Nana from , a 4. Nations: *ere never ilct maaf in k sane "at,the itardsburg (PO 11 940 61 u now, and they continue to =is litho We of one a day. —A party of illicit -distillers in East Tenaeme oeseght a United Stabs id dier the other day and hung dim. —The New Orleangi - 3r itepubikrps prints a huge carpet-beg a' .the . head of rte commas. It is not afraid a this term —The farmers in Montana are yoking buffalo calves, eith the expectation of training them to do the atpric of oxen. • —The harvest in Morocco in a• fail ure and the people are dying of banger, The situation is awn worse that - of Algeria: -The discovery of a new rifle ball, “warranted to pierce through an deism" at present kxiown," is announced in Paris. -4t is reported that an alarming deficit will be 'shown in the Post Offoe pertinent, for the `fiscal year which ended Jima' 30th, no less than $8,000,000.'„ Then figures are startling. Jay Gould wai, on 'Thurs day, elected President of the Erie Railway Company, in place of John B. Eldridge, re signed. —The Miller patent for making paper from wood bas been extended • seven years. —ix Governor , Co; of Ohio, still refines mes to ri ... lcthe office of conunladoner of intemsi revenue. --The owner of the Granite Mills, at Baltimore, says his lass by the flood is $250,000. —A gold fish measuring 13 inches in length and 7 in breadth vas recently caught in the Schuylkill near Phoenixville. —A sevv2 years old-boy a Bel lows Falls, Vt„ fell into a well.:rad was rescue& after being seventeen minutes in the water. , „ „ —Chas. E. Breker„keeper, of a Zoological Garden, Philadelphia, Was, on Tuesday last, bitten by one of his rattle snakes and died in 30 minutes notwithstan ding the application of remedies. —Mr. Johnson Gillam, Jr., was murdered in Shrewsbury, Vt.. on Saturday list. Murders are very rare in Vermont, and they do. not bang people there. —Hettric Schafer, a German, has been arrested at Patterson, ' New York, charged with the murder of hiS master and mistress, and tsto children, in Hope Dorm _stadt, while in their employ. —The loComotive,.Augusta, explo ded at Georgetoin, destroying the engine house and mortally:wounding a manat work in an adjoining field.. —General Howard, of the Freed men's Bureau, addrelaed a large meeting at Richmond, on the 4th instant —Judge William Dock, a promi-. merit and much respected citizen of Itarris! burg, died on Tuesday evening. --Wendell Philips wants legisla tive bOdies made larger in order to prevent corruption. We thiiik he 121 right. —Mrs. Elizabeth Garman, of New York, went to sleep in a bed close to i sec ' and story window. She rolled over, rolled out and was - badly hurt. —The Atlantic-cable, of 1866, has ceased to work, It is eupposed' to have been injured by an iceberg near-Newfound land, —lt is estimated that $4,000,000 worth of lumber has been consumed by Are in the Canada forests this season. —One of the teachers in Lowell, Man.. has been over thirty years in the ser vice, and another twenty-six. • --Daring the storm in Chicago on Thursday last, three persons in different parts of the city were killed by lightning.— Several buildings were struck, —The Senate of Georgia sit in se cret session and no reporter") are admitted, neither is a member snowed to divulge the • business of the body I --Efforts have been renewed to ruse the British sloop-of-war Hu"sar,which sank in Long Island Bound in November, 1780, with 900,000 guineas and 80 American prisoners on board. —There is a very ill feeling be tween the people and the - police of Atlanta, The people are rebel, the police Union. --The tl,egislature of Georgia de feated a resolution to authorize the commit tees to employ female clerks. —The National Temperance Con vention wised strong resolutions bi favor , of entire prohibition of the liquor traffic. —The steamer Virginiia Clyde, bitilt ass blockade runner, captured daring the war, has been sold for $lO,OOO. --The President has officially pro claimed the ratification of the treaty between this country and Frusta' ,relating to citizen ship. —The Republican National Execu- tive Committee, and 'Republican ,Central Committee are in session at the Fifth Ave nue Hotel. —Two and a•half million of acres more of corn this year, than last, have been planted in, the rebel States, and the condi tion is generally good. - turns out over an aver age crop, except in Vermont, Connecticut, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi,. Florida, Texas and Nebraska. —Texas has 33 per cent more of cotton acreage this year than last. The other cotton states fell behind last year. —A destructive fire visited Oil City on• rriday, destroying both aides of Main street from the post dmce to the Na tional hotel Two hotels were destroyed. Damage 1150,000. —The residence, barns, a valuable horse, twenty tons of hay, farming utensils, etc., of A. L. Wait, were burned at Lowell, Maas., on the 3d - inst. Loss $150,000 ; in sured. . —The woolen and cotton manufac tory of Brown t Bons, Philadelphia~ was almost entirely destroyed by Bra Tuesday morning. ,The logs will probably eland $lOO,OOO. Insured $40,000. —A dwelling house on Walnut street, Ettstheater, owned and pot:spied by a man stained Thomas Hammond, • was . de stroyed by tire Monday night, and a *in of Mr. Hammond, aged nix years, perished in the limes. —Mary Wetmore, of Frankfort, Herkimer county, N. Y., was shot on the canal boat C. B. Daniels, at Buffalo, on Wednesday evening by her husband, Mil ford B. Wetmore, from whom she had ap plied for a divas*. Mr. Wettnorelms been committed for trial far an aasault with intent to kill. The woman will probably recover. General Grant has recommended the remission of the remainder of the sen tences and the relies* from imprimonment of all persons now in orminement under sentemeret militartemendasimmimened under the reemstreetion seta of Googlies is the State in which said acts have oemal :to be operative. Room:num Ohicirto, and says be dkinishas his hands otitis DID. magic Oonvention:" Vanilla IC Towanda, ThpradlY, A National Mlnadbu TOR MEDI= GEN. ULYSSES B.` l i JOE VICE PRESIDENT . HON, saluyuat COLFAX • ft r: Republitu State Ticket. :Ica !TAlnf i tt , 001541040 Col: Jamb ill. tiiiipb4 r ot:***4 16; imams opuorl.. Anoutum, m'• Hon: THADDEUS Stamm died 44 residence - on - (lapitol. tor 4 Tuesday • evening At - 12,044. The telegram announcing his demise says that he passed away quietly and calmly, as tho ugh ugh falling ssIPSi ) The deatti of Mr,, thong for some, leie itipecifitt the -country- with profound grief. He' has occupied a prdminent position, and by his ability - And fearlessness has commanded - the ''reePect,'_,oT fll parties.' His views on the ',bond question has raised up cconitlerehle opposition to him in ,Lancastei cman ty, but he would unquestionably have been returned Obsp'eSs• death, the Radical 'party Irisc's„en able and ; eloquent advocate:, EIEY/WITILIS LKITTZIt OF ARCM. StYmeer"o: •letter . .eeeePtini, the nomination of the , DemOcratic 'Na tional Convention 'for President 'of the Unite States has at length been' made public, "afirdomPletelY',dierip: points the expectations of alk who may have thought him . more moderate, than Blair. The current siippellitlen. has been that the letter Witi . dpaiPid on the indisposition of 14 Sexth04 to!. fall in with the ultra views .ot, the revolutionists ; but no`er- heaays that he delayed a formal treceptinCe:slntil the adjournment of Congrese c ,:"fei. the purpoie of seeing . What light the action of Congress would throw upon the interests of the country." Trans , lated into plain English,, this means that he' held on 'to see hoiv capital.he could manage ti ware by artfully misrepresenting the • action , of Congress. Accordinkly Irechargell' Congress with allying "itself - With the military 'power . which is tcf,htiar" directly upon elections intnany Sta. tea." Where is the evidence of this ? By the terms of the recobstrtictitm laws, enacted over the Pregdept's veto, all the. States referred to bave. been formally relieved of military rule. The orders have been publish ed ; and Seymour has ,chorseir to.ig nore them together. ' The military force stationed in the south is,very small. General Meade's order' showed how ridiculously small it harm any purpose of interference with elections. The commanders are everywhere in the teconsttucted States expressly charged to refrain from all further interference with the civil autoritie& I Congress enacted no laws impairing this arrangement. - Seymour irrthere fore guilty of tlie grossest and moat deliberate falsification. With the restoration of civil rule the power of General Grant under the teconstric tion laws ceases, -and the President and Secretary of War wield the con trol of the forces. In view of the dangerous and rev olutionary schemes of Blair and'An drew Johnson, Congress was com pelled to take a recess instead of ad journing until December, and this Seymour calls holding "in perpetual eession, with avowed purpose of ma king laws as it shall see fit in view of the elections soon to take place," when Congress is not in session at all, and 'the avowed purpOse is not to hold a session, andinot to pass any laws, unless the events of the thnesimpar atively demand action. Seymour artfully states one side of the alter-' native in a garbled form, and omits the other. He adds,"Never before has Congress taken so menacing an atti tude towards electors." 'We have, just shown how peaceful is the,atti-, tude. We have disproied the alleged Connection with the millitary, and exhibited the fact .thattVongrees is not in session, and doeti 'not propose to be,unless to prevent, tev.oltiticeniry. violence. Where, then is the then ace ? There can be wine except to revolutionists, and , Seymour's latter viewing it as a menace .places 'lifui clearly, In the ranks of the plotperti of 1 violent usurpation: I Seymour's references to the PiopOt ed choice of electors fOr Piesbienthy the southern State Legislatiges • not a word as to the cause.thatinda• ces it, but attempts to saddle all upon Congress.' He says disfinctly -that this is done tinder the infinity% of COngress, when in fact&Mgresis carefully refrained from ,taking any action on the subject. - -He Argots that the example for this 'thing 'Wan set by Democratic' Smith cirollia, and that - but for reconstruction the rebels there would still be acting under laws•requiring this sortofelec ie very impressive 'over its present'proposition, which he wins / the first bold step to destroyfile,rigid, of suffrage. Yet the ; Republicans *ve done more in their short eager to extend and fortify the 'right . or suffrage than the, Demi:K*l4e PairtY did in the whole of its long, history. He, a candidate of a party neekingto disfranchise n whole remold to degrade theM by Memel of appteelive black codes, invokes the.wrrith'ef the people' against the : RePnblieane„on the• ground ortiok`Eieektiig to itiitroy the right of suffrage , Titpirrminoth ing in iiiii , letter L atiOnt therreign of terror estAblished by the rebel! in mint' purls of the month' to prevent the Republicans front voting for ihefr our country) tre--nra-65 lie *Was irialt his, own letter. But be was anticipated_ArAant. Om he. wrote "Let us have pease," and after vain efforts by the Demoor4o press deeptid4r adirlimblW.tornsipPkbtiriate tteilentirieltittibilliill*.'-`i'Av,/ ' * **b r owijoii r oweg i die, way, of its ,*liftnilv**l4ll') Mantis civilmirlobreiltup and thillepenittioteld firliteilptierto * 162 ' 4 4 .1 i 4 t,c0:510i r."0:* * L ' l 't ti ' ll444 " ' _ .41 1 a- . 1441500 4 ; great i isietesta of , ,tawkoounirOemaad peace and'orler. , !: lialiblumariabori' in Ns letter to iceejii'Veice 1 *lthlbit ' P r atiY;*alCo , ll o4l - / .I ?.: * * that he inasiiii peace n iPhiliii4)44, Tense. Or is 131air!a .warritimick-, isn i Ileteieen; the , twiietlitse 'bits dtbeeg rie'd-Viri64l,4#al*ilo44l Fl* o3 .li'i4 4.1h404-0 , Tay to.fght.agek 4t..q .140t4 i talk abodt peace and Att Ow Banal time td ' .'-' , O! ?.'"- 1 - ii . ' The 'ileniiiiksjitiff4eitiii‘ *lli,* re4lvilkq4,iliet g",c't 44,04Frf.ii lengthenedlbyi ReptiblicauOlicy. la Phrasedhat' .reads •• oddlyijlaed cow l.raeted With &CH fact" that ilbe:dely legielitliO. 9 : 1 b... 4 ., kii: ', o° . c i .' l o,li*. ; l the 4. 13 0i11'0Ft 1 94., .WO - re tc+49ls l Nrr: peimoni..complains vof , *lt ~Iszes,, althongh l =l",..l. l ffellv shoepedi'llint Congiess ,hatinsde: a irldctitid:of 94 h0P! 14 4,4 11 ti*ii:^o7o,)4 l llca"Ka r tf , dcliefiXPiiiell7o o oheke. piiPoOtArn He mates 'the. twee= ofthe.-tOntb , - ern4vbels ,, s , ifeison , *A4'106 , 410 elected'*iireSedt4ivie t afthe i tedeif= 80oatoidligtee , iiho*ii4iSit iVitit: 2 ted to, ,Congress. , ,, fiesculdgiumOhe, rebel : ohiebr Agit , hiwlibidi4 w wbeli- D imibeis.of theM!'ittli*OPM: ll X - 4 1 reaq 6 i, ii* a ne°'77o l o de ol l . i4 l l ol /tlol ' . of the booPiroOlackilves , : ,' ~ hi o ~Taken: altogether, ;this • tter fairly 1 illastsatesi the ditto!, .ad rnpolinte and dangerous Charadro thle:Oelt deniageine. Ne i more re teas leAlt: er than.:Seyrulanr, , could hava L heen selected :His : . plausible ,1 language invariably Conceals. the 'dry worst , pnrposee, and' ought , to," care :for ' him 4. o . l oatlilog 1 141 .:F5144 1 ,01 a every loyal heart in the republic: ~,. , r. , ;;fl IDOLUgale ..• pi Oar' .SOutherfr friendobsevtivi been tuna bi Unit furmittaipisa 13#darl anoe by „ the•horrorn Own-Wide Hanspnia l proposes, if ''oeloted Blair end Beymoni,, that'the,inbite shall combine and not givithetienslthaeeinL' ployment or food. TUN of D , ,;, Like frog , ,§Cl , iwur.... 44 PAPY grows more bo Miged lig it flows ' 4 . 1 - It is new ,luting to wall to thejlize of s boil; ; as did the frog in the fable. i But ; it -oak swell , " did that taia naniti.**lt burets; without being able 'to assume the deltirek. • magnitude. -The Demoerstio perre sre trontw led abont ' Oen. Grant's etieeklies: ' Font Despieelii's*l„ Pembeikon at Vialbarg ; and' rebels' 'lO/151#11jr been itmely tronbledloY then; aver since began tomate speeches. ' • The Alkany JounOf well sale, " 14 hall Frank Blair .13r9Paarli to !Oat :the - accession ota Republican sandidata to the, Presidency, by , violent • inea44 he pinbably . forgets abet a =gutty of his snpporteninne nnder parole not te.teir mi against pen. Grant." Wade Hampton eqe "I Yield: to none in devotion :to the lost cerise' far' which !fought". 'Why should he be so 'de voted to the dead? Deed *et shire the proverb,cause precious obitreent to stink. Have you Organized is Gra* ancl Colfax Club in your pistdct I' l If not: you have yet to thsoliarge the set imp,orkint duty you owe to the 'party. j . . , isayes,in tee late Atian4 , Is speech, that "the.sisr teas froctFeeiti by the defeated Demecratic 'pray in 1 800.” Toombs was and is s•Denifiarat, and 'Orilla to knoW.. The copperheads .41PunnsYlia• nia . are adopting coffe; ecdoOdiknitaleriteiid of Confederate gray, .1 - veernlela etni i tiAirfille forging 3 4tilnazation'PaPeri 14 °M 04 Kea t i ll Y detected. Wise chaps thellOrPs• .:, —Reason with yolks deifbtfol neigh; bar, and aloe him Una 'Grinitand•Oolfax 2 are hi pesee, irlitte• the POMO: of the Aka Democracy' instill 'for Ifir. i ; ee l s '' " " !,' . 7 conibined tffoki. ' is the,secto:4 sireoess in polities. then oiipulize the 'for ces of Grant and (*Lai. hi' *lraq yilive and school 'district in ihell i tete. - .3 ' , I —Do yon believe Grant and Colfax are better deterring of the dulfragee Of the American people than , fkrpriinir and Fla ? Then show year filth' by yrrnryrentra. Veit for Grant and Mid= • : Sake iiotes **them , rilinerer yririferin exert yirtulinfirtinke. l ' ' ' ' ' -The ' 4° l/ ' 4: I r • G? - "PA' prom;; • , • • .t. i yin. , .ll inent! X:Wsil,4rat if. l ol B , l o44tbalL , P*' OPanY 513 *Iligekhl9 3 4 0 M cFr.*# SP4I Colfax. ±.t I. • ' 1..1•': ' 1 . 1 ,;'' 'll .- -, !. The Libby prison :14is been. sug gested as Imitable" tilaorr frit inestiOttatib' headtptaiters dining the *Menthe is Tam ! t': -_, i; ~:, , 1 1% , 41 fl , esit:: L!‘ 'aa I ,' - 711# 1 1 11 0. i C b rA l P i O ili kf:4P it i , tiii Mir - *lig 0 i O O thi-Piii4 6lo lY44. Tho . thit act of : th !f feb,llf ,tl,OO their" !r?l,' te 4 Ptetio D ezl2 ?" o 4 t. .: 141 4 tr 41,4‘g° il %t il ektite ttfo. ttester into ;,bee. tt'Uliffp.;.,t l4lo lialli**Ao C43- 4 4 ;: benk i l.bOK int6 . l 4, "Ai!4i° t , ,: ,,.: ; ' T o embiriabs. the , iproaticatiotref Monier sutemilet the ita* &Abut% fowls. einiingwasshattheltigissruliess , Motional, this thilsoplairosbibot inibgn' wit, and , thatiberetotr the l'lltr ilhOlda nbe suspended, tudil Os comeirduiald raids! Ns indisetsantaselds On speltbni: • , ' i': P , ' 4244 g ! :4114'04 'Oeib i ',(4 ` : ttegat f ete l e " ' Ittatilet*Aeyeibilbiioii: chans4 rje hlegtO , Pe Alieiiiel:' : 1 irrit - 4* - leati**llie :' '4o l eie:.o-: 04.! - 0 14 .; ~.. ~ I. ** -YAMFAl i ng.'t . 4: . i _ 7Ptk - Iturialittrgh,.,: ' , 141141014111 forth weak , sitnpligit abtektilled tb Oti *liii liftli 4 thei f !`blibipbrile bipti"bhitt l Diatteir,Wetilfinii,44 44 liihele"?.;.its, :4 1*, , ,. towtot ~.• d' ~ . ,I .ii ,. ... , *piilyll9 bbbtal,bbtft - i titebidaitial eliotini , 11 'ewe theted,*taiiitiniitiw er and idea Itopreeentativee i the several oonitil tee of this State, i!t, we deem it our dityio enter onr-solinnirA aainst( : AO pimp . able luitinfiiefelotepfehei g' a r iiii i ; itirbiwi We Oftled.AmAint4o9o FffiffliPrl4 l 4o'.4bP Otor•Agiok Pc,9o=.9rni•WßAl499 4 : toSrAllejAvlNter !MA; • -. 60114.109erlant. , Bs • tWi11.00 3, 4 MAW Almks. WA, Sicta•Pwif•f•il OrAtelenoininnl ,i 114•WP•494 , 4tOgistiAtitt< 4 4t ttkomi vc.ilviva•morpoy , win, i 44 itmt.lo pwtowki itc,X , ' • FR.,,,A4Elexwoitheirialt. .11, ..., iwilo44oo. 044 ipottAnp, tiAtoapillspkta#o 414,109.idedP•of ri tgl al 3 ••• 9 • lol4 :erearvlig i i i 11290 , 1449-4,4traskattm 94 iiniktig:Awilnialtgatietto DR*. slia*t Akatimitteteneri Meibiglikl, 494•Ir•;tiintAriolitedon , ikatt 14gRil. Oggof ,*;.imilitt: foilthlo, ableAtn4, __. 440.11Yedirop . bootIor Abe:loo#* f 4 feßogyfvenie i*lo6 - 1ie , 0000149004 Wit, Ul tiNkti ed 4,%; ,It.• la , tip:4944 Wit). tkal, while :ke iluat , tawlespaay, - ccieMa4l-4 Wm 4 3 P. , stratTbSt 0 17• 14 oggllte no. it,Senstoro he No ;vitae 0f".4 feuded Amy of , tie, ~ lobby . Aaktoberep iv* , are- • coly}totlyt , Using mound foxiloadoljo *kw winmovers4 o 7 , (40,4ienPpoi4tetN iket ~ to-woik ;Wis., 3ni tkO. Ointoo . , tert lel man 3by tbcix a t m", 11PP;Y PI:of Or iYtamit oarru_ PtOlg Ali th oilekargin, .agaiset.)l4 yo fienskoog ;C9 . arelmeolcky.l men *IR baie-40enl , keown:-act COUgliOn: LKlrge 1 , /11/01#rn gob Leginlatuo ni th9,-PPitt , toome4nZoosiltheyttokolAiitx . .... or,repayeleptiimifor bta..obethw: e O itonfaxda,thiacbema. ~ .;Wu eppi , eligraloandouloptuaete;l4 , bantog Umitirstpeoaitioestoutkeir pftaisemonld d o.4im,:mfbiiteliomore barrow, We have Atha Keel; ortjaterfering,. puma, said' before,l .with, &era , tthe clocal neminet t ione...b4t we .eau . otasure the Pieplbligtme-orlthe , Bredford; , diatriet th* they beve.nomme abler. gentle Mee,n itho 4iaaict .tbaußenatoridan dowtosrePrOseat,, them - bere.;; andrive bfwgrithatjh the,laugame of: the la-, molted, LOcola "its no time Isowk eta howl," • : We peed allow, ablel and,', ithfoll members in, the Senate: Noe; would, be, Moregratified in, Mr., I.4amion'4, defeat ,than *motor W.. LA. Wallace, wtlo Min °ltem, found more thpu,he bargatried,for, in lari. Louplen'a 'eeoaetionapeeebee, land , that alone Poght te,eeenre, a ,unaninons renomi eatiee,fig lir. lA. . , ~,t,- •.. . .•11111";fihe • Relinhliean Ocntret,ltiol bf Wyoming Vonlity,l,wa held , at ifliinooon AYopday last. Ceneereee !it ;t,he Seuatailal tktnferenoe' -were pkiiited and ! thistencted ,-t(Visupp9rf, rprEn - OkrOniOiri, - the county: co4nt,t hotaii:)lo Penvention onl:Aldoaday neat. • • True. •Dsmociaine Nionts-There hee been toodldearof eireitation prorebel eamrover ' ene gate to , the Weir - PYork - oOpperhead Oonventiom • 'fe' hdiled front Ten petiee,inot had a • record about, on a pare with' alll other 'llkiserVitive , He IS a natite of:Philadelphia and had s fair ltern mon school 4ldidation ' and knows to' nsornsbont the • suffering* , l' slave thin 'othera who have' gone' frioni= the Mirth: `he is; hi Tenneitsee; I just what theleopperheed - psptirkare' denouncing na'ar oerpet-bagger." exarmyoffieeritlves the Detroit Poet the following iaceonnt'' of this - traitor 1 to' taee traitor' 'the' Union: . "When Ma l joi. IGlSorge Steams, of Boston,was sent by. the Goyernor to Nashville; iri ;1883; to tais'e: and or ganizaeolered` troops, having become sornewhatle4tiainted with , Mt': Wil liams,' he took, him along 't'aiisiist in hieing Veornitei: Not rneetinglii"ex peetationa,llliaras was asMgned to my regfm ni (13th U. S. C. I.)as. 'sergeant mayor, from - which pcisition he was redacild to the ranks within two months, incomiieteney.atid disobedience of orders." I= From that time forward the "guard hone report ' give hjs principal. record. He v'os court-martialed three ;times; and sentenced to "hard labor with ball'andichein,and lope or'payin was sent to the gnard-honse dr.iens of times b 7 his commanding officers for insolence land disohediee(s6 atwayel taken '. dd . 'when a march er ' iight•wiii , anticipated; at the' battle 1 . of Nashville; Wand the filbeetineht campaign against 'Hood, - id whichbin iregiment took nent'part; and was' held'inveontenipt fhb''lowest private ' the regi-; ,thentri• • 1:;.„,, I, ,• • • .• , • • ,IfitO POstrhatmPits.: A . ., W. - AiIEW-31.01111 1 S)101'; uau. N. Y. Inft ~ , ~ ~ Oit will find Granite Momenta , ' hoth Qelee sad Concord, .Aratli sad' platelllintksi an Void Geetee to AL A. Lige .easottasent ema staidly on band, Abeip , o the eheerst. ' :Avg. 10;1868+4-1y. . , ; 1 -, VAITTON, Om ovirrf,, P 4, lite:B*4li ' .:=::epeit' - ,ii«:ii.. tier ;,, i trz y ; eOA tail z 4 , l ; i s ald Centre F 441,1 s,4'„„norrs - AcnoOL yolt YountlAiiks rirr **ail MONDAY; the Me 6 at AUGUST. ThePaP, 411*L4e/ilia 44e .rof 1 9:1!“P! •klisbiltmaioll.; 44.0 •••• • • L.* 50 swot sitOgOs each' ' 61/ . 9 0 Biwa' os rtscelved it my ttme;out Mal* sitilbe made' attar fates 1 -Mit4 l ° 3o ' lo, o 3 : - rW;I3, 1 rmiillisla iiii.LE.—The fathom:its* wilkrlP 0 ;lOW snaton,:at ''. his rest. 17 1 ", !-. - :: - .t: nl• or' : .11 .!: i .;,:s HATURDAILX•7 BEPTEXIIM 5 i 4869: L :•• Mitimiliel iie iier is' Aisclqi:iii. : 4#iii ipilitY !Ay otr - e - virs- , t,b-ott:lfoomi f ., : .. I ''':' ' t ti6ol6i6b),; ( ittibitiT6Bl" l ''''! I. ttn2o. oo ,4 l Milirr i f i ttiM ol 74 44 / *ldlitadie farlialT f itei Wit 11111:411 . 110010 11 11110r14 1 1brigkeIlakiretsv r l, . .. . . _ *.... t 1... . I s t1:" ".. ' ' '•' A gti !1.1 i'y W :ii P i'e• , A t .! qP.P y l fi t , treesifi Aid ' ' alio ' it; ge t. IgLialliffThinilorlibidea.lentanst .Pv i Npilarp cal cif tt i fi ll = 1 PsiftV I, IF f , tr: u. k - 17 1 ,149114013191711111(7111, 1 l . ' • Allit• Urieill • . xy, 41 1 044 1 0 1 01:, 0010N 1 L-. 1. 7 n lltnrri ‘1 ;:ruip, i ~.i4. 11 , .•: •.?P'.9 ,(1 ~ : .iiAliallitliTON•4llo4ol76litirBati- I; a , taw ihtiekvi i......13:u• k . :.:).11 7,;..ty flonto. ir't li ar io g i c ..;.....r_ , • •• . L..,.. , r. ... 4 ciatoi ; • VP AND tiio New. 2bl ditiounti. DURO' I= publisheei the.Seits sheSin. pon d-of ivery the remotest local 1101/211111- Moore; Towaads %ore' .. _ ____ ; ‘. . I.lllkrir7llod/Wid•Jisirv, .3vain Irt.• t, p. 1119 _ TALMO i1M111,415 VIM Mimi ty1 0 ••• - r! al IffositT, G. if. Tour. B. it VortektAraiono Braogroo_ _ Vt. .Mt e b i ro nWE D ZPINE lo • do. '. J . =Ms, _Thito '-, • f -, . - t I , . Is. Gorsowy t iz , 11010 tritearle94.FultilL___ACl6 to Onnilki .4;Cloibbsok: 1111110.1Or_ 11 . • A, Ili2loidititftrg;=3l • 40 sto rforet_ _mialisiforeN 'umiak 1 vArieg,,, _=z not r ail.l o ltobor i g wind = uar aosllbrimi , 4 ' e: 4 ,P"a RaLoOord 1 , Wilo.olollol l lL I Wlllft t r• J.Tferhk•P t Ig I R I VM?" i a; a r i;:li 1 G - t- tad vioi.v ' , ll ;:;: , 7 j:g: 1 ; 1 0' 4111bi l ipreo.„ a r e otguniao. it =Jar Wa •As . Med 1 C. Illaolort top: •Iminison ikold VIM FA. 4.14.811' • Ga na fro J. As _•91.4* -0 Wib o t ro • *car* fiat nsarik►• y Olen% .k: stone •lindmllsookbev..LatorillsobenStosol itoorod• ,narsiatt.,L.yoiroy;,4l,lo,44A„ ; (= I nidrn.,t. comoimpot & , elm octopi 41:' . )11. irft4•• lild e_ • MIA Pooble Noolk Nam isit,..zqiisinb__,_ ..trYlitit.stiVZ' iiirn76will rem e Pkgai!lobitakizigi o ..X.„ll4mopj Wyolaikoz• ii, • 4 ! roe ;vWomX B. Madden; Irlidkx, - J, Wattlei 1 Mama; &Amount; -, ,- !..i: I, ',l' g vi t iff 1 61 IT IN 1012X1R,,-- fl RIIIIIIOO ykty , the, Ati "-Ittare Fiait'26ll t he belt' ef.seVW thagalleti : litcflat Jr t Peek Int mei gpthe plot, rage ow, s wwwah w knit= la the teadld laiftod'OM7( mod &wills ette eld:TeeseleatherigY b ickiitir 9tir %PAO/ate Ithe ar Ito , ,irot 11 is e osuso of so , ow, Mitt lietogl01161: tut Taillike& liatrab• beefki 0,97 - fr= the fruit* " 4 " 1 "W luld. itawtblea nK .. end. spa neeeeauffly, g pat edge Mille robber In 61)n ;act With the FAA. gal.:.:lrow:.:aok tad or loom. thelteteabg. "belt tc , est. ,, oli ino- , p luv io ,",o,l = Weer •ea ;- at, lon' , ow at once gairirilt ‘llll3. ! IP. the ova* iilaoes god' bai; It, over ate 11 OP3lllli4thit Tbigin ref rhMa lir ler-th il aPwtli e inlialtrgtillAtt ries, Jare,aoriWarninted . aLl/ SWIM/ - . it ,it :Pr plewhplgesle akdietail,by, . , ~ , j ~,, I • ' • • -, • COp DING & ttIYSSELL:,' lowiali;July.2ll, Iges::::6w.:. i- • ~-; - 1.1 • k•xf Wr4o:4lolVl,gil r•:!: II lif-AILtMaILPSONok BOOKBS 'TOWLES!' OtYtCI IS sig;iaXiis ' :'• ; • :CI:110.1,90 A .114 , p1 • Iri t. Reit Estate.purabased )•en d sold. o tayeshrielibi made;snd Maney,,L144.4.,(1 1 4. „ lay 48,1888. = 9,m: DSSOLUTlONThe',lcoepsTitner ship hiretofore exiting under the Arm 011ie of Bliley, - Horton Co., As this dsy Entail consent:-.Tbs. books of the firm be settled by 3. W. Bailey st the once ? f•the ß dli " n, P i f llll Q . W. BALLET, • -O. O. ;HORTON. 7NO. BARBERb. - Clinton, aid) , 9bit; 1888, •'- • • pd . Ps CIDER, VINEGAR, at L. _ Iifc,CABE A MIXS, A FINK aSORTMENT, OF TOI- A LET SOAPS, at.., IeicCABE I MIX'S. TO' AND .A.GRI97IIR4L \ I • •••. • . • IdANIIPACTIMES 1117138 i 13140-HES HEAVY "ANA. LIGHT WAGONS; WOOD , TWINING IN ALL ITS saki:ions, HU BS,:. SPOKES l& 'BENT' STUFF TAEOE'STOCIT: MU MUCH TO liOtaCT EIEQOND GROWTH HI(3RORY & 0 - „• , . We have ,the Brent./ and Icarrow. • • Tlißi epRN ♦. .1 WOMB.' TOWAIyDA; P.E:I!TYA., BENT STUFF, MEI Tor„Nziw.. :woo)). WORK... BCROLL SAWING, PLANING, ETC., 'ETC . To Dealers in We otter a Thfrabove are from the best LIGHT AND NE4TT WAGONS ON HAND PICKS made, and dressed. T . \W. T... 8111 OP, SapeOntsn H. 0: : 11P.CIIII, President. =ME GROCERY I NHS BLOCK,. 10,1 ,Pa S64beast 6orner'pf TOWANDA, ME PaovinoNa, Fie PIRA &c. The , - "midprOimi deaire iiektioirledgemente for the very fill patronage • they have .rec,cv • d the' pest eight' menthe. • Nhey have recentlrmade , lar: : ad. ditMi4iictliellO'aft; 1)1'4 •" 4 1 i . , F 1 . 3, . , Are 3 . ak y receipt Ot t Goodeildeptcd'to,the • entil Of 1 their trade, elk& which have been "! 31 9 .. i0: 4 0 1 4 r ‘ iiiitklifiniiitiat ibP . ~ very' barest market'rateil:' ''"-" '.' ,r t. try , s - ~„..... •: T.-. li , ' ;,:: 0 , 11 . ,' 1.... .1 . i:Witiktbilr experiencetend tly inic,i6iiierliapilitiee" , 'the,i; wevii•l'iitOei pectftilly,Anvite their 'old friend, , li- 4 , , ,- ,11: .1 ; •• ; ~ I••, . - • I :.: • 2 ~. i a*4- 0 1 1 4 1 9PeFA t?. 04. exammetioo,of itteh; gdaoli: °Tiie. I'66r - 'deliaMililit , r.), ~,,,:„.,, .. ,'• V . rtl•i' "4 i./.. II int& examination .willdjliatifr, their t 1:; Acr i e, In. •• gtvlpg -V: e .,, o a l 1 C 7 fqtp.`o • f•44ertlielr tradii and thoir'Congdinciel . :I,Thgrcontinner,to , pay liberalipricee Pii Ql44i, " i!'i ' )F!"/Flniio4 o ,,..*arkti •,:kr..= t..ii tylangos 1*13,4 100"1.40...va5a05,x1 • V/iill.llo 37.00 I gregoke g1eurazr4..,.,,00 Maria Bye and yea— . 226 I vat trav 1k 61-i d &tett; We toy` 77a.giliatigiatttaiti+ done if Shedzill b; , lei azslha , t 0. . . 1 '4lOl MICAI4S; AT: ALL 1101ISS • • . rank Inn availit.ll:l'ti-fi D.: 114,f 1 tiro. W. YOI/W47 0 Taweada, Jane 11,1818. Nis .0 A AGN ADDITI s a go. to : th t .w ar t f i d e n itu .!!- -'O - 1 . 4.‘w0 ,14-d: T it z .4 ll : Tisr Err ytdirv,;: .11',11-11 trthd .'Oll6 - IVO: WRIT : I. OrfAl t nir - p - MIS ';i l k•Lz .i- , 7-t': ,i?!.i! -, 7 gift -4i fy'i•;.ti- , ,;: - ... . jti 10.1 - !‘,;• , fj; . ; AVAJAIRIVitiRaMiT,,r . - #141X:P.,„-#IIIArII:4OWAFf AA, #*elotTft4o ooo 4 *,,,AVAs . .floWlsPrlc t tl f j AI4T - , • 44t04'ditittitT A:4fr • Tuft tot the filipidlos c ihe pia% ili.l,4ladli MEMO I -0:4:1 ,:.",ifq):.% 11', blin 1% , I.IIP -. 7 I CI, tl!fif :11 K.I. MI,NURAaTUREW6OOO:4O W./11 9r4,410 6 .1 o+l4 WRArafifiblic i !MEE BAR 9 i•„! kt: TII bolir trollw faiths' t' :• t)l, Z iPP.',:,;:t l ' , o MEI . • .;•1;! OCI FROM LA ST YE :ARS' • ,STIE RE9A:Rw4xstr,oF oesT kkArnelis, A.W" X. 311 T Bohm, and allNiowis conitectal with The Saddlery ~•. ~.1 22 =4 'ira4:i'll"4llo.j/"Wo LtAnwc sgs ruorm, HARNESS . TRIKII3IIOI3, VI , isa• ANONTANYE'SYQ Desirable Anortment Goods Li now bebecyetted thif p.bovtrit4e. CONSISTDIG OF MANVARTIOLgS They have not Iserettitbni kept. HAVING EZI AMONG" T-R E AiRT.1,0.4;*4 0 .2EI in 451 Dridtce•sta 'From 38 c aaa to .s3 . per yard, of EVERY' bESCRIPTION NM Wiridow:Shadesft- fixtures 01 lee 7 descrlptioa. 0.R.• 03EIG±ZIr ' \ Jul; linimted• BOOTS BriQES MI I ••• i . MUMS .' dia.'o. •.; =Ea=3 RAVING BREIT TITAXIIMED 'loli CV ~E;.!1 • ,b!V.vid ass YERTSMA r LL"PROFFIII • , wt wows thsitelar?: • _ • „,. ~• OLD ' , Fil4NDan , TO 111SFk Ma i tyf f 2; i , ;'s•:4 *, 14 1 1 1 9 / 6 .trA li Stra llnl Arsk 4o 7 i Ng carmeimricrbit ttza` A rldigir .i• I: : Velnadoill4l44l9l4:i I,troi g i A l Ot to tgOrOrriPOW l : ikimislttainprrokor ebb 'SNOW efraarrieittjAWAGßOlFWAlNoti„ 1;3 0 N B ii'li.:l ';fill'i:t'',»i .1•%.1':::P.,:itl =II lES • 1 • 17.. ; i: s c c'stiled MEZIIIM • • • , • • IrilLself them ‘ lUlplo; . yritl7l3. - Bueiwie 11111 A Imre:gad verj = ME FITTED UP, ROOMS Aboye for the prison. May be hand 1112 Ell = iiigragielliEWP 3 , D„,, i . . /. , ~ w.i. _ , . „, ...„ BADLZY'B B. 111111 HOOX- 1, POWELL a Ca, ~ I , Dike to WI L A R 0 R ex. ,,.R,, , ,..... 1 L 4) 3 7- ,,,, e l (•lit . otinT ;T-14" .4-04 ~ • ''i ,ir..1%; 401"/ riiki#l ItifflibA " M==M ME -;:,,_ ;' TOiplirrier,l , 47 ar.t . ..,.. - .r.tiisee. ?zit. To) 14.17- 4 :ft.4 ~ : tiW . dB litE ~' I: Z.i rFA' IIIWZIVIDfro!,;(."1 . :i' • J' 11l }MA 1,1417 M ~~~t~[itu~~i~~a~ ; .. Ala I+ ri bertii L•JI =ma - - LESS THAN ON.E' - " I rAL az! 3:4 F i • • qAI , 1.• MW- . 1t -;.P4,01-477A1'11 ir;..11.414 • V.ycif July 14.1868.-K. • 0-/L1 4.,0•1rtk, at. • t . -if ALVORD-kaAptira- ,14 r It *j; J :1411%;,rgnelieclOISIrr,:.: 1110 .- L 1; qukswqm gAY.RwW4S- POOks ,Y9.,.t,Pf!,-741/40q440*(.4 01 ?),P1 ME n ; te CUR'S Btddi, _. 1 , , , ri ,,, . :i .; , I.I Nearly o :li thalf,Ward.gonse,ll where they l are prepared to-offer . to their old triitottieink Itid thalPtiblle ff 46 .er.aitYi , 11, uP7! ,a4',4otiiily ipe ii ,ttfithlib t'Llent,' - ot ' ' '1;1 (rat. S'i ~,,,,1 Stititiardr*l4iittitweis t, . I 4,4r1, ThOp.msortment , Qt 81igM , .. , TIC 4.. . 64iiprietzi ,TAzt.Boc) • • EWES, HYMN 1300118,'i- ! ' PRAYER, BQ()]S= found to be , eoniplete: A ,„ nt t- • eta, will ia lt e.llsl l :Sunday, , . Bo()kri''' rda ;ilways on Ina -9 l'"t p• , "0' apooliCykit As cheap as ever sold in this or neY cither"tiarket -- "Orir' arriMOneitts ' 1 ,1# 4 . SOT' BrkPliko3.4*,are spate that we are prepared' to.efferthe se-_ :Ilea of Books now in nee in the - Comt ;mon Schools of this county to deitenr; tit its low figures as ) thei buy . the l m in, New York ., Orders Sent for any book publish eel. • • •, A , We keep conetaptly „ oe band aU L. the Daily and Weekly Papein. Mag. azinefc'Petiodfcale, &c. Give ivr • 0ei14.- ALVORD k BARBER. To;viiicia, jay 18 , 1138'8. TO THE FRI E NDS' .0 , 1"El:11CA: . CAT/OF:AND LOVETIEI , OP MUSIC. We ta k e Pleastgr that we , havejust opened. in' Towan da, on the corner of ;Bridge and Main Sheet, 1Vs;."8 Palfo#'l on Eelantzl`NetO Book and...Maio Stara, viers every -.oareg it-the Stationery ;and !Use may be ff.rd• -fainting*, Gold Pvt., Eye Glasses Spy • 41.14 iii;, Celie;a4aiseiri:aaa g ener ..q:. 4B fo lo4 .l bt,4 6 / 8 04 11 / StOprig/Sta r , ,ranktbill •Notionsi and Bancy ArtOvi.' Ow , Geoeda wer+e , all ides:Win tU. toithlieaf 'arc - apiediv eff 1 . 14 -, and' bought o,itk 'cash at very tow 4 figure. iiiew to thir '101011141.1, 001Mataityir 'freArifgrAletl g.1:2 1 ! agile, to ;offer: aerpour Vd stEl of ,fli_Roit ,t r ; apatson4ge ; ,.,.OmU s andlecte.tai, , :Tlisi:isTissicsig,' Sol ma vaci. .F5, - -.90 1 !! 1 , 4 1.c 4 .* WS/ult. vissied isi[Siidfiliewiiook . invi' ILosiß Stem iia BMWs Pal* „ 11 , A ,: if Irfaitidnltin their 'ibieltheliplitii t ; a:11 COW i lkkgeff thqatAialtil* ' .fitiiiili r/e tojit rs~on ' ijf itit; "0 01. ' i ' i t" 81.XVP ft 0 1' SCPlittlrglAir ' log*oo 16 SUM to l ill: bathos th' tilo , possonstuall jposilosobr a sub' mass liaut. ,Altodess tjy, stalks lOW WaseAdartiita to' aiii"ott'wriads. - WM tow attasitd t 0... :- ;Hat 4.,181111.-6111* “ y2,:4,; i iNfilliriinkij i PS4411211:11108(1/4 1 ; ' Thal" 140111 14t# 18 /C0CP 11 :.; .__INKIAFAISS; ta eti live Bin t=oftl). A:IBANIS of ,To-, %POMBA ikgre , ..lhe St Pi4lsolutool,MoftseGWailer Emit ligi w kadtastiVabscert p um: ... 5....,h.f.w. Iw«, .1 vbs IT_ _......c'h*Runt.irk' ~.8"4...: Putts by a jarllpw' t% I • r 11 , 310W411,4*11l Ai Asia Us ka, 1, , , ~, on o Win lo a r t a it o 1 • 14? i •040.11tui 1 Aatoo P • 4i , USK Mr =rob; 16' , 1 iio.l.dbmw hoar IWAtor WU& '.'. , ' 21.!,:ft.‘ IIA (WSW ar,RUBEUILL.N, IV ME 101 . -Proin Mar • Boloutowirlor hos nen r oam carried oa a like biotite. tor s . ./.0 0 4 ildaldi.dadtaglig a e to penally of near* MOhba *Ad MM % Whit met to bin-. id iatlotoothat to au permo hao la or der to salt_ a_~ Costlaraipa_ . if i Xsool win, so Id tbstif. MK Stadeat 4 SO. Tides. sad an aow . . -". an MUM " - ........ iCo mpide.iir*, ,Sock. ! .- . _ , , liii,bastrylilltto V c .04 misipicied4? to , li imak t il . _ I- t 1 : je:< -. .... 1 1 n sain., aim& I. ,e , . -, -. iikaamonstatotoira,42 which , principle Ille s i r expect to be _We to men pais On .hers jholto ll atit ti til i er4l ol l l = s e tile oft: ,stead of Solomon it Bon one - door nartivel, Ifs& 4 1:19.- ?.. A .r._ *.: v: ./.. Jr ( - 111delv nredi ' ll, d- i'milia rb t-... ,"°, ..: „f,: 7, !!''' r tr.„.,..:.,..,.,:„..............: _........,.„......,. 111 iNtWi4II"ZOGMR y , `7 • sloth 13TOBI$ ! ..) ,k't rx! MedZJAESIRO•