Nome from alt -Nations. - —I.IoM Wm. A. Hartißon, 4:Abe As u premo4ourt, of Appesia of West Tingin ta, kaabent in his resigcation, to take eifect Jan. 1. 1869., —Miss Letto Moore, employed in the packing•room of the Russell & Erwin Mannfactireing Company; at Now-Britain ! Conn., waslinstantly killed t on 'Wednesday morning by the falling of the flocir ately orci the place where she was sitting at her work. ' • • —Two. men wcre fatally injured in Chioago ypstarday by the falling of II wall of a Catholic hoapitalin ostnrso of. erection. --A boiler •'explosion occurred in the store works of T..IV. Gibbs Jr. Co., of tftuyvesen, N. Y., yesterday afternoon, by which three men were seriously injured.— The building . was damaged to the amount of $1.5,000. —The eaptuin, steward, two Ch nese cooks and one passenger of the steam boat Sr/ola, • were drowned on Wednesday by the isiuking of that vessel, at the mouth of the 'Brazos River. The steamer was loaded iiiihsettle for New-Orleans. —The King of the Sandwich Is lands, in consideration of the pbilanthrop 7,ie. services of Capt. Thomas Spencer, of in distributing relief to the, sufferers by the recent volcanic eruptions, has made that gentleman a Knight of the Order of linnirt nehit First —Gov. Fairchild, of Wisconsin, has .i . ,, ,nett:n proclamation offering a reward of ;a* for the arrest of William Kidd, who murdered Miss Kate Jordan a - week since by cutting her throat with a razor while rid ing with her in a carriage. ; , —An association has been formed in Washington -7 M raise 30,000 from the ad ored. people Of the country to provide At homestead for Gen. 'Howard. It is pro posed to collect one cent from each colori3d person, which might not bo very difficult, but he will pspbably squelch it. Buckingham arrived, at his home,. in Norwich,'Conn., on Wednes day evening. =lnformation from all points of the Northwest is to the effect that crops of all kinds .never looked more promising, while' the breadth of ground • plaited is largely in excess of any previous SCOSOIL —The Commissioners of Antietam I Cemetery, at their meeting in Sharpaburg cm the 17th inst., 'reconsidered the vote by which the resolution authorizing the burial of the Confederate 'dead s in the Cemetery as adopted some months since. The sub ject was then postponed until the 17th of November next. —The Baltimore school Board has adopted, by a vote of fourteen to four, the •report of their committee - in favor of ex cluding colored teachers from employment in the coloced schools. —Heber Kimball. the second - Prei- Went of the .Mormon Church, died at Salt Lake on Monday. • --- Michael Bacs died at Milbury, Mass., one day last week, front injuries re ceived by being thrown from a wagon the da,y before. —The jury, in the._ case of Mrs. ictor, on trial at Cleveland, Ohio, for poi soning her brother, William Parquet, with arsenic, in February, 18G7, one day last week rendered a verdict of guilty. —About 100 arrests were made at New Orleans, Monday, by the U. S. Mar shal, of parties suspected of belonging to fillibustering expedition to Mexico in the interest of Banta Anna. —Gco. PoliEpher, a middle aged man, fell - dead of heart disease, at Union Centre, on the 12th inst. —The bail of Dan Noble, indicted tor grand larceny in Chanting county, has been fixed at $700,000. —The Grand Jury at Canandaigua liming failed to find a bill against Samuel ii VanCampen for defrauding the First Na tional Bank of Elmira, has been discharged from :arrost. —Hugh I. Baldwin is repairing the store which was partly consumed by fire a fen• days ago in Waverly ; so,says the Advocate. -- James R. Young, for many years a rthidenj of Bath, 2r. Y., attempted sui cide Wednesday morning, in that village, by placing the muzzle of a pistol to his ear and discharging it. The ball, instead of passing through his brain, came out through the face near the nose, making a frightful ound. Despondency was the cause of this rash act. It is thought tlut! s he will re dovcr. --Alonzo Wincholl, of Bath, was badly bitten by a rattle-snake one day last week. He neglected to take the necessary remedies and at last abconnts it was feared he would lose his life. —The Ithaca Journal reports two cases of droving in that village bat week.' OnC a girl of eight years who fell into the Inlet, the other a colored boy of five years ULU tell into a well. —The extensive 'nail works and nail plate mill belonging to the Pottstown Iron Company, at Pottstown, Penn., were eiltirely destroyed by fire abTat noon Sat urday. The fire originated n one of the heating furnaces. The loss is estimated from outside sources to be from $lOO,OOO to $150,000, nearly all of which, it is under -stood, is covered by insurance. The far: tiace, rolling, mill and other buildings be longing to the Company sere uninjured. —A persorksi diffionity between John B. Brownloic, of the Knoxville Whig, and Mr, Kirby of the Puss, took place on Thursday afkinpon.BFownlow ‘ tried to shoot Eirby,.but his pistol snapped with out hurting any one. --Gov. Baker and Lieut.-Gov. Voor hees, of Loakiana. have been removed by order of Gen. Grant, and essrs, Warmonth and Di= have been ap inted to fill the vacancies. . . —The trial of 04e isoners inis, lanta, Ge ., accused - of the order of George W. Ashburn, in Colum was to have commenced on Monday • : • —Jefferson Davis, while coming down stairs with one of his cbild,ren in his arms, in the hotel at LeirorrMe,' Canada, Saturday, fell and injured - his back. He was unable to attend the convocation of • Bishop's College. —As Dr. S. W. Miller, Clerk of the Courts of Wayne County, Flo., was playing a game of cardswithrme friends in Green ville in that county, on the afternoon of the 114th inst., some person unknown fired a bliot through an• open 'window, beside which he was• sitting, striking near the left temple aril ranging Gl:rough the brain, resulting in instant"Seatb. The murderer escaped. —The assessed value of property in Nebraska is $32.000, 4 000, an increase of 511,000,000 since last year. —Niol/Olas t Zoelipger, of liar Fi g was ran OW by a train of can aear his residua* Tionsday._,lloth his legs *ere taken off arid he died soon after. --Gun. -Ligigsticet In at Valicr :..comi at...d *ill 84,1,4 the 64.x4,1 4 ti‘e ww;) , , rekytty.l l'A,l-travr ut ibvtal 41iittor, 4/0 iiissuct.o 1---.ehusuatiorvsl actiiike eptla i-4404/OW ItotoZiZt. 4. 21( fa at 13 illy. ringlet' ftpoit:.6 Towanda, Thursday, July 2,18681 c I;;;MiREME FOR PRISIDENT GEN. ULYSSES 'S. GRANT. FOR VICE 'FRESIDENT - • -. HON., r SCHVYLE.R. > 7 COLFAX Republican State Ticket. er roa Ltrptios OZNERAL, Gen.-John I% Zutrallayof Montgomery 00. • roCrinipma alicimp; Col. -Jacob Id."•Cipopboll,•;of,;osabria Co Union ReptiblitaA pediventionf -A Convention of the Union. Republican pezty,of Bradford County, to be composed of two delegates from ,each election district is said counts, will assemble at'the Court House in-Towanda Borough, on MUNDAY XVENING, • SEPTEFR 1868, 71 clock, to pines in nomination candidate's to bo supported at the ensuing election. , The following persons have been selected as Committees of Vigilance for-theitrespe‘ Live distiicts, and they are directed to call meetings for the election of Delegates to the Convention, at the usual places of hold ing caucuses, 'between the hours of 2 and 6 p. m„ on Saturday the sth 'clay of Septem ber. By order of the Union Republican County Committee. C. K. LADD, Chairman duile 13, 1868 cotArrms-or VICULAZIOE,' Armenia-Zathan Sherman, Simeon Wil liams, Parwin Alexander. Asylam—B Laporte, N Moody, Smith Stevens. Alba—A J Merritt, Charles. Meshlig, -(1 Williams, Jr. Athens twp—Sam Oveusidre, D L F Clark, A C Ellsbree. Athens born—N C Harris, Dana Park, J P Blood, Albrinyltussel Miller, Daniel Kellogg, Alexander English. Barclay—J 0 Blight, Thomas Muir, L C Howes. Burlington twp—Robert Prime, Josephus Campbell, C F Nichols. Burlington boro-Dr. 'Evrireit, R. 'Morley, S H Hill. • Burlington west—John Blackwell, Jesse B McKean, Ed Loomis. _ Canton twp—James L Bothwell, J A Badg ers, Charles Landon. Canton hero—A J Conklin, J W Griffin, „John Mix. Coltunbia—B F Knapp, Alvah Cornell, John Fr i= —F F Fairchild, J C Ridgway; Ma- thew MarshalL Granville—Ward garrtnr, David Sayles, William Vroman. Herrick—D C Barnes, Ezekiel Carr, Pem broke Squires. Leßoy—Andrew Ruse, Robert McKee, Reuben Stone. Litchfield—DavidMeNinney,Wm Bostwick, B Garner. Leßaysville born—lt' Davies, P H Buck, Stephen Gorham. Monroe twp—Charles Hellen, Freeman Sweet, Hiram Northrup. Monroe hero—S SHinman, 3i M Coolbaugh H C Tracy: Orwell—Cyrus Cook, E M Farrar, J H Cowles, Overton—Reuben Rhinebolt, John Mathews R H Richards. Piko—E S Skeet G, N DeWolf, 3i H Cod ding. - Ridgbnry—Sturges Squirts, Jrunes Mitchell' G E Meade. Rome twp—Wm McCabe, Levi Towner, W D Parks. Rome boro—L L Moody, 0 F Young, joh. Whittaker. Smithfield—C E Wood, John Bird, Jr., E G Burley. Springfield—S D Harkness, James E Yerkos, Joel Adams. South Creek—P J Dean, Ira Crane, Philo Fassett, Jr. Sylvania boro—Peter Monroe, Orrin Fur man, Eli Burritt. Slieshequin—H Clay Kinney, Fred Gore, Fayette Culver. Standing Stone—Geo A Woods, Geo A Ste vens, John Brown. Terry—Col J II Horton, John F Dodge, H L Terry. Towanda boro—H A Frink, Frank Voorhies, Charles Tracy. Towanda twp—A G ,; Mason, George Fos, Geo 41' Scoville. Towanda North-11 -DeLong, Fred Feder, Hiram Rutty. Troy boro—G D Long, C F Bayles, John H Grant. Troy twp—Ezra Loomis, W Scott Manly, John McKean. Tuscarora—D D Black, A B Culver, Hiram Shrunway. Ulster—Geo W NMhols, Simeon Hovey, C G Rockwell Warren—R B Howell, N Young, Jr., John D Kinney. Windham—Asa McKee, 13 Knykong33ll, Jae Johnson. Wyalusing—Andrew Fee, John Thompson, W S Vaughan. Welles—Newell Leonard, W S Bowman, A C Brink. Wysox—A II Hines, Dr T F 3COM, Geo T Granger. Wilmot—Capt John Brown, J W Ingbain, John S Quick. g In accordance with our usual custom, we sh all not issue the REPOR TER next week. The next number will be dated July 16. _ TILE INSANE ASYLUM-.-TIIE VISIT OF Tim colcutsioszus. . On Thursday last the commisaion ers appointed by the Legislature last Winter to select a site for the new Insane Asylum in the Northern Dis trict of , the State, visited this place for the purpose of examining the la cation proposed. The District is com posed of the counties of Carbon, Mon roe, Pike, Wayne, Susquehanna, Wy oming, Luzerne, Columbia, 'Montour, Sullivan, Bradford, Lycoming, Tioga, Clinton, Centre, Clearfield, .Elk,.Cam eron, McKean, and Potter. The Commission consists of Dr. Green, of 'Northampton, Dr. Reed, of Pittsburg, and Dr. Calvin, of Harris burg,were accompanied by. Dr. Thom as Kirkwood, of the. Pennsylvania' State Hospital in Philadelphia—the , oldest superintendent of insane in' the State ; Dr. Isaac Ray, an eminent authority in medical jurisprudence ; Dr. S. S. Shultz, 'a prominent phyai , cian of Harrisburg ; Miss Dorota L. Dix, the renowned- philanthciptsii and others. The visitors were received by a. committee of citizens;•and spent some time in examining various sites foi the Asylum. W 9 understand that the beauty of tile scenery and the salubrity of the climate- hereabouts recommended the locality very highly' in the judgment of the Commieeionj ern. JCDGE WOODWARD was a mem ber of 'the' Bench of the Supreme Court of. Pennsylvania . during the whole of the exciting canvas in which be ran as the Democratic candidate for the GoVernor. He never resigned, nor did his term - expire for several years alter his defeat. But he thinks it outrageous that; Gen. , Grast does not: resign at once. Judge Wood ward i s - the member of Cosgress said it he was Presidmit, and in at tempt was uize4 is inwv,lo. hi m ilk ° OAS triod upon Johnson, Le would PAM , with ow p(ower ofVen Okftny and &ay. F , ot '4 is .0 4444aimi Dow**. • ==:l= LEADING PROVNGONS OP TI. TAX SILL . 1 The Howe ; laleßsidity ajtcrown4. iotlicriS laithrailtnaPir4 ;t s ?; lh , - , ' : 11 l lax bilkreitted filin. . i . 9k1iie;.,* 13 ,4 9 , e °1 'ion, lief n ~- ed ''''.).ili,..` once be sent: to e Senate foil f , don . The tai is 60 edge for every i s trOOLgallon—of _ Write— BOrita in 1 bondat „warehe Cos roust lxi , with-1 Yrl;vln - ivitlin si months, andlpay, in addition to the direct tax, aispecial tax of $4 a barrel of forty #all'ons. The, bonded -Forebode%) system for spirits is abdiahed, arid the collection of the tax ,tt.t the dhitillOri" 4(te(itili. - i ed. _On spirits and rani,fpr piifort* tion, and on which all the taxitekhave been paid;therola adnititfat4rii s lifotl exceeding fifty cquis a talliiii.'" Th tax,ou cheWiPB',o ll4 d.c?.anli., ..,Potr, 32 cents; and..en smoXiug ttitla.coo 141 cents e'pourril, as originally .{sported from ' 67' W*ys and Itteana t.ctembilii i . I tee.' ,9 7 1arettea,,Cigars,AndbiterOta arc taxed at $5 per 1,000. ,!I: i tte tariftl on foreign!figars is $2.50 anfl.2s per i r centum idglitlorem, or' a' redaction of the pres,ent duty. , Th.+ seetious :on banks endbarikere proqii4at,thOrh shall, be a tax ,of• onet t welftli of .obe per centum per month 'emit° aver age amount of the deposits Of niOriey, other than public, money ofithe _tirt ted States„ subject to 'paytnent .by check or draft, or represented,by cer tificates of deposit, or (oitterwtscL, whether payable on demand; or At some fnibre day, with , a4 , PeroOO, bank, association, company`, or cor poration engaged id the basiness , t i ff ~b anking ; , and a tax of one quarter one per centnm each moritit'en,ttic agerage amount. of all deposits. in public money in their posaessionlo the credit of the treasurer d any dis burling officer of the Unite ', States; and a ti 4 of one AWOOrfonitil of °PP per eentnin each month upoa the cap ital of any bank, association, com pany, or corporation engagtd' in 'the business of banking, and o . the cap ital employed by any per4n in the business of banking beyoftd the.avc erage amount , invested ip United States bonds, and a tak of; one sikth month of one per centum each ' nth upon the average amount of circ i rdatiou is sued by any bank, association, cor poration, company, or persbn, includ ing as circulation all certified eheCks and all notes or other o ligation, ' : calculated or intended to culate or to be used as money, but t includ eic. ing that in the vaults of t e bank or redeemed and on depositi for said bank.: ! , . • • „ . 1 The Freedmen's Bbreau " ,has just issued the fifth senfqtrinual re• port of T; W. Alvord, Geztitral Soper intendent of Schools, givtpg ,an; se count of the educational operationk during the last six menthe I the yearl 1867. During this time there wertil l 3084 schools of all kinds • ;, operation; i l which were engaged 64t,„2 teachers; i . charge of 189,517 pupi) 4. ' .Of. the',, whole number of schoolij 1000; are sustained wholly or in, part by freed nten,,and they own 864 Otthe bui l ltt. ings need for school purittmes ; p 948 of the teacheni are 'White i,,n4 3544 are colored... 26,139 pupils haveipaid tuition, amounting in the! aggrogate. to $65,318 75, or within ii•fraetirm of $2 50 per scholar. The lAverageAt.: F e tendance in the day and n ght, schools has been 58,90 Q, or over., ventione per cent. of the enrol ment.l As showing the advancemeni of the pu pils, 21,032. are studying' geography, 31,538 - arithmetic,- 30,567 . are in writ ing, and 4,675 pre - ; ip i i the T his* branches. Of the higher, schools,and those for the prepatraion 'of toaelteTN all permanent and :chartered ,, there ere eighteen, located alitillows: , Nak, tional Theological. Instktute,. Washz. ington, D.' C.; Howard,Unive,r4lty, WashingtOn, D. H . ; SiArtt - „11414.10 School, WaoliNitoO, A.i OA !Nornul School, Richniond,Ve.; *ma College; Berea, Ily:1 St. Angtbitine 'Normal 'School, Haleigh, N. 11." i l 'il r telOy i nt College, E. Tenn.; . , Fielt ' U niversity, Nashville, 'Ann.; Storer Coll'ege,Har. per's Ferry, W. Va.;. Atlanta tfoiver; city, Atlanta, Ga.;' Bet)ertt l eAte; Tenn.; Maysville Colle4e, Tenn.; Al abama High and Normal Schools,, St. Bridget's Parochial School_Pitts burg i' • South Carolina Highland Nor mal Schools. The total amount giv= en to all these institutions ,in 068; ! 000. i - . tot. Hon, Thaddeus.; Stevens hai prepared .four, new., articles„ Of. im peachment • The first- iMpeaches Ana -drew Johnson for a higtkintiodetbeanoti , 111 v io lating the Conitittition I of the United States by makuig Provrional, `Governments in. the . Southern I SM*, without tho' consent ofiGongress,etc: Tho second , ' impeachee'r a nspnragon, of , thei ''patlc44 . I pctlei both the ,calie of .04000d:44ei.t;. ere from the Union armiwiimn he pal doned fot speciatpurpese Ofinablink them to cast their veti j icif. a'rmin'g ' electioU je a loyal ‘.,Sti . 4.',"` the 'third. IMPeachen him .fet a high! Crime in. using the patronage vf.:. his- caw to obstruct the laws of dcmgreWin` the' Plmith.eißsiates• "The lfoiirth slid as , impeaches him for a.Orrnpt Asp tit' the patronage °this Oice,in the oleo.: tionnwhich.have taken place 'Within', the last three . icare in bariofA Stitep of the Union. Sterne lUin sPent a great deal of time 41i l lahor in, the preparation for his nevi attempt at impeachment. H • Tug REAL . Peadleton'i principal organ ? ' the iucinriati Et} gairen admits that RaMogatie. candidate for President "can hope to be elected without thersincetS body: of men Who opposed' 4,he cOnvietfon.! :That ,, ay,t the, candidate must be therrepreartative of disloyal men; and so l i Dethouracy to be made the agericy for tarrying out theitiiiiil r lisucg i'higkitket*, l au doubt ofottsx - t - 11 • • . AlIOTHIZ: Preside O: - hursday sent ; lo of .Congress ;.. ; i! fro.: the Omnibus .ilf the restoration of • Oarolins,Loui. lanic'Pe 0.1"7' a and Florida I I to th,eir of States', of the , U * Union, under reconstruotioh laws. dent refers to his Arittuleas bill veto foth4 objeetionstoeuehleghdation: He adds a few more„.hnt they &mil:icon& moment. 41‘;)iiisiil,tihil ' twits •. . , . by the ConstitntielLfor the .etention 9f bills wAhout tefF,Oc 9o 9 l ,P c tioN• Eloshort a naielage - is 01100014 , at 3 well have .been sent) ip 4,l l?e ßrr, as it 11 4. i;44l.illity",iaitermined• lain. The 1 1 A :. mereconst4tion of time ytetain in ti4ini gtheyililii)tral 'polfcf hf .. it. ,AS#,lbecr Ruirocallah ,- Diaumes ` praetioe.i .: Of muse , the h ' fuencdt_ ate_ ly visaed tosl6.4l , ,,Oriadsrt,by 7'o,S,t , I ! l 4o: l A l P if # , r4l!l f ti,i4l Aelp•AS,.-Y.4ll*PS -,1114 Or lassate..a r lae pasted•?the Ibilkoirer . veto by ir vote tti , W-8: 17 .2'44 the bill tststiusfl6Pe"l:if..lirw', ifi#'it.l.!-Pfr't pale efittoF , *4#lo,\.i4fOtilirSflf*ST ONSs'elid. IsILS i. ) .0-latstried as sow at's ready:llhS f lithsti,or. , .thelreemi. '::noted 'States/Jill!' *Os .I..4 l "istia iet . rtiiaSted 14'0igi l fP 1 0:" e 6 0047 i•E'll . . kie;ini4e 4o : 5t. , . 14 4 , 1; 1 44)5a55 ' .4 Arkansas at, IMO:alma, . anduthese succeeding. .stemielli , bettillintire Rd. The, great complaiot that pongrOile repreients '.`.4iTy'' l ,`a'',i)ottiOti ' of, i tti? Sli4,e'sii§biligeF q*ialis; lie gtAS themsekeee mill -be i regularly, elided, auditor williie foand acting in both /ii44' V-#ieii Siqillberli: I rttS'"FV4S 0 10 4v 4 e gO s R!• S6 4 4: S , FiTP aS , P I PI I 4 and .various;ithat . the recsigenee-of 1 the demands and applications oftlieski l . reconstructed meniberel.` of the Unioli Will 'maid' their ,T#l', liVe - WaistatO . o. l‘ ei ii . ' i;, ' 1a1.., - 0 04 1 :.rtip , - iiiti:•o6 ) % 4l to its poligin ; gas I•mattcir , with a determined-t perseverance,; worthy t:•t• reinernbrande4o: l- pi,eBP . ) `and 6,i:i.r oofne , i,q'ticisomplished" ittifie pts poses it had in ticw, greit,„as they were, and !difficult tofridacti, 'The obstacles overcome haFe'been:niliet fOrmidable,'not!in the"ltait of 04 wee the incessant, labOr of the gresk• dent to thwart all their measures- by the power vested in' him 'for :other and better parlieses. ' ''' ''' " .1- ' -`. j The' Nei! York World / . of the 20th "says" that Mr. Ciissi ; . Viitr.s44 sOgle 'vote, from i44ele; gation," for the' 'reason that -ho has not pledged hitinelf to staid the ticket if his claims are overritleu Per contra: A Washington jOrnal of the 19th slates, that "it is reported on good authority,;that Dir. Caasg! has written a lette,r to be' 4-cad zh , the DemOcratie NationitConVerition,plio: ing 'himself tiqt4relY aUY'llsitfcrEn that, the COnvention may determine; but urges co *whereof the Conven- tion thatnerb suffrage be 'recoil:llli ed and univerattl'itimesty be de:lns4-, cd." l ,this*. report it sup' plies ,,, ' ihe necessary and. only nondit iov insisted ,upcn bribe 'World. We have no doubt that the, report Is cti; rect, and that the, World'a article frOm which we quote was written With .a private itnowledge of it. Neither the World's ansnagere, -nor anyone else who is ftiloilitte - vrith Oniel'a htical career, con*"ever aiiebt that he would/surrender any principle or abandon any friend to pro Mete the schemes of hialndividual ambition. Mal THE, S/7 1 4/1 0 N :P ls */"V+NIA I ' Senator Wallace; Chairman of the Democratic State . CentmlCommitte4. seems:tO na tinderstand43thii'eltilitition: so far . ,i ) e.*4 l 4,# l * . con c erned, lke:nezt .rm sip l eetial ejection. iAt Pittsburg the ether day he maden speech:it alemeierntiii Meeting, in tEe course ` of which 13a said t, 1 . l i - .l3eipoerao ad- a hard jobbat:lre ii ! to cam Pennsylvania against Grant - and ',Colfax.: Ha:de monstrated this with.figures,abowing tbaklast falV when 'Shitistvood'Wes elected by `lees than' one 'tiMithand majority, the "Democrata polled 'fifer ninotyrfour Per cent. of theirs• Whole voted tilyle lleptiblicand Cast Mee than seVentY-Sve 'Per:cot : of their's. !his Year 'the whole "vote brOught ont,l and the ,Democrats. will have to do Berne very tall cheating to over come the odds agignatlirenii. with as fa4 ( 4o, csft!lflidlP,:jl4,Peodie = ton for a ,Presidental.sab i dldatf4 the Democrats d ill be beaten at least 30; .1100 majoritykandlo4, oddathe strongest candidate the D&. l ,ieeintit can tret l ont l , , . logi'There is Sines's' Ofihings Copperhead' Nation 1 .ClAyeplion J an New York. ,It ,is,a irepresentitive . citrof thatpartp , It is a nibeVe4y,' vikere - it rising cook !pis - cellos the sideof the iebeischi the idirkeet days of 'the ss; kik ; !iiiittitt' kiie ; Woreif ,14,iig,theJmadquerters-et eon - Spiracles' fdr'frandufent electkmd. Frauds , wll the polls iherer . Ore as 'commod o'o'4 ~'elOc06130! as ' , corrupt city, and, !thel ' *4o l 49ei-Wt:Prisent- alPeratiel, in thieving OffiCials. /The. office-hbl& ere df thii city are • eotcontent'witi robbidphd tii . -payers laude bf 40 14 8; ?ittili . eY: g 7 v 4o 'l 4 robberies. id, _ iiillioss. de bauched city. , Its , crimes' lapprhaddi the airiditicid Sodoel'ithdlCiomoo Itsiiii 44s4et' 11 !;e)bc!If#444 - Of 4 1 01: gemer,theiefore, I4ew York has heft well chosedl for the sittings of the' Copperhead; conirerition:'''' " ' '' ' t ; •• • 11116 A Depopratio, iottoomriter Waahhigtoa say" ' that Jtiffger viaaoloallon. &Os 14: I Dka-sOic i Oi WT-oiO4CitOr tim 4‘ sto4PIRFPffs AAA: W.A./4. 411 0e . 1 doubtliise Oceiv4; tho nomination. that U ea' do special boner why notimseto. 1 0010 NOP — The alslnOisek. 1 RePehlieen *Me z S i f . t it 441, setts; Bum of Maine ; and Pomem, of i ge l oya r g,lt,ra 0 Nit; ; Tvitil qti iPiltri , ~,,,, Itii ; el etvv f litt as,;.t.r -, 17 R , 4. ° 1170 P 7 .9 1 N-0 1 1 4ri l crifO r , , soimitpiptA: :-,l l fcco;iii , ._iiiirmog* i~s - ;e4 PAOVltillOnl pilt,N9lli. ~r, Iliji. ,!aril ; m thit'3l.m4 I ~,,44ftrjef. ,jtstiatr,tethisetp vile3W(iii Hi.thhkerfiittleadamititliaPeor4icetatlitis ktthshiattrectimeiiidity ittianyok.;;e4 'at w h i i i . -_,iii ,firrg „ 111 to ,lops willi --;11 l i t 6 , i 4,8 r..; 02 a n 0 , 11 ± 1,14 i'l liga lrip g , ,77 r ,-1/141.441041EPRRIfivt:wMf',S --0110:41Ti-PrMuk ,bv kliigwilli49F *Or T o • Pg,PßOPral# 4 o l , fq)l+4,* od in ° lll O4 ll MOWS. I 9,tt- (' (114i , 1 igi. , tliu4trie -rumored ltleTuhuiddl 71r ) diendletcattillt ' , Or+ licifivekhe wiseidehthl nienhitkoniziableikiiiicid Wilt he itiettiifi / 1,40 d en nu tu r g fAc: 7,.: a kiy-.) , a t ail 1 _,''''-rtoftAi4)i4 it: - 4i, :CtiWO 1ttF0,94 to tiglif-Pt4 lifers l 4 l 4:4littirlP .. kr. 14409!11 1 ) kiq 4l l 4B :: *O4 Att 4l oßele irg. i!•,,i ?••.;'` ~, •!.- , Cr I,,iiq 1.7-4 Tho ✓ftwgombr , (Alai) Admit. 1 1 affiliates. ttoitAlattl2puilkoinoinit. iti'eeadii* for ILI Preelkener '''t" ''''W .1. ivi,Att i ..:44.4 l .vat s , i ii ii i.- 4 , 148 to have the so , s.4,4oheAlahm #i l f al iftP e rn at el9 44 4 1 00/ 8 44)Lf. I _, . 4-The PittabbrghWorninerciatteayb Shaalhansoidillijoaierienti ,IL it. oraeL tontgastactnflettakiranw iir lheitheito inirvententis lately intwarnuitid.' , - 1 1 'i dt :'-::_LOGdy:":fielanV Wil4 l , 344 Oi l k* (414 1,... ', - ,i'akSY; il .4Sitom kcan•Hastes`tor too Jaepthli,,vzolplat doo.tirmikA 0 1 9 0 4R4AA9V4 /*< 4 .9.-! .. ~,,, -, . br ay,, - ' ..: ,:.: ',<,. ~wid: L-.-The Hon. - Willism IL Wadsiortli a Dezdocratio Representative hi the Thirty eighth Congretns Inn Henbrfir, is an nounced to ere& In 'Plesninglierifi, th:thet IWO, tor' Grant stid- Colfax; '.. ,1 1"'" r '; ' , i '' —:-4thindei l ti. StephiWindile i i• solid V. ItoloVloo 'ha!!_e , Peo4 - 1 4 4 ) 4 . . il) 144 Flteut 'fit 'the. 131 4 56 48, of, PA I O I OO 3 / 1 4 Pa#2ocratiO OOUVO3I#Op. . , ; 4il errit-Smith' aaye::, "I e x pect •vote for Grant . and (Wax. I like them both ; and, Inlthe.;ntato, I like the'plsiform kin ablohlbay, giant": t • ' ' J--4 rhei ; Har e 404 co;vme - wost,i, renominated tßA4o,l l lTcatf l Eillt 1411911 OaPiatill' 3 C APO ) MO bah* MO* are 'nnazdnieruf for him, tgallifeshoznelend f will , doallogArtleur.l ~ :. „,, , 1 • Gen. .Wager , Swayne , ' daYa is) 1 • cannot be considered' s istmlidete for Con= I greed hi she Columbia rhid) , Dietritii; U., Sanaa ha is already n candidate ler United States: Senatorin Alebstnit. ' 4 '-' 1 ‘ ' ' "l: - 41 .0 11 7,. #- W e e 4'0' 6 11 .1 39R of ths ,Privissa , lhiscgqi* Ai iitsident, ilimiceitT.4 ,iteitotl*t* iii4itii`vir s gkii,., ... _, I _4444 14 * .A.o?.4o,PrOcc °P*IOO. °NOR'S:FOR # 2O 914 1 11 31 440Ntz -- , +-The , kahrielifsgister) Ill** iio oenaed-wittrithil46Bl 4.ow' for'g 1 Semmes II loperstbr:aie thiaka , got* I m wit ha* e6rge of.the fiti i I i Y de*ltkeo, of that paper. .. 1 , i 1! iti I , ,lfual = . , C.'S: - i i iolct; l iitSfict4ieli V..* tell #tateP. fienalcr, fr om L Pod.* Pilule ilipit term, %vas formerly ,F 41 1 4 1041 •of , th, sOffellorofi4 P 0 ,31 tit laPailintit-44* 1 ' --Gov,. 'Pease of . Texas DO° ae4 the ProPteitton to divide' into three Stater: He ings'the'popalithonki ' Only eight Meat: dred thousand, iced thirethehoccidelkitheir present telpoverbdideconditionang*, ~ not kips' rehjectid GS the erstionie ieinidigiff. ing three governineintal ' - ' ' '''" ' • 1•1,7 tl .i.t •,, ll` 11 I' I 11 7441 e PaU;gibtia , (Ohio): Salesman says; -, rP f liet !less i than .500 ,pspers have comeoutforik nontloton: - ata* to the Newlfork Convention with the gapped of the delegates, in whole `win part, Ina atteenfof tite,twentyaivensoidilled-ukys! litates.r ~“ ; • ~, , , t..,,, • ,I--, -.;,..1 , i , , ,f, • :- ' - ' • 40,.3 t i 4.1;4.--P9-4t• t `beg eac cl 1 . 4 s isthipitis osit i_oo,' ad filmot for the oliscuation of ihb apPropriation -for lb& fpuichate 'of' Wairriethii'- or Altialtie. 4 .• lin 06030 1 i*,4ll**6 dOlitt96 l 4io: l 44 6 xtoisi4coroi , ogt,iii i4ol44intrudiiiie win hirable td carry it, , through,- no tatter tivei much. it.'hir . &Valk 'A''VAiiiiiiini it ~ ai i.o k ui , ei g ht * ,vo.tpo,,whiph,;ig apple jdpaee itjfhaie nal counting ptenrathrely. All then Deineceiskel'arci , icontited , for votip#\the Flory, and, thougli,fitika ifiioriOrkpp*Oani tge..ifi Ivor Of, it; ihNrft Aire ' , myna now& when added to the- , Dethooracy °' to mate, a majority., Gen. Birtier;: a ‘,..ifitelA tinfe,"Gen'.l#llnni,, and „etliefif,Will itiuse, it in , prepared „4piiihes,, and 1 try: - to,- delnenatrate, Grak.-thatii tie [.. House has the 'right Ito refit* to Api. ' inttiatt, the ':tilril'; 414 ihil tciri ; id,iYia '/IPOIRIi CC9,044 1 9i *.tit* , /01fli' 4t.Wilf 1; 1 0 akellOrMOßB iitiuttiti expense, to the \ Government,' without any•correeponding T fulvantarti . ; . and tiltAfAt' is 'reillh 4 84 0, iit: aitY :NT hug ,ti Wiltribe)4oaceliy in:getting it without.expetum i , for the ituseiin Geveinmeht lal find/hat, ti ii 6:o4:uietidget'tid:* ftiltioo.oa .. ...I --, •:•! '"} JARS,• , they rev:moss:id smiths s : offered tolhe .Theyask for thisjar cry bes t, haw tioa sadtrial,Tu itsaseritaate *Ai:trent ta es. erLfinti I si . %t s. !, • E. {i;rl Mercies Nair Bloat, G. • PMSi. tot i PRODUCE t and , for BUTTSII, Aram highest iguisket rates. A • JAIWEEPIINCLITE UhBB! YlBi t„. WARM MRALS; iAtALL BOW* FtY , ;lat•Alt. NOPOlTTlOWitunsado= FO I N m r I4II V %VI rcirAPTw 4l :4%Eell co we w . <7. !: 1 t OW. tOin , IIIOIPOITT.i Towanda, June 11 , 1868. ' . 7. ,„ g P. 44 PA a.ii-lf LZ'uP T,LP.E„i, , I naKPAiILIIII A. - HOW! w„tins NA pl -:,,,it ti iii i m ,l ll , T d u si t h 1 ,t, , ,,i ~.1 , :,,.? li 1 , 1,.0.,170.1 -- ,K,:,,q -,,, -,, +lO4l , ,:clesambetribers hu li ltiutpullt , • -New. Es il i gkid t 1 1 5a a rMe t tlii I VA Ibrf theepatpoprare so* pre _ 13 0Vrte l ePigla * V c Erderite7 goal tt MI itta ibiluillipeudto now 1 ow tor beeltiCopd poeefortgliuppg *items ttra r dulfM!!" : 9'fferAti7TrAlS°. saWt; lugtripiefrlpbblia Wit . mul, M etpf ultgrtril - .' - `.° 4 : -• ..'. . .. • Mt ibet 191WiscS NOW ge . fa.. ~, , , ,N LI: ili t lff i rflAfti e t'il l PF 4 War si I ,034}14 n 44. 13 1 :1 111111/111TTI I EilllTlEriali fuui 9•J . ' . agPt, wotiMisniii4F,ti 't %LOME' Iari i MOKSALIrm-1 1144 1"12111 " 1411 j ffs P 1 . 1 ' 4 %4E0 riabilliol4lMll;rapJ J , 11,1848.-4 w •. & liaposed mai MEI _`r.~;: ~ . ~ ~. :~ 01. .4 , CO t I, fit 41,1 En ~ S =II t:? ); • :.• Xi/N• STBEHTi 0 D B A.Y. ilegporchseed the DRAY 0. W. Delano. respectfully hots prepesed do all de h that oe sad *Mattes to & prop Illoomehold goods es!sfuul siessonable. G. B. ALVORD. 1.11668. ER& T. V. a.AVM. A. MADILL, JAYSar Pe ANp stmazoNs,. to "noIC Dr. it; fr: yt A li gn Madill trill To athletes to diseases of *him gar; t es&-lootp, 544°18'2 41 rinilictrialtht BOARDING AN4IIpAY SOHOOL, 1 ~, #9 *WPM .AV/Mfil:v_ NEW YORK Cl 2 Z, • • 1 i iiiii i ii: 6 , i t i - 2 ~,, , ,,, , ,,v, ~4 : Ant", icr:zi- .;.; • • •• Barlareased the accommodations =far pm_ PaVS= gamut „OA she Is able • Of bee •hdltutfon to a farm nu nber of -Young Ladles. r Fiellal lathe Innillslo at thilisstsa ' Madame 11.:jefas b. 7 pemlanios to J. B Hone Dam _ _ _lth , emrouo Xi!. IBMallorg Bal., India Golionirfauplairairen. rime ~.: s [ - -.1onallli•1848: - 0!: '1',.7,,,if., ,-- - ,-,,_ r. stile wired .Boa. oV~at Id Moot now by AI eintecialinistr" aad Ist 1 ,1 Won 11 rooms. with all eonveakstres . Larle lot with ehoine,doilfinadt Abed& trees. Good barn. To any pergola desiring a boss lids al dor& a las -"portant , " istasairlis a plansant and‘lnitabla Alm Artilarelts land - WO:Mu! *PIT 101" "r'n fv•v•l•r- ^ , t Mv, • MONT .OI AN' is- WARD, -A paLt.„.: 1, , Inwaadaidnuoni , PM • • Cr T ../. :4 11. 'A ;-, 'I,. i. :i :: MEM 140118& ' AND f 1110334 AT, PAJBLIC • fr• - • - • ' • ' in :f., :I‘3 4 1 . 7' 9t:!!: : Chi 'g rinntinkr; ” lt i tt 'l l, -"18.88- Gke3lPLeehtt l '4iiilt 'expose to public H-71,1 ' 111.% S !I=4loi.i.t.frrnirrawk.ifttt Dr!kr the west eudlx(foplupiStrect, (eouih ,141.40), , )2.; The public are invited to carmine the premirA‘ f tiiriiti' l ilie ' ' , _ weeli pre. needing • ~.`" • , ,T121347:14,4 00 :, Cash and sloo . per month with interest until balance is paid.' '6 ..per cent. diadount .on all ci&tir‘ $1,600': I'6, 1868.-.2w; ME 111C r I l TORE!' . lIMIIIIIMMII A large. alt 4 very Desinilite Alsortmeiit Goods "Isidw being openel at thG nbovii store CONSISTING OF MAN Y 'ARTICLES I- They have not heretofore kept . MAVING ri,ITED , UP ROOMS fiAli*lbeiheimuTrom. A - 41 N it iltiICL fiat=be';tuuad IME 6.::-.A:',IZ; :i•.±: . ? ' Z -1 1 1- : Sil Mllial !; - ....gliptrf . 3B..eonite tol 0 verper, of - EVERY:DESCRII"TION! =IEEE Ur' c6 . .kixtiires „, : ;:•Ot ' dc CT cdammiz - r! n • ' - Jahr 1 uiported. sD SHOES In witlivior, variety az CAPS ifoul . ttio•giolei • of 1812 to 1868 HAVISGWE . FUIICIIMMD 'FOR CASH rThetergirdsitriU be sold at a lokitSlfAtfL: PROFIT lIMEEMI We earolaily invite oar' OLD 'Vititicis TO VISIT US, c •Alfd tfle Publto generally, knOiviiii we . • OANIMAKEIT FOR THEIR ISECO'r4V A. INTICE'S. Towiallik, mita, ma., .us . • Beat IWlritet Wheat: Fbini per hundred - ss;so'g $7 00 Sae qnality nye Plaaeper handfed a 00 s7aireliestand Aye and Corn Peed' ' 2 T Ailatrs nada alkswed to deities% 'repay eashbfor 6eein,,,,hpluots24)o, Bye. goo4:$1, ante; as tho L Anders vindini o it opacity ,01.the..mettl aatitaleat for a has um* 'at .X.X. [NOWAK. Camptawadisyli 18614 • • : BAIS, 11 I$S Mete ofAV 3. ona;'•,110101 Nadel 1113018r4. Ole. Ind Tu. Oaim lykstlPorep. - ` , Tatikit_Let atti nk letAlo-lINWes or Moment rs , thlibi weft ipsititif tealeitiod: - ;!, Iq 26, WO. : : ; DIB raPmreiatiaw,l toittoollest. boolorelt thierneseremt t10;110.1111:10.-. oettlideeeet ;id t , 7:.1 -. 12 addAriVare to= na •=tieltrien + t, as all coolants not settled by ttiellret 0 tnanicirdirAliMA • • • ••) 11111118 Alis IDOL 'Sinai, Ms so; 18611.-41 e. G nn: UNITIM"=STATI C TE ;'f:WA RE HO USE = • 4 r et - 011 ; > ; - KELLEY "k 100 s . 7, Veal Bina, ICIP-TiSfr t :Arci it K. CITY, r 411. dibr eli gr g 441111. M f.3111 16 ' aal th sod mess the r Ina t ishilos ' sat • Ode repluV agenb, at a slight advance as ougo prim, sad. guarnitesing Osair teas to be .pute sad (tend alio JO &credits eaddaction, or can b returned and the amosi re ssd. 'I- mber that_M oar system sae esee **only' pNE TIOTII, Weed of or di .. trila and fkr When bir vs of the gamer. .WZ DIM 001111'111111015.. We special attend= not eralp to air elsof ard goods„holcius, bugbears& of Oohed aid wag Rpm Teas—pecallar Savors-asd leas sixty days Jew" Atm. Oar Collie dent h =NNW sW os Ihe systow le reo l l: profit sawn! all oar alba aro add on their posts. -w h s a p it ruka Weir - AD ear km of our teas and mikes cut toiled oar legal', appointed agent& - - All wir.goodears W. 4 psi. AP by Amlldrim In one pound ` whips, at our warehouse in New York, and readied at W. H. N. GOONS Drug ,Ohote, No. 151 Naha dusk at Omura k need advance of 5 cents pound ova oar New York prices: Th is tbe goods at the Arlo . they csa be tor ova our maniere, with - the r ghti4ded. , • $06., TO., so, 10 .. II per Itrqbast;:miD (Gana and lack). be.. 70c. 00c., 914 sLper Th., bed. YOUNG HY -201(011eeny 60c -70 c. 800. 90 $l, $l.lO, $1,30r lIII I IIIIIL an ia t. , .1;111 ANGUISH 11221121PAU C 80e., $l, 01,10, SI,U, bag. JAPAk fikv, $1; OAS per lb. OWPOWDNII, 01,36, $1, 6 0 per lb. bbutaitg MOM Yong Noon, in crl =lam jpiKjoo_•gov. 91 60 pot pek es% .oolia - ;" a original Nein paeans SIAN PANOY gOoloog ONO $1.25 per lb. Nankte r- Noyno Yong lima (Urea) 11W pit lb. Vinland Japan Tad, (60 dap from Jane op asp brae ill Yokohama it - lb. ' 'GROUND (2) ....Mote • No, 30, 26 an 30 nab per lb. 301-011 Gammen Jays, 10ortgor4. lbagal Cab. , 26 01301 pm-Ib. Pbatotioi, 60 age Per /t 6 Mow dlrour• gook of Imitation sad Nark nisch awn compaales.. ban ear Trade beg. No other us geanise, 51.6 m. .. . TO TIM FRIENDS OF EMMA- CATION, LOVETE 9F MUSIC. We take pleasure in informing you that we have justlopened in Towan da, 01 the -corner of Bridg# and Main Street,'.ll , oi r 3 Patton's Block, on Elegant New Book and Music Store, where every thirty in the Book Stationery.and music line may be found. Also Statuary, Paintings, Gold Pena, Spectacles, .E., - )e Glasses Spy Glasses, Opera Glasses; and a generai /assortment of Musical in etruntentli Yankee Notions and Fancy Articles. Our Goods were all - selected in the. city With, great care by . experienced- hands and bought with cash - at a very low figure with a uiew to the wants of this community., We feel confident we shall be able _ to offer bargains to all who . i fa,a or us wit their a patronage. call and see Wit: i / Also To do so WOK AT OUR MIMS. CROSS J , CO- Tins Is . rzuso*AL TO ALL.wnci READ n.= Coss it - 67., have just opened a splendid Now Book and Music Store, in Patton's Block, Towanda, where they are selling everything in their line cheap for Cash. Call and see them and sat- ,isfy yourself that each is the ease. GR.OVEY6 & BAKER'S mow= PRE linlit SSWING MACHINES! .730 Chemist Street , Philadelphia TOE' VERY HIIIHNST PRIZE, THE CROSS OF THE LIMIT; OF HONOR Was conferred on the representative of the GROVER AND .BAXER SEWING MACHINE-S, at the EXPOSITION, UNIVERSELLV, Pariu,l.B67 ; thus attesting THEIR GREAT SUPERIORITY - Over all other sew' •m achines. - An assortaten‘ of these cel heated machines. constantly on hand and for by 1 _ W. A. CHA T JRIAN, ANDA, PA. Feb. 6,1868.-6 m THE YOUNG WARRIOR IMPROVED MOWER! anufactund by C. k L. PEBBIGO 4 CO.. Groton, Tompkins county, N. Y. . , In presenting to the attention of the far .ners of the country, the above drst-chas Mowing Machine, we invite -examination of its many excellencies, and claim for it the following sa- Perioritiell let, Being high geared. it will cut heavy, lodged or fine grags, better than any other Mower ;-the quick.motion of the knives preventing clogging or stoppages Id Better for rough or stony ground the guards being placed near to each other to protect the knives a ndpr.eveast Injury to the machine. 3d, For hilly and uneven meadows. impeder by reason that the wheels track inside of width of cat, holding the machine to its position better than those that track ontsidet, or epee a swath. The Young Warrior Mower,ss improved, has been before the public far three seasons, and hundreds of farmers will testily to its capabili ty to perform the work assigned it. These ehlnes as now manufactured have several im provanutats over last year's machines. Front the. many testimonials we select the Meowing : Mani. Pomo* Co.l have had one ot your Mowers fog-the pad seams, and take plea sant in Raying that it works w ork my well math action. It not only does its l, but it is the best Mower sow in use. 11. F. BABSON, Smithfield, Pa. • Feb. 18th, 1868. . C. W. HOLCOMB, Uhler Bradford County, is agent for this Mower. June 4,11168.-4 t• SPRONG TRADE! 1868 ! S. N. BRONSON, ORWELL, PA.; Gahm to builds* most complete Mod, o f Builders Hardware,' Bash, Glans, Bath. Oi Ic pat., Tarnishes, Blinda, Trimmings. Butts. Door Trimminp. &a: • TIN ROOFS CONDUCTORS, utters,pat *shy .ergenced workmen mod at WI Wired -nit*. kering and jobbiag , sapboileii, Bap spike, ha.. Hore's Sewing Nat:biles, none baser. Universal Clothes Wringhrs, best in use.. Wheel Bakes and Cam' pined Plaster Bower, wesW _the" attention of the latelligint Howisp Na' chines; durable and desirable, aor 4; foot mi. Tables, chant, bedsteads, spring bed bott op, and other ' FURN4TURE I Foment re B. this swims the best pal, rrin Fluta,lll,llt and FARM Palle, and e!eg description of:1Mo Ware. Float and 51 , Clover and Timotbilbed, lipinalage Ahab , Plitt Beeis, - Wheel How* lflyem. Sailers and . mammy Bowers famished to oiler at lowest possible prices. KxklaM ALSO—Oorn Carting &am BIIONBOW - Owen, Feb. 30, 11188. • 8