Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 06, 1868, Image 3
0 fradiont lepottet LOC4J AND GENERAL. rOWANDA CHURCH * DIRECTORY. --Re Church:'-Bev. ROBY.= PtINCAP, tor. Preaching, Sundays at 10 s. v., and 7} r. It. Sunday. School, 13 Y. as. Prayer Meeting every-Thursday evening._ • IL E. Church.—Bev. J. T.l3novirem., Pas tor. Preaching every Sunday at 10} and 71 r. at. Suns •y School, r.. at. Prayer Meeting every Thursday evening. Presbyterian Church.—Bev. Wan Hams, Pastor. Preaching every Sunday at 101 A. M., and 7 P.m. Sunday School,lir.m. Prayer Meeting Thursday evenings. Episcopal Church.—Bev. F. D. Homan, Pas tor. Preaching every Sunday at 101 a.m. and 3r. as Sunday School, 11 P. V. Tuts TABLE.—The following Time Table of the -Pennsylvania =file, York Canal and Bail /load Company, ,ithich took effect on Monday, May, 11,; . 1868 : • SOLTIEWARD. 'P. M. A. M. •A. M. _6:30 1120. —.820 _6:45 ....8:45 ...7:00 11:18.....858 ...7:15 12:03 9:1.3 ...7:45 1228 958 P. M. A. M. NORTHWARD. A. M. A. M. P.M. _8:08 11:00 458 ...7:53 - 10:45 44.3 —.7:40 1022 4:30 ... 725 10:17 4:15 ..7:00...... 9:52 3:50 A. M. r A. M. P. M. JOIE P. COX, Superintendent. AnEeis, Mil AN_ UL6TEi %%Amax Anips . MILAN... UL . .Frine.. 1 °WADA Mir The old tavern at Chnawana, near Owego, kept by E. B. Garland, was burned with most of its contents on Tues day night of last Week. j The residence of Mrs. I. P. tiraimnio, situate in the northern part of this borough, eras strack by lightning on We.3:nesdaylast,but not materially damaged. ITENRY A. RECORD, M. D., formerly of Towanda, has been appointed Resident Pybsician at the Insane Asylum, Chautau --pie County, N. Y. TRICK BY- LIGHTNING.—During a thunder shower, on Wednesday last, the bridge across the river at this place was trice struck by lightning, but not damaged appexteut. Jrr That cer'ain person who stole tLat Porcelain Picture from Harding A; Smalley's Gallery, is respectfully. requested to return the same immediately and save fur ther trouble. VVi.• understand that a barn 1.:,.1 , .m.;1ng to JASON VANNESS in Standing lie. Was set on fire by lightning on Wed hday last, and entirtly consumed togeth er.with its consents, including fonr I:ulna -Mc horses. Firs; Nine of th" Wino', a li,dl Club, of this place, have recently procured a new Fiel'ar 4 CTit, --- 4black and Lit plaid. The Winor,a's playlthe Cayn ta's, of Wayerly, N. Y., some time during Cue present -month. Out i roo.• will remember that on Saturday neat, l'rof. 0. b. Pram., the renowned horse-tamer, pitches tent at tLis place. All who desire to learn the se ult of managing vicious horses should ta t,t.l. Si:e advertisement, WAVERLY ITEMS.--The Erie Railway for weighing their coal have been c —During the first mouth of coal business Len•, there were shipped from this place 12.8 car loads.—AJL•ocale. CAUSE AND EFFECT.—Green apples are offered in . our market, and simultaneous u:th their, appearance 'we hear reports of eases of cholera morbus. People who Want to poison their children can do it very speedily and effectually by feeding them on I]).. c , apples and wilted vegetables. SUSQUEHANNA Col. TT ITEMS.—Front De,nocrat.—Fiu g Lkreatop.—A shed belonging to Mr. Chas. It. Bailey, was F truck by lightning Thursday evening last, :'i:l ecusumed, together with its contents,' 4,1 call eight tons of hay. The shed was a t out CO feet long, and partially connected to a ' Logo barn, which was saved. Mr. Dailcyystiniates his loss at about $3OO. No I= Fitt x JE.sser.—The barn of Michael hilf.y, of Jessup township, was burned on tht 11 , ..h. It was caused by a little child tt ing fire to some straw on the barn floor v.t i. trp.t.:ll. Loss said to be about $4OO. •I : VAN COUNTY ITEMS.—Front the Pr,.s.—A severe thunder storm on 1 . 1: ' ,, y list did considerable damage in this t v, uprooting trees, blowing down •, • -..•t• Mill fell in libundance, nod :o.y d.anaged the growing crops. .:111 , INTED.- Charles lioniann has been :'4' ..ated Postmaster at this place, and P. I. ls•ney removed. Mr. Cheney was nev z_ ,•Iblinsou matt, and has expected re- ::..‘.,1 a long t4.e. TtLey could have had .1 • Tore by asking fur it, and the only • ! is that Claeni2y remained In peace- .! •,tiu:,:on so long Wolxr, art. now open- 1 complete new stock of lt'ady Made mthufg, which they propose to sell on the • • one price system," and " mtsh basis."— This firm possess peculiar adynntages in buying their srippli,s, which l added to the ‘;,erioice of Mr. SOLOMON i 4 knowing the w.ints of this market, in tidis! fine, will tin yn secure for thenil a large share patronage. Their place of busi :. is one door north of TAYLOR LC: co.'s 11 Main street, where they will be happy to e all who may,favor them with a call. iitorou v.—Yes tcrd ay Dr. UrDE t: I:Ark performed another operation for r,Lioving an Ovarian tumor. The Gist was Lialcilecular and a large portion quite fil,rons. The adhesions were quite erten ,ive. The removal was complete and sails- L,; tory. The lady, on whom the operation was ,performed, is a maiden woman, about Ilfty years old, flll4 a resident of Hamilton, Madison Count:.; Drs. Metcalf, of Owego, i'r6. A- Bice, Chase, P. H. Flood and Cot (11 of.t.tis city were present and assisted at tat opbration, together with Dr. trDr t asistant, t —At a late hour, hist evening, the patient quite comfortable. The weight of the 111L:Or Nl* thirty pounds.- . —Eimira Ady'r. I; WoNE.—As the black -I,Lrry Eeason approaches the people will be I , ,king about for recipes to wake cordials IA wine, we give the following, i•hich is aid to be the best ever tried. In'orderthat may be , no doubt aboutotir belief in rteipe, we are willing that the parties it Flinn each send ns a bbttle of the* Tat: of berries any quantity, mash and' Let the juice stand for thirty-six 1• skim off whatever may - rise to the l'Jp. Take for each gallon of juice one of water and three pounds of sugar, 11.1 x and lets(and twenty-four hours in open skim and strain. Place in 1,,r1,-18 or easks•(4o not stop Coo tight) and al a cool place until March following, Vern it should be carefully racked off and Luttld. It may be necesia4itisai that, ; thb makes of wine by the recipe may be dergrAMA . ( 11 4' neOessarily) by its retaining the "Firma? smell and taste for several months alter barreling. i TOWANDA MADNETS.—Whotesale ze. C= Corrected every Tuesday by II Covr.LL & Cum, Grocers l -51 Main Street:— Wheat ~ ?. 12 . 00 et $2-50 Rye 1 20 . . Buckwheat. , ... 1 85 Corn 4: '1 120 • Oats . . - 1 70 - Beans :..._... . 3OQ o} 4 00 Buttek(rolls). 2$ '3O ~ . (dairy) 9 35 ,Eggs 20 :Potatoes .. ~ k , 4 1 60 'MY (Per an) " - 1 10 00 Fourp bbi) 9 00 XX 10 00 -14 00 Ham 24 . 24 Turkeys iq 18 Geese . • 12 Ducks 14 16 Chickens 12 a 14 %WIMP OP Gum—Wheat, Corn, 58 lbs; Bye, 56 lbs ; Oats, 32 Iblo Barley, 46 lbs ; Buckwheat, 48 lbs; Beans, 62 lbs ; Bran, 20 lbs; Oktver Seed 62 'bat riled Ap. pies, 22 lbs; Flax Seed 60 lbs. i * • Special Notitto. Foe SALL-A Seholarshiii, ie the Susquehanna Collegiate Institute or sale of rent, Apply to SPZIIBT Bat the office of Mercur & Aiorrow, •Towatula, Pa. July 29, 1868.—tf. GOOD TEmnass ArrENTNN.4—The members of Northern Lodge, Nab 203, are all earnestly requested 'to be in attendance at the regular meeting on FRIDAY the 31st of JULY, as business of unusual import ance is to be transacted. • I L. R. Fnosr, W,. F. S. HOUSE ..IND LOT FOE SALE. 4 house and lot on Fourth Street, near James Phin fly's. A bargain offered. Enquire,ofiWrcs atm & BLACX. Towanda, Pa. June 4, AGENTS WANTED.—Ladies and gen. tlemen wanted in every township' ird3rad ford county, to canvass for Holland'B pub lications and engravings. Agentsa clear : . Address ing from $5O to $l5O per month. Address at once A. A. Bum's, Towand% j July 13, 1888. • TOWANDA STEAM FLOURING The undersigned proprietors of th 'Towan da Steam Flouring Mill, are ready: to do custom grinding in the best possible man ner and at unusual short notice.- I Having E4cured the services of it cbmpe tent and obliging miller, they feel le-Srrant ed in promising entire satisfaction.! Flour and Feed at lowest cash pricOs. Gurerrra, WELLS & Miersos. Jtily 2, 1868.-Im. TAKE NOTICE.—The .ntierefilled is about to change his place of bushiest!, and therefore gives notice that all outstanding accounts due him should be settled by the Ist day of August next, or they will fie left in other hands for collection. j June 16, 1868 -6w. Join:. Disnmsrm it. Messrs. Wheeler & WilQoij, No. 62.5 Broadway, expose in theirdow the original Gold Medal awarded theta lit the Paris Exposition for Sewing and Button- Hole Machines-the only gold medal for this Branch of manufacture—over 8.?; corn petitors.—N. Y. Tribune. These celebrated machines can bii len at Wickham Black's,where you can ke good machine threads and silk, and firly ;thing wanted to work on your Sewing Machines. Max 28, 1868. CASCADE Mims— Camptoum—ilave a large supply of prime Winter Wbeat, two thi rod of it choice while, equal in quality to the celebrated Michigan, Kentucky or Cali fornia grades. We can furnish an article at once more wholesome and economical, than brands from a distance—which are of ten made of poor materiakadulterated with white corn, or injured from lying in store a long time before being used. Located in a fine wheat growing district, we are able to get a supply of the best at our Mill 'door, and expect only pay for manufactining as our profits. - We warrant each sack or barrel to be of first rate quality: A superiorqUality of Rye Flour always on hand. Eke Price List. EL B. Ispitast. June 4, 1868 lIAND Loom.--A. O. VER4S Self Acting Hand Loom. - Manufactured. and for sale by A. 0. Warr & Co., AndbvOr, N. Y. Send stamp for descriptive cir#l4. Jrue 18, 1868.-3m*. I 1 WAVERLY ' /E.—The Forty fourth term of the Waverly Institute Opens August 18,.1868, under the charge of lA. J. LANG, A. M., and with the same pot s of instructors as during the past year. A full Commercial Course has been es tablished during the past year hi Which students have all the advantages of the best Commercial Colleges, and the additional advantage of a thorough drill ill those branches indispensable to a compliite !busi ness education. Normal Class organized at beginning of term, in which 20 of the first appliants will receive free tuition for fourteen eeks. No change in the Higher English and Classical Departments. .1 Board can be had with the teachers and in many of the best families at very reason able rates, or, on application to the Princi pal students may secure rooms and board themselves, thereby lessening the ezitense one half. - For particulars address the Principal at Waverly, N. Y. Waverly, July 23, 1868.-4 w. Choice English BreaVast iTea at LONG & KEELER'S. Jul 2. BVC,KNVIIRAT, Kt Fox, STEiENP MEl:clin .1, N. 's Jul' 2. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE von SA I LS IN Rolm Bonoitun.—The subscriber will sell all 0 , his property in Rome Boro' cdnsist ing of quite a number of dwelling houses, lots, barns, &c., and about 20 set+s of Ohoice land. Also his store with'etOck of merehandize. Or would rent the store. L. MOOBIL Rome, May 15, 1.868.-3 m. STRAWBERRY PLANTS —WIISOTI s Al bany Seedling, 12 ets per doz., 50 Cil3per 100, $1 per 1,000 ; Agriculturist 12 cis per doz., 50 etc per 100, $.4. per 1,000.; boun ds, (Kuoz's No. 700) 25 cts per doz., 02 per 100, $2O per 1000 ; Juetinda (when ;other kinds are taken) 12 cis - per doz -. ., $1 perloo • $lO per 1000. Cau furnish Wilson's and Agriculturist now ; Jueunda's by August Ist. J. G. HOU'ET, hlonroeton, ra. July 13, 18G8:-3m' The celebrated Millville •Prnit Jars. All glass. • For sale at June 25. LONG & Irnmes. WANTED, a good WOOD TIIR4R, a ho Towanda Agricultural Works. July 22..3t W. T. BD3ROP, Sir Every Republican wants the Poreux. The pretest, cheapest and spici est paper out. It is loaded fall of flip, and shot off monthly, at only 25 cents per year. Specimen copies five cents each. Address The Porous, Wort°, Pa. July 214t* L WANTED. —A competent person,woo - can come well rocommended, to teach a se lect school at Liberty Corners, Pa., for one term, commencing about the first of Sep tember. For particulars apply. ptating terms, to J. W. Ini-rxr.. Liberty Corners, Aug. 4, 1868.-It*. stir The subscriber bolds for sale at his place in Camptown, a three-year old iron gray Mare Colt, weight 1,206 Sounds, a good Cow, a one-horse Lumber Wagon, a Cutter; and also 6 Sheep to let to double. lithrrrw Far. August 5,1868.-4 el 1 . lir A ED. .1 1 VANNESS—RENDERSHOT—At i essuP, Susquehanna Co., July 4th, 1868, by Rev. I. P. Towner, Mr. Jason Vanriess, of Standing Stone, and Miss 13.. J. Render shot, of the former place, MILLER—LEWIS--At the residenee of the bride's father in Pike,. Pa., July 13, 1868, by Rev. N. Brigham, Mr. Samuel A. Mil. ler, of Lennox, Pa., and Miss Adeli%M. Lewis. PUTT—RAGGON—At the residence of A. S. Platt, Esq., Cincinnati, Obio, July 22, 1868, by Rev. J. L. Grover,W M. W. Platt, of Toledo, Ohio, anblisi Emma . Baggot, of Sugar Run, Pa • - - -New /ibv 1 tmtntø N 1 1 f I) NJ AND IT Yoil4 szuntlz SOLOMON'- <<WOLFF 1 t ,ElespeetftWY aiMourtge to l their numerous friends that they ate 'no reildx to open one of lb enicest; best se* ,sol.4rgese stock of READY , mApo 'CLOTHING ever brought to : Towaudo Ur. Solomon, who ;haa until recently auvied - on mitts badness for s great number years, and haring during all 'that time enjoyed the ,patronage -of nearly every citizen of the county, with credit to him ;self and satisfaction tot his patrons, has in or der to merlin farther kontinnance of the good will, sold their entire Old stock at &And sao rifle e. and are now opening an entire COMplete Neiv'sYtack The bard cat will hereafter be conducted on a strictly - - CASH BASIS,' and at ONE PRICE ONLY, on which principle they meet to be able to sell goods at a very, small pro fi t and distance , allcompetition: We invite one and all to -pay us a visit at the old staid of Solomon do Sod one door - berth o Taylor es Co. • I The highest- market e d g e paid for Wool, tildes, Pelts and Ualf Skids. • - SOLOMON 4 WOLFF. ALIX. SOLOIION. • JULIUS WOI.TF‘ - Towanda, Aug. 3, ,1818. NEW; GRODFIY . AND PROVD i3ION STORE Mpe.A.3l3F. & MIX, Itespectfully announce that they have cow meneed the GROCERY AND PROVISION BUSINES In the North Store of Idercor's Now Bleck MAIN STFIEET, And have now in store a fall assortment of Goods to their line, purchased in New York, which they have selected with un usual care, and-will sell at the lowest possible rates. Their stock is complete in every particular, and in qoality and price cannot fail to' give satisfaction They ask the patronage 'of the public,-with he assurance that first rate goods and lair deallnglasy always be expected. They have new In store, and for sale by the case or single jar, a large r sto.:k of MOORE'S SEI.FSEALTNG AIR. TIGHT FRUIT JARS, Which they recommend at the very best °tiered to the pub:ic. They ask Ipr this jar, an itopec lion and trial, as Its merits ire a parent tb ev ery one. 1 ' .10— North st , re is iderene's Now Block, Main street, Towanda, Pa. sir (7 ASII paid for i'IIODUCE, and for BUTTER, at the highest market rates. • i JAMES MoCA BE, ' PARRY 511. X. June 25,4868. ORSE-POWERS,, THRESHERS, CLEANERS! SEPERATORS!! Blood & Co., Athens, Pa., Still.coutinue to manufacture BLOOD'S CEL EBRATED THRESHERS AND CLEANERS, AND HORSE POWERS to run ,the same, and are prepared to fill orders promptly, . ON AS GOOD TERMS As can be bought in the United States. Bay ing been 15 years engaged in manufacturing Threshing Machines, we have spared neither time nor expense in perfecting our ranching, and ci , im to have THE BEST CLEANER One that will seperate. the Grain from the Straw more perfectly , and with less power, than any other manufactured. They are very simple in construction, Ulu comprised in one piece, so that it does not require a mechanic to set them np or ran them it they are all man: ufactured under oar personal supervision, and WE CHALLENGE THE' WORLD. To show better workmanship or material Ev erg machine is act up and THOROUGHLY TESTED UNDER MOTION, Before leaving the Werke, and are WARRANTED TO BE IN WORKING ORDER They have been In practical use for eeveral years. and can be attached; to Tread Power's, Sweep Powers. Steam or Water Power, and for DURABILITY-. Perfection of Working, and Economy, their equal has not been invented.- OUR PRICES Are 48 those of any other manufacturer; and parties desiring to purchase% will find it to their-interest to examine oar stock before per. chaglng elsewhere. PRICE LISTS FURNISHED On application. All kinds of AGRICULTURAL MACHINES On hand, and Mill Rork, Engines, Boilers and machinery of all kinds got up to order prompt ly and on favorable terms. Athens, JO y 23, ISG3 BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, 202 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY, MADAME C. MEARS, Raving Increased the accommodations for pu pits, desires to inform her patrons that she is able to offer the advantages, of her Institution to a larger no nber of' ,Young Ladies. i'rench is the language of, the school. ' Madame M. "refers b y permission to J. B Howe_Esq. , Greenwood, Wna.„M. Mallory Esq , and E.. 4).. Goodrich Towarios, Pa. Jane 11,1868." TT S. INTERNAL REVENUE. IL) • Notice is hereby given tttit, the Annus. list of Exet4e taxes for fBnl3, has been trans• spitted to me by the Assessor. and the same bas become due and payable. All persons assessed in the Coon ty of BRADFORD, will make:pay ment at the Collector's Oaleo , Towanda, on or before the 15th day of July ,1866. Notice 13 also given that all persons who neglect or reins° to pay the duties and taxes assessed upon them within the time specified will become liable to pay , tbe pehalties imposed by law, in addition. 11. L. SCOTT, Collector, 13th District, Pennsylvania Collector's Office, Towanda, Jung 24. 18;18. BEEMER'S DOUPLE-jACTING, WOODEN FORCE PUMP! This is the most effective and cheapest force pump manufactured. Ib took the first premium at: the Chemung County fair of 1867, and only needs a trial to satisfy every one of Its merits. Thdy are In 'general use in Western Bradford, and. of some hundreds put in not one has tailed to give satisfaction. This pump may be seen in operation at the Reporter printing ofEco, and at several other places in Towanda . ,Address GEO. DUNHAM, Jr., South Creek, Pa., who Is Agent. for Biadford and Chemung counties. July 21, 1868.3m* IMPROVEMENT OF STOOK.- An oppOrtunity is now offered the farmers of bradford to improve their stock oy bleeding RED. KIRK, 7in A. H. 8., A thorongh.bred short Horn of -good pedigree running back to the herd of Mr. Bate!. :Hato of service $5,00, cash down. •As bat few cows can- be served th . present season, all vrbo.desire to obtain service should call EOOll or address, JOSEPH 110 MET, Monroeton, Pa. June 15,1569.3 2.* PPIACATION IN DIVORCE.- ..CM. To Nary A. Streevy.—No. 80, May term, 1865. You are hereby notifiedthat Alfred Streevy. your husband, has applied to the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County, for a divorce from the. bends of matrimony, and the eald Court has appointed Monday the 7th day of September, 1868, for hearing the said Al. fret in the premises, at which time and *place you min attend if you think proper. WM. GRIFFIS. Sheriff. Aug. 0, 1868. GARDEN.—AII ear. AU. 13i vegetables In their eeason, gatherei ire-h every diy in the gardens of the subscrl-. deli will bo kept , on hadd for sale at the store' Of McCabe & Mt , , in Norm's New Block. B. G. RUSSELL d:' CO. Towanda, July 13. 1868. - Nan''':lltiliiitiiiiiiititto4- 110 W A NDA:,Atailormitt4i: T0W.41 4 1D41, PENN'A, huriunanniEs tams, aeons HEAVY AND LIGHT WAGONS, 'GENERAL - - WOOD WORK. WOODTHOING IN ALL, ITS BRANCHES, SCROLL SAWING, 'PLANING,. ETC.,- ETC: HII4S, SPOKES &B E NT STUFF, LARGE STOCK nom WEICJI TO SELECT. The above aro from tb,bost SECOND GROWTH HICKORY & CIAE LIGHT AND HEAVY WAGONS ON HAND. We have the Broadand Narrow linage . afltILL PLCILI made and dressed M. C. MEMOIR!, President. THE CORNER GROCERYst NO. 1, PArroN's BLOCK:, Southeast corner of Mitin & Bridge•s,ts GROCERIES, i4OVISIONS, FLOUR, The undersigned desire to make acknowledgerneuts for the very liter ‘ al patronage they have receive d for he past eight months They liv6 recently made large ad ditions to their stock, and are in daily receipt of Goode adapted to the wants of their trade, all of which have been selected with care and bought at the very lowest market rates With their experience and greatly ncreased facilities, they would mos respectfully invite their old friends and customers to an examination or eir goods.' _They feel certain tli?t such examination will justify their customers in giving them as hereto ore their trade and their confidence • They continue, to pay libera l prices n CASH, for desirable Country Pro- duce. LONG & REELER. May 11, 1868. TO THE FRIENDS OF EDUCA- CATION AND LOVERS OF MUSIC We take pleaBure in informing you hat we have jug opened in Towan- dai on the corner of Bridge and Main Street, 2po. 3 Patton's Block, .on Elegant ,New Book and Music &ore, where every thing in the Book Stationery and music line may be found. Also Statuary, Paintings, Gold Pena, Spectacles, Eye Glasses Spy Glasses, Opera Glasses,.and a general assortment , of Musical In atruments, Yankee Notions and Fancy Articles. BLOOD & CO Our Goods were all selected in the city with great care by experienced hands and bought with cash at a very low figure with a uiewto the wants of this community. We feel confident we shall be able to offer bargains . t 1 who will fav or its Wit their a patronage. Can • 0110. AS .00. and see w 3 n ., I ADIS PEUSONAL TO ALL OTIO READ rr.— Coss A; Co., have just opened a splendid New Book and Music Store, in Patton's Block, Towanda, where they are selling everything in their line cheap for Cash. Call and see them and sat- \ isfy yourself that such is the case SERIN S. N. BRONSON, O.R , TELL, PA., Offers to builders mot complete stock of Builders Hardware, Sash, Glass, ,Nalls. Oils Paints Varnishes, Blinds, Trimmings, Mats.- Door Trimmings. 'to. TIN ROOFS, CONDUCTORS,. Gutters, put on by experienced workmen affa at the lowest rates. Tinkerin_g and jobbing, sap boilers, Sop spike, /Lc.. Howe's Sewing Machines, none better. Universal Clothes Wringers, best in use. Wheel Bakes and Com bined Plaster Sower. worthy the attention of the in'elligent farmer. Habbard's Mowing Ma chines, durable and desirable, 4 or foot cut. Tables, chairs, bedsteads, spring bed bottoms, and other Farmers will find , this reason the best quality 1 Tin Pans, Milk and Strain Pails, and every description of Tin Ware. Flour and Salt, CloVer and Timothy Seed, Spinning Wheels, Flax Wheels, Reels, Wheel Heads, Flyers, Field Rollers and Plaster Sowers furnished to order at lowest possible prices. ALSO—Corn Spellers, Morticing Machines, Cutting Boxes, Orwell, Feb. 20, 1868. CAUTlON.—Whereas, my wife MA. BY, Ku left my bed and board without any jut cause or provocation , all persona are hereby fobld harboring or trupting her on my account, s 3 I will pay no debts of her contracting atter Ohl date. JOHN T. WITH. • July -20, 1868-3t* STAGE PROPERTY FOR SALE.- coach, 1 democrat wagoa. 2 a43g1ie,41 bones, and harneeei for sale cheap. Enquire Ot or address W. H. DARLING, Orin..' , Pa . June 11, 1868.-11r* '. ...: :'WORKS. !. DENT -IMT; TiLDealers la-- We offer a I= N: T. lUSHOP, Superintendent. Tpwania, July 2, 1868. TOWANDA, PA. FEED, \TRADE .868 1 FURNLTURE,I S. N BROS:3ON • • , • (MOW A. CILCUIERLIN W., Hu enraged, hia Adore, and flta J **deed &page dock . of (Old and Sliver "AMERICAN'. •WATORES , And a well selected artaortment SWISS WATCHES, all warranted to run 11111 or the weep wooed: lire keeps on band ktage as sett-neater the celebrated .c,4-o K Alen an elegant assortment of „the latest etytee JEWELRY Ail) SILVEi WARE In the plated lis t he has !losers Mother F OiiK A4D R.POONS ! plated _Breakfast t Dinner . Castors, Elegant trelle plate doable wall ICE PITCHERS! • Handsome; Cato Baskets;- BLf.,2ItER BERRY DISHES; Pickle Stands, 'ice Bells, &a., &c., &c. 011imBRRLIN is any keeping Iha GRovF4et, BAKErs 17ami,ly Setting MaChines: These Machines are superior to',all-Others for family use, for the following reasons ; They saw with two threads dieect from the spools, and require no rewinding. , They aro more eaaUy understood and Used, and less liable to derangement, than other ma chines. • • They are capable of executing perfect.y, without change of adjuatment ! a much greater variety,of work than other machines. The stitch made by these machines la.much 'more firm, duffle, and durable, especially upon articierirldch minis* to be sashed and ironed, Ithin , sePother stitch. _Thia stitch, haring to the manner in which the under thread is Unwrouest, iS much the most plump and beautiful in use, and retains this plumpness and heanty, even upon artfcies frequently washed arid ironed, until trOltiftre. wont out: '! The structure of the seam is such, that, tho' it bo cut or broken at intervals of only a few stitches, it will neither open, ran, nor revol t but remains firm and durable. Unlike other machines, these fasten both lof the seam by their own operation. I With these machines:while silk ii,used upon itho right or face side 't of the seam, cotton may, be used upon the other side without lessening L t ile strength or durability of the seam. This' Can be done on no other machine, and is a great keying upon all articles stitched or made np w silk. " - These machines, in addition'to their superior Merits as instruments for sewing. execute the moat beautiful and permanent embroidery and, ornamental work. You can get Sewing Machine Needles, and all articles pertaining to the machine business. WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING., CIE Done in the best manner, as usual. at low rates Towanda, July 18, 1887. AND; HE PLAYED: ON A HARP OF A THOUSAND STRINGS, MIMIC!' 4i COW TEMPLE OV 141781 C ! For sale the celebrated Mathushek O and, and the beautiful little Colibri Pianos. Pianos of 219 strings. Pianos of one third more pow er. Pianos that exhibit more skill in4stracture Pianos that are better made in every, respect and will stand in tune longer than any now iu use In this country and Europe. These Pianos differ in construction In the inside front all o th ere, the strings cross the -iron frame in all di rections, distributing the Immense pressure equally to all sides f the plate. Besides oth er Improvements peculiar to their construction they combine al: the Improvements of every other manufacture. Send for 'Unseated circu lars where everything is explained to satisfac tion. Also constantly on - hand a full assort ment of 'Haines Brother's Pianos, Organs any Melodeons of the best of various styles for the church and parlor. Parlor and Melodeon Cov• ers, Piano and Melodeon Stools, Instruction Books for Melodeon and Plarto.\ New and old sheet manic on hand and ordered if desire'.-- Also for sale, Prof. Van -Rensselaer and Pier son's Piano, Furniture and Carriage Polish.— Plano tuning done do short notice. Liberal discount to ministers, churches and teachers. Also agents for the DECKER BROTHERS UNEQUALLED PATENT PIANO FORTES! W. A. MIAAIBERL Towanda, Feb. 13, 1, c r ITURR A HERE IT 13RAMHALL, C Si AVE • IT-1 ything you want in the. Greedy line.. See that they have FLOUR I I , FEED, FISH, SUGAR, PORK, TKA, SPICK, BUTTER, EGGS, LARD, DRIED AND CANNED FRUIT FRESII FELICE; I 1 THEIR SEASON BALT BY THE SACK OR BARREL. i TOBACCO AS:B CIGARS ire are bele agents for the Lei, brands of Vir CAROLINA SMOKING TOBACCO Whole sale and Retail L- at ly, everything in the GROCERY and PRO VISION line W Remember the place. No..ll,Elaln street, Ortt door below Beidlemao's Block. Towanda., Jute I l 1868., B. C. kc. GREAT UNITED STATES Uf 7EA WAREHOUSE T. Y. KELLBY & CO:, Nos 26, and ao Vesey Street, NEW YORK CITY, Are now supplying tontines "throughout t country with teas and coffees through the sq. tern. of clubs and their regularly appointed agents, at a slight advance on cargo prices, and guaranteeing their teas to be pure and fresh, and also to give entire satisfaction, or they can be returned and the money refunded. Remember that by our system the consumei ...pays only ONE PROFIT, instead of seven et -eight, as he must do when ho purchases of the ordinary grocer. ‘IVE DEFY COMPETITION. We call special attention not only to our stand ;lvd good?, but our fancy brands of Oolong apd Young Dyson Teas—pecullat avers—and teas sixty . days from Japan. • Our Coffee Depart ment is .managel also on the system of one profit only, and all oar coffees are sold on their merits. We only, ask a trial. All our importation of our teas and coffees can be - had of our regular appointed agents. All our goods are goods put up by ourselves in on .pound packages. at our warehouse in New York, and retailed at W. 11. H. GORE'S Drug Store, No. 137 Main street, et the small advance of cents per pound over our New York prises. , ; This brings the goods at the prices they ;eau be purchased for over our counters with the reigh t. added. LOOK AT OUR PRICKS. • OOLONG . (Rlack), GOc., 70.,80.1 , 0., $1 per lb„ beat.. MIXED (Green and Black). 600.. 70c., 80e., \ .0.. fl per lb., heat. YOUNG HY SON.(Green) 60c., 70c., boc., DO., $l, $13.0, 41,20. per IMPERIA.L . (Green). 00c., El, 81,25. ENGLISH BREAKFAST_ (Black). 70c., Sec., Sac., $l. El JO, 41 ,20, best. JAPAN 90c., El , $1,25 per'.lb. GUNPOWDER. 11,25, sl_so per lb. Shautneg Moynne Young Upson, Chinese packages $1 GO per pack age. Kiangsi Oolong in original Chinese package. 81;30 BAND 3 FANCY BRANDS,—NingyongOolong (131 k) $1.25 per lb. Nankin Afoyahe Young Hyman, (Green) sl'so per Uncolored 'Japan Teas, (60 days from Jenard pat up expressly for us in Yokohama 81,10 per lb. - GROUND COFFht —Pare Rio, . 20, 26 and 30 cents per lb. Be.' Old Godernnient Java, 40 cents per lb. Royal Club. 25 cents per lb- Mountain Plantation, GO Cents per lb. Beware of imitations and bogus compel:MN. All our goods bear our ...Trade Mark' on each bale. No others are &Elaine, 61.6 m. \ 101,01111..—Wheat - Flour , of all J: grade's, &meatiest' Flour, Bran, Corn, Meal. Feed, &a., at Dec- 15. W. A. ROCKWELL'S . rioLzse.,T,E oßoaßarr PRQY 810 N - . E F.., Sr .11'. The undersigned,. encouraged by the success which has thus far, at- tended tbeir new enterprise, desire to make . achnowledgetnent for the very liberal patronage thoy have re- ceived, by giving their customers the advantage of their years' experieme, together with the benOfit of th greatly increased facilities for loin business. They keep constantly .on hand, a very large and complete armament of everything tilde' line, and are daily deceiving. additiOOs; to their 4tock a# the: wants oftlhoir trade requires Syrup,. Molae:es, Coffee, Rice,- To- bacco, Fish, Salt, Cheese,. Fruits, Crackers ; Candy, Matches, Broom , Wrapping Paper, and Twine, Flour Sacks, seeds, and a great variety of other goods, which have been recent- ly bought at the lowest point in .the market, and are offered at wkolesale, at rates to correspond. W. DITTRICH I lIURRAIII IS - AT LAST ! WELL & CASH, giaia and -Inudlantottait: - AND 113, MA= Buzz; TOWANDA, PA. They have, now in store, Sugar, They desire to call especial atten• tion to their large stock of Fine Teas, which they /ire selling at New York Jobbing prices,—griaranteeing the quality in all cases Have also on hand a good assort- ment of Flour, Pork and Kerosene They still continue to have the benefit of a resident Partner in New York, who Is Constantly in the market and prepared to turn to our advan- tage any favorable -changes- lin She price pf roods FOX, STEVENS, ISIERCUB, A: CO. May 12, 1868 p0777 - Prr CO-, Are now receiving their sy*nallor STOCK, Which comprises TILE USUAL GREAT VARIE7 Y OF . GOODS, IN EVERY DEPARTMENT, AU of which ARE O'FFERE'D At the, Lowest Market Prices Towanda, April' 7, ;1808. SPECIAL [ NOTICE I SARSpARILLA AND SODA WATER FOR Trip MILLIONS The subscribers having built a New Shop, and supplied themselves with the latest and most approved machinery. and the very best materials for the purpose, are now prepared to manufacture and offer to'the public, a superior articlt. of their Sarsaparilla and Soda Water, good at all time% and so indisperudbly neces sary far health and comfort, daring the heated terms, and Warm summer months which arc now upon us. Thankful to a generous public for the very liberal patronage we have received during the short time we haie been engaged in the bus'. nese here, we are I determined that ncreffort on our part shall be wanting to merit andleecure a continuance of• the public patronage, commen surate with our increased - realities for supply ing them with what they need. All orders in our line will receive immediate and prompt attention, BENNETT & SMITH, • 'Opposite Railroad Depot, Towanda, Pa. June 18, 1868.-301.* ISSOLU T ION.—The co-partner 'ship heretolora exlsting ander the name of Smith & Peck; is 'this day dissolved by mu tual consent. The books of the flrm 7 are let in th&hands of Mr. Reck fo- settlement, at his -office. Persons Indebted to said firm are requested to make immedlato. payment, as all accounts not settled by the first of August, will be left tor collection. ' .ELHANAN RUTH, BEM, W. 'PBC& 1,1868.-4 w Towanda, June 20 " : *iii s :llbiiii4ooihr. , • : • . •-• HE DEPARTMENT COMPLETE IOOTS - AND: SHOES CO". LA'ROE ADDITIO,NS Suited to the Spripg 'Prude. 1 THE LATEST STYLES t BESZ QUALITY! AT LOWEST RAPS, AT HIJIBI!HREY BROTHERS. DAILY PiaNG -OPENED'!. And are ready for, the Inspectfon of the public); MANUFACTURED/GOODS, On band ae itsual. - r We are. ening BAItGA BAR G AINS, ODDO 8.! PROM LAST YEARS' STOCK! REGA . IOI;ESS OE COST! Harness, Harness, Har•ness, B Z AI M . ' T S I Vcrbes, 4121.1 all'go:es connected with! Vic Saddlery Business TRUNKS, .ITRAVELLINGIBAGS,7I VALISES, LEATHER., SHOE FINDINGS, Towanda, April 10, 1868 • . MOIITANYE'S oTORE! I= Desirable 'Assortment Goods Is now tang opened at the al Ore store, CONSISTING OF MANY ARTIOLES HAVING FITTED 'UP ROOM: AMONG- THE ARTICLE: O.4 6 A_RPMTSI EVERY DES6RIPTION! Window Shades (6-Fixtures; 0,12, 0 CIT.. BOOTS 4So SHOES ! ..1 1, MATS & 4 CA_F'S 11:rvii,tts%) o,s4utivl.3, .q.buwioam VERY SMALL PROFIT! OLD FRIENDS TO VISIT 11S, CAN MAKE IT FOR THEIR INTEREST ON rr N.Y E 9 " Se Towanda, May 5,1888. CHOICE No 1 MACKEREL FOR ono Wiling bee pound at Dram/salt ¢ CotoelPs cheap store. (MICR TOBACCO AND CIGARS NI at Dramhall t Cowell's Cheap Stem cars 'wool or lo receiiing Of floods Invoices of Prime thiods are OUR OWN In eider to close out the u tried over And will sell them AO, SADDLES. WHIPS, HARNESS TRIMMINGS. At' A T!trgeflnd very .19 They have not heretofore tept Above fir the purpose. May be found From 34 cent to $2 per yard, of Also Ot every description Just Imported blendlesOjaricty • Froorthb Etylei of 1843 to 1868 Tbeee'goods ifrill be !aid at a We cordially Invite' ur And the public: generally. 'mowing we To do so k ~,,-, .... fad, • , VIIIIROOLAMATIOR--Wheinas Hon - PARRIS B. STREETER, Fresident'Judge of the 12th Judicial District, corudatingof the co unties. of Bradford and Susquehanna. and Boas. Levi P. Stafford' fuel 'J. W. Van Dyke, Aar odate Judaea.' In and for said Couny of Bradford, have Issued their precept bearing date . the Sd *yet Augtutt,A. D. 1868, to me directed for holding i Court of% Oyer and Termiruer., Gen eral Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Common Plead and Orphan's Court, at Towanda, for the County of Bradford , on Monday, the Ith day of September next, to oantinnetwo weeks. al • Notice is therefore hereby given to the Coro ben. Justices of the Peace, and Constables, of the County . of Bradford, that they be then and there in tit* proper person, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, of said day, with their records, in quisitions and other remembrences, to do those ai.which. to their office appertains tote done ; and those who are bound by or otherwise to prosecute against the whq are or may be In the jail of mid County, or who shall be bound to appear et the ash/ Court, are tole then 'and there to prosecute against them u shell be just„ Jdrors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, agreeably to then notice. Dated at Towanda, the Bth day of,Auvt, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eigh thundred and sixty-004 and of the Independence of the United States, the ninety.first. - , WILLIAM GRIFFIS,- Sheriff. - OitiMAN'S COURT- SALE.-By -virtue of an; order honied out -of the Or phan's Court of Bradford County, the under signed administrate:war the estate of Addison McKean; late 'of, Burlington - twit., deed. , will sell at public =heat the late residence of the decedent, In Burlington bone; on -_WEDNES. DAY the 12th . day AIIGUST, 1868,14 10 o'cloclr i. 'M.,' the following- described lot, piece or par eel of. land situate in Burlington hero', hound-. ed andslescribed as follows : Beginning at the north-west corner of said lot 'on itte,road run ning east and West through the borough, from thence north 58ie east 7140 rods to a corner, .tbonco south 30P 'east 14 pro. to a= corner; thence south 63 9 west 1 2.10 pre., thence south 19° west 41.10 ins., thence south 32i° - eatt 1 3 10 pm, to scorner , thence south 62i° west 0 2.10 pre. to a corner, and front thence 27° west 18 740 pre. to the place of beginning:— Containing 132 square rods, with a large two story house thereon. • Al.l3o—:One other lot; piece or parcel of land situate in Burlington born' bounded as follows: Beginning at tie west corner of saidlot, thence .south 62° east 4-10 pro. to a corner, thence north 79° east 8 pm, to a corner, thence north .554° east 10 pis. to a comer:Thence north 24° west 30 3.10 pns. to a 'corner, thence north GO° east 8 7.10 pm to -a earner, thence south 10° ant 240 pr. to a;corner, thence north 621° east 8 4 , 10 pre: to-a corner. thence • south 32.1° east 31' 9.1 0- pre. to a corner, thence itcrth 54° east 7 8.10 pre. to a corner, thence south up east 5 840 pre. tor: corner, thence, north 64° -east 12 pre, to a corner, thence 'south 374° east 45 1.10 pm, to a corner, thence 703° west 64 nra. to a corner, thence 84° east 9 640 pre., thence north 88° west 46 pea. to 'a earner, and from thence north--85 1 east 47 pre. to the place of be gin- leg . Contalaing 281 acres. ALSOLLOne other lot of land. begroninget the neat corner thereof in the old - Berwick Turnpike. aid runniag from thence north 53° east 10 810 pre. to a corner, thence north 36° west 9 4.10 pre. to r corner; thence north 53c' east 31 pro; to a corner, thence south 10° east 58 pro. to a corner, thence south .434° West 15 pre to a corner, and from Menne north 374° wee 42 8.10 pre, to the place of beginning. Containing 8 acres and 100 lierches, and situa ted in Burlington bare'. ALSO—One other lot of land situate on tha aduth bank of Sager Creek in Burlington twp.; commencing at the north-west corner of said lot, from thenee 88° -mist GO pro. to a - corner, thence south 84° cast 60 p'rs. to a corner, sham north 88° west 60 pre to a c nier, and front thence tv , rthBi° west ,6'i pts. to the place of beginning. Containing 211 acres. TEBlds.—sso to be paid- by the purchaser for each lot at the -line the property is struck down, and one-third at the. confl rmation of the one-third in mcoutha thereafter,- nue third in one .year after confirmation. - S. H. HILL, PHILANDER LONG, ELLEN McKEA Adminis rators: Jane i, 1868 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF 'Pati UNITED STATES, for the West- era -District of Pennsylvania. JOHN IL SCOVELL, a Bankrupt under Act Congiess of March 2d, 1867, having applied for a Dis charge fioni all,his debts, and other claims provable under said Act, By order of the Court, Notice is hereby .liven, to 01 Credi tors who have proved their debts, and . other persons interested, to appear on the 22d day of AUGUST, 1869, at 9 o'clock, a. m., before E. OVE.B.TON, Jr., Register, at office, at Towanda, to show cause, if any they have, why a Discharge should not be granted to the said Baulaupt. And further, notice. is hereby given, that the Second and Third Meetings of Creditors of the said Bankrupt, required by the 27th and 28th Sections of said Act, will be had before the said Register, at the same time and place. T. S. C. McCANDURSS, Clerk W. S. Dist. Court for said District. August 6,1868.-2 w. 'N_CORPORATION NOTICES.- : Application for Incorporation of the Tusca rora and flash Religiutti Compact.- Applicaiion for. the Incorporation of the First hlethodist Epl4copal Church of New Al bany. Applic,at;or, for the Incorporation •01 the Presbyterian Church of Barclay. Notice Is her eby,given that the. above Also. cistions_have severally - presented to the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford ,County theirar ticks •of Asseciatioa asking fora decree of In corlioratiOn, end the sea Court having exam ined the eame, anti finding them correct wilt decree that they be, incorporated as prayed for onllonday i Septemlier 7, 1868, at 2 p. m., un less 'cause be shown to the contrary. A. THOMAS,. Prothonotary. - PrethanOtary's Office, Aug. 6,1868. TN THE ,DISTRICT COURT OF IN THE UNITED STATES, for the Wes tern District of Pennsylvania. GEORGE W. THOMPSON, a Bankrupt under the Act of -Congress of March 2d, 1867, having applie for a discharge from all his debts, And other claims provable under said Act, by order of the Court, notice is hereby giv en, to all peirsons who bave t tprovell their debts, and other persoio4 interested, to ap-. pear on the 21st day of AUGUST, 1868, at 9 o'clock, a. in., before EDWARD OVER TON Ja., Register, at his office in Towan da, Pa., to show cause; if any they have, why a discharge should not be granted, to the said Bankrupt. And further; notice is hereby given, that the Second and Third Meetings of Creditors of the said Bankrupt required by the 2714 and 28th 'S-ctions of said Act, will be lied before the said Regis ter; at the some time and place. S. C. McCANDLESS, . 'Clerk of said Court. Aug: 6, -1868. - Nc—THE ' DISTRICT !;ougT - OF . THE UNITED STATES, for the Wes tern District of Pennsylvania. JOSHUA DERRAII, a Bankrupt under the Act of Con= gress of litarett gd, 1867, having applied Tor a Discharge from all his debts,'and other claims provable' under said Act, By order of the Court, notice is hereby given, to all 'creditors whO have proved their-debts, and otherpersons interested, to appear on the 20th day of AUGUST, 1868, at 9 o'cloci, a..m., before EDWARD' OVERTON, Jr., Esq., Register in• Bankruptcy, at his office nt Towanda,to show cause;if any they have, ivhy a Discharge should not be the said' Bankrupt. And further, notice is hereby given, that the Secprul and Third Meetings of Creditors of the said Banictupt, required by the 27th and 28th Sections of said Act, will be had ° before the sail Regis ter, at. the saincy time and Place. S. C. 31eCANDLESS, Clerk U. R. Dish Court for said Cistrict. July 30, 1808.-2 w. N THE DISTRICT COURT OF I THE UNITED STATES, for the West ern District of Pennsylvania. JASPER J. SEYMOUR, a Bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March 2d, 1667. having applied for a discharge from all his debts. and other claims provable under said Act, By order of the Court, notice is hereby given to all Credi tors who:0:1ov° proved their debts, and other persons interested, to appear on the 14th day •of AUGUST, 1868, at 9 o'clock, a. m., before said Court, at the oMce of EDWARD OVERTON, Esq.., Register at `Towan da, Pa., to - show cause, if any they have, why a Discharge should not be granted to the said Bankrupt.. • And further, notice is hereby given, that the Second and ;Third Meetings of Creditors of the said Bankrupt, required by the 27th and 28th Sections of said Act; wilLbe,,had beforo said Register, at the same time and place. C. McCANDLESS, Clerk U. S. Dist. Court for said District. July 30, 1868.-2 w. 1 N BANKRUPTCY.—In the matter of George B. Humphrey, Bankrupt. In the District Court of the United States, for the. Wm tern District of Pennsylvania.. . To whom it may Concern: The 'undersigned hereby gives notice of his appontMent as as, -algae° of Geo, E. Humphrey, of South Creek, In the county of Bradford, and State of Penn sylvania, within said District, who has been ad judged a Bankrupt Avon his own petition by the District Court of tiald District. . Dated at Towanda, the 4th day of August, A. D. 1808. JOHN N. °ALIBI', Assignee. BANKRUPTCY.—LIn the tar Nnsom -C. lltanttn. Bankrupt. Tn tho Dietrict Court of the United States, for the Western District of Pennsylvania . , To whom it may Concei n: The underaignell hereby gives notico of his appointment as at signet of Naxos C. litairrtar, of Tunkbannock in the county of Wyoming, and State of Penn sylvania within said District, who has been ad judged a Bankrupt upon- his own petitioryby the District Court of said District. Dated at Tankhannock. the 4th day of Augns A.H. 1868. JOHN N. QUAFF, Assignee. 2=M2 TN , THE _ DISTRICT - COURT OF 1 the United Stale". for the Western District of Pennlyinnia. William L. SambrelL a Bank rupt under the Act of Comma of March 2d . 1867, having applied for &initia l 's, f r om all' • his debts, and other claims pi:ruble ands said Act. by order Of the: Court, notice is hereby given, tc all creditors who have _proved their debts, and other persons Interested, to appear on the 26th day of AUGUST, 1866, at '3 Q- • clock, a. in., before laid court, at the oflico of _ EDWARD OVERTON, Esq., at Towanda, Pa., to show came, •if any they , have. why a Din- , ehafgeshould not be granted to the mid Bank- = rapt. And farther, notice is hereby given, that the second and Third Ifeetinp of Credi tors-of the said Bankrupt, required by the 27th and 28th Sections of said Act, will be bad be fore said Regist'Or, at the same Onto- , and paCf- • B. O. McCANDL : Clerk U. S.,Dist. Ccert for sail District. August 1868. • ' IN the matter of JAMES H. FELLOWS. Bankrupt. In the District Court of ihe United Slates, for the Western District of Pennsylvaals." - : - t - To tame it may Consent: The anderdflc d hereby sires notice of '-his appointment as an. Blotto of James H. F.ellows, of Altra•Botroag b. In the County of Bradford,,and State of Penn - - sylvania. within said matries; - iiiho has Leen adjudged a Bankrupt upon hi:town petitlua by the Distriet Court of-sa Id'Dl strict. Doted at Troy. Pa., the 95th day of July, A. D. 1668. DELOS ROCKWELL, Asaixue-e. IMITOR'S :NOTICE.—/n Ihe mat- , lir of the estate of Joseph Elliott, deed., In the Orphan's Court- of Bradford County. The undersigned an 'anditor,• appointed - by said court to dispose of exceptions to ti.: aq . praisement of property set apart to Lb: wido;r. in the above case, will attend. to the datlea.of his sppointment at his office in the boroay,h ,of Towanda. on MONDAY, the 17th•day o: AUGUST,_ 1869, at I o'clock p. m., whcro 04l persons interesed will please attend. B. M. PECK, Auditor. July 23, likiB A lIDITOR'S NOTICE.—In.. the .01.. =Mr of the Male of Blau Case,..deed, late of Troy fp. In the Orphan's Court of Bradford County. The undersigned auditor appointed r. l ssid Court upon exceptions tired to the partial a: • count of, the executors of said estate, will a: , tend to the duties of his appointment, at LA office, in the .Borough of Towanda, on' Monday. the 24th day . .of August, 18651, at 2 'o'elock, p.c. July 12, 18Gi. H. PEET, Auditor. •-A UDITOR' brOTIOE —The under signed, having been appointed an Auditor by the Gout of Common Plum of Bradford Co. to dialribute money arisini , from the Sheri,T sale of the personal property of Smith Lent,will attend to the ditties of said appointment, at-his office's( the Borongli of Towanda, on Friday,the 21st day of August, 1888, at 2 p.; m., of said day —ati , whicti time tad laze all . persons having claims on said money are required to present the same, or. be debarred from coming to op or. saigmoney: Jilly 21, 1888. IL FEET, 4.uditor. A p3fINISTRATO4IS NOTICE._ Notice is hereby given to all persons In debted to the estate of Mary Aniont,- , late of Monroe twp., dec'd..are reqwmted to nrike immediate payment, an% those having claims against said estate, mast, pre,ent them duly authenticated for settlement. July 71,1868 AUDITOR'S NOTICE./n the nirzt- It; pf the'estate of Stephen Fellem,deceased The undersigned, an .oclitor appoint-A by the 17ourt to distribute moneys in the hands of E T. Fox, administrator of Stephen Felton. deceased, as shown by his partial account, will attend to the duties of hit appoicvment at hi, office in Towandj Borough, on WEDNESDAY, the 19th day of AUGUST. 1868. at to'clock. p . m., all persons having cleicas against said funk must then acd th- re pre.sent the same or be for ever debarred from coming in for - a share of said lands. JOl.lll W. MIX. Salt' IE6B FxEcuToß'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby Ore; that all persons indebted V., the estate of Samuel HartshorneOlec'd., late - 0' Windham twp., are requested to tualm payment -without delay, and those having claims auld , stote pte,ext them ,dely authenti2:.• ted settlement'. - 'SILENCE B. HARTSHORNE, GEORGE LAWRENCE, Junc , 2s Executors. VALUABLE DAIRY FARM AND T I'IBILEit 'LANDS FOR SALE.-350 acres . of land in Union Township, Tiogt clarity. Pa.. known there as the "Ellis of Elk Valley Farm.' Within 4 miles of Emton, and 3 miles of the t Williamsport and Elmira Rail Road, at which is w large-steam saw mill. 1 1 10 acres improved, good buildings, well watered. RAl:taco -has over seven nillll3ns of hemlock and hard upon it. Will b . ! sold In parts or _entire to 13,arehascrs. Price $B,OOO 11 sold - entire ;in parts, the piece we.,e ur back of" S. W. Wright, containing 103 acres, at $2O an mre. south of S. W. Wright, including old orrhlr I and spring Feu - Clinton road, couta4s-ii a' res at 130; an acre. The pLce water power, , 102 acre -3 . , at .$ll. - 3 an acre.— The lot adjoining:Jos:43h Wilber, containing e ; acres, $23 as Ali the parts well watered Terms easy.. For particulars enquire ,of the • owner. B. 310RR1.4 near Hugheevif le ,Lycerning, en. Pa. July 2, ISV.-,.4t. - - DEAL.. ESTATE.—A Gaz.vr 0AR ..1.1.1 a A.rx.-L.iboat 4:.:0 acres of hod in tine state of cultivation—so divide by raids CI tt • four good farms can be made out of it with)at waste—good and substantial hoosoi ant brai on two of the divisions. Also 35 cows, poke_ oxen. span of horses - and wagon farming int • elements too numerous to mention, situate in iilieshegutn township, 19 miles trona f riers and about 3 miles front the- - river Will be- s,: I at low rates on easy terms. Will one, twn. threw or four gen'lern-o wait good farms. all In running order. eat! np. on jAt; Ei WOOD, at Towanda; o Do U f t - M.1.-; DAVIDSON. upon his farm, for further infor mation. - • JAMES .WOOD, - • DOUGLASS DA.VIDSON, Towanda, July 13. ISSB. CE - SP FARMS FOR SALE.— , A farm within one mile of TORT, rtd , s, tlymt 12 acres, new house and barn, the' hirm is suitable for raising early tr.geta',l —4. Will be sold cheap, Also 2$ acres of fine farm lag land, with first • class buildings, situate in Canton . Borough, propeov of Prof. Baker. For terms enquire of Prof. ttaker,Can'on. cfr 11, B. 11oBEAN—ToWanda. Parties wishing to (Jur chase .arms. will Sad It rn their adrintar by csliing on .11oKil AN, and look at tb.k. have number of farms, houses and lots be his 1.11. Icily /6. —3t. V A .0 ABLE..FARM FOR SALE, --lusted In Towaucia totenshiu, •within halt t tflile of the villag.• of Thwin i• tat• t g shout 200 acre.: about tat) tzroi i n pr , v••• 1 with .plenty of nr.t II aII 1- Hal.. well watereti.,conyortab'e •otr.olihliq 4 rv , l we.t adapted for either gril tr gr'tz u Yor prticullro inquire of JAY. °I% Tt , w.tuda, Pi., or 4, C111.1.1%1., ' WVI . • Airy 24,1444 U. VALUABLE FARM . FOR SA LE V :-ttnated in Borne township a oat te• -and a-half miles east of Rome 'Borough, tad:ling 90 act es, abou t 7 acres improve I, wet', Watered. with - dwelling honse, ont- huildin;s, , orl hearing and young orchard th:•rean- Terms reason this, and time given far a sort oisthe purchase mo.ey. For fcirthttr p•trt• • 1.. jars inquire on tho premises - of • E. . TO vv E.:!? Rome. May 12, IRG3.—stse , VALU L E FARM OR 'SALE.-- A terra of one hundred and fifty acre*, within pis rc:les of Towanda, and .otto mile from the river Is offered. for sale on favorable , terms. One hundred :Lcraare cleared and in a high state of eultitatioo, with good fences most excellent braidings. The house is a well built dwelling withSrery convenient ings consisting- of aummor kitchen and store• room, woodhonse,and the ,yard well filled with , evergreen and other trees. The barn Is a large' bank barn 3GzCS feet with a good shed attache t a horse barn adjoinlngWith stalls for six horses alsrge corn • house near by and a tenant hoagie - on the property. Thelarrn has an eastern and southern exposure antris offered for sale solely on account of the ill health of the owner. For , farther particulars and terms, which are hie:lly favorable, application may be made to B. S. RiPi,SF.Li. Torrand.i, Feb. 20,15,9 SINGER SEWING 11.101IINE The superior merits tt the " SINGER - mach ines ever all others, !or either Family I , e. or Manufacturing purpose 4, r re ao well establiNlleil at d r , " generally adm!ttel, that an ennmention of reLitive is no lor,rr esJ ,id end neee.isAry. - TLE LETTER " A," FAMILY MACHINE, hitherto manufactured by this Company, has gained and maintained, theiworld over, and for year's pant, an tinpAralleled reputation and sale. But notwithstanding the excellence of this Mc. chine. we have npw to . mmoucce that it has been superseded by oar -which has been neer two years In prof - antilop, and which 'has been brought to - perfection re gardless of ruts. Luton or sxrmiss, and which is now eonfldentlypresented to the public as in comparably the beat Sewing Machine in Exist =ice, The Machine in question, is Simple, Compact, Durable and Beautiful. It is quiet, light-run ning, and capable of performing a ',loge and variety of work never before attempted upo4 a aingle Machine, using either Silk. Twist. Linen or Cotten Threads, and sewing with equal facil ity the very ffriestsrid coarsest materials, and anything between the two extremee r la the most beautiful and substantal manner. its attachments tor neming, Braiding, etc., are novel and prActicaLand have beeniuvented anti adjusted especially for this Machine. 11.4 1 1 he above Machine can be bad of wwicsAira BLACK, Agenti. Full instruction given at our Sewing Machine Depot. Aia examlnatlonls respectfully Invited. lewandaVvily 23, 1868.-3% tt g at.l . ISAAC ROBBINS, Ailmibistrator Auditor meal tEstiitt. NEW FAMILY MACHINE, El