Ntllsll front all . Nations. _-.EmbsePador Burlingame and hia suite arrived in We fork by the Arizona, ' Cars will run to thetop of Mount tangi - Wai on, Now Hampshire., by the 4th of Jo M. .• -Mrs. lester,formerly Mrs. Bloom• er is giving lectures to the Mormons. —Blackberri-s sro so plenty in'tbe New °Hama market that they are Aden. —John Stuart Mill, M. P.,the great English legman, is hi 'favor of Omsk, std. frage. —The annual examination of ca• dots at the Nara School at Annapolis; corn• menced Monday. An examination of Salmon illiver ti alley is to be made for the Northern Nei& ic.Railroad route. —Th e Rebol city-councils of B&W -more,Teri appropriately congratulated :din ice on his aegrattaL . --Andrew Johnson• came within out) vote and $7,000,000 of removing to Ten- =2l , McCook has left Browns• villa for New. Orleanato obtain an addition al brigade. 4--The " Dominion of Canada" is again alarmed about the rentinis—fearbag a mid. ..—The steamer Arizona brought last week, from Aspinwall to New York, $1,177,500 in specie. —The wife of Leopard Griffin of 'Greene, Me, droWned 'herself in the And roscoggin last week. • , ' —At Lime Point, San' Francisco, a blast of 7,500 pounds of -powder threw into 100 sea 4,000 cable yank!' of rook from a high bluff. , —Cap4in Spooner and son, of Fall Firer, were drowned on the NM inst., by the tamping of their fishing boat. 4 , • —The people of Franco annually -consume 7,609 Was of sniff. They smoke .1t3,441 tons of Tobacco ' • " National Medical Assoeia• Lion 'decrees that Vilna is no harm in eon sults.tion with !milli praetitiOners. —A Marylander seeing Secrete• •. rs Stanton for drunigei Awe; to his premis rs during the war by a mined of cavalry. The I' Democrats" of the Ohio • House of Representatives lmve decided that "Democratie ladies shall not marry black tnen. —knginora are thigaod in lim ning the lines Tor do Yoke:ontario Shore Rail Road between the Niagara River and Oswego. —On Saturday last two men were killed by a railroad eollison: on the New 'York*, Erie Bail Road at Calliooom —Four acres of laud in tfamilton county,T)orida, suddenly mat 4otan fifty feet, and the vacuum immediately filled frith waier. —Thii.lnttvry .drawing of France, Sruith..R Co.; ba 'Kentucky, yea recently stopped by the court and the wheels sized and confiscated. —The Si. Charles Catholic Church gt Woons4ket, L, was destroyed by fire on Friday night of last week. —An onteidu tunnel was recently dog under the walls of the Buffalo jail •in order to release genie prisoners. The plot was discovered. - F LThe Oregon grain crops will be largo, and fears are a:premised about the possibility of harvesting, especially in nicer Valley. HA soldier on guard at the bar rocks in Atlantis, Mod a negro on Friday evening of last week, the servant of a Kit ten —A new motive power has been -exhibited hi 27ew Yoik, impelled •by eleo- Welty. It is pronounced practicable. --Governor • Brownlow says that the report that be was about to die is not true, so far as be knows. His health was never better. --The Rncky Mountain Star coca plains that eastern editors dont't know.the character of the Indiana, or they would not takt aides vith the red-skins. —A: : committori of the M. E. Gine pal Conference have recommended the ad misaion_of one lay deklate to the General Conference from each anneal conkrehoe, —Tile body of Michael ?darooney wqs found - k the river at Elmira on Satur day /nat. He probe* fell through ,the tai road bridge wigs intolloated and aria drowned. At Columbia,lndlaas, a large barn, With fourteen nudes and a large quantity of hay and grain, was burned on Friday bight of last week. The IA is nearly $10,,000 partially insured.; -4. destructive bail storm i occur• red at San Antonio.. Tessa, on May 18. In thirty minutes it destroyed housek' storey fruit and gardens to the extent of 8600,000. Several lives were lost. —br. Rein°ll was aessealna!ed on 'Saturday everting in Nashville Arai North western Railroad cam. Ono Phipps, 'with whom he haa a larnmit approachedßeirsoll from be find,, while the train was is emotion, shot him three times, then pulled the bell rope, stoppod the train and escaped. —A new Methodist church is pm. jected in Reading. —The LUnntown rolling mill turns - out. 400 tons of " rail per week. The daily ly product is 266 rails. 30 feet long, neigh. ins 660 pounds. A man mimed Abel Lewis, of tiorabam,ldontgomery county, wan acciden tally killed la's! week, by being thrown from a load ? of hay. —Oen. J. Sidney Jones, of Phila delphia, is about to make a chill to the Promised jomd, barefoot and with staff in hand. -5 -; *”. —,,They hate a "Painters' Onion" ykuiding. They are to bare an annual ball the 10th of Jane. t oonnnisnioners of Montour coaetty ohm& to receive proposals for tke erection of s new Court Holm. —The Woman's Medical Cullen of Penzsylvania has received a bequest of $lOO,OOO from a wealthy aim just deceased. —On last pay day, in Mahoney City, whiskey got into the minces, and the miners got into sundry tights and some of them into jail. . —The' Republicans of the 21st Cconpuesional District will itapport John Coro& for the nod amgreasional nominee. _ --A new paper has been started in Pottstown,, called The Cottaye-fress, It W I srell literary 4.42 4; and' Berth/kiln 6 / ' politlea. ' ' `'•' , —Char* Zeigler, aged ft years,. wee instantly killed, last week in Douglas township, Beek, 'Gandy, by being run over --- by the wheel of a lauded cart -LAt an eiplosiotiof the powder works of isfrimi, Bodes & - To*, at Spitlg Brook, Luzern() county, last wok la George Smith lost his life tivaitord fepovitt. Towanda, Thunolay, June 4,186& Nalkeaa l Republican Rolalinatieit:,l FOR PRIBIDSIIT OEN. ULYSSES 3. ORANT. FOR VICE PRESIDENT _;! t HON. SCHUY4ft : • COLFAX." Rerabllcfm:State Ticket. ros AVDITOS maw, Goa. loAnr.gutadat, Of Montgomery Co. Tos 111:111MITOZ 03120:10!, CoL Jacob M. Caspbily of !Palacio I*. BILTILATEDI EST NOT DISPUTED. The treachery of seven Republican Senators, and the consequent failum to impeach ANDREW Joussonhas been a great disappointment to the true men of the country. The great trait or had progressed step by Step in his unlawful ushrpations, he had been guilty of such "high crimes and mis demeanors," that an indignant and. outraged public 'had pronounced its verdict; of guilty, long before the House pf Representatives had pre sented articles of Impeachment. To the people, there seemed - but one pos sible result of the Impeachment trial. The great crimes of Affray& JtniNson were so manifest and flagrant, that the tedious progress of the trial chaf ed the public mind, as an unneceisa .ry delay in reaching &verdict which seemed inevitable and proper. • h Not even the rumors whte thi ,ck ened the air from Washington, of the defection of prominent Republican Senators, and of he'employment of money to procure 1 . 14 acquittal of the President, shook the public faith in the verdict of the High Gond. -It did , not seem possible that wren Republi , can Senators could be found who would be willing to stultify them selves in the_face of former votes, or `rvho would. be willing to sink into an abyss of infamy, the sure re ward of-treachery to the rights of the people. The publiC expectation has been doomed to a bitter disappointment. The cause of Human Rights, of .Ins tick; and Oonstitutional Freedom has been betrayed by the men to :whom it was confided. Seven Republican Senators hart defied public opinion, have betrayed their country nndlieir party, and have voted to 'sustain , As- DREW JOHNSON hi a 00011110 of tyritnny and usurpation unequalled in the his tory of any Republic. The people indignant and amazed, in their bitter disappointment, brave almost lost faith in the perpettiity of, our free in stitutions. As partisans, they are ready tt distrust the bravest and truest of our leaders, and almost to ignore party fealty : If Teetotal and Fisstromn and CHASE prove faithlesti,, who can be trustee!? If bribery can reach the Senate, and procure the ea quilts' of ANDRIW 'Jonsson, bow can the people guard' their rights from corrupting influences ? TO those who have despaired of the Republic, who ' have' doubted the efficiency or iniegrity of the Republi- Can organization, who in their bitter disappointment have bin almost ready to lay down their arms and surrender, the 'good cause, we say, thilugh Betrayed, be not Dismayed The Republican party is no less the particot Right, of Progress, of Morality; ;though traitors may be found inits rateks.tivie cause has ever I • been soilioly, so just, but that Trea son has attempted its overthrow, from the time that teas received his thir ty pieces of silver until the present. The order should pass along the line to close ' np the ranks, having expell ed the traitors, ankfilied their places with tone men. The treachery which seeks'eur overthrow shoilld stimulate auto renewed etertlone. The life of the Republican party; • and its sec cess,does not depend open se en men, „though they be Senators, but upon theintegKity and intelligence of the people. It they will be true to them selves, neither corruption nor treat:di ' cry shall avail. The acquittal of Annum &innate; calls upon every true RepubliCan for the most' strenuous exertions: in the canvass; upon which we are now en tering. We have the prestige of the names of GRANT and Coma, with their great achievements and perso nal popularity; to overcome the bit terness of betriyal. ' Let as consign the traitors to the dark oblivion of n traitor's grave, and remember their treason onlyiei.i stimulate us to the endeavor to procure such a Verdict in November us shall ring the knell of disappointed hopes to those who seek-the overthrow of the Republican party and the downfall of the cause of Human Rights. Omar Jutsma CHASE, having suc ceeded is preventing, the conviction of ANDBZW Josssos,is now fully qual ified to preside over the trial and ac quittal of Jrxrgssos DAVIS. He will' then haie the proud satisfaction of having shielded from merited pun istunent the two greatest criminals of the age—both of whom had been tri•, edand pronounced guilty by the im partial verdict of the people. The Chef Justice illustrates in his illus. Woos example, that whilst the achievement of a great name and fame is the slow growth of years, in famy may be accomplished in a day, by z l ltrtiachery and falsehood to the professions of a life-time. 1101. Ws publish in today's paper a stirring address of the Republican Stite Central Committee, from the pen of its able.rand accomplished pisir,tustr. I Read it by all means. Ex President Imes BUCHANAN' died at his- resident* at Wheatland, Penn., Monday moridng, after an ill ness of four weeks, in the sweaty- seventh year of his age. llMffit====°:M;Ml irstaimPsiblitheiti. ~ . h , . /skew Jounsoi is acquitted,enongh RePElblican i ! 3 "4 o "k" - . l **lii:r 4i tt. le ' this D emocrat s. 141 ~ ; . -,e' , -, • , ..--A r" 4 1.. , articl e , . i k liptiq _ k „,,' „ 4 rettait, degilY ''refire , ' ... 7 not disappointed, or discouraged. i , From the first, we objected to int- Peachteenl, I )o4l'4 l lLit PP .0_ .._449t , t, sustained, though fully satisfied thitt 'JoalsOir`denerted it ; and its tannic proven the correctness of oiir - judg ment. Had our advice been taken, we would ntu,inow be iainentingnAus vere discomfiture. But tekthat peak et After the impeacinnent bad btien G determined on, and irec hadmad B. fi Lea's opeciii 'nixie* iii,ii ,ti ii:# ii, closing one, we felt. With the Refifk 1 4 limns generally, that conviction Was f t nearly certain, were ' glad. Of it, nnot 'v ready to admit our mistaken, judg- ment in the lieginning. • . -1; ; ) inasmuch Se we could not fron!the . 1 i first, see any \great advantage that would accrue to'us as a party, or the. 4 country at large, from Joutilson'i ea. t moval, so now, we see no great lose ' i t from our failure to convict. We mild i never discover that JOHNSON'S itide; i debt and lawless . 'conduct, hurt the i Republican, party. On the contrary, 1 it invariably recoiled ott his iiii'S : head. So now, let loose, he will be worse than ever; and we may be sure that his mad planks: will call down deserved condemnation. 1 But more than this. The betrayal ofFESSOIDEN, TRUMBH2.I, and their col eagnes in treuemmill call down such a storm of indignation, and so aggra vate the zeal of the mass of the Repub lican ranks,that they will overWhebn all opposition at , the ;Presidential election. Jounson, Dooerette and Cesirr AN, won us the selection • two t years ago. jounson, FUSENDIN. and Com; pany e will now stir up such a feror that *ill make escaped criminals and descriers tremble. Wo, needed just Buena catastrophe, to '7.call out the fire, and the votes, of the Union meit, and let 'those who are in idangkr 1 stand from under, for they will.cetiO like an avalanche, nod victory gtOW from defeat. 1. We almost pitylagssennEN f or tn , .., vials of . wrath will fall heavieseo , him, an they shoutd for he it .th: leader of thd Conspiracy, and , tV old est Republican: Senator, if not •th oldest man. 'Very ambitiims, ye very sensitive, he will chafe nude the rebuke of an indignant] and on raged constituency. It is' &meek': to us that he did not resign, if h. could not vote for convictiOtt. Ho ; infinitely he fall& in tide, bel4w Jou Q. ADAMS, in a similar cape ; brit better man. ,and truer patrfot has n t lived tinder, our government, th n that name J. Q. ADAMS. . All honor o his memory. In his reasons for voting agai t impeacllment, Fuson's"' Uftys gre t stress on the dignity of the Presid n tial office, and holds that this, sho ld not be •impaired by conviction n trifling charges, and from .iiartin tt considerations. All very; well ; at dons' tint his reasoning and acts,sh w too, on! the other hand, that no ma r how Badly a Presidett 'iti, L ay beh e, and no matter how much an entre ed and indignant people may , dem nd his removal, he is at their defiace. It is laying to a President do as or ) please,' and to great criminals, of are beyond the reach of .the pe I( We do not believe that Flom DI and Timteuil were bougt)t over • money. This sharp id A snare Itt by the 'enemy, in the hope that it NO drive us to each an assault upo remnant Senators, as to drive hei from us altogether, anit to tha et; tent weaken our working for i the Senate, treating th 4 by the ne' Senators, including those fro It rebel States, they may: • hol the majority in that both. , • oaasnizsii Now is the time to origaniser a time by the foreloCii. Dela` - = dangerous.' Republic, clubs - o. be formed iy every Ward, Jo • =a and borough. Experience has pr= ed that this is the mosiffeeti • • w of conducting aca Agri: t private jealousimi, heai:Pmral.gs political rivalrie.s,prevant.pur : ep lican friends Imre deli* llis a 0= , The peril of our donut ? r '14 60 gre the issue too important to be i =ter! ed with by affairs of ! second= ry penance. Let every!! man .ut rl t. shoulder to the,wheelJanotwo • unfhigging,eneigy uni,ll' the g ea military chieftain and most =cc plished statesmen *of,. the a. e triumphently elected to the fi at second offices within!. the gii of American people. , _., • kr OUR ftepublicanfrlindst roe, out the county 'iiill "gre4lyO lge ,21 by sending. the earliest ..new ,in gard to the iormation of Be 'Mil clubs,and any other items of liti fnterestthat may tranipiro in ti respective neighborhoods. ' evi to keep our readers thorned pee in regard to all political in4ements in the country during thealtnpaf as well as; news of a more gene claracter.:: stir Roas,of Kansas, call , Wade in the Vice .Freaiden 'a room to-day. Ho took'a neat wi ,fant tation, ,and, after, ' a few, .Wkw a r 0 . i. . .. attempts i began a exliversati•n exerts ing his action on imposthment.— Wade listened in angry a il eelm I nill .. w hat_ Begs began to tell ould be , Johnson's future coitrect,and how well behaved be (Rosi): eFpec, .hin? to I be.' Mr. Wade indignant ly 'told the l c ICaii4O'Benifor that he - a ired: tei hear iiiifthil3fPirt4er, and I iatk,o l 4, . 61 1 6, to leiktepaaYiag th at he h Pgd;that be wad& never:47k to in) again: Relefeft•-;-Tfaafgiatdotr . • - ' 'l'l IBM Jitiare are itat: ten clumatal furnaces in Berke amp. pro. • WO and to inferm them of thei , nomination, performed that duz' ty t; is evening,between 13 and 9 o'- elo- , at • the residence of t3en GO ! Ati - int 900 poring:mil:ion* 1p -' .!•• 11 , , 'Bs delegates4c-theOunzentioa,- +ral. Members of Congrese,.., n.., 'e staff; anti the i;latlies o 44. re i,,ilieinr. v ileru'Elitiat:iiiid Rii._ tot.' ki 'Ai, . , reapeetiialy.'lTTliese' two' :e ; tleineri iitiiiiitelde hi. life, izia the ip aster's ferieetln iteumbitele iiii' - ' 'to i s t Of • Wm ) WO' ' oritiiit '''a fell' i t ri,* Of AO ptiiiiedid a. ..' ' ~:" ' -n: Jr; It. RAWEST; led President A the, Ootivintien,' di:Oita:the - 6V, lo ing address :' r • 1 .1 , arhissia - oi'oes. l 'ilawm. - ' P ENllRAl::The'Nlititael:•Unfon Re-; Fi'; elican Party, r eeienabledin Ole gee ti • nal Conirention on .cite 90th of.,thiti zu. nth, nitiointerliiii 'the cilkeril'a . e Convention,' to' Wait *ion, vit.— . I; obediehee to . ite . :Triatruetions we, g ve tn.yone . Copy Of tlie record .of i p r oceedings. - Yon' Will' perceive . I ; at it was governedby'the most Vit.,' iotic motives. , Ilarinonionsi enthul s antie and deteritiined, we mean, in our own words to' `save' in peace what we won in War.'`We ineati to' 'shake it a solemn Ind practical in all.' in the Udited States,' that "ill, en are created eqiiiii," endowed by eir Creator "wittilrertitin 'Aliena te rights,,,aineriewhich are life, lib,, titrty'itidllie titsuit ;Of hilipitieste— e intend' t 't.,,thec'eshall neveite ause'or oprtaiii4, for n'ciiii war in this nati tf , .! originateiraither by those . who*uld enidare their fellow eii oriliosil wb4 Must ' fight tare gain their f4eilotii. 1 'W.e belfeie that there can be'no peinanent , peace save in justice and,hquatights— the equality.of all men ; before 'the laic— . We , hope . to. , see our Government -reacting* the_renicitest Corner and to the inimbles pertin, securing to him, byl. impartial' and irresistible power„his personal infety; the right to the Wiens , of lila labor, '-aud the right and , the opportunity for physi cal, mental and motel adVancements, The besagnarantee - lot the Continu ance of such a goVoinment is to ;lire to all classes : impartially a share in its management. itihre hear much of I forgiveness and fraternity; • we t too, Ito Most earnestly desire a epredy• re- earn of the policy and measures of peaceful time, none long more for a • ally restored Union. than thosewho ustained their G overnment .during " ~the late dreadful ; War ; but the dead Fawn have left a trust in our - hands -- We long for ; peace and goodwill, but we have no friends who oppress their feltow-men. ': We do not idly and hopelessly ask ter indemnity for the past ; we seek only , security for the future. - You will see that -the Coa -1 vention believes; that integrity, aim pli:ity and Ceamemy iti governmental affairs are the • duties of good citi zens and honorable men. It makes the strict finlfilltient of national ob-' ligations a4oint of honor" never to be waived.,. ; What the civilized world recognizes *OW roll and payment, is the only payment the Union . Republi can Party williver consent to tend er. The equal ights of adopted cit izens are clearly asserted, and-all the people who love our Government are hospitablyfinvited to come and enjoy its benefits, and contribute to its strength. i The Convention spoke in nothing more warmly than in proffer: ing a hearty Welcome to all those who, lately warms were against us, I are now free* and honestly co-op t• crating in restoring peace and estab a lisping a trulY, free Government.— „,,, During the last three years countless e indications , of 'the people's choice for _ the neat Presidency have been con -2f verging upon l yourself. Having made th its statement ;of prineiplee and pur id pone, the ConstitAtion, deliberately ill and formally,- tate by State, territo ry by territory, 'recorded the will of he its constituents and unanimously 'm nominated yon for President :of - the . sa-, United Stated, folloTing. the work i n by ,tumultuons and tong-oontiriped I , manifestatione of joy, pride and n-; ~._ fidence. Welknott_that you will' be "v faithful to the Convention dud the old lairs, ant.to' the ympathies and , principles :- that yen re, c•illed own. ii to reprelent.l l . We. war that you will not seek tci enforce nponthe un • - Willingreprenentatives of .the' people; k e ~ any policy of your own deviates, for' ire you hive sa d that "Abe:Wilt or the i, , people is tla*, of he lentil!' The ' l records of, t ie,, war 'end of ydur • in& kip &equal fidelity afford 'the evidenee mi .._ that', the nation can safely and - wisely s ., place Jan ' iii • the chair of WASHING vox and lincomi: In behalf of the no . I , ‘ Convention we te nd er you as nomi or nation for ,Pre.ident, and. solicit its air aceeptripcq We can give you no co . higher 'preof of our gratitude for ; . ;at, your past, or our . confidence, to pier, I ,, er. ,future. WC propose to elect yr. • ' , oar. ,onairr's sem% 1/n- -After the l applanie , with which the his above speenh was received had cent:- rith ed, Gen. GO.ur replied as fate's : R d Mn. Pas i sinzirr Aim Graraviis” or,, otn . k. me Nerm#,AL . UNION COIMINft I. .ON : , will endeavor in a very short -time to are write you .a letter accepting the treat sad you have imposed upon.. rm. .to - . the plause..) Rxpresaing my- gratitude for the confide= you have,pl'aeed in MO, I . Wilt; ,ET say but , little: orally, Or and that le to thank you toi l the .APa i, us nimity. with 16;6 you have selected • me as a candidate for. he Presides- re-_ tial office. I can, say-.in addition I can looked on dnring the progreee.drthe ical proceedings at Chicago with A greit heir deal of interest, and am gratified riot , with: the harmony. ,and unanimity, Which seem to have governed the A 1,07 ice - liberations of, the g overned Chosen to ' fi n the high o f f i ce fOrwhich .., you have selected me I will gise,to, , era r its duties,the same energy,, the.same sPint, ; l and the same will, that I have. . given to `, the performance of: all du ties which have devolved neon • me Mr.' heretofore. Whether I shall , be able to perforin these duties to,your entire, satisfaction, time will determine.— You have truly said] in the course of your address, that I shall have no policy of my own teniterfere a,gainst AO 110 1 )Of ,people,' , 'Vie.. , ' -, *. Ai' the 0044stid ,- '6.41464 L• 'lO, 'sxsecla there Waslong, continued sp.: .. r ig vicz-rszsmimea.., - iv: ,i -, Gen: RAWIXT thenaddressed Speak er OoLrilx,!saying-: :.:Yothave heard .nsillielanition• . of prinelpta ;at Oht-5 et*_"4ditierefore r neiontit ittpoo,f it, Yon are aware that numerous` Candid leis for • thilAriee,Presideney ii ' 1 : v ' to: Tiley*teifill *red • aa roe and 'Yea iieleetion) KO ghtlihtfiliishr the good will and fri ndahip enteitninEdliftivynniv 1101. t Von are known to thfi Ameri- earipeopleWourteen years or lie service t iyffe know-you come to the peoplei: i t< < • tense youiltv 3 The Cony t i P • ination lc• t i t your a • ) Ws' • Y. • To this Mr. Coukti replied " President aIWLEV and Clentlemen History his alleadt proclaimed that htrvicterkiret - ths - piwgrywa - vtipre . frlatAifflag ngie - fth ways given ineteitieu Meow to the nation, while its re verliespud-slefettelygrielthel ust%nal petil t , fifidolightxtftbfttb: therefortvte-the-millions-of-Republi !ol9 rWiro qt4tr.,; 941051 :ritories represened in' tat uthngl ljousptiou t 411e4,it1 ,i - eitti:thn IRA sigeOlit4 ) ,Ottlie 4004: Whit Pfeittnerlia *Amee or o Obliade. # 4 , 111 1P ) aull the 'ow F.—i.gruOi s fi l i i ll' i l -hqrfr / Co fialeViers,. 'pros*. . t , 019 17 11ppi, t4t ler.l-1 i4 l3 tiGnilft,l3o7frti,l9bat.l2 t 4w 414Lpt9- .PerTi4 baa ;been;been worthy of 'honpi relqd ,14,„thn, - wer, agrileini,s4li the Ftlatti;ilp ,fiflopod by lia'44l.l.oSfit,ic4nY4Rtroo, *43 6 refOlitult i afi l *P+ oloo4 J okm, s , - tke noie*etioo,with. widen ; kayo *lei/ kollgred;,aß4NO,44‘ ) ltter m°4 63 *.Oait . 413 1 4 ,09. e • t°'Zi ) *•i l i t4elil9rP formalT 'nk.,nnFr„ ll 4l , °, 4 q. ,'• ' Me w re p rlozer continued desietil /Orations r ot -applause, , generally_ Tim _gentlemen present e i4variced andshotiii GOD. ,ClitAxt,e;u4. Speaker. 90Mot • by ; the hand, ieid. IfongrOuVell,thein on the 'choke et, Tbs n pertyllie NOth drew AO •ne`:adjoining . room wheTei collationitt beeil Prco.Yrded for AliOn3,l N 'OOl/GRElSiOilas IrEnEgAR ...'• , The , triAted Stateo , Senitte, fuel on the table a -.o6tiatirres4 reenlethu. to t Odiniiro:enpn Ifith l ef nno The bill to.peorperatn Satleael Life Insurance'. CoMpopi l of this tedlita4 ll4 4 4i neliC l4 . wag paSod;-.--, t A reitolution to accept the ;coigns-, tion of bfr. Forney, Senretery",,ig Senute,..offered by . Mr.;;Somner,.wite objected, te,,and went• over:, A ,rese lation to Appelint a coremittee of three `to iterire i nto, : and , repert, the fact O iMproper i n fluences which were use&or offered ,to be ,aged, uppn tors in referenda to impeachment. was Messr.taken umand was debated by sero. Davie, gorrilland licise. Ross, niade a persenal explanatiot4 in re ference to his vote, and then offered a substitute for, the resolution,. pro viding for the appointment of a, conk "mittee :of five to inquire whether improper:or, corrupt means have been used or attempted to be used to influ ence the voters or senators 'on the trial of impeachment, with authority to send for persons , and papefsoka.—: :Tho, subetitute, was ; Adopted., An exientive session ,was then helti.lhe bill for the admission of Arkansas was Conisidered, but was net flue* acted, upon. Mr. Di:whale - at 'offeed a resolutiondeCiaring that any, enforced attendance of a member of the Senate 'before the committee of theltnake of Representatives, to be eiamieed. u, a witness upon - any question', ei •mat ter relating to the impeachment trial would be a flagrant breaCh of the privileges of the Senate, and 'that any volentary attendance of a Sena tor before the : committee for said purpose Would-be Don't fop* the plaoe. No: 1 ; Hain M., lwro"dotirs smith of Beidtemarei' , ~ lr,-Togran la. Pa. 1011111146,1 ray 30, ig6B' tr. THE TIOGA POINT ORMETERY, f .NVAL7411:4.49"` Ofi'l l nill u .,+ ,• •' - ' ietremtaig- desire iso ail: the. eft glitka 01 the Odle to this beeeditsi 100A;los fee tjte ha rlot of the des& It - tiloo6- Ltlr tbs Well dry tteelioalteaslabl a sbesS !eke saes WV 1--irotnal;g4 watittruLet lamil fir ."3„,•80:, ves.4 Ley la taco a, , bale Ai ~., l etti ,filestlid o _tor i tte Ifr OSell - W- iftelosei * tillesite i t tr9 l 4 AtAr Mi 1 4 I joi tt e ,es orsetteemoto bolt. .:, ghf , 1 t ilr,"(; ;1 1 : t Ointlerirni , WRBOAfg ae firit RS "iS g be I'l# W 2, ih ti P aI A 1 W ilibmad alilii aailaillog MOO= gro,4 IO 9 VAAWS I PSi t t ,1.11 altilt of 11 s lest tt 1 a m ig -- ii i tikata t 4 t ' iis u or&r i nir IsaYlleiditamt - , „ Athena, Wily 11,1869. igeto Ilbstrtisanado. NICIS TwO O %OAPs RIAU' for sae am it y r 4 itonuo6l7 / 6 • 1868 T BAOO . OANNO. - 0114 trilimed haie estagiebe ' STEAM sciBLOCO ?AMORY, oliKito 'X' 0 W It. On Klan Skeet beim Oridie --Whamlligr ...aisna-mA•hulagalllindt 3 ikr TORVW f. "4 O O , O4 IB J ./ iro; *bleb 164, 1 .44 t tmejeattiat I', WI R 0 kid B,,Affe, it A 0.41.0411 0 , -f :1 - • 7 ,, 1 !gbh. caamit.: te We;,‘"ealliespekes -, 4peet,folly !pi; mu fain the &alert _through lireitherst Pede toyfoiltroOffelitiowdf OUR STOCK , , ANDIPRIOiiia I , ! Our Tobioce is maindaelered*a ARiiTUolifirt t , ,'; , • - ff. 11, , roi`; Stich that .feloio , Oise ae & tn. Tide is /VI!, ~Fittstikltio aid lyith a; '4lOO llllOll Arida to. mappeet home .^ • Bv4k-P: 111312 t1r: 157 • treqs, Towandi, re: iine 4, itehrig,4l4E) 4;t70 , .. .. ~. ~„..• .. •.. T" Yoo.o` WARRIOR -Til P it tl.` olt, 4 4 :1: t" , I:“. :-- • . 11.anufactored bY'6.4.lPliftlinld i k 6.; r, ; Gretna; Temhbekosaty,lll4:Tir - l?'. '-' in Prosteillitli;thilitatt‘ii ionise tic'. sits Abs country 'Sir 'lira 'r e t OW** Ws ilwilt. insailse#Pn-01 iht'twiett ncellenotes, and for It. lik r oNlollint Wattles : Lk' , " blik'-' Winn. eat heavy , lodged or Ise gram Win all' other Power ; the soothe' .01 jheinlves, ranting altabitz ei dog‘pge. id; setter rases otetalll -I: the - Pude belIS it a piert=l ( l4= P M :hilly and anengs INWPW. 4 :tkiyailtfirdWn 1 1 Ulf ••Whankt•trWit InothWtd: I ad _leitk. hOl lag . the Dlithkelly yipSonoct 't ;sr , thosettnsa track vm,er upon I . '' • The Young:Wok* Witaita pro llaw tesnletore she WO:Jo' ", hindredint Ihraistalieteedly toW i tA l aW .Ig_to ',atom the wait maligned , It Then Ma - 1 be .011 ms aa . now , pinnersd , harwserwel Jan] provsments ever t-year's - - • i!ies. Isom the may tothnoidahr we:44#! 'the Yaws. gaestitil 4 Csi,,,ri aiii, As 4 air' 4 Year Won thi'ealtilltieat and wte Plea , sure In ea th atch itorkitotty .eatlro satlV. oaltdtste Ite . work, wril, bet it I " rtkb:ted.,lindinoiret taw hi, Wis: - • • ' , .-1141418014156:11101eld,TC ,- Feb. 18684 - ' •-•-• . ,* ' A':''''' V. W. II LC01113; llkai L . itiaa toils Coaity,' •ii agent for this Mower. - June 4, 1868.* -11* 114103 jbirl,:day INV tatted PRIOP: A.- CAM t0..11 ilatinerehlp, in our burineurt Ilbleltirlll be oesi*oM under the Arm men platternbello CoireU MI pereohl Indebted to the late Drai are re-, tinseled to eainS o iltlethb unit Witte first of Jam neat , or will he&dt-teireolketioo. Thanktnl tor ; peal more, reelOctfellyatt Belt a conthnlease id' the seine. & COWFXIi. Cl= B RID GE ,1.5;.1' /N4ll-4fialesi pro ppoosessds will bimeiveir Opol' the ground near the house or David Ingham in Leßoy. on . .THITRAVAT I ali, 4.1868 . until. Ft o'clock p. la., for th e , sithicnopieling.a.Dridge across Towanda Creek..neariltst place.. Sped. fictitious for Meanie maple sten et the house of C. D. Reknit and et the. Cetnethidoner's odic& ! ' STERNE Wit. DODGE. J. A." MOODY, • Cern% dew; May 18,1868., —Connn'tn. RIIIDGE . UTTING.-4ttted' Hiroo- APpeed" wilt be received at 'lbw helm Of Jews pot In Ciediokbfrf'. cfl 'NW. JIBE el in # 15, 1968. WILL 2 O'cumi,fr, _sr-. tor. IT buii4 ad: ()caplets v rot ti:Mge To Creek; foul& - b-: 0 . -.1- be' . far the wee at moot 6 kr U, and et : the Coqualadoner's 081 , - - MINE 11 ill% - . - • ' 11%. 11. DO _ . J. A. MOO Y. 4 . , . Men Mee. VW if , / B f B - omnk 11.. B . GE ; LETTING. ' ;pro- JJ pails will be received at Ma :Ingice:cd 2,4 & Keeney, in Tuicarem twis"., 9 'mato - c koct ou tns w On TUESDAY , JUNK * *, 1868,16 t the and completing at .Bridge arms .Tneeiront k, near add Keeney's. _Spc6lll- '04.1=3 maybe ea" at'the mill of add Keeabyi end at the IMmisanir's (Mee., i • •.,-1 I • ; MUNKRcKEE, , •- .1)0DOei - • ,• • 1 " 1 J., in: KOODY, • Capers °See, Kay IS, , ,03omiata, DRIDGE LE T TING .- Sealed yeah' Arta•••be •terielred- at: the Bohm Home Dear WM. Wastoara in Monroe , twp., to 3 creloilt m. on WEDNESDAY. JUNE 3, , thei WWI* and completing •of • bf Idge aerate UM Stone Creek, near said Mrs; Weatealt. Specifications for the mate may . he Neu it the boats of Bealamls Nortlutm an, at tie Oomitlationeni dice. • • sTERNE.uckss., . " WIL D. DODGE, ,11 A. MOODY • • • Ice, May 18, 1868. Gotamla. Com'ai E.NER GROCERY I Pu c 19 1, PATrON I B . BLOCK, 88 Ornerof gain*.Bridge.ets I i TOWANDA, PA„ ditoiss Fasu, &C. The InderSigned desire 'to !saki . i ,, d aci6ioit • - geirtentir for the Very liter al 1'4 . 6 age they have received for ilil li4: ,ig4t l :mgillikl• i -'• 1 i They)tave reemtli made large id -1 ;Wiens Fe.their atoolt,.ana areAn daily.. reiteipt, if Geo6a adapted' ti*e rants* of their trade all of whiehliave been -aeleeta4 with ?care end iiinght airthe , TI rery.loreat,niarket rates. ' , • _ '.- iiiTitbtbeHr lexperieneti' and greatly. ~, , ineinaled faellitme,. th4.,wonld meat. 1 . reeiieeticilly Invite .their 'old friends ind'43entomern to an' eimmination of s,- j , / , ~. ' , ; . c e r tain -• . . their g xpda.." f,l'hey feet that . elicit'injnaiion `will jilatify . "their t il auto ers'in giving them tia hereto. fti ' e, 4u ',4fi ' de find thitil.;:donid*:., : . TEE 'conthittertO - pay 'liberal tiriciew : hi 9Air,- for desirable 'Countrk•Pr dnea+- • , , • ~t,., :' , : ."fa ~,_ ' _LONG 4 . g.Enika, Mai 11, 1888. =I Sitit.ll4l G •T'll,A,D , /I 1 ! • ~ itias i ' • ' & N:-BRONSON,?,ORWELL, PA; oittikijii• f ilititderi s 'auk complete Aber "bi Builders illatilmoo3oo. OWL,: Nall& Oils Polalds.liorolohwrs&h: Xrlionloso,. Boit!, 7 fiting** CONDIJCIOPA I ''' Oottoro;put . on by cal Walk :air iiiii ot As lowest, Woo. +; soUjobbliik. rbollors e Sap • !Rik ./lo— uli. OW*, k lee dir ogoo patter: • Iluiveiiiiil Clothes' ,liiiot alit. 'Wheel IlloltriiiiiillOriiio Bowen mosey , lie , otlentlos *I tho lii•killopOstomr , ,,JlAbord alkwins r e : entiito eiliblti lad illisOi,•4 or , lit toot ra , '' 11 7 cliiiili, bodersdot i sploglial bettor i 19 1 ,i4 V .**ll, l T _mrentigiai7-- • , ,_,lter:_igreg,(l floali _ AOC PPPIq. ef t ' , ALT siMerge4:2l7A Z% oplitabreskpooribilirpr at i t oiiiii ~,.: !f l , ' 41 :4 1 4 . AA 341 , -, O ,l , -- lr,• • OMNI. Feb iPo VOL, ~., . ~,f ',— . :.• _. AoifFlNgNia g rOliK. fOR!A3IOODa Ithrthicliondevv 411117 1tt.k.11114 Peat's Finitely Store. ram sop, iboald dkr v._ _ _ ___., .. _ 6 4 A Nor and olo*ls., 6 to ritallaghtagarbktitot — A pootvipmodi ; dl soots Wailful; 100-oollottlos • Wading at Mr u= lo s 7l4 Ltillifi== 6y Wotwaisum) Now PleabOit. .-rn./ kigais trutradanali ha G au t yaßkosee 1 Csetrade ids '; Roos •,__ _Lobs ilia s• WWl* from the fined , Its "named gtM - and `sorts, oplendki *Bit rgle si l v a i t er == 5...1 g leyeent77l;t - s 7 1*.1i LEM* 1 Hosea ; 'Alto; Wo • rkta , g= • 40.. 1 I dim) I` 4. -. 1 O loonon spfaa. : Pall4ll"VDTVirikea V im I 'l BOU'llga •• - - l i , °Pe 1 1 large and ants renseting hitt I Prior, weer Wall finwef 1 pain kasticias : Cen I trung4and & eirletkine smeowtaimmuog.' dri:4l ( :.$ :I.: . , Cliiiiiiiiir; 611111- . . 4 .: , • , • Vil6l-11allimilo stietßelli, ArgefNaole ue llaw & x ,P#) f i l i ll i f st7 ' .L 4.1, mai_ _. PERPETUAL 1106)5•11ermosoleeitpinkr Boavinier de Nalsfabitididece ibinib, 'Archduke Chsrles,. crimson, ,Agrippins. crimson/ Louis 11:1111, Minos, NOM& 1113b.AseQ uiw gIoth, rairlbeetillek'phige Waal trinsion.6lll:'-Wingfestdai; l 3o4 Jao: 1 , orimsoinlGesna gi l t wails. crimson = til listbf,'Ermeks''Vergere, 7 'earsabid; Not. planner, pm Widtei,' Ere.- o.4lgoid, brilliant Quem X.lnts_r blank ild des '. eVy Tridaph de Er, , , es- 1 0131; mentions por. of ,th e largitnalftßar 'sag rearisty of "Boni ablegEml:9Wq pet& ELlutte, , 14°* %Tf i l l ipdisfilo&ti =1 linr4ll7l= 4411 11074risilii•Boakii iiO; $1" / 10 4 5 11 0 15 0.NITM• 41 O l d 41 / 1 1 koala, Allen s Iftst! H i s=lll7 - Tir=4 ' •WWWIL: , 1 1 Hertford 111 ord.prolltie.:all 1111 0 0(1. 150 elms each. Isabella, in poto -1 215 ads 'each; • few WU Closets' fr oat door culture, ki : pota, 76 I cenidsanti..! All - wipe - vissos-smr,bi tamed Elyf psts with .parfelnaillety Am nee to tne let of Nofesaner. All from 36 to 60 cents la Is* .o = lnoiby the 1000 , and Eons by the H M IS - . . bon oleo ' :VEGETABLE PLANTS—tar , Wakedeld, one of Use issesorts. (New Y e .... !area es.l) Early winabotswlt..,Biaiiiir "ma y agar oi,Burriiitry and: We Cas CP' f o Mt& I Do...dosen., ilwasl-'NoWaki., met . TlanfAl Sweet Spanish 40,0ayense do,, L ,Cfaisyl l epper I do, 10 ants per doses, Vero Bergen Ps_mde -Plante Drumhead do, Flat Dutch d 0,40 cents pert £gg Plant. Scarlet do, nee Mei .do 10 *est& per 'dos. Hems rude, do, F 0411,0430 f "Ths . ,_•coa's memo do, - early, York ao du - 'llllloa -. dc,e , early Bed anSlßlß,eitovici,. 10 • 'tots per dozes W..- B' &ladled' ma 'Henderson's New I ,60 tenth per •100 .. Planta' of ell - Mb& I will tie let out in colt frames or open sir. . 1 Toriato.plintsef all kinds; Eggplaite of 611 1 kinds, Single plant 'hi 'esti: 'yet; in' like 'condi tion,H cents, Inclidlog - pot; tcents wilhont the pot. Cucumber. In me - EV teas each. if agents whq are -Minna' - tod - none - dthers are Wanted, dense to selPplinur at' didhrent.poinb in thicand ether - coruniet, a 'handsome Bring p_er...siltsgesber be' Allowed; Plante and all the prodotlerg thfilloiriesmin be forwarded in - nice tondfclon iff demi " All orders will receive prompt littention. . _ Alll kinds of Grape vines, Rosen ; Dablas, Flowers end yegctel,le_ pir will be mend at . ALe ptents McCabe &Vs a, whatnot e and retail - Gtheery and Provialotilatotel M. Milderttien nen/ block', after the 20th day . of April. A very** , commodatlng - efileient gardener will be found at the garden at all Uinta. • MABRY ,MIX. Towanda Hot dousea..Feb. 12,1868. , WH9LE'SALN GROCERY P 0" 'V tr.S lON HO S 'l.l. ea co. The; I,a!leiiiign.vil; - - encouraged by the success which baa Anil far, at- tended their new, enterprise', desire to, make lackncowledgement for the yeti liberal - pair nags ,they liave re eehred,..4 their,eiskiineretle advantage - of their yews' experience, .together with 'the .henefit 01 their greatly inc.reailed facilities for doing business.- - They keep "constantly oa hand; a verylaiga 41 . d ''complete assortment, _ of •eirerytkiilg in their line, suid'are !eeni*ugg oath additions to their ,stoeC - Is the; wants: of ,their tiadhl reqpires.l They..'have now in a store, - Sugar, coffee, Rice. •To bitd6; 'Fish; Salt, Cheese, Fruit's, Crackera,, eaUdy, Matches, Broom-, =Eli WrVPibg:'Pfper, and Twine,Plocir Sioiii,"Elie4e,'sUid:tg•reat yatietY of othec.goods, which have been recent, 17 bought at the : lowest point in the market, and are offered at vrhole-sale, rateati•4a. tion, to - their large stook of Fine Teaa; *ld& they,. are Belling at Near' York Jobbing.: prices,—guaranteeing the (palsy in all cages:. • - • .. Ravq also,aal hapd a' good assort-. meat of rtoir,:' Pork• Kerosoie Oil. They eoutinue to' _have', the benefit or "a. resident Partner trl Now tork;-w bola constantly in the market ond turn to onr advan tage any favorable changes in the =I Mr -ri l i r l aid I=3 AND 113. Km Sum, TOWANDA, PA: They deisiriy.to -call aspects' , atten- L. 1. Prieto of goods. &MEM , KERCUB CO, r - May AJBt3. G R PT ER ensunis BEWING 430 Chesnut /Atilt ~ THAN,EEY 'HIGHEST PRIZE, O. err, HONOR ion*Tiett - oli tbef - tepreas totivi Of the ialtoyßß, AXID-BAOR. -7; 7 ' 4 ; , • ; .SfrWll4l} 4 HM-A . O HIE E 1 .. • ; (stet ,I.7illiabe ' ' • br • EXPOSITIONAMMORILLA -....1: . fir-.. , 1 t . , ( 1 '.4 y 1 VI ~ .,1 i') .. l '• .-.- ~' 6., !PadatlB67 vibe* raciliag -• • -• Titet4V..,ti, UrtitT ? : ,STPEP,. Orer:allatlis4atiiricirtichtlbeta; , ••;•,-.: -At arsortaient'Att-Idifie celebrated , iiiiikehlalle li l t coitaptly on hand Ate nil& •• g - :-..:1_. t 64 .k., ,- t .‘, . ?•...., !gi 5.W1,211. :ftlir .ril,:e,i - iferili. ~ ,!‘ . ,-, 1 k- 11111 6 6 ERixtf - A..! tolgerl bto store Sad sig:Orked hap ~siOot of Voldiuti Saver : xe" .AKBRICAN - WATUW* WA WiSotit to ras won or tho. 1110 *. - 1 1 4 1 5 11 . 1 CANIMItiran 1 1 , 0 4- 01, b i tP aortioest tt!colooratoo s i " 4fra Taames 1.4) c so,l*ll. • . 4g‘yiptr,AAlD ' lithe platelphie. be !m's Bogen .11tother . P RIC 8 '4101:1) 6061 i, r. 1I U 7 pistol t,reakfafe AkPeRW: Ellejant. tAble plate 416 . ablit - wall '• 0141':.P• C irs S r Elandsoike Cake Bukeic ,BUTTERt BERRY DISHES, Pickle Semis; Tea Eie115,44., ketilbgt-be .14101:0VIAt BAKER'S • J. a ?MIA Machines. . Thaw hisdrinee ire superior to ail µlsere for tamlig see. for the foible's' mama s ,*. ,Y NO w with two threads' d lad , tram the Leo° , end, make no rewtadia .g.. • • rate more dully enienstood sad need, • and leas liable to derangement, than other ms- • - Wand: • ----.--. :a. They . are , capable Of *nettling Perfect/ • :without change of adjustment,* much Maim' variety of work than other assehlaes. The stitch made-by thine machines Is much WT. fixtdorketle m setirlrgable, eapeciany,upow ~. , Irticheribkh re= to be embed end' Veiled. we ybwr ' - Tide eti , to the meaner in which Um tnalMr. le ,itir_momistst, .is , muck the 'most p besot - Vet fit nae, • and ibis pled sitirtmuityi•erres spot • feegnenglertibell Mkt Mooed, twatit - they are ,• wont out. • - • The stenctirti of the team Is each, that, the' t .4 1:et ,it, or brelten — _ _ .iitayale of only a few • ,-it will Jambes , : dr -WI. am rarer t rernibre Inn' sad t •_. • Unlike , otberemeeisinee. them': Mateo both endear the mermtry; their owe operation. ' ' • With these machines, while,silk is used upon the right or face aide of the amm, cotton may be need nponthe other Ada mrithantlemening the strength or durability .ot litosoma• Th is eau be dew *a no other machine, ind is a great sating sport mil articles stitched or made np 1 with silk. , - _ , :. Th ese macleries, i n adosticia to their superior merits as instrunrenu few sewing. execute She sent bearattal and permanent embroidery au - d -- ortithieltrat work: - _ ~. y ffl a ear get &wing machine Needles, and all articles pertibbg to the machine tTiness WATCH. AMY CLANK fIEPSIRINd-, . • Dane In the lasi maunitr,_.6 l .lat low ratefi Towanda July IS 18.74,0 • • -.AAND lig FLA ED (, I A. PA RI! = Op A THOUS" ND STRIN . " • • T - & CO'S [TEMPLE OP MUSIC! - For sale. the celebrited Mathusbek G and the beautiful litUe;Colibri Pianos. Pianos of 219 ptringit. Planar of one third more pow- TT, Pianos that exhibit more skill in structure - Plawfs Ahat are better Made in every respect And nail stand in tune longer , than say now In see In this country and Europe. These Pianos 'dilder Id donstruction la the Wilda from all o tb. enr,,thin stflags.:entes ilia. Iran frame in ell di , rectimus.. itessease inelllllllT .equally to all I-1 the plate. Besides oth er Improvemente'pectillar to their constmetles they combine all -the Improvement; of error other maatitacture. Send for lidestrated circa , late wherece -vapthing Is-uplalosa to Batt/ear *thin: Also constantly on hand s fan estort-i ,melt of Rabies Brother's Pianos, Organs and Kelotbiit of the best of verities styles for th e 'Church till parlor. Parlor and Melodeon Co? eat, "Mae' and Melodeon Stools, Instructiore 'Boot& for We:Odeon and Plano. New and old' shiet fetish , erwhited and ordered' if desire'— Abo ssf6 Prof. Vast Itrossele•r and Pier /toles Phtzter f araltraWand Carriage Polish.— Piano tinting' Hone oitshort notice. - deemed to ministers t iskeehes and teaches. Also age:Astor the DEG ; KEN 11BOTHER6 UNEQUALLED ' PATENT - PIANO FORTES CHAMBERLIN. W. VIIITAICH. Towanda, Feb. 13, 1968. •_ EE AT UNITE)) STATES • , EA •WAREHOUSE T. Y. KELLEY & C 0.,. Nos 1 1 f r 'lliatt4 30 limey Street.: . N E W . Y,O ,C y Are now supplying familie , s througbont tit country with tess and coffees through the Ay. tem ot clubs and their .regelarly, appoint/4 1 agents; at s; slight advance on cargo; Priem and_oarauteeing their teas to be pare and (rah; and also to eve entire 4atlsi sclinn. or they eat; be reamed and the money refanded_ I Remember that by our system the o:Msnmei f pays only ONE PROPIT,. ttse.d -of *yen nt eight, as he amt. do when he purchases , ol %h.,. ordinary grocer. ;- WEDEFY COMPETITION. We call special attention not only to Olif Stand ard •goods, but out fancy broils of Oo n and' Young Ilysonlesi=,peordiar- 11 avois tea • sixty days front. Japan.. Oat-Coffee Depart ? menu is manigel alto - on the syste of one m profit only, and all oar coffees are 1 erits, We only stk a VW:: ao ldfon their _., , ' 1 • ,All,oar bipartition of, our " teas and coffees. can be bad of our regular appointedngente.. All oar. goods are goods put up by pursebresi in one poundllll=l. it our warehouse ,in Nesquik .-en ^ led at 'W. H. - R. GORE'S Drug 8t0re;N0.3 5 7 :Main street, itibe mall advance. of 5 .cents per pound - ore cm Ned' Yea prices. This brings the goods at the. pride; they can be p urchased Jc over oar counters with the freight added. ' ii , - • • LOOK Ag OUR PRICES. ••• OOLONG (Mack). 600., 70., 60 11 nO., $1 per 114 , best .: MIXED (Green; and; ek).'6oc..- 70c..130e., 90...11 per lb., best:- xOtING BON (Green) 60c. 70c., :'6oc., 90 i i $l,, Mae,. $1,20. per.lbl. bes t. IMPERIAL ( roe.), 90c... 11,81,2 A., ENGLISH BREABF T , 1 00 _.., 80c.: soc., $l. $l,lO, al ,10,heiit.1 JAPAN Ow, $1, 5 1,25 per lb. GIJNPOWDRR:4O S„ 11,50 per lb: Bentung Moyne: Young Byron,. in original Chinese pacing°. tie 60• per pack age. Maniptl Oolong, in original Chinese package $1,30 per pacege. 4 c FANCY BRA NDS,, - s,—Ningyoug_Oolong (131t)— $1.23 per lb. Nankin' Moyune4Oung Boon, • (Green) 4110 per lb. Uncolored .Japan Tess'. (60 dap from Japan) pnenp expressly for us in. Yokohama $1,40 per lb GROUND COFFEE.—Pare Rio, 20, 21 and -30 cents per lb. Best Old Government Java, 40 cents per lb. Royal Club. 25 cents per lb. Molintain Plantation, 60 cents per lb. Beware of imitations and bogus companie& AB-our goods bear our Trade Mark on each ball` No others are genuine, 51.6 m • AOIVAL OF NSW % GOODS I • , The subscribe= are now receiving , Isom New York a fine assortment of GOODS IN •4sliEIR, LINE 1 t - Coisieting In part,oi • BROWN. Sr. BLEAC H ED MUSLIN'S, , - AND Mtn's, • LAMB AND CHILDREN'S DIME GOODS, 7 Fancy Marts, Shawls, Epop.Skirts , GLO - VtS, HOSIKRY, YANKIE NoTiuss, - . All of which can be bought se cheap as the saute,qwelity of goods can' be bought in 're winds.' -Their. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT 10 Wig Ai:lashed with ft* lOW 'VW or 13ONNETS AND lIATS, _ . , And 11114 ! /111 us°llll°Mt 'Millinery Good!: telqetelst Minima to inn the taste 01 IP 'l l h o may rivnr *es witte.their pate in age. 8p• vial attention pita toi imaktafiNd AND siaLw WORK AikirtbanillllZPir!eiscreAdelly ex pressly for 4r1U411111,1110,810t10n gsartudaed. Irate strait; .thetitie mayo. th , 0)0 • PBtlfa a CO. "Torniuda, April 1648037-11111 HEM MR &c., ac., &c