Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 13, 1868, Image 1

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Tux Itszoirris is published every Than*
dsitl4ei 7 / 1 it oa44ol*sss& 14 - 1001
. enn•wl., .
Y . 'N. . -..- -iwaqg 1.1-14'i
: AD; . e r _
lines " are ' aka ozaisiiei lifie of
first insertion' and terviaminsi tier line for
gaboo.(lugat* l !s l #° 6l s• 1. 8 0. e, 01 5 1 40 11061 1
sorted before Ilianiagei snd Deaths, will
be charged isrrois axis per line !kw each
insertion. .1
4 1 401: 0 1t.OVYYPFAII$ 06 1 1 4k$0 1 11
communications of limited or individual
interest, end notioMicrf liatairbigea 'or Height
leseeedkqe live lines, 61411141111401111 X MITI
per line. - . • _. .
. •-• 4 Year. 6 rno.-,1 ma.
Ono Column, .....;..$lOO s6o":` $ 4O
Half si - 60 - 15 25
One Square, ; „... 16' ` - 10 . ' . 7e
-Sstray,Oaution; Loa t androsink coauthor
advertisemeakt P$ 1 ?$$ 01 $11 10 $1 $0
three areeltajOr 'L"''. '',.—, - . 94 vv
A dminstmdcw's Janaommos a /Whin .. 0 'OO
Audit-fife , Witiows -' '''' -. y 50
--Business lines, (per j'esr)..s 00
Merchants and others, advertising their
businea's; will be charged $25. They will
be entitled to .1 column, confined arolnigve
ly to their basinessorithpriyilege WfoofctrbW
ly changes. - ' '-, ..1 • I
jzlr Advertitutg to all-oases mink of
subscription to the paper . :; ' .:,..''' ..
JOB PRINTIN G of avail:kink 1 1 2 1
end Fancy colors, den, with nostril)*
dispatch. Handbills, Blanks, Cards, Pam.
Wets, &c.-, of every variety anifityle, prin
ted at the shortest noting. The ItOurnm
Orman him just been : re-fitted wit i k/pwer
Presses, and every thing in the Mitnling
ino•-- 1:A. 2 4P - 6Pt2ts4. It-. . A-l ie 11 2°8 44 3
manner pita the , 10 wai:Mit".
;~ ~Baicbs;
VI TORNEY T .f...41V-41fece of
andline sine* Wasik , Port#l g
81@o. A
.H. BATE S, AXIL (Grailtate of Wotan** Medical (101 l
7.llllsadelptda, Clata:lBlsaPilice and raai
11 'Park strait avego. 'Particular
tion given to Maims of Women. Patients
, v tatted at theirlopma if ittutiltttl. •• •
• Ifirt 28,45611- :4 ..;
• •
Attorney 'Law,
• TowaudniPs, Office with Wm. Vat
laws, Div': Particular attentiotr paid, - So Or
plians' Court business and settlement. Of dece
-dents estates. • •.
EROUR it MORROW, Aiiiiirn . eys
..01. al Lain, Towanda, Perm'a,
The, uudersigned haying associated themselves
together in the practice of Law, offer their pro
e'essional services to the public.
March 9,1865.
PATRICK & PECK, Arrogins A
.1.. LAW. Ofnees :-Lln Patton Block,Towanda,
Patrtok'attatock, Athens, Pa. They maybe
usulted ateithete place.
n. W. ?Arum,. apll3 V% A., nor.
• Ps. Particular attention paid to business
in the Orphans' Court. July 20, 1866.
- 14 ENRY PEET, _Mtn-my. at Law,
Towin 11, Pa, Jual, 66.
,AL;iney ;21 Law, TOriquadir, Pu. Oaltu 1D _the
l'oclrt 110 se. July 11, latSC
L.,1 Ir. Towat:da, Bradford Co. Pa.
General icfrararice and Real Estate gent.—
Bounties anal Pensions 'collected.
hdainens in the Orphan'• Court attended to
promptly and with care. Office biercer's new
block ncrt,h aide Public ttquare. 0ct.24, '47.
AT LA IV, 'Ttyirsztda,•:Pir•. Alsd, OnSern•
moat Agent for the oollection of Pensions, /fitc4
Pay and Bounty..l
ars- No charge unless SUCCESiIata Mee ofeF
he Past Office and Negro Roxite.:Deca. 1866.
HP. KIMBALL, Licensed Ano
.. tioneer, Potteraville. Bradfoid Pa,
tenders his serviced to the public. Elatinfactied
guamnteed, or no pay required.. • All orders by
mail, addressed as above, will receive prompt
attention. - . Oct. 2,1867.-6 m
K. C. P. GODFREY, Plasm/ix
.I.,_.AND &Immix, Ina permanently located
nt Wyalusing, *here he will be found et all
times. •" • a pl.l6,6fLibriX'
DR. T. B. JOHNSON, Towsium
P. • Raving Rermatiently located, offer;
-his proles-dons,' services to the public. Cane
promptly attended-to in or oat of town. Office
with.. DeWitt on •blata sweet. •Jitasidence at
Mr& liumphrey'a on Second Street..
April le, 1668. •
ti 7 lU,B,SFX W ATRINS, Notary
VII • Pulfic lie. pared t i t Wepogl-
Lima, Acknowledge - . este.' _ ll e•ds,
kinrtgages, Riven= 6 411‘161tel, gen
instruments. Alltdavl loGotee reit t i Z
be sworn to before a* . A .:4- _ -..-, -:- , _, 4 '
Office with G. D(Ateldillele, - eggieltidaln.a.pd
Pine Streets. -Tositinde:l4lsetiltAtWi;
TORPIEXI3.AT LAW,. Trta, Bradjord Co.
Practice to all the ()aorta. ar the•'eanbty . .. Col
lections made and promptly remitted.
,D a. r,ap i rers. ca}rpctrarr. •
l'ltkrr Vo'Stath
street,Mat Co's
Bank). Persdni tram aest:ante &gnus . t con.
=lilting him, will be most,tikely to had him OD
Satard ley Sniach week:: &pedal attentiod will
tr.r• given to 6argical cases, and the extraction-of
tLet h. fia., or Ether administered then desired.
July 1f‘,18667: D. 8. P ITT, M. D.
inn...hail's Block, over Gore,'s Drug
:aid Chemical Stairs. -,ljands
lIRS. T. 7: &. A.:::IIADILL,
O fliCrand residence 11 , Wyse', Pa, Dr. T. F.
b' 'sltifisulted; at. Gore's Drug Btoie
in •Towanila,esery Saturday. - lir. Win; A.
Mad it will git - Lespecial attention to diseases
if cite Eye, Bart Throat and Lungs, hiving
male a tipeclaiitor of the above diseases for the
eight years.
T. P. - ILILDILt., N. D
June_ll. 1868
10tENJ. M. PECK, Arrovisr AT LAW,
Towanda.,Pa. All busineii intrusted to
taro will receive prompt attention. Office
iu tbe - nfnce hanky occupied by Mercur do Mor
ruff e.iuth of ,Viard Hoare, up stairs.
MASON & ELY, Physicians
I- , Sn rgeona.—oflace on Pine street, To
aada, st the rebidence of Dr. -Mason. ••
Particular attention given to diseases of Wo
men, and diseases of Eye, Ear and Thro it.
ietterooressed to him at Sugar Ron,
Bradford Co. PB., will receive prompt attention.
FILINCIS E. POST, Painter, lbw
enchi, Pa, with 10 years experience, is p3n•
odeit he can gise the best satisWAlon In Paint
ing, Gmining,-Staining..Glazing,Papering,Ac.
ifii-Particaltrittention paid to Jobbing In the
()entry. - April 9, 1866.
][V /rig GHAN L-Architect - and
4e..Bni/dtr.. - 1111 kinds of Arelgtectural de
t7,nsl)*nisliel Ornamental work in Stone,
iron,*, :Wood. Office on Main street, over
"Cto.'sjtank. Attentlon't given to En.
ai Atchitecture, such as laying ont of grounds,
c.. le. ••-• 1867.—1 y.
, A
Orwell, Bradtned.Co. • Pa„ will pretoptly attend
I.a all beolaesa hisline. Particular attention
cen to running and establishing old or dispti•
1 , lines. Also to surveying of all unpattented
AS as soon, as warrants are obtained. myl7
t i s B. FOfili:—Limnsect AvCtioneen
Will otter a) prdmptly to`tall basinees aerated
to him. Charges moderat e. Feb. IS, IS6B.
XV . B: SULLY, bottut Office
T ..over Wioithsta Mac Kay Xoweeds,Pa.
A:1 tire ,anode styles of work•ecleattitically
ilone nil warrant-W. Particular attention is
colltli the diltsminnion., Base for Artillizial
Teeth, which hi equally as good 113 Gold sad
far superior to-either Robber or Silver. Please
end tem:lite epeetment. • • ' l' • "
Chloroform or Ether administered under dl
section of * VLyat i cia* Finn
Aug. 6,
t) EAL § r F A T*, 1# G1 f; 4 9...* ;
oaera this followlag Parke, Coal and Timber
for sale :
loti-S t rid Awn
taming.l3 'sera. P en $1,3115:
Farm In *glum, contalnlng.l3s auto. Good
wilding& atlas, it flue : gime iltilltattestias.
VeZe l td-i i Pri,c o A o 99t
Nei boaae and bam. Under a late of oil
ttvation.. 961eni; , .!Triee VA&
Farms in Frank At.. All under good mitten
tlehr.• Ontai bisitdiens. Ft* add their.
S e veal ti
- Tel 7 dsgole 7 .lltepir and Imola
Towanda:. .1: /r I, ii.' ,1„")
Alarge lied of& 'Rands in 'flop county.
Towanda, hly .„, •
„ r 4
it •
I ?iiior:; , ..' , CKo. o o: l EPE 2 **..s blinker.
wARD acitniz,t6vitestck
On Kan Streiii fair thiCesiet Boor.
'.• • : T. tropvider. zi
Huai waged Milne bars NOWA*
SAW Moa; LAM sallasdahed and now
It witar.arstry amesience in lbw aeoniumodn.
lion "
of all wins may radii
nr4 WU!
; - 143, 1 116.-Litt AI. s r,
Oolamodete the Tavel*" itOtte.. No pain
nor a:pease will be vexed to glee eitisfection
to tbeeewro way ere kis sulk. -
; igr North el& of Chit patio .equsre. meet of
afereur's new block [now idtsg].
VTITIt . L;I , O , ID - 71t ."
The an *straw baving_purtshamed
formerly tinted - by O. IF: Deland, reginettatil
Informs the public that he is premed to do MI
kinds of work in his line and , will attend promp
tip to all orders. 'Household • goods ametully
handled. -Charges reasonable. •
471.8 ni.lirWILL
Towanda. June 1.18681
: ..,,,,.„
Myer, Foster & CO., will deliver. Flour Feed;
Veal, OTOS= Meer, er seA te tlffig able kr their
line in aoy ps t of the
Outwears. , will Ind sit o:der. Eliot st that
store of Fos.l3teveos, Meteor & Co. Ail or:
dire leftist said book will be pesspay sties
ed to.
&by - tawdrier in tetstd to OrtidEstur Absil
business of the Mill, entered in sold Boolf.
be answered.
Faars it
Towanda; Jane 2s,
Respectfully informs the oitlenS: Ilbsands
Borough, that he has opened a
In Planney's Building opposite the Ifeana.rfacute
and solleits a share of public patronage.
U. is prepared to cut and make garment. in
the moat fashionable style, and the moat dura
ble manner. Perfect satisfaction will be guar
Cutting and Repairing done to order on shor
notice. - Sept. 10,1867: =
opened • Banking House to Towanda, un
der the name c. G. P. MASON & CO.
They ire prebend 'to draw 'Bills of ss.
change, and make collections in New York,
Philadelphia, and all ;portions of the United
Stet** as also England. Germany, and France.
To,Loan money, receive depositv and, to de a
general Bank - lag business.
G. P. Mason was one of the rate Brai of
Laporte, ft 'son & Co., of Towanda, Pa., and
hit , imofrh ge of the Waits. men of Biadford
and adjoining Counttes,and' having teem in the
banking business - for about fifteen yenta. make
this house a desirable one, through
make collettions.
ircwcods, oct. 1, less. A: G. VA6OII.
H. B. McLEAN, RliL Herm Awn.
Valuable ,Parms,. Ailll t Pe4pertlei. Chi Med_
Town UMW sale., ,
Parties haring property will dad It
1(511101r advantage by .earlng a desperlpileseef
the:Janie: with terms of sale at Alle agsakr,out
:pirlies are constantly emittirlag for farms &c.
H. McKE&N,
Real Estate Agent.
, Odles liontanye's Bloats Towaida, Pa. •
Jan. 29, 1867. _
Raving entered into a 00-partnerthip tor the
transaction of the PHOTOGRAPHIC business,
at the rooms formerly occupied 'by Yfood load
Harding, ronfd'iespectfully call the attention
of the.public to several styles of Pictureughich
we make specialties, .as Solar Photographs.
• Plain, Pencil•W and Colored, Opaitypery Paste
lain Pictures, ic., which we claintfor drama
and brfillanciof tone and Artie*, ems..
notbe'excelled. We invite alit* examine them
as well as the more common, kinds of Portraits
which rife make, knowing full well that they
will bear the clamed limpeotion, This Gallery
claimsthe ,highest reputation kir good. work of
any tit this section of country, and we 'are de: -
termined by a strict attention to realness and
the superior quality of our work, to not onl ,
retain but increase Its very enviabfe nipdtatiore.
We keep constantly on hand the best variety
of Frames and at lower prices they stony other
establishmant In town. Also ;Psempaelouta
Card frames, Card Emerge, flolates' , Stereo.
scow', Stereoscopic Vies, and .• verything else
of importance pertaining to the business; alve
as an earl s
B.—Molar Printing, fur, the trade on the
most reasonable terms. D. RAIIDINO,
A-OARD.-Dr. Vat:BMOC tilt has ob.
tamed a l.icenae, as reauired, of the
Goodyear Valdosta Company. ' I,_ to • Vulcanise
Robber ass base for A rtificial Teeth. and has
now a good selection of those beautiful earned
Block Teeth, And a superior article of Black
English Rubber, which will enable him to sap
piy•all _those in want q. oda of teeth, with
those unsurpassed for heouty and' natural ap
pearance. Yining. Cleaiklog, Correcting irreg
ularities, Extracti and all operations be
longing to the Bn rgl cal Department skillfully ,
performed. Choir,rm administered for the
extraction of 'teeth when 'desired, in artiele
being need for the purpose ta, which helm
perfect confidence, having administered it with
the moat pleasing results darink A praeticeof
fourteen years. I • •
Being very grateful 'to the public for their
liberal patronage heretofore received, be would
any that by strict attention to the wants of his
patients, he would continue to merit their Con
fidence and approbation. Oillce in Beidleman's
Block, opp Gait° the' Neu's noble. Towanda,
Pa. Dec. -50,,1867.7--3m.
J. 8. &um If. D., would tfully Worm
the Inhabitants of Bradford ,Olienty time be it I
permanently located In Tonnage, Pe., Be.
would say that from his ortm e i succeeatul
mastics of TWENTY-FIVE ,- duration
he Is familiar with all tbn, t- stiles of
•werir Boit IMany and all Dental meats
In Myer country, and Is better; prepared Rom
any other Dental operator in the vicinity
_ln do
!work the best adapted to the malty and . Mien%
cases that fitment themseltes - onenthora tethe
Dentist r an be anderstauds the art of=Uzi
own *Medal teeth, and has facilities for.
the same. To those rumbr le under sets
Meth he would call attention to his new kind o
work which eoludatt of porcelain for both plate
and teeth, and forming* teatitukma W. It is
more durable, more natural, in appeartmee, sad
mach better adapted to UM gut that 4,4 other
kind of work. Those is Deed. at the same are
'stilted to call 'and examine specimens; Teeth
filled to last for years and ollialtotes for life.—
Chloroform, Ether, and " Nikons Oxide " ad
ministered with perfect safety, as , seer four Wk.
died patients withialbe last lour years can tee
ti7llßee In !ton's. Block. ' ,Jaa. ,
-„.., r' •
Tbe atilserlber, wo rat Ma sada surd
the public gesseraUwbsit he tail new 'enliandt
sad as,prepared Uild to order, „. r
:rillaiocrat and Lad* itsgO4r,t - id' ‘reda4
1 , 1 0 0 . l ii turet'entleeßT, ApPib i t he adinVi
t P n
reperlot! *int and . attain too*. dim ! '
ttitinilq4.4n2:lMAlllaetl4llte •
CLASS mzollianbs:
ir:lid-1404n' tie PiNfietiii
Oa atavism of Yr. J In _
ot Waverly. who telinitva) **Pali
Department; id kre Dow pregaisld Alb do
ldadirid •Pabillegy basing Jost received the
largest sad best selected. sicrekt sir sirs sad
virstaterevel - brooprintO larbegaty. "Ord;
a ti *WSW sad: 61111Nrisk witaista.
lotikistron, the Mak
• - •
MNEiTOlSiC ( W h glike
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.7„ •
Itithir• jl + (s
tit 'e,.•
(ftiin the New York Tritium.)
_"Uskawns Vsr+
Gen. D. a culla. Lew? of Aseeptanoal
illiunt OLAND DMZ&
41441. M, 3 *, ig t. Ike inc4tiks 3 0 1 -
' team
Who hinght jiin UN starryitemmed ilea of
the free ' i
i'Tis the of the lier c the acing of
: al i:. , : 311 7. .
That rolls hem the mountains far down
to the ssii,
Fba Wien thattoolaCialhe frovest and
I gimp, , 11 •
And drilled lin &WA to be wreaked on
P l lt'? o , , r, tgsil
The storm outlived, and the thunders
that boo*
Are the Token that prophesy tempest no
mare. 11
'' , Let us. have Pam!" 'is the sigh of the
L* 1 1 11 0% 1 41 sitestalli enohlee
is seen,
;Who mourn thOir depatted-with-tendenteei-
.); ~.- :..::i
-' " 1 ki.led "rol. 4l lq°*l ll IT ) 't.rill
.• >l' Mani -, 4 - 1
And whatoi l lor LladmareW&thittiiisilenee
The bet. of. z 6 angels' ant 'praising_ the
, iiitcoApii ii , iiiiii,kr 4viiiiiiiiijiiii ;
. maybe. '..
While - " ,
— of 'Freedohriiiivrithiq to
' their - N"
..• . t ', ...1: - L -' ..i .. ; ARV '
"Let us have • I" the evang.-1 °Mahe!,
Wheal; tidlere' r impkningly• Itts , •ni tholi
Tr ali :ffAhe, Oahu —. thud:
Anit bina g ri b iZtt, i'dti; 0 44: . /.;1'.4
• lands. ! '
Lo I radiant :
in darlfner {he _temple of
glory li r '. • • "
F il 73. 11=Ite I T TIII4I. ic ' ?? ?51 es ).
diChtfaiien 4adr toil sa 4tkey' Ittiir r thi
story. II
:- ' ' r 1
': ns
And ohildreulropeat,to , t h e wa t igaln:
: 1 ..• ' • . ' .
S•Let us hove *ricer is.the chorus amend
••--; (lair
From hamlete that lie 'mid the pine-cov
eted baby,
And like a gladl•anthepi tp nukren blamliew
• Floats; on tillithe plain with its melody
And rivers to theland iri'the West;
- And prairies (pat wake le the hymn of
the tree; if
With milikentot freemen imploring.for re 4
i otefolokie While bir:iditik
the kneeJ
•r 1 1 t • •
‘l9et as 4 aVe P"ace" fi° ") # 4) s 7i f, T .'. 4 : ll #t
"commotion, ,
The Minh/we' alisires thetiask
the Qaid,pl. ' • N. • - .• •
, And let she nelr', bliss, 'like &ha •billows Of
z • • !Means . - ' ~,,c
801 l P v e r l' l2ll. - 1,124; where
..14". hero .
- kneeled ;; 3
The smoke of the battle tuis 'swept Liem the
. _sky, •
The thunders i have ceased, and bagleilir
wild blast.;
,The Aetna liave beeiiii'veu I and loud from
'lost e . : • • ;
The .reveille eitlls to the love of *eras& L.
"Lee us have Peace!" holy thaults
,;;;.' 154 1I'F':1
oe hero-vo 'ene4, 'OM name of Me
Lord I • '• :.f•:4. .
For 91" a4kc?f,,lthe.4,4 "fox „UM:III4EIf.
the livittO ,
Turn speaisihtopritthig-hoiskilAct plow
awes $4 .81 c0n4, 1 -
And oUt . / 6.113a:41:m8e studtcome forth
the hematig ,• .1;
Of Gloars bright sin where the Foetum
halm trod; ' ' • -
Mid Flom shs . tiumh„ with a l f,tstß
• tedieuting; ' , • •
'TON 10 444,' , .Quithur iot•rea:e
- With our God!
,„ • .
Grant as-a''kittatt and' a BolitiO.
• •
oivosthovitylursei a'Grad, Idea
Daucs,and Wile" Bretti cr,ior
;.QTitikd Mips Amoy.) ,
„ ra's ---
, .
`- Grant i s Seine what t under „
'the 'me
dium size, thotigh his
• body is closely
and powerfully built. His bands and
lett •.aris mill %ands neatly . .tilfisPed;
his dress is plain aod,,ef-Xceedillia.
dratelitatioulf; his . eyts are large,
deep, (iciiiiiiquad• very strtiag,imittal-',
ly capable of lbliitiug 'with a resole
thiti that nothing Can withstand; end'
of shining with the steady, light of
i benevolence •and-• imniabifiry. THis•64 -
'bre is like that of , etSO,,rile,Rl,lttie,
1 cloie-grairied, 'and' indiiring; his
eat' of the Sanguine, nervous and kink
Phatic, bat theiliatle inAineicpratioi.:'
lion as to tone down an,d ,, ,holdj•uil
equgibriom . tlia , other two, perfect
ingboth mentill iita physical organi
•saticui. His C.apacity -for -labor low
passes comprabeusiuni neitbermeu
tal, nor physical exertion seems to
predecii the' lean' wear eid'tiat in ' ,
lie. Tiiiii.• 1,34 .rides ; at:; a t ,4ashing 1
iptied lour afterr - Uur and day after 1
day wit* theliame ease' withaibith
be plane a battle . or ; trine s tbit in
etruatiinin for * citopitgLi.• 'ltem is
1 10 04E 1 24 : 4:44 1 , or • Olanger.'in , the
'man ; his voice is as quiet and tyd- •
Jetty dt-a 41,01001'ei littel life' latignage
it i nife i 9u l l l 374 , ,,lr t ifA r liWl r rn• -
- e,Waii neves” neon' to give Otter
'ante to a - Metal:At ors anigarjett;
:"•• P at tY - P r i. 64 ,f ce ti - % fi°4liri MP' e r
voi4:,*Aproiss4o , 4 m*4B,, ci.
thaimierintwileri alt; unfeeling or•eni ,
il!lllitfitCP.Pee*•itid'' no #0 54 % 141{-
pr illliatialA criticiser eviiiie kin ,
hint. ,Mbeaangryy-tabish is.rarely ihtfP',llo6?Vl6loS•4StelAtltt
"iiii4o4l44o ll ** l * WC I:0 -•
44,441#04:16 6 10,
to ,airearaisti uefi:4i,the n3rtuf.!itet
1 Wtft i l bt'Siiit of**. 'ttlivor.islf
i nts4oo.6ditisilogieit,us ilagae.;!liii
bee bOirr,totniiii to'eay,tbait erattle*
i1*';01k.a4V4*.iii.444 4 1:4404t.W.
Came the
Offense .. . 4a itiiiitViteliNV' OA *AAP
ly_ aiiiiiiikrikiiiii:Jiiiviiiq sooner
00y014 Shatlikr44 ,l 's 6 ,.iii
'Di elbuNe4; - TtiPlinlise4 'kali=
fruit %AteriociitoOtelprpholdti!it
: i tr i g:rs l .. 9l ; l i t idtfil_rt ic Al
. • i.% . ARA. .
. •
i •Iti -
• illoie s iritor
~ • „Rig AIDISSII -01' DICSOIIOT4I • r• •• • . •
VI - 0 7 .1'• I(I .1 • ."" 7 -)
• . -
• Tf:`•.'
11 " / MtAlftetigil Odlickfikr,
ibetween,hiniund his subordmates.--
?They have usually mistaken his slow
awl hate discovered their mistake
Only after. becoming rub and• coin
'esitfts Apbeerer.
Child; and as free from harmful 'in
ntion - buthe in stirred to Um very
44 . '14 . 6410 iiiaistiot ha
anity or brutality of any . sort ;
giliab e raree r ietif i fit i crtin
idisplarof the - liveliest indignation.
Be is not' slew Wither Ctilibitiop of
. tor ti whatever in
rAtille° 3 77, .1 A
TO 0 0 A.M.
In issuing orders to his subordi
ititeirtocoits asking le servioelav•th.
As of a staff officer, he is always
ticrupuloasly pulite and, respectful in
primmer. ; and cittlersiii'requests rath
er as he would ask si friend to oblige
klielPeticsitally;i Ulan* i 4 .1 ii3ilftaty•
pommander =whose word islaw. His
Consideration for those ' about him is
liadmirablyehoir'U by the folloWing
incident : Oa the night after the
battle of. Mission Ridge, while re-
PK i llAtitoilkitiiikikvOnt‘4lllo/441;
ginariera-Übattanoos, he desire
to know what had be c ome of Sheri
dan's . diviakoap, widob lba4,:been re
urted at noon tic engaged in build
' glt bfidge-awyee r the Aikipmao
Medlin Mille, and alAcrugh - few. .1
then after midnight, he_ rtl‘eated
one of hia,ataCto nbtain,the deeir •
:information.NThe \ officer, after a long
arid tiresome ride, reported at head
tiolirtittkjtitit ittaifinrise, d
,the Generaknot yet asleep. it seems
retuining‘ to. Chattanooga at
:about 1 o'clock, lio foncd a full expla
nation of the day's elieri4tiiina. and
;ihillisid ijf giihig t 6 sled p iei• spells
'the rest of the night in thinking of
the long and tedloW ride he had re
qnired from
. his officer, all for no
porpise o se he exprefoed it. Such .
Coiefort iitherik;
.it is Deedless to nay, wits rare even
among the most butnaueof our-Gen.
: orals. Many of theta' would not
;have hesitated to save thelliSeiVeK
`even the slightest trouble at the es
Fletig T e 'cif\ _Ate lett
:would have given themselves Pearce
•a av , ment'a thonght,,lntd,an,aidd.t.
camp' been 'Coifed, clinch teas if he
. ~ .
had only gone on *Jog and difficult
I.4 ,..*eVift',"'"fitiiTY'lliklit. • ' .- kv
, .. . ~
Grantlifiersonal' habits iiiidlastes
are exceediugly simple ; he deipities
'the pomp . and show of empty parade:
'atilt in lis sev e re simplicity and Irian:
.ly pride he scorns all adventitious
aids to popularity.: 'He lives plainly
(himself, and cannot tolerate ostenta
tion or extravagance in those about
hini His mess was never luxurious
ly,tthougb ,s wayrr . boautif t 3fisma4
iiishillwidv_army rations. - and sticiv
:supplies as could, be transported
'readily and easily in the limited
,numbersol wagons that he permit', d'
to follow bis'headquariers. His ap
petites are all under perfect control.,
:He is very abstemions, and during
bie.enihe IW,A4rullainpaige 'oo'4.
ficers of his- stuff were forbidden to
'bring wines or liquors into camp.—
He has beep repr r esentecl ; SS one of
theitiniliiiiCitnin of 'nen, and in unit
respect he is such. He never divnl
:gas his thoughts till they
. pre ma
• tnitil,l iiiid i•viiiiiier :•'atipirer- to iipe....Ph.'
making ; and even in private colorer-
ititinn he falls jute ,silence if he sus- 1
pects that fie,ia f iikely to be reported.
He is the most modest of men, and
nothing annoys him more than a load ,
liarnde . of personal opinion, or -per
'ifolittlYtinity i hilt ;with his iiitlinatii"
friends, either at leane or around the
camp-fire, he talks upon all subjects,
, not only fluently: sad copiously ? Out
in the most charming and good-na
tured manner.. His liue has been tool
busy .to t read , battery or technical
idtlitiii, 'but he' his always been a
close and a careful reader- of the
newspapers. •He has a retentive
;memory,:--andis"deeply interestid in
all matters which concern the inter
eats of humanity, and particularly
hia-own-lcouutry....; Upon all- such;
sbbjectsiin.Tabt, upon all the vital
questions of the day, he thinks !care
fully and profoundly, and expresses
himself with great ease ntid- good
Bernie. His. understanding hi of that
luciPiv ,character that coop probes
ii.quoitiau t': the' bcitenin, Po "Seam'
how much the politicians or nevrapa
,pers may labor to confuse it; !while
his judgment is swifeliberate, tuinest,
and struthful in its operations,. that it
may be implicitly relied, upon to•ar t
rivinhat's•lflir - intid'itifiraseii-P , itieliil
'slot" His , memory is stored with
personal iucidents illustrative of
men and mann.'rs in ill 'parts n the
Ibriontry, showing that he had evi
'o44 pe l eu-,-a, profoisid,-student of
human %-iiature- _throughout - lire' i - hie'
appreciation of men and character
has never been sintiasSed. This was
;well shown in the redrganization of
1 tbeAr.t., lifter , he • bensinalienteo-;
int-Generll.' It 'is" Well know that
be did not fail in a single instance
Where a change-was made in putting
the right man in the right man in the
'Fight . place This Was due neither,
to igillitrafittailiatandgriiiiiii,lietTta.
his habit of caNful observation. He
Warms towar d a bold, nut4pLken,
end !Dyer ‘niktur%:; felt ollsistdoe and
zeal himself, be naturally admires
01,, , VellP.00 0 0!trtkteriLy. He 1/4 13 3 1 / 0 q
patience wit' a weak, complaining, I
and- selfish disposition,' and cannot
1 •
endure double-dealing or indirectness 1
of any sort. Straightforward' and,
411111 1.1 1 4lt i.: 1 01 ..VNril , fi e t:I n i l
,irespee,i. t h ese qtlatt.ce
,wl erever
they are found. Indeed, the most
1 striking peculiarity:: till'f''life' nature,
both as a man and a General, is a
pProunfir•iiiid tdidevietiegi kiiithruiii
'nese in all things. Those who have
known him best will bear willing tes
imony ttillieWbitenninfihat inc.iinv
r told a falsehood, or"th . ade a volnu- I
6 ii.
It.# 0,44, 1
' 1.4 1,P4 1 4 9 ?1 41 fil9t , L:au 4 i
tt believe ui that - it would be a1 ,, 1
bloat impossible for 4him to do so as
for the needle to leiget its fidelity to'l
the pole. ' ;' 1
t ~ ' . --*- X4m.. 1 .-Qutufu4s, • -,,- ~,, .- -,71
'HO iit4-tzhe Menu act a'tnagriant;
mots e nemy. His lamaityis bowed- 1
leiiiiidntidlis ilaiarMirati - hmad Lit „ .14141 .
4 - 4.otil' i tge i btll4 4 4 4-4 ,:*liiiiff:
*ab ti
eam ::aniuttok; iiiiiliiiii*.
lion. tiluflitiitliiiiii ' *light 'Whist •
iiid.tkiite • kfusT4Pet - flitted . 14 hind
Qr ehirtiged hianhanacter s in'the sliglo. l
ast'aisgrea. - ,4NitnavillY :11,.. str4g;to , 1
rinasruk`thnimudiess of: Providence,. 1
ilicteitai th
fu e; 'WA* 'of "niaultink 1
he -Yet.Posinievies , min Orlin& blia ,1
(Siena*. which - hits 'at :On* ckir .
'termed iiiirtars chieftains. - sii'tneo.
dent was tip hi the moral ;strength •
ilo'3latit*#Atit4 One"; 'ilistthe
or thelsksithqepeaple t: thithe never
i*iJik . the::444iltew-tioirec'.4l4o,44
tf:sanniiVil and- proqwerboanimintry; :
boiliMol (L.. 4414111 i - , 20111
tshatiatiejahlr Ili rtie. Manifest
d4 V 4:11/*inkblin.: ''',.. i • , . :
It AK* epiiii,lrihoP,": said blipolumf •
t*lnkfnuf in : 11 4• 6 t91 0- -iWii'D''& l l
tfin qualities necessary, to nonstinkts
Efrtett . generl.: ; Ilk: jilinit - kiiiiii
'I siliiiit a bmaseaindginthit . alibillsl
___ - 'lli - eiluilihrinin : whit Ilk eourigo ;
that.ratoes r him at 'once above! the
ecinuionleyol. If . courage hens Pin'.
Chafe Predsonioating , qtality, lisp Will
isibly embark • in enterprtses,atora
hia -coliceptisoi ; : lied on the Other
himid,helvill not venture , to carry his
ideal" ir4e,'-'affect ' if his/charimter oi
Courage - be infeilor to his judgment" ,
BI:Init of illiestrating /tbis principle
traitoleonmeut on to assert that i 4
wasimposvitkle for Murat mid 14ey
not titlWOrave, but idded that " ao
men ever peeeemed losii•jesigmentr
Spesking„of • inoral,coninge,' tweed :
fi Ilaire very, rarely met , the two
'clockinstliOnorning i • eniKaP i i • •.k
me n miprilialid 'courage i ' 'MO
kir 'ch ianoiessary ou •an unexpeef, ,
occasion. , • Kleher_ was endowed
with the 'highest talents, but was
merely the man of the moment, and
pursued glory as theonly. road to
joyment; whit.. Desais 'possestseds in
a very sikpuriAir degree, the import
ant equilibrium just described."
. • • , :
moue's viAcs exam .139342 OZIEZIALII.
Marshal lis,rmonealsesifies gener
als into four categories first "those
who have never lost a battle, whoa')
courage and judgment were equal to
every emergency," such as Alexander
and Caviar , in ancient times, and Gus
cavils Adelphits, • Threnne, Conde;
Luxembourg. and Napoleon dna
1812, in mii&rn times. • In the imp
ood class he' places "those who,'ff
they , have ] yften -gained victoriels .
have want:tine:a lost them," in spite_
of desperate fighting and good gen
eralship. Auraithese are the Arch•
duke Charles, S warow, and WO
ing-ton. The thirdcategert contains
" those generals Who ihav been ha
bitually unfortunate in war, but have
never allowed their armies be des
troyed, nor be. personally discour
aged, always offering a menacing
front and impressing The enemy with
4 feur." Such ie ancient times were
See &lions and Mitbridatea, and in
Madera limes -Wallenstein and Wil-
Him 111 of- guglaud. Finally, the
fourth contaitei "that numerous class
common to every country and ►-very
epoch, who hove ; lust their armies
without serious fighting; or without
making the .• , ..•my pay dearly for his
victory." In describing the ipalities
of a great leader, Marmot speaks of
a imien of intnlligenee and courage,
but prefers, if either be in excess,
that it should be Giurage, for reasons
'which are ogrivions. Another writer
declares that' the distinctivie clearac-'
teristic of genius is the apparent ease
and simplicity with which it accom
, pliship the most difficult things Now
let Grant be tried by these 'rules, and
what rank must be asiiiimed to him
ii► history? Where Midi be be placed?
Clearly in the high'st category of
great aohlitwe i but in order that
thin may be stiii further b e yond the
pale of dispnir, let us consider the
gr i lle:lda or this conclusion some
what more in detail.
Grant having been educatell as a
Moldier at West Point, the first mili
terry school or America, if not f the
world, and having, served under both
Taylor and Scott, had at the outbreak
of the rebellion received all the train-
ing, both theoretical and practical,
that was 'requisite to a thorough
understanding of the military art, as
applicable to warfare in`'Ametica—
du the very.onbet of his more recent.
areer,,he mho ved plainly that he bad
not been an idle or unobservant stu
dent ot his profession He was, from
conviction, al ways opposed to that
spirit of martinetism which Frederick
the Great succeeded in making the
basis of military discipline, in nearly
all modern armiesi. and c believed in
developing the individuality of the
soldier as much as possible, trusting
to his intelligence and patriotism for
a fell performance of duty, instead of
relying exclusively upon the capacity
of officers to control brute, mas es.—
lie had the sagacity to perceive that
the system of Frederick, while it
might do well enough for ';feudal
Europe, before the days of the revo
lotion, could riot bo made to apply to
Citizen- soldiery, and.; he therefore
wasted no time' in trying to enforce
the strict rules of fixed military
establishments... Redid not.tualte the .
Usual mistake of supposing that the
common soldier was ignorant and
thoughtless, and therefore to be con-.
eidered as' a mere machine to 'be
provided with a musket or sabre, and
then to be *haraised into a reluctnnt
performance of duty, but was - pre.
!bend', impr,essed with the idea that
the Volunteers wereintelligetitaitizens
iif: the Republh whose business bad
been to.becomeacquainted with pub
lie affairs. Wit h he was net Un-..
initplriii of the,.neceseity of drill and
organization, for the purpose of en
suring; coherence and uniformity 'of
Effort, though he acted upon the
reasonable !supposition, that 'volute
teen would obtain more of the pro*:
ticalknowiedgeof warfare in a week's '
campaigning than a yeses drilliog hi
camps of 'instruction. Ho has; been
Ofteal Weed to alai that .the - , Officei
wile could tell that his movementik
lore la lute ` way. of succisaful exam
tiCui-ity isedingshafaces of Weir*
was' already defeated;', be bilk**
that Amerieshaoldiersi "are as mail
as .town folks,7, and, what,theY 404 7 4
kaoW,Ur mum* find 'Conk is scarcely
worth the tnowing. • Loeicierat'ibt
airy in-this-light i he,Wisely . deieied :
moral tube to, ,
the selection .of goal
ottlOrio, and the weeding yet ef144. 1
ones, than in Working item their*
OPierd• I'' ' ' 7 ' '
110:'•held 'llO4 the Brit' that 'the
EFOierhmetir lio'Condiotier the' War
'pOil0"; - of the thitlow,:tiord';' , diabidded
the regale, enityriiktial4 6 dlitiibrit
WI? ite 'glee*'-ntitriSireirdeaki . ned
,among th e raw
tilitertirerk- then; lid e'
erldedhareminatkar of'the titinedtriot-
Allrasipillied"eleldedt"th 6ll ll s l 4
:inig t 4t ht g eterY brittiVt 4 i - tallHedP"
; tither r anot . iiitli t ez r i etd i ed iiiid
eetiltiptiehrolii=" l -rditernini u l
inelie Uri* inonurr "eilkiettlind
• tate trrel*WeirectithaitaidopedOW
ritieW , end :privateletif (the'.ttidi any
oatild have been: initiate eliol-ire"W
regiment 'The; rebels;'-'hiving
atsodliat army' to' maintidk:pureded
Maly thitoonise with thedrialleirti
idairaied for themilltitY, obriisse,,ivid
fens, 040
il%threlyi-thrite larmyilor the Itrit ;Awe
yeere:df the wau - freite tinder: bidet
better!‘generaEdlseighte Albin
' .Totheirratei the • 13ontherwireopte:;,bad'
been 'preparing tor' tide erttherek 'fee
thiewil years •belbre ii'ttetaillly teak
Omsk tnit the enlyeetiefeetory etv
planntiokof thereMoieney whir wtliob
they ekindrOed operitioai : i~t'tirst ire'
to be' friend in the faot - that ttrey!ifee: .
ly • user their - trained , Joißeere la the
oripeivitioa-sed ookrianind • of new
troopk; while ; the' National 'threerm
enrol' lituctioosty Putheed jut the-
Oppoeiter'polkiy. -, - 86 rigidly, was title'
eyetem , adbered , te, 4hat taw till'efter'
Went-became LiettuniantaenetilAld
be bare the ansiotano&:iir. tridired
military uten.eiren!upori his ,
stair. ' •
, raw-Asirr or ran *roroxio.
McClellan hes heen: much prsiaed
for, thiorganizatiOn of the. Army of
the Potomac, , and while it is not' our
intention to detract from his deeeiti
on that acoount, • it must:net 'be for
gotten that-in his gretteat'perfeent; ,
ance he'. was aided, by these , ithe'
became his Isurcessors, or thit'lre had
the help of , nine-tenths of the trained ,
soldiers 'On the Beguiler Army,at the ,
outbreak of the War. ; He absot!bed
- the , best of eVerything,--caiert,
troopit, erten, antuittnition and sup;
Oleo of every sort. wee
commanded by Sumner, , Franklizi,
F. Smith, Hooker,KcatneY. Baiter- ,
man,' Cagey, Mcall, Stone, Meade,
Ord, Humphreys. McDOwell, See,
Fitz John Porter, French and Bich.,
'ardson ; his cavalry„, by Stoueman,
Cooke, - Buford, Emory, Plesienton,
Bayard -sad Averill artillery, by
Barry, Hunt, Ayers, lifibbrin, Griffin
and a galaxy -,of youngerrofficere.
The. various departments of the s
',ere presided over by regular officers,
many of whom were already distin•
guished - for conspicuous services,
iuclitding among their. nuUtber, .Bar-
nerd, Duane. *WO; Me.dall and
McComb.; of the Engineer.; Ingalls.
of the oldartermeitter's Department , ;
Clarke., of the :Subsistent* Depart.
meat; Letterman. hi the, Medical De.
partmenk; nod Seth Williams and
Marcy. in the Adjutant-General's
Department. In fact, , every corps,
division and brigade., besides many a
regiment and battery, was-led by -aa:
experienced commander. The result
is well known; the Eater of the
Potomac,, that splendid ; army of;
citizen sof iery," had its origin io WIC
organimiti n, sod for. Apr long yeariv
steadfastly straggled ',wider every
sort of commander till it finally; foued
its hero l the Lieutenant-General,
and gains a signal triumph. .
mutt' or me erstemuarto.. ,
But fortunately for the Rause of free
g pv e rnmoct, :there :were. other armies
in this .field „whom: history, is not less
glorious 'than that of the. Army-of the,
Potomac. I Spell organised the Army
o f the Owabrfrland, whose distinctive
feature was iigilidiscipline and me-_
thodi performance of duty; and ,
althfugh ,its. commander was -a, mili—
tary fdvorite and one of the prodigies,
of the earlier days , of Ate . war, he was
palpated to have but. limited assistr.i
ante from, the regular army. His
staff : offlocMalone, with a few divio--1
ion and brigade commanders like: ;
Thomas. / Wood,, Stanley, McCook,
Hazen, Terrell and Barker, With two
batteries. ,of artillery an d new
regiments of
.in(antry, were • dratirt
from the regalar army. The case
with Grant was incomparably worse.
Sherman and• McPherson =word . the
only graduates of the military acad.
emy wha were-permanently identified
with the Army of the Tenneime:. G.
F. Smith made the campaign of Fort
Donelson .with it+. Rosecrans-that-of
Corinth and Inks • : Sheridan , com
manded. a nat.afey ixiglinent 'Wit for
a while; and, was. them: transferred to
the Army f the Cumberland. Wilson
belonged t 6 the - staff, and Vrd, Sooy
Smith and Comstock, and several. in--
ferior °Moira-joined it during- the
siege of 'Fieluiberg ; but with' the,
exception 4l a email battalliorLotthe
Thirteenth (new) infantly, arida few'
hundred of the }lngle infantry deem , .
the Vickaburs campaign,-not reee
meat of regular soldiers ever formed,
any 'part ' ita."colinmit. It' lqu .
made up, Penerals and all, , of , raw
Westeru vblunteere, with' no imotel,
edge of warfaroeseept,that derive(''
from family I:editing' or based apt*
I their mother wit ; -,- and no Military
trainine . exeept in the (ma of the rite.
Having served with all these armies
land had ample oppertuni,e , orW'
serving,their habitual 'deportMeto
camp, on the march, and in battlkat
various epochs of their 'Oareer,':We
marls) permitted--totipeakitintiMilt.
tingly.- • • 1.: :*
mg um Os
In the the routine and 'detail Of"daty;
and in the Miser matters otdistildme
add oregkii4tiona..dul AMY Of , the
Potomac wo4undonbtedly saperki to
either off the others. . Bat, in the sub
or Generals, in the
isiotontitidOwolits oftWil#4. .
of iti'a
lower - ,ciffloire,',ln - ihi, neltieliaok
tics otiteVank,- Rd file,' in thort;
every moral '
;wily TOPeolee
been excelled::; Noihneril evemoht
Blic*Nll3 , iritir tows 'char;
Aoki ! ,,i)osi,sa -*riot - Use 'Grata ilia
uPolithe., o ol oo thich: Fe* 1P..16
lineally' we. 1410,
Ws* +eta. oOrd_loyiditcv fit
Mo oleaelyr embodied the spiri t elk
the pepialTroiii Which it - sprung.
L a cdriotairfact, b" tiot.Othstwin
Sufficiently counted for, fiat ip
eldr,, ac
wisiriadtoil umuogin ittietesibp
t 5 :"tip' `, '-.
i-e.-.,,:r, -,:,-.ti2i34,;ii.i(l
#lO,4llYlbllBlBOBO t 01108884 . 'think as,
i whoki, itivermtifered adiifest. :Itai
andaranat;: n nd courege were Miceli-
iiiiiiibtoo Midi 80 WA Wire the'
*sr hiiliertainstak it tame' to be'e
&main. fte :alb that - it was mu* to
iii9.4let bit* thnt:lsetted , pier One
1 1 .1 1 .7.1. ni 4Pi t e r ti. .. 1 0 1 Pr'i lle 048-ar who
mensal,. "Gmcers ind men see sled
te'llialldoired With thif•giltiof 'lnit
ifeteueitintadegrad ' nicer thulium
id (*Wept by their commander., A.
4 99reeirer.4reat'erlefoteti99,r9ust
I= 3 ' 44)f 't Orteratirtfor ,Ileet;t:
i ,I * -, i4nalineensareitiamouit. -. -••'',
1, Illte -ettentiast at :the... reader' has
ildfl Wen, caed.te,lolAPOßtathen
r,ioa.of a t,rinitail °optimal - in the'
iiiirVidley.ind'iAlhetaitly '
& is
' 'tie r Of theigoverinbeinith.thrrykigd
:Lis •vecninniendationdato! effect: -It'
is hardly neizatisamnOw , ,itetiedr . it ,
01:41000haYeR..,Tret,the founLiCtion
of ' nil substantial iriptoiies, net
00'4 the West;`: icit throughout theo H
atitatheaUwrif War. l Poit - Dwelson
ty I
woitty:iielarity, midacity ,-and ,
wie Fesol9llo9, , 81 .4 10 4:t-bY 'lstabli
hft v aliejf a ll M44 l9 eclug,tie.rable.
toism.' _ Ickelmit bithe' meet brit ! :
Bast' kid °A' titrategy;' by repldi
marching,. judicious ciotabiestion•an*
imikelienoe t i.,whielVt•resibuti 00a of
invasion. :,of Repine' 417 Charles
Sal.,_ or. Of, the,Vigar:dwfilniest in
Iteniili.rial; eirotroeigntof 1,796 ; bet
itMust not be' forgotten that Charles
lost tlinsioty .at Fulsome and that
Benaparte did unkind,- loOse from: his
beim ,soid,pl luoidlonag into _the,
interior of t 'ho stile country ; but
by ii"jildiainiie add 'Well.foriited plan
of .roperitiersthe broke through the
enemy's ,line at Mich apoiat ant° re.
Lehi Ida,commiinications with France
Conetantly.-uninten:upted, while toyH
raPidliondfinatione sndievere battles
he, drove these lines before him! - But
Giant; ?in the Vicksbarg campaign,
bokilyqthrew„ himself into the midst
of, hostile. forces ,, army
eltirely behind him, .natil he. had
belied the moat important , point in
this "theatre of operations, and then
turned upon Ind defeateoVthat 014,
drvec,,it into' the fortifications, from
whickit wits destined never to emerge
eictpt at the will of its conqueror.—
The ctcerng victories of the war were
Won by ii rare'combination of ISHII& 1
ry agencies. The 'consolidation of
four vast tettititritlidetratrattits into
one grand military division, enabled
9flol4•lo,concentrate sit Dhetteeoefie
011080itillruky, heavily outenunitocr
i9ii] Alt e.fielebr, and ,it should be
remembered :that Providence favors
$414'9 likttellions. By a se ries, of
5q 11 41P. 2, AlUtlijitra9; tactical combi.-
44 1395 ,, these superior numbers were
so directed upon the field of battle es
to take the enemy at diSadvantage,
strilthlehlm hi Rini ; amid "actually
getting closer to his base•of supplies
Milo his base rise to, hirown head
'garotters: ' - '. - ~- - : 1
•Mbe Atlanta ' - campaign, and the
ilia.oh. to the sea ; 'the selection of
Sheridan and the formetios -of the
Middle• military. division ;. the consol
idation of -tho Th r eatere:e9Telt7 i't
. he
eatablish.mmit of the, military div ision
of * WietlifeeineinjA 9 94er.GlNAVY,
tel . liiWed .by, campaign,ol. leobile;.
"%Creme's grand ,holiday excursion
end picnic party through the Caroli
ries,• again severing -'the : .' Senthern
territory, hooletingned *Attiring -tis
strait*, breakibg iticoninicialcationi,.
and- seating out the ' - Vitals" of "Abe
Coufederacy I • 'And ' lastl,y; but "not'
least', :The magnificeirt , campaign of'
the Army of the Potomac, from the, ,
Rapidan t01,., - the _Jounce,: Sad. from
L"eteribtorg to Appomattox • Court,
House,. bear ample testimony not 011-
ly to the ;model& of Gianni- conee.p-
Items, but to thelierolo imd.unshaka
ble resolution, with which he carried
theta into effect. There was ild defeat
in all this, no hisihition, no dcintiting,l
but the - clearest Comprehmliiion of tbe,,
ends to be aimed' at, the = meet careful `
*operation- of , materials ; . and. the
meet, perfect_confidence iir the WOO
awi t means by which they• were to be
attained: No modern General ,except
Bonaparte ever wielded such vast ,
anitprolongeol power . ' ; and not even
the 'grcatconqueriir displayid, such
, tertiarkable saga - City in his organiza
tions iind tielections or suberdinetes.
?lessens and Souk • were driver' trot°
Spain.; lielkinsid weneverwhemed l
at &slabs& ; Mermen' was debiatedl
4. Montmartre; and ?Nuke') him.
'self was driven. from. Russia,. beaten
sitiieipsic,,,,und finally; after a, series
bf ;Unaccountable blunders, ivaii lona•
ed' gram `hie throne, . recovering •it
again 'only to repent his Mindere and
meet an ignomfnionsfete. ''' ' •
;Bat' Grant knew thatl no genius,
boWerer rerearksble, could intilicient .
ly command the Rational , =Mies in 5., ,
warof such magnitude ' without they'
aimlessness of lieutenants.who could be i
trusted." to make their own-orderael
for the emergencies,thet were sure to'
ifiliiii.'i Ilithereforb gave Moritho't I
to' theliro*stgaiifiration Mid direc t '
thfoir Of loinies ispesethe vitel pointa!
lof the enem's territory end lines,
end to,thenalectionafmen tempetent.
'to tionisnand them, than to 'seem* the
detailed .order* of: battle. Neither.]
[ Sherman, nor Sheridan, nor Thome,'
nor, -Canby ever, failed him,, and had
niredekinees - eixatilediiintddeikite
, iiiiiilfiiireiahteliety: to'ilio *Congeal:l
,of ' the' . Any • cif - the Pototomaii;, he
*tile dotibtlesi,liwit "dieeleyed ' eel
Pinotakillin . the tioicni Of Intiiii ik
birditiii;ihn'etra*oo - 01 . 011)Ligne.
' The qui* ;Naimoli: It which he
discovered thienemyte-. aorta &tric
linia Fort Denelson; , s the,audden
Easolatien , whichlhabasedstheteupen
to :cAtosekillt.;ooeB,lisi: (evidences:4
ainnothing more thaitsgpasnivetemn
Pelt 9 , inerebruteimarage... , Theteo.
tics of Lookostliciontain,Vhattsueo-
Ra V,ltLaa4 Mission Wei have
'9oer: ;
Pr:" li irefirti3';.. thoil# ll it *VON
dhinhic " - daring, theevertaiid: - dam
-Oi4N "ate' iiatt. fir Of 41ii. 'l . itittisi"
cionneiitaitkiii, idd iad the ntepatinti
Of 40bula been an faultless as the
beeenpieOl'Of - Abis movement's, there
wield beveteietAmothingAn' regint.
BAT iit ersie , smecissit in:Abe J„detaiie
ie,4lb ibis* *es stidietiAllwolded
flog, tbitibe politest ) Bpd in
fee *e r n*: kin!lifee tor illace:::-*:
uti , - eivii-eat,' - it'Beleion%'' graft
rksilleiniAibikk Tieltsbiug' esidhe
thel,Wiliisfilmoireahil litietheeeld
.Aniinaana, in ,Advance.
yi:),i„... - ; -.)-... i..1
r t
; 1 * ICI
~~b' o,
eutrioef i pnte , g r i t ,p0.5.4w18 -
to' degree that -ntw'o
o'clocivin• mormngcouragen which
Ns dedieres‘ .10. be Ole - iiite4f
thing, among Grine' ; awhile his
ittenceptain end ezemation of the
bin eaMpaigo ikre complete mot
that blejildgment isle exact evolib;
thisiiiitti his courage. • His =varied
Onweet -1111009111 throe& kw year@
Of warfare shown that he is , entitled
- to be hulked in thepstogoa of
erste who never lest a eampaigfor,
battle; ',alai '6* east simplicity with
whhli Inciet eatrpidinaiy
thhigulailutlstrebgly to this' posses—
siouptis.nenarkabki genius for war.,
patient with
the tile , ones. Let, neither their.
aloW - uOcratanding nor their occa
sional 'pertness . offend 'yon or pro. l
iolut:the amp. reproof.- • Remember'
the .worldis new to them, add slier
have ,taak grail') with
their unripened intellects the mass of,
rants' Mid tenths that cro wd upon
their attention. You are grown to
maturity a id strength through yeart
of experience, and hill becomes you
to fret at the little cialkythetlaila t
keep pace with , your thought. Teach
him pitioatiy, and Is God teaches
you, "line ore line, precept Open
precept;' here a little - and there's
.Cheer• his conflict of
mind ; and after years
,his ripe, rich
thought, shall rise' tip and call you
Bidei-;patientiy•lhe' endless ques
thladals, of. your- children. ,Do not
roughly ;grub the _spirit of `free in
quiry, with, impatient word or frown
for attempt; an the dintrary, a long
and instructive reply to every slight
and:casual question. Sup rather to
.deepentheir curiosity. Coevert, if
possible, thecareless question into, a,
profound. and earnest inquiry, and
aim rather ,to direct aid aid than to
answer tbeliquiry. Let your reply
senirtbe-Httle questioner forth;-not
so ninch p . rotid of what he hatlearn
ed as anxious to know more. Happy
you if iii ; giving your child the mole
cule of truth be asks for, you can
whet his curiosity = with a glimpseef
the mountain.of Arnth lying beyond ;
so thou send forth a philosopher
and Dot a silly pedant, into the wirld.
'Bear patiently the childish humors,
of &vise- little ones, They are but
the eatitored pleadings of the 'Young
spirit for care and cultivation. Irri ,
toted into strength, and hardened in
to batiks, they will haunt the whole
of life: like fiends ' - of despair, and
make thy' littler. ones curse the day
thersrere born ; butcoriTcled kind
ly-aid patiently, they become Abe •
elements of happiness and - useful
ness.' 'Passions are but fires, that
may either scorch us with their un
controlled fury, or may' yield no a
piglet and needful warmth.
• 'Bless your-little ones ,with opati
ent cire,of their childhood, and they
will certainly consecrate the glory
-and grace of. their manhood to your
service: , ::Sow ill their hearts the
seeds ef-a perennial blessedhess ; its
,ripened fruit will afford you a per
petualloy.---Journalef Education.
WILT figf YA'rl:B BAYS or MIL
• • Geo. Alfred Townsend has recently
had an interview with Senator Yates,
and Interrogated hire' as to his remi
niscencess of Grant's military career
early in the war, with- the following
result ;
"Grant," said the Governor, "came
down:to Springfield dressed in com
mon working defiles. He looked
'very muoh'as he does now,- ordinary,
taciturn;. unpretentious. When he
`presented himself fume he said :
" 'Governor, the
_,United States
earicuted me. I went to of use to
now that she is in danger."
Yates asked him what he wished
to have', • • •
" ' Any place whore J. can be use.
41," said Grant. 'lt don't matter
Much." • . -
The system at thartime wai to
commission only , officers who - had
raised companies: Yates, hurried
and. eVerrun, told • Grant to li:tok in
again. After afew days Grant,. whose
money had nearly run out naynifeho
tel board, dropped in again, hat in
hand, and, askedl•Yates if anything
had tunted• up. ' • •
" Can you write military orders ?"
asked the Governor.
"'Yes l'"• • '
".There," said Yates, "Grant work
ed,.away satisfacp y.rily, tbohgh m
hisde were lull and everything was
more or less , disorganized. I hadl no
thilirto obseri,e him , - and he wad nev
er' forward .to speak. Afterward I
put :him in the Adjutant General's
office; And although . We did dot know
it particularly at
-the time, we bave.,
found since that he laid the foundation`
there of whit is tow, probably, the'
best Adjutant-General's office in-the
llnitesiStates.- Before thewar itwt
ao During all this time, Grant
was'sOldein 'in my mind. I had too
midi . to' do to keep personal :watch
over:'erdry Meer in the. State, slid
did not look out particularly for the
coming MILL Bat Grant made• no ,
mistakes, and saw that hie West
Point knowledge was , useful to Us.
''Near by Siringthild there was a
lan° termed Camp Yates,
ponturning :twenty thousand men,
pertiiipa.'. It. was a source of annoy
ance to me. , I could not find anybody ;
tts keep' the men aubject' and see that
they vriiii,thade 'clean, properly fed,'
and taught tbegermlof organization.
_.sent Grant; out there,_, and pretty
boob, complaint ceased. Then I sent
him ; &Aqui* various camp '
s, thro'
the 'State, but still - I had no comaiand
hi& under the arbitrary Aro
tembritiviisg oily Wise places who
had raised organizatione. He went,
it las, l to visit oi3virtgtou, Kentucky,
Where his father lira I did not like
to see.Ouitooys enter - the service of
"nether Commonwealth, and I found
wehaniferdireetly to displace a Colo
nels otriAther. to. send bun to a differ
ent-command, and thou. !telegraphed
to Grant':
IVA 20a.. take minzavid _ the
!•"44'.reigimeitl . Ltugwer.
•• ' • Menne Ittite
tiviiiied l ; • • .• •
it,rt imnitdhite= , .
IPHeAketivai protOptiy.sadtdok
*1 .; 811 / 1 1441 no Ouulteds'Ol:
i -
M 44101111 "or:hhiLf, * 17011 - . Pit & +
brisk, rierious,Wescithro man. Ms
i t
were Sot so striking
tal i siVr_ialit pink - him id of a
~ sad la aid not ally .
inough to interest-Me. Oat of, tifo
hundred ouide4htrtwo Colonels *it '
tioninfisiont thought it as prdb- '
ble•-that4Wo Malta and eighty-bite -
Of them !Odd heed" lit famous its
~eqe-filkonst h owever, whii.h:
I Eivit,iice lag ,- significaSt
a hhs &tore sensesnd eater- -
pifse. 'Ms regiment Iris' the moo
&Moralised one that iii hid in Ilii-
Sole: . It ": hid became humbordhato •
isatilallowed to go ;to seed: Grant :
Startafixtboymeem of breaking -it in
b 7 warlisali lb fa. march amiss then
gt!.; , tOht,itimouri, and 134 waathafirst
trhOliad eionothyand
' lr 'iambic, - Sart tut the delay,'
Idiom of raihray transportation •
in.this inannts.An this march he
Stopped straggling: aid Orchard rob-.
bing-hvallerme original, good he- , 1
Mored and effectire...„lie guide evsg
straggler carry a face rail in line,
aß4,44l,the march Itself was tolerably -
abckiotut,.'iho anderiail did the work.
Ite "111#e tt'iliiii figliing regiment' of
1 thiiiiiireri! c - :, -
Uter speaking of many other triv
ial seatters,Goversor -Tide's said,,in -
Conninsioni ,',... -: ~ i. ::, , .
; "Hero w o rs hippers will be disap-
Elated- itr, Ortint.t I don't take it to .%
11 1 . 1 7etelitticia of. nine that. failed' '
peroave ening hrhhia. Nobody
else did. Has gosh* li not attest&
tionsiordit4tmtio.: It is the germs
of socomplishmentAkat” he has.—
When his work is done, there it is,
done ;,- and tbexa t is,the man, except
for ayk, work,
,ordinary 411 before. I` .
doteCtnakal,R, t*.fca error of m
cepticinby"rAtiug the Geneeral twice.
its it as wool-hot in the light -
ofiltii sehlimissmali I feel the same .
*Aim& and isitidsetion in him
that all the' people feel. The Demo--
crate feel it took , he has no enemies •
in + our State butpolitioal ones, and -
otutior twopersonakonee r like Ida
Clerimott. We Will elect him with
ease":. -: " - 1
i ''
Axmairf Rimed Macmess.—Many,
we doubt notywilt hardly believe that
reaping mschines--were/ in openition
nearly 2;000 pare - ago ;' but each
was, novertheleas the fact Pliny,the
naturalist, who gives the following
account ,of one of tlieep Ancient ma,
chines, died nearly a century, before f
the birth 'of Chriakand Such machines
were in use in advance of that peri
' 4 .litr toeing. the allaltlef . Of cuitinf
dopneY. or-reaping come; theirit . be di
verse and sundry Pram
cc,-where the fields be large,•they
nnedp set ajade or an ass rat o . the
talk of mighitie great wheelebar
row or carte, made in the manner of
a' Van,' and the same "set with keene
and trenchant teeth sticking init-on
both-sides now hi' thia cart drivek
forward, befere the beast, upon. two
.wheeles,into the standing corne(oon
trary to the • nianner.of other carts
that are drawn...after) the paid teeth
.rfsharp tines 'fastened .to the sides
of;the Wheelebarow or eakteaforsaid,
catch hold of the come eare.and cut
the off; yet so as . theyfall presently
into the balk of the wheelebarrow!
- • ,
—A sergeant of , the life-guards, veq,
vain, bat possessed of much bravery, _
wore watch chain to which he had
fastened "s musket-ball, being too
poor: to- buy a watch. The king, 7
kaving : heard - of .this,: wished_ to ex! '.-
pose him' to ridicule. , : Stepping up
to the soldier, he said,, - .
" Serpent, ',yot! - Must have been •
ecmMtnica l ; . see-yon wear a watch;
mine tells meit is Sid otclock,-Lhow
much is yours?" -
The soldier; gnetising the intention
of the.kingi but.uothiag daunted, kit
' mediately drew (crib the ball„saying,
" Your Majesty, is neith
er.five'or six O'clook, but it Ulla me,
as often as I look at. it, titan taunt
be ever readit4s : die fur your Majes
ty. • .
" Here, my friend," added the king,
much moved, " take this, to know
- the pm:dee hour also in which to die •
for me:;" at the : same time giving his
own watcholtuddedl with jewels, to
the soldier..
CidNEBg TOPTIpiIF.-j.-,AO torture of •
the bedstead is resorted to in order
to extort money. The victim is put
on a wooden reek, flat on his back ; -
and his neck, wrists.' end ankles are
fastened down .by boards - having
curves made large -enough , for the
purpose. These- instruments are
-pressed dowu on the parts of the
body to which they are fitted, and •
are.theri tied under the bedstead.—
Besides ell this; sometimes a pole is
fastened,at right angles to a bar of
wood placed. across his ankles—the
pole extending to his chin and press
ing against it, so that hi& head will
be thrown backward and upward.—
In this position he is made to . pass
the night, unless the gaolers'itlent,
&he 'dimes to their : terms. 1 / 4 ,N0 one
is willing to sleep the second night
on such a bedstead e if he can arrange
matters with his keepers.
Mt G nt BEn.—lt is often,a ques- ,-
plop among people who are acquaint
-o‘with"the anatomy.,and physiology
of ine6l.whethtr lying with head er l
altedlor level with , their body is the
most Wholesome.. Most, consulting _
thgr Own ease ,- on this point; trgue*-
itrfaver of that which they prefer---
lifoivitilthougb many delight in bols
terin up - their heads at night, and
•Idee soundly without-Injury, yet we aecl ,it to,. be a dangerous habit.
Theiressels ii which the blood pass-
4 from the heart to the head are al: ,
rays lessened in their cavities wheal
the head is 'resting in bed higher
than the body ; therefore, in all dis
eases 'attended with rever t the head
should be pretty , nearly on a level
with the body •;, and- people ought to
accustom themselves to sleep thus
and avoid danger. • = • ,
, . ,?' , -.--------0----!-"-- -
is •a.. beantiful..sight
to see loving -mother& drawing their
children . about the.- streets tbcse
pleasant days iniheir little carriages.
Occasionally; however, we notice
thoughtless persor!'s drawing children
baskwarda. Igo* it' to well known
that tnas7 greiva - plople are unable
to ride - liAtirraidfiy; , sortiiie •it effects
eiery . nne more 'or lees nnpleseantly .
Children'ttiacitimi,knolin to become
irmane *recite other awe than
riding . briargarda 'lir- I railroad . car.
If cannot be . eiimElathat little ba
bleb will ersitimwithout injury, that
whin' h Anairen .. many ~:grown- people
sick and sensibly - awl& almost every
one,is beyond the reach of season,
in._Pceitively thintiatuk_ and may
lead to seriana,tehnettenoet Moth
em should' sea thatrtheir children are
sever subject to such danger.
MO: . Way to briecouratavea with
eolataiotastwapt ot tiowothl ia to ihiok
daily of laving