• .41datiturd. ChM!)zing Fruit. TkeaPpeiranoe and value of 'Milt depend very much upon, when( ;ltd bow it is gathered. Currants &lOW be gathered with their 'stems; nil* should also be . dry, 'and all leaves thrown oat. Gooseberries, if for ship:rent., should be gathered dry„( and a careful expulsion of all leaves vlll cause them alWayirto cominand the best price. Me strawberries, care should always. be iskicp not to expose them to a bot sun after gath ering, for , such exposure soon gi them the appearance of being half cooked. RaspberrieS are too often seen in the market and -on the table half broken and mashed, None but whole and perfect berries should ever go iuto the box or basket for shipment. It pays carefully to &start them bp fore sending to market, for the ming ling of but a few bruised or mashed berries induces decay and reduces . their value in the judgment of the dealer. .Cherries should, never be gathered when otherwise than perfectly dry.— We have know!? :them to decay en tirely in twetity-four hours when gathered while wet. Peaches should be left on the tree till fully ripe-, and then gathered carefully with! thumb- and finger, and at once laid into the basket or box which they are to be marketed iu. If the bloom is _rubbed off the peach by bard handling, its beauty of appear ance is injured and it will decay much sooner than •if untouched.— Formerly itq was supposed that the peach meat be gathered before fully ripe in order to ship it any distance ; but practical experience has proven that t ripe fruit, not quite soft, will ~ . care , just as well as unripe, and corn and a better price. P ra and apples should never be Pi from the tree by breakinethe ste Unless the stem will seperate! free 'from the ' tree the ,fruit is not rc it,ivill neither eat eer cook good and 1; 1 - only fit for those who want an 'tat kof cholera morbue. Apples,as as see Its gathered, may sentdirectto ma et ; but nearly every fari4y of pk, •s improved in appearancrand qi Ay by keeping in close,dark draw . er,wrapped in flannel or soft paperer packed in bran a few pays. . - or profit, and in order to obtain the highest price; all friiit'pais to be ass r vi i ted into two or more grades. A fe s cattering large berries , apples !Jr eara in a pint or qtkatt. or bushel, no assist in advancing price ; but if carefully packed bythernselves will bring, the highest price and often induce the dealer to buy the small ruit to get the iittlre..-•-rtorticuitu rid; . , SLUT FOR RI-x..4n 1865 I sowed about eleven acres of land,which had been entirely impoverished,consisting mostly of light sandy soil,, with rye— two bushels of seed to the acre. The field had been in white pelts the year before, and had not returned the cost of seed and labor. For the rye it was plowed in July, and buckwheat sown, which was turned over when in blossom and fulled down. The rye was sown in October, broadcast, and after harrowing,ten barrels of refuse Saginaw salt war spread over the field. The result was in some re spects extraordinary. Before germi nation, a tremendous gale, lasting through several days, carried vol umes of sand off the field, reminding one of the simoona - of Sahara. The following winter was open, without snow sufficient at 'any time to cover the rye. During the succeeding summer and fall several severe gales prostrated the timothy and corn in the neighboring fields, but did no in jury to this rye, which wait of rank growth and attained an unusual height, yielding a little over thirty . bushels to the acre. The rye crop in my vicinity that year was almost a total failure. In the spring of 1866 clover was sowed by a machine on the young rye, and produced as ev en a lay and good yiald as could be desired. My deductions from this experiment are that the salt gave increased growth and stoutness of straw,and an increase of yield and plumpness of berry, fully confirming, to ! my mind the soundness of our revered friend John Jonston's views on the use of salt as a fertilizer for wheat and rye. —Cor. Country Gendemassi ,„, Tits LOSTU MILK TROY ras DDER.— Dr. Anderson ,says he hal found, by practical analysis, in ono instance that the last cup of milk drawn from the cow's udder _contained sixteen times as much cream as the first one: - This seperation of cream" from milk tikes plice, in the ndder.of the cow, particularly if the -cow is suffered' to' stand at rest for some time previous to milking. ' If there are-people who, doubt that there is a difference in richness of milk first drawn from cows and' that of the last drawn, their donbts will be speedily removed by milking half a dozen cowp "and setting the first.half drawn fromleach cow seperate from the latter half. Dirrisa Hrauts.—We have often— nearly annuallp—for twenty or thirt,l, years, •giving - similar directionsfor preserving herbs for future use, ad the following: Herbs for drying for future use 'should be cut just about the time they are , coming into flower. Dry them in the shade, and after suffici ently dry to put' away, tie them in bunches and hang in a cool shed or place them looaely between paper and stow away in cupboards or draw ers,--the last mode is - by far the cleanest and most approved plan with the best house-keepers. Some indeed, powder the leaves at once after drying ? ' and put away in bags ready for nise.".„ ME ItAmer.-4 few simple rules will enable as to manage a manure heap so as to avoid any very great loss ; Ist. Prevent all loss by drainage And soaking. 2d. See that the Animal exere- ments are Covered with moist straw. 3d. See- that while too much water is avoided, there is sufficiency to keep the manure moist. 4th. Moisture and packing prevent fire fanging—that is,too rapid fermen tation. sth. If you find it convenient to use a few bushels of plaster, sprinkle , them over the heap so th e plater sill be incorporated with the suoces .ye layers. It will thus proie a feat service.—Country Gentleman. ki TUE London Field says that wash ing a horse when in a sweating state is grateful and beneficial tia the animal. When washed wipe dry and bbmket him ilatte4tr. RI E . LAI A.T. oa am OW: Noivoisi Iffy nui, winks!, waierly• dont the !NW r* ftill a t.4;l;" ntttWir snip tsd. . fielamancazaad Deakirlr, nor direct coalliodkma wither:do of the Atlantic and Great Wastes, - Lake Shore sad Gauseg i nilt Balt:rays for all polets West; olio at fee Cmanbalgaa. *AM a. ft NW Nemo, • Dally, tor Rochester onteta, Dunkirk sad the West. ocaineettag as above. - 9:211 a. ft., tail Train, Sundays etd, for Bag° gal Dunkirk, oonnectlst for Outandaigna. - 8:11 p. m.,11n0r3 Accorommodation, Sundays n ria te na Lll. Sundays eximpielf, . Salamines, Daalthit and 0/11 Welt. emerge at Elmira for Clonandeigoa st W e with the Atlantic and Great Western Naihray,_end Wilted* with the Lake Shore and Srend Trunk Railways, for all points West and Sonth. 10:13 p. en. Express Nail, Sundays ex cepted; for ftffido, Salami= and Duntht, con necting with trains tithe West: 9 10a m. Way Freight. Sandi* excepts& .10 p. Ulmer. Train, - Daily, for the West. • Mops at Wiveuip on Mondays only. WEN Wt. 5:33 a. m.; Chteinusti awns, Mondays on e:opted, coonecting at Owego for 'lthaca; at Bingbamtda Syraeuse ;at Great Bend for Scranton and Philadelphia : at Lackawaxen for Hawley, and _at desiccant for Newborgand Warwick. 843 a. m., Binghamton Accommodation, San days exoepted. 1-30 p. m., Accommodation title, daily. 11:13 a. a., Day Repress; Sundays ettoeptad, wnseg at Binghamton for Siracusa at GU Bead for Sas. Anal at Lacks:taxa for Hawley; and at Jersey Cityath mMalOt express train of New J Railroad for Philadelpida, Baltimore and W 6:17 p. m.. New York- and Baltimore Nall, Sundays &movtea. 9:11 p. m., Lightning Express. Sundays ex _cepted, connecting at Jersey City with morning express train of New Jersey BaUroad for Raf►. more and Washington, and at Net York: with morning express ttes bur Boston and the' East. 348 a. M., Night Exprem, con necting at Omicourt for Warwick; and at New York with afternoon trains and steamer& hor Boston and New Enema cutlet. 4.33 p. m. Way Freight, Sundays enPolned- MIL A revised and complete Pocket Time Table" of Passenger Tram on the Erie Bail way-and meeting tines, has recently been published, andocan be procured on application to the Ticket Agent of the Comnanv. - WM. B. BABE, E. BIDDLE Gen'l Pass Nealrorin Gomel. Sup'. READING RAIL ROAD-SUM MER ARRANGRMENT. MAY 20th, 1868. Gala", Taniix Livia non Tall Noun Ann Nonniezerfor Philldelplda,llew-York,Reading Pottsvllie, Tamaqua, Ashland, Lebanon, Allen town, Easton, ,hc. Trains leave Harrisburg for New-York, loin: At 2.50,1.25 and 8.10, a.m., and 1240,p5. 2.05 and 9.35 p. m., connecting with similar Trans on tee Penns ylvania Rail and, and ar riving at New-York at 5.00 and 10.00 and 11.50 a. m., and 310 7.40 and 10.80 m. Sleeping Cars aocompanylng the 2.50 a. m., and 9.36 p. in., Trains, without change. Leave lianisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tannolna, Minersville, Ashland, Pine Grote, Allentown and Philadelphia, at 8.10 a. M., and 2.05 and 4.10 p. m.,stopping at Lebanon and principal Way Stations ; the 4.10 p. in. Train close connection for Philadelphia and Columbia mi For , Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill.and Suagnehanna Rail Rowlieave Harrisburg at ;3.55 p.. m. • Return ing : ;Leave New-York at 9.00 a: m.,1111 noon, and-5.00 and 8,00 p. m. Sleeping Cars mom panying the 9.00 a. in. and 6.00 and 8.00 p. m trains without chinge. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at T. 30 a. m. returning from Leading at , 830 P. in., stopping at all stations; Pottsville at 8.45 a. in. and 2.45 p. m.; Ashland at'B.oo and 12.19 -noon, 2.00 p. Tamaqua at 8.30 a. m., and 1.00 and 8.45 p. m- Leave Pottsville for Harrisburg, via Schuyl kill and Susquehanna Rail Road. 47.10 a. m.. and 12.00 noon.. Reading accommodation Tralip'Leaves Read ing at 7.30 a. m., returning foam Philadelphia at 5.15 p. m. Pottstown Accommodation Train, leaves Pottstown at GAS a. m., returning leaves Phil adelphia at 4.80 p. m. Columbia Railßoad Trains leave ',lteading at 7.00 a. m. surdl.ls p. m. for Ephrata, Mb, laneaster, Columbia, &c. Perkiomen Ball Road Trains leave.*Perkknen Junction at 9.00 a. in. and 51 Sp. m, Return ing : Leos Skippack at 8.45 a nr., _ and 1.15 p. in., connecting with similar trains on Read ing Bail Road. On Sundays : Leave New York at 8.00 p. m., Philadelphia 8.00 a. m., and 3.15 p. m., the 8,00 a. in., train running. only to Reading. Pottsville 8.00 a. m..Harriaburg 5..25 a. in. and 4.10 and 9 36 p. m.,and Radius at 1.10, 2.55 and 7.15 al tor-Harrisburg, and 7.08 a. in., and 11.40 ta , in., for New York, and 4.25 p. in., for Phila. Commutation Mileage; Season, School and Excursion Ticke ts to and from all points, at re duced rates. Baggage checked plirough -, :100 pounds al lowed each Passenger CL A. NICOLLS, . General. Superintendent. Reading; May 40,1867.. pHILADELPHIA AND ERIE A. mi, ROAD.—Bnmnier time Tattle. Thro' and direct route between Philadelphia, Balti more, RaniaWrg. Williamsport, and the Great ni e Oil Regio id Pennsylvania. Hepat Bleep ing Cam on all night trains. On and r MONDAY, MAY llih, 1868, the trains n the Philadelphia & Erie Rail Road will as follows : • WZIITIrMID. Mail , Train eaves Ph iladelphia.. ..11.15 P. M. '" arriva l :3% 2l"d 821 k i te Erie Express leaves Philadelphia...l2:oo noon. "- 1V11413/3Pc'd• P. M. . salves at Erie . 10105 A, M, Elmira Mall leaves liffiadellada... 8:00 A. M. Williamsport... 8:28 p. m. AI arrive at Lock Haven.. 7:45 p. m. ,' IMITWAILD, • __ __ . Nail Train, leaves Erie 11:00 s ; m. " p. m. g• arrives at Philadelphia...7:lo s. m. Erie Express leaves Erie ' 7:40 p. m ' Withiunsport 8:55 a, m " arrives at Philadelphia 6:00 p m Rail and Express connect with-,011 Creek and Allegheny River Ball Road. Baggage Checked Through. ALFRED L. TYLER, Gen'! Snp'i. Misctllamtons. FURNITURE! NEW GOODS! NEW.GOODS ! NEATLY FINISHED POTIIL,AR PRICES Consisting of CHAMBER SETS, PARLOR SETS DINING Hoot BETS, MIRRORS, PICTURE FRAIM4 :Photograph graph FTames, for everybeii, iisanAL ASSORTMENT nE3:‘URE, Salted to this mar et. 1 hare the best•uphole. tens In the country, and manufacture our own upholstered work. , REPAIRING AND JOBBING, Done to Order. Having an me/lento of 20 years in the business • I can confidently hope to please all who patronise me. • Don't forget the place. No. 155, MOO two dams south of.Beidleman's Block,Towan da. Pik ,"; • B. T. DECK HR. Towanda, May 30,-1809.—tf. G ROVER & )BAKER'S 1 7 HIGHT P IMIII , SEWINGM CHINES 730 Chesnut Strset, Pbtladelp*a. THE VERY 111(113EST PRIZE; THE CROSS OP THE LEGION OF HONOR ~Wu conferred on the representative of the GROVER AIM BAKER SEWING MACHINES, EXPOSITION UNIVEREERLLE, Paris , 1867 ; thus attesting THEIR GI E4T SUPERIORITY Our another letwiarmachlaes. Aa assortment of these celebrated machines coarrantly on bud end for veld by W. A; OHAMBERLIN L , TOWANDA, l'A. Feb. 6.1668.-6 m. A N EIGHT HORSE POWER JIB L °ROTTEN ?MEM •ILLOSIND— aistIy asw—for sale yelp cheap, or It not sold sow, tot sent daring the season. ilaufre ot 1. 0. PATTOS at Mows Ca.'s Boa at om Towanda. Pc his. s Two Bona Power. /sly 121,11158.-3 w FINE BYBI3II AND MOLASSES at IicCAIII 10111. Ind fistau„lnsilacitmL II vTaTik, ItA. D, 0 A •L‘ • If_ laikktiji;&ODLl,9X! sat 0364 fa Oktiador coati; I(,N aR land . 44$ scrosOl idles twit Balm, f a sag Ppo Nay /114/TaY! The " Moe Anchri n Mrti. Whisloir =cicientizinui.t. contikbig --- 7 s'.' mak. Wily 'Hean, timbered with rums. Hemlock, dsh f Hhemy and hard woods as follows t ;-.- -i, - - - Ifmatk NO 4163oostslalsg 990 *Me i ; No. 4T55, 990 tompresa the Vat and mist forks of•the Olanizsakollng In- Wharton and Sylvania towlmbip9:,f . Tracts No. itet, 990 serest N0;i47i0;400 S No. 1698. 100 ssemo Wbarton .town eldp. Hue of Appot. bowliirstens .of Nettle Creek i I Tracts No: 5917, 1100 ales ; Ho. also; uso saes; No. 6813, 1100 accost No. 5914, 1081 saes 76 perobsst No. 6911,;..1100 acres. No. 6930, 1100 aczes_,* No. 5935. 4100 . acres ; No. 6919.1100; In W harton andj3lowardion town. skips on head trams Kettle Omsk, near main Minch. • , . , _ Trate o. 471 T, 191 aeret; 4729, 990 sane ; Appet and Stewards= tolankhips; near Little Amite Creek. 1 Trade No. 19i0, 14117 ; $824, 600 acrel, Whartais township . lain branch, Sinnamshon led- • Two hundred and severity-Ave ides prime, Ant elan coal land. Blakely triwnsh fp , Lu anne county. Pa., half 14 . between Scranton aliAs and Carin. Very i the Railway: One thousand acres Ain clan Anthracite coat land aboutA miles norlit-nat of Wilkes- Barre, in the add, of improvements. •, - About 1000 acres of -laza. In Mulford to ou r ' Burlington oounty,! New Jersey, abditt rlain north from Jackson Jtuntion of the Camden and Atlinth. sat Delinvaro- and Rari tan Bay Bentleys. Valuable mLII neat. Two Of three houses, stable, _" barns, .to., second growth of timber, never fang water. Power fall 15 or 15 feet overshot. I Price $2O per acre. Ono-third may remain. i I, I " j Delaware Parma and "Peanigivanla lands Description and direct icins given on applies lion. A valuable Country Seat nag' PhiladolOhlo• Splendid grounds and Vatic; 69 acres of. land WESTERN riloPllllll4For ske or ez change. 120 acres ofrits4lind one third Um bared. San Piero, Star i nty,lowa. t I ' Forty acres of good la red, With trait trees, ap plea, peaches, pears. .116.1 25 acresimproved one halt mile from San !Piers', on Railway. Pxice 2800. • 80 acres one mile from 'Ban Plante ' one-third timbered. No improvements. On railway . Price $BOO. I _ A steam mill propatyl in Bulington town ship, Bradford may.. A very desirable km bering operation. - Eight parcels of land, containing from 50 to 100 acres, each partially timbered, and Improv• edsuitable for farmlntor grazing.. ( 'House and Barn in good order aid 138 acres of improved and timbered', land, orchard, go od water. 3e. Union township, Tbna count , on Northern Central ..wailway. For sale on ng time and easy terms. I • I 28 Tow n Lots In lionree - Borough, Bradford countY, Fa. ' I . 3,000 Acres Wild Tiinbered Laid. Sullivan County, Ps. • • 122 Acrei good Fir Ming Lend; Burlington township, Bradford.oountv Other timbered and improved properties. Dllcrilltico s given oPPl".3ation. Tenements .and Improved Beal Estate, To wands Borough, sad other propestlesi • Execute Conveyances, huffish sprigs of Title, buy and sell Real Estate, collect rentals and liens,survey and examin all kindti of property. They are prepared to negotiate tiabesof farms, homisteads, and properties especially desirable tncapitalists ; to procure adveaces of money , upon bond sad mortgage, and to prosecute in quiries for those desiring to make investments or secure a home. They will effect In the best known SIRE AND DIM COMPA NIES. They have exclusive Agency re Brad ford lid neighboring mantles 6: tom pease in these several departments of laser once, • , All who seek est inrestments far the future benefit of -their famcien, in secure end thst-olass Life Companies ; r Capitalists desiring to buy cit sell,' valuable speculative properties: 11 , , • • All wishing surveyi and einthlnations ; I All wishing advances upon valuable rea property All who wish to obtain lease or rental o Farms of Tenements; Are respectikilly solicited to entrust such bull nese to our Agency., - - at the EMI MONTARYR & WARD, I N-S II 11 A N:0 E Thome-who desire to W 7 or sell firms; All who wish to sliest hisorsoce against Fire; Further particulars tarnished at our office Office, comer olliain and Piner4reetis G. 0 MONTANTE, EENhT woD. Ni` PROPERTIES ADVERTISED -FREE ()F CHARGE REFEKENCIZ : Hon. Kam, Towanda. Pa. El Bon. William well, Bloomsburg, Pa. Q. L. Ward, idaq.; Towanda. IL 43.1feetam - G. P. Naos lE Or., Bonham, Towanda. J. D. Mn'oforae, Towanda. Innen% Laddbgm Do., phia. Sew York. Diet= bothers, Philadel lion. John N.(Poppadum, iVilinaDirre Charles Punish, Wilkeeawre. Hos. P. B. iiirestar„ Matra* Pa. Towanda. April I. an. I • , FASHIONSFOR SPRING AND - ' - suzcza OP USW -" ' ' . i Having ust retuned host w with a . felleadear j efoUyselseted dock O o Peetf MILLINEBY 000D13. we hope to be able to _plans All Who favor as with thdr potroasge. awl flee t We will do onorow lama la the Mast styles aad we defy commdltka la Ude _broad of. our work. Collsn e atlfol lined Les —ao cheat. Also Modem Comet Skirt Cell sad before you Booms ea the east alde of Ida it:, bottoms the Bimetal Fo a ..Stewma, law & ,Co. aad Lies Cuter. E. J. PIERCE. emu Abe t ! 42171:11N8 OP TH3 LATEST nuts tor Lams , and LIMN& Draws. - Ladles abides to tt r o xod work sad the Wet of styles. with t mad elegant Ulna; lan. dad It to'. aviator to 'far:* at Isith's tdd. air Boost over tbs. Plerat'o. H. L. (MM. Ttorsads. ApetlB. Pu PLACIVIVAprf YOUR °`"'"AhvaVAlNticieB4;=r- airiurv, VISION: N; 1 L STOW. bi 74". % 2111153.4. VIM° JOIN lanUDlTik T ' I s ! atafreL,- - iiiitAr south of ihi.ll6ll lks* Masa) would rapentfaus in7lle the sh' twationnf the to his kip au wilt , . PROVISIONS, whka -its -le to soli ihe.theisianh weird us has also upped a spiestem PEED , ti illetated k*lithe'eanaand Sammy anal s region at all sums. He • keep" cowetwatly on hand a large dock of - TEAS; 00PFER5,14313..4111.44 BUTTER, ;1 1 .Qiii • & 0:,,.• - • 'Which 4 . 0 4 1 . etbiNo !rlash• GOODS DEMVERip IN, 27E, BORO' - FREE OF CHARM The aliens; of Tommie please accept in testate for their very Musa Patronage fa lid tie - OWL; and we promise with mew assiatanot, to improve er efTePtwattutity_to taints oer Wellies. so es to warrant iattabotiont. to 411. - Cali sat see as again; , • r ' JOHN 11111111DET11. Towanda, Jai, 10, 1867. . . VW - GitOOERY AND PROM 4.1 SION STORE • TOOMAS 1: JONEB, Has opened a new Grocery mid Prov&lOU HtinO in Patton's Bidet. in the store , formerly_ o cou pled byHokonon & Son t where he now , ore re to the public a large supply of • GROCERIES 'AND' 'PROVISIONS, Of the best mislay, and to be sold at, the, VERY - LOWE.it P 111038.. The stcith dantiiin • TEAS, [COFFEEk- SUGARS, • SUGARS, &O. ALSO FUME, FEED, MEAL, Am 1 . In fact anything runisily kept In a Arocery and Provision atom,. which.' shall alai as low as make bought elsewhere,. . sr Oath MU be paid for all Country • . Tarsal', Oct 17. 1467 . NEW STOR,.EI NEN GROOBRIESI w; A. ROCKWELL'S. CANNED FRUITS, PINE APPLES, PEACHES,- PLUMS •- • OF ALL -KINDS, - AN - D CANNED OYSTERS. ; ' DRIED APLES, HAGUE ' S, PRUNES, &C., &C., ac. pO, - suG4ss, SYRUPS; MOLL S, COFFEE, SPICES, Of all ~,khida, in fact everything, In the GROCERY LINE! wilt be kept Constantly on hand FLOIII4EED,BRAND, POTATOES, BLITM, LiltD, EGGS, AND irVIERY v=* fresh lot of OF ALL VARIETIES, DRY GOODS - d at tho' TIN THE M4EKET LOWEST PO will be Bold as Audi IliM2aU CHEAP AS TO THE FARMERS: CASH PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF . PRODDOE. W. A. ROCKWELL. liay 29, 1867 THEr UNDEilkaNit i nAQING Purchased the entire interest of • R. H. PATCH, nln the Arm of C. B. PATCH 1 CO., Ss now prepared to offer to the citiseas pradford Cotinty; and vide*, a large and well lected atonic " GROCE,RIE Which have purchased for Cash and 1 cold delis that caa sell at as low Agoras =1:1 purchased elsewhere. I now offer to . e public a splendid stock of TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, stalwa, swaxrus, Have on band a large stock f AKRON FLOUR; GRAHAM A BTE.DO. BUCKWHEAT DO. . I keep emetently on band, •PORIC;jIAII43, JAW and kinds of FISH. Would call the at- tendon of the public tokout IA Be - Beat STOCK OF TOBACCO, In quality or price. Jesse Oakley's Votie*tea Landry. New York Chemical and Brown Soap. Nessectliaidessidne itpckof t WOODEN' `W. _ Lair, :aiwartawwt of YANKEE NOTWIIII, TOILET 604113, ka." &a. I will pay the WO- et caith pthe tor 00IINTRi PRODUCE. Fames glvi nu a all befonmellias elseliqter. en , pamt indebted to t!estii MI wW Nesseksall was hasedlat pkymemt. =I TI;11112L 1 (3.-B. PA 1,16117. z • - - ICH NEW : • TAILOR SHOP 1 . " 08 'I9I7SPV4PEEBI Opened - iv shop In , the. roost baa of the Wow of this Young Ken's Obrirtlan Asada tion v ownd story, oterEd47 a 1:111Othing Atom 'wham hie 11 now.Profint4 to dO:ktudo of • TAILORING; .In the Oast sod most isshionible manner. An experience of uan=, vdetoroboddon t o wit 'this his oustooiotvPoriM ldn to Os asafactlon. _ ri& Onttlng dollops short natal and rais on irle Odin, 1.817,,, • • ^ atiolitcd. - 1111 Nigsr:ApsiNG,AND'.. BUM %V I A std_4agy lad Pit BEI =&- Ea 0 0t0'13, - ' tr oh irwr a r=l s a foi tree. —' ` OLD PA 0:1'8a: Vondeiti ar. Wild of leaven !O M6l% ' Pads , . T l) , Sica r a an " Mai) ecis!sitl", in litr- - t3 x - 1 ss suilais t . - graft 1 - `PESTS - AND' c A t liTS; 'Au . woid . • Dugs COATS, PANTS:is, CRESTS, than Coate, Dab= and MO Oita. ills sad Clist 13biits, then sad , Taper E el%) Collies. Linen. sad Flame Shifts. • Neck T i es; Ses Skim Canes; WON siss, Was Is SIMI Soft and StOor Hots. AU SoWdass. I mon , that Good (hods are , d rh valrat a r ine tikan plolgoolls as - Sextdoco to Powell 47. - . 1 1 1, 7 , . Towanda, tray 28,1867. , Tn- ToI!LE OF ilw . 3:noNl NEW . STOREAND. NEW GrDl3 I, .. An entire, new 'stock of Clothing bought is cheaply' betore the war to be sold wEli , SMALL PRO FITSI The Undersigned would respe ctfally announte to.the citizens of Taands and vicinity that be Is now ready to offs the ~1 ta Cl °thing, Inch! as FINE BEA. ER OVERCOATS, - Farm Mouse 'Asti .I§Osisss: Surrs. Furnishlag Goodi, k 0.,. and ithat t ese, goods bought at very low figu ms 111 be, sold with very small profits I intend o establish it,per• =anent trade in this place, and In older trhgain the oanlidenci ". r ctf purchasers, will doal on a • basis of NNW GOODS! HONESTY ANDZ I.NTEGRITY,I and all gooda will be warranted for what tleey are represented to be. Confe and examine knd convince yourself. Don't forget; the place, Temple of, Authion, opposite the,Mitans Houle, south end of Beldieman's Block. - 1 D. JACOBS. Towandajp i ct.l7, 1867. BEDELL & VA$ VLSOR, ifE.gREMV:7 I 141 READY MADE CLO GENTS, '1 G ,'FERNISSIN • WAVERLY, TIOGA COU We' have a Fashionable Cot York City, and take an the risk good 80. We make at our own establishment. We give particular attention, to Toutb's Boys, and CHILDRENS' CLOTHING ME From 85 cads to $3 per yard, J (4 10014 Best Steek,of Hats and Caps Kept .withia 20 miles. Come arid_ look and prove for y_onnelf. • 161.. Wlll be at the Ward Moine the Ara and "third' Monday of every month . with samples of Goods, and.prepared to take, measured. BEDELL Jk VAN VELSOR. . . 68 Broad-st., Waverl;, _N. Y. ilWents for Grover Baker'al44swing Machines. Apr 112,1868. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS 1 WI ,DO, 0. L.PATOIL ISM LOT ,E I G ISO IMM R. W. I CHINCHILLAS, PII;OTS, Also the HATE AND CAPS. FASHIONABLE AIM DEALIIII IN .NAIS AND. CAPS, BB Brixa Street, READY MADE CLOItING 1 4 nd4WaMvPa0 4 1mUle ' llq CLOTHS• AND . CASSIMERES, PROOLAXATION BY OoHDN dc ~SOSENEFIELD•~ TOWANDA, PA. , Wwlasss, It seems to have pleased the in habitantet of ,Towanda , and vlotnity, to recog nise our fair way of dealing ; AND Wausau, We owe our Isincere thanks to the community ter extending to us so liberal a patrionsge ants now t• Awn WHIBIAS, We deem It our duty to re elprocate all the favors bestowed upon us thus tar great stockWe do hereby publicly PROCLAIM, that oc New Sprint 44 Simmer Goods, . Comiehting eveiythhug la the N E 'Ol l CIAO TH G I Bach as 1 Doeskin, & Cassimere Pants, 52 And a 1 the best dyles Coats, Vesta, b dENTS, I - WM*7BMM - GOODBI And the ILATEST STYLES HATS & CAPS, *ill be dlepo l eei of at each REDUCED PRICES! That will astonish the community. As oar Opals are manufactared in New York express. 17 for tbm market, wOmn afford to sell as cheap as the next. We arer,bounCto satisfy all who give us a Wl.' COHYII4 I NOSIMPLELD. Next door to Fox, Eite fercur & Co? Towanda, April le, IBM We would call thir Sttentitin of the lOU* to the fact lhat we have opened's Branch Store in WYALIII3IIIO, (lathe_ store formerly occupied by P. Taylor.) Where we are prepared to sell at the same .Low Rates. - Wee us a call before purchasing eliewhere. ' ' • MENA soessrun.p. `Wyslustig. Aprill6, 18681 • . E:W LO, A MD - NSW. ; AiTR A b , T.1:0_,” 1 J. M. 001:411INS, His removed to the store forme necapied by lfsnball Brothers d vo., next below the rod Ofdee, mid has replenished his smostment with hate and new stock of READY MIME OLCiTHING, CLOTHS, • , ' - • pessuans, TRIMMINGS, • • - • GENT'S ITURI4E3ING GOODS, RAM, ', "O&PS,-. • &0., &O. ' idalie l Vina b tar alriZrZl EXTREMELY LOW -RATES (Mr sus a all. betore-purclesslng elsewhere, ss I will where sell better goods.t st lower pr'susi els. • :I bawl maw arrange:meats with an =pal et ced Tailor ,MANUEACTURR GARMENTS; AM having • brffl etc* ci Cloths and wk.. I Can Mule' customers with emery style of Garment they may desire, mails in a fashionable mina, and warranted to' tit. the Don't forgot the place, next door Wow Peet•OGice and Dews BOOM. flidrest. - T9wanda, - APril 31,1 8 6 8 , • , ' =A La, w 101aY'et8/1;:-DRITG;'-'78T01014 W4YYi d I$ ;:I~♦`l' Mein • amilig imisd7 10 Ms Bock baud mospiaM .amortaan4 mostiosting mametas mesty. entoming many !Oen set th the no embanks' ...i. paposas, - Men 11271 := 1 tba 1 . 1:1114.1 0 woe= ate Or nnonliable ft 71 • ' •-" • intitAMEDIODIES, M l°A S, EMI • rArm,:oga,: taastugh • iII:RPM AND . . - TIMPRMINE, am; petit VARNINI, -WlUTFeffillell, And all kinds of Mugu, REItOSEN! OR ClO4. Pit: Alcohol and Barnink LAIRS, *SIAM, Wl9llB,- 4:11910131M,_ Whaloo Nonts-fnot; .. TANNWS AND MAciIINS 'Plinci.and Toilet Articles In all their virlety, SPONGES, BRUSHES; SOAII. 001/118, Prom*. HaliOjekl i erfainfrie PO9K,ET BOOKS, PORT MON•AIS, FrSket 'Litres, Boson, " TOOTH, 881 AND HAIR pape*notrs Platl enti- males, • For ItedicliSl are. - TOBACCO, SNCYr, Nitit ArD 'OIOABB, EDDY: Garden, Field and Flour Seeds, Troyes, Sup. , , porters, Suspensories, Shoulder Breen, Breast pompsi-Teething Bingo, Nuning Bottles, Nipples; Nippkr, ; , Stleids. Syringes BM Pabee,l3eN- ' Sealing Fruit • JarsL Thermometers, - Flavoring Extracts, Stone Jugs; Glass- Ware, Bottles, Vials. Corks, Bath Brick, and Stove Blacking t _FharTsiekle, Ammuni tion, Au., Botanic, Eclectic and Homeopath- • lc Medicines, and all the Popular. Patent • MEDIOIN,ES: , • All articies -warranted ss repr&sei 4-1 1.ou I Per -sous at a distance can receive air orders b stage Or Mail, which sill receive ;prompt an .1 careful attention. DR. PORTERS PREPARATIONS - FOR FAMILY USE, Known as Safe and Reliable Remedies, are wail ranted for what they are intended to Ake satis faction, via Dr. Porter's Pectoral Syrup, for coughs, colds, lungcomplaintakc.socasl 00 Dr. Porter's Eclectic P il ls, for bilious cosy • piainta and mild cathartic.... , 25 Dr. Porter's Banner Syrup , for scrofu l a s kin diseases, e. 1 00 Dr. Porter's Uterine Tonic, for feenaleiceak: ANS, .... 100. Dr. Porters Tonic Elixir - for strengthening the simian ' , 100 Tansy flebasims,for liver and kidney complaims.. . .. .....100 Comp. Syr. Hypophosibites, for nervous debility I 00 Blackberry Balsam. for die' , rhica„ 35 Dr. Porter's. Family Embrocation foi sprains bruins, 4 - c 35 D. Porter's Pectoral Wafers, for hoarse nem, sore throat, tire• - 25 Dr. Porter's Worm Wafers, for 'expelling Dr. Porter's Worm Syrup 1 for ezteamiind. • 25 tiny •tomes 35 Infant Belief, or crying babies colic' te.. • 26 . Cepll44l ' tioniTZior tatamk hew , _ • -Dr. Porter's Dr. Porter's Dr. Porter's Dr Porter's QRS Dr. - Porter's Dr. Porter' Toothache Dropi, for tooth ache • , i' x Dr. Porter's Tooth Powder r for preserving , nth : ' ' 25 Dr Porter ! Porter', Triomf* ter dressing and 60 50 ,Dti Porter's' l rriropti;ko beautifying the ' hair • 50 Dr. Porter's Odoriferous 8 ,for clean. lug the hair., ' ' 60 Hr. Porter's Milk 01 Flowers, for beautify. ing the complexion 60_ Dr. Porter's Pile o:ntmeitt. for externs , 7 oo . Dr. Porter's It li nch Compound, for scald In g tuine- 00 Dr. Porter's !dedicated Figs,: for habitue., constipation 00 Dr., Porter's Healing ' foreata,won ac.. ....'. 16 Dr. POrter's Lip Salve , for chajpedl - ps .. 25 - Dr. Porter's Eye Salm; for inflamed eies.. 25 RINGS k • GOODS ! HEM from, New giving you a Dr. Porter's Eye Watir, for inflamed eyes... 25 Dr. Porter's Corn arsi Wart Remover, for corns and bunions.:, . , 25 Dr. Porte.as Constipation PM, for costive• IMPE ' 2 Dr. Porter's Iron Pills, for poor b100d..... .25 Dr. Porter's Citrate Magnesia, for a pleas itnt.eatharric. • Porter's Liquid Rennet, for making nu• tritiouc diet for invalids • Dr. Porter's Extract Vanilla, for flaiiiing Ice cream, &a Dr. Porter's Extract Lemon, for flavoring fee cream—large bottles 40 Dr. Porter's Oriental Cement, for mending _ broken . Dr.. PortAr's` Litnidglass, Glue, ao 25 for repairing - wood work 25 Dr. Porter's Cleansing S'imd,for easy wash lug Dr. Porter's Bed Bug Poison, for killing bugs ..... . . ............ 60 Dr. Porter's Fly ioison Paper, for killing . dies ' 05. Dr. Bortekls Bat and Mice Poison, for ex- Dr. rminatig rats 25 Porter's Benzine, for removing spots from clothes. 25 Jr. Porter's Black Ink, in pint bottles 33 , in bulk by the gallon 00 Dr. Porter's Horse and Cattle Powder, for disituses of animals 30 Dr. Porter's Horse and CattlerLotion, for sprains, a dgalls ~ • —1 60 Dr. Porter's Ring-Bone an Navin Cure, for ftme horses. 50 Medics !advice given gratuitously at the office, charging only for medfdlisi - Ti. or Thankful tor Past liberal patronage,would respectfully announce to his friends and the public, that no pains shall be d:to satisfy; and merit the continuation of t heir confidence and patronage. L H. C. P ORKER, •1 Dec. 18.1868.—yr S M IL N G NEW Earl ng purchased the stock of Tobacco belong. frig to Randall, Compton & Co.; and haying bdlt a shanty on the same ground, we, are prej pared to offer to the publle WHOLESALE AND, RETAIL, i Variety of . •. CHEEPING TOBACCO,, I. i lia , 1 such' 65 ' , - , °old . , Barmy Bidet i'lnfi ipPladdichillins Fig, , Leaf and Star,irhliph *e Oiler for sale in clan ties to' ma ' onitomer4,l Paclptges • in - Barrels; and quarters. 1 FANCY . NNONIN6. ' . The celebrated Lone Jack, Pdde of the tint ted States, Viriginiatie,Gold Leif, Navy and all binds of Killickoick. 4 BRANDS OP :CIGARS. Mud= Eagle, Gen. Grant, Lelxique!, Im perlo, Tycoon and the yery choked brands o Yates. TI 0 N We will keep constantly on band a variety of Pipes, Cigar Cum, Tobacco Boxes and Pouch es and everything usually kept in • Tobacco Store, Landloide supplied whit Cigars anti Poll To. beam on liberal taw. - All orders promptly Mid la ;hat nottoe4 A. DARNER. Oct. 17i1.1887..' CHEAP PASSAGE FROM OR-TO =LAND OR ENGLAND ! , Oinow:fr co.'s LINO "Olf 1111WOOTTIO 1601 os TO . 4grumteoing liITIOPCKO. Colon's old ' , Slack Star Line" of Liverpool' ackets, Bailing every week. - , . . za Etwaliov•iail Llie of liacketa,fro or to Lon. don,, aditng twice a month. • Binnittiuices to Englind,lreland stidl3coUind payable on demand: .• • • ' Poi farther porticalus, op* to Willisma Quion,.29 oroachnly, Ne*Yorlt, or 0. P. gAs9ll.&,,o,eankerk Oat. 1888. Towinda.Ps 118143, OR ANY °TRIER XLIL TICILE la oar Ithe, *area at shod anti ,Dy calling at the . : NEWS COOL filioullaritong. AGAIN IN MOTION r IWhbuti' , . _ •il lll ikT : , ,iii ;,,-.._,L',„....."" '..---` ..." 2 .', '4 4. - , - , ; ••tb`-.. , 1 :1-iniveligLigMATo- - , , 21' ' ,„--, : i . ~ W. 11 . .1f. acii; Oisdellarto GNI 41 11 0.441 Ma i are the Issispili , fiii ribC we 24.4 v g..., & . attt a s 1 -atm- .... riziam•-•-.. nt rimed. idk. sib 91 :4# 14 . . 11 0ar, °f 0 1 / 1 , 0 ? ir" : /*gin. Pitl i i " tea - O"NEEri/C l O 3- . - . Ilasfast bees 'ritoo*Od; and we Awn now pr WWI% OP 14111POLICI*1117A#TICIZB simaitazio _ PURE WINES - ArartiQuoss, gOiC lA ko USE OZiPL ♦ PUU. 1111101MIM Or. ooxolon!wria... • 'BOTANIC iOLIIOII - 17 .41174010EPATILIO . • , • ; . .111,41; TI*';',6IIrpo,PATENT MOW OIL, • PAINT AND . ViliNlol. 111,IISHES, • • pints:intim AND slam , _ PiNOY iiisii.odsCurricutS'ap any ALamorso AND 1/411DIMTLyNII, "- ALEALdtrY AirD'itgl3lNoll7.S.' •-• •0 • / ill the pest Teepees. A :11.D..0 l it I N-1 lv : 11 P 0 B • - • • . EBILOT.,PtIIOI3, NIPPLN SHELLS, AND 81111311;08, Nursing Battles, Syringes and Catheters, t Jinni 498oimions or itAmnia, ioczEr marta, OUROICART B I 3O -WITO OF WE STYLE intei-Eitramfir. A. lora, ripply Brushes for the. Hat and Hair. • Also for the Teeth and Nano, Tooth Poir _dors And Portal,: OUs, Perfaniery, - , . • Pottla..Combs.. Hair Dye, lavigor. • 1 4 ators l efe.,lCorosene, Kerosene Lamps, Shades, Chlroneysi . 1 Wintry &a, all of the , • • late st styles. • CHOlbi CIGARS, TOBACCO AND SNUFF - hystchins adnplielit 'reasonable rates. Medicines and Prwarlptiolut. carefully and ac curately, compounded and prepared by,compet-s ant papal) it all hours of the 'day and night.. Sunday. hours from 9to 10 o'clock In the fore , noon,; .: to 2 in the afternoon. • W.H. H. GORE... T 9 .01116; Sept. 29, 1866. fiarbmart. 1 , " • . 0 ' csa . 4- • ... -- ■ a , _, --4 , ~. oil V g- '.. C's II" ;,-. VO ; a , ~ ; c' © ■ E tz-4- ... ". C ■. Cn 1 i ,$) ‘ 9 61 M . . Mt 4 •• ',- to - .: -•-• . ; . rz .2. ~.1 --, - , r 1 0 t. ws'' c 4 b. - 0 - ' z 0 - VV g , ti MARSHALL BROTHERS & CO., Wish to call the attention 'of the public to their new Stock of . ELiRDWABE, •• , FARMING lIIPLIMENTS,‘. ' I •- SLACK SMITHS' TOOLS. and CARP/ INTERS' TOOLS. Also, a large assortment of . , '''Window Glass Saab, Paints, Oils, putty, Varnishes, and Paint • and Varnish Brushei . of all kindi, -which will be.sold for the lowest Gash price. - Also, a Sine assortment of • 1 " KEROSENE LAMPS of every style and pattern still the public. Lampe repaired and changed from Oil and Fluid Lonesome. Particular attention paid to the manufacturing of all: kinds of ' • TIN WARE J 0311tNO . PROMITTL'eliTTINDED'PES We have on hand a fine article of • • • GLASS FRUIT° with imprOved eelfaesding corks, and • HEIIKETICAL SEALING B.S. which la one of the had aunt used. . Jane 20,1866. ~fiscclluniou . THE GOOD_ TIIiiE' , HAS COME The eurpltur - Orlabor combined with' other =uses has told with fearful effect upon • . And it is decidedly lower, i►hich can mill be seen by enquiring prices at FROST'S FURNITURE EMPORIUM Where may be ftnind the 'Argot and beatiitock of Furniture ever offered in this maptet, and which I. am now offering at . 4 - ei,EATLY RpIICED PRICES I I inn now selling Oak and Chestnut Extension Thbles at 11,50 per foot, and other, goods In the , Fe prokortlon, many of them at cheap as be the War . I bate also Inereased.facilnies chlanufactaring, and can furnish ___A-• i 11 , DraiLERS AT 'WHOLESALE. 1 Thankful I r their past liberal patronage and . etermined to merit a continuation of the sane y oilbring inducements , not to be found ase where, I Invite the pabliii to and exathine tuyi goods and prices beforepure basing else where. No charge for abetting goods, and I WILL NOT: 'BE UNDERSOLD .1 I also keep -on hind a large' stock of Ready "tads Coffins from the • most common to the finest Roams° d. ' Also Victoria Lawn, Merino and Satin Robes, caps, &0.,-and will lurnilh everyilig in the line • of ; Jidertaking on the mast salaam:millers. ; A 0 OD HEARSE ' Always is nmdln7s when required. - • • . JAMES 0. FRO.ST. Towanda, Aprila, 1888. " . - ,The OF NE The siibeerlbera' are now reC Todt 4 fine saaorrent of . GOODS ..ili .. THEIR, - LIN.E! . . -.• , , . •, \ Conaisting in part of - BROWN & BLEACHED MIISLINS, AND PRINTS, L'AI I OIII3 AND''CIIILDREN'S DREES OOO4s, - Panay aldrta, Shavlsi Hoop Skirts, 1. thous Hosimor Ykatis Norms, ac., Ao., at. of which tan be bought u cheep BB the same quality of goods can be bought in To , Wanda; Their. MIIIiDTERY, =I lollelagifolatsbed wlththe latest styles of BONNAT,S :XND ZATS, Ana a general assortment .of Millinery Geod., with competent Milliners to suit the teats el 11l who may favor them with their patronage' - Special attentlort pa id to BLEACHING AND STRAW WORK Asirbase an exierfenCed Lady expteniy for lids department satbaketion - gnarrunteed: Main Street, directly opposite the Court Nauss. • - • . B. A PETTEI3 - ,.3 CO. • Towanda, April 10,18694 m • - e * •e? . NORTH 2 .BWOII , .FOUNDRY ,M AlO, .11.. ,111.0 ,• Bit4l4i . onPine, 'tint of ilstilStreeri: • ITILAQPQP.D. _CO., PA.., • -. u aknr prepared to furzOgh OIitOULAR SAW- MILLS - SHINGLE MACHINES; °Utile' best siallitywith the latest improve- Maohlzusr for //louring and , Saw 1' . • - - STEAM - 'ENGINES;:. . ' = MADE# & REPAIRED, TEAM WHISTLES, STEAM - °AGUES, GAUGE: - COOKS; - - • -911: &0., Furnished atShort make. If L CTTING - , Dont from f Indio ,fn diiutteter. • • 'FORGING Of hea4 wrought work Beiges; aMiali other perposes; done to. trier. -• Alswi. 'a large assortment of • , • ; COOS:INa'; & HEATING • STOVES; :-Coal and Wood Burners. Furniture for Coding 8 1 .010 1 . Stave , PlPs: 'Tin-Ware, Boat Pampa, Plows, Cultivators and Lcrapenr, kept ettustant• u on band. DRAW INos_ SPECIFICATIONS Of, alliindant machinery for mills' and other purposes preparedby , WEE =II 'WAREN 11114., ; !aria . Ctierkence in . 11ge In2u P irlb* . - 4111111"1g. JOHN OARMtN. T °II'A.NDA CARR,IAGE The.iin4eraitned*pergally announce to the public Chet they hate purchased the CARRIAGE .8110 P G. D R SE, And are now prepared to build work In THE LATEST STYLE . . And. most Workmanlike manner. They wil constantly keep on hand an assortment of splen did TOP • AND OPEN BUOGIES,- FAMILY CARRIAGES, DEMOCRAT .AND LUMBER WAGONS, ai ~ ALBANY •SLEIG HS ALL WORK WARRANTED. REPAIRING firompt4, attended to at tea souable, prices. BRYANT STULEN Toivanda, 'May 9,1867.—11. • N EB' PLANING MILL The undersigned having builVATiarge and com modious Minn 'the Borough or Toiranda, and Ailed it, with tke moat modern and improved machinery . , for the manufacture of ezi - • . , • liiD&W SASH, lb BLINDS, are prepared-to fill orders,' whethir large or small, ripen , the shortest notice. We have a also large variety of MOULDINGS, of the latest style and pattern, which ire can tarnish mach cheaper than they can be worked by hand. • . . PLANING,. _ TONGUEING, .__ - • . ( GROVEING, - - - ••• I , - ARD SCROLL r ' BA.WIIOI and al other-Work pertaining to Joinery, will be done to snit onr customers. Persons building, and not living more than twelve to fourteen miles distant, will find it largely for their interest to buy of us, or bring their lumber and worked by our machinery. Bring your grist of Flooring; or other lumber, and • while your • team is Is feeding, have- it ground out and take it home with you. We will pay CAM for . PINE & HEMLOCK LUMBER delivered at our lumber yard. Come and see us. or if you can't come, write. L. B. RODGERS & CO. Towanda. Feb.. 1864.: • CONFECTIONERY TcIRY; / Galls the attention Of the public to the tact that he manufacture:, and sells at • • All kinds of Confections:les, Foreign and 110.1 meatit Thlts, &c. Dealers in the country wish] ing anything is his line will' do well to send their orders to him; and they will be promptly attended to. Satisfaction guiranteed. Store in Patton's Block. Tow anda. Pa. • Feb. 2-k; 1868.—q. 00k-BINDERY.-THE PUBLIC JuP is. respectfully informed that the BOok- Bindery has been removed to the Argos Build ing,3d story, where will be done In di( its various branches, on' terms as tea amiable as" the times " will allow. The Bind ery will Ile ander the charge of • .An experienced "Binder, and all work will be .prOmptly done, in a style and manner which cannot ))eexcelled. Music,••Ragazines, News. pars, Old .Books o tc., bouad in every variety o style. Particular attention, will be •paid to 'e Ruling and Binding•M.' ' I , . . BLANK BOOM, . any desired potters-, 'which in quality and hint) , wil be warranted. - • 1 All work will be• ready4for - delivery ; Whqn raised; • tilniThe patronage of the public is solicited, and to satisfaction guarranteed. Towanda. August-2. 1846.—it. ; ' • • OBACCO AND CIGARS! 4r • Th e undersigned have estitaisheda 1 STEAM TOBACCO FACTORY, W 43060 i hag from .New w .A. p ..A., Whets they are mantfactoriagAll nide of OUT :TOBACCO AND CIGARS *HOLESALE PRICES That cannot fail' to suit. We' would most re-. vectfully solicit a call from the deale.s through Northern Pennsylvania to an examination of Oar Tobacco is manufactured from the beet KENITTOKY , VIRGINIA Stock that • can be :procuredis the market. Hire Ds a try. • This its home, enterprise and will succeed with a liberal dispositioa of the trade to impport home manufactors. MEANS -& PHINNY, . • . 167 Main Street. Towanda, Ps. - Juni 4, 1268.—tf. 5 . • F URNITURE WARErIIO WS 1 JAM MANINSON announces to-the public that he atllLoontintsa to manufacture and keep on hand a large assortment of • , Bureaus. Tables. Bedsteads . . Stands, Chairs, dm, of every descriptat which will be made of the best materials, mann he most workman. like manner. • ; : I Invite the Wootton of the public to mylwork, which sliallne be snrpased in durability, at any shop In: the countryeand : , ,cay _prices_ will be foundtO be as low as the.timel Will admit: "Roadyrmada Coffins constantly on band or made to °idea. A good Hearse will be famished than .deallred. . - Aug. 0;1865. , • •:- ~tot. 09 FACTORY. AarD TWO- emir= inisctllantous, r - kANUFAC A. HART, :WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,, BOOK-BIN: INGI H. C. WHITAKEITI. ECM On,ldain Street below Bridge Street Which they offer to the trade at OUR STOCK AND. PRICES t• ,FtrailTUltE, OV AIIDA I N SU - It - At cE AGENCY Melee lewiediLealriAlueld l'n'tcPtif -it Ho liPlifE4N, Agent, Of the fellawtsg well kdotra and repable . C OL psalm Oiltee *steep% Bk Aigrege, Ann:WO St 70r, 1.;06, AIWA, Liu &rocs IssuaLvesCoairivT, • Hertford. Conn. • Cu l; Aorta N 667 1. '67. Leviseroot. AND LONDON 1N 6i Piss Ass Liss LVINDIASON Co. Coital Sol?los sad &served Fop& • ( 0 3014 U6,7'11,6;7, boob Lin the United States, over. • I , P Ct.OOe :2 ) Day Premiums, upwards of (Geld ) 14 , 00 ' „Sex* Iscermixes ,Uar;ford,-Conn. . Nrir JER,SZT itforrAL Lirr Cn . ' . Nerail 1 1 1;J. • • Capital ... . , ..... . • a*U.CI.II MAIM iIIISURANCJI Co:; (AcOdeptal) • . , Platadelphia, Capitif ... ... 3500 1 ,0 CobitIECTICIIT MMALLITI ti 1: SMANCIII CO.. ' -, Barlford. Conn., Capitil - oixe.;, , •,., Towanda, Feb. 1.20, 1988..—tf F IRE ; LIFE, AND ACCIDENTAL ,INSURANCE. 4 . 7rpn6leNTßD ou ts SEVENTEEN MILLION b0L1.41:.:, C. S. 1117,SSELL, Agent, FOR ilia toLLowrsct PAYED ULIABLIC Cost ; , GritisaFxszaktmarshremans. .Comm/arc - • flibuldpAi.4 Capitalind.mirOus,over nowt bray rams Coxraxr, Of New-York Capital and stirplasi Over Iduscit Ccasurr or Noarn ._ Philaddphia. _ Capital add 'surplus, over... . .... $1,7., • KA31111.171.2; INSUILLXI:II COMPANY. t 1, Of NM...York. , Capitgl andrgrples, over • ENTIELPIMIZ britnuicz CONIPLAT, Of Philadelphia. C a pit a l and imrplias, over ASTI° INIMIXANCit COMPANY, Of New-York., Capital and sorpina, over.... • . •PITITAM INFIIIHANCE COMPANY, . Hartford, Conn. • Capit3l and el:aphis, over lifrrcat Luz INstle;arics Coxtun-, ' • - Of New-York. j Capital And eurplas,over - tN pi TPAVKLI.B2.S 1111141141:CY. COMPANY, . • "Of . Ilartforfi , Conn. 4 Capital end surplus, over Risks taken on all kinds of Properly, a! 4 low ratesas Ny any other reliable Comp,m iffir Policies issued and Losses, it ' .. minted at this Agcr,cy,thereby saving the, I, and eipense of going elsewhere for .iettlen....l. liar Office at the Elardwhem Store o! ding, 4 s. Russell C.S. Towanda, Feb. 7, I°£6.—..if THE INSURANCE' COM 1 OF NORTH AMERICA,. - Office No. 24 2 Walnut Street, ?bus& • ,Thin Company are 'now prosecuting i . neea of Insurance from 10E2 or damage , • on - Buildings, kerehandipe. Furnittri. - throughout the State of Pennsylv.ania, ,• al ternas,for long or short periods • or_pern... tt ly of Buildings, by deposit of Premien.. The prompt payment of claims for log tha period ot nearly 70 years that pony has been in esistence. entitlee the:, s. confidence of the public. DIRECTOL9.—Arthur G. Caffir., zias,ut, Jones, John A Brown, Chaile... Taylor, r • jt White /no. R. Nee, Skhard D. Welshi Wm. E. •Bowen, James 11. • - Morrie Wain, John Mason, Geo. - Francis R. Cope. Edward R. Trotttr Clarke, Wm. Cummings. ARTIIVIL G. COFFIN, Pre- I.' C. 8: RUSSELL, Agent, Towanda. F A.RILER'S MUTUAL FIRE i:\ RANCS COMPANY OF LIDDhK PZNNBYI.T ANU , - Once in Duniiiir, Montour County, Perm Capital - The Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Compry of Middle Pennsylvania was incorporated by the PennaylYanis Legislature, in the year 18,59 ; ice the Mutual Insurance of Country property Gib and immediately thereafter commenced its or ations on that principle, which , has. bf.n.l ly adhered to since. All losses have been promptly paid out 6.1 Premiums collected on application for-thsar.,:: , , without making any assessments. I The,lnsurance of Country 'property env r. , low rates charged for Insurance, and the prothr ' _payment of losses are deemed a sufficient rem:: mendation of the Fanners Mutitesi Fire inn; 'lance Company of Middle Pennsylvacia, tc 3 owners of safe class country property. • r P. Joiticsox, Sec'y. WY. FoLiza, LUCIEN MYER, - Agent, Towanda. Maya 5, '66 LIVERPOOL AND Lo N DON IND IA GLOBE FIFE AND LIFE IN:-,C1•LASO: COMPANY.—Office, 45 William St., 314 Broadway, N. Y. MEI Capital, Surplus ami_ReSA'rved Funds (Gold) n .116,211, ,,7 ; Assets to the United States, over . . Daily Premiums, upwards of (gold).. The shareholders personally responsin , engagements of the company. All' ma t be shareholders.. macrons Is Niw'Yoza.—Frandis Es Chairman, Henry Grinnell. Esq.. l'e;::1 Ch rman, Joseph Gaillard, Jr., Esq. i Archibald, Esq., H. B. M. Consul, Hamilton, Jr.,Ssq., Robert C. Ferguson. is : Alfred Pell, Esq., Resident Secrete). .11.1 ander Hamilton, Jr., Esq., Connaci ut Bcd:i Baßzzas Phenix Bank--Contronne The Policies -of this Company art is vet well-!mown American citizens reddest in York, who are Directors and Sharebidieu.c.: consequently, with the other Shareb. individually liable for all the engsceiretri:: the Company ; all Policies are signed tts. all claims are, ayable ha cash on pr.: 0! ,•:ru -without deduction for interest, and usual, sixty days after presentation of p 7.: They expire at six - o'clock . , -P. M., and az.. noon. Life insurance effected,- and granted diriavorable terms. H. R. ZicE.EAN ay, Towanda. April 23, 1n87., I= . _ T HE EQUITABLE LIFE ANdf: Society's Agency torlirsdfor• • i C?,.SII. , fCA.PITAL $3,000,000. Yearly itreome ob& r 52.000,000 abh. MONYAIFYE . Towaiada, July 250.'1867. , .. ;• E- ASTOR I.IIRE $k York. Agency for Brad''' ' Tri , CAPITAU•SOO,O9O nit for 1.666,10 per cent.. • • MONT/ail( E KWA.,` da, July 7 1 5; 1867. •, T . . . HFAYCOMIN 6 MUTUAL. F Insurance Agency for Bradford Cols,:' CAPUFAL 41,400,000 • Mutual Cash plan. In successful operatics er twenty•seven years. MONTANYE'a WA1;" Towanda, July 26, 1861 . _ _WYOMING INSURANCE AGE'" T T CY. x WYOMING INSURANCE COUP .t Wilkes-Garre, P. WM. S. BOSS, Pr e `4t : L. D; SHOERAKEB, Nice Pres::e; B. C. SMITH Seereur. Capital ad Slaplas 2150,000. North &merles, Hartford, Conn. assets i3O, Fulton. Now York, Springfield, Maas., Applications for insurance in the abort parties taken at lair Ma, and business sin:- 1:d to with promptness and .care. attention gill be given to Farm risks Pau country. Aillso Life and Live Stockintarsr , e,,', reeled in good and reliable companies. over the Bakery on Main-at., formerly ocecr by Mere= & Morrow. T. %VAMP, L - Towanda; March 12, 1168.—tf. RUSS,ELL MIX'S INSURANCE AGED'' Capita Represented over $27.0e0,00', . _ COIIPA.NIE3 REPRESENTED: - North America, Philidelphia,...l 2,901,="' Pluenix, of Hartford. • 1,231,195 Germania, New York... ........ ROW! ID. 00., New.fisien. .... North American Fire In. Gm, of New York; • 5e l N l E nterprise. of Cincinnati,.. ..... 1,0r.0.0 Mutual Lice, New York, • ' We writep t. policies in the above reliall , e e!. l ponies at thelowe rates. Rattleolar anat...Ll given to farm property. Intice two doers of the Past Office, up stairs. in the rdoin l lc :l . pied by John W: Ili: and Henry Peet. earl the htnking'flonse of B R. itusrell A, CO. - - - B. B. RUSSELL , • . JOIIN W. HIE , rowmida, - Feb. 20,1868 - WRITE ' MARROWFAT y Black Eyed Peas. for sale by - 'FOX, STEVEMILEIIOI2II 3vo lOW 1155,25 c il OG ) fyi9 ME $3 :,‘ ME ME UM DM OM En