NdaMstaL Preparing Land fbr Whist. In growing wheat there , are . few things of more importer:we than a thorough preparation of - the ground for the seed: Nor only should it be well plowed, lint thoroughly worked with the barrow and wheat cultiva tor or gang plow. The plow or cul tivator must be used when the ground is hard. Summer fellows broken up early in 'the season, whenlise land wan rather wet, ma n y be dried down hard, and need plowing to again work up fine and mellow. But when land has been recently plowed, and ii not baked, the harrow and cultivator will put it. in fine condition. There is great advantage in the frequent use of a good harrow. It works land down, into that fine, mel low, rather compact conditio6, that, while it is not in the least bard, is the very state for wheat. It is so much better than the loose, (spongy Condition, sometimes produced by fp!) ?Inch plowing. When * tough award is broken up after dry weath er has set in, in the summerAarrow ed once or twice,- and then cross plowed in Aegust, the mid net' being fboronghll rotted WM . ii Pee& of various sizes made tip of a ilium of dry , roots and stems, be mimed ' through the soil, keeping it in a l light huffy condition, not easily Worked down, and in which Wheat is more liable to injury fromj freezing out. Dry C t übbl es also often plow up loose and huffy, and liable to the same dificulty. The best remedy for this is' frequent harrowing. VA good 48-tooth harrow will work down such land into a proper state , bitter than anything else. Then, if after laying a week or two, the land needs more working, put on a good wheel cultivator, and work it op four or five inches deep, when another thor ough harrowing will make it in a flue condition. A good roller will - help work down such land, but the effect is not equal to that produced by the harroty. It leaves the soil looking very smooth and fine on top, but don't put,it in. as fine and good condition all thiough, toil the fin" roots to penetrate,.as the Itircif. When any award .is broken up deep enough to furnish a good seed tied in the soil turned up, there is I seldom any advantage in bringing the sod back to the surface. A thor ough working with the harrow and cultivator frequently makes a better preparation on the sod than can twee cured by cross plowing. This is es pecially the case when clover is plow. I eel under rather late, or any, sward is broken np after harvest. Then, as the sod will. not .be. rotten enough to work down fine, it is tar better ot the lEttom of the furrow. It is also of some benefit thee, hohling the soil well together, while it prevents bak ing down on the subsoil; and, when . plowed in the proper direction, leaves room at the bottom of the furrow for • to:aphis water to work off. When a sniiimer fallow is broken rip early, and the sod is too rotten that it can be worked do wn as fine, there will be less difference. Then dross plowing once or twice—twice i's best—with sufficient harrowing, will make the land in good condition. Still, in sewn cases, the.mure harrow ing the better, for there, is nothing like a good harrow to put land in the lest condition for wheat. With shal low plowing, say four or five inches deep this course is often the best. But when broken up from seven to ten inches deep, as nearly all good iiheat - land should be, once plowing ifs generall7 the best. \,. August 111, the best time to' manure or wheat. -After land is brought in- to 'fair condition, so a good cultiva tion and harrow will make it all right for the seed, then apply from twelve to fifteen loads of well rotted manure 1 per acre. This manure must be spread very fine—it should be so thoroughly broken to pieces and dis tributed that none will impede the cultivator or harrow. When well spread it is not only more benefit to the crop, but saves time, as it costs more labor to be frequently stop ping to clear a clogged cultivator or harrow, and spread the bunches, thus drawn together, than to thoroughly do the work in the first place. Manure, well rotted, does the most - good when applied in this way. If not well rotted, it must be plowed in, as coarse manure cannot, be well worked in with the harrow and culti tator. If partly rotted and plowed under four or five inches deep, with a = rather narrow furrow, taming-less to the bottom, and leaving mre be tween the furrows, it will d very welL- Then a large portion f the ti t, manure is near the surface, wh re it will soon benefit the young wheat. A leading object -in surface manur ing is to give the young plant a good - start, secure a. good growth and • strong root in the fall, and thus put wheat in the best condition to stand the winter and spring, and to y- -finally make a good crop. It is also a great help in securing a good_ seeding to , clover with the wheat. Coarse ,ma nure, plowed under a deep farrow, • can be of little benefit in this way, and is of doiibtful ' advantage at the beat. If lightly plowed under, more or less-will work out and interfere with subsequent cultivation, and may - seriously obstruct the working of the drill. All manure should be so pre - pared and applied as not to interfere with the operation of a good wheat drill. i- Honies in Ply Time& The fly insignificant as it is in size and devoirof the power of doing any great harm is one of the most an noying of ! the insect tribe. A nui sauce to man, the fly is the terror of - the horse, whose flesh is made to qui ver every time the foot of one toischee - him. It is therefore an act of human -ity to come to the aid of the horse powerful as he is against his nimble assailant, the fly. Here is a recipe weich is said to be anl excellent de fence against it. At all events, a trial ofit, may not involve Much ex penes, nor will it do harm should it prove unavailing as a defence to the Imrse : "fake .two or -three small handafull of walnut . leaves, upon - which pour two or three quarts of cold water let it infuse one nicht, and pour the whole next morning into . a kettle and let it boil cfor a quarter of an hour ; when cold' it will be fit • for use. No m'bre is requiied than . to moisten a sponge:, and before the ' hors goes out of the stable,let -those parts which are most irritable be smeared over with the liquor, viz ; between and upon the ears, neck, flank, etc. Not only the lady or gentleman who rides out for pleasure will derive from • the walnut leaves thus preparecl,but the coachman, the Wagoner, and ill others who use horses the summer months.* Isla* is _need for tanning, what is the‘mmsra; Tape of the bark cis tut tinier >:; 14 , .41 - -. 1 0 7, A , T E'AA *Oar Oa sad Mat ntawnsk Train win Nave Warmly. al about thoblimr. bours t als : • amia ism sas a. m., Night MOWS swap tad, for lkabseMr, Sadlo, B.kub med Dealirkosaking Creel consietioss withirelas of the Atlantic and OrestWatera, Igloo SW* sad Grand Trunklllll=Le all potato Wat ; silo at Elmira tbr . • 1 1:111 a. a., Emwees, • Daily. lb, Tiociweter Web, Mamas, Dankht sad the West, cosnecting as above. 11:26 a. is., Hall Train, Beam e,m, Bem.lo and Dunkirk, ommecting at Ow Oanandsi m` 3:19 p. m., Elmira Aommusodstins, Enhalls • IV Day 'Ewes, Bandays for Bochedm,Builblo. Saismases, Maxim the West. Connects at Maks tor Cewandaigss at Beismanca with the Atlantic and Oast Western Beihray, and at Doable with the Lake Ettore and Grad Trunk Railways * for all points West and Booth. 1043 p. m.Express Neil, Sandals ac cepted, for litibloa est. ealtemner and Domidrk, 00110 meeting with tes for tbe W 9 10a m. Way Freight. Bandar excepted. 8:10 p. m.,•W„psat Twilit, Daily, for the West. Mope it Waver ly4lolA on Mondays only. ll LIN sat a. a., at Express, Mondays ex cepted, connecting st Owego for 9 1tbsca ; st Binghamton for Syracuse ; at Gnat Beni for Basaton and Philadelphia : at Lacionnumn Ear Hawley, and at prayourt for Newburg end Warwick. 8:53 a. et., Binghamton Accommodation, Bow days excepted. Ido p.lll, Accommodation train, daily. 11:13 a. m.. Day Express, Elambys eli at BM/bunion for ByracassV a l, • at Lackawaxen Ow Hawley; ,and at Athol air KW6t Mum Vali afro* Jet2=l for Thileddpitia, Wrangle W p. m., Nes! Teo* ;nd Baltimore Hall. Sundays TteiL 9: 17 14Shfting , Enadays ex cepted, consult- wet Jar with awn_ tag wren train of New Jersey ••• • fee Nem mote and Washington, and at el York with moraine express trains for Boar ad the But. 1:09 a. m., Night Emile* NM • um meeting at Orayoourt for Warwick; add at New York with afternoon trains and for Boston and New England cities. 4.35 p. in. Way Freight, bu . iye excepta tn. A revised and complete , Pscket Mt/ Table "of Passenger Trains on the Erie BAB way and • =acting Lines, has recently been published, and can be procured on application to the Ticket Agent of the Comm 2) WE. IL DAM, E. Dom. Oval Pau Ag't, New-York. Dort. READING RAIL ROAD-SUML MER ARRANGEMENT. KAY 30th, 1868. Gala? TRUNK LIMN FROM TER Nom aim Norreirserfor PhUidelphis,New-York,Reading Pottsville. Tamaqua, Ashland, Lebanon, Allen town, Easton bc. •ke. Trains leave , Harrisburg for New-York, DO I al low*: At 150, 6.25 and 8.10, a. xi., and 111.40,m. 2.05 and 925 is. m., _connecting with ,similar Trans on tne Punsylvanb Rail Road, and ar 'riving at New-York at 5.00 and 10.00 and 11.50 :a. an., and 3.50 7.40 and 10.30 p. in. Sleeping 'CAM abcailepanying the 2.50 a. tn., and 9.35 p. Ea t Trait& without change. :. Leave' llt 3, ~, a l l for Reading, PottasillaY Tamaqua , Ashland, Pine Grove, Allentown ebt la plila, at 8.10 a. m., and 2.05 and 4.10 p: 4,stapping at Lebanon and principal Way Stetledif •,f - the 1.10 p. in. Train dose connectiCar ler Philadelphia and n ` a Lon i ttia For Pottsville, Ed Sateen and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Rail lioad,le;ve Harrisburg at alt - Return. lag : ;Leave New-York at 9.00 a. nr.-,ilT dean, and 5.00 and 8.00 p. an. Sleeping Cats* .Wm panying , the 9.00 a. an. and 5.00 and 12210'p. In trains without align. el 1 ,• Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m. returning from Reading at 6.30 p. m:, stopping at all stations • Pottsville at 8.45 a. m. and 2.45 p. .; Ashla nd at 6.00 and 12.19 coon, 2 . . , Tamaqua at 8.30 a. m., and 1.00 and 8.45 p. an- Leave Pottsville for Harrisburg, via Schuyi- • kill and Susquehanna Rail Road. at 7.10 a. m. and 12.00 noon. Reading accommodation Train : Leaves Read tug at 7.30 a. in. , returning from Philadelphia at 6.15 p. m. Pottstown Accommodation Train, leaves Pottstown at 6.45 a. m., returning leaves Phil adelphia at 4.30 p. m. Columbia Rail Road Trains leave Reading at 7.00 a. m. and 6.15 p. an. for Ephrata, Lida, Lancaster, Colombia. in. Perklomen thif Road Trains leave Parkloinsn . Junction at 9.00 a: in. and 5.55 p.m. Return ing : Leays Skippack at 6.45 a in. and 2.15 Kit. m., connecting. with similar train s on Read- Rail Road. ' • . Sundays : Leave New York at 8.00 p. in. Philadelphia 8.00 a. nr. and 2.15 p. an., the.B,oll a. tn., train running oat) Balding. Pottsvilln 8.00 a. an. Harrisburg 5. a. a. and 4.10 and .935 p. m.,and Reading at 1.10, 2.60 and 7.15 a. an.. for Harrisburg, and 7.06 a. a., and 11.40 L ei m., for New York, and 4.25 p. in., for Phila. ommatation, Mileage, Season, School sad !Excursion Tickets to and from all points, at re iduced rates. low=checked 'through ‘lOO pounds ai , •, Paasenner 0, A. ERCOLLS, General Superintendent. Reading, Pa.:, May 20,1867. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAM ROAD.—Summer time Table. Thor' and direct route between Philadelphia, Balti more, Harrisburg. Williamsport,and the Great Oil Regions of Pennsylvania. Emint Sleep ing Cars on all night trains. I On and after MONDAY, KAY 111,1 r, 11168, the trains on the Philadelphia. & Erie Bail Road wilt run as follows walimuf Mall Trait leaf.* Philadelphia.. —11.15 P. M Willlaaapport. 8.20 A.M. arrives - at Eder 8.50 P Mt, Express leaves PESladelp2da...l2loo noon. " 8:50 arrives atilile - - 10105 A. M. Elmira Mall leaves Philadelpbis... 84:10 A. K. " Willlamsper t... 6:111 p. m. ild arrive at Lock Haven.. 7:45 p. m. itanwasz. Mail Train, leaves E- 1 11:00 a, " ..Willhumspost....l):lo p. ir• arrives at Philadelphia.. 7:10 a. In. Erie I!Fpreas leaves Tit ..... 7 8 : : 1 11 F a : arrives at PbUadelphiti 590 p m II ail and Express connect with Oil Creek and Allegheny River Ball Boad.t Baggage Checked Thnxigh. ALFRED L. TYLER, Geng Bo" illistdim=s. FURNITURBI NM GOODS ! NEW GOODS I NEATLY FINISHED POPUL4B, , PBIOBS cm:muting or CHAMBER SETS, PARLOR SETS DINING BOON SILTS, MIRRORS, PICTURE FRAMES, Photograph Frames, for eeerybodx A GENERAL AISOBI2IIIIT FITMIITUBE, V Suited to 'tide market. I /mire the beat uphold• ter in the wintry. and manufacture our own upholstered work. REPAIRING AND JOBBING, Done to orda. *ZeMps an =lona of'2o years In the buskins cut con tly hope to pkewe all who patronise me. Don't forget the . No. 15S, Kaki it., two doors month of is Block, Towan da. Pa. S. T. DECKEB. . Towanda, Nay CIP.OVEIL BAKER'S RIO MT PitEVICIW SEWING MACHIN-ES ISO OmmutEtnest. Millabdptds. TEE VERY HIGHEST PRIZE, see CROSS OF TEE LEGION OP HOEOII Wei watered-on the reprolea take of the GROYNE, AND BALM t'• SEWING MACHINES, ' at the EXPOSITION I:INThIESELLE, Paris,lB67 ; tluui aUmeing THEIR GREAT SUPERIORITY Ono an other 'Noring-maeldnas. An anatruneat of then otlebratad rehtns constantly on band and far odd a tm • W. A. ORAIO3 TOWASDA t IPA. Feb. 6,1868.—em. A N EIGHT HOUR POWER .40111. OROTTEI TER RING ItACHlNg— nearly now—Aar eaATiny they. ar g saa add mom for teat dub; the seina._gown et J. G. PATTON at Or= 21 CoAl Beek Ettom Towsada, Ps. Ala a Two Ha, Power. July 23. 120.-3 w. WINE SYRUP/34ND MOLASSES .L 7 at MaCIARII Sag ,4ritate MON TiN TV 111 W'AS D. all. . - --- 1 i, -..,' ' i-'• '• . • , BEAL EBTAXE-4 01 :* 07 ; (1111 r ids dui lorlarbsprips I l ltissAg Nuesillis' pion sail mos limesbis Sways , . ' Atiale ladsiiit;s Ok l r: emi ty. Mg Jew. Onlalskw OS sleek Wise fres Iblegs Illudka, Oman aid Caps thy . , ‘ Tloo " Moo Anchor" proloolffi la Whim +,, OomOrt om, oi., s. ' Oaollstalag & Toloo la IMO MN eon mos. , - . • ! ~ , I - • Patter Ousts Lamle. autlir Unbind alth P. Neadeek, Oberty sad bard woods es Moss t • 'heats No m . l3 l ri nt ewa l urea g • •No. 1511, a lad Oket todoi a/ the eleaaaabasdas la %Moe sad Sylveala konaldpe. t Trade No. Olt 910 acres It 0. 41181400 acres; No. 4898. lOC acres; Lettre teem dap. lbw at Algot, beadlralara of Nettle Creek. Tracts No. 5917. 1100 scree ; No. MO, L5lO atm ; No. 5813, 1100 sates ; No. 1936, 1083 awes 76 ostelmte: No. 5913, 11100 6930, 1100 urea No. U3B_, 1100 acres No. 1911, 1100 ;1a sad INflardna tura. Mrs oa head won Kettle , !hers , agar oda O Testa No. 41a, la arm ; Appall aft Staratace towsallis, seer lilts MAO Cast. Tits No. 49!0.837 sem ;, 41154. 800 sees, Marks township mils to 131anstaben tag. Two Mabel sad atvwdy4vi awes Wm, Ina ekaa awl had. Blakely lowaabipj La mm aoanty,Pa.,loll way betami Seraatoa awl Owbale. Vary sea! the mum: • One tbonsuid anis tent dan Anthracite alai land about mann norernat of Wilkes. Barre, la tie OM of inporreanda ..A . bottglOSO sans of had la dfirdford ti county. Nov 'Amy, abou t Pr float lacknon Amnion of the Crait r aad Atisallo sad Drays** sad Para. tam lIE- • 'Madge NM seat. or . MAW, __' boas, Lo n aoad award sever Ming water. Winir Onlo 61115thinf My rimaisi. anitteit'oinntiot. Pskov 1 $26 per iers. • , I i &sonars Paw sad Peonsyl4nLa lanai.— Descriptions and dractloas gives oa applica tion. A valuable ComtelOW near PShcadelpbla. Splendid grounds and Ims. , 61/ arias of bad WESTERN PROPER?!-11* nab oil en chanp 110 saes of good bed one third . Um• Wed. San Piers , Stark oonnilyokws. I Forty acres of good laad - sylth ilett treei, ap plat, peaches, pears. ie. Sd acres *apron& one Ulf mile Irma Sae Mere On Seaway . Price sBoo. s 80 men one mile from Bad Plere, one.tbird timbered. No improvements. 4 On railway . Price 8800. A stem mill property in Bailington tows abfr, Bradford county. A very desirable Ins operation. Ittleirponels of land, oontabithg hom AO to Matter, mob partially timbered. and Improv ed atillandwforMdng or inoudni. , . • ' Roue WM Orem to good ordek and 136,aeres" of improved mg thisbend fond: orehard,!good water. &a. Under township, Tioga county, on Northern Central '..allway.,l Pot ale on long time and easy terms. I 26 Town Lots In Mono llosewlttle &sand county. Pa. 000 Acres 91 Ild Timbered toad. Sullivan county. Pa. • In Aires good Farraiug load, Ifarlingtoo township: Bradford moot, Other timbered end improved properties. Descriptkins given on Apr satiOn. =l'is sad Improved Best' 'Estate , -To 114"rrough, and other oroperttes 1 MONTANYE do WARD,i Extents Conveyances, fur lab `, Briefs ot , buy and seU Beat Estate' collect rentals and Itensorarre7 and examine ail kinds of prOperty. They we prepared to negOtlate sales olpfarms, homeideads, and properties especially &sizable to capitalists; to procure ;dunces of money upon bond and mortgage, dto proaeinte in quiries for those' &drift le oaks Investments oe Bevan a house. • Thee wil meet 1 INS') NCE' la the boot known VIRE Op LIFE gompe. msg. They two onkel, tent o. tgrod. hid ens neighboring combo 11. 'ea lint dma pantos la thew soma! apartments of InUM , awe. • Thom who desire to too or ; Nell WWI; „ - , All who wish to select lirousaos whist The; All who seek pumas* iavestosents for the tutors bsosilt Of their is secure and fint-olsOs lik Ckmipsaiss • CapitalbAs &mirth; to 6ay or sell ; valuable spocalstino properties ; All wishing amnia and examinations ; All whidag advanosJ upon valuable rea property All wbo slab to oats! , lame or rental of Parma or Tenement'. Axe nem respeolthlly oolie tied Ito adroit inch bud to ow Amoy. Farther partirdera toritlehiet at our, once Office, owner ollitainj sad Tine 'greets air PROPERTIES ADVERTISED FREE OF UHARGE' t REFEICKNOES ' I . 8.U.0s Ileroor, Towadda__ ,IPa. I Not. Mau Elwell, bars „ Pa. . C. L. Ward, Naq., Tointrata. O. Norm, _ G. F. Na m & Co . Towada. J. D. Itoatsopo, . et, Phtlat _L Lathrop, Madigan Och. Noy Tat, Mom Srialphia. Noa.Joha N. Oommtkiat, Wilkaallarre. Marto Pwrlab. Wilkaroltarre. Boa. r. Lander; Netttroao, Pa. , ?mods. AND d. MT FASHIONS •FO, SPRING AND • Mobs jest Mated Haww - Yesk with sad eddied data of MILLINERY ore bops to be ebb to does all like M a derwith Moir petamisie. Oosii sad See I We will do o year Steen law blest styks sad we defy edapditical is Mk bawd" of oar A be Co 'lima Isai—ep chest. Abe libeless Ousel lildstr. Call sad bdort yea Issas ea lb. As of jerair.4. Co.; bstwese tbe Mess d Vbs. 4iterad Wawa Mlles Outer. ,1 E. J. Pt EEC E Ind 77 — +" Abe, PATTERNS of TIN LAVERY STYLES foe Leer' sad Childs* , Them* Ladies slabs to ta t sad tbe best of dries, witik &goat Whig. w ill dad it to to Ism Os with a ar Booms Drat . Piero.'.: • • • IL L. Tows*, April 8, , - rpm •PLACE L ITO BUY I YOUR "c"il iktieVi a 4aar• cb4p ,Ihitetio tic fraisliar. GIonmPBOVISION AND, - • = JO EIMUDITII; • F • INNS of tie Rill Road Risme sea spit nopoothilly twits the ot toman" at tbs o mbacillo first and well MUM= I AND PROVISIONS; Whiolt be kW to soft tho Oise_ Sad posorsf on, g NO o lurs olio,oputed opined FRO • KORN, • Vida; is will oltoOtod toe Ito cost sod =4cool Mks at all um"'ks!lis 4 : 1111114 " a large stock of - ' -r. TEAS, C PIPERS, SUGARS, • I ito4risze, • - &0., PiOUR, ~_ :PORK, Writhe* Mum chap for Cub. GOODS DICLIVERED IN THE if OR Cr Fillpti OF Ogillae. The demi*alma& and iriolaiti c wUl Ono opt ,thsaks for tbeir ivy nag petrowage for their , n ha two yeori, and In pronto with their medium. to lawn ov ary °pot stunt! Warp our boohoo, so al to natant tion to all. call and on us lig•hk , I ions 1181111111T11.. Towoods;4l, 10. 1867. ATICW 4.1 GROOKRY AND PROVI , SION STORE I =OCAS J. JONES, • Has opened a new. Grocery aid Provision Store la Patton'a Block, in -the store formerly o con, pled by &dam & e Son. where he now of& re to the Wino It halo IWO/ of * I GROCERIES I AND PROVISIONS, Of the best qtralitY, and to be sold at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. The 'etoolroontain a 11 • • TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, • SUGARS, ko. Also EED, MEAL, &C. • In bet everything usually kept In a ,Grocery And Prevision Store, which I shall sela as low as can be bought elsewhere. ar Cash will be paid for all , •• - Conn try Reduce. ! Towanda, Oct 17. lw7 . N E S T OR. NEW GROCEEIRSt W. A. ROCKWELL'S. PINE APPLES, PEACIIES,'PLUMS L AND CANNED„OYS.TERS. PEACHES, PRIINES,i CHERRIES, , Av., Ac., Ac. TEAS, StGARS, SYRUPS, MOLASSES, COFFEE, SPICES, Of all kinds, la fact everything to the GROCERY LINEI FLOUR,FEED,BRAND, POTATOES, BUTTES, LARD, EQGS, AND EVERY vAximpay OP rusirvize DRY GOODS OF ALL VARIETIES, LOWEST POINT IN THE MARKET CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST 1 ALL KINDS - OF PRODUCE. May 23,1867 THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING nln the Orm of C. B. PATCH 1 CO., Is now prepared• to ' otter to On. citizens of Bradford County sad,vlclalty, a large and well selected stock of Mich I.have purchased for Cash and feel conti dent that can sell at an low flgams as can be purchased elsewhere. I now offer to the public. a splendid stook of TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, G. D. YONTANYE, DENBY WARD. AKRON FLOUR, GRAHAM DO L I 'keep oonanintly °a band, PORK, HANSI, LARD and IFl4ds, of FISH. Would call the at tattoo of the public to onr Can't .Be Beat Iu quality or i)rloi. • lase Oakley's Celebrated Laundry, Nay) York Chemical and Brown Soap. Please con Od, canine our stock of WOODEN . WARE.- Lame amortalent of YANKEE NOTIONS. TOILET BOAill, &a., &a. I will pay the high . I est ate price for Farmers give its a umll before selling elsiwhere AIL penman indebted to the ;ate arm ,, wlll , plan cell apd make immediate payment. ' IC. B. PATCH Ten'Pads , Ouch 12, Um- MEW ITAILO_IikSHOP 11 Alva PENNEP4OKEiII • lisa opened A shop in the loom' back of the Ikons of thelYoung Yen's .Christtan Asada Ws, second story, over Eddy's,Clotbing Store Where be is n'w prepared U•4-'all kinds of • In the best mid most fiiihiensblemanner. An experience ell many years, a determination to keep Op; irth the Fashion of the Times, ands death to pleats his customers. he believes will enable him tolgive sutlshiction. INS. Matti* done on short notice and reason ble terMs. Towanda, Oct. 17, 1867. NEP GOODS! AT CANNED FRUITS, OF ALL %INDS. DRIED AP LES, Will be kept constantly on band A fifth lot of Purchased at tho And will be sold as TO THE FARMERS .CASH PAID FOR W. 4. ROCKWELL Purchased the entire Interest of R. H. PATCH, 0 OCERIES, STARCH, SALERATIIII, SPICES, &C. !We ion hand a large stook of RYE DO. BUCKWHEAT DO. BTO?K OF TOBACCO, CO 0 :Y PRODUCE C. B. PATCH 7 i§:;.;r ~-~~ ~.. _, .-...ice ay,,:~ „ :... .„. , NAW ; 111 PAPEIR • . - R'._..- - 17:-. ,: : :'.,. E. : 1): . :D--T f'(i , . Would lama.* to VW , Wawa of sad the peak~My that be, has la: shwa, deitl rEid,w l .4l ": ' - . , -PBEISR GOODS; la Ids lIM. oolSoblo to Utotraats of the people, ',I'M be odil aoll Mc Otermoy at formic G 0 - 4iD BI GB ambito" so spud of pod well as rollatdo OLOTHINkGI \, Inv44 of say iliad) B:IISINESi, Al miles. COATS, VESTS AND', PANTS, All Wool. DRESS COATS, PANTS & VESTS, Linen , Costa, pastas and Over Lila mid' Over Shirts. Linea and Paw Collars. Liam Cawdmere and Phenyl Shirts. Nock Ties. Elsopsodecc, Gloves. Cum. Leather Bap,Spring Earle Silk, Edit and Straw Hata. Ail &Arches. Emembm that good Goods are cheaper at a fair price than poor goods at any price. Call aad examine my goods before buy. log. Next door to Powell a Co. B. W. EDDY. Towanda - .40 28.87. THE TEMPLE OF FASHION I NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS! An entire new stock al Clothing bought as chespiss before the war to be' sold with SMALL PROFITS 1 The undersigned - would respectfully announce to the amens of Towanda and vicinity that he hi pow ready to offer them CI othlng, such as FINE. BEAVER OVERCOATS, CHINCHILLAS, PILOTB, Also the FINEST DRESS AND BUSINESS SNITS HATS AND OAPS. Furnishing Goods, &c.. and that these goods bought at very low figures will be sold with very small profits I intend to establish a per. manent trade in this place, and In order to gain the confidence of purchasers, will deal on a basis of HONESTY AND INTEGRITY ! and all goods will be' warranted for what they are represt rated to be. Cdme and examine and convince yOurself. Don't forget the place. Temple of Fashion, opposite the .Means House, south end of Beidleman's Block. Towanda, 0ct.17, 1867 BEOELL & VAN VEL FASHIONABLE MERCHANT '7AILORA'S' I=l READY MADE CLOTHING lIAIS AND CAPS, GENTS - FURNISHING GOODS 68 Broad Street, WAVERLY, TIOGA COUTY N.Y We. have a Fashionble Cutter from New York City, mid take all the risk in giving you a good - _env VAnr. CLOTFIDIII We make at our own estai s ilishment. We give particular attention to Youth's Boys, and CHILDRENS' CLOTHING • And alwayeve a goonamottmentj CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, From 65 cents to $3 per yard, (all wool.) Best Stock of Hats and Caps Kept within 20 ruilesJ Come and :lOok and, prove for yourself. wk. Will be at the Ward House the lint and third Monday of every month with samples of Goode, an prepared to take miasores. BEDELL dt VAN VELSOB. 68 Broad•at., Waver! X. Agents for Grover .k Baker's &wing Machines April 2, 1868.. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS 1 PROCLAMATION BY COHEN & ROSENTIELD, TOWANDA, PA Wataxas, It seems 'to have pleased the in habitants of Towanda, and vicinity, to recog nise our fair way of dealing ; AND Wazseas, We owe our !sincere thanks to the community for extending to us so liberal a patrionage until now ; `Awn azaras We deem it our d uty to re ciprocatii all the ,favors bestowed upon as thus far ; We do hereby publicly PROCLAIM, that ou great dock of New Spring and Summer Goods, Comprising everything in the LINE OF CLOTHING Such as Doeskin & Cassimere Pants And a 1 the beet styles costa, vests, in. GEN7S. FURNISHING GOODS And the LATEST STYLES HATS & CAPS Will be disposed of stanch REDUCED PRICESV That will astonish the community. AA our Goods are manufactured New York express ly for this market, we can affbrd to sell-u cheap u the next. We are bound to satisfy all who give us a call. COHEN & ROSENFIELD. Next door to Fox, Stevens, Mercer Co. Towanda, April 16, 1868. - , We would call the attentimi of the public to the fact that we have opened a Brarich Store in WYALUSINO, (bl i the store formerly occupied by 8. F. TILYIOO where we are prepared to sell at the same Low Bates. ,Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. I COHEN 1 ROSENFIELD. Wyalcudng; Aprlll6, 1868. NEW LOCATION N.,EW ATTRACTIONS! -J. M. COLLIN S, Hai removed to the store•forme - occupied by Marshall Brothers & Co., next below the Poet Office, and has replenished his sasortete eat with a large and new stock of • READY ,MADE CLOTHING, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, TRIMMINGS, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, • &C.., ' &O. ' These goods hate been recently purchased the decline in prices, and will be sold at 'EXTREMELY LOW RATES I ' give me a call, before_ purchasing elsewhere, as I will sell better goods.. at lower prates 'than ehewbere. I have mane arrangements with an expell er ced Tailor t MANUFACTURE GARMENTS, And having a large etc* of Cloths sad rehn• minim, I man furnish costumers with every style of Garment they mry desire. malls In a fashionable manner, and warranted to OIL Don't forgot the place, nest dour below the Poet - Once and News R oom, Main sty Towanda, April 3), 1868. , .~J~M~S.; ;_ MEE ISE ----- - " 04 it , .- - ,DRITG ,'BTOREti OLD Canna; Wets ad' Pleketamaii .. taremle, -*Wee' rasealliatialleisels • Mltoseplite ,amortara;, - earlitiateg ea eabiablemsesay. subeselas =ay Midge and to &beasts es . meehealeal rupees. Weeny Waded sitikaapattothet e rehe weak et ra t WOO will be eoadeatii lap gra bath webs Bes t _ _sabred es viesoadde of fee sa ilreoleade or MA , • - „ DRUGS, MEDICINES, mow*, MOM OILS, Tama" _BEN2INE AND TURPENTINE; lust, PAINT, VARNISH; WHITE. WARN. • And all kinds of Smokes. KEROSENE OR COAL Alcohol and Rosin r Plaids. LAMPS, EiIiADES, was. oilman, Spenn.terd. Mulle t Nests Part. TONER'S AND MACHINE OILS, Panty and Toilet Articles Is all their misty, SPONOES. Bausues, SOAPS, CONES. Ponisdes, RairDyes, Perfumery, IPOOKET BOOKS, PORT MONAIS, Pocket Knives, Rayon, , TOOTH. SKIN AND HAIR PREPARATIONS • PURN WINOS AND LIQUORS, For 11[alleluia me. I'opacco,l Starry, Pins AND Mass, arden, Field 8.11'401m Seeds, Trainee, Bap Oorters, Suspensories, Shoulder Braces. Breast pump., Teething BlnD . Lu= • Baths, Nipples, Binds &folds. Syringes, BM Psin7relf• Sealing Fruit Jam, Thermometers, Flavoring Extracts, Stone Jags, 'Glass Ware: Bottles, Ties. Corks, Bath Brick , and Stoveßlacking, Flab Taekle — , Amman — i• Mon, Ike. Botanic, Eclectle,and Homavath lc Medicines, and all the Popular Patent MED. I C I E 8 - Alearticiitt warranted u Tepresented. Per sons at a d tam* can receive their orders bl stage or mall , which will receive prompt and careful at •. tion. DR. PORTER'S PREPARA27O2+7B FOR FAMILY USE, Known as Soft and Reliable Remedies, ate war ranted for what they are intended to i.ive satis faction, via : Dr. Porter's • Pectoral 4 1 for coughs, colds, how ints&c.soc&SlL 00 Dr. Porter's Eclectic Pills, for bilious coot plaints and mild cathartic.... 25 Dr. Porter's Sanifer Syrup, for scrofula skin distil:Bes, 4re 1 00 Dr: Porter's Uterine Tonic, for female weak ness,./kc. 1 00 Dr. Porters Toni# Elixir for strengthening the srtem; 1 00 Dr. Porter's Tansy Schnapps, for liver and kuing complaints 1 00 Dr. Porter's Comp. Syr. Hypophospbites. for nercionts debilly 1 GO Dr Porter's Blackberry Balsam. for dial-- rhea, ac. . 35. Dr: Porter's Faintly Embrocation foi sprains bruises, 4-c . .13 D. Porter's Pectoral Wafers, for hoarse ness, sore throat, te Dr. Porter's Worm Wafers, for expelling • worm. 25 Dr:Porter's Worm Syrup, for exteratina ling worm 36 Dr. Porter's Intent Relief, for crying babies'. colic., - 26 Dr. Porter's Cephalic Snuff, for catarrh headache 25 Dr. Porter's 'Toothache Drops, for loath- ache 23 Dr. Porter's Tooth Powder, for preserving teeth 2i Dr. Porter's Tricoaene, for dressing and 50 growing the hair • 60 Dr, Porter's h Tri ai eophile, for beautifying the Dr. Porter's Odoriferous Shampoo.for clean ing the hair Dr. Porter's Milk of Flowers, for beautify.. ing the complexion Dr. Porter's Pile O'ntment. for externs. piles.. Dr. Porter's French Compound, for scald in arias Dr. Porter's- Medicated Flgs,; for habitue. cotudipation.... Dr. Porter's Healing Salve, for cats,woands Dr. Porters Lip Salve, for cbappsd lips , Porter's Eye Salve, foi Intl=led eyes.. 26 Porter's Eye Water. for inflamed eyes. Dr. Porter's Corn and Wart Remover, for toms and bunions 23 IDl.Portees Constipation Pills, for costive ness 2 Dr. Porter's Iron Pills, for poor b100d.....' 26 Dr. Porter's Citrate Magnesia, for • pleas. • ant cathartic. ' 60 Dr. Porter's Liquid Itemiet, for making nu tritious diet for invalids 26 Dr.Totter's Extract Vanilla, for flavoring Ice cream, 40 40 Dr. Porterk Extract Lemon, for flavoring i o ice cream—large. bottles ' Dr. Porter's Oriental Cement, fot mending . • broken glass, 40 - 25 Dr. Porter's Liquid Glue, tor repairing wood work la Dr. Porter's Cleansing Pimd,for easy wash ing 60 Dr. Porter's Bed 'Bug Poison, for killing bugs 60 Dr. Porter's Fly Poison Paper, for killing flies - 05 Dr. Porter's Rat and Mice Poison, tor ex terminating rata 25 Dr. Porter's Benzine, for removing spots from clothes .. 25 Dr. Porter's Black Ink, in pint bottles 25 •"in bulk by the gallon 00 Dr. Porter's Horse and Cattle Powder, for ... - . diseases of animals. • ' 30 Dr. Porter's Horse and Cattle Lotion, for sprains, galls, &c • 60 Dr. Porter's Ring-Bone and Spavin ',Our% for lame horses.„, 60 • Medic* 'advice given gratuitously at the'ofilee, charging only for medicine. air Thankful for pastliberal patronage,would respectitttly announce to his friends and the public,•that no pains shall be spared to satisfy, and merit the continuation of their confidence and patronage. H. C. PORTER, M. D. Dec. 18,1866.—yr InisEttlancous. SOMETHING NEW AGAIN IN MOTION 1 Having purchased the stock of Tobacco belong ing to Handall, Compton & Co., and having built a shanty on the same ground, we are pre; pared to offer to the public WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, ` CHEWING TOBACCO, Gold Leaf, Sunny Side, Pine Apple, Michigan Fig, Rose Leaf and Star, which we oiler for, sale In quantities to snit Onstotners. Packages in Barrels, baits and quarters. FANCY INCOKIN4 The celebrated , lone Jack, Pride of the Pal ted States, Virginietle,Gold Lest, Navy and all kinds of Sflllcknlc. ' BBLNOS OP COMBS, American Eagle; Gen. Grant, Leboquet ha pert*, Tycoon and the very choicest - brands o Tuna. We will keep constantly on hand a variety of Pipes-, Cigar Cases, Tobacco Boxes and Pontia c, and everything usually kept Ina Tobacco Store, Landlords supplied with Cigars sot Poll To bacco on liberal terms. All -orders promptly fill& 1 3 ihnrt uotioe.r A.-BARNES. Oct. 27;1867. CHEAP PASSAGE FROM OR TO IRELAND OR ENGLAND 1 011071:81 C0:11 41,11 07 1341112111.01,17, OP LmarooL. Williams & Ginion'a old "Black Star Line" of Liverpool Packets, sailing every imp*. Line of Packets from• or to Lon don, sailing twice a month. Remittances to . England, Ireland and Scotland payable on demand.. • - For farther particulars, apply to Williams •& salon, 29 Broadway, New-York, or 0. F. ,WASON & 0., Bankers, Oct. I, 1868. - ' Towanda.Pa • WSW. OR ANY OTHER AR T 101.13 In our Hoe, ordered at short notice oy calling at the BMWS BOWL B g . lt ;.B.:R KLS , _ • W. B. Qom Oseatomettiona a t m% ate Stio loolOom el, :So otooillto.i.ilhokortioto Jo it **lt gd ro= it ag rtin klooo to mime Itimittio non __tamuditioroto NY asks or Ma sod l does of get Alals, l l°e lll , ,poblio= • liesjut heir nestred,rnail we ari pired.lo.applytte. • . , vitix.siccir - Tsz . PUBLIC WITH A2TWL FOB 11191011 888 WILL ow octioinsassio sow= 1101620T113 AND 10110PATHIO hAPS4:i 10(1)1.1-:4 runs, on., VASXIBIII, - PAINT AND VARNISH BRUSHES, 16 A variety of Such u FROM OS TO Jr mommr , , 4•_ • . . DWG - 87012• 11 a D/111138 AID inzionns BiLOll6Olll VO VII MIS. PURI WINO AND mums, • 111Wils •fi AND SLAY. rime SAD Tower isnciausioi ' AI IaND. nuns% ar t oolloisci AXD nom mule, ALKALOID AND READITOIDS. All the Beet Brume, ♦BDOYINAL OP'VORTZBEit rr1717••"11 =UM SHIPS, NIPPLE SHELLS, AID • SHIELD% Mining Bottles, BringLe awl Cgbatere, • LAZES AZIOSTIOINT OP 11,11011, SHOP/, POOR! 11:31111711111, ' . SURGICAL INSTRUNINTOOP LATE STYLE Lwo bar Qvauvr. A large sapp., Brushes for the Hat and Hair. Also for the Teeth and Nalle,Tooth Pow ders and Pastes, Oils, Perfumery, Soaps. Combs, Hair I=or . &tors. hpse KOTOIn e , damns, Wicks, e e .. all of the • late it styles. CHOICE CIOMIS, TOBACCO AND SNUFF. air Physic's= supplied at reasonable rates. Medicines and Prescriptions carefully.. and ac. curate!, compounded and prepared by compet ent persons at all hours of the day and night. Sunday hours from 9to 10 o'clociln the fore noon, to lin the afternoon. W. E. H. GORE. Towar , Sept. 29, 186 d. triarbroare. 14 ' • lig O MI p._ - c e c i a M . , tpg op. 1, 03 r4el 2 re 0' 4 i=l a t, z .1 Frz E a I. 1 E 4 2 1 i $ 4z ": 14 :2 t . 1 1:1:1 -, a ' 1 I ›.• r z .4 •r _ ,_ 1 sp f ' = lag 80: ' 4 02 • .... MARSHALL BROTHERS & CO., Wish to call the attention- of the public to their new Stock of HARDWARE, PARKING IMPLIMENTS, BLACK SMITHS' TOOLS, - and CARPENTERS' TOOLS, , Also, a large t of Window Ohm, Sub, Flints, Oils, ;Patty, Varnishes and Paint and Varnish - • • of all kinds, which will be sold for thelowest fliah mica. Aloe.* the amortise= of KEROBBNE LAMPS of every style and pattern to nit the public. Fluid Oil to . Particular attention paid to the stanzas's:Wring of all kinds of TIN WARE JOTTING PROMPT - LT AYTISDID TO We Dave on hand a One article of GLA-SS PILUIT JARS, with improvedaelf-aealing corks, and HERMETICAL BEALINope N 8 which la one of the - belt - cans used June 20,1866. iftiectlialuons. THE GOOD TIME HAS COME I The supine of labor combined with other came hu told with fearful effect upon FURNITURE! And it is decidedly lower, which can easily be seen by enquiring prices at FROST'S FURNITURE EMPORIUM Where may be found the !argot and best stook of Furniture ever offered In this market, and whichl am now offering . at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! I am-now selling Oak and Chestnut Extenilon Thblea at $1,60 per foot, and other goods in the same proportion, many of them as cheap as be. fore the War. I have also increased facilities for Mannfaitarlng, and - can furnish DEALERS AT WHOLESALE Thankful tx their past liberal patronage and determined to merit a continuation of the same by offering inducements not to be found cis.- Where, I Waite the public to call and examine my goods and prices before pure basing else where. No charge for showing goods. and I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD I I also keep on hand a large stock of Ready Made Coffins from the most common to the finest &Mew° d. Also Victoria Lawn, Merino and Satin Robes, caps, 10.,and will furnish everying in the line of Un dertaking on the most reasonable terms. A 000 D HEARSE Always in readiness when required. JAMES 0. FROST. Towanda, April 16,1868. ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS I -The subscribers are now remising from New York a fine assortment of GOODS IN THEIR LINE I Cormiatlng in part of BROWN & BLEACHED MUSLIM, AND PRINTS, LADI AND CHILDREN'S DRESS GOODS, Fancy nista, Shawls. Hoop Bkirta , GLOVES, HOSIERY, Massa Nanon, ao., do.; MI of which can be boUght u cheap la the lame quality of goOda can be bought in To wands. Their MILLINERY DEPARTMENT . to beteg tarnished wltbAlte latest styles of -1, BONNETS AND •HAITS, II . . kiid general assortment of Millinery Goods, with competent Milliners to snit the taste of all who may - favor them with their patronage. Speak! attention paid to BLEACHING AND STRAW. WORK As w e hire an experienced Lady expressly for *hi department satisfaction guaranteed. Main Street, alrectly oppOslte the Court House. B. A. PITT= & CO. TowaAds, April 16,1863.41 A 44. .*t f i:; v.,1 Nom - lnkAPPni 'INAMDRY mrs , o I 3 . 1 I 8 OCP, .at ' sed("ibmo l ,« Sine% TOWANDA, BRADFORD CO;,' PA: ' is am prepared to fl rota 0190 MAR SAW MPS BEM INI ALIOBINES, 01 theboot %be idol* Improve oats. Ali Ideft oflboblury for Pkguing owl ihowleak STEAM ENGINES, - MADE & REPAIRED, - STEAM WRISTS, mum G&GUES, _ GAUGE COOKS, OIL CANS,-&O., Votolobod At abort notice. BOLT' GUTTING, - Dons cram; to le Whoa Indlamoter. • FORGING - Of heavy 'wrought work !for Bridger, •and all other purposes ; done 10- order.: • Also, *large assortment of • ' • * *COOKING &HA'ATING STOVES; Coal and Wad Burners: Furniture for Cooking Stoves Stove Pipe.' Tin-Ware, Boat Pampa, Plowl:Cultivatom and.Lerapars, kept *natant ly on hand. • • • DRAWINGS & SPECIFICATIONS Of all kinds of machinery for mills and other Furies prepared by • • W.ARREN, HILL, Foreman, who has had large exp erience In this branch of the Mainers. - _ • JOHN CABMAN. Towanda, Oct: 29,-1866.-17. BM T OW ANDA OARIVAGE FACTORY. Th 6 modenigned.rewpectltdly announce to the public that they have purchased the . CARRIAGE SHOP G. H. "DRAKE; And are now prepared to build work in THE LATEST STYLE And most workmanlike manner. They will constantly keep on hand an snort mint of eplen• did TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, FAMILY CARRIAGES, DEMOCRAT AND LUMBER WAGONS, omit Alsp TWO ameTzo ALBANY SLEIG HS ALL WORE WARRANTED. REPAIRING promptly attended to at rea souable prices: BRYANT- it STULEN • Towanda, May 9,1867.-Iy. NEW PLANING. - MI-LL i - The undersigned having built a large, and com modious Mill in the Borough of Towanda, and filled it with the most , modern and improved machinery, for the manufacture of. WINDOW 'SASH, 4 BLINDS; asimepared to All order's; whether large or , upon the ishorteat • notice. - We have. she a large variety of NOULDINO, of the latest - style and pattern, which we can furnish math cheaper than they can be worked by hand. PLANING,- ' - TONGUEING, ' • GROVEINO, AND BORGIA, . &mini other 'work pertaining to toinery, will be done to suit our customers. . Persons building, and not living more than twelve to fourteen. miles distant, will Hod it largely for their interest to buy of us, or bring their lumber and worked by oar machinery: Bring your grist or Flaming, or other lumber, and while your team is is feeding„f have it ground out and take It home with you. We will pay CABS for PINE I HEMLOCK LUMBER delivered *tour lumber yard. Come and see us. or if you can't come, write. L. B. RODOEBB• Zs CO. Towanda :Feb.. 1864. CONFECTIONERY MANUFAC TORY. Calls the attention of the public to the fa that he manufactures &admits At • WHOLESALE AND 'MAIL, AU kinds of nonfectionaries, Foreign and Do mestic lints, &c. Dealers in the country Wish ing.anytbing in his 'line will' do well to , send their orders to him, and they will be promptly attended to. Satisfaction guaranteed. Store. ittPatton's Block. Towanda. Pa. , Feb. 24,1868.—tf.' -. nOOK-BINDERY.-TIIE - PUBLIC JO is tespeettnily informed that the Book , Bindery has been removed to the Argus Build• tug, 3d story, where will be done B 0 0 IL-B I N DIN GI In all Its various branches, on terms as rea K:table as" the times" will allow. The Bled cry will be under the charge of An experienced Binder, and all work will be promptly done In a style and manner which cannot be exce lled.. Music, !devalues., News- papers, Old Books, U 4 bound In every variety of style. . Patticular"attention - will be paid to the Baling and BM - ding of To any desired pattern, which In quality led durability wil be warranted. . All work will be ready for delivery when promised. The patronage Oethe public is solicited, and petite satisfaction giArranteed. Towanda. August 2. TO BACCO AND C,IGARSI The uadera!ped have eatabllahed a STEAM TOBACCO FACTORY, T 'O W ..A N D A , 4 On Main B t below Bridge Street. Where they ' manufacturing all !dada of CUT TOBA CO AND CIGARS! Which ey offer to . the trade at W . H 0 L gALE•PRICES North America, Philadelplila:.. 18 2,901,266 72 Phcenix, of - Hartford . • 1,234,195 41 Germanla,New York... ..... 876,815 50 'Home In. Co., 'New Haven, 1,619,070. 30 North American Fire In. Co., of New York, 155,000 00 Enterprise. of Cincinnati, 1,000 ,000 00 Mutual Life,Now York, 20,00 , .000 00 We write policies in the above reliable corn panies at the lowest rates. Particular attarti.ar given to farm property. Office two doors north of the Poet Office, up stairs. in the room occu pied by John W. Mix and Henry Peet, al+o a t the tanking House of- B. S. Russell & Co. • B. B. RUSSELI., JOHN W. MIX. Our Tobacco Is manufactured from the best I Towanda, Feb. 2fi, 1868. • - That cannot fail to omit. Wei would moat T. cMy solicit a call from,the deale.a through lug i nPenrksylvania to an examination of OUR STOCK AND PRICES 1 KENTUCKY..: AND VIRGINIA Stock that can be procured in the market. Ghee an a Wt. • This is a home enterprise and will succeed with a liberal . dhipositloa of the trade to support home manufaCtory.. MEANS & PHINNY; I . s7*Main Street, Towanda, Pa. Jane 4, 1268.--tt. , • VIIRI4ITURE : " ARE-ROOgS 1 j: - - • . • ~ _ JANES MAXWSON cal to the public that he atilt continua td manafacttire sad . keep on hand's large assortment of ' • ve4;rtx-y . u4NirrllC Banana. Tables. Bediteada. Stand., Chain, ac., of awry deecriptia:, which will be made of the bat materials,aadain he moat workman like manner. : I invite the inectkon of the publio to myfirork „ which drilla° be summed la durabilitypr ices, at any sho in the coun try, my will be found to be as low as the and timer will admit. Bradpmade Cal= constantly on hand or made to order. A good Hearse will be famished wliea desired. Ant. lb, 18W ' A SAWING Misciilatuous. A. HART, H. C. WHITAKER, BLANK BOOICS. t;-:e InittntiCC • TOWANDA INSURANcg • policies wileama k e. wasted promptly. By H. B. MVIEALA Awn, the rollowlzig veU ?mown and rtitable CaL psalm Ofloallontanye's Muck. - 4tUrsiggo 4 01 ,varie C 1 11 41 44. ! .*.11 - 700,c0r, Alma Inn STOCK 7,lll7Lliii OnliamT, I • . .•-• Har(ford, - Coo, Calb,Amsts, Nov. 1, .m • $1,55,22c, Laivarooa ain Lomax Ann OL You Ann Lin liatuaascs Co. Capital fkuplas and Begerved Vann. (Go) - 116,171,0176 Amato In Ma trigtadades, over... 1,600,00 ti .Datty Ilvandoma,llllllllnlll Of (00W) 17,061 Zvi In)waarcs Conraxy, ; Moitford, Conn. f $1..000,60 Capital - MEW JISIALT MUTUAL LITZ INSUAANCII Co., Newark. - N. J. Capital Norm Anima TiArarboarrAra - accidental) Phstade/phia, Capital Ceenrioncriar lkivrereatesineunnecil loovoo ' Co., . Hareford, Conn., Towanda, Feb. 20,1666—tf FIRE, LIFE, AND ACCIDENZAI. CAIrrAL , EZPIUMENTED OVU SEVENTEEN ` MILLION. D0L.L.411.‘. 0. S. RUSSELL, Agent, lOt TIIIIVOLLOWINO NA= SuiULL Ccagrar Gnu= Fria & Malatya Isaaaascs Corm . Pildhalphia,f Capital and atirplaa , over.... .. .... safx. ou Issunswor Coxranr, Of New-York. .} Capital and surplus, over... Llaasaiat.CoiiaiT OF crown I. AMERICA „ PAgedelPhia• Capital and 'lmams, over . IlfAutuArrAs Ininnuinaz CoxpANy , t - Of Wetti•York. - Slardtal and toping, over-- ..... ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Pistlade/phia. Capital and surplus, over Uric Irretrakscs C010.8.N7, Of Neuf-York. Capital and surplus, over PUTNAM INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Hartford, Conn. ,Capita Land morplus, over Itiu:ruAL Lin iNSCRANCE COMPANY, t Of New- Yor k Capital and surplus, aver $13.1.).; TRATILLERS INSURANCE COMFANY, t •Of Hartford, Cohn. f Capital and' enrpluv, over Risks taken on ail kind., aJ Property, at as low ratesas by any other reliable Compan sar Policies issued and Losses, It any, ad. jwited at this Agency,thereby saying the trucbl: and expense of going elsewlferelor lett lerntnt. sir Office at the .Hardwhere Store el t c 4 ding. Zt Russell C. Towanda, Feb. 7, 10t16.--ti " T IIE . INSURANCE COMPA-NY OF NORTH AMERICA. Othie No. 24:1 Walnut Street ,I'billstlr • Thisr_Comparty are now prosecuting the bn I nes!' of .insurance from lout or damage by FIRE on Buildings . , Merchandise : Furniture. •c. throughout the State of Pennsylvania, (a. al terms,for long or short periods;' or pet to . ".sr.t. ly of Buildings, by a deposit of Premium. The prompt payment of claims for losses due • ing the period of nearly 70 years that the Coot. pony has been in esisten.ce. entitles them to the confidence of the public.. DlfiEcrons. Arthur G. Coffin, Samuel W Jones? John A Brown, Charles Taylor, Ambrose White, Juo. R. Neff, Richard D. Wood, Wm Welah,. Wm'. E. Bowen, James N. Dicks ma t 8. Morris Watn,. John Mason, Geo. L, Harrison, Francis R. Cope:Edward EL Trotter.-Edward 8. Clarke, Wm. Cummings. AHTLICI: G. COFFIN, Pretegt. C. B. RUSSELL, Agent, Towanda. t LIVERPOOL AND LON DON AND GLOBE FIRE AND LIVE I.` , ,,IJRANCE COMPANY.—Office, 45 William St., and 72G, Broadway, N. Y., Capital, Surplus and Reserved Panda • (Gold) $16,971.,675 Assets in the United States, over ... . 1,800,000 Dally Premiums, upwards of (gold).. 17,000 The shareholders personally responsible ler engagements of the company. Alt Directors tan t, be shareholders. - lazerou U NEW You..—Francis Cunene': Es Chairman, Henry Grinnell, Esq.' Deputy Ch ratan , , Joseph' Gaillard, Jr. Earl. , E: IL Archibald, Eaq., H. B. M. Consul, Alexander Hamilton, Jr., Esq., Robert C. Ferguson, Esq. Allred Pe11, ., Resident Secretary. Ale: ander Harnilten, Jr., Esq„ Counsel of Board. Baas—Phenix Bank—Cammann .k Co. The Policies of this Company are isseed.4 well-known American citizens resident in New York, who arc Directors and Sherehoh,lers, and consequently, with the other Shareholders. are individually liable for all the engagements of the Conipany ; all Policies are signed by them, all claims are payable in cash on proof, of loss without deduction for interest, and not, ai is usual, sixty days after - presentation of proof. .They expire at six o'clock, P. !M., and nut si izton. Life inerarance effected. and anauniei kranted on favorable terms. 71, B. iIcKEAN .treat. Towanda . April 23, 1867. T HE EQUITABLE LIFE SUI ANCE S Ageac j for-Bradford cr CASH CAPITAL KOOO,OOO -Yearly income ovc r. $2.000,000 cash. )lONTANYE WARD .Towanda, July 25, 1867. TEE ASTOR FIRE - IN - SURANCh or New York. Agency for Bradford Co CAPITAL $400,000..i Dividend for,looo, 10 per cent. MONTANYE &WARD • Towanda, July '25,1867. THE LYCOMING MUTUAL FIRE Insurnna Agency for Bradford County. CAPITAL $3,400,000 Mutual Cash plan. Ksuccessild oper:it! , r. CT er twenty-seven years. EIONT NYE:& Towanda, July 25, 1667 WYOMING INSURANCE AGES WtOING INSURANCE COMPANY • Wiles-Barre, Pa W. S. ROSS. Preside ..t L. D. SHOEMAKER. ...Vice President It. C. SMITH. Secretary Capital and Surplos slso,oce: North America , Hartford. Conn. asset s $360,100 Fulton. New-York, " 200 (60 Springfield, . •• —, AOO,OOO Applications for insurance in/the above Corn panies taken at fair rates, and business attend ed to with promptness and care. Particulir attention will be given_to Farin risks in the country. Also Life and Live Stock Insurance al fected in pod and reliable companies. Offi,i over the - Bakery o n Main-at., • formerly occupied by Mercur& Morrow. T. B. CAMP, /gent. Towanda, Mar ch,.1.2. 18G8.—tf. R U SELL & MIX'S INSURANCE AGENOI:I Capital Represented over $27,000,000, COMPANIii REPRESENTED FASHIONABLE TAILORING ! LEWIS REHBEIN Respectfully Informs the citizens of Towanda Roro3gh, that ho has opened a TAILOR SHOP, • In Phinney's Building opposite thi ofeani.Hou , e and !genets a share of public patronage: He. la prepared to cut and make garments in the moat fashionable style, and the most Jum ble manner. Perfect, satisfaction will be kaar anteed... Cutting and Repairing done to order ou shot notice. • Sept. TO, fit6i. A PPLICATION IN DIVORCE. - /11141. To Mary A. Streevy.—No. 86. May ter 1865. Yon are hereby notifiedthat Alfred Btreevy, your husband, has applied to the Court of Common Pleat of Bradford County,.;lor a divorce from the bands of matrimony, and the Bald Court has appointed Monday the 7th daj_ of September, 1868, for hearing the said fred In the premises, at which time and place you can attend If you thinifproper. WM. G&UND3. Eiber4 Mg. 6,1868. .ssoc Doc .$3,750,c0:1 $1,700 uf , I~Yi~~M .$350,C.9 $750 3704,04; t, , J41 Ov(u-