Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 10, 1868, Image 2

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    Irmo from all Nations.
—The Athletics, of Philadelphia,
and the Athlone,. of New Mak. Piga a
great game of Duo Bell. at Phlledearable
on broadly. in winch the Athletic, came off
waver= by 18 to 9.
,intense best of Mondsy
caused several deaths in Philedeaphis, -
—The:order of the seven wise men
are having a grand male" in littabmg.
—The typo malaria fever in York
Is abating, and his :snarls= so bed as ra
—On Saturday afteinoon. Mr. Phi
lip cone, steward of the Wyoming Horse.
Scranton, while taking horizontal exercises
on a bar, slipped off, struck: his head on the
ground and was so badly injured as to be a
raving manias for several hours. He is re
covering. •
—A woman in Lowell undertook
to commit suicide by 'throwing herself in
front of a passing locomotive, but a police
officer interfered in the design by pulling
bet off the track.
number of boys were standing
on a railroad bridge in Lovell, when a pain
ing train came upon them killing ten in
tailPY •
—The Ku Klux Mans and the '
Pennsylsanis copperheads protest against
arming the militia of Tennessee.
—A servant girl—Bridget Melia
bon—in Jersey city, while lighting a fire by
means of Kerosene, was !awned to death.
—A policeman in Jersey City dis
covered a ere and when attempting to pal
it out, was furiously assaulted -by several
men. He arrested three of them.
—lion. Francis Granger, of Gana-
daigua, N. Y., died on the 28th ult., and
his son Gideon Granger, died on the 31st.
—The Deputy Fire Marshall of
of Montreal, has been arrested on the charge
of setting Are to buildings to get the ;lees
for investigation.
• —The. Chinese expressed them
selves more astonished at thirworks of the -
American Watch Company than anything
they had seen.
• —The Boston Aduertiser thinks
Hon. Henry Wilson will bet a member of
General Grant's Cabinet.
—Men bathe in open daylight at
Fulton Ferry. lsew York city,. where hun
dreds of ladies and gentlemen are obliged
to pass 'almost within reach of them.
—A large lock on the Erie Canal,
near Albany, N. Y., gave way last week,
while a boat laden with merchandize was
passing through, causing great damage.
—Bihop Otatzk has been bAkished
to Siberia for refusing to send a dieleiste to
the Catholic synod about to convene; by or
der of Die Emperor of Russia.
—En-Governor Thomas H. Sey
mour, died at Hartford, Conn., at half past
8 o'clock on Thursday evening, aged 61
Santa Anna is figuring in Mexico
against the Juraze Government,.
—The State Constable of South
Carolina reports the late serious riots in
Santee :as all caused by a negro prophet
called Bates.
—The Georgia House of Represen
tatives has declared the negro members in
eligible, and twenty-Sve members have
been unseated. Four remain, who claim to
bo white men. •
Fifteen hundred colored people cel
ebrated the emancipation proclamation at
Iluanou, N. T., on mitusaaj.
—Commissioner Rollins into tele
graphed to New York that he will not ap
pear, either personally or by counsel, in an—
swer to the warrant issued for his arrest, at
the instance of solicitor Binckley.
—The Hon. T. W. Green, a promi
nent Ilidianapolis democrat, repudiates Sey
mour and Blair; and4comea out for Grant
and Colfax.
—The "Democracy" of Morgantown
West Virginia, have hoisted the stars and
bars on their pole. That's their true colors.
—lt estimated t h at• $4,000,000
worth of lumber has been consumed by the
in the Canada forest this season.
—One of the teachers in Lowell,
Mass., has been over thirty years in the
service, and another twenty-six.
—During the storm in Chicago on
Thuriday last, three persona in different
parts of the city were killed by lighting,
Several buildings were struck.
4 --The Senate of Georgia sits in se
cret session and no reporters are admitted,
neither is a member allowed to divulge the
business of the body)
—The inauguration of Gov. Bullock
took place at Atlanta on the 30th ult., ter
•minating in a grand ball in the evening.
—The South Carolina Legislature
is in favor of an educational qualification
for voters. The negro members are classed
as "conservative radicals."
—Efforts have been renewed to
raise the Britlah sloop-of-war Hrtssar, which
sank in Long island Boned in November
1780, with 900,000 guineas and 80 American
prisoners on board.
--The Georgia Legislature decid
ed, by a role of 80 to 23, that its colored
members were ineligible to seats in that
body. After a vigoroes protest against
such action by one of their number, the
twenty4lreinzuleated colored members left
the ball.
—Mr. William S. Pennington, eon
,of the late Gov. Pennington, New Jersey,
and formerly Secretary of ; Legation at Paris,
under the late Minister Dayton, is danger•
=sly ill at hps residence fn Newark.
—Coy. Page of Vermont, is reelect
ed by the largest majority ever received by
a Governor of that State.
—The Republican disagreements
In the Twentieth District have been settled
by the Withdrawal of Hon. Henry 0 John-
son, and the nnanimona nomination of Hon.
C. W. Gillillan, of Franklin, 'for Congress.
The Demomits have nominated Hobert 31,
Do France, of Mercer.
—The lose by the sinking of the
barge belonging Ito McManus & Smith's
line, at Troy, is about 050,000; no inanr-
—The General Conirention of the
Universelists of the United States is to hold
itcnext session in - Providence on the 16th,
16th, end 17th of the present month, .
—lron rails for common. wagon
roadi are talked of in Enj;land.
—The St. James Hotel, Boston, 00 7
onpiea nearly an acre of land.
—The Cincinnati Chronicle declares
that city to be the victim of age.
—One hundred and fifty houses
are being erected in Columbia, Pa.
—Senator Feaseriden is making ef
fective Republican apeeobea in Maine.
.—The peach crop about Niagara
Falls is fair, both in quantity and quality.
T., --The Harrisburg iron moulders
ere to give & concert on the 23d of Beptem
ber next.
—Secretary Seward is said to be
decidedly catzed fa Ida maid political
lanai tporia.
Towanda, Thuredq, Sept. 468,
Ilrattosal Republka." prozadigia._.,
roa nisuarie
Republican Sta te Ticket.
VOZ AvArroz asEnAL,
duk - loku P. liaitnfat, of Montgomery Co.
IMI ICEMIOI 41111110.
CoL Jacob M. Campbell, of Cambria Co.
iS. The Senatorial Conference
meets at Camptown, today.
The Convention which met on
Monday evening, was one of the most
enthusiastic we have, ever had the
pleasure of attending. Its proceed
ings were marked with a spirit of con
fidence and good feeling unusual , in
such a body. Those disappointed
in their own success or'the success of
their friends, have yielded their pref.
erancee cheerfully, for the higher
purpose of promoting the success of
the great party of which they are
members. ' •
It is no disparagement to the unsuc
cessful candidates, nor no deprecia
tion of former nominees to say, that
a better ticket has never been placed
before the people for their suffrages.
The gentlemen upon it are of the
highest character, and demand the
respect as they will receive the sup
port of the voters. We shall next
week give's more extended notice of
the candidates.
The Conferees from the Counties
of this Congressional district, met at
this place on Wednesday last, and
unanimously nominated Eon. lILYS•
SES IfERCUR, as the candidate of
the Republican party for Congress.--
The members of the Conference bring
the most - gratifying assurances"of the
political condition of their respectrve
From all parts, of the country we
are receiving the most gratifying
intelligence as to the activity and
zeal of the Union men. We trust our
friends will take hold everywhere
and organize their election districts.
We shall win the fight, but only by
work, hard, earnest,persevering work.
We have a wily and powerful foe to
contend against ; they have the pres
tige of a small majority in their
favor last year,and they realize more
fully than we do, that the defeat of
Hartrinft in October means the de
feat of Grant in November.
We entreat you friends, to spare
no effort to have the last Republican
vcrto yolltd h. your tvooovol diMbrioto
on the 13th of October.
Many of your friends are absent on
business or pleasure, write to them
at,once that they must be home.—
Some doubtful Democrat may be con
verted ; if so, see bim without delay.
Brass bands and long processions
may be well enough in their way,but
the quiet reasoning of one man with
another, the generous and judicious
distribution of good Republican docu
ments, among which norm can be
better than a live newspaper, is vast
ly more effective.
Pennsylvania must be redeemed.—
Let Bradford county do her•part.
1118.. There are lees than nine weeks
before the government of the country
for four years be established. Barely
two months elapse before our fate for
so long a time will be settled. It is
very important to hay? the wisest
men and the soundest measures adopt•
ed. Our friends should remember
how much" there is at-stake, how
much there is to be done, and how
all essential it is that the right should
be made the real now. When affairs
are fully settled, less attention will
be required. Today everything is at
risk. These considerations should
induce the earnest work that renders
certain what is so highly probable
now. Far better give ten days of la
bor to secure four years of prosperity
than lament not doing do all that
time. We feel confident of victory,
but we want such a victory as will
last for ever. Let these few weighty
days be employed' as they ought to
be, in making assurances double
PM 4:4 tAtL') 1:,10111.:4 :4.
We find the follciwing deserved tribute to
the integrity and usefulness of Judge Mxii
min the from • Gump. There are few
men in the Plkinsevania delegation who
have earned a better reputatlim for ability,
industry, and honeetry, than the member
of Coupes from this District :
Urban IbniCIIIL —Among the rising and
eminently useful men in the councils of the
nation, none have occupied a more honora
ble position among his colleagues, or is
more heartily held in deserved esteem tby
Lis constituents, than Ulysses Mercer,, of
Bradford county, reprattmtativein Congress
during the :39th and 40th Congress, and
about to be re-nominated for reelection.
Mr. Sum has been content to do his full
duty, independently abiding the evident's
of his recorded ante and words instead of
relying on what may be said of him in the
way of political favoritism, to make him
strong with the people: The man who is
thus controlled and directed while inpublio
life, is always sure of pethaning his duty
as well as conscious of that within him by
which he is fitted to elischarge A any labor
which may be devolted aporghtm, and
hence it is time Pomerania as well as all
the States represented in Congress by men
of this cast of mind and strength of morals,
who in public life snake the ;service of the
public interest the highest and the noblest
end of their aim. More of a statesman than
a politician, Mr. Mercer belongs to that
chum of men who believe that the ldio
ferries should be conducted to
the strictest rules of fair dealing, governing
the transaction of private business. We re.
peat, it iktince the country throughbut al
its departments of government, municipal,
State and national. elevates to position of
high trust, such men as Ulysses Merour.
osi.. Theileetion in Maine takes
place ou Monday next. The struggle
y :1
here is hotter in any of the New
England Statile The Republican
majority laid was about 11,000.
.~. he.55.,~y
ReplOsan County- Convention.
1/41muside4Aat-24410 ~,
iBel{;,;-****oo SCf
itichlf 1ui1f*410. 0 4 1 0,4*
oi:thoiton, iti4ONG
of Troy borough, was chain
dent, 3. VaNDYIt7, of Canton ugh
dad A. , A. VtasoUrorsii
elected Secretaries. I • I
The foll Owing persons then appear-
ed, pinierited — oredentide, and wire'
admitted as Delegated l
Albany , Rosall Mills; Gera!
Alba bozo- Contested.
Amanda—Nathan Shessams, - 1
Athens twp—Abram 13nell, A. 0 Els*aa,
Athens boro--N O Bu is: J B raav '
Asylum—a TA O W Hilmar. •
Barelay—D 0 Muir.A -
Burlington IT J CliMpball.
Burlington borO—E .1‘ Everett, J V Rica
Buffington west-4 B UsHam, Theta Black-
Canton bcoo-11N Vaintria.
Canton twp—J ARcgark hiontgomery:
Columbia-1 H Calkins, F Knapp.
Franklin:--It Marshal. D emits/. i
Granville—Ward Warm, Chas Lament.
Horrick—E Carr, J J Anderson.
—A Boyne, B M Holcomb.. •
Bead Park, El D BarniuM
frOodding, 8 Barham.
Monroe bozo--E 0 13weet, J G Hand.
/aim twp—J L Coolbiko: Sweet.
Orwel—l H Cowles, 0 J,Mbbucag•
Overton-4 Rhinebolt. B lUdneboltr
Pike—J W Jones. 0 H W _-
Ridgbury-0 N Funs worth.
Rome boro—W W Moody "0 Hinny. *
Rome twp—Wm McCabe , lib
flmithileld—W W WaldroM E N eoz.
Bpsingilebi—JE bakes, W B Ghaae.
South. Creek—P IDean. G Dunham jr.
Sylvania—E 0 Tracy, P Monroe.
Shesheltdn—G 0 Gore. David Horton Ir.
Standing Stone—Wm H. Mayans, Wm Bost
Terry-4 Terry, .J F Dodge.
'Towanda twp—A G Mason, G H Fox.
Towanddiarro-1 D Montanye, W T Da
Tovninds norti:—Ezra IlintsV. Jan Poster.
Troy boro+V 11 Long, 0 Y Bayles.
Troy twp-4 M Smith, M L Rockwell.
Tuscarora --AA Keeney, 'Wilmot Coburn.
Ulster—E B Moore, James UMW.
Warren-43 A Pitcher, A Whittaker..
Windhanii-8 Bostwick, S.D White.
Wyslusing—E Vaughn, V Hornet.
Wysox—R Reed Myer, T Granger.
Wells—W ti Bowman, W Beardsley. '
Wilmot—J B Quick, RH Ely.
From the borough of Alba, two
sets of Delegittes presented creden
tials—V. M. Wilson, Geo. H. Foss, I
and. A. T. Lilley, D. J. Manley.
On motion, the Convention pro.
ceeded to =the consideration of othe
contested seats from Alba borough,
and' leave was granted to the contes
tants to present their oases. Mr.
Wilson presented a written state
ment, which, at his reqUest, was
read by the Secretary. Mr. Lilley
then addressed the Convention in
support of the claims of himself and
Mr. Laporte moved that both dele
gations be admitted, Una that each
have one vote. Carried. ,
Mr. Myer then offered the follow
ing resolution, which Was adopted :
Resolved, That the County Committee be
instructed to call the Nominating Conven
tions of the Republican party, on the last
Monday in August, at 1 o'clock in the after
noon—and the delegate elections on the
preceding Saturday.
Mr. Davies then offered the follow
ing resolution, which was unanimous•
ly adopted :
„Resolved, That Hon. V. 311.' Long, I .11:
Evans, W. A. Peck, 0. F. Young, Ge irge
W. Brink and James A. Rogers,' are h reby
app..Lutoa Ovagroota
' powers of substitution, and,at me
' dons to support Hon. lliirsses Me rear for
Mr. Williams then offered .he fol
lowing resolution :—. '
Resolved, That the following; persons are
hereby appointed Senatorial I Conferees,
viz : E. 0. Goodrich, W. S. Rimed, N. O.
Elsbree, J. Monroe Smith, Cyrus Puller,
with power oNsubetitution, and are hereby
instructed to Support Geo rgo linden for
the State Sande.
Mr. Laporte moved as an amend
ment'.the following :
Wmrszts, Bradford Cotinty has been eon
, nected with Snaquehanna and Wyoming for
period of eighteen years, in a Senatorial
District ; in that time Bradford has bad the
office of Senator„, twelve yearai Therefore,
Resolve], Ths4 in justice to our sister
counties we vrilZ' not claim the Senator for
the coming terCi. That M. O. Mercer, 0.
P. Nichols, Dimmer LMey, O. D. Bartlett,
and G. D. Montanye, be Senatorial Con
ferees, and they are hereby •instructed to
support a citizen of one of those counties,
Whose character and antecedents warrant
the belief that •he will honorably and ef
fectively serve the Republican party, and
the beat interests of his conatitueuts, and
who will make their will the rule of his sc.
tion as a legislate?. That Said conferees
I have each the power of substitution. _
After some diecussion [by Messrs.
Laporte, Davies and Myer, the yeas
and nays_were called Upon the amend
ment of Mr. Laporte, with the follow
ing result :—Yeas 8, nays 85.
The original motion , was then
On motion of Mr. Davies, the Con
vention proceeded to the nomination
of candidates for Representatives.—
Whereupon the names of J. F. Cham
berlin, of Wyalnsing, James H.
Webb, of Smithfield, Thomas M.
Card, of Columbia, Eminuel Guyer,
of Burlington, were preSented to the
On motion, JOHN . F. 'OHAMBER
LAIN waa nominated by acclama
- The Convention then proceeded to
ballot, with the following result :
James H. Webb 61
E. Gayer 21
T. M. Card 11
Mr. Montanye offered the following
resolution, which was adopted :
Resolved, That Andrew Fee, Cyrus Fuller,
J. R. Grant, Parley Buck,', E. G. Durfee;
be and are hereby appointed Represents.
Live Conferees, with power of substitution,
and they are instructed to ;support James ,
IL Webb and John F. •MaMberlin, the '
nominees of this Convention.
On motion, the Convention pro-
ceeded to the nomination of a candi
date for Associate Judge, when the
names of J. W. Ingham, of Wilmot,
Eugene Keeler of Pike, and Zebulon
Frisbie, of , Orwell, were presented.
The Convention then proceeded to
ballot, as follows
Friable 54
Ingham 29
- . • 10
was declared duly nominated for the
office of Associate Judge.
On motion, the Convention pro-
ceeded to the nominationaf District
Attorney. The names ['of - I3enj. M.
Peck and W. H. Catiochan, •
seated. The Convention voted, as
follows :='Peck had 413 votes, Carno
chan 53 votes. ,Wkereupon, WAR
NER H. OARNOCHAN, of Trey be.
;oath; was 'declared . drily nominated
ai the caididate for District Attor
The Convent i on then preeeeded to
the noteinution of County Coniinho•
sioner,l*liiiiiiiis of &r$ Loomia,
o['! McKee, . McKee, of Le
11100ii, Y. "'"Arof Burilogton bco,
tOpolgtf*:l, diirehoted. The Con.
follows :
..... totes
.81 ig
• Al
Wheiturrup - *BA '.LOOMIS, of
Troy, roe dechozek dui,yusshint44
for Clotinti Commiiitoner.
The (konvention Ihen proceeded io
the nomination :of Vounty---Anditor:
Whereupee the 11441C0f
of wiot,,i*,,foa 406 - P. `1)01e
of Terry, here'presented. On the
first ballot; MolCeiiiesiiiived 49 votes
Dodge 44' votes firhereipon 'AU
hiclEF3l 3r,, was declared duly nom- :
mated fori Atolitor.
`On rnotion; the &invention pro=
ceeded to tae 'nomination: of County
SurinrYOr) when the names of 6. W.
Stereo's, af Batik*, DII4I Craft, of,
Terry, and z!' F..? Walker, of Athens
tarp., were. placed before the Omiren•
The - Convention 'the pm:let:sled to
ballot, as follows ,
' Lt tao. 20 bal l 3d bal
Cra \" '24 41
20 24
11„. 41 In votes.
22 24 "
Whereupon Z. F. WALKER,- ofi
Athene, Wire declared duly:nominated
for County Surveyor , . ,
Mr. Mutiny* then offered the fol.,
lowing riseoluttone, which were nnan
iroonely 'adopted : '
Bei:eke:4' Thit this convention adept as
the sentiments of the true and loyal citizens
of BradfOrd County the principles contain
ed in the i - platform of the Union Republi
can party. adopted at the National Conven
tion held' at Chicago. That the nomination
of thin. 'ULYSSES S. GRANT, for Presi
dent, and Hyn. SOHUILER COLFAX, for
Vica-President, meet our unqualified and
unsnimairs approbation. Tee in
them worthy leaden Of the 'who ve
saved, and who can, and preserve the
honor and integrity of the Nation,
Resolved, Tint we endorse the proceed
ing' of the Republican State, Convention,
held at Philadelphia, and that we will give
to its nominees, Gten, Joan F. HAZTRANIT,
for Auditor General, and Chen. JACOB
-Cmcriszu, for Surveyor Oineral, oar cor
dial and united support. •
Resolved, That Hon. .11nrans
our Repnisentative in Congress, dtZ tr e i '
s i .
and we heartily tender him our thinks end
approval for the able, fearless and consist
ent manner with which he has represented
our sentiments in the halls of Congress.
RangOed, That we hail as a bright omen
of swims the thirty thousand voiced ma
jority of our noble sister State, Vermont,
and we , pledge her that we will not rest sat
isfied until Pennsylvania answers the greet
ing, voles for voice.
Mr. !Laporte moved to add the fol
lowing resolution, which was accept
Beiolbed, That our Legislative nominees
be instructed to resist on all occasions the
undue and indecent pressure of the agents
of some of the ta s corporations of our
State upon onr lature ; and to am act
as will tend to those interested, what
they seem to bare forgotten, that they-are
the creatures, not the mutat of the State.
On' motion,rthe Chairman was in
etructed appoint a County Com
mittee for the ensuing year. Where
, upcmi the Chair appointed the follow.
ing named gentlemen as such 'Com
mittee :—W. T. Dzynre, Towanda,
Chairman ; Levi P. Stafford, Wye
lasing ; Horace Williston, "Athens
twp.; Perley H. Back, Leßaysville
borej Jalux SI. Mink, Wilmnt : :Taman
A. Rogers, Canton twp.; Charles E. •
Gladding, Columbia ; Bela K. Adams
Springfield ; L. L. Moody, Rome boro.
Hen. 11. Man= and Hon. Gaoling
ktenoz, r iming called upon, address
ed the assemblage in eloquent and
spirited femarks, urging the neces
sity of organization and work
Ithroughout the County. .
G .,
i n motion, the Convention adjourn
ed 7
The Conferees appointed by the
Republican Convention of Bradford
and Sullivan ,Counties to uo m
nate candidates for Representa
tives met at the Court House in To
wanda on Tuesday the Bth day of
September. The following gentle
men appeared and took 'their seats—
From Bradford County IP. H. BUCK,
EZ!, J. H. GRANT. From Sullivan
County Tios. J. Immix and WE.
STEVENSON. Mr. Isranes stated that
he appeared as a substitute for C. M.
Kum who was unable to attend.
P. H. Bum was elected President
T. J. Ixonax was elected Secretary.
On motion the Conference proceed
ed to nominate candidates:
;ANDREW Fss nominated JOHN F.
Cneu-nmaxs, J. EL•GRANT nominated
lusted N. W. ACKLEY.
A ballot being taken, the Conferees
from Bradford voted for CUIBnsUN
and WEnn; The Conferees from Sul
livan voted for N. W. ACKLEY. Messrs
Wsnn and CnutszauN being nomi•
aided by a majority of the votes, and
on motion the nominations were de
ctared• unanimous. •
The folloiing resolutioa wasihep
piesented by T. J. NORM:
Resolved,--That in:the opinion of thie Con.
fineries, Sullivan County should, have one
member of the Assemb ly, during - the 86T
en in , which the Counties of Sullivan
an radford are joined in the same Repre
sentative District, and as another apportion•
meat of the District must be made within
two years, we recommend that Bradford
County concedes a member to Sullivan
County nest year.
, In the discussion which owned up
on this Resolution the Conferees from
Sullivan Counstated "that their
County had b n comteete d with
in Jud al, Congressional,
‘l4 netorial and presentative Die
iricia: That during those years Sul.
Ivan County had supported a Brad
ford County , . Judge, Congressman,
Senator, and Representative, and - that
on no =anion had Bradford conceit=
ed to Sullivan anything. • They, con
tended that their County , ' though
should be entitled to some con
aideration in the reelection of "candr
dates. The Conferees from Bradford
expressed opinions as individuals
that Sullivan ought. to have' a 'mem
ber during - the term of the apportion
ment, and also expressed the belief
that • the Republicans of Bradford
were disposed to give it to them, but '
declined to vote foi the reeolittion on ,
the ground that the) , did not tegard
action„upon such a resolution se with?
In the sphere of theiidntiea as - Con-
. .
form. The ikdoo -
motion the 0 91 0 eiti e tOk
J el :to4; •
1!;;;1;,...t . r . .„•.,i.,7
AC fii ; foirliebeli 4 1*
Fronk Pildi prodding owe tie *ate
Vailandiebein one the ' -
OW-4914nikke...a-dunoe_,_of , lanj r,
ibila;o. l arg Os nlc!PlatileA1 00 0 400:
nun? ispenottes;
ißrick Pomeroy =Often 'annea l ' b is
let iss brsyl"—dioniiig that heinnalidornin
the oswition of big bleared follows*.
The'...Democtratio pirty
stay moniflood thaw& of vbitil men in
ordeito its and
. 714 , 3 t calls
then' aid* man's pork, t • ,
• — . lt ii , &gummed that Frank Mar
Is is imam brogue he is ocourientl,y
drawing_ Cork.: Yon might, oil him, a na
tive of Itenknolgr because lie has mak an
'intense love for Bourbon. .
—The Demoasoy wants. to have s
chanie to deal with the finances 'of 'the
cotust*. Their last exploit in this Una was
in 18111,when they succeeded in tsevoviag
money st sixteen per cent interest,;'
7 430nl The revel who deprived
you, of a father will iota for Beim= and
pair. Father! The rebel.: who :deprived
you ; of a ecer_mill vote for Seymour and
.151 air ., Will you vote with theca.
morel fights there are at a
Demooratio meeting, and the more liquor
there le disposed of, the greater “eathnh
dear and the more usneestafor the meet
ing, ,eaumling to wits is Democratic
• Soldirs 1 The rebels, who obstroll
ed the Copperhead Convention, defeated
Banco* becatuta he fought on the Union
side at Gettysburg. 'and nominated 'Bey
niour, 4vho led a rebel mob in New 'nab- at
the same time, and for these reasons Atnly
—The Vermonters ought, certainly
to have given the Democrats enough repre
aentativcs In their lower house to call the
previous , question. Itepublicans ml our
Legislature would have very little to do
were it not for this feature: in which the
Democrats exceL •
—Montgomery Blair is announced
to speak in several towns in Maryland.
One paper has printed& list of towns throbgh
which Blair will go without stopping. No
doubt these towns are congratulating them
selves over the fact.
—Soldiers ! When you were on the
battle-field, when your Government' could
only pay you by borrowing money, Horatio
Seymour was boasting that he, never lent
a dollar to the Government, and now he
boasts that he refused you the money to
send home to your needy wife and child
—A"few more elections like that
held in 'Vermont, [and the KU Klux Klan
will be one of the things of the put. Ku
Khmers appear only when the Democracy
Soldiers I The copperhead conven
tion phieh nominated Horatio Seyniour had
ninety-three rebel ofdoers in it as Delegates,
and even one of them were enthusiastically
for Horatio Seymour
sly. The notorious traitor, Vallan
digham _is the "Democratiek candi
date for Congress in the third Ohio
district. A sworn _statement has
just been made public by a ship mas
ter with whom Vallandigham ran the
blockade tiaring_ the witir,lroui *bleb
it appears that Val. went to Cattails
as the accredited agent-Sr. - Jeff Davis,
to arrange anti-draft riots in New
York, Boston, &c., and that the New
York Riot of 1863 was partly of his
getting up. It will be remembered
that Vallandigham was a Delegate
to the New York Convention, and one
ofSeymour and Blair's most earnest
backers. Honest Democrats should
have nothing to do with the nest of
- traitor s who control the . Copperhead
party of the present day.
,-The editor of the Fre eman Jour
nal, whose history during the rebel
lion is well known, and whose sym
pathies were unmistakably on the
aide of treason, in this week's issue
boldly avows that the success of Sey
mour and Blair will bring a revolu;
tion that will overturn the present
federative system of Government:
The signs everywhere among rebels
and secessionists indicate- beyond
any doubt that revolution is inten
INS: Hon. F. Jordan, Secretary of
the Commonwealth, has addressed a
letter to the Sheriff of Huntington
county, instructing him to include
the law in relation to deserters in the
publication of the annual election
proclamation. He says that the Su.
preme Court decided the law uneon
stitutional only so far ;as relates to
deserters who have never been tried
by Court Martial, but Ipavea the law
in fall force as respects such as have
been tried., Similar instructions have
been sent to the Sheriffs of all coon'-
ties in the state.
THEIR HOPS is IN Fist:tn.—The Dem
ocrats have no hope of carrying the
elections aside from Fraud. They
elected Sharswood in Pennsylvania,
last fall, by illegal, 'votes, and after
he got on the bench ; he pronounced
law for the protection of the, purity
of the tudlot-box unconstitutional.
Honest men of aill parties are interest
ed in fair elections. With Democratic
frauds succeeding, elections are ei
farce and utterly fail •Ito express the
wishes of the people.
air The leading and shrewdest
- rebels are concocting plans to aid Sey
mour and Blair. They have had
meeting for consultation at ' White
Sulphur Springs,eird they have deter
mined to try ,to influence Northern
sentim..nt by such professions as may
allay tho.great apprehension felt by
all truly loyal people at the most
meeker 'prospects for rebel rule.—
Lee, Beanragaid; Ould, and all the
other most prominent and bloody
traitors are in the field for the rebel
Democratic nominees. The , contest .
has narrowed down to tho single
issne—"Shall loyal men or traitor's
control the Government?" Shall loyal
people of - the ' : country yield at the
bidlotrlicox whit they gave SG freely
to maintain on the battle field P
77 - t.C•PO*- 1,
10*-egreie auxia.
1104410 Union
that condi:lot so
0,1,1430 g
wiziOon t w o
v 4 ad kept
luld keep
:atbeNte *pp.
difeig l o l l
*AP besMiletids
The heti weXr is." ? 4
hive published fklend
always in sight. Wit. 4
befosibe ii. 0 00 0 4 .-- --- - - -- .--:-....
That_ibe Democrats are pled as
a party revolution and repo , tion
and - that iluti ,' policy ; prares
way; more '. d ebt, atoi,, blood a
Susi ruin._ .. .'._ . ._. ._ .„- 2.. -,
:. That the Republicans will restore
I :eace
- :and prUsperiti... - •
That the Deinocrats • gave one Wi
en -- widows 'and orphans . to the
;north.; crippled three Ware' d thous
r'd r ife POAMs-* for life : ,, kill*
three.. huhdrei thousand ..more-; ex
ruded $8,000,000,000, and:placed
I annual' interest on' this BUM:
That the Republicans have already
rediced the debt more than $500,000,
000; : have lessened taxtatlon more
than,4200,000,000 ' Since the war ;
have redaced . the rate of tuition
one-half; have _ rya,' :the country
[ from, copperhead treason and rebel
bon, and are now pleged to and
working for` the good of the State.
and the gestalt good of the great
eat number in it. .
These facts we are anxious• to have
kept :before the- people. They are
-facts. The rigmaroles put forth by
the Seymonit amptimites,are as de
void of truth-as • the conduct of the
party has been devoid of petriotiem,
au& as its platform and conduct are
of - the first essentials of wisdom and
delegates to the Democratic Conven
tion which nominated Seymour and
Wade Hampton, who declared,
while on his way to New YOrk, that
"the cause for - which Stonewall Jack
son. fell cannot be in Vain, tint in
some form will triumph."
Governor Vance, who told his reb
el troops to hell so full of Yan
kees that their feet will stick out of
the windowa."
General Buckner, who surrendered
to Grant at Fort Donelson. . •
General Freston, a bitter rebel, one
of the men who went to Europe es
pecially to get England and France
to takes part in the war.
Basil Duke, a guerilla, •whose
crimes made him an outlaw.
Robert Onld, the hero of Libby
Prison and. Belle Isle, where Union
soldiers starved and died.
Gen. Forrest, the hero of the Fort
Pillow massacre, where three hund
red of our men were killed in cold
blood, after they had thrown down
their arms and asked for meioy.
These are some of the friends of
Horatio Seymour, who nothinated
him • as the next • President' of the
United_ States, What loyal man can
vote for a ticket which traitors haire
so insolently made?
- Major General Hartranft was a
citizen of Norristown, Montgomery
county, and his first engagements in
life were in connection with the con
struction of some - of the improve
ments in that part of the State, he
then acting in the capacity of a civil
engineer. Later in life, young Hart
ranft devoted himself to the study of
law, to the practice of which profes
sion he' was admitted with great
honor After pursuing the law for
some years, the war of the Rebellion
was precipitated, when the lawyer
immediately became a soldier, and
was called to the command of one of
the first "Three Month's Regiments."
In this connection it will be remem
bered that the Fourth Regiment re
fused to go into a fight because its
time had expired while the battle was
in progress. COLONEL HART
conduct which distinguished ur can
didate for Auditor General, th ear
ly in the war, has characterize his
career during the entire strug e.
He has been engaged in all parts (
the country as a soldier in defense of
the Government—has fought bravely
in very many -battles, and has today
a record a; glorious as that of any
man in th nation. His capacity for
civil stati nis as great too, as was
his ab il i a s a soldier.
Three y ars ago, a ft er the close of
the war, he Republicans, knowing
his worth; lelected hhn to the impor.
*tut office' of Auditor General, and ,
'the nam e ens dutied of that office
'have bee ' discharged by him in such
a satisf actory manner that his politi
cal opponents have not even dared to
charge IfmT.Twi: wi th partiality or incom
petency. The interests of the State
have be een judiciously guarded;and
notwiths nding extraordinary ex
penses i cuffed by the war,tlie State
debt ,has been reduced more than.
during i administration of Gse.•
gartranf It is universally conce4ed
that a of aver headed lasler,a closer
business raan,:and a more actions,' gent eman in all hie actions,' or
fairer or safer official could not be
selected to guard the interests of the
people in the ' Auditor General's
office in Pennsylvania, than John. F.
HaTtranft, and we feel satisfied that
the', people of this State will re-elect
him to his presanti postion- by a
. largely increased niajority.—Oatn
-4 Pei9n niefirrgA
Naw Yom—The democratic -state
nominations are as follows : ,
Governor—Jost T. HOFFMAN.
Lieut. Governor—Awes 0. Bison.
Canal CoMmisghner—Oinsa Rhinos.
&ate Prison Inipeclor--DAviD B. Me . .
Clerk Court Appeals—B. 0. Pniuml.
—The Copperheads are boasting
that ei4residesita Pierce and Fillmore are
for !Seymour ; but they talcs care : to ondt
the fact that the extizgaisied President
and Vice President of the rebellion (Davis
and Stephens); are an the owe side.
--The Russian Emperor decrees a
great horse show at Moscow Mt yes:.
Ns* 2betithrtmadt;
CLOTS:Aro $7Ollll-V ,
ROSENBERG, it!, NV - 0 L.F
Would respecttalt an aaaosath to the clams of
Towanda aast el that UM am Mond
the above store, seder the Ease of " lea Th.
wands &plater," bite a spleadth iLaFtzAin4
- OP' =Ain' Yin CLOTIIIO,I,
cents nnabwr Goa.; Rata;
mid* they meetwibe .eltimew moot be
exothei le style - at slowsand that tho
rimmeo low an to eeesybody.—
k Wolf! w
bops that by 'Met in
* =%driall &Wag *lb the people AttrologiC R
wastli t - theibelgye
vLia=th twill' teth
bqg to pilots the tonow
fog JUR iddiam•
001111 OMB OOH{ Am!
At • bieg A .Widri One Price Regulator,
Tc 1 F 1 !0 11 - . • •
timP lota Happy win be Th. 7
1. Thou ab have no other_ Aim to boy
clothlsg except • •
rc a wouri One Price
Itilgulatori Mate Street: ' •
L•Thou shalt notthooie any.dber merchant:
thoisbehall not Holm: to theirinescMk for
Modulamg &Wolff valtito Chathania.d ers;
but sell at one price \and reliable, and
aereCyon into thz 7 biltdid ids tth generation.
a.Tho° Ault 1t 44 {set; any more foe
cheap velment; tertbey be mans at BMW
berg I Wolffs One Mos re.
4. Thou Ala Mar nifidthst eio=
on six clays of the aWdon!t
the Sabbath by kesphvg our doom open and
bangle oat a alrovi for, on the\ seventh day.
BosentergA Wolff. and Oils dab, desire to
rest from their lthora. \
6. Thou shah -halm the. waY Northers &
Wolff deal. and lcmg may be thy days Is enjoy
6. Thou gilt not an impopriety—of
baying of Chatham' eh Dealers, but come di•
rect to Rosenberg: I worn Once Prim Pep
lator,Mala street. - \
7. Then shalt not seek in nib, for goods of
Foreign make. kor - Rosenberg Wolff keep s\
large variety. • ,
8. Thou shalt Ad purloin from the-Regulator
.for Rosenberg & Wolff sell so cheep it 'coddle
9. Thou stilt not bear false witness, but
honestly aolmowhpdge. that you can get better
suited and foe less money, at Rosenberg &
Weld's than any other stare. '
10. Thou shaft not covet thy neighbors goods
or his bargains,. for Rosenberg & Wolff can
glee them to ewise thereforetake
counsel, and to y
yonlyof Rosenberg A 'Wolff
the Once Price Nen.
Towanda. Sept. 1 , 18418.
The !subscriber wishing to change his occupa
tion, oilers tar eale his Store and Stock. of
Goods, consisthig
of Dry Goods, Grocer les,
Yankee Notions. ha. Will ezohange fora well
imortived Farm, SW sell stock and lease store .
The store is slanted in Litchfield, Bradford
County, Pa. The only store lathe town in op
eration. For particulars call on or address
Fept. 4, 1988.
Towanda Coal • Company will receive
prop ovals until the 2 Otb hilt., for Fifty Thou
sand feet of Oak Lumber, sawed to bill • -For
particulars apply at their office in Towanda.
JAB. M. WARD, Sept.
Towanda, Sept. 8,1868:
VSTRAY—Caine into the enclo
°CA sure of the subscriber- in Franklin twp.
September 2 , 1868.onek two year old white heif
er with red rpots on 'her. The owner is re-
Ed to come forward, prove p roper y, pay
s, And take her away, or she will be die
of.according to law.
Sept. 8,1888. • O. VSENEY.
is hereby given est a. ns indebted
to the estate of J. B. MITCHELL. late of.
Smithfield deo'd, an requested to melte Im
mediate payment, and all luring claims upon
said estate will present them ditty authenticated
for settlement.
Sept. 8, 1868
That there it now on hand a large assortment
. of
At the .
which for style, 'good materials -used In con'.
'Unction, quality of work and finish, can not
be surprised. •
, io employ. nnly dateless Workmen, and use
great care to get the beet of stock, and to war
rant my work to give "attired ion.
Bs. All kinds of Wmons and' Cultures
made to order, with particular care and d is
patch. .
Repairing, well, neatly and promptly done. ft
*id pay you to patronise the
Athens , Pa., Sept. 1, 1868.'-3m.
The subscribers having sad. their business at
Potterville, are desirous of settling their sc.
counts, and request those indebted ' to call im
mediately and settle. All accounts of Kimball
& Ellsworth, and Kimball& Son, unsettled by
the lint of October next, Will be placed in the
hands Of a Justice for collection, rithout re
gard to persons.
' Sept. 2,1888 .-6 w
Jol7 Ist, 1868.
Milted States Sixes of 1881,
100 Shares First National Bank;
WWunatarre, • 113,500
100 Shares Second National Bank
103 Shares Wyoming Natioal
Bank, Willtesaarre, 0,400
150 Shares Wilkes-Barre Ciss.Co. 8,550
68 ' .., • " Bridge
Cornpany • 4,350
ClON z a tot uul and Bondi,.
Stock called in,
I hl ts, ,
Caali in t d and due frtini
gents, 17,450
ig a le i eg o, ,
..... 10 . 10 )
1 - • - 04,315
- I
. -
- .
, =S.
CONN paid in ten • ~ •
17naettlea Losses. not due, 3,55.0
T. B. CAMP, Agent.
First block below Ward Roue, id story.
Towanda,flept. 9,1868.-3 m.
The undersl,gned having leased -the Coal Yard
, and Dock at the old . 1 . Barclay Basin," and just
eompleted a large Coal - House and Office Upon e
the premises, are now prepared' to Weigh
citizens of Towanda and vicinity with the dUf
ereat kinds and sleet of the above named coals
Upon the most reasonable terms In any quanti
ty desired. Prices until farther notice, as fol
- • •
1 3 E 1
I 11.'r
• V g
. .
g •
: • : .•
6. e • i 3
• tit;
o t gB, •
t Z
e• la 4
• ISS "
ca a` g
O g
• e
id 1111 r .6*
V. "t e
"20 11:
U. Orders must la all oases be •
with the emit. _
itnisados - set l b l l a f t Frol i CO.
BOOTS t BOOTS t!' Boorgi it
ioirri slums BOOT is 81101 non t
liiisktatanbalea and rea ibr isle a large sw
81301 1 8 AND SIIOESA:
I lave Boots tor the yeoman that- turneth the
-the Ufa' Moiling' inn that 'attic. thi
Ana folk ' ineobelfie tbst cut Stone add ler
And the soft buds, Gents that apply the
yeni stick ; -
And Boots for the Boorish tae,qattl
And for the honest that web le the
I base &Mae IR* ultra made •
For the hard laboring man that has no trade
nave Boots for all, please give me •s call. .
1117 nimbi are good mid prime just,
Rat lam dettuntined NOT TO TRUST I -
hiss mot L , I6GREGOR, boot-MA.l,Bmi ~
Calibrated la that ilas• ; • - - •
Call my hinds, all you Rattail; • ,
Lem your masenzeirtry bis iYiIL•
The Episcopal Chia& that is slant Tile;
Ny place in trout exactly lies ; -
It's Imown by maay- very wall.
By the title of -, NOR TH BRANCO HOTEL.
AP- b. - 0. NELSON.
Tow hog. - 25', 18418.—.3m •
Offers her reariOes to the citiseas of w.aada,
and refers to the following certilleate
• .
Faronsnew;N. Y., Jalrlt, 1868.
Kiss }411711 A. Kam ben beca. 'Went in
the Allem, Arademgof Nada. •
We are well acqualatid with her abilities and
character. We most 'cordially,. ,recommend her
as. a skiWel player, and as well qua lifted to
teach the Pkno, Organ, Singing; Thorough
Base, and Harmony; • ,
The Faculty of the A. A. N.
• A. N. JOHNSON, President.
Or Residence at the , boarding house' of. fit
1114 Reeond4t. Ohm:as, Pa. . '
.2;1868:—owe • •
adr slap heretofore existing between S. .1.
mimic sad C. L. Strait -under the firm name
of 'Hickok & Strait, In Canton;aa general mer
chants. is this day dissolved by mutual con
sent. All notes sad accounts . are left •wl th 8.
J..Hlckok. for settlement, who will contin
the business. And he also wishes to say to
the former patrons hat he .(a thankful for the
liberal patronage of the put and - respectfully
polkas a continuance of the same. •
8. J..mosok,
. _
. Canton', Aug. 26,1868. .
11.ving met with great success throughout
thit_County; and 'having given unbounded
satisfaction' to his classes; as ,evinced by
testimonials .voltmtarily given him, and
having been strongly urged to continue his
'entertainments and lessons; will continue
to teach daises in the wonderful art of
Educating and Training the
At Towanda, he had a class of about nine:
tf, who have given hint - "written tuuirances
of their satisfaction with his instruction
and its great value, and to persuade'•him to
return, have guaranteed him. •
WC ASH paid for PRODUCE, acd
BUTTER, at the highest market rate& .
ANOTHER CLASS, OF FIFTY 1 I Jane , 25, 1665.
1 Etmentors.
He will .open at TOWANDA, on the lot
back of the Baroarna °lace, near the El
well' House,
-With► a Free Eptertainment (Amu afternoon
-at 2.and evening at. 7 o'clock, and remain
probably for three weeks. Proteases. Pa►ri
will beat
ALL Young Ladles will re-open on MOND AY
the 31 at day of AUGUST. , •
The year is divided into 4 ternia of 10 weeks
each. • .
English Branchel ' •!6 50 Q'sB 00
French and. Latta, each *2 50 4 00
Pupils will be received at any time, but no
deductio n will be made after admission for an
ateence of less than one ball a term
Aug.l3, 1868.
pIJI3LIC SALE.—The subscriber
will sell b y public auction, at his reel
denc e in lionroeton, on
Commencing at 10 o'clock, a. m.,la large van
tity.of , • _
Also one .Beven Octavo Plano, nearly new and
a lszge guantitY of WAtiON SPOKES.
TMlid—All sums under $2O dash over that
amount 6 months credit, will be given, on note,
with app roved security,
August 10; 1548.
$ 33,000
- 44,300
... 3,500
8' 1
Paor. 0. 13.• PRATT,
And remain.fon days. At
And remain three days
Aug. 25,, 1868..
1 . 3
rz s
td g 1 . 4 ci
65 Itz o to.
0 14 14
• 1-3
C 4
A r.
41' • REWARD I—Strayed from the
41* etbenibni in Towanda township, on the
- 7 • of July. Three Yearlings. • Two Steers,
emceed, sad the other mostly red, one heifer,
:white and-brindled. , The i.bove reward will be
- paid for the return of the cattle, and any in
formation concerning , them will be thankfully
receited.- - . - D. - 01317LIAVAN.
August 18, 1888,--St•
TIISSOLUTION"—The co:partner
-A, wtomhip hereinfOre existing between
-BramUll, Cowell I Cash, Is this day dissolved
by mutual consent. The
relowed the
w eir Grocery Sk a ne deMs o m P t. A s s ttled
by them - • BROM & COWNLL.
Towanda . Ang. 10. Is6B.
. CANTON, IIRADP0111) 9917N1y, PA.
Kri. swan , willmoped her ,droolat tier
reside:use, corker ot Carew and Cadre Meta
on lioadigi t §pptenszber 1,1868.
Aug. 19; UR& • it
-- '3UP . '.'2lrststitanntft.
t'tlittEMOßE:ol4 HAND
_AND AT ungs BEimee
Besigicthat7 innttnnelt to their =anal
friends that they sire now ready to open one of
the nicest; best seketed-and Ingest stock or
READY. MADE .cmyruiliti 1
Aver brought to Towanda Mr. Solemn% who
Ma until recently carried on a like bnaineas for
p great number years; and -haring during all
that time "enjoyed the"patronage of nearly
fray citizen of the county, with credit to him.
self and satisfaction to his patrons, has in or
den m exit a larther eontinnince of:the good
will,lo Id their entire old stock - at a great se c ..
rifice. and are now opening an entire
Complete - Neu Stock !
The bashes, wilt henntiter be condOcted on a
ttrilgy •
and at ONE PRICE ONLY, on which priaciple Ft
they expect to be able to Sell goods at a very f,
small profit and distanciy all competition. W e
invite one and all to pay us a visit dt the
stand of Solomon di Son 'one door north of
Taylor & Co.
The blithest market price paid Joi Woo!,
Rides, Pelts and Calf Skins.
Aux. sotauom. •
-Tourgulda, Aug. 3.18G8
ILL The undetvigned will dispose of • er stock
of MUM/ Good. to any person desk= of
engaging in the business. Affording an excel.
lent opportandty to'parchase a good bosinear on
favorable term, Application may be made tr.
.the subscriber, at the Millinery_Store , Monroe.
ton. . . 7 Lai E. SILL.
Aug. 17, 1868.-6 w, -
Respectfully atulOuuce" that they have cam.
massed the
Inibe North Store of Mercer's New Block
And-have now In store a full assortment of
Goods in their line, purchased in NeW York, 1::11
which they have eelected with ur.asual (A.('
tad will Well tt the lowest possible rates. Tte:r
ntock is complete in every particalar, &al in
. •
qaality and pica cannot tail to give satisfactho
.. r.,
They ask the patronage '% of the. lubl!c, Rich °
the aimrance th4t first rate goals
dealing may always be expec'ed
They havele.s,..c in store, and for ~ate Ly the
case or single jar, a large Eno of
Which they recommend as the- cßcred
to the public. They ask tar this jar. an
tion and trial, as Its merits ar a parent to es•
ery cue. '
a •
n.. North stre-is Nev - muzl".
'Hain street, Towanda, Pa. .
Blood & C 0 .,. Athens I Pa..
Still ionthme to manufacture BLOODS C Et.
AND HORSE POWERS to ma the same, azd
are prepared to MI orders promptly.
As can be bought in the United States. Le
ing been 15. years engaged in manufacturiu
Threshing Machines, we have spared ceithf:
timer nor expense' in perfecting ,our =chief!,
and cl dm to have • ,
One that will, seperste the Grain from
Straw more perfectly , and with leas poor,:
than any other manufactured., They are Try
simple in construction , being comprised in c:e
piece, so that it dots not require a merh ; y
m -
to set them up or run the: they are all r:
ufactured under our personal ouperr6io ,
To show better workmanship or cnteriil E
ery machine is set up and
Before leaving the Works, act re
They have been in practical as e for err.:
years. and can bo attached to Tread Pow. 4.
Sweep Powers Steam or Wars r Boyer, en_ •-•
DURABILITY, Perfection of Working, E..!
Economy, their equal has not been inventei•
Are 2.8 low as those of any other morufactr.: -, r.,
and parties desiring to purchase, will and ::.:: •
their interest to examine oar stock I.lre; .
chasing elsewhere. .•
On hand, and Mill Work, Engine...,
machinery of all kinds got up to order f%
ly and on favorable terms.
Athens, July 23, 1863. .
Baring increased the accommodations ter F: L
illis, desires to inform- her patrons that s':.e
able to offer the advantages of her InAim:::
to a larger namber of Young Ladies. -
French is the langaage_of the school.
Madame M. refers by permission to J. Z.
noire Eeq., Greenwood, Wm. M. Mallory D;
and E. O. Goodrich, Towanna, Pa.
Jane 11 , 188111.
This is the most effective and cheapest h"1
pump mannWtored. It took the first prez•:: •
at the Chemulig County Fair of 1867, and cl! 4:
needs a trial to satisfy every one of its men' ,
They are in general use In Western Erode'•
and of some hundreds put in-not one has ti-- .:,•
to give satisfaction.- • in..
1181.. This pump may be seen in operation r
the Reporter priiitingoMcc,and at several =
places in Towanda .
Address GEO . . DUNHAM, Jr., South Creek .1
Pa., who is AO.ut for. Bradford and Chemal A
counties. . • July 21 1668.35 e
_opportunity is now offered the fars. l
.of Bradford to improve their stock ey hreez , :.
to • ;
. .
A thorough -bred Short.- Horn of good peg' T.
running back to the herd of Alr. Bates.
Rate of service $5,00, cash down- . ~
" As but few cows can be served th pro'',
reason; all who desire icrmatain seri ice .tt. , - •
all soon or address,
Mouroeton, Fl• f,
June 16,1869.31
ly vegetables in their season. 631 1, c' r:
fresh every day In the gardens of tip' n'
Dors, will be kept on hand for sale at Or 'te
of McCabe & MI- , in Mercur's New Block.,
• E. 111JESELL ,
Towanda. July 13. 1868.
Plastering HiOr at wholesale' and E
also Soap and Wagon Grease by the 1 ,0143 ''''''
barrel. Cash paid for park and Ilidei.
Granville Centre, Pa.. July 16, 1868.tiat.
at G. W. MOFFITT'S Bestsuro t- : Cji"
Persona coming to tows for dinner, will do It , 1*
to give him a call.,
- Towanda. Jane 11, 1588.
xi. LET Boas. at ItaoAllg /,
On application, AU kinds of
RED' KIRK. 7113 A. IL B