Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 21, 1868, Image 2

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}•: wti.e:.~s: Y.t , 9~ll•Y~.'Y_~r:l'_M.Y~^~.Q~" C]ZC^
News from all Nations.
--Jeremiah Larocm, a praladaent
member of the New Vet .bar; died on the
11tti inst. -
—All hat one of the prisoners in
the jail at ruabibk, Vermont Mil" ° ft
the night of the tlth intr.
- —Commode, Mirky, of the Navy
• native 'of Kentucky, died st, MBAalai&
on the lit&
—Lewis Lebering, a resident
Buffalo, TM killed by a street en in Louie
villa By., on the 106
Mary Sterjing,'!another of
the'Erie Railroad victims, died at Post. Jew.
tis, New York, on the 10th (net.
—Mary Meese, aged sixteen, com
mitted suicide in Memphis, on Monday
night, 12th inst., by taking morphine.
—The stone masons of Philadel
phia have Axed their wages at, four dollars
pet, day, The marble polishers have form
ed it proteetive .
=The battle of Nil Hamburg was
celebrated by surviyors of the Third Army
'-oorie, at Trenton, d t . J., on Tuesday. 12th.
Gen. Sickles prey
--Dr. Nephygi, the Hungarian,,
who was arrested at NeW 7ork on a °barge
of forgery. has been dial aged train custo
dy, as be says, against his will, without
—The trestle work at the Erie
Railway Depot In Jersey city gave way on
the 12th Inst., letting a locomotive into the
river. The engineer, IrColt, and fireman,
Carbart, were drowned.
—At the second regular meeting
of the women's club, at New York. on the
11th inst., insugurative remarks were made
by the President, /Kiss Mice Cary, who pas
sided for the first time.
—Eighteen persons were poisoned
by arsenic administered- in 'food at a board
ing boiie at Nor Orleans on the lOttt.—
None are dead, hoverer, the qaantity par
^ taken.liaving been too large.
—Ww. Brophy, charged with the
murder of his sister-in-1m at Philadelphia,
- has been found guilty.ot murder in the sec
ond degree and sentenced to tim yearn hard
labor in the Penitentiro.
•—A Havana I4tsr reports an un
provoked assault upon the Anierlean Con
sul, General Le 'SOW% by the Havana
Sldppingester, Senor Gatti" who was
and till undoubtedly lose his posi
—Counsel on both sides in
of Jefferson Davis, \ with the comet Of
Judge Underwood, have agreed upon the 3d
of Juno for the trial, at.. Richmond, and
Judge Chase has been telegraphed to for tie
—The .walking match of Gen. Top
ley, an English pedestrian, at New York, to
accomplish fifty miles in ten hours, termiL
nated by ToPley.falling in a fit o n the forty
third mile, with one hour and forty minutes
to spare.
very heaCy:rain and hail storm
prevailed at Winona!la Teasley week.—
Slonsiderahle &stage way done to the rid.
roads. the depot at Greencastle Junction
wse blown acarma.the track. All the streams
are vevz
=The forty-fourth Annual report
of the New York Bible Societi r alum that
there have been distributed since January,
1867, 76,043 Bibles and Testamenta. Its
receipts hare amounted to $32,000, and its
disthrementa to $31,600.
—Charles Ross, a colored seaman,
died at the Normliania Davit's', at Phil ?
edeiphia, on Monday, 11t11 inst. He secre
ted himself in the hold of a vessel at Liver
pool, went fourteen days without food, and
had his feet frozen off tnt the voyage.
—lt is estimated that thire are
now, or lately have, / been, eight thousand
men on a strike in the city of liew York for
an sdranoe of tatty cents per day on their
wages, including carpenters, roams, brick
layers, carvers, bakers, coopers and day la
—The mail boxes from Harrisburg
to Philadelphia, and one from Chicago
to Philadelphia, were stolen on the night of
May 12th, from the train whieb left Harris
berg at 7.15- i„ After the eordents had been
abstracted the; boxes were throw n into the
canal, two miles below Harrisbnig.
—An trot tOohj Own on
the Fashion Coarse, New Tort. on Tuesday.
sth Inst., for a puree of four hundred dol.
lati—mne heats, best time la MIN for
bermXl s never beaten In 2in haute& , Six
horses started. The ram was not conclud
ed, and was postponed until the MCI*
—Late advice* from Chins state
that Prager tree negotiating for the abbe.
moat of the.certiosof the Wend of Cane
to Germany. and thus pre- the Germs!
Confederation lgaemmand of a greet high.
way to the Chins and Aspea'traile. 'Clad
mines are to be worked Dear Wrist. -
-=-The official report of the Board
of Health of Cincinnati of the deaths la
that city for the month of April states tha
number was 322, four of which were caused
by the explosion of the steamer Magnolia,
nineteen from small pas and two Weida.
—There was quite an exeitemet'
in•the Councils of Ilaltimers on Monday
evening, owing to the fact that the them
disgraced and expelled "munbers refused to
leave their Mats because they warenot tom.
ed oat by a immune= vote. They were
then expelled unanimously, and ejected
from the hill amidst great conthelon.
—A man living in Cohoes last week
applied oil from the bawl of a tobseeocipe
to a born on the by of his Mile &Vast,
and the dal died in oonvubtiona itrentp•
four booze after.
—Bop Beckwith his decided to
take ispUreelderaie in Mum, Ga., and
theeitiaina - bare already sularerlbiid over
$7,000 for the purpose ot bow end fern
iahlag a Mese foe him. They intend to
re* $lO,OOO.
—Margaret Chambers MaKaight s
of Phil4o3** recently deoeseed. be
queathed to the Anted= Bible Society, of
Philedidpide. $l,OOO ; American Beard `of
ConuniadOnere for Foreign Ilindone, ssoo';
Philadelphia Education Society, $6OO ; Un
ion School and Childrears Rome, $6OO ;
, -„Auteeteet t Tract 13osticty,.Philadelphie, $6OO
The remainder of her estate„ alter mririg
Certain priyate bequests, is to go to the Us
ton Benevolent Association.
—The &change Bank of Darling
Comity, at Fond du law failed on
Monday Isst; The deposits amount to
about MOM a portion of Which. at lead,
Rill be paid. -
recent law, J4iges in Can
atii are empowered to order whipping ire
steed of imprisonment, in tbe ease of boys
under sixteen _years of age found guilty of
larceny. ,
—Tbia week will be an medal
one in Chicaga wailer lb* among Caw
tersnos et tie Illatbadistannek also* is
mammy a Cloammargoat Itallo4ist oho
cams of Ur lapisasaindask, eV UMW
and &aloes' lTaata.e tlawamiko, a>a eon
Repablican Platimeal Cosrestisit rill as
semble Mac, Tbi fil f y paismiss, llos
unlucky aikage los kaki Boa* assisib
.i.ccoaninskss Awls) saw Calse
rabid *train
Towanda, Thunday, 2119 r P 1) 184
t ßepablitalt State Ticket.
roa mem maim; 4;5 v .
ore. John I% Itertrafat, of arontsepory 0o:
0.0 , WI./ 0' W.
OoL ;mob M. Campbell, of Omskla 00.
Mr- The editor of the Itsporrsa is a
- -
delegate to the Chicari 'Convention,
and will be absent for some days.—
Any errors of ommiaaion - or commis
sion in this Or next week's issue will ,
we trust, be overlooked by our pa
We Are salted to reapect whit la
called the independent action of the
recusant Scuakrrson account of their
previous high thstsstat and nations
fame, and if their conduct were not
liable, to grave suspicions . of a • very
disgraceful character, we should be
extremely . loth to censure sny one of
them for refusing to =via the great
criminal, since the very nature of a
legal - trial demands freedom ofjodik
illtnt on the part of those by irbimi
the verdict is to be tendered. But
the circumstances are too strange to
allow any of the recreants to escape
without censure. A prhiciple Ceder.
lies all these charges, of which not
out of these men could plead igaor•
ance. It iwthat the laws shill, under
bll tircutostauces, be enforced and
obeyed. Jonssos% conduct was, in
effect, nullification. . On this ground
the Republican party hid taken its
smut On this ground every one of
these very Senators had 'voted with
it and spoken out in strong language 4
Nullification having for the first thiia
wade its appearance in the acts of
the Presiderit i . it was thti Otiti of
Congress to impeach big! 'for it.
By what strange pm:mot t o, argu
ment, then, can it be reckoned high•
minded Independence in to
stultify their own record 1 This *as
not a chance struggle, nor an !mei.
dental issue. It had been lung fore
sewn, fang pr►pared for. The party
bad been driven to it reinctantly. It
bad determined to have s final-grap
ple with the monster 'nullification,
and to kill it forever. Therm men
were willing enough to keep the
whole country in turmoil - by the agi
tation of this ,stibleet.' They were
readito attack, to denotma3, pa defy,
to obstruct it—to do anything, in
fact, escept just, the one thing that
would forever have squelched it—
impeach the great nullifier.
We have sincerely tried to bear
with these ,nators for theuake of
their high reputations, but their
apnstacy defies -excuse, and oar
dignation prevents our believing anY
thing, good of them. If the, e ever
were traitors, these men are such.—
They have inflicted such an Injury
upon the country as renders them On;
ly fit companions for ANDUW :00-
am and Wimps if. Sswaso. We
observe that some journals affect
great surprise at the intimation that
these men were bribed. Let us ask
whether it is any less disgraceful to
betray a great cause out of jealousy
of a political rival, than to take pay
in greenbacks for s vote f Theist.:
trr is a tangible thing. We can
reach and punish it._ But the, former
Is worse, because It cannot be pruv.en
to - punished. _ _ • ,
That the failure of ' impeachment.
will be fatal to the Repriblican party,
we do not Mies* for nothing- ca
kill these great movements, white,
like the Reformation.. Ind the French
Revolution, are beyond the power of
man to mate or abolish. ' The Re
publican party iti a party of Pile 31-
ple, and though iR has .been woftilly
and shamefully batra7ildor attempt.
ed to
.be.—inte the • Lands 'of these .
who care not for prieciple,-::•;!,phe
contrary, arc gaietee 4 alone V Vie
"hope of Pleader, - we • thalk *II that
the treason .of the;
_few CO M* des
troy the party, or to-any greatentest
iewardiorthe Awoke Of - Pifee r .lifee...
The 'Pt:grill of the:RePnblina4 *kr
,ty is the progress et-the , alPi, and
the renegade Senators ate sw =shift
I ' -
to arrest it as • Canute was to put
limits to-the risirig eel.
Sr The appob3tment of lion.,Gi•
Loma A. (how se Ohiinnan of the
State Central Committee gives fie•
rat setisfactionio all clatters td the
State,aud to all sections of the party.
Ris long and consistent public career
his galeo him the centldenee of the
Reimbliesn party while his energy
and woe mark hi& as peculiar.
ly fitted for the poet-for : which be has
bees selected. -
ift'llierwiiill'need the active cci.
operation of *Pablionais OD throoCue r
mitres and throughout the State Uri*
able to atmouspiish any, good, bate
are certain-tbut bet will gale ell his
time and his feet en - eigiel to ensure
es s tritimph this falt If Alt-trea
nditee is not a esefebaett dilative
meals of carrying the. State for the
Republican , ticket, it will , not It's
for, the went of judicianididirected
labor ou his part. •
fir Tax Managers IMF-ado:Km, t
on the put of time EponP., in view Of
the strange motor* eiroulated about
certain public -men • as . regards ha
peachment, and the suspicious cionr.
Junta of some of the Adele of the
White noun and'. the , &As, aid
relatives of the - two oithree fiesatook
hate dem* it theft thity toinviatfv
Bate_ the rib* , to *that*
him / 811 ,c 4 fa'.1 1 4e
pro *Facwir # 1 .4 7
mooed befoiotheaklaWak:-IL EMU,
of ;she vasasellr.W.,lll. ,
Wasigis; flat Trealleatts' atql:
Scaiiicit' 4 **lira ,
&evens, Mac'
District of 13100,410 - oiaiitte.
liarreat i - cotaiairg4at of OP
Piticarl Ttrifilk
11,04111TTAi OF TM muratmerrir.
The Plea Sent has been acquitte4
O f tke-,04.11H1 high Arians "4
tnifdatiangat Alstitkfti
1, people
,tbe Uniteti fkateifond
with evidence in it' just and i
tie! trial.
To be sure ? but one article has as
yet been . yeted upon, snethere may
beit.postibility of his conviction on
some one of the= others. but of this,
being the case we bare - not the slight..!
eat grounds for hope. We • believe
the vote glien on 'the Eleriinitti A ti
ale,will be given on
10.3 vote on the Eleventh, Article
was as fellows
Anthony, Rhode Island voiyhero,
Pennaylrania Vilattell,-New-Jeritey;
Ohanffler, Michigan ; Cole,Califorain;
Conklin, New. York ; Connate 0414
foria ; Corbett, Oregon •,
New Ham ps hire'; Drake , 11[isiouril;
Edmunds, Vermont ; Peny,Oonncatt
cut •, Frelinghlysen, New AT&T;
HarlaiN lowa ; Roo*, Wisconsin;
Howard,: Michigan - Morgan, Neir
York I Morrill, Mabel" Morton lull- ,
ana Morrill., Vermont; Nye,. Nei's ,
da ; 'Patterson, :New .liampithird;
Pomeroy, Kansas ; Bamsey,Minnesn
to.; Sherman, Ohio r Sptagivi, Mode
Wand ; Stewart, Nerradal Steamer;
Massachusetts ; Thayer,' Nebraska,;
Tipton, :Nebraska ; Wade, Ohio •,
Wilson,Mansachusette ; Willey West
Virginia ; Willianui 3 Oregon Yates,
`NOT i3131L2Y. _
Bayard,Delawarti tittckaliw,Peitn
sylvania ; Davie, Kentucky _ ;
Oonneticut ;Doolittle, isconsiit ;
iliteindea, Maine, ; Fowlei,.. Tennes
see •• Orin* tot's' Illindernthi,.,Min-
Sam% ; Hendricks,lndlinii • Johnson,
Mire - and,. M'Oreir' y;; NentielcY ;
No Aan,-MinnenOta I..P.stterriciniVenbl.
easee ; Rope, Kantor Siiiilsbnry,Del
aware ; Try:Ulu/4 Illinois ran
Winkle Nest ; Vickern,
Mstylarid. ' ''
. t • •
'he nettles of the traitors are „ iii
Wks -
• "Me torn al Mon.-151earge Landentes
member of the Senate of Pennsylvania; clos
ed with the adjournment of the lestnession
ortheLe&thiterit. `lntheEleventh District.
Hy, the question of a sumeasor u. one mere.
ly Son the primary meetings; and the people
of the Eleventh &notarial District can do
nothing wiser. nothing more beneficial to
themselves, and the people of Pennsylvania,
than to reelect throb talented Senator.
Ina body distinguished for ability, Mr.
Landon woo Admittedly the ablest member.
Where parliatnentary knowledge was n pow
er often dis Played, be wad the ablest:parlia
mentarian. And where oratory at a high
ardor Ives quite general, no man, disputes
his sepromoy sa en ureter. Mr. Landon
%leads!, a deep thinker, Ana- One who
Om and does' 'Nelda pirwerfol iidinence
among Malian" Senetort: Tolima@ talents
sadtaw" 40/1115 hOw • added-an intimate
knowied id the ;rants °MOO* Warge,
and his Wiirrh coostitnetteY, Mina riout,how
ever ablivitoultiedes sit *theftd tolls State
oat to his District sirthe
sletTaiMe i Mth
e hint -tirseinnt
ed by his • t botistitneary, end his
Moe to QM Senate fellatio • ass hatter of
The above , appears in the Daily
Harrisburg Teiegrait4,and page well
deserved aimpliment to .4r,„ 14:20c121.
ThiFfienator from this. District , has
held a commanding and influential
position in the body of which" he was
s. member.'He has not 'only gained
for himself a high
. reputation as an
orator, and an able and discerning
legislator, but he has been of -great
use in the Senate to the Republican
party. It has been his assigned du
ty and privilege to meet in debate
the great championo of- .thodemocza.
.cy, and•to expose their fallacies and
ittiatitements. First, he dcfriollehell
'Henircs Ctxues, ufterwards, the Dent 7:
eirsticaudidatit for Governor, and
then Mr: WateLacei the redoubtable
*airman of- the Democratic State
Committee essayed to break a Janie
with Mr. LANDON. ;:the,,o"Veititrow of
the Dem9oratic
. chaniPinn wits signal
'and complete. Ile via - rupied st rev
cry , poioi and 'Oliva' discionifitted
from the flea , ' '
tat rew' ap4titti
mita rialeas...‘ey have f: iii4; OcC4OOA
Uinta Arequent , :. visits .to . Bettis-
burg; be any idearehirtgrtatveg:
*fieb - 0 !i[deli f v .;( ll ( - t4o;'o.tfit*
49;- !Mswer trio
:I*lirasWOW ealkiniti: 4 MOf
siastii &ranked by lie' ttreeirbei., -
lir tone' •of - ieferliktongue .
4 11 1(1i44 41 4._ !" - !ti'''*o l o l2 4:,. The
014344010:*44rAs #eu jilto.a.o
willinglY .provoke his' elo,
rinentrienaciaticine and' lila terrible
! and telling Veloric : It 6o sliaintd re-_
.the_ party in .stick' State '. would,
deck reel his absenee-.from the Sea
ate. We denot-,know latuonget all
the Worthy men in the-Ildenite, one :
who is competent :to fill ids p)ii,Ce; nor
are we aware . of &kV one
take the seat of any of the .retiring
Senators, that is amatch • ilor * thr;
L awspeirprrlcribv: bat' reall -1
talkie Se*trii fitfo'o4o7innn
kerAopniinl wurthr 41- Abe . - stied -o
:any -politician 'bathe has foist hi .!:
Of linableteciipef
/sr THENrovtiltroviyis : .!
aid to tiave been at - attire& at Ya4i
s344B ft til I IP 4 6 A i M I T'PFVIF'SFA4 CI P P
Owe, 'for Presideol ; ATotaxiTruiii;)
bull,YleepPresidentl Wethaille*alt
Seetetary astot; ; Ar."P:-poinend '
EkteFetikry of ' the 'lliiiiiinti: I A I I 7 ,
tiOpiretar7 4:4 0 1 47,3 Alldr)
4ohitatery of ilillikr 4. Wu:, 14, . ,
brat* AttoragrAltimeni 1,- :L . 4:
Doolittle, Societal '4 - *e laterier'
ts ai
BIM* F" `
- Cary, Poe' e* . iotectorii
The success of. thin rogramine . ...
ponds upon the &owlet of-the P
dent. '' • - • : i.: - ",: -
=How J. J. !IlAbbottgi:motion
As sans to the. Gemlike-Geisha/1r ore
3finrDostrio* piettig to 'tie . dosing
the teltdeitt goitre% t , hiailetiottio
toadies BMW
AL 21 141 1 4;111 1 11 -
7 1 . 2 1 1 ,00A1ai1t 0 ).cf4 - 4f
or‘`P, T
Jim iii • • ' • ':-
ttioyinikuo i
ii -
weakoiiiisceewo 1 ,
A iircfai ,l / 4 ,rt.:
.!. I °,l l .
. - .
1 ~1
non. - anoxic's .:411nolt.
r , .
Lltafela&TlVlS cowry
•It hatt',l , ottir - v.... c ommon. for
people t4o****Ait Legislative
41114', ale iiiitriiiit,now, than at
'any - -ity•crili pW, just as people
pt'.. - Vli . .tid old times,"
isn. ' V - -Wi --world is rush
ng at li*lngrePeeitto the climax
'of depritvit . P.AN'lrcreriume that the
worldOtarally ispeither nkighlism
not mobil more honest, politically,
n f
Clan it
se years ago, and thaffhti'
same s uses and corruptions which
now p veil, wen jtifk, akprevecnt,
yearsago." °ltc - fict, vie believe se i
Tee; Alija lioliiiiiiiiiintriiirTeiliti:
threitAii iipii,rfutte grio' the itiiiid
ird of touter tictiitt. ) ' ' . '' -
'. ,Occ tenally we meet a Republt
eau whi:t titodrite • over -ir Unita or
father' of - hits party; w o , is almost
reedy 'fo'day tkii it is 'beitt - to . , firing ,
the De racy . into, power, to correct
the ittintes ,whick , have, grown up,
niece the Republicans I have been
l i t
t, 'on the . principle that foie
- year n tOro'll;• Democrats Wonld'et I
lariat Ike al#4°F .of pcgie_ity...if.i
there ei,remaibe II single individual
so (+Anions, we invite his attention
to the flegialliticin''a isi'legielaitircr of
Pi . g.Stite , Pr Npr' . .toiL There; OP
lielikrits.: had a
.s m all majority: in
the Rguse, for: betted time for 'pare,
end frpm their, previous deprivation
of Ovfer,that they wenti, beyond what
# 4OO •!r chaigefLfgiit l d thik*oepgb .
Baits hr. greediness and the ; open l
Deeswith which they (hove their-bar.
gainec . One man is said ' to have ob- '
tainedrs2,ll,9oo for bits
_vote in the Zile
liOritt4 , 4itarrei ';
4.9046 F complains
i s loot , $R,b,099 :by favoring Mr
VANDISZILT. A certain , Senator; it IS
idle d
, took 1111,0 r. ,frein 'the Zile
'Pim tutT,, Al ia then iroled:againet'ita
bill , cause its; Opponents paid.. him
motti'v, And as to. the-innumerable
°thin! measures 'which have been , the
aublictit of debtite k ''and 'even theen
Whiik have ttleit4,ne, particular it
tent on, everyone-in the least inform
ed' ail Ao•the•vily things-are managed
at Albany,. knows that money has
Paid, to a greatili . 4 . less e*tmit,
!cure tli , succeed or the Aefinit of
.'ly every one of them. When, too,
.1 he midst of this ixorrstption, a
web -meaning but sirople-minaett meth-
ber of the Assembly attempts to ex-'
peep what everybody kuowa to be'
goilig on, he is almotk literally hooted'
down ; and the coriimitteo which is I
- ,
appointed to inves4ate his `ei . Tges
repbrte that, although ~there is' much
hriimry in the liegishature, it cannot
be proved. - This, Waal, in about all
Old decency that is; i t stipir,n in regard 1
to the matter. Voirtipt - .ii . :i the par
tielt reaLbe, thei knot, pOntittheir
vepality to be.expobed, and modestly
'retrain from a public announcement
of f,.. , :- In' -
every other respect, howev
er they have had! no scruples, and
th the New 'York ' tegielatitre has
sby-word and a reproach the
'nary over. ~ • 1 ' '''
CIALIISUA, la. °Row.
Amongst'the many compliinentary
ams which. have fallen under our
• "
native. the follow ingr rpm the &ate
quad, is well deserved :
lisps aelectioaof thia gentleman as Chab
ot. the Iteputdinan State Central Com
'Kee gives general ,and emphatic satisfac
tion, becituselle bs a,Man of the most unim
peachable bitity;:tend. a itepahlican &Hy
at* to defend the h• of organisation,
sad Opholdtha canoe laf its principles and
candidates. He hata national regulation
apolitical leader and states:ism In Con-'
Omf ha - ranked ink the most prominent
moan of. his, party, Ma' a I Minket; a debater
and wthigain4o4 4 la that possessed of
inaimperience gang* thehighs* cm
eels Or lin, nation; he is ithinently optalite'd
to condttte which - the him;
114 intonate of the;lTaioi Asps* for sne.
1111Vd== . 0entt s ilIk u t
talitee; Hi: Grow OM `add nevehonor to his
ametation ae - a pcipalta'arittar,- deer Irritate
End Vadat nlacadit tdmself and
I WI POT 1 17 ilmkso B =M WOO
of Ill Oct -
ty "Aimneve governed ins personal
bonne in **lie ,prlyste life: We can
k*VIM* ,Vlhir llie;iferdilitinie col
ogybrazun.' - had lesson to. U=4:
't hs i i4 v t r i t i i n L f " t e 't elna ii' e 9 ott i lde &n0t
.303147:t A. G row. " "
,Tas.shvaieef Ittelpgsdciliesaiims
qa that - thhr hive A , nne' , butr'thefr
sodlicely „that Arises;
reseendem and Trumbull, Are states.;
men Who Minh& benraieed iota:tient.
Every rebel ihd Copperhead is I
tfie Ountry. is A:044 loud andenthu•
Ottaile in deteli,c6 of the Senitiora•and
they may we ll ' blush when Andrew
Johnixm olaimh 'them as his
Whether Impeachment fails pr tri
u mphs it should be resolved; that
these men are no . longer- kr be
, recogizedas Republicans. 'Col: Forney; '
says that Senator Atedersen
Or: 412 ; 9 0 t? ; M* 1 5 4 0 1 , 0 4e.
,ItOicals : put y. inteii for ; :ttik‘li,
./ohiwort , be . should- coil* perinitted.
to- think( tbeirlitepublietne 'of that:
sate Apy*ferfrig . Otero his eoaiieeT.,
1,10;,„":(e 6 e . .'0:ru4 1 0 . ,4
4 1 010 i the,; 4 l l o ,o Cßle
illogoiaiMerobe and;: as George.'
!Wilkes forcibly expressed it the other
Iday, they are to be led Wore the
'Chicago Chivehtioh a uk @hot as (le-
I esr•Now is'the time for Renublians
`to see who ' are their: frieude. - 'The'
aiecerity - , "14 nnrity of - *nubile*
:prtnciplee43 decisively tested - by
lcurrent •events.. When you: bear .a
*matrespressimehis doubt of Johnsou'e
lroiNwt!erii'm isee a Seatai dilating
sOillienitiCs,oode oath,Wheu,
yottretul f a itewsnipet. whietteppolo : c
&refer anlextecturtee ihe treachery!
of yol!! !bights; be illT
an . that the nisei lit.*h4il4 ;
i:/40; 1 1ellikk ; th•4-*P**terl*.4
to. oorer*e pereval tuulthei
toe leirapifier ; :never deserved belief
cirltopcot r
~'ith,.+lno;ietit'.- -o `!thq
P3eirts4o,4lllkB. most danger.,
bmcciessi fi rot your - „piety; (Corrupt.
jobberaiwiillein.power,tritftere in the
1 4 1 ' 1 rt r "W' 4'r d#o 6 o
tt„ - 145iirti 04#
*out Washington;
~:-.....,, _............ ~,,.5 . -, . ., \ :4; ,,
wrißitomni, D. 0., anylB,oll3. -
On Haw* 101,14pe# 1 7 t liti Bet* as
High Ociurt4 Int .• • . Wi eldedt . $4
TOW 0141 . 11049014: - :;,. i 41101016
tiIDMA.. -.. " ' _:;',. 4• 5 „ 1 , ' .. '
this estiae ,
first. .. * -
In response to the 4neetian . • . • .• • . •
by the Chief hunk* t "gr. senator —a,
bon-key-you t-.4e-the-vaspou."--
Johnsen, . President of 'United Staten,
lika 9
an charged iethinertieler
auffetek". 044/Ti" 90'114104Plielk
onlivrOad id&
im.I44LM-144110„af,_thi_wholk.hir 3 x9i ,
been east In the negative, the President
Stink thien -the . 'resod' as 'ikultKlar4
thief article; is. motion wan then adopted
*Utile 'Senate - sitting' is a a:n*oA
• giesehlitelit,4odni Ilia':
4 .14 - iindai the lidierenildit -
Mint adienined. l There are ten more
eke to be *cad upon, bit*Odiaiciy4 may
be considered a test vote, it esn',lnogrbe
hoped that conviction be declared upon
any of the 'itunnining
.the most dinitanSfid, dainties "mei) trnaih
i cry, that ever soiled the id' *ilia&
l edAdiblifiletelPPettb* bee.,Piet!eie4 tbbt.
result. .From the time die Torld,i:die lead
lug DOI' .nt New Yerh . eity,
__,bieneot, the. 411 k poildinhed, da
.01 . 021111 0 /XI P. E l k Pa i n fA, c/1 4 , F9k 4kin
)44.dio.1#01Pf*(5$141,.404 1 k!ANNIP* 1
a eilktOtaoua:.o4Pee:tf nesg be
to 47 . 50,14o1000t: *lgo ,biive I**
,4 0 4441 # 40 . 3;4 0 0* 44:144e!
Pip* *41804 w him cfrOgu ;terabit**
Senators. UP. result of 1 8et414,9!4 , fro
'postings, just**. the Leas of I r rust, seen, that
*the Aeuffeefin ot the lobby,- the •eas! had
§€44 thmoughli - :' , ll etul h "
The iiszw.of , the; Benabirs • mideinfami
Rus bY.t.he defa.tiolotateir iecordedPie4g ,
i4.tavar 711/A bowline*, of /maw
1194114034 aie W P. inswizagg, J0pm..13.
Sowtook J W. Osumi ions .11sita
riteOlt• A 0,4084 bita Tlllnit3lll•Xv su4
r..4l,YANWrigati. r4not ti sufficient auks-,
; der-to Pgsw4t :not ta ts
. 8 1 , ; dime *plates -less would hats spoiled
eitir glum = The recordidffleediot is 6x se,
qua tek. bat titeAtutrai 'verdict is Ptiollti,nj
4 so. tbliloyst inane. , of Us ii?Ople 14;
mower st.the bellot-boriit the coming idea
*on•i match** go, bat principles are imam
table. •
Fite: tt least; of these recreant Senders,
ectingluider• their solemn oath to support
the Coustitutien of She: United :Mites; in
the Senate of the United States on the 21st
of Febrility kat, Voted fare, iilsolutkinjiv-
-ing notice to the: President, • s 4 that Under
the Constitution Ina issra of the Viiited -
Eitates the President hos no; , powier lb' re-
move the Secretary of •'lVar and designating.
any other officer to iorforth the duties of 1
that often ad *Scrim." The House of Repre
sentatives had upon two previous occasions
refused to prefer articles of bnpeachment
against the President, but - upon the invita
tion of the Senate as ernbodiedeinthe &Trio
intion above referred to, which passedthe
Senate by a vote of about four to one, the
HOIIIIO by the unanintone vide of thO Repub.
Henn members`, resolved 'for thii flagratiC
sibrise of executive tuithority, to impeach,
the President is of higt r inime.s end Wade-
meanons,"' and: the' response of the
. 10ye1.
fume throughout 'O4 nnuntet
and amen! This result of Inioaalurto
shbnld not dishearten tineyeinblicin, I
but make them Store iaUusly Sative in . the I
cause, and moot espeiially careful of "arliat
manner of men they entrusi:eith OM* Po7_
aittoa Vite core for t6rie eras' the -,
People 'notinga. rht47 , etisailtir; :and
*ha - tin tea to dotheir duty
example' of ieciaMit and dielione4, put 1c
servants they must:not complain betraY 7
• sir. lam aware' that every primmurdly has
a 0448 worthy 013*jellg*,•9444iier
who profess an titter indifference in regard
to the tneome of either Nlith4d,PaOr ffind
whin apnatled to for:their rotes, they (14
dare that there is no difference that both '
the predominant parties are, equally cothupt,
and untrustworthy... Let,ine ask this dorsi
of our citizens if they. ever. knelt .or
heard 0f ,a Pfx%)Dialion cau4uS &Ws; any lie..
publican =transfer, and most,oap wially
the 117!" Leading, orffiku th e.P a Z, t ir baiekr
progosinzlike the World, the ,leading or
gag of ihe DePocraPY , kr ,"buy a favorable
by purchasing the vote* .of; men
holding legialstive.poeitions• Contrast with
this mod whamelesshrinfamous.propasition,
coming from p paper .which
.is sturtained
and patronized; by the: Deinocratio , party;
the outspoken end truly cornmendable and
feeglesaly independent came ot :the New
York •Tribites. Tbis paPer, aleadimi Re.
publican paper, .has - never-6114, like
6031 - sentinel upon, the watek-tower;
were atpergilo against. official oorruptkite
and appeal to them lathe- nanthot•jtiithret
toliake an Stemple of • ever, nsinvithidir•
gusted -Iffila official . poiithrn :by beset:64
cartupted.from the right tray. Villehilben;
dial Ire. the'• stick suitshis
taw/Redd stiCits *bibs Aiert,
hilltisrotinaintafehlg the Inn*
'thy oftbe airprieedhativesor i llhe people? t
- Poitmdr, of; the Wien matitairof the
Unite! Sian* own their iladton io . diapnbi
Wax cansithrinales; 'and `bot:'sigHtircs,
dada& is I Denhooratakf' Klerrai, then:lire
uneven re ieot to their bask; Pentiof . ibla
tinnthetAtesirs.' brans; liornmani Non:
ion, PLitansoir Of Torneesen;litt;*
longlince emninntediberatiehnt do dia'aim=
brace ef• the ' Demooratio partY; ituddiethe
Dernoondie - fcthe sin • the Sentio''numlibt
threlveOuidniricileionniniorio bay hea add.
cid far the tecOMpliihininfot the acquittal
of the President, we shall seriliow titej a ifil
actinithe intrire.. Let the fated °mein of
Pannaylyania prove a warning to bless ten;
ohm the Republicans of • the. Old Keystoos
friend themseltes 'misrepresented by a snap
who basely betrayed their tnuObey took
, good ears theta am would take his *co
who yeah! irotAsetinyzthabi prfAcfplaajabd
thentault:prorree 'Rut hi•GentiattlitioarM
axes hare' not'' licesrdeoristWiiid tlid
Rif vf Idarch;4B69; , :the
Pannityltaidn pito micfbeetriedikil
tide Man in tr,zatO stitee Wits* fri
place fice;'4l , R.;..;Uirtt; Donioari:c
whose em expires. Of T r ue
.no d e si r e to aped; *leapt as of an. honors:
!ble political Olipatisat, but bemire he is a
OPPOneut, end .400 nor represent
the l / 4 ,110 ot i nnuejoriky of "the peals cd Pew
lettot to hll i &leee' togti ttiteeticoler,
b be' NeYobllesu;il - Man
31on tilde tsrlncinifi thit'PeePereee to It 1
:that WY do not put their trust in
7blotand,ya4la&&,or Inetherterj atsp.,-;
Th *
e den' W M.! lustioe Chun* je
:dirgracalid tindikai iiPteluinalbld If 'phsal.
hie thanthat cd the re
flreette, you. pleawilie add - Jodie. of
1t t arry Vourti at the : Pats.
eboatt'dng the isnidrscycd th e
Plant Prieffifeit‘othe * fir
sloth& tattagthe adrenal Etb - iar the pi=
lificaliabotontbaksittrounds tballtssidast, - ;
oom Vegehit4h* wol/Pfir! 4, Deliberate tan
00 ADelOmterae4
sues,' and
sonsitaibitiesc Inez tooreOmal tleirjuanci
and L 1 1 ,4 02 .1°44hekt tiMetlOilow Liar, :
ittit Ole. Opt
ibikstallidate smile ` and
party Ihrittist
!Rrerielanay This
the 0# 4 , 1 / 2 4 101 Iz?thw.Cgs tOt..t* 4 4 44 14 .*
211% sjaiite l
relit tin &Kariba' lallaultfrinertalt
!taae sou& ofAtirposehmeas to'ilia wo d >
taco:pandas the Preaddent tinware, swo t
eess,That a ocnnbinatjon of Mffritii*sech
lilboirinfarreld tc4t fels *Mused; thei r
DEISM 41m Article KI, Writ caned tie
walled's! de delebt.v. , .‘,
14042?otizerdKke writ,g,s4kelo„..,lll-
=Mea mak* Wilke in Kitt Aga' of the
*tea besatkl o stir Ito* Poo* 4 °'
ran** ittdiptinst upon
Lad a. 4;
• POLITICA".risto..
= .; . •
—ln the newly4helent
11eM141.3"*. of
60 ••684:101 4 ' 311
.00440tirehing ibOin at`iff**7- 13 / 41411
• re.
b 7
tneurainewildwer ir
dating permans of colas, and does not
AbdicsaahlosAiload-ossaoisitogid6l I.lom
bless, picaPoebobsi ia• • '"
The Atlanta
_Er‘ says : " The elec.
Wm of Gov. Moak win Wag teas of WM/-
AMOS of orWivorphiloosgto.
id a new era of
r--The *NBA obit-0:4110,0301401; Oi
tiewlaritortitio So the , .184:461E Datskrin
cdeldsl alii,etabein'siminaittow ataus
Aciotibuoi of *Hebei, Aboukir Ifidniltoe.;
as thotanOtegcduill powinof theltisid4
—The Boit. S. Neirtoi4';Pettlis; * of
***a * Oi'.o4l)gil!4 the -/4-14.441°80,
ei4;l4l4l46'llrff,C4tifF*lrfiCtkit / 1 4 rontiO
Illness thi''Oeti4
ent incumbent, '' renal
"4 1 _ .t *P 4 i44 6 0 tk*:**434.o
the 4ntres: of
Die colored 'vote: is Georgia' did
rnot.b7 84,11111110 wan ons.mrsy.,, , angels
coustp !Oka bithost g bitrti shoved wadi
z wa r kpagi Ord :Gordok
Democratic candidata for Goveinto4l2tint'
jatige , Whbaipc (Wont°, ofVie Ifacica4
Thegraph takes ccrandes-ind
, notaiontattiiiir , •;k- r. 2 A:1 ' ;"`. ;
net di e lar t s ( CO I " Ji _qTerM 4 :o2
Matt= ` theo new State
geed 4444 •bovißes Pluck Ptio01 1 1 1 1 ;i7
14141 lot to
,live utitr is WI
they beAt t es cox; the 109 Fer
AIM* t ° trodf ittokp th!t**,
olOolittco4 the koCer
election.. tit ciagrisitsional
delegstecie Cato* be te haw lifilediehe
%. Ittet 6: 'MA is the Etteeptedie Nina.
Bete, Mel doe.-Iteboigniot it 'the heMien
dent and Replifettaidettk'
lOen, Viikylenstrei Artier "
P;i8104 gig 4g ,lieetkikoi.-,6 -1 0901945.
1 1 6 . . X444Mure:
1 0 deu oraa 4 1 go
luinAconit4 d t igisf 00 - 4 1 4
e4qie ,new rigOtifintiou.
, r g
—Gem Buchanan has oulepsi the
•easeasibliag of the Tezae Chnititatioßal Ch a;
veAticin on the let. of ,!tine, , 'petard of the
• 15thise previoluli ordered., • ,
Poston 848 1 thit
the thotatit 'ler the' lieinblicaii nomination
for Governor' of Massachusetts though
WY'Oe'rried on, tiCteafie6 in internat.', W.,
aaithr's chaired, it thro best, pt
he chows to iMprove them; after bim comes
Dr. Loring and Mr. Dawes, and the Inek
named ie rePortedie haTe developed more
strength than was antisipated.
° —The Republican majority in WIN=
examin thus tar toots up 7137.
A& of ' ; the
14ti",.:ti4. letter from 7144
1 101 . ,t0r 114Ittoid 6 4thicio us n, .
who regard thio 7 unio 90 4 4 4 . I #, Iht
1 4 0. 114 ' 62 4 0611. 4 30 1013 7-**TT*TIV#
fir the 40r-4.961011:111:-*-40#203,
ii40.044, 1 46111 - .04 p,4444 . 11 '40 11 4 0f
/Or. thiCßlOMOthing may aone;
thai. " l:34 ` '&4011' thi • 00 / 3 4+ -
9 / 1 . 1 , - war Alegins; - Infecii 4 :!!"
spending his time in the lobbies of Pe
2 4 44 endl§r4o 32 l - tobk , 404 nottink
11 / ,11 /iii- 0,1 115 ofil,milteiN soas
1=4 0 e 4 ,4 21 , Ad4rsald# 44 4 l iPauf to work
T. figit
—•ebsa.;A: Dana', A.eshitant Snore. ;
tary et , War,' daring , the rebellion; mei* .
%hike in' pentm - rthe ltisw. York Beas'i4
Gemini -Gant :—ls ienip, Ihe-41moit
elOne;'among ell "the prominent= ofitoeig of
the army—never tOeratei liquor or vrine.o-,
ther et Meat hie tent,' Eitigoti-1
big and4l4 - icteiternint,
be ottatati'dfir not t mate him break
cher .e
nollo toiieh — orltiete
alebobolie. = A n'' end , egidn hake as seen
irinit'efferit>t at putlfe acidPriteirrdli s i:
itees,eidtio'bi 6044
~..7104:10110 w ing; doggerel , is is air:
oulathOnia „ Washington caweringifie
erable, Glace" Wean : "<.l ,u
• :44 &know bras littlakmki ,
Ila Ikee4o wa4 whil4.aslatow. ; •
And irteiyid Ceti chit doliason wee
'The *aide tD go.
• Shouting tbe- offreedimik." ,
•=-Litd 4 peea stale th4t, tbo nut,
ft v -4 4 :,-.9 47440 ,40 1 9 a L 4# 1 4 1 901 11
VIOCIPI; ; 1 4 61 /RA WOl i i i P. 4 , // 1 1 1 •8 40'
ed. *" # 43/4 0` , 4
f° ! PM .
1#4 1 M, K , 1 4 44 4 P,AerikW
I ; ) .
..f vr e a t us i l a yor s ylivisiv c
' 4114. 61 ° W a l # n ii ire; li fk a gt 4 0 li
tailt l ingiit isMOSS4 the ResnthliCaiti.--
The, ',Ruler deuta n d, 'for , convieticiii
doesinot Ik:eta to have been Almoner I
ed or abated by the, events ofilon
dq." Softie- tonnes coneudell for
acqtfital,atte Ow cardidently quoted
skattestit ini one or tiei'artleles"—
Pilvitte alipitabei 'from the States
Mirth, South, and West iepresent an
upristnir of the Republicans like that
willeb succeeded the &Oil. upon
Sumter i and settatoce ttti) appeided
W * their constituents to standgrui
to fhe bust 06, 3 e thing is most cheer
inilln the midst of what threatened
to tie a fatal defection ; the heart of
the Itepublitan party beau strong
and'higl, and there is .41 universal
determmation not to lower the fl,
1104 rpm ii'n' to iicb:s7 under` }.
tt quering is:Hindi of grant and Lib=
.t; •,_ ~, ,"rr ,+- , 1 . .
1 : - s ' l'' / ' o4lll Rl li x _.
_Y , 4 11 ; 4 4 68 .
fittuit§l l l ll,4 B 011nit 11 067400111001.4
Ut•Abegir* 1/ 0 0t - alkkprOoeo4o4 AD
theeDasidiM4* girtheAlpeDoluDati
champ. , The, galieriii . wemekowded
with Ibe -sPeestprior ~o nd pnilooken
wax. elatieeed, intt he Afielwelig isenre
nide& t After ' the prattling et the
Anima au order wakedepto4 &reek
mg that the wok be, taken_ on the
*With stiletto ire& A :waftt elm
polerndwthet ,thek, i SetrateLproosedr
elenedieielY WI vete ea4Waartielea
Oa agrella Wit' ,Tbe ,Cidef Jostle.
15144 and adennththed ,I.Lkot apeetatore
le ergotism with:the orderadopted.
pre ektealb waraeg , them. that Ow
tut& 'gleam wee f retieltetl , 04 , tbeig
Rnirdoriagi the proomilingii. , She:
`Omsk *VAC woe 3bea read and'
'the tall calle)d i Senatersisirogiatheir
seLlted artneetteleg Ibeir.seter.=
.voto isteo4 Ammtaziptimearte foe
l aut 1 o.: f r * fer e the re lree
; 4 0 4 / I Med . Aoiftwoua
adieere3o 'Reeeilegi , Oa Siltit but—.
UAW Jassieeilleobiotibcamo
sto•be inaci.ozoinr, ileanaelk tclika,
tiatliqrso ,beiag 0164 iamiiiieththir
v 8 1 14440 onaainnee:liTion mask
ptthe-vala *au:Akientsenniabeic
,Wel 4 inainei4ochkeila theTrmarioles*
Ithquitted , wiht4 , *levonith mita .
Mgt matimatte tglitterta le 10*f'
"was ranewedi no& sbe, Oder Jodi
4abied throCattimatiou ~thietti, ebterth.
*speated TAlate 104,-olt I ofxteiler
Wove* Statola iimitviatiot
to jorevionljOrdiert S 4, vote rO2
• 1 111 4elenzni igapialbthes* as Appeal
froth this. decisil
Chief Justice
nays 110, thus
adjourn rover
amendments wei
ed, and the mots
yeas 119; nays
ass Court for
went, was dr
ten daya And
cleared of gloom
in the most 046
, The Republican Central Com.
durimits dcn
1868, passed !mini Ili itifollowl
ing prpigtilthriolid 1m44
Wilding, The Jig* of -thO
RemihlicanStat9 IttokAiMalittee
are convn_ that Andrew
, Johisdivis gdWierigh gem&
and misdeiun which he
staudgchailer , f the impeisehl
meat coat - atmorthimmi
with the larne•dff 4 the. qmantrYF -`aid I
that thealaiminglitate = of itlfalte as
they noirsgegn)toreliiiM:gt Washing-,
towlemands the. pregslongt opinion'
on the part of me Of all parties who
have theirelfgre t -if their country at
hi theilifc to d'
ipa rt & _ Afore Frp _ 4 4
- ltelibbtea l ThatlibfOundly fmtirelis•
ed with the Soler:kitty. 'of thiiestui at
'Wiatifngtdii 'lietiOdeis lOmtitOttt
and anirehy,iinliMited uenrpiktionAnd
theaapie Mai' of heti *e fiat relklet
the 'inanition& 401. etineit , &tilde.
tions of the faithful people o 1 t'emp,'
"iiiiiiniti,ln7;detntingng the esinviotion
of Andrew' Johnson upon thq grave 1
chaigeis Offered:against' bi*by the
people of: the ',ziation, thro,tigh their
"ReinVilertitittieti;'believing that there
i t
can be no peace inil safetyno respect
la* lin a 1 ige 'portion of
Union,' while' t e - apostate . neniper
remains in the , residential office. ,
of 'the committee
W. Monett ely,_of
Ind 'J. R. McAfee, 'of
Thdt ehaf
appointed Getir
14.7 s 6i - Als - i:bs V.' Tiisss.4t is
our Aiiittird.ty this morning to
announce the death of Heorge T.
Thorn, Esq., 1: to ir tnetnter of the
imgistatore --- mr — thir — lPetirteerith i
District ,gf, Pliiindelphia,%Fhich took I
place on BitaidaY night "at his resi- . 1
'deuce in thew it :i h Aistiz Ward.. He
ur sia• taken .:1 ; i
*iM elotibtufionlii on
Tuesday last, proved fatah as
'w have'stste . ,* - ' ' ' '
- - I; Mr. ThoriVeotus 6 printer by profes•
' Mon,' at which' he werked'Aintil 1849,
whom be was elected - a - member of the.
State tegislatare. ' SnbieqUently he
.servivcas chief clerk to Mayor Con
rad:, Gov Certin 'appointed him on
his: first emulsion to offibe as Harbor
r Afaster,'.whith'position he held until
the'clesd- or 'the Governor's second
`term. !"iv 1807 he wits. elected to
' , refitment - Hie Feiuteenth Legislative
Diflilliet • lituird. . ` ' '''
Nan, o l4nerbAcautado.
AP - peak, VD - be tecilied *Pen %e.Poon4
ateilmilWwWW:Dirittlagiasst ht. aie.wy.'on
TRIMIDAT.MaiI ailatittat4.-A , o'ciactr, p.
Lot the Wilding and eocapW.ins a *Age
after tenandit Creek. near Mt thee •
heating for the aline may bears at that
of C. D. Efolecoatt and at the: Cemmindenna
- • MEOW' WW2.
• J. 4. AIQQDIrr
0, me. comai'ra.
't lta
111Qtail,DGg La- I —Seiled- pro
poe win be feeettf.4. at .Ib . Immo. of
lateen Colston two', be FRIDAY, JUNE
11,1868, tfi 2 'Othill6 p ; ati:fai the lighting
yd l • of a r *NO in* Tommie
excel: Sid . ftwineations iv. be
'Men shir" the slime it b - OMbe of (Mertes Stock -
"04 sad at the Ciattatedosees Vete..
wm: B. DOME,
.Ml9-- . .1 2 , 1868 i c+o33llta.
. .
rtRIDGE) LETTINq =Seated
-AA ,pesals Till be ineitmsa at the'hem' el J.
A...& - 1 5eeneh W Tamara ua Aro until ot•
elookip m.; on TUESDAY SVNtI 9,1868. for
the Undkig endteispletlng 'ef: a flikke acting
_ThocaroesUieli. heir ;•satt , freasey'e. , T aped&
gations aut a be meentt the min 9f skid Ewer's
tad atibb tmal'idotteelOtim
, • ? =mum Kam
T ItOODY, ‘,
430m11.0111ee, kif ' Comm'nr.
' ll lllllGri - ritrriNCl:-4calid:
to • • , • • P
poeala klll . `be received tbo School
Ileum beat *rev . . Weiston'eln Monroe Iwo.; un
tit VI) 'clock .p m on WSDISMPDAY. , JUN* 3;
lEigifor. the addles, .and completing of:
brldie aerate Mill - atone Creek, near mdd NA.
tepeidetations for ' , Mgr name may be
seen at tbe louse of .130ciamin Northrup and
`Commbialoner'i office.
•": f .. , - . 7704 B. 11001p5,-
Oiisb'rabiffetiMiy 4 loiipla t ?P D.Y e t ivaa ' e.
,1141DGE .1.01146:1ed '14 : 4?.,
- ...LPii_e.iils iiltbi receive T open tile . _ grona
WNW the book! Of ILtillard 'ChapelWild ja 'Fmk-
o r*
Us, oat It 0 ' at, on7EURBDAY JUNE
I, 11W6. ter e 's' Null egspietlas g
WINN Inver IW - trori,h •tactir of' Telma&
near. tipLtai: , -• Ellptitititloiti lotthe
i t
Nue lily. Is a sktlyt.statost z ir.B. talkie"
ea at MeV° eileekmet Qkice. ,
, ,manor a
.1 , - :-.:.. '.• •.. : - “. 11,111.1L - 1101:10E, ,:,
. J-A—mopirt., . ,
''-:citiittEiofit ';')liiris, IR6B. Itlonnil'ire. '
1 9
TOE 1 101. I—The -ettbeeribin-
JL, eeismenee: maxim KIP MAGOllatont,
fluilhst of l[ m s d. will d'elwer Ice to .eeeter
aloe of Use g rateie't
&petal, • dayle - eada.peimieek.-
10_ . 1 4 AO . •• .? • •
in (titan efthe abOve 'pp tOSO peanut pdi
Any, i 0 watt fk !Weis alba
P: Pal per .: fiendreits Payeble Eatne.
7- fide'Ret inelndee retail; • ensto - meta tot the
moon h Chentanne ibonbi- be :inadelif.tbe Ist
of NUJ Pres (*Milting Xor Icalean
menu tebe It it Le 'filet patronage
of thapublielieNdielt
v, • , • •
`rain/4i;, Jogs, ADAus. ,
- 11, • ,.. The- 011 1denlitillithsve this day famed a
lac LbAtbe known as the San, of IU
affirIIFULLZEI_ , tot : the wow of: cart] i
otuthe sly* Aisinetis: • Hanka '; isititligitsd
rtsPaittiftte•talr4l4 'APIA . WOrk;14411104;
ditilpa bh ,
- t• • ~::;,i ii
i••• ;.L. ,k ;:, an I l ium ~ i ,:f
I:, - : ihniiitirwtiasa., :., 1868, _. ••••: - , , , •_. ,• i 1 -
r ,3..4.
...,-,. ”ierompio **EL ..-i.
Tins listing prestoVs miss Stem . '
Flout .at &heavy , ,-outlay on thosiin s
the ol d` et* Ili StandistlginSiierothishiii
:voilithifistir thitliespie or litsolfotdzOnalV
Clit tl ail l itichfss i Ti Cratrostt=
Their la*bee ell tlia siederalaproNeadtatei
bllfpl.wottmea fiat
.oda at the
lltuf 7.lterdaaget,
laellteld Vertu
-Tho74egi s tegaltesolteit the patronage otthe%
publlt, ng thiniselves, tit tender peiTe4.
dßfdao taelataere. aka' eaU. •
: air w*WillialeP Gat band at al times, Flour
dad Feed,•ahojsaalelal, Moltt !owed 9 10 k
~' OD • -
tsi: each
prioapabl.fot.l3ada. • !•,
Y.ftaalai Altase, tee ,t6,1081;-.1m; :•
• A Ai
1.1,) -- , :il i Y-r , ,,, , -:i,,,,,).i , r) ~1 - 1,.. ii. , : .,
<.- P .4 13 1 , 1 f11T.4 14- °!. A riz* SX .A !i n , --
' -Thi Drake! Asslre: . .te -eaii` MO atiestiews&
;the Vei l WAtals l it t 14 ' 19614 "
' l4l. 44.
giel lid, ir looted:on WA.; ey,
ewitsbiles .Abittaten.seies , dfi hit
k5 ll , I V tat it A i l ef i s , fetra
a tbei cded.tridaole
t at istos
i tate a In fee,. and,, tbajand,
a dona i retl, for r,be. pupate. there ria'nll7.
*torapira*SibutOd tere,Treatees irk' etratone,
be r tn d ort 3 nen til tVii i nTbesia -
we: 1.:1 -J £ ,•I:tli_.t . , . ,_,-: , ..:I , J - 4,4 e
L _._ :^teq-litli 4 0 P 11114 .0 1 P 1 *i0. W -
I WairiTtliWZlalran iiigarga
1 '
1 ge wm ° el
i I 'eat
i ii i iit li te4: 3 lr
i A aba
v S t rec
210 i f
tteti c t t e
ii l
!f-e# Ra o:4' 11;1
Athena, Itay 11, 1868. ' -.3 , , 1 , . L.: 'i.i9 .t. 4 - 3 -.: !II
OLZSA - 14 011,00E81-
. •
. S. ittr. & CO.
113; Kam Ormuz
TO SegiNDA- t
41160.iiditalf&O, ria&ttlfaited3Y
the semen which has thus far, at;
tendeditiii - rra
very liberal piii.cibige they have ie.;
theli iitateiieiffe
advantage ottlie y . years' eltrierience;
toliatber with ti bcneflt ot. ,their
grestly - increased facilities for doing
Thai teeP eaaa4t. lo 7 'au Wall a
very Urge and amplete 'eseortnent
of everything in: their line, and .are :_
daily reeehilli `tincit: additions to
their stock as the' wants of their
bade. requires
They have now is stem Bogart
Syrup, Ifolasses, - Coffee, "Rice; To
tisceo,, 'VIA, 'Silt, 'Cheese,
Crackers, Csudy; Matches. Swum-,
Wrapping - Patter,. tukd Twine, Flour
Becks, Seeds, and a great variety of
other goods, which have been recent
ly height at . the lowait polo( in the
riar:ket; ; ani are °fired
at rates to correspond.
They deetni
tion to thelz_, large , stock of Fine,
Teas, which they are selling at New
. York 4151441' fricesi-linFantecifig
the qatility. in. all .-aseelii.
aim on hand &good used
ines4 of Pony, .Pur4, au4. Kerosene
'Puy43lM "ouutii►uo to . hitie the
betiefit,ot resia6ut:Ptriner iu New
York, yrho issmostantly in tine market
and prepai4 to torsi Jo ,our.aAvin
tage ani,Eavcirable. ehauges in the
price . of goods
7034 . MEMII3, mzuctur, & co
- •
11Ay.12, 1868. •
AuL. jj TO E I
Deitiivide ,Assortment 000(18
Is now livink.npenel at 'lb,. .11.1ove itnni,
Jr4tlfiNG, ,TItTED' Ti= . BOOMS
‘,. • • .•
G ~A , , - R ;- 1 7- - ,:m
Wtwkw,Shades & friXhir4sl
QR o 3r. me. - xe. -Yr
Etr 10 : 110 MN rATZCZ* O FOB mg
• • goodeirilU be sold at a
,SMALL:NiVT.I7 7 7,
;9 01 . 14 AP P 1,401., 4 01. THEIR. PiTERWr,
: • a'? t , • , :
At ON 'ir Ai.-N•347 E
T,O lattito L - $ - " Tr MAY' ci*.
.6113111. via ta , madam us
Owiluer et the NM* for Aspirate of ABM
MILD IMOU111111(Worrber was am Wed oil
isresgailliellayammintthe Criminal Court,
bald is Tomandsilialidlied Ommal E
i nk, in ISM and aentslend la Ansii= l Jar
o tr , ,malll
i ng d i kran
drew: )
TilCildatiwal be,
mas.ms4Moi:i Priothg."l6-
ilomil.PaoPurt ,43 , Truck _Firt..2 ot
rrea &au iminolle.orraissicillo
wooposwilov. 116,14474. •
vtston notrsx
A large and very
They knee not hennotpirc kept
Moire 14
. 14e. pu.44ao
May be joozd
- irozikit ceso4 to 's2 per yard. of
mniry drscripUop
Just imported
*bid '1118121t1,1868:
Aire tit)ir
zgesasUy, krow.tos
T Br v.1).1.84.-Lits.Y
P47 . :11548154tr-ii "7t.. •
.114E21. .
4iperity . S
•?2=1.46-fr.r::',l": =
- f ri ade
AVrigg---Anffpol,4lelner A
C-; ,p, •,-,"
'I : A*LOR. & co.'s
. r• •
piicet With to the reach Wall.
,a g w' •
..~ .~~
' .~ ~.
DIZPASS .8-Imars
2010k17aristy in all the new styles
. .
cli 0271 S 4 1) : C A & 4 11011 ° 11,0 t 9' ?
L(ttal Styles Hatpavi: .)atpsf.
"~ .:.
g I=4
Misses & -OMNI'S, Shoes
- tifihgt - i - .; :".-:::-: .'.. 1 '';" - i*A - A7:#.p. - AorußE
tad in all styles.
To our large ift - dat -61"
C . -A. - - 'T, S
M A.T. N ( 1 fS
O( which
1 1 1 4
. • ...
All the New. Styles in
H-ft`' S .K 1:1? 7 S !
The CllebM~
p: j pA:. I3I~SRT..
, .
Ant, ,White : Skirts !
Riga ' No RiiCl
.yi-,-: iqlTi.l-..:- . ,, , ,
', - /i./CH & 4 , 77./i''.t4 CT/VA
e; ,
` 4 163:011 co.
1 Towandi, May 4 - , 1864.1.
. g- .
`M '
,~. 1
0-- 4 4