Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 07, 1868, Image 3

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V ir i 6 iia ' V:V#- 61 PA ' affreeridM
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%`: '• '' -,`• . Wang Si'=•••••.....
—.-- • ! JAL& f ki lM=
' = 11" 11=ir . ` Apell Si len. I
Door Immlogs. se.
Rs . .
, 1 . 7,t : / SR. P... 111 14 LF I AN I C II .T P '
=ll4lf a lnAllep a tille m /4 1
Ilip bIiI*WSWIIWW " _ 8111 1 41 / 4
Moans aase saseeableesil Ole
Web best la us. . Wbsel Bakes mg Co
4 161 D41=1.*Watrirdila wfaff wi ll
tbdilsfelllpat , 'lls s
Woes, durable sal desirable, 4or 4i - fet. ,
zarldial ll 6 P"isteplo , •POWfis,boiruit'
~... ~..!.,...:. ~.1,-,,,;3.,,,, ?...,:,..,:-., 1
fO'itArilq.g V's,7'" - I
itanniireirift #4,,tkliii 114 len
f Tbt Pass. =t sad s=a Pus , a
ileierlptlon 01 Zs Ware. Flour 4
OkreaV e MßlWlllW a lnuleies
Fjay Flyenl.
Fieldßolters LA Mau Boyers Kualshod to
oaks at lowiat rail* Wm. - -
-. ALSO—Dent Blislarep Notttelsi Ilieblies,
Cutting Boxes. - S. N. DBONEDN.
Orwell, Feb. 20, 1868.
Locr. 14irp,fiAtivEluz.
TowlttbeChOltail DisterollY.---ndigitd
ioweli.—llev.. Bonsai Dimmer, Pastor.
Tixesohing, 19andays it 104 a. x., and 71
r. ac Sunday School, ),Ai P. Kr Preyer .
Meeting every' Thursday evening.
B. Chtereh.—Meir. J. T. ThioNileitl, Pea
tor. eVeryikreday at .10j a.m.
and 74 r. School, 14 r. u.
payer MeetingitrelyThursday evening.
_G r earCh.=-Rev.- Wm. - MUM,
r. - - "resehing every Sunday et 104
timd-7 • Sunday Beb.llP.X.
Prayer Meeting Thursday evenings.
Munk—Rev. F. D. Hoemnes, Pas.
tor. PreaeNng every Sunday at 10} A.m.
and 3r. m. Sunday School, 14 P. M.
TINE TABLE.—The following is the
'Time Table of the PrninsyWank end New
York Geoid and Ball /load Company ) , Sikh
took effect on Wednesday, tan. 1st: 1 1868 :
• : • • . 11
/ 1 1 P. M. A. M.
...0.25 - 12:30. ....9.1X)
...6:55 12:50...:.90
...1;15 1.05-
-720 120 9:50
• NCOCNWAND. -er ...
' L. M. A. M. P. M.
WAVERLY 810. ...11:46 5:10
ATHEIDI ....7:55 11:30 • 455
Wiwi .7:40 11:16 F 4.40
..... 725 1100 4125
TOWANDA .'..700 1016 400
A. M. L. M. P. M.
JOHN P. 00X. Superintamknk
Fuss.—A house owned by Mr. Geo.
Chapman, of Tioga Centre, K. Y., was con
gained by fire on the night of the With alt.
It was insured for 8 1 , 5 00- -
Burnotaas.—Tiso Owego Times says
that the residence of Hay . . W. H. King, of
coat village, was entered by burglars, eel
ucsday night of last week, and the lower
floor pretty thoroughly gone through. They
succeeded, however, in getting but $l6. The
residences of R. J. Johnson and Geo. Smith
were entered the same night.
MONTANYES, in , order to keep up with
the times, and the Spirit of improvement in
town, have refitted their store, from cellar
to garret. They have fixed up the second
floor as a sales room for Carpets, Crockery,
Boots and Shoes, &c., and have filled the
whole with -a•new and largo stock of very
desirable goods.
JAlnts DEraaurrn, who was
convicted at January sessions, of the mur
der of Dr. Durkin, and granted a new trial,
was again arraigned at Wilkesßarre, last
-week and another jury rempsnrieled. No
prosecutor appearing, the jury under the
direction of the Court acquitted the pris
StrAa'attempt was made on Sat
urday night of last week to burn the Court
House at IM:tam:mock. The contents of a
bottle of kerosene were scattered on the
• hemp matting, and on the inside of the
doors, and then the match was applied. For
some reason the fire 'went out. About two
feet square of the matting was destroyed,
and a portion of the door and sill charred.
BURSED.—WC learn froth the Troy
lirszctte, that - the shingle mill about a mile
vast of West Burlington, belonging to James
Hosley, together with a quantity of shingles
and timber belonging to himself and other
parties, was burned on Wednesday of last
week. Fire had been used in the early part
of the day to burn refuse, and some linger
ing spark probably set fire to the mill. Loss
$5OO. on. which tbere was no insurance.
Accuivq.—On ' Tuesday evening,
21, - Clayton Blackwell, son of Enoch
Blackwell, (formerly of Burlington,) while
standing near the shingle machine in Bail
ey's mill, at Mansfield, was caught by the
saw and had his arm so mangled as to ne
ecssitatc amputation. The operation was
,performed by Dr. Eagle, assisted by Drs.
Elliot and Cole. Clayton is a lad of 17, of
eicellsat habits, and highly esteemed. 119
.48 doing wpll.
BURNED DowN.—Tbe steam ' saw
mill of Mr. SUTTON, three miles east of
New Milford, on the Brumitehanna pike,
was burned to the ground on Monday night.
The engine room was the last part to burn,
One of 'the workmen was through the build
ing an hour and a-half before the fire en
veloped the whole building, and reported
everything safe. It is thonght,accordingly,
that it was fired by an incendiary. . Loss
at least 55,000.
tom- Quite a serious accident oc
curred at the steam mill of Peter IT. , Bogart,
some eight miles -up Shepard's Creek on
Thursday of last week. Joseph Bogart in
.ttetapting to,tighten the guide while the
saw was in motion, got his hand caught
in the saw, severing near the second joint,
the thumb and fore finger of his light hale;
Dr. Win. E. Johnson was called, arid dress
ed the wounds, and the patient at last ac
counts was doing well. Circular saws
-chile in motion are dangerous tools, and
tuo much care in their management cannot
tse,-takeia;— Waverly Advocate.
Ole- The first frame building erect
ed in Bradford County, is the barn of Geo.
C. Gore, in Sheshequin. It was built by
his grandfather Judge Gore, in the summer
of 1786, being now 82 years old. During
the heavy snow ',storm the first of. April,
the roof was eruilled in. under .the great
weight. The hous6 now occupied by -Geo.
c. Gore was built only five years later,
- "consequently it is 77 years old. It is now
undergoing extensive repairs. From the ;
room occupied by the chimney a spacious
Mill is made. One room Mr. Gore leaves
as it wris when first built, as a relic of for
mer days and a reminder of how the old
house-looked when the surrounding coon
. try was a wilderness. Such relics of olden
times are fast passing away.—Wircerig Ad
—CoL Jon 11. TAGGLIM, corresponding
secretary, sends us the following for pnbli-
The second annual meeting of the As
sociation will be held at Pittsburg, May 30,
on which occasion a full attendance of all
surviving members of the "Old Corps,"
who,can make it convenient to attend is
earnestly desired. All who intend to par
ticipate will please notify Major Jour; C.
Baum, recording secretary. of the Associa
tion, at the office of the Pittsburg and
Connell/Mlle railroad company, 'Pittsburg,
Pa., before May 15th.
The Committee of Arrangements ap-
Ninted at the last celebration will select
the place of meeting in Pittsburg. A hand
some badge, to be worn by the members,
will be presented for adoption.
Let every man who can, come be there to
spend a few hours in social intercourse
with his old comrades in arms. It is ex
pected a eulogy will be• i delivered on the
late Major-General McCaw.
1156. The late Hon. font( MAGEE left
by his will the bulk of his vast real and
personal estate, consisting principally of the-
Fall Coal Company, to his four childrect:—
In addition he Made special trusts giving
.530,000 to the American Bible Society; $3O,
000 to the American Tract Society, $lO,OOO
to the poor of the town of Watkins, N. Ir.;.
in which h n and so long resided, besides in
creasing his gift to the Presbyterian church
- the village to $60,000:
/ht Tilatr" hl : 11`614 -77r on l etatik :k
belanitki. , t o. l 262 .
West Ball took ,
were away from-Mine. Ayouggirl, Shoat
16 years old, and sh „mut ohildrmr:vt*:,
asleep in the shanty -at' the triti. ThV icirk
salied two* of the 'Allan, and -mamma
for the others was herself attlfoestedst4
perished with.the ogrr four,
" Tun iam.axs .. " for "May, prune_ l ain
an attract's° - Table' of ContradM "Thal
Black 'Bess," by Harrfat Preimitt:lipoifer:d i
"Our Mlllinithei," WA', W.; ." 11 0 04 riiuni
pet Smith," by Chas. Dawson Shanly ; 14101 1
sonalism," by Walt Whitiriaril " Who Shad.
ini i
ow oh the Will r “Soldiei ilta en ',l
" Beeadale," by liMion lend ; 4 ords
and their US*" . by ilickaid Grant to I
4 . Pis° Years in Japan," by D. 8. - 48inunons{
aro all deeply interesting. The Galaxy h;
laiger than the other,Monthlies, and is fine}
ly illustrated. Its pike is only, 44 per yea*
and it is worth Woe that sum.- Published
by Sheldon ik Co., 498 and OW troadwroi
New York. •
DEoE...usu.—The Elmira :elefvertiv4
comes to ne draped. in the eistimittrytigrup
of mourning, for the death of one of Alf tdo
itars and proprietors who flea on 'haunt
last, at Port 'Terris, from injuries Teeth .
in the late railroad accident nearthat - ilioel,
Mr. FA111311103 injuries though severe, Vnrie•
not deemed necessarily, fatal, 'and hopei
were entertained of his recovery until 16
short time before his death. By ids tal.
`timely death, the fraternity is deprived of
worthy member. The family aid Ilion"
have our sincerest condolerireats -sad our
heartiest sympathies in their aftliction,...
Mir The North Branch Canal open
ed on the let of May. The Obenango Ci
nal opened on Monday last. The Junction
will bo ready in about ten days.
;Mir Quite 'a party of Eloiiriani
contemplate visiting Europe in dirne.4
Among theca are Daniel Pratt alia
Mrs. D. R. Pratt and others.
i- We are in the receipt, alinot4
every week, of long obituary notices, which
are sent without the pay, although our puti,.
lished terms are plain enough, and ate
strictly adhered to. We think any obituary
notice in very bad taste, and at beat ovdr
ten lines is a superfluity. We publish the
'announcement of a death gratis, but all bi
yond that must be paid for, before insertion.
Jecoss - , of the Temple of Fashimi,
is now receiving "his .stock of Spring and
Summer Clothireg, which - he proposes to
sell at a very small profit. The public ore
respectfully invited to call and examine the
goods and learn his prices.
CHAIIBERLAIN 1168 knit • ItCeiVC4
loge and superb aasortmeni oi Plated Ware
Jewelry, ttz., which will be sold at the lo*
est cash prices.
WY` We aro pleased to learn th t
the report that Pia. J. G. - TOWNER wis
dead, is not true. He has been laboring
under a severe attack of infiainatory rhen
matism,.in Fulton, Miss., - from which he 6
recovering, and is noon expected home.
opened a new Restaurant in the basemtt
of Mzncrun's new block, fronting the .Pab
Square. He is the first to open in the noiw •
block, and has a commodious and finely fin
ished establishment. It is • not • necessary
for us to say that those dealing with him
may be certain of procuring the best,pf cie
rything in his line—bo th bibable and. eata
ble—as his well knjlwn reprin monies .
se. We are assured uponi
authority that the repairslo the Horse Race
dam, have been so fur completed that rats
can be safely passed through the shute l t —
This will bo welcome news tu d , lumbermen
who have been delayed in " going downthe
river," by the impossibility 4: l f passing the
i Court commenced on Monday
last. The attendance has been unistutily
small, and we believe the business in Court
very light. We shall next week give the
usual report of business transacted. •
We would remind our subscribe i rs,
that the printed idipsontaining their n*es,
contains also, the date at which their Bid).
scription expires. They thus have titOly
notice to renew their subscription.
Slir The Fair now open in this
place on Pine street for the benefit of ihe
new Catholic Church, now being erectedion
the corner of Third and Lombard streets ,
will be concluded on Thursday evening,
May 7th. We areglad to see this most hind
able object so liberally patronized by 'the.
warm earnest zeal of the kind and generbus
people of. Towanda and vicinity. No liner
sign of the advairenient and prosperity of
our town could be exhibited than this Self
sacrificing, but cheerful effort to build a
Church to the honor and glory of the living
God. Truly, great is the reward Divinely
promised to the cheerful giver,. even that of
a hundred fold in thii life, bat incomiiira•
bly greater is the reward in the life to ctune
beyond the gmlie.
Rev. ALLEN T. TnoursoN,: of
Binghamton, N. Y., will lecture on Temper
ance, at - the Court House, Monday evening
next. 5:-
We have no personal acquaintance with
Air. T:, but wherever he has been, be is
spoken of as being a most eloquent land
u l zr
powerful advvoate of the temperance se.
Having himiftlf experienced the sad e epts
of the foul domed, intemperance, ho • ; -
ticularly fitted to discuss the great quettiok
We believe it is also the intention ofi'll.r.
T. to address the Sunday School haven
on this all important subject, on Sandal af
ternoon, provided suitable arrangerdenla
can bo made for getting all the echo* to
gether. ' ' I
TOWANDA MARKETS.— Wholesale Prices
Corrected every Tuesday by Brum/fres,
Cowlum, Grocers, 51 Main Street:—_ i .
Beans 200 3 74 OO
Butter (rolls) 30 i 35
(407) 35 1 38
Eggs - . 16
Potatoes. - 11 00
Hay (f)er ii;iir 15 00 ® 16,00.
Salt (per bbL) ' 2 . 25
Flour XX 12 00 16 00
Ham 16 118
Turkeys 16 ' ' 18
Geese i 12
Bunke 14 a - 1G
Chickens 12 --! 14
%sours or Gaus.—Wheat, 601bs; Corn, -
56114; Bye, 56 lbs ; Oats, 32 lbs ; Risley,
46 lbs ; Buckwheat, 48 Ibt; Beane, 62 lbs ;
Bran, 20 rbs; Clover Seed 62 hts; Dried Ap•
pies, 22 The; Fha Seed 561bs. 1
:II 1 B -
BattoL—ln-PBos, on the 2d day of
1868. Thomas Brink, in the- 70th 'year of
kin. Bantle w a s boa' in Shcslaxioh4ol
- County. dune Bth, and - bailie to
Pike in his boyhood. Hence he .18 one
the old and much respected seeihnni He
was industrious, fmgaL and genera* RIB
okelog duza gave good evidence that ha was
thouip(Wpid lee trust, not irludly,unpre.,
pieaties. future. He died in the#iditt
of/respected Simi* eitelerjA
Onitaid Meat Peace to his nionatui
pkesi oopi. I
.1210 RIM ,
_f7)PL_ ~11
:We this -Week- present ?Amy ii4,-
-0 " ' rt, "‘-'
Poet h a s
the ad' ' itrAtigiriilli* to - '"
141, 41, iitluia•coh068 knisk
;04.:...: , •; - :T0i44.4.4.1014,14114"
140 - 4, Z.:,l4oo;c::444,*ltiiti
meal . 011 0ot - 101 I natollir
to the eirreut Egio4ocrilieuglee,..
had . . • ;Ye - a *tun 004,1118/, 'Pi . :
ind . '" '. le' itecominodiiiithe it '
og' , lINT7 I
tieing w' .4
.li44t - i,iiiiiiimtolii , iol l
at the. .‘;: , linukonible,riii to justiee
to onr.r. . , ni, : in tluk-,,ri of i*
coriten . ~.F os . some. Menthe, We
haTebe.4 pied
haire ' : pied too inueli"ei . tlieeprite
we ae3 tit fo r r e Olit irditi,.ai..
o i
tam*, tiirilio Seruptt* y.rekqed .
to publildi all those.netibelonging
esPeoW to ',the 1'ht,14483, of the
town and' Coun t y . ' W"abilfiblv
have sai i respate fer ratfirthiehienti,
and at e same time t44i've the iii
riety and freshness to our !Amine,
demanded. by the num*, andintel
ligence Of air readers,4nd the siiie
and imwirtrinocf of the. County.
Alth nearly denbilit, the gee
noof - the aper,, advance will tie
i ri
made • the ~price, but it 'will*
kfurmshed at previous rites. We
Ida cofitinue-:to, adhere,. as far Is
possible, to our , system ; . of advance
pagme* the only 'one by which e
paper eiln be *lke tataperOne. j
- 'Oh quilt . iiait Prillt. Mit di' ithe
largest ' .klUr7 Palen* the B ,stP
=Ail , . . . it, the Cheap:St - Paper in
the Commonweal* . ,
To tlTEiipaiblieans _o`f Bradford,
who ha l e' in: the pint, generously
sustained Tim RIPORTSIt, We look
with coOdentie itorcollti#lted patron
age en' approbation in 1 the-fhture...
We a ewn
the eve , of ri great eon
teet---aut of whieh:we are to emerge
vietorions, but not without the strict
est vigilante' -to the hiirdest work.
We arenot to achieve success with
out an effort. Even the great name
of GRANT, popular as it is, will not
command triumph, without stabile,
persisteht labor. One, of the best
Weapormi to be
_used, ia the Press.
And we believe ,that nh- paper has
so powerful an influence, as a well
conducted local. joujnal. Our ene
mies air already making use of this
auxiliary, and are sending their pa
pers into every
In the coming e anvaip we propose
to do yeoman's servie,e. The prin
ciples for which we have contended
for years, thiough many a hard
foughticampaign, aro males:3 at is
sue noiv, than wheia the rallying,cry_
was - Fee Soil, and,. Free Speech.- 1
With thy nominations 'at Chicago, '
we wil i l commence 'furnishing Tits
Its PORTER for the campaign, until
the November election shall witness
the election of G 11420, and the suc;.,
doss—?we trust, the final success—
of Republican principles.
We l'will furnish Tys RePoirrett,
to clubs, and for the Campaign as'
follow e:— . '
Sint Copies, one year, - $ 2,00
Ten ppiei, a a 15,00 ,
(and ar e will send lint. REpownts
gratis to the person who sends us
the r club.)
Campaign subscribers, frotn June I,'
to December 1, (six months) not '
_ less! than 10 copies , sent to one
address, •
at seventy-five cents each:
Thoisolof 'eur friends ' who are de
sirousl of aiding in extending the
circulatioD" and usefulness of Tux
RxrolyriiLare requested to do .so
witho4t ...further notice. ,Wo shall
not foiwrird subscription papers to
any s office, and we trust that no
one will wait to receive them, but
proceed at once to procure clubs.—
, We' hereby appoint :6437 Republi
can ail agent to get up clubs.
April; 30;
pROF. 0..5. }'OWLIR,
(Poitmrly of Naw•Tott isblr of Boston,)
1 ) ..1"1.1R.M N - 01-3CDC4 : Y
Applied, to Id °Medi/1,14u catsup; ac.;
• i'ree THURSDAY, if AY 7, 1868. I
FIiIDA4,-Love. Selection, Sour tship andlWar
ried Lire. Seats 23 cents. ;
SA TUL I EDAY, at 2:3 - p,siti , to ' LADIES, Free.
; ~ ,• .
SATtiIID AY EVENINU, !to Gmitlemen only.
on lihnhood, and its improvement,lllastrate‘
by alinropriate models. , Boats 50 oenti. '
r • •
Ph i re n riogical Examilnations and Charts, siith
full rt es out opinions aotadvicte as to ealth
b e at b Mess adaptation ,Marrying and ounia
.ltng children, daily till - andel, only, May ll,'
Il e
at the liCard - Howe. ;=
Impirove this. ly chart to learn all about
yourself and childrei from this greatest living
Phrenologist 1171 r or never. •
April 23,1 868. 1
" ° 37
- 00
1 1 37
'1 90
, A I‘, 4PINI _ OF ." GOODS
"Tomb It tor the Holidays, be loated
At Fri* Varaltore Stott.
buygisolffirCheep Btvit.
__,...,..,.....„.„ ....
...„,„..,.,....,.... ...,.,.,....,;„, •
ffli" . 1 . ,
..,,-• .
_,* • • • 'i!dholis dim -
roots " and dirden.: . Anis by, letter 10
8 1 / 1 0,- 3 SII.WA. I I* - Fitikt)lisalt
. A.PAttimapiii,losiiiro*oistili: •
The best end ,rnoef Suggs ilti b rii :"
, . ette , • . ttiibitilalka
— 1"94 1 4 1 14-isOlvlmousehMtote sot,
a r n sr m pi i =tubl ne o r :fll Mittr=4 2 ± m l i " ir '
toldtehen;in Ike S akti V
fli Wad 0 OOPS laliti V ~ - A .O - `i'-'7 . 7..
' thettlr nimble fai iffe - nerat DAD*
& Bump Znrdware lhan,:Tcresnda.',
Tanuship_lll4Ata bridle 'WWII. Durand,
1. 1 P 1 #.4!.'.... 911.4) 1 j-iTiAIi4OL i
ot g ood cb r a c tois Alamo, to ina.
Gan heir - at . Inticluiier - addresidng D.
4;AcATßl44 l :4 l , l ,sl4l*demua•
Ar, pi. . . Nay 7., 1868. 7 4t1d. =
Largestookotearaita net
nathva Oat
Diotlinuiriof the 8V1A...
~ Mastastek 04)
OLIN.Pie 40E4 d g e 0
A For Bale Alto 'ctf.
• &Oa
`ice - alisaitionit Wielqi
DOOkl. in file at tba bookitortot
' Onossa,
Mir" 4 11 the Newt Toth Deilrato
WeedyßT.=•for sale at Claus & Co's.
1 "All the Jllte4rlgtett rapfte fo
Nab at WM fLos'ia s
I Pdi 4 41.1 6 . .
Loitii kimist. lowa - 'ttel;han4
afa 'arid ealsplata issatiisolattmcaca
Osoosaiss sad pas.ilafiyzooring Am on.
to thels stook Wilma the samba t; the tor'
tat market prices for readily. Also offer'.
bg mai far &Watt ocarotrtividnoo. -
APril _
Is. The celebrated IL 6.'11111,10 1
wile at 'ratan 7.
Taw. Lrsr fog . Msy Term and ? SO.
"dot* 1888:- - • •
Hewitt vs t' ejeotme4
Sioith n Storrs et el, tresPas
Pciderpool vs irandeirpt. • • • frpplovth
Obilsbn in threat etc . do ,
Franck Co Vanderpool ,;.appeyd•
Meat* &Arts Molionan CABO
Gibson VS Makdloy, • do
Gibs= TB/LoOolley do.
Fall Creek Cloid & boa Oo is Smitb.trespas
DetonwlivaNOßßOo can
Eadd i f i nc e G . ranville ttnnaildp ' deb
i t
Waltman to re Nand; , awed
Millet Ira Tann& - wL•fa.
&iyles vis Leßoy tor IS -. debt
QUald vs Towanda .... . •. .. . de
McGill vs Towanda to p , do
Weston ex vs Miller et al eleebnent
lledlngtcm,vs Parsons . . ...appeal
Means vs Watts • ' I ease
Elsbree vs Blood - et'. • appezd
Patterion vs firitas et al . ' , trespass
Mee vs Brains ' sPPeal
Loomis its Rookarell. - .ejectment
Granger va , To oy mmda township debt
13allard vs -Tr township • , do
TalladeSsadmlnish:ators vic,TrOy t*p s . 'do
Parsons vs Smith...."." .. .. • caße
Record vs Walbridge ilectinent
Goodrich vs Smith . •• case,
McNeal: vsßmith ....... ` .trover.
Tracy it Moore vs Smith - sci fa
Davidson. vs Davidson.. .
Idlers' rule vs '
.. : .. „trespass
Wilcox vs Ayres Appeal
Blivins'vs do
Armen* to ..
vs ......... .....debt
Bnbpconas returnable o'clock, - a. m.,
0n,1110344, May 11; 1868,
W.. A. Tacoma; Prothonotary.
A t t a rs Roam- - Tioloam' old,
s2_ per 00. At less rides for 500 or 1000.
Orders 100 or tore roots by by stage; 5r
Express, will be filled maul ohargeeprepoilt
1 , to soy place withinMl tides. t - •
Towanda, April 15.- R. 111, Wzrzra
-j Hoses enzsritrrs, MourrAw
Ass and Nousstir GEOWN Sviiti/dertis, all
fine large specimens, suitable-tor stireet
plantings, and warranted to live. For
by.. ; . M. Wstrad.
Se' OBENEY AND PRA= Tniss,.both
Mandator/Lad doraxf, of tholeat leading ya
rititiea. Cualutsta.—Whito Grape, Qherty
aid Veriaillea, all Soo 10de. - For sale by
IL M. %Luz.
Nor Ltirr of JuronCdragro for May
Goad, 1868
Monroe, N. B. Overton ; Litchfield, H. P.
Johnson; Canton tap., Jas. Wit/len; South
Creek,BanmelDavid King ,Ta
Wanda taro', E rns:o.'D. Passage;
Wysor, Leander Wood; tbiter, dos.Mstliar;
Bidsbury, Charles Barrett; !Smithfield, John
Sunth,...o. B. Biggs, Collins Wood, Amos C.
Halo; - Taaaarora. Neylert B. Culver ; Troy
bona', Levi Bradford; arweti 4 Sylvester Gor;
ham, Nelson Barnes, ; Pike,!Lewis Edeall ;
Granyffle, Minus Ayres; LerotilLll.Marse;
Warren, Miles Taylor; Towanda twp., B.M.
Welles; Albany, Amass Beverley. v,
Wysor, AL J. Noble; Pike, Warren Drink-
Rater; Rialibor3r. George Borer Wege ,
Alvah Yaw; Athena W H. Math
ewson. Joe.Mabwy, jr.; Overton ; Jesbiah
Rinebolt; Alba boro Ilf. Wilson, C.
• • ••
Irere - 0. EL Tepper ; Burlington twp.,-
Seth P. Guerin • Warr* G. Talmadge •,
Springfield,Berry,_jr., a ro= &
Cooper, Irvine. Burgess, lhanois -Ripley ;
libesheguin. George 0. Deb ;
pouch, Abram Patterson ; Elybumbi, Peleg
Nair; Grinville, James Moritt,i T. Bevies ;
Smithfield, Mahn Dodds, Nelieintlalanicy;
Week: .Gea. W. Goddard .; • Troy
I= L E. Peck; Troy bore', Pery.Olirerf
Canton boro'. A. J. Conklin.; Athens Ictio . .
Geo. Merrill • Orwell, Asa Darrow, "Albert
Prince; Twines. G.R: Johnson; Towle:ids
boso', Amos Patios; Asylum, Daniel o.Hol
land; South iohn.F.
T1A1921 rotor —"nun wax,
Albany, Warm.
Wilcol,"1. S. Caropt
ton twp, Wm. Owen:
Kimball; Herrick,
G. Wood, J.B. Fru.
Hardy,David Lonisoi
.Webb, G.W. Kinney.
Wm. Scott ; Towanda
Franklin, G. B. Pa ,
Asa Warner '
Asylum, Charles'
toro'; A. caw ft .
=; NI/bulimia,
old. Heinen
F. Ovensbire; Bur'
Kean; Smithfield,
H. Holcoraq
Burlington twp.
Coral Webber.
STRAWBERRIES: Wi16013 1 8 A •
Fillmore, Ik)wneinlifio, New Jersey
Scarlet, Brooklyn Scarlet, Agricul •• • . •
Leanings White, $2 petloo - Mike • ". L - •
mime oll2 se o lireP Bl 4 l ° WP° llll .llvitillif
40 mike of :rowels.
April 15.
, .
APPLE LED PEAR TEEss= l l3otti Stand
ard and Dwarf, of:best l n adOg varieties, tor
sale by R. M : %rum: aplls.
Cams' Eitactlinxki.—Sneh as Not
way Spritoe, &Wain Fir, Arbor Vito for
hedges, Irish atinifor, and othor-fine ever-
Aprill6. Wltaxs.
14‘.: Tay4.oo 84 Co. on tht3,63113 ra
ted H. B. K. G. spin 6.
thG imbitGibeY is no 'rattling hi ilindtjr;
Wetly Plante , clones Or eightAft& - -ef To
mato ; five or six kindi of ;
Cauliflower ; rep* ; Egg-Rlants ; &A.,wll_
Of the best' wariWes, inelabg some iare,
kinds, far the tint time introduced into this
My-glants will all be lardy and
well•welate& Partimilats huniafter.; r --
Towanda, April 15. "11. M. Wwwi.
MAIMALL BID&T1308 4R . ,04.T0
removed their Hardin& More to,ths ebplh
Wee b the'Ward Hess% *hersiAssy s
Main for a few web, until thliT We? dm
In Mercers block is Soispleteil. • is
38. Go to. TATLON & irfor 14,
poebsaisai H. 8. K. G.
FOR aux.—Bullies
,;(61spie .(oeidi
-at wooDA ALL - res. Maivh-18.-11m •
' • ir Oiscoes and: dried`Mitt- for
lib's& tact *
. ~....
strii r
y• ' ii. ILa t ,.
1 ` . ...'A... if.,
I •
44tZipt. 9 4#15 3 . ' if
ti , ''' ' :.., . t ..•.?..- I , ..uu.
J..;2.tx t:::,r+ a l 7.1.4"-ria T t ?474 iIT
. I
' Clifi t illt ti lt "4 'I - I
•-:.: , z , ..g +La VSMltii,' v..i. fits t-2.`v lz. I
tiENt"I4MUZ4O'' aqr7btrgPlt
k e V "r
pir - . 't 06459
fiu9ilGl4 'um TAs ;Hams;
" '11"`,
'WM* •r - kelitecid P
PAIAS7*/0 11 4. 1 0 1 0L,
TRA - Ori 'MOORE.-
'~Yi~iacas;;d~l'3or; YBt~
1 - 441 1 .4 1: ,1
AcKNV Ar TS 4.
EiziliF ' Brother tti * ftorf
serbol tpl POB i
Office, and has repknished his assort , ent tritti.
4 lose endue stock of
• •
' H. " "'
&C., &C.
iZiLVw.t e pprogZPVl
Glee me a call, before Pusciliabgi ebit i wbe4el
se ;I will 0 4 bPtter 10° 45 i at corer,pr.ees tbaa
irntrimients with Pa exPeri
-trced Tigiroct,
Ana 'of dkitliiMa
mings, I can furnish customers with ere
in* stylo of flafres4 they may. deaire, made
fsghttnabWmanner, and warranted to
. 11t..
Don't forgot the place, next 'dour -below ,the
'Poet-OttiCanndli.ews : et;
Towanda, April 31,1368. " , 1 . .
AND W,DILEN, for '.4)
By Hon. HEM,' C. DIMINO, ; Chairman 'of the
Military Committee hi Congress. The only
work of the kind issued under the function anti
bj , the Itut i liorltfot Otiii.,43eant% bin : Me% It is
Offielki; the moat' Intensely %Wetting
biogreidby ever published in America. The
autho• is one of •tbe , most. brilliant writers lA'
the country. .A gents will lee this Ole sellirg
work f tbe *easels. Terms, the most I
• To secure nliieke: ot terrltory_ t _ atekly edoMto
Peblis ets,l22;omneoat , Pitiladelpb
April 30. '
FOI THE ,SEASON •0F.3.6 1 3. 8 1 -
Sincerely thanking my ctratiuntra toe ate. r
liberal .patronage the past year. 11:ave.:be Mt
blict int; of ii:WM lag them I. hate_ visited aetr
end cities and secured a fine stock of attrac
tive now plants The HOT HOUSE cool I not
be in a more flourishing condition I extend a
cordial invitation to the ladies and gentlemen
of Bradford awl adjoining counties to call and'
see, should they visit Towanda, something new '
'and choice ; it miglitrbe rather inspiring' to
those having but little Floral .taste. •
Salvias, scarlet, blue. pink; Fucheeas, new
antlitlLtheletter varktiet; Verbenas. the best
varlet cultivated -; Begonias of sorts beautiful;
Gera nips fine . collection including the new
donb e scarlet •,,Pelargratiums, tome call them
Lady' Washington); fine variety very' attractive
New Petunias, double wiagated and purple;
Ifellol2Vo-- Coleus, four, varieties, ornamen•
• tail ; Lsnlatras, white, pink, - orsti;,•e ; IJupheas ;
Strawberry Geranium Variegated ; Centrade-
Ma ; Rana ; Lob • lias ' • Pansies, from the fi nest
named ' Eoglish and French sorts, splendid,
plants ; Hyacinths. in pots, all varieties ready
ler, of April, ,Neunetworth Variegated Parlor
Ivy. and Ivy Geranium;. Honey Suckles, fine
variety' Bedrodendum •, Carnatilms ; asscer
meat Licapodium Ferns ; BOW ; Alton ; Wee ,
gellas ; Dutslas liyderange, variegated ; Epa
lepsia ; Fahlana;, Peustemesk ; Guards Eplen
ikus ; Tropreolam Caine:As:la •Ennonymous :
Passion Plant ; itouvardiss ;. Spirea wiles* ;
Sa&lf aga Tricolor •, Doable Buena- Crape ;
'large' and small leaf Flowering Myrt le; Prim
roses • Nall ploiver ; Onsticias : Cen
tureati;anfin tatlcty, ton", numerous to mention.
MitughigAttskets. - •
CLIMBING ROSH?—Cottage Cluster ; Crim•
son, Prairie Queen, cep rove, Baltimote Bell,
white; Seven El:Stark' - Gravilk, scarlet,'
Monthly Climbers. timetoal, pure white.Bet
na, ermine, !Pink Mollifiers; Glory de Mae
mond, crimson. : •
PERPETUA ',RDAs—Hermosa. deep pink,
Souvinier 4e Malmaison, deep blush, Archduke
'Glades; crilnioa, Agrippina. crime:in, 'loots
Phillip, crimson, Augusta Uie, deep blush,
Battu Provost, rich pialt,, Cardinal Patrixal,
brilliant crimson, flew. Washington, Gen. Jac
quemlnot, erimsen. (leant des Rattails, crimson
,Lottia - Vergere, carmine, Mad.
,P;antier. pare white. ,lirs._ O. Wood; brilliant
'red.Paeons.cilmson,„Quee,n Victoriagtale blush,
,pomades Itioler„ . Airk vlolVTriumph de EX..
;p9vitiott, ciimsoois t . ‘,. 1 mention , * per-
Don otthe large number in variety of Rose'.
all sir otruinotehipets finenouilltka
beginning la blooni, Arajytteautlinh„...
• - DAHLAS:enthe new set parch:wed-1n gisuth
Bergen, New Jersey, yhen in bloom, the most
perfect. Impel And pdnipone Dahhis ready Ist of
April, all In pots.
GRAPE VINES—Salem $3, Rodgers No. 4
$1;60, No, 15 $l4O, Node. $1.60, splendid vines
2 year old. all in pots. Ittraelia„ lents,
Hybrid and -Andercinflae,• all in pots, 2 years
old, $1,13 ta-41,50 each, Delaware, Concord,
Rebecca; Early Northern 'Muscadine, Diana,
Hartford 51111 ford Prolific, all in pots. 50 cents
each. Isabelle, in pots 25 Cents each, ' a few
.76thita Chaseleslor, , ut door, caltririWia pots, 75
cents such. All grape vines may be turned
out of pots with perfect safety from the first of
Marto the Ist of November. All ' Roses from
35 to *cents hipots. Grape Vines hythe•looo
and Roses by the 100 at exceeding low rates.
' VEGETABLE PLA - NTS—Early Wakefield,
,one,of. the beet aorta. Weer York seedstnen say)
'Early Witmingsteadt, Early Large York,'early
Ox Heart.' early and late Caoliflowers, 8 cents
per dozen. Sweet Mountain Pepper Platits,
7404 BPanitsh do, Cartine do, <Cherry, Pepper
do, 10 cents per dozen. I ate Bergen Cabbage
Planta. Drumhead <do, Plat. Dutch do, 40 cents
per 100.': Purple Egg Plant, Scarlet dooiew
atriped- do 10 'tout' per des. HeysToradto,
'Perfintled do,:Peegee do. The Cook's Favorite'
do, early :York, do, early Tilden- do, etc/ r em!?
Red do",/args P el la* de ' l lO cents per dont
Celery; - .White salid - rid • Henderson's New.
I) f, 50 cents .pert 1 < 'Plants of 111 kinds
wi be set out in whi frames or open air.
nottophots:MlMll kinds, - Egg plants °fall
kttids, elude plant<<in tett potiln -tine colt&
Mon. S amts; Including pet; A n ent' without the
, pat: Outounibers in pots .22• r.tenta each.. li
aims who are reliable sad no others are
wanted, desire to sell pliots difiLipitt
In thistattrother Counties,
a t ha Wring: -
percentage shall be Snowed. Planta =Caw
the products of the Holism can be forwarded In
lide-oindltlettb-moas. :AU orders Pill receive
prompt attention. _
All Made of .Grape Vines; Rases, Dahias,
FloWers and•Vegeta , le plants will be found at .
McCabe lc Bilz's 'wholesale and retail Grocilry
and Provision Store. in IL C. Mercur's dew;
bloclt; afterlbe/Oth day - or April. • .4. cm ac.•
commodating effleient gardener *lll be found at
the garden at all times. HARRY MIX.
Towanda Hoillonses, Feb: 12, IFGA.
Best quality winter Wheat Flour per
hundred $7 40
W.90..14.9 Ittf.:Fiduttlerlundred.... 1. 4 00
Cont Hearina li Itte nod Corn Ftied.:':.'.•L' 2 76
A. fair margin allowed to deaces. We tiay
cosh for *tint $9 , 80 to $3 00, tye
good, IL 49, corn 41 35. .
.. enit o 4l l 4trlndhsgusuall ;done at pace, as, the
capacity of the mill Is sufficient for a large
amounsof; work. • :_tl2..
EW . 90op3'1kti - 0-NEw...AR- --
, • ; - • ;4:A.N.P017:4 1 ,-
mtiu,llat..Nlollol;tyvbtiir g , pntr Od: iirtcn co
Ithigt,'Nerr 'Hilylll. - 4frold
•i~ the cithein ot, Leff*yotillii And .
Ix foamier= genenillitiAharcther: hint , jukt
htt4te •eindiffitOck,6llo4ol%
iletibells.lo4 64oo to ilifteaittretistosi
*lib& themeleaseeir (moose tCciiine.
nkfilPin,l3;,lBll l l2L• zi•-!)
rtkl3,TlON.—Wherestu- v—wife
AftWfi r il*liii teleiiixidli.a%&fewitti:
.910 1 #* 4 k et litivAlltitaW iikliftitiis 014
O 6) ulu
Me i or OW newt on tai'
'Ao li nr i paiArdilbti 40 iiii contract.
tchala , ZilairkiAile'PWW.TP:l
- tc:
pC:).'"•;;; ,,- 31
. ..
• *t; P. 711. e' N . :;" - ",:"... :, i' i lMt- ,,,. .'Rti
11.'re bi 4 1 - .7.; $.1.-i , !s:• - ;ii:i.t , ' '
. • Axe Mgr" recei
• I
j.5411:4d:' ,pet!gi
!.• :prof
- '44 -41" - .0
• •-•:
' % (
- I i
cf Lf
K41,447,r,,,-.QP., a0,0p4
e . i
G!An!iiEßt . 4
I ; *YE R:1(
7 !orfu.nla , APrilTtiti?
W. - A. 011A.MBERLIN
Has enlarged his atorei and ha just received
a large sleek of Gold and Silver -
And a •wea: selected assortment , co(, SWISS
WATCHES, MI warranted to tun' welt ot 'the
monep refunded. He keeps on band a la* as
sortment-of the celebrated
Also •en elegant stesortment of the latest styles
In the plated lino. ho has Rogers Btother
Breakfast & Dinner Castors,
'1 gaged, treble pinto double wall
,CHAIRBFJILJN to now keeping the
, •
Faniily 'Sewing Machines
AIM. Machines are superior to all others for
fatnily use., for the following reasons
They sew with two threads diced Ervin the
spools, and require no rewinding.
They are more easily understood and used,
and less Itah thderangemeat, than other ma.
They are capable of executingpettecky.
without cluing! of adjuitment i s.
variety of work than other machines.
stitch made. by these :mackinee. la much
More firm, elastic, and durable, upon
articles.which require lo be washed aid ironed,
than any other stitch.'
Thht stitch, owing to the manner is which
the under thread Is unwronght, is much the
moat plump and beantiful In twe, and retains
this plumpness and beauty, even upon articles
frequently washed and ironed, until ,they are
worn out.
The structure of the seam is such,•that, tho'
it be cut or broken at intervals of only a few
stitches, it will neither- oyes, run, nor, ravel,
but remains firm and durable. •
Unlike other machines, these fasten both .
ends of the seam by their own operation. , -
With these machines, while silk is used upon
the right or face aide of the seam, cotton may
be need upon the other ride wlthput lepsenlng
the strength or 41010113 V of the elu►m; This
can be done on am other machine, and is a great
saving upon all articles stitched or made, up,
These machines, ‘ in addition to their superior
merits as instruments for sewing, execute the
most beautiful and permanent embroidery and
ornamental work.
Yea eau gat Sewing•Macbine Nee4laa, got ali
articles pertaining to the Inichinelinetnead. -
Done In the best manner, as usual. at low rates
Towanda, nly 18.1867. . • •.
DlTTlthan S' CO'S
Por Sale the celebrated Matheshei (=i ca l,'
and the besutifullittle VolibliPthltos..
of 219 strings. Pianos of tine third more"pOw
er. Pieties that eihibit more skill in structure
Pianos that ire better made; in every respect,
and will stead in tape ' ledger than any no!.in
mein this conetry and Europe. These Pianos
'differ In construction in the inside fro* arcitli:
ern, the strings cross the Iron frame In all., dl.
•iections, dianthuting , the Iturnensa-Presteirst
equally to all sides of the plate. Besides oth
er improvements peculiar to.thath roast:action
they.cowbine alt We Improvements of even,
other. manufacture.. Send foe, Wnstrated cifcte
tars *here hverythbfgls' explained to satisfac
tion. Alen constantly on band a full aimed,
Inentef- Baines Brother's. klanett. Organs and
Melodionti of the best of various styles fee the
Agfckand.parlor. Parlor and Melodeon Col%
-en,. Plano and Melodeon Stools, instruction
Books for lle,:odeon and Piano: New and old
tit i firr i s c all' i r a lt i tenl el la l l MPG:"
sott'wflano i .P.Milthritand Cstriege_golish.—.
Plano tuning done on' short `nOttee t =al
Ahoooont to solarium churches sad .
- Also agents for th at.._.._. : ~.i,- ft.f : • •• '
DE P KEII 1111°1 7F 13Ma r
11011111S' N alder
igloo writ. - aonver to Order is , Towanda;
VittstenCeal it Sever tote'. to W.* teditt Ids
yard in Wrests. ,Ordttrwleit at Taylor 4 oo.' a
store will ncitistrpienipt, attention. • .
• ..
'..Wysoz; iiillivitied.v•-.11&.,
I At:
I •
etYiti fit.t.:! y
• •
4 6 : .%;:'
, 0
I 'l
a~~ •1
'..i :1i i
~.- s 'il!". :
ii.“ : ;' , , , r, :11,.:,
.:. 4 . .. ~ , x :i.i
i) 712 t r•
t - , , : , .. 4- , 1!.. 1- ' , :: ,,- .k. 5 ,7 . , , .: isr;
... _... . ~ i;.
MI o
4 i•• •'"
F i
A~I►I. uFI
'eet Pric6
I '
tiea,ii plAted
Handsome Cake Baakets,
Pickle Stands, Tea Bells, &c., kc., &,c
Towanda. Feb. 13. 1868.
iFo444ll2 . 2ll3oYrlA'rAlikEitY
teLbbil: 'Wile - ''-id TV - illudebtlistr &11/Weak ne Ntalhaiso
- -...... at :=Float. l • . : &dip qdWarl Grime tv/ tkeL 'rod atid, " bow
gX t r godralmist.liter;,: Ifiria Li tkn i tel. , Vie pliialie lint and mow -,, L •
"- , Ilect.:U-. i;t• --;' r; W. /L.
BOMB Grant& Notre, Pa;,i4Liall 11;11111161
T#EDEPO/' 6 t 2N T C°PWW/B
s;-"H o f
E , I.
A - g D' It 0
s l 4ed the 4ring i;mite "
Invoices of Pauli Goods ire
And aro midi for the inspect lon of the public;
On hand se weal. We are offering
0 .1D 320 LOT SI
Harness, Harnr,BB ) Harness,
Robes, and all goods connected with
The Saddlery b'usinese !
Tounds, April 18.1868
sebearibere eve my receiving from New
York fine ainintisent of
ecamii IN twit
Fancy Skirts, 'Rawls, Hoop Skirts,
MI Or Iridett eaa be bought, as . cheap as the
same quility of goods' - tan be bought In To•
*gnaw/ Their- • . • •
Liier teiiteked ;4.4 the feteit ;wee 4
110IN'gT . g . D HA 'l',S,
41nd a genatakaasortment of Millinery .Goods.
with oorapetent-Milllitera to wait the taste of all
who may Ittvor Utak with their patronage.
. _
•• • ,
Live bewail experienced Lid; exprerely for
This deemearent astidiction gesnauteed.
lialn. - Street, au* oipeettethe Court
*A. - pErrEs 4 co
Tomtit*. Argil 1r,188+.-9m`
JA; seselons of this Academy will commence
on-NOIWAY, APRIL 14 1868, It is desirable
that those who intend entering the school, as.
slefoldAo eq as soonaspowdble. =
For. Primary 13randies, nnibraclird,
rapby, Reading, Pemninshili, 'Arithme
tic. Prftarykhmgraphy and fleet lessons
• in English Grammar ' $1 00
per awaoals 'weeks.
For - th e er English branches, and
. Kane and the . .Langusges, from
$6 00 to ST 00
N. deduction m ode on accbantot
since; after entering neer,' in case of pro.
t raefedsicicucia. 'Fro , 'UM et Wtkalers in
gots' .t.; P. PRINK; lycingpal.
Rome. March 30, 1868,-Im. :
VIII pay pat tat fir Ape atm* is :1351t.
'4les: aid I% per tOs tot Tkreaticd. de.
IlVerekst the Compisp'slllThilaWaverly. •
• " IL 8. NALDWIN,•thipt.
Waved,' Dee. $L US?. "
V. mimes.
l i fiffl GRIFFIN— Having' :entail.
lit edberitillinimy ilikelgideieeni, is there
to ambled .to futelieli"s• buger eeseetionitel
sedition heretebe. Will MO ladiceplesse
aellaed exeshie bet- present deal of sprigs
end Ma me: Bemis sad Rats.
; • .
FrTr' l 7l
OUR' mom OP
4 . rot:ebbis
Of boon. `a
c '
Itiorler to close out the
Curried • over
And will sell them
Consthang in pint of
li -6
,VX141V00.13 'AtOt g itra-4tChiCe
0 11341111 = 10101th at 4411monsiodelated
to *br ot Chula ontoo,- /*we
detest, ale zoquostod to stiM tot
militoat, gad all Wing slat= twos
0.-P. NlOliOust ti
xicdtrrimps • NOTKlritat*
is, booby glean, that all pumas hi
gisbtai to.. the at: Dant& Minot,
Matt.•=lip iI e GV: resiestel-la
Vnal a dssata a tetllptsitut t rtheatial .
sathentlinitta ftit settlement. •
• • if. B. won.
April 2,1868.' ":NOM.Itzt•
AIM-Notice G hereby given, that all persons
indebted to the wiate of . Philip IL fall,
deed;. late of Tascarosse twp., are requested to
Inake• immediate, payment, add those' heeled
demainifeedeet .sald eatatet wi i present them
duly vethentleated foi settletnent.
• • 'O, E. PWIFLOTT, •
:Wareing, . • z 'Administrator:
lfilXECtriOß'S 10T1CE.L. 7 . - Notice
Ali la hereby &ea:that aLtg&ladebted
ta estate of JACOB state,of
Boma, deo'd. , ire requested to make t• amedl
ate payment, and all personsrhavingcL Ims up.
es u.W estate must present
,Ithem. dal" enamor
Sleeted for ." ttiem P A. rßAAC LYON.
INBANttRUIITCY.;67In the matter
of Brutus W.- Burma_ , Bankrupt In the Di*
Wet Court of the Hated litatel.firthe WeltOrn
To whom it may concern : The undersigned
hereby gives memo! his , appointment as As-.
signee of Brutus W. Bawd Nicholson, In
the county of .Wyondng and Bate of Pennsyl
vania, within :said District, 'who has been ad
"Ms Bankrupt :most hlwrzt petition by
ild Court tit D
Dated Tturkhannock, the s MI of Mu A.
~ • 04, *IWO' glvesAii! MI perms ha;
flebted to OK eget. of Elanunt Pettlegill. late
"of Souther. top.,dee'd..epa requested to Milts
lausediele paint, lad those having claims
lOW' alto Mater moat prevent them duly
anthestkated for fortilemeilt. •
• - &LIME, B.- Parrift(llLli,
Nay 7:1868.• , Administrator. •
&131E0IPTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice
Ail Is hiireby gaven theta person indebted to
the estate\ of William Lathrop, dec'd., late of
Nelda X i o make bniaedt
ate pant, withetat y,, and those having
claims against add dog
_wield U l an
duly authenticated for sett • t.
April 9,1988.•
SHERIFF'S SALE.-;—By virtue- of
writs of Fiat Packs honed out of the
Court of. Conform Pleas Of Bradford Comity, to
me directed, will •be exposed to public sale at
the Court Haase fa the Borough of. Towanda,
on THURSDAY the 7th day ol SAY, 1068, at
1 o'clock, p. in., the folbrirlpg described lot
piece or parcel of land situate in Lltcbßold
Iwp, bounded and described as follows : -Be
ginning at a post ant atones for the south-west
corner of A. Ricks land, thende south 45°
'west 74 6-10 prs.. to • hemlock sapling corner
of the A.' Baldwin mill lot, thence south 811°
east 25 prs.. to a -.hemlock, thence south 4,5 0
west 25 pre., to a post for a corner of Pond lot
thence north 884° west -55 pre. to a beech for
the north-west- corner of D. B. Cotton lot,
Abeam south I°. and 15 minutes: west 53 3.10
pro, to the .center of the main road,thena
along main road smith. 844° east 71 340 pre,
to an angle, thence north 874 east 21 pr.,
thence north 774 0 east, 68 pie. to a post, ts,
north-east corner of Allen Balawin's hind
thence north 2°. east 137} pre.; to past and
atones the south-oust corner of A. Rieke land,
thence meth 88! 7-10 the south
west corner of A. Hicks farm or place of. be
ghuthig. Containing 78 acres and 371 perches,
more or leap, about 40 acres improved with a
framed barn- thereon.
ALSO—One other lot, .piece' or parcel of
land situate in Litchfield twp.,f. bounded north
and east by lands of Nathan Baldwin, south by
lands o Walter K. Green, and west by land of
.Wm. Carmer. Containing 3i acres of land,
more or leas,. all improved, with a saw-mill
Seized and takeh in execution at the suit of
Daniel F. Shultz vs. Stephen Evans.
ALSO—The following described lot piece or
parcel of land situate in Franklin twp., bound
ed north by lands formerly is the possession of
Josiah Heine:rand land of John McDaniel, on
the east by ladds of George Lantz south by
lands of Abira Gay, west' by land of John
Knykendall. Containing 116 acres of land,
more or less, about 8 acres improved,. with a
few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken In execution at the suit of
Allen McKean vs. Ransom Payne,
ALSO--The following described lot, piece or
'parcel or land Situate is Asylum twp.. botuid
el n.llll by lauds of John V. _Benjamin, cast
by lands. of Wm: R. Storrs and John Braun&
swath by - land of klandis Rastiene, west by
Lind of Santnel Ackley and David Ciiilson.—
'Containing 75 acres of laud, more or less,
about 25 acres improved, with a log house and
board shanty thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Sarah Butler's heirs vs. Edward Chilson.
WM, GRIFFIS, Sheriff..
Towanda, April 16, 1868.
ittal estatt.
The undersigned offers for sale his Farm in
Shesheoin township, situate on the road lead
ing from Ghent to Towanda, about , four miles
from the latter place, containing $2 acres, 20
acres improved, which will be sold at a bargain.
For further Information apply tc JkS.*WOOD,
Eaq., Towanda. "
April 7,1868.-2 m•
HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.- hotweorecently erected on the
south side of Poplar,street, near Western Avert•
ne, is offered for sale'. Tho building is 33 feet
frott by 31 feet deep, two ' stories high, - with a
good cellar SIM she.- Price $3OOO.
Apply to 050. P. CASH, on thtpremlw.
Towanda, April 7, 1868.—tf •
faitastedin Rome township, about one!
and a•half miles east of Rome B orough, con•
Wiling 70 acre's, about 7u acres improved, wog
watered, with dwelling house, ont.buildinO,
good bearing' and_ pang orchard thereon.—
Terms reasonable, and time given fbr a portion
of the purchase money. For further puttee
lair inquire on the premises of • "
Rome; April 1, 1868- - atoc
T The undersigned wishes to dispose of his
farm, consisting of 60 acres situals in Wysox
township, about on s-half mile from Ilya sburg,
bordering' on Wyso.i Creek. About 50 acres
improved. Comfortable dwelling, outbuildings
Ice.. and a large orchard thereon. Price $2,000
000 down and the belance in yearly instalments
For further information in quire on the premises
of A. NICHOLS.or G. uRANGEB, lilyersburg.
Yaw/ 16, 1668.-5.
t The subscribers offer for sale a very
desirable farm, containing- 100 acres, about
.70 acres Unproved, with a good and well
finished frame. house, a good barn, good
Water, good fencing miteual,And well seed
ed. Located near F. SI Ayers's Steam ,
aborit 3-I miles froM allail Road Depot and
Canal, at Ulster; good land for grain or
dairy, and will be sold cheap. A good title
givenond posSession given at once.
Towandn, March 10;1868.
T A farm ol .one hundred' and fifty Ores,
within six miles of Towanda, and oce mile
from the river Is offered - Ibr sale on favorable
terms. One hundred acres ate cleared and in-a
high state of cultivation, with-good tutees and
most excellenthaildings. The house is a well
built dwelling with very convenient out-Is:did
lags consisting of summer kitchen and store.
room, woodhonae, and the yard well filled with
evergreen and other trees. The barn is a large
bank barn 36z68 feet with a good abed attachei
a horse barn adjoining with stalls for six horse;
a.large corn house near by and a tenant house
on the property. The /arm has an eastern and
southefeerposure and is offered for sale solely
on account of the ill health of the owner. For
to rther particulars and terms, which. are highly
favorable, application may be made to
towanda, Feb. 20,1860
1 TOWN PROPERTY, —3 Truck Fars of
10 scree each, within one , of Tolranda 80.
14511811 ppl .to
. Tairandi, Nov. 18, 1887. . •
A lionso_.and Lot on Main Stmt. A
valuablei liminess stand. Apply to
, MONT&NYS 4 . 1 .. t WARD.
Towanda, J 10.20.1868. .
HLocated near the Depot, and : . .119,de
& Hotel otteddenoo: borpin awed. • Bo
yles at Dr. DIWPDT,TowAItdo..
Watch, 48, 1868.—tt. -
FoB,43ALK—onio. the moit do.
. Maid e residences lA the Borough of Borne
A good.hame dwelling loose, lam and orchard
thereiti > Terms mule my for the: mutterer.
Apply to or address - •
Rome,Aptll 2.338*11.:
tr 4; i
i ;tritir
N PANKRUP ►f • • ~-- - 14: l bes stoner
'oNlitffr o g • - i. r .•• •irsto
, -;fir. ,
bootasifee• 4 1 falk. 4.- ';p.. , .... , 4.1.
idil 7 ISSIVIt • ''A ' ' ,k ,
B'7' 6 WV" nit . It
ipitilitl,li•:lff - •
l eoc ifitzrarp
tvegigriTh Mrlda . 41 = 40 1102.
o.4lteas f f: .. * 14 4 1 1V .
N llANOlMCVAlitikinaina
=.lO oholgoW Bso.o W .
ir=*may tommOrst AIM *WOW
ontotAor of kis.P , as•
ilkoei TX ia 'afilf _of : fla
I Ard, 1124 at OW • _
• who- boo- boil! a
'MVO47 P4,1314,1* 1-511., ..-
1 7 , DOW st - Towsiolc:' Illdo 'llotbillorr ot- apsil,
I A. 114868.• , , MIX L...11.E1. Allipploi.
%AA • - . • 1 -:•
WI 4 . 40 police on thrj,fili day
DI ;April give
D.18(8, a,. Warrant„in Dank
rt%)ter inter issued *past: the estate of
larirerteeD: Cloiddin; of Tlliddininock hero
lathe Qaim►ty of Wycerdes., State of :Penn
sylvmaa. etc kat been adjudged Benkrept
On b's irfq._PetXOU - thP
tbat ,IMINI# pf
way debts and delivery of hey protiesty be
longlegfto such aupt.,- to of for
his mus e -and the transfer at any jorepertyiby
bins ere forbidden by law; that armetlagpf
the creditors of the pg 43. Pankript, to prove
their debts, and to &ode, one or more tie
of his Estate, will beheld at a *art
'of ptoy, to t c e r a i nst the alma
the, to thee: .ot. Taroads.
Won, EDWARD Jr, Itegjster
on the 't day of MAT, A. b Jim atlo
oolock,'lOJ ; • ,-. •
• - Aszigia4 ilissiglear
tern District ressneirapia.',
- - By E. B. 000L13AUGH, Deputy.
This' is to glee ire:kr—That oaths alst day of
March, A. DA' 1861;' a Wammt hi Bank
roptoyw.laseeligaiaat4he liable of Da.-
odd Spsl l •7 orMilrbi,in the merfaty of
Wyoming and f litate: Ofßmgivania, who
Imo:been f‘djada t i itiMhrapt on his Own
petition' # pi7ment of any . dotts
and ver/W
deli an mropaty bekrngmg to
Iruolt boaktallk 10 killjoy for his am. and
the Muni= nf , by him are for
bidden hylaw"; dikecredi
bin of t he saittr ,to prom the
debts,: and ter choose one ormara Amigneei
of We estate; will. ho.; held at a Court of
aloknVtot to be hobkm at the office of -
the Bigniter, in 'this ;boron& of Towanda,
Register. on the SEEM day of Wiry, A. D...
1868„ at . '
Mita& ItOWLEY, .
U. B,Marshal as If.emenger. Wes
tern District P Ivania
By Ti,. B. Coomutron, Deputy.
• -
ThisLo gee notice, That on the Let daypf
April A.D., 1868, a Wanted bißankrtrptey ,..
was ilfgainst the estate .ot JOUNI IL
ScOmn i or Towanda twp., in the eounlT.Of
Bradford, irad State of Pennsylvania, who
bas been adjudged Bankruptcy' his own pct
mitten j that the payment of any debts-and
delivery of any property belonging, to such
Bankmpt; to him, or for his rase, and the
transfer of any property by him Are forbid
den by law that a meeting of the creditors
of the said Ba nkr upt, to prov their debts,
and to choose ono or more Allaigneell,Of
estate,will be :held at a Court of Baohupte,y
to be holden at the area of the Register, in
. the .borongh of Towanda, 'Pa. ' before` ED;
WARD. OTPSTON, , ' Js;.Re gister:' on the
SIXTH day of MAY,A.D.,1866, at. B.o'eleek
U. S. Marshal as Messenger. Wes-.
tern District Ponnnytnada.
By E. B..Coonnanosi Deputy,
April 9 0 1868. . .
prBANLRUPTCY.—In the 'matter
1 Of Nathaniel B.Stevens, Bankrupt. In the
District, Court of the United States, for the
Western Ohstriet of Pennsylvania.
Tu wham if may Concern: The undersigned
hereby gives notice of his appointment as as-
Bignee of Nathaniel B. Stevens. of Sylvania
boro'. In the countyof. Bradford, and State.ot
Pennsylvania,• wilt& an'd District, who ha- ,
been adjudged a Bankrupt upon hie own peti
tion by the District Court of said District:
Dated at Towanda. Pa.. the 7th; day of May.
A. D. ItCl3. JOHN W. hilX.,-Aritgnee.-.
BANKRUPTCY.—In the matter '
_it of Jasper J. Seymour Bankrupt. •In the
District Court of the United States, for thc -
WeAern District of Pennsybtaala.
to whom it may Concern: The undersifin• d
hereby gives notice of appointment aa as
signee, of Jasper J. Seymour: of Braintrin twpn '
in the county of Wyoming and 'State of Penn
sylvania. within said Distgict; who has been
adjudged a Bankrupt upon Ms own petition by
the Dist.tict Court of said District...
Deted at-Towanda. Pa., the . ltd day of Nay .
A. D. IS6tst. Assignee.
.i_ the United States. for - the Western District
of Pennsylvania.. Martin C. Wilcox, a Bank
rupt under the Act of Conroe of Ranh 2d,
1867, having applied for a 'Discharge from all
his debts, and other claims meals under said
Act. by order of the Court, notice is hereby .
glue, to all creditors who have proved their
debts, and other persons - .interested, to appear
on the 25th day of NAY, MS, at 2 o'-
clock, p. m., before said Court, at the office of
EDWARD OVERTON, Esq., at Tcrwaruts, Pa.,
to show cause, ,if any they have. why Dia
chat ge should not be granted to the aid Bank
rupt. And- farther ; IMMO Is hereby Riven,
that the secondand,-Third 'Meetings of Credi
tors of the said Bankrupt, requited by the 27th
end 28th Sections of said Ist, will be bad be
' fore said Registered the some time and place.
1 S. O. NaC,UIDf
Clerk 11. 8. Dist. Court fin' said District.
Nay 7.1868: .
Titii is to• gicis'idice, That on the 27th
day of April, A. D. IsB. a wasnat in Bank
ruptcy was issued against the estate of George
Smith, of tronroe townshiA ns i i t the coun
ty of Bradford and' State of I vania, who
has been adjudged a Bankrupt on own peti
tion ; that the payment of any debts and de
livery of any-property bekteigng to such Bank
rupt to him oirlothis nee, and the transfer of
thaPIP —SAY by Pim are fattdddeo n t l y
t a meeting of the crediton Bank- mp& to promtheir debts and to choose one or
mane Assignees of hie estate,' wf l be held at a
Court of Bankruptcy to toliciden at the
°Mee of : the RqdWit the Borough of Towan
da. (before EDWARD - OVERTON, Jr, BMW
ter; on the Bth day of JUNE, A. D . at
10 (*.Wet, a. m. ' .
United States Marshal as 'Messenger, West
em District or Pennsylvania.
By E. B..COOLBAUGH, Deputy.
May 7,1568.-4 w.
X Ir. -
This is toigire nofice,lhat OR the afti day 01
May, A. D. ' 1868 . a warrant in Bankruptcy
Was issued a ainst the estate of Joshes Derrah.
the isf'Pantos to., in. the county of Bradford in
State of 4
Pennsylvania, who has been ad
judged-a Earikrup,i on his own. petition ; and
that the payment of any debts dud 'delivery of
any property+, belonging to. Such Bankrupt to
him or for his rule. and the transfer of any pro,
perty by him are forbidden hy law ; that a
meeting of the creditors of sai d =Ban krupt to
prove their debts mut to.choose one or more As
atom of his est.tu, will be held at . a - Court of
Bankruptcy to be holden at the odice of the
Register in the Borough of Towanda," before
EDWARD OVERTON, .Jr., Register, on the
Bth day of JUNE, A. D.,1868, at 3 tr'dock,p.ns.
United States Marshall as Messenger, Wes- .
_ tern District of Pensolla
By E. B. COOLS S.UG puty.
May 7, '1868".---4w
IN BANKRUPTCY.—In theiilatter
of Barman In the District
Court of the Milted Steles, for the Western Dis
trict of Pennsylvania, as.
To whom if may Concern The undersigned
hereby gives notice of his appointment as as-
signee of Hassan Billings, of Lemon twp.,•in the
County of Wyoming,aud State of Pennsylvania,
within said District, whO has beta - adjudge d a
Bankrupt upon his own petrion by the District
Court of said Disrict. •
Dated Tankbannock, .the Ist ."day of Hay, A
D. ISM . JOHN B. RHODES, Assignee.
TN BANKRtPTcY.—In the matter
i. of William L. Bardwell Bankrupt. In the
District Conn of the United States, for the
Western District of Pennsylvania. -
Td wham if may Concern: The rinderaigue
hereby gives notice of his appointment as aq
signeo of William L. Bardwall. of Tunkhannock
in the county of Wyoming, and State of Penn
sylvania within said District, who has been ad
judged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by_.
the Distri4 Court of said District.
Dated at Tunkhannock. the lit day of Ijay,
A.l). 1869. JOHN B. RHODES, Assignee.
' ~___~_.
TN BANKRVPTCY.—In the matt
of Stephen Bacon. *Bankrupt. In the
District Court of the United States. for Ito Wes
tern District of Pennsylvania:
To whom if way Cowers:. The undersigned
hereby gives 'notioe of bk appostmeat as as
signee ot Stephen D. Won... of Tankbannock,
irt the county of Wyoming. and Efate Of Penn
armanis, within sa4 Disttioto lota has been ad.
jud g ed Bankrupt Spos_bis ow* petition by
the District Courted' Bald District.
Dated at Taititmod, tbai day.of gay,
A. D. 1868. " JOHN B. DHOW& Assignee.
~e! "4 4 diem; store.
7 , 51 M
, .....
'i• C