia For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road,leave Harrisburg at 13.65 p. m. Return ing : :Leave New-York at 9.00 a. m.,11.2 noon, and 5.00 and 8,00 p. m. Sleeping Cars accom panying the 9.00 a. m. and 5.00 and 8.00 p. m trains without change. Way Passenger Train leaves Philiatiphia at 7.30 a. m., returning from Reading at 6.30 p. m., stopping at all stations'. Pottsville at 8.45 a. in. and 2.45 p. m.; Ashland at 6.00 and 12.19 noon, 2.00 p. m.; Tamaqua at 8.30 a. in., and 1.00 and 8.45 p. Leave Pottsville for Harrisburg, via Schuyl kill and Susquehanna Rail Road. at 7.10 a. in.. and 12.00 noon. Reading accommodation'Train : Leaves Read ing at 7.30 a. tn., returning from Philadelphia at 5.15 p. m. Pottstown Accommodation Train, leaves Pottstown at 6.45 a. in., returning leaves Phil adelphia at 4.30 p. m. Columbia Rail Road Trains leave Reading at 7.00 a. in. and 6.15 p. in. for Ephrata, Lan, Lancaster, Columbia, &c. Perkiomen Rail Road Trains leave Perkiomen Junction at 9.00 a. in. and's4 sp. m. Return ing : Leave Skippack at 6.45 a in. and 1.15 p ug . in ~ connecting with similar train; on Read- On Sundays : Leave New York at 8.00 p. Philadelphia 8.00 a. in.; and 3.15 p. the,B,oo a. in., train running only to P.sAing. Pottsville 8 00 a. in. Harriabarg 5.25 a. in. and 4.10 and 9 35 pr. m.,and Reading at 1.10, 245 and 7.15 a. in.. for Harrisburg, 'and 7.06 a. m., and 11.40 p. m., for New York, and 4.25 p. m., for Phila. delphia. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Excursion Tickets to and from all points, at re duced rates. Baggage checked 'through.; . 1100 pounds al lowed each Passenger GA. NICOLL% General Superintendent. Beading, Pa., May 20.1867. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL ROAD.—Bummer time Table. Thro' and direct route between Philadelphia, Balti more, Harrisburg. Williamsport, and the Great Oil Regions of Pennsylvania. Elegant Sleep ing Carp on all night trains. On and after MONDAY, MAY 11th, 1868, the trains on the Philadelphia /r. Erie Bail Road will run as follows-1: Mail Train leaves Philadelphia.. ..11.15 P. M. Williamsport 8.20 A.M. " arrives at-Erie 840 P.M. Erie Express leaves Philadelphia.. .12:06 — noon. 14 " Williamsport.. 8:50 P. M. arrives at Erie 10305 A , . hi, Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia... 8:00 M. " - " Williamsport... 6:28 p. m. arrive at Lock Haven.. 7:45 p. m. NaIITWAHD, Mail Train, leaves Erie 11:00 a, m: " " Williamsport. —.10:15 p. m. `• arrives at Philadelphia.. 7:10 a. m. Erie Express leaves Erie 7:40 p. m " Williamspartj; 8;55 a, m " arrives at Philadelphia 5:00 ri hi ail and Express connect with o Creek and Allegheny River Rail Road. Baggage Checked Through. ALFRED L. TYLER, Ren'lBnp t. TN the District Court of the United 1. States for the Western District of Penn'a. Andrew B. Eckert, a Bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March 2d, 1867, having opplied for a Discharge from all his debts, and other claims provable under said act, By order of the Court, Notice Is he-eby given, to all Creditors who have proved their debta,And other persons interested to appear on the 29th day of Sept. 1868, ,at 10 o:clock, a. m., before E. Overton, Jr., Register, at his 'Alice at Towanda,to show Cause, if an 7 they have,why a Discharge...should not be granted to the said Bankrupt. And far ther, Notice is hereby given,that ho second and, third meetings of creditors of the said Bankrup required by the 27th and 28th section- of said Act, l will be had before the said Registif,at the same time and place. S.C. McCANDLESS; Sept. 8, '6B Clerk of said Court. I N THE DISTRICT COURT 0 1 the United States. for the Western District o; Pennsylvania. Nelson C. Martin a „Bank rupt under the Act of Congress of March 2d -1867, having applied for a Discharge treat all his debts, and other claims provable under said Act, by order of the Court, notice is hereby given, tc all creditors who have proved their debts, and Other persons interested, to appear on the 29th day of Serragnsa, 1868,1tt 10 o'- clock, a. in., before said Court, at the office of EDWARD OVERTON, Esq., at, Towanda, Pa., to show cease, if-any they ;have, why a Dis charge should not be granted to the said Bank rupt. And farther , notice Is hereby given, that the second and Third Meetings of Credi tors of the said Bankrupt, required by the 27th and 28th Sections of said Act, will be had be fore said Register, at the same time and place. S. C. McCANDJ-W. Clerk 11. B. Dist. Court for said District. Sept. 9,1868. GROVER & BAKEH'S HIGHEST PREMIUM SEWING MACHINES! 130 await Street, Philadelphia. THE VERY HIGHEST PRIZE, THE CROSS OF THE LEGION OF ffortoll Wee conferred on the repreeeritative of the GROVER AND PARER SEWING 'MAO HIN ES, at the EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE, • Parie,lB67 ; thus attesting THEIR- GREAT SUPERIORITY Over all other iewing.ruchiner. An assortment of these celebrated mac hints constantly o?Vbilll.itaildiAlialafttlN, TOWANDA, PA. Feb. 6,1868.-6 m. .AN EIGHT HORSE POWER GROITEN TIMBERING MACEIRM— nearly new—for sale very cheap, or It not sold• soon, for rent daring the season.. Enquire of J. G. PATTON at Cross it Co.'s Book Mot!, Towanda, Pa 6. 8 Ew a Two Horse Power. July 23, 18. , FINE SYRUPS AND MOLASSES f 4 McCABE A MIX'S. nailreabs. filiscellamous. 3191/ T A NT)! IrA . RD7 1 -r, 8 d ESTATE s Aersauri,,%. Wsale the to fa 0144 nowiasyroPati /. • mesoneble Was 13 .414 13/ I t l R 3 / 1 • " • treat landelbate 10 oiciMeitei °anti, New Jam. Ikattalutft _4411 Awee t If ages from slap km,,o k cem awil Pre Key Banway. -.. • _ _ ;The 4 Btu .Asther" ptolift fa' libabw: townshiii. Camden county, N. 'Y. Containing MO awn. ;To be sold hg r • Potter:Conaky beads..llsavily'. .41stberel l with Pins. liemlobit, Ash. Cherry. sad bard =l=2ll Trooth No. OP°outgoing 1)90'- j sores No. OM, 990 saes—between the BM and eut forks of the SineutetuOnd in, .Wharton and. flylvante to meldps: - • • , , Tracts . N0.'4787, 990 acres: No. 4788,400 scree; No. 4898. 400 sorer; Wharton town ship. Ike of Appot. head-witen of Nettki Creek. Tracts NO. 5917, 1100. acres • No. 5720,1080 acres ; No. 5833, 1100 scree; No. 5924, 1082 acres 75 perches: No. 5912,1 1100 acres. No. 5930. 1100 sores ; No. 5925,1 1100 serail NO: 5929, 1100; In Whartoe and Etswardnon town, ships on head rdera Kettle ' Creek, near gain branch. Triers No` 4717,196 acres I 4729, 990 wee ; APP9t end inew,424740n townships, near Little &we Creek.' '- ; • ; Trade No: 4926;831's wet t 4924, _6OO sires, Wharton township , main bran9hi 13innamahon • r Two hundred lad aeventy-five - !Nati prime, Stet class coal land. Blakely ;township, La same county,Pa., halt way !betimes Scranton and Carbondale. Very ;scar the Hallway: One thousand acres first class Anthracite oitai land about 11 miles north4het Of WUkfmk Barre, in the WM. of improyemeati. About 1000 acres of bin - a In !Medford town ship, Burlington county, Howl Jersey.' abinti four miles north from lichen ;unction of the Camden and Atlantic arid Delaware and Rari tan Bay Hallways. Voidable • seat. Two or three houses, stablill. bunt. • Ho., second. =of timber , ne v er i aillnif Water. • Tower. or 16 feet overshot. Prioi $2O per acre. One-third may remain. 1 ! • ••, . . Delaware Farms and ;Pompleant' lands Deseriptiona and directions 'Wen on applica A valuable Country Seat near: Philadelphia. Splendid grounds and' trees. 60 Imes of land. 1 WESTERN PROPERTY ! Par wile ! fEC: change. 120 acres of good land one third tim bered. San Mere, Stark cottnty. lowa. . I Forty acres of good Ind witn trait treeS, ap • ples, peaches, pears. 10. 25 acres Unproved, one half mile from San Mire on Railway.— Zrlce $BOO. SO acres one mile from San Piers, one-tbly3 timbered. No improvements. •On railway . Price $BOO. A steam mill property im Burlington town ship, Bradford county. A very desirable lum bering operation. Eight parcels of land, co Mining from 50 to 100 acres, each partially tiro red, and huprov ed suitable for farming or g aaing. - House and Barn in good order and 136 acres of improved and timbered land, orchard; good water. &c. Union township, nog& county, on Northern Central 'i.allway. , For sale oolong time and easy terms. 26 Town Lots fn Monroe: Borough, Bradford county, Pa. _ _ 3,000 Acres Wild Timbered Laud. Solllyan county, Pa. 123 Acres good Farming Band, Burlington township, Bradford county 1 . Other timbered and isolproYed properties. Descriptions given on apps Ation. Tenements and Improved lbws Estate, To wanda Borough, and other Properties./ MONTANYE I t WARD, ; Execute Conveyances. tnr 4lah Briefs of Title, buy and sell Real Estate,l collect rentals and liens xurvey and examine ail kinds of property. They are prepared to negiditite sales of farms, homesteads, and properties*eoially desirable to capitalists; to prOaurs ladvances of money _upon bond and mortgage, sad to prosecute lu lu quirks for those , desiring make investments or secure a home. They w effect INSURt:NCE I In the best known FIRE AND LIFE COMPA NIES. 'They have exchislire , A 4eneyl of Brad Lard and neighboring eouOts eom panics in these several departments of Loser anco, El Those who desire to fel or sell farms ; All who CA to effect (=mance against Fire; All who seek Investments for the future benefit o ' their tapes, in 'Ware end first-class Life Compan . I Capitalists desiring to I bal , or sell valuable speculative properties ; All wishing sweep an. examinations All wishing advance} upon valuable rea property ; All who wish to ob n lease or rental o Parma or Tenements, • Are respectfully solicltcil to entrust such bus nese to our Agency. Further particulars fu+blied at our office. Office, corner orliaid ' and Pine atreeta PROPERTIEI3 ADTERTISED FREE OF CHOGE Hon. 11. Nam, Hon. William Eh.._ 0. L. Ward, Esq., Towanda. N. 0. Menu, 4 & 1 , G. F. Mason Co., Beaters , Towanda. J. D. Nontanye, Towanda. Lathrop, Lnddbann ph a t :M., New York. - Dielmon Brothers, lipAe rkes lion.,John N. -Barre. Charles ParrstMs-Birra, Bon. P.B. Meter, _. Note" Pa. Towanda. April 11. ISIT., 1 F ASHIONS FOR i SPRING AND - smazaloi, um. !laving just ham New York with a fall and auttfally steak pi, WILLIS= GOODS, we hope to be,. able td _please ell who favor as with their pre Mae and Bee I We will do over your we in the latest styles and we defy compel this breach of oar . work. Collare,beaatiltd!Thread Lae—no , cheat. Also Madame Foy's Coteet Skirt=o . de Call sad mml= before Jon p Rooms oa the east side of Nola st.. between the stores of Fox, -Melon, Mercer & Ckci sad Nike Carter. f- N. J.-PIEBOB; . . • Also PA'rrEBNB OF 13i LATS9T swag for Ladies'. and ' Dresses. Ladies wishing to hive • good{ wart and the best of skies, with gimbal sad - ebigant" flttingi find it to their advantsge to favor u with a trial. W Rooms ormPllm Pleste's. .• R. L. ClifirifL . -'ToWandai-April 1140 S; BUY YOUR MI ME WWI .. 1.110M4 • ."I'PROMON - ~ AND AA , ',-- ~,..- i-11 '- - -.4 o :init 0. 14 11 14/ Ml,- - . '•• , '1..f.;,..„ ._ ..--.. -.,...---,.. Cl a ti v itt . *HOgr iverethatr - isdk • of She_ tivi agl aw aala Wks oflbs So: .bSsysas. sad. well 5e ..„...• : Ado* 11. ---.,!'• -- •• , .•, - ; 01100 . ' . !AND. TROVISIOND, , . witch' he IS: _ialllag to soli Shi auk* peassalit - 11. _ids lir also I•pened a iple4pa , _ T . -a . • F t #l2) SiORE, • : . *bisliklisM*LthodlisaiWOMeSialmil Dards, sod so k* at di ariaL Ha .blip. m2slW44 / I . si f i g elma d ~....!- TEAS,e FTEMksvo*lts, Btism% FLOUR. .P94K, - m, whicht!libitpvichnp-forcao• , Goons p.p r ivpuir, or TEE ; BORO: . - FiefEi OF CHARGE. ,• , , , , ~ The chin ~,a s of Tomas and Tidally, will plasmfor. eft smiths's' patioasso me rorlihrri li st tWo th yews, sad we nu O tio promise with , ,sadstanot,_ to Improve ev ery °pat - enlarge • Mas a's, so as to wansat o to. ill. Call sad use us • 1 .d, INT.. ' stOliN inannag. Towsads — J . 37 i . , . NEW . GROCERY. 4ND PROVI SION STORE 1 . I !. • T 1411,48 J. J0N,48, ' , haim=laniciairtlinfler7stig i tr i ner i fy i Store Vll:=„fiz.wir he now tare to , GROOM:OSi AND PROVISIONS, • Of 'Robed coin ,and to be, sold it Cie VERY LOWBEIT- The stoat contain s . TEAS; °OFFERS; SUGARS, 11y0411, kn. , ALSO . POUR F EED, MEAL, &c. ch k igtasidt e io q . 4 4 115 -a r aforal Country 1 !Towanda, Oot 17, 1467 . in hat_ and'Prartsion as can be .• air Oath N ' N E W W. A.I ROCKWELL'S. CANNED FRUITS, ' PINE APPLES, PEACHES, PLUMS ALL KINDS, I AND CIf.NNED OYSTERS. toRIED AP LES, PEACHES PRUNES, CHERRIES, 1 10., I I TEAS, SUGARS, SYRUPS, • MOLASSESi COFFEE, SPICES, I ! . Of all kande, In tact everything In the LINE! sept constantly on hand FLOUR,FEED,BRAND, POTATOES, -Bursa, VARIETY OP PARJEEIdt PRODUCE. DRY GOODS OF ALL.VARIETIEB, LOWEST POINT IN THE MARKET CHEAP I AS THE CHEAPEST 1 G.:D. MONTANYE HENRY WARD. i _i_. turg, Pa . RE m 2 f 3 STORE NEW GOODS! ROORRIES 14111 D, 1008, AND . EVXBY I ♦ fresh lot of Parchased at tho - Akd be sold as • TO THE '"FAIOLERS. 1 . 0413/1 PAID FOB ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. . W. A. ROCKWELL. May 'l3, 1867 .4:IERSIGNED, HAVING T" Pnrrreed the entire interest of L H. PATCH, In in the 1117 i l ef C. B. PATCH 1 CO., is now prepared to I offer to the deism °I -Bradford bounty and vkidty, s large and well selected stock of I . t GIR. R I F t B, ••,.. Which I ha l I e put-based for Cub and feel eon& dent that e.‘o sell at as low figures u can be prebend chicwhece. I now offer to the public a splendid epic' k of ' 7 TEAS,j COFFEES, , SUGARS, STABCO, -SALEItATIIEV; SPICES, ate; Hare on band.* large stock of AKRON' ;FLOUR, GRAHAM DO RYA DO. BIICIE - WHEAT DO. I keep cone l tantly on band, PORK, RAMS, • LAD end kinds of PißK: \ lifo.;tlll roll the at tention of "thi pnbllo - to onr Can't Be - Best . FiTTIC. OF TOBACCO, In quality . kp . Hee. Jesse Oskley'e Celebrated Loundep.e* York Chemical and Brows Beep. Meese ild_examine oii:litock of ea; - vivo:Awl_ WAR& _ 1 , Large ewe* 0! mum= NOTIONS, TO= 111'13, itt.:!te. ! will pay the *h est cash . for - - I:',BODUCE: Farman 14 us it 421kbefore selling alsotwbere. , 1 0: S t PATCH. .t n .. . 1 1 . &deb ted ° w thoyJate firm lill' Pkillairsall a mike 111:11111 dlsta 13. "\ B. Yuke. PATCH Tairsadi. *mon '13,1017. N EVI TAIL. b B,• E3HOP. - l a S foe nfiIIIEgACEEEt, Hav openavil a shop in, the room back of the' Rooms of 4,14 e Yoang gm's Christian Anode Lion, datory, over Eddy's Clothing Store where he ilos prepared to d i all kinds of ' TaIIaCIRING, In i tbe most fashignable manner. An 4ltd ' el experieu of rasa_y yean6 • &termination to keep up wth the Fashions of the Times, ands' Sud&to.plusehla outmost'. he believes will imehle hint to give eathibetios. ligr4otar as short notice and reason i Towneuis, Oct. Ft, 11167, MUNN INI/W IRTP C k 4 V A R ,113 CMCIDS W fet Would moan* tbe :dtlaem of Town and the-palijavauslly, Ara Ike hae ditlifoglaWt I I: f! ,r- . • 9 FRESH WO O-D. _ . la ble Ilae. ealteble to the villa of the people. which lie will sell for Chum** , et former `.- G o,'l;'D P 1 :8A.i.3 iftll'.4. ''. Oondattog a. =nal of good well and reliable made I aiLOTHING! Mog3oadi44ll kW/ °inflow BVISINESE3 SUITS, • r • 0 COATS VESTS AND PAITTri, All Wool. ' DRESS COATS, PANTS & VESTS, unen coaiii, Doges Over Mb and Oyer Indrte. Unen and Papa Collsa, Linen, Cadman and' Flannel Olds. Neck Ties q (nom Casey Leather Einigf lat Good thi r ods as cheaper at a tar aloe Can poor, goods at any Wes. Call and mambagoods baton buy ing. Next door so Powel l Co. W. NOM . Toinadi, May fB, 188 t: • - • • TILE TEMPLE OF FASHION) NSW STORE AND NEW GOODS! An entire' new stock et Clothing bought at chespiss before the war to be sold with SMALI I FROl 4 lll3'l ! The undersigned would respectfully announce to the citizens of Towanda and vicirdts that he is now read,* to dad them 01 othing, such as FINE B4AVER_OVpICOATS, CHINPIIILLAS, PILOTS, Aho the FINEff Mass Atm BUSINZEIB- Bui. Hen AND OAPS. Famishing Goods, ic., and that those goods bought et very low figures will be sold with very small profits I intend to establish a per- manent trade in this place, and in order to gain the confidence of purchasers, will deal on a -bails of HONESTY AND INTEGRITY I and all goods will be warranted' for what.they are repress nted to be. Come and examine and convince yourself. Don't forget the place, Temple of Fashion, opposite thejleans House, south end of field!omen's Block. U. JACOBS. Towanda, 0ct.17, 18671 BEDELL & VANiVEiagOR, FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILORS AND DEAL BB IN READY MADE OLOTHING! tiAIS AND CAPS, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS 68 Broad Street, WAVERLY, TIOGA COUNTY, NI . I' We have a Fashionable Cotter from New York City, and take tall the risk in giving you a good fit. READY MADE CLOTHING We make at our own eatahilabment. We give particular attention to Youth's Boys, and CHILDRENS' CLOTHING Sad always have a goodllassortmenti CLOTHS AND, CASSDUERES ' From 85 cents to per yard, (all wool.) Best Stock of Hats and Caps Kept within 20 miles.. Come and ;look and prove for yourself. ft. Will be at the Ward House the first and third Monday of every mouth with samples of Goods, and prepared to take measures. BEDELL & VAN VELSOB. 08 Broad-st., Waverl7, N. Y. Agents for Grover & Baker's Sewing Machines. April 2,1888: SPRING AND'SIIMMER GOODS I PROCLAMATION' BY 00ILEN & ROSENIFIELD, tOWANDA, PA. Wasasss, it seems to have pleased the in habitants of Towanda, and vicinity, to recog nize our fair way of dating.; Aso Wimasss, We owe our 'sincere thanks to the community for extending tova so liberal a patrionage until now ; AND Wnzasss ' WS deem It our duty to re ciprocitis all the favors bestowed.upfin ut._thus far; We do hereby publicly PROCLAIM, that otr great stock of • New Spring and • Summer Goods, Comprising everything In the LINE OF CLOTHING Bach as Doeskin & Cassimere Pants And a 1 the best "styles Coati, Vesta, &c GENTS .FURNISHING GOODS And the LATEST STYLES HATS & CAPS Will b? disposed of at such ItEDII9E'D PRICES! I That will . astonish "the community. As our Goods are man tared in New York express -17 for this mar ,we can afford to sell as cheap as the next. W are bound to 'satisfy all who give us a ca ll . WC& ROSENFIELD. Next door F ox, Stevens, Namur a Co. Tweeds, A 16, 1868. .. We would the attention of the public to the fact that we ve opened a Branch Store in WYALUSING, the More formerly occupied by S.-F:Taylor, where we are prepared to sell at the same Lo Bates. Give us a call before Purchasing elsewhere. Wyaladag. Aprlll6, 18 COKES 68. a ROSENFIRLD. N BW LOOATION NEW ATT RAC TI ONS I J. M. COLLINS, lisaremovedlir the store forme occupied by Marshall Brothers k Co., next beim the Post Office, and has repleinished his assortment with a large and new dock of BEADY MADE CLOTHING, CLOTHS, TRIMMINGS, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, • - &0., &O. • These pop; bin been recently purchased duce the decline pricer!, and VW be sold et EXTREMELY LOW RATES \ Give me a call", before purchasing elsewhere, as I will sell better goods,v st lower micas than elsewhere. I have Mane arrangements with a n mal acca Tailor - - MiSUFAVTITEE GARMENTS, _ And having large stock of .Cloths and,lbbn minp; I zan furnish Anstomers with way style of Garment they may desire, made' in s Gishkmable =Ws. and warranted to At. Don't forgot emplace - ,• next door bei r r s tfor Poet-ORkm and News Room. lisdnit:, Towanda; April 80,1888. • - . °.~.; rj; , o lrat; 414 • 014 G (m i st Mut BOBS, coma : , 1n ri4B . -***** WAaS bawdy t. is Stookis I W sad - , stada asM abash° issistrissdasolag sow ssal 'ls Stasi NE lasstuukkal: • papossi t , oustollr selsetstaidiad to Os ~maw was*. of the libil _ ft ka.lll4l4abil IlrAil doodad,/ imp paid Witch*: iies,_ nog rasosadds id ! p wards or oa basil, 00/116441t0C Datro,•mionas, mmuoas, BENEINIr AND TURPENTINE, BABE, PANT, imam, wiumwAsw, And kWh of &Wu% lIIIROSEIiEr OR COAL. OIL, , 'iloit4 64 ikizio s 414 . 11 - - Luns,, onto, WICKI3.. CHINIIII44 SPereljerd.*hale• ltriti Art, TANNER'S AitD, ILTHINII OILB Paw Obi Tad Moles 4 all ungviziekb. „Ir i BBONGES, BBBINDES,Ir. SOAPS, 0011 BS; ______Pozwalis Oar: tPeOtiginit r. ',.. __ l • POOK.wr BOOBS ,-- ORT-MONAth, ..'' . 40iskon7ng,ituk - Toots, , SicifiLeND aim PREPARgioiis . - PURE DIES AND Limas, -''''' ' sta Kea* nee, Toiticoo" Sorer, Neu asp Mans, Garden, Field;and Flour lieediee, Sop— porton, Sosperuunte Shoulder Brew, , Smut PunktekTeetlibg Ml_lursla, Bottler, Hipp _we, NIMe Memo . • St leads, Spinal, Bea Pam ea , Sealing Fruit lars, Thenumetersi`` ' Pluoring•Rutraote, Stone i hp, Glum • Ware, Bottlee,l7lals_, Flab Die Brick, and Store Blacking', Se Tuthill, Amami. • tlon,Ao., Botanic. Xclectle and,Homcepee• '- Is medicine"; and su ths r v psfrup a t e sit' . „ .. • MED• I V I-• 14 - E ff. ~,, ..• •• All articles warranted as represented, Per sons ak a distal= an metre, their, cetera by stage or mail; which will receive Newt, and careful attention.' ' • '-RR. PORTERS ZTEPARA27ONaI FOR PAYILYIJKO, ' Known as Safe and Reliable Remedies, sze war ranted for what they are intended to aka sans faction, ds : • , Dr. Porter's Pectoral 111E . 1 2 1 . 7 4 = 4 colds, 1 00 'Dr. Porter's Eclectit il Allas aws phlnts sad shld cathartic.... 25 Dr. Potter's Senior Syrup, i for scrofula 1 00 akiadivaua,Dr. Porter'sllterhze Toniodorfonsis wed . Dr. Porters T e ll s o t tliiirfor strsagthessing 1 °° Lis systat, _ 1 00 Dr. Porter's tanly ifei a - mi. /dr liver an kidney nib 1 00 Dr. Porter's Com p Syr.Zi4phospldtes, 1 00 Dr Porter's i llisoklV . Balsam for 462" 13 Dr. Porter's Family EmOrocatloujoi swans 35 , Miriam, te D. Porter's Pectoral Wafers. ,for Aoarse nus, sore throat. te 26 Dr. Potter's Worm Waken, for expelling • Dr.. Porter's Worm Syrup. fur esterains. , Ling mama .!b Dr. Porter". I c te e nt * lrlief.for crying bakes 26 Dr. Porter's utz alic 14; 'jar estarrk 26 Dr. porter's Tocithache Drops, for feetk. ace 25 Dr. Pollee...Tooth Powder. for pmerefag teeth... 16 Dr. Porter's Triclgene, for dressing and 60 the hair 60 Dr. Porter's =Le ) ior beautifying the Dr. Porter's Ogriferousinampr,for clean. 6° the 60 Dr. Porter's tilt t lew for beautify. Iscti;e 3 cetimie%on ... 60 Dr. Porters rue o.ntment. for externs piles 00 Dr. Porter's Frenchompound. for scald 1 Dr. Porter's Vei l = d Pip, for habitua IX' constipation 00 Dr. Porter'. Hea li ng Salve. for cutammuuls &a . lb Dr. Porter's Lip Salve, for chapped Ups.... 26 Dr. Porter's Eye Salve, for palsied eyes.. 25 Dr. Porter's Eye Water, for l inflamed arm,. 35 Dr. Porter's Corn and Wart Remover, for • coral and bunions Dr. Porter's i ona!pation Phi, for ;oaths- Dr. Porter's iron PILL, for poor b100d..... 25 . Dr. Porter's Citrat=aesia, for a pleas- • ant 50 Dr. Porters'Liquid Bennet, for making no. - I tritious diet for invalids 25 Dr. Porte S's Extract Vanilla, for flavoring ,{ iCel crew, io 40 Dr. Porters Extract Lemon, for flavoring lee cream—large bo ttles . 40 Dr. Porter's Oriental Cement, for teonding bro &whe Dr. Porter's Liquid ken Glue it , for repairing wood work. .. 25 , Dr. Porter's Cleansing Fluid,for easy wash ing ISO Dr. Porter's Bed Bug Poison, for killing ' 'bugs 60 Dr. Porter's Fly Poison Paper, for killing flies • 05 Dr. Porter's Beatnths/di and Mice Poison, for ex tng 25 Dr. Porter's 'Benzine, fo rats r removing Spots from clothes 25 Dr. Porter's Black Ink, in pint bottles 23 in bulk by the gallon 00 Dr. Porter's Horse and Cattle Po wder, for diseases of animals - SO Dr: Porter's Horse and Cattle Lotion, for sprains, tite galls, U... 50 Dr. Porter's Bone and Spain Cure, for horses 60 • Medics ladvice given gratnito 7 a • charging only ter medicin e. Mr Thanguktor past rupecttMly announce tOl4Mer a in public, that no pains shall be up "d to satisfy, and merit the continuation of their confidence and patronage. SOMETHING NEW! Having purchased Hui stock of Tobacco belong ing to Hands% Compton & Co., skid having built a Shanty on the same ground, we are prej pared to offer to the public Gold Leaf, Sonny Side, Pine Apple, Michigan Pig, Rose Lest and Star, which we oiler. for sale In quantities to wit customers. Packages in Dumb, halts and quarters. ' The celebrated Lone Jack, Pride of the Uni ted States, Virginiitle,Gold Leaf, Navy and all 'duds Of KMlcknlck. American Eagle, Gem Grant, Lebiminet, (pa pal*, Tycoon and the very choloma brands of Tams. We will keep constantly on hand a variety of Pipes, Cigar Cam, Tobacco Bow and Pooch es and everytbing usnally kept in a Tobacco Store, la:Words Ecipplied with Ofgars and Poll To. beam an Ipiell tam. promptly Albion +kart notioe4 A. atonal. 6 - ',M=RES, CHEAP PASSAGE FROM OR TO IRELAND OR ENGLAND Ivaiir„a Lams przinsumor Mims& anion'• obi "Black Marlin" at Limped Packets, sailtag.eresy week. Bwallow-toll Line of (Packets fro= or in inns don, galling twice a month. . 4 : , . Bemittonces to Fagbuld, Ireland and Bootiond payable on demand,. . . • For further•particulars, spiky to:: Wii49# & Odin, 29 Broadway , Now-lOrtror . I 'G. P.' it4SON #2. 001okt:rm.* ' 0ct,,1; 1968. • •- . Torrands.los, MOEN!, OR ANY OTHER 411 . 1 1101 Z heottilfne, - erieniest shoet Weaning - at the . 1 ( 1 -- :•;1111WII nine, onaina!maL: =BEE H. C. PORTEM, M. D. Deo. 11,1868.—y,r. Itisttllantouo. AGAIN IN 'MOTION I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, A variety of CHEWING TOBACCO, Such as FANCY' tamoirmo. BRANDS 07 CIGARS. Oct. 2741867. maim= nom u so :`-'. - : , it;:'::,':.i, ; -:11:VA*;!:-'.4-'.,.:: W. ilttro wrow, - W. IL Laing (laocobeloaral 4,1 aro onamift,ars boalaw,!:. Aboa- , Mai ralollll Welk _OM MAI' blatiouto Warm bra Oa rribblo berriars sad irauboabew moo* • bay asks or - a Ilawal abaro !frown yarrow largairodrof MIRDRaaa MWICUE a i,' Kis*Slew reistr,lisati in an war IrWM OP TUB POLIO wns •AAWBOLIII uzasietste io sus nali• - PURI WIN'S_AND tIQIIOIIB, 108 I~ID3Q~L 1710. ONLY• a rm. marnition OF 001101011SUMI sotianc town° AND 11ONCNPATNW KEDlmam. air. TEE romart,PATsNT umcaras. tea!/, on. oozing PAINT ANP VARNISH, BRUSHES, • ' guo:, *ANC? AND TOUnr AUM;S9P.MM' ` MI:00361.10 ASD 1/LIIID UTSMIIIII 'ALKALOID' AND IiESINOIDE: All the Bast !nulls,. • ID/Ck•C 1N4,!!.. EIiVIITOBTERO, inn& PomPO,:NIPP/S 888/40.. AND SHIELDS, ME . Nursing Ikettles;Bringen and Cleans; • WM /111001Mti1! Of 114111016, POUT" =nu, IMMIKIAL INSTRUMENTS OP LATE STYLE AND Tan QUAInt . R Urge eupp.y Brutes for the Hat and ask Also for the Teeth'sad Nails, Tooth Pow dere and Pestee, - , Oils, Perri:leery, Beetle. , Combs, Raft Dr =or- Hercieene I , Loom Ethades.Clidmeer; Wicks ito4 st st all yies. ef the omit mins, 'rola.= AND SNOW. Phydclans supplied at remenable mks. Medicines and Prescriptions carebslly and ace enrately compounded and 'prepared b 7 compete Suneen it all hours of the day and night. fty hours from 9to 10 o'clock . In the fere teen, to lln the afternoon. W. IL B. GORE.. Towanda, Sept. 29, 1866. - ibarbwart.l . , ir., . .., . i . b 2 el! P 4 i t 1:1 a to C vs '4 5 R rs z r 5 x tv PZ CA I ti L ; ° t no PP to " c 0 it'd • 8 . .5.4 MARSHALL BROTHERS 4; CO., Wlah to call the attention, of the public to their new Stock of /I.IIIIDWAIIE_ FAUJIMG 111PLIEENTS, BLACK SIfITBB' TOOLS, and CARPENTERS' TOOLS. Also, a large samatment of Window Glass, Saab, Paints, Oils, ratty, Varnishes and Paint sad Varnish nroahea of all kinds, which will be mold for the lowest Cash price. Also, a dine assortment of KEROSENE LANE'S of every ityle and pattern to wit the public. Imps repaired and changed from OR and Fluid to Kamen& Particular attention paid to ‘ the manufacturing of IR kinds of TIN WARE. JOISING rsoItrILY•TTINDOD TO We have on hand a fine article of GLASS PRIIIT JABS, with improved self eealing corbw, and HERMETICAL SEALING CA NB, 'which is one of the heat cane used. June 20, 1865. Miltdlanous. THE GOOD TIME HAS COME The surplus of labor combined with other causes has told with fearful effect upon ' FURNITUREI And it is decidedly lower, which can easily 1* sees by mini:lag prices at FROST'S FURNITURE EMPORIUM Where may be found the largest and best stock ofTurniture ever offered in this market, and which I Ma now offering at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES office I am now selling, Oak and ,Cbestnnt Extension Tbbles at $450 per foot, and other goods in the same imo&ortion, many of them as cheap as be icl7.-, n ea r. also f 'inciered f acilities 14 and can DE LEES AT WHOLESALE. \would Thankful fertile& past liberal patronage and determined to merit's continuation of the nine by offering inducements not to be found else. Winere,l invite the public) So call and examine my goods and prices before pure basing elae where. No charge for showing goods, and I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! I abto keen on hand a large stock of Beady Made Coffins from the most common to the finest Rosewo-d. Also Victoria Lawn, Merino and Satin Robes, caps, Ao., and will furnish everying in the , line of Undertaking on the most reasonable terms. A 000 D HEARSE Always in readiness whe i de s d. Jr 0. FROST Towanda, 'April 16, 1868. ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS The subscribers- are now receiving from New York a fine amortlomt of GOODS IN THEIR, LINE Conditiog In part of BROWN ar, BLEACHED MUSLIMS, LADIES AND CHILDREN% DIDM3 GOODS, Fancy Skirts, Shimls, Hoop 131drto. HOBIERY,' MEI! NOTICiNS, Allot "bleb oak be bought as cheap u the same quality of jgoods can be boughi In To ws:ids. ?tisk I p,T.10193:4:441103i1: 4 0e0A:1ii Io bolsi :gnaw with the latest styles of BONNETS AND HATS, And a general assortment of Goods. withnompetent Milliners to snit the taste of all -who ,may littor them with their patronage. Special attention paid to BLEACHING AND STRAW WORK have s expericand"Ladi cOpingly for this depatmanteatisfactkn guarraateed; Kan ,btreet. directly oppialte Coact B. A. PETTUS 00. Towanda. April 1e,18654m NOM E `. l 4E f k I Ci g " W RY • r • SILO . 1 ! v. 41 It i'll —it r ,• * A -- . as oi 5i0ni14,,,- 1 ' '8111141441114-.n FORD 00" PA.;" TOWANDA, A : = Amit:l, • - L Dow swww=w 6, _ itrixil . , oototn64lA sAvy ImatiNES, - ''.S.InSOI4 with the Ntestl7AlA of /is lied for Flo u ring at'. " lgKing7Etgi . E — GI NES, ' . . ' MADE ASRPA, S- TEA-, / TRA ltG A G %%IGS COOKS, , - yt_oAx; ' l 0, rozokbed"..._notice . BOLT t I T rishi in diameter. from; to li bleivel • - 1)°1!e FORGING Ot Wavy' wrought work Mr Bridges, - entail other purposes, dose to .order. Amo, - a large assortment of COOKING . 4 AgAiriso • STOVES,, . , Cosi and Wood Burners'. Faraltare for Cooking Blares, . Blow PVC - . Itn•Ware, Boat Pumps, Plows, Cultivators and bullpens, kept constant- DRAWINGS & SPEOIFIOATIONS Of all kinds of machinery for mills sad o • .4 PM.* PrePtild . • WARREN 'MIL Among, who in tied tag." "Peden" la' this ksneh et the buidnem. T 0.1114404: i 9 ; /868. 11131• CLONAL . IZE=I TOWAITIYA The aaderiqapted rev:Wally aanouare,to the, public that they have parohaied. the - , • O A.R RIA GE . 8 H .AND PItINTS, &c., &0., 3c. 114.*14e0doi'*i',,Pt;::: EMBE FACT_ORY. OF , .- Cr. H. HH - . K. Er; Aid are now prepared to build"worli THE LATEST STYLE And mod workmanlike manner: They wilt constantly keep on band an assortment of splen did TOP AND: t)PEN - FAMILY . CARRIAGES, DEMOCRAT AND :LUMBER WAGON§ ( ONE ANL! TWO BELTED ALBANY SLZI-G-ItS :" ALL WORK WMUMNTED. REPAMING promptly attended to at''rea. souable prices. BRYANT & STULEN • Towanda, May 9,1867.-Iy. NEW PLANING MILL •-• The undersigned having bait - a• large and com modious Kill in the Borough of Towanda „and filled it with the most modern and Unproved machinery, for the manufadure of WINDOW. 12.113 R ;. k BLINDS, are prepared to fill orders, whether large or small, upon the shortest notice. We have also a large variety' of MOULDINGS,. of the latest style and pattern, which we can furnish much cheaper than they can be 'worked by hand. PLANING, TONGIIETNG, GROVEING, AND SCROLL SAWING, and al Lther work pertaining to Joinery, will be done to suit our customers. Persons building, and not living more tluin twelve to fourteen miles distant, will find it target* for their interest to _buy of us, or bring their lumber - and worked by our machinery. Bring your grist of Flooring, or - other - lumber, and while' your team is is feeding, have it groundnut and take it home with you. We will pay.CASH.for PINE & - HEMLOCK LIMBER delivered at our lumber yard. Coma and see rus,"or if you can't eomn, write. . L. B. ROD9EBB & Towanda, Feb..lq64. - Efisctilantous. CONFECTIONERY MANITFAC - VEX. A. HART, • Calla the attention of the .public to the fac that he manufactures and sells at • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, • \ All kinds of Confectlonatiea, Foreign and Do mestic Nots,A,c. 'Dealers in the country wish ing anything In his : line will do send their orders to him, 'and They will , be promptly attended to. Satisfaction guaranteed. Store in Patton'is Block, Towanda. Pa. ' Feb. 24,1868.--th • 11110011- BINDERY. --THE 'PUBLIC 1.0 is respectfully informed that the Book- Bindery has-been removed to the. Argus Build ing, Sd story,. where will be done B 0 0 it-SIMIAN 131 In all its various branolup, on terms 'as rea minable as" the times " will allow. The Bind cry will' be under the charge of H. G. expeeienced Binder, and all work will be promptly done in a style and manner which cannot be excelled. Music, Magazines, News papers, Old Books, dtc., bound in every variety of style. Particular attention will be paid to the Ruling and Binding of BLINK BOOKS, To any desired pattern, which in qua ty and durability wil be warranted. , 41.11 work will be ready for deli ry- when promised. • The patronage of the pablic is .solicited, and petite satisfaction guarranteed.„g Towanda,ingust 2, 1866.—U. T08,A00.0 ANDICIGARSI The undersigned have established a STEAM TOBACCO (FACTORY, TOW A_ND.,Pi_•, On Main Street below , Bridge Street, Where they are inanufactarlng all kinds o COMPANIES REPRESENTED.: North America, Philadelphia,. . ,901,266 71 Phoenix, of Hartford, . 1,234,195 41 Gean, New York, 676,815 50 Ho rm me In. ia Co., New Haven, " 1,619,070 30 North American Fire In. _Co., of New,York, 755,000 00 Enterprise. of Cincinnati, - 1,000 000 00 Mutual Llfe,New York, - 20,00 •,000 00 We write policies in the above reliable cow panies at theloweat rates. Particular attention given to farmproperty. Office two doors north of the Post Office, up stairs. In the room occo John W. Mix and' Henry Peet, alas et thebanking House of 13. B. Bunsen do Co.l , • B. B. RUSSELL; JOHN W. MIX.' Our Tabaieo is manufactured from the beet Towanda, Feb. 20 1868 CUT TOBACCO AND CIGARS Which they offer to the trade at WHOLESALE PRICES Thzt esonOt fail to entt. We would • most re• spbetfultreollett a call from the deale.s through Northernrennsylvania to an examlnetion_of OUR STOCK: AND PRICES KENTVCKY: . AND VIRGINIA Stock that .can be procured in the. niarkee. Glee us a.try: • This is a home enterprise and will succeed with a liberal disposition of the trade to support ;some manufactors. - • MEANS & PHESNY,. • U 7 Main Street, Towanda, Ps, • Jime 4, 1268.-0. . F innermz- i lArtil,RE-ROOMS .1 JAMES IiAXINSON aanouncea to the public that heratlll eolith: as to manafacture and hicp oa hands large usotimenttof • • ; • CABINE-T: Banins Tables.. ilitdsteadi.. Stands, Chairs, , /so., of every desaiption. , which will be mods, of the best inateilids,enOn: hp most woilunen like manner; .1 invite the Inaction of the public to mylwork, Which 'Wino be surprod G 1 duriddlity, at any shop in the coantly, and my price* will. be found to be as low as the times - will adnilt.. • • .Readymade Podia ccmstantly on ban d lir made to order. A - good gorse will be famished w Ang. 2- • * A NliA IN SU RSNCE - AMOY - • - - T- Policies iiimed,Loooes adjusted promptly' . 1 • By H. B. mlrkelV,:.l gent, • Oi the following well knOwn sad tellable Con. . r eldnies. Office Yontanyriltik.l7.. Alderrioi° Amligiiihf CayilalM $1;400.000 • - At m; 147Fii37Oci irsowleir CozP4ni, • • - • , .flartforif, Conn, • f • Coll ANWts,Pio. 1, Al.: .$155,206 ' 'e• . • Idignown. Lonnow nip (IL. , nu Osaka /nonainli Co. - Cyftal. ilarploo and !lamed Pan 00 m ). • • 'J16,171,6376 Anoota ht the United Staten; prey.:. 1,800. 000 Dolly Premium, urns* of .(Gold) 17,000 avri 10Erjusci Commtr. 0- • -- 'Hartford, Conn. f r Capital - sl,tl oo as Jatuurr .Ltss ixera..ucs Co. 1" - Newark, N. - • Capitat . ..... Noun Ammun bunnylnusAm - ) • Pkudeiphils, _Capital . *ammo): Iftrmulprzbretruscal emt • H 'ysfo.rd, Conn., Capital 10,000,000 -Tantada, Feb, 20, 1260,-tt . :FIR!, LIFE, AND ACCID E NTAL, niquaa.Ncz. CAPITAL SEVENTEEN MILLION, DOLLARS , • • O. s., KOSS gilars; Agent, . vox frus roucitirai :mob miasmas comemgy Giza= Pias liazimalastraax az tt Commx: Pailad4alsia, • Capital over Hims bartriumareownurr, = - Of Neirirok. Capital and Irvin, over Ix/ilium:l Camay's AN Nowa Plidadelphia. Capital and sarploamr 81,700.000 Itoitarror IxgQ tcs New- York_ Capital and =pin, owe . hnitniktrcs ConzAxT, ; • Of Piuledelphia. f Caplial and inuplas,,over AITIO INSURANCE COMPANY, /- Of Nete-nirk. Capital and surplus, over I:THAN /101IIMANCE COMPANY, Of Hartford, Conn. } Capital and surplus, over . Iltrrvat Lira laartaittca CcorreatY. 14 • , • Of Neto- york. Capital and sarplusiover • e ooo,oori TitATTLLEER /2:BI:TRANCE COWPANY, Of Hartford,. Conn. Capital and actrpina, over Risks token on all kinds -of Property, at as Tow ratesaa by any other reliable Companies. W Policies issued and Loises;. if any, ad. jested at this Agency,thereby'saaing the trouble and expense of going elsewhere•for A settlement. • Mir Office at the Hardwhere fitore of Cod ding. & Russell C. S. RUSSELL. Towanda, Feb. 7, 1566.--tf . INSURANCE. COMPANY 11 OP NORTH AMERICA. Office Np. 242 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, This Company are now prosecuting ;he bu-i. ...Cgs of Insurance from loss,bl Clarnagrhy FIRE on Buildings, tkerchandivr, Furniture, Ac. throughout the State of Penn•ylvania,for. Ur al.terms,for long or shontsperiodo; orpernmant ly of Buildings, by a - deposit of Premium. The prompt payment of claims for lames due ing the period of nearly 70 years that the Com -party has been in esistence. etiidtles them to the confidence of the public: Diazerotts.—Artbor, G. Collin, Samuel W, Jones, John A Brown. Charles Taylor:Ambrose White, Jno R. Neff, Richard. D. Wood, Wm .i, Wm E. Bowen, James N. Dickson, S. Morris Wain Julio !lason, Geo. L. Harrison. Francis IL Cope, Edward B. Trotter. Edward S Clarke. Wm. Cummings. . 1 . ' ARTIWIt V. COFFIN, Pres Dt, C. S. RUSSELL, Arent, Towanda. ~ • LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE FIRE AND LIFE IN:!•UIIANCE COMPANY.—OffIce, 45 'MU= St., an.: nil, Broadway, N. Y. • Capital, Surplus and Reierved Funds (Gold) $16,271,675 Assets in the United States, over, 1,800 MO Daily Premiums, upwards of (gold) - : - . 17,0u6 The shareholdsrs personally responsible icr engagements of the r. ompany. All Direetora mu t be slaareholders.' tascroas IN New Yoax.—Francis Cottenet Es Chairman, Henry Grinnell, Esq., Deputy Ch rman, Joseph Gaillard, 'Jr., Esq., • E. la . Archibald, Esq., H. B. M. Consul, Alexande r Hamilton, Jr., - Esq., - Robert C. Ferguson, Esq. Alfred Pell, Esq., Resident Secretary. Alex ander Hamilton, Jr., Esq., Coansel of Board. BkNEIIRS--Phenix Bank—Cammatm ‘t. Co. The Policies of this Company are issued by— well-known American citizens resident in New York, who are Directors and Shareholders, and consequently, with the other Shareholders. are individually liable for all the engagements of the Company ; all Policies are signed by them , all claims are piyable in cash on proot of loss without deduction - for interest, and not, as is usual, sixty days after presentation of proof. They expire - at six o'clock, P, 11., and not ad noon. • Life insurance erected. and annuitidi `granted on favotable terms. H. B. McKEAN. Agent. Towanda. April 23,1867, THE EQUITABLE LIFE A.SSUi ANCE Society's Agency for Bradford cc CASH CAPITAL $3,000,000 Yearly income prer $2,000,000 111ONTANYE WARD Towanda, July 25, 1867.. THE AS' OR FIRE INSURA.NCI , I_ of New York. Agency for Bradford Co CAPITAL: - $400,000 Dividend f0r.4666, 10 per cent. hicINTANYE k:WAR ' D Towanda, July 35, 1867. THE LYCOAELNG MUTUAL FIRE Insurance Agency for-Bradford County, CAPITAL $3,400,000 Mutual Cashplau. In successful operation.ov .er.twenty:secun years. MONT.& WARD: Towanda, July 25, 1867 - VAT YOMING INSURANCE AGEN TY 6y. . WYOMING INSURANCE COMPANY Wilkes.l3arre,. Pa - WM. S. ROSS .PreAde - A L. D. SHOEMAKER, ... ... ....Vice President R. C. SMITH. Secr'etary. Capital and Surplus $150,000. North America, Hartford. Conn: assets f3f0,11 1 0 Fulton. New York, " 250 000 Springfield, Mass., 400,000 Applications for insuraut e in the 4bore com panies taken at fair mt. , es, and business attend ed to with promptness and care. Particular attention will be given to Farm risks in the country. Also Life and Live Stock Insurance at. _rented in good and reliable companies. Office over_ the Bakery o n Main-st., formerly occupied hy Mercer A: M0rr0w._.,... T. B. CAMP, Agent. - Towanda, Mar eh 12, IF6B.—tf. RIISSELt A; MIX'S INSURANCE AGENCY: Capital liepresented over $27,000,000, FA. S HIONABLE TAILORING LEWIS BEECH= Respectfully informs the_ citizens of Towanda Hormel, that he' has opened a • TAILOR SHOP,. • In Phinney's Building opposite the MeanaHonse andnolleits a share of public parentage. He is prepared to cut and make garments in the most fashionable style, and the most dos _ ble , manner.. Perfect satisfaction. will be Par' traced. Cutting and Repairing done to order on shot: notice. • Sept. 10. APPLICATION IN DIVORCE. - To Mary A. Streetry.—No. 86, May ter 1865. You aro hereby notifiedthat Alfred Stibevy, your husband, has applied to the Court of Common ' Pleas of Bradford County, for a disorce trona the bends of matrimony, and th e said Court hits appointed Monday the 7tli day of September, 1868, for hearing the said A lfred In the premises, at which time and • ldace lon can attend if you think - proper. • WM. GRIFFIS: Sherif Aug: 0, 1888. 1I II HIM $lOO,OOO 4500,000 °ram s3so,rx ..U.450,000 5900,000 t3a0,00 $7.50,001) ....Vio.,Q x $54V,00(