1:2 Nupsfmn 4.,11rAm• L . Faishlca% -Conr . sebure.- 'day, a trotting tll4ll, Idia.ho4heat thief! in five nor saddle, for 12,500; betrooW General *atier_end lacyr;was won by Lucy in three - straight beetk: Time, tan, 946. and 222 t• ; 199 —Petri* Ross, .w bo murdered/h. ryGanigenfrs irelind some years ago,. did 'from the' tfrffe . iita of wound ha made IA St. 1 temptingtamer 4lo/ P ea " eat tabula to h&c:S*4 • L • repstring s house Dear: . Mill crock bridgei-near Cinainnaliam slept were thrown to the ground by the felling of the root end all injured, two fa tally. resolution granting the Shore Line Railway persgssion to bridge the Con- necticut river at Saybrook, passed the Con latecticat House of Repreeentatives. by 43 majority. • —Weston, the pedestrian, com• okenoed a walking match at Itiverside.Parko Boston, onArhursday Wok of one hundred miles in twenty-three consecutive hours, for a wager of $2,500. —The Pacific Mail Steamahip Com pany's steamer Colorado sailed Thursday for China tmd Japan, with a large amount of freight,. 1610,000 in treasure, and ' •.—The Annual Episcopal Conven tion of Indiana, the State Convention of the Fenian Brotherhood; and the State Eleetro- Medical Convention are now in enema in IndianipoLis. —The San Francisco Board of Bro kers have adopted a resolution to sell all . ruining stocks by the share. —General Joseph Hooker and wife and" Professor Morse are passengers by Um stestriahip §t. Laurent. —N4‘;% diggings have been struck between Bogne river and Galles creek in Oregon. A battery baa been ordered to Sitka fron l'ortlatid, by istestusblp Active, duly 1. ' * The ateam . ship Scotia, ' for Ea ropelook out 51,300,006 is specie. • --The China atearaer, Sari Francis ', vo, took out 2,000 barrels of \ --Levy Patrid , eashigr of the First National Bunt Seneca Valls, 1. Y., while, in a fit of tempo , insanity,attempt od to, commit suicide b sitting his,tbroat Sunday morning. Be I prebatly re- COYer. The Episcopal Convention at Kirkwood, Mo., on Friday elected Bishop ' Tuttle, to fill the plant of the late Bishop liswies, of the Diocese of Missouri. : --_govertior Fletcher and a number cif prominent persons of St. Lords'have tel egraphed to Governor Baker, of Indiana, re questing him to release McCoole from cent_ finement. —General Schofield, accompanied by a portion of his personal staff, left Rich mond for Washington on Saturday morning. —Accoutits from Southwest Vir ginia represent that the negraes are work ing well. One-third ham cotton is planted than last year. • —General Schofield will return to Itichtnond in n tow days, to turn over the department to his sueoesaor. —Sbipmenta or 'specie on Saturday for Europe amounted to $24147•8 46 . —lbe old !dormOn Hall at N anvoo. ILL, was destroyed by fire n few days ago. The HA was a very large pne, and ma built by the loarian communionists for a dining - room. —The Eitertmer:Ben. McCulloch wail burned to the water's edge on the 2dth in the Ouachita River ; while lying tip for the night. Throe lives were lost by the dis aster, a Mr. Scott, of Arksissa, and Mrs. Spin and daughter, of iabama. --Joy at meeting a sister from whom she had been long separated, caused .L young W 0121813, who worked in a family at Danvers, Masa., to become suddenly insane ' last week, and she was conveyed to Wor cester Asylum a raving maniac. ._ • —The steamboat Princess, while on her way to Fort Stevenson with a load of , Government freight, wail sunk in the Mb -snarl 14iver near Lexington,Mo., on Sunday night list. The boat and cargo are a total loss.. eunecquenee of she many mar• sera committed by the _lndiana recently in Dora Anna County, New i Mexico, the Mil.' gem have petitioned Gen. Giant to station a sufficient force of cavalry in that vicinity to presOrte order. - - —Gen. Sanborn informa the Indian Bureau that the Peaoe Commissionhlui re cently completed a treaty of peace with the °gam , as, of Dakotah Territory, including lied Cloud's band, and no farther difficul ties need be apprehended. —lt is reported that in three coun ties in North Carolina over four hundred families have joined the Emigration Stktiety, with a view to removal from that State the present Buttoner and . settring in holism.— They are reported to be of the better class of citizens. —Crop prospects continuo 'to iin --prove in the Southwest. —The sale of gold - at New York by the Go - cep:meat in to be staiippcl. • , 7 —Females voted at a recent elec tion in Schenectady, N. Y. —The June session of The United States Diatzict Court sonunencod at"Wil lianasport on Monday bat cn. Grant is imbued with dis gust for Chief Justice Chase, whom he now regards as au unsafe man. So does the country. —A few days no a negro named Jeff. Davis was arrested in Elmira for steal ing chickens. Schofield'a appointment to the War olllce is coldly received by the Democratic newspapers of the country. —The Roman Catholics are now building what are intended to be the finest churches in —The fifteenth _annual 'session of the -Grand Lodge of Good Template of PennitylvaMit, 'l6ll meet at 'Muni?" Lyooreing comity, on June 10th. —The famous Belle Boyd, formerly a rebel spy is in New 'York. She is quite a aashing4ooking woman, and wears setting of gilt bells around her neck. • —Anna Dickinson has ,writteh novel, which Messrs. Scribner have Wined to Publish because Anna makes too snub" over her oolored heroes isud heroines. • —A majority _of: tpe Democratic Mom of the State - iidicale the fiord ci 54 to the graves of Union !soldiers., The Finial:us thionghotit the coun try ire holding festivals and fairs for the benefit of their eanse, 'which will do it more good than wasting- powder on the borders of emada. • —Ex-Gov. Seymour - denies that he ie in favor of the fulmination of Chase by the. Democrats. Ile favors McClellan that and Pendleton second, rudest, saute new and more popular Candidate can be se tected. .-MCfcCa.e.. 'O.M+l ^ 4/ ..~o'r'~"~'u~Sta'v~.~"~.r ~x~~~~a z~~cp►,rx~~tx. Towauds, Thursday, Amu 11,188 National RepalbUcsa X vox pasemtxr 'GEN. ULYSSES 8. GRANT. TOR VICZ IitZUDIX? --4X)I , AMER- -UM:FAX, HON:- Republican State Ticket.. t owing:l" asosoast Cos. jolair.ltiotidik% et Ilbsigoson Co. • Jsoobll. Caa 014111001100. A meeting of County Com mittee of the Unto Bepublieso.par ty will be held 4 the Werdlionse, in Towanda booogb, on SounntY, JUNE 13, 1868, at :1 p. m. A full at- teudsuceis earnestly requested. The following named persons compose !he Committee K. Ladd,B. G. Tracy, A. T. Lißey, J. M. Smith, B. IL Vaughn, J. B. Reeves, Asa Nichols; E. C. Kellogg, IL P. Kimball. C. B. Law, Chairman, 4nuo 10,1568. 'inns LICITERSI). ACCXPTAXCE. We publish in today's paper, the letters of Gen. Guy, and fir.' Om, Fax, accepting the nomination of the' Union Republican National L'ouven tioa at Chicago. The letter of Gen. Gain is a model . for political letter writers. it in abort, terse, straight; forward 'and •tu the pointl and marks its author an ta,Man of nagacitY, can dor, and strong common sense. Few men took% Willa ti ietteir fin contain so much in such brief space, and this is one of the strongly- marked. char acteristics of our candidate—be is not a man of words, but of • desde.— It is this, in a measure, that has giv en him such a hold oh the confidence of the people. This is an age of brevity. Long harangues are at a• icraos is the watchword of the hour. , There is one point in GRANT'S letter that deserves particular attention— that in which it is stated that the Executive should carry out the will of the people. It has been too coth mon for some of air Presideuts tb forget that theg were merely execu tive officers—that, it was their busi ness to execute the laws—that of the Legislative department to enact them. Once installed into office they hnve . comtitenced to nee the patron age at their disposal: to shape the legislation of the country so as to met their own views, forgetting that the will of the people, constitution ally expressed, is the great funda mental principle of free governments. Gen. Gaon says with great good sense "I have always respected sthat will,and always shall," a senti ment that (Idea honor to both hie head and heart. The letter of Mr.. Coma is one that will not detract jom his already well established reputation as an eloquent and ' vigorous Writer,,and a sound and consistent Republican.— Hie glowing tribute to the party that carried the nation safely through the dark shadow of the elaveholder'a re bellion, and erased the foul blot that was its moving cause, will find an emphatic response in the hearts of the loyal masses. Let every voter read and re-read the letters of these men. They will find in them food for earnest thought and reflection. Evsora.—Le Nord newspaper , says that the opinion prevails in Paris that war will break out in Europe just before the close of the approach ing Autumn. The American squadron Is at an chor in the port of Brest. Prince Napoleon has arrived in Vienna and been in.cloee consultation with the Emperor of Austria. The Pope has sent a recruiting agent to the 'United States. Garibal- di has written to this Government, urging it to discourage the project. Prussia urges the adoption by the nations of Europe and America of a international system for the measure meat of the tonnage and capacity of shipping. The Lower House of the Austrian Reichsrath has voted to fund all the different forms of national indebted ness, (lottery obligations excepted ) ) placing the rate of interest at five per cent, and imposing a heavy tax on coupons. All persons of foreign birth are es.- iced to Siberia ! and all native!, of &miss Poland sentenced to leen than twenty years' exile are to be set free. Later news from Central Asia is confirmatory of the intelligence of the Russian victories; and adds , that the Czar's troops have taken Samircand. Dispatches from Abyssinia report a probability that the British troops' would reach the ski'res of the Bed Sea by June I. The captives bad arrived at Sots. Ma. STANBEUT, JoaxsoN's Attorney _Gegen!, who resigned in order to take part in Ms master's defense on the Impeachment trial, was again nouriasted, i .few days ago, by , the redoubtabl e E itainsw, but the Senate c ou ld n 't se e fto k od refused to confirm hint. He retires :to Private! tire much against his wilt. - Ins trial of Jrsrssia.'s Davel;wideh was to have begun at ilk/mead oa WedneasYs WU' P 0 4 4004 111 until the fourth Monday in Nornm ber• The motion. for adjournment was .rnede by Damao counsel, with the am of the pro soontien. Chief Jnatiqs, Liu" piesida JAMS BotpusAX, fifteenth Preis i• dent of the liaited States, died at his iteddiltosl-1' ..7/s9failleY*- 01 ,11 4k,i1k,, IA 10* I iAnd . fiellii*'44l* *ith *um* Perel l ,4n*;- 1 y-.49tice tiiiliisrittloitlifilasieiP::: , Mr. Ikremiudes Mather ainigile I .. from the county Donegal, Ireland I America, in 1783 ; his mother was a lannerlo.daughteref—A.dandsvoluit. ligtibis gise. He ; was born it Stony Batter, Franklin 'county, _Pe i - April 23, 1191, and had therefore peva his 77th fear at the time of his deth. ae-svadnated—froin—Dkdchniwn-4501- lege, Carlisle, with honors, at ,the age I of . lB, and wasin the Legielate4 , at I '33. 80 - succesaful was heitti ,4bm. ye; that Wilma the. kgi:! 4.46414 re 'tired from Practice- practice._.' He ' ' riti l ie !in the ranks of the . emergency 2n lin 1813; but. the command to'w, ich he belonged 1001 110 attest eitiii43. ~ • He first entered Ocingr* ioi pogo, I Bening continuously, till 1281,_Liltikett Glen. JACKSOX appointed. M i tt, Stir [ to Russia. •On his re Ai 1834; he I was elected to the • U.S Bete ~ of which body he, 'continued a nice to until Mr. Pines accession to the Pres blowy, in 1815, when zhe wfui , arr pointed Bebretary of Plate. At the close of Potes Admitilostretionj Mr. Becauk•ds retired to private Wei In 1853,Presideut Flues appointed him Minister to &gland. He was elect. ed to the fresidency in 1839 - .1 - His administration covered the 'peeled' of the Kansas agitation, which illaiio7 ated in the civil war. Mr.BecitAndst allowed the sleveholding interest to throw the whole weight of hisititimin istratimi in" it's fever, even ' 03, the point or tudeg the national *anti and the national armament to dset on foot on rebellion, He is jwitlibeld responsible 'for the war, for lit Aria Presidential hand at that sou would assured have crushed the ieipient treason. But for this eta% Idr . , li .• Be muddy's career would ha (i• beep counted a highly honorabkiS;tte, It' , is true, many of the ideas wi.enter. tained and many of the me tree he advocated would be repugnaat to the moral and political sense of;today, l but they were the _ideas arid meas ured of his time, and were saiported by him in common with . a ma , rity of the American people. - He t longed , to the days before the war+which seem almost a teat* diatatiV—itnd he died to public notice, to 4ieterh when the domination of tbe slave power was broken eight years ago. Tut Now Tastuvosv.—The Seirotta has under consideration a 1011 pro. viding for the organization; of the proposed new territory of Wyoming or Lincoln, and it will prolnibly soon ; be furnished with a territorial gov-[ ernment. Its location re indicated[ by the apace appropriated len somei modern maps to " Wyoming," in ad vance- of conclusive aotiou Ti, Con gress, and by the iegion which con.' stitutes on other maps the south , western portioit of Dakotab.t It lied north of Colorado and Utall,! west o Nebraska and', Dakotab, South o Montana, and least of l+tho, an Utah As it i4 traversed by ; the lin of the Union - Pacific railroWd it wi ll soon attract sufficient pophiation tti render the !establishment- Of a terri Oriel government importn?t to th preservation of peace and a,der, an , it will find in Cheyene or Lkramie ti capital of considerable commercial importance. The capitals dQ the sari rounding Territories are all located at a considerable distance frcim thfi line of the railway in they proposed new Territory. It remitinS to b? seen how rapidly it will attract per maeent settlers. It promittes great advantages 'in its rail way 1 facilitie but It is still inhabited by' is consiii erable 'nuniber of roving savaged whose love for white scalps is mor potent titan their respect ffik treaties ' with Peace Commissioners. ki , Few del: posits of the precious me le , havb been discovered within its bound - ties, but coal and iron. doubtless d ist there, and probably geld and ail ver mines may be found in ,its mou4- tainons districts after' a air oppor . tunity is offered for fully p ospecting or exploring them. I 1 1 Cuenca Union.—Both the Presb ~ terian General Assembliee, the Nei. School body in session at Harr burg, and the Old School lit Alban , have voted in favor of the basis f of Union proposed by the 'joint Co - mittee, by large _majorities. It n w remains for the Presbyteries to t • upon the subject., and if three-font s of these on both sides vita in fa • or of Re-union, the organic, , union 'AP go into effect. The actual nylon, hc:sr ever, of the two Churches cannot be brought about, in case the Presbyte ries vote affirmatively, till ono riar from this time, and the, General Assembly will meet in Spring of 1870. I Tda election in Washington vty i on_ldonday was closely centestsd p but resulted in the election of the lae pUblican candidate for Miyor by sev enty-four mojority. Thu Councilion joint ballot shows a Democratic ma, l i d lority of three. i The election in Oregon is fermi to have gone Democratic by a ut 1000 majority. The rote in -: is sparsely populated State is influenc ed in a great measure 4_ 00i0114$- ronage,.sad the facilities for fraud which such a new State affords, h kv,e doubtless been ,systematically , 6id successfully employed.. Tug &publiettik ; Senators hel , a micas on Thoradii. and nondaited GORRAN, of California; for Scare tag of the Senate, in. Ooze of J. W. froansr, resigned.' Mr. 001111.4 !U the Republican candidate fur Go er• nor of California /ant fall, and defeated. - • 71r8ped# 3 8 , " * OKI noxahlbli+l,'a diet JeCtice blite . '° ' ' 1 am tu. ,A,.. l'71`"0 .11betnatig.; ' leildukg Republica orip+Lof West, lik i pnb, "nalir bbu ielli nto o ut vialbst*****la' I. to, the ceme ilt i the leil,r44ol , Union Thili i ,i, 4 . i .f „ 7 . tgr .hielitylatiiiir.iieinfi l B.nitliii "Diiiiiieratti" . );Ues,3 eei 12 (a' . • te a' , yoS grees f from _ ~-.., , f4 ' 844 e,:.. ~.-1 - ' 1 r-`74-1 Tn 4., -A large Republican ,ratillas* •iion i. L._. wan held at DEW. YawnSOO; ...,Z7 6- sight. Asnoog the speakers- was , ex leaVinelibtoillantulssil Ilandins -1:-. - , s j -Tie RaTiblieirs "Coni4sitieti - ist e Nli ' i toletre heliallgenciii; In n , Gen_ i . .P- 013 4;4 411 904, .. 1. 4 t mem of 'woven, ler. ge.elec. #The an of UnOints and !TekiNna ddicart Con mations woe fully indo ed. i i : . 1 ' I _r 1 --General Charles _ F. Matidersen, iho was appointed a; delegate: Ikons the I ldo seventeenth distriet,Ati the**. York 6onservatire Soldiers' ConrenUcks;lLas de lined in a letter hi which he sap that he_ filial continue to light 14n the old - lhieCend tote sad work for Ghost ! Oblfot sad victorjh i —Let ,ther9 tm," illmPO'-aY4 per eet orgaidiedloo of tf liesnilli,eaa, 'PeitY throughout the land, and nett Norember gr. tOn t hPS. _ext 4 ePl{f/4 68 4 113 P 8. 04 - ; • e *bat • Appozikon,Cottri, *we was ;to more oonnsgeouo friends of the Seuth., laut ditch of treason. 1 eandidateslof President and riles President are very nearly of -the same ,age, and inay fie ltirarlea c es in 'the prime ;of intellectual' and .oysicuil mardiood.-L- Phut Irak tatty-sit' oil the' twenty-sesioiiin !of April last, and Coifai fortes five . an the Itwentpthlrd of Ilarell,litift. • 1 '— e.oWe re'glad know that (feu. idamns 8 Negley, of Allegheny county, will receive the CongressiUnal nomination. At the delegate election Lon Saturday a large majority of those choSert were la friends. Ine was a gallant solaier, , is eitiniable I gentleman, and will Make a good Congress maia : .The Richmond Dispatch thinks the chance of harmonizing the two - wings of the Democratic paZty is almost hopeless. It sayi the WOx Democrats *odd vote for General Grant rather 1 than for Pendleton ; and the Copperheads Peace Democrats would rather that Gran t should be , elected than Rannoch. ) 1? .-The-vote by which the nomina tion of jlenry Stanberry to be Ammer* General was rejecte4n the Executive !wo oinn of the Senate on , Tuesday stood : Per confirmation, U, inaliuling Senators Hen derson, Ross, Fowler and Sherman ; against contimation, 29—a1l Republicans. —Hon. John Hickman announces to hhi fellow-citizens that he will not candidate for renomination to the Le' la tnre next fall. —Gen. Grant is graid tu.ltfin.*ur% lyre Tipt of telegrams from- all-quatjers, pledging him such a s•nto as never wasigiv en before the re-election of Abraham-Lin coln. --Gen. .IgcC4ellitu is credited with a purpose to teturn 4) this country in Sep tember, and activeV advocate the election of the Democratic candidate for President, whoever he may be. —The Republioun party of Illinois, en massy demand tho resignation of the rec reant Trumbull. I —Ex-Go; . . Orr, :has been Suggested as one of the United Mates Sulam from. South Carotins; . • RE136118 at Worthington celebrated the President's acquittal by the same conspiou.ous demonstrations of satis faction. with which they used to ox. tilt over Union re ernes in the armies. In:the came spirit the Philadelphia Democracy talked of burning` the lin k% League CIO; Hoare, and in New' Yolk threatened ito mob the -Tribune office for the word " treason" - mita bulletin oard. These straws 'show hOw the corrent, kit , set throughout the rebel States, l iviien, they.discover that loyal Unionimen have no longer the protection of Fan American Senate.' We' to 111 iiiif9ly.lanticiptitf the rimist, sicienirig reports: of outrage and, crime. , ,The " Lost Cause" is more than half redeemed -rebellion; allied and sustained* the fresh treason Of the Capital', it on‘ the maatei:y o(.t,tiq f 44 001 1. • • At the session of the Massachuw Bette 'Medieel iiociety in - Boritonrat the 8d inst., Dr. John M. Harlow gave the' histeiry of a mat, milted Gage, , who whDe blasting :thelte at' Cavendish, Vt..lin 1847, had li'tntiO' iron three feet Seven inches longlitudj one' and a quarter inchen'thick,nnd tapering to a kioint, freed through his head, it entering the-left cheek , and coming out about the centre of the top 'of hid, head. Dr: , Wairlosi, who attended the man, gavel in de-, ten' the daily S ymptoms of hU . pat , ent, and Said ' hat in fifty-nine 'days " be wan able , walk and tide,' and was soon ttea ly ae well - as before, although his intellect- was somewhat , affected: This is considered the most i rentarkable calk° of the recuperative 1 powers of natuke, and has been doubt ed by Many IProminent surgeons.— Gagedied May 21, 1861, twelve years six months and -eight days after the injury. " Dr. Harlow , procured his head, and . hits ,- presented the skull to the Warren Museurn of the Harttnid Medical College.. Di.i. Bigelow' said he saw gage :twenty yearn ago' and was then satisfied of the reality. cif this wonderfnlease. He also said a tube of iron = five-eighths , 'of an inch in diameter' aid about' , five feet- long- - passed' through a miner's heady/Add blasting opal in Ohio; and Was pull.' ed mit 'by a ',fellow nxiner: ' Theis: lured man wan introdrated to the an dience,-and lir. 1 Jewett, -the attend ant.physician;! recounted the case in detail. -The- young , man's mind his not yet'been fully - Teetered. :1 - ' ' , 1 - 1 l' ' % , r. , •, ,- - , , gChntanta . ii4froinialtie alitiee it §feretryiit We on littitiiie,f.ot laid **telt. Bpi vet liejoikqestrerti). Stoneman enecieeds' sada in itio Firm, ilivnit ...stfremWmoble to - the - people iop their wrateacisttleitiritriala %mail any other time. The document wit , ordered .rinteLt, I The bill to re elate rt f l o i r ni 7 °lna& ecru TefirttntuutareStPlaniqrrannn44 iblican St* nod to Augtuit I Ii 4414 i!li7 .. to prOvtaa-ittempproir gtorlttaittot ;for the Terfittxrp pfltAgerausgitas :collet] up:' Anamenduttalrepoliegl 1 to subetitatc,tte, name iikbtociak , for 1 W ai 071 . 1 7 a Th in e g t! \g ati7 0 v.r t% 19 ,Fi t° 41 111 9 .. ",fr 1 4 .' s t ougi4itia;' ilitalf;,' tr*rtyybe r , . i l l were withylroire A 'k 719tritpiter 2 mitted to - i4ritalie l A - eltii fi rlip ig up relative 4o zthe trestmtfut-Tbflth* Indians of:that frettkorigielitt witta the hill . struitpasee(h. , (Altil Mtemilli tare call up th e billfes 7 4lKß.,Aidndeslon - zof thelSenthern 3ifitatea hasing.foihitst , motion` - to adjourn prevail cm , The4)l4o no?atisterliteleetion: moo' came np.forfiuthenr,,vettsidet*tinetitt the geese, • 4114 1, ,iirs ~ X 0.4404, ,the 6 4 member whose seat is contestql a -, dressed. the.lliitia if liiiittleta • port of hiechilm: - ..ll:eiiirs.f.emiii' .. ~, , &usrict and Diatir''sficlitilplavbf Of the.contestant. "The' Previdtfei iiiiesitOn having been seconded, a vote on the resolution - resulted,- , in , depriving Mts . /Lomax of hia,seatp,,and - gtv.ing IV .te 1fe.6DELAN0....34 0 : Lana' ,g4ntlemant then came ,: for wail and took-thanath of office- I 'Ur- i Woo offered , ' a preamble and icsolutaeilit itenottenteg the - death of Elsrfelittlent,Bucuassuii declaring that the , Howie,united in haltering his purity of (shoran*, and his patriotic motives, and appointing a committee to ,attentibitifttpciral..-6. Mr. WANSWOIitH objectedto the phrale "patriotic motives,"aed tailleaWains" emir% refused , to modify' his resole ' done, they iittrO, lab); !It the talole— Yeie 11 , 1. 1 ge. ; . 47 r _ •Su949 l l l eFt l f knioletion was ad o p ted authorii i 66'Speakerld'apimint,'U'i ltk, radrklif respect to ~ one who had hold-anal high' oflices,under, the• Gerernmeup o 00031aitles of seven 'tet;etteed , :ll , 4. funttral O. Mr: 13ticumart. A recess, until 7 ',. - 10 o'cloai was thou' token.-' - The Bodge Met in 'Coininittee' of the' Whole in theleVenkug' for debate on the new,TaX Bill,and.•btr. Woon spoke , regarding the, 4evemie. and, Sewlq,ek sxstem of th cLyerntfient,:- After, ' ;Horeb Turthei debate' on the bill,' tfie Ronde adjourned' ' ' ' ThiusdaY, Rate 4, 1868'." In' the Senate the 'resignation of Mr: Yawn& as the Secretary of the Senate wan accepted,, and-Mr. Grimm •C.' GoasAii,of California, elected in his Place. Mr: Beexusw annoneeed the deth of Fa-President Beenixd,brieflY alluded• to ther.thany places of trilst' the deceased had held i and moved that • out of reispeot, memory, the Senate _adjourn. 4, proposition to adjourn te• Monday' was negatived, after which Mr. Buditeilit's motion was agreed to, end the- Senate adz journr.d. • • • t , , • • In the Hones Ohl was paved to, enable the Secretary of ,Warlo carry , out the award made the'leiti of Gideon FISRER fcir damage/3'dond'hitii by rairtroops during •the Creek War; the sum allowed not to exceed $16,, 000. A bill., was. passed ,makiug a grant of laud" to the State of Minne sOta, to enable that .State to build a' dam and a 'lock in 'the liiitaissippr Itiver,between St. Paul and St. Antho ny, for the purpese of improving the, navigation. It is estimated,that th e Work will cost $320,000. The Re: construction Oemmittee repciiteol backihe bill providing ••for the- ad.: mission of Arkansas with • ihe Senate: amendmentsi, with a rewnmendatki, that the "ainendmen is be not 9ecurred in. ' The reamiunendation was agreed to 'end a Committee of of Conferente asked for: The House then went into Committee of the__ Whole on t the Tax , bill, and was addressed by -bleefirs. Mr. Molts', ILtrigAnn, /tumor( and otbers.• The debate . having "been' 'closed, the' Committee proceeded' to consider the bill hi detail Mr. Bums moved to strike out the, Ist .seetion, Which creates, the Internal Reveoue Department, and give the Commis eitmeie TlM:must powers:' This 'gave rise to considerable • debate,- and sev eral amendments were offered. After krecess, the debate was renewed ie„ evening session, and the . Keeent revenue system denounced in nnmess= need terflns. 'Mr. Bums finally With- drew his•motidn - .. A vote•Wea• take* on Mr. G.pitisLo's, motion to,continue the office of Internal Revenue Com missioners without. creating the bureau, and it -was rejected. The' section whisk gives, the.Commisaion er power to appoint Revenue officers, caused' much debatel• :but witliont disposing of it, the House adjourned. •- •t ' • ' 'Fridap, Scue 6, 1868. • in'tlieSenate Mrriminietir billed up the hill relating to 'United States-! currencY,ldgether With the substi tute offered by the Comnilttee, which protect, that' any contract hereafter I made which specifies payrrieht in' gold shall he legal and may be enforced. Mr. BAYARD desired to so alter the substitute as to' make" it retrOsetive, and considerable debate followed on ; Mane:Mon to that-effect. The amend nient was rejected, and the bill pas sed. A committee of conference on,] the pas sed.. bill "wenbidered: '' The House bill for the admissiihi 'of - North raid Sauth Caroline, Loulitiatis,' Geer-1 gin and •Alabama was takeetfp. - Mr. TRUirinta explairiefftblit iThOtinimittee Alab %ma had been *littleketkitit,and, hy - mistake ' Plorida'o' inserteir " Wu :sox moved to insert Alahame, Which' 'gave the W" •a debate - which occupied the remain,der t ff titenession..i Without reaching smote oar the bill, the Sehate adjourned. the House' ' 'a numbst of Ovate matters_ were disposed of. , -Among these- was a resolution •"whicir was adopted; directing the President to advainie Timirfs'lP SiEVZlitic bf the navy, twenty-one ntinibitrii ton the liiit 'of Captains, •frirftlillantishitt'effi eient service. The Houselheii went into Cenielittie•iir the'Wholiktm . the 'Tax Bill. Discussion ;coPthe:Aixth Section,' which provides• that the titei- Flue Commissioner shall - brie the *as Ai-revenue eilibets; *as continued. Mr, Boras•-thought Omit-the :first section -` of :the 141), by creating a Department of .IRevenue, le kits' 'Med want' office Comtaissiorer „Rotuss,and invested in the President the' Power tO• appoint the headoCtiset Aepartaskent,thereby giving liLe4ottn 'sat control of all the revenue offices. Numerbuhlailehameittit 'the. Mx estrous were made' sWi'rejeatoto Motion to , strike out the secithili en iiieljrfibally"piethillelkyese'o4halo 45'. - A: propoaltiou to strike out-the seventh section which' - pooh* for bonded“tititrehOdeee t ' goo 'dee tv• sii „impeachmeb, ankthe.Seti! 7467...iu55ed during the entire . At, 'Without a vote , being taken. " The m r kt of theihnsfere T - Ooratnittee e ditertfin , maje received i . 1 , pardon •V grief emu- sevel W...! hk "%- i t a i#V °n lth ilogaiiinc;thell . Algebiu• tldiiNfratibiloldfi l %Milli 'five :of the Cbmboldlo sliomit. thtthill ighiOltailekg) git (901iltrre- IG ef9 , 4"to ol "gale 4 1 94.- limp. rof into ir ikona' ;Wag p' P .. w in if pen sions ilithlsaindithiedill ibillWti DPW iessuriedibitedismitsionAniolthifl'ax : WA li ffi r ka,9.gigil*alitkiexutsAdik A niftiVia r ttcrt rte c a deigiiiif iiffeEtr i fi ta. l aciii 9 tfordnee OnaiiiiiteeitinAlitalkalMW l)illaisbatitexi ,air ephclarhibh 410.1 ,‘.,, r r r r ilt,P 2 ?Vl94• . 4‘l ia rtVASl l l i g . • ' 4 i.ti ! i l i e r ik t e ig w i r VgiAttllk.,,79 l ; witr Lib 'Oa i arc OUS el ournc”,. Abailtidia~olihViii% 7..:"''''' it .ginin v.r , ..- ~ ,, i _d_ifirto I.> 4 - 1. Li v IiaittPLIVIDOIVASi t tti 1 46 r iWitik-k teyriblerand fatair , efpidentio bathyal' e,Mlit.-AlogAgtthe , caYliaja.thei N o ttie.: ,eiseViArkißqiltßglP,,, t/Iti lit, ano they ara tintit i pi rvaly. I iinfbiegthird i er 6 ,Vis iii 'OW neighborboattof Dafitytthrtilitti ale& within tea days. Aim same album'. ill sicePt44 AA* io *at ,posicookar rwlianaa#TAO 6 thilw*g ol oo4eAti o ck several pada Of illiaois. "Dr. Johlik.Oo Dediitto;hai'ziade ieripiit 63)6001111ga' eibiteligilettitietilitik g Clay 01010.;10bjetti t-iitinvilta ' cs 0A6;4P'11,3e m o b ttqui..ftl,Plado t.40u1 ,thereli no 4 iao f gYl h me ween A id aiii-. eatatrhaiilfested i tire 'itid:thli ride.' llest of itrissiik that; ;Made anohluitt-", :ages Among,: the °attic of tEnglead d,,FINtg, PO MT B T. I 4- 11 4 0 §1, 41 Akki G6 (except kin its ,martisfity i ). ~.hicylar i tt like t h e - efildemiel ileti ci,.ineamonia thatiereat4d satinet' islainfiirifisg; aohusetta In 4854;iti its itieeptioi or : diliNtion, Rr , 41 gegmtal etabraoteris -I.ti".-. 4 e 4 / 1 14 5 1 ; 14 4 i O R.l 9 r lunge W undiittealdthepatl e 4 4 of" deathl4' hose 'that — wire examined, - and , aathe apriptomeweretimilar fry all, all may haste 'died of such infltun. niatioy.l Dot the, epidemic, or,Ctakta" gious characteristics of pietiro-pnea• monia need i not be inferred to axial' here; and' nitlitior heed be felt 'be na cause some niffrriv-ilaVe had acute' inflammation,of Abe longs, TAE - COPPFX IOI 4 Seward is Jeperted to Imre said to-, day that he dealtedio'ietire tient - the Gabliciet'l There pa:Arability` al otherichangenin the Oabiiiiitdirectly; btitittohat %stunk tbwreorganissition• oCtile.,AdPli);(ltP4i o ti 4 9 9189 Me 0.9 deferminek noria h settled defioitely. who the neW"iiienibeiii are to be; thOugh 'mines 'of tetitlemetOlf standing and national repritatiOn aro: mentioned 14 1 4 PPOCeSSOPito the nevoid popithins. to . ,ranatcd. Senator Grimes . packe d, tiPall his • paPerti,&c., today ' arid left for neon* BOY lington; ; Iowa ; : where ho bia seat if ilia, ,health does. notAta , Prove, WhielLitlf, not likely . 10. Senator kiendorsßii proposes .to. go borne to people and by to stem the torrents of - resenterient and denunciation ' , from bier:old , ' patty friends. It is not onlikely.;that ,ho will : accede to, their Aemith( l ,Leut , % . 4 3- sign his _ seat. ' None of Ur. Kosie.o; bfi.. 'Fowler's old friends' belieye they, Will ever return' •to 'their: `Stikteii.— Senator Trumbull trien't6 Weather ; it out. but has a very hard time of . FtYerY, trim &04e4i 9i petitions . , and Letters, urging his mediate, tesiginition: Senator Fen- Betides Says: he Shalt fibitte that be. tisane. longer any-position or intluence here, and' la- tired of: publio-1 igct, Hq -kiwi 99., Pfßikeetiatetition.p.r! resigning ; . lint:,he will . probably . think' definitely when he "returns to ' York Bun telTuaday. the Senate _ ‘ited fileetet, . The bill (or: the The progressive ...Felon&held , their 0442 4 40 ,areVlYPtin.Lat. 1 49figwood• 0.4,00 Ye A:MLA last week, ~fit on the 4th dayfOTh'e . attendance , lvae monies , owe adopted on.lntempetaa , Per Tobabco 41 0 ,A ruin,,. 410/Freok. oleo, Women's Rights, the )3a114t; to theßle&MittiNfeatnichiof Ciltakete, • Capitalltad liaber; - the Indians; *Fa) a metric:mist to Otingressia twit behalf and letter s te the, tritoes, ;AA DA Pence,Thee° plied „for* . ...eatpeat and . elocitiest r emarks in the oaseepf rOforiii: s iieid'adOpied on thelosa the illeetitig has sustained , in the death of six of the early and an. tiva colaborexe. kn l tespeetym .of, i the„x,omaios . of StePhen A. Douglas was - Made on the ldlieit4 - 'O6 - paratei l y to their re moval'to)•the.;toinbilereoted to hie memory. • Uporit xemoving, I the,• covering the.. glass.,,the - ffice of. the illust r ious Senator was roMel to, he a-'•reraitilibl' state ot - presciirsi-• lion, Wilmot atii' natural SA when ried•beven years , agq The complex,' iou,in.very.. :. f air, , thq contour'. of -the ; Load 4tßii.r,acPAPParcPtlY P4P4P4 and the "exPiession quite natural mid pl tartly' ii!. - coOiiiablel The half beam hd bladnand , glosily- as. crier, intd the; raimea6:ns,t4ew'spud tifly ate Mims fiAtt, iast, ou,, pot „ i present4g,the lefrat t t evidence of mildew ofdifooloixtide; , • - it-ttt rt--. .1•1=01, bini 2 =-131ere are sixteen don:Melvin 'the Statell'Pennw aylvanii whiolr are , withal:it debt,Tirri Bedfor‘ t ng4iF),Sxadfatd t ..o ll 34b,rias Indlana, tuaerne, librieenr: Pike'; Sb~erseti,llntdri,Qeliniigo;Weat moreland. Cameiorr county has”the 1 9 4 410-4 1 4bts4gAPP• -IPM l 44oo. l Atiqwes $3.5094,6Q1, 54 whicli m4p1457.4 QO9 mere Tian the Vtale" . ' itis :0 . 6 . 1i:4135',42§;(159. , "• "111O' aline dtintil. iina whose! debts:or:tied a-raillionrof dapara l areA•Mlegb#o, $430Q,4441, 'q,;lßelifks, l o B cP.49A •5 0, 10'. •, • Irtivp 1 4,4vir ., c.,A 43„,. sir The rt. • wor 811p0111/9618, WidaY'76hl9lsV 1818 1 be l kots binta to•lddltiat ORA Wildri; AdalllBr , lriattndifiptlB o 3,4olWSol4 • !9144 110 :0 1 1Pte4:-MakiK 4 1':ttgiitlY 11 14 M4P43lMlPafittsOiAl•lebfielifir4l;:cl-1 —Abundant Uwe, ikh the 61 7 670 loon of fruit, inn 11 , 4 ulterol! i r dietweimie bees that the peach oroplifitibeirlbSOM 'yield of nitalliteldinirsitithilnistall? A. daeLlasie.oirtfosh, Tisittadija Savannah betwowkilevoioe4 laoneiadifiZe was kill e d. It si. ij .,l'; .0 1..rrn,:i.7i30 n I,af IMO ROOMS TO !nu14111,1m.11 ABU iU VT iktiTE: Perms coming to to Oro nuns ciAU. Towanda. Jane BOARDING AND DAY ponooL, 24Y4 MADIS6N iVENII • • I :r r NNW Yi:rdi7; . • • %."TO fog Er *gum' s!" 14BA. tc426011 Haring ' the seoomicodstions for pu pils, desires lo inform her patrons , that she is able to oiler the advantages of be: 'lnstitution Franc Is the language o tbe whoa Madame ,to J. B. Move Bag ri Fan •, and .O. Goodrich. Towanita, Pa. -Janktt - • - ' . tr2denos forme-oned y bold hWeeilimilailsda earrezetßUse %pie Wag 111 resatersittaelb eintrthitathaalarge dot with To ohoice trainti _shad trees. Good tarn. any person" dethlog a home this af. flab a One billindidaki a pleasant WA der &bola). for twos and particulars .1 1 311 a;r:0.,06 I l igiaitha,AVl l4l6l : ft4493RlAfritki• , -10 TTAs - okns ;,,AuFvfmr.lov .; fxt Ne„nlHit „*‘,l ,tvoh alfrn77ll" . Ott.t icy , c l ,7amtv-,,111 f 3 t n .11;vp Iliqx A Itsltiom frh, fasagoolalwii.orr z I cci t ficikhif, 1 6 Lorc! wet 0-vry-x - B . "t -4C!) f'd fey anjthing 10_11 . ) warit La tho Cigicerf ltaa.,ape US ilibrbt . , 4 • . i ittftt‘n ., p Etitalk '^c4l `r.l r 411.01 rii tplmi 4P 84 47 1 74i B qilA- 411 0 C if ‘ r L W? , • IMlKTrivklijEt (TANNED A:1 liEfP.4, 110.131( -11141715 : TN Tlitug 0U'..50*." • DI D NT; :444'RAY:3 1 #g..54Clit:PICA 1 414tEli ' • St'' 34 '4,l6l3.lcdo;:eitroeicilliSl T ' 0 ; 1 the l list r insmlsii - Vt ? . tolsr , " : ".; I! ) s , lcar:4 Swim! OARCR4N 5M01C.MG103.1A.C90.., , f rAb01eivqe144.1110844.,1..".' li . • r• everitloug in ih , oofto44Bitraid PRO. 16011111bilt tho TilattiNo; bi,Mitnatteetb Onitotgor,low BgildlemaWs .Tofttft;'liune'll3Bl6B. elf. :..! z.., 141 fli NM 1 1 ' I MEI i_ n• EOi. . Ira , 1 RAA;rII -. W A , T . ;-, • , iv and •afte±:, llooday: Say ; . 11th, 1868,. „- will retire WitierlY,' at'about the follow log snare, eiNl7 - 1 , (it • . ;•,: , • 3.•••! ',, t.. :•.. • . Onto 'emir. . li3d aAril, Night! 'Waren,. Ittendayi: neap tail kPE i 'Bocbastcb , Ballido, Balananca . and Dunkirk; malting pirest Connections With trains • of Gni 1 Atheatic and: Steal Wester*, Lake Eauire and Grand Trunk &Always, for all points West ; emit 'Mira 'foto - Canandaigua: , • • ..!457, ;a; ,m,.. i .Nigtit dress , Daily, for Beet:ester Buffalo, Badireasiiia Ohm:kirk and the ent,-,ocomotetlagisstabove. • . ..- , .... . 8:25 p. ni., Nail Trath, Eitintiays a:wanted; for' Baltklisand I Dunkirk oonnectleg at Elmira for Conan daignk r- r1:68 Ontl''• Eliiiirl'Aceoniniidathiti Belays e 7 i f - a ,Da r' . '. u f n a e tap 1 ttti ). l) t ' - West., Conn tlnt Elmira orC dali at ,Eslatssea ntl_hrlititrtie And ' , Great , Western ;Railway, and tit . Buffalo with the .I.ake. Shore and' Grand Think Railways, for all pehitir Wieland 800tb.1 ,, •,••,if • • (- i,-. • " - .1 --, 10:33 p. m,, Eipmse,,,Nall, BunolaYs ,4: cepted,-foillualei SalaMneatind Dunkirkiisou. aectitlf. With tatins (Or the West, , 9 10a m.'Wligreight. &easy* eieeptea: - : : 2:10 la ,p. ~ igraita Train. Daily, ; Os, 014 West ~ ltEitops at Warerlyron lßandays poly. ~ ~ i, ! , ,, . : . . 0012 M SAO' -5:141 a Wt., • Cincinnati Exproni, hforubiyeet 4 aea cornice :Owego for 'lthaca i at. Binghamton * for yricase ; at Great' Bead for Botantowisidthiladolphini•atoisackesresea-lor •. it= pniy, d. Graycoact. for Newburg and 8 .m, lattilttatOPn t!' c P i n l r a q , o n, Sfiß ,• days xcepted.' ' ' . , ~ ' • 1410;. p. Ar t decOmmedittlon hid ma es y. : , 11:13 a. tn., Day Express, Bndays excepten: connecting - a t - Bitighemten for a Syracuse; at Gt. Boadfor ficimiton,• at Lackswixen for Manley; and at 'Jersey' City. With midnight'' envois train 41.Iliewz Jersey Ittillom4. tor philadelpitia,, Baltimore Mid Washington. • e'Srpl - art4•Neir -;York • ad. -Baltimore , biail,, Bandayewxcepted., •,, , _ . 9:17 0 , m., I.4ghtlibig 'Expresc'sondays . ex• cepted,,conriectingot JerfrayGlty with , nimuliag express train of New Jetseyasilroad for Bait moreia*Washisignan, and st,•llaw Emit _Witia. mond% r t eximam trains for posters ; and f. the ,•, 1.08 a„ ,tit.. Night- . Dalli,,, con.,] riectjag at Gelyctairt :for • Warrick f 'mill' at New ,Yorit with t afternoon trains aid, steamers j 'for Boston and New England Cities. • 4'.36 . p. M. Warpreight, bundayeeseepted. , • ' ws. A Pas e 4 and complete” •! Pocket Time Table' oat:Wer :Tram on , ;thh Ribb-Salll' way - and 3 onnecaing , Liam.- him reaently., hem.; published,. and can be procure on application ' fi to the Vela kot:the.Vompan, y_. : ! ,-.;,. ~.. WY. It, B ,_;_ ~ ,_ 4'. RIDDLE, •Geri'lPseelA t, - NeW-Yorik.f tfiett7.l3ol: '. .. 131tI1ii 1 • PITIA - - - - AMY '' . ERIE „L, !AWL!, z . - i .—Eistamer tipui Intd.4 Irtircti and director' ' ..tween APhiladelp_Old, Bahl inoteMitttlabitt;7lllhipet, *MSc Omar. 011BegiOns 01: Auk* ... , pfpopielv , , tan ens on all la OW uom s. • . . -Ott and .wites: S.OND.t.Y., :MAE . rl last • 1045 if the trains "on - the Philadelphia' .t. Erie Rail, Wool ifIX rual as follonisi: : , >. ./...: : • .-n. 0: 1 1 , . . i wass•Trow•-- -- - • • - Min irrali leitlei Philadelphia.: . :11;15 7.14 . 0 ,1( ! .• , _ 1 ,14 .• , -W.illbunnport...... 43.20 4,. 51. ',, arrlite at Erie '' 13.50 P ; ld. Erie' tiPresstatres Philadelphia...42:ok noon. .. • Willianisport.. 1100 P. M. !' cis : " 1 , . isiiliiii it 'Erie: TV:. '.1 . 11n05 riC• W. , Unidyn. )4.111, leimpa ...Philadelphia.... a oct. a. 144 , . witnamsport: . • ' CACI). OW *swaiTnat.Look 6ttien...1:415,p. fn.. lea AdViitaln ;V lie s EA = ... tr%:::..; ..IVOii it, ta - . ~; .! 4 . ! Willianuspqrt,:ls p. In, ' • ' !. ' ' a Weald Philadelphia: : 7410. a. ni. Erie. BOP* 'l= 84 0 .• ' ' .v. 40 P . F.P2 • PI . WillialOrt... 8:55 nod . 4 irrlves at Philadelphia 5:00 p. 131 lai/ and Pinyon connect with Oil Creek and A llighenjitli*o Bail Boil .' 'Bisrgatte' Cheated V.briniElk r_l,-. , ;--4‘, -, e -.: , 2.4.. L. YLER, QnT3up't. ,~ . ,rleknrsi' Mgt{ GEMT. " ItAr llth, IEISB. • reggae , -Linn trims TaICHOUTA t•WEStf.Tl 6 hiildelplll3,NCW-Vdtk,llCading 111 e.: vet Aablanct, Libanon, Allen town. Futon Ac. 'llMtrlatodig fer breti-York', sai.rol loain At .240 4,2 5 5 nat1,8,10,a );0 7, Md 1 3 40. m. 2;05 and 44. p. it eM.; ittehtin 'ltith"almilat• %ant tut Ann Fenitaylvinlit &acrid: en • - riving at Na -1(00: at 5.00 and 10.00 al 11.50 a) ut.Vild 5.4 , 7.18 ind, , lolo 1 1 1 10 : SleePlag qua, *mom , lag the. 2.50 , 03 p^. In:, , thOnt'enange. • .ietiv4 , • 4 .ttrg-. for. ~Beading, •• ttatritlq, na'• nem Asldand, Pine Grove ' ilPhtledelphlaiae 830 al. m., p i os and 440 ,p,,pi.,atop::f at, Lebanon and all Wa y The 4.10 'AC Vilitinardg btcae 4 oulpi-Ptd pltie, and Velumtla , For `Pcittev e, ElebtiyikiH Haven and Auburn, via litany • litsdignageelansa•Bail:likottywo, 'Harriet:4ra t 3.55. p. Betuming Leave seoeil`cirkla 9.0(V a. th4li 'noon Andid.bo saa! 040Q,p. eepbg.Clora feintAPKOM 1 4 8 0.00 m: t} p. tn. trams witii) out )' ff. , ' • 1 •, t; ; L Way P lager Train leaves•P lilladelpida at 7.30 a. in/; , . • , riling (now t . .eattiogitAsl3o atoppia ,at all et:Alone ; Pottavi o at. 8, 14 m.' mid 2 0.)11101kIllind at'0:110 audit .. 11 liactionam , At- 1:4 11 4 1 0f at•4 l t 3 4 a*.t " 1.80 and 8: p. 1 thin • . totrilecrAalither &MeV fill andf. , unit:p . m* 11:41.1t0r1..at. 7.10 a. In.. o r integ , • - .t 1 ; zltinding • ' SutTgai 44 % kix m., re arab% ' *Ma brls4. , I + - : 0•J11_ • E PolllltOr r , Acco modation Tr*, leaves Ftittstottlit 645 , ti.. , rltitlraingderterlibil; M I ZU I MitaiVraltis - 40,7 41 4 4 1 4 , 4104 i ballad Perkkeete S m. .Beturn. , , ta, WtOiiill,ls' l 1 444 1 ,1 r t.rf l 9 4 rtZ,lii47l DTi R. BAKER,"Mtlifilhoright, .Is attetul to ' business. Is tins. He warrants sU work se is a work- WAGE PROPERTY to 1 coita l l io nt i horses , se of or alarm 1111.13. T. F. & . A.• MADILL, PllVOlCldiwasvgi EIZURGEONii, Mace end residence in Wrkut, Pa. Dr. T. - P. re=OOIIO4 I OCIPPIIMK4 aril 8411 every mummy: Dr. windi Maatit r it ernftel i esir i e em of sbb . in sing Osmosigior4askotsivit stleessel for the V. ILIIDILS., X. D. 'M. L. .10 • • ' T yonoz-,wq k ayq__A,}igi , day, • itta=l.,‘ witted rim I. CAM u afre , sir „ : l erehtp #o4‘ Van tyk.n a lo tmier ,.., l it , v , btot l y ttu a t i,:.. csr; moon, -twiks, uttt PE ;,,Pgar d a: . - - , ‘ ,r" ':44ll4ifkiiiia,_44 " I " . 14414- • T nENTAC M tfilkildezErr BA._ 1 Jitor i22*imartrfbaalitlehlheiritosettodaterat Wit PIS ta . les& Afettzpalillageserellyktba to theillteperear, ot MeTt 2fttbe.ah. , tao QTlt cud Main lit oialbee Om mearva, 10i,u4n4 mill* signalers of 4 Josiah Bacon, Trees.- GOOdltaratiatel 'Val. • C 10.," ak losing that Chit inbeeriber • bad obtained a li diftWftliill4ll4o*lNTALltattd laid Otatilidi um was Dell and fold. me charge is Agee mid libelloae. The aohaseilbee would Wolin-the Otto and bet patrons that they need not be areatherehydliten lb Idi Witiolot ,g o, k.As )ta WA coattnaeo to make ribaer [ ; WI e4d air ter fp hettittihkep in ?tie ' i ttliftki =law's.:o 2 s ll . 4 olttai es i I boo, *lda 1 g littt seas*, wftleblritl pitreitfo'be id *Otler-tia'refelee, cat seetaint of. Its more pal . ptatioa, ifora i bili on it and cherfroftd•:l tt i,;, t) 4 B. , a J. g . Tommie; Jame, 1868.2 t 1: , .. tit At . WAIIINDAGNITIV.44-BOLDI EIS, TEACHERS, ENERGETIC WINK AND WONENcItit ebb, „LOT gg 6 E 24 • 37 *P , filtaTt • •. By lion. Hyrax t . ; Daum; thairmah of the Military Committee in Congress. The only work of the kistilutre44lll44 OA sanction and by the authority ofillen. - Grant hiroseU. It is Mist. and is. Abel most inteneely interesting Issogrodbr rine patted- ha America. • The , slither oasof most': brilliant writers in ure country.' fAxestowill ;this' tide the selling work of Ore seism Termwthe most liberal. seenti - thohie ofe P mit AWlNl , ZE ply.soon CO .to Pnblliben; Tf9,'Aameoa fit., PhiladeTibla eptil 30: • • ••• _ • NBW ow., NSW .009D8 .1. .et , i =I IF:Y INISITED =MEI r-9 rEr 7r. A. P I E'S ! CIAMBER V4RLOR SETS NIER0118 # . ; PICTURE 'FRAMES; ,74' , Romuagavi rranion, far' -mit' .W.Alaig.L. • AtiiioliTHESTs , Fulistrust;, Sitlesed — ttilble inarlret.7lltave the beet 'apbols tet et in , the "tioetttiy; - and gisnatactlf:re elir4rpti uphollteml, Worki •*. AND JOBBING,. pone to order. Having an expel knee of 20 years in the twines* can conlideatly laope to please all who patronize me. , Don 't target the place. ~No. 155, Main at:, tiro 'do. ars . •aotitti of •Deldieonints Block, Town - awera., - • , B. T. DECKER: 'Towanda,Kay _ NOV TANYE'S S To.xB I Pairtibix Asso - rt;netat aocids CONSMING MANYAB,TICLES ; 1 4+.Y 1 !;4, -- =', - 'f3ltrStk :Tip..',-Roomg. *O. • • Alto.-N" TIOLES •, • ria el EVERY DESCRIPTION! York 4 B.Qr. ' ;ni te t , i r ia lst.t.'Weat •Y;111;i 'I! , Vail AEI J*4 14 4 34.1 1; r • , MIMI= IiTO-.:.D:R A,,1"....: the mama ARA that * olescUally Is Ilse goo la dosi/ llonsebstll 6 rota6 e a st ?6" --seasons/Jo. Anil; i 668. • ALVOrw. 17/MEI TO • ,AT - Consisting - of R,Itil.NG BOON §ETS, A large sad very 14 an* Ling optnti, • at tOk , abovestorb, 46.1: fiCretOrOtt; kept s_ - ;!, , MEMZi=I 1111 ,-, ' ,': . ~ itii '1 ? O, toitirl From 38 centA t , ) $2 laz yard, - ut Al4o Wiiuko 5h:41;'.149 :S' .Fiztures, BERM =ENE , . eveesi description 2_ • . - 17 Juit iApoWtt, BOOTS dL SHOES In end Iva. variety. • . .. • ~ 4:~ih . i~.; :: 1-1.A.,r118 1" 44 CAPS 2 • "' MMEtl=l 0 13 A9 Pli cimEt ' E°ucAs H ••=• • - • Mill It 'lag at a . , • itPER , Y , SMALL' PROFIT ! 63, ,11 4 - 4P.At9AI 4 i • !4;‘ , 4 , ••ttri (iIAD PRINNI • f . 1 :1,4 .4 ..-eortistrthelputoUC nn== § L TO, p4IT lls tamilug re = 43AN MAKE IT 131=ILEST "`:( : %."2 -:,,; t • ' • " • • m'cl - mm-w , 15 - Yip VS. , -TRIPP*.A!" ,6 ,fr 1; , • filtadlef- 4 .IIIILTRQ .2.E=NA. tv il, WAREHO - 1:1,5E 41 41 -! 0 .; 8=221 Nag gs, 76 ind 10. Tem Street' O W I K- T _Y • c • r...1,41,, , :f•-:..1%.1t 441 E. sagitps,llllllBll thicoghout tb With and ' tofibes through the ittt ha 1171.11 tate regularly Wok. fllll4ll , winitee on cargo. prices and - gustioteellit Wel( teal to' be pun ane ,freah, and also to give entire ottislictin or lbws nn lbezeturnad sad' the money refugia& Sentember that by ow exiles liwensunter pays only - ORR PRoOPIT, instead of seven or. eight, as litmus do when be anthems et the °eager, gram. ..:WE DEFY. CORPETIVON: We Wil'epecial stteation not only to our stand. W 4 gessia,bit onilaneybrands of . Oolong sad Young Dyson Tess--peeellar Itarow—aad teas shay lap , from 'Jape*. Oar totes Depart , went la watugel oleo the system Of Me ppllt,only,ead, all oar coffees are old ao tbeir, Wepnly Wks petal. .= _ AU crat Importation of our teas end coffees' stir be of car rigida/ appointed agents; All par goods are goods pat up by on :selves in one pound packaga. at oar warehouse In Ner Toth, and , rdwßed at W. R. R.'(1088'8 Drug Store, No. 127 Main street, at the small advance of 5 cents per pound over our Mew Voiriwieef.' 'This Wings the goodie at the prices they can be purobasild for over our cAnatere, will), the ireght added. OUR i , „.110011. AT PRIORS. tlinOnall), 6084 70., to. so., per - Wiriseit: : • (Gwen aid wan), 60e.. 70(1, - 8004, 90..41 per lb„. bed. •YOUND RY. BONN (Green) 80a.; 904 $l, 111,10, SSA' pet lb:. bist. • 111Pilii/Al. (Oren). 90e., $1,21,25. ElftlitiBl/ BRILULYABI (131 act). 70a., 800, - 800.,41, $1,10,01„W; best. JAPAN 500411,1425 per lb. OUIPOWDZII. 61,35, -Wilper lb.. &Kabuli Royune Young Ryan, in original Chinese 'packages it 60 per pack. age. Oalumlo Chinese WI T Sl at er to PA OY 910r7ennong ong (Elk) 61.25 per lb. Matta. Moyne Young Hymn. (Green) SPSO r lb: Uncolored Japan Teas, 0 0 dais Inn sp an pat op espremly for us Tokobanta LAO ww _ _LBOUND ClOYM...Pure Moe 20, Ili sad 10 ante per lb. Ran Old Oeirentnest Jan. 40 cents per lb. Royal Club. 25 out. per lb. licurniain Plantation, 80 pests per lb. - 41iiirire ct"lmNstlaei sail bogie Owitpettin. Ytt oar geode War, onr .Trodle Mask oa each bag. ./loathen sp gemdeo, , 61Ant. will be eta tr,o TUE:FRIENDS OF EMMA ,7f 'C'ATIMAiID.LOYERE , OP MUSIC. , We ak pleasure. in informing you that weiave just opened in Towan da; on the corner of Bridge and Main Street, /go. 3 Patton's Block, on Elegant New Book and Music Stare,. where everg thing in the Book Stationery and music line may be Amt.' Also , Statuary, Paintings, Gold - Pilaf!, Spectacles, Eye Glasses Spy Glsses, Opera Glasses, and a general assorltment of Mionea/ in struments, Yankee Notions and F r aney Articles. Our Goods were allzelected in the city with great care by experienced panda and bought . with cash at a very. low figure with a uiew to the wants of this community. • - :We feel confident we shall be able to olfer,bargains to all who will fan 'or us wit their a pati.onage. Call and seel us.- TLU ra Pzitscnia. TO .All. Vino I READ IT.— Coss 3:: Co.; have just opened a splendid New Book and 'Music Store, in Patton's Block, Towanda►, wheio they aro selling everything in their lino cheap fur. Cash. .Call and sec them and iat- isfy yourself that such is the Cabe VgR .86 - B A( E S SEWING ItACIIINESI 730 Chesnut. StivA, PhilaaeliAia • - THE. VERY HIGHEST PRIZE, MU THd CBOB3 OF THE LEBO OF llovolt i Wry corgi:reckon tbe tepweesi 1 alive of the SEWING' MACHINES, EXPOSITION TTNIVERSELLE, THEIR GREAT SUPERIORITY Over all other 'tewinz-maldnels . An inssrtment of these celebrated mschiu t constantly on band and for said by W. A. CHAIIBERLIN, TOWANDA, J'.t• ' - Feb: 6. 1868:-6m. T YOUNG WARRIOR IMPROVED' N snafactored by C. L. PERRIGO &CO - Groton„ Tompkins county, N. Y. . In presenting to :he attention of the fan ners et the country, the above .firat•class Mowing Machine, we invite examination of its many eibellencies, and claim for It the following nu periorities : Ist, Beirig high geared, it will eutheavy, lodged or fine grass, better than any 'other Mower; thequick motion of the knives preventing clogging or stoppage. 1..1 Cotta for rough pr stony greeted : the. guards -being placed near to each other to protect the knives and prevent Injury to "the machine.. 3d, For billy arid dream meadows.-superior by reason that the wheels track Inside of width of cut, holding ,the machine .to Its position better than. thire that track routside, or upon( a swath. The Young Warrior Mower, as improved, b 35 been before the public ,tor three seasons, and hundredi of farmers will testily to its capabili trio perform the work assigned it. These Ma chines as now manutactured have several-fm provements over last year's machines. • Ptah the many testimonials we' select the following I -.Messrs. Peamsts k Co.—! haire had one of. your Mowers toe the past aasoS, sad take plea sure in saving that It works to'my entire maths tactlon. It not only does its work well, but it Is the best upland Mower now la use. • II • F. - RANSON, Smithfield, Pa. .Feb. ISth, 1888. . • C. W. 110LCOMB, Msteri BrsdlOrd" County is agent for this Mower. lone (,1868.-4t' SPRING - TRADE! 1868 intaysOir, ORWELL, ' Pd•, °Bens to builders roost -complete alock of Builders lisrdware, Sash, Glasi, Nails. Oil s Pilate, Varnishes, Blinds, Trimmings, Butts, Door Trimmings. d.a. _ TIN. ROOFS, CONDUCTORS, Gutters, pat on bi experienced workmen and et the lowest rates. Tipkerla_g and jobbing, sap,beilers, Bap spilt", e.. Bowe's Boring Mari ek; none - better. Universal Clothes Wringers; be.st is use. Wheel Baker cud Cont . . billed Plaster Bower. worthy th e attention - et the in'elligent farmer. Hubbard's Mowing SA chines, durable and desirable. 4or 4 foot cut. Tables, chairs, bedsteads, spring bed bottoms , and other L " • FURNI.TUREI ', , t . • - Farmers will rind ,this noon the best scalar Cris Pens,.iiiikk ant Strain Psi% sea "en' dieertptlen ei•-lin Ware. Vicar sad SA (tiara out '41E04: Seed. Spinning Wheels, Flax W h e els .•Sesis, Wiled flogs, Flies, Field Rollos ;ad Plaster Sowers tarnished io oriel. at biked p osaible prices. . ALSO— Cern Shelia-Ts. Iltof dela Ilisoldeal , Orting' Berra. S• ig. IBOSSOS • 'Orwell; Feb. 20 • , 1888. _ • ISE CROSS I t CO _ RIGREST PllElll[lll 1 OROVNIV AND BAKER at the Paris,lBBl t . that attesting 0