Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 11, 1868, Image 3

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LOCAL AND aglaksi.
TowANDA Cams Draterainr.—naptist
(Murat.—,Bev. BM= Duo" Pastor.
t'reachine Swam at 101 A." u., and 71
r. re. Sunday - lk P. is. Prayer,
Meeting every Thursday evening.
sr. E. Churek.—Bev. J. T.Dauwxsrs t ,
tor. Preaching may 13tmday at 101 A.IS.
wad 71 P. N. BaaL S±ool,
Prayer Meeting oregT ety arenbsg. ,
Presbyterian Clearch.. l 4lor. Wrt.
Pastor. Premobing. every Abada n at 1%
A. is. v lard 7P. it. Sunday Bobo 1; r .ra.
Prayer Meeting Thursday ermine.
nyisoopal aturch.—EOL P. D. Homo, Pas.
tor. Preaching etelly Sunday at 1 A.m.
and SP. U. Sunday School. 1 p. 0k
' Tun Tans.—The following is the
Time Table of the Pennsylvania and New
York Canal and Bail Road Company, which
tix)ir effect on Monday, , May, 11, 1868:
li:VV' k 1111
P.M. - A. M. A%M.
....8:30 1120.....8:30
....6:45 11x15.....8:46
—.7110 11:18. .8:58
....7:45 12/8 ea:
P. M. A. IL
L M. L M. P. M.
WAVERLY ... • 818
MILAN .7:40 1032 4MII
Mats.— 725 10:11 415
Towasam . 1i:52 3:50
A. IL I. IL P. M.
JOHN P. COX Begerintendeat.
I By invitation from the tititens
of Route, Hon. Gro. LANDOS villapeak Up
on the issues of the day at this M. E.
Church, in Rome Bons*, on Thursday,
June 18th, at 2 chuck P. U.
IL R. Tatum Besey.
air We would call the attention
rot all who have daughters or elders whom
they would desire to have enter a lirsbohien
Eastern .school, to the card tillintiatne 0.
Mears. The advantages it ores m actual
facilities for study, to training, and the gen
eral accessories which shonail always per
tain to such an institute, recommend it to
the most Word& enosideration. The
long experience and ramming sums of
Madame Mears are the best guaranties that
can be offered for the future.
ACCIDENT.—As the Indepen
dent. Fire Company at Williamsport were
trying their engine at Mottles rottndry, the
pipe escaped from the men who had it in
charge, throwing them down and striking
fl son of pad= Galway, ala I aged about
eight years, on the head, dashing his brains
out, causing death in a short time. It is
duo the Company to state that this unfor
tunate casualty was purely accidental, as
boys have been repeatedly warned against
standing in the vicinity of the engine appa
FATAL ACCIDENT.—A little son of
Mr. Gao. F, Cori, who formerly resided in
this place, was instantly killed 'near Lis pa
rent's residence in Philadephitt a few days
vlince,, by the falling of a side of a house
which was in process of erection. The lit
tle fellow was completely crusibed by the
:weight. The parents have our heartfelt,
sympathy in this hour of sudden bereave
THE REVZNUE.—Mr. H. H. Gitori,the
_accommodating' clerk at headquarters, has
furnished us with the - following figures
which nifty be of interest to ear retdera :
The whole amount of income tem in this
District for the present year, is $41,496 75 - ;
of this amount Danville pays $12,426 11,
Montour county pays $14,194 11; Colum
bia county pays $13,026 76; Bradford &inn
t; $11,960 45 ; Wyoming county pays $l,-
4;96 40, and Sullivan county 81,328,97.
.ifonknir American.
lie The laying of the truck on
the Lehigh Valley Railroad, between this
place and Pittston is in Motu quo Nat now,
the company having exhausted their supply
of iron. It is said, however, that work will
be resumed about the first of IRMO, when a
new supply of iron can be obtained suffi
cient for completing the track to this place.
It is now laid frOm Pittston to near Gard.
ner's Ferry, a distance of five 'or six miles,
and with the increased facilities which ca
nal navigation now affords for the distribu
tion of ties and iron along the linetat is ex
pected the work will be pushed forward
wit sufficient vigor to reach Tnnkhannock
ingime for a Fourth of July excursion.—
? tinitharmock: Democrat.
Perry THIEVES.—Last Monday even
ing, some persons entered the store of AL
£X.II6I:II W. Longs,, in Kelleurville, and
stole goods therefrom to the amount of
about $5O. The thieves after boring a hole
throughitho hind door withie-two inch ang
er, throw off the bar which was laid amass
the door and :entered, They cleared one
entire shelf of calico, and no donbt'stole a
quantity of molasses and other small esti
clea. The robbery was note heavy one,
[and from the kind of goods stolen, it may
be presumed that said goods Were not tak
en very far out of the neighborhood.—Mon-
Irise Democrat.
cent death of Jar. Scuorrer.D, in Now Rock,
makes a total of twenty-eight deaths by the
Cares Rock disaster. Of the wounded sev
en still remain at the Delaware House in
Port Jervis, all of whom are doing well and
will eventually be able to return to their
homes. The report published in connec
tion with,-,this terrible accident, that fifteen
of the passengers in the rear coach, which
was burned, were missing and unaccounted
(or, was erroneous. The report of the Sleep
ing ,Car Conductor, shows that there were
23 passengers in said car, all but six of
whom' escaped or were rescued whilst all
those burned or killed were fully recog
Tng ATLANTIC.— In the June num
ber of the always welcome oceanic, there is
an appropriate "June Idyl" from the grace
ful pen of James Russell Lowell ; it is re•
dolent of the forests, fields and flowers. Al
so, appropriate to the season, is , the open
ing paper on "Beauty of Trees," by Wilson
Ilan. Prof. Stowe presents a well written
essay on " The Talmud " ; Bayard Taylor
-contributes a poem, "Cass* Guidi
dows," and an interesting account of "A
Week in Capri" ; Eugene Benson gives a
capital sketch of "Theopile Guatier."—
There are a number of other interesting ar
ticks .
OUR YOUNG FOLKS. —" Watching
the Crows," is an 'attractive and seasonable
cut. The articles following are the contin
uation of Around-the-World Joe ; Mrs. Pe-
Larkin wishes to go to Dine ; Grass ; The
Story of the Great Charter; the Views of
Nurth America ; William Henry's Letters to
his Grandmother ; Watching the Crows ;
About the Mountains ; Cast away in the
Cold ; Birdie's Walk in the Woods ; with ,
the regular installment of Music and Mound
the Evening Lamp and Letter-Boa. Boa
ton : Ticknor h Fields.
Sir The continued rains aid cold
wearier, hale made a
fanners And gieat difficulty in gettinginto
the ground, the Sumner crops. The gran
and grain, however, are looking finely. and
a few weeks of hot weather will be sat. •
to make the corn crop.
Let, In tenni& alitriin'oiiT it Den.
. 1 4 0 ari, dr*.s.
tedted "tee& the street& Beetestegett*
dened by the number of people in his way,.
and when opposito thee Ocon7 liii 4tore, be
Made a furi o us dealt at bliss Ism
ma, striking her with 'both:lnv/am and
halos her almost lifelaw— 81m, Vitas car
ded kM the resittobb 'ot **E Dabs, Mid
.from *tam to her hattle. : , the* . hunted
from hetwirtitth and ease, and she iris
dently to intentally.. Dr. Braestt
iras ealled,Wal 3 1te learn , ; th at; :she: is
sendble. though still is &critical atediiioU.
The animal, after making the insmilt,prol..
oesded but Oil* way„ when a munbei of
men attacked ; with *di*, lane, and
knives, killing the brute, ; nearAnnsumrs
store. The carcass was at 1161, designed
to be burnt by the : crowd, but Was finally
hauled away awl baried,
Flu a Roastuus.-021 Monday
evening of tutors* some one in the stare
of Mr. WATKINS at ikeendllemmt downnil
lar for something and bearing in his band a
kerosene taMP. As he mounted the stairs
On Lk return the lamp exploded seamarks
its contents in a Maki of name over mix
rounding 'objects. The lames spread rap.
idly, and it Vise Una impossible to mthobte
them with the aid that was st band." Tt,
Wei Was sapidity consuined - and it pintiqn
arts dwelling near bad to be torn down to
fuevent the ituilue spread of the tlames.i—
lire smderstaxot the to tithe links to hale
n t
been about Agee) et: hieh there wee I , l °
insurance Iff skooo. A gitator. i `
Owsoo , jniui ! --.1" As Gaulle:—
A scaffolding in the Hall Aloe&
611 four or five days ago precipitating half
a dozen men on k) the joke and rubbish be.'
low and injuring one -of them, PATE=
McGaAw, considerably—breaking his jaw,
bruising his head, Am A boy, whose name
we did not learn, wns also braised to some
—One of a party of "Boughs " returning
from the kleCkico.: fight out West, was put
off the Lightning Express at this station on
Pilday night last for refusing to pay his fare,
Whereupon he commenced throwing what
ever he could get hold of against the car — win' -
dcrwa, breaking glass and alarming peaa
gen. The same man, with °then tit Ste
party, was also charged with pocket piellib4
among the peemengem. He was placed in
the custody of Sheriff Tarrson= and pat to
the lock np.
—On Monday night last, a child of in
nerly Carrmes,while passing over the Owe
go 'Creek Bridge, fell through, striking up
on the gravel below, injuring the child ler
SINGULAR AttIREWL—The fly wheOl,
or balance wheel, as it h; more commonly'
termed, (weighing 26 tons) to one of the en
gines in the Iron Company's mill as &ran
ton, went to pieces on Thursday last at a
little past 12 o'clock, M., just after the
hands had quit work for dinner, while re
volving at the rate of 75 times per minute.
The diameter of the wheel was 24 feet, and
hence its periphery or outer boundary of
the wheel, traveled at the rate of a little
over one mile per minute. Its segments
flew in every direction—these portions
ing went upwards, and the balance down or
directly forward or backward. One piece,
weighing about 6 tons, went upward tlusugh
the roof and about 50 feet in the air, moved
about 160 feet (describing thn,ero a a cir
cle) in the nix' and fell throughthe roof;
making a hole ten by fifteen feet , .
it went out of the roof it made a hole twen
ty by thirty • feet. Another segment went
through the brick wall. The engineer was
present at the time of the accident and es
caped uninjured. He states that the wheel
was making no more than, its accustomed
revolutions, and that the accident is entire
ly unaccountable. 1-
BABE BILL—The third game pf
Base Ball between the College Club and the
Second Nine of the Winonas takes place, on
the grounds of the latter, on Saturday next.
The two former games were won by the
Winonns—the first by a score of nearly five
to one, and the
,secohd by only sin runs.
The coming match will probably be more
clostly contested than either of the previ
ous ones, and a lively and exciting game
may be expected. Da .1 pitched at half
past two o'clock, p. m.
WI- Mk. D. W. Waroce, of Elmitia;
has painted the portraits of several deceas
ed persons formerly resident in this vicini
ty, from photographs, and will" have the
same on exhibition at the Means Mouse,
Thursday and! Friday of this week.;--'
Among them are likenesses of J. asiinsats,
Esq., y a Baena Swum, and • child of
Maass WATTE. Mr. Warns has a high
reputation as a suceeasful artist, and these
desirous of procuring likenesses of them
selves, or of living or deceit friends or
relatives will do well to call see speci
mens of his work.
118. It will be seen by a card ' n
another ooinmn, that Dr. W. A. Manna. has
ietarned to Wysox, and associated himself
with his brother in the practice of his pit).
fession. Be makes s specialty. of cattail
diseases, to the treatment of which ho has
paid especial attention. ...
1W On Saturday afternoon, a tte
yore thunder Shower passed over this , place,
attended with lightning and a deln,gei of
rain. We hear that lightning struck a tree
near the residence of H. L. ScoiT in To
wanda township, killing a valuable colt be
longing to him.
.the editorial post, has caused an apparent
neglect in noticing the appearance of this
new weekly published at Baltimore, and
edited by our townsman, Harm WARR The
general appearance of the paper is artistic,
and its selections are evidently culled by
one having a knowledge of the public taste.
The Leader will take a front rank amongst
the weekly periodicals of the day. We wish
we could commend the tone of its editori
als which are intensely sem* 1, and flavored
largely with the " lost cause."
CAMP Magma. Mr. Editor : A
Camp Meeting, or, Protracted Meeting in
the woods, having been appointed to'lxsin
the 24th inst., in East Charleston, Pa., and
believing many of your readers 'would be
interested in a lbw statements concerning
it, I offer such statements for publication.
This meeting was appointed by the
"Preachers' and Laymen's-Association,"
connected with - the Methodist Episcop al Church, of Troy District. - Camp Yeetings,
were ticst introduced in Tennessee, in the
year 1799, under the united labors of. two
brothers by the name of McGee ; one a
Presbyterian, the other a Methodist. These
brothers were co-operating iu conducting
religious meetings. Ender their preaching
In the congregation of Bev Mr. McGann;
a Prialeftenan minister, a great religious
interest was awakened. A historian of
those. time sus:.great unusual
work so ensiled the attention of the *pie
that they . came in crowds from the Slur-
rounding country to inquire whit those
things meant; and this was the beginning
Of that great revival of religion in the west
ern country which Introduced Camp Meet
ings. The people came with horses and
blizOg Pro'ddona aird PeddJaa,
and others built huts or tents ; y1'110'411;
Presbybuisin.Captilik and MethOdists pad;
"mud iroa. 1 I ~ ,
, i ... , - • liont the II; have im;iil l i
tines of agenda. in i tanded the promo
tion of ' . TheY Ma estra telitus Der
-410,14 i 44 tagarDayie, metimga, Pro
liaeged N 'or Whet.' itieeftf Ineet
,t - ,
, how entploystl taOttest the at-
I ken* f the people Ind `interest them on;
their Of ' religion. - 'lWhitnather mom
402 F 4.
Bakal chlunirs
hYek 001 tuel tO =Ply/
semß Cir rus l OfMOD 00MA*1 itagiOUß
to; inmate Girristanity, Mahe
diets ine United Stalin; have continued
to hold p Meetings • cm time to time.
They regarded by no ii; one of the
a t m
means which the Gott nky be beought
to:the people;' I r
Such ape aes.eetniptasikAte in OW nf
their kt. Wtio will pioieiseeti Oppose
me t ed;
efforts i induce people Ito be good, to be
come Christiana+ This imi zee saws
of the p Meeting. Tiniest people camp
.. week with a vie* to hunting, Bah
ia& or Mei:civil pursuits, ail long as they
t i
are ci En demeanor, attending to the bu
siness which they are sinealkpesi l they
are at 1 t reVeiited. llilligicluslieop e see
At orally to camp ont a llew days in the
woods *th a religions object. They seek
there to worship,. God, 4a, by preaching
the Gos and anmmini efforts, they
aim to tel 'e&h oi ' profit and isill
duce 4n.hota to. become good Ohristianb.—
on th and e
worthy ob]ect of f stich
being kmerngsin
mind da
by a visitor on the grounll. Attaining
another object may be improper : certainly
all objet there attained hold be in bar
mony the main one nauied. If all at
tendan will cheerfully act I according to
this vie , they will greatly hOp the Useful
nese of e meeting. ' 1 i
Again, such meetings are t=labie in
that they ye proved to be r MAW
of Usef As such nieans e East Gen
esee ereme!egards ti.eni, ( As shown by
0. 4 .
recommending that one he held on each Dis
trict annually ; as such many of the best
Christiana of the age re4ri them. The
circumstance of their lc held ,In the
fields or is only such leirownstance
as is co often withl other large gath
singe fo various oldest& i Oceaslonal bath
mine; such . twenties:el *rly practio
ed. lows held one of (their annual
feasts in ths seven [Our Saviour
on the Mount, and fed the multi
tudes in fields. If m4re People can be
reached •th gospel that way than
otherwis it is well. It izi well ; just as it
was for mem= to preSekin the fields ;
as it is w for elergymeil of [ different de
o • ens topsail . ' ott the Oublio sljuares
large cities aid in othei•places where
reach the most People. To save
a must get their- attention and in-
It is hoped IthA many more
ill have their attention arrested
me interested o the iubject of
'eon," because of ;this meeting,
Id without it. o promote such
hristians of everynaine are invited
and worship with raj; and all pee
mited to come and help promote
neat ohject liater.
Vslass. COCHRAN ' i Warman,
tern' and Laymen's Association.
of our
they caul
people w,
tercet th
"per :1
than wo. 1
results C I
to. come
ple are 1
the one :1
IDA MARKET'S.— °' ' P r ices
every TnesdaYVRAMHALL,
Casa, Grocers, ' Street:— I
84 os2 50'
I. 1 25
1 00 ,
• . 1 86
200 300
Beans .
Butter (
• • ......
4 ' y net bob? ..
'c .
Sag, (perlibbL) ,
'"-- 1 300
Flour % 12 00 16 00
Bare .1 16 18
Turkeys , 113 18
Ducks 14 a 16
Chickens ! 12 a 14
Wzunrits 011 Gram.--Wheati 601bs; Corn,
66 lbs; e, 66 lbs ; Oats,32,lbs ; Barley,
46 lbs ; uckwheat, 48 lbs . ; Beans, 62 lbs I
Bran, 20. ; Offer Seed 62 r; Dried Ap
ples, 22 I s; Flax Seed 56 lbs,
Special Notices.
W. LYON'S TOit Tablets,
and preserving the teeth. For
B. Kara.:, Dentist, Towanda.
, 18643.-2 t• j•
Dr. J
for clean
gala by
Juno 1
e farmers of this section of
11. will be glad to , learn that the
?; Buckeye Mower sfor sale at the
ware Start of S. R-lAspinwall. of
4 - •
rhbge living MI the eastern
a county have n ever been able to
as they were nut on sale and
• be had unless a WO was made to
em, making a dhMMce of dome
ixty miles. The! Manufacturers
-r been able to supo, the demand.
forty-six sold im this county
eleven in this 4W.. t e, and we are
t there could ve been twenty
they could have,been furnished.
- the favorite machine wherever
and are, withput doubt. the
•t Mowing Machine 'made.
June 11, 186&. Iq.'4
tho cowl
this p
Apart of
t, t
get them,
could no •
Troy for '
fifty or •
have nay .1
There we
last year
five sold
They ar -
they are
most pert ;
• i
4.. I. D. Weida% Well known
tar Lecturer uponWitYitiology, and
it Physician and; BOrgeon. will be
[owe, Towanda,Tpesday, June 16.
-Hotel, Leßayavillti r Wednesday,
in Hotel, Bmithtleki I Friday, June
1 !;
House, Waverly,Bit., June 20.
'miner vasitlta these places
fimiliar to the publiathat
• reconene . ndation. He
pi r s
n sets tille princip,lec,
mal 'attar
)prow !method, and
of i possible.
aee, 4, 1868.
..._, ,
ILB pop
an omin:
June 17
he 7
wille a Straw
icnie ini *Paseatora, Ja c
If the O m w Free Bap
hg and finish
, ip. Good
'Usk) 'lli n be in attend
;pared make it pleas
' i 1 ,
-MUD i I • May 28.
seers. Wheeler Wilson, No.
way, expose, in their window the
.1d Medal awar ; them at the
• : ition for Be ' - land Batton
.hbies—the only
,gold medal for,
N. Y. Tana& • 1 1
lebrated machineslcian be seen at
4t Diack's,where yoir eau - get good
. ~ .. and silk, raz . id any thing
wolBBk on your Surag Machines.
original r,
Paris E
this Bran:,
wanted .1
May 28
Srziucan Im}29V4ti, BRUNSWICK
"This improved !Cabbage , is of
y, very flat and hard, measuring,
rt culture, from one ..foot to eigh
... in diameter. We consider it
either for early of late planting ;
eve7l plant produc
head when full I grown. It is
: . .. ed among eners, and is
. • • . ce. to all o "
represented by ' table and
1 , •esto be a very ear y, quick ma.
/. .. . • . • Cabbage,' of large size,
,few outside leaves,:sure to head,
• .le to burst open, when fully
l' ery fine either al en early cab.
• a late chbbage, Its tqldck growth
Ivery late . plantiV a second
peas and other vegetables.
(: pnng of 1867, th i lston mark.
•rs were eager buy the little
had of this cab bage, at $5 per
- bm,,,, .n is the first the seed has
' . .le ; and it is atill high priced.
. is in June and Jbly, stocky and
per dozen, 75 cent" per 100.
- • - IV M. Wrizzs.
Market Gardens; May 12.
• "th
•n inch
e best.
t is ens'
This is
l l
.g I
e quail •
or ;
owe of
In the
-t wird , I
to I
been ob
Late .
line, 12 o
Potato Plants.wbiell y will be ready
g from Jane let st.b. Latino
• for planting. Tit eon be suo.
in Bradford; ;Good Rion%
dozen; 75 eta perbtuldred.
4 Nay 21.-4 y.• IL Wain.
fo g
8 lan
Mawsiftiorrarifriktt' 'ai- - - - 4hire
rk,e p*Orisilaie Whiter When - 1, two
tnif m IS deft Mifs. egnal in guilty to
the selihrnisd Mikan. rtnelty or OA.
Innis gads& We an ininhb an i n
at onee more whokeose- and
than brands home dishinm--w= ni r
ten f;Mia.Of or pcs thsti atil t r ld in with
white em, tir n ont atoms
long WM hep• is
cam.. , .
fine wheat grcrehle -we ere idde to
get a supply of the bed at our MI door.
and expect only pay for mem:hetet:4 aa
pe- We sea :rich mei :Or:biriel to
be of drat rate guilly.: AA:wade:AR:4M
of liffe Main layril.!l: alkaloid.: ilie nice
List. , IL 18. Inocau k.
'June 4-1868; • - ' '-, •
INS. The best and most titiefidit
taobnaen, Po any eetwibit is Machine the
:I tker Inittit. Leis Wick:
ham • ' ipambkii do limit.
Toi ita te, 1806. • •
APA '•
Rion Azo xo Hwarim—
Tile best and. most sensible - thing in the
shape of a patent right is D. B. Stardireant
I Co.'s milt shelves, and Provishm Rack,
combined. It gives shelf room to, loge
amount of major& Rink lkildinit seventy
two pens Uf milk,: occupying but, few feet
same of room, saver s wounk‘ much labor,
u each pan of milk can be taken - from or
put on to the rack without taking it step ; it
can be taken apart and moved from cellar
to' kitchen, in live minutes, and is a splen
did thing to thy feed! Iv. • -
Orden repaired for , rack at Coddini
a Rusoll's "Itardwszi tam TAinda.—
Turnship,lUMft for li s le by IV& Durand,
He reick;Reaffcrd Oa Pa. r May,
Wawrira.—Any person having a set
of good Cvds for a thrdinq.difaeAfas,
non hear of a prtrehiser by addressing B.
Ifh, Mar" Bentley Creek, Bradford coun
ty, Pa. May 7, l86&-4t1d.
' 11111.4 Large steak of Oarpata plat
received at tams it Clio&
118..A'splesdid assortment of Well
Papa at 'Tams Co'zi.
atior All thirtw WI Daily and
lyeealy Altai for sale at Cuss & Co's.
'80r; All the Papers for
side st • • Ow pe
es & COL
April 30,-4,.
Mir LONG d; Kninza have on hand
a fall sad complete aseortment of axons
Gnocaame.mul tteLdtdltt tee:dying additions
to thee Mak miung the came at the low
est market prices for read: y pay. Also offer
ing cash for desirable coimirrproduce.
- April 1. „:-
llek. The celebrated H. S. K. G.,l'or
ado at Taman & Ckes. ' April 7.
NIL A splendid assortment of Hate
and Cops at gem & Bassitme.
..A great variety of Gents' Trim
ang (kiodit at Coon Boorammo.
House AND LOT FOR SALE.--A house
and lot on Fourth Street, near James Phin
ny's. A bargain offered. Enquire of %ei
nem it Brace, Towanda, Pa.
Juno 4, 186EUL
SOME Bowl:Tom—The subscriber will sell
all of his property in Rome Boro' consist
ing of quite a number of dwelling houses,
lots, barns, dm., and about 110 acres of
choice land. Also his store -with stock of
merchandise. Or would rent the store. ,
Is. L., MOOD Y. home,Kay 10186&—Sm.
in their season, nice plants of Winning.
stadt, Premium Plat Dutch, Late Drum
head,' Late Bergen Drumhead, Drumhead
Savoy,Red Dutch: and, best of all, Improv
ed Brunirsiik.
Por sale by the dozen, hundred and thou
sand. R. M. %mum.
Towanda Market Gardena,'May 12.
ilet-Wir EL THOMPSON, Insurance
agent for the companies known as the Equi
table and American. Office with Mercer .t
Morrow. Towanda, May 15, 1868.-3 w..
125 28
® 125
00 a 20 00
BYFOBE Kamm Mumma yam Llncriarn.
Knit. Knit. Knit, how else can !the?
Drudge, drudge, dttuiga, a Mother can't be
Her weary bands alone must keep
From wet and cold the tender feet.
At home, abroad, throngh all the land,
Her Knitting she must keep in band.
Ox LAMM% Mamma.
Click, click, click 1 bow easily it goes I
Strange, strange, strange,iiideed-how mucn
it d:
I set it here, Um n change it there,
And mittens drop out by the pair.
Or, if you like, a scarf you'll see
As nice and tram as well can be..
pair ofaccks,hed,loaand all, in half
aik hour. can be made with ease om the
Lamb Knitting Machine. Send stamp for
circulars and. Sample Stocking to S. P.
Warner, sole.agent for Co., at Herrick, Brad
ford Ca. Pa.
igt. Just received ; a large assort
ment of Mena' and Boja`Clothing at
Coma & Itcautnem.
WILLIAMS—WEIGHT—At the house of
the bride's hither, by thaßev. 8. P.,Gatas
Mr. Horace Williams and Miss Nancy P.
Wright, both of Cankni.
OWEN—SWAN—By Hie same, at. South
port, N. Y., May 28th, Mr. Samuel Owen
of Canton, and Miss Mary Swan, of South-
WRIGHT—FOWLER—By the same, Jane
4th, -in Canton, Mr. Charles Wright and
Miss Caroline Fowler. both of canton.
1868, by Be,. E. Burroughs, Mr .
. Perci
val P. Watson, of Orwell, and r Mw Mat.
tie E. Wheaton, of Rome. -4
TAYLOB,--STRATTON.—bIay Met, 186%
by Rev. R. M. Dunlap, XL J. IL Taylor
to Mu Mary Stratton. both of North To
DIINN—IifTJMIL—At Wysox on the 4th
inst., by Rev. Darius Williams, Mr: Wit , '
son - Dunn, of Standing Stone, to Miss Al
ice E. Miller, of Asylum. •
HOWARD—GALE—At tho M. E. Parson
age in Orwell, May 30, 1868, by Rev. A.
O. Sperry, Mr. 0. Moward, to Mrs. 0. A.
Gale, both of Owego, N. Y.
PASSMORE—SEAIdAN—At the house of
S. EL Downing, in Pranklindale, on the
oth inst., by Rev. Halloo's Armstrong,
Mr. Ohm. E. Passmore to Miss IL. Emma
Beaman, both of Wysox.
• I - Ntto 2bperttstmtnts. •
N : E . W L 0 O'A T I 0 N'
/XII '
J. M. CO I
Has removed to theatre* forme occupied by
Marshall Brothers. Co., next Ile low Post
OMes, and has replenished his muutm t with
• bur and new stock of _
These goods have been recently purchased
duce the decline in prices, and will be sold at
Give me a call. before parch 'slag elsewhe re,
as I will sell better -gods. . at lower' prmes than
I hare mace ansagementi with an expetri
eared Tailor t- ,
And having a brie Wet of Moths and Trim
mings, - I can binge etuttoment with every
style of Garment they mry desire, made in a
fashionable manner, and warranted to At.
Don't forgot the place, next 'door below the
Poet-01 Bee and News fb;ont. Main at.
Towanda. April 0.1848.
inAllTlON.—Whereas, my wife
%I LUCINDA baa left my bed sad board with
out Just cause or provocation,all persona are
hereby forbid harboring or natirt,g her cm my
amount, eat will pay no debts of her comae:-
1 this date. OHO. BiIEINCRIiIf.
Nay 25,1668! • , • '
-ouivorixoc or
t 4 •
la receiving
of goods
Sul:lect.ta:**rini *s de I
Pik bEsi QUALITY t
. •
in7utini 00Qdrn re
And are reads, for.tbo brio:Won ot the public)
Mil oWN
Oa head is usual. We we offering
bead,/ toeless out the
Ca died. ova
as I will sell them
Harness, Harness, Harness,
Robes, and all gouda connected with
The Saddlery Basiness 1
Towanda, April I.; 1868
pow & CO
Are 11(4 rucbiving Melt
inlets cvmpris . es
a.., ~,.
All of which
At the
Lowest Mxrket Prices 1
Towanda, April 7, 11168.
penis will be receive 1 upon the ground
sear the house of Ledyird Chimps! is Frank
lin. until 11 o'clock in.. onTHORSDAY, JUNE
4.1868, Tor the building and completing , a
Midge across the North Branch of Towanda
Creek, near that place. Specifications for the
ease maybe seen at the .stom of G. D. Kilbors
sad at. the . Commissioner's °Mee.
Com% Mee, Nay 18, 18M. Cornish".
The saderstened have this day Ringed a
so•wttteea litp be known as the lion of MLA
-0 FULLER, theparpose ore
on the above Wildest. Rimiest math=
',pelage done to order and all work staroustoil.
Cash paid for Oldie.
' GRIFFIN 11A61311.
Caraptowv, Jac 28, On.
. iAi r'O
Otto Waged
stfuge stock of 9010•44 •
And , c yell'debated.
.WATORZSoiII entreated -
ruonep refunded.•
tioeVeent of the celebrated
-'4111;o - ia411rgoa '
„ .
Is the plited Amite 111
B reak Rake 111:4
Slegait treble Sala dmitaicf.wall.
ICE P; I.`o, t !
thuldwas ci4l.l!aske es.
-Pickle Mande, Tee 4ke..
CHAUBBBLIN Is now ketilifithe
Faidly Sewink ifachitzett.
These Machines are so or to all others for
family use..for the followieg lessons
They sew with two thinside eked from the
spools, and require no rewleding.
They are more easily addeeatood and used,
end low liable to t. than: ether ma.lB
They are dapalge of e ' nth, pilifeety,
witho u t chimp or Jimmie t 11, omen greater
variety of work than other ines.
The "made by OW machines is math
more drib odic, 08,dors le, , ecisPY uPon
articles w ch require to lie anti ironed,
than any other stllob. .. 1 , , _
This stitch, owing to the manner in which
the under thread Is unwrolight, it much the
most plump and beautiful one, and retain
this plumpness and beauty, even upon articles
frequently washed arid fro . until they_are
worn out. , 4, •
The structure of the seam is such, that, tho'
it be cat or.broken at lot is of only a few
stitches, it will neithet-o , Ink not .
ravel •
but remains Arm and d
Unlike other machines,
ends of the scam by their or
With these machines. ta
the tight or face aide of th e
be used upon the other side
the strength or durability i
can be done on no other mac
saving upon all articles sti
with milk
These machines, In additi ,l
merits as instruments for
most beautiful and pennies'
ornamental wort.
You rah get abeitmlisch,
articles pertaining to the in • •
Done hi the best manner, as
Towiula. July 18,1887.
0 A
Din rl6 ti & CO'S TEM
Per aale the celebrated Mathushek G and,
and 1 1 44 beautiful little Colltiri Pianos. Pianos
of 219 Itrings. Planos of one third more pow.
er. P ;lies that exhibit more skill in structure
Pbnott that are better made 'in every respect
and wt I stand In tune longer than any now in
use in ,his country and Europe. There Pianos
differ Ip construction in the i t nilde from all oth
ers, the-strings cross the Iron Irame in ell di
recUonb, distributing thi immense pressure
equally to gill aides , t the plate. Besides oth
er improvements peculiar to their construction
they combine al' the impTemente of every
other manufacture'. Send fo r illustrated circu
lars where everything is ex iained to satistaE-
Lien. Also constantly on and . a full assort
ment of Haines Brother's Pianos, Organs and
Melodeons of the beat of various styles for the
church and parlor. Parlor Sod Melodeon Coy
ere, Piano and Melodeon Stools, Instruction
Books for Me:odeon and Piano. New and old
sheet, music On hand and ordered if desite 4 .--
Also for sale, Prof. Van Rensselaer and Pier.
iron's Plano, Fundlure anu prriage Polish.—
Plato tuning done on oho notice. Liberal
discount to ministers, chore Is and teachers.
Also agents for the
Towanda, Feb. 13. INS. '
The end ersigned have talldh,hed a
TO W - A. D 401. ,
On Main Strret•tefuv Bridge Street.
Where they are M 1441, ulaclaring all kinds of
Which; they offer ta ( ftte trade at
W fi 0 LE SAL li f 81043
That cannot fail to snit. Vi
specif oily solicit a call from
Northern Pennsylvania to
Our Tobacco is manufact
Stock that can be procu red (live ca a try. Thin ah.
whl enema with a liberal
trade to soppott home man ,
157 Main 13
Jtthe 4. 1268.—U.
The Medea desire tocil e l the attention of
the public to this beautiful °cation for the bu
rial of the dead, it is loc ated on high: dry.
gravel soil, containing about tea acres of lend
halo oat with drives and wks. and divided in-.
to 54 lota of the average s eof 18 by 24 feet,
at prices v?rying from $5 t SRO. The Ceme
tery is incorporated. Ind' ideate purchasing
a lot take a title in fee, an ' the land having
been donated, for the purpose , there is no pro
fit or speculation to the Trustees or . any one,
and the mown realized from the sale of lots
can only be expended in ornamenting and beau
tifying the grounds.
The Cemetery will be publicly opened with
ap ropriato ceremonies sumo time in June, of
which notice will be given, when it is hoped
that the citizens of all the surrounding country
will attend,and'aasist in the dedication of the
grounds as the last resting place of our people.
Applications for the parchs-e of lota -may be
made to thc undersigned,
HORaCE WILLISTON, President. '
EDWARD HERRICK,Ja., Secretary:.
Athens, Hay 11, 1868. •
i ff
mos a co.'s tins or era HIPS PEON Olt TO
QUEENSI.OWN - 0$ 110'00L .
Williams & Onion ' s old - lack Star Line" of
Liverpool Packets, sailing ery week.
Swallow-tan tine of Packets from or to Inn
don, wiling twice a month.
Remittances to England, Ireland and Scotland
payable on demand.
( For further particularl, apyly to Williams &
Union. 29 truadvray, New-lorß, or
iIASON' O.; BtaierA,
011. 1, 1868. Timinda,Pa
Best quality Winter What Flour per
hundred $7 6 . 0
Beat quality Bye Flour per o iondred 400
Corn Meal and Bye and C Feed 275
A fair margin allowed to den era. We pay
grain. cash for Wheat $2 50 to 13 00, Bye
good, $1 40. Corn $1 35.
Custom grinding usually gone at once, as the
capacity of the mill- is millicient. for a large:'
amount of work. . 'EL • B. INGHAM.
Camptown, May 7,1868. '
(Grad nate of Woman's Medal College.
Phlisdelptds, Class 1854.) (Mee and residence
No. 11 Park wart Oarego; Particular atten
tion given - to Pk-eases of Women. Patients
visited at their homes if regnested.
May 284N68.
have a good stock of West Snatch; Medi
um, Shit and @cabinet 'Cola. decd. AM Ili .
soli Timothy Sad of prime quality,: which we
offer at lowest market orioslaS who.
pox, onwhoo,Msactos 6 co.
w - y9.:_i!.*.Ao/:.:4.
I , ' B;0 7P14111 - WM:11110Z 8:11
rub :the
hand aV sts•
le. S. at; CCD
..;, , i • -- ',:1.,T--wi
.L 1:. ~-"~. :f.-
The widerpigued, eimourapd by
tte iiuccess irbiebs bag 'dna fir, at:
the Welt' 'Myles.
Wide& .their new enterpri!spidesir9
to, make acknowlrdgement =tor the
very liberal patronage _ thoy hayg,ro.
caved, bY 'giving - their .. enatemiiis
advantage, of their years' experienc! ?
- together = with ibit benefit of their
greatly inereas , d raCilities r
for doing
biaieesio; -
ie.?. Caftan,
They keep constantly. on hand, a
very' large and complete assortment
of everything , in their line, anOwe
daily ie&lving :otith addidoni
their stock as the • wants et . their
taade requires.
They have now jn store, Sugar,
Syrup, 'Molasses,' Coffee, Rice, To.
bacco, Fish, Salt, • Cheese, Fruits,
Oraakers, Cand, Maids* Broom 1 ,
Wrapping Yap,_ and Twine, Flour
Sacks, Seeds, and agreat variety or
other goods, whiehhavelmealecent
ly bought at tim lowest point: the
market, and are Oftered - at whole Sale,
at rates to , correspond.
= ti med spoil
seam, cotton soss
without lesseMng
• f th e seam. This
I.lms, and ha great
ad or - made up
They desire to call especial atten
tion to their 'large stock of Fine
Teas, which they are ceiling at New,
York Jobbing pricec,--guaranteeing
the (inalig all cam;
ki to their superior
wing. eneente the
t ettihroldery and
Needles, and aU
• bins business.
Have also ou„batid a_good assort.
ment of Flour, Pork and Kerosene
sal. at low rates.
They still euutinuest have the
benefit of a resident Partner in New
York, who is constantly in the market
and prepared to turn to our advan-
tageany favorable changes . in the
price of goods.
FOX, STEVENS, ififficVa £ Co.
/day 12,
Southeast corner of Main ac Bridge-ms
The undersigned desire to make
acknowledgements fur the very liber
al patronage they have received fur
ho past eight months
They have recently made large ad
ditiou l a - to their stock, and are in daily
receipt of Goods adapted to the wants
of thir trade, all of which have been
selected with care and bought at the
very loi'vest market rates.
With their experiente sitO'greatly
ncreased facilities,. they would most
respectfully iuvita their old - friends
aud customerti to an eiamination of
their goods. They 'feel ! certain that
I •
such examination will justify their
o mould moat ro
be dealt.. through
examination of
customers in giving them as hereto
fore their trade and their confidence
They continue to pay liberal prices
ed from the best
in Quin, fur deairable Couutry Pro.
.4 enterprise and
dispoSition of Use
ntegers. .•
May 11, 1868
a rantsy,
t, Towanda, Pa
The largest and T
beat assortment of 0
Crixket7yet open
ed in this County, - S
will be sold cheap. • !
0 Lamps, Lanterns ;
Y Burners; Wicks,
S Chimneys, Chan
! defiers, &o. &e. at
• Wicun.tx BEAM.
in China, • Lava, 'T
Parian ;Marble, 0 -
Glass, Wood, &c. , Y
pia received from S
Wicimau & BLA6II.
T • Goods of \...tasty
O ritterns(andevery
__ piece warranted),
. S received from . the
• manufacturer
• -
Wrcsnaz &. Bikes.
KNIVES, Forks,
Spoons, &c. These T T
lines •of goods we • 0 0
eitherget direct of Y'
theimporter or S , • 8
manufacturer. , I 1
Wiciatm Jr, Ima. • •
Temaads,Dec. 3, 1867.
, .
O ri iil6 ll4ll. ot 2 . 42 1 att1 a t-ta t l‘' , e;
prowl of BradfOrd County the oder.
a adathialiatftdribireftaritAi l idieeit
alteani.leintif licallogkfit tee:. filt.
111114.10141, ear MAI late teltiattr a tile,
Ddlir, Ambit bine,.
t i k i t OV01:11.1r;.1848, it.lo, 6(44
cel et Tana .Jdth Wen!,
ed-and - thatinthn3 . liffontlal Beens ls ll!Ctbe
nott*lrena nines of 00,41.8 Pen - - raelaitt ,
anti and widathresithr the; baniogh, from
theneeninittfilP. fouf7.ll-101nen:14.* coma,
til=lMO •TV`F atslo4r.„l9lll.ll4fifs-..-Onater,
eontilfe r ,wintilllapra.,thactaqvas.
, u t t l r giptiL wt . .
-1 ". 310 Onv3 o, l4..4oftai' 106tfailr Test
' 340 pri. - fir. s - ccitner;an 'kora' thesarr°
west 18 .7.10 - pre. to' the plat* of toe igftielbt__ 7 - - -
Cntalithig 183 IV AIM COO, /FBI
,story.beta thersoli. • , 11)
• tikloW,-0111cithetita, - Phint in - 4044 1 0f hind
'ltoote Jir
4 1,gton berOgsse.W.akfoljeirw-
Begirmfol ,weet corner of saki let.thenne
anther - -air 44-16 ers:lo„ii earner, thence
north Ir , inietlf par.3o.a come,' Mena north: east 10. psi.. &rut thence netth` 24°
Rest 30344 jont.letileornet;thentaitiorth.6o°
Cost 8 7.10.pre-; . 40 &caner, • thence ocattb 30°
ma 2-10 pr, to a corner, thence nortb42l° exit
.8 410 prs. to a coiner. thence south 321 - eve,
31 010 pis:, to it etener. :thence - a rtb 64,4663
yT 8-10 . pre. to a corner, thence month 381°
6 11-18 poi. to a , corner, thence north 44°.-east
12 Pig Ur- enrfg ;thence aouit 571° east 45
140 ra, &corner, thkace .70 west St ors.,
10 a Co rner , thence 81 9 ,east 9 640 prs.; thenc e:
north 851, west 46 prs, to corner. - sad from
thence north 8° east, 47 pre. to the place *,be-
Contoining 281 acres. •
A1,80.-:-Ono -other lot. Of 'and. hematitic - at '
tee.. rest th ereof Tin. the . old Berwick
TwPfU•Aitt MAAS Am th ence north 53?,
coat 0 'Blolirs,-to a corner,; thence north 36°-
west"o4.lDirs. corny , -r. corn therm north 63°
.° B 4 A-Ptlft. cortter.thisice taistb.lo° mat
pri. to it
.riser,- thrum : south 49/° west 15
pre. to a-corner; awl ;faint thence nerthr.ll7l?:
tier - 0-10 praito ;beldam) of beginning--
Contain ez.
ing 8 gate and.loo perches, arid altos
led in Burlington lido'. .
ALSO-_—One.other lot of led .aftuate on the
south honk ot Sugar Creek la Burilogten twp.,
- couunencleg ot. the north-west corner of said
lot; frts - thence 88°- east. 60 pre. to -A corner,
thence'south 81° east 60 pro. to a corner. theno
north 88° west 60 -pre -to a -.0- rner, and from
thence nottft4°, west. 68 pis. to the place of
beginning. Containing 211 acres. •
TBRUti.—s6o to be paid 'by. the puithaser
for eacb - lot 'at the Auto the property is struck,
down; ,and'one-third At. the confirmation of 'the •
aale.tme;thfrd fII alt menthe therafter. one
' third le one-year ober-confirmation.
. •
4 a . ak4.1 . 48.
SaIIERIFF4 SALE: By .srlituo •
a wait of, Yogi; Sego.. hued oat; of the
Court of Commas:lFt .of *idiot& _County,
and to me directed: , instill be .:posed to
public sale, at the Court Haase. to Mei Smash
of Towanda, on THURSDAY, JUNE 18,1888,
at I, o'clock p.m.-the following desetibed lot,
piece or parcel of land siteatein Towanda bore .
Included north :end west by bade of C. L.
Ward, on the east by land of James Mclntire,
: south by State Street.. Bens SO feet on
State Street and about 100 feet ,back; tears or
less. All _ improved with framed building
thereon Moen • ai the Wesleyan Methodist
Church. , •
Pelted and taken in - actual:fast' the milt of
11. P. Hoop vs. Solomon Cooper. - , •
ALSO—By virtue of a writ of Fl. Fa.; will
be sold st the dine time and place, the lolls!.
log described id piece. or parcel of - lend inn
ate In A ; metila , twp., bounded north by land of.
A. liiirithats; cut by !ands , of 'Alvin Thomas
and Lewis A. WiUlams,nouth by lands of.Joha
Knights and said Lewis P. Williams; wed by
land of . James Taylor. Con ining PA) acres, -
mom or less, about 40 iCrell imprpvid, with a
framed house and an old og home and few
Trait trees thereon. - . : . •
. .
Seised and taken in a , ec;tionat the . snit .1
Ponieroy Drothesa va. • Hannah So'coney and
John Sweeney. . . -
%IL GHIgFIS, Sheriff. .
Sheriff's Office, May 28,18A5. ,••
-.virtue-of an, order 'lamed out of the -Or
phan); Court of Bradford County" the"under
signed executor 'of the estate of Ezra Rutty,
deed., late of North Towanda twp., will expose
to public tale op the premises on MONDAY .
the 224 day of JUNN;I699, at 2 o'clock, p: W.;
the following Cescribed piece or parcel of.-
land situate In North Towanda twP., Mended
and described as follows r Beginning . at corn
er of land lately owned by Iraqi: Etteritene,
deed., thence by-lands of said Rutty north 61 0 •
east 65 5-10 pre. to-corner in.line of Deslalne'i
land, thence south .29° east. 178 9-10 -prs. to
land of E. Overton, thence by the same south
west 89 pra..-to a corner on south side of
Sugar emir, thence south 89°-west 14 pm., to
corner on north side -At said creek, thence
north by the lot owned by The said Ira H.
Stephens 79 0 west '179 pm to the place of be
ginning Containing 74 acres and 7 perches,
as surveyed by W. H. Horgan, Pee. 15,1,860,
being gart of lots N0..39 and 40, 'about one
halt improved. with . framed house and barn
thereon. ..
TERMS.—SIOO, to be paid on the p =putty
being struck down, and • the. residue' in six
ma tits with interest Ltom continent ion.
mai 21, ili6B
SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of
a writ of FL Fa., issued out 'of the Court. ;
of Common Pleas of Bradford County, and to
me direeted, there Will ber exposed to pnblfe
sale attbe Corny Boom; in the - Borough of To
wanda, onATURDA Y JUNE. 27, 18,8, at 1
o'clock p. m., therfo}kiilngdeseribel lot, piece
or parcel of land Bilden', is Albany twp.. bound
ed north, east and south by- lands of J. S.
Campbell, west by the Mrarick Turnpike. be
ing 100 feet ou the road and 212 feet back
Containing 21,200 square. feet, more or lens, ail
improved with a framed house, board stable
and few fruit trees thereon.
ALSO—One othu lot piece Or parcel of land ,
situate In Albany twp.; bounded north by J. 8.
Camptell,. east and south by lends of William
Bahr, west by lands of F. N. Wilcox. Con
taining..? of an acre, more or less, all improved
Seized and taken in execution air, tho snit of
El; B. /Inborn vs.'Geo. Jenkins.. -
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or
parcel, of land situate iu Burlington Borough,
bounded north by lands of A. & J. Morley,
east by Samuel . Simpkins, south by C. D. B u
and 11.8. Huntley, west by the Berwick Turn
alltainin i of An acres more or lout
improved with's frothed house and a few
fruit - trees thereon.
Seized and taken i n execution at the suit of
A. .dc Morley vs. Myron Beach.
ALSO—By virtue of sundry writs of Vend.
Expo., and Fi. Fa., will be.sold• at the same
time and place, the following described lot,
piece or parcel of land situate in West Berllng,
ton twp. bounded north by land of Jacob
Smith, e ast by Chauncey Burroughs, south and
weet, by lands of L. P. Shy es. Containing SO
acres, more or less.
Seized and taken In execution at the salt of
Valentine Saxton vs. Daniel Rockwell - and "a.
W. Turner. - Also at the suit of !inborn Bros.
vs.-Daniel Rockwell and G. W. Taints. Also
at the suit of H. B. Balboni vs. Danielltniik
well and G. W. Tuner. , • = •
Sheriff's Office, Jane-4,1888*
A lIDITOR'S 1 4 1QT10E.--/n tlze
ter of are Male of Peter 1. Fromm glees!.
In the Orphan's Court of Bradrord County. -
The undersigned an auditor, appohitod by
said court, to distribute moneys in the Uinta of
admhilstratlr of said estate, will attend to the
g ot his appointment at Ilia office in ;the
borough oL,Tbwanda. on FRIDAY, the 17th
day or JULY, 1868, at 2 o'clock p. m.,
and all persons having claims upon said -lands
must present them, or else be torever•detiarred
from the same.
June it, 1868. . - Auditor
ern District'of Pennsylvania. TIMOTHY
P. PATCH, aßankrwpt under this, Aet of
Congress of March 2d, 1867. having applied
for a dischargofrom all his debts, and other
'claims provable under said Act, By order of
the Court,notice ishereby given to all Credi
tors who have proved the ir debts, and other
persons interested, to appear on the 22d
day of. JUNE, 1868, at... 9 o'clock', a. in
before Said Court, at the ditto of EDWARD'
OVERTON, Jp., -Esq., Register at Towan
da, pa.. to show cause, if any, • they. have,
why a Discharge should not lie granted to
the said Bankrupt. And further, notice is
hereby given, that the Second and Third
/ds•of Creditors of the said Bankrupt,
required l by the 27th and 280 Sections of
said Act, will be had before Said Register,
at the same time and place.
. , S. C../11cCAND
Clerk U. S. Dist. Court for • k. District.
Juno 11, 1868.-2 w. .
tein District of Pennsylvania: L
OUYEB, a Bankrupt under the Act of Con
grass of March 2d, - 1867, having ofpplied,for
a Discharge from all his debts, • d other
claims ovable unde said ,e- er of
the Cour pr t, noticit is r
hereby Act
. gi b
n, or t d o all
creditors who have proved their de , and
other pertons interested,-to apptar the
22d day of JUNE, 1868, at, 2 o' -
p : m., before EDWARD OVEBTON, Jr.,
Esq.; Register in Bankruptcy, at, his office
at Towanda,to show canse,if any they have,
why a Discharge should granted to.
the said Bankrupt. And; further, notice la'
hereby given: that, the Second and Third
Meetings of Creditors of the said Bankzupt,
required by the 27th and 28tIr Sections of
said Act, will be had before the said Regis
ter, at the same time and place. •
Clerk 11. &Dist. Court for said Dialect.*
June 11, 1868...-2 w.
by even. that all - persons Indebted to
the estate of Daniel Cowan. det'd., • Into. of
Towanda boreere teenaged to make payment
without delay, amt those boring elainto maim*
aid estate must present tham t daly antimatter
tad aettlemeat._ • •
moues CURRAN,
toe. -
Blaj 11 .185%
. Aldmittlitraturs.
7The subscribers offer for enle a very
desirable "farm, containing 100 acres, about'
70 acres improved,, with a . good =dwell
finished frame_ bolus. a good barn, -good_
- water s good fencing mates sad well seed.
ed. Located bear F. S. Ayers's Steam
about 3i miles from a Bail liosid.Dopotinul
Canal, at Ulster '; good land 'for graii.or
dairy, 'and - will be sold elms . p. A good tills
given; and possession given at once. Amly
TOwanda, Maier 10, 1868. .
11 near the Depot. and valuable for
a Dotel or fcrideace. A bargain otrered. • En
iguire. of• DaWITT , Tow oda. - z -
March, 18.1 8 68.—tf. - - ' -
the Wes-
is hereby ereolhst ellAirmus Welded
to the estate of NANOT-tiarDra, Me 0 1
Bbetbequin deed, are requested. to mkt. her
inedbac pernest, led ell hiving; dilligijia
sabiletito will prpeaktbrallsly aatibmilodsdl
• - settl tasa
• -; OBADIAH M I !?
JUBli 2: MIL • ' ' ' ' •
'plEßar4OE'if-, Nonok-4rotiee
Jrs3e ~beeepi, given, OW ell perm?.
de . to !lie _oasts ,oft,., ilyta i LApipt
Age • to . Saltine* ' tibed•, at
Auld fambedisteLpey aed
Oil= east said eststiir4PrOleool o 4
=then e ast
tor set
• - • • . 1 7M
• Jag* 16048.:, . . • ;
11 Notice b hereby Sires , that • altjawlova'
thilebtat, to the Wale at VI: WM- fiEfillON
late of , . Teo? ate 'tiataoo,ol, - td
taakidfida pay.•taad Mow hola•
&allots agshia saMastata- will }ems/ Shaw
doll tathaplicatal-kw settlement.
B. b.
May do •
A DMIIIISTRATOR'S 4 4 10 TK l E.--:-
; cm. Notice hi hereby ginm to all petnom hr
'flailed WM. estate of Sweet WM , gIB. late
of Sonsb,Creektarp.oleo'dqtre requested to sake
'immediate psynient, And those - loving • claims
agsWt. Bildtestate; must ;meet time duly
sathenttested.for settlement. • . -
May 1 7;1868.• 4 - Administrator.
fatal estate,.
VAlftraraii. -FARM .1 1 01t , SAL11.
flitizatedin, Towanda' twrwibbi witteis
the rillago cit,ToWs. Coo:
tairlirg &boa 700• acres; about 100 acne iro
pro's,. with-pleat, of wood sad. fends at uts
aerials, well wsterod, comfortable outhedldlati
audwidl adapted for either grata at grazing.
For particulars lupine of 'JAY 'OHALFEL.,
Towanda, Pa.; 0r15.Dif.a.1.1 1 111... Wog Frank-
lin, P. ' May 28, 1868.—tt.
The undersigned offers !or mils his Yana is
Sheshelnin townshiP,eitiate oa*.tbe road lead
ing from Ghent to Towitidi r " abed four miles -"
trom tbe kites. piece, eadalaing acres. 20
saes Improved, which will be midst a Marais.
For farther Informal= apply lAS. WOOD.
Esq., Towanda. / I
-April 7,1868.-2m!';
OMB. AND , foofr FOR :SALL=
side now boon, ofweifly sleeted oft the.
south side of Poplar street. new Western Area.
ue, Is abed:far BAC' The bunting -is 33 feet
trot& bp3l leeso4Asro ,stories high, with ti
good cellar, 6lOOO.
Apply to GEO: . ICALER, C 42 the pfwedrfir.
. 7' Ritiited teria F--
mil shoat one,
and n-falf miles •eoet of Bamie/_ ,tonith con
taining dd new Woe Improved weD
watered,' with .dng . ' twos% oat
rd beariog gad
su ,
orard .
Imp jar =
of the pu{chsee, nom. ifor,. (Whet
hp Inquire on the •profirs of: ,
, Mime. ilaY 12, t1368.:-9'
A farm cd one bemired . 'sad lily germ,
within six miles of Towaada,, and one ,caik
from the rivet is offered for sale on favorable
terms. Onaliundred auto ye awed and bra
high state of cultiestioa, with good . fences and
Most excellent buildings. The house is a well -
builcdorellidg. with very. corrrenlent out-build
ingemonsistNrof anmmer kitchen and store
room, woodhouse, apct the „yard well filled with
evergreen and other treed: . TlSirtaittili a large
bank barn 36z68 feet with a good shed attache' c
a horse barn sdjolalng withatails for six hears
a large corn bousdnear by and a tenanrhonao
on the'property. The farm hes eastettrand
southern expostirg and L °lb:red for ode solely
on account of tht health of
.the.owner. For
further particulars and terms, which are highly
favorable, application may be made to
_ Towanda, Feb. 20,1868
OR SALE, One of the most de•
airable residences In thq Borough of.Bome
good frame dwelling himae. barn and orchard
thereon: Term made eary for the purchaetr.
#pplyto or:address
23, 1863.
Sincerely tlumking my cub:mete for the i r
liberal patronage the put year, I Inere•the- sat-
Isfactioe:of Informing them I have- ?kited sev- -
end - clUes' and secured a One rftck of aUtrac
' tire- now plants. - , The HOT 110111111 could not
be in a more flourishing condition. I extend a -
cordial Invitation .to the ladles and gentlemen
of Pradfors and adjoining counties to cannel
-see, should they visit Towanda, something sew
and choice ; it might be rather inspiring to
thoie having but little Floral Lute. -
Salvias. scarlet; blue , pink; Pucl a ras, new
and' all the better varieties *. Verbenas . the bait -
variety cultivated ; Begoni as of sorts beautiful;
Get:alums, tine collection including. the new
double scarlet ; Pelargonium, (some call thew
Lady Washington), Rae varlet very attractive
New Petunias, double wrings and purple ;
Heliotropes • Coleus feu vailetles, ornamen- -
tal ; Larded'', White. oink, age; Caplan" ;
Strawberry Geranium Variegated; Centrade
nia ; Roses • Lobs lies,; ,fromthe finest
named EL4llllll_ and sorts, spicadid
-plants ;- Hyacinths, In pots 4 varieties ready
Ist of April, Kennehro Variegated Parlor •
ii Te
Ivy. and Ivy Geranium, Honey Sealer, fine
variety.; Hedrodendurt j' Carnstions ; as
ment ilcspodhunj Ferns •, Roses ; Alba ; We.
genet; Dnialas , Hydenage, tuiegated ; Epo
[psis.; , Fabians; Penstonans ; Guam% liplen ,
dens; Tropssolam• - „CakeederisnlEnnonymous
Passion P_ .lant • Boutrardbe •_llat COMM
Sexibaga Tricolor •- Doubts 7'. 8 ' 1 . Crape ;
large. and small leallloirseing Myrtle ' Prim
roses ; Wall Flower ; Callas ; lesticia's : Cen -
toreu r and a variety too mamma to mention.
CLIMBING 11022126—Cottag Cluster ;
son, na Prairie Queen, e
,deep , rose, Baltimore C ßell,
white. Seven Sisters" Meson, Gravilla, scarlet,
Monthly Climbers. Lame, gni, pore White, Bet
_arminer, Pink _Mollifiers, Glory de Rae, .
mond, crimson.
PERPETUAL ROBES—Hermosa, deep pink,
Soavinier delialmalson, deep blush, Archduke
Charles; crimson, Agrippina. crimson, Louis
Phillip:. crimson, Augusta - Me; ft, blush,
Baron Provost. rich pink, .-Cardioil Tattles',
brilliant crimson, Gen. Washington, Gen. Jac
onentinut, crimson. Geant dee Battens, crimson
Lwaine, satin, Louis Vergers, carmine, Mad.
Planner, pure white. Mrs. C. Wood, brilliant,
rediPaeona,crimson, Queen Victorta.pale blush,
Rattle des Violet, dark violet, - Triu mp h 44 Er.
poaltion, crimson, ex. I only mention it pus-
tton'ef the large number and variety of Roses
all on their own roots Ili pots In fine condition
. beginning to bloom, - tfuly beantiful. - .
DAHLAS. entire ne* - set purchased In South.
Bergen, New Jersey, when in bloom, the moat
perfect haunt and-pompons Valdes ready lst of
April, ell In pots.- . . -
GRAPE VlNES.— Rodgers No. 4
$1,50, N 0.15 81,60, No.lo sl.6o,splendid vines
2 year old. all in pots. .hraella,
_lonia, Allen's
Hybrid and Anderondae, all in pots, 2 years
old, 81,25 to $1,50 each, Delaware; concord;
Rebecca. Early Northern .Maileadine, Diana,
Hartford Hartford Prolific, all In . Pots. 60 cents
each. Isabella, in pots 25 cents each, a few
-White Chaselos for oat door culture, In pots, 75
cents each. -All
vines may be tuned
out of pots with perfect safetylrotn the -grit of
May to the Ist of November. All Roses from
35 to 6f) cents in: pots. Grape Vlneabythe 1000
and Roses by the 100 at exceeding /ow rates.
1 7EGNTABLE PLANTS—EarIy Wakefield
one of -the best aorta, York inedemen3
Early .Winningsteadt, (New
Early Large York, ear
Ox Heart' early and late CaeUflowine, 8 -
per dozen. ' Sweet Mountain Pqoper Plants,
Sweet Spanish do, Cayenne do,Mary=r
do, 10 cents per 'dozen. Late Bergen
Plants, Drumhead do, Flat Dutch 60,40 cents
per 100. Purple Egg Plant. Scarlet do, new
striped do UV cents per 'doz. ' Keys Tema.);
Perfected do, Feegee do, The Cook's Favorite
do, early York, do, early Tilden do, etc., auly
Red do, Large Yellow do, 10 calliper dozet
Celery.- White salad and -Henderson', New
I Dwarf, 50 cents per NO.' Plant" or all kinds
will be set out In cold frames or opal-air. -
Tomato plants of all kinds, Egg plants of all.
kinds, single plant- is each pot in fine cdndi
.Uon, 8 cents, including pot, 5 cats without the
pot. Cucumbers In. pots 25 cents each. If
. agent•who are reliable, and none others are
. wanted, desire to sell plants at dLebrent cl i ri
in-tida and other counties, a handsome
permntsge shall . be allowed. - Plants and
the products ot the Houses Can berforwarded in
:trice condition in moos. AU orders will receive
yrompt attention. ,
- 4AII kinds of ,Grape Vbiew, Roses, Dewar,
Plower' and Vegetable plants will be found at
McCabe & Mix's wholesale and retail Groan
and Provision-Store. •in 11.. C. Mercer's new
block: after the 20th day of April. A TOTIIO
- efficient gardener will be found at
tke garden all times. _ :HAW MIX.
7,. Towanda H o t flowiesaeb. 1 2.1888. -
a CUM—Application win ba,seads to the
Ottvertior of the State let the win of ABM-
LifiLLD McGIVEGOB, Who we ass kited of
Weeny at the May tam of the Clrhalsal Court, -
held in Towanda. Bedford Meaty. Pennaylvs. ,
nia; in 1837, and sentence& to. eeelaeartmt tor.,
three .year , _ Such applicatioa will be wade
opals Wulf of his Wait chili/ea.— ••
.11111 - .IIm.THOILAB,
lig 11,1568.- • • Psolleas4wy.
B. 8. HUSfELI..