Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 13, 1868, Image 4
goftftral. Worlc For August• Haying is now completed p except in the wet meadows. The crop of upland hay has been abundant and the moat important means of carrying the stock through another winter is thus .secured. The fodder corn to keep up theflow of milk, is now com ing- into use . said those who have pro.; vided a good supply of this, willind - the advantage of it. This is much better thair -feeding off the second growth of 'the Moiling lots; The grass in the pastures,even if not short; is less succulent aud juicT,and will yield less milk than it did in June, and there is no better substitu te, nor one more easily obtained than :torn the use of which for fodder is extending, even in the West, where we see by our exchanges that the cultivation of if is recommended. The grain is mostly secured, and the crops generally throughout the country have been bountiful. Bat the ,faimer's work is not done, for as ho works not only for the prinnt,but for the future, he must not only secure the harvests of the present year, but be prepared for years to come:Much of the work of this montlr and the next must have reference for the fu• ture. This is the best method for ditching the low lands, as they are compari lively free from water, and for laying drains where they are needed ; also `for throwing out a supply of ninck for compost during the coming -winter— thus managing so as to kill two birds with one stone. Use the muck from the ditches for the compost heap,and thus avoid the old ditch banks that used, in former times,to disfigure the meadows. ; The hay of the • wet meadows has been less valued of late years especi ally by the milk farmers , than for merly,and consequently the meadows have been neglected. But such hay is valuable, if cut in season,for young stock, and for dry stock, and is a resource when English hay is short. By proper ditching, Much - of it may be greatly improved in quality. No prudent farmer will neglect his mea dow lands. But whether the muck is obtained from ditches or not, and placed in such a position as to be easy of ac cess at , all seasons. There 'is nothing that will add so much,and at so cheap a rate, to the compost heap—and that is so valuable to our old , and sandy soils. Nature has made Wonderful proviJ sion foX the wants of man which he will gradually learn to avail himself of. She has stored up in the - earth the carbon extracted from the atmos phere by vegetation in ages before man existed on earth, that.he may DOW have a supply of fuel ; and she is collectinethe carbon extracted in modern times, iu the shape of peat and muck, that he may have the means of creasing and continuing the fertility of the soil, to supply the demands of the of an increasing pop ulation. - ' August is the beat time to cut the bushes in the pastures, and many of our old pastures sadly need the bush sythe. Weeds continue to grow, and the turnips and beets and carrots and late potatoes must not be neglected. The cultivator and hoe must be kept moving. Weeds allowed to go to seed will noti.only injure the present crop, but make work for next year.-4- ,l‘reta England Farmer. Much is thaest? The question is frequently asked, whialh makes the best hay for cattle, that which is cut early or late ? - We have no hesitation in saying that early cut' grass makes much the best hay,in every particular ; that is, cut when the grass is in full bloom: Cattle fed on hay of this character, when properly cured, will do better than they will on late cut hay with a moderate quantity of grain. But it requires considerable skill to make good hay. An old experienced haymaker would say, "don'edry the hay too much. When it is dried all up, it is as worthless as straw." As a good coffee maker would say, "Don't burn Your coffee, but brown it," so we say, don't. dry your hay, but cure it. Our gqcsl old mothers who relied on herb . tea instead of 'pothicary medicines, gathered their herbs when. in blossotn, and cured them in the shade. This is the phi losophy of making good hay. Cut in the bloom and cure in the shade. The. sugar in the plant, when it is in bloom, is in the stalk, ready to form the seeds. If the plant is cut ealier, thq,sugar is nut there ; if later, the sugar has become converted into woody matter. Hay should be cat in the sun, but cured in the cock. Better to be a lit tle too green than too dry. If, on putting it into the barn, there is dan ger of heating in the mow, salt it ; • cattle will like it none the less. Heat, light, and dry - winds,soon extract the starch and sugar, which . constitute the-goodness of hay. Good farmeis are divided on this question; bnt hay should never be cut before nor after the hay is in bloom, if it possibly can be avoided.—Farm ers Union. Ashes for Wheat. A correepondent of the Bural Gen tk'nzan, in Delaware, writes strongly in favor of ashes to prevent rust in ‘...wheat,aud from experience has found them of great value. As to the effects of ashes, he says they have, like Shakspear's sherry sack, a " three fold operation:" • 1. The ashes operate as a manure upon the wheat, even in the limited quantity of eight bushels per acre. 2. They push the wheat forward several days, and in time to escape the hot, sultry days which often pre vail about the time of the "heading out" of the wheat ; and 3. They strengthen the stem, giv 7 ing it substance and solidity. I may add one or, two more - - properties of the ashes ; they afford Just that kind- _of pabulum of food, which is best for the development and perfection of the grain, and will; in my opinion, also prevent the rav ages of the fly in wheat. I would here venture the remark, that who 9 ever once tries this experiment will thereafter spread his wood ashes upon his wheat, as above indicated ; and, in so doing, he will effectually guard against and prevent "the rust" in his wheat.. IT is repotted that a bee-raiser In WizedlAsto. bfe., during two months ; end s half of 15 , 57, - z obtained 448 pounds of honey from two swarms of bees. The souegest swarm mule f pound in three weeks during Septem ber, which is considered u bountiful yit:l4 for , the season. ttailroabi. EBIB RA I . L.W,A,Y pi and after Ye a! Ray IIthASIB, Trains will leave Waver!:. **oat the leg ithuor, rserret .• - • 'ONG Wirt. `:' t:Se NUM 1111). MandaYt , atienti red, for, Rochester, maw Sarammtawild Dasidrk, making direst emuntalcms_ wither** of the' Atlantic and Great WaltellOdake Sbosa and Grand Trunk Baihrays, fat anal* Wed also at Elmira for Canandaigna - : _ *4:52 a. sa - Mat Express; Day, !or Rochester . Salmimws,. Dunktit and Um West, connecting* above. • • 845 a. m, Mall Trainiflandaya Itufhtla and - Danhirk, connecting st for Crusandaigua. sae p. m., Elmira Aamenmodailon; Sabin l er ltVm., Day Express, illuld liar fteseW,Bafillo.t Salamanat, s irr= the Weak Connote at Pamirs for Oanandalgas at llama:tea with .Ithe Atlantic and Grask Western Itallway,ind at Bahl° with the Lake Shore and Grandlhnk Railways; for all points West and South., k . 10:33 d ilf= a lfall, Sundays ex ceided, far ea and Da**, ow neeting witr for the West. 9 101 zu. Wayl4PAlght. Sundays excepted. 3:10 p. Bidgfant Train, Dally, for the West. _ eStopv at Waverly on 11w1d1G 3 0 111 ,f• Goma 5:31 a. m., Cincinnati Express, Mondays ex- Bingh, ye ted,- connecting e 1 ; eatOw fop Wars ice l ton for 13 Great Bend . Scranton and Phpidd Ida : at Lsekawaxea for Elaw. and at Graycourt Lou Newbarg and Warecit. - 843 a. m.. ampamton Aocommodatkes, Sun days except*. 1-.20 p. m, Abeoramodation train, daily. um a ng . zs., Day Express, SundaysSunda ys ooonea at Binghamton fa Synause e VlA, Band for Banton; at lacluswaxen for Hawley; and at Jersey City - with midnight express train of New Jew Bare* for Ptilladelphia, Baltimore and W 6:7p. m.. New York and Baltimore Mail,. Sundays empted. 9:12 p. m., Lightning Expos. Sandays az copied, conneding_at Jersey City with express train of Now Jereey I.road fr, o rt more and Washington, and at New York with morning express trains for Boston and the East. 2:08 a. nu, Night Express, Daily, eon. nesting at Graycourt for Warwick; and at New York with afternoon trains and ateameri for Boston and New England atlas. • 4.25 p. m. Way Freight, briar WO* lei: A revised and complete Pocket 12ma Table "of Passenger Trains on the Erie Rail way and connecting Lines, has reoentil a t i o t tt published and can be procured on app to the Ticket Ago* of tie: Company. Wit. B, SAM, U. BOODLE, Gall Pass Ag ' t, New -York. Gera Snp't. READING RAIL ROAD-81711. HER .6.IIILiNGEMENT. MAY 20th, 1868, GMT Tim Lutz !lON its NOTTS Juin Vossn-wserfor Philidelphia,New-York,Readhli Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland, Lebanon, Allen town, Easton, &c. Valli lave 810 or new-r. ands,mum lows: At 2.50,5.25 and ,a. in., l= 2.0.5 and 9.35 p. in., connecting with' Trans on tne Pennsylvania Ball Road, and ar riving at New-York at 5.00 and 10.00 and 11.50 a.m., and 3.50 7.10 and 10.80 p. m. Sleeping Cars aocompanying the 2.50 a. in., and 9.35 p. m., Trains, without change. Leave Harrisburg for Beading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Minereville, Ashland, Pine - Grove, Allentown and Philadelphikat 8.10 a. in., and I 2.05 and 4.10 p. m„stopping at Lebanon and principal Way Stations'; the 4.10 p.rn. Train close connection for Philadelph ia and 3 Columbia For Pottsville, Schuylkill Hann and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquebanin Ball Road,leave Harrisburg at 13.55 p. m. Return ing : ;Leave New-York at 9.00 a. m. 4112 noon, and 5.00 and 8.00 p. m. Sleeping Can accom panying the 9.00 a. m. and 5.00 and 8.00 p. m trains without change. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m. returning from Reading at 6.30 p. m., stopping at all stations • Pottsville at 8.45 a. in. and 2.45 p. tn.; Ashland at 6.00 and 12.19 noon, 2.00 p. m.; Tamaqua at 8.30 a. in., and' 1.00 and 8.46 p. m. Leave Pottsville for Harrisburg, via Schuyl kill and Sasquetvmmi, Bail Read. at 7.10 a. in.. and 12.00 noon. Reading accommodation Train : Leaves Read ing at 7.30 a. m., returning from Philadelphia at e.. 15 p. m. Pottstown Accommodation Train, leaves Pottstown at 6.45 a. in., returning leaves Phil adelphia at 4.30 p. m. Columbia Rail Road Trains leave Beading at, '7.00 a. in. and 6.15 p. in. for Ephrata, Litik Lancaster, Columbia, &a. Perkiomen Rail Road Trains leave Perkiomen Junction at 9.00 a. in. and 5.5 sp. m. Return ing : Leave Skippack at 6.45 a in.,and 1.15 p. tn., connecting with similar train on Bead ing Rail Road. On Sundays : Leine New York at 8.00 p. m., Philadelphia 8.00 a. m., and 3 . 16 p. m" the. 13,00 a. tn., train running only to Reading. Pottsville 8.00 e. m. Harrisburg 5.25 a. in. and 4.10 and 9 35 p. m. and Reading at 1.10, 2.53 and 7.1.5 a. In.. for H arrisburg, and 7.06 a. in., and 11.40 p. m., for New York, and 4.25 p. in., for Phila delphia- • Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Excursion Tickets to and from all points, at re duced rates. Baggage checked 'through ; ilOO pounds al lowcd each Passenger G. A. NICOLIS, General Superintendent. Reading, Pa., May 20, 1867. . PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL ROAD.—Bummer time Table. Thro' and direct route between Philadelphia, Balti more, Harrisburg. Williamsport, and the Great Oil Regions of Pennsylvania. Elegant Bleep ing Cara on all night trains. On and after MONDAY, MAY 11th, 1868, the trains on the Philadelphia' & Erie Rail Road will run as follows : 11,1Z4*4% Dial Train leaves Philadelphia:. —11.15 P.M . " " Williamsport 8.20 A.M. arrives at Erie 8.50 P M. Erie Express leaves Philadelphia...l2:oo noon. Williamspdrt... 8:50 P.• M. arrives at Erie 10KX5 A, id, Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia;.. 8:00 A. M. " - •Williameport... 6:28 p. m. arrive at Lock Riven.. 7:45 p. m. KAHNFIan, Mall Train, leaves Erie 11:00 a,m. . " " Williamsport.. .10:16 plll. arrives at Philadelphia.. 7:10 a. m. Erie Express leaves Erie. . a.... 7:40 p. m "Wllliamsp3rt.. 8:65 a, m " 'arrives at Philadelphia 6:00 p m k ail and Express connect with Oil Creek - end Allegheny River Rail Road. Baggage Checked Through. - ALFRED L. TYLER, Gen'i 6np t. irtiortllanums. THE TOWANDA BAKERY Awn EATING ESTABLISHMENT WOOD & ALLYN hating purchased the Bakery and Eating Establishment And Grocery recently kept by & Smith, fird door month of the Ward House, Hain street, Towanda, Pa., and having re-Modelled the same. they are prepared to furnish their customers and the public with everything-In their line at ream able rates. 'THEIR BATING DEABTMENT Is fitted up in the most approved style :and meals are served at all hours, and their store is filled with a good assortment of GROCERIES. CONFECTIONARY, GREEN AND DRIED FRUITS, &C. /cO. They will 'keep in store and sell at wholesale and retail or manufacture to order BREAD, BISC u iT,e 6 RITSK, FRESH nou,s, BUNS, PIE 3 AND CAKES, Of all kind& Also will keep the best Crackers of all kinds in the markot, by the bane! or pound. Fresh Oysters constantly on band by the keg or dish, cheap as the cheapest. They will use the best materials in every thing an a will try to please the most fastidious. U Wedding and other fancy Cakes made to order. SW Families .applied daily. and promptly with anything desired In our line. They employ none but the most skilful work- men, and use only the best material. They are determined to keep a first class eatalidishment. Give us a fair and candid trial and you will and It to your advantige. G.H. WOOD. Towanda; Aug. 1, 1867.--yr. FURNITURE! NEW GOODS I NEW GOODS ! _ NEATLY FINISHED POPULAR ,PRICES! Consisting of CHAMBER SETS, PARLOR SETS DINING NOON alms, MIRRORS, PICTURE FRAMES, Pktotograph Frames, for everybody A GENERAL /MORIN:ENT FURNITURE. Salted to th i s market. I lure the best opts& Wes la th e country, awl manufsetail oar ors sphoLitered work. RIMMING AND BOBBI N G, Dane to order. Nobs ea hug of 20 yaws Is the Woes lon y u p , to please all who pakonite I. • Ike% forget the pbese. No. 166, sty* l c. Swe Soon oath of BeNlmis's Sleek, ?elm. Pa. ). T. 1. 9 111 40. M&Y.Vr. ME siat it'stiite - 'anti i* w Alts • alitOg alkesaiitilet=r l ."4: ll _,= , 0 0 . 1111111191111 - - - • iiiieihoidir main r Jam. COatida=lloM4 aray *PR Ishia MUNN fir- O:)17 N X 41 1 : The m inas 'Aikelio 41 - tennitdp; Dimes cous ev rn, .. Coatda(ai 2600 son& To be Told talotsol FaitAe Gasify , lemsds. MMUS' Unbend with.Plas. Haslook. Cam- sadlaal !woods astollows I. • • • --:" 1 -• • -• - Z or d i h; temi ddgt. taitene sad east NO. oto NM • Saks of ths Ithaanslisslll6 1 1'Intara' Sat Nylvardstowaships.' • • • * Triads No." etdl. 91M senor 104 eldl44od - seres; No. 4698. 100 sans; Wharloa Sawa- IMP. Nu 01 Jeppotv lissdisstags - of. NJ stile Tanta No. 5917, nobaerevilo.633o3oBo acres ; No. 6833. 1100 sera n0..6934, 1083 urea 16 webs"• No. 6912; 1100 agree: No. 5980,1100 acres No. , 6938, 1100 sem; No. 6939,1100; fa and elewardson tome' ship on bead waters Kettle creek, near oda branch.l t Tracts No. 4717, 198 sixes t ink*. wee ; itM and Eneeraraeln to hips, new Lay Tracts No. 41920, eS7 sorm I 41/14 100 ooreo, nut" tolindaP * mala brasolt. lionsalohow . . . • Two hundred and seventitiet ,wlll lint claw coal land: Blakely towMlo, Lu cerne county, Pa:, half wayan Scranton and 0-trhonakle. - - Very near Railway:. • • Ono thousand MN drst !dams' Anthracito coal land about 11 miles riorth4cat of Wilkes Sarre, in the adMa. of Improvernenta • About 1000 airs - a of laid In Medford town ship. Bmilngton °antiHew r Jamey. , about fourmiles no rt h from Jaiskeen Sanetion of thi Camden and Atbatle and Delaware Rad tan Bay ItsTways. Valuable mill mat. Two or Wes homes, stable. buns, ao., second Mof timber. never ftng water. Power ot. 16 feet ovenhot. Prim $2O per- aare. Onothlrd may retnaln. 1.. iaflda Delmar:Manta and Paanaldiants Descriptions and directions. Wen on applioa4 Lion. A valuable oOnato Beat Splendid grounds and Area; 69.aotta of land WESTERN PROPERTY—For sale 'or ex oe. 120 acres of good land one thlM, ths• bases San Piero, Stark empty, lowa. - • - .. I I. . • ~. Forty acres of good land with kola trees, as- P14:5 6 1re5,=.a 4 . IS acres Improved, San Piero on Railway.— Price ME. 80 acres one mile from Ban Piers, one•tbird timbered. No Improvements. On .railway Price WO. ' A steam mill property in Burlington town rJ3ip, Bradford coOnty.- A Soy, desirable Mam boing operation. . Eight parcels of land, containing from 50 to 100 acres each partially timbered, and impror elsaltable for farming orinning: . House and Barn In good order and 138 acres of improved and timbered hind, orchard, good water. &c. Union township, Tioga county, on Northern Central 111111Wiy4 ROT sale on - long time and easy terms. 1. 26 Town pots In Monroe Borough; Bradford county, Pa. , .3,000 Acres Wild Timbered Laud. Sullivan county, Pa. 122 Acres good Farming Land, Burlington township, Bradford county . Other timbered and improved properties. Descriptions given on appl:Nition. Tenements and Improved Beal Estate, To• wanda Borough, and other properties. • I MONTANYE & WARD, • Execute Conveyances, furnl46 Briefs of Title, buy and sell Real Eatate, dolled rentals and lbms,survey and examine alljklads of property. They are prepared to negotiate sales Of farina, homesteads, and properties especially .desirable to capitalists; to procuri advances of money upon bond and mortgage, an d to prosecute tri plets for those desiring to' make investments or secure a home. They 'will effect In the best knewn FIRE AND LIFE COMPA NIO. They have =tube Agency :oz Brad. ford and neighboring minnties :eading com panies in these several departments of nee. Those who desire to buy or sell farms ; All wbo.wlih to elect bootlace spigot Fire; All who seek peimanent investmenta for the future benefit of their Wmi in. in lean and dzat•claaa We Companion; Capitalists desiring Ito buy or sell valuable speculative properties ; All wieldng semi and emanations All wiabing adoincel upon vabable Tea Pro Party ; All who wish to obtain lease ,or eental o Farms or Tenements; • Are respeettally eollclted to entrtu3t such bust nem to our Agency. _ Further purtlenlans turigabed at our once Office, corner lapis& IS Rae streets air PROPWITIFO . - ADVERTISED J. B. ALLYN Bon.ll. Demur. Towanda, Pa. Hon. William Eiwel4 l , Bloomsburg, Pa. O. L. Ward, Esq., Yolanda. Y. O. Yarcor. " G. P. Mason Co..l3Onizes, T4iirsada. J.' D. Nontim”, Towanda. - York. DLLiMagWn Co., .Maw York. Dickson Brothers. MaMpfda. lion. Jobs N. Omernatam,Th—Darre. Charles Parrish, Wilkes•Darre. , Ron. P. B. Broseter, Montrose, Pa. Towanda. April 2. 11151.•• . - FASHIONS PO SPRING. AND suiciatal OP isea. , Haring Jost retorrom Wow York with a fall and carefully stook of kiLLLIZIEBY GOODS, we hope bel able to_plasee all who favor as with their potrosage. Come and Bee! We Tel do over your Straws la ths Matt Myles and we del, compelitioa is this breach of our work. CollaratikalThread Lace—no cheat. Also Modems s Owiet Skirt fianaW. • Call and before pou_pmr._ - • • Booms oa the east aide of Wain et. , between the stores of Fox, .fltemsro, Meow Allo,_ead Wiles Outer. , B. J. PIBBOB. Alm, PATTERNS OF THE _LALTEST STYLES lot WM' and 0641enat Dram. Ladies wishing to lose good. work and the beat. or illyks, with granital and elegant Stang; will Simla to thoircallowoip - _ to Aver no with a Soong Otarllrs. Pierces. _ IL L. pUBTSIL • Towanda, Artie, 1888.-:4f THE PLACE TO BUY - YOUR (I"l" rhiniVi li comso cibplr;/ •P‘•,•% - - " INSURANCE. G.,D.1 MONTANTE, HENRY WARD. FitEE OF ;CHARGE. I REFERENCES: sit . ,v - y PROVISION OD; • JAN* 0 11 . . ft, • ;MIN • 1f550441 2 4: 4 00i Mgt e• - 1341 limit moms) matitl most inapsottally Wits ths Mottos ot thoipabil6lods It apt welt*. oiktkalteY AND PBOitIOA hti • ; M"ittiCthe tiMM_ t iad .r 11 ,14 11 110Pt.t,#! 6 / 111 1" 14114 i1 ,. ry ,4 / I TA4 ) ,lgg oll4) Auta =AV= trVlVtialibtig' Calaliegy on ha ti a law somata 0t,y31 T*4 Pp: o,9flAE,t4t. $l l it . sioutesp. t vt • rOPN:I7#M I O 4 *.; OO I litsilllOw*sk iMaish.. • • i ftrf CHAR. JAIL'. :1J: TlWoitimas • Oitowastia and., ilotsilie. lw please aomptur' Maas for ads mow mast pomp ismt. tut two mots, awl we proud* with Malt 11.1111111101. to haproimimi oppt.ttaMty to ,!ealmwe ont bassos. so as to minsaasmishidlow .ao ; Call attdiaM m iii ; nazi akaanisro.. : 197nV.GROOKRY'AND'PROW ~ ',SIGN• STORM- •• 2 'Tireitlo3 . 'i'l.itjaviii; tl I .4 ,ii,.... • • Hu opmed a new Grocery and Provision - Store fp Platen's Bleak la ' the stun . torinerV•o SitT; pied by Solomon as Sen t where he low eters to thspubilos large sinpp4' of.. .--, f„, , , . GROOERIZ3. O AND. .PROVISIONS; . - Or - the best qqatEViitit to bb atille VERY LOWEST Flag :0:4 The stank ontitalo y .. COFFEES, • 4 1 / 4 43.ii !ALEICI! hAATi; itTff;, • . • t! . • •L. In tact everythina tept In (aroma and Protielon Store,'lwhicicl shill *Waller we can be bought elsewhere. ior Cash pald for all -I: Oinutii7 Produce. Towanda, Oct 17, 1867 . STEW S r NEW GEOO Ey. W. A. ROCKWELL'S. CANNED FRUITS, PINE APPLES, PEACHES,,PLVMS OF, ALL. It4iDf3, AND GAN,N.ED OYSTERS. DRIED AP LES,_ PEACHES, PRIJNES, CHERRIES, \ I &C,, &C., &c. _TEAS, SUGARS, SYRUPS, MOLASSES; COFFEE, SPICES; Of all kinds, In fact Averything to the GROCERY Will be kept tonettiittlyeirband FLOUR,FEED,BRAND, POTATOES, BUTTER, LARD, EGOS, AND ENTRY VARIETY ! OP' FARMERS - PRODUCE. A club lot of DRY GOODS OF ALL VARIETIES, Parchaied at tho LOWEST POINT IN THE MARKET And will be sold as CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST 1 TO THE FARMERS. PAID FOR ALL KiNDS OF PRODUCE W. A. ROCKWELL. 6' May 23, 1867 VII , . 'UNDERSIGNS% .UNITING Purciuteed the entire interest at R. H. PATCH, n in the Ural of C. B. PATCH & CO., is now prepared to offer to the eitiaerta of Bradford Cont . * 104 viiilni4t;s - largo nlectO stock of GROCERIES, Which I hate purchased for Cash and feel cord- dent that can sell at as low Agues as can be purchased elsewhere. I now offer to the public = a, splendid stock of TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, sTAßcgr; EtAPERATUS, 8P103 13 , 10. Here on baud a large stock of AKRON FLOUR, GRAHAM DO. BYE DO. BDOZWBEAT DO. I keep constantly on land, PODS, HAItS, LARD and kinds of FISH. Would call the at- tention of the publloth oe; can't Be Beat STOCK OF TOBACCO, In quality or price; Jane Oakley's Celebrated laundry, New York Chemical and Brown Soap. Please call and mamba onsidock of WOODEN -WARE. Large asacatorat of YANKEE NOTION% TOILET SOAPS, /se., Ac. I will pay the high- rt 61 . 1111 Pria for `,- COUNTRY PRODUCE. . ruzustiiiise =lan before sepsis elsewhere. O. B. PATCH. , All patois lacklid tit the ;Ate plasm WI inti - • • • • • " • C.:Ai:PLUM • NEW. TA, '.• Amos ignimilfAemms,, , ; (l etina opened' a in the , omen es ' eel tong Meer Chines* Miocial; Am, sonnollakcy, , arer Eddy - Clothing Bee erliere bee -now *epee r to detente dc\ • TALLOW:New In the ilfillt Ord most luidetiolde mime ;As uperleneroteat=4 V* Weett i arhis coathmers; :0011,40111 to n satishictlou.' - A ArtrnOon abort notice end emu 101144404.04M1REri IMMIN rIirSPItING — AND . EFIDINER 1 il r i triii44l , )'f t• If ..c *Li ( - • , -c t .k ,•, /ri -d, •• -1 x:11 *ad the paldlompammay, Vat, ke us is mad ado siosmig, sow aad v... . ,r: ,s, 71 , ~.. ..: 4....,... -, ~ .., . .t ., ...t:: 1 . ' - ~'.. t...f .... - . ,taltr o mitsblootb.ariaa - aver Mlimaamalt., waled sof Outreacratiorow -. ''` Cr OVD Plr 1 . 0 'B . 'S"! ~: „ > sa, _ coosisu!ig ,Aegai 4 goad wan sad nliodpho olf 0 T I 'lt 4 o- 1 • ` , .aioii •Aikiiai-eoiiiik CU i 14111 . 13' , 8' tr I T COATS,. ,VESTLI, i 44III,,- P4I4TE3, DRESS COATS; PANTS"& - VESTS,, 9c% , T, k ,, ..!' , ,N . , .- clr.iv, `:'-''' l iAliali - ccitilsideis ndiaii. I ' CSI , , . ',. ,4 .. . ' . ":.:' ~ .'..V '. 1. ''^ l'irril Ow Alla 44,1 civii sairt•;timialia t itim Collars. LiasboViodasetesadt Flakiel rurstr. Neck Tfes; gang o stras am, Lather rapNiilesicia tbsteood aii r ode me p m 4 pries. poor Modest say rice. Call examine agy goods. befors bay ing., , PoweC 6 Co. , •,' •• i - B. . W.,i lyr 1 ~rarmaiLiy * sa sh .• - .- • ' TF~YPLS OF Fiatloki T RW NEW STEEN AND NEW GOT*! thespObetarathilonr to be sold 'NE Old tinasmilised. Irani& rope cf,tally sasoasca to allissuirat Towanda sad vicinity Una ha is now reeds to Gala ibex" Clothing, lied as' FLIT BFaI9TR ; , OVEIIOO.a.TS, ,CHERIELLAS, PILOTS, • ' .(40./.• . • 44.r,11.17**',i t. ;.-ENIN AND CAPS. FrtralB4l,mOoode. ike.,•:*adl that Shea geode banght t elv pro ery IO . .be sold int,tr, vegr amau fits. W ‘ead 'stabile! /1 want trade It Ali place, and In sale the ,tradideacer,at purchasers, .1111 op a RIM NEW GOODS HONESTY AND INTEGRITY I • and allgoods willbe warranted- for t they are repfainted to be. Come and examine and convince yourself. Don't forget. ttni_ place, ,Temple of Fashion,•oppusits theifesins Rom, south end at Beldleman's Block. • JACOBS. , Towanda, 0ct.17, 1i367 EDr,LL & yAN vEL OR, FASHIONABLE MERCHANT • 74.1 L ORS I HEADY MADE CLOTHING! GENTS FURNISHING' GOODS I WAVERLY, TIOGA COUNTir, We have r.. PashiOntble Cutter from Nevi York City, and take ail the risk in giving you a good fit. We make at our own establishment. We give particular attention to Youth's Boys, and UHILDRENS' CLOTHING Beat Stock of Hats and Caps Kept within 20 miles. Come and look and prove for yonnelf. la. Will be at the Ward House the first and third Monday of every month with samples of Goods, and BE re ppared to take measurek, DELL . & 'VAN VEBOH, • 68 Broadtt., Waverl7, N. Y. p Agents for Griever & Baker's Sewing Machines. April 2,1888. ~,_ J ;er0..,,• • `. SMALL PROFITSI iff=Cl AND DWIN3 of DAIS AND CAPS, 08 Broad Street, READY! MADE :OLOTHING,I4 And always have a goodbasortiaeat.: CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, From SS cents to $3 per yard, (al! wool.). PRINci. AND SIIMMFM'pOODS PEOCLABATION BY COHEN &. ROSENfFIELD, TOWANDA, PA. Warms, It seems to hare pleased the in habitants of Towanda, 'aid vicinity, to recog nise our fair way of dealing ; • Alto WHIMS, We owe our [sincere thanks to the community for extending to as so liberal: a patrkmage until now ; II , Ann WIIETUIAB ' We deem it , our duty to re ciprocate tll the farm bestowed upon us thus far ; • - We do hereby publicly PRCIOLAN, Motor great stock of I Nerio Spring and fiumnigr Goo 4 Comprising everything in the LINE OF OLOTHINGI , Bach as Doeskin & a i gssinteee Pants, _ And a 1 the bad Are) Coati, GENTS- FUENISHnta GOODS ! And the LATEST , STYLES HATS, &: CAPS, Will be disposed of at inch REDUCED PRiCESI That will astonish the community. As our Goods are manufactured in New York expresz ly for this market. we can abed tonal as cheap as the next. W e are mound to lath* , all who give us a ail. • COHEN & lUMENNIELD., Mudd= to Fur. Stems, Ideroizr & Co. Towanda, April 16, 1868. We would call the attention the piddle to the fact that we hare opened a Breath gime in WIIALUBBIG, (in the store formerly occupied by B. F. Taylor,) where we are prepared to sell at the same Low Bates. direini a call before purchasing elsewhere. 1111 N Wyaltudag. April 00 16 oge t . BO_BENPIELD. BENPIELD. - N E W LOOATIION NZW ATT B A Q I I 4 I ONS li.. remoied to the ;btu'. forme • Occupied by Marshall Brothers & 00.. next below the Post Once, and has replenished hia aboortm eut with a large and sew doaliof • READY. MADE CLOTHING, CLOTHS, 'Alt, lll 4.mias. ‘, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, OAP, _ . 1 5, 0r4,1n Owl 444 -These the =hue ben t reeekt y , Orehelea_ 22o4 at I;0* , 14TZS1 I IrM selnettiri gopdsA,at Iota; prlcies than IL rh 'Ve . /111 1 4 ii*geikenti 4rith esiezi. said Taw - • MANUFAI;Yrpg:OARMENTB, liOnisiguriiii4ii of 'raw min - I Can WWI Ca4ollllllll,llith every dylii of Giumut lbw, may desks, made is tphicsable-miniig, mailtanastedi Au, iwitlntooks placeoteit WWI, sad limn 1t0a01.111441. - . •.T.M,1145;19# 30 ,1886 MP K it e nitiorg.;4ll4Vilplift-! vii i itilli 4.,"4,11-N ilaiitrAluzzio , t4ct 1 ...vv..k"isyittasi litr Fl , -4 , Y , /,' 41 1 ',.1.010 A:trr 1 . 4.0.-1 - . .t,:v•,!fr.*litsti . Vi . .7.,s:,,t l ^fol . :il nott4 l 444lt i tgrntalC i -31110* `..1..:7',11.:',.;.:-PAT:It'.I , 'IA '& O 4# I, OIIIII4PMPIMINiIIer4..;t ~..blut 1 agr . .:...: , • .;:' i i iieg o id t 4. M ilill ioNjolum- Il i or. sziamitre iiiiiilessistarmy Aissi litibiallillbr.4mbigaing poem: isinislip a tti l I Zet a t° i j = 1: inept not witie,fsmik,o. 1 14.0014. =1 , "igogrorito ge& l l4Plogills - ton P u... (4 "' . ,0.1 ° . 1:774 :.‘:11` BRIZINEA AND ilos*,- PALM :,,41.74.1/BRO - • •- ill *di 4,e - . IOEROSENE -VA COAL "014 _ . and 'FICKS, - ;-(1111111ESTB ; • d:St , 40i;L04.VW:1644004*P1k . .(k , TANNER'S 4411 VOD i IOILS, :ti*i.artOotio Artlokia bun, 4selivarielK Or.9 2 NESI -80 4P 8 t ...$M 8 1 POOSSI I- BOOKS PORT MON it • . • I , lllCaltisalisori, Tools; atm Alp) iriau-nuTAtvg* ' , 5 , - - wins AND Huguctigfi - : Toluca,Ehroit PiPiiiiiOA26JORUS --Gerdati r iteld sadiriaerSeelerarieiri, MAW .potteallogewleziwe, , l Bblaider r , Bnices,N , Pgapiietmag.. fte,,Lageshig.:, 151 WM" Alle ro-, 'l " 4l Fi rd ' r d r Pelt SOU! ta Ti rrillTl4 „ 4°l 4tki "Wtat 4713 Wling " Mr* Bledditgu H o mymmilt, • goo act: Betenkt, is aid epetito and: the _.PopalarPatent 11 articles: Wariented'-wi lepireieht4rlCP4- At a 'Ellidaecc du receive their 'attire by casiereful a ge or on t ti reell, which Win receive .preppr ten. BM P1LE.17118A2 1 101 1 4 . • YOB FAMILY, „ .; • , : ; Known as see and Rdiidile llerebdiee; rte War ranted for what !Ware intended to give AMU- Dr. Portata 4 LeZt i wid Dr. Porter's Eclectla u tlll4 oq — pilias s cam. • • , : , plaints and ,sill cathartic .... Dr. rortirli &niter Wan, for scrofula skis:diseases, 4-c. 1 00 Dr. Forfar's Uterine ToModeridetat!Wleak 1 00 I.4.korterW;Tonficior l atrengtheaing - 00 Di.Perter'a I rans Ike i rrlditri ,for, Hier ' and. l kitelpey comp aintr . 00 .Dr: Porter ' s CoMp. Syr. .Hypophospiaites, , • for nervous debility , • 1 00 Dr Porter terr y ßlac Balsam . for 35 diar- • . ' Dr. Porter ' s Embrocationloieprabes bruisu D. Porter', Pectoral tr 35 atersi for hoarse- . nos, sore throat grc 25 -Dr. Porter'. Worm Wafers , espdling ,Dr. Porter's "Worm g ,Syrup, for czterfaiaa lin toems !Dr. Porter's Infant Belief, for crying babtra . colic, ft 25 Dr. Porter ' it CI belie Snuff, for catarrh 25 Dr. Porter's Toothache Drops, for tooth- Dr. Porter'. Tooth Powder, for.prentiving . , &ca."... . . . ... , 25 Dr. Porierie ,Pmic egirin ens , for .dressing and. 50 g the . Dr. Porter'i Tricophite,lorhale beautifying the 50 - hair ..... .4. • - 56 Dr.porter's OdoriferomiShampoo,for clean- Mg the hair. r. — . 50 Dr. Porter's Mat of Plower'," for beautify. lag the complexion , 60 Dr. Porter's pile Ointment. for extern. pppp ea .. 00 Dr. Porter's - French Compound; tor scald oo Portarie wnsu in iteL in p 4 ati d on Fige,". for habitue. . 00 Dr. Porter's Healing Salto, for catsmounds • 4tc. • 16 Dr: Portors Lip Salve, for chapped lips.... „--28 Dr. Potties 'Eqe Salve, for Infiained eyes.. 25 Dr. Porter's Eye Watbr, for Inflamed eyes.. 25 Dr. Porter's Corn and Wart • Remover, for --. liorusand banions. . 25 Dr. ParteA Constipation Pills, for waive near 2 Dr. Porter's Iron Pills, for poor blood ..... 25 Dr. Porter's Citrate Magnesia, for a pleas ant cathartic. Dr: - Potter's Liquid Bennet, for making nu tritious diet for Invalids. $5 Dr. Porter's Extract Vanilla, for flavoring • ice cinaln &a • .....„ 40 Dr. Porter ' s Extract Lennon ; for raveling ' ice Bream-;'-large bottles • 40 Dr. Porter's Oriental Cement, for mending • broken &as, &,c - 22 Dr. Porter's Liquid Glue, for repairing wood work 25 Dr: Porter's Cleansing Pluid,foressy wash. &A • hog 'Dr. POrier's Bed Bug, Poison, for killing , 1 bmi 60. Dr. Porter's Fly Poison Paper, for killing flies • ' 05 . Dr. Porter's Mat and Mice Poison, for ex= terminating rats 25 Dr. Porter's Benzine, for' - removing spots from clothes 1 25 Dr. Porter's Black Ink in pint bottles 23 in bulk by the gallon • 00 Dr. Ender's. Horse atniXattle Powder, jor - Camas's:of animals' ' 'SO Dr. Porter's Home and Cattle Lotion, for rz i rts n , gallsota. 50 Dr. Porter's Bone and fipavit Von, ' for e horses 50 Medics Advice given gratnitonsly at the office, chargin only for medicine. 'air l torpast liberal patronage,would empactially announce to MS friends and the public, that no, pains shall he spand to satbdy, and merit thb continuation o 1 their confidence and patronage. H. C4'011T1•.'ll, R. D. Dec. 18, 1868 yr:, SOMETHING NEW.! Having purchaaed the stock of Tobacco belong lag to Randall, Compton & Co., and herb' built a shanty on the same ground, we are pre pared to offetto the public WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Gold Leakiianny Side,, Pine Apple, Michigan Fig, Row LeaG and Star, which we Mier for sale In quantities t 5) suit customers. Packages in halfsind quarters. The celebrated Loris lack, Pride of the Uni• ted States, Vhalnlatle, Gold Leaf, "Nary' and all ldnde nlicknich. • American Eagle, lien. Grant, Lebo:l4ot, Im . perk), Tycoon and the Tery. choicest brands o Tams. We will kap constantly on band a variety of Pipes, Cigar Can, Tobacco Boxes and Pouch es and everything malty kept fn a Tobacco Landlorlest/WWII with (ma Foil To *co on Mail teo.s. , , . All cativo promptily dike - is 4 , tott uotice.t A. Lubin. Oct. 270867. oAi#Sl]ra ' RES, . _ PASSAGE.. FROM - : OR' TO ;• . • IRELAND :OR ENGLAND 1- co - A LINZ FRO 4 01 TO; • '' l ' l * Viinotsvort,' on •Axvinioot.. , • 1111111ints & Onloo's old "Black ifitar:Linem . ed Liverpool packatsoalling every 'reek; ff 'l3siallow-tail Line o( Packets tram ortitfain4" doniktillngiwkseLe month. • ••I ' • ' Iletektances to EOgtand, Ircland skid fleOtiand pay4aebn‘demand.' • • • • ? iltargetlilill,sliply to & Oak l; 29 Brandwap,'New-York • • : ' 1 " '0 ''P ' ItAB ON• • 0 Baikal% - oetfl; lostandCPa Arr . orM, 453 je d , - Aoci Isr.vric ` o A•rr , Nigwaso9, f st . ,‘3...41 ; 1 -"1.1 '1• 11 0. 41 - rT I -;',l =RIME illisullantotte. AGAIN IN MOTION A variety of CHEWING TOBACCO, Such as FANCY 13/dOKINfi. BRAVES OF oromis. 3;4 now • • •!, • - P. 111.11; t ' •-• # pout ;:to frlbinzerriortrocittre if 3.t 7fr1t57,41; rtytt ".44/11.0.:-Tiq ?MUM WITH MMUS - - • It o i•19)11,011163OA11,0118'aLlf.,i ' . j r ;, q‘i • 1 - . 4 thigAiiiimi dolt& '3oSesir • gniienna: • 'lALlit i ligl POPULinl i attri •:;,`. - -rAnrrs,. On., PAINT AND -. VA4NDHI . - BRUSHES, .f li t -,401.1,r4 - 1 1. ',ll Axe's '4l§n)TorialtAirricfflossOlfgrAlit 7.l!.rfitn .1 , 0;7, 7 ;1: Zt3.4. .',ll* l lPr? Wi l 5 I RF+ 13 .**P 174P.M1400-if_: AliraßSTlNDMlts'' rr' ' F firss v..7-?•.t;...;"! ABDOMINAL B UPPOBTillifi; =ill Bhoulde4'l3nices, i „; eariva AND 4.4411P1.4004.51A11iagel 1144.060,4 0 1 1 , 41 , alf;7-1 AlAstnrAebotirteinknrsnolT, l tisoit7,l . .oalr. t. 1;;.i straknoAi •• v . , • ' , AV ) ; . 1 954F 41 /47. eA jug.4lp t ri , Brualim Mier surt.KW, Alio for e Teetb,o4,N4ll4,lootik " 'sad 'Warp OSP; Perfumery, Boalm,,Comlori 'HairOmbrolger-. t twafesi• w MPlof 'the 1 ;We • IRE inkatividiss; Togiqco 'art) or , et reasonable rata. Ideal 'and PreamiptiOna carefully and :ae carserteornpanaded and prepared by compet ent• all.houra. of the day and alltht. Sunday hour . from .9 tolo p'clook th the fora hope; l - to 2ln the afternoon.. " • - •••,,,; 41_ , • ,LL -H. GORE. Towand a,sePt "" 2:4"66: • - • • 6ii,t-b I I .g ,- 1 . .in - .3;.• . E w 4 t 1 :,, li -1 ' t • 1 1.4 0 x 6 i .-. / I P :1 1 t • ° . \ zt A.l , 0 V al c I • t=l 1 'Jo CA MARSHALL BROTHERS & . 00:, Wish I to call the attention , of the public to their new Stock of HARDWARE, _ PARMEN(I4IIPLIMENTS.-- 114 ACE SMITHS' TOOLS, • t • and CARPENTERS' TOOLS. A* 'large aanzlinieat of -Window, Oblast Sash, Estate, Mt, • !Patty, Varnishes, and Paint • and Varnish Brushes of aillelndit, which will be sold " for the lowest -Cub price. Also, a fine assortment of {EI3OI3ENE LAMPS of every iitYle and pattern to nit the public. *Wed and changed from Oil and Fluid' to lirovosene. Particular attention paid to the manufacturing of a ll , kirida of TIN WARE, ' PROIITTLY ATTDIiDZD TO •' 711 hats In land a fine' article of lILASE. FRUIT' J•A'IRS,. - I • with Impioved self-sealing corks, and ERMIITICALSEALING-CANN, which blond of the best cans used. • • Joie ill o 1865:•••' • -'• .1' E .11lisuthincous. TAB -GOOD- TIME -HAS 2 001iF, I The surphuicombined. with other causes has told Tabor fearful effect upon I s T I T 1:e/M 1 A.. it is decidedly lower, which can easily be see by enquiring prices at F °SI'S FtIiNITVREEMFORII.Tit 1 •re maybe found tbelargeatand beet Mock mnituro.eirer offered in this market, and ch I am now offering at _. .. . . • E EATLY • REDUCED. *PRICES. I ~ new seMng Oak and Chesinnt Tztension les!at:111,50 per foot, andother Rio& in the , .. e prwortlon, many of them as cheap as be .. the War. I have also Increased hcibtles Manufacturing, and can runtish BALERS AT WHOLESALE. hankful her their put liberal patronage and de imbed to merit a continuation of the acme, b dieting inducements not to be found else. , ere,l invite the public to call and examine m goads and prices before pure basing else w :ere. No chuge for showing goods, and I " ILt NOT BE UNDERSOLD . 1. • I also heap' on hand a ;Mtge( stock of Beady Made' Coigns from the most common to tho •fiziest ilosewond. Also Victoria Lawn, Merino • d Satin . Robes. (saps, Ito., and will tnrnWi • • ing in the line of Undertaking on • the m ..t reasonable terms. '.. • • • • .21, .600 D HEARSE - wapi In ieadincaa whoatgr d. J.Km mi rsi 0. FROST. Owaida, Apra 16;1868. , ARRPT4 OF PIEW GOODS 1. The sokeeribers are now receiving from New York aline marten:lt of GOODS IN THEIR LINE I Comisting in plkit of SOWN & BLEACHED IiIISLENS, AND PENIS, iitans Airi,'4.luntmcnums GOODS, Fancy. hkirta. Shawl!, Hoop Stlila: •GtovEs; Mcisqw, Y4mi9l :Nariits, do., U., All al-which can be bough same quality , of ' goads - can wandiu Their - • MILLINERY '''DE lo being (I:imitated witifil 6 N N. Elt S - Addia general assortment with competent 11111thera to who . may favor them with th 'a t io,' 0 0 .44 i, r i 4 0 . illatmian‘ 'ANtis Ai a tune iuCatnieiced Ibis' 'lmpala:tient istisfligtion' Kilt Strilbt. , 4kreotly twine. ' .filllotl6o =MO - .4 nti~~uii.: MEM 041%. BRAN o'oo ? It ' i 0 U • .4 Lo 44,r , -altasied eso of lilioStott, • tOWAXDA; BRADFORD DO r 4. hint loVired te t 11111 44-,-- .t BA I N, Rng • t'l ..7.01)1•:.1; ' 4 ' , SHINGIAIro •-, bat tift.:l4o • *el haat Smits* NAL otsocalury for- Flooring-mi. • 13111 r. 1. D mpat • R -A r, zwA xm , iffEAM WHISTLES, STEAM •GAGUES, ' " • I rnViAIIGE' CMS . om t CFIT T.l l 1,241 : i t * tri ., Kji 16)406w:6 auin6ter. , 1011GiiiG ••`• • • Of *soy, Work PfOi Bridges, - Mho pmpoM • done' to inter"; a lso ; -s largo suottomat ol . • • , • 130011ING, AuItEATING• STOVES, Cool sildiWoollbiteminwPotrolltoo:for Oookbig atom, stint •Pijo. • Ttkifiue n Boat • Pumps, Pion, Cnitlvatbrs,"and'kuiperiAeg, co n.t.. lyoatunidp • -nlo.o( - • 1 , -7 77 7 DRAWINGS , & SPECIFICATIONS Of ikaldnill'of roletiotty, got' and othe r ? BurfogoloPloWod.bil . • • • =II " WARREN HILL Foranalf mho his had hilie experienoe in ibis ***,s.Pebitglarot•,:f -4 • -! To DAai ' ARM CAIIMAN. ocC2r4Bea—ly. : To.*i:,(i-b:gt.4iiNt - -,i-04 rupee Uy announce to the Publieehee elleY•haeeimeebikaea ehe ^ Q - kit It I'A iyE-- H 0-P MIZE .',. (4'.•.:';1(..:'7'1):*•A‘.X...r And Ewen* prepared bap work THE'LATEST ST:Trig Anil most • workmanlike manner. They ."will constantly keelson Inatulan assortment of aplea• TOP ` AND OPEN. BUGGIES, FAMILY CARRIAGES, DEMOCRAT AND LUALBER WAGONS El ALBANY • SLEFG H.S. REPAIRING promptly attended to at ren souable prices. Bnylarr & BTIILEI4 Towanda,'M3•9,lB67.-Iy. g-tW PL KING` DIILL 1. Tke undersigned having built a large and com• modions Mill in the Borough of Towanda, and Ailed it with the most modern and luiprcived machine , for the manufacture of DOW SAES & BLINDS, are prepared to .fill orders, whether large or sa, upon the shortest notice . We have a also large variety of MOULDINGS, of the lAtest style and, pattern, which we 'can furnish much cheaper than they , can be worked by hand. PLANING, TONGUELNG, GROWING, ' AND BCBOLL - tLI ^ • BATiriNcli • and al other work • pertaining to Joinery,. will be doneto nit our Customers. • Persona banding, and not living more than twelve to fourteen miles distant, will find it - largely for their Intelsat to' buy of us, or bring' their lumber and worked by our machinery. Bring your grist of Flooring, or other lumber, and. while your -team is is feeding,: have it ground out and take it home with you.. We will pay CASH for PINE h ILOILO= - LUMBER delivered at'our lumber yard. Come and see us; or If you can't come t ; write. ; • L. B. RODGERS . Si CO. Towanda. Fetr..1864. • CONFECTIONERY •liiANUFAt- TORY: • . . . Calla the attention of the public to the fait 'that he manufactorea and Belle at m ` ,•• All kinds of Confectionat les; Foreign and Do mestic Nuts, &v. Dealers in the country wish ing anythii3g in his line will do well to acid their" orders to him; and they - will be promptly attended to. Satisfaction guaranteed. Store in Patton's Block. Tow ands. Pa; 24, 1888.—tf. BOOK-BINDERY.--6-TIIE PIII3LIO Is respectfully Informed that the Book- Bindery has beeti removed to the Argus Build ing, 3d story, where will be done 'mantis various branches, on terms as sea sonable as" the times" will allow. The Bind ery will be under the charge of 'An experienced Binder, 'and all work will be promptly done, in a style and zhanndr• whit cannot be excelled. —Music, Magazines, Newt papers, Old Books, &c., borind in every variety of style. Particular attentieu will be .paid to the Baling and.Biudiug of To an desired pattern, which in quality and durability wil be warranted. All work will be ready for delivery when promised. • The patronage of the Public is solicited, and perk.° satisfaction guarranteed. Towanda, August 2:, . , OBACCO AND CIGARS! STEAM TOBACCO FACTORY, `1" 0 W A.. N 7 D&, Oa Main Street below. Bridge Street» CUT. TOBACCO AND CIGARS • • • WIIO LE SALE .P IC . E S That cannot fall, to snit. We would most re spectfully solicit a call from the deale.s through Northern Pennsylvania to an examination of 1111111 as _cheap 'twee te,,,boughS 11a To . Steekthat-samba pritomired in the market. (lire as a try. Tbis in a home -enterprise and will succeed , with a liberal - disposition of the ' trade to Rapport home mannfactors.. • • ISSANIV* PILINNT A . , . `164 Main Street, Towandit, Pa. • Jane 4, 1268.—tt. ' MM lateetyles • . 1 1 7' 1 EVANV. S • • FuRNIRBL• NFAR.E.RQOmsT . . , ...„,., ~ . ~... . . ;Alai; MAICENSON inisoanOs to the pubtic that , be stall cbitinuetto eidushbutzurs an keep cus Owl 4 lapt4l,osortuust or. ''. • - . . :,'CilllNEt'rtal.ittllßE'-' - ,floodi, title tads at an ipsOronse.s.iy I= lisiesais, Mist, Bedsteads. -Stands, MAIM. et every de:ledge*. , which wM. be wade' of the beet mania% anen • he reastirorkmat; I inrlt4 the lioctiori of,thesiblio to mAwork, RANT WORil. invit4 iiblonsballne be atnpased in daraiAllty;iit any shop - In , the boantrylLand • int,_ prices be toned to be anion utile times will admit. 11aq-toads Mania constantly ,on -band' or • rude to older. 4 good Hearse wlllpe fudged Oohed: „, // • , Aso 15, isc+ -._ polite: • #te :Court .; ISE , L, t F - 4.0 , _1 , O:n y:-- ME mon TWO RELIED ALL WORK WARRANTED. .-! ' filigrellantons: A. HART, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, B'o'o K-BIN 111 N 0! B. C. WHITAKER. BLANK .BOOK, The undeisigned htivrestablisheo a Where they are manufeetailag all Janda of Which they Wier to the trade at OUR' STOOK ANITPRIOES ! 'Out Tobacco la manufactured from the beet KENTUCKY AND .qEGINIA.. OW*- . INSUBANtE Bodtiordifiii,boliailiasiurpl;Ca`pti, By R. - BilPirlAN, Aging, sitiotatkreigigirelLikossi sna)reltable Con .; ' Assainlf traiiial4 •• #..»,!:!)-1 le • If/pa - 1m alOopm, • , .;easti Ailiitgri;; ; :k7o7;• • " larkliketi GO; • to -I , l= .0111111IntntAXOSA36)" , '!• • • . • Hankie awl:XennadAm4o,t 0011 0) , •••••••1••: tff,• ••rlf • • .. rci• • W . # 1 2 71.1 I toberizat44,g4o.64.oler, f .„. 1,800,0 w I - Dal ftezOuristlArt.,rdll q (4. 9 / 4 4 17 0) Ardlu.invistlses Colour ' • • ' Aulfri di* • •—• • • •••.'• I .o , xl Goo Ni m Milian blown; Co., 9; l ' • '. - mig 4 .stigrk•;lV:4l . • • ; f ' $lOO,OO ;WM ANXFo4,.....itiAXECtfinStra4SCii 43( ! " . 1 .r2171163hid, f Capital - lqpirssimctiguitrulernlystsastm - CO., • • 'llffreed; coat T capital • • - •• " t0 . ,000;00 v, Towanda. Feb, 10, 1961k-tf LIFE, AdOIDENTAL E • 041711,&einall00 "MD 01/7X IiEVENTAtiV MII4ION DOLLARS Oar; ;,ILILSWIL, • Agent, ;ran VOLLOIII4IO4 . X COILea m aipasn Fuii JyLinxilibinnuneit. ComireafT • ' l ' PitMadelpAia, Capital and sarpinttover 8.1,5&,0r. Moms InaugaliogtOwiarir: ;l • : QtrireiegYaik. 1 4 . f Capital and eurplps„OTET. .. . . nostrums Cosusr or Noaro` I Aiiptioca, , • Piulackitia.;j f • , Capital anrsarpicus, 'Oar ~ ..... $1,70 (la tiaii:Jurratt Isatruics c ap Of Ncto• York. Capital and aurptis,„ovor Exrzersiez biettlasos Coxrusi. • Or Cipttalira surplus, over • - Lirrld txstriAns CoNturr. • - 4 7 4 0f - Ntio4lok. ' ' Capital and {ll Aver ; • - PrrIUM Ittarmiscs Colookint, ' Of-Horijinti, Conn. I it? Capital and auiplaa, ov,er. litst mamas COMTANT, Of Wega:Yorfr. Cipital and trutpltie,ciei SEi,OPG,rkt, Tiy.vit4ls.lvarackmi wl 4x7 t ' Of Hartford, co COnn. Capital and earplae, over •' • ' tAtO,ooc , . Maks taken on all kind,' of Propel Ly, at a. low ratetas by any other reliable Companies. sir Policies lamed and Losses, Ii any, ad justed at this agettcy,thereby savingthe truuble anttexpettae'of - going elsewhere for settle eat.. • Sfilt Office at the Hardwhere Store of (o ding ,k Russell . • C. hi...RUSSELL. Towanda,"Feb:7, 1865 -if . 11 1 HE INS . GRA- NCB COMPANY J.. . OF NORTH AMERICA: Office N 0.242 Walhtit Street, Philado:ur..:-.. This Company are now prosecuting theta i. netts of Insurance from loss or damage 1 .,) ;LE on 'Buildings, - Merchandise. Fury:tures throughout the State of Perinsylvania, on .ace al terma,for long or short periods; ar perm.,Le Vat 'Buildings, by a deposit of Pictuum. The prompt payment of claims for lossef. due ing the period of nearly 70 years that the party has been in esister.ce, entitles them to the confidence of l the public: Drusereas. r —Arthur G. Coffin, .....-Amnet W. Jones, John A Brown, Charles Taykl, Ambrose White, Jno. R. Neil, Richard 1). Wood; Wet Welsh, . Win. E. Bowen, James N.. theism. b. Morris Wain, John Mason. Geo. L. liatr,,e" Francis R. Cope. Edward 11. Trotter. Edwsrd -Clarke, Wm. Cummings. ' . Aarowa G, C3J/112:, C. S. RUSSELL, A gent, Towanda. FARMER'SAIUTUAL FIRE IN:3l_ RANCE COM.PANY • OF MIDDLE PE7.4IIBYLVANLS, °Tice in Danville; Montour :tnn.rity, P. can a. Capita The Farmers Mutual Fire Insgrauce Corqpiny of Middle Penasylvania was incorporated by the Pennsylvania Legislatnre, 1n the year 1659, for the Mutual Insurance of Cteiuttry property only, and immediately t hereafter Commenced its open• alone on that principle, which has been !tile: ly adhered to since. . ] All tomes have hien promptly paid out (4 the 'Premiums collected on application for insnrar.ct without : making any assessments. TheAsarance of Country proper 4 only, the low rates charged for Timurance, and the Momp.. - ;11 payment of losses are deemed a sufficient recom mendation of the Fcrtzeri -Mutual Fire bas . ante Company of Middle Petmsylvar.ia, to al iwners of sate class country property. P. Josirlion,,See'.y. • Wm. For.srsx, Preil LUCIk MYER. Agent, Towanda, l`s. March 5, 'CC LIVRAPOOLAND LOND - ON AND GLOBE 'FIRE, AND 1.a1: F. LsbURANCE COMPANY.—Office; 45 William St., as Broadway, N. Y. Capital, Surplus and - Reserved Funds (G01d)........... • . -416,27;,t,t0 Aisets in the United States, over 1,10,0 k Daily Premiums, upwards of ( gold) 17,0 a: The shareholders personally respun engagements of the company. Ail tua t be shareholders. DIECTORS is; Nzw. Yoar..—Frances G.,e;eue: Ts Chairman, Henry Grinnell, Ch rman, Joseph Gaillard, Jr. Beg. E. 31 Archibald, Esq:, H. B. M. Consul , Alciande' Hamilton, Jr., Rai., Robert C: Ferguson, Eve. - Alfred Pell, Esq., Resident 'Secretary, ander Hamilton, Jr.,,Esq., Counsel of 11.ard. B.sezaa—Plaenix llink—Cammann A Cu. The Policies of this Company are i—ee: rl7 'well-known American citizens resident in Nes York, who are Directors and Shareholders, consequently, with the other Sharehol.le, - , individually liable for an the engagcrneets the ConaPfulY ; all Policies are signed by there all claims are payable in cash on proof :1,4 without deductiou for interest, awe!' usual, sixty days after' presentatioa; et :‘r : They expire at six o'clock., P. Id., and yet noon. Life Insurance effected, aed annud•.... granted on favorable terms. 11. 11, IIcKBAN Agent ; Towanda, April 23, 18e7.,, THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSLI A.NCciety's'AgFncy tor CAZII CAPITAL $3,000,000. Yearly income over $2,000,000 cash. 'IIIONTANYE 8, WAIU) Towanda, July 25, 1867, TUE ASTOR, FIRE INSURANth A. of New York. Agency for Bradtozd CAPITAL; $lOO,OOO Dividend for 1666,10 per cent. MONTANYE Towanda, July 25,1867. THE LYCOMING MUTUAL FIRE Xs:trance Agency for Pradford County, . CAPITAL 23,400,000. . , I Matta! Cash plan. In successfiLl operatku or cr twenty -screwy rs. ea IIOTANYEVIs WARD. . Voiranaa, July 25, 1967 ' WYOMING INSURANOE AGES - • - WYOMING INSIIDANCr: CuIIPANY • Wilkes-Barre, Pa: WM. S. 8055.... PresideLt L. D. SHOEIiAIiES, Vice . Prebbles: R. C. SMITH Secretary, Capital and Surplus $156,000. North Alnerica , Hartford, Conn. assets Clap) Fulton: New York„ -Springfield Ma, • 4 2. 00 51 , 0(C(44 Applications for huturaneo an the above caul. panics taken at fair rates, and businea ed to with p_rotyptnint and care.. Partfee4: attention will be faun tw Fenn ,risks in the country. Also Life and Live Stockklnsurance ..t -fected in good and 'reliable companies. 011:e orer the Bakery on Main-st 4 formerly ocelliged by ISercar & Morrow. , • • T. B. CAMP, Agent. :Tomenda,March 12, 1848..-tfe.,.. RII4S_ELL'& lirvs INSURA3I9-E 20ENgr : .Capitdl rifipreiented over 521,000, 00, . bi I I oMPANIE3 REPRESENTED : North Aisteecs;PhiladOlphis;...s 2,201254 71 Phcragx,Orfortjord - 1,23 1 ,10 5 tl Germania, NeWYork,- . 8 - 10;4 5 Nome In. Co.,:New • 1,610,07 0 3') NarttuArnericaallre la. Co., of ' NO York, E 755,000 0 0 Enterprise. of Cincinnati, - 1,000 ,000 tt Notnal Life,-Nevi York; 20,00 ~ 000 00 W.o write policies fa the store reliable co i ac panics at the lowest rates. Pastiontar uttent,. given to - farm property. Olfile two doors porU . of the Post Office ; op stairs:3n th e room o e a. pled Ay W. Mix and Henry Peet t nlo 1 ' t fr!i n 4P lB !! ° ° s ° °f : 13 13 e fa rA l igt o JO L, ' • 2 • , ' ,RN NIX. Towanda, Feb. WHITE' —IIARRQWFAT ADD Eyed Peas, for sale by_ FOX, 6TEVEN3,OI7,IICUE 4500,00( ) $9OO tot 5350,(,0 $70,D0 $357,004 00;