Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 17, 1868, Image 1

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    !1..!;MM1111P1t . , .•
Tax EXPORT/a is publiabsdsvaryThurs•
day Morning„ 'by 11. - 0. Cloonaroa. at Si per
annum, in advanea • -
ADVBSTIMDISTB., exceeding Meat
tines are !minted at MIX corns par Uni ion:
first insertion, and ma owe per line for
subsequent hasertions. Special notices in
serted before Atarrisges anor_DiaAlts, aril
be charged 711131111 alma per-line for each
insertion. All resolutions of Assoolations ;
communications of limited 07 indhidnal
intereskand notices of Marrisgesor Deaths,
deeeding five lines, are charged no am.
par line.
1 Year. 6 mo. BUm
One Column, $lOO 160 . / $4O
Half 60 85 25
One square, 16 10
estray,Oantion, Lost and Found, aidother
advertisements, not exceeding:lo lines,
three weskit, or less, ' $1 60
Administrator's d; Executor's Noticed —2 00
Auditor's Notices 2 60
BasinescOards. five lines, (per year)..6 00
Merchants and others; advertising their
business, will be charged $25. They will
be entitled to 4 column, confined exclusive
ly to their business,withprivilege of quarter
ly changes.
AP' Advertising in all eases it:oh:urge of
subscription to the paper.
JOB PRINTING of every kind, in Plain
and Fancy colors, done with neatness mull
dispatch. Handbills, Blanks, Cards, Pam
phlete, Ac., of every variety and style, prin.
thd at the shortest notice. The Rumen
Oman has jut been re-fitted with Power
L and every thing in the Printing
ine can be executed in the moat artistic
Manlier and at the lowest rates. TERMS
TORNEY dr LA W—Office corner of
Main and - Pine streets, opposite Porter's Drag
it (Graduate of Woman's Medical College,
Philadelphia, Voss 1864.] oMce and residence
No. 11 nark street Owego. Particular atten
tion given to Diseases of Women. Petiolate
visited at their homes if requested.
May 28, 1868. .
' T. DAVIES, Attorney at Law,
• .Towanda, Pa. Office with Wm. Wat
Sins, gm'. Particular attention paid to Or
phans, Court business and settlement of dece
dents estates.
VI - , BROM it MORROW, .Attorney a
LY_L at Law, Towanda, Penn's,
The undersigned hiving associated themselves
together the practice of Law, offer their pro
f-cyclonal services to the public.
March 8,1865.
PATRICK & PECK, Arromsys sr
Law. Offices :—ln Patton Block,Towanda,
Patrick's block, Athens, Pa. They may be
usalted at either place.
U. w. PATRICK, apll3
11. umNasK - EE/isiL.L TokAATTTLAO/WiT
thl, Pe Particular attention paid to business
in the Orphans' Court. July 20, 1866.
ENRY PEET, Attorney at Law,
Towan la, Pa. jun 27, 66.
Ektry at Law, Towanda, P. Office in the
",,urt House. July 13,1865.
t/ LAW, TowaLda, Bradford Co. Pa.
General insurance and Real Estate Agent.—
Bounties and Pensions collected. N. B.—All
bnsiners in the Orphan'. Court attended to
promptly 'and with care. Mice ?demur's new
block n.rth side Public Bqnare. 0ct.24, '67.
AT LA W, Towanda, Pa. Particular at
lention given to Orphans' Court business, gen
veyanding and Collections.
az- Office at the Register's and Recorder's
otlice—south of Court Rouse. . Dec. 1,1664. .
f f P. KIMBALL, Licensed
tioneer, Pottersville, Bradford Co.. Pa.
tenders his services to the public. Satisfaction
guaranteed, or no pay required. All orders by
nail, addressed as above, will receive prompt
attention. • Oct. 2,1867.-6 m
AND SURGEON, has permanently located
at Wyalusing,
.where be will be found at all
times. a p1.16'68.6m!
DR. T. B. t JOHNSON, TowAsne,
P. Haying, permanently located, offers
;his professional services to the public. Calls
'promptly attended to in or out of town. Ocoee
.with J. DeWitt on Main stmet. Residence at
Mrs. Humphrey's on Second Street.
• - April 16, 1668,
• Public is prepared to ,take Deposi
ti,ms, Acknowledge the Execution of Deeds,
Mortgages, Powers of Attorney, and all other
instruments. Affidavits and other mere may
be sworn to before me.
Office with G. D. ilontanye,.corner Main and
Ilue Streets. Towanda, Pa., Jan, 14, 1867.
TORNEYS AT LAW, Troy, Bradford Co.
Practice in all the Courts of the county. Cot
ections made and promptly remitted.
DR. PRATT has removed to State
street, (first above B. S. Russell b. 'Co's
B ink). Persons from a distance desirous of con
...lit lug him, will be moat likely to find him on
5.,t::: day of each week. Especial attention.wili
lie given to surgical cases, and the extraction of
'pet h. Gas or Ether administered when desired.
July 18, MG. D. B. PRATT, M. D.
Office in Patton's Block, over Gore's Drug
Ft Chemical SLors. Ijan6B
DRS. T. F.'&. WM. A. MADILL,
0 nice and residence id Wysox, Pa. Dr. T. F.
Madill can be consulted at Gore's Drug Stole
in Towanda, every Saturday. Dr. Wtn. A.
Mad al will give especial attention to diseases
of the Eye, Ear, Throat and Longs, having
made a speciality of the above diseases for the
pa,t eight years.
June 11. 1468.
Towanda, Pa. All business intrusted to
oli care will receive prompt attention. thrice
In the uilice lately occuilied by Idercar at Mor
row. south of Ward Elonse, ap stairs. t
Jaiy Iti , ,
IIRS. MASON & ELY, Physicians
surgrons.—Office on , Pine street, To.
anda, at the residence of Dr. Masop.
Particular atteutien given to diseases of Wo
tuen, and diseases of Eye, Ear and Throat.
April 9 I*fiB.
LA 111 letters addressed to him at Sugar Run
iradtord Co. Pa., will receive ptimpt attention
JIRANCIS E. POST, Painter, Thus.
anda, Pa, with 10 years experience. L con•
ti lent be can give the best satisfaction in Paint,
tag, Graining, Staining, Glazing, Papering„ic.
la - Particular attention paid to Jobbing in the
nu try. April 9, 1866.
f K. 'VAUGHAN—Architect and
.1• paider:—All kinds of Architectural de-
i•Tris 7 urnished. Ornamental work in Stone,
lion and Wood. Office on Main street, over,sll,t Co.'s Bank. Attention given to lin
eal Architecture, such u laying out of grounds,
Ac. April 1,1867.—1 y.
.1-weR; Bradford Co., „ will promptly attend
ilrbasiness In his line. Particular attention
-«n to running and establishing old or dispu
-1 .1 lines. Also to surveying ot all unpattented
. t l 2 ,j_ soon as warrants are obtained. myl7
F s . B. FORD—Licensed Auctioneer,
tl ill attend promptly to all badness entrusted
I 0 hint. Charges moderate. Feb. 13,1668.
W B. KELLY, Dentist. Office
V over Wickham & Black's, Towanda,Pa.
AL the various styles of work scientifically
Li,ne an! warranted. Particular attention is
.*;led to the Aluminum Base for Artificial
Teeth, which is equally u good as Gold and
Lirsuperior to either Rubber or Silver. Please
call and examine specimens.
Chloroform or Ether administered under di
rectiOU of a Physician wben desired.
Aug. 6, 1867.—tr.
oftera the following Farms, Coal and Timber
~ ands for sale :
Fine Timber lot, 8 mike from !Towanda, c .n•
L.:Ling 53 acres._ Prico $1,315.
Farm in Asylum, containing 135 acres. Good
buildings. Under .1 due state of enitivsticm.
Slostly improved. Price $6,000.
Farm in West It.trlissiton—on the Creek.—
Nrw house and barn. Under aline state of cal
*ovation. 95 acres. Price $5,450. •
Farms in Franklli. All ander good cultiva
tion. Good baildiness. For sale cheap.
Several very det - rable Ronan, and Lots. in
A large tract•of Q i lLanda in 1 toga county,
Towanda, July 18, ‘67.
E. 000.13 Mela 11?ablisher
voice-.max: 2-- .,1
wNu).upula,loiyAND l A,TA:
On kiln Street, the 00114 Mew. ,
O. aims, prop**
0ct.8,18611. -
A M RAI 0 N 11,0.. T
HavindLporobaled Ud e wen known old on
, have nhusdabed and._relitted
il li g t h own oosivenita - oe tor the accOmmodv
lion of all who nmy patronise me. No Walk win
be_gared to make CU pleasant and agreeable.
Nay B,'BB.—K. J. 8. PATTER! ON
JOHN C. W111:1014 '
' I
Hiivtug biased lids Hoim.ll now real to 'so'
commodate the Travelling pro. fro pains
nor expel se be .pared to give itatlifaction
to those who may eve lam a c su. I •
North aide of the publicsquare, east of
Mercer's new block [now building]: t
The subscriber haelnwpnrchalred the/ Mar
formerly owned by O. w. Delano. respectfully
informs the public that he is
p r
- to do all
kinds of work in his line and will attend promp
tly to all orders. Household goods - carefully
handled. Merges namable.
Towanda, June 1,1868.
• •
. . . .. . , ...
Myer, Poster & Co. st deliver . Flo*, AM&
Meal, Graham/kw% or an else! in their
line in any pelt el the
Customers will find 7krUrdm 1184 at the
store of Fox, Stevens, Menu & Co.. All or
ders lett in said book will be promptly kttend,
ed!to. • . I
Any inquiries in regard to Grinding, M. other,
business'ot the Mill, entered In said Book, will
be answered; .
Wi r kEt . ,l l OEiTER k CO.
Towanda, June 44,1868.—t4 i
4 • tia
; 1
ed from the Ward Honse and his opened a
Two doors south of the National -Ho ' and
adjoining Patton's Block, on Main S eet, in
the basement. This shop is open coestantly
from 6a. m., to 9 p. in., to accommodate all
that will favor 'him with a call. Two experi
enced workmen in this saloon, always Ready to
watt on customers in a satisfactory matmer.—
Gents and Ladies= Hair Cutting in the latest
fashionable style. • fitucns honed and set ready
for rise and warrauted to snit. Oromental
Bair Work. Switches, Waterfalls, and Carla,
made to order. Wigs made and repaired.
Towanda, Aug. 18, 1888.—U. . i
opened a Banking House Tin . Towanda, un
der the name G. P. MASON CO/
They are prepared to draw Bills ofEx
change, and make collections in New York,
Philadelphia, and all 'portions of the Utdted
States, as also England, Germany, and Pnitice.
To Loan money, receive deposits , and ; to do a
general Banking business. 'I I
G. P. Mason was one of the late flat of
Laporte, k sort /k f Towanda, Pa. and
his knowle ,ge of the Co.,' b usiness men of Bradford
and adjoining Conittiea,and having been in the
banking business for about fifteen years, Make
this house a desirable one, through irlifeh to
make collections.
Towanda, Oct. 1,1866. A. G. MASON:
Valuable Parma, Mill Properties, City ,and
Town Lots for sale.
Parties having property for sale will find it
to their advantage by ieaving a description of
the same. with terms of sale at this agency, as
parties are constantly enquiring for farms &cal
H. B. 11c8BAN, -
Beal Estate Agent.
Office Nontanyeli Block, Towanda, Pa. ,
Jan. 29, 1867.
Having entered into a co-partnenhip for 1 the
transaction of the PHOTOGRAPHIC business
at the rooms formerly occupied by Wood land
Harding, would respectfully call the attention
of 'the public to several styles of Pictures which
we make specialties, as: Solar Photographs,
Plain, Penciled and Colored, Opaltypes, Porce
lain Pictures, &a., which we claim for clemness
and brilliancy of tone and Artistic flnish„can
not be excelled. We invite all to examine them
as well as the more common kinds of Portraits
which we make, knoling full well that they
will bear the closest Inspection. This 'Gallery
claims the highest reputation for good work of
any in this section of country, and we' are de
termined by a strict attention to buslneiss;and
the superior quality - of our work, to not Only
retain but increase its very enviable repdiatian.
We keep constantly on hand the best variety
of Frames and at lower prices than at any other
establishment in town. Also Passepartonta
Card' frames, • Card Easels, -Holmes'_ , Stereo.
scopes, Stereoscopic Vies,' and tverythingethe
of importance pertaining to the' business. ' Give
us an early call,
N. B.—Solar Printing for, the trade on! th
most reasonable terms. D. HARDING,
Aug. 29, '67. F. SMALLEY.
tained a License, as required, of i the
Goodyear Vulcinate Company, to Vulcanize
Bobber as a base for Artificial Teeth, and has
now a good selection of those Beautiful carved
Block Teeth, and a superior article of Black
English Rubber, which will enable him to sop
py all those in want of sets of teeth, With
those unsurpassed for beauty and natural ap
pearance. Filling, Cleaning, Correcting Irreg
ularities, - Extracting an< all operations; be
longing to the Su rgi cal Department skillfully
performed. Chola orm administered for the
extraction of Teeth when desired, an article
being used for the purpose in which he has
perfect confidence, having administered it With
the most pleasing results during a practice of
fourteen years.
Being very grateful to the public for their
liberal patronage heretofore received, he would
say that by strict attention to the. wants of his
patients, he would continue to merit theirteou•
tidence and approbation. Office in Beidlcnian's
Block, opposite the Means House, Towinda,
Pa. Dec. 20,1867.-3 m.
J. B. Burnt, M. D., would respectfully inform
the inhabitants of Bradford County, that he Is
permanently located in Towanda. Pa., : lie
would say th at from his long and ;successful
practice of TWENTY-FIVE YEARS duration
he is familiar with all the different styles of
work done in any and all Dental Establishments
in city or country, and Is better prepared than
any other Dental operator in the vicinity to do
work the best adapted to the many and different
cases that present themselves oftentimes to the'
Dentist; as be understands the art of making his
own artificial teeth, and has facilities for doing
the same. To those requiring under sets of
teeth he would call attention to his new kind of
work which consists of porcelain for both Plate
and teeth, and forming a continuous pa. It is
more durable, more natural in apparent:e and
much better adapted to the gum than any Other
kind of wprk. Those in need of the saute are
invited to call land examine specimens. Teeth
filled Wad for yeses and oftentimes for life.---
Ohlorofcem, Ether, and " Nitrous Oxide " ad
ministered with perfect safety, as over four ;hun
dred patlentexiebin the last four years cat tel
-1 -
91 . filce in Pritton's Blotk. Jan. 23,1368.
The sutecriber mould inform his . friends and
the' public generally, that he has now on hand,
and is prepared to build to order, . •
Democrat and Lumber •Wagon', at redu ced
price*. I have enlarged my shop, by_addlag
superior Paint and Wrath room. The differ
ent departments are ander the cliarge4
I vonktiatinm the public that I have wined
the services of Mr.JAB. W. TIINISON, formerly
of Waverly, who. has charge of the-
De Painting
partment, int are- now prepared to do.all
kinds of Painting, having jut - receiVed the
largest and best selected stock of 'paints and
varnishes ever brought Into the county. Ord
ers solicited and all work warraated. Repair.
Ing done on the most resaotiatde terms
April 25, 1888.-6 ms. . •
%I at DrawJiall ¢ CowelPs Cktop &ore.
. .
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:sitoc4 4004:::,:,
tirvititast untrubi. s li:oft Agss
' ibMl Mains to Chngon Ore send - .
The aralcome.neloOnte word,
And Ziortharard to the &ugh,
-The swelling cry b ;
And man of every age , kind ratio:
Hayti ilaUght, the giptious shout,
lig:trait! Hurrah for
A1;1 Itingi ~
ds . -
, Hurrah! Hmrah,lwe'lljOin_the. fight,
Aa it ie ourioten
I To hoist the inuna nt Geebral Grant,
And snake bias - -
Mar 11 Prii the il4rOrd of Grant.
Deane our Linnolnlrave, -
To battle only for tbei me n
1 :1"lho did the Union'4ve.
13, all the Blood the w4.hiuz Anzac "
By all we hopii to be,l - ..
We'llis,lly trkthe stand4rd now
That made the ;leo& free. :
Hurrah I Hurrah,' 443.
The rallying Nnrili aid East and West,
, And rallying in the 14uth,
With ringing shouts fan General Grant,
Upon each patriot's) mouth.
Hurrah for Grant thegout does roll,
I Froth aim Union -
A n d freemen all musttrilly now
To'save the Union al4p.
Hurrah 1 Hurrah,!
The Little "Arr4ngement."
Col. Wm. Brown r- of Frankfort,
Kentucky, a delegate Ito the Tamma
ny Convention, Olen ilately Made a
speech in which he exposes the move
ment to make Mt. Chase the Demo
cratic nominee for the Presidency.
Of, this Col. Broi • n we know nothing
except what his exkessions reveal,
801 this is all 1 against him. His
speech proves many things, and none
more aonclusivelY than. Col. Brown's
propensity for di c rty (scheming. He
lauds Mr. Chase for a Worthless nom
ination, forgettin#. that to secure this
the Chief Justice, tampered with the
Senate to continue in power a man
whose-policy of boar Pug rebels and'
frowning upon loyalty causes the
death of thousanfls annually who in
their simple faith! trusted Mr. Chase
above all other m i en.' It shows furth
er that the moral laws ate enduring,
and that Mr. Chalk after paying the ,
price of his treaeheri, failed to re
ceive the reward" and by betraying
the party Which trusted him he has
lost .the esteem of both enemies aid
friends. 1 . 1
I i
Our chief regret in referring to
Mri Chase is that he, has fallen to
that condition when ahuse is flattery
Hie assumed vii!tuesi no longer in
spike respect, no; can his vices at
trait attention. 7'he dervices he may
have rendered have Wen obliterated
by , his shameful ablandonment of
those principles iwhisih shed on his
native all the lustre it enjoyed. He
is a heartless, cold, calculating, am
bitious demagog* ; and for the
Presidency woulit sell his soul as
freely as he has sold hie fame. • If he
has one trait which distinguishes him
abOve all others it ishyp ocrisy ; and
he le best descr i bed en we char
acterize him as a frau
.. I
little the Detnecratio rank
.and file had to doh with the choice of
SeYmour a how completely his nomi
nation depended 1 on !trickery, and
how 'shamefully • the (misses . of, the
party were _ ignored in i the " arrange
ments " which this speech exposes,.
we 'will leave Coli. Brown to tell in
his own words. We beg especial at
tention to the little : 4 iarrangement "
by which Gen. Hancock was betray
ed t 1 • ' i
To retrace myi path a little. I
wish to call your atten4on to the fact
that, &dm the time thei"Chase move
ment" assumed ehape, there were
two factions in tbe Democratic par-
V. 1 One was progressive, and was
composed mainly i of Eastern Demo
(Rats and business men of the cotton
States, but it 'ad ;more or less
strength in every tate in the Union,
embracing, as it id, i nearly all the
Getman element f the Democratic
party. The other was reactionary,
and composed malinlyi of those Reb
els who are still uniepentant, who
leatined nothing, by the sad experi
ence of the war, 'and- of the great
mass of Western Democrats who
supported Mr. PeOleten. -
cu. AHE. t
The progressiowsta met in coun
cil that night, Itiwaa arranged who
shofild nominate Mri, Chase, who
ehonld second it,' what States were
to Vote for him ou the , first ballot,
andi what should he said on the occa
sion of bringing his !name formally
befOre Om Convention. A most for
midable-strength was ; developed, and
every circumstance tvas auspicious
for naccess. But iit 'as considered
best to have a ballot or two next
'Eing, before the nomination was
made, so as to kill off the Apparent
strength of General Hancock and
satisfy his' friendiu that there was no
hope for him. It. was 'known that
the vote he received from, this State
would he withdrawn the next morn
as well as the scattering votes
from several other ;States. '. . New
Jersey and Mnisaqhusetts. ' - wee
unanimously for Mr. Chase.
Not designing , 4 offend such.
friends as 'Deno* Hancock had in
the !Convention, or to bake too man•
ifest the reason, of the vote Massa•
chuisetts had given him that day, it
wait arranged that tbye vote of .Now
Jereey only should lie withdrawn on
*egret ballot, land least where it
world, not count 'and this was done.
There are reasons to believe that the
deliberatiOnti of 'this ',Meeting were
be,yed to the r9iCtiimists. Every
thing at this tit4ge Of . the proceed-
Inge depended oir ,the firmness of the
lie* 'York delegition; Prowl, the 4th
to the 9th of July this). delegation had
rofeseed to be for Mfr. Chase, and that
it only waited a favoribble moment to
bring forward his name. •
At midnight on theiBth, Mr. Hora
tio Seymour still prOtested that he
wan for Chase; but Mr. •Chastfbad
friends who doubted Mr. Seymour's
sincerity from the merk first; and who
'believed that he was *Jelin& with du-
PlioitY• - i
, 10WANDA !, - - - BRADFORD court. PA SEPT- MIER - 17 4868'
To ba.anreihat, lir..odeymonr was
sincere, it—was ,,, arninged ~b efore
breakfast on-ther , morningof July 9;
that he; should be. psticrnomination
by a friend,of , ,Ml:‘` Am order
to force him frozvoover, and compel
him tic . reveal his true, OD
the ve,ry ballot that bewas nominee
ted, his MOW monist have beau ,pnt
before the: convention by, a gentle,
manircm aSonthernStatem, The eb
ject otithis '!inoveraentA-
cnmvent Mr.:Seymour?. treachery, it
he intended any, but ikaraadeteated
67 the mipetior strategy)! the relic.
The Only hope they. bud after
Pendleton, s; tiersit....was ; to swims a
weak, .tierions, cowardly ,wan • the.
.first place on the" ticket, and to new
hate a bold,
i conrageous r atro
ed reactions t for the Vice Presn&ideu
'o3, ; and in . this attinnik,,they..
ceeded so peefectlyas, to excite,my
adgr il a r lign of their tact, skill and
It was arranged at the meeting
the peogressionisti to' 'which rhiive
referred that - -
a t petition which had
been 'imputed by German editoi
from Wisconsin, .and whick.had teen
signed by nearly every German edi
itor then inNew York city, asking for
the nomination of Mr..Ohase,,should
be read to th e ' Convention .by
Seymour as its , presiding_ officer, he
having previously declined to.nomi.i
pate Mr. Chase himself, on the ground'
that - be- was the President of the
Convention ; but. I have been told by
a gentleman noir-living in • New
Vork city, and whose veracity I have
no reason to question, that on the
morning of July 9, a short time be
fore the Convention met,- Mr. Sey
our read to him from the menu
ficript a very chaste,neat little speech
which he said he. would deliver to
the Convention when Mr. Chase's
name was brought before it, and he
believes Mr. Seymour had that speech
in his pocket when he was nomina•
ted. .
Relying on Air. Seymour and the
New York delegation the progres
sionista met in the Convention on the
morning of July 9, full of hope in
the success of their plan. But, a
counter movement. had been going
on. I was told in Cincinnati, the
other day, by a prominent Democrat,
that only six members of the Ohio
delegation were made privy, to 'the
nomination of Mr. Seymour. , This
was the game.
These men determined, with the
aid of the Southern rebels, toecap-
tare Horatio Seymour from the Rro
gressionists, and, nominate him,
knowing that this would so demoral
ize that faction as to give them ab
solute control of the Convention, and
that not a voice would be raised
when they brought forward their
own man for the Vice Presidency,
tolto had already been agreed on by the
readionina: It was the most success
ful movement ever made in this coun
try in a National Convention, but it
was a forlorn hope. Any moral
courage on Mr. Seymour's part would
have covered 'the reactionists with
overwhelming defeat.
Bat they knew • well their man.--
Ohio led off. Mr Seymour rose to
his feet. The stillness of death filled
the great hall. There; on that bright
July morning, in the midst of that
vast mass of humanity, in the com
mercial metropolis of the nation and
of his own State, to which the eyes
of forty millions •of people were
turned that day, Mr. Seymour, trem
bling with , excitement , and filled with
fear stood and pleaded for his char
acter. It was a piteous sight. The
poor man told of his promises ; that
when be had refused the use of his
name he meant it, and that now his
honor foibade it. Think of this my .
hearers. He stood thera t and pleaded
for his " honor." I. believe he felt
what he said, for to say that, under
the circumstances, ho was guilty of
preconeerted treachery, would be to
say that by his aide Judas
and John Wilkes Booth had lost the
lustre of their . infamy.
When he had finished his appeal
he was boldly told that, after what
occurred, his honor was now safe in
the hands of the ,reactionista. Ohio
returned to the charge,- the rebels
throughout the hall raised the same
wild and savage yell with which
Hainpton and Forrest had so often
charged the soldiers of the Union.- 7
It was too much for Mr... Seymour.-
'Braver men than lie had quailed be
fore-the battle cry ;:he hesitated, he
yielded, and ,then fled ignominiously
from the scene. '
All was now over. The' demorali
zation of the progressionists was
complete, and the Rebels had it their
own way. Hence, an unpardoned
Rebel soldier could rise to his feel and
propose the name of Francis P. Blair,
Jr., the very prince of revolutionists,
as the Vice President .of the nation
this same Rebel had fought to.des
troy. Rebels main triumphed the
deed was done, and when the ,Con-,
vention adjourned,' the' happiest men
-in New York city were General Wil
liam Preston, General Wade Hamp
ton and -General B. Forrest; and
they had good reason •to be so, for
in the heart of 'the great North_they
had achieved the greatest politjeal
victory of the present rgeneration,
and had done their work wisely and
Since - which nice little " arrange
ment we fear Colotiel Drown has
left the Democratic party. We are
sorry, fot ;
_this.; but suppose • he la
kows the antigne..anotlel of gaining,
reputation, hrOugh Xelo
phOn--hileit known as the General ,
who conducted - the' retreat 'of the
Ten Thousand. Colonel Bilitfu is
only }mown as Mr. Chase's "great
defeated.".. And so we'leaVe hitn:: i.
. _
• o soft of ti roan inifaine was
reeentlY aged en fora abiguleilei
for the air& !,lti laid he, 6irhit is
the use of a . l chandelier? After yolk &it
you can't get any one to play on it." ,
A,UNTZT urchin accosted a , travel
ing apple.merehant in the street the 'other,
day, and cried, in an earnest voice; M.
plasm ere In anapple; my brother
goes with your ;dater 1" Will do.
Sons one said of a very handsome
woman whose feet were immense: . 1 81:e's
vazstty, brit she upset° completely•the
system: of measurement, by prov
ing that two feet make a yard."
*AO, '; A ' t'' • • I' • k e
trate/Jammu Os )iurb-scitaliox 41011 , 4.11 - 41iAltra.
• 7'. • ri
. The strengtik ; this: republic in
loyalty, in material minium)s and in
commercial . firmness,is not the' least
Of the 'intelithiria nt& latii"Yeai* of
trial: - That in' the fade of the 'threats
of &theistic enemies add the' acts of
traitors, ind,hi Cahn defiance Of. 'thri
'iireparationi Made:: by ; the'
reberStatel,'Wellould'flatir to 'take'
tip the &elle* which'illey had giv,
'eni'atid to tried 'Ahern 'hi' art* was'
suchlitiot maid (Mirage: as. the
History' of the 'wild parallel'
It wail mere'thaireiniple hardihood'
a weltestablished cause. 'For
among the political heresies., which
;fol. many years.had beeireown ',was
;Bust that the:Etta:4'lW add t &nit
isact that:the States adhereingto the
Union had - nn rightto compel obedi
ence of recusant States to the gener
nt laws 'math the will of the .majori-
Y .
Had 'the- rebels contented-them
selves with passive resistance' of the
laws, and the refusal to comply, and
thus' thrown ?pen the general 'goy
eminent the initiative in actual war
fare, they would have drawn- unto
their Nippon, thousands at the north
whom war arrayed against them.
But the firing upon the flag of, the
Union and its defenders, the seizure
of United States vessels, forts and
word, the inaugura- .
tion of war, on the rebel side drove
from their friendship many a man •
.who would have otherwise fraterniz
ed with them., The rebels put them
selves in the wrong from . the very
start. .
Still, though our ,duty was to a
great degree made plain by the vio
lence of the rebellious section, and
though insult and contempt rown
upon thelag, the symbol, of the na
tional fame and honor, fixed the de
termination of many who would have
otherwise hesitated,_or went into the
war not only to coerce rebels into
submission, but to fix the 'disputed
principles that we had a right to
coerce them—a point to this day_ de
nied by certain political Dogberryit
we went to the field not simply to
'defend a nation, but to prove that a
nation existed. And, until success
fixed 'and finally settled upon our
banners, we had this difficult part' - to
carry, unfriended and alone. The
victory was accomplished in falai&
cation of foreign prophecies and
hopes, and in despite of domestic
In material , resources ocir strength
was shown. If we had gone abroad
'for loans we shoeld have been humil
iated -by insult and refusal. 'Bat the
appeal 'to the loyalty and patriotism
of our own countrymen was enough; ,
and the confidence of the nation in
its government made the• national
credit unlimited.; '
The commercial firmness and pru
dence the sagacity and stamina of
the great business community, trad
ing, financiering and . manufacturing,
has been exhibited. War, being an
,condition, disturbs all busi
ness relations. A continued state
of hostilities makes the exceptional
condition to the rule, so that the ad
vent of peace, disturbing business
contracts, is often even more .disas
trona to trade and 'industry . than the
beginning of war bad been. Through
all this we have passed. There cer
tainly have been failures and com
mercial disasters.'' But 'the average
returns of labor and capital have
been as good as during any other
eight years of our history. We have
not - had a "panic" or a "crisis" equal
in its disturbing effect : to) those trade
convulsions hid) , have occurred at
periods of profound peace. Indeed
we can scarcely be said to belie suf
fered from "panic" at all.
"Fore-warned, forearmed," has
been vindicated as a true proverb.
While political Complications have
'occurred which in France would ' al
meat have shut up the Bourse, and
in England would have made John
Bull button his pockets, starve hie
tenants and send his laborers to the
nearest. Union 'workhouse. the_ popu
lation of the loyal United States,
usually reported mercurial and ex
citable, have been phlegmatic to ''a
degree. 'The apathy of the people
during this impeachment trial passed
the step from the oubliette to the ri
The threats and bluster of the
southern rebel's, and their allies, the
northern Democrats, _are passed , by
aii the idle wind which men regard
not. Commercial and other business
interests gto oii;- and all the usual in
tercourse of life proceeds as if there
was no possibility of any serious pa
litical disturbances. Business men
move cautiously, as'they have long
been in the habit of moving, and are
ready for any, contingency, so far as
caution and wisdom can make them
ready. The secret of this; confidence
in the future is confidence in the
strength of ouri institutions, so sorely
'tested, so gallantly_ defended, and so
triumphantly victorious. -
But it must be' remembered that
the defence and the victory in the
late contests were due to the estab
lishment and recognition of the prin.'
ciples of the Republican party, which
.are the principles of the Constitution
end the Declaration of Independence. •
l*lorinallriends become foes exerted
upon us an 'alien influence during the
'war, which crystiliztd patriotism into
efficiency. , We-had no leisure to dis ,
Nita-among-ourselves while- an out
side foe occupied us. It was enough
tii , silence any northern• sympathizer
than,. his -Aspeech - had southern .
Now that license is restored to
treasonable utterance iiorthUnd south
it - will not longetanswer to remain'
calm and indifferent to the threats of
,the'enemies of all that" has made the
UniOn victorious. The Democratic,
"arty (so united) means revolution.
The northern Democrats are, partly
full accord with this . treason, and
are partly, 'u in the dayd of "the Un
ion as, it was," 'simply the servile
tools of their southern masters. At.
the polls' the votes of - tools &flint, ant
well as the votes of thoseivwbo handle\
these human implements.
The thinking portion of the loyal
public, now that the summer vaca
tion; is over, and business is to be re.
opined, must consider all other. bust;
Deis second in importance to the so.
-.of a - Republican President,
::,•,.....,.., f w; 2:-.,-.. X.:4li/ ty.. , .-- , :i
::. -- i - . ..;r-i , ::,..-77,t, ..•• • ••! , t: , :,.:.... , 1% .!
_ .
'end e strong *Publican Mad" 'ekti in
Give 'tin Aisne
yea= mere -of safe aamistratimi °tithe
Epyreimnomt, and, the year* 'which
globe the first celetilvY o the xePub, ll ol
will the, the, most mrenderfal ip , our;
anima Theyiwiltafrord
,the record,
of powerful tookrbaffied as giant
might` 'reset krtpipniedi
without: .the:€ezeirchie ..ef..his full
atreinffths, TheT- - eiguAllse4
by the hhitory of a greet - 111r fought,
but 'ficonqueted,' sad the
governnienteiecUt inlitead of
injured -:in the , iltrugglei.-The 'last
yipirs , of our first hundred..:wAl; show
the national currency
. ff.;e4; Jar ,
fore 1878 the,..speele, payments will
tie 'lir under the , aid -of the
fiest:p r wd'h4ve The'
list ye will'bre the iremarkable
history of long war , without seriona
commercial coundsioest otimPF: 4 ;Ted
domestio indits , k-y, and of 'the "won
derful ralroads Oonneothig the 'two
great oceans, and making. this condi
nent as the world'smentre and thorn
oughfare. Andf i 'time's nobleit tri
umph" *ill be been in the
- freedom of of Whiteier race,
under the shelter of 'the stem _flag
of the United States. , • •
But, by.. negligence, suffer Sey
mour and Blair to be elected,, or be
content with a bare escape froni
their rale, and who can , predict Ahe
evil consequenees ! • - '
. Reports from all quarters of Penn
sylvania are eneouraging The in
terest, with whiCh the great issues
of the canvass, are regarded by all
- the friends of the ,Union in this State,
has hitherto been manifested rather
in their calm but vigilant observa
tion of the efforts of the party of re
bellion to obscure those issues and
hoodwink the. people on collateral
questions. Bat it .wouldhave been
a great mistake to have imagined
that out friends were sleeping, be•
cause there were bat few external
indications of their readiness for the
trial. We have drawn the enemy's
fire ; we have " felt " their lines,
centre and wings ; we know their
strength, in men, guns and position,
and we are now ready to move at
once on their works. As in former
canvasses, so now, September wins
the fight. in Pennsylvania, and Ver
mont gives us the ward to "gO
The strong point of the'. oppoidtion
tactics is to be in 'fraudulent natur
alizations and colonizations, support.
ed by the lavish , expenditures of the
Whisky Ring. We have only to foil
that game ?: lied We shall whip them
out of thew boots oil a fair poll. 1.
Ohio will be, Repiiblican from the
Lake to the River. Their majority
will range from 25,000 to 40,000 on
the State ticket in October; with six
teen of the nineteen members of
Congress--a gain of one—and Grant
will have at least sixty , thousand in
November. The ,signs in that State
are lo unfavorable to the Rebels,
that thir: Pendleton telegraphed on
Tuesday last to J. A. M'Clernard at
Chicago, withdrawing his appoint,
meats for. Illinois, in consequence of
." the condilisn of thecairoass in Ohio!"
and ld'Olernard, who claims that his
brains furnished Grant with the plan
for the capture of Vicksburg, was
foolish enough to make the text of
the dispatch public. Mr: Pendleton
thus confesses the situation in his
own State to be a desperate one,
The Union men of Indiana pro
pose to swell their majority of 14,-
202 in 1866 to 25,000 in October
next. We believe they will do it.
And then will come' the grand
stampede for. Grant and Colfax, the
Union and Peace, which, in four
weeks more, will sweep every North
ern State.
Somebody hasrouped in six para
graphs a perfect refutation of about
every one of th numerous counts
made against • e Republicans by .
Democrats. The. statistics are from
°Seidl scources ,and are incontro
I.—The ordin ry expenditures of
the Government r the present fiscal
year are only $12,818,446 in paper
years ago, on a gold
basis, and before the era of high
prices, they were $70,000,000 under
the Democratic administration of
James Buchanan. ,
IL—Since the' war closed, in a
period of about three years, the pub- •
lic debt has been *educed between
$200,000,000 and $300,000,000.
lll.—The Thirty-ninth and For
tieth Republican Congresses have re
moved $191,000,000 4 of taxes, that
but for this action the people would
be called upon to pay.
three years the army ha s
been reduced from 1,005; to
about 40,000, and a proposition is
000. now pending for its reduction to as,
V.--The taies removed have been
all from domestic industry, from
cotton, from agricultural products,
from petroleum and' the tai' _upon
whiskey lea been reduced 75 per
coat, and upon tobacco 15 per cent.
Vl—Of the eleven States which
went into rebellion, eight have been ,
restored-to their old relations to the
Union under loyal governments, and
are now , represented in Congress`
As billions of Confederate notes
and bonds lice held in the South it is
but just to suppose that everieffert
will be made to legalize their _Pay,
'merit by the United,-States Govern
meat if the rebels are -restored to
power throne ) the election of Sep
moir encl. Blair. The party in the
North that continually complainant'
the burdens of a debt . contracted in
defense of the Union would not have
the least :hesitancy in shouldering
the rebel debt upon us, provided_ the
rebels would divide the spoils and
thus fill the pockets of Northern
- copperheads. The immense sum at
stake is a great temptation to Sey
mour and Blair , . and it behooves
those who have to pay the taxes tazes to
keep that taMptation „beyond their
reach ; by voting - for Grant' and Col-
'Ws often mixnur 'zeal fot
with a great dell of oui ow; •
7 1'1 i+7ll - ; - f s:7 si'•fs:7 •
'-‘.7•‘ .7 411 _ Aaintinii Advante.
spigia rants. AprA boata-
Agrave_many gques wand cow
sidelirtions which form- local issues
in on*:elections, bat which have
nothintwhiteier di) With! nation
*l li ',Therernre Orionis! likes
,ruid dislike,* which affect our * choice
of individuals when official life will
'bring, them if ,elected, into , immedi
late'persona% Contact with ourselves,
Under didinary \circurnstanderi these
things-maybe peimitted due weight
in the °Surreal- ft r\ minor municipal
ofil9eo l - t. .4ut Lejklatuto
- eight teibein ivccord,Withponeststi,
and'' fintioitatit' the office' of a
StateGirvernor or the'dhiot Execu
tivritof a.t low be '''WlllB demon-
Virnted lu .the times of trial from
which ,we are just , emerging,, Fancy
what would have been the condition
of the nationatExecutive during \ the
war if- all our' Governori had been
of the type of Horatio Seymour..
Imagine how the rebel element in
our cities would have -rioted if the
Mayors had been of the stripe of
Fernatido'Wood,, 'who proposed that
'New York sbould.secede ; with a
reserve of Seymobra behind the pity
governmenti, to hail . the voters as
' friends," after having indicated. to
them, how convenient the interfer
ence of mob power would 'prove and
tiosrformidable it might he diode.
The strict : drill -of .the old Demo-
Oratio party maintained its ascend
ency, almost uninterrupted, for years.
Even succour; which is apt to demor- ,
aline, did not cause • the managers to
relax their vigilance. ' The -Demo
crab' might here been paramount to
day, had it not been,for the audacity
and wickedness of their southern
masters, who precipitated a rebellion
upon thA country, and drove out of
th , :i.- - rinks in the • north's!! who had
any claim to loyalty, any regard for
republican and genuine democratic
principles, and any, reverence for the
proud fabric of freedom_ Which our
fathers reared. The fatal mistake of
tiring upon the flag which is sacred
tin all patriotic - hearts made thou
sands of Democrats utterly repudi-,
ate the party allegiance which had
already been weakened by.the impu
dent nomination at Charleston, and
the insolent pretensions of the south
ern.oligarchs that .slavery was a na
tional institution. ,
The, same Old party drill is being
restored, During 'the years of war
the pseudo Democists were under
the ban of treaoherY. Open frater
nization with the rebels who were
bent oa overthrowing the-, govern
ment and ruining' the nation in ev
ery hope which we held dear, and in
every interest which we , cherished,
was met with the . - heartfelt scorn of
every honest man, The party adhe
ions could only. be kept .up by se
cret organization. The Knights of
the Golden Circle preserved the tra
ditions of the , pro slavery Dembcracy
in secret.dark and midnightoonclave.,
Now the war ireover..., i /Soi.are tired
of strife. The loyal even venture to•
overlook past traisadtions, and to
recognize again the persoirs to whom
to speak wan misprison o! treason,
and to take by • the hand, was con:
taminition, during , the time that ev
erything was in peiil. 112 this era of
good feeling disappointed pro-rebels'
haie crept out of their concealment,
and, though they find', slavery. dead,
they find the National 'TreasurY still
in existence, and national offices still
in the gift of the people and of the
Executive. No thanks' to them that
there is a national government left.
Rut they want not thanks—they
want office and pelf. They are striv
ing to regain their -old ascendency,
and are ready to sacrifice evegything
honrist now, and everything honora
ble, as they ever were ready, to re
gain, their old position. Sharpened
in their wits by adversity, they are
diligently reorganizing their said sys
tem of tactics. I They are making
their stereotype appeals to ignorance
and prejudice, and employipg their
mendacious pens and tongues with
the glibness of a common 'scold who
has emerged just alive from the horse
They must be met by determined
and persevering interest and" effort.
Their defeat this fall must be over
whelming. The national safety must
be held paramount te all local issues
Every loyal man, whether he call
himself a Democrat or Republican,
near vote for the Grant and Colfax
electoral ticket,"and if he love his
country, discar any party tie that
would prevent thatvote. Every Re
publican must Note for legislators,
national and State, who will uph'old
the reconstruction policy now thor
oughly inaugurated. Governors must
be chosen who will support the great
cantle of the country. The auda
cious nominations and the revoln-
tionary platform made' in New York
at the bidding of southern rebels,
still unrepentant, -form an insult to
the nation which deserves the most
emphatic rebuke at - ,the hands of the ,
people. - H
The greatest' danger we have to
fear is in the very absurdity of the
copperhead platform and programme.
It may seem - so weak as to defeat it•,
self. Ilut we have desperate men to
deal with, The old rebel : spirit is
'rampant again, and the -old party
chicanery Hi in ; full exercise. . Let no
man - who desires peace and prosperi
ty' for our country fail , to use his in
fluence against the' . deettreaeheyy
which would bring chaos tiakagam,
and destroy thi_dear-bought fruits, of
our late, fearful struggle. Let not a
vote `be lost ; - and that n nu may be,
tiorklrom this day till- e sun goes
down on the day of the Presidential
election. , .r.
AICIMEITIEr or a teacher, without
boldoosaJalnce a smooth file, a knife with aa edge, a Nadal that is. afraid to let
'offhis rm.. If ma Till babold: in aim
ministersmust be bold to. repirove.
Ir lute been thought. , that a very
likely, !alto snake a man serious, would be
to spiral one 'quarter of an hw every day
iamb= thought of Beko 104 39,
• Cloutsteea, 'says. that , the fairest
!lowa he ever saw climbing around a poor
man's window was not so bautifhl in his
eyes se the Bible vhichswas laying within.
Winne the Breton mariner pots to
see, bis prayer is “lieep me, my God! nty
boat is so small and thy ocean is
en so wide!".
Haw like the ooaditiondall as
~- ,
nut num Tint aItANT AFD 001,-
21, theji4r4A• Irtbtoti.
• But.: The. Welsh people in . the
I f inited'States are but few .in number
whett compared with some - other na
tions.. Bat, although small "among
the thousands of Judah," the. unani
mity With'which they vote ,the Re
publreatiticket; entitles *them to much
credit, and I' trtu3t that an oceasional
brief _ article touching the . political
centrals amon e l iu tbese enthistastic R
imblieins b e
una cceptable
alibi:llia c- the hors "or readers of The
The 4 Tryclek,(lfirror), published
at Utica,. S. Y., is one of the best
conducted weeklied in the United
States.. In no respect' id it Inferior ,
to. our • welltoonducted ' Republican
nearepnpers. Its editorkare gentle
risenof education, refinement, and
,taste, and-perfectly at-home in both
'languages. Ite political tone is
neither donhtful or equivocal. It is
an outspoken advocate , of the.
'pled of tlus Republican - party. The
Drych is in its 18th year, and never
looked . so well and never did so welL
1t is :read by the Welsh people
throughout the Union; and has been
greatly instrumental ,in shaping their`:.
Political convictions.
I find that Welsh Grant and Colfax
(Hubs - are being organized through
out the Welsh settlements. -In . the
City of Mies, a short time ago, a very
flourishing club, was established and
put in working order. "A resolution
was passed respectfully . asking , the
'Welsh clergyman of the city to write
a short address to the 'Welsh voters
of Oneida County touching the issues
of the .campaign. In 4he last Drych
these gentlemen have cheerfully re
sfionded, and I senit you a transla
tion of the same. gain myself in the
English ministry of the M. E. Church
but I am deeply
.interested in the
welfiire of my own nation. a. w.
Riidnian, Jefferson Co., Y.
DEAR VELLow Orr=Ens: :At the re
queht •of the Welsh Grant and Colfax'
Club- of: the city of Utica through its
committee, we _desire respectfully
and seriously to call your . attention
to the importance of each one voting
honei3tly, intelligently, and with pure
motives in the approaching election.
We will not dwell On the personal
Character of the different candidates
for President and •Vice-PresidentL
the United States, but we are well
convinced that , the political princi
plesiprofessed by Grant-and Colfax,
- are, more in harmony with the genius
of our government; more in unison
with liberty, truth and righteousness
and-better calculated to restore the
whole country to the full enjoyment
of peace, comfort,Success and honor,
than those professed by their antag
To us it is manifest that the prin
ciplesns well as the profession of
the DemoCratic party 'naturally lead
to the reestablishment of Slavery at
the South, thus rendering compara
tively. worthless the immense sacri
'flee in lifb and property on the: part
of the lovers of liberty and opening
the. way to amore Bangui nary strug
gle in , the future:
We, are well aware that in the
Democratic party are found the chief
defenders of the rum traffic, which is
the fruitful cause of such fearful de
struction of life and wealth, as well
as a hiuderance to all natural, moral
and religious improvements. k its
ranks are found those men thit would
rob us of the Sabbath, and turn it in
to a day of commerce and play: and
in it'is registered the name of every
unrepentant Rebel who lifted his
hawk to destroy . the Government,
and caused that war in which fell
hundreds of our brave Welsh.
They promite that when the Demo
crats shall come to power the taxes
will be diminished. But the history
of that party when in power,' does
not justify the promise of economy,
and the system they advocate gives
no ihope of financial .improvement.
They, speak of paying the national
debt in "greenbacks" instead of gold.
By this the value of the currency
would be greatly reduced; the wheels
of commerce - would be blocked, the
country wouldlall into national pov
erty, and its prosperity-and develop.
ment would be greatly retarded.
This is in short, our unanimous,
conscientious opin on; and, while we
concede to others the same liberty of
opinion which we claim ourselves,
we advise you one and all, as fellow
countrymen to vote for Grant and
Colfax. An di we heartily desire that
each Welsh voter in the United
States should do the same.
First Congregational Church. .
-; • JAMES Giumrrus, Pastor of Second
Congregational Church.
E. T..Joras, Pastor of Calvinistic
Methodist ,Church.
luaa 'l'soli.ts, Pastor of M. E
Churlt. ,
Buspass men,finaneiers,mechanics,:
merchants and farmers, who closely
observe the course and ponder the
language of leading Democrats, can
not-fail to be convinced that the
Democratic object is to prepare4he
way for Blair, Seymour and Hamp
ton's new rebellion, by their efforts
to shake the popular confluence in
the national credit; Thus establish
ing national , dishonor—destroying
the financial - character of the Gov
,ernment, prejudicing `its credit to
such an extent that funds cannot be
secured for the maintenance of the
Government, in in case, another war
should be for Ced upon the countiy.
The nation's credit in the natl.
capital: A k rld the country to-da
paying ttoosper ceding more upon the
public debtmillions of dollars more
thin England does—owing to 'the
instability of the public faith, arising
from the continueti-cry of the leaders
of the Democratic party, for the pay
ment Of the-national bonds in green
backe in placi-of gold, -which - is vir
tually; repndiation. •
PSecoisa 'a a duty," but like a
great many .er datiee r ia very imperfect
performed moat people.
Virtur a sweet couple,what a glo
none yokeeare ram Christ and a Pun
A fine-instance ot- rebel courtesy
and chivalry is - given in Bides*
"Military Mdory of -the life of Illy*.
see Q. Grant"a wqrk that has attrao.
ted a world-wide attention. It lathe
product of s - scb:dar and a soldier:
One of our ablest statesmen sale
that "no one who reads Badean&
book can doubt the exdfsordinaryinr
. pacity of Osumi! Grant, and .bis emi
nent fitness for civil - administration."_ .
Bat to the extract Beicriptivn of
Grant's interview With the rebid geiv
rain after her had whi Penibertoti
at Vicksburg G eneril Badean. 'tepee__
He vierit direct tikonek of the rebeT
headquarters but there no one_ .
to reociie hini,and he dismounted;and
_enteM the porch, where Pemberton
sat - with his generals ,• they saluted
Grant but not one Of them offered
him a chair, though all had sesta
r themselves.' Neither the rank nor
rettutation of 'their Captor, nor the •
swords . he had allowed them to'wear, -
prompted them to this simple act of
courtesy. Pemberton was especially
sullen, both in conversation and be- ,
havior. Finally for very shame, one •
of the rebel. offered w place to Grant. .
The day was hot -- 1 dusty ;he was i- -
thirsty from his ride,_ and &eked for a
drhik of water. They told him he
could find it outsider aid, no one -
showing him the way, he groped in &-
passage until he found a negro, who
gave him, a cup: of cold water only,
which his enemy bad Aimee,. denied. .
When he returned his seat hid been
taken, and he remained_ standing the
rest of the interview, which' lasted
®bout half an hour.
.0 :; Hartranft and the Copperheads.
The copperheads are using the old
cry of "stop thief'} with the hope of
covering. up their extortions upon
the State treaury. Gen. Hartanft,
having refused to pay some of their
frau4nient claims, has consequently
called down upon his bead the anath
emas of their pauperized newspapers
and the curses lOnd and deep of their
rebel orators.
The Harrisburg Patriot, one of the
lowest and dirtiest o the copperhead
journals, charges Gen. Hartranft with
having illegally paid ten thousand
dollars mitre compensation to certain
investigating committees appointed
by the Legislature. The record how
ever, proves no such thing. Gen.
Haitranft did not authorize the pay
ing of these committees. They were
paid by the State
_Treasurer only
after their chairmen had sworn to
their . correctness. And . who were
the chairmen- of these committees?
They were Democrats--menibers . of
'that party in the Legislature who
had the committees'appointed, and
themselves made chairmen, for the par,
pose of making money!
The Norristown _Defender, always
ready to play second-fiddle iu malign
ing faithful public officers ; 'publishes
the article from the Patriot _with the
hope of making an impiession againbt
Gen. Hartrantt in Montgomery coun
ty.; " For the information of the read
ers of that paper,
however, we will
just'state a fact that Will not appeal
in its columns, to. wit, that.ef the
"clearly ten thousand dollarn" paid
"to special' committees of the - Legis
lature," six' thousand and twenty•six
dollars of it were .claimed and paid to
committees having
. Democratic chair
men as follows:
W. S. Gregory, a Democrat, was
chairman of the committee to investi
gate the amount of property exempt
from taxation in the-Gommonweulth.
Samuel Josephs, a Democrat, was
chairman of the.committee to investi
gate charges of discrimination in
George L. Delft, a Democrat was
chairman of-a committee to investi
gate alleged Interest :which officers
and directors of railroads have in
transportation companies.
If this money was paid out of the
State treasury it was at the instance
and upon the oath of these Democrat
ic members of the Legislature, who
certified to the amounts which were
ordered paid I'•
ONE of the claims most impudently
made by the Blair-Forrestaampton
party-is that it has been loyal through
out. They expect this to go down,
notwithstanding the fact that thpy
were the government when the rebel--
lionibroke. out, and for three months
Subsequent, and might-have nipped
the whole trouble in the bud - if they
had inclined to do- so, and notwith-
Standing that The leaders -.they are
now called -on to honor hurrahed
over the beginning of the war as a
political benefit. -
The, rebels in South Carolina cap
tured Fort Moultrie and !Jastle -Pick
ney. December 20, 1860. The gov
ernmetti, /was not handed over-to
Republican control until March 4;
1861. In these crowded Weeks Fed
Pulaski was taken in Georgia ; Fort
Morgan and Mcßae and the Mount
Vernon arsenal in Alabama • Forts -
Pike, Jiockson and St. -Philip, in
Louisiana ; the Pensacola Navy-yard
in Florida ; the Mint, Custom-bonae,
and Arsenal in Lonisianis ; the Arse•
nal in Arkansas, the revenue cutters
in Alabama. and Texas ; the United
States property in Texas,- and the
Star of the West was driven away
from Charleston. -
All this time the Democrats were -
encoUraging the rebels. Governor
Seymour said : "Let us see if suc
cessful coercion by the north is less
revolutionary than successful session
by the south.-" -- The whole , party
jumped to this note ,and any amount
of evidence is accessible.
The'copperheads claim, as we have
said, to have been loyal throughout.
In view of these patent facts, it may
be conceded, that they are wise in
theincorreeponding refusal to discuss
dead issues. Bat to prove their loyal
ty, they , must _summon these - - very
issues into conk. Democratic policy
was loyal. , We say that it was not,
and that a contrary policy would
have prevented the war ; or—the
war being begun —would have closed
it proniptly:
THE Georgia Bebele offered all
kinds of inducements to the Blacks
in the recent canvass and succeeded
in getting a good many of them. to
vote their ticket. They consequently
have a majority in either House 'of -
the Legislature if the Blacka who
re elected are excluded. - To get .
rid of Sambo, therefore, they vote to
turn him out, neck and heels, which
they have already done in the House.
This is no doubt _some , of the "kind
ness" spoken - of in the' ROsecrans:'
correspondence which the negroes
the - South are assured is to be , extend
ed to them. Wo guess that. after
this Georgia Legislature dodge, the
colored men will-not feel like voting , ,
for Seymour and Blair, much.
'TUX beat quality of m ind that any
an+l th an come into poems! of4e the
to bear up splint Amen!
esk , mbstortune...