CI fradfortlepitte, AND GENERAL. Ell Towui' Cams Duiscrow.—Baptist Cherck.—Bev. Bomar , .3)courr i — Pastor. Preaching, Sundays at 104 A. ar., imul 71 .e. x. &godly School, 11 P. ar. Prayer Meeting Thausday Gambit • Y. B. atm*. —Bev: I. T. lizoexcrx, Pea. tor. 'Preaching every Sunday at 114 sad 7j m. ftuday School. le r. at. Prayer Meeting every Thmuday evening. Presbyterian ancre.A.—Reiv.' War. Pastor. Preaching every Sunda= a. ar., and 7 P r . IL Sunday i 1; tar. Prayer Meeting Thursday evenings. Episcopal Church.--Borv. F. D. Harems, Po. tor. Preaching every and 3 P Sunday at 10a Am. .M. 'Sunday School, it r. Tula Tssm—Tbe following is the Tune Tatils of Qui - Pisiituuiiluiti and New York Canal and Bail Road ccestrasi, which took effect on Monday, May, 11, 1868: SOLITHWAID. P.M. A. M. A. M. Warittax.... 820 11SO. ... .820 Aruzi ...8:45 11:35....8:45 .........7xoo 11:48. . ..8:588 Uusziat ....7.1& 19:03 913 T0wer....... p ••• "111 A.]3. • A. M. , P.M. WAvzsza. .. 8.08 1110......4 - 28 Arn33ls • —.753 10:45 4.43 MILAN. .7:40 1022 420 725.....10:17 4:15 -7030 9:52 3ZO L M. A.M. P. M. JOHN P.OOl, Eltipainiendent. TOWANDA j JoHN W. Mix Imo removed his Law Office to M. 0. hisnoun'e new block. north side of public square. Bass Batt..—A match game of Base Ball will be played Friday 14 hat., between the Winona B. B. O. of Towanda, and the Amateur B. B. O. of Owego. N. Y., on the grounds of the latter. SO. The lawyers have made a "flit ting" towards Maacioasnew block. Messrs. !disco& & Moanow, Hagar Pzer and dons W. Mix, now have offices in the building fronting the public square. UT A daily is now issued tit the Bs/Jelin office, Williamsport, which is a neat, and sprightly affair, and is published at the low price of six cents per week. Williams. port now boasts of three daily papers, and the Herdic House. VIP The old banking ,honst.! of B. S. Bussatx. & Co., has bear reorganized under the title of Mereurs Bank—l►f. C. Milnca being sole proprietor. The Bank Rill soon be moved into the spacious and convenient room in the corner of the trees block now finishing. Vl...Three prisoners confined in the County Jail at Owvgo, made their escape on Sunday night last by sawing through the bars _their cell. One of them named Ilsoesnolis, is an old jail bird. Once before he made his escape, bqt was recaptured. LIFE INSU:A;CESTIt BURBANK, of this place, agent of.the Phmnix Mutual Life Insurance Co,. of• Hartford, Conn., one of the best in the United, States, is doing a fine bsdness. The matter of life insurance is ; dailratAracting new and increased atten tion among all classes. a The proprietor of the ' " Ward House " has procured from the celebrated maker loin; STEPHENSON, of New YOrk, a new omnibus for the purpose of giving "free rides" to the guesti of the House, to and from the depot. It is a neat affair, built elpecially with reference to out hills. ie. On Friday, Jamc BAKES, from Osceola, Pa„ got up about 3 o'clock at Wil cox's Hotel, Elmira, and going down stairs walked off the balcony, falling about 10 feet to the pavement, crushing in his forehead and killing him instantly. He leaves a large family. Rev. J. T. BROWNELL, preached his farewell sermon, in the M. E. Church, on Sunday evening last. The church was crowded to its utmost capacity, and many persons were disappointed in not hearing the sermon, beibg unable to get into' the building. The sermon was able and affect in.g. The people of this place regret to part with Mr.B. whose ability and urbanity have made him a general favorite. SERIOUS ACCIDENT AT SMITHBORO —On Saturday last, about 3 o'clock in the after noon while the carpenters were engaged in raising a pier of the Smithboro bridge, a prang man,a carpenter named Joss MOOD; 'drat 19 years of age, was upon the upper part of the works while the gin pole, owing to the breaking of a rope, fell and the bent along with it and he falling between two timbers was crushed to death almost instant ly. He was a good workman and much es tee rued. Visitors to the Mineral Sprini's at Canton have been, and are numerous this season. The springs are hecoming famous without advertising or puffing of any kind. People desiring to derive benefit from the rise of these unequalled waters, will find them easy of access from the village, by dueine v a mile over good road. The scen ery about, the springs is superb, thn y be ing situated in the midst of a grand old forest. The waters have been successfully tried in numerous cases of 'scrofula, inveterate skin diseases, and for complaints cdrsing from a disordered state of the stomach. I do not own the land on which the springs are situated nor do any of my relatives.— Hence I cannot fairly be accused of adver tising for them. The growtkof our village is as rapid this season as heretofore—about twenty-five buil dings are in progress, and as many more will be built next veil if indicatioria prove true; Canton boro' has four dry goods stores, 1 Drugs, 2 Boot 4k Shoe,l Hardware, 5 Grocery Stores, 2 Saloons, 3 Furniture Stores, 1 Jeweller's, 2 Tailoring establiith merits, I Meat Market, 1 harness Store, 1 Tannery, 1 Flooring mill, 1 Planing mill, 2 Sawmills, 1 Woolen Lactory,lDial .% Clock Manufactory, 1 Foundry It Machine shop,2 Wagon factories, and blacksmith, cooper arid other shops too numerous to mention. Politically, I believe our boro his recent ly undergone some change, the Demoroats claiming to be able to poll 45 votes, where formerly they could claim but 7. r . ,I do not know but we have back-sliders. f our back sliding prove contagions, the state will have work to do. H. T. Br.asneux: died on Tuesday last after a short illness of one week. A. N. SPAULDING was suddenly stricken with Par -4314. about 2 weeks since.he lies in a criti cal condition. iOll2l Mrx. also had a Paralytic stroke ?week ago, but is recover ing. Preparations for erecting our new &hoot House early in the spring are going forward. The preparations consist in collecting a per /nits " tax of seven dollars, and three PEr cent on property. The "bloated-bond / h 1 Iders. " here to comein for a share of the en: b 1,,,tt . • MI , knilding will cost eight thousand dol /am the soeistg e „for the prosecution of Temperance is in a languishing eonditton— of course your correspondent don't know sly, the- organization being a secret one; but he has" confidentially " informed by a shining . t of the order that such is bet . t he case. Yours Truly, Carrox, Aug. . /*O. -A Gatlin . - WiStoistigLA. 'SOW* iffsalsg, , • Mud Spot ha the!*., hey life t Fifty pail of wedded ty years in which two lovinglearbe blond a mysterious oneness—a trueness of bol ) !$;, fears,' joys, sorrows, interests,' Audi then' how . pleasant to have, children. grand din, din, groat grand-children, brothers, sift Ors, cousins;.nephew's; Mepes, Meet to Isiah them mrichlOy ! " • . A bright epotimieed. - "Bright Ibricitlld. hood, bright for old age. How issfeilitay will memory e ttrpe, print it ad the pi mind. Grand Pei " Golden Wed ing dhrg Will be remembered vividly whin the tkists of three arra sad tan winters shall tiro swept with pitiless furyafross the pail ur ney of life, and beaten upon the *paired brow. r • 1 Such a Scene—such a golden scene, pc* enured on the 4th of August, 1868, et the houlei of Mr. Days VAnDua in Leroy, rid •kord 00. 1 Pa. It was s complete sorperiie to the " old folks. " On the morning et the appointed ag—ii9Pobet44 fifty Yeargsi* the children from different parts or 4: country ties far distant as Eft. Louis, to pour into the family mansion—a 'lir. table farm house of a quarter of wintery age; standing upon a beautiful slepsdhilf concealed by treisized shrubbery.; 4«, dimmed by age,looked vohunes of wader As one after another, moo of "holm itead been absently'. :Tars, were embraced rith parental fondnaut,how those eyes filled irith tears ofjoy I - Between detrand seventy have as#m. bled. Of 16 children, 11 are living;:strul 9 present, with a good sprbiding of . 061- children and great grand-children. I'ro persona were : present who were at the'lifid• ding in Towanda Pa.,Nty years ago. 1 . At 4 o'clock. the company assembin i the parlor,when the semi-centenarianci pie in bridal .attire, lookirig at least tea pars younger than they really are, stood up; pnil B. BroowaY Esq., aged. 89 years,whojohnid them in "holy wedlock," half a emit:07.440, thought the wonderful changes since original marriage, demanded that the wi ole thing be " reconstructed. " He then when them to join their right hands, he earnestly hoped that in the future ait in the vagt, they would be faithful to elicit other, and lire in peace and harmony itill " death them should part. " Then by the authority vested in i hin. by the reconstrac. tion acts of congreak he declared that they were man and wife as they had been for he last fifty years. Salutations over, the bride having been almost smothered with kisseg— one of the children remarking that as he had not the privelege of attending the first wedding, he was very happy in attending / the second ßev. - 4i. M. Bzwu, of *, /AWLS, one of the sons•in-law made a tinyily speech congratulating them on having / hyed to see this eventful hour, and hoping titey might live to enjoy many more/yearit of "green old age,"--that their last flays night be calm and serene es a summer's eke. when the heaven's are tinged by the golden beams of the setting sun. He hoped ley .would accept in a tangible farm some slight r tokens of their warmest love. Mr. J. B. McKean, of West Burlingttn, another son-in-law, in a neat and appropri ate address, stated, that as he was the first to break in upon the family circle thus pa ving the way for others wholad well taken advantage of the precedent set, it mitiht seem proper for him to present in behalt of himself and several others of the childrea i token of their affection. They though it not best to give anything that wank(' fa crease their wealth,but what:would strengr , en their vision,and 'enable them to see m re clearly while walking darn 410 western bpi side of life. He then presented to each a pair of elegant gold spectacles. The chil dren who lived at a distance, and °titer friends, then made 'their presentations, among which we noticed a gold lined slli holder, a gold thimble, a fruit knife, t o poi large sized photographs ofztheir donors, d a magnificent ebony goldfhraded cane. After the presentations, a very interes * I g 4 scene took place, the children stepping for ward and crowning their mother witli a golden crown, which we thought a viry pretty design. It waa --- . gadded with Jas many silver animas she find borne childnin, the names being written underneath lin their appropriate order. We noticed t four stars had set, indicating that thatnu - ber had fallen by „death. 111 The company then set down to as i p. tams table spread in the cool shade,ben, iii h the beautiful trees surrounding the cot e. Due respects having been paid to the Ili, viands, which seemed almost formida O from their abundance, speeches were called for. Rev. Mr. TrioarrsoN, of Canton, Rev. R. M. BrAce,of St. Loins,Rev. H. Hammi t t, of Canton, and Hon. trainees atzaces,'cit Towanda, responded iu a most felicitois manner. • , Thug passed off the " golden . wedding. " It was a time long to be remembered— Every heart beat high. Youth sparkiedlin the eyes of old age, and the officiating jag. title declared that he felt ten year.; young and the bride and groom looked asi thou they might live to see their "diamond w. ding." THE BANKRUPT Acr.—The clause lot the acewhich provided that no per- on sholidd be discharged whose estate would not pay fifty per cent, on the dollar, and which totk effect on the Ist of June last, has been f r. ther extended to the Ist of January next. This gives five Mouths time, for the applion• tionlpf those who have noassets. ; ter The Nnt.ona Life ' Inaaranbe Coinpany of the United Stateswari chart4P ! ed by Congress onilie 25th - of July last,alul .hrui since then orgauizeit and paid 'uplts capital of one million of,dollars, and is n w ready for business. Its officers are C. 11, Ciras President of Firsigational Bankiof Philadelphia as President, E. W. Parr S4c retary and Actuary, H. D. Coosa, of "last ington, Vice President, and JAI COOKS, o! Philadelphia, Chairman of Financial and Executive Committee. The well knr _le vv._ town names of the officers,ihe large and paid np capital of the liberal chin% ter grunted by the Congress. together with the lbw cash rates adopted by this Company, ensures it from the starts flrtit rank among the Life Insurance Companies of the U. ft. Messrs. E. W. Ctrart acm , of the wiell known Bankers of Philadelphia, are ti p general agents for Penruryttania and ey bane selected as the manager for central d western Penn's (which includes all it few of the - conntimin the eastern of the State) Mr. B. 8. B17881:LL of this pla i ce, who has entered upon the duties of his o4oe and is now engaged 'in appointing agents and solicitors in the counties within his territory. ' 1 • I BITTEN BY A BATTLES:4IOI.-11 C•11.•E•N, of McHenry tow *p, this (min ty. was bitten by &rattlesnake muter rather peculiar eircrunstancen He was mowing di a field when the snake came in contact with tke scythe and was out in two. ,They went on around the field until they ert: back to the Same point when they ten, move the snake out of the war. Ohe , of men attempted to lift it with the ' the scythe, but failing to do so, mans k hold of the piece to which the head was toehold, intending to jerk it away, but ae Oka as lightning the head cams back and the fangs fastened in his thumb so I=4 that he could not pull it ofteacept by bring.; .fag the piece with t.t. They thee Pet linti 4 doge around the thumb in order to relent the flow of the poison to-the heart. Du b Ar a 'boa, timethe swelling - caused that to brunt. They then tied it around AM emir and again it burst. As 20011 U it could be prionniaVafilly *- libitaiiirsil bog it : Ina 4 10 CIP *M au * " lire; - ; 74 i * S P' ported ihri he Tie dead hitt .6 !bog i e* fie auye, sat ~ 0!• of, itrery , renif &on vkfrits . 'AS: likitiaddliiitacin ; run covet and ~tlileatirthti Nutters at the ii.Jlie4aieuting of iraniiitrafintlie Ward, Elmira, about 8 (Meet dii Al** night. Mao 1, 4 2 , 2 frgra. 4 #1! atlrtadded about mike ihisiae of Salstoe, and some rem weeks before . Went tOirt 1 ;4 4 3 sines resided in the him* of Mr. Entrfne Imams, She-iras naiad iialkhlian'the track, and alga& were made to bar, but all to no puriose, and the engine streak ha haling 'tali:ay - nazi, get, 'Whein she was pinked. up dead.% T4il man lobo were also walking on the,truckillaattati l 9m and laic: dointios were stenakbi the same tudn and satoady ferns irf theta Mr. Mom mired boa his injuries the *lt morning at 3 cetlOcki' The Won' had servers bruises on his bead:ind one leg leo. , • ken. Buis Rinway p arty " of officW., connected With the Erie Rail way. on a tour of obserriitkin laquil 'es Road, came to this place on Tuesday eve zdzig. and Wednesday visiied Barclay and the works of the _Towanda Coal Company. The pub °mitts 4.114 Gouso;. lately elected President of the Erie Railway, (len. A. S. Dim Vice Presinedt, and other oil- Bess BAm..—The,', home and borne game between the clayttbui ie., of Waverly and the Winona Jr., Olace,wasy d on the grounds of the - Tiogies at At on Thursday leak reardting in ii Victory for the Winona's by six runs. It Wes a : •layed and closely contested game:. - !I Ammar FOR litraDEß: t — , L . t evening a detective arrived be this cit/from Owego,izi search of a man name Tem Lane.chsirg ed with the murder •of old man and wo menii*x3 near tinitpla ut apex and e half ce a ago. Warrants issued and Placed - in the hands of the 'oe. and Officer Conde: found Lane at e. Exchange HoteLon Mar ket street. Midenied that his name was Line, but tad_ it wasyi r illiain"Whiting,„ He subsea:men y called himself Horatio - It Whiting When first arrested the oilicer asked mif he knew what hems. arrested for. /His answer was "yes.'! He ~then de air7d to see a priest. He M. engin:tided by Justice Ittipaaz to await the arrleatof ev• 4'dence from Owego. When asked if he knew William Lane, he said he did; and that he(Lane) was his_ uncle. He was then asked if Lane ever committed any crime that caused him to leave (*ego: At first" he said no ; then he said hei believed Lane was accused of murdering an old roanand woman. He is in Fort McCormick await-, iog orders.— Withal/avert Bid/still. - JIB There was a Itirg : h and Whit siasbici meeting of ladies and, gentlemen at Sthithileld centre, Wednesday evening, who were assembled to hear an 'address on the political questions of the day, from the hon orable Judge a:LOWELL. !Ito member of Con gress from Cleveltuhio,land which he did in a masterly manner. He showed con clusively that the same party and persons that originated and sustained the rebellion, are now opposing Gen. Gayer and In favor of 13ov. Sztrwoon, whose wzr record was many degrees below zero. His address was very able, and met theciinlial and,hear' - ty responselof the overcrowded audience. To.wANDALilurara—Tf7tre Prices Corrected every Tuesday rumm4 1. - .wxxx. lc OMB, Grocers, 51 • Street:— Wheat - 02 00 ®s2 60 1 Re • 20 Bu y ckwheat.... ' . ' as Corn 120 Oats I 70 Beans i Butter . (rolls) 8 '2BOO 4 3000 488 (da i ry) 32 . .35 . 20 • Potatoes 40 1 50 Ha (per ton) . (4 00 , Salt y (per bbL) 10 3 00 Flour XX 1O00(1400 Ham - 20 24 Turkeys 16 18 Geese 12 Ducks • , 14 - 16 Chickens 0 12 14 %mars or Gnara.-11'heiii, 60Ibs;Corn, 66 lb.; Rye, 66 lbs ; Oats, 3$ lbs; Barley. 46 lhs ; Buckwheat, 48 lbs; Beans, 62 lbs; Bran, 20 lbs; Clover Seed 621bs; Dried Ap ples, 12 lbs; Flax Seed pa mil Special Notifies: ORGANIZE I—Tbe Republicans of Wyaox ire requested to meet: at the Myers burg SchOol House on the 15th inst., at 4 o'clock P. RI, for the purpose of forming a GRANT and COLFAX. Club.; The import ance of - detailed, organizations is apparent to every loyal man. We have a subtle and unserapulons ene my to defeat. A party which for - years mismanaged the government, of our coun try, and their misrule only ended by con. vulsing Of the country' and civil war, that brought death, sorrow and, mourning to More than three hundred thimsand north ern. nomes. This cruel war forced the government to create thousands of millions of public debt. The same leaders.of this unworthy party, are now seeking with most desperate and unworthy means, to mislead and deceive the people. This half-rebel democratic party, made up mostly of the., traitors of the South, that for ~four long years..encmragedbynortheni copperlieads, fought with relentless cruelty to overthrow the best government in the. world, Abele men are now demanding with slave-master. arrogance, to be hgain entrusted with pow er and place.- Are yOu willing to trust these bold, bad men again with poster?— If not,. unite with the people 'who sustained the army and country with their blood and treasure under Gen. GRANT, ; and •.• Luz us nave PELCZr E. Reed Myer, William Lewis, Geo. T. Granger, W. E. Stoll, A. Cooley, E C Spen cer, J W Poole, G E Poole, .7 B Hinds, A 11 Ilinds, - A Lent, E Wood, T F Madill, G . Wood, W A Bennett, D C Shirman,-flaml Chainberlin, B E Whitney, KJ Coolbangh, John Sullivan; Henry Trumbull, E B Barnes, W E Bull, Joseph! Conklin, 1 B Smith, Wm H Conklin: Mir TRIAL tan for Septmilbor 1868 t Ezra Loomis va\ltufne'C Stockwell...efee., Agnes Smith vs. Cornelius M00re.... issue.; Emma J. Hewitt vs: Samuel Kellum.. Oct. ! Harvey B Ingham vs: Harry Horthrop.debt. A B Smith vs. W B Storrs et. al Tres. A Vanderpool vs. H Vanderpool. Polly Chilean vs. Jim W Sweeket. al...rep.! P 0 & Alf Dodge vs. I 31 Smit h tree.; I Fralick Co vs. N Vanderpool • • ap. K Stevens vs. F H Pence% et. McCauley Co vs. Cdo E Gibson vs. McCauley case. Gibson vs. McCauley cas e FOCAI Co vs. tree.; Denmark vir. HOBE Co i ease Wing A Mitchel/ vs. Wells I Blood . case' Nozon vs.. Towanda C dr. I Co.. fa. mork., Chaffee vs. Benson . atle. ex.' Lent vs. Prince set fa., Lent Lent vs. k'rince mi. b. , Whipple iii. Cash's adm • se. render. Riff vs. • Kris. case Miller vs. Tanner .. . . ......sci. McGill vs. Towanda Township - debt. Westan's ex's. vs. Millard. ale Bedington vs. Person • Lewis vs. Jackson et sod. i t Dlabraz vs. Blood et. al Patterson qrs. Griffis et. al_ tree.' Lovett vs.!Alger's ad'm lease. Sackett Ili. Spencer A co • s l . eet. Record vs. Walbridge e ect. Tway & Moore vt. Smith fa. Shaw vs. Tswana tap - , debt Myna vs. Grids ; • tees., - Bfivens vs. Ball • ap. Fleraing & Jones va. Wooden - ems, Day ra. Benjamin at Varguson sp. . Russell & eo. et:aL es. Andrews.. .debt. - Subpoenas returnable at 10 .a. — in. on Monday September 14. 18M.•: Wm. A. TBOMAS Prothonotary.- FOR SALL-A Sabnlarnhip in the Soiquetutans Collegiate Initituto for solo or rent, Apply to Sramir, limn, at tho aloe of Menu ilkorow, '„Tcrnando E Pa. Ably 29, 1869.-4 8 md 141 40 1 0, 14004c=',4114'f0l korintlialletatatingetitiatioN vteliMair fries quake* m -nab% - -we , beim under oath. the,wrimal anarmiketuiers of, thrOughout the United State's.-.. Sine 111141" Plailenk :*Mee -41 he lit been at seinaleins M tiol= leek show at a glares the wonderftd growth and peat Impartitioe'W Aids - branch of Ammo* nuardsotomm - Itikbeobsard Veit one dottipaity eked tas goduoid arid Aoki within theism crierforitthrie aceiesed I '' • `li is somewhat rtmarkable Ask i vbaring the recent .Megnation bilrader this business has been bat tt, l eetie' A!!! 1 , 1010. ." - -Ore 'llitor*O;# t' Vd vem. , PoOritfartond , ad-4 *dun* Od - v id* • . = fob. Ttra ad i iyMuzd ttiy iischtimm' aoronao i l6 " 1 . 4 The W 14,41; Wpm hif:Co 38 42 The Grover & Bakes ECM. C 0..... 14999 Tits C0,,.. :..1:053 The Flarambe SAL CO' 10,531 Feedflewinft The =pile 50C0 .. ; .. .... . 3,185 The 4Etna Seeing, Co' 's - .2,958 TheFinkle & Lyon LAIL Co The Empire Sewing M. Co ..... The Levitt . &in X . Co ....1,051 Total double . - Ami1dn0m,;..151,135 __Singlo Thread The Wilcox* Gib , ; J. :.-414,155 221bElumi & Clir •-• Co.. Tim Goodspeed Wyoming & MCci..3,128_ Total 'thread maohines....lB.o7o The ~ ,• . 'ads and Agates we And in the ' tehrof Abe seventh inst. the ear orso ago, is our Madras win remelt we published a settee of articles duo vs of me of the greatmanuhaetur• loga is in oountay. We then se and daserlboditheinnufametatchlish nt cilium= Mammalian° COMPANY, Anted in this city; as the representative end leading . conesni- in the .department of sewing and we are now pleased tolhad that we did-not in thelmakeragger ate culaver•estimate the Importam of the company is question.- It is noteirmthjand 'somewhat 'euggestive that the -Sarin Com m:, who did -- not, as we understand, take the trouble of visiting, or even sending their Machines to .the Paris Ezpoeiti on—who; seemingly dnot care ,: in the lea* for rah' erlmhi smash; or zed 'ribbons, and whoeb name is rarely,seeniMprint=should, never theless eclipse -Alt, other sewing machine concerns in the magnitude of their boldness. There is, of course, a reason for all this,bnt we leave our readers And that out for • smashes.—.slrom the Home Jaffee?, fieyd. 18, 1887. Anybody by sidling at Wickham & Black's Bowing Machine Depot and examining the machines on exhibition. and the work they turn off, will readily see the reason for the great popularity of the "Sligo& " WANTED.—A man that is competent to do fist elms horse•shoeing to whom steady employment and liberal wages will be given. Asply Immediately to M. J. WEL& ran, 'Athens, Pa. August 8, '6B. Lsliarsviux, A ceDemy—LEßAvaviu.s Itches. A.° A. KEENEY, Principal. Fall Term commences August 314 1868. The Higher Mathematics, Book-Reeping, Latin and Greek, &c. - , taught.. Tuition 14,00 to 85,60: The services of ascompetent assis tant will be secured. Information in re gard to Board and rooms foi Boarding may be obtained by , applying to W. W. liacwx um, Esq., Lellayaville. Pa July 29, 1868.-4 w .• thisbeDir,`Mtus Fi.oun—Made from prime old Winter Wheat, is worth 15 per cent. more than' the imme amount, and quality, made from now whtat. A sack or barrel will Make 15 per cont., or one pound in seven, more bread Ulan from the new crop. Making a difference in value in fa vor of the old of two dollars per barrel or fifty cents per sack. diving to the new con taining that proportion of water More than the old. Thin fact is welLknown to Bakers and every one 'should understand it. We have bought, and still continue to buy. all the Old Wheat to be had, and will have a supply until the new_crop,ks lit to use to advantage. - No decline in quality. We -wpm) to make it better and better all the time. 11. B Isarux. Camptown, Aug. 13, 1868.--a. I Every 'Republican ,wunte the Poroes. The neatest, _cheapest and spici est paper out. It is loaded full of fan, and shot olf monthly, at only 25 cents per year. Specimen copies five cents each. Address Tam Porms, Laparte, Pa. July 23.1 t• Mir The subscriber holds fur sale at his place in Camptown, a three year old iron gray Mare 'Colt, freight I,2oo_pounds,- a good ' VOW', one-hose Lumber wagon, a Cutter; and - also 6 Sheep to let to double. Iturrnt Pas . August 5, 1868.-4sel HAND Loom. --A. 0. VERVE; Self Acting Maud Loom. Manufactured and for sate by A. 0. Vans A Co.. Andover,_,N. t , Y. Bend stamp for descriptive circular. June 18, 186&-3n4 • STRAWBERRY PLANTS—Wilson's Al bany Seedling. 12 cts per doz., 50 eta per 100, $4 per 1,000 ; Aviculturist 12 eta per doz., 50 eta per 100, $4 per 1,000.; docun da, (Knoz's No. 700) 25 eta per doz., $2 per 100, 120- per 1000 ; Jucunda (when other kinds are taken) 12 eta per dos., $1 per 100 $lO per 1000. Can furnish' Wilion's and Agriculturist now ; docunda's by August Ist.. _ I. G. Hower , 31011TOCOD, Pa. July 13, 1868.-3110 • MVOS AND LOT Fos SALE,--A.-1101180 and lot'on Fourth Street, pear Jaime Phin ay's, A bargain offered. Enquire of Wrist- WM.& Biros, Towanda, June 4, 4 NTS r - ANTED.—Lindiex, and gen. tlemen wanted in every township in Brad ford county, to canvass for Ilolland's pith- Hs:Miens and engravings.- Agents are Meat* ing trim 1.50 to 8150 per month. Adclrera at once A. A. Beoww, Toisranda, Pa," • July 13,.1888. ToWANDA STEAM FLOURING MILL. -r- The Undersigned proprietors of the Towan da Steam Flouring Mill. are ready to do custom grinding in the best porisible man ner and at unusual abort n otico. Having securad the services pf a comm.- tent and obliging miller, they Mel warrau ed-in promising entire satisfaction.. Flour and Feed at lowest cash prices. Warns dc nano% July 2, 1868.-Inr. • TAKE Noncm --The undersigned about to Change his place of bUsiness, therefore gives notice that all ontatandin accounts due him should be eettled,by lst day of August next.. or they will be le l in other hands for collection. June 16, 1868-Bw. . Joins Mitamsru.l A ; R Le D. BCOTT—LARABEE‘--At the house Of the bride's father, in Albany, by Rev. Cl: W. Bterifere, July 5, 1868; Mr. J. R. Scott to Miss Elipha Larabee, both of Albatiy. • REDLEY--IdOESE—At the residence of the bride's father, July 28, 1868, by A. Boyse, Esq., John Redley 2d,.and Wm' Elms Morse, all of Leßoy, Pa... _.. , " • SPRING TRA-DRI 1868 8, 'N. BRONEION,,OBWELL, P4.,1 Offers to builders I mnst complete stock 'of, , Builders Hardware. :4ashoilass 011 Prints, Varnishes,Bonds, Trkuunisrs • , Butt s, Door Trimmings. - TIN ROOFS, OONDUCI'ORS,-; Gutters, put on by experienced ivorkmei and' at the lowest rates. • Tinkering and Jobbing,. sap boilers, Sip eplles, he.. Howe's Sewing Machi as, none better. Universal, Clothe,. !rimers, best in use. Wheel Rakes and COM, Mud Plaster Sower. worthy the attention of tie* livelllgent farmer. Bobbard's Mowing lfs , clines, durable and dalirable. 4or 41 foot eat.' Tables, chairs, bedsteads, spring bed bottoms; and other : FURNItURR - 1 Farrows will find this season the best quality. f Tin Pans, Milk and Strain Pails,, and evw description of Tin Ware. Plowand Salt,. Glen r and Thirdly Spinning Wheeb,: Flak Wheel, Reels, Wheel Reads, Flyers; Field Rollers and Pinter Sowers furnished to, order at lowest possible prices.. •• • • • ALSO—Corn Shelters, Morticing MaChines, Uniting Boxes. 1 MAM20128611 -'- Orwell, Feb. 20, 1868.. G • WTI ` •' .—R 6ress_my ' wife liki wr, has WI my bed and board without just messier provocation , all primmer*. berth forbid barbodoger trusting bar as soy amp, as I wUI pay to acidic of ber ameracting alter Wads% 1 , JOHN T aillill. ---arsavile, July 20.16R.-3t• , . (IHO2Og :No.l itiLOKERKI„! ‘l, sidnteepet_ pOind it, ; laniang Carer• dear , W ---- C: 'IIIIERLIII Van anima „ lad Uri it nollnal AIM 1 0 4 44 01 ' sitterci .e!.-4.11V21.0 4 -WArarnfi§- 1 .:.- ,4 + Andsirell knial tiniOnmit, swiss WATCRICS, I warranted co run win or the l ir a ' l2 " 11:4 . 1111111- A i n t ie lif u kf ul F O l l / 2 1 1 11 4 - , i I A! 1 et5 61 P4 4 7k 41 §lLVERAt r iiit to a l Plitekli,./ 1 4 1 . 1 1/ I ?ge# Bkother F 411.8 , -4/f.P., 8 V.OO RS 1 - • Read', • Bre,akfctet ci-D4nner Cantors , ,•ateir.duicus.puicioubh . ICE P 011 R's ! -; 11 , 6 !go oske:Piike.;m4 BUTTER j Nzaity NELTERS, 1%6 iniugs,T, *a, .1;3.. - 44::::tp; OtAillwatali r 1 00;11 GarYnab, ll4 4NßS , - Fa y : - Sewino - machine; These lifichineiiare interior to of othero for family sae, fez the following reasons : They mw with two threads clad f-froarthe spools,tind require 04 rewindlni, : • i They ete ,titore y Udoot aid ilia; antler liable to derangememt, - than other *A-. They are capable of ...eiecuilig perfect.y, without cheap .of adjitatmentie much,/ Wetter, Satiety - et work tothermacemes. The atitelfmade ati by them meeldnim• much . More firm, elastic , and durable, upon articles which require-*he and tied, than any other stitch. This stitch, owing to the mannerhieh le; • the . under thread' is unwtough4 - le • WM* the most plump and beautiltil in Gar,-and Mans this plumpum and beauty, eves neon articles frequently washed and ironed, until' they are WWII MIL • The structure of the seam is inch, tbet; tho' It be cut or broken at intervals ;, of only a few stitches, it will neither , °pert run. nor ravel, bat remains firm and durable. . Unlike other machines ,. these fasten both ends of the seam by their own operation. With these machines, while silk is used upon the right or face side of the stem, cotton may be asetupon the other side without lessen) the strength or durabi li ty of the seam. Th is can be done owlet other numb*, sad Ls a great saving upon all articles stitched or made up with silk. ' These ineiblitee; in addition toitfreir superior merits as instrumbete Air sewing. execute the most beautiful ant pernmiteut emhroidery and orbameotal work. ' • • , • Yon can get Sewing NacbiniNeedles and all articles pertaining Visite maabine business. WATCH AND CLOCK . RP:RAISING , Done in ,the beat manner, aa anal at low rates. Towanda. July 18,.1867. A ND HE • PLAYED .ON A' HARP OP A TROUSANID STRINGS, MUM( & CO'S TEMPLE t v AMme For sttle the Celebrated :fdathusbek G aed, and the beautiful little Coilini Pianos. Pianos of 219 'strings. Piaool of one third more pow er. 'Piano% Hist it:tidbit More 'structure Plumy that fare - better made In iliery respect and will stand In tone longer than soy now in use in this c,onntry and Europe. These Plane differ in construct I an in the Inside from all o th ers, the strings cross the Iron Rama in all dl actions, dlKErlbutlng Mt- immense pressure equally to all aides I the *plate. Besides oth er improvements peculiar to their construction the combine al. the Improvements of every nth r manufacture. Bend for illustrated circu• where everything:is explained to Batista& den. Also constantly on 'band a fall anon merit of Haines Brother's Pianos. Organs and Melodeons of the best of various styles for the church and parlor. Parlor and ticiodebn Coy era. Plano: and• Melodeon, Stools, Instruction Bonk' torlde:odeon and Piano. New and old sheet - Music, on baud and ordered If dealt° leo for sale. - Prof.-Vao Rensselaer and Pier son's Piano, Furniture anu Carriage Polish.— Plano.tonlog done on short .notice. Liberal dilatant to talniatera, churches and , teachers. Alsoagents for the DECKER BED CHEM UNEQUALLED PATENT - , 'PIANO FORTES ! W. A. CHAMBERLIN. W. Dirrmen. , Towanda. Feb. 43. 1888. FLU a R A 111 HURRAH! HERE IT IS AT LAST ! 1311AMHALL, COWELL & 4121811, li vVE IT l Anything yon want In the Gro , ery Hoe. flee what they have : FLOUR, FEED, FISH, SUGAR, PORK, TEA, SPICE, BUTTER, EGGS, LARD, DRIED AND CANNED FRUIT Iit:RERH FRUITS IN THEIR REJOIN. SALT BY THE SACK OR BABREL. TOBACCO AND CIGARS We re solel►geots for the best brands or Vir- gin!' sod CAROLINA 'SMOKING TOBACCO Whole rale and Email Lestljr, everything In th • GROCEEtY.sad PRO VISION line. sir Remember gybe piece, No. 61, Melo stint, Mut door be/ow Neldletuau'r mock. . Todranda, Juue 11. 1868. B. C. & C.' EAT - UNITED' STATES A W4REIi7OtSE Y, KELLEY &IGO., Nos . 26; 'r% ed,3o Veiey EW YVES CIITY, o• plipplylng.. : familles tproagytoat th -.. .. country with teasand -coffees -thron'. the ay tem of _clubs and their regularly appointed 'genie, at a alight advance on cargo prices, and and their teas' to be pure andt fresh and also to give entire , astisiaction, or' - they an be returned and the money refunded:. Remember that by oor system the consumer, pap 'only , ONN PROFIT. inatlnuLaf 'seven ot I eight a itlnmost do whoa be unrchasea of the °toile grocer. WE DEIFY. COMPETITION.. We -special attention not only to our stand ard goods, .bnt our. fancy brands of Colon and' Toting Dyson Teas—pecan. tla teas. $ 1 1 1 71 , 1/ 1 3 1 $ IroM Japan. Oar Coffee Depart-, ment Is manage-11,80 .on :the' , system of one: prod only, and al oar coffees are soll.otllbeir merit". •We only iktrial. . .. , ~.... ,- A 11, one importation of one teas sect mown can be had of our regular appointed agents. - Al; oor geode are rinds put op . by oiliselver . in one pound ,packs es. • our warebovae In • New 'York, and retailed at - W: H. H. GORE'S, Drug genre, N 0.137 Main street, at the small ' advance of 6' cents per Mound over one New York prices. 'This brings the geode 'at, the moT prime they can - he purchased ft , o - , oor corm , with Gm freight added., J ' . - '. - '-, WOK AT AOUR ?BIM. r,' • . i ' . . , COIIIND (Week), , d(W, 70., do., OIL; I per lb., beat . ' MIXED - (Green and Blank)i: aft. 70.. 80c.,00,. 11 per lb.; beat. YOUNG BY -50N.040110 .600 , 70c,180c., OD., $l, 11,114 11,20. per lb.. twat. IMPERIAL (Green)._ 90c., 1141,15. ENGLISH BREAKFAST Mel), M I $OO .. SOC„ 11. $1,10.11,20. best: - JAPAN '9oc., $1:51,15 per lb. GUNPOWDER: 11,26, 11.50 per Ih. - Imantong Boyne Tours Hymn • kinz iost In orlginalChlneme packages 61 60 per le: lege. Illaspd World.' I !It ' olidir* peso Ptchaffea 1140 vet paMOlffe, ' • : PANCT I BRANDO.--Nbsgring_lh (Elk) $425- peir 1b: Nsislibs • Nits= nun i Prat (Weds) ow, per lb. Uncolored Japan Teas ; days front isPIII) tutitir . - "PlialliVor All In Yokohama:llo par UK , - 1 GROUND COSTEll.—Pare Rio . IN IS pied 30 cents pee 1b.. , Best - Old 'Cloilinueent: 'Jan; 40 cents per lb. Royal tilub. 21 cents Sr lb: Mountain vssatiaty 80 pests pe; lb.' I- .. 1 'lliersse SI imitations and bogus comPiiSieS. All our goods' bear our Tnde NIA Mt 140 big. lit (Om are tops*,.: ', . 01:Sm. ; JOUR.—Wbeit 'none: of /M*4 Bao'Wad Bea; dais, v. IL ' - w all 71: Sal W - H OZ BlifPliat',,Gll. S. - • . . P ,- R WTI 11-o)*',7-IUO,IIIVI ~P3 . .„*..'- ...- -,:. The nodenifined,: anti:foraged by ihkinoe4` ,- 1 11 4 1 ;b1 0 *Iii-,ftk,I. 1 tended thVit: to `inahe very liberal v pitroiiage,they have re . • 4 ' 74 r oeiv - ed; 6y:flying 1140 castoin t erithe 4vaotage of tlielr . yeare' . eaperleoce, together with Ahe'' bind* of their 'fol. - 031;43g biteieesit. •• They keep•:6;tiotantlY:4;iliiadi a vetihiiie'aid . 'UlAupletii:tu3lorttuunt of ~ everythltig hylludr, Age, and - are daily resieivitqf, t such i",additiona to - their stack raa the want* of their tilde requireo. •-•they• bare tiow. store, Sigari Syrup, Molassea,'-Coffeo, RiCU, To- Fittb; Salt, Cheese`, Fruits, Crackers,- Candy, Matches, Broom , • . Wrapping Tatitie; Moir Sacks, Beads, sad a great varlet" of other goods, which have been recent -1,7 bought at the lowest poi tin , the market, and are offered at w üb•eale, ap rates to correspond. " - They desire to call especial atten. tion to their large stock of Flue Teae, which they , nre Belling_at New York Jobbing priceo,—guaranteeing he quality in al! ciiies Have also on - -band a good assort ment orPloni, Pork and Kerosene They still oontiune to have the benefit'of a resident Partner in New York, who is constantly ta the market and *pared to turn to anr•advan- age any favnrable changes in _the price •of FOX, STEVENS, INEECUR & CO. May 12, 1868 QwFT .T av CO., Are now receiving their SPRING- srrocs., Which comprises THE Ukit-dREAT VARIE7 Y . OF GOODS, IN• EVERY DEPARTMENT, All of , which ARE OF D ,1 i At the Lowest Mirket Prices ME Towand,i, Apra 7.1 a 8 S P W 01; AL •N:O,T Ii; SAII.3AP MOLL/. AND SODA Wein FOB TT! 'IwILLioNs. • • • •• 1 The Subscribers baring built a New uhoP. and supplied, themselves with the . latest and mult=sll machinery. and the 'very belt Materials the purpose ate 4ol4 prepared to nun sad offir i t ri tbe polite r & eu_perior article of their Suss and Soda Water, good at all Aline% an no hullepensibly neces sary for ilthltiod comfort, daring the bested Wm. and Iwarm imumer months which are Rio, 141011 OIL - • Thankful to i'ginerous public for the very liberal patronage we bare received during the *bon time 'we lavaboes' segued-Wee boil nem here, we are determined that no effort on our pert shall be wanting to meettand secure a contam pi' the public patronage, commen surate with our increased facilities - for supply ing Diem with what limy need. - • , - 'AD orders - Warr ibm will receive Immediate timiatzti & OPPole• Re Depot, Towald i M Jane le t 111118.-3•0 DISSOIAJTION.-The " 814bn:tears entitle; • ander, the was of Beolth4Peekli this day &mint by am teal osasmit. The books'of the km ere lett ht the binds of Yr: 'Perth jet settlement, st bin = i ."Mairdsated *aim Ore enisslet •••• tlereent;,st ellnoecnlts ad settled by the pit of Amost, !ill he Mt 'lll/11X111 'an% • = " ' ' • 111/J., N. vas` , Trnmag, hos 20, UlSB.—ger I . ! • MMIM Qll2lll ieF'S SA :.:-Ity - ' , 4 , tie :of. a writ of 111. Pa., Issued out of the Court Of 4 _Saltriur of. *ridfs4 Cousty. ~mrd to me itill ifs IWO. nisodatto •liiitlb sale at rho Mort House In the Borough of To- Pf BR 8, MI aftinall p;pi... th e I•= l iountbedlst, , . pica or parcel of land situate in Ulster twp.; bounded and described as follows: On the north V laid /aorta -RoCkty,br: tho:east 2 . 1.. arms - riving Os) RI •oath by b; lad - on the west by itiliiiiiss Eirrai: Otintairting 80 acres of land, more or less, all Improved with a litine,d house, two old llogbarmr 'adds:, halt Immi Winos. q --,_ m Sifted nod Mks* in . aracation as the mu, of P. V. Ward vs. 11136,1140ailidiumes litsCnltyi . John Gallivan and ZerrinSullivan.• ALSO-The following described.lot piece or pit* of laid Musts In W e twp., bounded'north by the public biglnray leading from Troy to Burlington, rest by land of Geo. W. Godard, oath by land of B. R. Ward and by . public highwa y rlending from West kr Rackwallm Mills. ... Containing. abort glum feet, • now" or kar, all Im =in p" fielzed w su th d a tata med igiF sh9 n thetwih tlou pt . tbe suit oi W. B. Guthrie vr, Johnrqn.t. Abiar at thi.sult of Airgfilltrid merry . Tr. rode:irk Minion; , .. , : derieribed lot, email or parcel of land sitnate in Towanda Boro' r bound- - ed north by land of J. l. Goliath., east, by the Sasqueltianitiiver, aoutliby. , Bridge streetand wed by lands ,of 'W. Patton. COntainine 12000 span GAM, wire or lace, 'with-two small grimed handles. thereon• • dad : (mbncid be.' trees s Mae forty tied *et east of and parcel:, letwith daft:Wens'u t brick block sad the Sus. qualm= river. Babied and taken In execution at the cult or B. W: Baba. Patton; - - lot piece itt pared of land situate in Sylvania horct bound ed north by land p u blic. Bcouton, east liy,Fal Burrltt, sontb by highway leading hum roytollfaultetal, west by said Wnarillcouton. Containingi ot.ativeitic-ofland.-mont errleis. all Imputed with &framed house ;small framed barn sled few fruit trees thereon, Seised and taken in. eitechtion at *basun of •Oeo. 11. - Davison'a nee Ts. Spencer Pawns. f.,- ; ALSO—The tellowiag described lot. piece es parcel of, hUidallaate in. Albany tep. • bounded north by lands of N. A ,Ladd,east by land of J. IL Campbell, south end west by lands in poi. sea, ion 01 - 11. 8: 'Wilcox.. Containing one Ern of land more or bisso llll o l ProveiL. . • Seized and taken execut i on at-the salt of J. 8. Campbell vs. F. N, Wilcox. - - ' ' ALSO—na following described lot'pleei or parcel oadand situate int Wilmot tarp., bound ed north bylands of John Jacoby. east by land of David Elenba, south' by land of John Fo4 and west land oiDiram- Horton. Coto , taWlw4o Ades otlend, - More or leak shoot 20 acres improved with Awe - log' bottles, use log biro. sad a few frolt-treea thorium.- • • - Seized and taken in execuska at the Ault of O. B.BtoirelPs nee vs. - Hannah Fisk. ALSO=-The following described lot: phtim or parcel Of land situate in Canton Ewe., bounded north by land of lane Colwell an N: Venamee, east by land of 8. D. Kendall, south' by the public high,way, and west by lan 1 :of said N. Vernon*, et. al. Doatalning 21. acres of land more or less, all improved • whir one framed house. saw mill and a few fruit trees thereon. Seised and taken In execution, at the suit of Elias Rockwell vs. B. P. BMbop. ALbo—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Smithfield twp., bound ed north by the public, grounds,' east by Mae public highway leading from Smithfield Centre to Burlington, south by land of A Phelps, and 'west by land of N. 'Bullock.. Containing one acre of land, more cr le-a, all improved with a trained tavern house, framed barn and a tow fruit trees thmeon. . Seize:d and taken LI: execution at the snit of L. S. Arnold's use vs.- N. F. Tattle. • ALSO—The lollowiug described lyt, piece or parcel 01 land actaate In Ttiecerora twp., booz ed north by . Wluchester'Cobb, on the east by George A. Maine anal/ohm Potter, on the south ind wee:. by George Waltman. Containing 50 'acres,,mere or less, George-Waltman. 15 ter*. Impruved, more or 'eel a long house and log barn and a tew-fruit trees thereon. • • Seized and taken f t elocution at the snit of- Porter Sr. Nichols vs. Thomas Putter, •—The loliowing described lot piece' r parcel of lend situate in Smithfield tap., boon. ded north by binder of 0. E. HA1T1 . .., east by edam Schell, south by M. S. Dibble, and west by David Soper add Jacob Fletchei. Contain ing fifty -acres, more or less, about' 70 acres im proved,,with a log horse, board shed and a tow milt trees thereon. • • seized and t:ikea iu execution at the salt of Evan Lewis vs. A.G. Camptva & brothers. .ALSO—The following described •lot, pleceior parcel of land situate in north Towanda.twp., 'bounded north by find of C. M. Manville, east by land of David Rutty, south by land of Erne 'line Rutty, and west by land belonging to the estate of John Simons deed: • obtaining 10 acres or land, more orless, all improved.. Seised and taken in- execution at the suit of Codding & Russell vs: Samuel Hawkins. , --Also at the snit of Emeline Rutty vs. Samuel Haw kins, • ALSO—By virtue of sundry writs of Fl. Fu. and Vend. Expo., tbe. - tollowing described lot piece or parcel of land situate' in Orwell and Herrick twos., bounded north by land of Wm. Smith and Widow Light, east by lands of Thos, B.:Smith the eatateot Charles Stevens. dec'd. and Homer Coleman, south by lands of A.R. Brown and Homer Coleman, and west by land of Elisha Heeler and Widow. Light. Contain. log 100• - acres of land, more or less, about 70 acres Improved with a framed, dwelling house, two flamed barns. framed shop and orchard of fruit trees thereon. ALSO—One other lot, Ptece o r- parcel of land situate in said. townships, bounded north by lands, of Eimer Allis and WidOw Light, ticie east by E. N. Heeler and Homer Co roan , south by A. R. Brown -and H. Hitch k's heirs, and west by 31.' Hitchcock ' s hei and' Eleaxer- Attie. Containing .80 acres o land, more or Tess , about '5O acres improved, ith a framed dwelling -house, two framed barns, framed shed and orchard of fruit trees ereon. Seized and taken in execution at the , salt of Geo. C. Atwood'S' use vs. E. N. Heeler and Eliaba Reeler. Also at : the suit of George C. Atwood's use vs. Ea, U. Reeler. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or par cel if land situate in Canton bore , boned. ed north, south and west by lands of Wm. S. Bilker, and east by lands belonging to the heirs of 3.11. Rose's estate. Containing. 4 acres of land, more or less all improved. with a famed house and few fruit trees thereon.- , _ Seized and taken in execution at the suit of J. E. BeHoek ea. William Brew. • ' ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Bidgburystwp bound ed north by land of Sturges Spires, east by George Peterson, south by the Vi ebb estate arid Jasper Roberts, and west by George• Burnham. 01 ['tabling -45 acres of land, more or less, about 38 acres improred..with a framed house, log barn and an orchard of unlit trees thereon. Seised andlaken In execution at the suit Of J. C. Robinson' use vs. .William Rolfe and Nelson Peterson. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Rome twp.;bounded follows: Beginning at a stake and stones, the north-welt corner of 'Dennis Rockwell's land, thence north 24° west 96 pie., to the line of Beeman estate, thence by said - Beeman line north 874° east 196 pre. to the line of Francis Dimmock, thence along said line and. line of N Russell, south 24° east .96 rs., to the north. east corner of said Rocksiell's land, thence be am north line of the same southo74° west 136 pre., to the place of beginning. Containirg . 76 acres of land, more or leas, about 40 acres proved with a framed : ones anti barn there.:n. . AL' 4 O—One other lot, piece or parcel of baud situate in Rome twp. bounded north by lands ; of the estate of N. &email', east. by laud in possession of C. L. Parka. south by John Rue. sell and Wm. McCabe, and wee by John Rus sell. Containing about 60 acresonore or less about 50 acres improved, with a framed house, 2 framed barns, corn house and orchard of fru'? trees thereon. ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate in P.orne tap., desctibed as follows : Beginning, at a corner of a lot - .conveyed t.. Mathew Thomas F. Hill, In the Beath line of a lot conveyed to Joseph Seeley, thence along the said south line west 31 1-10 ors; to a corner of land conveyed to Smith Lent, thence along the east line of said last mentioned lot and east line of a lot conveyed to John- Pass mote south 90 5.10 prs., thence along the north line of a lot conveyed to N. D. Beeman, east 31 1-11 prs., and thence along the west line of *aid lot conveyed to Mathew B. h Thonias F. Hill, north 90 5.10 pls. to the place of begin ning. Containing 19 acres and 94 perches of land, more or less. Lac An d taken in execution at the salt of Lim James vs. Smith Lent. A —By virtue of a writ of Vend. Expo., the following described lot, piece or parcel of land 'sitnate in Leßoy twp., Beginning at a hem lock On the bank of gull brook. (so called) thence north 61° east-a 9 pre. to a post in the aide of• the public highway leading from Leßoy to; Taylor Huddle (so called) in Granville tsp.' thence north 20° fait 116 prs to a post, tnence north 10° west 20 pre. to a post. thence north 28 pls. to &post, thence south.Bl°eat, 12 tole hemlock on the' bank. of said .w gulf brook,' tlitlice Amen the said brook the several courses thereof to the pace 'beginning. - Containing . SO acres more-or less, about 20 acres improved With It framed house and few ftnittrees thereon. I Bedied and taken in execution at the suit of, H; N, Williams' use. vs. Nedeblah Smith. 'ALSO--The following described lot, piece or putter Of land situate In Albany. twp., bound. e 1 north and east. by lands of J. & Campbell. ot( the soittiby land of Joseph Campbell and west by the Berwick' Turnpike; C•entaist op au acre more or lees improved, wi a l ig i framed house partly ell, and a few fruit' trees thereon. j i Seized abdtaken in execnt on at the suit of . B. Campbell Ts. D. W. Harshberger. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land 'Beate% Tuscarora twp., boun ded' -north by .45 Arauarons east by . • Elias & George Solot iron, south by John and Joseph Nelltbs, and 41t Peter Neighl.— Containing abocit 80 wee,. be •the same more or leas, about 26 acres improved, with. a framed house,.aaw, slab stable- and's- few , fruit betted and taken in mention. at the snit of D. 1,. Thompfoll'i use vs. Jacob Bought: • Ails at the suit of D. L.Thompson'a sae vs. John Bought 2d. • • WILLIAM GRIFFIS, Sheriff. -,Oherilre Office, Aug: 13;1888. II IPAN NING &HARNESS MAKING .T . be undersigned Wm day tom* a o • • • • — . 2 _hip be Mown as th e arm otlik• OE6_4 ryt.tza, ke the purpose of c =ring on the above _business: :Harness . making end repairlocdone to order and all work warranted: " 1111.1"" it!l. hide - ll. ' 'wns FULLED f. 1 EDGAR IL FULLED, # - iimptovniJaa-: o 18,'1868. 7, ; VIRVOLAILATION.—WherOttIfini .6. - :opus a; mums% Presidipai Jadpi 'et the 12th Judith ! District , corielsMg of Tai :ceicusties of " Bradford sad • fluartiehmo• iii lifearaest P. Milord - mud it liritoDyke t Ass agate Judges, hi and ter said - ,CQuzIY. _or Bridfor,tl • hoe busied their precept bowleg me Abe Ualy.4l Atiguit/E. D. 1808,10 me directed ;for •Voldkig &Court of Oyer sad Tionlitter. Oen ,eral Quer ter ilsasioas of the Pend... Common , Pteis Oiphan's Court, at Towanda, for thm iCounty of Bradford ; Monday, the 7t h day of September next; to coatis' two week*: Coro 'oW4Sostksts of the Paw, and coluitaiges, of the County of Bradford, that they be then and theta fa shift proper .persop,}llo o'clock in ;the forenoon of said day, with their rCCaido; qaisitions and oilier sarennlirences, to do those ;thy which to their, office appertain* to be 'damp ;"and those who are bound by mewl:olio or otherwise to prosecute • against the prisoners who ater Or nisi be in the And asid County. or whe'shall be bound to appear at, the said Court, ere 'to be then and there to prosecute ega , nat them as shall be just. •Jilsora are requestedlo be rein& their atteadadee, agoxably to ;the pitted at Towanda, the 6th etnyof Antist. In the • year'ot ear Ltird,.one thowanit eightbundrioi and 'l:4r-eight, And of the Independence of the United litr t he ami ninetY4lnt: GRIFFIS, Sheriff, lISGISTERI3 NOTIbE-:—.Nititice is 4.1,i hereby. given,that there has bets dled and settled in the °Mee of the Register of WUla fa and for the -County of Bradford, accounted Ad ministration opon the following estates.. viz I • ,Final lot John Chamberlain adm'r:-of Joel Stafford; late of Wydasing, deed. Final . acc't of John Sterigere, miner of the aide of Peter Stalgerw,late of Albany deed. Pint aset :of Leman Putnam and Beni, S. *alley adm'ts of Charles Drake s late of Gran "pie, dec'd; Phial took of AndreitTnice aid A: D. Peas adm're of A: C. Cianmfr,late of Leto deed. Miles Prince ex'r of Sophia C. de fate of Windham deed. • - • &col of l i. P.. - Stafford, 'r of Nathan -Stafford, late of Wyalusing, deed. Viral ace% of. 0. T. Groaner, Adler of P. S. Berton, late of Wysox, deed. - • • Flail ace% ot Z. IL Merrill adm'r of Ash* Sherman, late of Litchfield, dec'd.• Final of Peter VromaniJohn Bixby and William G. Bradford ex'm of John Bixby, late of Syliania bore' deed. • • Final emit, of Willi sm Delpench adm'r DaniefJ.Morton. lite of Shaba:min, deo'd. Final acc't of Kilean Packard guardian of A. C. Staidennt.: • . -Final sew% of Henry Gibbs, gnardian of Par thena B. Barnes. • • And the same will be . resented to - the Or phan's Cenrt'of Bradford County, on Thursday the 10th day of September next for wan:na b:ft and allowance. H. J. MADILL, I Ang..13,1868. a Register. • TN BANKRtribra.=-Ia the matter of Morino E. l Benjamin, Bankrapt. In the District Court of the United States, for the •Western District of Pennsylvania ' . T* whom it may Cfmenn; The undersigned hereby gives notice, of his appointment u as signee of ALONZO'S. BENJAMIN, of Asylum twp.. the county of Bradford,- and State of P nusylvanis, within se'd Distr,ct, who has n adjudged a Bankrupt upon Lis min'pelf by the District Court. of said District. • ,BANKRUPTCY. - -In the matter ,)t Andrew B. Eckert Bankrupt. In the Dht, trldt Court of 'the United States for the Western •Dia riot of Pennsylvania. o wboai it may concern 3 The undersigned befeby4ives notice bf his appointment as As signee of Andrew B. Eckert, of Troy twp., in the county of Bradford and &ate of Pennsyl vania. within.eatd District, who. has been ad judged a Bankrupt upon hls own petition by the District. Court of said 'District. .1; Mated Towani a. the 13th day of Auto! t A.- D. 1363. JOHN 31.'111X, Assignee. VTHE DISTRICT COURT OF HEE UNITED STATES, far the-West ern District of Pennsylvania. JOHN H. SCOVELL, a Bankrupt under Act Congress .9tMarch 2d, 1867, baying applied for a Dia chargerfro'm all his debts, and other claims provable under said Act, By, order of the Court, Notice is hereby given, to all Credi tors who have proved their debts, and other persons interested, to appear on the 22d day of AUGUST, 1868, at 0 o'clock, a. tn., before E. OVERTON, Jr., Register,- at his office, at Towanda, to show cause, if any they have, why a Discharge should not be granted to the said Bankrupt. And further, notice is hereby given, that the Second and Third Meetings . of • Creditors of the said Bankrupt, required by the 27th and 28th Sections of said Act, will be had before the said Register, at the same time and place. S. C. McCANDLESS. Clerk 11. S. Dist. Court for said District "Augusf6, 1868.-2 w. TNCORPORATION, NOTICES. 1. Application for Incorporation or Ihn,Tnaca rots and Rash IteligiousCcmpact.- APplication for the Incorporation of the First- Methodist Episcopal Church of New Al, .bany. -, Applicat , on for the Incorporation of the Presbyterian Church of Itsrelay. - Notice is hereby given that the above Asso ciations hive severally presented to the Court of Common Pleas ot' Bradford County their sr tielca-cirAiSociation asking for a - decree of In corporation: aeid,tbe •aid Court having exam ined the some, and finding them co , reet will decree that they be incorporated as prayed for .on Monday, September 7, 1868, at 2 p. m., un less cause ba shown to the contrary. W . A. THOMAS, Prothonotary. -Froth mot ary's Office, Ang 1868. IN THE DISTRICT', COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, for the Wes tern District of Pennsylvania. GEORGE I'HOMPSON, a Bankrupt under the Act Of Ctlngreirs of March 2d, 1867, having applied for a discharge from all his debts, and other claims provable under said Act, by order of the Court, notice is here'4.. giv en, to all Persons who have proved their debts, and other persons interested. to ap pear on the 2lst day of AUGUST, 1868, at 9 o'clock, before EDWARD OVER TON Jn., Register at his Office in Towan da, Pa,,-to show cause; if any they have, 'why a discharge should not be granted to the.sapi Bankrupt.. And further, notice is hereby Elven that - the Second and Third Meetings of breditors of the said Bankrupt required by the 97th and 28th Sections of said Act, will be had before the said Regis, ter, at the Barite time and place. S. C. MCCANDLESS, Clerk of said Court. Ts THE DISTRICT COURT 3OF TEE UNITED STATES, for ther_Wes.' tern District of Pennsylvania. JOSHUA DELMAR. a Bankrupt tinder the Act of Con greed of March 2d, 1867, having applied for a Discharge from ,all - his debts, and other cluimd provable under said Act, By order of the Court,. notice is hereby given, to all creditors who.have proved their debts, and other pers'ons interested, to appear on the 20th day of AUGUST, 1888, at 9 o'clock, a. ,m., before EDWARD OVERTON, Jr., Es q., Register in Bankruptcy, at hid;office at ToWanda,to show canse,if any they have, why_a Discharge should not be granted to . the said Bankrupt. And farther, flntice is hereby given, that the Second and Third Meetings of Creditors of the said Bankrapt, required by the 27th and , 28th Sections of said Act, will be had before the said Regis ter,, at the same time'and place. S. G. 31oCANDLESS, Clerk 11. S. Dish Court for said Cistricf. July 30, 1868.-2 w. . TN THE DISTRICT comer OF IN THE UNITED STATES, fOr the West ern District of Pennsylvania. JASPER J. SEYMOUR, ti Bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March 2d, 1867. having applied for a discharge from all hisdebts, and other elaims provable under said Act, By order of the Court,notice is hereby given to all Credi tors Who have proved their debts, and other persons interested, to appear on the 14th day of AUGUST, 1068; at 9 o'clock, a. in before said Court, at the office of EDWARD . OVERTON, Jr., Esq., Register at Towan da, PS., to *show,cause, if any they have; why a Discharge , should not be granted to the said Bankrupt. And • further, notice is hereby given, that the Second and Third Meet's of Creditors of the said Bankrupt, ,required by the 27th •and 28th Sections of said Act, will be had before said Register, at the same time and place. • t S. Q. McCANDITSS, • Chirk U. S. Dist. Court for said District. July 30, 1868.-2 w. 1 N BANKRUPTCY:—In the matter of George E. Humrey, Bankrupt. In the District Court of the United States, for the Wes. tern District of Pennsylvania. To whom it may Concern: The :underkigned hereby gives notice of bis appontment as aa algae° of • Ge0..8. Humphrey, of South Creek, in the county of Bradford, and State of Penn sylvania, within said Dlistrict. who has been ad judged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of Said District. Dated at Towanda, the 4th day of August, A. D. 1868. JOHN-.N. CALIFF, Assignee. je tia t .Dated at. Towanda, Pa., the 13th day- of An net; A . D. 1868. ,lOHN W. kis, Areignee., Aug.. 6, 1668 TN BANKRUPTCY - the matter of NILSON C. MARTIN Bankrupt. In the 'Dietifct Court of the United, States, for the Western District of Pennsylvania . ' To whom >l may Cosa, n:- . The undersigned hereby given notice of his.appointment as as algae° or iszteox'c. Nunn, of Tunkbannock In the county of Wyouting,4nd State of Penn= sylirania within sa id District, who has been ad judged a Bankrupt upow his own petition by the Makict Court o4said District.. - • • Dated at Tunkhannoek. the ith day of August D. 184..8. JOHN. N. CALIFF, Afalgnee: THE HIGHEST CASH- PRICE pad for Batter sad Rai. at, . • xacABE b itrrs. tigai" ~ _ IN . THE DIEU= • COURT- OP the United States. - for - ilsi Western District .of, Peansylvanis William L. Badmen. a Best , /W. b ade/ the. Act of Coo nOl Much 2d., 1.887, having applied for. a Erma la his debts. an 4 other claims prombib ander said Act, by order- of the , Court. notice is busby Oren, tc all creditors who have _prated their debts, and °lbw persons_ intemsted. to appal/ on , the. Mb day of AUGUST,IBIB, at o'- clock, a. En., before said Court, at tlie office of, EDWARD OVERTON, Esq, sk Tdwasfid. PILE to show same, -U any tber,liste. why Dial chstgesimula not be granted to thd AddtankTe rapt.. And /deka ' notice is hereby -eren c _ that the second and Tbird_lfeetlap Viral, tors of the Mid Bankrupt, required by the TM std.:Bth Sections of said Act, will be bad be fore said Register, a_tt Um! Mare. McCAND Malt U. 8. MA. C4.,art for said Distristf. AsgtiM d, 1889. - IN fiANKRUPTOY. 7 4n the matter. of JAMUL B. FELLOWS. Ban kropt. In ths District ,Court of .fhe United States, for the Western District of Feunsylvuts. ie Wooer it may Concerh: p dtami nndersilintd. .his s t hereby gives notice of u ii. signer of James B. Fellows , lh‘f/kmougir, in the county of Bradford, and State of Penn sylvania. within said District,. who has been adindged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said Manict. Dated at-Troy. Pa., the 25th:dat of July, h. D. 1888. - DELOS ROCKWELL, Leaven. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—Is the,. inat ter if the eititti of :inept Elliott, deed. . In the Orphan's Court of Bradford County. . The and= !ivied as auditor, appointed by said court to dispose 01 , exceptSons to , the sp praisement of,property set *put to the widow in the above awe, will attend to the duties of his ippointment -at his odic* la ;the borough of Towanda, on MONDAY, the 17th day of AUGUST, 1868, at • 1 o'clock p.• in., where all persons Interesed will please attend. B. M. PECK, Jctly ' ;Auditor. A lIDITOR'SNOTIC9I--=-/n the .ass match' of the estate of Maus Case, dec'd. late of Troy ti, In the- Orphan's Court of Bradtoid County. . - The andelligned &altos , appointed by dd Court upon exceptions flies to•tbe partial AC count of the executors of said estate, will at% tend to the duties of his appointment, at his °face; hi the Borough of Towanda, on blonds!. the 24th day of August, 1103 8 , at 2 o'eloclt. p.m. July 1,2,1863. /I. PEE?, Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE,-The under signed, having been appointed an Auditor pq the Court of Common Picas of Bradford Co. _ . to distribute money arising from the Sherill 'a sale of the personal property of Smith Lent,wi. I attend to the dutlesof said appointment, at his office In the'Borotigh of Towanda, on Friday,the 21st day of August, 1368, at 2 p, m., of said day —at which time and place all persons having claims Mmaid money are required to present the eulne,vr be dpbizred from coming la-upon sald:money. . Joky 21, 1884., H. PEEI', Auditor. ADMINISTRATOR'S Notice is hereby given to all persons in debted to, the, estate of Mary Arnont, ;kite of Monroe twp., deo'd., are requested to mike immediate payment, -and those having claims against said estate, must pm.teet them duly authenticated for settlement, July 21,113G8 ATDITOR'S. NOTICE.--4-rn the mat ar of the. estate of Stephen Fellondeteased The undersigned, an Auditor :aPpointed 1 9 the Court to distribute moneys id the hinds of 1.;, T. Fox, admiaLstrator of Stephen 1 7 etym. deceased, es shown by. his partial account, wal attend to the duties of hit appointment at his office in Towanda Borough, WED-YIinDAF, the 19th day of, 18G8. at 1 o'clock, p. m, all persor.s having clams against Said funds must then and there presmt the game or be for. ever debarred from-coming in for a share of said fonds. • - JOHN W. MIX. Jnly 14,1828. Auditor EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notics is hereby given that all persons indebted to the estate otSamuel Hartshorne, dee'd., late of Windham twp.. are requested to make payment' without delay, and those having _claims against said - .state moat present them duly aathentlea- I ted km settlement. • SILENCE B. HARTSHORNE, GEORGE LAW,RMCE_, June 25 .Is4N.• EVuntora. teat estate. VALUABLE DAIRY FARM AND, TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE.-3' acres of Lind InVnion Xowastirp, Tinga county. Ps.. known there as tile "Ellis or Elk Valley, Farm.' Within 4 miles of Cmton, and 3 miles of the Williamsport and Elmira Bail Road, at which is a large steam saw mill. 169 acres Improved. gohd ;buildings, .well watered: Balance has over g even milll,ne of hemlock and hard wood uporolt.. Will be sold In parts or entire to slit. purchasers. Price 59.000 if sold entire ;In parts, the piece west,or back of B. W. Wright, containing Pa - acres; at $2O an acre. That south of S. W. - Wright, including old orchard and spring -now Canton - road; e,ontitini 73 ems at $3.1, an acre. Ttie piece including buildings, water power, Ace, 102 acres, at ;$35 an acre.. r . The lot adjoining Joseph Wilber; containing 63 acres, $25 an acre. All the Pars well watered t Terms eau . . For particulars enquire of the owner. • - B. MORRIS ELLIS„ near Hogherrille,Lycoming, Co. PIS. • July 2, 19M.-4t. DEAL ESTATE.--A j gag*? Bin oarv.—Aboutt 450 Saes of land La ilne state of cultivation—so divide ' by pads thAt four good Eructs can be made out of it without waste—good and eutrstantitl.hons4es and turas on two of the divisions. Also 38 cows, yoke of oxen. span of horses and wagbn farmlig; Im pPlements too numerous to mientkm,iltriate in Shesliequin township, 10 miles from Towanda. and about 3 miles from the river. Will tie 'o ld at' ow rates on easy toms. . Wilt ono, two, three or four gentlemen ho want good farms, all in running order. Fall-up on JA.‘i ES WOOD, at Towanda, co' DOUGLAS DAVIDSUN. opdn his farm, for foxther tutor mat ion. .TAKES WOOD, DOUGLASS DAVIDSOY, Towanda, _ July 13, 1868. • - _ CHEAP FARMS FOR SALE.- A. farm within one mile al Towanda, con taining about 12 _aortic. new house and barn, the farm is imitable for raising early vegetatibm. Will he void chesp. • Alse 25 acres of flue farm ing land, with first class buildings, sibute-bi Canton Borough, property of Prof. Baker. For terms enquire of Pref. -Baker, Canton, or H. B. iIcHEAN Towanda. Paxtles wlihing to par; chase farms. wilt find - It to their advantage by:, calling on H. B. MeHEAN, and look at the large number of fume, bowies and lota he has - for sale. - • July 16.18e8-31.. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE: Situated la Towanda township, within half a mile of the -village of Towanda. Co;. taking about 20f( acres, aliOnt 100 acres (=- proved. with plenty of wood aui r joacilg aerials; Well watered. comtbrtable oatballdlir.;t and well adapted for eithir grain or grazlit4. For particulars Inquire of JAY CFI SeEE, Towanda, Pa., or L. CIIAAREE... West. Frank lin, Pa. May 28, ISnd.—tf. VALUABLE FARM': FOR SALE. . _:-'itaatt.d In Roma townshiti Volt one andn-half mile 4 east of Rome • 139,rough, con taining 90 acre:fiat:out 7} arrea improved, well watered, with' dwelling home, outbuildings, wood bearing and young orchard thereon.— Terms reasonihlo, and time given fur a portion of the purchase money. For farther particu lars ingnirs on the plemises of - • E. N. TOWNER. —3 ttc Rome. May 12. 18a9 --- T VALUABLE FARSI FOR SALE.- TA !arm of one - hundred and fifty. acres. within six m:les of Towanda, and one mile from the river is offered for sale on favorable term's. One hundred acres are cleared and in a high state of cultivittidn, wits good fences and most excellent buildings.' The - house Is a well -- bbilt dwelling with very convenient oat-build ings consisting of stammer kitchen and atore roonl, woodhouse, and the yard well filled with evergreen and other trees. The barn is a large bank barn 36z68 feet with a good shad attached a: horse barn - adjotning with stalls for six horses a bffre corn house near by and a tenant house on the property. The farm has anUastem and southern exposure end Gilded for sale solely on account of the lit health of the owner. For !nether particulars and terms, which are highly favorable, application may bo made to Towanda B. 8. BUS3ELL,' , Feb. 20,1868. s • SINGER SEWING MACHINE The superior merits of the' A INGEE" ;each keit over all others, for either Family nSer Or Manufacturing printouts, are so well established d'eo generally admitted, that an enumeration of their relative excellencies is no longer could ered necessary. • TLE LETTER " A,” - FAMILY MACIII#E,. • . • : hitherto ma:lntuit:mid by this Company, gained ar.d mrintained. the world over. and for years past, an nriptralieled reputation and sale. But notwithstanding the excellence of this Ma chine. we have now to announce that Ithas been supciseded by our NEW FAMILY 11AEHDIE, which bas been over two years in preparation, and which has been branght to perfestkm re gardless or TIXS. LABOR- or szeTitio, and which is now confidently presented the public:As in comparably the but Sewing MiCe.hine in Exist ence. The Machine In question, la Simple, Compact, Durable and Beautiful: It Is quiet, light-run ning, and capable of ,performlng a range and variety of work never beforwattempted upon a aing!e Machine, using either Silk. Twist, Linen or Cotten Threads, and sewing with equal radii- Sty the very finest end coarsest underlain. - and _anything between the. two .aittemes, la , the meet beautiful and sedartanVar manner. Its attachments for Fleming, Braiding, etc:, axe novel and pacticatand We been htvented and adjusted espeCially_tor %hut Mwabine. above machine can be bad of WICERAM it RUCK, Agents. • Pull instructions given at oar Bawls Meath's Depot. An Szambaation la raapaatbl Invited. TowandaZJuly 23,1868.-3 m II i ISAAC ROBBLIS, Almlntatrator